[Python-Dev] Temporary Constantification

2006-06-25 Thread Eric Sumner
It seems to me that the main reason to provide constantification (in a
switch statement or anywhere else) is to be able to optimize execution
by caching the result locally for later use.  The problem comes from
trying to determine exactly when and how a value gets calculated, as
most values in Python are subject to change.

If, however, there was a mechanism by which a cache could be
invalidated when its value changes, the only remaining difference
between cached and non-cached values becomes their execution speed and
memory usage (and possibly impact on the execution speed of other
code).  Thus, I propose a 'cached' keyword much like the static and
const proposed keywords.

In general, a cached value can be used (rather than re-evaluating the
expression) if:
  - The expression has no side effects,
  - The result of all operations is deterministic, and
  - None of the expression parameters have changed since the cached
value was generated

The first two can be determined at compile-time without too much
difficulty (except possibly function calls, I'll get to those in a
minute).  The hard issue here is knowing when parameters have changed.
 These fall into two different categories: literals and name lookups.
Immutable literals don't cause a problem, and mutable literals always
have a side-effect of generating a new object.  There are two ways to
determine if name lookups have changed:
  1) Cache all the parameters, and check them against the current values, or
  2) Be notified whenever one of the parameters changes.

The first option requires a bunch of name lookups whenever the cached
value is considered, which is exactly the problem that caching is
supposed to fix.  To implement the second, each name in each namespace
needs a list of caches that depend on the name, and all name binding
operations need to check the list and mark all dependent caches
invalid.  This is a small performance penalty whenever any name is
rebound, and a large penalty whenever a watched name is rebound.

Function calls can safely be considered volatile, but this would
invalidate many of the uses for caching.  Instead, each function has
an immutable property of being either volatile or deterministic.  Each
deterministic function call maintains its own cache which is
invalidated if  the name to which the associated function (or any of
its parameters) is rebound.  Thus, if a function is rebound to
something volatile, it does not force continual re-evaluation of other
sub-expressions.  Functions should be assumed to be volatile unless
specified otherwise (probably via a decorator).

I'm not particularly familiar with the internals of Python, so I'm not
able to actually assess the feasability or performance implications of
this proposal, but I think it basically covers the problem.

  -- Eric Sumner
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Temporary Constantification

2006-06-25 Thread Aahz
On Sun, Jun 25, 2006, Eric Sumner wrote:

 In general, a cached value can be used (rather than re-evaluating the
 expression) if:
   - The expression has no side effects,
   - The result of all operations is deterministic, and
   - None of the expression parameters have changed since the cached
 value was generated
 The first two can be determined at compile-time without too much
 difficulty (except possibly function calls, I'll get to those in a

Except for properties.  So you'd have to allow only bare names, no
attributes.  You'd also have to restrict values to immutable ones.
Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   * http://www.pythoncraft.com/

I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
right there.  --Steve Gonedes
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Temporary Constantification

2006-06-25 Thread Guido van Rossum
On 6/25/06, Eric Sumner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems to me that the main reason to provide constantification (in a
 switch statement or anywhere else) is to be able to optimize execution
 by caching the result locally for later use.  The problem comes from
 trying to determine exactly when and how a value gets calculated, as
 most values in Python are subject to change.

Actually, most values tend *not* to change -- it's just hard for the
compiler to prove this to so that it can use that fact.

For example, in practice, builtins don't change. Imported objects
(modules, and things you import from modules like constants, functions
and classes) don't change. Defined functions and classes don't change.
Manifest constants don't change. (*In practice*, you should add in all

 If, however, there was a mechanism by which a cache could be
 invalidated when its value changes, the only remaining difference
 between cached and non-cached values becomes their execution speed and
 memory usage (and possibly impact on the execution speed of other
 code).  Thus, I propose a 'cached' keyword much like the static and
 const proposed keywords.

In all (or nearly all) the use cases that were considered so far, the
problem is more that the programmer knows that a certain expression
isn't going to change, but the compiler doesn't.

The problem is more that we'd like to be told (preferably at compile
time -- but runtime is better than not at all) if we assume that
something is a constant where in fact it is subject to change.

 In general, a cached value can be used (rather than re-evaluating the
 expression) if:
   - The expression has no side effects,
   - The result of all operations is deterministic, and
   - None of the expression parameters have changed since the cached
 value was generated

 The first two can be determined at compile-time without too much
 difficulty (except possibly function calls, I'll get to those in a
 minute).  The hard issue here is knowing when parameters have changed.
  These fall into two different categories: literals and name lookups.
 Immutable literals don't cause a problem, and mutable literals always
 have a side-effect of generating a new object.  There are two ways to
 determine if name lookups have changed:
   1) Cache all the parameters, and check them against the current values, or
   2) Be notified whenever one of the parameters changes.

 The first option requires a bunch of name lookups whenever the cached
 value is considered, which is exactly the problem that caching is
 supposed to fix.  To implement the second, each name in each namespace
 needs a list of caches that depend on the name, and all name binding
 operations need to check the list and mark all dependent caches
 invalid.  This is a small performance penalty whenever any name is
 rebound, and a large penalty whenever a watched name is rebound.

 Function calls can safely be considered volatile, but this would
 invalidate many of the uses for caching.  Instead, each function has
 an immutable property of being either volatile or deterministic.  Each
 deterministic function call maintains its own cache which is
 invalidated if  the name to which the associated function (or any of
 its parameters) is rebound.  Thus, if a function is rebound to
 something volatile, it does not force continual re-evaluation of other
 sub-expressions.  Functions should be assumed to be volatile unless
 specified otherwise (probably via a decorator).

 I'm not particularly familiar with the internals of Python, so I'm not
 able to actually assess the feasability or performance implications of
 this proposal, but I think it basically covers the problem.

Unfortunately, a mechanism that would let you register a callback for
when a particular variable or attribute used in a cached expression is
used, is pretty hard to implement without affecting the performance of
code that doesn't use it. I'm afraid this is not a very likely path
towards a solution.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Temporary Constantification

2006-06-25 Thread Eric Sumner
On 6/25/06, Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Unfortunately, a mechanism that would let you register a callback for
 when a particular variable or attribute used in a cached expression is
 used, is pretty hard to implement without affecting the performance of
 code that doesn't use it. I'm afraid this is not a very likely path
 towards a solution.

I could make a strong argument that it is actually impossible to
implement without affecting the performance of other code; the only
issue is whether or not the impact is acceptable.  I may be wrong, but
I think that this particular scheme minimizes the impact:
  - There is a bit more data to store in every namespace
  - There is no change to dereferencing names; no test is required, no
callback is generated
  - Binding to a name that currently has no binding simply requires
allocating the extra memory and clearing it.
  - Binding to a name that is bound and does have callbacks is slow,
but those are supposed to be constant *in practice* anyway.
  - Binding to a name that is already bound, but has no callbacks
requires a test on a single variable against a constant.

Without knowing more about the internals of Python (such as how long a
check of a single variable takes relative to binding a new value to a
name), I can't properly evaluate how much of a problem this would be.

  -- Eric Sumner
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Temporary Constantification

2006-06-25 Thread Guido van Rossum
On 6/25/06, Eric Sumner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 6/25/06, Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Unfortunately, a mechanism that would let you register a callback for
  when a particular variable or attribute used in a cached expression is
  used, is pretty hard to implement without affecting the performance of
  code that doesn't use it. I'm afraid this is not a very likely path
  towards a solution.

 I could make a strong argument that it is actually impossible to
 implement without affecting the performance of other code; the only
 issue is whether or not the impact is acceptable.  I may be wrong, but
 I think that this particular scheme minimizes the impact:
   - There is a bit more data to store in every namespace
   - There is no change to dereferencing names; no test is required, no
 callback is generated
   - Binding to a name that currently has no binding simply requires
 allocating the extra memory and clearing it.
   - Binding to a name that is bound and does have callbacks is slow,
 but those are supposed to be constant *in practice* anyway.
   - Binding to a name that is already bound, but has no callbacks
 requires a test on a single variable against a constant.

 Without knowing more about the internals of Python (such as how long a
 check of a single variable takes relative to binding a new value to a
 name), I can't properly evaluate how much of a problem this would be.

Your proposal would require a change to the dict type to set a
callback to be called when a particular key is modified (not a generic
callback when any key is modified).

That seems pretty tricky to do with no impact, given how highly dicts
are optimized.

Also, allowing attribute references is a whole new can of worms, since
attributes aren't necessarily implemented as standard namespaces
implemented by dictionaries. Aahz already pointed this out.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
Python-Dev mailing list