Over on Discuss, there's a small discussion about the "lambdas in for 
loop" problem described in the FAQs.



I've created a poll on Discuss. If you have an account, you may like to 
vote on whether for loops should run in their own scope:


* No change, leave loops as they are.

* Change loops to use their own scope.

* No change for loops by default, but add an option to run them in a new scope.

Just throwing out some random syntax to be shot down, how does this read 
to folks?

    for item in sequence in scope:
        # block here has its own scope

I have no idea what the implementation difficulties might be, but with 
lots of hand-waving and in full knowledge that it won't be *me* having 
to do the implementation, I imagine it could be easy enough if the for 
loop is compliled into a nested function that is then immediately 
executed. Sort of like a comprehension?

Personally, I'm happy with Python not using block scopes (only functions 
and classes create a new scope, other blocks do not). But for loop scope 
does seem to be frequently requested, so while I don't see the benefit 
myself, maybe others do.

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