Re: Is it possible to pass a parameter by reference?

2005-02-27 Thread Paddy
It is usually clearer to explicitely return values that are changed by
a function and re-assign it to the same variable,

a = something2
def f1(s,t):
  # do something with t,
  # do something to s
  return s
a = f1(a,x)

Be aware however that you can wrap 'a' in a list for the same effect,
(but it is not as easy to read).

aa = [something2]
def f2(ss,t):
  s= ss[0]
  # do something with t,
  # do something to s

-- Pad.


Re: function expression with 2 arguments

2005-02-27 Thread Harlin Seritt


lambda strangeness??

2005-02-27 Thread Alan Gauld
I was playing with lambdas and list compregensions and came
across this unexpected behaviour:

 adds = [lambda y: (y + n) for n in range(10)]
 for n in range(5): print adds[n](42)

Can anyone explain the different answers I'm getting?
FWIW the behaviour I expected was what seems to happen inside 
the for loop... It seems to somehow be related to the 
last value in the range(), am I somehow picking that up as y?
If so why? Or is that just a coincidence? And why did it work
inside the for loop?


Alan G.
Author of the Learn to Program website

Re: lambda strangeness??

2005-02-27 Thread Alan Gauld
On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 09:07:28 + (UTC), Alan Gauld

  adds = [lambda y: (y + n) for n in range(10)]
  for n in range(5): print adds[n](42)

 the for loop... It seems to somehow be related to the 
 last value in the range(), am I somehow picking that up as y?

Further exploration suggests I'm picking it up as n not y, if
that indeed is what's happening...

Alan G.
Author of the Learn to Program website

wxPython/IEHtmlWindow documentation (what events are available ?)

2005-02-27 Thread Richard Shea
Hi - I've got a script which is making use of ...

import  wx.lib.iewinas  iewin

... and so ... = iewin.IEHtmlWindow(self, -1, style =

... but I can't find any documentation about what a IEHtmlWindow
object might do - in particular what I might do with the events.

I have some sample code and I've taken a look at but what I
would like to know is when the various events are going to fire ?
'DOCUMENTCOMPLETE' seems fairly self-explanatory but others such as
'BEFORENAVIGATE2' and 'STATUSTEXTCHANGE' are less guessable.

I've looked at (what I think is) the MS documentation but I cannot
find references to any of these events - can anyone point me
information please ?



best XSLT processor?

2005-02-27 Thread fanbanlo
Which XSLT processor is the most reliable?
+ must support Python 2.4
+ must run w/ Windows (and Linux)
+ not super slow
My python project needs a XSLT processor + Docbook's XSLT to translate 
from docbook-xml - HTML.

PyXML? is it reliable? Slow?
4Suite? some said it is buggy (lots of work arounds)?
Others ???

Controlling Pc From Server?

2005-02-27 Thread andrea_gavana
Hello NG,

I am trying to find some information about the possibility to control
two (or more) clients (PCs) via a Python application running on a main server.
Ideally, this application should be able to monitor (almost in real time)
the activity of these clients (which applications are launched, closed
and so on, if this is even possible, obviously). Does anyone have to share
some information/pointer?

Thank you a lot.



Re: lambda strangeness??

2005-02-27 Thread Roel Schroeven
Alan Gauld wrote:
 I was playing with lambdas and list compregensions and came
 across this unexpected behaviour:
adds = [lambda y: (y + n) for n in range(10)]
for n in range(5): print adds[n](42)
 Can anyone explain the different answers I'm getting?
 FWIW the behaviour I expected was what seems to happen inside 
 the for loop... It seems to somehow be related to the 
 last value in the range(), am I somehow picking that up as y?
 If so why?

You're picking it up not as y but as n, since n in the lambda is
evaluated when you call the lambde, not when you define it.

Or is that just a coincidence? And why did it work
 inside the for loop?

In the loop you are giving n exactly the values you intended it to have
inside the lambda. Check what happens when you use a different loop

 for i in range(5): print adds[i](0)


I guess you could something like this instead:

 for n in range(10):
def f(y, n=n): return y+n


Codito ergo sum
Roel Schroeven

Re: fdups: calling for beta testers

2005-02-27 Thread Patrick Useldinger
John Machin wrote:
I've tested it intensively
Famous Last Words :-)
(1) Manic s/w producing lots of files all the same size: the Borland
C[++] compiler produces a debug symbol file (.tds) that's always
384KB; I have 144 of these on my HD, rarely more than 1 in the same
Not sure what you want me to do about it. I've decreased the minimum 
block size once more, to accomodate for more files of the same length 
without increasing the total amount of memory used.

(2) There appears to be a flaw in your logic such that it will find
duplicates only if they are in the *SAME* directory and only when
there are no other directories with two or more files of the same
A really stupid mistake on my side. Corrected.
(3) Your fdups-check gadget doesn't work on Windows; the commands
module works only on Unix but is supplied with Python on all
platforms. The results might just confuse a newbie:
Why not use the Python filecmp module?
Done. It's also faster AND it works better. Thanks for the suggestion.
Please fetch the new version from

Text To Speech with pyTTS

2005-02-27 Thread Mike P.
I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with the python text to speech
(pyTTS) module available on Sourceforge:

I have followed the tutorial for pyTTS at:

Using the first simple speech example:

import pyTTS

tts = pyTTS.Create()
tts.Speak(Hello World!)

I get the following error on the call to pyTTS.Create()

C:\Program Files\Python23\Lib\site-packages\pyTTSpython
ActivePython 2.3.2 Build 232 (ActiveState Corp.) based on
Python 2.3.2 (#49, Nov 13 2003, 10:34:54) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import pyTTS
 tts = pyTTS.Create()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File C:\Program Files\Python23\Lib\site-packages\pyTTS\, line
28, in Create
raise ValueError('%s not supported' % api)
ValueError: SAPI not supported

I followed the instructions in the tutorial in order and installed the
required packages in the following order, given that I already had an
ActiveState Python 2.3 installation under Windows XP.

1) wxPython2.5-win32-unicode- (didn't already have this and
some of the pyTTS demos need it)

2) Microsoft SAPI 5.1 (SAPI5SpeechInstaller.msi)
3) Extra Microsoft Voices (SAPI5VoiceInstaller.msi)
4) pyTTS-3.0.win32-py2.3.exe (pyTTS for Python 2.3 under windows)

I ran the example and it didn't work. I didn't initially install Mark
Python win32all extensions, because they already come with ActiveState
So I tried installing the win32all (win32all-163.exe) package just in case,
but I still
get the SAPI not supported error.

Anyone get this working - any suggestions? Or am I missing something

Thanks In Advance.

Mike P.


Re: Converting HTML to ASCII

2005-02-27 Thread Thomas Dickey
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 First, make it work.  Then make it work right.  Then worry
 about how fast it is.  

 Premature optimization...

That could be - but then again, most of the comments I've seen for that
particular issue are for rather old releases.

 It seems to use a quadratic algorithm for remembering where
 the links point, or something.  I wrote a very crude but very
 fast renderer in C that I can post if someone wants it, which
 is what I use for this purpose.

 If lynx really is too slow, try w3m or links.  Both do a better
 job of rendering anyway.

They lay out tables more/less as expected (though navigation in tables
for links seems to be an afterthought).

Thomas E. Dickey


2005-02-27 Thread Will McGugan
Hi folks,
Has anyone seen 'Googlewhack Adventure'?
I wrote a script to generate Googlewhacks - thought I'd share it with 
you. I'd better stop running it as I fear Google may ban my IP for 
making 20 searches a seconds..

Will McGugan
import random
import urllib2
import threading



wordlist = [ line.rstrip() for line in file(word.lst) ]
whacks = file( whacks.txt, a )

class WhackerThread( threading.Thread ):

excluded = /dict .lst word.lst .txt words.split()

def run(self):

def check_word( word ):
url =; % word
dict_page = urllib2.urlopen( url ).read()
return Did You Mean not in dict_page

def is_excluded(page):
for word in WhackerThread.excluded:
if word in page:
return True
return False

while( True ):
word_a = random.choice( wordlist )
#word_a = haggis
word_b = random.choice( wordlist )
words = word_a +   + word_b

google_url =; % ( word_a, 
word_b )

opener = urllib2.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
google_page =

if is_excluded( google_page ):
print words +  (probably a word list)

if Results b1/b - b1/b of b1/b in google_page:
if not check_word( word_a ):
print %s (%s is not in % (words, word_a)
elif not check_word( word_b ):
print %s (%s is not in % (words, word_b)
print words +  WHACK!
print  whacks, words
print words + (no whack)

Threads= [ WhackerThread() for _ in xrange(WHACKER_THREADS) ]
for whacker_thread in Threads:

Re: Googlewhacker

2005-02-27 Thread Will McGugan
Will McGugan wrote:
Hi folks,
Has anyone seen 'Googlewhack Adventure'?
I wrote a script to generate Googlewhacks - thought I'd share it with 
you. I'd better stop running it as I fear Google may ban my IP for 
making 20 searches a seconds..
Oops, wrong script..
import random
import urllib2
import threading



wordlist = [ line.rstrip() for line in file(word.lst) ]
whacks = file( whacks.txt, a )

class WhackerThread( threading.Thread ):

excluded = /dict .lst word.lst .txt words.split()

def run(self):

def check_word( word ):
url =; % word
dict_page = urllib2.urlopen( url ).read()
return No entry found not in dict_page

def is_excluded(page):
for word in WhackerThread.excluded:
if word in page:
return True
return False

while( True ):
word_a = random.choice( wordlist )
#word_a = haggis
word_b = random.choice( wordlist )
words = word_a +   + word_b

google_url =; % ( word_a, 
word_b )

opener = urllib2.build_opener()
opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
google_page =

if is_excluded( google_page ):
print words +  (probably a word list)

if Results b1/b - b1/b of b1/b in google_page:
if not check_word( word_a ):
print %s (%s is not in % (words, word_a)
elif not check_word( word_b ):
print %s (%s is not in % (words, word_b)
print words +  WHACK!
print  whacks, words
print words + (no whack)

Threads= [ WhackerThread() for _ in xrange(WHACKER_THREADS) ]
for whacker_thread in Threads:

Re: string methods (warning, newbie)

2005-02-27 Thread anthonyberet
Jimmy Retzlaff wrote:
Anthonyberet wrote:
Is there a string mething to return only the alpha characters of a
eg 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride', would be
If not then how best to approach this?
I have some complicated plan to cut the string into individual
characters and then concatenate a new string with the ones that return
true with the .isalpha string method.
Is there an easier way?

The approach you are considering may be easier than you think:

filter(str.isalpha, 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride')
Thanks very much - that's the level of knowledge of Python that I just 
don't have yet - everything I try to do seems to have a much easier way, 
that I haven't encountered yet :)

I shall read up on the elements of your code to understand exactly what 
it is doing.

Re: error: db type could not be determined

2005-02-27 Thread neutrinman
Thank you for your reply, Jhon.
It was useful advice.

 Take a hint: they say Google is your friend, but better still is
 source in lib\*.py -- it's quite legible, you don't need an Internet
 connection, and there sure ain't no ads in the margin. And don't just
 open it in emergencies: pick a module that covers a topic that
 interests you and just read it. You'll see good coding style, good
 of doing things, wise utterances by the timbot, ...

I am new to programing so I was wasting a lot of time to fix bug, only
struggling with my code where an error has occured then read throug an
book at hand. I didn't think of such an approch to solve problems and
read error messages.

Thank you again very much for the imformative advice.


Re: Controlling Pc From Server?

2005-02-27 Thread Kartic
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said the following on 2/27/2005 4:44 AM:
Hello NG,
I am trying to find some information about the possibility to control
two (or more) clients (PCs) via a Python application running on a main server.
Ideally, this application should be able to monitor (almost in real time)
the activity of these clients (which applications are launched, closed
and so on, if this is even possible, obviously). Does anyone have to share
some information/pointer?
Thank you a lot.

Since you have not specified any operating system, my suggestion is for 
you to go for a generic solution like pyheartbeat. Pyheartbeat is a 
program with server and client components and uses UDP to monitor which 
client computers are down and which, active.

You can modify pyheartbeat to do what you are wanting, by wrapping your 
monitoring functions and sending that information back to the server. To 
make things more elegant, you could probably come up with an XML schema 
(or other formatted text like JSON or use Pickle to 
serialize/de-serialze data structures) so that the information is 
machine-friendly but you still can translate the XML for a pretty 
display on the server.

Pyheartbeat can be found at

If you are using Windows NT-based technology, you can setup your clients 
so that all activity is logged to the server; I believe there are 3rd 
pary applications available that can do this for you. Sorry, I don't 
know the specifics on how to do it.

For *nix OSes, you can have the syslog daemon log to a remote machine 
instead of the local. So, you can log all activity to the UNIX server. 
(Though, to me, it appears that you are looking for remote top like 
functionality for networked PCs).


Controlling Pc From Server?

2005-02-27 Thread andrea_gavana
Hello Kartic  NG,

 Thank you for your prompt answer. In effect, I'm trying to work on
a NT network of 6 PC (plus the server). Sorry to not have been clearer.
Ideally, I'm trying to monitor the Internet activity of each client (PC)
on this network (but I'm not a boss trying to control my emplyees, I'm just
curious on it). I would like to know which PC is connected to Internet (by
starting something like a timer for every PC, and then periodically check
if a particular PC is connected or not). This should be done from the main
Did I make myself clear? Do you think it would be a huge task?

Sorry, it may be a very basic question, but thank you for your help.



Re: Controlling Pc From Server?

2005-02-27 Thread Kartic
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said the following on 2/27/2005 8:40 AM:
Hello Kartic  NG,
 Thank you for your prompt answer. In effect, I'm trying to work on
a NT network of 6 PC (plus the server). Sorry to not have been clearer.
Ideally, I'm trying to monitor the Internet activity of each client (PC)
on this network (but I'm not a boss trying to control my emplyees, I'm just
curious on it). I would like to know which PC is connected to Internet (by
starting something like a timer for every PC, and then periodically check
if a particular PC is connected or not). This should be done from the main
Did I make myself clear? Do you think it would be a huge task?

Sorry, it may be a very basic question, but thank you for your help.

Sounds like you are spying :-D
Your requirement may sound basic but I don't *think* it is simple to do. 
 Since you are using NT, you can probably see if there is some Network 
Usage auditing tool. This might cost you some $$ or may be you can find 
some shareware.

For a homegrown solution, if I am not mistaken, you will have to use 
libpcap (or pypcap) to monitor the packets being sent and received, 
taking care to exclude the local subnet (or your reporting will be 
skewed as packets sent to the monitoring server will also be included!). 
You can check for more 
details...and may be for more ideas.


Re: Controlling Pc From Server?

2005-02-27 Thread Pierre Barbier de Reuille
Hello Kartic  NG,
 Thank you for your prompt answer. In effect, I'm trying to work on
a NT network of 6 PC (plus the server). Sorry to not have been clearer.
Ideally, I'm trying to monitor the Internet activity of each client (PC)
on this network (but I'm not a boss trying to control my emplyees, I'm just
curious on it). I would like to know which PC is connected to Internet (by
starting something like a timer for every PC, and then periodically check
if a particular PC is connected or not). This should be done from the main
Did I make myself clear? Do you think it would be a huge task?

Sorry, it may be a very basic question, but thank you for your help.

If what you want is to monitor internet requests, the best place to do 
so is the gateway of your network. If you don't have access to the 
gateway, you can always set your server as the gateway for your machines 
and your server will need to redirect the IP flux to the real gateway. 
That way, you don't need anything on the client side. On the server, 
just look at the fluxes toward the internet and you can do wathever you 
want with it. After that, as I don't know the windows implementation of 
a gateway, I can't help you ...


Re: Controlling Pc From Server?

2005-02-27 Thread Kartic
Kartic said the following on 2/27/2005 8:54 AM:
For a homegrown solution, if I am not mistaken, you will have to use 
libpcap (or pypcap) to monitor the packets being sent and received, 
taking care to exclude the local subnet (or your reporting will be 
skewed as packets sent to the monitoring server will also be included!). 
You can check for more 
details...and may be for more ideas.
- Should help. This uses the Winpcap library. Not sure if the same can 
be done using the Python bindings for pcap.

Re: class factory example needed (long)

2005-02-27 Thread Rainer Mansfeld
Gary Ruben wrote:
I have a class factory problem. You could say that my main problem is
that I don't understand class factories.
My specific problem:
I have a class with several methods I've defined.
To this class I want to add a number of other class methods where the
method names are taken from a list.
For each list member, I want to build a method having the list member
name so that I can override another method of the same name for objects
which are instances of this class. Finally, I want my class factory
which creates the method to call the overridden method.
I'm sure my description is confusing, so I'll try to illustrate it.
import Numeric
# The Numeric module contains a whole lot of methods which operate on
certain number types
class foo:
 this is a number type class

def __init__(self, value):
self.value = float(value)
def __str__(self):
. other methods here
import string
ufuncs = string.split(
sqrt arccos arccosh arcsin arcsinh arctan arctanh cos cosh tan tanh
log10 sin sinh sqrt absolute fabs floor ceil fmod exp log conjugate
)# these are the methods from Numeric that I want to
override/wrap for my number type
for u in ufuncs:
I need something here which builds methods called sqrt(),
arccos(), etc.
An illustrative example of the class methods I want to build with
some sort of class factory is
def sqrt(self):
val = Numeric.sqrt(self.value)
return foo(Numeric.sqrt(self.value) + 42)
def arccos(self):
val = Numeric.arccos(self.value)
return foo(Numeric.arccos(self.value) + 42)
if __name__ == __main__:
a = 9
b = foo(7)
print Numeric.sqrt(a)
print Numeric.sqrt(b)
This would print
Note that the methods I want to create under program control are all
identical in form. In this example they all call the wrapped method with
an argument 42 greater than the value of the number.
Does anyone have an example where they've done something similar or
could help me out with an example?
thanks in anticipation,
Hi Gary,
you want your 'class factory' to change the methods of Numeric, so 
that they accept foo objects and return foo objects?
I've not the slightest idea how to achieve that.

If OTOH you want your foo class to have sqrt, arccos, etc. methods 
without defining them explicitly, I think you're looking for 
something like:

. import Numeric
. class Foo(object):
. def __init__(self, value):
. self.value = float(value)
. for u in ['sqrt', 'cos', 'tan']:
. setattr(self, u, lambda uf=getattr(Numeric, u):
.  uf(self.value + 42.0))
 f = Foo(7)

Re: problem installing wxPython 2.5.3, wxWidgets installed ok

2005-02-27 Thread Luc

 I'm trying to install wxPython using Python 2.3.2 on a Fedora 2
 I have python in a non-standard place, but I'm using --prefix with the
 configure script to point to where I have everything. The make install
 in $WXDIR seemed to go fine. I have the libxw* libraries in my lib/
 I also have a wx/ directory under my lib. directory.
 The problem is when I try to do a 'python install' in the
 ./wxPython directory.  I get a message about not finding a config file
 for wx-config and then several errors during gcc compiles.
 python build
 Found wx-config: /project/c4i/Users_Share/williams/Linux/bin/wx-config
 Using flags:  --toolkit=gtk2 --unicode=no --version=2.5
   Warning: No config found to match:
 /project/c4i/Users_Share/williams/Linux/bin/wx-config --toolkit=gtk2
 --unicode=no --version=2.5 --cxxflags
in /project/c4i/Users_Share/williams/Linux/lib/wx/config
   If you require this configuration, please install the desired
   library build.  If this is part of an automated configuration
   test and no other errors occur, you may safely ignore it.
   You may use wx-config --list to see all configs available in
   the default prefix.
 Preparing OGL...
 Preparing STC...
 Preparing GIZMOS...
 running build
 running build_py
 copying wx/ - build-gtk2/lib.linux-i686-2.3/wx
 running build_ext
 building '_core_' extension
 creating build-gtk2/temp.linux-i686-2.3
 creating build-gtk2/temp.linux-i686-2.3/src
 creating build-gtk2/temp.linux-i686-2.3/src/gtk
 gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall
 -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -DSWIG_GLOBAL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
 -Iinclude -Isrc -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include
 -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0
 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/freetype2/config
 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include
 -I/project/c4i/Users_Share/williams/Linux/include/python2.3 -c
 src/libpy.c -o build-gtk2/temp.linux-i686-2.3/src/libpy.o -O3
 gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall
 -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -DSWIG_GLOBAL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
 -Iinclude -Isrc -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include
 -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0
 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/freetype2/config
 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include
 -I/project/c4i/Users_Share/williams/Linux/include/python2.3 -c
 src/gtk/_core_wrap.cpp -o
 build-gtk2/temp.linux-i686-2.3/src/gtk/_core_wrap.o -O3
 cc1plus: warning: command line option -Wstrict-prototypes is valid
 for Ada/C/ObjC but not for C++
 In file included from src/gtk/_core_wrap.cpp:400:
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:19:19: wx/wx.h: No such file or
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:21:25: wx/busyinfo.h: No such file
 or directory
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:22:22: wx/caret.h: No such file or
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:23:25: wx/choicebk.h: No such file
 or directory
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:24:24: wx/clipbrd.h: No such file or
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:25:25: wx/colordlg.h: No such file
 or directory
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:26:23: wx/config.h: No such file or
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:27:23: wx/cshelp.h: No such file or
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:28:25: wx/dcmirror.h: No such file
 or directory
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:29:21: wx/dcps.h: No such file or
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:30:24: wx/dirctrl.h: No such file or
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:31:23: wx/dirdlg.h: No such file or
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:32:20: wx/dnd.h: No such file or
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:33:24: wx/docview.h: No such file or
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:34:24: wx/encconv.h: No such file or
 include/wx/wxPython/wxPython_int.h:35:25: wx/fdrepdlg.h: No such file
 or direct
 Why isn't there a 

Beginner PyGTK and MySQL abuse request

2005-02-27 Thread Tom Wesley
I've spent far too long being spoilt by a relatively simplistic just do 
it style of database application in use at work and have decided to try 
my hand at some Python + MySQL + GTK over the next few days.

I've managed to steal/write a short script that asks for some input and 
searches a database and print the results and was wondering if people 
would have the time to suggest better ways of doing the limited set of 
things it does?
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pygtk
import gtk
import adodb
class AddressSearch:
	def delete_event(self, widget, data=None):
		return gtk.FALSE
	def btn_search(self, widget, data=None):
		conn = adodb.NewADOConnection('mysql')
		sql = select * from address where match(Address1, Address2, Address3, 
Address4, Address5) against('+ + self.entry_address1.get_text() + + + 
self.entry_address2.get_text() + + + self.entry_address3.get_text() + 
' in boolean mode);
		print sql
		cursor = conn.Execute(sql)
		while not cursor.EOF:
			arr = cursor.GetRowAssoc(0)
			print arr['rtlforename'], arr['rtlsurname']

def __init__(self):
self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
self.window.set_title(Address search)
self.window.connect(delete_event, self.delete_event)
table = gtk.Table(5, 2, gtk.TRUE)
label = gtk.Label(Address:)
table.attach(label, 0, 1, 1, 5)
self.entry_address1 = gtk.Entry(max=80)
table.attach(self.entry_address1, 1, 2, 0, 1)
self.entry_address2 = gtk.Entry(max=80)
table.attach(self.entry_address2, 1, 2, 1, 2)
self.entry_address3 = gtk.Entry(max=80)
table.attach(self.entry_address3, 1, 2, 2, 3)
button = gtk.Button(label='Search', stock=gtk.STOCK_OK)
button.connect(clicked, self.btn_search)
table.attach(button, 0, 1, 3, 4)
button = gtk.Button(label=Quit, stock=gtk.STOCK_QUIT)
button.connect(clicked, self.delete_event)
table.attach(button, 1, 2, 3, 4)
def main():
return 0
if __name__ == __main__:

How to define a window's position (Tkinter)

2005-02-27 Thread Harlin Seritt
I am trying to use the geometry() method with the toplevel window
called root. I know that one can do the following:


This will put the window in 200, 200 position with a size of 400x400.
Now, I don't really want to set the size. I simply want to set the
position of the window. I've tried this:


However, this doesn't seem to work. What can I do to set the position
of the window without actually setting the size?




Re: Googlewhacker

2005-02-27 Thread Harlin Seritt
They actually won't ban your IP for this. They only limit your number
of searches per day. I discovered this once when I used as a test metric for my network monitoring
program. I do like your script though.




Sharing a method (function) among several objects.

2005-02-27 Thread xifxif

There are several different objects. However, they all share the same

Since they are not the same or similar, it's not logical to use a
common superclass.

So I'm asking, what's a good way to allow those objects to share that

The best solution I've found so far is to put that function in a
module, and have all objects import and use it. But I doubt that's a
good use-case for modules; writing and importing a module that contains
just a single function seems like an abuse.



Re: lambda strangeness??

2005-02-27 Thread Roel Schroeven
Alan Gauld wrote:
 On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 09:07:28 + (UTC), Alan Gauld
adds = [lambda y: (y + n) for n in range(10)]


for n in range(5): print adds[n](42)

the for loop... It seems to somehow be related to the 
last value in the range(), am I somehow picking that up as y?
 Further exploration suggests I'm picking it up as n not y, if
 that indeed is what's happening...

Your intent is to create lambda's that are equivalent to

adds[0] = lambda y: y + 0
adds[1] = lambda y: y + 1

but what actually happens is that you get lambda's that are equivalent to

adds[0] = lambda y: y + n
adds[1] = lambda y: y + n

which obviously depend on the value of n at the moment you call the lambda.

Codito ergo sum
Roel Schroeven

Re: Problem When Unit Testing with PMock

2005-02-27 Thread Peter Hansen
def mockit(): raise StopIteration
now pass mockit()

but it behaviors differenctly when pass in a mockit()  and pass in an
iterator with empty.  so i think the code emulates nothing.
Is it possible that what you really need is a generator function
instead of just a regular one?
def mockit():
   raise StopIteration
   yield None
(The presence of the yield will let the compiler generate the
proper code for this to be a generator, but it will never
actually hit the yield statement when it executes...)
Just a thought.

Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-27 Thread Alex Renelt
Just wrote:
 Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It should be pretty easy to set up a Numeric matrix and call
LinearAlgebra.eigenvalues.  For example, here is a simple quintic
. from Numeric import *
. from LinearAlgebra import *
. def quinticroots(p):
. cm = zeros((5,5),Float32)
. cm[0,1] = cm[1,2] = cm[2,3] = cm[3,4] = 1.0
. cm[4,0] = -p[0]
. cm[4,1] = -p[1]
. cm[4,2] = -p[2]
. cm[4,3] = -p[3]
. cm[4,4] = -p[4]
. return eigenvalues(cm)
now-you-can-find-all-five-Lagrange-points-ly yr's,

Wow, THANKS. This was the answer I was secretly hoping for... Great 
need for speed, no, not really, but this Numeric-based version is about 
9 times faster than what I translated from Perl code yesterday, so from 
where I'm standing your version is blazingly fast...

Thanks again,
in addition:
I'm writing a class for polynomial manipulation. The generalization of 
the above code is:

1.) p = array([a_0, a_i, ..., a_n]) represents your polynomial
P(x) = \sum _{i=0} ^n a_i x^i
2.) deg(p) is its degree
3.) monic(p) makes P monic, i.e. monic(p) = p / p[:-1]
then you get:
from numarray import *
import numarray.linear_algebra as la
def roots(p):
p = monic(p); n = deg(p)
M = asarray(zeros((n,n)), typecode = 'f8')
# or 'c16' if you need complex coefficients
M[:-1,1:] = identity(n-1)
M[-1,:] = -p[:-1]
return la.eigenvalues(M)

Re: PyUnit and multiple test scripts

2005-02-27 Thread Peter Hansen
Calvin Spealman wrote:
I'm trying to find the best way to use PyUnit and organize my test scripts.
What I really want is to separate all my tests into 'test' directories
within each module of my project. 
The script below will do that.
I want all the files there to define a
'suite' callable and to then all all those suites from all those test
directories into one big suite and run it all. I'm having trouble with
It won't do that.  In my own opinion, based on experience, this isn't
even a desirable thing for several reasons.  For one thing, using that
whole suite thing seems to be a lot of work for little gain.  The
default unittest stuff will already find all classes that are instances
of unittest.TestCase, and will already run all methods in them that
begin with the string test.  Furthermore, it's often much better to
run different test files using separate processes, mainly to ensure
you don't pollute one test's starting conditions by failing to clean
up stuff (e.g. terminate all threads) from a previous test.
1) Is there a very simple way to just take a file path and name, that I
could use to open the source file, and load it as a module object, no
strings attached?
2) Is there already a framework around that will do what I need?
Try this.  It works here (in a more complex version: this was pruned
for posting here).  Basic conditions: all tests are in subfolders
called test, and all have a filename ending with  (This
lets me name them based on the module that they are testing.)  You can
change that pattern in the code.  It's possible there are external
dependencies on things unique to my environment, but I've tried
to catch and remove them all.
Note (though it's unrelated to this particular script) that since the
tests run in a subfolder of the folder where the code under test resides,
you need to do the equivalent of sys.path.append('..') in each
test file.  I accomplish that by having all import my own library
module called testbed, which does this during import time:
  srcDir = os.path.abspath('..')
  sys.path.insert(1, srcDir)
Anyway, it might give you some ideas.
'''test runner'''
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import fnmatch
def runTest(path):
folder, filename = os.path.split(path)
cmd = [sys.executable, '-u']
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd + [filename],
cwd=folder or '.',
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
output = []
line = []
while True:
c =
if not c:
if not line:
if c == '\n':
line = []
return output
def findfiles(path, pattern):
'''scan all files and folders below path, returning sorted list of those 
matching pattern'''
files = []
match = fnmatch.fnmatch
for p, ds, fs in os.walk(path):
for f in fs:
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, f))
if match(path, pattern):
print path

return files
def run():
files = findfiles('.', pattern)
if not files:
print 'no tests found'
print 'running all tests below %s' % os.path.abspath('.')
for file in files:
if not os.path.exists(file):
print 'file not found', file
print file
output = runTest(file)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print 'User aborted test.'
if __name__ == '__main__':

Re: Sharing a method (function) among several objects.

2005-02-27 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Since they are not the same or similar, it's not logical to use a
 common superclass.

As python supports multiple inheritance, it's very well logical to do it
by subclassing.

 So I'm asking, what's a good way to allow those objects to share that
 The best solution I've found so far is to put that function in a
 module, and have all objects import and use it. But I doubt that's a
 good use-case for modules; writing and importing a module that contains
 just a single function seems like an abuse.

A module is a unit of code that (should) encapsulate a certain
functionality. So it's perfect for your needs. There is no law or even rule
of thumb that makes claims about module size (or the lack of, for this
matter). So create a module - it doesn't cost you anything. 

Diez B. Roggisch

Re: Text To Speech with pyTTS

2005-02-27 Thread Peter Hansen
Mike P. wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with the python text to speech
(pyTTS) module available on Sourceforge:
I saw the following blog entry by Joey deVilla:
and immediately tried it out.  All I did was download the
PyTTS package for Python (2.4, not 2.3), and install it,
then ran Joey's sample above.  It worked as advertised.
This was on Windows XP SP2.

Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-27 Thread Alex Renelt
Alex Renelt wrote:
in addition:
I'm writing a class for polynomial manipulation. The generalization of 
the above code is:

1.) p = array([a_0, a_i, ..., a_n]) represents your polynomial
P(x) = \sum _{i=0} ^n a_i x^i
2.) deg(p) is its degree
3.) monic(p) makes P monic, i.e. monic(p) = p / p[:-1]
then you get:
from numarray import *
import numarray.linear_algebra as la
def roots(p):
p = monic(p); n = deg(p)
M = asarray(zeros((n,n)), typecode = 'f8')
# or 'c16' if you need complex coefficients
M[:-1,1:] = identity(n-1)
M[-1,:] = -p[:-1]
return la.eigenvalues(M)
uhh, I made a mistake:
under definitions, 3.)
its monic(p) = p / p[-1] of course


2005-02-27 Thread anthonyberet
So, is it pronounced 'Tee-Kinter', or 'Tee-Kay-Inter'?
I don't want to appear as a dork down the pub.

default value for list access?

2005-02-27 Thread Bo Peng
Dear list,
My program needs to do calculation based on a giving data structure 
(like a sparse matrix) with  lots of missing values (invalid 
indices/keys of lists/dictionaries).

The programing is difficult in that I have to use a try...except block 
for every item access. I have written a function

def getItem(item, idx, default):
return item[idx]
return default
Then I will have to write a[1]['a'][4] as
getItem( getItem( getItem(a,1,{}), 'a', []), 4, 0)
Is there any way to automatically return 0 when any exception is raised 
for such data acceses? (automatic wrapping a[...] as

Many thanks in advance.

Re: Text To Speech with pyTTS

2005-02-27 Thread Will McGugan
Peter Hansen wrote:
Mike P. wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with the python text to speech
(pyTTS) module available on Sourceforge:

I saw the following blog entry by Joey deVilla: 

and immediately tried it out.  All I did was download the
PyTTS package for Python (2.4, not 2.3), and install it,
then ran Joey's sample above.  It worked as advertised.
This was on Windows XP SP2.
I experience the same thing as Mike P. Im running on Windows 2K.
Will McGugan

Re: Need help running external program

2005-02-27 Thread Pink
Rigga wrote:

 I am running the line of code below from a shell script and it works fine,
 however I am at a total loss on how i can run it from within a Python
 script as every option I have tried fails and it appears to be down to the
 escaping of certain characters.
 wget -q -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \ | sed -n
If your problem is getting a python string without worrying about how to
escape the escape sequences, try:

rwget -q -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \ | sed -n

You should be able to pass this directly to a popen() function.


Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-27 Thread Raymond L. Buvel
Alex Renelt wrote:
Alex Renelt wrote:
in addition:
I'm writing a class for polynomial manipulation. The generalization of 
the above code is:

1.) p = array([a_0, a_i, ..., a_n]) represents your polynomial
P(x) = \sum _{i=0} ^n a_i x^i
2.) deg(p) is its degree
3.) monic(p) makes P monic, i.e. monic(p) = p / p[:-1]
then you get:
from numarray import *
import numarray.linear_algebra as la
def roots(p):
p = monic(p); n = deg(p)
M = asarray(zeros((n,n)), typecode = 'f8')
# or 'c16' if you need complex coefficients
M[:-1,1:] = identity(n-1)
M[-1,:] = -p[:-1]
return la.eigenvalues(M)

uhh, I made a mistake:
under definitions, 3.)
its monic(p) = p / p[-1] of course
If you want a class for polynomial manipulation, you should check out my 
ratfun module.

Re: TKinter

2005-02-27 Thread Peter Hansen
anthonyberet wrote:
So, is it pronounced 'Tee-Kinter', or 'Tee-Kay-Inter'?
I don't want to appear as a dork down the pub.
Both, in my experience.
And then there's wxPython, which is pronounced variously
as wiks-python, double-you-eks-python, or even in some
strange way that I'll leave it to Mike Fletcher to describe
since it embarrasses me even to mention it. ;-)

Re: Need help running external program

2005-02-27 Thread Rigga
Pink wrote:

 Rigga wrote:
 I am running the line of code below from a shell script and it works
 fine, however I am at a total loss on how i can run it from within a
 Python script as every option I have tried fails and it appears to be
 down to the escaping of certain characters.
 wget -q -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \ | sed -n
 If your problem is getting a python string without worrying about how to
 escape the escape sequences, try:
 rwget -q -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \ | sed -n
 You should be able to pass this directly to a popen() function.


Thanks for replying however I have just tried that and it does not seem to
work, it doesnt return any results (i take it the r was a typo)



Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-27 Thread David E. Konerding DSD staff
On 2005-02-26, Just [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While googling for a non-linear equation solver, I found 
 Math::Polynomial::Solve in CPAN. It seems a great little module, except 
 it's not Python... I'm especially looking for its poly_root() 
 functionality (which solves arbitrary polynomials). Does anyone know of 
 a Python module/package that implements that?


Although I dont' really work on it any more, the Py-ML module which interfaces
Python to Mathematica would almost certain be able to do this, although you'd 
need an installation of 


Lib for RSS/Atom parsing

2005-02-27 Thread Florian Lindner
what is a good python library for parsing of RSS and/or Atom feeds. It
should be able to handle most of the common protocols.


Re: Need help running external program

2005-02-27 Thread Leif B. Kristensen
I'm using wget from Python to get extactly one line from a reports page.
I made this function that works for me:

def wgetline(exp):  # see Python Cookbook p. 228
print Getting result from server ...
command = 'wget -q -O - \\?UserID=xxx\UserPW=xxx \
| grep ' + exp
child = os.popen(command)
data =
return data

I had to escape the ? and  in the url, or the CGI script at the other
end would refuse to cooperate with Invalid UserID or UserPW.
Leif Biberg Kristensen

Pyallegro status (is it dead?). What about pygame.

2005-02-27 Thread Przemysaw Rycki
Has anyone used pyallegro? - I want to give allegro library a chance - 
but it seems that python bindings for this library are not maintained 
How does pygame compare to pyallegro - both in maturity and convenience 
of usage in python?

Re: Making a calendar

2005-02-27 Thread Pete.....
Thanks all.

I will look at your links tonight :D
Hopefully they will make me smile and jump around as a happy man...


Brian Sutherland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Sat, Feb 26, 2005 at 01:57:20PM +0100, Pete. wrote:
 I'm trying to make a calendar for my webpage, python and html is the only
 programming languages that I know, is it possible to make such a calendar
 with pythong code and some html.

 The Idea is that when I click the link calendar on my webpage, then the 
 will be linked to the calendar.

 The calendar should show one month at the time, and the user should be 
 to browse to the other month.

 I will make a script that puts events and such into a db ( I know how to 

 Then I need a script that puts the events from the db into the calendar, 
 every day in the calendar has a value id that part will not be hard.

 All this and more (perhaps overkill):

 Brian Sutherland

 It's 10 minutes, 5 if you walk fast. 


Re: Need help running external program

2005-02-27 Thread Tim Jarman
Rigga wrote:

 Pink wrote:
 Rigga wrote:
 I am running the line of code below from a shell script and it works
 fine, however I am at a total loss on how i can run it from within a
 Python script as every option I have tried fails and it appears to be
 down to the escaping of certain characters.
 wget -q -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \ | sed -n
 If your problem is getting a python string without worrying about how to
 escape the escape sequences, try:
 rwget -q -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \ | sed -n
 You should be able to pass this directly to a popen() function.
 Thanks for replying however I have just tried that and it does not seem to
 work, it doesnt return any results (i take it the r was a typo)

No, the r was the point - it's there to tell Python not to do any escaping
on the string. Try it again with the r and see what happens.

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: any Python equivalent of Math::Polynomial::Solve?

2005-02-27 Thread Carl Banks

Carl Banks wrote:
 . from Numeric import *
 . from LinearAlgebra import *
 . def quinticroots(p):
 . cm = zeros((5,5),Float32)
 . cm[0,1] = cm[1,2] = cm[2,3] = cm[3,4] = 1.0
 . cm[4,0] = -p[0]
 . cm[4,1] = -p[1]
 . cm[4,2] = -p[2]
 . cm[4,3] = -p[3]
 . cm[4,4] = -p[4]
 . return eigenvalues(cm)

Here's an improved version.  It uses 64-bit numbers (I had used type
Float32 because I often use a float32 type at work, not in Python,
unfortunately), and array assignment.

. def quinticroots(p):
. cm = zeros((5,5),Float)
. cm[0,1] = cm[1,2] = cm[2,3] = cm[3,4] = 1.0
. cm[4,:] = -array(p)
. return eigenvalues(cm)



Re: Lib for RSS/Atom parsing

2005-02-27 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Florian Lindner napisa(a):
what is a good python library for parsing of RSS and/or Atom feeds. It
should be able to handle most of the common protocols.
Mark Pilgrim's feedparser.
Jarek Zgoda |

Re: Need help running external program

2005-02-27 Thread Rigga
Tim Jarman wrote:

 Rigga wrote:
 Pink wrote:
 Rigga wrote:
 I am running the line of code below from a shell script and it works
 fine, however I am at a total loss on how i can run it from within a
 Python script as every option I have tried fails and it appears to be
 down to the escaping of certain characters.
 wget -q -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \ | sed -n
 If your problem is getting a python string without worrying about how to
 escape the escape sequences, try:
 rwget -q -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \ | sed -n
 You should be able to pass this directly to a popen() function.
 Thanks for replying however I have just tried that and it does not seem
 to work, it doesnt return any results (i take it the r was a typo)
 No, the r was the point - it's there to tell Python not to do any escaping
 on the string. Try it again with the r and see what happens.
Brilliant!!!  that works a treat thankyou!!, where on earth did you find out
about the 'r'  any pointers to documentation appreciated.



Re: default value for list access?

2005-02-27 Thread Bo Peng
To clearify the problem:
The data is the count of something, for example a[90]=10. a may be a 
dictionary if the range is huge and a list when the range is reasonably 
small. In the dictionary case, I can use a.setdefault(80, 0) if key 80 
does not exist. In the list case, I have to check the length of list 
before I access it (or use exception).

This becomes troublesome when I need to do the following a lot.
  b = a[80][1] + a[80][2] + a[80][3]
If I use the getItem function in my previous email, it will look like
  b = getItem(getItem(a, 80, []), 1, 0) + getItem(getItem(a, 80, []), 
2, 0) + getItem(getItem(a, 80, []), 3, 0)

What would be the best solution to handle this? Something like
  b = df( a[80][1], 0) + df( a[80][2], 0) + df( a[80][3], 0)
would be reasonable but df can not be easily defined since the exception 
will be raised before function df is called. Something like

  b = df( a, [80, 1], 0) + df( a, [80,2], 0) + df( a, [80, 3], 0)
would work if df is defined as
def df(a, idx, default):
for i in range(0, idx):
  a = a[ idx[i] ]
return a
return 0
but I am afraid that a for loop would bring serious performance problem.

Re: Need help running external program

2005-02-27 Thread Brian van den Broek
Rigga said unto the world upon 2005-02-27 15:04:
Tim Jarman wrote:
No, the r was the point - it's there to tell Python not to do any escaping
on the string. Try it again with the r and see what happens.
Brilliant!!!  that works a treat thankyou!!, where on earth did you find out
about the 'r'  any pointers to documentation appreciated.

Brian vdB

Re: Need help running external program

2005-02-27 Thread Pink
Rigga wrote:
 No, the r was the point - it's there to tell Python not to do any
 escaping on the string. Try it again with the r and see what happens.
 Brilliant!!!  that works a treat thankyou!!, where on earth did you find
 about the 'r'  any pointers to documentation appreciated.
This is a pretty common problem when working with regular expression (which
usually contain many backslashes) - that's where I saw this syntax for the
first time (e.g.
The official reference for string literals is here:

c ya


Re: default value for list access?

2005-02-27 Thread Peter Hansen
Bo Peng wrote:
The data is the count of something, for example a[90]=10. a may be a 
dictionary if the range is huge and a list when the range is reasonably 
small. In the dictionary case, I can use a.setdefault(80, 0) if key 80 
does not exist. In the list case, I have to check the length of list 
before I access it (or use exception).

This becomes troublesome when I need to do the following a lot.
  b = a[80][1] + a[80][2] + a[80][3]
If I use the getItem function in my previous email, it will look like
  b = getItem(getItem(a, 80, []), 1, 0) + getItem(getItem(a, 80, []), 2, 
0) + getItem(getItem(a, 80, []), 3, 0)

What would be the best solution to handle this? 
Sounds to me like the best solution is to simplify the implementation
and dispense with the list alternative.  Why use a list if a dictionary
is suitable?  Don't say performance: that's premature optimization.
Dictionaries already have what you need, apparently, with setdefault(),
so just use them and keep the code simple.
but I am afraid that a for loop would bring serious performance problem.
More premature optimization?  The first rule of programming should be
to make it work.  Then consider making it faster, but only if it is
really unacceptably slow.  (Some would say to make it work, then make
it right, then make it fast.  In this case, right doesn't mean
correct (that's the first step), it means making it clean and simple.
Doing it this way makes sense only if you have a really good test
suite developed along with the code, ala test-driven development.
Lacking that, you should focus on right and working together,
which in this case suggests leaving out the complicated list option.)

Re: default value for list access?

2005-02-27 Thread Ruslan Spivak
 , 27/02/2005  14:03 -0600, Bo Peng :
 To clearify the problem:
 The data is the count of something, for example a[90]=10. a may be a 
 dictionary if the range is huge and a list when the range is reasonably 
 small. In the dictionary case, I can use a.setdefault(80, 0) if key 80 
 does not exist. In the list case, I have to check the length of list 
 before I access it (or use exception).
 This becomes troublesome when I need to do the following a lot.
b = a[80][1] + a[80][2] + a[80][3]
 If I use the getItem function in my previous email, it will look like
b = getItem(getItem(a, 80, []), 1, 0) + getItem(getItem(a, 80, []), 
 2, 0) + getItem(getItem(a, 80, []), 3, 0)
 What would be the best solution to handle this? Something like
b = df( a[80][1], 0) + df( a[80][2], 0) + df( a[80][3], 0)
 would be reasonable but df can not be easily defined since the exception 
 will be raised before function df is called. Something like
b = df( a, [80, 1], 0) + df( a, [80,2], 0) + df( a, [80, 3], 0)
 would work if df is defined as
 def df(a, idx, default):
  for i in range(0, idx):
a = a[ idx[i] ]
  return a
  return 0
 but I am afraid that a for loop would bring serious performance problem.

I'm not sure if that's suitable for you, but you could define your own
subclasses for 'dict' and 'list' and specify your specific behaviour you
would like.

For dict something like this:

class MyDict(dict):
def __getitem__(self, key):
return super(MyDict, self).__getitem__(key)
return 0

a = MyDcit()



Re: lambda strangeness??

2005-02-27 Thread Terry Reedy

Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 adds = [lambda y: (y + n) for n in range(10)]

To bind the definition-time value of n to the function,
[lambda y,n=n:(y+n) for n in range(10)]

Terry J. Reedy


os.stat('filename')[stat.ST_INO] on Windows

2005-02-27 Thread Patrick Useldinger
What does the above yield on Windows? Are inodes supported on Windows 

Re: How to define a window's position (Tkinter)

2005-02-27 Thread Steve
I suspect you need to retrieve the window size, calculate the position
based on the size, and reset size and position.

You might look at for some
ideas.  Scroll down to the definition of the __choicebox routine.

Good luck!

-- Steve Ferg


Re: Problem When Unit Testing with PMock

2005-02-27 Thread Terry Reedy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 def mockit(): raise StopIteration

This was meant to be a generator function.  Peter corrected my error in 
leaving out a never reached yield to make it so.  My apologies.  Putting if 
False: yield None as the first line in the function has same effect.

 but it behaviors differenctly when pass in a mockit()  and pass in an
 iterator with empty.  so i think the code emulates nothing.

I hope Peter's addition clarifies and improves the situation.  My idea 
was/is that an iterator comsumer should be tested with an empty iterator.

 def intit(k):
  for i in range(k): yield i

 Now you mean define my own iteration without the help of pmock.

That was also my intention above.  'mockit' was just a name, this could be 

 there are still so many other methods in the iterator for pass in,

I don't understand this.  An iterator only has a trivial .__iter__ method 
and a usually nontrivial .next method.  A generator function makes it easy 
to create as many iterators as you need.

 have to mock them one by one totally manually, its boring and thats the
 reason why i want pmock.

I am not familiar with pmock, but my impression is that mock objects are 
for objects that you may not have available, such as a connection to a 
database or file or instance of an umimplemented class ;-).  For such 
objects, the mock-ness consists in returning canned rather than actual 
fetched or calculated answers.  Iterators, on the other hand, are almost as 
easily available as ints, lists, etc.  Anything with the interator 
interface and behavior *is* an interator, though you could make one yield 
mock objects.   Do as you wish once you understand whatever choices pmock 
gives you.

Terry J. Reedy


Re: default value for list access?

2005-02-27 Thread Bo Peng

Sounds to me like the best solution is to simplify the implementation
and dispense with the list alternative.  Why use a list if a dictionary
is suitable?  Don't say performance: that's premature optimization.
Dictionaries already have what you need, apparently, with setdefault(),
so just use them and keep the code simple.
You are right that if I use all dictionaries, I can use
to access a[4][2]. Not too bad compared to the getItem function.
However, this is an scientific application. Data are stored internally 
in C format and exposed to Python as python array (arraymodule). I guess 
the best way is to modify the arraymodule interface and stop it from 
raising an exception when index is out of range. (similar to Ruslan's 
solution). But this means too much trouble for now.

I will use the df(a, idx, default) method and see if its performance is 


Re: os.stat('filename')[stat.ST_INO] on Windows

2005-02-27 Thread jepler

On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 10:16:34PM +0100, Patrick Useldinger wrote:
 What does the above yield on Windows? Are inodes supported on Windows 

Refer to the operating system documentation (  os.stat is
mostly a wrapper around whatever the OS provides.  A quick glance at Python
source code shows that maybe _stati64() or _wistat64() is the actual function
used on windows.


Description: PGP signature

Zeroconf article

2005-02-27 Thread A.M. Kuchling
I've written a little introductory article on using the Zeroconf protocol
with Python.  Zeroconf allows servers running on one machine to publish
their existence to other machines on the local network; applications can 
then locate available servers.

The article is:

(Some people will have already seen this article on my weblog or on the
daily Python-URL.  The only change is that a new release of PyZeroconf has
been made, and the text has been updated to mention this.)


Re: xhtml-print parser

2005-02-27 Thread Michael Hoffman
Steve Holden wrote:
I have no problem with that. Indeed I am often surprised that questions 
that I regard as too incoherent to be understood are frequently not only 
understood but also answered with patience and fortitude.
I am too.
Given that you couldn't spare the time to try to intuit the purpose of 
the question, I was surprised you took the time to complain about its 
incoherence. It's usually (IMHO) much more productive to ignore 
questions I don't have time for, and it's certainly more polite.
I usually ignore the questions I find incoherent myself, and like you I
am surprised when they can be answered. But the ones that I can't
imagine being answered by those with even the greatest intuition and
patience? I figure some response is better than none, and that's what
this question would have gotten otherwise.
If more of us had ignored Iliardis Lazarus, or whatever his name was, 
he'd have gone away a lot quicker :-)
I only responded a couple of times before I killfiled the thread, which
is what I should have done to start with. But I don't think it should
have passed without comment (not necessarily from me).
Michael Hoffman

Re: os.stat('filename')[stat.ST_INO] on Windows

2005-02-27 Thread Martin v. Löwis
  Refer to the operating system documentation ( 
os.stat is
mostly a wrapper around whatever the OS provides.  A quick glance at Python
source code shows that maybe _stati64() or _wistat64() is the actual function
used on windows.
That doesn't really help: MSDN says
Number of the information node (the inode) for the file 
(UNIX-specific). On UNIX file systems, the inode describes the file date 
and time stamps, permissions, and content. When files are hard-linked to 
one another, they share the same inode. The inode, and therefore st_ino, 
has no meaning in the FAT, HPFS, or NTFS file systems.

So we know it has no meaning, but they won't tell us what its value is.
Fortunately, MS ships the source of the CRT in VC, so we know st_ino
is always 0 (as are st_uid and st_gid).

Python interfacing with other languages

2005-02-27 Thread progpro99

Hello all, I'm new to the group.  I wanted to start off introducing 
myself.  I live in Maimi, Florida USa.  I'm 18 currently working and 
going to college for computer science.

I've been hearing about Python and I see that it is starting to catch 
on so I decided I'm going to learn it.  I know that python can work 
with other languages like c/c++ and Java.  I even saw a group about 
getting Python in Delphi.  I know Perl and VB.  I know some PHP and 
some C/C++.  I was wondering can Python work with VB also?  If so is 
there a refernce you can send me the link too.

Also, some friends and I are trying to start a little programming 
community.  If you have some spare time doante a snippet or post on 
the forum, it would be appreciated.


Re: TKinter

2005-02-27 Thread James Stroud
I thought the T was silent.

On Sunday 27 February 2005 08:34 am, anthonyberet wrote:
 So, is it pronounced 'Tee-Kinter', or 'Tee-Kay-Inter'?
 I don't want to appear as a dork down the pub.

Re: Trees

2005-02-27 Thread Alex Le Dain
 Would this be for a GUI toolkit or maybe using a standard
 class scheme?
Sorry, yes I should have been more specific. I meant a non-GUI, standard 
class scheme. I want to use the scheme to hold a structure in memory and 
retrieve/add information to it.

I've had a couple of goes myself but get a bit confuesd about whether I 
should use recursion to be able to get the children (and all 
sub-children) of a/the parent.

cheers, Alex.
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Re: parse lines to name value pairs

2005-02-27 Thread Paul McGuire
Gee, no takers?

Here's a (surprise!) pyparsing solution.

-- Paul

.# get pyparsing at
.from pyparsing import quotedString, printables, Word, OneOrMore,
Forward, Literal,delimitedList,Group
.quotedString.setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: t[0].strip('\))
.line1 = path {{data/tom} C:/user/john}
.line2 = books{{book music red} {book {math 1} blue} {book {tom's
book} green}}
.lbrace = Literal({).suppress()
.rbrace = Literal(}).suppress()
.listDef = Forward()
.nonbracechars = .join([ c for c in printables if c not in {}])
.# add more things to listItem, such as integers, etc. if your list has
other than quoted strings
.listItem = OneOrMore(Word(nonbracechars)) | quotedString | listDef
.print With grouping
.listDef  lbrace + Group( OneOrMore(listItem) ) + rbrace
.lineDef = Word(nonbracechars) + Group(listDef)
.for testdata in (line1, line2):
.print lineDef.parseString(testdata).asList()
.print Without grouping
.listDef  lbrace + ( OneOrMore(listItem) ) + rbrace
.lineDef = Word(nonbracechars) + Group(listDef)

Givest the following output:
With grouping
['path', [[['data/tom'], 'C:/user/john']]]
['books', [[['book', 'music', 'red'], ['book', ['math', '1'], 'blue'],
['book', [tom's, 'book'], 'green'

Without grouping
['path', ['data/tom', 'C:/user/john']]
['books', ['book', 'music', 'red', 'book', 'math', '1', 'blue', 'book',
tom's, 'book', 'green']]

for testdata in (line1, line2):
print lineDef.parseString(testdata).asList()


Re: string methods (warning, newbie)

2005-02-27 Thread Steven Bethard
Nick Coghlan wrote:
Jimmy Retzlaff wrote:
The approach you are considering may be easier than you think:
filter(str.isalpha, 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride')
Hmm, I think this is a case where filter is significantly clearer than 
the equivalent list comprehension:

Py .join([c for c in 'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride' if 
On the other hand, filter doesn't do the same thing:
py s = u'The Beatles - help - 03 - Ticket to ride'
py filter(str.isalpha, s)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in ?
TypeError: descriptor 'isalpha' requires a 'str' object but received a 
py ''.join(c for c in s if c.isalpha())

Ideally, you could use something like basestring.isalpha and have it 
work for both str and unicode, but no such luck. =)


but someone got out and me and my familiy try to stop them and got trocherd in unknow dimentions i try to make it better and they change me to make it worse so what do i do if you see what in my chest in every dimention!!! look for consiousnesses in the house i spelled it wrong bbecuase thats what you will say when you see my bodie 366-94-1447 2-3-1973 follow my bodie and the liverance familiy everywhere and look find out why we are being killed?????

2005-02-27 Thread zetasum
but someone got out and me and my familiy try to stop them and got
trocherd in unknow dimentions i try to make it better and they change
me to make it worse so what do i do if you see what in my chest in
every dimention!!! look for consiousnesses in the house i spelled it
wrong bbecuase thats what you will say when you see my bodie
366-94-1447 2-3-1973 follow my bodie and the liverance familiy
everywhere and look find out why we are being killed?


alpha, theta and delta, brain waves of the mind wich we now know that
are qunatium state of mind space time and realm. That froms the a
beings instincts of unkown not found is the combination pleasent of
sense's of smell,sight and sound in a peacesful manner..It is the
consious ambient of peaceful manner that lead to intellgence. The
relax state of mind and the brain wave patter that will be found will
open a crative door to the minds eye not of what we think will be
intellgence but during day dreaming states of mind. The person would
be able to see the full design of ones idea with an open mind instead
of starting with one concept and working with it you would be able to
start with 10 concept and combine then as one. Itellgence is an I.Q
that one can chart Because there are two types of people in the world
people that dream and people that do and if dreams could learn to
dream and then do. The definition of intellgence would change
infromation flows free in this zeta multi-x pattern this would not
just spawn another pattern of brain waves but would be one step into a
door where infinte ideas of very high itellgence ones flow and cannot
find the source, and tring to hard along with Hate puts more
information in the brain that stops the flow of information the other
sources that stops this infromation is P.S.I ability to do telepathy
this is open you mind to unknown infromation. This path of this idea
will give you the other infinte
thoughts that you will never spawn from now until the end of time
becuase no one has done this before and willl never do it but they
have and try to intergrate hate and have fail where you my qunatum
freind will succeed all other before us. This is the key to my
qunatium encrypted web site. P.S.I That stop all before us cannot find
technology but can find and change the minds of people that try to
change humans history so print this out put in all four pockets the
more you print the more it changes the more times you e-mail this the
statistical chance you have at reaching the unknow universe. In
computer terms in the future it is now not 99.9% true or false it is

combine this with this group that

This guy [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted using my e-mail address got me
by his people or something skitzo say there qunatium invisble people in
other dimentions killing the machine or [EMAIL PROTECTED]@


Re: Pyallegro status (is it dead?). What about pygame.

2005-02-27 Thread Simon Wittber
 How does pygame compare to pyallegro - both in maturity and convenience
 of usage in python?

I have not used pyallegro, and therefore cannot compare it to pygame.

However, I can tell you that the pygame community is quite active and
friendly. They're currently testing the pygame 1.7 release.  As for
maturity and ease of use... I suggest you check out the 'gamelets'
sections on the pygame website for some short examples of python code
which uses pygame.


Re: Using PIL with py2exe

2005-02-27 Thread Justin Shaw
John Carter  wrote in message
 Does anyone know how to embed PIL into a py2exe program.

 As far as I can tell PIL is not finding its plugins for Image I/O,
 they are imported dynamically as required. So I cant load or save

 I tried making a copy of the plugin files to the application
 directory, but I've had no luck in making the code see the files
 I'd be grateful for any suggestion.

 Please e-mail me, as well as posting a reply.

 John Carter

Just import all of the plugins.  I have this in a file called

import JpegImagePlugin
import TgaImagePlugin
import PngImagePlugin
import GifImagePlugin
import PcxImagePlugin
import PpmImagePlugin
import BmpImagePlugin
import FliImagePlugin
import EpsImagePlugin
import DcxImagePlugin
import FpxImagePlugin
import ArgImagePlugin
import CurImagePlugin
import GbrImagePlugin
import IcoImagePlugin
import ImImagePlugin
import ImtImagePlugin
import IptcImagePlugin
import McIdasImagePlugin
import MicImagePlugin
import MspImagePlugin
import PcdImagePlugin
import PdfImagePlugin
import PixarImagePlugin
import PsdImagePlugin
import SgiImagePlugin
import SunImagePlugin
import TgaImagePlugin
import TiffImagePlugin
import WmfImagePlugin
import XVThumbImagePlugin
import XbmImagePlugin
import XpmImagePlugin

John Carter  wrote in message
 Does anyone know how to embed PIL into a py2exe program.

 As far as I can tell PIL is not finding its plugins for Image I/O,
 they are imported dynamically as required. So I cant load or save

 I tried making a copy of the plugin files to the application
 directory, but I've had no luck in making the code see the files
 I'd be grateful for any suggestion.

 Please e-mail me, as well as posting a reply.

 John Carter


Re: Python interfacing with other languages

2005-02-27 Thread wuhy80
Sure It can work with VB.
you could use the python's com to work with VB.


psyco -and- python -O

2005-02-27 Thread Dan Stromberg

Is it useful to combine psyco with python -O, or do they conflict?



closing tabs in wxpython

2005-02-27 Thread Raghul
  Can anybody help in closing tabs in wxpython.Pls give me a sample
program for explaining this.Thanx in advance


Re: parse lines to name value pairs

2005-02-27 Thread Paul McGuire
Damned cut-and-paste in GoogleGroups edit window (leading '.'s are to
retain spacing):

.# get pyparsing at
.from pyparsing import quotedString, printables, Word, OneOrMore,
Forward, Literal,delimitedList,Group
.line1 = path {{data/tom} C:/user/john}
.line2 = books{{book music red} {book {math 1} blue} {book {tom's
book} green}}
.lbrace = Literal({).suppress()
.rbrace = Literal(}).suppress()
.listDef = Forward()
.nonbracechars = .join([ c for c in printables if c not in {}])
.# add more things to listItem, such as integers, etc. if your list has
other than quoted strings
.listItem = OneOrMore(Word(nonbracechars)) | quotedString | listDef
.print With grouping
.listDef  lbrace + Group( OneOrMore(listItem) ) + rbrace
.lineDef = Word(nonbracechars) + Group(listDef)
.for testdata in (line1, line2):
.print lineDef.parseString(testdata).asList()
.print Without grouping
.listDef  lbrace + ( OneOrMore(listItem) ) + rbrace
.lineDef = Word(nonbracechars) + Group(listDef)
.for testdata in (line1, line2):
.print lineDef.parseString(testdata).asList()

Gives this output:

With grouping
['path', [[['data/tom'], 'C:/user/john']]]
['books', [[['book', 'music', 'red'], ['book', ['math', '1'], 'blue'],
['book', [tom's, 'book'], 'green'

Without grouping
['path', ['data/tom', 'C:/user/john']]
['books', ['book', 'music', 'red', 'book', 'math', '1', 'blue', 'book',
tom's, 'book', 'green']]


Working with dbase files

2005-02-27 Thread Stan Cook
Does anyone know how I can access and read data 
from a dbase (.dbf) file?


Re: Working with dbase files

2005-02-27 Thread Paul Rubin
Stan Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Does anyone know how I can access and read data from a dbase (.dbf)

Yeah, there's some module around someplace that does it.  I found it
with a few minutes of googling a while back.  It worked fine.  I don't
remember where it was.


2005-02-27 Thread Gensek
I have a grid. I want to sort it when a column label is clicked. I know
about the EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK event, but that is not enough. I
do not merely need to know that a label was clicked. I need to know
which label was clicked. I do not know how to do that. I suspect you
might know. I request that you tell me.

I also wish to know some other things: how to find out the location of
a mouse pointer in a wxWindow (or at least the frame), and how to
change the color of a single specified pixel in a bitmap.

I use Python 2.3, wxPython 2.4.2.


Re: Working with dbase files

2005-02-27 Thread Steven Bethard
Stan Cook wrote:
Does anyone know how I can access and read data from a dbase (.dbf) file?
I know nothing about them, but Raymond Hettinger recently posted a 
recipe that I believe should help:

Re: Trees

2005-02-27 Thread Brian van den Broek
Alex Le Dain said unto the world upon 2005-02-27 19:54:
  Would this be for a GUI toolkit or maybe using a standard
  class scheme?
Sorry, yes I should have been more specific. I meant a non-GUI, standard 
class scheme. I want to use the scheme to hold a structure in memory and 
retrieve/add information to it.

I've had a couple of goes myself but get a bit confuesd about whether I 
should use recursion to be able to get the children (and all 
sub-children) of a/the parent.

cheers, Alex.
Hi Alex,
I've been working on a set of tools for dealing with a tree structure.
I am no python expert -- in fact, the program I am working on is my
first serious us of classes. Anyway, though I've not been following
your thread, I also think that perhaps you might find the code I have
of some use. Use caution though; newbie code below :-)
I am working with a data format from a shareware application that puts
the tree in a flat text file, where each node has a header section,
including a unique node id and a level indicator. (Level 0 for the
root, level 1 for the roots children, etc.) My code is a work in
progress and not heavily tested, but it seems to work :-) I've a class
Tree_file with a .nodes attribute which is a list of Node objects (in
top-down tree order). It has a method:
.# leading periods to preserve indentation
.def update_family(self):
.'''Starting from node, updates each nodes .children and
descendants set.'''
.for node in self.nodes:
.for node in self.nodes:
My Node class has methods giving each node object a and
node.level (both ints). The other relevant attributes are
node.children, and node.descendants (both sets).
(I've got reasons to often process just a node's children, rather than
 all descendants; thus, it makes sense for my program to have the two
The two relevant methods are:
.def get_children(self, parent_file):
.'''Sets the node's .children set attribute.
.Scans the list of Node objects in parent_file.nodes until self
.node is found (by comparison of attributes). Then the
.capture_children flag is set to True, and, for each node exactly
.one node.level deeper, that deeper node is added to the
.self.children set. This goes on until the first node not below
.the self node is found.
.capture_children = False
.children = set()
.for node in parent_file.nodes:
.if capture_children and not node.level  self.level:
.if capture_children and node.level == self.level + 1:
.if ==
.capture_children = True
.self.children = children
.def get_descendants(self):
.'''Updates each nodes .descendants set to current value.
.Recursive call of get_descendants on a node's children, adding
.all to the .descendants set (of the target node).
.descendants = self.children.copy()
.for node in self.children:
.for n in node.descendants:
.self.descendants = descendants
Anyway, all caveats notwithstanding, I hope that is of some use to
you. Best,
Brian vdB

Re: wxGrid

2005-02-27 Thread Michalis Kabrianis
Gensek wrote:
I have a grid. I want to sort it when a column label is clicked. I know
about the EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK event, but that is not enough. I
do not merely need to know that a label was clicked. I need to know
which label was clicked. I do not know how to do that. I suspect you
might know. I request that you tell me.
I also wish to know some other things: how to find out the location of
a mouse pointer in a wxWindow (or at least the frame), and how to
change the color of a single specified pixel in a bitmap.
I use Python 2.3, wxPython 2.4.2.
In C++, you can use event.GetColumn() to get that info.
Look at wxGridEvent.
If I were you, I would try to see if these functions are also available 
on wxPython


[ python-Bugs-1152726 ] Default class args get clobbered by prior instances.

2005-02-27 Thread
Bugs item #1152726, was opened at 2005-02-26 22:10
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by rhettinger
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Python Interpreter Core
Group: Python 2.3
Status: Closed
Resolution: Invalid
Priority: 8
Submitted By: Simon Drabble (sdrabble)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Default class args get clobbered by prior instances.

Initial Comment:
OS: SuSE Linux 9.2  kernel 2.6.4
Python: 2.3.3

Define a class where the __init__() method takes a default arg of list 
type. Instantiate this class, and append/ extend the value of its default 
arg. Instantiate the class again, and the value from the first instance 
will overwrite the second. 

The bug is known to exist in 2.3.3, but may exist in subsequent 
releases also. 

The attached file illuminates the problem.


Comment By: Raymond Hettinger (rhettinger)
Date: 2005-02-27 08:18

Logged In: YES 

Sorry, this is not a bug.  It is part of how Python works. 
In general, do not use mutables for default values. 
Instead, write something like:

def f(x, seq=None):
   if seq is None:
   seq = []
. . .

There is a FAQ on the subject:


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-673797 ] setting socket timeout crashes SSL?

2005-02-27 Thread
Bugs item #673797, was opened at 2003-01-23 19:58
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by pristine777
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.3
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Craig Allen (cba037)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: setting socket timeout crashes SSL?

Initial Comment:
First: bravo for compiling SSL support in the 2.3 binaries!

I can connect fine to a secure web server using HTTPS.
 However, when I set a socket default timeout, I get

import socket
import urllib
f =
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File quot;testssl.pyquot;, line 9, in ?
f =
  File quot;/usr/lib/python2.3/urllib.pyquot;, line 76, in urlopen
  File quot;/usr/lib/python2.3/urllib.pyquot;, line 181, in open
return getattr(self, name)(url)
  File quot;/usr/lib/python2.3/urllib.pyquot;, line 375, in
  File quot;/usr/lib/python2.3/httplib.pyquot;, line 695, in
  File quot;/usr/lib/python2.3/httplib.pyquot;, line 581, in
  File quot;/usr/lib/python2.3/httplib.pyquot;, line 548, in send
  File quot;/usr/lib/python2.3/httplib.pyquot;, line 945, in
ssl = socket.ssl(realsock, self.key_file,
socket.sslerror: (2, 'The operation did not complete
This is on Linux; similar behaviour on Win2K.


Comment By: pristine777 (pristine777)
Date: 2005-02-27 11:32

Logged In: YES 

This bug has resurfaced in Python 2.4. 

The exact same code as in the original bug report gives the 
same error. I also tried using urllib2 and it gives the same 

I have tried this only on Windows (both XP professional SP2, 
and Windows Server 2003).

I am unable to re-open this bug report so should I just file a 
new one?


Comment By: Neal Norwitz (nnorwitz)
Date: 2003-02-03 13:43

Logged In: YES 

The patch was checked in, so I'm closing this bug.  Please
re-open if there are any problems.


Comment By: Geoff Talvola (gtalvola)
Date: 2003-01-31 09:55

Logged In: YES 

This is fixed by patch 676472 so when that patch is checked
in, this bug can be closed.


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[ python-Bugs-1153163 ] reflected operator not used when operands have the same type

2005-02-27 Thread
Bugs item #1153163, was opened at 2005-02-27 20:09
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Python Interpreter Core
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: HughSW (hughsw)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: reflected operator not used when operands have the same type

Initial Comment:

The reflected operators, e.g. __radd__, are used when
the left operand does not have the non-reflected
operator, *unless* the right operand is of the same type.

The documentation on the Emulating numeric types page
doesn't mention this peculiar exclusion.  Of the
reflected operators it says:
These methods are called to implement the binary
arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %, divmod(), pow(),
**, , , , ^, |) with reflected (swapped) operands.
These functions are only called if the left operand
does not support the corresponding operation. For
instance, to evaluate the expression x-y, where y is an
instance of a class that has an __rsub__() method,
y.__rsub__(x) is called.

This code demonstrates the correct behavior and then
the problem:

class A(object):
def __radd__(self, other):
return '__radd__', other

print None + A()
print A() + A()


('__radd__', None)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:/Temp/, line 6, in -toplevel-
print A() + A()
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'A' and 'A'

I've replaced None in the first print statement with
many kinds of builtin objects, instances of other
classes, and with instances of subclasses of A.  In all
these cases the __radd__ operator is used as
documented.  I've only seen the problem when the two
operands are of the same type.

This problem also occurs during the backing-off to
plain operators that occurs when augmented operators,
e.g. __iadd__, aren't implemented by the type and the
operands are of the same type.

This problem is present in 2.4 on Linux and Windows,
and in the current CVS version (2.5a0, 27-Feb-05) on Linux.


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1153171 ] reflected operator not used when operands have the same type

2005-02-27 Thread
Bugs item #1153171, was opened at 2005-02-27 20:23
Message generated for change (Settings changed) made by hughsw
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Python Interpreter Core
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: Duplicate
Priority: 5
Submitted By: HughSW (hughsw)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: reflected operator not used when operands have the same type

Initial Comment:

The reflected operators, e.g. __radd__, are used when
the left operand does not have the non-reflected
operator, *unless* the right operand is of the same type.

The documentation on the Emulating numeric types page
doesn't mention this peculiar exclusion.  Of the
reflected operators it says:
These methods are called to implement the binary
arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %, divmod(), pow(),
**, , , , ^, |) with reflected (swapped) operands.
These functions are only called if the left operand
does not support the corresponding operation. For
instance, to evaluate the expression x-y, where y is an
instance of a class that has an __rsub__() method,
y.__rsub__(x) is called.

This code demonstrates the correct behavior and then
the problem:

class A(object):
def __radd__(self, other):
return '__radd__', other

print None + A()
print A() + A()


('__radd__', None)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:/Temp/, line 6, in -toplevel-
print A() + A()
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'A' and 'A'

I've replaced None in the first print statement with
many kinds of builtin objects, instances of other
classes, and with instances of subclasses of A.  In all
these cases the __radd__ operator is used as
documented.  I've only seen the problem when the two
operands are of the same type.

This problem also occurs during the backing-off to
plain operators that occurs when augmented operators,
e.g. __iadd__, aren't implemented by the type and the
operands are of the same type.

This problem is present in 2.4 on Linux and Windows,
and in the current CVS version (2.5a0, 27-Feb-05) on Linux.


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1153171 ] reflected operator not used when operands have the same type

2005-02-27 Thread
Bugs item #1153171, was opened at 2005-02-27 20:23
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by hughsw
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Python Interpreter Core
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: Duplicate
Priority: 5
Submitted By: HughSW (hughsw)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: reflected operator not used when operands have the same type

Initial Comment:

The reflected operators, e.g. __radd__, are used when
the left operand does not have the non-reflected
operator, *unless* the right operand is of the same type.

The documentation on the Emulating numeric types page
doesn't mention this peculiar exclusion.  Of the
reflected operators it says:
These methods are called to implement the binary
arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %, divmod(), pow(),
**, , , , ^, |) with reflected (swapped) operands.
These functions are only called if the left operand
does not support the corresponding operation. For
instance, to evaluate the expression x-y, where y is an
instance of a class that has an __rsub__() method,
y.__rsub__(x) is called.

This code demonstrates the correct behavior and then
the problem:

class A(object):
def __radd__(self, other):
return '__radd__', other

print None + A()
print A() + A()


('__radd__', None)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:/Temp/, line 6, in -toplevel-
print A() + A()
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'A' and 'A'

I've replaced None in the first print statement with
many kinds of builtin objects, instances of other
classes, and with instances of subclasses of A.  In all
these cases the __radd__ operator is used as
documented.  I've only seen the problem when the two
operands are of the same type.

This problem also occurs during the backing-off to
plain operators that occurs when augmented operators,
e.g. __iadd__, aren't implemented by the type and the
operands are of the same type.

This problem is present in 2.4 on Linux and Windows,
and in the current CVS version (2.5a0, 27-Feb-05) on Linux.


Comment By: HughSW (hughsw)
Date: 2005-02-27 20:31

Logged In: YES 

Someone remove this accidental repost.  Thanks.


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1153163 ] reflected operator not used when operands have the same type

2005-02-27 Thread
Bugs item #1153163, was opened at 2005-02-27 20:09
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by hughsw
You can respond by visiting:

Category: Python Interpreter Core
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: HughSW (hughsw)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: reflected operator not used when operands have the same type

Initial Comment:

The reflected operators, e.g. __radd__, are used when
the left operand does not have the non-reflected
operator, *unless* the right operand is of the same type.

The documentation on the Emulating numeric types page
doesn't mention this peculiar exclusion.  Of the
reflected operators it says:
These methods are called to implement the binary
arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %, divmod(), pow(),
**, , , , ^, |) with reflected (swapped) operands.
These functions are only called if the left operand
does not support the corresponding operation. For
instance, to evaluate the expression x-y, where y is an
instance of a class that has an __rsub__() method,
y.__rsub__(x) is called.

This code demonstrates the correct behavior and then
the problem:

class A(object):
def __radd__(self, other):
return '__radd__', other

print None + A()
print A() + A()


('__radd__', None)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:/Temp/, line 6, in -toplevel-
print A() + A()
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'A' and 'A'

I've replaced None in the first print statement with
many kinds of builtin objects, instances of other
classes, and with instances of subclasses of A.  In all
these cases the __radd__ operator is used as
documented.  I've only seen the problem when the two
operands are of the same type.

This problem also occurs during the backing-off to
plain operators that occurs when augmented operators,
e.g. __iadd__, aren't implemented by the type and the
operands are of the same type.

This problem is present in 2.4 on Linux and Windows,
and in the current CVS version (2.5a0, 27-Feb-05) on Linux.


Comment By: HughSW (hughsw)
Date: 2005-02-28 01:09

Logged In: YES 

I've looked into this a little.  Newbie that I am, I don't
know where the 
 x = slotw(v, w);
call goes (in binary_op1() in abstract.c near line 377)
 AFAICT, this code in abstract.c behaves reasonably, so
problem would seem to be in the tp_as_number slot-function
that's getting called.  And whereever that is, it's not the
binary-op functions in classobject.c that I thought it would


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