Re: [Python-Dev] FWD: Documentation site problems

2009-04-06 Thread Sylvain Fourmanoit

there contents is missing from the python tutorial:

The 3.0 docs seem to be correct:

It seems it is not the case anymore. The devel doc from Python 3 are 
missing a few tables of contents as well:

When I build the html doc locally, it looks like Sphinx from svn (r68598) 
has an issue with the 'numbered' option in the toctree directive. Here is 
my output of `make html' from revision 71295 of the py3k branch:

It did work fine a few days back though -- yesterday, the online doc was 
still complete: I believe it was last built on March the 28th. Yours,

Sylvain Fourmanoit

Memory fault -- Oh dammit, I forget!
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] New miniconf module

2006-07-26 Thread Sylvain Fourmanoit
I wrote a data persistence module called miniconf, aimed at making 
easy to create and safely retrieve configuration info from external, 
human-readable sources using Python syntax. I feel it would eventually 
make a nice addition to the standard library.

The code was only newly refactored in this form, but it as been 
broadly distributed and used as a part of the adesklets project for over a 
year by a significant user base on multiple platforms.

Here it is, as a patch against Python 2.5 SVN tree[1], or as a 
stand-alone module hosted on the Python Cheese Shop[2]; any feedback is 


Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] New miniconf module

2006-07-26 Thread Sylvain Fourmanoit
> miniconf, OTOH, appears to have an interface compatible with capability
> security (I have not checked that the compiler.ast module used in its
> implementation is safe.)

I woudn't be 100% sure either (obviously, I didn't write this nice piece 
of code, let alone the underlying parser), but I read it and tried to 
abuse it without success (I haven't found obvious buffer overflow and 
such)... As far as I know, the abstract  syntax tree generation exposed 
via compiler.ast is a safe operation, in the sense that it doesn't allow 
execution of code when feeded from  arbitrary strings via 
compiler.parse(); in the worst case scenario, it raises a SyntaxError or 
similar exceptions, as documented... If anybody know more on this issue, I 
will be happy to hear about it.

> miniconf has a few limitations one should be aware of:
> - It is not preemptiple: concurrent calls to dump() or load() will
>   have unpredictable results and must be avoided.
> This limitation should be fixed before the module is added to the 
> standard library, IMHO.

If this is the general opinion, I will be glad to change this... 
The only reason miniconf is not thread-safe for the moment is that I 
chose to re-use over and over a single instance of each of my two 
processing classes to reduce resources usage, but this seems pretty 
pointless (and overly complicated) now that I look at it. Yours,


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] New miniconf module

2006-07-26 Thread Sylvain Fourmanoit
> It looks like it's trivial to fix; the code uses a strange and 
> unnecessary complication of creating nested classes and nested 
> singleton instances thereof.  Getting rid of the singletons to create a 
> new instance for each dump/load call would suffice to make the 
> implementation re-entrant, although de-nesting the classes would also be 
> a good idea.  :)

OK then, I will change this.

> The loading code could also be made a lot faster by using a dictionary 
> mapping AST node types to functions, instead of doing string 
> manipulation for each node.  Each function could take 'pedantic' as a 
> parameter, which would eliminate the need to have an object at all, let 
> alone a singleton.
I am not convinced the current string manipulation for mapping the nodes 
types to the methods of the _Load class has such a significant impact on 
performance, but I will test your suggestion... The only difference with 
current code is that we use a dynamically computed string as the 
dictionary key to locate the function instead of the node type themselves 
as keys.

>  Finally, there is an interesting characteristic of the code's
>  interpretation of names: any name other than 'True' is interpreted as
>  'False'!

;-) It will be corrected in the next release.

>  On the whole, though, I don't see a lot of difference between this format
>  and say, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), which can be parsed and
>  generated by many other languages as well as multiple Python libraries
>  already.

The difference is that this is Python code, already familiar to all Python 
coders... Besides, it sits directly on top of the real Python parser, 
mitigating the need of a new one, and keeping the added code complexity 
to a strict minimum.

But I agree this looks a lot like JSON, since ecmascript syntax for 
literals looks a lot like the one of Python... For the same reasons there 
is a need for JSON, I think having something like miniconf in the 
standard lib would benefit the users.


If you think the system is working, ask someone who's waiting for a 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] New miniconf module

2006-07-27 Thread Sylvain Fourmanoit
An updated version is now available, based to the feedback of Phillip J. 
Eby and David Hopwood (stand-alone module[1], patch[2]):

- the module is now reentrant
- the sloppy case with Name nodes is now covered properly
- the node lookup procedure was optimized, leading to a 20% speed 
increase on the average case... Phillip, I was wrong to doubt you. ;-) 
There is undoubtedly still room from improvement, but that's a good start.

>> But I agree this looks a lot like JSON, since ecmascript syntax for
>> literals looks a lot like the one of Python... For the same reasons there
>> is a need for JSON, I think having something like miniconf in the
>> standard lib would benefit the users.
> Actually, I would see more reason to include JSON in the standard library, 
> since it's at least something approaching an internet protocol these days.

Having JSON there would indeed be nice: In fact, I recall being initially 
surprised it was not supported by the standard library.

But is there a need to choose? Why not have both? The miniconf approach 
has its advantages and differences:

- The code is short and simple. Since all the real work is performed by 
the Python parser, very little has to be done on top of that: it should be 
easy to maintain, and will benefit of all the future work (patches, etc.) 
that will be integrated to it in the future.

- The source it works on is valid Python source, which seems to be a plus 
for a dynamic, reflexive language such as Python... Things such as this 
will work:

>>> from miniconf import dump
>>> file('','w').write(dump({'spam': 1}))
>>> import test

I know this in not the best example, but you get the idea...

- Unlike JSON, miniconf is not introducing any new notation or syntax at 
all: it uses a strict, well defined subset of the Python grammar that 
every Python user is already familiar with; it is in no way a 
data-interchange format, but it feels pretty natural in a all-python 
environment... In that sense, it is well documented and standardized.

- Am I missing something, or is JSON not supporting comments inside the 
parse tree? That's not really convenient for storage of configuration 

Anyway, if I had to choose between the two, I would definitively want 
simplejson part of the standard library well before miniconf, since it can 
be used in so many different situations, but I wouldn't 
choose JSON as a configuration format given the choice to use the Python 
notation employed by miniconf either.



Nobody said computers were going to be polite.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] New miniconf module

2006-07-28 Thread Sylvain Fourmanoit
Armin Rigo wrote:
> In the same spirit, maybe it could be slightly re-oriented towards a 
> dumper/loader for more than config files; for example, it could provide 
> a safe inverse of repr() for common built-in types

New version of miniconf (version 1.2.0) is out [1][2], including a 
unrepr() function; that's the only change this time.

Michael Foord wrote:
> ConfigObj [3] gained an 'unrepr' mode a while back. The code is simple, 
> and originally came from CherryPy.

Thanks for the link! I completely missed ConfigObj. It indeed shares a 
lot with my code. At the core, it use many of the same ideas and 
implementation techniques... In many ways, it is also a lot more 
advanced, specialized than miniconf: for instance, it introduce a new, 
specialized Config File format, while my effort aimed at keeping things 

Armin Rigo wrote:
> If it goes in that direction, I'd suggest to rename the module to give
> it a name closer to existing persistence-related modules already in the
> stdlib.

I am not especially fond of the current miniconf name either; I didn't 
find something more suitable, yet evocative of what it does; I would be 
glad to hear any suggestion you or the rest of the developers would have.



The only difference between a car salesman and a computer salesman is
that the car salesman knows he's lying.


P.-S. I am leaving the civilization (where I have some sort of network 
access) from July the 29th to August the 13th: I will be glad to address 
any comment, bug report or suggestion Python developers might want to 
discuss in the meantime as soon as I will be back.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reindenting the C code base?

2008-12-16 Thread Sylvain Fourmanoit

On Sat, 13 Dec 2008, Guido van Rossum wrote:
If you reindent, much of the history of the file is essentially lost -- 
"svn blame" will blame whoever reindented the code, and it's a pain to 
go back.

I am not a subversion specialist, but it appears this part can be handled 
gracefully by passing -b (ignore space change) to an external diff command 
svn blame can rely on (svn blame -x -ub ...). At least, it seems to work 
on my station (GNU Diffutils, Subversion 1.5.1)!

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