[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-07 Thread Oscar Benjamin
On Sat, 6 Feb 2021 at 19:54, Daniel Moisset  wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> I think some of these issues have already been raised and replied (even if no 
> agreement has been reached). but this is a good summary, so let me reply with 
> a summary of responses for this.
> On Sat, 6 Feb 2021 at 15:51, Mark Shannon  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Since a decision on PEP 634 is imminent, I'd like to reiterate some
>> concerns that I voiced last year.
>> I am worried about the semantics and implementation of PEP 634.
>> I don't want to comment on the merits of pattern matching in general, or
>> the proposed syntax in PEP 634 (or PEP 640 or PEP 642).
>> Semantics
>> -
>> 1. PEP 634 eschews the object model, in favour of adhoc instance checks,
>> length checks and attribute accesses.
>> This is in contrast to almost all of the the rest of the language, which
>> uses special (dunder) methods:
>>All operators,
>>attribute lookup,
>>object creation,
>>and the with statement
>> AFAICT, no justification is given for this.
>> Why can't pattern matching use the object model?
> No one has said that "we can't". It's just that "we don't have to". The 
> underlying mechanisms used by pattern matching (instance check, length, 
> attribute access) already have their defined protocols and support within the 
> object model. It's analogous as the way in which  iterable unpacking didn't 
> need to define it's own object model special methods, because the existing 
> iteration mechanism used in for loops was sufficient.
> This does not exclude possible future extensions to the object model to 
> include a richer protocol like described in 
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0622/#custom-matching-protocol (where it 
> also describes why we're not proposing that *now*, why it can be done later, 
> and why we think it's best to do it later)

I find that particular section of the PEP unsatisfying. The
illustrated protocol seems to be much more complex than anything I
would have imagined.

The thing that I find jarring about this PEP is that it seems to make
positional arguments second class to keyword arguments and attributes
at the same time as suggesting an equivalence that doesn't really
exist between keyword arguments and attributes. I raised something
related previously:

If I have a class that takes positional arguments like p = Point2D(x,
y) (example from the PEP) then in order to match it I have to define
attributes for x and y and the matcher will use p.x and p.y to match
against the "arguments" in `case Point2D(a, b)`. The PEP proposes to
use __match_args__ == ['x', 'y'] in order to translate the argument
positions 0 and 1 (of a and b) into attributes x and y and then use
getattr to compare them in the matching protocol. It is very likely
though that the Point2D class can efficiently return a tuple of
positional arguments like (x, y) that could be compared more directly
against (a, b) without any need for *attributes* to be involved. I
would have expected that __match_args__ would be used in reverse to
the way the PEP proposes: to translate keyword arguments from the
pattern to positional arguments on the object rather than positional
arguments in the pattern to attributes on the object.

The PEP says:

> Late in the design process, however, it was realized that the need for a 
> custom matching protocol was much less than anticipated. Virtually all the 
> realistic (as opposed to fanciful) uses cases brought up could be handled by 
> the built-in matching behavior, although in a few cases an extra guard 
> condition was required to get the desired effect.

The PEP introduces many special cases for builtin types rather than a
general extensible mechanism that can work for builtin types as well
as user-defined types. That means it can handle various common cases
but misses out on others. Referring to the thread I linked above
mentioning sympy if I have a class like Add with instances like Add(x,
y, z), Add(x, y, z, t) etc. It would seem very natural to me that I
should be able to match against that but it isn't possible to do that
directly because there is no way in PEP 622 to handle variadic
arguments when matching against a user defined class.

The PEP makes it possible to match variadic-ish "arguments" with
builtins like tuple, list, etc but that is done with special casing
rather than with a protocol that can be applied equally to user
defined types. Personally I would be happier with the PEP if it had a
clear protocol such that builtin types could support the protocol in
an efficient and natural way. If a protocol works well for builtin
types then that suggests that it can work well in general. If the only
way to make this work for builtin types is to give them special-case
support then that points to a d

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-07 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 12:32:40PM +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:

> And nobody says that there will be *incompatible* changes to the
> pattern matching, just that previous experience, and discussion of the
> PEP622/PEP634 shows that there's a probability of that (higher than
> usual).

Fine. The time to involve `__future__` is if and when such incompatible 
changes are to be made, not for every new feature "just in case".

> In that regard, it may be due to warn users about what pattern matching
> is - a novelty.

Every new feature is a novelty. Who are these users that you have in 
mind that are sophisticated enough to be using pattern matching and 
future imports, but not sophisticated enough to realise that it is new 
in version 3.10 (or whatever version it ends up being)?

We don't need to "warn users" that new features are new features. They 
will already know it is new, until such time that it's no longer new.

> If everything is subject to change, then perhaps we can accept usage of
> __future__ to introduce initial pattern matching implementation. But
> its purpose is not to enable pattern matching per se, just to keep early
> adopters in loop that it's a novel feature, subject to change.

I don't believe that there is any proposal to make pattern matching 
subject to change beyond the usual evolution of the language. I don't 
think that there is anything provisional about the feature.

But even if there is, that still doesn't make it necessary to "warn" 
uses of the feature by use of future imports.

Paul, your argument is that "early adopters" of new features need to be 
protected from hypothetical future changes that don't exist yet. Why 
should only early adopters get that benefit?

Don't the rest of us deserve protection from hypothetical future changes 
that don't exist yet?

from __past__ import for_loops, import

"just in case" some hypothetical future change affects for loops and 
imports. How else will we know that our code uses for loops and 
imports? /s

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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-07 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 09:58:03AM +0300, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:

> > A feature doesn't need to be a `__future__` import for you to just
> > not use it.
> Right, and the talk is about the opposite - early adopters of
> PEP634-style pattern matching should mark the modules in which they
> *use* PEP-634-style pattern matching, so it will be easy in the future
> to spot such modules, if we get updated pattern matching style.

Because `grep "from __future__ import match"` is easier than 
`grep "match:"` ?

> All features added via __future__ were new, and thus experimental.

They were new, they were not experimental.

> For
> example, they contained long trail of bugs and issues, which were
> haunting their users for a long time, but at least the users knew what
> to expect, seeing the __future__ import.

Paul, that is bullshit. I use that in the technical sense:


Please just stop.

There was no "long trial of bugs and issues" involving (e.g.) unicode 
literals, true division, nested scopes, print as a function etc; there 
may have been a few enhancements for the with statement, e.g. the long 
running desire to be able to parenthesise context managers.

In the context of the Python community, "experimental" has a specific 
meaning: features which are intentionally documented as having an 
unstable API which may be subject to change. But I'm pretty sure you 
know that.

It absolutely does not refer to the addition of a new stable feature, or 
the normal process of discovering impementation bugs, enhancement 
requests, or even the occasional unforeseen problem which may need 
resolving. But I'm pretty sure you know that too.

I don't know what users you have in mind if you think that every new 
feature needs to go through a redundant and pointless future import. 
Users who get paid by the line, and adding that one extra line of code 
earns them an extra dollar? Users who love unnecessary boilerplate at 
the top of every file? Users who don't interact with beginners who don't 
understand why they can't use the new feature?

Users who want to impose an extra burden on the entire community, 
starting with the core devs who have to implement the unnecessary future 
import, and going on all the way down to every single coder who says to 
themselves "Oh, I forgot the future import!" when their code fails.

Future imports were designed carefully and thoughtfully as a mechanism 
to gradually introduce **backwards incompatible** syntactic changes. 
They are not there just to add friction to every single new syntactic 

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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-07 Thread Mark Shannon

Hi Daniel,

On 06/02/2021 7:47 pm, Daniel Moisset wrote:

Hi Mark,

I think some of these issues have already been raised and replied (even 
if no agreement has been reached). but this is a good summary, so let me 
reply with a summary of responses for this. >
On Sat, 6 Feb 2021 at 15:51, Mark Shannon > wrote:


Since a decision on PEP 634 is imminent, I'd like to reiterate some
concerns that I voiced last year.

I am worried about the semantics and implementation of PEP 634.
I don't want to comment on the merits of pattern matching in
general, or
the proposed syntax in PEP 634 (or PEP 640 or PEP 642).


1. PEP 634 eschews the object model, in favour of adhoc instance
length checks and attribute accesses.

This is in contrast to almost all of the the rest of the language,
uses special (dunder) methods:
    All operators,
    attribute lookup,
    object creation,
    and the with statement

AFAICT, no justification is given for this.
Why can't pattern matching use the object model?

No one has said that "we can't". It's just that "we don't have to". The 
underlying mechanisms used by pattern matching (instance check, length, 
attribute access) already have their defined protocols and support 
within the object model. It's analogous as the way in which  iterable 
unpacking didn't need to define it's own object model special methods, 
because the existing iteration mechanism used in for loops was sufficient.

You seem to be jumping on my use of the word "can't".
I should have said
"Why *doesn't* PEP 634 use the object model?"

As for unpacking, it builds on iteration in a way that is clear and precise.

For example, I can desugar:

a, b = t


__tmp = iter(t)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("cannot unpack non-iterable ...")
__tmp_a = next(__tmp)
__tmp_b = next(__tmp)
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError("not enough values ...")
except StopIteration:
raise raise ValueError("too many values ...")
a = __tmp_a; b = __tmp_b

Noting that variables starting "__tmp" are invisible.

Why not do something similar for PEP 634?

This does not exclude possible future extensions to the object model to 
include a richer protocol like described in 
(where it also describes why we're not proposing that *now*, why it can 
be done later, and why we think it's best to do it later)

I don't see how this is relevant. It is the semantics of PEP 634 as 
proposed that concerns me.

PEP 343 (the "with" statement) added the __enter__ and __exit__ methods
to the object model, and that works very well.

2. PEP 634 deliberately introduces a large area of undefined behaviour
into Python.


Python has, in general, been strict about not having undefined
Having defined semantics means that you can reason about programs, even
non-idiomatic ones.
[This is not unique to Python, it is really only C and C++ that have
areas of undefined behaviour]

The C standard uses a very peculiar definition of "undefined behaviour" 
(I'm not familiar with the C++ one to assert anything, I'll assume it's 
the same), where for certain set of programs, any resulting behaviour is 
valid, even at compile time (so a compiler that deletes all your files 
when trying to compile "void f() {int a[10]; a[10]=0;}" is standard 
compliant). Comparing that with the use of the term "undefined 
behaviour" in the PEP is not very useful, because even if they are the 
same words, they don't have the same meaning

If you want to compare it with the C standards, the term we'd use would 
be "implementation defined behaviour". Python has a lot of those. For 
example, the output of all these python programs can change between 
implementations (And some of these even change between versions of cpython):

  * print({3,2,1})
  * print(hash("hello"))
  * if id(1) == id(1): print("hello")
  * import sys; print(sys.getsizeof([]))

Some order of operations is also implementation dependent for example in
def foo():

The moment where file closing happens is implementation dependent.

The existence of a few cases of undefined behaviour (e.g. race 
conditions) does not excuse adding a whole lot more. Especially when 
there is no good reason.

The section you linked to introduces behaviour in similar lines to all 
of the above.

I can see no good reason for adding undefined behaviour. It doesn't

It helps for the point 3 that you mention (See below)

No it doesn't.
It is an impediment to performanc

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-07 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 20:02:48 +1100
Chris Angelico  wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 7:54 PM Paul Sokolovsky 
> wrote:
> >
> > So, you're saying that, by the benevolence of divine providence,
> > most (can you truly vouch for "all" and provide evidence?) features
> > so far added to __future__ never were changed (enough).  
> No, I'm saying that the __future__ directive is not for the purpose of
> allowing subsequent changes. It is completely unrelated to any future
> changes, it is a matter of bringing the future *now*.

And nobody says that there will be *incompatible* changes to the
pattern matching, just that previous experience, and discussion of the
PEP622/PEP634 shows that there's a probability of that (higher than

In that regard, it may be due to warn users about what pattern matching
is - a novelty. And among mechanisms Python already has for that,
__future__ seems like the best fit (because users already treat it like
that, regardless of what format definition is).

> > From that, you derive the conclusion that only things that can never
> > change can be added to __future__. (You can even point to a
> > yellowish paper where something like that is written).  
> Uhh well, that's not quite right; everything is subject to change. But
> those changes are the domain of the subsequent proposals, not the
> __future__ directive. The statement in a Py2 program "from __future__
> import unicode_literals" was not for the purpose of permitting PEP 393
> or PEP 414, both of which changed Unicode strings in Python 3.

If everything is subject to change, then perhaps we can accept usage of
__future__ to introduce initial pattern matching implementation. But
its purpose is not to enable pattern matching per se, just to keep early
adopters in loop that it's a novel feature, subject to change.

> > But that vision doesn't much correspond to reality. The world is
> > dynamic and ever-changing. It's good luck that simple print()
> > function never changed beyond its original definition and "/" for
> > ints wasn't cast back to return ints. But pattern matching is much
> > more complex than that, and knowing that there were definitely
> > bugfixes for both print() and "/", we can estimate that pattern
> > matching will need only more, including some externally-visible
> > fixes.  
> So? If there are changes to be made, then let a subsequent proposal
> make those changes.

Yes, and let's communicate the possibility that future proposals will
very likely be there (there're already, e.g. PEP642), and they may make
slight incompatible changes - by requiring early adopters to use "from
__future__ import ...".

> > All that would point that we need something like "from
> > __experimental__ import ...". But I don't go that far. I think that
> > existing __future__ is good enough for the purpose.  
> Maybe that would be useful, if the match statement were deemed to be
> an experimental feature. That's not the current proposal. Are you
> proposing that this be done, and if so, why?

Me - not. Someone else proposed to use __future__. I jumped on that
idea because I think it's a good compromise with both people who
say "patmatching misses some things, like merge it with them already"
and who say "there's seem to be discord, let's not merge until it's
cleared". Needless to say, user who like/want patmatching, shouldn't
feel upset about __future__ either. And it's a responsible act overall
to warn early adopters, again.

So, now let me ask you - I guess you're not against patmatching, but
seem to be concerned with __future__. Why, beyond pure
language-lawyering matters ("there's a county bill of 1873 which says
__future__ isn't used like that").

> > > If you want a directive to put at the top of a script that says
> > > that new features are being used, I'd suggest something like this:
> > >
> > > #!/usr/bin/env python3.9
> > >
> > > or whatever version you require.  
> >
> > That doesn't say that this particular module uses experimental
> > pattern matching feature. It also has a side effect of pinning a
> > script to a particular executable, which may not yet exist on some
> > users' systems, or already not exists on other users' systems.
> >  
> Yes. If that's not what you want, then what IS it you want? Do you
> need a comment saying "# this code uses the match statement" or "#
> this code uses str.removeprefix" or "# this code uses positional-only
> parameters"? What is gained by such directives?

A more formal'ish "contract" between developers and users which says
"We ship you a new cool feature! But, there can be some changes going
forward yet." __future__ (among existing means) satisfies that, a
comment - no.

> I'm done arguing about this. Every time this PEP comes up, it gets yet
> another round of the same arguments and I keep getting suckered into
> answering them again. When will I learn...

Don't take that personally, the issue is developers vs endusers gap,
and the discussion happens 

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-07 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 7:54 PM Paul Sokolovsky  wrote:
> So, you're saying that, by the benevolence of divine providence,
> most (can you truly vouch for "all" and provide evidence?) features so
> far added to __future__ never were changed (enough).

No, I'm saying that the __future__ directive is not for the purpose of
allowing subsequent changes. It is completely unrelated to any future
changes, it is a matter of bringing the future *now*.

> From that, you derive the conclusion that only things that can never
> change can be added to __future__. (You can even point to a yellowish
> paper where something like that is written).

Uhh well, that's not quite right; everything is subject to change. But
those changes are the domain of the subsequent proposals, not the
__future__ directive. The statement in a Py2 program "from __future__
import unicode_literals" was not for the purpose of permitting PEP 393
or PEP 414, both of which changed Unicode strings in Python 3.

> But that vision doesn't much correspond to reality. The world is dynamic
> and ever-changing. It's good luck that simple print() function never
> changed beyond its original definition and "/" for ints wasn't cast
> back to return ints. But pattern matching is much more complex than
> that, and knowing that there were definitely bugfixes for both print()
> and "/", we can estimate that pattern matching will need only more,
> including some externally-visible fixes.

So? If there are changes to be made, then let a subsequent proposal
make those changes.

> All that would point that we need something like "from __experimental__
> import ...". But I don't go that far. I think that existing __future__
> is good enough for the purpose.

Maybe that would be useful, if the match statement were deemed to be
an experimental feature. That's not the current proposal. Are you
proposing that this be done, and if so, why?

> > If you want a directive to put at the top of a script that says that
> > new features are being used, I'd suggest something like this:
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/env python3.9
> >
> > or whatever version you require.
> That doesn't say that this particular module uses experimental pattern
> matching feature. It also has a side effect of pinning a script to a
> particular executable, which may not yet exist on some users' systems,
> or already not exists on other users' systems.

Yes. If that's not what you want, then what IS it you want? Do you
need a comment saying "# this code uses the match statement" or "#
this code uses str.removeprefix" or "# this code uses positional-only
parameters"? What is gained by such directives?

I'm done arguing about this. Every time this PEP comes up, it gets yet
another round of the same arguments and I keep getting suckered into
answering them again. When will I learn...

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To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-07 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 19:09:14 +1100
Chris Angelico  wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 6:25 PM Paul Sokolovsky 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > On Sat, 6 Feb 2021 23:05:19 -0800
> > Guido van Rossum  wrote:
> >  
> > > That’s incorrect. __future__ is used when something new and
> > > *incompatible* is being introduced (and the old way is being
> > > deprecated at the same time). For experimental modules we use the
> > > term provisional. There’s no official term for experimental syntax
> > > (since we’ve never had any), but we could call that provisional as
> > > well.  
> >
> > Thanks, I'm aware. Thus the nature of my proposal is: redefine
> > (extend) cases when __future__ is used, e.g. when a PEP itself says
> > something like "There're many more could be done, but good things
> > come in pieces, and wise men know when to stand back and relax
> > before continuing. So, see ya next time!"
> >
> > My argument that such usage of __future__ would correspond more to
> > the expectations of the Python end users ("feature is not fully
> > developed yet, and there could be small incompatible changes going
> > forward").  
> But future directives are not for things that aren't fully developed
> yet. What gives people this idea?
> For example, Python 2 code can say "from __future__ import
> print_function" or "division". Was the print function in a provisional
> state, with incompatible changes coming? No. 

So, you're saying that, by the benevolence of divine providence,
most (can you truly vouch for "all" and provide evidence?) features so
far added to __future__ never were changed (enough).

From that, you derive the conclusion that only things that can never
change can be added to __future__. (You can even point to a yellowish
paper where something like that is written).

But that vision doesn't much correspond to reality. The world is dynamic
and ever-changing. It's good luck that simple print() function never
changed beyond its original definition and "/" for ints wasn't cast
back to return ints. But pattern matching is much more complex than
that, and knowing that there were definitely bugfixes for both print()
and "/", we can estimate that pattern matching will need only more,
including some externally-visible fixes. 

So, for as long as there was (and is!) "from __future__ import
with_statement", there can also be "from __future__ import

> Was the division operator
> redefined? No. The directives cause compilation changes (removing a
> keyword, using a different division operator) that were backward
> incompatible *at launch* but they haven't changed since. In fact, part
> of the promise of __future__ is that it WILL remain compatible - you
> can write "from __future__ import nested_scopes" in a modern Python
> script, and the behaviour will be exactly correct.

All that would point that we need something like "from __experimental__
import ...". But I don't go that far. I think that existing __future__
is good enough for the purpose.

> If you want a directive to put at the top of a script that says that
> new features are being used, I'd suggest something like this:
> #!/usr/bin/env python3.9
> or whatever version you require.

That doesn't say that this particular module uses experimental pattern
matching feature. It also has a side effect of pinning a script to a
particular executable, which may not yet exist on some users' systems,
or already not exists on other users' systems.

> ChrisA

Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-07 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 6:25 PM Paul Sokolovsky  wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sat, 6 Feb 2021 23:05:19 -0800
> Guido van Rossum  wrote:
> > That’s incorrect. __future__ is used when something new and
> > *incompatible* is being introduced (and the old way is being
> > deprecated at the same time). For experimental modules we use the
> > term provisional. There’s no official term for experimental syntax
> > (since we’ve never had any), but we could call that provisional as
> > well.
> Thanks, I'm aware. Thus the nature of my proposal is: redefine (extend)
> cases when __future__ is used, e.g. when a PEP itself says something
> like "There're many more could be done, but good things come in
> pieces, and wise men know when to stand back and relax before
> continuing. So, see ya next time!"
> My argument that such usage of __future__ would correspond more to the
> expectations of the Python end users ("feature is not fully developed
> yet, and there could be small incompatible changes going forward").

But future directives are not for things that aren't fully developed
yet. What gives people this idea?

For example, Python 2 code can say "from __future__ import
print_function" or "division". Was the print function in a provisional
state, with incompatible changes coming? No. Was the division operator
redefined? No. The directives cause compilation changes (removing a
keyword, using a different division operator) that were backward
incompatible *at launch* but they haven't changed since. In fact, part
of the promise of __future__ is that it WILL remain compatible - you
can write "from __future__ import nested_scopes" in a modern Python
script, and the behaviour will be exactly correct.

If you want a directive to put at the top of a script that says that
new features are being used, I'd suggest something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.9

or whatever version you require.

Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
Message archived at 
Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 04:53:43 +0300
Ivan Pozdeev  wrote:

> On 07.02.2021 0:24, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 00:00:41 +0300
> > Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev  wrote:
> >  
> >> Who said "__future__"?  
> > Other people said __future__. And yet other said "it's ok the way it
> > is, it's better to have it like that then keep not having it". And
> > yet other said something else (multiple else's).
> >  
> >> I said "3rd-party library". Independent from
> >> the CPython project. Maybe even a few of them -- to try out
> >> conflicting visions that emerged in the discussions.  
> > Such libraries exist for decade(s). MacroPy is a venerable,
> > well-known macro-capabilities-for-Python solution, which offers a
> > kind of pattern matching:
> > https://macropy3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pattern.html . There're a
> > bunch of other, grep github.
> >
> > https://github.com/MegaIng/syntax-extensions-pep634 specifically
> > advertises itself as pure-Python implementation of PEP634 (using a
> > newer macro library), though I'm not sure how well it's development.
> > It also of course represents the right way to develop Python - in
> > Python itself. Sadly, "C" in "CPython" is stuck too deep in many
> > minds...
> >
> >
> > Bottom line is however: given the decade(s) old history of pattern
> > matching in *Python* (usual warning: don't mix up Python and
> > CPython!), arguing that very resourceful attempt to add pattern
> > matching to the reference implementation (that's where *CPython*
> > finally pops up), should be flushed down the toilet and the Python
> > community should be brought back into decade-long waiting state
> > without a reference implementation for pattern matching - umm,
> > suggesting that doesn't seem to be very productive.  
> That's not the impression I got from looking through the discussiuon
> and the PEP.

I pretty closely followed "second half" of patter matching discussion -
after it became clear that there're a lot of criticism (and I shared
some criticism too). And I've got somewhat different impression than

> I don't see references to any of those existing implementations
> anywhere in the PEP as well as a summary of various existing
> approaches and solutions, their pros and cons etc. which the proposal
> proper would derive its particulars from.

Well, a PEP is not "annals of Python history as related to area XXX".
It's a proposal for a specific change. Which should have good
argumentation, but still doesn't have to start with "When the Earth was
ball of flame, ...". There can be "too much" too.

You can see that very well with pattern matching proposal: its started
as PEP622, but was deemed too long and wide-scoped, and split into
*three* of PEP634/PEP635/PEP636 - all to ease community review. There
was also a proposal to add "other possible options" to PEP622, which
was rejected, and spawned into separate PEP642.

So, there quite a work was done, and saying "it's not enough" is not
helpful and not appreciating of authors' efforts (pretty titanic
efforts from mere Python user PoV).

> Both the PEPs and the
> discussion look like they are trying to write the functionality
> completely from sctratch, by the seat of their pants.

The authors of the PEPs are definitely aware of pre-history of pattern
matching in Python. Heck, that's why they went ahead with their
proposal - because they know that people wanted pattern matching in
Python for decades!

Designing "completely from scratch" isn't a bad choice in situation
with multiple choices and complex enough systems. And it wasn't
"completely from scratch", on multiple occasions authors said "that's
done similar to pattern matching in other languages".

Authors of alternative patmatching impls also provided feedback (I'm
not sure how well that was heard). 

> And from how much discord there is about syntax and semantics,

And that's where my impressions differ. There's a strong sentiment that
various aspects of pattern matching could "easily" be made better right
from the start than described in PEP634/PEP635/PEP636. But from people
who're interested in pattern matching, there're hardly valuation like
"PEP634 is so bad that we'd rather punish ourselves and live without
it, than with PEP634".

If anything, PEP642 showed that things can be much worse. And it's
ironic, because it exactly started with "small obvious improvements to
PEP634", but decided to replay the "road to hell is paved with good
intentions" proverb, and from small obvious things went to pretty
tangled speculations.

> I conclude that these are far from being well-established and
> practice-proven. So if the existing solutions really have a
> "decades-long history" as you claim, that history must be
> spectacularly uneventful -- which suggests that the feature is either
> in low demand or was ultimately proven by practice to be inadequate
> for real-world use.

Let me continue the story of MacroPy. His authors barely maintains it

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sat, 6 Feb 2021 23:05:19 -0800
Guido van Rossum  wrote:

> That’s incorrect. __future__ is used when something new and
> *incompatible* is being introduced (and the old way is being
> deprecated at the same time). For experimental modules we use the
> term provisional. There’s no official term for experimental syntax
> (since we’ve never had any), but we could call that provisional as
> well.

Thanks, I'm aware. Thus the nature of my proposal is: redefine (extend)
cases when __future__ is used, e.g. when a PEP itself says something
like "There're many more could be done, but good things come in
pieces, and wise men know when to stand back and relax before
continuing. So, see ya next time!"

My argument that such usage of __future__ would correspond more to the
expectations of the Python end users ("feature is not fully developed
yet, and there could be small incompatible changes going forward").

> On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 22:44 Paul Sokolovsky 
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 01:17:31 +
> > Paul Bryan  wrote:
> >  
> > > On Sat, 2021-02-06 at 22:00 -0300, Luciano Ramalho wrote:
> > >  
> > > > A __future__ import would make clear to all that the feature is
> > > > experimental, and maybe there could be __future__ imports for
> > > > different parts of the proposal.  
> > >
> > > That's not my understanding. My understanding is __future__ is
> > > meant for  features that potentially break existing code, and
> > > allows code to opt-in in a release earlier than when it will
> > > behave that way by default. From what I can tell with this PEP,
> > > existing code can continue working the way it always has.  
> >
> > And that's not understanding of the majority of Python users. For
> > majority of "mere" users, __future__ is a marker that something new
> > (and thus experimental, for these categories are again equivalent
> > for most users) is being used in the current module.
> >
> > So, "from __future__ import with_statement" didn't mean to people
> > "you can't use variable named 'with' in this module" (because
> > majority of people never used such a variable name, so didn't
> > care), but instead meant "this module uses the new 'with'
> > statement, keep your ear sharp".
> >
> > And the current excuses go along the lines of "now that we've got a
> > parser with exponential memory usage, we can use __future__ like...
> > umm, never".
> >
> > Don't do that, keep using __future__ like it always was - to mark
> > experimental features.
> >
> >  
> > >
> > > Paul
> > >  
> >
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> >  Paul  mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
> > ___
> > Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
> > To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
> > https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-dev.python.org/
> > Message archived at
> > https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/2O3ZSLNOKZABQD4FIX7KAGM6JSF7JFYC/
> > Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
> >  
> -- 
> --Guido (mobile)

Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
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Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Guido van Rossum
That’s incorrect. __future__ is used when something new and *incompatible*
is being introduced (and the old way is being deprecated at the same time).
For experimental modules we use the term provisional. There’s no official
term for experimental syntax (since we’ve never had any), but we could call
that provisional as well.

On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 22:44 Paul Sokolovsky  wrote:

> Hello,
> On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 01:17:31 +
> Paul Bryan  wrote:
> > On Sat, 2021-02-06 at 22:00 -0300, Luciano Ramalho wrote:
> >
> > > A __future__ import would make clear to all that the feature is
> > > experimental, and maybe there could be __future__ imports for
> > > different parts of the proposal.
> >
> > That's not my understanding. My understanding is __future__ is meant
> > for  features that potentially break existing code, and allows code to
> > opt-in in a release earlier than when it will behave that way by
> > default. From what I can tell with this PEP, existing code can
> > continue working the way it always has.
> And that's not understanding of the majority of Python users. For
> majority of "mere" users, __future__ is a marker that something new (and
> thus experimental, for these categories are again equivalent for most
> users) is being used in the current module.
> So, "from __future__ import with_statement" didn't mean to people "you
> can't use variable named 'with' in this module" (because majority of
> people never used such a variable name, so didn't care), but instead
> meant "this module uses the new 'with' statement, keep your ear sharp".
> And the current excuses go along the lines of "now that we've got a
> parser with exponential memory usage, we can use __future__ like... umm,
> never".
> Don't do that, keep using __future__ like it always was - to mark
> experimental features.
> >
> > Paul
> >
> --
> Best regards,
>  Paul  mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
> ___
> Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-dev.python.org/
> Message archived at
> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/2O3ZSLNOKZABQD4FIX7KAGM6JSF7JFYC/
> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
--Guido (mobile)
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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 07 Feb 2021 13:32:17 +1300
Greg Ewing  wrote:

> On 7/02/21 9:58 am, Steve Holden wrote:
> > My suggestion that it be introduced via __future__ due to its 
> > contentious nature met immediate resistance.  
> __future__ is for things that are changing in incompatible ways.
> This is an entirely new feature that doesn't conflict with anything
> existing, so it doesn't need __future__.

We rented a time machine, went to the future (multiple plausible
futures, as modern time machines allow, unlike the older crippled linear
models, as shown in 1980is movies), saw that there were many good things
missed, some requiring slightly incompatible changes, and decided to
use __future__ right away.

> -- 
> Greg

Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 13:21:08 +1100
Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 06, 2021 at 10:00:16PM -0300, Luciano Ramalho wrote:
> > On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 6:23 PM Chris Angelico 
> > wrote:  
> > > How will a __future__ import help here? Are there syntactic or
> > > behavioural changes that would be worth applying to some modules
> > > and not others? The entire point of a __future__ import is to
> > > maintain backward compatibility by, for instance, not introducing
> > > a keyword, unless it is explicitly requested. What advantage
> > > would there be here?  
> > 
> > The fact that a __future__ import only affects a single module is
> > precisely the point: we may not want the feature in our code
> > initially, but maybe we don't mind using third-party libraries that
> > use it.  
> It's not compulsory to use syntactic features if your code doesn't
> need them. I have many scripts and modules that don't use while
> loops, or try...except blocks, or with statements.
> A feature doesn't need to be a `__future__` import for you to just
> not use it.

Right, and the talk is about the opposite - early adopters of
PEP634-style pattern matching should mark the modules in which they
*use* PEP-634-style pattern matching, so it will be easy in the future
to spot such modules, if we get updated pattern matching style.

> > A __future__ import would make clear to all that the feature is
> > experimental,  
> It certainly would not. There is nothing experimental about
> `__future__` imports. I cannot think of a single example of an
> experimental feature added via the future mechanism:
> https://docs.python.org/3/library/__future__.html

All features added via __future__ were new, and thus experimental. For
example, they contained long trail of bugs and issues, which were
haunting their users for a long time, but at least the users knew what
to expect, seeing the __future__ import.

Sadly, the converse is not true - not all new and experimental features
were added using it, which caused users additional frustration in
dealing with them.

The proposal is to mend that sad practice, and consistently use
__future__ imports for experimental things (e.g. those which are "good
enough to go in, but definitely not fully ready, from the perspective
of 5-year timeframe of the language evolution").

A complimentary proposal is for "CPython core developers" to
redefine in their minds what __future__ import means, to look at it
from PoV of the end users, not from PoV of a Python language lawyer,
throwing links to formal docs which miss updates to correspond to
the actual programming language/software project reality. 

Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
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Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 01:17:31 +
Paul Bryan  wrote:

> On Sat, 2021-02-06 at 22:00 -0300, Luciano Ramalho wrote:
> > A __future__ import would make clear to all that the feature is
> > experimental, and maybe there could be __future__ imports for
> > different parts of the proposal.  
> That's not my understanding. My understanding is __future__ is meant
> for  features that potentially break existing code, and allows code to
> opt-in in a release earlier than when it will behave that way by
> default. From what I can tell with this PEP, existing code can
> continue working the way it always has.

And that's not understanding of the majority of Python users. For
majority of "mere" users, __future__ is a marker that something new (and
thus experimental, for these categories are again equivalent for most
users) is being used in the current module.

So, "from __future__ import with_statement" didn't mean to people "you
can't use variable named 'with' in this module" (because majority of
people never used such a variable name, so didn't care), but instead
meant "this module uses the new 'with' statement, keep your ear sharp".

And the current excuses go along the lines of "now that we've got a
parser with exponential memory usage, we can use __future__ like... umm,

Don't do that, keep using __future__ like it always was - to mark
experimental features.

> Paul

Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
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Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, Feb 06, 2021 at 10:00:16PM -0300, Luciano Ramalho wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 6:23 PM Chris Angelico  wrote:
> > How will a __future__ import help here? Are there syntactic or
> > behavioural changes that would be worth applying to some modules and
> > not others? The entire point of a __future__ import is to maintain
> > backward compatibility by, for instance, not introducing a keyword,
> > unless it is explicitly requested. What advantage would there be here?
> The fact that a __future__ import only affects a single module is
> precisely the point: we may not want the feature in our code
> initially, but maybe we don't mind using third-party libraries that
> use it.

It's not compulsory to use syntactic features if your code doesn't need 
them. I have many scripts and modules that don't use while loops, or 
try...except blocks, or with statements.

A feature doesn't need to be a `__future__` import for you to just not 
use it.

> A __future__ import would make clear to all that the feature is
> experimental,

It certainly would not. There is nothing experimental about `__future__` 
imports. I cannot think of a single example of an experimental feature 
added via the future mechanism:


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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev

On 07.02.2021 0:24, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:


On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 00:00:41 +0300
Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev  wrote:

Who said "__future__"?

Other people said __future__. And yet other said "it's ok the way it
is, it's better to have it like that then keep not having it". And yet
other said something else (multiple else's).

I said "3rd-party library". Independent from
the CPython project. Maybe even a few of them -- to try out
conflicting visions that emerged in the discussions.

Such libraries exist for decade(s). MacroPy is a venerable, well-known
macro-capabilities-for-Python solution, which offers a kind of pattern
matching: https://macropy3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pattern.html .
There're a bunch of other, grep github.

https://github.com/MegaIng/syntax-extensions-pep634 specifically
advertises itself as pure-Python implementation of PEP634 (using a
newer macro library), though I'm not sure how well it's development.
It also of course represents the right way to develop Python - in
Python itself. Sadly, "C" in "CPython" is stuck too deep in many

Bottom line is however: given the decade(s) old history of pattern
matching in *Python* (usual warning: don't mix up Python and CPython!),
arguing that very resourceful attempt to add pattern matching to the
reference implementation (that's where *CPython* finally pops up),
should be flushed down the toilet and the Python community should be
brought back into decade-long waiting state without a reference
implementation for pattern matching - umm, suggesting that doesn't seem
to be very productive.

That's not the impression I got from looking through the discussiuon and the 

I don't see references to any of those existing implementations anywhere in the PEP as well as a summary of various existing approaches and 
solutions, their pros and cons etc. which the proposal proper would derive its particulars from.

Both the PEPs and the discussion look like they are trying to write the 
functionality completely from sctratch, by the seat of their pants.

And from how much discord there is about syntax and semantics, I conclude that these are far from being well-established and 
practice-proven. So if the existing solutions really have a "decades-long history" as you claim, that history must be spectacularly 
uneventful -- which suggests that the feature is either in low demand or was ultimately proven by practice to be inadequate for real-world use.

On 06.02.2021 23:58, Steve Holden wrote:

My suggestion that it be introduced via __future__ due to its
contentious nature met immediate resistance. No point going down
that road.

Kind regards,

On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 8:15 PM Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev
mailto:python-dev@python.org>> wrote:

 With such a large new area of functionality that's at odds with
existing syntax and semantics and a lack of clear vision and
agreement, it sounds like this would be better first added as a
3rd-party library to let the syntax and semantics mature. (To allow
new syntax, it'll probably be parsing strings in that special

 (At https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/
, there's no indication
that this option was considered.)


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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Paul Bryan
On Sat, 2021-02-06 at 22:05 -0300, Luciano Ramalho wrote:

> The initial pattern matching syntax and semantics with its many
> corner
> cases may be incompatible with a future way of doing pattern matching
> that is better.

Then that future incompatible way should be marked with __future__, not
this PEP implementation.


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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Paul Bryan
On Sat, 2021-02-06 at 22:00 -0300, Luciano Ramalho wrote:

> A __future__ import would make clear to all that the feature is
> experimental, and maybe there could be __future__ imports for
> different parts of the proposal.

That's not my understanding. My understanding is __future__ is meant
for  features that potentially break existing code, and allows code to
opt-in in a release earlier than when it will behave that way by
default. From what I can tell with this PEP, existing code can continue
working the way it always has.


Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Luciano Ramalho
On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 9:34 PM Greg Ewing  wrote:
> __future__ is for things that are changing in incompatible ways.
> This is an entirely new feature that doesn't conflict with anything
> existing, so it doesn't need __future__.

The initial pattern matching syntax and semantics with its many corner
cases may be incompatible with a future way of doing pattern matching
that is better.



> --
> Greg
> ___
> Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

Luciano Ramalho
|  Author of Fluent Python (O'Reilly, 2015)
| http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032519.do
|  Technical Principal at ThoughtWorks
|  Twitter: @ramalhoorg
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Luciano Ramalho
On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 6:23 PM Chris Angelico  wrote:
> How will a __future__ import help here? Are there syntactic or
> behavioural changes that would be worth applying to some modules and
> not others? The entire point of a __future__ import is to maintain
> backward compatibility by, for instance, not introducing a keyword,
> unless it is explicitly requested. What advantage would there be here?

The fact that a __future__ import only affects a single module is
precisely the point: we may not want the feature in our code
initially, but maybe we don't mind using third-party libraries that
use it.

A __future__ import would make clear to all that the feature is
experimental, and maybe there could be __future__ imports for
different parts of the proposal.

> > AND it should be documented as provisional for several
> > releases, like asyncio was (and remember: the asyncio API had lots of
> > breaking changes and prompted the addition of the async/await
> > keywords, a great improvement that forced the renaming of the very
> > fundamental async function from the original API).
> Documenting as "provisional" means that its behaviour can change.
> Again, how will that make things easier here?

Telling everyone that the behaviour can change allows you to change
the behaviour if you realize the behavior is unhelpful in some way.

Again, that's just a huge feature and I believe we should consider one
or more ways of making its adoption gradual and to make it easier to
fix oversights if needed.



> ChrisA
> ___
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Luciano Ramalho
|  Author of Fluent Python (O'Reilly, 2015)
| http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032519.do
|  Technical Principal at ThoughtWorks
|  Twitter: @ramalhoorg
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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Greg Ewing

On 7/02/21 9:58 am, Steve Holden wrote:
My suggestion that it be introduced via __future__ due to its 
contentious nature met immediate resistance.

__future__ is for things that are changing in incompatible ways.
This is an entirely new feature that doesn't conflict with anything
existing, so it doesn't need __future__.

Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Steve Holden
Good luck in your quest.

Kind regards,

On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 9:00 PM Ivan Pozdeev  wrote:

> Who said "__future__"? I said "3rd-party library". Independent from the
> CPython project.
> Maybe even a few of them -- to try out conflicting visions that emerged in
> the discussions.
> On 06.02.2021 23:58, Steve Holden wrote:
> My suggestion that it be introduced via __future__ due to its contentious
> nature met immediate resistance. No point going down that road.
> Kind regards,
> Steve
> On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 8:15 PM Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev <
> python-dev@python.org> wrote:
>> With such a large new area of functionality that's at odds with existing
>> syntax and semantics and a lack of clear vision and agreement, it
>> sounds like this would be better first added as a 3rd-party library to
>> let the syntax and semantics mature. (To allow new syntax, it'll
>> probably be parsing strings in that special syntax.)
>> (At https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/, there's no indication
>> that this option was considered.)
>> On 06.02.2021 18:44, Mark Shannon wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Since a decision on PEP 634 is imminent, I'd like to reiterate some
>> concerns that I voiced last year.
>> >
>> > I am worried about the semantics and implementation of PEP 634.
>> > I don't want to comment on the merits of pattern matching in general,
>> or the proposed syntax in PEP 634 (or PEP 640 or PEP 642).
>> >
>> > Semantics
>> > -
>> >
>> > 1. PEP 634 eschews the object model, in favour of adhoc instance
>> checks, length checks and attribute accesses.
>> >
>> > This is in contrast to almost all of the the rest of the language,
>> which uses special (dunder) methods:
>> >   All operators,
>> >   subscripting,
>> >   attribute lookup,
>> >   iteration,
>> >   calls,
>> >   tests,
>> >   object creation,
>> >   conversions,
>> >   and the with statement
>> >
>> > AFAICT, no justification is given for this.
>> > Why can't pattern matching use the object model?
>> >
>> > PEP 343 (the "with" statement) added the __enter__ and __exit__ methods
>> to the object model, and that works very well.
>> >
>> >
>> > 2. PEP 634 deliberately introduces a large area of undefined behaviour
>> into Python.
>> >
>> >
>> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/#side-effects-and-undefined-behavior
>> >
>> > Python has, in general, been strict about not having undefined
>> behaviour.
>> > Having defined semantics means that you can reason about programs, even
>> non-idiomatic ones.
>> > [This is not unique to Python, it is really only C and C++ that have
>> areas of undefined behaviour]
>> >
>> > I can see no good reason for adding undefined behaviour. It doesn't
>> help anyone.
>> >
>> > The lack of precise semantics makes programs harder to understand, and
>> it makes the language harder to implement.
>> > If the semantics aren't specified, then the implementation becomes the
>> specification.
>> > This bakes bugs into the language and makes it harder to maintain,
>> > as bug-for-bug compatibility must be maintained.
>> >
>> >
>> > 3. Performance
>> >
>> > PEP 634 says that each pattern must be checked in turn.
>> > That means that multiple redundant checks must be performed on (for
>> example) a sequence if there are several mapping patterns.
>> > This is unnecessarily slow.
>> >
>> >
>> > Implementation
>> > --
>> >
>> > My main concern with the implementation is that it does too much work
>> into the interpreter.
>> > Much of that work can and should be done in the compiler.
>> > For example, deep in the implementation of the MATCH_CLASS instruction
>> is the following comment:
>> > https://github.com/brandtbucher/cpython/blob/patma/Python/ceval.c#L981
>> >
>> > Such complex control flow should be handled during compilation, rather
>> than in the interpreter.
>> > Giant instructions like MATCH_CLASS are likely to have odd corner cases,
>> > and may well have a negative impact on the performance of the rest of
>> the language.
>> > It is a lot easier to reason about a sequence of simple bytecodes, than
>> one giant one with context-dependent behaviour.
>> >
>> > We have spent quite a lot of effort over the last few years
>> streamlining the interpreter.
>> > Adding these extremely complex instructions would be a big backward
>> step.
>> >
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Mark.
>> > ___
>> > Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
>> > To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
>> > https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-dev.python.org/
>> > Message archived at
>> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/HC6XDUASX2EELTA4L5R73BSYNJPTAYNL/
>> > Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Ivan
>> ___
>> Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
>> To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
>> https://mai

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 8:14 AM Luciano Ramalho  wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 6:04 PM Steve Holden  wrote:
> >
> > My suggestion that it be introduced via __future__ due to its contentious 
> > nature met immediate resistance. No point going down that road.
> This is really unfortunate.
> I agree this is a huge language change and it should only be approved
> with some mechanism requiring explicit opt-in (such as __future__
> import)

How will a __future__ import help here? Are there syntactic or
behavioural changes that would be worth applying to some modules and
not others? The entire point of a __future__ import is to maintain
backward compatibility by, for instance, not introducing a keyword,
unless it is explicitly requested. What advantage would there be here?

> AND it should be documented as provisional for several
> releases, like asyncio was (and remember: the asyncio API had lots of
> breaking changes and prompted the addition of the async/await
> keywords, a great improvement that forced the renaming of the very
> fundamental async function from the original API).

Documenting as "provisional" means that its behaviour can change.
Again, how will that make things easier here?

Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
Message archived at 
Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Paul Sokolovsky

On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 00:00:41 +0300
Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev  wrote:

> Who said "__future__"?

Other people said __future__. And yet other said "it's ok the way it
is, it's better to have it like that then keep not having it". And yet
other said something else (multiple else's). 

> I said "3rd-party library". Independent from
> the CPython project. Maybe even a few of them -- to try out
> conflicting visions that emerged in the discussions.

Such libraries exist for decade(s). MacroPy is a venerable, well-known
macro-capabilities-for-Python solution, which offers a kind of pattern
matching: https://macropy3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pattern.html .
There're a bunch of other, grep github.

https://github.com/MegaIng/syntax-extensions-pep634 specifically
advertises itself as pure-Python implementation of PEP634 (using a
newer macro library), though I'm not sure how well it's development.
It also of course represents the right way to develop Python - in
Python itself. Sadly, "C" in "CPython" is stuck too deep in many

Bottom line is however: given the decade(s) old history of pattern
matching in *Python* (usual warning: don't mix up Python and CPython!),
arguing that very resourceful attempt to add pattern matching to the
reference implementation (that's where *CPython* finally pops up),
should be flushed down the toilet and the Python community should be
brought back into decade-long waiting state without a reference
implementation for pattern matching - umm, suggesting that doesn't seem
to be very productive.

> On 06.02.2021 23:58, Steve Holden wrote:
> > My suggestion that it be introduced via __future__ due to its
> > contentious nature met immediate resistance. No point going down
> > that road.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Steve
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 8:15 PM Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev
> > mailto:python-dev@python.org>> wrote:
> >
> > With such a large new area of functionality that's at odds with
> > existing syntax and semantics and a lack of clear vision and
> > agreement, it sounds like this would be better first added as a
> > 3rd-party library to let the syntax and semantics mature. (To allow
> > new syntax, it'll probably be parsing strings in that special
> > syntax.)
> >
> > (At https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/
> > , there's no indication
> > that this option was considered.)
> >


Best regards,
 Paul  mailto:pmis...@gmail.com
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
Message archived at 
Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Luciano Ramalho
On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 6:04 PM Steve Holden  wrote:
> My suggestion that it be introduced via __future__ due to its contentious 
> nature met immediate resistance. No point going down that road.

This is really unfortunate.

I agree this is a huge language change and it should only be approved
with some mechanism requiring explicit opt-in (such as __future__
import) AND it should be documented as provisional for several
releases, like asyncio was (and remember: the asyncio API had lots of
breaking changes and prompted the addition of the async/await
keywords, a great improvement that forced the renaming of the very
fundamental async function from the original API).

Scala is recognized as an overly complex language [1], in part because
the designers like to experiment with new features all the time. It's
not a great benchmark for Python IMHO, but if we are going to leverage
the new PEG parser with huge language choices changes more often than
we have in the past, then we should consider adopting the feature
toggles like the Scala compiler [2], so that individual teams can
decide which features they want to use and which they don't.

[2] https://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/compiler-options/index.html
(look for options with the -language prefix)



> Kind regards,
> Steve
> On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 8:15 PM Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev 
>  wrote:
>> With such a large new area of functionality that's at odds with existing 
>> syntax and semantics and a lack of clear vision and agreement, it
>> sounds like this would be better first added as a 3rd-party library to let 
>> the syntax and semantics mature. (To allow new syntax, it'll
>> probably be parsing strings in that special syntax.)
>> (At https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/, there's no indication that 
>> this option was considered.)
>> On 06.02.2021 18:44, Mark Shannon wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Since a decision on PEP 634 is imminent, I'd like to reiterate some 
>> > concerns that I voiced last year.
>> >
>> > I am worried about the semantics and implementation of PEP 634.
>> > I don't want to comment on the merits of pattern matching in general, or 
>> > the proposed syntax in PEP 634 (or PEP 640 or PEP 642).
>> >
>> > Semantics
>> > -
>> >
>> > 1. PEP 634 eschews the object model, in favour of adhoc instance checks, 
>> > length checks and attribute accesses.
>> >
>> > This is in contrast to almost all of the the rest of the language, which 
>> > uses special (dunder) methods:
>> >   All operators,
>> >   subscripting,
>> >   attribute lookup,
>> >   iteration,
>> >   calls,
>> >   tests,
>> >   object creation,
>> >   conversions,
>> >   and the with statement
>> >
>> > AFAICT, no justification is given for this.
>> > Why can't pattern matching use the object model?
>> >
>> > PEP 343 (the "with" statement) added the __enter__ and __exit__ methods to 
>> > the object model, and that works very well.
>> >
>> >
>> > 2. PEP 634 deliberately introduces a large area of undefined behaviour 
>> > into Python.
>> >
>> > https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/#side-effects-and-undefined-behavior
>> >
>> > Python has, in general, been strict about not having undefined behaviour.
>> > Having defined semantics means that you can reason about programs, even 
>> > non-idiomatic ones.
>> > [This is not unique to Python, it is really only C and C++ that have areas 
>> > of undefined behaviour]
>> >
>> > I can see no good reason for adding undefined behaviour. It doesn't help 
>> > anyone.
>> >
>> > The lack of precise semantics makes programs harder to understand, and it 
>> > makes the language harder to implement.
>> > If the semantics aren't specified, then the implementation becomes the 
>> > specification.
>> > This bakes bugs into the language and makes it harder to maintain,
>> > as bug-for-bug compatibility must be maintained.
>> >
>> >
>> > 3. Performance
>> >
>> > PEP 634 says that each pattern must be checked in turn.
>> > That means that multiple redundant checks must be performed on (for 
>> > example) a sequence if there are several mapping patterns.
>> > This is unnecessarily slow.
>> >
>> >
>> > Implementation
>> > --
>> >
>> > My main concern with the implementation is that it does too much work into 
>> > the interpreter.
>> > Much of that work can and should be done in the compiler.
>> > For example, deep in the implementation of the MATCH_CLASS instruction is 
>> > the following comment:
>> > https://github.com/brandtbucher/cpython/blob/patma/Python/ceval.c#L981
>> >
>> > Such complex control flow should be handled during compilation, rather 
>> > than in the interpreter.
>> > Giant instructions like MATCH_CLASS are likely to have odd corner cases,
>> > and may well have a negative impact on the performance of the rest of the 
>> > language.
>> > It is a lot easier to reason about a sequence of simple byt

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev

Who said "__future__"? I said "3rd-party library". Independent from the CPython 
Maybe even a few of them -- to try out conflicting visions that emerged in the 

On 06.02.2021 23:58, Steve Holden wrote:

My suggestion that it be introduced via __future__ due to its contentious 
nature met immediate resistance. No point going down that road.

Kind regards,

On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 8:15 PM Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev mailto:python-dev@python.org>> wrote:

With such a large new area of functionality that's at odds with existing 
syntax and semantics and a lack of clear vision and
agreement, it
sounds like this would be better first added as a 3rd-party library to let 
the syntax and semantics mature. (To allow new syntax, it'll
probably be parsing strings in that special syntax.)

(At https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/ 
, there's no indication that this 
option was

On 06.02.2021 18:44, Mark Shannon wrote:
> Hi,
> Since a decision on PEP 634 is imminent, I'd like to reiterate some 
concerns that I voiced last year.
> I am worried about the semantics and implementation of PEP 634.
> I don't want to comment on the merits of pattern matching in general, or 
the proposed syntax in PEP 634 (or PEP 640 or PEP 642).
> Semantics
> -
> 1. PEP 634 eschews the object model, in favour of adhoc instance checks, 
length checks and attribute accesses.
> This is in contrast to almost all of the the rest of the language, which 
uses special (dunder) methods:
>   All operators,
>   subscripting,
>   attribute lookup,
>   iteration,
>   calls,
>   tests,
>   object creation,
>   conversions,
>   and the with statement
> AFAICT, no justification is given for this.
> Why can't pattern matching use the object model?
> PEP 343 (the "with" statement) added the __enter__ and __exit__ methods 
to the object model, and that works very well.
> 2. PEP 634 deliberately introduces a large area of undefined behaviour 
into Python.

> Python has, in general, been strict about not having undefined behaviour.
> Having defined semantics means that you can reason about programs, even 
non-idiomatic ones.
> [This is not unique to Python, it is really only C and C++ that have 
areas of undefined behaviour]
> I can see no good reason for adding undefined behaviour. It doesn't help 
> The lack of precise semantics makes programs harder to understand, and it 
makes the language harder to implement.
> If the semantics aren't specified, then the implementation becomes the 
> This bakes bugs into the language and makes it harder to maintain,
> as bug-for-bug compatibility must be maintained.
> 3. Performance
> PEP 634 says that each pattern must be checked in turn.
> That means that multiple redundant checks must be performed on (for 
example) a sequence if there are several mapping patterns.
> This is unnecessarily slow.
> Implementation
> --
> My main concern with the implementation is that it does too much work 
into the interpreter.
> Much of that work can and should be done in the compiler.
> For example, deep in the implementation of the MATCH_CLASS instruction is 
the following comment:
> https://github.com/brandtbucher/cpython/blob/patma/Python/ceval.c#L981

> Such complex control flow should be handled during compilation, rather 
than in the interpreter.
> Giant instructions like MATCH_CLASS are likely to have odd corner cases,
> and may well have a negative impact on the performance of the rest of the 
> It is a lot easier to reason about a sequence of simple bytecodes, than 
one giant one with context-dependent behaviour.
> We have spent quite a lot of effort over the last few years streamlining 
the interpreter.
> Adding these extremely complex instructions would be a big backward step.
> Cheers,
> Mark.
> ___
> Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org 

> To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org 

> https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-dev.python.org/ 

> Message archived at 

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Steve Holden
My suggestion that it be introduced via __future__ due to its contentious
nature met immediate resistance. No point going down that road.

Kind regards,

On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 8:15 PM Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev <
python-dev@python.org> wrote:

> With such a large new area of functionality that's at odds with existing
> syntax and semantics and a lack of clear vision and agreement, it
> sounds like this would be better first added as a 3rd-party library to let
> the syntax and semantics mature. (To allow new syntax, it'll
> probably be parsing strings in that special syntax.)
> (At https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/, there's no indication that
> this option was considered.)
> On 06.02.2021 18:44, Mark Shannon wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Since a decision on PEP 634 is imminent, I'd like to reiterate some
> concerns that I voiced last year.
> >
> > I am worried about the semantics and implementation of PEP 634.
> > I don't want to comment on the merits of pattern matching in general, or
> the proposed syntax in PEP 634 (or PEP 640 or PEP 642).
> >
> > Semantics
> > -
> >
> > 1. PEP 634 eschews the object model, in favour of adhoc instance checks,
> length checks and attribute accesses.
> >
> > This is in contrast to almost all of the the rest of the language, which
> uses special (dunder) methods:
> >   All operators,
> >   subscripting,
> >   attribute lookup,
> >   iteration,
> >   calls,
> >   tests,
> >   object creation,
> >   conversions,
> >   and the with statement
> >
> > AFAICT, no justification is given for this.
> > Why can't pattern matching use the object model?
> >
> > PEP 343 (the "with" statement) added the __enter__ and __exit__ methods
> to the object model, and that works very well.
> >
> >
> > 2. PEP 634 deliberately introduces a large area of undefined behaviour
> into Python.
> >
> >
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/#side-effects-and-undefined-behavior
> >
> > Python has, in general, been strict about not having undefined behaviour.
> > Having defined semantics means that you can reason about programs, even
> non-idiomatic ones.
> > [This is not unique to Python, it is really only C and C++ that have
> areas of undefined behaviour]
> >
> > I can see no good reason for adding undefined behaviour. It doesn't help
> anyone.
> >
> > The lack of precise semantics makes programs harder to understand, and
> it makes the language harder to implement.
> > If the semantics aren't specified, then the implementation becomes the
> specification.
> > This bakes bugs into the language and makes it harder to maintain,
> > as bug-for-bug compatibility must be maintained.
> >
> >
> > 3. Performance
> >
> > PEP 634 says that each pattern must be checked in turn.
> > That means that multiple redundant checks must be performed on (for
> example) a sequence if there are several mapping patterns.
> > This is unnecessarily slow.
> >
> >
> > Implementation
> > --
> >
> > My main concern with the implementation is that it does too much work
> into the interpreter.
> > Much of that work can and should be done in the compiler.
> > For example, deep in the implementation of the MATCH_CLASS instruction
> is the following comment:
> > https://github.com/brandtbucher/cpython/blob/patma/Python/ceval.c#L981
> >
> > Such complex control flow should be handled during compilation, rather
> than in the interpreter.
> > Giant instructions like MATCH_CLASS are likely to have odd corner cases,
> > and may well have a negative impact on the performance of the rest of
> the language.
> > It is a lot easier to reason about a sequence of simple bytecodes, than
> one giant one with context-dependent behaviour.
> >
> > We have spent quite a lot of effort over the last few years streamlining
> the interpreter.
> > Adding these extremely complex instructions would be a big backward step.
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Mark.
> > ___
> > Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
> > To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
> > https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-dev.python.org/
> > Message archived at
> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/HC6XDUASX2EELTA4L5R73BSYNJPTAYNL/
> > Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
> --
> Regards,
> Ivan
> ___
> Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-dev.python.org/
> Message archived at
> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/OGXG4TIZQ35QGZ23JNAP4OAGEEW4COUK/
> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
Message archived a

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Ivan Pozdeev via Python-Dev
With such a large new area of functionality that's at odds with existing syntax and semantics and a lack of clear vision and agreement, it 
sounds like this would be better first added as a 3rd-party library to let the syntax and semantics mature. (To allow new syntax, it'll 
probably be parsing strings in that special syntax.)

(At https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/, there's no indication that this 
option was considered.)

On 06.02.2021 18:44, Mark Shannon wrote:


Since a decision on PEP 634 is imminent, I'd like to reiterate some concerns 
that I voiced last year.

I am worried about the semantics and implementation of PEP 634.
I don't want to comment on the merits of pattern matching in general, or the 
proposed syntax in PEP 634 (or PEP 640 or PEP 642).


1. PEP 634 eschews the object model, in favour of adhoc instance checks, length 
checks and attribute accesses.

This is in contrast to almost all of the the rest of the language, which uses 
special (dunder) methods:
  All operators,
  attribute lookup,
  object creation,
  and the with statement

AFAICT, no justification is given for this.
Why can't pattern matching use the object model?

PEP 343 (the "with" statement) added the __enter__ and __exit__ methods to the 
object model, and that works very well.

2. PEP 634 deliberately introduces a large area of undefined behaviour into 


Python has, in general, been strict about not having undefined behaviour.
Having defined semantics means that you can reason about programs, even 
non-idiomatic ones.
[This is not unique to Python, it is really only C and C++ that have areas of 
undefined behaviour]

I can see no good reason for adding undefined behaviour. It doesn't help anyone.

The lack of precise semantics makes programs harder to understand, and it makes 
the language harder to implement.
If the semantics aren't specified, then the implementation becomes the 
This bakes bugs into the language and makes it harder to maintain,
as bug-for-bug compatibility must be maintained.

3. Performance

PEP 634 says that each pattern must be checked in turn.
That means that multiple redundant checks must be performed on (for example) a 
sequence if there are several mapping patterns.
This is unnecessarily slow.


My main concern with the implementation is that it does too much work into the 
Much of that work can and should be done in the compiler.
For example, deep in the implementation of the MATCH_CLASS instruction is the 
following comment:

Such complex control flow should be handled during compilation, rather than in 
the interpreter.
Giant instructions like MATCH_CLASS are likely to have odd corner cases,
and may well have a negative impact on the performance of the rest of the 
It is a lot easier to reason about a sequence of simple bytecodes, than one 
giant one with context-dependent behaviour.

We have spent quite a lot of effort over the last few years streamlining the 
Adding these extremely complex instructions would be a big backward step.

Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
Message archived at 
Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to python-dev-le...@python.org
Message archived at 
Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

[Python-Dev] Re: Concerns about PEP 634

2021-02-06 Thread Daniel Moisset
Hi Mark,

I think some of these issues have already been raised and replied (even if
no agreement has been reached). but this is a good summary, so let me reply
with a summary of responses for this.

On Sat, 6 Feb 2021 at 15:51, Mark Shannon  wrote:

> Hi,
> Since a decision on PEP 634 is imminent, I'd like to reiterate some
> concerns that I voiced last year.
> I am worried about the semantics and implementation of PEP 634.
> I don't want to comment on the merits of pattern matching in general, or
> the proposed syntax in PEP 634 (or PEP 640 or PEP 642).
> Semantics
> -
> 1. PEP 634 eschews the object model, in favour of adhoc instance checks,
> length checks and attribute accesses.
> This is in contrast to almost all of the the rest of the language, which
> uses special (dunder) methods:
>All operators,
>attribute lookup,
>object creation,
>and the with statement
> AFAICT, no justification is given for this.
> Why can't pattern matching use the object model?

No one has said that "we can't". It's just that "we don't have to". The
underlying mechanisms used by pattern matching (instance check, length,
attribute access) already have their defined protocols and support within
the object model. It's analogous as the way in which  iterable unpacking
didn't need to define it's own object model special methods, because the
existing iteration mechanism used in for loops was sufficient.

This does not exclude possible future extensions to the object model to
include a richer protocol like described in
https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0622/#custom-matching-protocol (where
it also describes why we're not proposing that *now*, why it can be done
later, and why we think it's best to do it later)

> PEP 343 (the "with" statement) added the __enter__ and __exit__ methods
> to the object model, and that works very well.
> 2. PEP 634 deliberately introduces a large area of undefined behaviour
> into Python.
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0634/#side-effects-and-undefined-behavior
> Python has, in general, been strict about not having undefined behaviour.
> Having defined semantics means that you can reason about programs, even
> non-idiomatic ones.
> [This is not unique to Python, it is really only C and C++ that have
> areas of undefined behaviour]

The C standard uses a very peculiar definition of "undefined behaviour"
(I'm not familiar with the C++ one to assert anything, I'll assume it's the
same), where for certain set of programs, any resulting behaviour is valid,
even at compile time (so a compiler that deletes all your files when trying
to compile "void f() {int a[10]; a[10]=0;}" is standard compliant).
Comparing that with the use of the term "undefined behaviour" in the PEP is
not very useful, because even if they are the same words, they don't have
the same meaning

If you want to compare it with the C standards, the term we'd use would be
"implementation defined behaviour". Python has a lot of those. For example,
the output of all these python programs can change between implementations
(And some of these even change between versions of cpython):

   - print({3,2,1})
   - print(hash("hello"))
   - if id(1) == id(1): print("hello")
   - import sys; print(sys.getsizeof([]))

Some order of operations is also implementation dependent for example in
def foo():

The moment where file closing happens is implementation dependent.

The section you linked to introduces behaviour in similar lines to all of
the above.

> I can see no good reason for adding undefined behaviour. It doesn't help
> anyone.
It helps for the point 3 that you mention (See below)

> The lack of precise semantics makes programs harder to understand, and
> it makes the language harder to implement.
> If the semantics aren't specified, then the implementation becomes the
> specification.
> This bakes bugs into the language and makes it harder to maintain,
> as bug-for-bug compatibility must be maintained.
> 3. Performance
> PEP 634 says that each pattern must be checked in turn.
> That means that multiple redundant checks must be performed on (for
> example) a sequence if there are several mapping patterns.
> This is unnecessarily slow.

What PEP 634 says about this(unless we're reading different sections, a
quote could help here) is that the semantics are the one of selecting
the *first
case block whose patterns succeeds matching it and whose guard condition
(if present) is "truthy"*.

As long as the semantics are respected, a smart compiler could reduce some
of the redundant checks (and that's *precisely* why the order of the checks
is left as implementation dependent).

It's important here to separate "sequential semantics" vs "implemented as
sequential checks". For an analogy, look at the "serializable" concept in
databases, where the outcome of multipl