[Python-ideas] Re: Opt-in “iter def” and/or “gen def” syntax for generator functions

2022-05-31 Thread Aaron L via Python-ideas
I don't really disagree with most of what you wrote! And agree that decorators, 
specifically, are a pretty good solution within the scope of an individual 

But I would quibble with this:

>How fundamental is it that THIS function is a generator, rather than simply 
> it returns an iterator (or that it returns a generator/coroutine object, etc)?

The delayed execution of a generator function is, IMO very, very different than 
a regular function!

def f():
result = side_effect1()
yield 0
yield 1
return result


def f():
   return range(2)

These are contrived examples, obviously, but I've specifically encountered 
issues like this when working with code that handles streaming data - from a db 
or REST API, for instance. My experience of this type of code is often along 
the following lines:

def stream_rows(self):
   [mutex handling ...]
   [retry logic]
   [more mutexes?]
   [some timeout stuff]

I don't mean to belabor the point - the decision in PEP 255 is pretty 
definitive, and this was more or less a "modest proposal" anyway. I do 
appreciate the responses and discussion!

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[Python-ideas] Re: Opt-in “iter def” and/or “gen def” syntax for generator functions

2022-05-31 Thread Aaron L via Python-ideas
Thanks for your reply. 

> What's the advantage?

I brought this up thinking about explicitness and readability. Say you want to 
figure out what this function is doing:

def foo() -> t.Iterator[T]:
[... 300 lines of code]

Is this a generator function? I'd argue that whether it's a generator function 
or not is fundamental to being able to read it. The type hint alone doesn't 
tell you whether you're looking at a generator function or not - it might just 
construct and return an iterator.

So, you have to look for a `yield`. And if "yield" is somewhere in the function 
body, it will abruptly change the semantics of the entire definition. This 
feels a like spooky-action-at-a-distance to me - I'd much rather have the 
information up top in the function declaration, the same way that `async def` 
declares a coroutine function.

However: this was actually discussed in PEP 255, where there was a decision 
*not* to introduce a new keyword for generator functions. From the BDFL 

> No argument on either side is totally convincing, so I have consulted
> my language designer’s intuition. It tells me that the syntax proposed
> in the PEP is exactly right - not too hot, not too cold. But, like the Oracle
> at Delphi in Greek mythology, it doesn’t tell me why, so I don’t have a
> rebuttal for the arguments against the PEP syntax.

- Aaron
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[Python-ideas] Opt-in “iter def” and/or “gen def” syntax for generator functions

2022-05-31 Thread Aaron L via Python-ideas
After getting used to writing async functions, I’ve been wanting use a similar 
syntax to declare generator functions. Something along the lines of

`iter def my_iterator() -> T`


`gen def my_generator() -> (T, U, V)`

Obviously, for backwards compatibility, this would need to be optional or have 
an opt-in mechanism. Would a feature like this be at all within the realm of 
possibility? I’d be happy to write up a much longer discussion if so.

(I found a short discussion of such a feature in the archives about 8 years 
ago[1]. But, since it predates both `async def` and the current type checker 
regime, I thought it might be worth discussing. Apologies if I missed any more 
recent discussions.)


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