can't find python2.4 source code

2004-12-13 Thread Donnie Leen
I make program in c++ embedding python2.4 in windows, I need the
python24_d.lib to link with the debug version of my program, but i can't
find the source code to build python24_d.lib on the internet, I even can't
find python24_d.lib/python24_d.dll on the internet.
Does the python24 source code released?


Re: can't find python2.4 source code

2004-12-13 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Donnie Leen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I make program in c++ embedding python2.4 in windows, I need the
> python24_d.lib to link with the debug version of my program, but i can't
> find the source code to build python24_d.lib on the internet, I even can't
> find python24_d.lib/python24_d.dll on the internet.
> Does the python24 source code released?

look for "Download the release" and the links to Python-2.4.tgz or



PyQt on MAC OS X

2004-12-13 Thread Michael McGarry
I'm trying to get PyQt up and running under Mac OS X 10.2.8, but
can't get past configuring sip.
I installed fink's qt3-3.2.3-2 and restarted my shells to get
qt3's environment variables QTDIR and QMAKESPEC.
I downloaded sip-4.1 from,
unpacked it, ran
and got this error:
Error: /sw/share/qt3/mkspecs/darwin-g++/qmake.conf: macro
'QMAKE_LIBDIR/$(TARGET1)' is not defined.
Any ideas?

Re: New versions breaking extensions, etc.

2004-12-13 Thread "Martin v. Löwis"
Jive wrote:
Well, ain't that enough to gag a maggot?  I was aware that DLL's don't
really link dynamically.  I was not aware that the crt dll file name was
hard-coded into the linker.  But I looked on the link line and, sure enough,
that particular dll was not listed among the others.
It's not hard-coded in the linker, but hard-coded in the import library.
So if you link with msvcrt.lib (which might not be the precise name
of the import library - I cannot look up the precise name right now),
msvcrt.lib will in turn refer to msvcr71.dll.
In addition, through #pragma comment(lib, foo.lib), the Microsoft C
*header* files force references to import libraries into the object
files, so that the import libraries don't even appear on the linker
line - instead, the linker gets additional command line options from
the object files; use dumpbin to find out what those are.
On the plus side, I believe that the name of the import library for
the CRT was always the same (msvcrt.lib), so different versions of
that file refer to different actual CRTs (msvcrt.dll, msvcrt40.dll,
msvcr70.dll, msvcr71.dll). So just replacing your msvcrt.lib file
of VC6 with the VC71 one might be enough - but then, perhaps there
also where changes to the header files which you need to get.

Re: why no python uninstall?

2004-12-13 Thread Fuzzyman
Installing new versions of modules over old versions has often caused
me problems. Particularly py3exe recently.

Admittedly 'uninstalling' the old version was as simple as deleting the
folder from 'site-packages'.




Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-13 Thread Dimitri Tcaciuc
Brian Beck wrote:
Dimitri Tcaciuc wrote:
While I'm not absolutely positive, it looks like Python still doesn't 
have any official mascot or logo. Hence, here's something I came up 
with yesterday. Its by no means a final version, but rather just a 
draft to show an idea. Here's a link to png file.

Nice work!  I admit it's just too tempting not to design around snake 
imagery for Python.  Here are a couple of images/logos (quite a bit 
different from a mascot) I've been working on...
If anyone can think of a way to break free of the reptile-oriented 
thought process but maintain clear, symbolic imagery, I'd love to see 
more suggestions or renditions!

Since the word 'Python' would bring -some- sort of snake associations, I 
thought of combining snake and Monty Python symbolic, like making a 
snake wind around a giant foot, or adding long mustache and an english 
hat to a snake or something in that manner, or even put a snake into a 
holy grail heh.

But then again, I'm not sure if there'll be no copyright issues.

Re: Compiling PIL for Python 2.4

2004-12-13 Thread Stefan Behnel
Fuzzyman schrieb:
I'll post this to the image-sig as well, but the audience is a bit
wider here.
Sorry, can't help you on the rest (which seems to be rather MS and 
compiler specific), but in general: cross-posting is not a good idea. Read 
any of the many copies of the Netiquette on this topic. In short, 
submitting a cross-post reads as: you haven't actually thought about your 
problem but want to bug as many people as possible with it.


Re: Python vs. Perl

2004-12-13 Thread Timo Virkkala
Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou wrote:
Both languages cover all of your requirements.  So read as much
documentation needed to write some simple programs as examples doing
similar tasks to the one you want in *both* languages.  Test them that
they work.  Then forget about your problems.  Go to an island.  Dream.
Relax.  Come back without explanations six months later, and if they
take you back in the same company, read *both* of your example programs.
You'll know then which language to select (I would select the language
of the island natives, but that's another story :)
That's unfair! That approach leads to Python every time!
Oh wait, that was the purpose.. :)
Timo Virkkala

Re: GUIs: wxPython vs. Tkinter (and others)

2004-12-13 Thread Eric Brunel
Hi, I had very bad experience with Tkinter when using input servers(for
CJK languages like scim, xcin...) on Linux (doesn't work), so you might
consider this.
Eh? I use (not frequently, I admit...) kinput2 with canna and wnn servers with 
Tkinter on Linux and it works quite smoothly. Can you describe what happens to 
you exactly?
- Eric Brunel  -
PragmaDev : Real Time Software Development Tools -

Re: character encoding conversion

2004-12-13 Thread Steven Bethard
Christian Ergh wrote:
flag = true
for char in data:
if 127 < ord(char) < 128:
flag = false
if flag:
data = data.encode('latin-1')
A little OT, but (assuming I got your indentation right[1]) this kind of 
loop is exactly what the else clause of a for-loop is for:

for char in data:
if 127 < ord(char) < 128:
data = data.encode('latin-1')
Only saves you one line of code, but you don't have to keep track of a 
'flag' variable.  Generally, I find that when I want to set a 'flag' 
variable, I can usually do it with a for/else instead.

[1] Messed up indentation happens in a lot of clients if you have tabs 
in your code.  If you can replace tabs with spaces before posting, this 
usually solves the problem.

Re: while 1 vs while True

2004-12-13 Thread Nick Coghlan
Dan Bishop wrote:
Out of pure curiousity,
Why wasn't 'While True' optimized also?

Probably has something to do with "True" and "False" not being
Yup. Even 'None' only just became a constant in 2.4.
I don't know if 'True' and 'False' are in line for similar treatment (there are 
obvious backwards compatibility issues in doing so).

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Compiling PIL for Python 2.4

2004-12-13 Thread Fuzzyman
I'll post this to the image-sig as well, but the audience is a bit
wider here.

I've just upgraded to Python 2.4. I've installed the free microsoft
optimising compiler and hacked distutils to use it - following the
instructiosn from . It
works great and I've built a windows installer for PyCrypto 2.0.

I'm attempting to compile PIL for python 2.4. The build instructions
for windows say :

If you're using Python 2.0 or later, you can use the
to build the library.  The following commands should do the trick:

$ python build
$ python install

You may need to tweak the file somewhat in order to make
find certain external libraries; see comments in the file for

Right - so you actually need to *get* the zlib and jpeg libraries,
which I've done. I've not yet got the right header/include files for
Tkinter, but it should work without them (just not build those files).
Except it bombs out :
C:\compile\Imaging-1.1.4\PIL>cd /D C:\compile\Imaging-1.1.4

C:\compile\Imaging-1.1.4> build
*** Cannot find Tcl/Tk headers and library files.
*** To build the Tkinter interface, set the TCLROOT
*** variable in the file.
running build
running build_py
running build_ext
building '_imaging' extension
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003\bin\link.exe /DLL
/nologo /INCREMENTAL:NO /LIBPATH:libImaging /
LIBPATH:jpeg-6b /LIBPATH:zlib /LIBPATH:C:\Python24\libs
/LIBPATH:C:\Python24\PCBuild Imaging.lib jpeg.lib zlib.lib
kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib /EXPORT:init_imaging
build\temp.win32-2.4\Release\_imaging.obj build\temp.win32
-2.4\Release\decode.obj build\temp.win32-2.4\Release\encode.obj
build\temp.win32-2.4\Release\map.obj build\temp.wi
n32-2.4\Release\display.obj build\temp.win32-2.4\Release\outline.obj
build\temp.win32-2.4\Release\path.obj /OUT:bu
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'Imaging.lib'
error: command '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit
2003\bin\link.exe"' failed with exit status 1181


_imaging.obj is being created - but not linked. I can't find an
Imaging.lib file anywhere. Anyone got any clues for me ?



Re: character encoding conversion

2004-12-13 Thread Peter Otten
Steven Bethard wrote:

> Christian Ergh wrote:
>> flag = true
>> for char in data:
>> if 127 < ord(char) < 128:
>> flag = false
>> if flag:
>> try:
>> data = data.encode('latin-1')
>> except:
>> pass
> A little OT, but (assuming I got your indentation right[1]) this kind of
> loop is exactly what the else clause of a for-loop is for:
> for char in data:
>  if 127 < ord(char) < 128:
>  break
> else:
>  try:
>  data = data.encode('latin-1')
>  except:
>  pass
> Only saves you one line of code, but you don't have to keep track of a
> 'flag' variable.  Generally, I find that when I want to set a 'flag'
> variable, I can usually do it with a for/else instead.
> Steve
> [1] Messed up indentation happens in a lot of clients if you have tabs
> in your code.  If you can replace tabs with spaces before posting, this
> usually solves the problem.

Even more off-topic:

>>> for char in data:
... if 127 < ord(char) < 128:
... break
>>> print char




Re: character encoding conversion

2004-12-13 Thread Christian Ergh
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
Dylan wrote:
Things I have tried include encode()/decode()

This should work. If you somehow manage to guess the encoding,
e.g. guess it as cp1252, then
  htmlstring.decode("cp1252").encode("us-ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace")
will give you a file that contains only ASCII characters, and
character references for everything else.
Now, how should you guess the encoding? Here is a strategy:
1. use the encoding that was sent through the HTTP header. Be
   absolutely certain to not ignore this encoding.
2. use the encoding in the XML declaration (if any).
3. use the encoding in the http-equiv meta element (if any)
4. use UTF-8
5. use Latin-1, and check that there are no characters in the
6. use cp1252
7. use Latin-1
In the order from 1 to 6, check whether you manage to decode
the input. Notice that in step 5, you will definitely get successful
decoding; consider this a failure if you have get any control
characters (from range(128, 160)); then try in step 7 latin-1
When you find the first encoding that decodes correctly, encode
it with ascii and xmlcharrefreplace, and you won't need to worry
about the encoding, anymore.
Something like this?
import urllib2
url = ''
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
data =
# if it is not in the pagecode, how do i get the encoding of the page?
pageencoding = ???
xmlencoding  = 'whatever i parsed out of the file'
htmlmetaencoding = 'whatever i parsed out of the metatag'
data = data.decode(pageencoding)
data = data.decode(xmlencoding)
data = data.decode(htmlmetaencoding)
data = data.encode('UTF-8')
flag = true
for char in data:
if 127 < ord(char) < 128:
flag = false
if flag:
data = data.encode('latin-1')
data = data.encode('cp1252')
data = data.encode('latin-1')
data = data.encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace")

Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-13 Thread Eric Pederson
> Since the word 'Python' would bring -some- sort of snake associations, 
> I 
> thought of combining snake and Monty Python symbolic, like making a 
> snake wind around a giant foot, or adding long mustache and an english 
> hat to a snake or something in that manner, or even put a snake into a 
> holy grail heh.
> But then again, I'm not sure if there'll be no copyright issues.

But surely only you and I and the other Pythonistas will recognize a Norwegian 
Blue when we see one.

Might be hard to get away from the snake, as was noted, its a level or two 
easier mental association than MP.

Logo?  Maybe a Norweigian Blue on is back, one fut in e air, wit a snake ead 
off to is ide, grinningly wit a char-grin?

es not dead!

Eric Pederson
ePrefix="".join([chr(ord(x)+1) for x in "do"])


Re: Compiling PIL for Python 2.4

2004-12-13 Thread Fuzzyman
Hmmm... disagree. Not eevryone who has experience of compilation (even
compiling PIL) will be on the sig. The sifg is probably the 'right'
place - but my experience is that a lot of htem are very low traffic.

This is also a topic of general interest to many pythoners. See the
number of questions regarding configuring distutils recently.




Re: Compiling PIL for Python 2.4

2004-12-13 Thread Michel Claveau - abstraction méta-galactique non triviale en fuite perpétuelle.
Hi !

Fredrik Lundh did what is necessary.  PIL for P 2.4 is at :

Michel Claveau


Re: character encoding conversion

2004-12-13 Thread Christian Ergh
Peter Otten wrote:
Steven Bethard wrote:

Christian Ergh wrote:
flag = true
for char in data:
   if 127 < ord(char) < 128:
   flag = false
if flag:
   data = data.encode('latin-1')
A little OT, but (assuming I got your indentation right[1]) this kind of
loop is exactly what the else clause of a for-loop is for:
for char in data:
if 127 < ord(char) < 128:
data = data.encode('latin-1')
Only saves you one line of code, but you don't have to keep track of a
'flag' variable.  Generally, I find that when I want to set a 'flag'
variable, I can usually do it with a for/else instead.
[1] Messed up indentation happens in a lot of clients if you have tabs
in your code.  If you can replace tabs with spaces before posting, this
usually solves the problem.

Even more off-topic:

for char in data:
... if 127 < ord(char) < 128:
... break
print char
Well yes, that happens when doing a quick hack and not reviewing it, 128 
has to be 160 of course...

Re: Renaming __getattribute__ (PEP?)

2004-12-13 Thread Nick Coghlan
Henry 'Pi' James wrote:
This whole issue seems so obvious and trivial to me that I've in fact
expected it to be resolved by itself
Obvious - arguable
Trivial - I think so too, but probably not in the way you mean
The obviousness is arguable because the differences between __getattr__ and 
__getattribute__ are genuinely subtle and changing the name of the latter won't 
alter that. A single attribute access may actually pass through both methods at 
different points in the process. (It could be said that the similarity in names 
is actually advantageous, as it corresponds to the similarity in function)

Python makes it fairly easy to override attribute access, but it can't eliminate 
the basic complexity of the idea - if you want to override builtin behaviour, 
it's necessary to understand what the builtin behaviour *is* first.

On the triviality aspect, the amount of work involved in changing the name far 
exceeds any slight aesthetic improvement from a new name. And that's without 
even getting into the issues of backwards compatibility. I'd prefer to see the 
developers making speed improvements or adding to the standard library, rather 
than working on changing the names of special methods.

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: character encoding conversion

2004-12-13 Thread Christian Ergh
Once more, indention should be correct now, and the 128 is gone too. So, 
something like this?

import urllib2
url = ''
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
data =
# if it is not in the pagecode, how do i get the encoding of the page?
pageencoding = '???'
xmlencoding  = 'whatever i parsed out of the file'
htmlmetaencoding = 'whatever i parsed out of the metatag'
 data = data.decode(pageencoding)
data = data.decode(xmlencoding)
data = data.decode(htmlmetaencoding)
data = data.encode('UTF-8')
flag = true
for char in data:
if 127 < ord(char) < 160:
flag = false
if flag:
data = data.encode('latin-1')
data = data.encode('cp1252')
data = data.encode('latin-1')
data = data.encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace")

Re: Compiling PIL for Python 2.4

2004-12-13 Thread Fuzzyman
Blimey - there's a lot of typos in my last post... ugh



Re: Compiling PIL for Python 2.4

2004-12-13 Thread Fuzzyman
Great - and thanks for the info it was interesting messing around
with the compiler but I'm not goign to do it for the heck of it !!



ANN: PyCrypto 2.0 Binary Installer

2004-12-13 Thread Fuzzyman
Because of export restrictions, Andrew is unable to offer prebuilt
binary versions of his excellent PyCrypto module. I've built a windows
installer for Python 2.4

Actually download it here

Visit PyCrypto Homepage -

I was able to build the binary by installing microsofts free optimising
compiler - VC Toolkit - and hacking distutils to use it. I followed the
excellent instructions at



Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-13 Thread Alex Stapleton
Well the most well known Flying Circus snake related sketch is probably 
the one eyed trouser snake one, which is er-, probably less than a good 
idea for a logo. The Snake with some sort of Monty Python themeing is 
probably the best idea, but drawing a snake + large foot/16 ton 
weight/holy grail/norweigan blue might be a bit tricky when you have to 
make small sized icons, which is why the current snake is so handy. I 
guess someone should watch the intro to flying circus, and/or the 
animations from some of the movies for inspiration.

But on that note, how about a python + rose combo?
Eric Pederson wrote:

Since the word 'Python' would bring -some- sort of snake associations, 
thought of combining snake and Monty Python symbolic, like making a 
snake wind around a giant foot, or adding long mustache and an english 
hat to a snake or something in that manner, or even put a snake into a 
holy grail heh.

But then again, I'm not sure if there'll be no copyright issues.

But surely only you and I and the other Pythonistas will recognize a 
Norwegian Blue when we see one.
Might be hard to get away from the snake, as was noted, its a level or two 
easier mental association than MP.
Logo?  Maybe a Norweigian Blue on is back, one fut in e air, wit a snake 
ead off to is ide, grinningly wit a char-grin?

es not dead!

Eric Pederson
ePrefix="".join([chr(ord(x)+1) for x in "do"])

Re: character encoding conversion

2004-12-13 Thread Christian Ergh
- snip -
def get_encoded(st, encodings):
"Returns an encoding that doesn't fail"
for encoding in encodings:
st_encoded = st.decode(encoding)
return st_encoded, encoding
except UnicodeError:
This works fine, but after this you have three possible encodings (or 
even more, looking at the data in the net you'll see a lot of 
encodings...)- what we need is just one for all.

Re: can't find python2.4 source code

2004-12-13 Thread Donnie Leen
I had tried already, the doesn't contain the sourcecode.
In python2.3.3, the release pakage contained sourcecode is Python-2.3.3.tar.

"Fredrik Lundh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Donnie Leen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I make program in c++ embedding python2.4 in windows, I need the
> > python24_d.lib to link with the debug version of my program, but i can't
> > find the source code to build python24_d.lib on the internet, I even
> > find python24_d.lib/python24_d.dll on the internet.
> > Does the python24 source code released?
> look for "Download the release" and the links to Python-2.4.tgz or
> Python-2.4.tar.bz2.


Re: PEP 338: Executing modules inside packages with '-m'

2004-12-13 Thread Nick Coghlan
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
I'd say that for a typical user,
$ python -m arg
is a marginal improvement over
$ python -c "import" arg
This doesn't work. Any code protected by "if __name__ == '__main__':" won't run 
in this context (since '' is being imported as a module, not run as a 

Even 'python -c "from import _main; _main()" arg' isn't quite right, 
since sys.argv[0] will be wrong (it will say '-c', instead of giving the 
module's filename). There's also the problem that there is no standard idiom for 
_main() functions.

compared to
$ bar arg
This is true, but it has its own problems, mainly in the area of namespace 
conflicts on the packaging side:

1. Namespace conflicts between different Python versions
2. Namespace conflicts between different Python packages
3. Namespace conflicts between Python packages and other programs
4. Additional overhead to create an installed module that is usable as a script
  a. Add a shebang line for *nix style systems
  b. Think about how to deal with the previous 3 points
  c. Update the installer to copy the file to the right place with a good name
  d. Realise you're screwed on Windows, since you can't control the file 
associations and the script will always run with the default interpreter.

An extended -m, on the other hand deals with all those problems automatically:
  python -m arg # Default interpreter, foo's bar
  python -m arg # Default interpreter, bar's bar
  python24 -m arg   # Force Python 2.4, foo's bar
  python24 -m arg   # Force Python 2.4, bar's bar
  bar arg   # Unrelated application called bar
Points 1, 3 & 4 were the justification for adding the current version of -m to 
Python 2.4 (obviously, point 2 didn't apply, since the current version doesn't 
work for modules insides packages). Specifically, it makes it trivial to get 
hold of the right version of pdb and profile for the interpreter you're working 

For usability, you can hide all of the above behind a menu item or desktop 
shortcut. However, the major target of the feature is Python developers rather 
than the end-users of applications built using Python.

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: PyQt on MAC OS X

2004-12-13 Thread Phil Thompson
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get PyQt up and running under Mac OS X 10.2.8, but
> can't get past configuring sip.
> I installed fink's qt3-3.2.3-2 and restarted my shells to get
> qt3's environment variables QTDIR and QMAKESPEC.
> I downloaded sip-4.1 from
> unpacked it, ran
>  python
> and got this error:
>  Error: /sw/share/qt3/mkspecs/darwin-g++/qmake.conf: macro
>  'QMAKE_LIBDIR/$(TARGET1)' is not defined.
> Any ideas?

The Fink version of Qt isn't officially supported (the native version is),
although there is a user contributed README.Fink (either with SIP or PyQt,
can't remember which).



urllib2 and Set-Cookie with "302 Moved temporarily"

2004-12-13 Thread Eino Mäkitalo
It seems that urrlib2 default redirection does not allow me to handle
Cookies. Service I'm trying seems to use IP switcher and session id's 
with cookies. After successful login it changes session id 
(PD-H_SESSION-ID) in 302 Moved temporarily. Urllib2 is so clever that it 
handles redirection but with wrong cookies.

Some hookings? Just own version from source.
What is the most lazy way to handle this. Older urllib?
HTTP/1.x 302 Moved Temporarily
Set-Cookie: BIGipServerWWW511_HTTP_Pool=1829440010.20480.; 
expires=Mon, 13-Dec-2004 11:55:59 GMT; path=/
PD-H-SESSION-ID=4_w5sBH4QGJ+UqZ0nfWTduFl4yYQj8WToCPG3PO-NPo9sAAslb; Path=/
PD-H-SESSION-ID=4_w5sBH4QGJ+UqZ0nfWTduFl4yYQj8WToCPG3PO-NPo9sAAslb; Path=/
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 11:25:59 GMT
Message-Id: c365e552-4cf9-11d9-ab36-0a0a0b61aa77
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Connection: close
Location: https://xxx/yyy/xxx/RepresentationApp
Content-Type: text/html

Re: newbie questions

2004-12-13 Thread Nick Coghlan
"houbahop Thank you everyone, but I still not understand why such a comon feature like 
passing parameters byref that is present in most serious programming
languages is not possible in a clean way,here in python.

I have the habit to never use globals as far as possible and this involve 
that my main function is passing some parameters by reference to subs to 
allow them to modify the vars.
Python could be said to pass everything by reference. You are getting caught 
more by the difference between mutable and immutable types, than by the 
distinction between 'pass by reference' and 'pass by value' that other languages 
have (Python actually uses a blend of the two ideas - you get references passed 
in, but it you use assignment on your arguments, the caller is not affected).

Items which are immutable can't be modified *at all* (not just in subroutines). 
The only thing you can do is take the name that references them and make them 
point to something else. Items which are mutable can be both modified and made 
to point to something else.

A list is mutable:
.>>>L = L1 = [1, 2, 3]
.>>>L is L1
.>>>L += [4]
.>>>L is L1  # Modification leaves us referencing the same thing
.>>> print L, L1
[1, 2, 3, 4] [1, 2, 3, 4]
.>>> L = []
.>>> L is L1  # Assignment gives a reference to a different thing
.>>> print L, L1
[] [1, 2, 3, 4]
A string is not:
.>>>S = S1 = "123"
.>>>S is S1
.>>>S += "4"  # Even modification gives a reference to a different thing
.>>>S is S1
.>>>print S, S1
"1234", "123"
I would be sad to break my structured programming scheme because a lack of 
As you work with Python, you'll find a lot of the heavy lifting is done with 
mutable types (particularly list and dict). For these, modification within a 
function is quite straightforward (just modify the argument directly - e.g. by 
adding items to a list or dictionary).

Immutable types (e.g. strings, numbers, tuples) are generally returned directly 
from functions, rather than returned as 'output parameters'. The ability to 
return multiple values easily (via "return a, b, c" & "x, y, z = myfunc()" 
generally eliminates the need for 'by reference' output parameters as used by C, 
C++, Java and the like.

P.S. If you *really*, *really*, *really* want to fake output parameters, just 
wrap them in a list:

def myfunc(outputparam):
  # Do something
  outputparam[0] = result
x = []# Like declaring x as a pointer to something
myfunc(x) # The function fills the 'pointer'
x = x[0]  # We dereference our 'pointer'
There's generally a better way, though (which way that is depends greatly on the 

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: Python 3.0

2004-12-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
> duane> I'm looking for a stand alone email program which is not
> duane> browser based.  I simply want to write, send and receive
> duane> email without accessing the internet.  Is Python 3.0 that
> duane> kind of program?  I'd appreciate your response.
> I'm a little confused by your request to send and receive email
> without accessing the internet, since email generally travels over the
> internet.  Do you only want to handle email over an internal network?
> Or did you mean that you wanted to do this without accessing an
> internet browser such as Internet Explorer?  I'm guessing the latter.

I think he wants something more along the lines of Outlook/Thunderbird...


Diez B. Roggisch

Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-13 Thread Adil Hasan

 Would a parrot on it's back be better?

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Alex Stapleton wrote:

> Well the most well known Flying Circus snake related sketch is probably
> the one eyed trouser snake one, which is er-, probably less than a good
> idea for a logo. The Snake with some sort of Monty Python themeing is
> probably the best idea, but drawing a snake + large foot/16 ton
> weight/holy grail/norweigan blue might be a bit tricky when you have to
> make small sized icons, which is why the current snake is so handy. I
> guess someone should watch the intro to flying circus, and/or the
> animations from some of the movies for inspiration.
> But on that note, how about a python + rose combo?
> Eric Pederson wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Since the word 'Python' would bring -some- sort of snake associations,
> >>I
> >>thought of combining snake and Monty Python symbolic, like making a
> >>snake wind around a giant foot, or adding long mustache and an english
> >>hat to a snake or something in that manner, or even put a snake into a
> >>holy grail heh.
> >>
> >>But then again, I'm not sure if there'll be no copyright issues.
> >
> >
> >
> > But surely only you and I and the other Pythonistas will recognize a 
> > Norwegian Blue when we see one.
> >
> >
> > Might be hard to get away from the snake, as was noted, its a level or two 
> > easier mental association than MP.
> >
> >
> > Logo?  Maybe a Norweigian Blue on is back, one fut in e air, wit a snake 
> > ead off to is ide, grinningly wit a char-grin?
> >
> >
> >
> > es not dead!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Eric Pederson
> > :::
> > domainNot=""
> > domainIs=domainNot.replace("s","z")
> > ePrefix="".join([chr(ord(x)+1) for x in "do"])
> > mailMeAt=ePrefix+domainIs
> > :::
> >

Re: PIL for Windows for Python 2.4

2004-12-13 Thread Steve Holden
Fuzzyman wrote:
Steve Holden wrote:
Fuzzyman wrote:

If you're determined enough there are instructions here :
These will get you the Visual Studio 7 tools (free releases of) and
tell you how to configure distutils to use it.
Hefty downloads though, do not attempt this without broadband !
Wow! I already installed the oolkit Compiler, and now it seems I need
install 646MB of SDK. Make that "you have to be *really, really*
Think I might wait a bit longer.
Holden Web LLC +1 800 494 3119

Hello Steve,
I've just completed following the instructions at
It's really not too bad. The download is 400meg - which unpacks to
about a 650meg isntall... but is you're hard drive that full ?
Once done it works fine
No, it's not that my hard drive is full (I have 22 GB spare on the 
current 60BG drive, and can add another 60 GB if I need (though that 
would be another 1lb to have to lug around :-).

It's the unreliability of the download process. I have now tried the 
installation four times, and each time it's stalled during the download 
of a component. Maybe it's just the times I've been trying, but it's 
driving me nuts.

Holden Web LLC +1 800 494 3119

Re: thread/queue bug

2004-12-13 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2004-12-12, Tim Peters schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I think you'd have to ask Brett (who did most of the work on
> dummy_thread and dummy_threading).  It doesn't really matter, though: 
> it's a general truth that starting a thread as a side effect of
> importing is a recipe for deadlock, and hacking specific methods and
> functions to avoid imports just moves the problem around.  It's not a
> goal that anything in the standard Python library cater to bad thread
> practice here (the bad thread practice being, again, starting a thread
> as a side effect of importing).

I don't see why starting a thread as a side effect of importing is
bad thread practice. Sure python doesn't cater for it, but IMO
that seems to be python failing.

Antoon Pardon

re: usage of __import__ across two files

2004-12-13 Thread bwobbones
Thanks Diez,
 Obvious when you put it that way...

Why are tuples immutable?

2004-12-13 Thread jfj
Why can't we __setitem__ for tuples?
The way I see it is that if we enable __setitem__ for tuples there
doesn't seem to be any performance penalty if the users don't use it
(aka, python performance independent of tuple mutability).
On the other hand, right now we have to use a list if we want to
__setitem__ on a sequence. If we could use tuples in the cases where
we want to modify items but not modify the length of the sequence,
programs could be considerably faster. Yes?
Enlighten me.

Another RegEx Question...

2004-12-13 Thread andrea . gavana
Hello NG,

  I'm quite new to Python and I don't know if this is a FAQ (I can't
find it) or an obvious question. I'm using the RE module in python, and I
would like to be able to contruct something like the Window$ "Find Files Or
Folders" engine. As the Window$ users know, you can filter the file names
using the character "*", as:

myfilen* (Will find a file named myfilenames)
*yf*nam*(Will find a file named myfilenames)

I have tried something like:

import re
mystring = "*yf*nam*"
php = re.compile(mystring + "\w+")

But it does not work...

Is there a way to let the user of my application use the "*" character and
to do a Regular Expression search inside a Python code?

Thank you for every suggestion.


 Message for the recipient only, if received in error, please notify the
sender and read


Re: can't find python2.4 source code

2004-12-13 Thread Steve Holden
Donnie Leen wrote:
I had tried already, the doesn't contain the sourcecode.
In python2.3.3, the release pakage contained sourcecode is Python-2.3.3.tar.
Rhubarb. All you had to do was follow Fredrik's instructions.
Since they didn't appear to be explicit enough for you, search in the 
page he names for the string """All others should download either 
Python-2.4.tgz or Python-2.4.tar.bz2, the source archive.""". The 
filenames are links to two different versions of the source.

"Fredrik Lundh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Donnie Leen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I make program in c++ embedding python2.4 in windows, I need the
python24_d.lib to link with the debug version of my program, but i can't
find the source code to build python24_d.lib on the internet, I even
find python24_d.lib/python24_d.dll on the internet.
Does the python24 source code released?
look for "Download the release" and the links to Python-2.4.tgz or

Holden Web LLC +1 800 494 3119

How can i send 8-bit data or binary data with pyserial?

2004-12-13 Thread ouz as
I want to transfer 0 bit and 1 bit in order  with pyserial.But pyserial only 
send string data.
Can anyone help me?
Sorry about my english..

Depolama alani sikintisindan kurtulun - hemen Hotmail'e üye olun!


Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-13 Thread Jeremy Jones
Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
Hey Dimitri,
I completely agree with you in that Python needs once for all a cool
I like your design very much, but I have a few thoughts about it:
1) I think that Python's logo should reflect its power.

Vorpal Bunny.  Now, *that's* power.
If we use a mascot as its image, we would be giving the wrong idea:
that Python is a "toy" language, instead of a very good alternative to
other mainstream languages.
2) We should also bear in mind Guido's oppinion about using a snake for
identifying Python.

I've been googling for this today.  So, what exactly is Guido's opinion 
on snake logos?

3) And finally, we should consider it very seriously. Image is not
everything, but it is very important for "marketing" a product. I'm
sure that if Java didn't have a cool name and a cool logo, it wouldn't
have been that succesfull.
I don't mean to sound like I'm rejecting your idea. I really like it
alot, and it is an excellent mascot.
It's just that I wouldn't use a mascot... I'd rather use a more
"killer" image.

There's not much more of a "killer" than a Vorpal Bunny.  Those things 
are vicious.

Something that reflects power and excellence.

I see some similarities between Vorpal Bunnies and Python (the language):
- Pleasing to the eye
- Deceptively powerful
- Gets the job done - and then some
What do you think?

Vorpal Bunny.  Because every other logo lacks the power of a rodential 

0.5-wink-ly y'rs,
Jeremy Jones

Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-13 Thread Alex Stapleton
The problem with parrots is that Perl 6's engine is called Parrot.
Although I suppose the image of a dead Parrot/snake eating a parrot etc 
could be a "good" one in some peoples minds. But i'm not sure Perl 
people are really the sort that you wan't to make enemies of, they are 
deadly with custard pies. It's a bit immature to insult another language 
like that anyway, not thats the idea you where going for of course.

Adil Hasan wrote:
 Would a parrot on it's back be better?
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Alex Stapleton wrote:

Well the most well known Flying Circus snake related sketch is probably
the one eyed trouser snake one, which is er-, probably less than a good
idea for a logo. The Snake with some sort of Monty Python themeing is
probably the best idea, but drawing a snake + large foot/16 ton
weight/holy grail/norweigan blue might be a bit tricky when you have to
make small sized icons, which is why the current snake is so handy. I
guess someone should watch the intro to flying circus, and/or the
animations from some of the movies for inspiration.
But on that note, how about a python + rose combo?
Eric Pederson wrote:

Since the word 'Python' would bring -some- sort of snake associations,
thought of combining snake and Monty Python symbolic, like making a
snake wind around a giant foot, or adding long mustache and an english
hat to a snake or something in that manner, or even put a snake into a
holy grail heh.
But then again, I'm not sure if there'll be no copyright issues.

But surely only you and I and the other Pythonistas will recognize a 
Norwegian Blue when we see one.
Might be hard to get away from the snake, as was noted, its a level or two 
easier mental association than MP.
Logo?  Maybe a Norweigian Blue on is back, one fut in e air, wit a snake 
ead off to is ide, grinningly wit a char-grin?

es not dead!

Eric Pederson
ePrefix="".join([chr(ord(x)+1) for x in "do"])


Re: How can i send 8-bit data or binary data with pyserial?

2004-12-13 Thread Michel Claveau - abstraction méta-galactique non triviale en fuite perpétuelle.
Hi !

1 byte is 8 bits. If you want to manage bits, one by one, you can rewrite a
protocol, and replace pyserial.

Have a good day
Michel Claveau


(no subject)

2004-12-13 Thread FETCHMAIL-DAEMON
Some addresses were rejected by the MDA fetchmail forwards to.

Reporting-MTA: dns; localhost

Final-Recipient: rfc822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Received: (qmail 85964 invoked from network); 9 Dec 2004 09:02:23 -
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Subject: Mail Delivery (failure [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 14:30:34 +0530
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Status:  O

Re: PIL for Windows for Python 2.4

2004-12-13 Thread Fuzzyman
That's odd - it worked fully *both* times I've done it.

I did the *full* doenload though and downloaded the 13 CAB files
individually and did a local install.




Re: Why are tuples immutable?

2004-12-13 Thread Steve Holden
jfj wrote:
Why can't we __setitem__ for tuples?
The way I see it is that if we enable __setitem__ for tuples there
doesn't seem to be any performance penalty if the users don't use it
(aka, python performance independent of tuple mutability).
On the other hand, right now we have to use a list if we want to
__setitem__ on a sequence. If we could use tuples in the cases where
we want to modify items but not modify the length of the sequence,
programs could be considerably faster. Yes?
Enlighten me.
Well, the best answer may be "tuples are immutable because otherwise 
there wouldn't be an immutable sequence type".

There have been many discussions on this topic (not that I'm blaming you 
for being unaware of them), and normally when someone raises this topic 
there's a flurry of nbew justifications for the existing behavior. The 
bottom line seems to be that Guido wanted something that corresponds to 
a mathematical tuple, which is an ordered collection of items of 
(potentially) different types.

Of course there's nothing much to stop you using lists instead of 
tuples, except the rare piece of code that insists on one or the other.

Holden Web LLC +1 800 494 3119

Re: Tibia 0.1 DOM-based website editor

2004-12-13 Thread Fuzzyman
The example that Robert posted is protected with http BASIC
authentication (judging by the popup anyway). Part of the Jalopy
toolkit is `Login Tools` that implements a CGI Login framework that can
be plugged into any CGI with the addition of as little as 2 lines of

It includes optional user sign up, user accoutn editing and account
administration. This is due for it's first public release into the wild
any day now. (All done, docs done, just needs me to finish the Jalopy

You can see it in action at the Jalopy demo.

(Which doesn't really address your question to RObert I guess - sorry -
didn't think it was too OT)




Re: PIL for Windows for Python 2.4

2004-12-13 Thread Steve Holden
Fuzzyman wrote:
That's odd - it worked fully *both* times I've done it.
I did the *full* doenload though and downloaded the 13 CAB files
individually and did a local install.
I made the mistake of trying to use the Microsoft installer, which is 
frankly a load of crap. As I write it's now canceling a fifth 
installation attempt, as it have been for the last twenty minutes. Bah.

Holden Web LLC +1 800 494 3119

Re: How can i send 8-bit data or binary data with pyserial?

2004-12-13 Thread Richard Brodie

"ouz as" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> I want to transfer 0 bit and 1 bit in order  with pyserial.But pyserial only
> send string data.

string _is_ the type one would normally use in Python for 8-bit
encoded data. If you are a Unicode purist, that's perhaps
all you would use it for.

If you have a list [11, 22, 33] of bytes to send,  you can write:
buffer = [chr(i) for i in [11, 22, 33]]

Or possibly, use the struct or array module. Either way, the
problem you have to solve is converting the format you have
to/from an appropriate string. We lack the detail to suggest the
best solution to that.


Re: can't find python2.4 source code

2004-12-13 Thread Nick Coghlan
Donnie Leen wrote:
I make program in c++ embedding python2.4 in windows, I need the
python24_d.lib to link with the debug version of my program, but i can't
find the source code to build python24_d.lib on the internet, I even can't
find python24_d.lib/python24_d.dll on the internet.
Does the python24 source code released?
Which is linked from
However, as Fredrik said, the source tarballs are available on the release page 
for 2.4 (and yes, they do contain the source code).

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia

Re: How can i send 8-bit data or binary data with pyserial?

2004-12-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
> I want to transfer 0 bit and 1 bit in order  with pyserial.But pyserial
> only send string data.

Convert your data to numbers and use module struct to create strings out of

Apart from that: You can only send chunks of bits as configured in your
serial settings - e.g. 8N1 means that you will have to send 8 Bits in a
row. I personally never used anything else, but it might be possible to
alter that setting to lets say 7N1 or even lower numeber - but I doubt that
this will work down to 1N1.

If you give us more details on your actual problem, we migh be able to give
better answers.

Diez B. Roggisch

Re: character encoding conversion

2004-12-13 Thread Christian Ergh
Dylan wrote:
Here's what I'm trying to do:
- scrape some html content from various sources
The issue I'm running to:
- some of the sources have incorrectly encoded characters... for
example, cp1252 curly quotes that were likely the result of the author
copying and pasting content from Word
Finally: For me this works, all inside my own class, and the module has 
a logger, for reuse you would need to fix this stuff... Im am updating a 
postgreSQL Database, in case someone wonders about the __setattr__, and 
my class inherits from SQLObject.

def doDecode(self, st):
"Returns an encoding that doesn't fail"
for encoding in encodings:
stEncoded = st.decode(encoding)
return stEncoded
except UnicodeError:
def setAttribute(self, name, data):
import HTMLFilter
data = self.doDecode(data)
data = data.encode('ascii', "xmlcharrefreplace")
log.warn('new method did not fit')
if '&#' in data:
data = HTMLFilter.HTMLDecode(data)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
log.debug('HTML decoding failed!!!')
data = data.encode('utf-8')
log.warn('new utf 8 method did not fit')
self.__setattr__(name, data)
log.debug('1. try failed: ')
log.warning('Some unicode error while updating')

Re: character encoding conversion

2004-12-13 Thread Christian Ergh
Forgot a part... You need the encoding list:
encodings = [
Christian Ergh wrote:
Dylan wrote:
Here's what I'm trying to do:
- scrape some html content from various sources
The issue I'm running to:
- some of the sources have incorrectly encoded characters... for
example, cp1252 curly quotes that were likely the result of the author
copying and pasting content from Word
Finally: For me this works, all inside my own class, and the module has 
a logger, for reuse you would need to fix this stuff... Im am updating a 
postgreSQL Database, in case someone wonders about the __setattr__, and 
my class inherits from SQLObject.

def doDecode(self, st):
"Returns an encoding that doesn't fail"
for encoding in encodings:
stEncoded = st.decode(encoding)
return stEncoded
except UnicodeError:
def setAttribute(self, name, data):
import HTMLFilter
data = self.doDecode(data)
data = data.encode('ascii', "xmlcharrefreplace")
log.warn('new method did not fit')
if '&#' in data:
data = HTMLFilter.HTMLDecode(data)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
log.debug('HTML decoding failed!!!')
data = data.encode('utf-8')
log.warn('new utf 8 method did not fit')
self.__setattr__(name, data)
log.debug('1. try failed: ')
log.warning('Some unicode error while updating')

Re: predict directory write permission under windows?

2004-12-13 Thread TZOTZIOY
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 22:14:03 +0800, rumours say that Qiangning Hong
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:

>I want to know if I can write files into a directory before I actually 
>perferm the write behavor.  I found os.access(path, os.W_OK) but it uses 
>real uid/gid to check instead of euid/egid so it doesn't fit my problem.

I didn't even know that the notion of effective uid/gid existed on
windows.  Unless that's a "service" from the Run as a different user
service, but I wouldn't know.

>I don't know how to get euid/egid under windows so I cannot use the mode 
>infomation returned by os.stat().

>Anybody give me a hint?

I won't be very helpful, but Python is mostly built around the
philosophy of asking forgiveness instead of permission (the opposite of
"look before you leap", which is what you want).  There are other
typical arguments (what if permissions change between your check and the
actual write? what if the directory disappears before writing? etc)
which you might think they do not apply to you, but they most probably

In case you want that to update some form of UI where the user should
know in advance, well, create a dummy file in the directory (and
instantly delete it) and report success or failure.

However, if you insist on knowing something that could be false, pywin32
might offer more functions to check for permissions.
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
"Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

save an opengl canvas (wxPython)

2004-12-13 Thread Zunbeltz Izaola


I've a drawing made in an OpenGL canvas. I want to save it to a file
(preferibly PostScript format). Somebody knows how to do it?



Zunbeltz Izaola Azkona|  wmbizazz at lg dot ehu
Materia Kondentsatuaren Fisika Saila  |
Zientzia eta Teknologia Fakultatea|  Phone: 34946015326
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea |   
PK 644|  Fax:   34 944648500
48080 Bilbo (SPAIN)   |

Re: Python 3.0

2004-12-13 Thread TZOTZIOY
On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 21:44:02 -0600, rumours say that John Hunter
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:

>I'm a little confused by your request to send and receive email
>without accessing the internet, since email generally travels over the
>internet.  Do you only want to handle email over an internal network?
>Or did you mean that you wanted to do this without accessing an
>internet browser such as Internet Explorer?  I'm guessing the latter.

I guess he doesn't want the email *originating* application to access
the internet; rather to use some local MAPI object-model which then
takes care to forward messages over the local network or whatever the
setup is.
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
"Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

Re: predict directory write permission under windows?

2004-12-13 Thread Larry Bates
My method isn't elegant, but I use tempfile to create a
tempfile in the directory (inside a try block).  If it
works, closing the file makes it go away.
Larry Bates
Syscon, Inc.
Qiangning Hong wrote:
I want to know if I can write files into a directory before I actually 
perferm the write behavor.  I found os.access(path, os.W_OK) but it uses 
real uid/gid to check instead of euid/egid so it doesn't fit my problem.

I don't know how to get euid/egid under windows so I cannot use the mode 
infomation returned by os.stat().

Anybody give me a hint?

Re: thread/queue bug

2004-12-13 Thread Tim Peters
[Antoon Pardon]
> I don't see why starting a thread as a side effect of importing is
> bad thread practice. Sure python doesn't cater for it, but IMO
> that seems to be python failing.

Obviously, it's bad practice in Python because it can lead to
deadlocks in Python.  It's nearly tautological.  Import is an
executable statement in Python, not, e.g., as in many other languages,
a declaration directed at the system linker.  With that power comes
opportunities to shoot yourself, although they're generally easy to
avoid.  Come up with a practical design that doesn't have this
limitation, and then perhaps your characterization of the current
design as "a failing" would be both credible and constructive.

Apart from that, ya, I do think it would *uisually* be poor practice
to start a thread as a side effect of importing anyway.  It's too
mysterious, and IME has caused trouble even when it didn't lead to
deadlocks.  The fundamental purpose of import in Python is to add
useful names to the importer's namespace, and users of a module
generally think of it as doing no more than that.

Note that the OP's example had a module that, upon the first attempt
to import it, ran an infinite loop (even if it hadn't deadlocked), and
it's clearly severe abuse of import's write a module M such
that "import M" *never* returns.  Indeed, that's the other half of how
deadlock occurs:  not only that the imported module spawn a thread as
a side effect of importing, but also that the imported module refuse
to allow the import to complete.

The current design actually supports spawning all the threads you like
as a side effect of importing, provided you ensure also that the
import ompletes.  The easiest way to avoid trouble remains not to
spawn threads as a side effect of importing to begin with, although a
programmer determined to demonstrate their bad taste  can easily
enough make it work.

Re: A problem with list

2004-12-13 Thread Roy Smith
>but when I have Mylist in a file and I read it from the file it does
>not work as I expect.
>import string
>ff=open('C:\\Robotp\\MyFile.txt','r') # read MyList from a file
>for i in MyList:
>print i
>I will get
>where my MyFile.txt looks like this:

The problem is that read() just reads in characters of text and stores
them in a string.  It doesn't *execute* that text as if it were a
program.  You want to do one of two things.  The first, which requires
no changes to your file, would be to eval the text you read.  For

>>> s = "['foo', 'bar']"
>>> s
"['foo', 'bar']"
>>> type (s)

s is a string containing the printed representation of a list.  You
turn that into a real list by passing the string to eval()

>>> l = eval (s)
>>> l
['foo', 'bar']
>>> type (l)

Alternatively (and probably the direction you want to be looking), is
to alter your file a little and import it.  Make your file look like:

x = ['abc', 'def']

Assuming the filename is "", you can do "import foo" and your
file will be read AND EXECUTED, and a module will be created with the
same name as the basename of the file.  The variable x will be a
variable inside that module:

>>> import foo
>>> foo.x
['abc', 'def']

RE: A problem with list

2004-12-13 Thread Batista, Facundo
Title: RE: A problem with list


#- where my MyFile.txt looks like this:
#- ['abc','def']

The issue is that in the file you don't have a list, you have text, and there is the difference in the behaviour.

>>> l = ['abc','def']
>>> for x in l:
    print x

>>> s = "['abc','def']"
>>> for x in s:
    print x

.   Facundo


Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-13 Thread wk8l
I thought there was probably already an official mascot.  There's a
little green snake with his tongue hanging out on the left of the URL
when you visit  I see it in my Safari browser on Mac OS
X and in Firefox, but not in Internet Exploder.  I thought that I had
seen a large picture somewhere, but can't find it now.
I don't know if he has an official name, but I've been calling him
Monty.  Monty, the Python; not to be confused with Monty Python of
course ;)



Re: A problem with list

2004-12-13 Thread gawel
The following code
import string
for i in MyList:
print i
works as I expect that is I get
but when I have Mylist in a file and I read it from the file it does
not work as I expect.
import string
ff=open('C:\\Robotp\\MyFile.txt','r') # read MyList from a file
for i in MyList:
print i
I will get
where my MyFile.txt looks like this:
Where is a problem?
Thanks for help
That's quite simple. Your file contain a string, not a list
You must use eval(your_list_as_string).
>>> f = open('/tmp/list')
>>> s =
>>> s
>>> l = eval(s)
>>> l
['adc', 'def']
>>> for i in l:
... print i

RE: uptime for Win XP?

2004-12-13 Thread Tim Golden
[Peter Hansen]
| Richie Hindle wrote:
| > [Greg]
| > 
| import win32api
| print "Uptime:", win32api.GetTickCount(), "Milliseconds"
| > 
| > Note that in the unlikely event of your Windows machine being up for
| > longer than 2^32 ms (about 49 days), GetTickCount() will 
| wrap back to
| > zero.
| The real solution, in spite of the dozen alternatives we've
| now produced, seems to be to use the win32pdh library
| to access the "System"-> "System Up Time" value.

To add my twopence-ha'penny worth in, the recommended WMI
technique is (apparently) to use the 
Win32_OperatingSystem.LastBootUpTime value:

import wmi
for i in wmi.WMI ().Win32_OperatingSystem ():
  print i.LastBootUpTime

The time format is 20041202112313 with some --
apparently unused -- sub-seconds, so you'd have
to faff about a bit with the numbers, but it is
at least usable.


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Re: Why are tuples immutable?

2004-12-13 Thread Fredrik Lundh
"jfj" wrote:

> Why can't we __setitem__ for tuples?

> The way I see it is that if we enable __setitem__ for tuples there
> doesn't seem to be any performance penalty if the users don't use it
> (aka, python performance independent of tuple mutability).

how would you implement a dictionary where the keys could change, without
any performance penalty compared to the current implementation?

> On the other hand, right now we have to use a list if we want to
> __setitem__ on a sequence. If we could use tuples in the cases where
> we want to modify items but not modify the length of the sequence,
> programs could be considerably faster.

really?  in what way are tuples faster than lists?  have you noticed that "a[i]"
is actually faster if "a" is a list?  (especially in 2.2 and earlier).



Performance (pystone) of python 2.4 lower then python 2.3 ???

2004-12-13 Thread Lucas Hofman

Just installed Python 2.4 on a machine (RH8.0 Linux) that also has python 2.3
and python 2.2 installed. The latter came with the linux distribution, the other
are compiled from source tarballs.

Comparing them gives the following unexpected result:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ /usr/bin/python
Pystone(1.1) time for 5 passes = 1.86
This machine benchmarks at 26881.7 pystones/second
[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ /usr/local/bin/python2.3
Pystone(1.1) time for 5 passes = 1.22
This machine benchmarks at 40983.6 pystones/second

This is ok, a 52% speed increase, but:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ /usr/local/bin/python2.4
Pystone(1.1) time for 5 passes = 1.31
This machine benchmarks at 38167.9 pystones/second

A 7% speed DECREASE??? According to the documentation it should be a 5% 

The machine is a 3.0 GHz Xeon box.

Both python 2.3 and 2.4 where configure without any options.

Anyone who understands what is going on?

Regards, Lucas


Re: Suggestion for "syntax error": ++i, --i

2004-12-13 Thread Christian Ergh
Hmm, i never liked the i++ syntax, because there is a value asignment 
behind it and it does not show - except the case you are already used to it.

>>> i = 1
>>> i +=1
>>> i
I like this one better, because you see the assignment at once, it is 
easy to read and inuitive usability is given - in my opinion.

Petr Prikryl wrote:
Summary: In my opinion, the C-like prefix
increment and decrement operators (++i and --i)
should be marked as "syntax error".
Current situation: try... (Python 2.4 (#60, ...))
i = 1
  File "", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Reason for how ++i and --i behaves in Python is 
that it is probably treated as (-(-i)) and (+(+i))

Rationale: My guess is that many Python users
do use other languages at the same time. 
The C-family languages do use the prefix increment
and decrement operators. When used in Python
no warning appears -- the code simply does not work
as expected. In the same time, there is probably no
reason to use the increment and decrement 
prefix operators. On the other hand, the newcommer
or the programmer that "types ++i automatically 
because of brain synapses say he/she should..."
is not warned until something does not work.

Con: The situation must be recognized by the parser
(i.e. someone have to implement it).
Pro: No runtime overhead except of the detection
of the situation. As Python is a good candidate
to be used as the language for teaching, the "syntax
error" would be the pedagogical plus.
Personal experience: Many things in Python work
intuitively. My C++ experience "forced me" to use
++i as described above. I use iteration more these
days and I know about the ++i problem invisibility 
in Python. But I had to learn by mistake. The ++i
behaviour is not intuitive for me.

Your opinion?


Re: PyQt on MAC OS X

2004-12-13 Thread Kevin Walzer
Hash: SHA1
I've assembled a binary installer for the native version of PyQt. See
I built it on Panther. Not sure if it will work on Jaguar, but you're
welcome to give it a try.

Michael McGarry wrote:
| Hi,
| I'm trying to get PyQt up and running under Mac OS X 10.2.8, but
| can't get past configuring sip.
| I installed fink's qt3-3.2.3-2 and restarted my shells to get
| qt3's environment variables QTDIR and QMAKESPEC.
| I downloaded sip-4.1 from
| unpacked it, ran
| python
| and got this error:
| Error: /sw/share/qt3/mkspecs/darwin-g++/qmake.conf: macro
| 'QMAKE_LIBDIR/$(TARGET1)' is not defined.
| Any ideas?
| Michael
- --
Kevin Walzer, PhD
WordTech Software--Open Source Applications and Packages for OS X
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

Re: PEP 338: Executing modules inside packages with '-m'

2004-12-13 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Nick Coghlan wrote:

>> $ python -c "import" arg
> This doesn't work. Any code protected by "if __name__ == '__main__':" won't 
> run in this context 
> (since '' is being imported as a module, not run as a script).

I appreciate that you're taking the time to teach me about Python, but I can
assure you that it's not really needed.

as for the rest of your arguments, I have to assume that you were joking.  (or
that you have no experience whatsoever of distribution of Python programs in
Unix and Windows environments).



anybody know how to use python to communicate with UART?

2004-12-13 Thread Arnold
I want to use python to communicate with UART port in my PC, how can I
achieve this? any modules need to be installed?



Re: Another RegEx Question...

2004-12-13 Thread Gustavo Niemeyer
Hello Andrea,

> I'm quite new to Python and I don't know if this is a FAQ (I
> can't find it) or an obvious question. I'm using the RE module
> in python, and I would like to be able to contruct something
> like the Window$ "Find Files Or Folders" engine. As the Window$
> users know, you can filter the file names using the character
> "*", as:

You're looking for the fnmatch module.

> import re
> mystring = "*yf*nam*"
> mystring.replace("*","\w+")
> php = re.compile(mystring + "\w+")
> But it does not work...

  >>> re.compile("*yf*nam*".replace("*", ".*")+"$").match("myfilename")
  <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xb7ab3b10>

> Is there a way to let the user of my application use the "*" character and
> to do a Regular Expression search inside a Python code?

  >>> import fnmatch
  >>> fnmatch.fnmatch("myfilename", "*yf*nam*")
  >>> fnmatch.translate("*")
  >>> fnmatch.translate("?yf*nam?")

Gustavo Niemeyer

Re: Another RegEx Question...

2004-12-13 Thread Fredrik Lundh

>  I'm quite new to Python and I don't know if this is a FAQ (I can't
> find it) or an obvious question. I'm using the RE module in python, and I
> would like to be able to contruct something like the Window$ "Find Files Or
> Folders" engine. As the Window$ users know, you can filter the file names
> using the character "*", as:
> myfilen* (Will find a file named myfilenames)
> *yf*nam*(Will find a file named myfilenames)

in Unix lingo, that's known as a "glob" pattern.  it's not really a regular

if you insist on using regular expressions, you can use the fnmatch.translate
function to convert from pattern to expression:

>>> import fnmatch
>>> fnmatch.translate("myfilen*")
>>> fnmatch.translate("*yf*nam*")

or you can use fnmatch.filter() to find matching names in a list:

>>> fnmatch.filter(["hello.txt", "bye.txt", "spam.egg"], "*.txt")
['hello.txt', 'bye.txt']

but it's likely that what you really want is the "glob" module, which looks
for files matching a given pattern:

>>> import glob
>>> glob.glob("*.txt")
['key.txt', 'some_document.txt']

more info here:



Suggestion for "syntax error": ++i, --i

2004-12-13 Thread Petr Prikryl

Summary: In my opinion, the C-like prefix
increment and decrement operators (++i and --i)
should be marked as "syntax error".

Current situation: try... (Python 2.4 (#60, ...))
>>> i = 1
>>> i
>>> i++
  File "", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> ++i
>>> --i

Reason for how ++i and --i behaves in Python is 
that it is probably treated as (-(-i)) and (+(+i))

Rationale: My guess is that many Python users
do use other languages at the same time. 
The C-family languages do use the prefix increment
and decrement operators. When used in Python
no warning appears -- the code simply does not work
as expected. In the same time, there is probably no
reason to use the increment and decrement 
prefix operators. On the other hand, the newcommer
or the programmer that "types ++i automatically 
because of brain synapses say he/she should..."
is not warned until something does not work.

Con: The situation must be recognized by the parser
(i.e. someone have to implement it).

Pro: No runtime overhead except of the detection
of the situation. As Python is a good candidate
to be used as the language for teaching, the "syntax
error" would be the pedagogical plus.

Personal experience: Many things in Python work
intuitively. My C++ experience "forced me" to use
++i as described above. I use iteration more these
days and I know about the ++i problem invisibility 
in Python. But I had to learn by mistake. The ++i
behaviour is not intuitive for me.

Your opinion?

Petr Prikryl (prikrylp at skil dot cz) 

RE: Tibia 0.1 DOM-based website editor

2004-12-13 Thread Robert Brewer
Richie Hindle wrote:
> [Robert]
> > Tibia is an in-browser editor for web pages. It allows you 
> to quickly
> > and easily modify the content of your web pages. It allows you to
> > directly view, edit, and save files on your webserver.
> Very impressive!  I ran into a couple of difficulties but 
> otherwise it's a great tool.

Thanks! We're starting to use it already in-house.

> I had to hard-code a username - does it require you to use HTTP
> authentication before it will work?  If so, it would be good if you
> mentioned that in the documentation.

Currently, it requires you to use *some* form of authentication. I'm
working on a way to get around that for intranet deployers who don't
care (but _should_, but hey, it's their loss). If you set up your own
site, you also need to have somebody in the Admin group if you want to
get any editing done.

> It also erased my HTML file when I tried to save my changes.  
> 8-)  I'll try to track that one down if I get the chance.

Sorry about that. Tibia switches between three modes: web, upload, and
server. The initial release had an ugly pattern where you would open a
webpage, switch to server mode (without realizing it) by clicking the
"server" flyout button and then hit save--and get nothing saved because
you thought you were still in "web mode". I changed the events a bit in
recent releases so that doesn't happen anymore; you only change to
server mode when you actually load a file from the server.

Numerous other buglets fixed over the weekend. Thanks for the feedback,

Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries

Re: anybody know how to use python to communicate with UART?

2004-12-13 Thread Steve Holden
Arnold wrote:
I want to use python to communicate with UART port in my PC, how can I
achieve this? any modules need to be installed?

pyserial is the usual solution. See
Steve Holden
Python Web Programming
Holden Web LLC  +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

Re: urllib2 and Set-Cookie with "302 Moved temporarily"

2004-12-13 Thread Fredrik Lundh
"Eino Mäkitalo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It seems that urrlib2 default redirection does not allow me to handle
> Cookies. Service I'm trying seems to use IP switcher and session id's with 
> cookies. After 
> successful login it changes session id (PD-H_SESSION-ID) in 302 Moved 
> temporarily.

and adds a new cookie.

> Urllib2 is so clever that it handles redirection but with wrong cookies.

with the old cookies, that is.  that's stupid.

here's an ugly hack for the old urllib that looks for set-cookie headers in
redirects, and adds corresponding cookie headers to the new request:

import urllib

class my_url_opener(urllib.FancyURLopener):

def http_error_302(self, *args):
headers = args[4]
# print headers # <-- uncomment to see the headers
cookie = headers.get("set-cookie")
if cookie:
# this is ugly
self.addheaders.append(("Cookie", cookie.split(";")[0]))
return urllib.FancyURLopener.http_error_302(self, *args)

myurlopen = my_url_opener().open




Re: anybody know how to use python to communicate with UART?

2004-12-13 Thread Fuzzyman
Have you tried pyserial ?




Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-13 Thread infidel
Not that my opinion is worth anything in these matters, but I like the
upper-left example at the best (out
of the samples I've seen thus far).  I don't like the "gear" shape, and
I think adding a coil or circle around the "head" detracts somewhat
from the look.  I like the clean, sharp lines - seems very metaphorical
for the language.  My only critique would be that it appears (to me)
much like a clan insignia from Battletech.  Not that such is a bad
thing, mind you.

I think people are a little over-anxious regarding copyright
infringement.  I think a snake around a holy grail would be a fine
logo, "the holy grail of programming languages" seems appropriate to
me.  There's no way that MPFC can have rights over all possible
combinations of "Python" and "Holy Grail".  Chill out, people.


Re: newbie questions

2004-12-13 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Nick Coghlan wrote:

> Python could be said to pass everything by reference. You are getting caught 
> more by the 
> difference between mutable and immutable types, than by the distinction 
> between 'pass by 
> reference' and 'pass by value' that other languages have (Python actually 
> uses a blend of the two 
> ideas - you get references passed in, but it you use assignment on your 
> arguments, the caller is 
> not affected).

to avoid confusing people who (think they) know exactly what "call by value"
and "call by reference" means, the preferred term is "call by object".

for some background, see

(in earlier literature, Python's model is often called "call by sharing".  this 
model is
in fact closer to "call by value" than "call by reference", at least if you 
stick to the
usual definitions)



Re: newbie questions

2004-12-13 Thread houbahop
thanks, very usefull answer.

> Immutable types (e.g. strings, numbers, tuples) are generally returned 
> directly from functions, rather than returned as 'output parameters'. The 
> ability to return multiple values easily (via "return a, b, c" & "x, y, z 
> = myfunc()" generally eliminates the need for 'by reference' output 
> parameters as used by C, C++, Java and the like.
> P.S. If you *really*, *really*, *really* want to fake output parameters, 
> just wrap them in a list:

 return multiple values is ok, I usualy use a function only to return one 
value, for exemple : value=IsSomething(), returning true, to include that in 
an if statement : if (isSomething(blabla) ) ... but It's not a problem to 
change that habit. and as I have read somewhere about python : "Explicit is 
better than implicit"


"Nick Coghlan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message de news: 
> "houbahop > Thank you everyone, but I still not understand why such a comon feature 
>> like passing parameters byref that is present in most serious programming
>> languages is not possible in a clean way,here in python.
>> I have the habit to never use globals as far as possible and this involve 
>> that my main function is passing some parameters by reference to subs to 
>> allow them to modify the vars.
> Python could be said to pass everything by reference. You are getting 
> caught more by the difference between mutable and immutable types, than by 
> the distinction between 'pass by reference' and 'pass by value' that other 
> languages have (Python actually uses a blend of the two ideas - you get 
> references passed in, but it you use assignment on your arguments, the 
> caller is not affected).
> Items which are immutable can't be modified *at all* (not just in 
> subroutines). The only thing you can do is take the name that references 
> them and make them point to something else. Items which are mutable can be 
> both modified and made to point to something else.
> A list is mutable:
> .>>>L = L1 = [1, 2, 3]
> .>>>L is L1
> True
> .>>>L += [4]
> .>>>L is L1  # Modification leaves us referencing the same thing
> True
> .>>> print L, L1
> [1, 2, 3, 4] [1, 2, 3, 4]
> .>>> L = []
> .>>> L is L1  # Assignment gives a reference to a different thing
> False
> .>>> print L, L1
> [] [1, 2, 3, 4]
> A string is not:
> .>>>S = S1 = "123"
> .>>>S is S1
> True
> .>>>S += "4"  # Even modification gives a reference to a different thing
> .>>>S is S1
> False
> .>>>print S, S1
> "1234", "123"
>> I would be sad to break my structured programming scheme because a lack 
>> of feature.
> As you work with Python, you'll find a lot of the heavy lifting is done 
> with mutable types (particularly list and dict). For these, modification 
> within a function is quite straightforward (just modify the argument 
> directly - e.g. by adding items to a list or dictionary).
> Immutable types (e.g. strings, numbers, tuples) are generally returned 
> directly from functions, rather than returned as 'output parameters'. The 
> ability to return multiple values easily (via "return a, b, c" & "x, y, z 
> = myfunc()" generally eliminates the need for 'by reference' output 
> parameters as used by C, C++, Java and the like.
> Regards,
> Nick.
> P.S. If you *really*, *really*, *really* want to fake output parameters, 
> just wrap them in a list:
> def myfunc(outputparam):
>   # Do something
>   outputparam[0] = result
> x = []# Like declaring x as a pointer to something
> myfunc(x) # The function fills the 'pointer'
> x = x[0]  # We dereference our 'pointer'
> There's generally a better way, though (which way that is depends greatly 
> on the context).
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> -- 
> Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
> ---


Re: from vb6 to Python

2004-12-13 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Martijn Faassen wrote:

> Unfortunately this is currently not near production use, and whether 
> Microsoft is funding 
> IronPython development is up in the air:

(too bad it's in seattle)



Re: PIL for Windows for Python 2.4

2004-12-13 Thread Steve Holden
Steve Holden wrote:
Fuzzyman wrote:
That's odd - it worked fully *both* times I've done it.
I did the *full* doenload though and downloaded the 13 CAB files
individually and did a local install.
I made the mistake of trying to use the Microsoft installer, which is 
frankly a load of crap. As I write it's now canceling a fifth 
installation attempt, as it have been for the last twenty minutes. Bah.

As a further follow-up, I have now managed to install the Egenix base 
package from source (even building my own Windows installer: neat!), so 
it looks like I'm there - thanks for encouraging me to persist, I did 
eventually manage to install by downloading the installer files and 
running them locally.

Steve Holden
Python Web Programming
Holden Web LLC  +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

Re: jython and concatenation of strings

2004-12-13 Thread Steven Bethard
Jan Gregor wrote:
 I found that price of += operator on string is too high in jython. For
 example 5000 such operations took 90 seconds (i generated html copy of
 table with 1000 rows and 5 columns). Generation of row data into separate
 string and joining after lead to time 13 seconds !!!

 What's alternative way to do that ? (similiar parts of my code are terribbly
 slow and such simple solution as above didn't help).
I don't use Jython, but are you not able to do something like:
string_list = []
for ... in ...:
string = ''.join(string_list)
This is the usual Python idiom and is usually faster than the += idiom.
Note too that +ing strings in Java also has this problem -- hence 
StringBuffer or whatever it's called.


Re: Suggestion for "syntax error": ++i, --i

2004-12-13 Thread Peter Maas
Christian Ergh schrieb:
Ah, ok, i misunderstood you. Well, to mark it as a syntax error sounds 
good, and at the Moment I would not know a case where this conflicts 
with a implementation.
target = 'a='
sign = '-'
operand = '-2'
Peter Maas,  M+R Infosysteme,  D-52070 Aachen,  Tel +49-241-93878-0
E-mail 'cGV0ZXIubWFhc0BtcGx1c3IuZGU=\n'.decode('base64')

Re: make uninstall?

2004-12-13 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:

>I installed Python-2.3.4 from source...
> configure && make && make install
> Now I want to remove it, but make uninstall doesn't work.  How do I
> uninstall it?

$ python
>>> import sys
>>> sys.executable
>>> sys.prefix
>>> sys.version[:3]
>>> ^D

$ rm /usr/somewhere/bin/python
$ rm -rf /usr/somewhere/lib/python2.3
$ rm -rf /usr/somewhere/include/python2.3



Re: Suggestion for "syntax error": ++i, --i

2004-12-13 Thread Istvan Albert
Petr Prikryl wrote:
Summary: In my opinion, the C-like prefix
increment and decrement operators (++i and --i)
should be marked as "syntax error".
My guess is that the impact of it would be nil.
This is python, there are no prefix or postfix
operators. That is very easy to remember. Just because
one might get burned by it when learning python
it cannot become a recurring problem that needs fixing.

Re: uptime for Win XP?

2004-12-13 Thread Andrey Ivanov
[Peter Hanson]
> The real solution, in spite of the dozen alternatives we've
> now produced, seems to be to use the win32pdh library
> to access the "System"-> "System Up Time" value.  It
> claims to return an 8-byte value, which likely doesn't
> wrap quite so soon.  (And yes, remarkably, with the advent
> of Windows XP Pro it is now possible to keep a Windows
> machine running for longer than 49 days, even if it's
> used as a development machine.  Well, for Python development,
> anyway. ;-)
> For the life of me, however, I can't figure out how to do it.

Here's how. :-)

import win32pdh

query = win32pdh.OpenQuery()
counter = win32pdh.AddCounter(query, r"\System\System Up Time")


(bizzare_int, val) = win32pdh.GetFormattedCounterValue(counter, \

print "Uptime: %s secs" % (val,)

Writting this script was harder than I initially thought due to
a lack of documentation for win32all. And I still don't know what
that bizzare_int value stands for (an error/status code?).

Well, the registry interface to counters is definitely easier to use,
but not available to Python at the moment :-(


Re: make uninstall?

2004-12-13 Thread Christopher J. Bottaro
So Python installs one file and two dirs (containing files/dirs).  If I
delete all three of those, it will delete all installed modules as well,
right?  I mean, when I installed cx_Oracle, it only installed files in
$PYTHONDIR/lib/python2.3 and $PYTHONDIR/include/python2.3 right?

Thanks for the help.

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:
>>I installed Python-2.3.4 from source...
>> configure && make && make install
>> Now I want to remove it, but make uninstall doesn't work.  How do I
>> uninstall it?
> $ python
 import sys
> '/usr/somewhere/bin/python'
> '/usr/somewhere'
> '2.3'
> $ rm /usr/somewhere/bin/python
> $ rm -rf /usr/somewhere/lib/python2.3
> $ rm -rf /usr/somewhere/include/python2.3


Python Bounties (other than Shuttleworth)?

2004-12-13 Thread Mark Pratt
We are trying to build a Database of all Open Source Bounties, Call for 
Tenders (projects), and Grants.

Other than the Bounties provided by Mark Shuttleworth is anyone 
available of any on other sites?

Here is a link to our DB:

Re: Suggestion for "syntax error": ++i, --i

2004-12-13 Thread TZOTZIOY
On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 16:42:28 +0100, rumours say that "Petr Prikryl"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:

>Summary: In my opinion, the C-like prefix
>increment and decrement operators (++i and --i)
>should be marked as "syntax error".

[snip of lots of explanations]

I am +0 on this.

However, I can imagine no *non-obscure* reasons[1] for someone to use ++
and -- as prefixes or postfixes[2], so I think that it's possible to
modify the lexer or grammar (ain't sure) to make ++ and -- without any
spaces in-between be a valid operator somehow throwing a SyntaxError.

I have been bitten by this in the beginning[3], but OTOH it didn't last
long.  I am on the plus side of 0 just because of a couple of lines of
the python Zen:

Errors should never pass silently. (although it's only a logical error)
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

my 2e-2 euros

[1] including overloaded operators and side-effects
[2] "p++ - x" is valid python even if "p++" is not
[3] at least Javascript and [ng]awk accept these operators
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
"Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

Re: Fun with Outlook and MAPI

2004-12-13 Thread Chris
At the risk of beating a dead horse, but you really should consider
using SMTP instead if you are really going to be sending a lot
of messages.
The problem is that doesn't work in more complicated configurations
such as when authentication and/or SSL have to happen, not to mention
the issue of configuring servers and ports, that users have already
configured in their mail clients.  Additionally when you use MAPI,
messages that you send also end up in your sent items folder. (I
also have not had any issue sending lots of messages using MAPI).
Ultimately the utility of vanilla of pure SMTP will depend on
customer requirements and how simple the configuration is.
That pretty much sums it up.  Also, since everything is done over IMAP 
with Outlook, I don't really have access to an SMTP server.


Re: Read a gzip file from inside a tar file

2004-12-13 Thread Rohit
if I change fileText = to fileText =

It works for a while before it gets killed of out of memory.

These are huge files. My goal is to analyze the content of the gzip
file in the tar file without having to un gzip.  If that is possible.


Re: Qt String Question

2004-12-13 Thread Detlev Offenbach
Phil Thompson wrote:

>> Michael McGarry wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> How do I convert from a qt.QString to a Python string?
>>> Michael
>> Apparently the ascii() method of QString does this. (I answered my own
>> question).
> Or use the str() builtin.
> Phil

unicode() is even better because QString might contain non-ASCII

Detlev Offenbach

Re: newbie questions

2004-12-13 Thread Adam DePrince
On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 11:30, houbahop -->
> thanks, very usefull answer.
> > Immutable types (e.g. strings, numbers, tuples) are generally returned 
> > directly from functions, rather than returned as 'output parameters'. The 
> > ability to return multiple values easily (via "return a, b, c" & "x, y, z 
> > = myfunc()" generally eliminates the need for 'by reference' output 
> > parameters as used by C, C++, Java and the like.
> > P.S. If you *really*, *really*, *really* want to fake output parameters, 
> > just wrap them in a list:
>  return multiple values is ok, I usualy use a function only to return one 
> value, for exemple : value=IsSomething(), returning true, to include that in 
> an if statement : if (isSomething(blabla) ) ... but It's not a problem to 
> change that habit. and as I have read somewhere about python : "Explicit is 
> better than implicit"
> Dominique.

I think your interpretation of the the "explicit vs. implicit" quote
might be confusing in this case.  Certainly:

x = 0 
def a():
something = 1
somethingelse = 2
global x
x = something
return somethingelse

y = a()
print x,y 

To say "we are explicitly setting X" in a is wrong.  We are returning 1
and 2.  We return 2 explicitly.  We return 1 by side effect.  

If we want to explicitly return both, then:

def a():
something = 1
somethingelse = 2 
return something,somethingelse

x,y = a()

This makes the code clear and easy to understand.  

Navré je ne pas répondre en français.

- Adam DePrince


Re: uptime for Win XP?

2004-12-13 Thread Peter Hansen
Andrey Ivanov wrote:
[Peter Hanson]
For the life of me, however, I can't figure out how to do it.
Here's how. :-)
import win32pdh
query = win32pdh.OpenQuery()
counter = win32pdh.AddCounter(query, r"\System\System Up Time")
Argh!  A _leading backslash_ !! :-(
(Thanks. :-)

Re: Fun with Outlook and MAPI

2004-12-13 Thread Chris
There is actually a workaround. You're using Simple MAPI which has a 
nice easy interface. The confirmation dialogs are only for Simple MAPI. 
Using Extended MAPI can work around the problem but its a lot more tricky.
See the initial discussion here:

This code has now been included in pywin32 somehow but I can't remember 
where and its late. Should also be a cookbook entry. Maybe Google can 
help :-)
Okay, here's the results.  The good news is that the code sent the mail 
without any popup's.  The bad news is that the sent e-mail stays in the 
outbox instead of the sent folder.  Any suggestions?


Re: Performance (pystone) of python 2.4 lower then python 2.3 ???

2004-12-13 Thread Istvan Albert
Lucas Hofman wrote:
Anyone who understands what is going on?
It is difficult to measure a speedup that might be
well within your measurement error.
Run the same pystone benchmark repeatedly and
see what variation you get.

looking for blocking on read of a real file (not socket or pipe)

2004-12-13 Thread Steven
I'm seeking a read method that will block until new data is available. Is
there such a python function that does that?


Steven Howe

Re: how do I "peek" into the next line?

2004-12-13 Thread Jeffrey Maitland
Jeffrey Maitland writes: 


suppose I am reading lines from a file or stdin.
I want to just "peek" in to the next line, and if it starts
with a special character I want to break out of a for loop,
other wise I want to do readline().  

Is there a way to do this?
for example:
while 1:
if not line: break
if line[0]=="|":
# do something with x  


Well what you can do  is read the line regardless into a testing variable.  

here is some sample code (writting this off the topof my head so syntax 
might be off some)  

import re  

file = open("test.txt", 'r')  

variablestr = '' #this would be your object.. in my example using a string 
for the file data,2)
eof = file.tell() #what this is the position of the end of the file.,0)  

while file.tell() != eof:
   testline = file.readline()
   if re.match("#", testline) == True:
  variablestr += testline  


now if I was concerned with being at the beging of the testline that it 
read in  what you can do is in the if is something like: - len(testline)), 0)
and that will move you back to the beginging of that line which is where 
the readline from the previous call left you before the "peek".  

hope that helps some..  

I noticed something in my code. 

re.match("#", testline) == True isn't possible it would be more like.
re.match("#", testline) != None 


Re: Python vs. Perl

2004-12-13 Thread Jon Perez
Michael McGarry wrote:
I intend to use a scripting language for GUI development and front end 
code for my simulations in C. I want a language that can support SQL, 
Sockets, File I/O, and shell interaction.
In my experience, Python is definitely much more suitable than Perl
for the first four areas mentioned in the last sentence.  For the
last area, I'm not sure, but Python's capabilities in this area are
also quite good.
For GUI development and front end, Python most likely has better
facilities than Perl, but still leaves a lot to be desired (after
getting a taste of Delphi 3rd party VCL components, all other RAD
environments pale in comparison).

building extension modules under 2.4 / cygwin

2004-12-13 Thread John Hunter

For the first time, I am trying to compile a matplotlib installer for
win32 / python2.4 under cygwin.  I tested this earlier with one of the
pre-release candidates and had no troubles.  But when I compile with
python2.4, I get the following error when I try and import my
extension code

  the procedure entry point _ctype could not be located in the dynamic
  link libary msvcr71.dll

This DLL resides in C:\Windows\System32 on my system

If I edit the distutils/ file and remove the line
that add this lib

elif msc_ver == '1310':
# MSVC 7.1
#self.dll_libraries = ['msvcr71']
self.dll_libraries = []

My code compiles, links and runs fine, at least in initial tests

Any reason I shouldn't be doing this?



Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-13 Thread Lenard Lindstrom
Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Brian Beck wrote:
> >
> Oooh, I like this one.  Very cool!
Its visually stunning. But under Windows gears show up in the DLL
and batch file icons.

Lenard Lindstrom

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