Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-13 Thread Jim J. Jewett

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016, at 14:04, MRAB wrote:
> Instead of locking the object, could we keep the GIL, but have it
> normally released?

> A thread could then still call a function such as PyWeakref_GetObject()
> that returns a borrowed reference, but only if it's holding the GIL. It
> would be able to INCREF the reference before releasing the GIL again.

So you need to get/release the GIL just to run a slightly faster function
that doesn't bother with an extra incref/defcref pair?  I think anyone
willing to make those changes would be willing to switch to a
non-borrowing version of that same function, and do an explicit
DECREF if that is really what they wanted.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 5:24 AM, Random832  wrote:
> So, what stops the other thread which never asks for the GIL from
> blowing away the reference? Or is this a special kind of lock that you
> can "assert isn't locked" without locking it for yourself, and
> INCREF/DECREF does so?

On Mon Oct 10 15:36:59 EDT 2016, Chris Angelico wrote:
> "assert isn't locked" is pretty cheap

Yeah, but so is INCREF/DECREF on memory that is almost certainly
in cache anyhow, because you're using the object right next to it.

The write part hurts, particularly when trying to use multiple cores
with shared memory, but any sort of indirection (even separating the
refcount from the object, to allow per-core counters) ... well, it
doesn't take much at all to be worse than INCREF/DECREF in even
the normal case, let alone amortized across the the "drat, this
object now has to be handled specially" cases.

Imagine two memory pools, one for "immortal" objects (such as
None) that won't be collected, and so don't need their memory
dirtied when you INCREF/DECREF.  Alas, now *every* INCREF and DECREF
has to branch on the address to tell whether or not it should be a



If there are still threading problems with my replies, please
email me with details, so that I can try to resolve them.  -jJ
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-11 Thread Larry Hastings

By the way, just to finish playing this new fun game "Who'd I Borrow 
This Reference From?":

On 10/10/2016 11:45 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 8:35 PM, Larry Hastings  wrote:

I bet for every other spot in the API I can tell you from
whom you're borrowing the reference.

Okay. Here's a test:

PyObject* PyList_GetItem(PyObject *list, Py_ssize_t index)
Return value: Borrowed reference.

Presumably you own a reference to the list itself before you call
this, and the list has a reference to its items. But suppose another
thread clear()s the list immediately after you call this; whose
reference are you borrowing now? The list's is gone.

As you say: you've borrowed the reference from the list.  With the GIL 
this is safe.  After the Gilectomy it's not always safe.  It *can* be: 
for example, if you allocated the list locally in the current thread, 
and it hasn't escaped the thread yet, you can assert that in this case 
reference will never go away on you.  But in general this is an API that 
has to change for the Gilectomy.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-11 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
> Huh?  In all other circumstances, a "borrowed" reference is exactly that:
X has a reference, and you are relying on X's reference to keep the object
alive.  Borrowing from a borrowed reference is simply a chain of these; Z
borrows from Y, Y borrows from X, and X is the original person who did the
incref.  But you're borrowing from something specific, somebody who the API
guarantees has a legitimate reference on the object and won't drop it while
you're using it.  I bet for every other spot in the API I can tell you from
whom you're borrowing the reference.
> In contrast, the "borrowed" reference returned by PyWeakRef_GetObject()
seems to be "borrowed" from some unspecified entity.  The fact that the
object is live in Python directly implies that, yes, *somebody* must have a
reference, somewhere.  But ISTM (and apparently you) that this is relying
on the GIL preventing that unknown other actor from dropping their
reference while you've borrow it.  A guarantee that the post-Gilectomy
Python interpreter can no longer make!

Let me try again. The only rule for borrowing: x (borrowed reference) is
only guaranteed to be alive for as long as y (source) is guaranteed to be
alive. At least if you phrase it carefully enough, weakrefs still fit the
bill -- your borrowed reference is alive for as long as the weakref is
alive. Of course, the lifetime for a weakref is completely undefined in
GILectomized Python, and barely controllable even in regular CPython. So
this is not a great API.

At the very least we can contort definitions into making it plausible that
we borrowed from the weakref.  If we can only analyze code through the lens
of borrowing, we have no choice except to look at it this way.

> In any case, I see nothing in the documentation that suggests "borrowed
only means unowned" as you suggest.  In contrast, the documentation seems
to suggest that the metaphor is how I understood it; that when you "borrow"
a reference, there is another object who has a reference and you're relying
on their reference to keep the object alive.

This is its own big tangent. Sorry,

Your link is all I have too. It doesn't spell it out. AFAIK there are
exactly two kinds of references discussed anywhere in the docs: owned
references, where you are obligated to call Py_DECREF, and everything else.
Python exclusively uses the term "borrowed references" for that "everything
else". I don't know why. It's a good way to encourage reasonable practices,
I guess.

As the docs themselves note, this metaphor is useful but flawed: e.g. you
can "borrow" the same thing and the original is still usable. But I'd go in
another direction -- the metaphor is sufficient to show safety of some
code, but some safe code exists where we can't as easily use "borrowing" to
talk about why it's safe, and might need to introduce new concepts or
switch tactics.

PyObject* x = PyList_New(0); // x is a new owned reference.
PyObject* y = x;  // y is a borrowed reference.
PyObject* z = x;  // z is also a borrowed reference.
Py_INCREF(y);  // y has been upgraded to an owned reference.
Py_CLEAR(x);  // the original reference z borrowed from disappeared.
// This is provably safe, but you can't use the "borrowing" metaphor for
that proof without introducing new concepts.


// You might wonder, "why would anyone ever do that?!?"
// One reason is because some functions "steal" references, so you need to
borrow before handing off ownership:

// y is an owned reference.
my_struct->foo = y // borrowed a reference to y.
PyTuple_SetItem(my_strict->some_tuple, 0, y); // stole y.
// Now, in a super-strict interpretation, y is no longer "valid", and the
original borrowing relationship has been broken.
// We should ideally reason "as if" it borrowed from my_struct->some_tuple,
even though it didn't.
// (Obviously, this example is still a little overcomplicated, but you get
how this might happen IRL, yeah?
//  e.g. maybe z already existed and the API stealing a reference doesn't
have a GET_ITEM macro.)
// [Note that this has a similar problem to weakref: another thread could
mutate the tuple and delete the object. Yikes!]

I hope those examples made sense.

weakref is playing with fire in a similar way: PyWeakref_GetObject is safe
because someone still exists, and there is a lock that guarantees they
exist as long as you don't release that lock and don't run any code that
might delete a reference.  (In particular, it's guaranteed safe to
immediately upgrade the borrowed reference -- or is without gilectomy.)
 Unlike the stealing tuple example, it isn't clear where the owned
reference is.

So what I mean by saying it's a red herring, is that the correctness of
code doesn't hinge on how easy it is to apply the concept of borrowing, but
exclusively on lifetimes and whether your borrowed reference can be proven
to lie within the object lifetime. If it could not at all be explained
sensibly as a "borrow" from anyone, it can still be right -- that would
only make it 

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 11 October 2016 at 08:49, Guido van Rossum  wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 1:57 PM, Larry Hastings  wrote:
>> For now I'm going to leave the names as-is and just change the semantics
>> everywhere.  If this approach really works, and if we decide we want to
>> merge it back into trunk--and those are both still big if's--we can revisit
>> this decision.
> Changing something as subtle as this to an API sounds really bad even
> in an experimental branch. But it's your branch and you can do what
> you want (then again, why did you bring it up here? :-).

I'm guessing Larry was hoping someone else would see a possible
solution that he'd missed.

On that front, while I don't see an alternative to making borrowed
references real references in a GIL-free Python, I do think we may
need to keep the borrowed/new distinction for the sake of folks
writing cross-version compatible code. To explain why, consider these

* CPython with a GIL:
  - new references MUST be decref'ed
  - borrowed references MUST NOT be decref'ed

* CPython without a GIL:
  - new references MUST be decref'ed
  - borrowed references MUST be decref'ed

Assuming that the GILectomy does end up needing to implicitly treat
all borrowed references as new references, that suggests we're going
to need APIs like "PyBorrowed_DECREF" to provide the "only decref when
built without the GIL" semantics, and the rules for GIL-independent
source code would become:

- new references must be decref'ed using the normal APIs
- borrowed references must be decref'ed using the PyBorrowed* APIs
(with a no-op compatibility shim for older GIL-only CPython versions)


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Greg Ewing  wrote:
> Nathaniel Smith wrote:
>> IIRC to handle
>> this gilectomy adds per-object mutexes that you have to hold whenever
>> you're mucking around with that object's internals.
> What counts as "mucking around with the object's internals",
> though?
> If I do the C equivalent of:
>x = somedict[5]
> am I mucking around with the internals of somedict?
> Intuitively, I would not think so. But the way
> PyDict_GetItem currently works, this would be
> dangerous.

I guess you already have to be aware of this to some extent -- e.g.,
the C version of this code is dangerous, even though in Python it
would be fine:

  x = somedict[5]
  del somedict

But Larry pointed out to me separately that while the per-object locks
exist and can be used, the they don't help as much as you'd hope
because the goal is to *not* require C API users to change their code.
So it's safe to have two simultaneous calls to PyDict_Clear, or to any
other single API call, because each PyDict_Clear call wil *internally*
takes the lock, so they won't stomp on each other. But any code
sequence that makes multiple C API calls and assumes that the world
won't shift under its feet becomes problematic. E.g. pre-GILectomy you
can do

Py_ssize_t count = PyList_Size(list);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
PyObject *obj = PyList_Get_Item(list, i);
/* code which blithely proceeds without checking for obj == NULL */

but post-GILectomy, even putting aside the borrowing issues, this code
might segfault if someone shrinks the list when you aren't looking. I
can't see any way to avoid breaking the API here -- it seems like
callers will just have to take a lock or otherwise update their code.

I guess you can think of borrowed references as a particularly common
and insidious form of this problem -- so the tactical question is
whether it's better to look for a general solution like teaching
everyone to take locks, or try to attack borrowed references

(Full API compatibility is never going to be preserved with the
GILectomy anyway -- if nothing else C extensions currently use the GIL
to protect internal globals, and that will have to be replaced by some
kind of more specific locking. So the open question is more like, can
the porting burden be kept low enough to make it viable.)


Nathaniel J. Smith --
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 9:52 AM, MRAB  wrote:
>> Also, I don't know when it would ever be safe to release the "memory
>> deallocation lock".  Just because it's safe for your thread doesn't mean
>> it's safe for another thread.  And if you do it on a thread-by-thread
>> basis, in the above example it might be safe from thread B's perspective
>> to release its "memory deallocation lock", but as illustrated that can
>> have an effect on thread A.
> The deallocation lock could be a counter. Doomed objects would be
> collectable when it's zero.

Yeah, which is why I described it as a "guard". As long as you have
atomic increment/decrement (ie if two threads simultaneously try to
increment it, it WILL go up by two), it should be fine. Well, that
part should, anyway.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread MRAB

On 2016-10-10 22:14, Larry Hastings wrote:

On 10/10/2016 09:36 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

Hmm. Here's a naughty, and maybe dangerous, theory. Obtain a "memory
deallocation lock". While it is held (by any thread - it's a guard,
more than a lock), Py_DECREF will not actually deallocate memory -
objects can fall to zero references without being wiped. Once the
lock/guard is freed/cleared, anything that had fallen to zero is now
deallocated. This probably would mean stuffing them onto a list of
"doomed objects", and upon release of the guard, any doomed objects
that still have no refs would get deallocated.

If this worked, this would actually be really easy with my current
"buffered reference counting" approach.  I literally already have a list
of doomed objects, which a separate thread queues up for each thread to
process later.

(This was a necessary part of "buffered reference counting", in which
reference count changes are stored in a transaction log and later
committed by a single thread.  Since there's only one thread making
reference count changes, there's no contention, so it doesn't have to
use atomic incr/decr, which is a big performance win.)

But I don't think this fixes the problem.  Consider:

 1. Thread A calls Q = PyList_GetItem(L, 0), which returns a borrowed
reference.  Thread A then gets suspended, before it has a chance to
 2. Thread B does L.clear(), the reference count of Q goes to 0, Q is
added to the doomed objects list.
 3. Thread A gets to run again.  It does Py_INCREF(Q); Q's refcount is
now back up to 1, as if Q had been resurrected.
 4. At some point in the future the "memory deallocation lock" is
released and Q is deleted.

If you say "well, just look at the reference count, and if it's 1 throw
it off the doomed objects list", keep in mind that I no longer have
accurate real-time reference counts.  These hacks where we play games
with the reference count are mostly removed in my branch.

Also, I don't know when it would ever be safe to release the "memory
deallocation lock".  Just because it's safe for your thread doesn't mean
it's safe for another thread.  And if you do it on a thread-by-thread
basis, in the above example it might be safe from thread B's perspective
to release its "memory deallocation lock", but as illustrated that can
have an effect on thread A.

The deallocation lock could be a counter. Doomed objects would be 
collectable when it's zero.

I appreciate the brainstorming but I'm not currently sanguine about this

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 1:57 PM, Larry Hastings  wrote:
> On 10/10/2016 06:37 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Modified +1: you can't change the behavior of the existing API, but
> you can deprecate it and introduce a better one with a different name.
> We'll have until Python 4.0 to carry through the deprecation anyways.
> And I doubt this is the only C API change needed for happy gil-free
> coding...
> First, "deprecate" won't work for these semantics for the Gilectomy branch.
> I simply cannot safely support the semantics of the existing function.  All
> call sites need to change.

Oh, in the gilectomy you can fix all call sites. Even in CPython. But
3rd party extensions should not have this API removed in Python 3.7.

> Second, consider that every function that returns a borrowed
> reference--PyDict_GetItem(), PyList_GetItem()--has to change too, to return
> an actual (non-borrowed) reference.  It's going to be a major upheaval in
> the C API.

Yeah, this has been discussed to death in the rest of the thread.

> For now I'm going to leave the names as-is and just change the semantics
> everywhere.  If this approach really works, and if we decide we want to
> merge it back into trunk--and those are both still big if's--we can revisit
> this decision.

Changing something as subtle as this to an API sounds really bad even
in an experimental branch. But it's your branch and you can do what
you want (then again, why did you bring it up here? :-).

> I haven't yet ruled out abandoning reference counting completely and going
> to 100% tracing garbage collecting,

I guess that would have its own set of pros and cons.

--Guido van Rossum (
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Greg Ewing

Random832 wrote:

Or is this a special kind of lock that you
can "assert isn't locked" without locking it for yourself, and

I don't think that would work. It might be unlocked at
the moment you test it, but someone might lock it between
then and the following INCREF/DECREF.

Locking is like pregnancy -- you can't have just a
little bit of it. :-)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Greg Ewing

Nathaniel Smith wrote:

IIRC to handle
this gilectomy adds per-object mutexes that you have to hold whenever
you're mucking around with that object's internals.

What counts as "mucking around with the object's internals",

If I do the C equivalent of:

   x = somedict[5]

am I mucking around with the internals of somedict?
Intuitively, I would not think so. But the way
PyDict_GetItem currently works, this would be

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Greg Ewing

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 4:03 AM, Paul Moore  wrote:

If you have an object that forever owns a reference to
another object, it's safe to return borrowed references.

Even if there are such cases, it seems we're going to
have to be a lot more careful about identifying them.

It might be safer not to have any APIs that return
borrowed references, or at least name them in a way
that make it clear they're dangerous and only to be
used with extreme care.

Having things like PyDict_GetItem where the *normal*
version of the API returns a borrowed reference seems
like a footgun.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Larry Hastings  wrote:
> But I don't think this fixes the problem.  Consider:
> Thread A calls Q = PyList_GetItem(L, 0), which returns a borrowed reference.
> Thread A then gets suspended, before it has a chance to Py_INCREF(Q).
> Thread B does L.clear(), the reference count of Q goes to 0, Q is added to
> the doomed objects list.
> Thread A gets to run again.  It does Py_INCREF(Q); Q's refcount is now back
> up to 1, as if Q had been resurrected.
> At some point in the future the "memory deallocation lock" is released and Q
> is deleted.
> If you say "well, just look at the reference count, and if it's 1 throw it
> off the doomed objects list", keep in mind that I no longer have accurate
> real-time reference counts.  These hacks where we play games with the
> reference count are mostly removed in my branch.

That's exactly what I would have said, because I was assuming that
refcounts would be accurate. I'm not sure what you mean by "play games
with", but it sounds like you have a much more sophisticated system
going on than I had in my head, and you'll need a correspondingly
sophisticated solution to this problem.

Like I said, others have thought a LOT more about this than I have.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Larry Hastings

On 10/10/2016 09:36 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

Hmm. Here's a naughty, and maybe dangerous, theory. Obtain a "memory
deallocation lock". While it is held (by any thread - it's a guard,
more than a lock), Py_DECREF will not actually deallocate memory -
objects can fall to zero references without being wiped. Once the
lock/guard is freed/cleared, anything that had fallen to zero is now
deallocated. This probably would mean stuffing them onto a list of
"doomed objects", and upon release of the guard, any doomed objects
that still have no refs would get deallocated.

If this worked, this would actually be really easy with my current 
"buffered reference counting" approach.  I literally already have a list 
of doomed objects, which a separate thread queues up for each thread to 
process later.

(This was a necessary part of "buffered reference counting", in which 
reference count changes are stored in a transaction log and later 
committed by a single thread.  Since there's only one thread making 
reference count changes, there's no contention, so it doesn't have to 
use atomic incr/decr, which is a big performance win.)

But I don't think this fixes the problem.  Consider:

1. Thread A calls Q = PyList_GetItem(L, 0), which returns a borrowed
   reference.  Thread A then gets suspended, before it has a chance to
2. Thread B does L.clear(), the reference count of Q goes to 0, Q is
   added to the doomed objects list.
3. Thread A gets to run again.  It does Py_INCREF(Q); Q's refcount is
   now back up to 1, as if Q had been resurrected.
4. At some point in the future the "memory deallocation lock" is
   released and Q is deleted.

If you say "well, just look at the reference count, and if it's 1 throw 
it off the doomed objects list", keep in mind that I no longer have 
accurate real-time reference counts.  These hacks where we play games 
with the reference count are mostly removed in my branch.

Also, I don't know when it would ever be safe to release the "memory 
deallocation lock".  Just because it's safe for your thread doesn't mean 
it's safe for another thread.  And if you do it on a thread-by-thread 
basis, in the above example it might be safe from thread B's perspective 
to release its "memory deallocation lock", but as illustrated that can 
have an effect on thread A.

I appreciate the brainstorming but I'm not currently sanguine about this 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Larry Hastings

On 10/10/2016 06:37 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

Modified +1: you can't change the behavior of the existing API, but
you can deprecate it and introduce a better one with a different name.
We'll have until Python 4.0 to carry through the deprecation anyways.
And I doubt this is the only C API change needed for happy gil-free

First, "deprecate" won't work for these semantics for the Gilectomy 
branch.  I simply cannot safely support the semantics of the existing 
function.  All call sites need to change.

Second, consider that every function that returns a borrowed 
reference--PyDict_GetItem(), PyList_GetItem()--has to change too, to 
return an actual (non-borrowed) reference.  It's going to be a major 
upheaval in the C API.

For now I'm going to leave the names as-is and just change the semantics 
everywhere.  If this approach really works, and if we decide we want to 
merge it back into trunk--and those are both still big if's--we can 
revisit this decision.

I haven't yet ruled out abandoning reference counting completely and 
going to 100% tracing garbage collecting,

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread MRAB

On 2016-10-10 20:36, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 5:24 AM, Random832  wrote:

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016, at 14:04, MRAB wrote:

Instead of locking the object, could we keep the GIL, but have it
normally released?

A thread could then still call a function such as PyWeakref_GetObject()
that returns a borrowed reference, but only if it's holding the GIL. It
would be able to INCREF the reference before releasing the GIL again.

So, what stops the other thread which never asks for the GIL from
blowing away the reference? Or is this a special kind of lock that you
can "assert isn't locked" without locking it for yourself, and

"assert isn't locked" is pretty cheap (race conditions wouldn't be
applicable here, as you would have to completely obtain the GIL before
even attempting a dangerous operation), but what would INCREF/DECREF
do if the GIL is locked by another thread?

Hmm. Here's a naughty, and maybe dangerous, theory. Obtain a "memory
deallocation lock". While it is held (by any thread - it's a guard,
more than a lock), Py_DECREF will not actually deallocate memory -
objects can fall to zero references without being wiped. Once the
lock/guard is freed/cleared, anything that had fallen to zero is now
deallocated. This probably would mean stuffing them onto a list of
"doomed objects", and upon release of the guard, any doomed objects
that still have no refs would get deallocated.

That would, by definition, make *all* borrowed refs legal; you can
either use them and finish, or INCREF them before releasing the
deallocation lock, and either way, you have a guarantee that (a)
you're not messing with junk memory, and (b) it really is the object
you think it is. There should be no risk of race conditions, because
you would completely claim the deallocation lock before calling
something that gives you a borrowed ref, meaning that the whole time
the ref is borrowed, you must have that lock.

But I'm guessing other people have thought far more about this than I have.

I have to admit that the GIL thing was just a vague feeling I had, and I 
hadn't thought too deeply about it, but I think that you've crystallised 
it. :-)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 5:24 AM, Random832  wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2016, at 14:04, MRAB wrote:
>> Instead of locking the object, could we keep the GIL, but have it
>> normally released?
>> A thread could then still call a function such as PyWeakref_GetObject()
>> that returns a borrowed reference, but only if it's holding the GIL. It
>> would be able to INCREF the reference before releasing the GIL again.
> So, what stops the other thread which never asks for the GIL from
> blowing away the reference? Or is this a special kind of lock that you
> can "assert isn't locked" without locking it for yourself, and
> INCREF/DECREF does so?

"assert isn't locked" is pretty cheap (race conditions wouldn't be
applicable here, as you would have to completely obtain the GIL before
even attempting a dangerous operation), but what would INCREF/DECREF
do if the GIL is locked by another thread?

Hmm. Here's a naughty, and maybe dangerous, theory. Obtain a "memory
deallocation lock". While it is held (by any thread - it's a guard,
more than a lock), Py_DECREF will not actually deallocate memory -
objects can fall to zero references without being wiped. Once the
lock/guard is freed/cleared, anything that had fallen to zero is now
deallocated. This probably would mean stuffing them onto a list of
"doomed objects", and upon release of the guard, any doomed objects
that still have no refs would get deallocated.

That would, by definition, make *all* borrowed refs legal; you can
either use them and finish, or INCREF them before releasing the
deallocation lock, and either way, you have a guarantee that (a)
you're not messing with junk memory, and (b) it really is the object
you think it is. There should be no risk of race conditions, because
you would completely claim the deallocation lock before calling
something that gives you a borrowed ref, meaning that the whole time
the ref is borrowed, you must have that lock.

But I'm guessing other people have thought far more about this than I have.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Random832
On Mon, Oct 10, 2016, at 14:04, MRAB wrote:
> Instead of locking the object, could we keep the GIL, but have it 
> normally released?
> A thread could then still call a function such as PyWeakref_GetObject() 
> that returns a borrowed reference, but only if it's holding the GIL. It 
> would be able to INCREF the reference before releasing the GIL again.

So, what stops the other thread which never asks for the GIL from
blowing away the reference? Or is this a special kind of lock that you
can "assert isn't locked" without locking it for yourself, and
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread MRAB

On 2016-10-10 18:50, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 10:03 AM, Paul Moore  wrote:
> On 10 October 2016 at 17:49, MRAB  wrote:
>> If you lookup something in a dict, it'll be a borrowed reference.
>> If the dict is globals() and there's no GIL, another thread could delete the
>> item while your code had the borrowed reference.
>> It looks like there might be a lot that will need to changed post gilectomy!
> It seems to me that the whole concept of a borrowed reference may be
> risky in a post-GIL world. There may be occasional cases where it's
> possible to prove that borrowing is safe, but I suspect they'll be
> pretty rare.

I don't think it's that bad...

In a post-GIL world, the problem cases we're talking about like
deleting items from containers all require some sort of locking, even
before we start thinking about borrowed references. If two threads
start mucking around resizing the internals of a list or dict at the
same time, then you are unlikely to go to space today. IIRC to handle
this gilectomy adds per-object mutexes that you have to hold whenever
you're mucking around with that object's internals.

If we say that borrowing reference from a dict is one of the things
that counts as mucking about with that dict, and thus requires you to
hold the dict lock for as long as you hold the borrowed reference,
then all should be well.

I assume Larry is way ahead of us on this, which is why he's suddenly
confusing us all by emphasizing that when you borrow a reference you
should know who you're borrowing it from, so you know which lock to

Instead of locking the object, could we keep the GIL, but have it 
normally released?

A thread could then still call a function such as PyWeakref_GetObject() 
that returns a borrowed reference, but only if it's holding the GIL. It 
would be able to INCREF the reference before releasing the GIL again.

There could still be a new function that returned a strong reference.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Paul Moore
On 10 October 2016 at 18:50, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:
> I assume Larry is way ahead of us on this,

Yeah, I'd imagine you're right on that :-)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 10:03 AM, Paul Moore  wrote:
> On 10 October 2016 at 17:49, MRAB  wrote:
>> If you lookup something in a dict, it'll be a borrowed reference.
>> If the dict is globals() and there's no GIL, another thread could delete the
>> item while your code had the borrowed reference.
>> It looks like there might be a lot that will need to changed post gilectomy!
> It seems to me that the whole concept of a borrowed reference may be
> risky in a post-GIL world. There may be occasional cases where it's
> possible to prove that borrowing is safe, but I suspect they'll be
> pretty rare.

I don't think it's that bad...

In a post-GIL world, the problem cases we're talking about like
deleting items from containers all require some sort of locking, even
before we start thinking about borrowed references. If two threads
start mucking around resizing the internals of a list or dict at the
same time, then you are unlikely to go to space today. IIRC to handle
this gilectomy adds per-object mutexes that you have to hold whenever
you're mucking around with that object's internals.

If we say that borrowing reference from a dict is one of the things
that counts as mucking about with that dict, and thus requires you to
hold the dict lock for as long as you hold the borrowed reference,
then all should be well.

I assume Larry is way ahead of us on this, which is why he's suddenly
confusing us all by emphasizing that when you borrow a reference you
should know who you're borrowing it from, so you know which lock to


Nathaniel J. Smith --
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 4:03 AM, Paul Moore  wrote:
> On 10 October 2016 at 17:49, MRAB  wrote:
>> If you lookup something in a dict, it'll be a borrowed reference.
>> If the dict is globals() and there's no GIL, another thread could delete the
>> item while your code had the borrowed reference.
>> It looks like there might be a lot that will need to changed post gilectomy!
> It seems to me that the whole concept of a borrowed reference may be
> risky in a post-GIL world. There may be occasional cases where it's
> possible to prove that borrowing is safe, but I suspect they'll be
> pretty rare.

Not really. If you have an object that forever owns a reference to
another object, it's safe to return borrowed references. A quick
search for 'borrowed' showed up these perfectly safe[1] examples:

PyObject* PyFunction_GetGlobals(PyObject *op)
Return value: Borrowed reference.
-- a function's __globals__ attribute is read-only
-- though its __code__ is not, so possibly PyFunction_GetCode may be dangerous??

PyObject* PyTuple_GetItem(PyObject *p, Py_ssize_t pos)
Return value: Borrowed reference.
-- as mentioned previously, tuples are immutable and thus safe

PyObject* PyMethod_Function(PyObject *meth)
Return value: Borrowed reference.
PyObject* PyMethod_Self(PyObject *meth)
Return value: Borrowed reference.
-- a bound method's __func__ and __self__ attributes are read-only

In these cases, it's easy to see what reference you're borrowing, and
it's not a problem.


[1] As far as I know!
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 3:49 AM, MRAB  wrote:
> On 2016-10-10 10:45, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 8:35 PM, Larry Hastings 
>> wrote:
>>> Huh?  In all other circumstances, a "borrowed" reference is exactly that:
>>> X
>>> has a reference, and you are relying on X's reference to keep the object
>>> alive.  Borrowing from a borrowed reference is simply a chain of these; Z
>>> borrows from Y, Y borrows from X, and X is the original person who did
>>> the
>>> incref.  But you're borrowing from something specific, somebody who the
>>> API
>>> guarantees has a legitimate reference on the object and won't drop it
>>> while
>>> you're using it.  I bet for every other spot in the API I can tell you
>>> from
>>> whom you're borrowing the reference.
>> Okay. Here's a test:
>> PyObject* PyList_GetItem(PyObject *list, Py_ssize_t index)
>> Return value: Borrowed reference.
>> Presumably you own a reference to the list itself before you call
>> this, and the list has a reference to its items. But suppose another
>> thread clear()s the list immediately after you call this; whose
>> reference are you borrowing now? The list's is gone.
>> Or is this another API that will have to change post gilectomy?
> Couldn't the reference to the list also be borrowed?
> If you lookup something in a dict, it'll be a borrowed reference.
> If the dict is globals() and there's no GIL, another thread could delete the
> item while your code had the borrowed reference.
> It looks like there might be a lot that will need to changed post gilectomy!

If you're trying to manipulate a list, you should probably own a
reference to it. Otherwise, you're taking great risks. The trouble is
that there's time enough for a context switch between PyList_GetItem
and even an immediately-following incref, so you could have a junk
pointer despite your best efforts.


PyObject* PySequence_GetItem(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i)
Return value: New reference.

If you use sequence protocol, you are guaranteed to have a valid
reference to the object. To be sure, the item might no longer be in
the sequence by the time you look at it... but you know you're not
looking at junk memory. With PyList_GetItem, it would be possible for
you to have a dud pointer.

Also contrast:

PyObject* PyTuple_GetItem(PyObject *p, Py_ssize_t pos)
Return value: Borrowed reference.

As long as you own a reference to the tuple itself, you can be
confident that the borrowed reference will still be valid. There's no
way that the object's refcount can validly hit zero so long as the
tuple exists. (I'm ignoring PyTuple_SetItem here, which basically is
for initialization.) It's only with lists that you have this risk.

PyObject* PyDict_GetItem(PyObject *p, PyObject *key)
Return value: Borrowed reference.

... okay, it's only with lists and dictionaries. Here come the other
lot called 'Python', I guess.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Paul Moore
On 10 October 2016 at 17:49, MRAB  wrote:
> If you lookup something in a dict, it'll be a borrowed reference.
> If the dict is globals() and there's no GIL, another thread could delete the
> item while your code had the borrowed reference.
> It looks like there might be a lot that will need to changed post gilectomy!

It seems to me that the whole concept of a borrowed reference may be
risky in a post-GIL world. There may be occasional cases where it's
possible to prove that borrowing is safe, but I suspect they'll be
pretty rare.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread MRAB

On 2016-10-10 10:45, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 8:35 PM, Larry Hastings  wrote:

Huh?  In all other circumstances, a "borrowed" reference is exactly that: X
has a reference, and you are relying on X's reference to keep the object
alive.  Borrowing from a borrowed reference is simply a chain of these; Z
borrows from Y, Y borrows from X, and X is the original person who did the
incref.  But you're borrowing from something specific, somebody who the API
guarantees has a legitimate reference on the object and won't drop it while
you're using it.  I bet for every other spot in the API I can tell you from
whom you're borrowing the reference.

Okay. Here's a test:

PyObject* PyList_GetItem(PyObject *list, Py_ssize_t index)
Return value: Borrowed reference.

Presumably you own a reference to the list itself before you call
this, and the list has a reference to its items. But suppose another
thread clear()s the list immediately after you call this; whose
reference are you borrowing now? The list's is gone.

Or is this another API that will have to change post gilectomy?

Couldn't the reference to the list also be borrowed?

If you lookup something in a dict, it'll be a borrowed reference.

If the dict is globals() and there's no GIL, another thread could delete 
the item while your code had the borrowed reference.

It looks like there might be a lot that will need to changed post gilectomy!

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Guido van Rossum
Modified +1: you can't change the behavior of the existing API, but
you can deprecate it and introduce a better one with a different name.
We'll have until Python 4.0 to carry through the deprecation anyways.
And I doubt this is the only C API change needed for happy gil-free

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 5:29 AM, Fred Drake  wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 4:17 AM, Larry Hastings  wrote:
>> Given that the weakref doesn't have a reference to the object--merely a weak
>> reference, different thing--whose reference is it borrowing?
> As others have said, it doesn't really matter who's reference it was;
> just that there was another at the time it was returned.  Clearly it
> can't be considered valid once additional Python code might be run.
>> FWIW, yes, this is playing merry hell with the Gilectomy.  If there are two
>> threads, and one calls PyWeakref_GetObject(obj), and there's only one
>> reference to obj, and the other thread blows it away... now what?  It's my
>> contention that this API is simply untenable under the Gilectomy, and that
>> it needs to change to returning a new (strong) reference.
> +1 for this change.
>   -Fred
> --
> Fred L. Drake, Jr.
> "A storm broke loose in my mind."  --Albert Einstein
> ___
> Python-Dev mailing list
> Unsubscribe: 

--Guido van Rossum (
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Fred Drake
On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 4:17 AM, Larry Hastings  wrote:
> Given that the weakref doesn't have a reference to the object--merely a weak
> reference, different thing--whose reference is it borrowing?

As others have said, it doesn't really matter who's reference it was;
just that there was another at the time it was returned.  Clearly it
can't be considered valid once additional Python code might be run.

> FWIW, yes, this is playing merry hell with the Gilectomy.  If there are two
> threads, and one calls PyWeakref_GetObject(obj), and there's only one
> reference to obj, and the other thread blows it away... now what?  It's my
> contention that this API is simply untenable under the Gilectomy, and that
> it needs to change to returning a new (strong) reference.

+1 for this change.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.
"A storm broke loose in my mind."  --Albert Einstein
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Xavier Morel

> On 2016-10-10, at 11:05 , Devin Jeanpierre  wrote:
> The term "borrowed" is supposed to imply a sensible scope during which you're 
> free to use the object, and weakrefs don't have that (except for what is 
> granted by the GIL), so this does sound wacky. I bet it was for performance.

Especially as it handles both getting an object from a weakref and
checking whether the weakref is still alive.

OTOH it could be an enshrined bug,
fixed a discrepancy between the doc and the implementation by matching
the doc to the implementation (of returning a borrowed ref').

Also of note, pypy developers have been reporting issues with that
specific API since ~2010[0][1], and IIRC they have added a
PyWeakref_LockObject to cpyext.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Greg Ewing

Larry Hastings wrote:
In contrast, the "borrowed" reference returned by PyWeakRef_GetObject() 
seems to be "borrowed" from some unspecified entity.

It's a delocalised quantum reference, borrowing a little
bit from all strong references in existence. :-)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 8:35 PM, Larry Hastings  wrote:
> Huh?  In all other circumstances, a "borrowed" reference is exactly that: X
> has a reference, and you are relying on X's reference to keep the object
> alive.  Borrowing from a borrowed reference is simply a chain of these; Z
> borrows from Y, Y borrows from X, and X is the original person who did the
> incref.  But you're borrowing from something specific, somebody who the API
> guarantees has a legitimate reference on the object and won't drop it while
> you're using it.  I bet for every other spot in the API I can tell you from
> whom you're borrowing the reference.

Okay. Here's a test:

PyObject* PyList_GetItem(PyObject *list, Py_ssize_t index)
Return value: Borrowed reference.

Presumably you own a reference to the list itself before you call
this, and the list has a reference to its items. But suppose another
thread clear()s the list immediately after you call this; whose
reference are you borrowing now? The list's is gone.

Or is this another API that will have to change post gilectomy?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Larry Hastings

On 10/10/2016 11:05 AM, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:

> whose reference is it borrowing?

I think this is a red herring sort of question. "borrowed" only means 
"unowned". But anyway, we borrowed from the weakref. (Borrowing from 
somebody doesn't imply they own a reference -- we can borrow from a 
borrowed reference, for example, and this is common.)

Huh?  In all other circumstances, a "borrowed" reference is exactly 
that: X has a reference, and you are relying on X's reference to keep 
the object alive.  Borrowing from a borrowed reference is simply a chain 
of these; Z borrows from Y, Y borrows from X, and X is the original 
person who did the incref.  But you're borrowing from something 
specific, somebody who the API guarantees has a legitimate reference on 
the object and won't drop it while you're using it.  I bet for every 
other spot in the API I can tell you from whom you're borrowing the 

In contrast, the "borrowed" reference returned by PyWeakRef_GetObject() 
seems to be "borrowed" from some unspecified entity.  The fact that the 
object is live in Python directly implies that, yes, *somebody* must 
have a reference, somewhere.  But ISTM (and apparently you) that this is 
relying on the GIL preventing that unknown other actor from dropping 
their reference while you've borrow it.  A guarantee that the 
post-Gilectomy Python interpreter can no longer make!

In any case, I see nothing in the documentation that suggests "borrowed 
only means unowned" as you suggest.  In contrast, the documentation 
seems to suggest that the metaphor is how I understood it; that when you 
"borrow" a reference, there is another object who has a reference and 
you're relying on their reference to keep the object alive.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
> It's my contention that this API is simply untenable under the Gilectomy

Yeah, I agree with your contention. The only circumstance PyWeakref_GetObject
would still be valid without a GIL is if you happened to know you had a
reference elsewhere that was keeping it alive. But if you did, you probably
wouldn't need to use the weakref. If you don't, then with GILectomy you
have no thread-safe options.

Trivial bikeshedding:  rather than change the existing API, wouldn't it be
better to add a new API, and not support the old one in GILectomized
CPython? Introducing memory leaks would be a little unfortunate, and it's
hard to audit C code for correct use of refcounted pointers even *before*
you change the ownership of returned pointers across versions.

w.r.t. the exact question:

> whose reference is it borrowing?

I think this is a red herring sort of question. "borrowed" only means
"unowned". But anyway, we borrowed from the weakref. (Borrowing from
somebody doesn't imply they own a reference -- we can borrow from a
borrowed reference, for example, and this is common.)

The term "borrowed" is supposed to imply a sensible scope during which
you're free to use the object, and weakrefs don't have that (except for
what is granted by the GIL), so this does sound wacky. I bet it was for

-- Devin
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PyWeakref_GetObject() borrows its reference from... whom?

2016-10-10 Thread Larry Hastings

The documentation for PyWeakref_GetObject() states:

   Return value: Borrowed reference.

   Return the referenced object from a weak reference, ref. If the
   referent is no longer live, returns Py_None.

Given that the weakref doesn't have a reference to the object--merely a 
weak reference, different thing--whose reference is it borrowing?

FWIW, yes, this is playing merry hell with the Gilectomy.  If there are 
two threads, and one calls PyWeakref_GetObject(obj), and there's only 
one reference to obj, and the other thread blows it away... now what?  
It's my contention that this API is simply untenable under the 
Gilectomy, and that it needs to change to returning a new (strong) 

Python-Dev mailing list