Re: [Python-Dev] Another case for frozendict

2014-07-15 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:04 AM, Jason R. Coombs wrote:
  I can achieve what I need by constructing a set on the ‘items’ of the 
  set(tuple(doc.items()) for doc in res)
  {(('n', 1), ('err', None), ('ok', 1.0))}
 This is flawed; the tuple-of-tuples depends on iteration order, which
 may vary. It should be a frozenset of those tuples, not a tuple. Which
 strengthens your case; it's that easy to get it wrong in the absence
 of an actual frozendict.

I would love to see frozendict in python.

I find myself using dicts for translation tables, usually tables that 
should not be modified. Documentation usually suffices to get that idea 
across, but it's not ideal.

frozendict would also be handy as a default values for function 
arguments. In that case documentation isn't enough and one has to resort 
to using a default value of None and then changing it in the function 

I like frozendict because I feel it is expressive and adds some safety. 

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fwd: [python-tulip] Need help to finish asyncio documentation

2014-02-10 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Guido van Rossum wrote:

 We could really use more help reviewing and finishing asyncio's docs!

I think the documentation desperately needs an overview. I find it very 
confusing without one. I guess the links to PEPs are intended to be 
that, but it would be much more helpful to include the overview in the 

I think a bit of re-ordering of topics could also help:
- One of the first things presented is a discussion of event loop 
policy, even though most users will never need to change the policy. 
Couldn't this go at the end?
- It tells how to create and set event loops, with no hint as to why one 
would want to do that. Is it common to have multiple event loops? A 
related oddity: what is the point of 
BaseEventLoop.run_until_complete(future)? It sounds interesting but 
obscure (unless it applies to one of many event loops).

In other words: if it was possible to show basic usage of event loops 
early, then discuss how to do the fancy stuff (new event loops, new even 
loop policies later) that might help.

BaseEventLoop.stop() says:
Every callback scheduled before stop() is called will run.
but it does not say WHEN it will run -- immediately due to the stop, or 
normally as if stop was never called?

That said, I am very excited to have this functionality. I have been 
sticking with Python 2 for now, but this feature may entice me to make 
the switch.

-- Russell

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Victor Stinner
 Date: Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 2:38 PM
 Subject: [python-tulip] Need help to finish asyncio documentation
 To: python-tulip
 I wrote most parts of the documentation of the asyncio module, but I'm
 not sure that anyone already read it yet. Can you please at least take
 at look?
 Tell me if the documentation needs more examples. I don't want to add
 whole applications, only very short examples to explain one feature or
 concept, or show how to use one specific API.
 I just realized that add/remove_reader/writer() methods of the event
 loop were not documented, sock_recv/sendall/accept/connect() methods
 neither. I documented them.
 There are still many functions which only have XXX for documentation.
 If you would like to contribute, send patches on .rst files. The
 source of the documentation is in the Doc/library/ directory of
 CPython repository:
 Files asyncio-*.rst:

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 455: TransformDict

2013-10-07 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Raymond Hettinger wrote:

 On Sep 22, 2013, at 6:16 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:
  Are we close to asking for pronouncement? 
 When you're ready, let me know.
 In the meantime, I conducting usability tests on students in Python classes
 and researching how well it substitutes for existing solutions for 
 case insensitive dictionaries (the primary use case) and for other
 existing cases such as dictionaries with unicode normalized keys.
 If you want to participate in the research, I could also use help looking
 at what other languages do.  Python is not the first language with
 mappings or to encounter use cases for transforming keys prior
 to insertion and lookup.   I would like to find out what work has
 already been done on this problem.
 Another consideration is whether the problem is more general
 that just dictionaries.  Would you want similar functionality in
 all mapping-like objects (i.e. a persistent dictionaries, os.environ, etc)?
 Would you want similar functionality for other services
 (i.e. case-insensitive filenames or other homomorphisms).
 You can also add to the discussion by trying out your own usability
 tests on people who haven't been exposed to this thread or the pep.
 My early results indicate that the API still needs work.
 * Another issue is that we're accumulating too many dictionary
 variants and that is making it difficult to differentiate and choose
 between them.  I haven't found anyone (even in advanced classes
 with very experienced pythonistas) would knew about
 all the variations:  dict, defaultdict, Mapping, MutableMapping,
 mapping views, OrderedDict, Counter, ChainMap, andTransformDict.

I agree.

I personally think being able to transform keys would be much more 
useful as a property of existing dictionaries. I often use 
case-insensitive keys. But I use them with dict and OrderedDict (and 
probably ought to use defaultdict, as well).

TransformDict is neat, but I'd personally be happier seeing this as a 
3rd party library for now.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Compiler for the Mac OS X version of Python 3.4

2013-09-16 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Raymond Hettinger wrote:

 On Sep 14, 2013, at 1:32 PM, Ned Deily wrote:
  most recent Developer Tools for 10.8 and 10.7 systems, Xcode 4.6.x, have 
  a mature clang but do not provide a 10.6 SDK.  Even with using an SDK, 
  it's still possible to end up inadvertently linking with the wrong 
  versions of system libraries.  We have been burned by that in the past.
 I think we should offer a separate Mac build just for 10.6
 (much like we do for the 32-bit PPC option for 10.5).

If Apple drops support for gcc in 10.9 I guess we have to go this route, 
but please be careful. Every time you add a new version of python for 
MacOS X it means that folks providing binary installers (e.g. for numpy) 
have to provide another binary, and folks using those installers have 
another chance of picking the wrong one.

If you do make a 10.6-only installer, what is the minimum version of 
MacOS X the modern compiler would support? 10.7 gives a more measured 
upgrade path, but 10.8 gives a better compiler.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] pep 422 Safe object finalization question: why break weakrefs first?

2013-05-28 Thread Russell E. Owen
Pep 422 proposes the following order for dealing with cyclic isolates:

   1. Weakrefs to CI objects are cleared, and their callbacks called. At 
this point, the objects are still safe to use.
   2. The finalizers of all CI objects are called.
   3. The CI is traversed again to determine if it is still isolated. If 
it is determined that at least one object in CI is now reachable from 
outside the CI, this collection is aborted and the whole CI is 
resurrected. Otherwise, proceed.
   4. The CI becomes a CT as the GC systematically breaks all known 
references inside it (using the tp_clear function).

Why are weakrefs are broken first, before determining if any of the 
objects should become resurrected? Naively I would expect weakrefs to be 
broken after step 3, once the system is sure no objects have been 

I request that this information be added to PEP 422.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 443 - Single-dispatch generic functions (including ABC support)

2013-05-28 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Łukasz Langa wrote:

 Since the initial version, several minor changes have been made to the
 PEP. The history is visible on The most important
 change in this version is that I introduced ABC support and completed
 a reference implementation.
 No open issues remain from my point of view.

Is it true that this cannot be used for instance and class methods? It 
dispatches based on the first argument, which is self for instance 
methods, whereas the second argument would almost certainly be the 
argument one would want to use for conditional dispatch.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 443 - Single-dispatch generic functions (including ABC support)

2013-05-28 Thread Russell E. Owen
A question about the example:

how hard would it be to modify the example

to work with other collections? If it is easy, I think it would make a 
for a much more useful example.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 435 -- Adding an Enum type to the Python standard library

2013-04-12 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Guido van Rossum wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
  To me, NotImplementedError means that a subclass didn't implement
  something it should have implemented. But that's not the case here, is
  it? It's not a bug in the class, it's a bug in the call site. So I
  agree it ought to be TypeError.
 Seems I was late to this particular argument. :-)
 Anyway, as far as I can tell the PEP looks great. I personally think
 it would be nicer if regular Enums were ordered (as long as the
 underlying values are ordered), but I don't care enough to overrule
 the FLUFL.

I, too, would strongly prefer to see ordering within an enum. I use 
home-made enums heavily in my code and find ordering comparisons useful 

Using intEnum is certainly doable, but that opens up the door to 
comparing values from different Enums, which is not something I'd want 
to allow.

I don't understand why order tests are seen as a bad thing, as long as 
the values have order (as they will in the common cases of string and 
int values). It seems the code must go out of its way to prohibit such 

In any case, I'm very pleased to have this library. it will get rid of 
much boilerplate in my code. It seems very well designed, and I'm really 
glad to see it supports subclassing to add values!

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Playing with a new theme for the docs

2012-03-22 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 My first impression of this page:
 was that the grey side-bar gives the page a somber, perhaps even dreary, 
 First impressions count, and I'm afraid that first look didn't work for me.
 But clicking through onto other pages with more text improved my feelings. A 
 big +1 on the pale green shading of code blocks.
 The basic design seems good to me. I'd prefer a serif font for blocks of 
 while keeping sans serif for the headings, but that's a mild preference.
 Looking forward to seeing the next iteration.

I like the overall design, but one thing seems to be missing is an 
overview of what Python is (hence what the page is about). Naturally we 
don't need that, but a one-line overview with a link to more information 
would be helpful.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Playing with a new theme for the docs

2012-03-22 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Russell E. Owen wrote:

 In article,
  Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  My first impression of this page:
  was that the grey side-bar gives the page a somber, perhaps even dreary, 
  First impressions count, and I'm afraid that first look didn't work for me.
  But clicking through onto other pages with more text improved my feelings. 
  big +1 on the pale green shading of code blocks.
  The basic design seems good to me. I'd prefer a serif font for blocks of 
  while keeping sans serif for the headings, but that's a mild preference.
  Looking forward to seeing the next iteration.
 I like the overall design, but one thing seems to be missing is an 
 overview of what Python is (hence what the page is about). Naturally we 
 don't need that, but a one-line overview with a link to more information 
 would be helpful.
 -- Russell

I'm afraid my last sentence was incoherent. I meant to say:

Naturally we, as Python users, don't need that; but a one-line overview 
with a link to more information would be helpful to others who are not 
familiar with the language.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Drop the new time.wallclock() function?

2012-03-15 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Kristján Valur Jónsson wrote:

 What does jumping forward mean?  That's what happens with every clock at 
 every time quantum.  The only effect here is that this clock will be slightly 
 noisy, i.e. its precision becomes worse.  On average it is still correct.  
 Look at the use cases for this function
 1) to enable timeouts for certaing operations, like acquiring locks:
   Jumping backwards is bad, because that may cause infinite wait time.  
 jumping forwards is ok, it may just mean that your lock times out a bit early
 2) performance measurements:
   If you are running on a platform with a broken runtime clock, you are 
 likely to be running performance measurements.
 Really, I urge you to skip the strict keyword.  It just adds confusion.  
 Instead, lets just give the best monotonic clock we can do which doesnt move 
 Let's just provide a practical real time clock with high resolution that is 
 appropriate for providing timeout functionality and so won't jump backwards 
 for the next 20 years.  Let's simply point out to people that it may not be 
 appropriate for high precision timings on old and obsolete hardware and be 
 done with it.

I agree. I prefer the name time.monotonic with no flags. It will suit 
most use cases. I think supplying truly steady time is a low level 
hardware function (e.g. buy a GPS timer card) with a driver.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] peps: Update with bugfix releases.

2012-02-13 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Ned Deily wrote:

 In article,
  Russell E. Owen wrote:
  One problem I've run into is that the 64-bit Mac python 2.7 does not 
  work properly with ActiveState Tcl/Tk. One symptom is to build 
  matplotlib. The results fail -- both versions of Tcl/Tk somehow get 
  linked in.
 The 64-bit OS X installer is built on and tested on systems with A/S 
 Tcl/Tk 8.5.x and we explicitly recommend its use when possible.
 Please open a python bug for this and any other issues you know of 
 regarding the use with current A/S Tcl/Tk 8.5.x with current 2.7.x or 
 3.2.x installers on OS X 10.6 or 10.7.

Yes. I apologize.

See the discussion in the Mac python mailing list (I replied to your 
email there). I was trying to build a matplotlib binary installer and 
ran into problems. I don't know where the problem comes from, and it may 
well not have anything to do with the python build.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] peps: Update with bugfix releases.

2012-02-09 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Martin v. Lowis wrote:

 Am 05.02.2012 21:34, schrieb Ned Deily:
  In article, wrote:
  I understand that but, to me, it makes no sense to send out truly  
  broken releases.  Besides, the hash collision attack is not exactly  
  new either.  Another few weeks can't make that much of a difference.
  Why would the release be truly broken? It surely can't be worse than
  the current releases (which apparently aren't truly broken, else
  there would have been no point in releasing them back then).
  They were broken by the release of OS X 10.7 and Xcode 4.2 which were 
  subsequent to the previous releases.  None of the currently available installers provide a fully working system on OS X 10.7, or on 
  OS X 10.6 if the user has installed Xcode 4.2 for 10.6.
 In what way are the current releases not fully working? Are you
 referring to issues with building extension modules?

One problem I've run into is that the 64-bit Mac python 2.7 does not 
work properly with ActiveState Tcl/Tk. One symptom is to build 
matplotlib. The results fail -- both versions of Tcl/Tk somehow get 
linked in.

We have had similar problems with the 32-bit python in the 
past, but recent builds have been fine. I believe the solution that 
worked for the 32-bit versions was to install ActiveState Tcl/Tk before 
making the distribution build. The results would work fine with Apple's 
Tcl/Tk or with ActiveState Tcl/Tk. I don't know if the same solution 
would work for 64-bit python.

I don't know of any issues with the 32-bit build of Python 2.7.

I've not tried the Python 3 builds.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing #7175: a standard location for Python config files

2010-08-11 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Éric Araujo wrote:

 Hello list
 Tarek opened a distutils bugs in that
 evolved into a discussion about the proper location to use for config files.
 Distutils uses [.]pydistutils.cfg and .pypirc, and now unittest2 has a
 config file too.
 It would be nice to define one standard location for config files used
 by stdlib modules, and maybe also by third-party programs related
 closely to Python development (testing tools, static code checkers and
 the like), in a way that doesn’t clutter the user home directory with a
 dozen dotfiles while still being easily found.
 (The Unix notions of dotfiles and home directory have to be adapted to
 use non-dotfiles in some standard place on various Windows. The Mac
 experts disagree on the right directory to use.)
 Tarek, Antoine, RDM, MAL were +1 on using ~/.python (whether to use
 .pythonx.y or .python/x.y is a subissue to discuss after general agreement).
 What do you think about this?

I like the idea as long as different versions of python have different 
directories and the files are intended to be user-specific.

If the files are shared among all users then /usr/local/something 
seems more reasonable.

I also think whatever you choose for linux is also the best choice for 
Mac OS X (my preferred platform). While there are other possible 
directories, such as ~/Library/Application Support/something, all 
tools derived from unix that I know about use the unix convention (ssh, 
X11, bash...) and I would argue that Python is close enough to count 
even though it is a framework build. Put another way, copying the unix 
convention is simple, is exactly what power users would expect and I 
don't see it would do any harm.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3147, __pycache__ directories and umask

2010-03-23 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Greg Ewing wrote:

 Antoine Pitrou wrote:
  In light of this issue, I'm -0.5 on __pycache__ becoming the default 
  mechanism. The directory ownership/permissions issue is too much of a mess,
  especially for Web applications (think __pycache__ files created by the 
 Doesn't the existing .pyc mechanism have the same problem? Seems
 to me it's just as insecure to allow the Apache user to create
 .pyc files, since an attacker could overwrite them with arbitrary
 The only safe way is to pre-compile under a different user and
 make everything read-only to Apache. The same thing would apply
 under the __pycache__ regime.

This does sound like a bit security hole both in existing Python and the 
new __pycache__ proposed mechanism. It seems like this is the time to 
address it, while changing the caching mechanism.

If .pyc files are to be shared, it seems essential to (by default) 
generate them at install time and make them read-only for unprivileged 

This in turn implies that we may have to give up some support for 
dragging python modules into site-packages, e.g. not generate .pyc files 
for such modules. At least if we go that route it will mostly affect 
power users, who can presumably cope.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python 2.6.3

2009-09-10 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Ronald Oussoren wrote:

 On 9 Sep, 2009, at 19:29, Ned Deily wrote:
  Without trying to put Ronald on the spot (too much!), it would be a  
  idea to get his assessment where things stand wrt 2.6 on 10.6 before
  setting a final release date.
 MacOS X 10.6 support should be stable now, except for a critical issue
 with IDLE: opening a new window hangs IDLE (issue 6864).
 That said, I haven't scanned the issue tracker for more 10.6 related  
 BTW. I'm fine with a sept. 25th release, that should give us enough time
 to shake out issues with OSX 10.6 support.

Some or all earlier Mac binaries of Python 2.6 were not compatible with 
3rd party Aqua Tcl/Tk (e.g. ActiveState's versions) -- at least on MacOS 
X 10.5. I hope that will be fixed with the current release.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] (try-except) conditional expression similar to (if-else) conditional (PEP 308)

2009-08-06 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Xavier Morel wrote:

 On 6 Aug 2009, at 00:22 , Jeff McAninch wrote:
  I'm new to this list, so please excuse me if this topic has been  
  discussed, but I didn't
  see anything similar in the archives.
  I very often want something like a try-except conditional expression  
  to the if-else conditional.
 I fear this idea is soon going to extend to all compound statements  
 one by one.
 Wouldn't it be smarter to fix the issue once and for all by looking  
 into making Python's compound statements (or even all statements  
 without restrictions) expressions that can return values in the first  
 place? Now I don't know if it's actually possible, but if it is the  
 problem becomes solved not just for try:except: (and twice so for  
 if:else:) but also for while:, for: (though that one's already served  
 pretty well by comprehensions) and with:.

I like this idea a lot.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] RELEASED Python 2.6.2

2009-04-17 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Ned Deily wrote:

 In article,
  Russell Owen wrote:
  I installed the Mac binary on my Intel 10.5.6 system and it works,  
  except it still uses Apple's system Tcl/Tk 8.4.7 instead of my  
  ActiveState 8.4.19 (which is in /Library/Frameworks where one would  
  I just built python from source and that version does use ActiveState  
  I wish I knew what's going on. Not being able to use the binary  
  distros is a bit of a pain.
 You're right, the tkinter included with the 2.6.2 installer is not 
 linked properly:
 $ cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6
 $ cd lib/python2.6/lib-dynload
 $ otool -L
 (compatibility version 8.4.0, current version 8.4.0)
 (compatibility version 8.4.0, current version 8.4.0)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib [...]
 should be:
/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/8.4/Tcl (compatibility 
 version 8.4.0, current version 8.4.19)
/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.4/Tk (compatibility 
 version 8.4.0, current version 8.4.19)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib [...]

Just for the record, when I built Python 2.6 from source I got the 
latter output (the desired result).

If someone can point me to instructions I'm willing to try to make a 
binary installer and make it available (though I'd much prefer to debug 
the standard installer).

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] RELEASED Python 2.6.2

2009-04-15 Thread Russell E. Owen
Thank you for 2.6.2.

I see the Mac binary installer isn't out yet (at least it is not listed 
on the downloads page). Any chance that it will be compatible with 3rd 
party Tcl/Tk?

Most recent releases have not been; the only way I know to make a 
compatible build is to build the installer on a machine that already has 
a 3rd party Tcl/Tk installed; the resulting binary is then compatible 
with both 3rd party versions of Tcl/Tk and also with Apple's ancient 
built in version.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] OS X Installer for 3.0.1 and supported versions

2009-03-10 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Ronald Oussoren wrote:

 On 27 Feb, 2009, at 1:57, Ned Deily wrote:
  In article,
  Russell E. Owen wrote:
  I want to follow up on this a bit. In the past if the Mac Python
  installer was built on a machine that did NOT have a locally  
  Tcl/Tk then it would fail to work with a locally installed Tcl/Tk:
  Python would segfault when trying to use Tkinter.
  The solution was to build the Mac python installer on a machine  
  with a
  locally installed Tcl/Tk. The resulting installer package would  
  work on
  all systems -- with or without locally installed Tcl/Tk.
  So...has this problem been worked around, or is the Mac installer  
  built on a machine that has a locally installed Tcl/Tk?
  Ronald will have to answer that for sure since he built the installer
  for 3.0.1.
  However, it seems to be true that the most recent OS X
  installers will always favor a /System/Library/Frameworks/{Tcl/Tk}:
 That's correct, I don't have a locally installed Tcl/Tk on my laptop  
 at the moment and couldn't arrange for one in time for the 3.0.1  
 BTW. The fact that this should result in crashes when a user does have  
 a locally installed Tcl/Tk is new to me. The reason earlier builds of  
 the OSX installer were build with a locally installed Tcl/Tk is that  
 several Tkinter users indicated that the system version is  
 significantly less useful than a local install.

Any hope of an updated Mac installer for 2.5.4 and/or 2.6 that is built 
with a locally installed Tcl/Tk? If/when you do that, I strongly 
recommend ActiveState Tcl/Tk 8.4.19 -- the last 8.4 release -- it has 
few bugs and very good performance.

(For Python 2.6 you could install Tcl/Tk 8.5 instead, but it might not 
work for folks using Apple's built-in Tcl/Tk 8.4. Maybe somebody else 
knows; if not it would require some testing.)

Note that even Python 2.5 built against Tcl/Tk 8.5 and most of it 
worked, but there were some known bugs.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] OS X Installer for 3.0.1 and supported versions

2009-02-25 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article,
 Ned Deily wrote:

 Speaking of an OS X installer for 3.0.1, over the last few weeks I have 
 been working on tidying up the OS X installer build process.  While the 
 basic OS X build/installer process is good, some cruft has accumulated 
 over the past years and a number of mostly minor issues arose due to the 
 3.x split.  IMO, the most important issues were with IDLE and, thanks to 
 Ronald, we did get the most important fixes for OS X IDLE checked-in in 
 time for 3.0.1; they are also in py3k and will be going into trunk and 
 26.  I have a few other fixes that apply just to the OSX build/installer 
 parts which did not get submitted in time for the 3.0.1 cutoff but which 
 are ready to go for 3.x and 2.x.  Basically they fix some version number 
 updating and ensure that the installer image will be built reproducibly 
 in a clean environment so there is no contamination of the installer 
 images.  Currently, that's easy to do as happened with the first round 
 of the OS X 2.6 installer (e.g. with a locally installed Tcl/Tk). 

I want to follow up on this a bit. In the past if the Mac Python 
installer was built on a machine that did NOT have a locally installed 
Tcl/Tk then it would fail to work with a locally installed Tcl/Tk: 
Python would segfault when trying to use Tkinter.

The solution was to build the Mac python installer on a machine with a 
locally installed Tcl/Tk. The resulting installer package would work on 
all systems -- with or without locally installed Tcl/Tk.

So...has this problem been worked around, or is the Mac installer still 
built on a machine that has a locally installed Tcl/Tk?

I haven't run Python 2.6 yet because there is no release of numpy that 
is compatible. I did try upgrading from 2.5.2 to 2.5.4 and got a 
segfault when trying to display images using PIL and Tkinter; I have not 
had time to try to track that down, so I've just reverted for now.

Most people who makes serious use of Tkinter presumably have a locally 
installed Tcl/Tk because the version that Apple provides is ancient and 
is missing many important bug fixes and performance enhancements.

Also, a somewhat related issue: Tcl/Tk 8.4 is no longer maintained. All 
development work is going on in Tcl/Tk 8.5. Presumably Apple will 
transition one of these days, and at that point we may need a separate 
Mac Python installer for the older operating systems vs. the newer.

-- Rusell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3142: Add a while clause to generator expressions

2009-01-21 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article, wrote:

 I understand that you are saying that 'while x' is used in the same
 logical sense (take a different action when x is no longer true),
 but that I don't feel that that is enough to say that it has similar
 semantics.  Or, perhaps more accurately, it is just similar enough to be
 very confusing because it is also different enough to be very surprising.
 The semantics of 'while' in python includes the bit about creating a
 loop, and does _not_ include executing a 'break' in the surrounding loop.
 To give 'while' this new meaning would be, IMO, un-pythonic.  (If python
 had a 'for/while' construct, it would be a different story...and then
 it would probably already be part of the list comprehension syntax.)

I agree. I feel that the term while is a poor choice for when this is 
no longer true then stop. It sounds more like a synonym for if to me.

I would be much more comfortable using until (in the opposite sense to 
the proposed while); it clearly implies we're done so stop. I don't 
know if it's a feature that is really useful, but I do think it would be 
transparent: code that used it would be easily understood.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Fix python darwin build to look for non-framework Tk if not a framework build?

2008-08-26 Thread Russell E. Owen
Python's own file seems to only look for a Framework Tcl/Tk on 
darwin. This is a headache if one is trying to build a non-framework 
python that uses a non-framework tcl/tk.

Any chance of getting this fixed? I'm willing to work on a patch if it 
has any chance of being accepted. Any hints on how to determine if it is 
a framework build from within would be most welcome!

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [python] trunc()

2008-01-28 Thread Russell E. Owen
 Martin v. Lowis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If the ambiguity is that 'int' behaviour is unspecified for floats - is 
  it naive to suggest we specify the behaviour?
 The concern is that whatever gets specified is arbitrary. There are many
 ways how an int can be constructed from a float, so why is any such way
 better than the others, and deserves to be the meaning of int()?

But something should be specified. Users should be able to expect 
consistent behavior. Surely there must be some efficiency reason why it 
is not specified (e.g. it uses a low-level C call that is not 

I agree with the idea of putting trunc in the math library since it 
seems to similar to floor.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] trunc()

2008-01-28 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article 
 Paul Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 24/01/2008, Jeffrey Yasskin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  int has to be a builtin because it's a fundamental type. trunc()
  followed round() into the builtins. I have no opinion on whether ceil
  and floor should move there; it probably depends on how often they're
 - int() has to stay in builtins for obvious reasons.
 - put *all* of trunc, ceil, floor, round into math.
 - make int(float) an error

I like all of your suggestions except the last one. Remember the problem 
with a/b depending on whether b happened to be a float or an int? I 
think you'll be creating a very similar problem here. In my opinion 
int(foo) should do its best to turn foo into an int with *predictable* 

The least surprising behavior for int(float) is probably trunc(float). 
Personally I prefer round(float), but I doubt it is worth breaking code 
and retraining everybody.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-3000] Universal newlines support in Python 3.0

2007-08-13 Thread Russell E Owen
 Stephen J. Turnbull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Guido van Rossum writes:
   However, the old universal newlines feature also set an attibute named
   'newlines' on the file object to a tuple of up to three elements
   giving the actual line endings that were observed on the file so far
   (\r, \n, or \r\n). This feature is not in PEP 3116, and it is not
   implemented. I'm tempted to kill it. Does anyone have a use case for
 I have run into files that intentionally have more than one newline
 convention used (mbox and Babyl mail folders, with messages received
 from various platforms).  However, most of the time multiple newline
 conventions is a sign that the file is either corrupt or isn't text.
 If so, then saving the file may corrupt it.  The newlines attribute
 could be used to check for this condition.

There is at least one Mac source code editor (SubEthaEdit) that is all 
too happy to add one kind of newline to a file that started out with a 
different line ending character. As a result I have seen a fair number 
of text files with mixed line endings. I don't see as many these days, 
though; perhaps because the current version of SubEthaEdit handles 
things a bit better. So perhaps it won't matter much for Python 3000.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] distutils patch

2006-08-28 Thread Russell E. Owen
A colleague stumbled across distutils bug/misfeature that he found had 
been reported with an associated patch:

and I'm wondering if there's any plans to accept the patch or implement 
some other fix (such as raising an exception if one tries to use a blank 
package name). The current behavior is clearly unexpected and confusing. 
If there's something I can do to help get a fix of some kind into python 
2.5, I'm happy to do it.


-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] get for lists and tuples?

2006-07-11 Thread Russell E. Owen
I'd like to have the get method available for lists and tuples. (I 
figured this must have been discussed before but can't recall it and 
didn't turn anything up on google).

It's obviously not a use-all-the-time method (or it'd already be there), 
but I find myself wanting it often enough to justify it in my own mind 
(and curse this omission, relative to dict).

Basically I run into it when parsing data of variable length (where the 
extra elements have some obvious default value), including config files, 
sys.argv (for simple command scripts), that sort of thing.

Yes a 4-liner does the job, but get would be a much clearer way to 
write it.

Anyway, I'm just testing the waters. If it's not heresy then I'd like to 
do what I can to make it happen.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3102: Keyword-only arguments

2006-05-02 Thread Russell E. Owen
In article 
 Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 5/2/06, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Terry Reedy wrote:
   my way to call your example (given the data in separate variables):
 make_person(name, age, phone, location)
   your way:
 make_person(name=name, age=age, phone=phone, location = location)
  For situations like that, I've sometimes thought
  it would be useful to be able to say something like
 make_person(=name, =age, =phone, =location)
 And even with Terry's use case quoted I can't make out what you meant
 that to do.

I'm pretty sure he wants it to mean:

make_person(name=name, age=age, phone=phone, location=location).

In other words it's a shortcut to avoid needless repetition.

Personally I'd like some way to do that, but the initial = is pretty 
startling at first glance. Not that I have a better suggestion.

As far as the rest of the thread goes (and I may be late to the party on 
this), I personally would *love* to be able to write:
def func(arg0, arg1, *args, key1=def1)
and force key1 to be specified by name. I've coded this before using 
**kargs for the keyword-only args, but I'd much rather be able to list 
them in the def (making it more self-documenting).

But that's as far as I'd take it.

I don't see the point to keyword-only arguments that do not have default 
values. And I don't think it's worth the potential confusion to allow 
keyword-only args after a fixed # of positional args. The proposed 
syntax reads like exactly the wrong thing to me; | as a separator 
might do if one is desperate enough for this feature, i.e.:
def foo(arg0, arg1 | karg=None):

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 359: The make Statement

2006-04-17 Thread Russell E. Owen
At some point folks were discussing use cases of make where it was 
important to preserve the order in which items were added to the 

I'd like to suggest adding an implementation of an ordered dictionary to 
standard python (e.g. as a library or built in type). It's inherently 
useful, and in this case it could be used by make.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python Library Reference top page too long

2006-03-17 Thread Russell E. Owen
 Georg Brandl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Another thing that would be *really* useful is to list the actual 
  built-in types with the category. For example:
  Sequence Types (str, unicode, list, tuple, buffer, xrange)
  Mapping Types (dict)
 If I understand correctly what you mean, that's already done.

You're right! I was using a local copy of 2.4.0 documentation and it did 
not have this feature.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Py3k: Except clause syntax

2006-03-16 Thread Russell E. Owen
 Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For Py3k, any thoughts on changing the syntax of
 the except clause from
except type, value:
except type as value:
 so that things like
except TypeError, ValueError:
 will do what is expected?

Brilliant. I may be showing my clumsiness, but I catch multiple 
exceptions so rarely that I often stumble over this.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and new style classes

2005-09-09 Thread Russell E. Owen
 Tristan Seligmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 * Lisandro Dalcin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-09-08 13:56:07 -0300]:
  Yes, you are right. But this way, you are making explicit a behavior
  that will be implicit in the future.
  For example, we could also do:
  two = float(4)/float(2)
  instead of 
  from   future   import division
  two = 4/2
 Why does it matter if the single statement you insert is spelled
   metaclass   = type instead of from   future   import whatever?
 Remember, unlike the division example, you would only have to insert one
 statement, as opposed to changing every use of integer division.

It matters because metaclass = type is completely obscure. How would 
any non-expert have a clue what it means?

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP, take 2: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0

2005-08-03 Thread Russell E. Owen
 Brett Cannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 New Hierarchy
 +-- CriticalException (new)
 +-- KeyboardInterrupt
 +-- MemoryError
 +-- SystemError
 +-- ControlFlowException (new)
 +-- StopIteration
 +-- GeneratorExit
 +-- SystemExit
 +-- StandardError
 +-- AssertionError
 +-- SyntaxError
 +-- IndentationError
 +-- TabError
 +-- UserException (rename of RuntimeError)
 +-- ArithmeticError
 +-- FloatingPointError
 +-- DivideByZeroError
 +-- OverflowError
 +-- UnicodeError
 +-- UnicodeDecodeError
 +-- UnicodeEncodeError
 +-- UnicodeTranslateError
 +-- LookupError
 +-- IndexError
 +-- KeyError
 +-- TypeError
 +-- AttributeError
 +-- EnvironmentError
   +-- OSError
   +-- IOError
   +-- EOFError (new inheritance)
 +-- ImportError
 +-- NotImplementedError (new inheritance)
 +-- NamespaceError (rename of NameError)
 +-- UnboundGlobalError (new)
 +-- UnboundLocalError
   +-- UnboundFreeError (new)
 +-- WeakReferenceError (rename of ReferenceError)
 +-- ValueError
 +-- Warning
 +-- UserWarning
 +-- AnyDeprecationWarning (new)
   +-- PendingDeprecationWarning 
 +-- DeprecationWarning
 +-- SyntaxWarning
 +-- SemanticsWarning (rename of RuntimeWarning)
 +-- FutureWarning

I am wondering why OSError and IOError are not under StandardError? This 
seems a serious misfeature to me (perhaps the posting was just 

Having one class for normal errors (not exceptions whose sole purpose 
is to halt the program and not so critical that any continuation is 
hopeless) sure would make it easier to write code that output a 
traceback and tried to continue. I'd love it.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 343 - next steps

2005-06-10 Thread Russell E. Owen
 Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Whether and how to keep a door open for a future extension to the
 syntax that allows multiple resources to be acquired in a single
 with-statement. Possible syntax could be
 (a)with EXPR1 [as VAR1], EXPR2 [as VAR2], EXPR3 [as VAR3], ...:
 (b)with EXPR1, EXPR2, EXPR3, ... as VAR1, VAR2, VAR3, ...:
 Variant (a) seems better and is more analogous to the use of 'as' in
 import statements, and (b) has the disadvantage that if you want to
 acquire several resources and not all of them have an associated
 variable, you'll have to sprinkle dummy variables on the right of
 'as'. So (a) would have my preference. But I would still like to start
 off without this extension. The issue is: if we allow VAR to be a
 comma-separated list of variables now, that cuts off the extension to
 (a) in the future; so the PEP would have to be amended to state that
 VAR must be a single variable or a list of variables IN PARENTHESES.

I agree that (a) sounds better.

Also, I think it is very reasonable to require that multiple variables 
be in parenthesis. You can always lift the restriction later (i.e. if 
enough folks complain and you decide never to implement (a)), but you 
can't add such a restriction later.

One nit-pick: I suggest not using the term list of anything in 
parenthesis in the PEP or other docs. It's clear here but may add to 
some people's list vs tuple confusion.

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 343 - Abstract Block Redux

2005-05-16 Thread Russell E. Owen
 Phillip J. Eby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I personally think that StopIteration, TerminateIteration, 
 KeyboardInterrupt and perhaps certain other exceptions should derive from 
 some base class other than Exception (e.g. Raisable or some such) to help 
 with the bare-except/except Exception problem.  But that's probably best 
 addressed by a separate PEP.  :)

Yes, please!!!

I am so sick of writing:
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
except Exception, e:
   # handle a real error

but back to lurking on this discussion...

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pre-PEP: Unifying try-except and try-finally

2005-05-11 Thread Russell E. Owen
 Timothy Fitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  No, as except clauses can only occur before the finally clause, and 
  should not go backwards.
 This restriction feels a bit arbitrary. I can guarantee someone is
 going to flatten this:
 except IOError:
 A more flexible approach would be to allow finally at the beginning or
 ending of the try statement. A more flexible approach would be to
 allow both, or even finally clauses mixed in.

 To me, that's the ugly portion of this proposal, it's quite arbitrary.
 And the alternatives I posted have their own brands of ugly.

I strongly disagree. It makes sense to me, anyway, that finally can 
only be the final clause and that it always does exactly what it says: 
execute as the final bit of the try statement.

I think this would be a useful enhancement. It simplifies the published 
documentation a bit (no need to document try/except as a separate entity 
from try/finally) and I have plenty of cases where I'd like to take 
advantage of it.

 Concisely, this is an arbitrary shortcut for an idiom that already
 exists. It seems to me that this shortcut would be redundant if PEP
 340 or something with similar functionality was accepted.

I do see your point here and I'll be curious to see how this shapes up 
(given the lengthy discussion going on about this tricky proposal).

But I also feel that the unification of try/except and try/finally is 
truly an improvement to the language. To me it feels like a 
simplification -- it removes an artificial, annoying and unnecessary 

-- Russell

Python-Dev mailing list