
currently, regarding positional arguments, `partial` gives us the option to 
partialize functions from the left. There's been some interest about 
partializing functions from the right instead (e.g. [SO post, 9k views, 39 
upvotes](https://stackoverflow.com/q/7811247/3767239)), especially w.r.t. the 
various `str` methods.

I propose adding a function to `functools` that works with placeholders and 
thus offers even greater flexibility. The Ellipsis literal `...` seems a 
intuitive choice for that task. When eventually calling such a "partial 
placeholder" object, it would fill in placeholders from the left and add 
remaining `args` to the right. In terms of implementation this can be realized 
as a subclass of `partial` itself.

## Implementation

    from functools import partial
    from reprlib import recursive_repr

    class partial_placehold(partial):
        placeholder = Ellipsis

        def __call__(self, /, *args, **keywords):
            args = iter(args)
                old_args = [x if x is not self.placeholder else next(args) for 
x in self.args]
            except StopIteration:
                raise TypeError('too few arguments were supplied') from None
            keywords = {**self.keywords, **keywords}
            return self.func(*old_args, *args, **keywords)

        def __repr__(self):
            qualname = type(self).__qualname__
            args = [repr(self.func)]
            args.extend(repr(x) if x is not self.placeholder else '...' for x 
in self.args)  # Only this line deviates from `partial.__repr__`; could also 
factor that out into a separate method.
            args.extend(f"{k}={v!r}" for (k, v) in self.keywords.items())
            if type(self).__module__ == "functools":
                return f"functools.{qualname}({', '.join(args)})"
            return f"{qualname}({', '.join(args)})"

    # Would need to add something for compatibility with `partial`, i.e. for 
partializing a placeholder function.

## Example

This allows for example the following usage:

    replace_dots_with_underscore = partial_placehold(str.replace, ..., '.', '_')

## Relevance

Sure we could also use a `lambda` instead ([as discussed 
 but there was a reason `partial` was introduced and I think the same arguments 
apply here too. Though most functions allow partializing via keyword arguments 
and this is undoubtedly a cleaner way, some might not and for example 
built-ins' methods won't allow it. Especially Python 3.8's introduction of 
positional-only parameters (PEP 570) might give rise to cases where `partial` 
is not sufficient.
In case inspection is desired a `lambda` does not provide much information 
(sure you could always dig deeper with `inspect` for example but that's not the 
point). Consider the following example of a pre-defined sequence of default 
postprocessing steps and the user might add their own or remove existing ones, 
as appropriate:

    postprocessing_steps = [
        lambda s: s.replace('foo', 'bar'),
    print(postprocessing_steps[0])  # <function <lambda> at 0x7f94a850dd30>

This doesn't give a lot of information about what the lambda actually does (and 
thus whether the user should remove it or not). Using the `partial_placehold` 
instead, it's clear what is happening:

    postprocessing_steps = [
        partial_placehold(str.replace, ..., 'foo', 'bar'),
    print(postprocessing_steps[0])  # partial_placehold(<method 'replace' of 
'str' objects>, ..., 'foo', 'bar')

## Compatibility

The proposed solution works with the current syntax and the usage of Ellipsis 
as a placeholder object is likely not to collide with actually used values (in 
any case the user might still reassign the `.placeholder` attribute).
Because the direction of partializing is unchanged (still left to right) this 
doesn't introduce ambiguities which might come with a "right partial" function. 
Creating a placeholder function from a `partial` object is possible without any 
changes, the opposite way requires an additional check to result in a 
placeholder object again.

## Possible confusion

Regarding the usage of Ellipsis right now, in `numpy` or `typing` for example, 
it always represents a placeholder for multiple "things", not a single one:

    array[..., None]  # All the dimensions of `array` plus a new one.
    typing.Tuple[str, ...]  # Any number of str objects.

So the expectations might be biased in that sense. For example:

    def foo(a, b, c, d):

    p_foo = partial_placehold(foo, ..., 1, 2)
    p_foo(3, 4)

Someone else reviewing the code might now assume that the `...` means to act as 
a placeholder for all arguments except the last two (and hence `p_foo(3, 4)` 
would be equivalent to `foo(3, 4, 1, 2)` while it actually is equivalent to 
`foo(3, 1, 2, 4)`). But this would be again some kind of "right partial" 
function and also the function name implies something else; documentation might 
clarify as well, of course.

## Conclusion

Adding a "partial with placeholders" function to `functools` allows for 
covering use cases where the standard `partial` is not sufficient. No new 
syntax is required and the implementation is fairly straightforward given the 
inheritance from `partial`. Ellipsis `...` seems an intuitive choice for acting 
as a placeholder (concerning both, conflicts with actual partial values and 
code readability). There are uses cases where such a function would provide a 
clean solution and there is an interest in the community 
https://stackoverflow.com/q/19701775/3767239 for example). Especially with the 
introduction of positional-only parameters new use cases are likely to arise.


**Related threads:**

 - Mentions essentially a similar idea.

The original [PEP 309 -- Partial Function 
Application](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0309/) also mentions:

> Partially applying arguments from the right, or inserting arguments at 
> arbitrary positions creates its own problems, but pending discovery of a good 
> implementation and non-confusing semantics, I don't think it should be ruled 
> out.
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