Re: [Python-ideas] String Format Callable Flag (Was: Efficient Debug Logging)

2017-02-18 Thread Eric V. Smith

On 2/18/2017 2:25 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 11:37:04AM -0500, Mark E. Haase wrote:

Python has two string formatting mini-languages.

Four. % string formatting, .format method, f-strings, string.Template

But who's counting? :-)

Technical correctness is the best kind! But string.Template has no 
formatting language, and str.format and f-strings are identical as far 
as what they do with format specifiers (by using the underlying 
.__format__() machinery). [0]

Both allow formatting
flags, for example in "%03d", the "0" (zero) is a flag that means to pad
with leading zeroes. I propose to add a string format flag to both
mini-languages that explicitly says, "this argument is callable, and its
*return value* should be formatted."

The % string format codes are intentionally limited to more-or-less the
similar codes available in C, and won't be given any newer functionality.

I agree it would be difficult to add this to %-formatting, which is 
unfortunate. The most often cited need for this feature is for logging.

Maybe someone smarter than me could devise an interface to logging which 
supports .format() formatting, and we could add the callable flag to 

Maybe return a different type of logger from logging.getLogger that 
supports .format?

It's really only f-strings and .format method that this change could be
applied to.

I'd suggest adding an explicit conversion flag to the .format() string 
parser. You'll recall the existing flags are !a, !s, and !r. We could 
add a !c which calls its argument (with zero parameters) before 
formatting it. For example:


This would have the advantage that the format specifier would apply to 
the result of the callable.

If logging were made smart enough (or a new interface added), then you 
could write:'{!c:%Y-%m-%d} error at {}',, lineno)

Then .now() would never be called unless the logging module needed the 
value. (I realize .now() isn't a great example for calling a function in 
the future. Substitute any expensive function.)

I see three problems:

(1) It will be a bug magnet. People will accidently write

logging.debug('%03d %C03d', 1, expensive())

and then not only will their code still be slow, but they'll have to
debug mysterious

TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

exceptions, but only *sometimes*. Most insideously, these Heisenbugs
will only occur when they turn the log level all the way up to
debugging, which will crash their program *before* logging the error!

I think this is lessened with my proposal to use !c, but it's definitely 
still an issue. Test your logging!

(2) It requires the expensive calculation to be wrapped in a lambda:

logging.debug('%03d %C03d', 1, lambda: nth_prime(10**8) + 1)

which I guess is kind of Python's way of spelling a thunk, but people
don't like using lambda for that.

This doesn't bother me so much.

(3) It is useless for delaying evaluation of something that isn't going
to be converted into a string.

True. But that's the most common use case I see presented, and it's much 
easier to reason about and implement than some of the discussions going 
on in other threads.

Just for completeness, I'd add !c to the f-string parser. Like !s, !r, 
and !a, it would not be needed [1]. Why write:

when you could write:
But, it can't hurt to be consistent.


[0]: there is one slight difference in how str.format and f-strings 
handle expressions, but their format specifiers are identical


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Re: [Python-ideas] String Format Callable Flag (Was: Efficient Debug Logging)

2017-02-17 Thread MRAB

On 2017-02-17 16:37, Mark E. Haase wrote:

In the debug logging thread, somebody suggested the "%r" format
specifier and a custom __repr__. This is a neat solution because Python
logging already includes a "delayed" evaluation of sorts: it formats the
logging string *after* it determines that the message's log level is
greater than or equal to the logger's level. However, wrapping up every
expensive debugging computation in a new class might get tedious, so
here's a strawman proposal for something lighter weight.

Python has two string formatting mini-languages. Both allow formatting
flags, for example in "%03d", the "0" (zero) is a flag that means to pad
with leading zeroes. I propose to add a string format flag to both
mini-languages that explicitly says, "this argument is callable, and its
*return value* should be formatted."

In current Python:

>>> expensive = lambda: 2
>>> logging.debug('%03d %03d', 1, expensive())

In this case, the "expensive" code is executed even though nothing is

>>> expensive = lambda: 2
>>> logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>>> logging.debug('%03d %03d', 1, expensive())
DEBUG:root:001 002

With a different log level, the expensive code is executed and the
message is logged.

The suggested change is to add a "C" flag to the formatting language
that indicates an argument is callable. When formatting the string, the
argument will be called and its result will be used for the formatting
operation. The C flag must be handled before any other flags, regardless
of the order in which they are specified. The callable's return value is
then formatted according to the rest of the specifier.

A letter usually marks the end of the format, e.g. '%03d', so '%C03d' 
could be read as a format '%C' (currently undefined) followed by '03d'. 
I'd suggest using some punctuation character instead.

It would also be a good idea for the 'new-style' format strings to use 
the same character.

With this change, the above example can now be written as:

>>> expensive = lambda: 2
>>> logging.debug('%03d %C03d', 1, expensive)

The "expensive" code is not executed at this log level.

>>> expensive = lambda: 2
>>> logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>>> logging.warn('%03d %C03d', 1, expensive)
WARNING:root:001 002

The expensive code is *only* executed when the message will be logged.
The callable's return value is formatted with the specifier '%03d', i.e.
the same specifier as the callable but without the "C" flag.


1) Much smaller change to the language.
2) Simplifies a common (?) problem with logging.
3) Applies to all string formatting, not just logging. (But I'm not sure
what the other use cases are.)


1) Doesn't generalize as well as the various "delayed" proposals. (But
I'm not sure what other use cases "delayed" has.)

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