[Python-ideas] Retire or reword the "Beautiful is better than ugly" Zen clause

2018-09-13 Thread Samantha Quan
First, I'd like to express how grateful I am to see more and more technical communities embrace diversity and inclusivity, particularly big tech communities like Python, Redis, and Django.In the spirit of the big recent terminology change, I propose retiring or rewording the "Beautiful is better than ugly" Zen clause for perpetuating beauty bias and containing lookist slur. I realize that Zen is old, but you can't argue that the word "ugly" is harmless, now that society condemns body shaming, and instead promotes body acceptance and self-love. One alternative to that clause I could think of is "Clean is better than dirty", but please do speak up if you have better ideas.I ask you to give this change serious consideration, even if it seems over-the-top to you now, because times change, and this will be of great help in the battle for the more tolerant and less judgemental society.I understand that this topic may seem controversial to some, so please be open-minded and take extra care to respect the PSF Code Of Conduct when replying.Thank you!  - SamSome references:https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Lookismhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lookism___
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Re: [Python-ideas] Retire or reword the "Beautiful is better than ugly" Zen clause

2018-09-13 Thread Samantha Quan
Of course, the argument wasn't that we should treat "good" and "bad" code equally (speaking of common tactics -- "straw man"). The point was that the words you use can make a huge difference. "Ugly" is very obviously a slur. It carries a dark meaning *and* it's still being actively used towards people. Honestly, I can't imagine someone cheering up when they see that word, especially if they're self-conscious about their appearance or were told they were "ugly" at some point of their life. It's my understanding that master/slave terminology is now deprecated, because these words carry dark meanings, too, and further alienate folks who feel uncomfortable being reminded of them everywhere. That's the idea of inclusivity: to make other people (usually from marginalized groups) feel welcome and safe. By removing/replacing the word "ugly", we could make one additional step towards being more inclusive. 13.09.2018, 19:36, "Nathaniel Smith" :> On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 9:13 AM, Mark E. Haase  wrote:>>  On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 10:49 AM Rhodri James  wrote:>  More importantly, this whole idea of banning and/or changing terminology>>>  is psychologically and sociologically wrong-headed. The moment you say "You>>>  may not use that word" you create a taboo, and give the word a power that it>>>  did not have before.  Samantha posted this as a *proposal* to python-*ideas*, the mailing list>>  where we purportedly discuss... umm... ideas. Samantha has not banned any>>  words from Python, so let's tone down the hyperbole.  These responses that assume Samantha is a troll are based on... what? Other>>  posters on this list use Yandex e-mails, and nobody called those people>>  trolls. And there are a lot of disagreements about ideas, and most of those>>  people don't get called trolls, either. The Python CoC calls for *respect*,>>  and I posit that the majority reaction to Samantha's first post has been>>  disrespectful.  Engage the post on the ideas—or ignore it altogether—but please don't>>  automatically label newcomers with controversial ideas as trolls. Let's>>  assume her proposal was made in good faith.>> It's not just automatically labeling newcomers with controversial> ideas – This is a very common tactic that online organized bigotry> groups use: invent fake "socially progressive" personas, and use them> to stir up arguments, undermine trust, split communities, etc. The> larger campaigns are pretty well documented:>> http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2014/06/16/_endfathersday_is_a_hoax_fox_news_claims_feminists_want_to_get_rid_of_father.html> https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanhatesthis/your-slip-is-showing-4chan-trolls-operation-lollipop> https://birdeemag.com/free-bleeding-thing/> https://www.dailydot.com/parsec/femcon-4chan-convention-scam/> http://www.newnownext.com/clovergender-hoax-fake-prank-pharma-bro-martin-shkreli-4chan-troll/01/2017/>> Smaller-scale versions are also common – these people love to jump> into difficult conversations and try to make them more difficult.>> That said, in OP's case we don't actually know either way, and even> trolls can inadvertently suggest good ideas, so we should consider the> proposal on its merits.>> Applied to people, lookism is a real and honestly kind of horrifying> thing: humans who happen to be born with less symmetric faces get paid> worse, receive worse health care, all kinds of unfair things. It> wasn't too long ago that being sufficiently ugly in public was> actually illegal in many places:> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugly_law>> But even if we all agree that beautiful and ugly people should be> treated equally, I don't see how it follows that beautiful and ugly> buildings should be treated equally, or beautiful and ugly music> should be treated equally, or beautiful and ugly code should be> treated equally. The situations are totally different. Maybe there's> some connection I'm missing, and if anyone (Samantha?) has links to> deeper discussion then I'll happily take a look. But until then I'm> totally comfortable with keeping the Zen as-is. (And I'm someone> pretty far on the "SJW" side of the spectrum, and 100% in favor of> Victor's original PR.)>> -n>> --> Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org> ___> Python-ideas mailing list> Python-ideas@python.org> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-ideas> Code of Conduct: http://python.org/psf/codeofconduct/___
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