[Python-Dev] Re: Switching to Discourse

2022-07-15 Thread Peter Wang via Python-Dev
On Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 9:33 AM Skip Montanaro 

> Email protocols were long ago standardized. As a result, people can use
> any of a large number of applications to read and organize their email. To
> my knowledge, there is no standardization amongst the various forum tools
> out there.

While I understand and somewhat agree with you, Skip, there is a "hidden"
feature of Discourse that does make it a little easier to track many
different forums:  You can add ".rss" to various URLs and get an RSS feed
for that topic/channel/etc.

e.g. the WebAssembly group is: https://discuss.python.org/c/webassembly/28
And its corresponding RSS feed is:

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[Python-Dev] Re: Have virtual environments led to neglect of the actual environment?

2021-02-24 Thread Peter Wang
On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 8:50 PM Mike Miller  wrote:

> I never understood the fear around version conflicts.

With binary extension modules, version conflicts lead to (at best) runtime
segfault and (at worst) subtle *data* bugs that return incorrect results.
There are also deeper concerns around security and reproducibility.

> Perhaps it has to do with
> the decline of sys-admin skills over the years?

Many millions of users of new Python users show up every year, using the
language and its powerful ecosystem for data analytics and scientific
computing, and they have no hope of having sys-admin skills.

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[Python-Dev] Re: Thank you Larry Hastings!

2020-10-06 Thread Peter Wang
Thank you Thank you, Larry!  3.4 and 3.5 were so critical to getting the
scientific & pydata data community over the 2to3 hump.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 1:43 PM Barry Warsaw  wrote:

> They say being a Python Release Manager is a thankless job, so the Python
> Secret Underground (PSU), which emphatically does not exist, hereby
> officially doesn’t thank Larry for his years of diligent service as the
> Python 3.4 and 3.5 release manager.
> On the other hand, the Python Steering Council, Python Software
> Foundation, and worldwide Python community, all of which emphatically *do*
> exist, all extend our heartfelt thanks to Larry for his excellent
> stewardship of Python 3.4 and 3.5!
> Python 3.4 and 3.5 were both pivotal releases.  While the features of
> these two releases are too numerous to mention here, they introduced such
> staples as:
> * asyncio
> * enum
> * pathlib
> * async and await keywords
> * matrix multiplication operators
> * typing and zipapp modules
> and so much more.  For details, see:
> * https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.4.html
> * https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.5.html
> Larry’s first official release of 3.4.0a1 was on 2013-08-03 and his last
> Python 3.5.10 release was 2020-09-05.  That’s 7 years of exemplary release
> managing!
> Larry, from all of us, and from me personally, thank you so much for your
> invaluable contributions to Python.  Enjoy your retirement!
> Cheers,
> -Barry (on behalf of the PSC and PSF)
> ___
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[Python-Dev] Re: Should set objects maintain insertion order too?

2019-12-20 Thread Peter Wang
On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 9:57 PM Tim Peters  wrote:

> > It's not obvious to me that insertion order is even the most obvious or
> > most commonly relevant sort order.  I'm sure it is for Larry's program,
> but
> > often a work queue might want some other order.  Very often queues
> > might instead, for example, have a priority number assigned to them.
> Indeed, and it makes me more cautious that claims for the _usefulness_
> (rather than just consistency) of an ordered set are missing an XY
> problem.  The only "natural" value of insertion-order ordering for a
> dynamic ordered set is that it supports FIFO queues.  Well, that's one
> thing that a deque already excels at, but much more obviously,
> flexibly, and space- and time- efficiently.

I agree with Tim and David.

Furthermore, I'd like to point out that the core built-in types are
frequently archetypes or foundational paradigms for many derived concepts
in 3rd-party libraries. Despite the fact that they have implementations,
they also form a basis set of interfaces which are part of the lexicon of
"Pythonic-ness".  Something like a "set" is a very very common and useful
base interface for programming.  If we were to cloud or confound the
(relatively clean) semantics around sets & set algebra by introducing
ordinality, that same cloudiness will spread throughout the ecosystem.

Unlike dict()s, which are a more computer science-y data structure with
lots of details, sets are simple things with mathematical algebraic
properties. These allow the user to compactly specify *what* they want
done, without delving into the details of *how*. In my experience, this is
always preferable, for ease of use, ease of learning, and correctness.
Adding orderedness as a concern now imposes an additional cognitive burden
onto the coder because they must be concerned with *how*.

Ultimately, even if we establish that there is major utility in
insertion-ordered sets, unordered sets also clearly have utility as well
(as a more relaxed interface, with fewer promises).  So in that case, which
do we want as the default?  I think about it like this: In a future time
when sets maintain insertion order by default, every time I see library
docs that require casting sets via collections.unordered_set() will feel
like sand in the semantic vaseline.  I would much rather have things the
other way around.

I don't really have a horse in this race, and I'm sure the dev community
will arrive at a good resolution to this issue.  However, I would just
encourage folks to think less about "utility of the implementation", and
more about "economy of semantics".  As Larry pointed out earlier, ordered
dicts posed a problem for MicroPython. This actually isn't a minor issue --
in the long run, forked semantics are a Bad Thing for the language (even
for a language that is incorrectly eponymized with snakes!).

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Re: [Python-Dev] Increasing the C-optimized pickle extensibility

2019-04-27 Thread Peter Wang
I strongly second not breaking backwards compatibility and
interoperability, especially for persistent artifacts, unless there is a
*REALLY* good reason.  A potential unintended side effect of such breakages
is that it slows down adoption of the new version.


On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 10:27 AM Guido van Rossum  wrote:

> I think it's better not to introduce a new opcode, for the reason you
> stated -- you don't want your pickles to be unreadable by older Python
> versions, if you can help it.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] "Deprecation" of os.system in favor of subprocess?

2018-10-24 Thread Peter Wang
On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 3:31 PM Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 09:34:34AM -0400, Calvin Spealman wrote:
> > Simply put, there is no valid use case for os.system over subprocess
> If you depreciate and then remove os.system, all you will do is force
> people to re-invent it, badly and inefficiently.

Indeed.  Usability counts, as does not arbitrarily breaking vast amounts of
existing code that Just Works.

Every code-breaking deprecation is an invitation for unseen thousands or
millions to ponder, "Hm, this script doesn't work anymore. Maybe now is the
time to look at Node or Rust."

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Distutils] PEP 365 (Adding the pkg_resources module)

2008-03-24 Thread Peter Wang
On Mar 20, 2008, at 11:31 AM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 I'll note that I use easy_install *only* to work in *non-system*
 locations:  if I want to install Python packages to /usr/lib/ 
 I use the standard system installer, e.g. 'apt-get install

 This is probably not the Windows way of doing things (at least not how
 I use Windows). Windows doesn't really have the notion of system
 location (or multiple levels of them, where \Windows and
 \Windows\system32 is more system than \Program Files, say).

 Windows users typically view the entire system as theirs, and
 have no concerns at all about putting things into Program Files,
 system32, or, for that matter, \python25. In fact, they don't care
 or even know where stuff ends up - they expect that the system will
 find it, and they expect that they can remove anything they installed
 even without known where it is - because there is a standard place
 to look for uninstalling things.

While these observations are accurate for most home users, it is worth  
noting that many IT departments deploy locked-down versions of windows  
that either have fine-grained group policies to forbid modifications  
to the system disk (and require the user to write things to a mounted  
network home directory), or that give write access to the system disk  
but then re-image it upon reboot.

IT departments that deploy this sort of setup usually have the  
hostile user mentality, and that is strongly correlated, in turn,  
with users that are reluctant to engage IT to allow them install an  
app.  We have run into this a few times, and it would be good to keep  
this scenario in mind.


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