[Python-ideas] Re: PEP Idea: native f-string support as a match pattern

2022-08-13 Thread Tushar Sadhwani
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> I think this is a pretty unconvincing example.  While people seem to
> love to hate on regular expressions, it's hard to see how that beats
> def unquote(string: str) -> str:
> m = re.match(r"^(?:"(.*)"|'(.*)'|(?Pvalue3))$", string)

RegEx feels overkill for this. Certainly takes longer to read, understand and 

Here's a more convincing example, let's build an imaginary data format parser:

data = '''\
- Matthew: 100
- David: 90

- spam: 3
- eggs: 12

parsed = {}
for line in data.splitlines():
match line:
case f"{heading}:"
parsed[heading] = {}
case f"- {name}: {count}":
parsed[heading][name] = int(count)

# Gives {'scores': {'Matthew': 100, 'David': 90}, 'groceries': {'spam': 3, 
'eggs': 12}}
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[Python-ideas] PEP Idea: native f-string support as a match pattern

2022-08-13 Thread Tushar Sadhwani
Since Python has built-in syntax for interpolated strings, I believe it's a 
good area to idea to extend it to pattern matching, like so:

def unquote(string: str) -> str:
match string:
case f'"{value}"':
return value
case f"'{value}'":
return value
case _:
return string

Doing this with current match syntax is not as easy.

I have other reasons to consider this idea as well, but before I try to pursue 
this, I'd like to know if something like this was already discussed when the 
proposal was being made?
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[Python-ideas] Re: PEP Idea: Better return type annotation syntax

2022-01-16 Thread Tushar Sadhwani
Jelle Zijlstra wrote:
> > I like this too. A practical issue is that list[(a, b)] and list[a, b] look
> the same to the compiler, but they would mean very different things. It's
> not obvious how to fix this in a backward-compatible way.
> > I think it looks much cleaner, and if there isn't any drawbacks to adding
> > this syntax, I'd love to work on bringing this to life.

Restricting it to only the top level of a return type annotation should do the 

Such that:

def f() -> (X, Y, Z): ...

is interpreted as tuple[X, Y, Z], but:

def f(x: (X, Y, Z)) -> None: ...
def f() -> Union[int, (X, Y, Z)]: ...
def f() -> list[(X, Y, Z)]: ...

Are not considered as tuple[...]
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[Python-ideas] PEP Idea: Better return type annotation syntax

2022-01-06 Thread Tushar Sadhwani
With the recent submission of [PEP 677][1], I was reminded of an idea I had 
with function annotation syntax since the very beginning:

why not let me write:

def f() -> tuple[int, str]:
return 42, 'foo'


def f() -> (int, str):
return 42, 'foo'

Is there any inherent reason for this, other than that it isn't an actual 

I think it looks much cleaner, and if there isn't any drawbacks to adding this 
syntax, I'd love to work on bringing this to life.

[1]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0677/
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[Python-ideas] Re: [Python-Dev] reversed enumerate

2021-06-06 Thread Tushar Sadhwani
Instead of changing how `reversed()` works, wouldn't a `reversed=True`
property on `enumerate` itself (which checks if the iterable being
reversible) suffice?
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[Python-ideas] dataclasses to have a way to make hashable fields immutable

2021-03-12 Thread Tushar Sadhwani
currently in a `dataclasses.dataclass` based class, you can either have it 
hashable and completely immutable (using frozen=True and eq=True), or you can 
have it hashable but completely mutable (by using unsafe_hash=True)

unsafe_hash provides the convenience of being able to mutate some fields, while 
computing your hash by other, non-mutable fields. But there is nothing 
enforcing the fact that the fields marked with `hash=True` should stay 
immutable, otherwise it completely breaks hashability.

The suggestion is, for the dataclass to throw an error if you try to mutate a 
field that contributes to the hash of that dataclass. Or, to have a flag that 
allows you to do so.

Suggestions for the flag name could be

class A:


class A:
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[Python-ideas] Re: str.isfloat()

2020-12-28 Thread Tushar Sadhwani
Alright, I see why `str.isfloat()` isn't a thing, and having a builtin float 
validation function was besides the point anyway. Thanks for the clarifications 
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[Python-ideas] str.isfloat()

2020-12-27 Thread Tushar Sadhwani
str currently has methods like isdecimal, isnumeric and isdigit, but there 
isn't an isfloat check, which could be very handy.

a trivial implementation could be as simple as:

return True
except ValueError:
return False
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