Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-05 Thread Ethan Furman

On 03/05/2017 11:13 AM, Ed Kellett wrote:

I'm not trying to get anyone to implement list.get, I'm trying to get it 

> documented and allowed into list's overly-mappingproxied namespace.

--> dir(list)
# non dunder methods
'append', 'clear', 'copy', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 
'remove', 'reverse', 'sort'

--> dir(dict)
# non dunder methods
'clear', 'copy', 'fromkeys', 'get', 'items', 'keys', 'pop', 'popitem', 
'setdefault', 'update', 'values'

I will admit I'm not entirely sure what you meant with that last statement, but it sounds like you think `list` has a 
bunch of the same methods as `dict` does.  I count 11 methods on dict, 11 methods on list, and only 3 methods that are 
shared (1 of which doesn't work precisely the same on both).

So I'm not seeing a bunch of similarity between the two.

And I'm not seeing any progress here in this discussion, so I'm dropping out 

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-05 Thread Paul Moore
On 5 March 2017 at 19:13, Ed Kellett  wrote:
>> I think we're going to have to just disagree. You won't convince me
>> it's worth adding list.get unless you can demonstrate some *existing*
>> costs that would be removed by adding list.get, and showing that they
>> are greater than the costs of adding list.get (search this list if you
>> don't know what those costs are - I'm not going to repeat them again,
>> but they are *not* trivial).
> They seem to be "it'd need to be added to Sequence too" and "it would mess
> with code that checks for a .get method to determine whether something is a
> mapping". It's easily implementable in Sequence as a mixin method, so I'm
> prepared to call that trivial, and I'm somewhat sceptical that the latter
> code does—let alone should—exist.

You didn't seem to find the post(s) I referred to. I did a search for
you. Here's one of the ones I was talking about -

You need to present sufficient benefits for list.get to justify all of
the costs discussed there - or at least show some understanding of
those costs and an appreciation that you're asking *someone* to pay
those costs if you expect a proposal to add *anything* to the Python
language seriously.

But I quit at this point - you seem intent on not appreciating the
other sides of this argument, so there's not really much point

PS And yes, I do appreciate your point here - a get method on lists
may be useful. And helpers (if you don't name them well, for instance)
aren't always the best solution. But I've never yet seen *any* code
that would be improved by using a list.get method, so although I
understand the argument in theory, I don't see the practical benefits.
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-05 Thread Mark Lawrence via Python-ideas

On 05/03/2017 20:16, Ed Kellett wrote:

On Sun, 5 Mar 2017 at 19:54 David Mertz > wrote:

In terms of an actual use case, I can see it for "Lists no longer
than 4".

That's an excessively hard limit.

Any other use of this hypothetical method would be an anti-pattern

What really is the point of this? You (not uniquely) have been quick to
dismiss any uses for this as misguided. If you must do that, you might
stick to the reasons; meaningless labels don't add anything.

Yes, programmers can do what they want, but providing a method is a
hint to users (especially beginners, but not only) that that is the
"right way" to do it.

I really think that depends what it's a list of. If the
positions of things in the list are important (as with an
argument parser, or perhaps a lookup table) I fail to see why it
would be wrong to peek.

But the positions NEVER are important when you get to a 20 item
list.  If you design an argument parser that is looking for "the
17th argument" you are doing it wrong.  I'm not saying that's
impossible (nor even hard) to program, but it's not good practice.

That's probably true of argument parsers, certainly not lookup tables.

Sure, I'm happy to take 20+ arguments, especially if they result
from a glob pattern used at the command line, naming files.  But
when I'm doing that, I want to deal with those filenames in a loop,
handling each one as necessary.  In that pattern, I *never* want
exactly 20 arguments, but rather "however many things there are to

If lists were really designed to be used only as you and some
others in this thread are suggesting, I don't think they'd have
indexed access at all.

Actually, when I teach I make a big point of telling students (for
me, professional scientists and programmers who have used other PLs)
that if they are indexing a list they should look again and question
whether that's the right pattern.  Of course there are times when
it's needed, but they are fewer than C, Java, or Fortran programmers

I don't think that assessment applies neatly everywhere. Indexing is
generally unnecessary when it's being used instead of iteration, but
this thread is explicitly about cases where iteration isn't wanted.


Patches are always welcome.  If you insist that it's needed, you do the 
work.  Hopefully it's easier with the move to github.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-05 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 6:13 AM, Ed Kellett  wrote:
> The point about this as a Python change is that it's a standard. Who does
> the work couldn't be less relevant; what matters is that it would add a
> consistent and easy spelling for something that doesn't have one.

Oh, absolutely! Because a language totally needs to have a consistent
and easy spelling for everything. How about reading one line of text
from a compressed file and stripping HTML tags from it?

Not everything has to be a single function/method. Some things are
allowed to be more than one. To justify list.get(), you have to show
that it's actually worth adding to the language, and so far, all
you've said is "but wouldn't it be nice".

Show us code that would be improved by this method. SHOW US CODE.

> They seem to be "it'd need to be added to Sequence too" and "it would mess
> with code that checks for a .get method to determine whether something is a
> mapping". It's easily implementable in Sequence as a mixin method, so I'm
> prepared to call that trivial, and I'm somewhat sceptical that the latter
> code does—let alone should—exist.

Classes don't generally inherit from Sequence, though. You can't
simply add methods to these kinds of protocols.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-05 Thread David Mertz
On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 11:22 AM, Ed Kellett  wrote:

> On Sun, 5 Mar 2017 at 18:13 David Mertz  wrote:
>> data = args.get(17, "")
>> Then I'm pretty sure the programmer thinks she's being passed a very
>> different type of collection than is actually available.  I'd rather that
>> fails right away and in an obvious way then silently produce a value.
>> Specifically, if I think I'm dealing with a list that is likely to have 20
>> items (rather than maybe 4 or fewer), I'm almost sure the best way to deal
>> with it is in a loop (or comprehension, map(), etc) and NOT by poking into
>> large index positions that may or may not be present.

> That's up to the programmer. args[17] exists and does fail immediately. If
> the programmer provides a default value, presumably they know they want one.

In terms of an actual use case, I can see it for "Lists no longer than 4".
Any other use of this hypothetical method would be an anti-pattern and be a
bad habit.  Yes, programmers can do what they want, but providing a method
is a hint to users (especially beginners, but not only) that that is the
"right way" to do it.

> I really think that depends what it's a list of. If the positions of
> things in the list are important (as with an argument parser, or perhaps a
> lookup table) I fail to see why it would be wrong to peek.

But the positions NEVER are important when you get to a 20 item list.  If
you design an argument parser that is looking for "the 17th argument" you
are doing it wrong.  I'm not saying that's impossible (nor even hard) to
program, but it's not good practice.

Sure, I'm happy to take 20+ arguments, especially if they result from a
glob pattern used at the command line, naming files.  But when I'm doing
that, I want to deal with those filenames in a loop, handling each one as
necessary.  In that pattern, I *never* want exactly 20 arguments, but
rather "however many things there are to handle."

> If lists were really designed to be used only as you and some others in
> this thread are suggesting, I don't think they'd have indexed access at all.

Actually, when I teach I make a big point of telling students (for me,
professional scientists and programmers who have used other PLs) that if
they are indexing a list they should look again and question whether that's
the right pattern.  Of course there are times when it's needed, but they
are fewer than C, Java, or Fortran programmers think.

If this method existed, I'd want it implemented roughly like this:

In [1]: class GetList(list):
   ...: def get(self, i, default=None):
   ...: if i > 4:
   ...: raise NotImplemented("You should NOT use this method
for long lists!")
   ...: try:
   ...: return self[i]
   ...: except IndexError:
   ...: return default

In [2]: l = GetList(['err','my message'])

In [3]: l.get(1, 'no message')
Out[3]: 'my message'

In [4]: l.get(2, 'no details')
Out[4]: 'no details'

In [5]: l.get(10, 'some data')
TypeError   Traceback (most recent call last)
 in ()
> 1 l.get(10, 'some data')

 in get(self, i, default)
  2 def get(self, i, default=None):
  3 if i > 4:
> 4 raise NotImplemented("You should NOT use this method
for long lists!")
  5 try:
  6 return self[i]

TypeError: 'NotImplementedType' object is not callable

Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-05 Thread Ed Kellett
On Sun, 5 Mar 2017 at 14:08 Paul Moore  wrote:

> Self-evidently no. But what does that prove? That we should implement
> list.get? You could use the dientical argument for *anything*. There
> needs to be another reason for implementing it.

I don't think that's true. It's not true for many other list methods, for
example. It's not a reason for implementing it, but it does suggest to me
that it would increase the one-obvious-way-to-do-it-ness of the language.

But you have yet to explain why you'd be glad not to write a helper
> for list.get, in any terms that don't simply boil down to "someone
> else did the work for me".

What? Five lines isn't work, it's just ugly. I don't want to add a lot of
random utility functions like this because it drastically increases the
effort required to read my code. It's hardly any effort, but it doesn't
solve any problems, so why bother?

The point about this as a Python change is that it's a standard. Who does
the work couldn't be less relevant; what matters is that it would add a
consistent and easy spelling for something that doesn't have one.

> I think we're going to have to just disagree. You won't convince me
> it's worth adding list.get unless you can demonstrate some *existing*
> costs that would be removed by adding list.get, and showing that they
> are greater than the costs of adding list.get (search this list if you
> don't know what those costs are - I'm not going to repeat them again,
> but they are *not* trivial).

They seem to be "it'd need to be added to Sequence too" and "it would mess
with code that checks for a .get method to determine whether something is a
mapping". It's easily implementable in Sequence as a mixin method, so I'm
prepared to call that trivial, and I'm somewhat sceptical that the latter
code does—let alone should—exist.

> And I don't seem to be able to convince
> you that writing a helper function is a reasonable approach.

I feel like I'm saying this a lot, but writing helper functions has its own
readability cost. I'm not trying to get anyone to implement list.get, I'm
trying to get it centrally documented and allowed into list's
overly-mappingproxied namespace.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-05 Thread David Mertz
On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 10:13 AM, David Mertz  wrote:

> Specifically, if I think I'm dealing with a list that is likely to have 20
> items (rather than maybe 4 or fewer), I'm almost sure the best way to deal
> with it is in a list (or comprehension, map(), etc) and NOT by poking into
> large index positions that may or may not be present.

I meant "in a LOOP" above.

Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-05 Thread David Mertz
On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 4:51 AM, Ed Kellett  wrote:

> It's hard to show examples because, generally speaking, when one can't do
> a thing one does something else instead. I can restructure my programs to
> avoid having this problem, or, if I'm in a hurry, I can use one of the many
> ugly h^W^Wobvious, simple and elegant solutions, like (args[2:3] + [" reason given>"])[0].
For the record, even though I was the first in this thread to give that
spelling, I don't think it's the best way to spell it in current Python.
Bracketing a helper function (which *could* after all deal with lists,
dicts, and whatever other type you wanted depending on what you implement),
I think the best spelling is with a ternary:

reason = args[1] if len(args)>1 else ""

The more the thread continues the more I actively want to avoid a
list.get() method.  Initially I thought it added symmetry; but as I look at
it I realize it is mostly code smell.

Being able to get "a value" from an arbitrary position in a list that isn't
long enough often suggests something is deeply wrong in the logic of the
code.  Moreover, it is likely to let bugs pass silently and cause deeper
problems elsewhere downstream.

If you have a list that is expected to have a length of either 1 or 2, I
can imagine this making sense (e.g. ["kill"] vs. ["kill", "edk"]):

reason = args.get(1, "")

But if the next line is:

data = args.get(17, "")

Then I'm pretty sure the programmer thinks she's being passed a very
different type of collection than is actually available.  I'd rather that
fails right away and in an obvious way then silently produce a value.

Specifically, if I think I'm dealing with a list that is likely to have 20
items (rather than maybe 4 or fewer), I'm almost sure the best way to deal
with it is in a list (or comprehension, map(), etc) and NOT by poking into
large index positions that may or may not be present.

Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-05 Thread Paul Moore
On 5 March 2017 at 13:03, Ed Kellett  wrote:
> No. I'm asking: if list.get did exist, are there any cases (compatibility
> with old versions aside) where list.get's semantics would be applicable, but
> one of the alternatives would be the better choice?

Self-evidently no. But what does that prove? That we should implement
list.get? You could use the dientical argument for *anything*. There
needs to be another reason for implementing it.

>> "writing a helper function" is a generally
>> useful idiom that works for many, many things, but list.get only
>> solves a single problem and every other such problem would need its
>> own separate language change.
> Custom helper functions can obviously accomplish anything in any language.
> If we had to choose between def: and list.get, I'd obviously opt for the
> former.
>> The disadvantage that you have to write
>> the helper is trivial, because it's only a few lines of simple code:
> I don't think the size of a helper function is relevant to how much of a
> disadvantage it is. Most built-in list methods are trivial to implement in
> Python, but I'm glad not to have to.

But you have yet to explain why you'd be glad not to write a helper
for list.get, in any terms that don't simply boil down to "someone
else did the work for me".

I think we're going to have to just disagree. You won't convince me
it's worth adding list.get unless you can demonstrate some *existing*
costs that would be removed by adding list.get, and showing that they
are greater than the costs of adding list.get (search this list if you
don't know what those costs are - I'm not going to repeat them again,
but they are *not* trivial). And I don't seem to be able to convince
you that writing a helper function is a reasonable approach.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-05 Thread Ed Kellett
On Sat, 4 Mar 2017 at 09:46 Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

On Fri, Mar 03, 2017 at 10:35:18PM +0100, Michel Desmoulin wrote:

> Since the start of the discussion, contesters have been offering
> numerous solutions, all being contextual and with gotchas, none being
> obvious, simple or elegant.

I do not agree with that characterisation.

Which solution do you think is obvious, simple or elegant?

> "There should be one obvious way to do it" right?

But what is "it" here?


Any of the alternatives mentioned thus far solve the "too general" problem.
As far as I can see, none of them would even be a contender if list.get
existed, so I think the fact that people have spent time coming up with
them is telling.

In other words, the status quo. Be specific. Show some
code -- its okay if its simplified code, but it should be enough to
demonstrate the *use-case* for this. "I have crappy JSON" is not a
use-case. How is it crappy and how would you use list.get to fix it?

It's crappy because you have a list of things of unknown length (though I'm
inclined to disagree with the "crappy", honestly—this would seem a
perfectly reasonable thing to do if people weren't bizarrely against it). I
haven't written much Python that is not secret for a while, so excuse the
heavy paraphrasing: In my cases it is usually dealing with arguments: some
sort of list has been sent to me down the wire, let's say ["kill", "edk"].
I could write a big fancy dispatcher, but I see that as unwarranted
complexity, so I usually start with something simpler. I end up wanting to
do something like:

target = args[1]
reason = args.get(2, "")

I could equally use list.pop, which seems to be common when solving this
problem with dicts—except list.pop doesn't take a default either, for some
reason I've never quite understood.

This brings us back to the point I made really early on: this *seems*
like an obviously useful method, by analogy with dicts. I agree! It
*seems* useful, so obviously such that one of the first things I added
to my own personal toolbox of helper functions was a sequence get()

def get(sequence, index, default=None):
return sequence[index]
except IndexError:
return default

But then I never used it. "Seems useful" != "is useful", at least in my

Helper functions suck, in my view. I'm all for a flat function namespace
with a get() that works on anything, but that one doesn't, and "dict.get is
for dicts and get is for sequences" seems ugly.

> Plus Sven already estimated the implementation would not be very hard.

The simplicity of the implementation argues *against* the need for this
to be a built-in. If you really do need this, then why not add a
sequence get() function to your project? Its only five lines!

Why not:
- Python tries very hard to stop you from adding get() to sequences. Mixing
levels of namespacing feelss wrong, to me.
- It's another function for everybody reading your program to have to
remember about.
  - Functions have other costs too, in terms of documentation and testing.
- It's likely incompatible with other copies of the same utility.

As far as I have seen, only one person apart from myself, Kyle
Lahnakoski, has implemented this helper in their own code. And Kyle
says he has talked himself out of supporting this change.

One thing I haven't seen is anyone saying "I am constantly writing and
re-writing this same helper function over and over again! I grepped my
code base and I've recreated this helper in 30 different modules.
Maybe it should be a built-in?" That would be a good argument, but
nobody has made it. Lots of people saying that they desperately need
this method, but apparently most of them don't need it enough to write a
five line helper function to get it. They'd rather wait until they've
migrated all their code to Python 3.7.

The helper function doesn't solve the problem for me. The existing
solutions are, to my mind, ugly and non-obvious, and writing a helper that
is still ugly and non-obvious doesn't make anything better. The place to
solve this problem is in the API.

> So we have one obvious solution to a problem that:
> - several professional programmers said they have

I'm not convinced by claims that "I need to fetch arbitrary indexes from
sequences ALL THE TIME, sorry I can't show any examples...

It's hard to show examples because, generally speaking, when one can't do a
thing one does something else instead. I can restructure my programs to
avoid having this problem, or, if I'm in a hurry, I can use one of the many
ugly h^W^Wobvious, simple and elegant solutions, like (args[2:3] + [""])[0].

In general, I remain curious about cases in which list.get could be used
and would not be the preferred solution.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-04 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, Mar 03, 2017 at 10:35:18PM +0100, Michel Desmoulin wrote:

> Since the start of the discussion, contesters have been offering
> numerous solutions, all being contextual and with gotchas, none being
> obvious, simple or elegant.

I do not agree with that characterisation.

> The best is still try/except.

And I don't agree with that either.

> "There should be one obvious way to do it" right?

But what is "it" here?

Don't say "look up an arbitrary-indexed item which may not exist from a 
sequence". That's too general, and in the most general case, the right 
way to do that is to use sequence[index] which will raise if the item 
doesn't exist. In other words, the status quo. Be specific. Show some 
code -- its okay if its simplified code, but it should be enough to 
demonstrate the *use-case* for this. "I have crappy JSON" is not a 
use-case. How is it crappy and how would you use list.get to fix it?

This brings us back to the point I made really early on: this *seems* 
like an obviously useful method, by analogy with dicts. I agree! It 
*seems* useful, so obviously such that one of the first things I added 
to my own personal toolbox of helper functions was a sequence get() 

def get(sequence, index, default=None):
return sequence[index]
except IndexError:
return default

But then I never used it. "Seems useful" != "is useful", at least in my 

> Plus Sven already estimated the implementation would not be very hard.

The simplicity of the implementation argues *against* the need for this 
to be a built-in. If you really do need this, then why not add a 
sequence get() function to your project? Its only five lines!

As far as I have seen, only one person apart from myself, Kyle 
Lahnakoski, has implemented this helper in their own code. And Kyle 
says he has talked himself out of supporting this change.

One thing I haven't seen is anyone saying "I am constantly writing and 
re-writing this same helper function over and over again! I grepped my 
code base and I've recreated this helper in 30 different modules. 
Maybe it should be a built-in?" That would be a good argument, but 
nobody has made it. Lots of people saying that they desperately need 
this method, but apparently most of them don't need it enough to write a 
five line helper function to get it. They'd rather wait until they've 
migrated all their code to Python 3.7.

> So we have one obvious solution to a problem that:
> - several professional programmers said they have

I'm not convinced by claims that "I need to fetch arbitrary indexes from 
sequences ALL THE TIME, sorry I can't show any examples..."

> - has a similar API in another built-in
> - has currently no elegant solutions
> The proposal is actionable, the cost of it seems low, and it's not
> remotely controversial.

It is only "not remotely controversial" if you ignore all those who 
disagree that this is needed.

> I get that on Python-idea you get "no" by default, but here we are
> having such resistance for a feature that is light to implement, does
> not clutter anything, does solve a problem, and is congruent with other
> APIs.
> Honestly what evil would happen if it's get accepted ?
> This is not a "yeah but we can't accept everything that goes in or we
> would bloat Python" thing.

Yes it is.

But fundamentally, although I really don't see the benefit to this, I'm 
not *strongly* against it either. I don't think the sky will fall if it 
is added to sequences. But if somebody wants to code this up (don't 
forget the Sequence ABC) and submit a patch or a PR for a senior 
developer to look up, I'm not going to deny you that opportunity,

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Chris Barker
On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 1:35 PM, Michel Desmoulin 

> I am serious. It depends on the use case. If the data are an

But that's the all problem isn't it?

Since the start of the discussion, contesters have been offering
numerous solutions, all being contextual and with gotchas, none being
obvious, simple or elegant.

in the context above, I was offering that there were obvious, simple and
elegant solutions, but that which one was dependent on the use case.

EVERY choice in programming is dependent on the use case.

What I haven't seen yet is a compelling use case for a sequence .get() that
does not have an existing simple and elegant solution.

which doesn't mean they don't exist.

(and for the my part, the machinations with or shortcutting are not, in my
book, simple or elegant...)

Plus Sven already estimated the implementation would not be very hard.


The proposal is actionable, the cost of it seems low,

This would not simply be adding one method to a class. It would be adding a
method to the Sequence protocol ( ABC, whatever you want call it).

So a much heavier lift and larger impact than you imply.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception

Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Matt Gilson
On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 1:35 PM, Michel Desmoulin 

> Le 03/03/2017 à 22:21, Chris Barker a écrit :
> > On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:21 PM, Sven R. Kunze  > > wrote:
> >
> >> For my part, I think casting a list to a dict is often the RIGHT
> >> way to address these issues.
> >
> > You can't be serious about this. Especially because it would negate
> > your response to Ed "conditional on a len() call is the way to go".
> > Now you tell people to use "convert to dict".
> >
> >
> > I am serious. It depends on the use case. If the data are an
> But that's the all problem isn't it?
> Since the start of the discussion, contesters have been offering
> numerous solutions, all being contextual and with gotchas, none being
> obvious, simple or elegant.
> The best is still try/except.

Which really isn't a big deal if you use it in one or two places.  If you
use it everywhere, it's not too hard to roll your own helper function.

> "There should be one obvious way to do it" right?
> Plus Sven already estimated the implementation would not be very hard.
> So we have one obvious solution to a problem that:
> - several professional programmers said they have
> - has a similar API in another built-in

You state that like it's a good thing ;-).  I'm not quite so sure.

> - has currently no elegant solutions
> The proposal is actionable, the cost of it seems low, and it's not
> remotely controversial.

It seems to be pretty controversial to me :-).

> Honestly what evil would happen if it's get accepted ?

Lots of things.  For one thing, when scanning a function, if I see
something with a `.get` method I generally think that it is probably a
Mapping.  Obviously that assumption may be wrong, but it's at least a good
place to start.  If this gets accepted, that's no longer a clear starting

It breaks backward compatibility (in small ways).  People might be relying
on the presence/absence of a `.get` method in order to make their function
polymorphic in some convoluted way which would break when this change is
introduced.  (I'm not saying that would be a good programming design idea
-- and it might not hold water as an argument when real-world usage is
looked at but it should be at least investigated before we claim that this
change isn't going to hurt anybody).

It's also not clear to me why we should be singling out `tuple` and
`list`.  Why not `str`, `bytes` and other sequences?  Maybe it isn't that
useful on those types, but I'd argue that it's not really useful on `tuple`
either other than to keep the "`tuple` is an immutable `list`" paradigm.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Chris Barker
On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:33 PM, Sven R. Kunze  wrote:

> Right now, I could not think of an example "non-trivial and simple and
> small enough" especially in the context of JSON. But maybe the other
> proponents have.

Always a challenge -- sorry to lack imagination, I tend to need concrete
examples to "get" some things.

And so far the concrete examples in this thread seem to have been

Which doesn't mean at all that there aren't good and common-enough use

The part of data series from simulations (so proper datastructures
> available). So, data lists which aren't filled yet or have not filled till
> a certain amount yet I need some special pieces from them like the first, a
> sample, the 300th, etc. This was the case recently.

I deal with that a fair bit -- but in that case, if I need, say the 300th
sample, and there are not yet 300 available, then that IS an Exception I
want to handle.

if it didn't need to be the 300th, but rather an random sample, or maybe
one "half way through the data", or  then I would compute that index
from teh length or something...

Though I'm probably misunderstanding this use case.

There was also the case of a refactoring going on in some project, where
> things changed from dicts to lists (upgrade of a third party lib, I think).
> As a consequence, I needed to blow up certain functions from n one-liners
> [a.get] to n four-liners [try/except].

well, THAT I would blame on the third party lib. :-)



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Sven R. Kunze

Thanks Chris for your idea.

Right now, I could not think of an example "non-trivial and simple and 
small enough" especially in the context of JSON. But maybe the other 
proponents have.

The part of data series from simulations (so proper datastructures 
available). So, data lists which aren't filled yet or have not filled 
till a certain amount yet I need some special pieces from them like the 
first, a sample, the 300th, etc. This was the case recently.

There was also the case of a refactoring going on in some project, where 
things changed from dicts to lists (upgrade of a third party lib, I 
think). As a consequence, I needed to blow up certain functions from n 
one-liners [a.get] to n four-liners [try/except].

If I had know that this would be relevant to this discussion, I would 
have written it down, but it's just the negative memory/experience.


On 03.03.2017 21:16, Chris Barker wrote:

About JSON and schema-less data:

I need to deal with this fairly often as well, but:

JSON has a data model that includes both mappings and sequences:

Sequences (arrays, lists, etc) are the "right" thing to use when an 
object has zero or more of something. Usually, these somethings are 
all the same. So you may need to answer the question: how many 
somethings are there? but rarely: if there are less than this many 
somethings, then I should use  a default value.

Mappings (objects, dicts) are the "right" thing to do when an object 
has a bunch of somethings, and each of them may be different and 
nameable. In this case, the if this name is in there, use its 
associated object, otherwise use a default" is a pretty common action.

so if your JSON is well formed (and I agree, being schema-less does 
not mean it is poorly formed) then it should already be using the 
appropriate data structures, and you are good to go.

That being said, maybe a concrete example would persuade the skeptics 
among us -- though I understand it may be hard to find one that is 
both non-trivial and simple and small enough to post to a mailing list...


On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Chris Barker > wrote:

On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:02 PM, Sven R. Kunze > wrote:

For me to think (list/tuple).get() was needed would be if
lots of folk either cast their lists to dicts or made their
own list-dict class to solve that problem.

The easier solution would be to provide list.get ;-)

Exactly -- I think that was the point -- if there is a lot of
custom code out there essentially adding a get() to a list -- then
that would indicate that is is broadly useful.

For my part, I think casting a list to a dict is often the RIGHT
way to address these issues.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR (206) 526-6959    voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329    fax
Seattle, WA  98115 (206) 526-6317   
main reception 


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception 

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Sven R. Kunze

On 03.03.2017 21:09, Chris Barker wrote:
On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:02 PM, Sven R. Kunze > wrote:

For me to think (list/tuple).get() was needed would be if lots of
folk either cast their lists to dicts or made their own list-dict
class to solve that problem.

The easier solution would be to provide list.get ;-)

Exactly -- I think that was the point -- if there is a lot of custom 
code out there essentially adding a get() to a list -- then that would 
indicate that is is broadly useful.

For my part, I think casting a list to a dict is often the RIGHT way 
to address these issues.

You can't be serious about this. Especially because it would negate your 
response to Ed "conditional on a len() call is the way to go". Now you 
tell people to use "convert to dict".

For my part, __getitem__ is the technical argument for this proposal.
My experience and those of other contributors to this thread make for 
the "broadly useful" argument.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Chris Barker
On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:06 PM, Chris Barker  wrote:

> M.A. Lemberg has been talking about that on this list (in this thread?
> I've lost track...)

it was in the "Optional parameters without default value" thread.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Chris Barker
About JSON and schema-less data:

I need to deal with this fairly often as well, but:

JSON has a data model that includes both mappings and sequences:

Sequences (arrays, lists, etc) are the "right" thing to use when an object
has zero or more of something. Usually, these somethings are all the same.
So you may need to answer the question: how many somethings are there? but
rarely: if there are less than this many somethings, then I should use  a
default value.

Mappings (objects, dicts) are the "right" thing to do when an object has a
bunch of somethings, and each of them may be different and nameable. In
this case, the if this name is in there, use its associated object,
otherwise use a default" is a pretty common action.

so if your JSON is well formed (and I agree, being schema-less does not
mean it is poorly formed) then it should already be using the appropriate
data structures, and you are good to go.

That being said, maybe a concrete example would persuade the skeptics among
us -- though I understand it may be hard to find one that is both
non-trivial and simple and small enough to post to a mailing list...


On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Chris Barker  wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:02 PM, Sven R. Kunze  wrote:
>> For me to think (list/tuple).get() was needed would be if lots of folk
>> either cast their lists to dicts or made their own list-dict class to solve
>> that problem.
>> The easier solution would be to provide list.get ;-)
> Exactly -- I think that was the point -- if there is a lot of custom code
> out there essentially adding a get() to a list -- then that would indicate
> that is is broadly useful.
> For my part, I think casting a list to a dict is often the RIGHT way to
> address these issues.
> -CHB
> --
> Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
> Oceanographer
> Emergency Response Division
> NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
> 7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
> Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Chris Barker
On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:02 PM, Sven R. Kunze  wrote:

> For me to think (list/tuple).get() was needed would be if lots of folk
> either cast their lists to dicts or made their own list-dict class to solve
> that problem.
> The easier solution would be to provide list.get ;-)

Exactly -- I think that was the point -- if there is a lot of custom code
out there essentially adding a get() to a list -- then that would indicate
that is is broadly useful.

For my part, I think casting a list to a dict is often the RIGHT way to
address these issues.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Chris Barker
On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 11:15 AM, Kyle Lahnakoski 

>  Python
> has a fundamentally different philosophy about None that conflicts with
> what I need for my domain [2] where I am transforming and interpreting
> data. Using a set of classes that make a different set of assumptions
> about None is not arduous, it keeps the definitions separate, and I
> still get all wonderfulness of Python.

not really related to this thread, but you may want to use your own
"sentinal" singletons, rather than special case code to deal with None.



M.A. Lemberg has been talking about that on this list (in this thread? I've
lost track...)



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Chris Barker
On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 11:01 AM, Sven R. Kunze  wrote:

> I wonder if those arguing against it also think dicts should not have item
> access:
> a[0]
> dict or list? Why should it matter?

Because a mapping that happens to have an integer key is a fundamentally
different thing than a sequence. It seems to me that in some of the
examples given, the use case really calls for a
mapping-with-integers-as-keys, rather than a sequence -- in which case, you
could use that, and have the get() :-)

And then you could iterate through it the same way, too!

you could get closer to sequence behvior by used a OrderedDict -- or maybe
even write a SortedDict that would keep the keys in order regardless of
when they were added.

> a.get(0, 'oops')
> Doesn't look so different to me.

but you are going to have issue with other things anyway, notable:

for thing in a:
# is thing a key or a value?

- Which of the existing things (slice + [default], conditional on a slice,
> conditional on a len() call) do you think is the obvious way to do it?
> I think conditional on a len() call is the way to go -- it captures the
concept well -- sequences have a certain number of items -- how many this
one has is the question at hand. mapping, however, also have a certain
number of items, but the number does not indicate which ones are "missing".

I guess that's the key point for me -- in all teh examples I seen posed
(like parsing args) the sequence may contain from n to n+m items, but a
get() doesn' really solve your problem, because the default is probably
different depending on how MANY of the possible items are "missing".

So get(0 is only helpful if:

1) there is only one possible missing item

2) all the missing items have the same default -- unless that default is
sometign like None, in which case you are simply replacing one way to
express missing with another, I can't see that being common.

So I would expect to see a Sequence /get(0 be used to slightly clean up the
code that adds a bunch of Nones to sequences to make them all the same
length -- which is actually pretty easy to do anyway:

seq = seq + [None] * full_len - len(seq)



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Sven R. Kunze

On 03.03.2017 20:35, Ethan Furman wrote:

On 03/03/2017 11:01 AM, Sven R. Kunze wrote:

On 03.03.2017 19:29, Ed Kellett wrote:

The reasons already stated boil down to "lists aren't dicts so they 
shouldn't share methods", which seems ill-advised

at best, and "I wouldn't use this".

I wonder if those arguing against it also think dicts should not have 
item access:

dicts don't have item access -- they have key access.  :wink:

Python doesn't make a difference here. :wink:


dict or list? Why should it matter?

Because they are different data types with different purposes.

- Which of the existing things (slice + [default], conditional on a 
slice, conditional on a len() call) do you think

is the obvious way to do it?

None of them are. Try/except is the most obvious way. But it's tedious.

[my_value] = some_list[offset:offset+1] or [default_value]

No, it's not terribly pretty, but accessing invalid locations on a 
list on purpose shouldn't be that common.

When generating data series / running a simulation, at the beginning 
there is no data in many lists. Recently, had those issues.

dicts went fine, lists just sucked with all those try/except blocks.

- Are there any examples where list.get would be applicable and not 
the obviously best way to do it?

I don't think so. I already have given many examples/ideas of when I 
would love to have had this ability. Let me

re-state those and more:

- refactoring (dicts <-> lists and their comprehension counterparts)

dict and list comprehensions are not the same, and adding .get to list 
won't make them the same.

Never said they are the same. I said refactoring is easier.

- easier to teach

Having `print` be a statement instead of a function made it easier to 
teach but that didn't make it a good idea.

Many people disagree with you on this.

For me to think (list/tuple).get() was needed would be if lots of folk 
either cast their lists to dicts or made their own list-dict class to 
solve that problem.

The easier solution would be to provide list.get ;-)

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Kyle Lahnakoski

I must mention a get() method for lists and tuples would be very useful
for me too. It is so useful, that I spent too much time making my own
module to handle this case, plus many of the other dealing-with-None
subjects found on this list.  Michel is correct to point out that this
is domain specific problem; a domain where you deal with many varied,
and schema-free, data formats. I deal with JSON emitted from multiple
systems of often-changing schemas.  In my experience, this is not a
result of bad or buggy programming, rather, it is about representing
facts and annotating them with a multitude of optional properties and
descriptive structures.

Now, in the specific case of list.get(), I would be disappointed that it
is used to extract parameters from an arg list: Parameters should be
named; packing them into an ordered list looses that important
information, but it happens[1], and list.get() would help. For the args
scenario, I do like Ed's solution: dict(enumerate(args)).

In conclusion, I may have talked myself out of liking list.get(): Python
has a fundamentally different philosophy about None that conflicts with
what I need for my domain [2] where I am transforming and interpreting
data. Using a set of classes that make a different set of assumptions
about None is not arduous, it keeps the definitions separate, and I
still get all wonderfulness of Python.

[1] also happens when reading csv files: Missing values indicate
default, or variable number of columns indicate that the missing
rightmost columns are all null.
[2] For Python, None is a missing value, or a special case. For data
transformation, None means "the operation you performed does not apply
to this datatype" which avoids exceptions, which gives you an algebra
over data (with [], dot and slice as operators), which allows you to
build complex list comprehensions (data transformation queries) without
the exception catching logic. Databases query languages do this.

On 2017-02-28 21:02, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
> Le 01/03/2017 à 02:23, Ethan Furman a écrit :
>> On 02/28/2017 05:18 PM, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
>>> I love this proposal but Guido rejected it. Fighting for it right now
>>> would probably be detrimental to the current proposed feature which
>>> could potentially be more easily accepted.
>> PEP 463 has a better chance of being accepted than this one does, for
>> reasons that D'Aprano succinctly summarized.
>> -- 
>> ~Ethan~
> The debate is not even over and you are already declaring a winner.
> That's not really fair. Give the idea a chance and read until the end.
> D'Aprano's argument is mostly "I don't encounter IndexError really often
> and when I do I have this twisted one liner to get away it".
> Well, that's not really a good reason to reject things for Python
> because it's a language with a very diverse user base. Some bankers,
> some web dev, some geographers, some mathematicians, some students, some
> 3D graphists, etc. And the language value obvious, readable, predictable
> code for all.
> Most people on this list have a specialty, because their speciality
> don't see a use for the feature doesn't mean there is not one.
> So I provided on my last answer an explanation of what I would use it for.
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Code of Conduct:

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Ethan Furman

On 03/03/2017 10:48 AM, Sven R. Kunze wrote:

On 03.03.2017 18:06, Ethan Furman wrote:

On 03/02/2017 12:36 PM, Sven R. Kunze wrote:

It then would make sense to remove .get() on dicts.  ;-)

and to remove parameter "default" of max().
and to remove parameter "default" of getattr().

Backwards compatibility, and performance, says no.  ;)

try/except expressions are not a silver bullet any more than try/except blocks. 
 But they can still be very useful.

Totally true. I think both proposals have their merit.

IIRC, Guido rightfully declared that try/except expressions aren't a good idea. 
It's better to find more concrete
patterns instead of it. And I still agree with him.

The "default parameter" pattern is such a pattern, and it's vastly used in the 

$ grep "def get(" *.py */*.py */*/*.py get(self, block=True, timeout=None): get(self, i): get(self, key, default=None): get(self): get(self, key, default=None): get(self, key, default=None): get(self, key, default=None): get(self): get(using=None):
tkinter/ get(self, x=None, y=None): get(self, section, option, *, raw=False, vars=None, 
fallback=_UNSET): get(self, option, fallback=None, *, raw=False, 
vars=None, _impl=None, **kwargs):
email/ get(self, name, failobj=None):
asyncio/ get(self):
logging/ get(self, key, default=None):
idlelib/ get(self, key, default=None):
wsgiref/ get(self,name,default=None):
xml/dom/ get(self, name, value=None): get(self, key, default=None):
tkinter/ get(self):
tkinter/ get(self):
tkinter/ get(self):
tkinter/ get(self):
tkinter/ get(self):
tkinter/ get(self):
tkinter/ get(self, first, last=None):
tkinter/ get(self):
tkinter/ get(self):
tkinter/ get(self, index1, index2=None):
tkinter/ get(self, x, y):
tkinter/ get(self):
xml/sax/ get(self, name, alternative=None):
collections/ get(self, key, default=None):
idlelib/ get(self, index):
idlelib/ get(root):
multiprocessing/ get(self, timeout=None):
xml/etree/ get(self, key, default=None):
multiprocessing/ get(self, block=True, timeout=None):
multiprocessing/ get(self):
multiprocessing/ get(self):
multiprocessing/ get(self):
idlelib/idle_test/ get(self):
idlelib/idle_test/ get(self, index1, index2=None):

I wouldn't consider 10 out of 43 "vastly" (11 out of 46 if one includes dict, list, and tuple).  The numbers are even 
worse if one considers the "get_something_or_other" methods which do not have a default parameter.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Sven R. Kunze

On 03.03.2017 19:29, Ed Kellett wrote:
The reasons already stated boil down to "lists aren't dicts so they 
shouldn't share methods", which seems ill-advised at best, and "I 
wouldn't use this".

I wonder if those arguing against it also think dicts should not have 
item access:


dict or list? Why should it matter?

a.get(0, 'oops')

Doesn't look so different to me.

I'm not convinced that the latter is generally true; I've often looked 
for something like a list.get, been frustrated, and used one (chosen 
pretty much at random) of the ugly hacks presented in this thread. I'd 
be surprised if I'm the only one.

You are not the only one. I share your sentiment.

I guess I don't have any hope of convincing people who think there's 
no need to ever do this, but I have a couple of questions for the 
people who think the existing solutions are fine:

- Which of the existing things (slice + [default], conditional on a 
slice, conditional on a len() call) do you think is the obvious way to 
do it?

None of them are. Try/except is the most obvious way. But it's tedious.

- Are there any examples where list.get would be applicable and not 
the obviously best way to do it?

I don't think so. I already have given many examples/ideas of when I 
would love to have had this ability. Let me re-state those and more:

- refactoring (dicts <-> lists and their comprehension counterparts)
- error-free accessing list comprehensions
- duck typing
- increased consistency of item access between dicts and lists
- the one obvious way to do it
- easier to teach

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Sven R. Kunze

On 03.03.2017 18:06, Ethan Furman wrote:

On 03/02/2017 12:36 PM, Sven R. Kunze wrote:

On 01.03.2017 06:34, Ethan Furman wrote:

On the bright side, if enough use-cases of this type come up (pesky 
try/except for a simple situation), we may be able
to get Guido to reconsider PEP 463.  I certainly think PEP 463 makes 
a lot more sense that adding list.get().

It then would make sense to remove .get() on dicts.  ;-)

and to remove parameter "default" of max().
and to remove parameter "default" of getattr().

Backwards compatibility, and performance, says no.  ;)

try/except expressions are not a silver bullet any more than 
try/except blocks.  But they can still be very useful.

Totally true. I think both proposals have their merit.

IIRC, Guido rightfully declared that try/except expressions aren't a 
good idea. It's better to find more concrete patterns instead of it. And 
I still agree with him.

The "default parameter" pattern is such a pattern, and it's vastly used 
in the stdlib.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Ed Kellett
On Fri, 3 Mar 2017 at 17:03 Ethan Furman  wrote:

> On 03/03/2017 08:09 AM, Ed Kellett wrote:
> > P.S. all the talk of PEP 463 seems misplaced. That it solves (FSVO
> solve) this problem doesn't mean it should supersede
> > this discussion.
> The advantage of PEP 463 is that issues like this would be less pressing,
> and it's much more general purpose.

PEP 463 won't solve this problem for me because its solution is as ugly as
the thing it's replacing. Conceptually, I'd even argue that it's uglier.
Also, if you want a general-purpose solution to everything, propose
with-expressions, but that's another discussion. The existence of
general-purpose things doesn't mean specific issues aren't worth talking

> Personally, I don't think `get` belongs on list/tuple for reasons already
> stated.

The reasons already stated boil down to "lists aren't dicts so they
shouldn't share methods", which seems ill-advised at best, and "I wouldn't
use this". I'm not convinced that the latter is generally true; I've often
looked for something like a list.get, been frustrated, and used one (chosen
pretty much at random) of the ugly hacks presented in this thread. I'd be
surprised if I'm the only one.

I guess I don't have any hope of convincing people who think there's no
need to ever do this, but I have a couple of questions for the people who
think the existing solutions are fine:

- Which of the existing things (slice + [default], conditional on a slice,
conditional on a len() call) do you think is the obvious way to do it?
- Are there any examples where list.get would be applicable and not the
obviously best way to do it?

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Ethan Furman

On 03/02/2017 12:36 PM, Sven R. Kunze wrote:

On 01.03.2017 06:34, Ethan Furman wrote:

On the bright side, if enough use-cases of this type come up (pesky try/except 
for a simple situation), we may be able
to get Guido to reconsider PEP 463.  I certainly think PEP 463 makes a lot more 
sense that adding list.get().

It then would make sense to remove .get() on dicts.  ;-)

and to remove parameter "default" of max().
and to remove parameter "default" of getattr().

Backwards compatibility, and performance, says no.  ;)

try/except expressions are not a silver bullet any more than try/except blocks. 
 But they can still be very useful.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Ethan Furman

On 03/03/2017 08:09 AM, Ed Kellett wrote:

P.S. all the talk of PEP 463 seems misplaced. That it solves (FSVO solve) this 
problem doesn't mean it should supersede
this discussion.

The advantage of PEP 463 is that issues like this would be less pressing, and 
it's much more general purpose.

Personally, I don't think `get` belongs on list/tuple for reasons already 

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Ed Kellett
On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 at 17:19 David Mertz  wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 7:16 AM, Michel Desmoulin <
>> wrote:
> Le 28/02/2017 à 15:45, Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
> > No you don't. You can use slicing.
> > alist = [1, 2, 3]
> > print(alist[99:100])  # get the item at position 99
> No this gives you a list of one item or an empty list.
> dict.get('key', default_value) let you get a SCALAR value, OR a default
> value if it doesn't exist.
> x = (alist[pos:pos+1] or [default_val])[0]
> How so ? "get the element x or a default value if it doesn't exist" seem
> at the contrary, a very robust approach.
> Yes, and easily written as above.  What significant advantage would it
> have to spell the above as:

I think code like that is convoluted and confusing and I'm surprised to see
anyone at all advocating it.

IMO, the sane thing to compare this with is a conditional expression. There
aren't any spellings of that that aren't ugly either:

>>> stuff[x] if len(stuff) > x else default
>>> stuff[x] if stuff[x:x+1] else default

As for a reasonable use of list.get (or tuple.get), I often end up with
lists of arguments and would like to take values from the list if they
exist or take a default if not. This looks particularly horrible if the
index isn't a variable (so most of the time):

something = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else "cheese"
something_else = args[2] if len(args) > 2 else "eggs"

(you could make it more horrible by using the slicing trick, but I don't
see much point in demonstrating that.)

I don't often want to use dicts and lists in the same code in this way, but
I think the crucial point about the comparison with dicts is that code like
this is simpler and clearer if you do something horrible like this, just to
get .get():

>>> argdict = dict(enumerate(args))


P.S. all the talk of PEP 463 seems misplaced. That it solves (FSVO solve)
this problem doesn't mean it should supersede this discussion. Personally,
I don't think I'd use except-expressions, but I would use list.get.
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Sven R. Kunze

On 01.03.2017 06:34, Ethan Furman wrote:
On the bright side, if enough use-cases of this type come up (pesky 
try/except for a simple situation), we may be able to get Guido to 
reconsider PEP 463.  I certainly think PEP 463 makes a lot more sense 
that adding list.get().

It then would make sense to remove .get() on dicts.  ;-)


and to remove parameter "default" of max().
and to remove parameter "default" of getattr().

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-03 Thread Sven R. Kunze

On 02.03.2017 04:41, Chris Barker wrote:
Maybe someone else will chime in with more "I'd really have a use for 
this" examples.

It also makes refactoring easier.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 02:56:44AM +0100, Michel Desmoulin wrote:

> > first_item = (alist[0:1] or ["ham"])[0]
> Come on, I've been doing Python for more than a decade and never saw
> anybody doing that. Even reading it in a code would make me scratch my
> head for a moment with a "what is it doing that for?".

These days, it might be better to write it as:

first_item = alist[0] if len(alist) else "ham"

but I remember the days when slicing was normal and using the `or` trick 
was standard operating procedure.

> You are trying to hard to provide a counter argument here.

In context, all I'm saying is that you don't *have* to catch IndexError. 
There are alternatives. That is all.

> Me, I have to deal SOAP government systems, mongodb based API built by
> teenagers, geographer data set exports and FTP + CSV in marina systems
> (which I happen to work on right now).
> 3rd party CSV, XML and JSON processing are just a hundred of lines of
> try/except on indexing because they have many listings, data positions
> is important and a lot of system got it wrong, giving you inconsistent
> output with missing data and terrible labeling.

This is all very well and good, and I feel your pain for having to deal 
with garbage data, but I don't see how this helps you. You talk about 
missing data, but lists cannot contain missing data from the middle. 
There's no such thing as a list like:

[0, 1, 2, 3, , , , , , , 10, 11, 12]

where alist[3] and alist[10] will succeed but alist[4] etc will raise 
IndexError. So I'm still trying to understand what this proposal gets 
you that wouldn't be better solved using (say) itertools.zip_longest or 
a pre-processing step to clean up your data.

> And because life is unfair, the data you can extract is often a mix of
> heterogeneous mappings and lists / tuples. And your tool must manage the
> various versions of the data format they send to you, some with
> additional fields, or missing ones. Some named, other found by position.

Maybe I'm underestimating just how awful your data is, but I'm having 
difficulty thinking of a scenario where you don't know what kind of 
object you are processing and have to write completely type-agnostic 

for key_or_index in sequence_of_keys_or_indexes:
result = sequence_or_mapping[key_or_index]

I'm sure that there is lots of code where you iterate over dicts:

for key in keys:
result = mapping.get(key, default)

and likewise code where you process lists:

for i in indexes:
result = sequence[i]
except IndexError:
result = default

# could be re-written using a helper function:
for i in indexes:
result = get(sequence, i default)

but I've never come across a data-processing situation where I didn't 
know which was which.

That second version with the helper function would be *marginally* nicer 
written as a method call. I grant you that!

> This summer, I had to convert a data set provided by polls in africa
> through an android form, generated from an XML schema, send as json
> using Ajax, then stored in mongodb... to an excel spread sheet (and also
> an HTML table and some JS graphs for good measure).
> Needingless to say I dealt with a lot of IndexError. Grepping the
> project gives me:
> grep -R IndexError | wc -l
> 33
> In contrast I have 32 KeyError (most of them to allow lazy default
> value), and 3 decorators.

So 33 is "a lot", but 32 KeyErrors is "in contrast" and presumably a 

> Apparently IndexError is an important error because if I grep the
> virtualenv of the project:
> grep -R IndexError | wc -l
> 733
> Ok, it's a pretty large project with 154 dependancies, but it's still
> almost 7 IndexError by package on average. So it's not a rare use case.

You don't know that every one of those can be replaced by list.get(). 
Some of them might be raising IndexError; some of them may be 
documenting that a function or method raises IndexError; etc.

> I also see it regularly in my classes. Students try it because they
> learned it works with dict. It makes sense.

I never said it didn't. But I wonder whether it gives *enough* benefit 
to be worth while.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-01 Thread Chris Barker
On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 5:56 PM, Michel Desmoulin  wrote:

> Me, I have to deal SOAP government systems, mongodb based API built by
> teenagers, geographer data set exports and FTP + CSV in marina systems
> (which I happen to work on right now).
> 3rd party CSV, XML and JSON processing are just a hundred of lines of
> try/except on indexing because they have many listings, data positions
> is important and a lot of system got it wrong, giving you inconsistent
> output with missing data and terrible labeling.

I feel your pain -- data munging is often a major mess!

> And because life is unfair, the data you can extract is often a mix of
> heterogeneous mappings and lists / tuples. And your tool must manage the
> various versions of the data format they send to you, some with
> additional fields, or missing ones. Some named, other found by position.

If I were dealing with a mix of mappings and index-able data, and the
index-able data were often poorly formed (items missing), I think I"d put
it all in dicts -- some of which happened to have integers as keys.

Or just put a None in everywhere there should be a value in a sequence that
is missing.

if data is coming in from a "schema-less" system, then what CAN you do with
a sequence that is inconsistent? How can yo possible know which are missing
if the sequence is too short? If it is always the last N times then nit'
snot hard to pad the sequence. if it's not -- then what you have is a
mapping that happens to have integers as keys.

Not trying to be harsh here -- I'm just not at all sure that adding a get()
to sequences is the right solution to these problems.

Maybe someone else will chime in with more "I'd really have a use for this"


This summer, I had to convert a data set provided by polls in africa
> through an android form, generated from an XML schema,

Actually, I'm surprised that the XML schema step didn't enforce that the
data be well formed. ISn't that the whole point of an XML schema? -- but
you're point is well taken -- data are often not well formed.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-03-01 Thread Chris Barker
On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 5:26 PM, Michel Desmoulin  wrote:

> Duck typing is precesily about incomplete but good enough similar API.

yes, though ideally one API is a subset of the other -- if they have the
same method, it should mean the same thing:

> For the dict and list:
> - you can iterate on both

But you get different things -- dicts iterate on the keys, which wold be
the equivalent of lists iterating on the indexes -- no one wants that!

- you can index both

the indexing is only kinda the same, though, and you certainly can't slice

> - you can size both

huh? what does sizing mean? you mean get the length? OK, that's similar.

> Hence I can see very well functions working with both. E.G: helper to
> extract x elements or a default value:
> def extract(data, *args, default="None"):
> for x in args:
> try:
> yield data[x]
> except (KeyError, ValueError):
> yield default
> Usage:
> a, b, c = extract(scores, "foo", "bar", "doh")
> x, y, z = extract(items, 2, 5, 8, default=0)

really? when would you not know if your "keys" are indexes or arbitrary
keys? or your data a sequence or mapping?

I actually have this helper function.
> With list.get and tuple.get, this would become:
> def extract(data, *args, default="None"):
> return (data.get(x, default) for x in args)

as a helper function, then it's OK if it's a bit more verbose.

If you were to argue that you wouldn't need the helper function at all,
then that might make sense, but this still seems a dangerous and hopefully
rare thing to do!



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 02:26:18AM +0100, Michel Desmoulin wrote:

> The fact the API is not exactly the same doesn't prevent duck typing.
> Duck typing is precesily about incomplete but good enough similar API.

Indeed. But the relationship goes this way:

# Duck-typing done the right way.

Types P and Q both quack like ducks, so if all we need is 
something that quacks, either P or Q will do.

not this way:

Types P and Q both quack like ducks. I want something that
swims like a duck, like P. Q doesn't swim at all, so we need
to add Q.swim() so we can duck-type P or Q.

If we are going to propose Q.swim(), it must be because it makes sense 
for Q instances to swim, regardless of what P does. 

> For the dict and list:
> - you can iterate on both
> - you can index both
> - you can size both

Right -- because all these operations make sense for both dicts and 

Does get() make sense for both? It certainly makes sense for dicts. It 
makes *some* sense for lists, but (in my opinion) not enough to justify 
making it a built-in method of the type.

Making it a built-in method isn't just a convenience, it is also 
blessing this as "the right thing to do". As I've said, in my experience 
trying to index into arbitrary positions of a sequence (list or tuple) 
without knowing whether that index exists or not is rarely the right 
thing to do. (That makes it very different from key lookup in a mapping 
or dict.)

I believe that the way to argue for list.get() is not because it will 
make it easy to duck-type lists and dicts. It is (in my experience) very 
rare to need to duck-type lists and dicts. I believe you should identify 
code that handles lists that would benefit from this change.

Under what circumstances do you ask for the 17th item of a list which 
may only contain 9 items? (For arbitrary values of 17 and 9.)

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Michel Desmoulin

Le 01/03/2017 à 02:23, Ethan Furman a écrit :
> On 02/28/2017 05:18 PM, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
>> I love this proposal but Guido rejected it. Fighting for it right now
>> would probably be detrimental to the current proposed feature which
>> could potentially be more easily accepted.
> PEP 463 has a better chance of being accepted than this one does, for
> reasons that D'Aprano succinctly summarized.
> -- 
> ~Ethan~

The debate is not even over and you are already declaring a winner.
That's not really fair. Give the idea a chance and read until the end.

D'Aprano's argument is mostly "I don't encounter IndexError really often
and when I do I have this twisted one liner to get away it".

Well, that's not really a good reason to reject things for Python
because it's a language with a very diverse user base. Some bankers,
some web dev, some geographers, some mathematicians, some students, some
3D graphists, etc. And the language value obvious, readable, predictable
code for all.

Most people on this list have a specialty, because their speciality
don't see a use for the feature doesn't mean there is not one.

So I provided on my last answer an explanation of what I would use it for.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Michel Desmoulin

> I am aware of that. I'm just saying you don't have to use try...except, 
> you can use slicing instead. Obviously you have to adapt the code since 
> you are getting a list not a single item:
> # may fail, if alist is empty
> if alist[0] == "spam": ...
> # cannot fail
> if alist[0:1] == ["spam"]: ...
> first_item = (alist[0:1] or ["ham"])[0]

Come on, I've been doing Python for more than a decade and never saw
anybody doing that. Even reading it in a code would make me scratch my
head for a moment with a "what is it doing that for?".

You are trying to hard to provide a counter argument here.

> But honestly, in my experience the number of times I actually needed 
> something like that is tiny.
> A very robust approach **for what** ?
> What are you trying to do? Why are you indexing into arbitrary positions
> of a list without knowing whether or not there is something there?
> List are not dicts and they are used differently. It is very common, and
> useful, to want to look up a key in a dict without knowing if it exists,
> and do something with a default if it doesn't exist. This is so useful

Maybe your missions involve working with people doing properly their job.

Me, I have to deal SOAP government systems, mongodb based API built by
teenagers, geographer data set exports and FTP + CSV in marina systems
(which I happen to work on right now).

3rd party CSV, XML and JSON processing are just a hundred of lines of
try/except on indexing because they have many listings, data positions
is important and a lot of system got it wrong, giving you inconsistent
output with missing data and terrible labeling.

And because life is unfair, the data you can extract is often a mix of
heterogeneous mappings and lists / tuples. And your tool must manage the
various versions of the data format they send to you, some with
additional fields, or missing ones. Some named, other found by position.

This summer, I had to convert a data set provided by polls in africa
through an android form, generated from an XML schema, send as json
using Ajax, then stored in mongodb... to an excel spread sheet (and also
an HTML table and some JS graphs for good measure).

Needingless to say I dealt with a lot of IndexError. Grepping the
project gives me:

grep -R IndexError | wc -l

In contrast I have 32 KeyError (most of them to allow lazy default
value), and 3 decorators.

If special syntax exist for decorators, then surely we can spare a
.get() for lists and tuples.

Apparently IndexError is an important error because if I grep the
virtualenv of the project:

grep -R IndexError | wc -l

Ok, it's a pretty large project with 154 dependancies, but it's still
almost 7 IndexError by package on average. So it's not a rare use case.

I also see it regularly in my classes. Students try it because they
learned it works with dict. It makes sense.

Don't dismiss a use case because you don't have it. Python is so
versatile it's used in many diverse areas.
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Michel Desmoulin

Le 01/03/2017 à 01:02, Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 07:10:15PM +0100, Sven R. Kunze wrote:
>> 1. advantage: it looks like dict access -> allows duck typing (oh how 
>> often I'd missed that)
> Dicts and lists don't duck-type because they are very different things.
> We know what ["item"]*10 does. What would {"key": "value"}*10 do?
> What would list.values() iterate over?

The fact the API is not exactly the same doesn't prevent duck typing.
Duck typing is precesily about incomplete but good enough similar API.

For the dict and list:

- you can iterate on both
- you can index both
- you can size both

Hence I can see very well functions working with both. E.G: helper to
extract x elements or a default value:

def extract(data, *args, default="None"):
for x in args:
yield data[x]
except (KeyError, ValueError):
yield default


a, b, c = extract(scores, "foo", "bar", "doh")
x, y, z = extract(items, 2, 5, 8, default=0)

I actually have this helper function.

With list.get and tuple.get, this would become:

def extract(data, *args, default="None"):
return (data.get(x, default) for x in args)
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Ethan Furman

On 02/28/2017 05:18 PM, Michel Desmoulin wrote:

I love this proposal but Guido rejected it. Fighting for it right now
would probably be detrimental to the current proposed feature which
could potentially be more easily accepted.

PEP 463 has a better chance of being accepted than this one does, for reasons 
that D'Aprano succinctly summarized.


Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Michel Desmoulin
I love this proposal but Guido rejected it. Fighting for it right now
would probably be detrimental to the current proposed feature which
could potentially be more easily accepted.

At least let's make it a separate thread. I would love to restart the
debate about this one. This is one of my most wanted feature ever in Python.

Le 01/03/2017 à 01:22, Rob Cliffe a écrit :
> On 28/02/2017 11:54, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
>> dict.get() is a very useful method, but for lists and tuples, we need to
>> rely on try/except instead.
>> Can we get list.get and tuple.get as well?
> If PEP 463 "Exception-catching expressions" were accepted and
> implemented, we wouldn't need any of them:
> val = myDict[k] except KeyError: default
> val = myList[n] except IndexError: default
> Rob Cliffe
>> Also, for list, a list.setdefault like the dict.setdefault would be
>> logical.
>> ___
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>> Code of Conduct:
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list
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Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Rob Cliffe

On 28/02/2017 11:54, Michel Desmoulin wrote:

dict.get() is a very useful method, but for lists and tuples, we need to
rely on try/except instead.

Can we get list.get and tuple.get as well?
If PEP 463 "Exception-catching expressions" were accepted and 
implemented, we wouldn't need any of them:

val = myDict[k] except KeyError: default
val = myList[n] except IndexError: default
Rob Cliffe

Also, for list, a list.setdefault like the dict.setdefault would be logical.
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Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 04:16:28PM +0100, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
> Le 28/02/2017 à 15:45, Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
> > On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 12:54:26PM +0100, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
> >> dict.get() is a very useful method, but for lists and tuples, we need to
> >> rely on try/except instead.
> > 
> > No you don't. You can use slicing.
> > 
> > alist = [1, 2, 3]
> > print(alist[99:100])  # get the item at position 99
> No this gives you a list of one item or an empty list.

I am aware of that. I'm just saying you don't have to use try...except, 
you can use slicing instead. Obviously you have to adapt the code since 
you are getting a list not a single item:

# may fail, if alist is empty
if alist[0] == "spam": ...

# cannot fail
if alist[0:1] == ["spam"]: ...

This is *especially* useful for strings since a slice of a string is a 
string, and an item from a string is still a string.

> dict.get('key', default_value) let you get a SCALAR value, OR a default
> value if it doesn't exist.
> It's a very different use case.

For a default, use "or":

first_item = (alist[0:1] or ["ham"])[0]

But honestly, in my experience the number of times I actually needed 
something like that is tiny.

> > In my experience, dict.get is very useful, but list.get only *seems* 
> > useful. I've written my own version:
> > 
> > def get(alist, pos, default=None):
> > try:
> > return alist[pos]
> > except IndexError:
> > return default
> > 
> > 
> Based on your rational, we would just reject dict.get as well the first
> time it's implemented.

I just said that dict.get is proven to be useful. There's no doubt that 
it is useful.

> > but then struggled to find a good use for it. It seems like it ought to 
> > be useful, but in practice I found that it was only covering up bugs in 
> > my code. 
> How so ? "get the element x or a default value if it doesn't exist" seem
> at the contrary, a very robust approach.

A very robust approach **for what** ?

What are you trying to do? Why are you indexing into arbitrary positions 
of a list without knowing whether or not there is something there?

List are not dicts and they are used differently. It is very common, and 
useful, to want to look up a key in a dict without knowing if it exists, 
and do something with a default if it doesn't exist. This is so useful 
that Python gives us *at least* four different ways to avoid using a 

- dict.get
- dict.setdefault
- dict subclasses with __missing__ defined
- collections.defaultdict

all of which solve slightly different use-cases.

But *in my experience* it is rare to need to look up some arbitrary 
item in a list that may not even exist, and if I find myself doing so, 
it probably means my code is badly designed and I'm going to have 
trouble later on.

For the tiny number of exceptions, I can use the existing solutions: 
either try...except, or slicing as above.

If your experience is different from mine, please explain your use-case.

> Plus it's consistent. It's only fair to expect it to exists after you
> learn about dict.get.

As quoted in PEP 8, "A foolish consistency is the bugbear of little 

Lists and dicts aren't the same thing and don't offer the same 
interface. There's no dict.sort or list.update, dicts don't support 
slicing, concatenation or repetition, there's no list.popitem. Dicts 
have keys and values, lists have items or elements.

list.get has to prove its usefulness on its own, not just because 
dict.get is useful.

> First places where I missed it at the top of my head was *args, sys.argv
> personnaly.

Missed it for what? What are you trying to do? Don't assume that it is 
so obvious that everyone will instantly guess your use-case.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Sven R. Kunze

On 28.02.2017 18:18, David Mertz wrote:

Yes, and easily written as above.  What significant advantage would it 
have to spell the above as:

x = alist.get(pos, default_val)

It's a couple characters shorter in the proposed version.  I guess 
I'll concede that needing the odd indexing at the end to get the 
scalar is slightly ugly.

1. advantage: it looks like dict access -> allows duck typing (oh how 
often I'd missed that)

2. advantage: no try except
3. advantage: no weird workaround with slices and additional item access

Thanks for bringing this up, Michel. First point would be most important 
to me.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Michel Desmoulin

Le 28/02/2017 à 15:45, Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 12:54:26PM +0100, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
>> dict.get() is a very useful method, but for lists and tuples, we need to
>> rely on try/except instead.
> No you don't. You can use slicing.
> alist = [1, 2, 3]
> print(alist[99:100])  # get the item at position 99

No this gives you a list of one item or an empty list.

dict.get('key', default_value) let you get a SCALAR value, OR a default
value if it doesn't exist.

It's a very different use case.

> In my experience, dict.get is very useful, but list.get only *seems* 
> useful. I've written my own version:
> def get(alist, pos, default=None):
> try:
> return alist[pos]
> except IndexError:
> return default

Based on your rational, we would just reject dict.get as well the first
time it's implemented.

> but then struggled to find a good use for it. It seems like it ought to 
> be useful, but in practice I found that it was only covering up bugs in 
> my code. 

How so ? "get the element x or a default value if it doesn't exist" seem
at the contrary, a very robust approach.

Plus it's consistent. It's only fair to expect it to exists after you
learn about dict.get.

First places where I missed it at the top of my head was *args, sys.argv

If I was indexing a list outside of the range of existing
> items, that's a bug, and using get() just made it hard to fix.
>> Can we get list.get and tuple.get as well?
>> Also, for list, a list.setdefault like the dict.setdefault would be logical.
> What would it do?
> For example, given:
> alist = []
> y = alist.setdefault(10, 'a')
> what will alist equal?

Fair enough.
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Re: [Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 12:54:26PM +0100, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
> dict.get() is a very useful method, but for lists and tuples, we need to
> rely on try/except instead.

No you don't. You can use slicing.

alist = [1, 2, 3]
print(alist[99:100])  # get the item at position 99

In my experience, dict.get is very useful, but list.get only *seems* 
useful. I've written my own version:

def get(alist, pos, default=None):
return alist[pos]
except IndexError:
return default

but then struggled to find a good use for it. It seems like it ought to 
be useful, but in practice I found that it was only covering up bugs in 
my code. If I was indexing a list outside of the range of existing 
items, that's a bug, and using get() just made it hard to fix.

> Can we get list.get and tuple.get as well?
> Also, for list, a list.setdefault like the dict.setdefault would be logical.

What would it do?

For example, given:

alist = []
y = alist.setdefault(10, 'a')

what will alist equal?

Python-ideas mailing list
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[Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

2017-02-28 Thread Michel Desmoulin
dict.get() is a very useful method, but for lists and tuples, we need to
rely on try/except instead.

Can we get list.get and tuple.get as well?

Also, for list, a list.setdefault like the dict.setdefault would be logical.
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