Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

05.05.18 09:23, Tim Peters пише:


... I liked the way he _reached_ that conclusion:  by looking at real-
life Python code that may have been written instead to use constructs
"like this".  I find such examination far more persuasive than abstract
arguments or made-up examples.

[Serhiy Storchaka ]

I would like to see such examination for PEP 572. And for all other syntax
changing ideas.

I did it myself for 572, and posted several times about what I found.

Could you please give links to these results? It is hard to find 
something in hundreds of messages.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Tim Peters
>> ... I liked the way he _reached_ that conclusion:  by looking at real-
>> life Python code that may have been written instead to use constructs
>> "like this".  I find such examination far more persuasive than abstract
>> arguments or made-up examples.

[Serhiy Storchaka ]
> I would like to see such examination for PEP 572. And for all other syntax
> changing ideas.

I did it myself for 572, and posted several times about what I found.
It was far more productive to me than arguing (and, indeed, I sat out
of the first several hundred msgs on python-ideas entirely because I
spent all my time looking at code instead).

Short course:  I found a small win frequently, a large win rarely, but
in most cases wouldn't use it.  In all I expect I'd use it
significantly more often than ternary "if", but far less often than
augmented assignment.  But that's me - everybody needs to look at
their own code to apply _their_ judgment.

572 is harder than a case/switch statement to consider this way,
because virtually every assignment statement binding a name could
_potentially_ be changed to a binding expression instead, and there
are gazillions of those.  For considering case/switch additions, you
can automate searches to vastly whittle down the universe of places to
look at (`elif` chains, and certain nested if/else if/else if/else ...

> I withdrew some my ideas and patches when my examinations showed that the
> number of cases in the stdlib that will take a benefit from rewriting using
> a new feature or from applying a compiler optimization is not large enough.

Good!  I approve :-)
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 6:56 PM, Alexander Belopolsky
> On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 8:06 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
>> ...
>> With that spelling, the three examples above would become:
>> # Exactly one branch is executed here
>> if m given m =
>> ...
>> elif m given m =
>> ...
>> else:
>> ...
>> # This name is rebound on each trip around the loop
>> while m given m =
>> ...
>> # "f(x)" is only evaluated once on each iteration
>> result = [(x, y, x/y) for x in data if y given y = f(x)]
> I think this is a step in the right direction.  I stayed away from the
> PEP 572 discussions because while intuitively it felt wrong, I could
> not formulate what exactly was wrong with the assignment expressions
> proposals.  This proposal has finally made me realize why I did not
> like PEP 572.  The strong expression vs. statement dichotomy is one of
> the key features that set Python apart from many other languages and
> it makes Python programs much easier to understand.  Right from the
> title, "Assignment Expressions", PEP 572 was set to destroy the very
> feature that in my view is responsible for much of Python's success.

This is what makes me uncomfortable too. As Dijkstra once wrote:

"our intellectual powers are rather geared to master static relations
and ... our powers to visualize processes evolving in time are
relatively poorly developed. For that reason we should do (as wise
programmers aware of our limitations) our utmost to shorten the
conceptual gap between the static program and the dynamic process, to
make the correspondence between the program (spread out in text space)
and the process (spread out in time) as trivial as possible." [1]

Normally, Python code strongly maps *time* onto *vertical position*:
one side-effect per line. Of course there is some specific
order-of-operations for everything inside an individual line that the
interpreter has to keep track of, but I basically never have to care
about that myself. But by definition, := involves embedding
side-effects within expressions, so suddenly I do have to care after
all. Except... for the three cases Nick wrote above, where the
side-effect occurs at the very end of the evaluation. And these also
seem to be the three cases that have the most compelling use cases
anyway. So restricting to just those three cases makes it much more
palatable to me.

(I won't comment on Nick's actual proposal, which is a bit more
complicated than those examples, since it allows things like 'if given m = ...'.)

(And on another note, I also wonder if all this pent-up desire to
enrich the syntax of comprehensions means that we should add some kind
of multi-line version of comprehensions, that doesn't require the
awkwardness of explicitly accumulating a list or creating a nested
function to yield out of. Not sure what that would look like, but
people sure seem to want it.)


[1] This is from "Go to statement considered harmful". Then a few
lines later he uses a sequence of assignment statements as an example,
and says that the wonderful thing about this example is that there's a
1-1 correspondence between lines and distinguishable program states,
which is also uncannily apropos.

Nathaniel J. Smith --
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Tim Peters
[Nick Coghlan ]
> ...
> The essence of the given clause concept would be to modify *these specific
> cases* (at least initially) to allow the condition expression to be followed
> by an inline assignment, of the form "given TARGET = EXPR".

I'm not clear on what "these specific cases" are, specifically ;-)
Conditions in "if", "elif", and "while" statement expressions?
Restricted to one "given" clause, or can they chain?  In a listcomp,
is it one "given" clause per "if", or after at most one "if"?  Or is
an "if" even needed at all in a listcomp?  For example,

[(f(x)**2, f(x)**3) for x in xs]

has no conditions, and

[(fx := f(x))**2, fx**3) for x in xs]

is one reasonable use for binding expressions.

[(fx**2, fx**3) for x in xs given fx = f(x)]

reads better, although it's initially surprising (to my eyes) to find
fx defined "at the end".  But no more surprising than the current:

[(fx**2, fx**3) for x in xs for fx in [f(x)]]


> While the leading keyword would allow TARGET to be an arbitrary assignment
> target without much chance for confusion, it could also be restricted to
> simple names instead (as has been done for PEP 572.

The problem with complex targets in general assignment expressions is
that, despite trying, I found no plausible use case for (at least)
unpacking syntax.  As in, e.g.,

x, y = func_returning_twople()
if x**2 + y**2 > 9:  # i.e., distance > 3, but save expensive sqrt

The names can be _unpacked_ in a general assignment expression, but
there appears to be no sane way then to _use_ the names in the test.
This may be as good as it gets:

if [(x, y := func_returning_twople()). x**2 + y**2 > 9][-1]:

That reminds me of the hideous

(condition and [T] or [F])[0]

idiom I "invented" long ago to get the effect (in all cases) of the current

T if condition else F

That was intended to be goofy fun at the time, but I was appalled to
see people later use it ;-)

It''s certain sanest as

if x**2 + y**2 > 9 given x, y = func_returning_twople():

"given" really shines there!

> With that spelling, the three examples above would become:
> # Exactly one branch is executed here
> if m given m =
> ...
> elif m given m =
> ...
> else:

Which is OK.  The one-letter variable name obscures that it doesn't
actually reduce _redundancy_, though.  That is, in the current

match =
if match:

it's obviously less redundant typing as:

if match :=


if match given match =

the annoying visual redundancy (& typing) persists.

> # This name is rebound on each trip around the loop
> while m given m =

Also fine, but also doesn't reduce redundancy.

> # "f(x)" is only evaluated once on each iteration
> result = [(x, y, x/y) for x in data if y given y = f(x)]

As above, the potential usefulness of "given" in a listcomp doesn't
really depend on having a conditional.  Or on having a listcomp
either, for that matter ;-)

r2, r3 = fx**2, fx**3 given fx = f(x)

One more, a lovely (to my eyes) binding expression simplification
requiring two bindings in an `if` test, taken from real-life code I
happened to write during the PEP discussion:

diff = x - x_base
if diff:
g = gcd(diff, n)
if g > 1:
return g

collapsed to the crisp & clear:

if (diff := x - x_base) and (g := gcd(diff, n)) > 1:
return g

If only one trailing "given" clause can be given per `if` test
expression, presumably I couldn't do that without trickery.  If it's
more general,

if (diff given diff = x _ xbase) and g > 1 given g = gcd(diff, n):

reads worse to my eyes (perhaps because of the "visual redundancy"
thing again), while

   if diff and g > 1 given diff = x - x_base given g = gcd(diff, n):

has my eyes darting all over the place, and wondering which of the
trailing `given` clauses executes first.

> ...
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Alexander Belopolsky
On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 8:06 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> ...
> With that spelling, the three examples above would become:
> # Exactly one branch is executed here
> if m given m =
> ...
> elif m given m =
> ...
> else:
> ...
> # This name is rebound on each trip around the loop
> while m given m =
> ...
> # "f(x)" is only evaluated once on each iteration
> result = [(x, y, x/y) for x in data if y given y = f(x)]

I think this is a step in the right direction.  I stayed away from the
PEP 572 discussions because while intuitively it felt wrong, I could
not formulate what exactly was wrong with the assignment expressions
proposals.  This proposal has finally made me realize why I did not
like PEP 572.  The strong expression vs. statement dichotomy is one of
the key features that set Python apart from many other languages and
it makes Python programs much easier to understand.  Right from the
title, "Assignment Expressions", PEP 572 was set to destroy the very
feature that in my view is responsible for much of Python's success.

Unlike PEP 572, Nick's proposal does not feel like changing the syntax
of Python expressions, instead it feels like an extension to the if-,
while- and for-statements syntax.  (While comprehensions are
expressions, for the purposes of this proposal I am willing to view
them as for-statements in disguise.)
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Auto-wrapping coroutines into Tasks

2018-05-04 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 2:58 PM, Guido van Rossum  wrote:
> First, "start executing immediately" is an overstatement, right? They won't
> run until the caller executes a (possibly unrelated) `await`.

Well, traditional Future-returning functions often do execute some
logic immediately, but right, what I meant was something like "starts
executing without further intervention". I'm sure you know what I
mean, but here's a concrete example to make sure it's clear to
everyone else. Say we write this code:

  async_log("it happened!")

If async_log is a traditional Future-returning function, then this
line is sufficient to cause the message to be logged (eventually). If
async_log is an async coroutine-returning function, then it's a no-op
(except for generating a "coroutine was never awaited" warning). With
this proposal, it would always work.

> And I'm still
> unclear why anyone would care, *except* in the case where they've somehow
> learned by observation that "real" coroutines don't start immediately and
> build a dependency on this in their code. (The happy eyeballs use case that
> was brought up here earlier today seems like it would be better off not
> depending on this either way, and it wouldn't be hard to do this either.)
> Second, when adding callbacks (if you *have to* -- if you're not a framework
> author you're likely doing something wrong if you find yourself adding
> callbacks), the right thing to do is obviously to *always* call
> ensure_future() first.

Async/await often lets you avoid working with the Future API directly,
but Futures are still a major part of asyncio's public API, and so are
synchronous-flavored systems like protocols/transports, where you
can't use 'await'. I've been told that we need to keep that in mind
when thinking about asyncio extensions ;-). And if the right thing to
do is to *always* call a function, that's a good argument that the
library should call it for you, right? :-)

In practice I think cases like my 'async_log' example are the main
place where people are likely to run into this – there are a lot of
functions out there a bare call works to run something in the
background, and a lot where it doesn't. (In particular, all existing
Tornado and Twisted APIs are Future-returning, not async.)

> Third, hooks like this feel like a great way to create an even bigger mess
> -- it implicitly teaches users that all coroutines are Futures, which will
> then cause disappointments when they find themselves in an environment where
> the hook is not enabled.

Switching between async libraries is always going to be a pretty
messy. So I guess the only case people are likely to actually
encounter an unexpected hook configuration is in the period before
they enter asyncio (or whatever library they're using). Like, if
you've learned that async functions always return Futures, you might
expect this to work:

fut = some_async_fun()
# Error, 'fut' is actually a coroutine b/c the hook isn't set up yet

That's a bit of a wart. But this is something that basically never
worked and can't work, and very few people are likely to run into, so
while it's sad that it's a wart I don't think it's an argument against
fixing the other 99% of cases? (And of course this doesn't arise for
libraries like Trio, where you just never call async functions outside
of async context.)

> Perhaps we should go the other way and wrap most ways of creating Futures in
> coroutines? (Though there would have to be a way for ensure_future() to
> *unwrap* it instead of wrapping it in a second Future.)

So there's a few reasons I didn't suggest going this direction:

- Just in practical terms, I don't know how we could make this change.
There's one place that all coroutines are created, so we at least have
the technical ability to change their behavior all at once. OTOH
Future-returning functions are just regular functions that happen to
return a Future, so we'd have to go fix them one at a time, right?

- For regular asyncio users, the Future API is pretty much a superset
of the coroutine API. (The only thing you can do with an coroutine is
await it or call ensure_future, and Futures allow both of those.) That
means that turning coroutines into Futures is mostly backwards
compatible, but turning Futures into coroutines isn't.

- Similarly, having coroutine-returning functions start running
without further intervention is *mostly* backwards compatible, because
it's very unusual to intentionally create a coroutine object and then
never actually run it (via await or ensure_future or whatever). But I
suspect it is fairly common to call Future-returning functions and
never await them, like in the async_log example above. This is why we
have the weird "category 3" in the first place: people would like to
refactor Future-returning APIs to take advantage of async/await, but
right now that's a compatibility-breaking change.

- Exposing raw coroutine objects to users has led to var

Re: [Python-ideas] Auto-wrapping coroutines into Tasks

2018-05-04 Thread Guido van Rossum
First, "start executing immediately" is an overstatement, right? They won't
run until the caller executes a (possibly unrelated) `await`. And I'm still
unclear why anyone would care, *except* in the case where they've somehow
learned by observation that "real" coroutines don't start immediately and
build a dependency on this in their code. (The happy eyeballs use case that
was brought up here earlier today seems like it would be better off not
depending on this either way, and it wouldn't be hard to do this either.)

Second, when adding callbacks (if you *have to* -- if you're not a
framework author you're likely doing something wrong if you find yourself
adding callbacks), the right thing to do is obviously to *always* call
ensure_future() first.

Third, hooks like this feel like a great way to create an even bigger mess
-- it implicitly teaches users that all coroutines are Futures, which will
then cause disappointments when they find themselves in an environment
where the hook is not enabled.

Perhaps we should go the other way and wrap most ways of creating Futures
in coroutines? (Though there would have to be a way for ensure_future() to
*unwrap* it instead of wrapping it in a second Future.)

On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 2:41 PM, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:

> Hi all,
> This is a bit of a wacky idea, but I think it might be doable and have
> significant benefits, so throwing it out there to see what people
> think.
> In asyncio, there are currently three kinds of calling conventions for
> asynchronous functions:
> 1) Ones which return a Future
> 2) Ones which return a raw coroutine object
> 3) Ones which return a Future, but are documented to return a
> coroutine object, because we want to possibly switch to doing that in
> the future and are hoping people won't depend on them returning a
> Future
> In practice these have slightly different semantics. For example,
> types (1) and (3) start executing immediately, while type (2) doesn't
> start executing until passed to 'await' or some function like
> asyncio.gather. For type (1), you can immediately call
> .add_done_callback:
>   func_returning_future().add_done_callback(...)
> while for type (2) and (3), you have to explicitly call ensure_future
> first:
>   asyncio.ensure_future(func_returning_coro()).add_done_callback(...)
> In practice, these distinctions are mostly irrelevant and annoying to
> users; the only thing you can do with a raw coroutine is pass it to
> ensure_future() or equivalent, and the existence of type (3) functions
> means that you can't even assume that functions documented as
> returning raw coroutines actually return raw coroutines, or that these
> will stay the same across versions. But it is a source of confusion,
> see e.g. this thread on async-sig [1], or this one [2]. It also makes
> it harder to evolve asyncio, since any function documented as
> returning a Future cannot take advantage of async/await syntax. And
> it's forced the creation of awkward APIs like the "coroutine hook"
> used in asyncio's debug mode.
> Other languages with async/await, like C# and Javascript, don't have
> these problems, because they don't have raw coroutine objects at all:
> when you mark a function as async, that directly converts it into a
> function that returns a Future (or local equivalent). So the
> difference between async functions and Future-returning functions is
> only relevant to the person writing the function; callers don't have
> to care, and can assume that the full Future interface is always
> available.
> I think Python did a very smart thing in *not* hard-coding Futures
> into the language, like C#/JS do. But, I also think it would be nice
> if we didn't force regular asyncio users to be aware of all these
> details.
> So here's an idea: we add a new kind of hook that coroutine runners
> can set. In async_function.__call__, it creates a coroutine object,
> and then invokes this hook, which then can wrap the coroutine into a
> Task (or Deferred or whatever is appropriate for the current coroutine
> runner). This way, from the point of view of regular asyncio users,
> *all* async functions become functions-returning-Futures (type 1
> above):
> async def foo():
> pass
> # This returns a Task running on the current loop
> foo()
> Of course, async loops need a way to get at the actual coroutine
> objects, so we should also provide some method on async functions to
> do that:
> foo.__corocall__() -> returns a raw coroutine object
> And as an optimization, we can make 'await ' invoke this, so
> that in regular async function -> async function calls, we don't pay
> the cost of setting up an unnecessary Task object:
> # This
> await foo(*args, **kwargs)
> # Becomes sugar for:
> try:
> _callable = foo.__corocall__
> except AttributeError:
> # Fallback, so 'await function_returning_promise()' still works:
> _callable = foo
> _awaitable = _callable(*args, **kwargs)
> await _awaitable
> (So this

[Python-ideas] Auto-wrapping coroutines into Tasks

2018-05-04 Thread Nathaniel Smith
Hi all,

This is a bit of a wacky idea, but I think it might be doable and have
significant benefits, so throwing it out there to see what people

In asyncio, there are currently three kinds of calling conventions for
asynchronous functions:

1) Ones which return a Future
2) Ones which return a raw coroutine object
3) Ones which return a Future, but are documented to return a
coroutine object, because we want to possibly switch to doing that in
the future and are hoping people won't depend on them returning a

In practice these have slightly different semantics. For example,
types (1) and (3) start executing immediately, while type (2) doesn't
start executing until passed to 'await' or some function like
asyncio.gather. For type (1), you can immediately call


while for type (2) and (3), you have to explicitly call ensure_future first:


In practice, these distinctions are mostly irrelevant and annoying to
users; the only thing you can do with a raw coroutine is pass it to
ensure_future() or equivalent, and the existence of type (3) functions
means that you can't even assume that functions documented as
returning raw coroutines actually return raw coroutines, or that these
will stay the same across versions. But it is a source of confusion,
see e.g. this thread on async-sig [1], or this one [2]. It also makes
it harder to evolve asyncio, since any function documented as
returning a Future cannot take advantage of async/await syntax. And
it's forced the creation of awkward APIs like the "coroutine hook"
used in asyncio's debug mode.

Other languages with async/await, like C# and Javascript, don't have
these problems, because they don't have raw coroutine objects at all:
when you mark a function as async, that directly converts it into a
function that returns a Future (or local equivalent). So the
difference between async functions and Future-returning functions is
only relevant to the person writing the function; callers don't have
to care, and can assume that the full Future interface is always

I think Python did a very smart thing in *not* hard-coding Futures
into the language, like C#/JS do. But, I also think it would be nice
if we didn't force regular asyncio users to be aware of all these

So here's an idea: we add a new kind of hook that coroutine runners
can set. In async_function.__call__, it creates a coroutine object,
and then invokes this hook, which then can wrap the coroutine into a
Task (or Deferred or whatever is appropriate for the current coroutine
runner). This way, from the point of view of regular asyncio users,
*all* async functions become functions-returning-Futures (type 1

async def foo():

# This returns a Task running on the current loop

Of course, async loops need a way to get at the actual coroutine
objects, so we should also provide some method on async functions to
do that:

foo.__corocall__() -> returns a raw coroutine object

And as an optimization, we can make 'await ' invoke this, so
that in regular async function -> async function calls, we don't pay
the cost of setting up an unnecessary Task object:

# This
await foo(*args, **kwargs)
# Becomes sugar for:
_callable = foo.__corocall__
except AttributeError:
# Fallback, so 'await function_returning_promise()' still works:
_callable = foo
_awaitable = _callable(*args, **kwargs)
await _awaitable

(So this hook is actually quite similar to the existing coroutine
hook, except that it's specifically only invoked on bare calls, not on

Of course, if no coroutine runner hook is registered, then the default
should remain the same as now. This also means that common idioms


still work, because at the time asyncfn() is called, no loop is
running, asyncfn() silently returns a regular coroutine object, and
then run_until_complete knows how to handle that.

This would also help libraries like Trio that remove Futures
altogether; in Trio, the convention is that 'await asyncfn()' is
simply the only way to call asyncfn, and writing a bare 'asyncfn()' is
always a mistake – but one that is currently confusing and difficult
to detect because all it does is produce a warning ("coroutine was
never awaited") at some potentially-distant location that depends on
what the GC does. In this proposal, Trio could register a hook that
raises an immediate error on bare 'asyncfn()' calls.

This would also allow libraries built on Trio-or-similar to migrate a
function from sync->async or async->sync with a deprecation period.
Since in Trio sync functions would always use __call__, and async
functions would always use __corocall__, then during a transition
period one could use a custom object that defines both, and has one of
them emit a DeprecationWarning. This is a problem that comes up a l

Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Guido van Rossum
I hope Python never has to go there. It's a tooling nightmare.

On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 2:11 PM, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:

> On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 1:53 PM, Tim Peters  wrote:
> > [Tim]
> >>> ...
> >>> It's no longer the case that Python avoided that entirely, since
> >>> "async def", "async for", and "async with" statements were added
> >>> _without_ making "async" a new reserved word.  It may require pain in
> >>> the parser, but it's often doable anyway.  At this stage in Python's
> >>> life, adding new _reserved_ words "should be" an extremely high bar -
> >>> but adding new non-reserved keywords (like "async") should be a much
> >>> lower bar.
> >
> > [Guido]
> >> Do note that this was a temporary solution. In 3.5 we introduced this
> hack.
> >> In 3.6, other uses of `async` and `await` became deprecated (though
> you'd
> >> have to use `python -Wall` to get a warning). In 3.7, it's a syntax
> error.
> >
> > See my "that deserves more thought" at the start, but wrt future cases
> > then ;-)  In 3.5 and 3.6, "everything just works" for everyone.  In
> > 3.7 the implementation gets churned again, to go out of its way to
> > break the handful of code using "async" as an identifier.  It's
> > obvious who that hurts, but who does that really benefit?
> >
> > My experience with Fortran convinces me nobody would _actually_ be
> > confused even if they wrote code like:
> >
> > async def frobnicate(async=True):
> > if async:
> > async with ...
> IIUC, Javascript has also gone all-in on contextual keywords. The
> realities of browser deployment mean they simply cannot have flag days
> or break old code, ever, meaning that contextual keywords are really
> the only kind they can add at all. So their async/await uses the same
> kind of trick that Python 3.5 did, and I believe they plan to keep it
> that way forever.
> -n
> --
> Nathaniel J. Smith --

--Guido van Rossum (
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 1:53 PM, Tim Peters  wrote:
> [Tim]
>>> ...
>>> It's no longer the case that Python avoided that entirely, since
>>> "async def", "async for", and "async with" statements were added
>>> _without_ making "async" a new reserved word.  It may require pain in
>>> the parser, but it's often doable anyway.  At this stage in Python's
>>> life, adding new _reserved_ words "should be" an extremely high bar -
>>> but adding new non-reserved keywords (like "async") should be a much
>>> lower bar.
> [Guido]
>> Do note that this was a temporary solution. In 3.5 we introduced this hack.
>> In 3.6, other uses of `async` and `await` became deprecated (though you'd
>> have to use `python -Wall` to get a warning). In 3.7, it's a syntax error.
> See my "that deserves more thought" at the start, but wrt future cases
> then ;-)  In 3.5 and 3.6, "everything just works" for everyone.  In
> 3.7 the implementation gets churned again, to go out of its way to
> break the handful of code using "async" as an identifier.  It's
> obvious who that hurts, but who does that really benefit?
> My experience with Fortran convinces me nobody would _actually_ be
> confused even if they wrote code like:
> async def frobnicate(async=True):
> if async:
> async with ...

IIUC, Javascript has also gone all-in on contextual keywords. The
realities of browser deployment mean they simply cannot have flag days
or break old code, ever, meaning that contextual keywords are really
the only kind they can add at all. So their async/await uses the same
kind of trick that Python 3.5 did, and I believe they plan to keep it
that way forever.



Nathaniel J. Smith --
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Tim Peters
>> ...
>> It's no longer the case that Python avoided that entirely, since
>> "async def", "async for", and "async with" statements were added
>> _without_ making "async" a new reserved word.  It may require pain in
>> the parser, but it's often doable anyway.  At this stage in Python's
>> life, adding new _reserved_ words "should be" an extremely high bar -
>> but adding new non-reserved keywords (like "async") should be a much
>> lower bar.

> Do note that this was a temporary solution. In 3.5 we introduced this hack.
> In 3.6, other uses of `async` and `await` became deprecated (though you'd
> have to use `python -Wall` to get a warning). In 3.7, it's a syntax error.

See my "that deserves more thought" at the start, but wrt future cases
then ;-)  In 3.5 and 3.6, "everything just works" for everyone.  In
3.7 the implementation gets churned again, to go out of its way to
break the handful of code using "async" as an identifier.  It's
obvious who that hurts, but who does that really benefit?

My experience with Fortran convinces me nobody would _actually_ be
confused even if they wrote code like:

async def frobnicate(async=True):
if async:
async with ...

But nobody would actually do that.  Then again, "but people _could_ do
that!" barely registers with me because the nobody-actually-does-it
theoretical possibilities were so much worse in Fortran, so I tend to
tune that kind of argument out reflexively.  For example, whitespace
was also irrelevant in Fortran, and these two statements mean
radically different things:

D O1 0I=1 00,30 0
D O1 0I=1 00.30 0

The first is like:

for I in range(100, 301):
# the block ends at the next statement with label 10

The seconds is like:

DO10I = 100.300

All actual Fortran code spells them like this instead:

DO 10 I = 100, 300
DO10I = 100.300

The differing intents are obvious at a glance then - although, yup, to
the compiler the difference is solely due to that one uses a comma
where the other a period.  I'm not suggesting Python go anywhere near
_that_ far ;-)  Just as far as considering that there's no actual harm
in Fortran allowing "DO" to be a variable name too.  Nobody is even
tempted to think that "DO" might mean "DO loop" in, e.g.,

DO = 4
X = DO(Y)

etc.  People generally _don't_ use Fortran keywords as identifiers
despite that they can, but it's a real boon for the relatively rare
older code that failed to anticipate keywords added after it was

> ...
> I'd also say that the difficulty of Googling for the meaning of ":="
> shouldn't be exaggerated. Currently you can search for "python operators"
> and get tons of sites that list all operators.

I've noted before that people don't seem to have trouble finding the
meaning of Python's "is", "and", and "or" either.  But Googling for
"is" (etc) on its own isn't the way to do it ;-)

> I also note that Google seems to be getting smarter about non-alphabetic
> searches -- I just searched for "python << operator" and the first hit was

Ya - most arguments are crap ;-)
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 5:27 AM, Matt Arcidy  wrote:
>> I'd also say that the difficulty of Googling for the meaning of ":="
>> shouldn't be exaggerated. Currently you can search for "python operators"
>> and get tons of sites that list all operators.
> Without adding hits to the search algorithm, this will remain the case.
> Google must have clicks to rank up.  Right now there is no page, nothing on
> a high "Google juice" page like, no one searching for it, and no
> mass of people clicking on it.  no SO questions, etc.

Did you try? I searched for 'python :=' and for 'python colon equals'
and got this hit each time:

Which, incidentally, now has a response to it citing PEP 572.

Good ol' Stack Overflow.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Matt Arcidy
On Fri, May 4, 2018, 11:35 Guido van Rossum  wrote:

> On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 11:11 AM, Tim Peters  wrote:
>> [Nick Coghlan ]
>> > ...
>> > Using a new keyword (rather than a symbol) would make the new construct
>> > easier to identify and search for, but also comes with all the
>> downsides of
>> > introducing a new keyword.
>> That deserves more thought.  I started my paying career working on a
>> Fortran compiler, a language which, by design, had no reserved words
>> (although plenty of keywords).  The language itself (and
>> vendor-specific extensions) never had to suffer "but adding a new
>> keyword could break old code!" consequences.
>> In practice that worked out very well,  Yes, you _could_ write
>> hard-to-read code using language keywords as, e.g., identifier names
>> too, but, no, absolutely nobody did that outside of "stupid Fortran
>> tricks" posts on Usenet ;-)  It had the _intended_ effect in practice:
>>  no breakage of old code just because the language grew new
>> constructs.
>> It's no longer the case that Python avoided that entirely, since
>> "async def", "async for", and "async with" statements were added
>> _without_ making "async" a new reserved word.  It may require pain in
>> the parser, but it's often doable anyway.  At this stage in Python's
>> life, adding new _reserved_ words "should be" an extremely high bar -
>> but adding new non-reserved keywords (like "async") should be a much
>> lower bar.
> Do note that this was a temporary solution. In 3.5 we introduced this
> hack. In 3.6, other uses of `async` and `await` became deprecated (though
> you'd have to use `python -Wall` to get a warning). In 3.7, it's a syntax
> error.
>> That said, I expect it's easier in general to add a non-reserved
>> keyword introducing a statement (like "async") than one buried inside
>> expressions ("given").
> I'd also say that the difficulty of Googling for the meaning of ":="
> shouldn't be exaggerated. Currently you can search for "python operators"
> and get tons of sites that list all operators.

Without adding hits to the search algorithm, this will remain the case.
Google must have clicks to rank up.  Right now there is no page, nothing on
a high "Google juice" page like, no one searching for it, and no
mass of people clicking on it.  no SO questions, etc.

there is a transient response for all change.  uniqueness and length of
search term is just a faster one.  All python syntax is findable eventually
due to popularity.  plus a better search is "why would I python"
or similar.

= python also doesn't bring up anything interesting that wouldn't be had
because of just "python".  The details are too mundane and/or technical and
everyone knows already.

that being said, if := had been (theoretically) included from the
beginning, would people continue to have issues with it?  unlikely, but I
can't know.  familiarity will cure many of these issues of readability or
symbolic disagreement no matter what is chosen (well, to a point).  it's
unfortunate that changes have to be made up front with so little
information like that, so I'm not advocating anything based on this, just
pointing it out.

I do think post hoc assignment will cause a cognitive load, like trying to
figure out which variable is the iterator, and having to keep two contexts
till the end of a comp with one given statement.

[f(x) + a for all a in blah given x=1]

not worse than a double nested comp though.

> I also note that Google seems to be getting smarter about non-alphabetic
> searches -- I just searched for "python << operator" and the first hit was
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Code of Conduct:
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Guido van Rossum
On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 11:11 AM, Tim Peters  wrote:

> [Nick Coghlan ]
> > ...
> > Using a new keyword (rather than a symbol) would make the new construct
> > easier to identify and search for, but also comes with all the downsides
> of
> > introducing a new keyword.
> That deserves more thought.  I started my paying career working on a
> Fortran compiler, a language which, by design, had no reserved words
> (although plenty of keywords).  The language itself (and
> vendor-specific extensions) never had to suffer "but adding a new
> keyword could break old code!" consequences.
> In practice that worked out very well,  Yes, you _could_ write
> hard-to-read code using language keywords as, e.g., identifier names
> too, but, no, absolutely nobody did that outside of "stupid Fortran
> tricks" posts on Usenet ;-)  It had the _intended_ effect in practice:
>  no breakage of old code just because the language grew new
> constructs.
> It's no longer the case that Python avoided that entirely, since
> "async def", "async for", and "async with" statements were added
> _without_ making "async" a new reserved word.  It may require pain in
> the parser, but it's often doable anyway.  At this stage in Python's
> life, adding new _reserved_ words "should be" an extremely high bar -
> but adding new non-reserved keywords (like "async") should be a much
> lower bar.

Do note that this was a temporary solution. In 3.5 we introduced this hack.
In 3.6, other uses of `async` and `await` became deprecated (though you'd
have to use `python -Wall` to get a warning). In 3.7, it's a syntax error.

> That said, I expect it's easier in general to add a non-reserved
> keyword introducing a statement (like "async") than one buried inside
> expressions ("given").

I'd also say that the difficulty of Googling for the meaning of ":="
shouldn't be exaggerated. Currently you can search for "python operators"
and get tons of sites that list all operators.

I also note that Google seems to be getting smarter about non-alphabetic
searches -- I just searched for "python << operator" and the first hit was

--Guido van Rossum (
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

04.05.18 20:48, Tim Peters пише:


Can I recommend going slow here? This is a very interesting topic where many
languages have gone before. I liked Daniel F Moisset's analysis about the
choices of a language designer and his conclusion that match should be a

Just to be annoying ;-) , I liked the way he _reached_ that
conclusion:  by looking at real-life Python code that may have been
written instead to use constructs "like this".  I find such
examination far more persuasive than abstract arguments or made-up

I would like to see such examination for PEP 572. And for all other 
syntax changing ideas.

I withdrew some my ideas and patches when my examinations showed that 
the number of cases in the stdlib that will take a benefit from 
rewriting using a new feature or from applying a compiler optimization 
is not large enough.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Tim Peters
[Nick Coghlan ]
> ...
> Using a new keyword (rather than a symbol) would make the new construct
> easier to identify and search for, but also comes with all the downsides of
> introducing a new keyword.

That deserves more thought.  I started my paying career working on a
Fortran compiler, a language which, by design, had no reserved words
(although plenty of keywords).  The language itself (and
vendor-specific extensions) never had to suffer "but adding a new
keyword could break old code!" consequences.

In practice that worked out very well,  Yes, you _could_ write
hard-to-read code using language keywords as, e.g., identifier names
too, but, no, absolutely nobody did that outside of "stupid Fortran
tricks" posts on Usenet ;-)  It had the _intended_ effect in practice:
 no breakage of old code just because the language grew new

It's no longer the case that Python avoided that entirely, since
"async def", "async for", and "async with" statements were added
_without_ making "async" a new reserved word.  It may require pain in
the parser, but it's often doable anyway.  At this stage in Python's
life, adding new _reserved_ words "should be" an extremely high bar -
but adding new non-reserved keywords (like "async") should be a much
lower bar.

That said, I expect it's easier in general to add a non-reserved
keyword introducing a statement (like "async") than one buried inside
expressions ("given").
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Tim Peters
> Can I recommend going slow here? This is a very interesting topic where many
> languages have gone before. I liked Daniel F Moisset's analysis about the
> choices of a language designer and his conclusion that match should be a
> statement.

Just to be annoying ;-) , I liked the way he _reached_ that
conclusion:  by looking at real-life Python code that may have been
written instead to use constructs "like this".  I find such
examination far more persuasive than abstract arguments or made-up

An observation:  syntax borrowed from functional languages often fails
to work well in practice when grafted onto a language that's
statement-oriented - it only works well for the expression subset of
the language. and even then just for when that subset is being used in
a functional way (e.g., the expression `object.method(arg)` is usually
used for its side effects, not for its typically-None return value).
OTOH, syntax borrowed from a statement-oriented language usually fails
to work at all when grafted onto an "almost everything's an
expression" language.

So that's an abstract argument of my own,  but - according to me -
should be given almost no weight unless confirmed by examining
realistic code.  Daniel did some of both - great!

> ...
> A larger topic may be how to reach decisions. If I've learned one thing from
> PEP 572 it's that we need to adjust how we discuss and evaluate proposals.
> I'll think about this and start a discussion at the Language Summit about
> this.

Python needs something akin to a dictator, who tells people how things
are going to be, like it or not.  But a benevolent dictator, not an
evil one.  And to prevent palace intrigue, they should hold that
position for life.  Just thinking outside the box there ;-)
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

04.05.18 15:06, Nick Coghlan пише:
Recapping the use cases where the inline assignment capability received 
the most agreement regarding being potentially more readable than the 
status quo:

Sorry, but these examples don't look as good examples for inline 
assignments to me. I think that all these cases can be written better 
without using the inline assignment.

1. Making an "exactly one branch is executed" construct clearer than is 
the case for nested if statements:

     if m :=
     elif m :=

This case can be better handled by combining patterns in a single 
regular expression.

pattern = re.compile('(?Ppattern1)|(?Ppattern2)|...')
m =
if not m: # this can be omitted if the pattern is always found

See for example where this pattern is used.

2. Replacing a loop-and-a-half construct:

     while m :=

This case can be better handled by re.finditer().

for m in pattern.finditer(remaining_data):

In more complex cases it is handy to write a simple generator function 
and iterate its result.

The large number of similar cases are covered by a two-argument iter().

3. Sharing values between filtering clauses and result expressions in 

     result = [(x, y, x/y) for x in data if (y := f(x))]

There are a lot of ways of writing this. PEP 572 mentions them. 
Different ways are used in real code depending on preferences of the 
author. Actually the number of these cases is pretty low in comparison 
with the total number of comprehensions.

It is possible to express an assignment in comprehensions with the "for 
var in [value]" idiom, and this idiom is more powerful than PEP 572 in 
this case because it allows to perform an assignment before the first 
'for'. But really complex comprehensions could be better written as 
'for' statements with explicit adding to the collection or yielding.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Guido van Rossum
Thanks! Perhaps the most useful bit of this post is the clear list of use
cases (a useful summary of the motivational part of PEP 572).

On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 5:06 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:

> (Note: Guido's already told me off-list that he doesn't like the way this
> spelling reads, but I wanted to share it anyway since it addresses one of
> the recurring requests in the PEP 572 discussions for a more targeted
> proposal that focused specifically on the use cases that folks had agreed
> were reasonable potential use cases for inline assignment expressions.
> I'll also note that another potential concern with this specific proposal
> is that even though "given" wasn't used as a term in any easily discovered
> Python APIs back when I first wrote PEP 3150, it's now part of the
> Hypothesis testing API, so adopting it as a keyword now would be markedly
> more disruptive than it might have been historically)
> Recapping the use cases where the inline assignment capability received
> the most agreement regarding being potentially more readable than the
> status quo:
> 1. Making an "exactly one branch is executed" construct clearer than is
> the case for nested if statements:
> if m :=
> ...
> elif m :=
> ...
> else:
> ...
> 2. Replacing a loop-and-a-half construct:
> while m :=
> ...
> 3. Sharing values between filtering clauses and result expressions in
> comprehensions:
> result = [(x, y, x/y) for x in data if (y := f(x))]
> The essence of the given clause concept would be to modify *these specific
> cases* (at least initially) to allow the condition expression to be
> followed by an inline assignment, of the form "given TARGET = EXPR". (Note:
> being able to implement such a syntactic constraint is a general
> consequence of using a ternary notation rather than a binary one, since it
> allows the construct to start with an arbitrary expression, without
> requiring that expression to be both the result of the operation *and* the
> value bound to a name - it isn't unique to the "given" keyword specifically)
> While the leading keyword would allow TARGET to be an arbitrary assignment
> target without much chance for confusion, it could also be restricted to
> simple names instead (as has been done for PEP 572.
> With that spelling, the three examples above would become:
> # Exactly one branch is executed here
> if m given m =
> ...
> elif m given m =
> ...
> else:
> ...
> # This name is rebound on each trip around the loop
> while m given m =
> ...
> # "f(x)" is only evaluated once on each iteration
> result = [(x, y, x/y) for x in data if y given y = f(x)]
> Constraining the syntax that way (at least initially) would avoid poking
> into any dark corners of Python's current scoping and expression execution
> ordering semantics, while still leaving the door open to later making
> "result given NAME = expr" a general purpose ternary operator that returns
> the LHS, while binding the RHS to the given name as a side effect.
> Using a new keyword (rather than a symbol) would make the new construct
> easier to identify and search for, but also comes with all the downsides of
> introducing a new keyword. (Hence the not-entirely-uncommon suggestion of
> using "with" for a purpose along these lines, which runs into a different
> set of problems related to trying to use "with" for two distinct and
> entirely unrelated purposes).
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Guido van Rossum
Can I recommend going slow here? This is a very interesting topic where
many languages have gone before. I liked Daniel F Moisset's analysis about
the choices of a language designer and his conclusion that match should be
a statement.

I just noticed the very similar proposal for JavaScript linked to by the
OP: -- this is more
relevant than what's done in e.g. F# or Swift because Python and JS are
much closer. (Possibly Elixir is also relevant, it seems the JS proposal
borrows from that.)

A larger topic may be how to reach decisions. If I've learned one thing
from PEP 572 it's that we need to adjust how we discuss and evaluate
proposals. I'll think about this and start a discussion at the Language
Summit about this.

--Guido van Rossum (
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Ed Kellett
On 2018-05-04 08:26, Jacco van Dorp wrote:
> Would this be valid?
> # Pattern matching with guards
> x = 'three'
> number = match x:
> 1 => "one"
> y if y is str => f'The string is {y}'
> z if z is int => f'the int is {z}'
> _ => "anything"
> print(number)  # The string is three
> If so, why are y and z both valid here ? Is the match variable rebound
> to any other ? Or even to all names ?

In the match case here:

match x:
y if y > 3 => f'{y} is >3' # to use an example that works

there are three parts:

"y" is a pattern. It specifies the shape of the value to match: in this
case, anything at all. Nothing is bound yet.
"if" is just the word if, used as a separator, nothing to do with "if"
in expressions.
"y > 3" is the guard expression for the match case. Iff the pattern
matches, "y > 3" is evaluated, with names appearing in the pattern
taking the values they matched.

It's important to note that the thing on the left-hand side is
explicitly *not* a variable. It's a pattern, which can look like a
variable, but it could also be a literal or a display.

> ofc, you could improve the clarity here with:
> number = match x as y:
> or any variant thereof. This way, you'd explicitely bind the variable
> you use for testing. If you don't, the interpreter would never know
> which ones to treat as rebindings and which to draw from surrounding
> scopes, if any.

I don't think anything in the pattern should be drawn from surrounding

> I also haven't really seen a function where this would be better than
> existing syntax, and the above is the only one to actually try
> something not possible with dicts. The type checking one could better
> be:
> [snip]
> The production datetime code could be:
> def convert_time_to_timedelta_with_match(unit:str, amount:int, now:date):
>return {
> "days":timedelta(**{unit: amount}),
> "hours":timedelta(**{unit: amount}),
> "weeks":timedelta(**{unit: amount}),
> # why not something like subtracting two dates here to get an
> accurate timedelta for your specific interval ?
> "months":timedelta(days = 30*amount),  # days = (365.25 /
> 12)*amount ? Would be a lot more accurate for average month length.
> (30.4375)
> "years":timedelta(days=365*amount),  # days = 365.25*amount ?
> "cal_years":timedelta(now - now.replace(year=now.year - amount)),
>   }.get(unit)

Don't you think the repetition of ``timedelta(**{unit: amount})'' sort
of proves OP's point?

Incidentally, there's no need to use the dict trick when the unit is
known statically anyway. I can't decide if that would count as more
reptition or less.

> I honestly don't see the advantages of new syntax here.
> Unless you hate the eager evaluation in the dict literal getting
> indexed, so if it's performance critical an if/else might be better.
> But I can't see a match statement outperforming if/else. (and if you
> really need faster than if/else, you should perhaps move that bit of
> code to C or something.)

It's not really about performance. It's about power. A bunch of if
statements can do many things--anything, arguably--but their generality
translates into repetition when dealing with many instances of this
family of cases.

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Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 12:45 AM, Daniel Moisset  wrote:
>> (3) Unlike a case/switch statement, there's no implication that the
>> compiler could optimise the order of look-ups; it is purely top to
>> bottom.
> [we are talking about a multi-branch pattern matching statement now, not
> just "apttern matching"] In most practical cases, a compiler can do
> relatively simple static analysis (even in python) that could result in
> performance improvements. One obvious improvement is that the matched
> expression can be evaluated once (you can achieve the same effect always
> with a dummy variable assignment right before the if/elif statement).

That one isn't an optimization, but part of the specification; it is
an advantage of the fact that you're writing the match expression just
once. But all the rest of your optimizations aren't trustworthy.

> But
> for multiple literal string patterns (a common scenario), you can compile a
> string matcher that is faster than a sequence of equality comparisons
> (either through hashing+comparison fallback or creating some decision tree
> that goes through the input string once).

Only if you're doing equality checks (no substrings or anything else
where it might match more than one of them). And if you're doing
"pattern matching" that's nothing more than string equality
comparisons, a dict is a better way to spell it.

> For integers you can make lookup tables.

If they're just equality checks, again, a dict is better. If they're
ranges, you would have to ensure that they don't overlap (no problem
if they're all literals), and then you could potentially optimize it.

> Even an ifinstance check choosing between several branches (a not so
> uncommon occurrence) could be implemented by a faster operation if somewhat
> considered that relevant.

Only if you can guarantee that no single object can be an instance of
more than one of the types. Otherwise, you still have to check in some
particular order. In CPython, you can guarantee that isinstance(x,
int) and isinstance(x, str) can't both be true, but that's basically a
CPython implementation detail, due to the way C-implemented classes
work. You can't use this to dispatch based on exception types, for
instance. Let's say you try to separately dispatch ValueError,
ZeroDivisionError, and OSError; and then you get this:

>>> class DivisionByOSError(ZeroDivisionError, OSError, ValueError): pass
>>> raise DivisionByOSError()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 

That thing really truly is all three of those types, and you have to
decide how to dispatch that. So there needs to be an order to the
checks, with no optimization.

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Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Daniel Moisset
This email from Steve has some good questions, let me try to help organize

On 4 May 2018 at 13:11, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> I'll make a start, and you can correct me if I get any of it wrong.
> (1) Pattern matching takes a value, and compares it to a series of
> *patterns* until the first match, at which point it returns a specified
> value, skipping the rest of the patterns.

In a general sense based in most other languages, patterns are a syntactic
construct that can be "matched" with a value in runtime. The matching
process has two effects at once:
1) check that the value has some specific form dictated by the pattern
(which can have a yes/no result)
2) bind some assignable targets referenced in the pattern to components of
the value matched. The binding is usually done only if there is a match
according to (1)

Python actually has some form of patterns (called "target_list" in the
formal syntax) that are used in assignments, for loops, and other places.
As it is mostly restricted to assign single values, or decompose iterables,
we normally say "tuple unpacking" instead of "pattern matching". And
there's a second type of pattern which is included in the try/except
statement, which matches by subtype (and also can bind a name)

As a language designer, once you have your notion on matching defined, you
can choose which kind of constructs use patterns (I just mentioned left of
assignemnts, between "for" and "in", etc in python). Usual constructs are
multi branch statement/expression that match a single value between several
patterns, and run a branch of code depending on what pattern matched (After
performing the corresponding bindings). That's not the only option, you
could also implement patterns in other places, like regular assuments, or
the conditions of loops and conditionals [resulting in an effect similar to
some of the ones being discussed in the PEP572 thread]; although this last
sentence is a beyond what the OP was suggesting and a generalization of the

(2) Patterns typically are single values, and the match is by equality,
> although other kinds of patterns are available as well.

Typical patterns in other languages include:
a) single values (matched by equality)
b) assignables (names, stuff like mylist[0] or self.color) which match
anything and bind the value to assignables
c) type patterns (a value matches if the type of the value has a certain
d) structure patterns (a value matches if it has certain structure. For
example, being a dict with certain keys, or an iterable of certain amount
of elements). These usually are recursive, and components of the structure
can be also patterns
e) arbitrary boolean conditions (that can use the names bound by other
parts of the pattern)

Python has support for (b) and (c) in both assignment and for loops. Python
supports (b) and (c) in try statements. The proposal for the OP offers
expanding to most of these patterns, and implement some sort of pattern
matching expression. I argued in another email that a pattern matching
statement feels more adequate to Python (I'm not arguing at this point if
it's a good idea, just that IF any is a good idea, it's the statement)

As an example, you could have a pattern (invented syntax) like "(1, 'foo',
bar, z: int)" which would positively match 4-element tuples that have 1 in
its first position, foo in its second, and an int instance in the last;
when matching it would bind the names "bar" and "z" to the last 2 elements
in the tuple.

> (3) Unlike a case/switch statement, there's no implication that the
> compiler could optimise the order of look-ups; it is purely top to
> bottom.

[we are talking about a multi-branch pattern matching statement now, not
just "apttern matching"] In most practical cases, a compiler can do
relatively simple static analysis (even in python) that could result in
performance improvements. One obvious improvement is that the matched
expression can be evaluated once (you can achieve the same effect always
with a dummy variable assignment right before the if/elif statement). But
for multiple literal string patterns (a common scenario), you can compile a
string matcher that is faster than a sequence of equality comparisons
(either through hashing+comparison fallback or creating some decision tree
that goes through the input string once). For integers you can make lookup
tables. Even an ifinstance check choosing between several branches (a not
so uncommon occurrence) could be implemented by a faster operation if
somewhat considered that relevant.

> (4) Unlike if...elif, each branch is limited to a single expression, not
> a block. That's a feature: a match expression takes an input, and
> returns a value, and typically we don't have to worry about it having
> side-effects.
> So it is intentionally less general than a chain of if...elif blocks.
That's the OP proposal, yes (as I mentioned, I argued with some simple data
that a feature like that is of a mo

Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Daniel Moisset
Note that most languages that you mentioned as references are functional
(so they don't have a statement/expression distinction like Python has),
and those that are not, have matching statements. The only exception is
Javascript, but in Javascript the distinction is not that
hard given that it has the idiom (function() {stmt; stmt; stmt})() to have
any statement block as an expression. And again, as I mentioned it's an
outlier. Other imperative languages like C, Java, have of course switch
statements which are similar

Making a quick search for real code that could benefit for this, I mostly
found situations where a matching *statement* would be required instead of
a matching *expression*. To give you the examples I found in the stdlib for
Python3.6 (I grepped for "elif" and looked for "similar" branches manually,
covering the first ~20%):

fnmatch.translate (match c: ... string options)
telnetlib.Telnet.process_rawq (match len(self.iacseq): ... integer options)
mimetypes[module __main__ body] (match opt: ... multiple str options per
typing._remove_dups_flatten (match p: ... isinstance checks + custom
condition) [this *could* be an expression with some creativity]
typing.GenericMeta.__getitem__ (match self: ... single and multiple type
options by identity)
turtle.Shape.__init__ (match type_:... str options)
turtle.TurtleScreen._color (match len(cstr): ... int options)
turtle.TurtleScreen.colormode (match cmode: ... mixed type options)
turtle.TNavigator.distance (match x: ... isinstance checks) [could be an
turtle.TNavigator.towards (match x: ... isinstance checks) [could be an
turtle.TPen.color (match l: ... integer options. l is set to len(args) the
line before)
turtle._TurtleImage._setshape (match self._type: ... str options) [could be
an expression]
turtle.RawTurtle.__init__ (match canvas: ... isinstance checks)
turtle.RawTurtle.clone (match ttype: ... str options) [ could be an
turtle.RawTurtle._getshapepoly (match self._resizemode: ... str options,
one with a custom condition or'ed)
turtle.RawTurtle._drawturtle (match ttype: ... str options)
turtle.RawTurtle.stamp (match ttype: ... str options)
turtle.RawTurtle._undo (match action: ... str options)
ntpath.expandvars (match c: ... str optoins)
sre_parse.Subpattern.getwidth (match op: ... nonliteral int constants,
actually a NamedIntConstant which subclasses int)
sre_parse._class_escape (match c: ... string options with custom
conditions, and inclusion+equality mixed)
sre_parse._escape (match c: ... string options with custom conditions, and
inclusion+equality mixed)
sre_parse._parse ( match this: ... string options with in, not in, and
sre_parse._parse ( match char: ... string options with in, and equality)
sre_parse.parse_template (match c: ... string options with in)
netrc.netrc._parse (match tt: ... string options with custom conditions)
netrc.netrc._parse (match tt: ... string options with custom conditions)
[not a duplicate, there are two possible statements here]
argparse.HelpFormatter._format_args (match action.nargs: ... str/None
options) [this *could* be an expression with some
argparse.ArgumentParser._get_nargs_pattern (match nargs: ... str/None
options) [could be an expression]
argparse.ArgumentParser._get_values (match action.nargs: ... str/None
options with extra conditions)
_strptime._strptime (match group_key: ... str options)
datetime._wrap_strftime (match ch: ... str optoins)
pickletools.optimize (match opcode,name: ... str options with reverse
inclusion and equiality)
json/encoder._make_iterencode(match value: ... mixed options and isinstance
json/encoder._make_iterencode._iterencode dict (match key: ... mixed
options and isinstance checks)
json/encoder._make_iterencode._iterencode dict (match value: ... mixed
options and isinstance checks)
json/encoder._make_iterencode._iterencode (match o: ... mixed options and
isinstance checks)
json/scanner.py_make_scanner._scan_once (match nextchar: ... str options)
[could be turned into expression with some transformation]
unittest.mock._Call.__new__ (match _len: ... int options)
unittest.mock._Call.eq__ (match len_other: ... int options)

(I'm not saying that all these should be match statements, only that they
could be). Cases where an expression would solve the issue are somewhat
uncommon (there are many state machines, including many string or argument
parsers that set state depending on the option, or object builders that
grow data structures). An usual situation is that some of the branches need
to raise exceptions (and raise in python is a statement, not an
expression). This could be workarounded making the default a raise
ValueError that can be caught and reraised as soemthing else, but that
would end up making the code deeper, and IMO, more complicated. Also, many
of the situations where an expression could be used, are string matches
where a dictionary lookup would work well anyway.

My conclusions

Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, May 03, 2018 at 11:36:27AM -0700, Robert Roskam wrote:

> So I started extremely generally with my syntax, but it seems like I should 
> provide a lot more examples of real use.

Yes, real-life examples will be far more compelling and useful than made 
up examples and pseudo-code.

Also, I think that you should delay talking about syntax until you have 
explained in plain English what pattern matching does, how it differs 
from a switch/case statement (in languages that have them) and why it is 
better than the two major existing idioms in Python:

- chained if...elif

- dict dispatch.

I'll make a start, and you can correct me if I get any of it wrong.

(1) Pattern matching takes a value, and compares it to a series of 
*patterns* until the first match, at which point it returns a specified 
value, skipping the rest of the patterns.

(2) Patterns typically are single values, and the match is by equality, 
although other kinds of patterns are available as well.

(3) Unlike a case/switch statement, there's no implication that the 
compiler could optimise the order of look-ups; it is purely top to 

(4) Unlike if...elif, each branch is limited to a single expression, not 
a block. That's a feature: a match expression takes an input, and 
returns a value, and typically we don't have to worry about it having 

So it is intentionally less general than a chain of if...elif blocks.

(5) We could think of it as somewhat analogous to a case/switch 
statement, a dict lookup, or if...elif, only better.

(Why is it better?)

Here is a list of patterns I would hope to support, off the top of my 

* match by equality;

* match by arbitrary predicates such as "greater than X" or 
  "between X and Y";

* match by string prefix, suffix, or substring;

* match by type (isinstance).

I think that before we start talking about syntax, we need to know what 
features we need syntax for.

There's probably more to it, because so far it doesn't look like 
anything but a restricted switch statement. Over to someone else with a 
better idea of why pattern matching has become ubiquitous in functional 

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[Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

2018-05-04 Thread Nick Coghlan
(Note: Guido's already told me off-list that he doesn't like the way this
spelling reads, but I wanted to share it anyway since it addresses one of
the recurring requests in the PEP 572 discussions for a more targeted
proposal that focused specifically on the use cases that folks had agreed
were reasonable potential use cases for inline assignment expressions.

I'll also note that another potential concern with this specific proposal
is that even though "given" wasn't used as a term in any easily discovered
Python APIs back when I first wrote PEP 3150, it's now part of the
Hypothesis testing API, so adopting it as a keyword now would be markedly
more disruptive than it might have been historically)

Recapping the use cases where the inline assignment capability received the
most agreement regarding being potentially more readable than the status

1. Making an "exactly one branch is executed" construct clearer than is the
case for nested if statements:

if m :=
elif m :=

2. Replacing a loop-and-a-half construct:

while m :=

3. Sharing values between filtering clauses and result expressions in

result = [(x, y, x/y) for x in data if (y := f(x))]

The essence of the given clause concept would be to modify *these specific
cases* (at least initially) to allow the condition expression to be
followed by an inline assignment, of the form "given TARGET = EXPR". (Note:
being able to implement such a syntactic constraint is a general
consequence of using a ternary notation rather than a binary one, since it
allows the construct to start with an arbitrary expression, without
requiring that expression to be both the result of the operation *and* the
value bound to a name - it isn't unique to the "given" keyword specifically)

While the leading keyword would allow TARGET to be an arbitrary assignment
target without much chance for confusion, it could also be restricted to
simple names instead (as has been done for PEP 572.

With that spelling, the three examples above would become:

# Exactly one branch is executed here
if m given m =
elif m given m =

# This name is rebound on each trip around the loop
while m given m =

# "f(x)" is only evaluated once on each iteration
result = [(x, y, x/y) for x in data if y given y = f(x)]

Constraining the syntax that way (at least initially) would avoid poking
into any dark corners of Python's current scoping and expression execution
ordering semantics, while still leaving the door open to later making
"result given NAME = expr" a general purpose ternary operator that returns
the LHS, while binding the RHS to the given name as a side effect.

Using a new keyword (rather than a symbol) would make the new construct
easier to identify and search for, but also comes with all the downsides of
introducing a new keyword. (Hence the not-entirely-uncommon suggestion of
using "with" for a purpose along these lines, which runs into a different
set of problems related to trying to use "with" for two distinct and
entirely unrelated purposes).


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, May 03, 2018 at 09:04:40PM +0100, Ed Kellett wrote:
> On 2018-05-03 19:57, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > Got it. Well, I don't see why we can't use Python's existing primitives.
> > 
> > def hyperop(n, a, b):
> > if n == 0: return 1 + b
> > if n == 1: return a + b
> > if n == 2: return a * b
> > if n == 3: return a ** b
> > if n == 4: return a *** b
> > if n == 5: return a  b
> > if n == 6: return a * b
> > ...
> Well, it'd be infinitely long, but I suppose I'd have to concede that
> that's in line with the general practicality level of the example.

Yes, but only countably infinite, so at least we can enumerate them 
all. Eventually :-)

And aside from the tiny niggle that *** and higher order operators are 
syntax errors... 

Its not a bad example of the syntax, but it would be considerably more 
compelling a use-case if it were something less obscure and impractical.

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Re: [Python-ideas] Pattern Matching Syntax

2018-05-04 Thread Jacco van Dorp
Would this be valid?

# Pattern matching with guards
x = 'three'

number = match x:
1 => "one"
y if y is str => f'The string is {y}'
z if z is int => f'the int is {z}'
_ => "anything"

print(number)  # The string is three

If so, why are y and z both valid here ? Is the match variable rebound
to any other ? Or even to all names ?

ofc, you could improve the clarity here with:

number = match x as y:

or any variant thereof. This way, you'd explicitely bind the variable
you use for testing. If you don't, the interpreter would never know
which ones to treat as rebindings and which to draw from surrounding
scopes, if any.

I also haven't really seen a function where this would be better than
existing syntax, and the above is the only one to actually try
something not possible with dicts. The type checking one could better

x = 1
d = {
d.get(type(x), None)

The production datetime code could be:

def convert_time_to_timedelta_with_match(unit:str, amount:int, now:date):
   return {
"days":timedelta(**{unit: amount}),
"hours":timedelta(**{unit: amount}),
"weeks":timedelta(**{unit: amount}),
# why not something like subtracting two dates here to get an
accurate timedelta for your specific interval ?
"months":timedelta(days = 30*amount),  # days = (365.25 /
12)*amount ? Would be a lot more accurate for average month length.
"years":timedelta(days=365*amount),  # days = 365.25*amount ?
"cal_years":timedelta(now - now.replace(year=now.year - amount)),

I honestly don't see the advantages of new syntax here.
Unless you hate the eager evaluation in the dict literal getting
indexed, so if it's performance critical an if/else might be better.
But I can't see a match statement outperforming if/else. (and if you
really need faster than if/else, you should perhaps move that bit of
code to C or something.)

2018-05-04 0:34 GMT+02:00 Ed Kellett :
> On 2018-05-03 20:17, Chris Angelico wrote:
>>> def convert_time_to_timedelta_with_match(unit:str, amount:int, now:date):
>>>  return match unit:
>>>  x if x in ('days', 'hours', 'weeks') => timedelta(**{unit: amount})
>>>  'months' => timedelta(days=30 * amount)
>>>  'years' => timedelta(days=365 * amount)
>>>  'cal_years' => now - now.replace(year=now.year - amount)
>> And then this comes down to the same as all the other comparisons -
>> the "x if x" gets duplicated. So maybe it would be best to describe
>> this thus:
>> match  :
>>  | ( ) => 
>> If it's just an expression, it's equivalent to a comp_op of '=='. The
>> result of evaluating the match expression is then used as the left
>> operand for ALL the comparisons. So you could write your example as:
>> return match unit:
>> in ('days', 'hours', 'weeks') => timedelta(**{unit: amount})
>> 'months' => timedelta(days=30 * amount)
>> 'years' => timedelta(days=365 * amount)
>> 'cal_years' => now - now.replace(year=now.year - amount)
>> Then there's room to expand that to a comma-separated list of values,
>> which would pattern-match a tuple.
> I believe there are some problems with this approach. That case uses no
> destructuring at all, so the syntax that supports destructuring looks
> clumsy. In general, if you want to support something like:
> match spec:
> (None, const) => const
> (env, fmt) if env => fmt.format(**env)
> then I think something like the 'if' syntax is essential for guards.
> One could also imagine cases where it'd be useful to guard on more
> involved properties of things:
> match number_ish:
> x:str if x.lower().startswith('0x') => int(x[2:], 16)
> x:str => int(x)
> x => x  #yolo
> (I know base=0 exists, but let's imagine we're implementing base=0, or
> something).
> I'm usually against naming things, and deeply resent having to name the
> x in [x for x in ... if ...] and similar constructs. But in this
> specific case, where destructuring is kind of the point, I don't think
> there's much value in compromising that to avoid a name.
> I'd suggest something like this instead:
> return match unit:
> _ in {'days', 'hours', 'weeks'} => timedelta(**{unit: amount})
> ...
> So a match entry would be one of:
> - A pattern. See below
> - A pattern followed by "if" , e.g.:
>   (False, x) if len(x) >= 7
> - A comparison where the left-hand side is a pattern, e.g.:
>   _ in {'days', 'hours', 'weeks'}
> Where a pattern is one of:
> - A display of patterns, e.g.:
>   {'key': v, 'ignore': _}
>   I think *x and **x should be allowed here.
> - A comma-separated list of patterns, making a tuple
> - A pattern enclosed in parentheses
> - A literal (that is not a formatted string literal, for sanity)
> - A name
> - A name with a type annotation
> To give a not-at-all-motivating but hopefully illustrative example:
> return match x: