[Python-Dev] Re: Proto-PEP part 1: Forward declaration of classes

2022-04-25 Thread Mehdi2277
The forward class annotations would not need need to be processed at runtime 
and could be no-ops. 

forward class A:
  x: int
  y: list[int]

A.__annotations__ could be empty. For a more complete example you could have,

forward class A:
  value: B # This annotation is solely for type checker and is not actually 
saved at runtime.

class B:
  value: A # Real annotation that is saved.

continue class A:
  value: B # Real annotation that is saved.

The rule would then be that any annotation inside forward class is equivalent 
to a noop. Continue class would still need to have same annotation repeated to 
actually set it at runtime.
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[Python-Dev] Re: Proto-PEP part 1: Forward declaration of classes

2022-04-25 Thread Mehdi2277
The problem comes solely from runtime introspection of type annotations. Static 
typing does not need this nor do any exceptional cases occur. From 
mypy/pyright/other type checker perspective there is not an issue to solve 
here. dataclasses, pydantic, cattrs, click, and other libraries that inspect 
type annotations at runtime is where cyclic or undefined nature of some 
annotations is causing edge cases. For most users of typing world they 
primarily think of former and not the latter.
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[Python-Dev] Re: Proto-PEP part 1: Forward declaration of classes

2022-04-25 Thread Mehdi2277
We could have forward part include all of method signatures/attributes which is 
what a type checker needs. In theory we could do,

forward class Foo:
  x: int
  y: list[str]
  def __init__(self, ...)

  def process(self, data: list[float]) -> float: ...

and then later do continue class. If we're willing to write a full header 
equivalent of c++ then I think static typing side will work. It'll be a lot 
more verbose then normal that I'd probably pick other solutions, but I it 
should make it tractable for a type checker.
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[Python-Dev] Re: Proto-PEP part 1: Forward declaration of classes

2022-04-23 Thread Mehdi2277
My main question for this approach is how would this work with type checkers? 
Is there any restriction that forward class's continuation must appear in same 
module? If it's allowed that a forward class may be continued in a different 
module I do not see how type checker like mypy/pyright could handle that. 
Classes are generally viewed as closed and fully defined within type checker. 
Monkey patching at runtime later is not supported. Libraries/techniques that 
rely on extending a class later tend to be sources of type errors/poor type 
checking coverage. ABC.register for dynamically declaring subclass relationship 
is similarly not supported by checkers. So without constraint that forward 
class must be continued within same module I think it's unlikely any type 
checker would support this technique. As main motivation is related to type 
annotations I think usage should be supported by type checkers.

One other edge case here is how would you forward declare an annotation for a 
type that like this,

  import numpy

def f(x: numpy.ndarray) -> None:

forward declaring ndarray here would not make numpy.ndarray available. Would 
you forward declare modules? Is that allowed? Looking at sourcegraph I do see a 
some module imports in TYPE_CHECKING blocks for purpose of using them as 

I'm confused in general how if TYPE_CHECKING issue is handled by this approach. 
Usually class being imported in those blocks is defined normally (without 
continue class) somewhere else.

My current leaning lies towards pep 649 + smart eval strategy by get_type_hints 
that Carl proposed.
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[Python-Dev] Re: RFC on Callable Syntax PEP

2021-12-20 Thread Mehdi2277
I don’t see how this helps much in situations with nested callables which are 
very common for decorators. I’m also unsure how this will work with situations 
where input and output are both callables and the signature is modified using 
paramspec. An example would be a decorator that adds/removes one argument. Is 
Concatenate[int, InttoIntFunction] a thing?

I also would ideally want a very light weight way to handle simple callables 
like (int) -> bool. This decorator solution of @Callable seems roughly as 
readable as existing solution of using callback protocols or a type alias.

I took a quick scan of my team’s codebase and see about 150 callable vs like 
1.5k optional. Optional is fairly high as a lot of our code has many arguments 
that can be disabled which I think is normal for ml/numerical libraries with 
tons of tuning settings. The most complex callable signatures tend to be 
decorators/decorator factories for us.

Main place I find this useful is skimming other libraries type signatures and 
hovering in ides. Nice hover type hints is helpful over large blocks of 
callable brackets.

I do find this syntactic sugar nice. I’m +0.5, mainly as while I think current 
callable generic is messy, I also think most of the people that write those 
type annotations are the ones that write a lot of them. Maybe that would change 
with better readability but right now heavy callable type usage feel like an 
advanced, uncommon thing. Part of it is also heavy functional style code isn’t 
that common in python.
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[Python-Dev] Re: PEP-646 question: unpacking into single Generic parameter

2021-09-24 Thread Mehdi2277
I don't believe this is supported in pep 646 today. It was originally going to 
be supported with a Map operator. With a Map operator it would let you do 
something like,

T = TypeVar('T')
Ts = TypeVarTuple("Ts")
IndexedTuple = Tuple[Int, T]

def enumerage_args(*args: *Ts) -> *Map[IndexedTuple, Ts]
  return enumerate(args)

Map operator takes two arguments, a generic type and type var tuple. This 
document describes map operator in more detail and an older version of the pep 
had it.


The reason it is missing is original version of 646 was becoming too complex 
for a single pep. My understanding is your example/similar examples are 
intended for the future to be supported, but that Map operator and other 
extensions to variadic generics will be future peps.
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