[Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-22 Thread Sokolov Yura
>>/ msg = textwrap.dedent('''\
>/>/ IDLE's subprocess can't connect to %s:%d.  This may be due \
>/>/ to your personal firewall configuration.  It is safe to \
>/>/ allow this internal connection because no data is visible on \
>/>/ external ports.''' % address)
>Unfortunately, it won't help, since the 'dedent' method won't treat
>those spaces as indentation.

So that it would be usefull to implicit parser dedent on string with 'd' prefix

/ msg = d'''\
// IDLE's subprocess can't connect to %s:%d.  This may be due \
// to your personal firewall configuration.  It is safe to \
// allow this internal connection because no data is visible on \
// external ports.''' % address/

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-09-14 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld

some time ago, I proposed a string method "dedent" (which currently is in the
textwrap module). The RFE is at http://python.org/sf/1237680.

Any opinions? If I don't get positive comments, I'll reject it.


Mail address is perfectly valid!

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-12 Thread Noam Raphael
Following Avi's suggestion, can I raise this thread up again? I think
that Reinhold's .dedent() method can be a good idea after all.

The idea is to add a method called "dedent" to strings. It would do
exactly what the current textwrap.indent function does. The motivation
is to be able to write multilined strings easily without damaging the
visual indentation of the source code, like this:

def foo():
msg = '''\
 From: %s
 To: %s\r\n'
 Subject: Host failure report for %s
 Date: %s

 '''.dedent() % (fr, ', '.join(to), host, time.ctime(), err)

Writing multilined strings without spaces in the beginning of lines
makes functions harder to read, since although the Python parser is
happy with it, it breaks the visual indentation.

On 9/15/05, Guido van Rossum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From the sound of it, it's probably not worth endowing every string
> object with this method and hardcoding its implementation forever in C
> code. There are so many corner cases and variations on the
> functionality of "dedenting" a block that it's better to keep it as
> Python source code.

I've looked at the textwrap.dedent() function, and it's really simple
and well defined: Given a string s, take s.expandtabs().split('\n').
Take the minimal number of whitespace chars at the beginning of each
line (not counting lines with nothing but whitespaces), and remove it
from each line.

This means that the Python source code is simple, and there would be
no problems to write it in C.

On 9/15/05, Raymond Hettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -1
> Let it continue to live in textwrap where the existing pure python code
> adequately serves all string-like objects.  It's not worth losing the
> duck typing by attaching new methods to str, unicode, UserString, and
> everything else aspiring to be string-like.
> String methods should be limited to generic string manipulations.
> String applications should be in other namespaces.  That is why we don't
> have str.md5(), str.crc32(), str.ziplib(), etc.
> Also, I don't want to encourage dedenting as a way of life --- programs
> using it often are likely to be doing things the hard way.
I think that the difference between "dedent" and "md5", "crc32" and
such is the fact that making "dedent" a method helps writing code that
is easier to read.

Strings already have a lot of methods which don't make code clearer
the way "dedent" will, such as center, capitalize, expandtabs, and
many others. I think that given these, there's no reason not to add
"dedent" as a string method.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger
> The motivation
> is to be able to write multilined strings easily without damaging the
> visual indentation of the source code

That is somewhat misleading.  We already have that ability.  What is
being proposed is moving existing code to a different namespace.  So the
motivation is really something like:

   I want to write 
   s = s.dedent() 
   because it is too painful to write
   s = textwrap.dedent(s)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-12 Thread Noam Raphael
On 11/12/05, Raymond Hettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The motivation
> > is to be able to write multilined strings easily without damaging the
> > visual indentation of the source code
> That is somewhat misleading.  We already have that ability.  What is
> being proposed is moving existing code to a different namespace.  So the
> motivation is really something like:
>I want to write
>s = s.dedent()
>because it is too painful to write
>s = textwrap.dedent(s)
Sorry, I didn't mean to mislead. I wrote "easily" - I guess using the
current textwrap.dedent isn't really hard, but still, writing:

import textwrap

r = some_func(textwrap.dedent('''\

Seems harder to me than simply

r = some_func('''\

This example brings up another reason why "dedent" us a method is a
good idea: It is a common convention to indent things according to the
last opening bracket. "dedent" as a function makes the indentation
grow in at least 7 characters, and in 16 characters if you don't do
"from textwrap import dedent".

Another reason to make it a method is that I think it focuses
attention at the string, which comes first, instead of at the
"textwrap.dedent", which is only there to make the code look nicer.

And, a last reason: making dedent a built-in method makes it a more
"official" way of doing things, and I think that this way of writing a
multilined string inside an indented block is really the best way to
do it.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-12 Thread Ian Bicking
Noam Raphael wrote:
> Sorry, I didn't mean to mislead. I wrote "easily" - I guess using the
> current textwrap.dedent isn't really hard, but still, writing:
> import textwrap
> ...
> r = some_func(textwrap.dedent('''\
>   line1
>   line2'''))
> Seems harder to me than simply
> r = some_func('''\
>   line1
>   line2'''.dedent())

I think a better argument for this is that dedenting a literal string is
more of a syntactic operation than a functional one.  You don't think
"oh, I bet I'll need to do some dedenting on line 200 of this module, I
better import textwrap".  Instead you start writing a long string
literal once you get to line 200.  You can do it a few ways:

  # If nice whitespace would be pretty but not required:

I often do that last one with HTML and SQL.

In practice textwrap.dedent() isn't one of the ways you are likely to
write this statement.  At least I've never done it that way (and I hit
the issue often), and I don't think I've seen code that has used that in
this circumstance.

Additionally I don't think textwrapping has anything particular to do
with dedenting, except perhaps that both functions were required when
that module was added.

I guess I just find the import cruft at the top of my files a little
annoying, and managing them rather tedious, so saying that you should
import textwrap because it makes a statement deep in the file look a
little prettier is unrealistic.  At the same time, the forms that don't
use it are rather ugly or sloppy.

Ian Bicking  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  http://blog.ianbicking.org
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-13 Thread Alexander Kozlovsky
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> That is somewhat misleading.  We already have that ability.  What is
> being proposed is moving existing code to a different namespace.  So the
> motivation is really something like:
>I want to write 
>s = s.dedent() 
>because it is too painful to write
>s = textwrap.dedent(s)

>From technical point of view, there is nothing wrong with placing
this functionality in textwrap. But from usability point of view
using textwrap.dedent is like importing some stuff for doing string
concatenation or integer addition.

In textwrap module this function placed in section "Loosely (!)
related functionality". When Python beginner try to find "Pythonic"
way for dealing with dedenting (And she know, in Python "there
should be one -- and preferably only one -- obvious way to do it"),
it is very unlikely that she think "Which module may contain
standard string dedenting? Yes, of course textwrap! I'm sure
I'll find necessary function there!"

> String methods should be limited to generic string manipulations.
> String applications should be in other namespaces.  That is why we don't
> have str.md5(), str.crc32(), str.ziplib(), etc.

I think, dedenting must be classified as "generic string manipulations".

The need in string dedenting results from meaningful indentation
and widespread use of text editors with folding support. Multiline strings
without leading whitespaces breaks correct folding in some editors.

Best regards,
 Alexandermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-13 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Noam Raphael wrote:
> Following Avi's suggestion, can I raise this thread up again? I think
> that Reinhold's .dedent() method can be a good idea after all.
> The idea is to add a method called "dedent" to strings. It would do
> exactly what the current textwrap.indent function does. 

You are missing a point here: string methods were introduced
to make switching from plain 8-bit strings to Unicode easier.

As such they are only needed in cases where an algorithm
has to work on the resp. internals differently or where direct
access to the internals makes a huge difference in terms
of performance.

In your use case, the algorithm is independent of the data type
interals and can be defined solely by using existing string
method APIs.

> The motivation
> is to be able to write multilined strings easily without damaging the
> visual indentation of the source code, like this:
> def foo():
> msg = '''\
>  From: %s
>  To: %s\r\n'
>  Subject: Host failure report for %s
>  Date: %s
>  %s
>  '''.dedent() % (fr, ', '.join(to), host, time.ctime(), err)
> Writing multilined strings without spaces in the beginning of lines
> makes functions harder to read, since although the Python parser is
> happy with it, it breaks the visual indentation.

This is really a minor compiler/parser issue and not one which
warrants adding another string method.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Nov 13 2005)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

2005-10-17: Released mxODBC.Zope.DA 1.0.9http://zope.egenix.com/

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! 
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-13 Thread Antoine Pitrou

> You are missing a point here: string methods were introduced
> to make switching from plain 8-bit strings to Unicode easier.

Is it the only purpose ?
I agree with the OP that using string methods is much nicer and more
convenient than having to import separate modules.
Especially, it is nice to just type help(str) in the interactive prompt
and get the list of supported methods.

Also, these methods are living in the namespace of the supported
objects. It feels very natural, and goes hand in hand with Python's
object-oriented nature.

(just my 2 cents - I am not arguing for or against the specific case of
dedent, by the way)



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-13 Thread Greg Ewing
Ian Bicking wrote:

> I think a better argument for this is that dedenting a literal string is
> more of a syntactic operation than a functional one.  You don't think
> "oh, I bet I'll need to do some dedenting on line 200 of this module, I
> better import textwrap".

And regardless of the need to import, there's a feeling
that it's something that ought to be done at compile
time, or even parse time.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--+
University of Canterbury,  | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a   |
Christchurch, New Zealand  | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-13 Thread James Y Knight

On Nov 13, 2005, at 8:07 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:

> Ian Bicking wrote:
>> I think a better argument for this is that dedenting a literal  
>> string is
>> more of a syntactic operation than a functional one.  You don't think
>> "oh, I bet I'll need to do some dedenting on line 200 of this  
>> module, I
>> better import textwrap".
> And regardless of the need to import, there's a feeling
> that it's something that ought to be done at compile
> time, or even parse time.

ITYM you mean "If only python were lisp". (macros, or even reader  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-14 Thread Gareth McCaughan
On Sunday 2005-11-13 17:43, Marc-Andre Lemburg wrote:

[Noam Raphael:]
> > The idea is to add a method called "dedent" to strings. It would do
> > exactly what the current textwrap.indent function does. 

> You are missing a point here: string methods were introduced
> to make switching from plain 8-bit strings to Unicode easier.
> As such they are only needed in cases where an algorithm
> has to work on the resp. internals differently or where direct
> access to the internals makes a huge difference in terms
> of performance.

In a language that generally pays as much attention to
practical usability as Python, it seems a pity to say
(as you seem to be implying) that whether something is
a string method or a function in (say) the "textwrap"
module should be determined by internal implementation

> > Writing multilined strings without spaces in the beginning of lines
> > makes functions harder to read, since although the Python parser is
> > happy with it, it breaks the visual indentation.
> This is really a minor compiler/parser issue and not one which
> warrants adding another string method.

Adding another string method seems easier, and a smaller
change, than altering the compiler or parser. What's your
point here? I think I must be missing something.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-14 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Gareth McCaughan wrote:
> On Sunday 2005-11-13 17:43, Marc-Andre Lemburg wrote:
> [Noam Raphael:]
>>>The idea is to add a method called "dedent" to strings. It would do
>>>exactly what the current textwrap.indent function does. 
> [Marc-Andre:]
>>You are missing a point here: string methods were introduced
>>to make switching from plain 8-bit strings to Unicode easier.
>>As such they are only needed in cases where an algorithm
>>has to work on the resp. internals differently or where direct
>>access to the internals makes a huge difference in terms
>>of performance.
> In a language that generally pays as much attention to
> practical usability as Python, it seems a pity to say
> (as you seem to be implying) that whether something is
> a string method or a function in (say) the "textwrap"
> module should be determined by internal implementation
> details.

We have to draw a line somewhere - otherwise you could
just as well add all functions that accept single
string arguments as methods to the basestring

>>>Writing multilined strings without spaces in the beginning of lines
>>>makes functions harder to read, since although the Python parser is
>>>happy with it, it breaks the visual indentation.
>>This is really a minor compiler/parser issue and not one which
>>warrants adding another string method.
> Adding another string method seems easier, and a smaller
> change, than altering the compiler or parser. What's your
> point here? I think I must be missing something.

The point is that the presented use case does not
originate in a common need (to dedent strings), but
from a desire to write Python code with embedded
indented triple-quoted strings which lies in the scope
of the parser, not that of string objects.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Nov 14 2005)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

2005-10-17: Released mxODBC.Zope.DA 1.0.9http://zope.egenix.com/

::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD for free ! 
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-14 Thread Noam Raphael
On 11/14/05, M.-A. Lemburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have to draw a line somewhere - otherwise you could
> just as well add all functions that accept single
> string arguments as methods to the basestring
> sub-classes.

Please read my first post in this thread - I think there's more reason
for 'dedent' to be a string method than there is, for example, for
'expandtabs', since it allows you to write clearer code.
> The point is that the presented use case does not
> originate in a common need (to dedent strings), but
> from a desire to write Python code with embedded
> indented triple-quoted strings which lies in the scope
> of the parser, not that of string objects.
That's a theoretical argument. In practice, if you do it in the
parser, you have two options:
1. Automatically dedent all strings.
2. Add a 'd' or some other letter before the string.

Option 1 breaks backwards compatibility, and makes the parser do
unexpected things. Option 2 adds another string-prefix letter, which
is confusing, and it will also be hard to find out what that letter
means. On the other hand, adding ".dedent()" at the end is very clear,
and is just as easy.

Now, about performance, please see the message I'll post in a few minutes...

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-14 Thread Noam Raphael
Just two additional notes:

On 9/15/05, Raymond Hettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -1
> Let it continue to live in textwrap where the existing pure python code
> adequately serves all string-like objects.  It's not worth losing the
> duck typing by attaching new methods to str, unicode, UserString, and
> everything else aspiring to be string-like.

It may seem like the 'dedent' code would have to be written a lot of
times, but I've checked the examples. It may be needed to write
different versions for 'str' and for 'unicode', but these are going to
be unified. In UserString you'll have to add exactly one line:

def dedent(self): return self.data.dedent()

I've just taken the line created for 'isalpha' and replaced 'isalpha'
with 'dedent'. So in the long run, there will be exactly one
implementation of 'dedent' in the Python code. (I don't know of any
other objects which try to provide the full string interface.)

Another reason for prefering a 'dedent' method over a 'dedent'
function in some module, is that it allows sometime in the future to
add an optimization to the compiler, so that it will dedent the string
in compile time (this can't work for a function, since the function is
found in run time). This will solve the performance problem
completely, so that there will be an easy way to write multilined
strings which do not interfere with the visual structure of the code,
without the need to worry about performance. I'm not saying that this
optimization has to be done now, just that 'dedent' as a method makes
it possible, which adds to the other arguments for making it a method.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Noam Raphael wrote:

> That's a theoretical argument. In practice, if you do it in the
> parser, you have two options:
> 1. Automatically dedent all strings.
> 2. Add a 'd' or some other letter before the string.
> Option 1 breaks backwards compatibility, and makes the parser do
> unexpected things. Option 2 adds another string-prefix letter, which
> is confusing, and it will also be hard to find out what that letter
> means. On the other hand, adding ".dedent()" at the end is very clear,
> and is just as easy.

so is putting the string constant in a global variable, outside the scope
you're in, like you'd do with any other constant.

(how about a new rule: you cannot post to a zombie thread on python-
dev unless they've fixed/reviewed/applied or otherwise processed at least
one tracker item earlier the same day.  there are hundreds of items on the
bugs and patches trackers that could need some loving care)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-14 Thread Noam Raphael
On 11/14/05, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> so is putting the string constant in a global variable, outside the scope
> you're in, like you'd do with any other constant.

Usually when I use a constant a single time, I write it where I use
it, and don't give it a name. I don't do:

messagea = "The value of A is "

... (a long class definition)
print messagea, A

This is what I mean when I say "constant" - a value which is known
when I write the code, not necessarily an arbitrary value that may
change, so I write it at the beginning of the program for others to
know it's there.

There's no reason why multilined strings that are used only once
should be defined at the beginning of a program (think about a simple
CGI script, which prints HTML parts in a function.)
> (how about a new rule: you cannot post to a zombie thread on python-
> dev unless they've fixed/reviewed/applied or otherwise processed at least
> one tracker item earlier the same day.  there are hundreds of items on the
> bugs and patches trackers that could need some loving care)
I posted to this thread because it was relevant to a new post about
dedenting strings. Anyway, I looked at bug 1356720 (Ctrl+C for copy
does not work when caps-lock is on), and posted there a very simple
patch which will most probably solve the problem. I also looked at bug
1337987 (IDLE, F5 and wrong external file content. (on error!)). One
problem it raises is that IDLE doesn't have a "revert" command and
that it doesn't notice if the file was changed outside of IDLE. I am
planning to fix it.

The other problem that is reported in that bug is that exceptions show
misleading code lines when the source file was changed but wasn't
loaded into Python. Perhaps in compiled code, not only the file name
should be written but also its modification time? This way, when
tracebacks print lines of changed files, they can warn if the line
might not be the right line.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-14 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Noam Raphael wrote:
> There's no reason why multilined strings that are used only once
> should be defined at the beginning of a program (think about a simple
> CGI script, which prints HTML parts in a function.)

I find that simple CGI scripts are precisely the example *for* putting
multi-line string literals at the beginning of a file. There are
multiple styles for writing such things:
1. Put headers and trailers into separate strings. This tends to become
tedious to maintain, since you always have to find the matching
string (e.g. if you add an opening tag in the header, you have
to put the closing tag in the trailer).

2. Use interpolation (e.g. % substitution), and put the strings into
the code. This works fine for single line strings. For multi-line
strings, the HTML code tends to clutter the view of the algorithm,
whether it is indented or not. Functions should fit on a single
screen of text, and adding multiline text into functions tends
to break this requirement.

3. Use interpolation, and put the templates at the beginning. This makes
the templates easy to inspect, and makes it easy to follow the code
later in the file. It is the style I use and recommend.

Of course, it may occasionally become necessary to have a few-lines
string literally in a function; in most cases, indenting it along
with the rest of the function is fine, as HTML can stand extra spaces
with no problems.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-14 Thread Greg Ewing
James Y Knight wrote:

> ITYM you mean "If only python were lisp". (macros, or even reader  macros)

No, I mean it would be more satisfying if there
were a syntax for expressing multiline string
literals that didn't force it to be at the left
margin. The lack of such in such an otherwise
indentation-savvy language seems a wart.

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--+
University of Canterbury,  | A citizen of NewZealandCorp, a   |
Christchurch, New Zealand  | wholly-owned subsidiary of USA Inc.  |
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-15 Thread Michael Hudson
Greg Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> James Y Knight wrote:
>> ITYM you mean "If only python were lisp". (macros, or even reader  macros)
> No, I mean it would be more satisfying if there
> were a syntax for expressing multiline string
> literals that didn't force it to be at the left
> margin. The lack of such in such an otherwise
> indentation-savvy language seems a wart.

Wasn't there a PEP about this?  Yes, 295.  But that was rejected, I
presume[*] because it proposed changing all multi-string literals, a
plainly doomed idea (well, it would make *me* squeal, anyway).

(who finds the whole issue rather hard to care about)

[*] The reason for rejection isn't in the PEP, grumble.

  I would hereby duly point you at the website for the current pedal
  powered submarine world underwater speed record, except I've lost
  the URL. -- Callas, cam.misc
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-15 Thread Noam Raphael
Thanks for your examples. I understand tham sometimes it's a good idea
not to write the HTML inside the function (although it may be nice to
sometimes write it just before the function - and if it's a method,
then we get the same indentation problem.)

However, as you said, sometimes it is desired to write multilined
strings inside functions. You think it's ok to add white spaces to the
HTML code, I personally prefer not add varying indentation to my
output according to the level of indentation the code that generated

I just wanted to add another use case: long messages. Consider those
lines from idlelib/run.py:133

msg = "IDLE's subprocess can't connect to %s:%d.  This may be due "\
  "to your personal firewall configuration.  It is safe to "\
  "allow this internal connection because no data is visible on "\
  "external ports." % address
tkMessageBox.showerror("IDLE Subprocess Error", msg, parent=root)

and from idlelib/PyShell.py:734:

def display_port_binding_error(self):
"Port Binding Error",
"IDLE can't bind TCP/IP port 8833, which is necessary to "
"communicate with its Python execution server.  Either "
"no networking is installed on this computer or another "
"process (another IDLE?) is using the port.  Run IDLE with the -n "
"command line switch to start without a subprocess and refer to "
"Help/IDLE Help 'Running without a subprocess' for further "

I know, of course, that it could be written using textwrap.dedent, but
I think that not having to load a module will encourage the use of
dedent; if I have to load a module, I might say, "oh, I can live with
all those marks around the text, there's no need for another module",
and then, any time I want to change that message, I have a lot of
editing work to do.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-18 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Noam Raphael wrote:
> I just wanted to add another use case: long messages. Consider those
> lines from idlelib/run.py:133
> msg = "IDLE's subprocess can't connect to %s:%d.  This may be due "\
>   "to your personal firewall configuration.  It is safe to "\
>   "allow this internal connection because no data is visible on "\
>   "external ports." % address
> tkMessageBox.showerror("IDLE Subprocess Error", msg, parent=root)

You are missing an important point here: There are intentionally no line
breaks in this string; it must be a single line, or else showerror will
break it in funny ways. So converting it to a multi-line string would
break it, dedent or not.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-19 Thread Steven Bethard
On 11/18/05, "Martin v. Löwis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Noam Raphael wrote:
> > I just wanted to add another use case: long messages. Consider those
> > lines from idlelib/run.py:133
> >
> > msg = "IDLE's subprocess can't connect to %s:%d.  This may be due "\
> >   "to your personal firewall configuration.  It is safe to "\
> >   "allow this internal connection because no data is visible on 
> > "\
> >   "external ports." % address
> > tkMessageBox.showerror("IDLE Subprocess Error", msg, parent=root)
> You are missing an important point here: There are intentionally no line
> breaks in this string; it must be a single line, or else showerror will
> break it in funny ways. So converting it to a multi-line string would
> break it, dedent or not.

Only if you didn't include newline escapes, e.g.::

msg = textwrap.dedent('''\
IDLE's subprocess can't connect to %s:%d.  This may be due \
to your personal firewall configuration.  It is safe to \
allow this internal connection because no data is visible on \
external ports.''' % address)

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
--- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-19 Thread Noam Raphael
On 11/19/05, Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You are missing an important point here: There are intentionally no line
> > breaks in this string; it must be a single line, or else showerror will
> > break it in funny ways. So converting it to a multi-line string would
> > break it, dedent or not.
> Only if you didn't include newline escapes, e.g.::
> msg = textwrap.dedent('''\
> IDLE's subprocess can't connect to %s:%d.  This may be due \
> to your personal firewall configuration.  It is safe to \
> allow this internal connection because no data is visible on \
> external ports.''' % address)

Unfortunately, it won't help, since the 'dedent' method won't treat
those spaces as indentation.

But if those messages were printed to the standard error, the line
breaks would be ok, and the use case valid.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-09-14 Thread Guido van Rossum
>From the sound of it, it's probably not worth endowing every string
object with this method and hardcoding its implementation forever in C
code. There are so many corner cases and variations on the
functionality of "dedenting" a block that it's better to keep it as
Python source code.

On 9/14/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> some time ago, I proposed a string method "dedent" (which currently is in the
> textwrap module). The RFE is at http://python.org/sf/1237680.
> Any opinions? If I don't get positive comments, I'll reject it.
> Reinhold

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-09-14 Thread Raymond Hettinger
> some time ago, I proposed a string method "dedent" (which currently is
> the
> textwrap module). The RFE is at http://python.org/sf/1237680.
> Any opinions? If I don't get positive comments, I'll reject it.


Let it continue to live in textwrap where the existing pure python code
adequately serves all string-like objects.  It's not worth losing the
duck typing by attaching new methods to str, unicode, UserString, and
everything else aspiring to be string-like.  

String methods should be limited to generic string manipulations.
String applications should be in other namespaces.  That is why we don't
have str.md5(), str.crc32(), str.ziplib(), etc.

Also, I don't want to encourage dedenting as a way of life --- programs
using it often are likely to be doing things the hard way.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-09-14 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Okay. I consider it rejected.


Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>From the sound of it, it's probably not worth endowing every string
> object with this method and hardcoding its implementation forever in C
> code. There are so many corner cases and variations on the
> functionality of "dedenting" a block that it's better to keep it as
> Python source code.
> On 9/14/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> some time ago, I proposed a string method "dedent" (which currently is in the
>> textwrap module). The RFE is at http://python.org/sf/1237680.
>> Any opinions? If I don't get positive comments, I'll reject it.
>> Reinhold

Mail address is perfectly valid!

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