Re: [Python-ideas] Including the unparse module in the standard library

2018-07-16 Thread Chris Barker via Python-ideas
On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 12:24 PM, Brett Cannon  wrote:

> Since it isn't necessary for Python to function, I would say we probably
> don''t want to pull it up. Then the maintenance burden grows much more.

might make sense to put it on pypi though, if someone want to take
responsibility for it.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Including the unparse module in the standard library

2018-07-16 Thread Brett Cannon
On Thu, 12 Jul 2018 at 11:21 Andre Roberge  wrote:

> In the cPython repository, there is an unparse module in the Tools section.
> However, as it is not part of the standard library, it cannot be easily
> used; to do so, one needs to make a local copy in a place from where it can
> be imported.
> This module can be useful for people using the ast module to create and
> parse trees, modify them ... and who want to convert the result back into
> source code.  Since it is obviously maintained to be compatible with the
> current Python version,

Maintained doesn't mean it's check on very often, nor designed well or
updated. ;)

> would it be possible to include the unparse module in the standard library?

Since it isn't necessary for Python to function, I would say we probably
don''t want to pull it up. Then the maintenance burden grows much more.
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Re: [Python-ideas] Do not block threads when pickle/unpickle

2018-07-16 Thread Martin Bammer
If you've for example an application with a GUI. Every time bigger 
objects are pickled/unpickled the complete GUI blocks.

Or if you've a server application with multiple network connections and 
the application should have a guaranteed response time, then it is 
impossible if one single client could lead the server to block for a 
longer time if it sends a big object which takes long to unpickle.

Just 2 simple examples.

Am 2018-07-16 um 20:05 schrieb Joseph Jevnik:

The GIL must be held to allocate memory for Python objects and to
invoke the Python code to deserialize user defined picklable objects.
I don't think there is a long span of time where the code could leave
the GIL released. The Python implementation is just pausing to let
other Python threads run, but it is not actually able to parallelize.
The same would be true of the C implementation, is there a reason to
want to pause the thread to let another thread run?

On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 1:56 PM, Martin Bammer  wrote:


the old and slow python implementation of pickle didn't block background

But the newer C-implementation blocks other threads while dump/load is

Wouldn't it be possible to allow other threads during this time?

Especially could load/loads release the GIL, because Python objects are not
available to the Python code until these functions have finished?



Python-ideas mailing list
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Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Do not block threads when pickle/unpickle

2018-07-16 Thread Antoine Pitrou


On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 19:56:34 +0200
Martin Bammer  wrote:
> Hi,
> the old and slow python implementation of pickle didn't block background 
> thread.
> But the newer C-implementation blocks other threads while dump/load is 
> running.

This is a fair comment.
Please open an issue on the bug tracker at



Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Do not block threads when pickle/unpickle

2018-07-16 Thread Joseph Jevnik
The GIL must be held to allocate memory for Python objects and to
invoke the Python code to deserialize user defined picklable objects.
I don't think there is a long span of time where the code could leave
the GIL released. The Python implementation is just pausing to let
other Python threads run, but it is not actually able to parallelize.
The same would be true of the C implementation, is there a reason to
want to pause the thread to let another thread run?

On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 1:56 PM, Martin Bammer  wrote:
> Hi,
> the old and slow python implementation of pickle didn't block background
> thread.
> But the newer C-implementation blocks other threads while dump/load is
> running.
> Wouldn't it be possible to allow other threads during this time?
> Especially could load/loads release the GIL, because Python objects are not
> available to the Python code until these functions have finished?
> Regards,
> Martin
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list
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[Python-ideas] Do not block threads when pickle/unpickle

2018-07-16 Thread Martin Bammer


the old and slow python implementation of pickle didn't block background 

But the newer C-implementation blocks other threads while dump/load is 

Wouldn't it be possible to allow other threads during this time?

Especially could load/loads release the GIL, because Python objects are 
not available to the Python code until these functions have finished?



Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] The future of Python parallelism. The GIL. Subinterpreters. Actors.

2018-07-16 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 18:00:37 +0100
MRAB  wrote:
> Could you explicitly share an object in a similar way to how you 
> explicitly open a file?
> The shared object's refcount would be incremented and the sharing 
> function would return a proxy to the shared object.
> Refcounting in the thread/process would be done on the proxy.
> When the proxy is closed or garbage-collected, the shared object's 
> refcount would be decremented.
> The shared object could be garbage-collected when its refcount drops to 
> zero.

Yes, I'm assuming that would be how shareable buffers could be
implemented: a per-interpreter proxy (with a regular Python refcount)
mediating access to a shared object (which could have an atomic /
thread-safe refcount).

As for how shareable buffers could be useful, see my work on PEP 574:



Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] The future of Python parallelism. The GIL. Subinterpreters. Actors.

2018-07-16 Thread MRAB

On 2018-07-16 05:24, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 1:21 PM, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:

On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 6:00 PM, Chris Angelico  wrote:

On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 10:31 AM, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:

On Sun, Jul 8, 2018 at 11:27 AM, David Foster  wrote:

* The Actor model can be used with some effort via the “multiprocessing”
module, but it doesn’t seem that streamlined and forces there to be a
separate OS process per line of execution, which is relatively expensive.

What do you mean by "the Actor model"? Just shared-nothing
concurrency? (My understanding is that in academia it means
shared-nothing + every thread/process/whatever gets an associated
queue + queues are globally addressable + queues have unbounded
buffering + every thread/process/whatever is implemented as a loop
that reads messages from its queue and responds to them, with no
internal concurrency. I don't know why this particular bundle of
features is considered special. Lots of people seem to use it in
looser sense though.)

Shared-nothing concurrency is, of course, the very easiest way to
parallelize. But let's suppose you're trying to create an online
multiplayer game. Since it's a popular genre at the moment, I'll go
for a battle royale game (think PUBG, H1Z1, Fortnite, etc). A hundred
people enter; one leaves. The game has to let those hundred people
interact, which means that all hundred people have to be connected to
the same server. And you have to process everyone's movements,
gunshots, projectiles, etc, etc, etc, fast enough to be able to run a
server "tick" enough times per second - I would say 32 ticks per
second is an absolute minimum, 64 is definitely better. So what
happens when the processing required takes more than one CPU core for
1/32 seconds? A shared-nothing model is either fundamentally
impossible, or a meaningless abstraction (if you interpret it to mean
"explicit queues/pipes for everything"). What would the "Actor" model
do here?

"Shared-nothing" is a bit of jargon that means there's no *implicit*
sharing; your threads can still communicate, the communication just
has to be explicit. I don't know exactly what algorithms your
hypothetical game needs, but they might be totally fine in a
shared-nothing approach. It's not just for embarrassingly parallel

Right, so basically it's the exact model that Python *already* has for
multiprocessing - once you go to separate processes, nothing is
implicitly shared, and everything has to be done with queues.

Ideally, I would like to be able to write my code as a set of
functions, then easily spin them off as separate threads, and have
them able to magically run across separate CPUs. Unicorns not being a
thing, I'm okay with warping my code a bit around the need for
parallelism, but I'm not sure how best to do that. Assume here that we
can't cheat by getting most of the processing work done with the GIL
released (eg in Numpy), and it actually does require Python-level
parallelism of CPU-heavy work.

If you need shared-memory threads, on multiple cores, for CPU-bound
logic, where the logic is implemented in Python, then yeah, you
basically need a free-threaded implementation of Python. Jython is
such an implementation. PyPy could be if anyone were interested in
funding it [1], but apparently no-one is. Probably removing the GIL
from CPython is impossible. (I'd be happy to be proven wrong.) Sorry I
don't have anything better to report.

(This was a purely hypothetical example.)

There could be some interesting results from using the GIL only for
truly global objects, and then having other objects guarded by arena
locks. The trouble is that, in CPython, as soon as you reference any
read-only object from the globals, you need to raise its refcount.
ISTR someone mentioned something along the lines of
sys.eternalize(obj) to flag something as "never GC this thing, it no
longer has a refcount", which would then allow global objects to be
referenced in a truly read-only way (eg to call a function). Sadly,
I'm not expert enough to actually look into implementing it, but it
does seem like a very cool concept. It also fits into the "warping my
code a bit" category (eg eternalizing a small handful of key objects,
and paying the price of "well, now they can never be garbage
collected"), with the potential to then parallelize more easily.

Could you explicitly share an object in a similar way to how you 
explicitly open a file?

The shared object's refcount would be incremented and the sharing 
function would return a proxy to the shared object.

Refcounting in the thread/process would be done on the proxy.

When the proxy is closed or garbage-collected, the shared object's 
refcount would be decremented.

The shared object could be garbage-collected when its refcount drops to 

The good news is that there are many, many situations where you don't
actually need "shared-memory threads, on multiple cores, for CPU-bound
logic, where the logic is 

Re: [Python-ideas] The future of Python parallelism. The GIL. Subinterpreters. Actors.

2018-07-16 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 07:00:34 +0200
Stephan Houben 
> What about the following model: you have N Python interpreters, each with
> their own GIL. Each *Python* object belongs to precisely one interpreter.

This is roughly what Eric's subinterpreters approach tries to do.



Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] The future of Python parallelism. The GIL. Subinterpreters. Actors.

2018-07-16 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Sun, 15 Jul 2018 20:21:56 -0700
Nathaniel Smith  wrote:
> If you need shared-memory threads, on multiple cores, for CPU-bound
> logic, where the logic is implemented in Python, then yeah, you
> basically need a free-threaded implementation of Python. Jython is
> such an implementation. PyPy could be if anyone were interested in
> funding it [1], but apparently no-one is. Probably removing the GIL
> from CPython is impossible. (I'd be happy to be proven wrong.)

It's not that it's impossible, it's that everyone trying to remove it
ended up with a 30-40% slowdown in a single-threaded mode (*).  Perhaps
Larry manages to do better, though ;-)

(*) a figure which I assume is highly workload-dependent



Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] The future of Python parallelism. The GIL. Subinterpreters. Actors.

2018-07-16 Thread Sebastian Krause
Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> It was never extended beyond Windows, and a Windows-only solution
> doesn't meet the needs of a lot of folks interested in more efficient
> exploitation of multiple local CPU cores.

On the other hand Windows has a higher need for a better multi-core
story. A reasonable Unix-only solution already exists with fork() if
you don't need a lot of shared memory, multi-processing on Windows
is just not on the same level.
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