Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientific mini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Ron Adam
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Sat, 02 Jul 2005 20:26:31 -0700, Devan L wrote:
 Claiming that sum etc. do the same job is the whimper of
someone who doesn't want to openly disagree with Guido.

Could you give an example where sum cannot do the job(besides the
previously mentioned product situation?
 There is an infinite number of potential lambdas, and therefore an
 infinite number of uses for reduce.
 sum only handles a single case, lambda x,y: x+y
 product adds a second case: lambda x,y: x*y
 So sum and product together cover precisely 2/infinity, or zero percent,
 of all possible uses of reduce.

But together, sum and product, probably cover about 90% of situations in 
which you would use reduce.  Getting a total (sum) from a list probably 
covers 80% of the situations reduce would be used on it's own.  (I can't 
think of any real uses of product at the moment. It's late.)

I'm just estimating, but I think that is the gist of adding those two in 
exchange for reduce.  Not that they will replace all of reduce use 
cases, but that sum and product cover most situations and can be 
implemented more efficiently than using reduce or a for loop to do the 
same thing.  The other situations can easily be done using for loops, so 
it's really not much of a loss.


Re: Will Guido's Python Regrets ever get implemented/fixed?

2005-07-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks!  Even the fact that these ideas
have been organized into a PEP is
exciting to methere is hope that
they may *someday* be implemented.  Maybe sooner than people think.

Another reason to love Python like no other.



Re: What's wrong with this code?

2005-07-03 Thread Nathan Pinno

  Hi all,

  Sure I'm able to publish the code, only the previous version though. If
you want the first version; find Josh Cogliati, and ask him. It didn't have
a random function, though. I got the idea to improve it from my computer

  Here is the code:

  #Plays the guessing game higher or lower
  # (originally written by by Josh Cogliati, improved by Quique)

  #This should actually be something that is semi random like the last
digits of the time or something else.
  number = 78
  guess = 0

  while guess != number:
  guess =input(Guess a number: )

  if guess  number:
  print Too high

 elif guess  number:
  print Too low

  print Just right

  Nathan Pinno

  John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   Nathan Pinno wrote:
  Hi all,
  What's wrong with the following code? It says there is name error,
random is not defined. How do I fix it?
   Others have already answered that question. This posting is a
   pre-emptive strike to head off the next half-a-dozen questions.
  # Plays the guessing game higher or lower.
  # Originally written by Josh Cogliati, improved first by Quique,
then by
Nathan Pinno.
   Some of us are interested in the process by which great pieces of code
   arise, how they are meticulously honed and polished, which craftpersons
   contributed what ... is it possible for you to publish the earlier
  print Higher or Lower
  number = random.choice(range(100))
   number will refer to one of: 0, 1, .., 98, 99
  guess = 0
   so you'll get a strange result by using zero here; try -1 instead
  while guess != number:
  guess = input(Guess a number: )
   guess will refer to a string e.g. 42 which will *not* compare equal
   to the integer 42. Also you should use raw_input, not input.
   so do this:
   guess = int(raw_input(Guess a number: ))
  if guess  number:
  print Too high
  guess = input(Guess a number: )
   This will cause your program to ask TWICE per trip around the loop. Lose
  elif guess  number:
  print Too low
  guess = input(Guess a number: )
   ... and again.
  print Just right
   General advice:
   1. Look on the Python web site ( for an
   introduction to Python for non-programmers.
   2. Join the Python tutor list.
   3. In this news group, read a little more than the threads that you have
 started; this guessing game was discussed in a thread started by
   somebody calling themselves ChuckDubya on 29 June!! Homework??


 Posted via - Revolutionary Usenet
** HIGH RETENTION ** Specializing in Large Binaries Downloads **

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientific mini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Erik Max Francis
Ron Adam wrote:

 But together, sum and product, probably cover about 90% of situations in 
 which you would use reduce.  Getting a total (sum) from a list probably 
 covers 80% of the situations reduce would be used on it's own.  (I can't 
 think of any real uses of product at the moment. It's late.)

It's not uncommon in mathematics to do repeated products.  If you're 
familiar with the capital Greek letter sigma notation, if it's replaced 
with a capital Greek letter pi, then it's an iterated product, rather 
than an iterated sum:

In general, pretty much _any_ operator can be replaced in this symbol to 
indicate a repeated operation.  Function composition, set unions and 
intersections, logical conjunctions and disjunctions, direct sums and 
products, the list goes on and on.

 I'm just estimating, but I think that is the gist of adding those two in 
 exchange for reduce.  Not that they will replace all of reduce use 
 cases, but that sum and product cover most situations and can be 
 implemented more efficiently than using reduce or a for loop to do the 
 same thing.  The other situations can easily be done using for loops, so 
 it's really not much of a loss.

I really don't understand this reasoning.  You essentially grant the 
position that reduce has a purpose, but you still seem to approve 
removing it.  Let's grant your whole point and say that 90% of the use 
cases for reduce are covered by sum and product, and the other 10% are 
used by eggheads and are of almost no interest to programmers.  But it 
still serves a purpose, and a useful one.  That it's not of immediate 
use to anyone is an argument for moving it into a functional module 
(something I would have no serious objection to, though I don't see its 
necessity), not for removing it altogether!  Why would you remove the 
functionality that already exists _and is being used_ just because? 
What harm does it do, vs. the benefit of leaving it in?

I'm not myself a huge functional programming guy, but I'm certainly not 
in favor of the proposal to remove map, filter, reduce, and lambda.  For 
map and filter, I can at least see the argument, because they truly are 
expressible with list comprehensions (which I do use myself, of course). 
  lambda I also don't buy, but at least there, yes, you can just define 
a local function and use it locally, although I think expressively that 
it skirts the line between expressivity and verbosity (if you know what 
lambda is, straightforward use of lambda is not at all unclear, in fact 
it's quite clear).  So at least there's something to that, but I don't 
follow it the whole way.  But removing reduce is just removing 
functionality for no other reason, it seems, than spite.

Erik Max Francis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Jose, CA, USA  37 20 N 121 53 W  AIM erikmaxfrancis
   Who knows whether any of us will be around in 1972?
   -- John F. Kennedy

How to get 4 numbers from the user in one line for easy comparision?

2005-07-03 Thread Nathan Pinno

I saw that great idea from Steven, and I appreciate it. I think it will 
work. Just need to figure out how to get 4 numbers from the player on one line 
for easy comparison, e.g. telling whether the number is correct position and 
number, incorrect position and correct number, or both are incorrect.

If anyone has any advice in how to code this, I will gladly appreciate the 

Sorry if I seem like a newbie, but I am! :)
Nathan Pinno


a question

2005-07-03 Thread Xinyue Ye
when I type sys.ps2 after import sys,
I got the message like:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File pyshell#10, line 1, in -toplevel-
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ps2'
why does it happen?


2005-07-03 Thread Qiangning Hong
I have read a lot of posts discussing python IDEs, but most of them
focus on the editor, GUI builder, project management, customizability,
etc  Some talked about debugging capability, but only on an
available/unavailable level.

I use vim to edit my code, wxGlade to build the GUI or hand-code it,
and I still prefer that. So, until now, I haven't tried many IDEs.

However, while I use pdb or inserting print statement to debug my
apps, sometimes it is a pain.  I think I need a good GUI debugger to
help me.  The debugger should meet _most_ of the following

1. can debug wxPython applications (and other GUI lib).
2. an intuitive way to set/clear/enable/disable breakpoints.
3. can set conditional breakpoints (i.e. break when some condition satisfied).
4. variable watch list, namescope watching (local, global)
5. evaluate expression, change variable values, etc within debugging.
6. change the running routine, (i.e. go directly to a statement, skip
some statements, etc)
7. clever way to express objects, not just a string returned by repr()
8. perform profiling
9. a clear interface.
10. cross-platform.
11. free, or better, open source.

What debugger will you suggest?  
Or what more polish feature you want to see in an ideal python
debugger? -- hope this thread will help IDE developers to fill their
todo list with some shining ideas :)

Qiangning Hong
Get Firefox!;id=67907amp;t=1

Re: debugger?

2005-07-03 Thread Detlev Offenbach
Qiangning Hong wrote:

 I have read a lot of posts discussing python IDEs, but most of them
 focus on the editor, GUI builder, project management, customizability,
 etc  Some talked about debugging capability, but only on an
 available/unavailable level.
 I use vim to edit my code, wxGlade to build the GUI or hand-code it,
 and I still prefer that. So, until now, I haven't tried many IDEs.
 However, while I use pdb or inserting print statement to debug my
 apps, sometimes it is a pain.  I think I need a good GUI debugger to
 help me.  The debugger should meet _most_ of the following
 1. can debug wxPython applications (and other GUI lib).
 2. an intuitive way to set/clear/enable/disable breakpoints.
 3. can set conditional breakpoints (i.e. break when some condition
 satisfied). 4. variable watch list, namescope watching (local, global)
 5. evaluate expression, change variable values, etc within debugging.
 6. change the running routine, (i.e. go directly to a statement, skip
 some statements, etc)
 7. clever way to express objects, not just a string returned by repr()
 8. perform profiling
 9. a clear interface.
 10. cross-platform.
 11. free, or better, open source.
 What debugger will you suggest?
 Or what more polish feature you want to see in an ideal python
 debugger? -- hope this thread will help IDE developers to fill their
 todo list with some shining ideas :)

Eric3 should be compliant with your list. Try it at

Detlev Offenbach

Re: Favorite non-python language trick?

2005-07-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 00:39:19 -0400, Christopher Subich wrote:

 Devan L wrote:
 sum(sequence[0] + [1/element for element in sequence[1:]])
 I think that should work.
 That won't work, because it misses the x*y part of the expression 
 (x[n]*x[n+1] + 1/x[n+1], for people who haven't immediately read the 
 Personally, I think demanding that it be writable as a sum (or product, 
 or any, or all) is a false standard -- nobody's claimed that these would 
 replace all cases of reduce, just the most common ones.

Er, excuse me, but that is EXACTLY what Devan claimed. 

Quote: With the exception of reduce(lambda x,y:x*y, sequence), reduce can be
replaced with sum, and Guido wants to add a product function.



how to retrive highlighted text in a browser?

2005-07-03 Thread wcc
Hello group,

When browsing websites, quite often I have to look up words in
dictionary.  I'm hoping that I can come up with a python program that
does the following:

When I highlight some text in browser and right-click, besides the
default options such as COPY, PASTE, etc, I want an option that says
Send to file, something like that.  The file is a text file, with
fixed path. When I select this option, the highlighted text will be
appended to the text file.  This way, I can collect those words 
phrases that I don't know.

Is this going to be a difficult task?  I'm a newbie in python. TIA for
your help.

- wcc


Re: a question

2005-07-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 03:19:45 -0400, Xinyue Ye wrote:

 when I type sys.ps2 after import sys,
 I got the message like:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#10, line 1, in -toplevel-
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ps2'
 why does it happen?

It works for me.

 import sys
'... '

Can you cut and past the relevant lines from your interactive session?



Re: Favorite non-python language trick?

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Otten
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 How do you replace:
 reduce(lambda x,y: x*y-1/y, sequence)
 with sum?
missing = object()

def my_reduce(f, items, first=missing):
class adder:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __add__(self, other):
return adder(f(self.value, other))

if first is missing:
items = iter(items)
first =
except StopIteration:
raise TypeError
return sum(items, adder(first)).value

if __name__ == __main__:
sequence = map(float, range(10))
r = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y-1/y, sequence)
s = my_reduce(lambda x, y: x*y-1/y, sequence)
assert r == s




question about raw_input

2005-07-03 Thread wcc
Hello group,

After searching free IDE for a while, i picked
PyScripter( It is neat. I like
it. But I always get error when using raw_input function. Please see

 raw_input(Press ENTER to continue...)
Press ENTER to continue...Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in ?
EOFError: EOF when reading a line

I don't see this error when using the IDE from python or activepython.

Thanks for your time,

- wcc


website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread jwaixs

I'm busy to build some kind of webpage framework written in Python. But
there's a small problem in this framework. This framework should open a
page, parse it, take some other information out of it and should store
it in some kind of fast storage. This storage need to be very fast so
every one who will ask for this page will get a parsed page returned
from this storage (catcher?).

But how could I design a good webcatcher? Is this possible in python,
because it should always run. Which won't work with cgi-bin pages
because the quit after the execute something. Or should it be build in
c and imported as a module or something?

Thank you,

Noud Aldenhoven


Re: debugger?

2005-07-03 Thread Qiangning Hong
Detlev Offenbach wrote:
 Qiangning Hong wrote:
I have read a lot of posts discussing python IDEs, but most of them
focus on the editor, GUI builder, project management, customizability,
etc  Some talked about debugging capability, but only on an
available/unavailable level.

I use vim to edit my code, wxGlade to build the GUI or hand-code it,
and I still prefer that. So, until now, I haven't tried many IDEs.

However, while I use pdb or inserting print statement to debug my
apps, sometimes it is a pain.  I think I need a good GUI debugger to
help me.  The debugger should meet _most_ of the following

1. can debug wxPython applications (and other GUI lib).
2. an intuitive way to set/clear/enable/disable breakpoints.
3. can set conditional breakpoints (i.e. break when some condition
satisfied). 4. variable watch list, namescope watching (local, global)
5. evaluate expression, change variable values, etc within debugging.
6. change the running routine, (i.e. go directly to a statement, skip
some statements, etc)
7. clever way to express objects, not just a string returned by repr()
8. perform profiling
9. a clear interface.
10. cross-platform.
11. free, or better, open source.

What debugger will you suggest?
Or what more polish feature you want to see in an ideal python
debugger? -- hope this thread will help IDE developers to fill their
todo list with some shining ideas :)

 Eric3 should be compliant with your list. Try it at

Eric3 need pyqt so it is not free under windows platform.

Qiangning Hong

/ Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it \
| has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it   |
| has been playful, rebellious, and immature. |
| |
\ -- Tom Robbins  /
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 `-' /
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  \   /
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  ,'  ,-'   |\

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientific mini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread egbert
On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 08:26:31PM -0700, Devan L wrote:
 Also, map is easily replaced.
 map(f1, sequence) == [f1(element) for element in sequence]
How do you replace
map(f1,sequence1, sequence2)
especially if the sequences are of unequal length ?

I didn't see it mentioned yet as a candidate for limbo,
but the same question goes for:

Egbert Bouwman - Keizersgracht 197 II - 1016 DS  Amsterdam - 020 6257991



2005-07-03 Thread yipusi
IDLE 1.0.3  
 import sys

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#1, line 1, in -toplevel-
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ps2'

where is the problem?

-- Forwarded message --
From: Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2005 18:51:07 +1000
Subject: Re: a question
On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 03:19:45 -0400, Xinyue Ye wrote:

 when I type sys.ps2 after import sys,
 I got the message like:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#10, line 1, in -toplevel-
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ps2'
 why does it happen?

It works for me.

 import sys
'... '

Can you cut and past the relevant lines from your interactive session?


Re: a question

2005-07-03 Thread tiissa
Xinyue Ye wrote:
 when I type sys.ps2 after import sys,
 I got the message like:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#10, line 1, in -toplevel-
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ps2'
 why does it happen?

sys.ps2 is defined in an interactive session only as precised in the doc 

$ python
Python 2.3.5 (#2, May 29 2005, 00:34:43)
[GCC 3.3.6 (Debian 1:3.3.6-5)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import sys
  print sys.ps2

compared to:

$ cat
import sys
print sys.ps2

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 2, in ?
 print sys.ps2
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ps2'


Re: how to retrive highlighted text in a browser?

2005-07-03 Thread Jordan Rastrick
I don't know how hard this would be to do in Python - appending text to
a file is straightforward, but it sounds like you'd need to extend the
browser itself to get the functionality you want. The most obvious
choice if you want an extensible browser is Mozilla Firefox
(, but AFAIK its extensions
are written in C++, and I'm not sure how easy it would be to get Python
into the mix.

If you do get this working, I'd love to hear about it! I've wanted this
feature in browers for a long time.


Tkinter Checkbutton initialization problem

2005-07-03 Thread Paul Rubin
Python 2.4, Windows XP.  If I say:

f = Frame()
v = IntVar()
c = Checkbutton(f, text='hi there', variable=v)

then the checkbutton should initially display as being checked.
But it doesn't.  It shows up unchecked, even though v.get() returns 1.
The select operation DOES update the display if there's no variable.

It works properly under Linux with (I think) Python 2.3.  I don't have
a 2.4.1 Windows installation to try right now.

Is this a known bug?  Is it fixed in 2.4.1?  Is there a simple
workaround, that lets me initialize a checkbutton and still be able to
read its state?


what is the difference between command prompt and IDLE?

2005-07-03 Thread shisa
what is the difference between command prompt and IDLE?

Re: Proposal: reducing self.x=x; self.y=y; self.z=z boilerplate code

2005-07-03 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sat, 2 Jul 2005 03:04:09 -0700 (PDT), Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve

Hi fellow Python coders,

I often find myself writing::

class grouping:

def __init__(self, x, y, z):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
# real code, finally

This becomes a serious nuisance in complex applications with long
argument lists, especially if long variable names are essential for
managing the complexity. Therefore I propose that Python includes
built-in support for reducing the ``self.x=x`` clutter.

With some help from new-style classes you can get more than
just removing the self.x = x clutter.

I'm not an expert of these low-level python tricks, but
you can download from a
small example that allows you to write

class MyClass(Object):
x = Float(default = 0.0, max = 1E20)
y = Float(min = 1.0)

and you can get in addition of redudancy removal also
parameter checking. You can also have an __init__
method that gets called with attributes already set up.


Re: math.nroot [was Re: A brief question.]

2005-07-03 Thread Tom Anderson
On Sun, 3 Jul 2005, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 02:22:23 +0200, Fredrik Johansson wrote:

 On 7/3/05, Tom Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's one way. I'd do:

 root = value ** 0.5

 Does that mean we can expect Guido to drop math.sqrt in py3k? :)

 I'd rather like to see a well implemented math.nthroot. 64**(1/3.0)
 gives 3.9996, and this error could be avoided.

 py math.exp(math.log(64)/3.0)


Eeenteresting. I have no idea why this works. Given that math.log is 
always going to be approximate for numbers which aren't rational powers of 
e (which, since e is transcendental, is all rational numbers, and 
therefore all python floats, isn't it?), i'd expect to get the same 
roundoff errors here as with exponentiation. Is it just that the errors 
are sufficiently smaller that it looks exact?

 Note how much simpler this would be if we could guarantee proper 
 infinities and NaNs in the code. We could turn a 23-line block to a 

YES! This is something that winds me up no end; as far as i can tell, 
there is no clean programmatic way to make an inf or a NaN; in code i 
write which cares about such things, i have to start:

inf = 1e300 ** 1e300
nan = inf - inf

Every bloody time. I'm going to be buggered if python ever rolls out some 
sort of bigfloat support.

And then god forbid i should actually want to test if a number is NaN, 
since, bizarrely, (x == nan) is true for every x; instead, i have to 

def isnan(x):
return (x == 0.0) and (x == 1.0)

The IEEE spec actually says that (x == nan) should be *false* for every x, 
including nan. I'm not sure if this is more or less stupid than what 
python does!

And while i'm ranting, how come these expressions aren't the same:

1e300 * 1e300
1e300 ** 2

And finally, does Guido know something about arithmetic that i don't, or 
is this expression:

-1.0 ** 0.5

Evaluated wrongly?


Please! Undo clips before opening handle.

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Carl Banks
John Roth wrote:
 Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  map and filter are being removed *because of* list comprehensions. Did you
  even read Guido's articles about this issue? Your understanding of why
  these changes are planned is incorrect; consequently your projection based
  on that understanding is not on firm footing.

 May I most respectfully point out that you've got it backwards.
 Part of the justification for list comprehensions was that they could
 be used to replace map and filter.

 The jihad against the functional constructs has been going on for a
 long time, and list comprehensions are only one piece of it.

Many people believe that the functional constructs in Python exist to
enhance Python's support of functional programming, but that's wrong.
They exist to enhance support of procedural programming.

In other words, the functional elements were added not because Python
embraced functional programming, but because discreet use of functional
code can make procedural programs simpler and more concise.

Listcomps et al. cannot do everything map, lambda, filter, and reduce
did.  Listcomps are inferior for functional programming.  But, you see,
functional is not the point.  Streamlining procedural programs is the
point, and I'd say listcomps do that far better, and without all the
baroque syntax (from the procedural point of view).

Jihad?  I'd say it's mostly just indifference to the functional
programming cause.



No sys.ps2 in IDLE (was Re: question)

2005-07-03 Thread Michael Hoffman
yipusi wrote:
 IDLE 1.0.3  
import sys
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#1, line 1, in -toplevel-
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ps2'
 where is the problem?

The problem is that you are using IDLE (and an old version at that),
which doesn't use sys.ps2.
Michael Hoffman

Re: No sys.ps2 in IDLE (was Re: question)

2005-07-03 Thread shisa
What should I do to correct the errors accordingly?

On 7/3/05, Michael Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 yipusi wrote:
  IDLE 1.0.3
 import sys
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File pyshell#1, line 1, in -toplevel-
  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ps2'
  where is the problem?
 The problem is that you are using IDLE (and an old version at that),
 which doesn't use sys.ps2.
 Michael Hoffman


Re: debugger?

2005-07-03 Thread Detlev Offenbach
Qiangning Hong wrote:

 Detlev Offenbach wrote:
 Qiangning Hong wrote:
I have read a lot of posts discussing python IDEs, but most of them
focus on the editor, GUI builder, project management, customizability,
etc  Some talked about debugging capability, but only on an
available/unavailable level.

I use vim to edit my code, wxGlade to build the GUI or hand-code it,
and I still prefer that. So, until now, I haven't tried many IDEs.

However, while I use pdb or inserting print statement to debug my
apps, sometimes it is a pain.  I think I need a good GUI debugger to
help me.  The debugger should meet _most_ of the following

1. can debug wxPython applications (and other GUI lib).
2. an intuitive way to set/clear/enable/disable breakpoints.
3. can set conditional breakpoints (i.e. break when some condition
satisfied). 4. variable watch list, namescope watching (local, global)
5. evaluate expression, change variable values, etc within debugging.
6. change the running routine, (i.e. go directly to a statement, skip
some statements, etc)
7. clever way to express objects, not just a string returned by repr()
8. perform profiling
9. a clear interface.
10. cross-platform.
11. free, or better, open source.

What debugger will you suggest?
Or what more polish feature you want to see in an ideal python
debugger? -- hope this thread will help IDE developers to fill their
todo list with some shining ideas :)

 Eric3 should be compliant with your list. Try it at
 Eric3 need pyqt so it is not free under windows platform.

If you use it together with the free windows port of Qt and PyQt, than it
is free.

Detlev Offenbach

Re: what is the difference between command prompt and IDLE?

2005-07-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
start reading here:,
although it is not up to date most of the information still holds up


Re: question

2005-07-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
see the answer on your previous post (,
to get an interactive session open a command window and type ' python'


Re: website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can catch the content of an url like this:, from here you can
parse it, and the store the result e.g. in dictionary, you will have a
very well performing solution like this.


Re: website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread jwaixs
Thank you, but it's not what I mean. I don't want some kind of client
parser thing. But I mean the page is already been parsed and ready to
be read. But I want to store this page for more use. I need some kind
of database that won't exit if the cgi-bin script has finished. This
database need to be open all the time and communicate very easily with
the cgi-bin framwork main class.


Re: website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
jwaixs wrote:
 Thank you, but it's not what I mean. I don't want some kind of client
 parser thing. But I mean the page is already been parsed and ready to
 be read. But I want to store this page for more use. I need some kind
 of database that won't exit if the cgi-bin script has finished. This
 database need to be open all the time and communicate very easily with
 the cgi-bin framwork main class.

Why does it need to be open? Store it in a pickled file, an load read 
that pickle when you need it. Or not even as pickle, just as file in the 
FS. Basically what you are talking about is a webserver - so just use that.


Re: Python, mysql, floating point values question

2005-07-03 Thread beliavsky
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

   Considering how often this has come up, I've sort of lost faith
 in CS programs at colleges. Now, this might be an unfair statement as I
 don't know if any of those bringing up the question ever had college CS
 courses... But the fluff of floating point data was something I vaguely
 recall had been covered in my second FORTRAN class [1976-77; I ran
 FORTRAN, Advanced FORTRAN, and Assembly in my first year] (since COBOL
 used packed decimal, it wasn't a candidate for the behavior -- not
 problem, as it is not erroneous behavior, just something one needs to
 learn about).

   A book that may be out of print Real Numbers Made Real (hope I
 recalled the name) covers some of this.

Almost -- the book is Real Computing Made Real: Preventing Errors in
Scientific and Engineering Calculations, by Forman S. Acton


Re: website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread jwaixs
If I should put the parsedwebsites in, for example, a tablehash it will
be at least 5 times faster than just putting it in a file that needs to
be stored on a slow harddrive. Memory is a lot faster than harddisk
space. And if there would be a lot of people asking for a page all of
them have to open that file. if that are 10 requests in 5 minutes
there's no real worry. If they are more that 10 request per second you
really have a big problem and the framework would probably crash or
will run uber slow. That's why I want to open the file only one time
and keep it saved in the memory of the server where it don't need to be
opened each time some is asking for it.

Noud Aldenhoven


Re: Python, mysql, floating point values question

2005-07-03 Thread Andy Dustman
Use DECIMAL columns with MySQLdb-1.2.0 and Python-2.4 and you should
get values back using Python's new decimal type.

This avoids floating point inaccuracies.


Re: Will Guido's Python Regrets ever get implemented/fixed?

2005-07-03 Thread John Roth
Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Guido gave a nice Python Regrets Power Point talk at OSCON few years

 I was wondering if the plan is to ever implement these ideas.

 e.g. Guido said he'd prefer 'print' to be a *function* with perhaps a
 'println' version IIRC.

He also had a ton of stuff he'd rather see become iterators.

 As currently being (re)discussed at tedious length in recent threads here, 
 changes would will only be realized in Python 3.0 (aka Python 3000 in 
 facetious reference to when we can expect to see such a beast).

I believe the current plan is to make compatible changes in the
next few releases, and then make the incompatable changes in
Python 3.0 See PEP 3000 for details.

What this means is that there is a good chance that a print()
built-in function or method on a file object may show up in
a future release, the print statment won't go away until
Python 3.0.

John Roth

 Robert Kern

 In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: debugger?

2005-07-03 Thread Frank LaFond
You might also look at Boa.

While I haven't tried all the things on your list, I've been able to do 
all the things I've wanted to do in the debugger. It is also an IDE for 
wxPython, so it works well for that, but I don't know about other GUI 

Qiangning Hong wrote:
 snip ...The debugger should meet _most_ of the following
 1. can debug wxPython applications (and other GUI lib).
 2. an intuitive way to set/clear/enable/disable breakpoints.
 3. can set conditional breakpoints (i.e. break when some condition satisfied).
 4. variable watch list, namescope watching (local, global)
 5. evaluate expression, change variable values, etc within debugging.
 6. change the running routine, (i.e. go directly to a statement, skip
 some statements, etc)
 7. clever way to express objects, not just a string returned by repr()
 8. perform profiling
 9. a clear interface.
 10. cross-platform.
 11. free, or better, open source.
 What debugger will you suggest?  
 Or what more polish feature you want to see in an ideal python
 debugger? -- hope this thread will help IDE developers to fill their
 todo list with some shining ideas :)

Frank LaFond

Re: website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
jwaixs wrote:
 If I should put the parsedwebsites in, for example, a tablehash it will
 be at least 5 times faster than just putting it in a file that needs to
 be stored on a slow harddrive. Memory is a lot faster than harddisk
 space. And if there would be a lot of people asking for a page all of
 them have to open that file. if that are 10 requests in 5 minutes
 there's no real worry. If they are more that 10 request per second you
 really have a big problem and the framework would probably crash or
 will run uber slow. That's why I want to open the file only one time
 and keep it saved in the memory of the server where it don't need to be
 opened each time some is asking for it.

I don't think that's correct. An apache serves static pages with high 
speed - and slow hardrives means about 32MByte/s nowadays. Which 
equals 256MBit/s - is your machine connected to a GBit connection? And 
if it's for internet usage, do you have a GBit connection - if so, I 
envy you...

And if your speed has to have that high, I wonder if python can be used 
at all. BTW, 10 reqeuest per seconds of maybe 100KB pages is next to 
nothing - just 10MBit. It's not really fast. And images and the like are 
also usually served from HD.

You are of course right that memory is faster than harddrives. but HDs 
are (ususally) faster than network IO - so that's your limiting factor, 
if at all. And starting CGI subrpocesses introduces also lots of 
overhead - better use fastcgis then.

I think that we're talking about two things here:

  - premature optimization on your side. Worry about speed later, if it 
_is_ an issue. Not now.

  - what you seem to want is a convenient way of having data serverd to 
you in a pythonesque way. I personally don't see anything wrong with 
storing and retrieving pages from HD - after all, that's where they end 
up anyway ebentually. So if you write yourself a HTMLRetrieval class 
that abstratcs that for you and

  1) takes a piece of HTML and stores that, maybe associated with some 
  2) can retrieve these chunks of based on some key

you are pretty much done. If you want, you can back it up using a RDBMS, 
hoping that it will do the in-memory-caching for you. But remember that 
there will be no connection pooling using CGIs, so that introduces overhead.

  Or you go for your  own standalone process that serves the pages 
through some RPC mechanism.

Or you ditch CGIs at all and use some webframework that serves from an 
permanenty running python process with several worker threads - then you 
can use in-process memory by global variables to store that memory. For 
that, I recommend twisted.


Re: Will Guido's Python Regrets ever get implemented/fixed?

2005-07-03 Thread George Sakkis

 Thanks!  Even the fact that these ideas
 have been organized into a PEP is
 exciting to methere is hope that
 they may *someday* be implemented.  Maybe sooner than people think.

Given that the latest 2.x python will be 2.9 and that 3.0 may be
released in parallel with 2.5-2.9
(, I guess
this *someday* will be no later than 2015-16, probably sooner than



Re: math.nroot [was Re: A brief question.]

2005-07-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 10:56:42 +0100, Tom Anderson wrote:

 On Sun, 3 Jul 2005, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 02:22:23 +0200, Fredrik Johansson wrote:

 On 7/3/05, Tom Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's one way. I'd do:

 root = value ** 0.5

 Does that mean we can expect Guido to drop math.sqrt in py3k? :)

 I'd rather like to see a well implemented math.nthroot. 64**(1/3.0)
 gives 3.9996, and this error could be avoided.

 py math.exp(math.log(64)/3.0)

 Eeenteresting. I have no idea why this works. Given that math.log is 
 always going to be approximate for numbers which aren't rational powers of 
 e (which, since e is transcendental, is all rational numbers, and 
 therefore all python floats, isn't it?), i'd expect to get the same 
 roundoff errors here as with exponentiation. Is it just that the errors 
 are sufficiently smaller that it looks exact?

I have no idea :-)

Unfortunately, floating point maths is a bit of a black art. Try this
simple calculation:

py 4.0/3 - 5.0/6

Should be 0.5 exactly.

Many numbers which you can write exactly in decimal cannot be
stored exactly in floating point. Even something as simple as one tenth
0.1 doesn't have an exact representation in binary:

py 1.0/10

 Note how much simpler this would be if we could guarantee proper 
 infinities and NaNs in the code. We could turn a 23-line block to a 
 YES! This is something that winds me up no end; as far as i can tell, 
 there is no clean programmatic way to make an inf or a NaN; in code i 
 write which cares about such things, i have to start:
 inf = 1e300 ** 1e300
 nan = inf - inf
 Every bloody time. I'm going to be buggered if python ever rolls out some 
 sort of bigfloat support.

It fails for me:

py inf = 1e300 ** 1e300
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
OverflowError: (34, 'Numerical result out of range')

But this works:

py inf = float(inf)
py inf

 And then god forbid i should actually want to test if a number is NaN, 
 since, bizarrely, (x == nan) is true for every x; 

Well dip me in chocolate and call me a Tim Tam, you're right. That is
bizarre. No, that's not the word I want... that behaviour is broken.

 instead, i have to 
 def isnan(x):
   return (x == 0.0) and (x == 1.0)
 The IEEE spec actually says that (x == nan) should be *false* for every x, 
 including nan. I'm not sure if this is more or less stupid than what 
 python does!

Well, no, the IEEE standard is correct. NaNs aren't equal to anything,
including themselves, since they aren't numbers.

Okay, infinity isn't a number either. But there are rules for arithmetic
for infinity, based on limit calculations, so it makes sense to treat
infinity as a number where possible.

Apple Computer had a maths library that implemented a superset of IEEE
arithmetic. It allowed for 254 different NaNs (twice that if you looked at
the sign bit, which you weren't supposed to do). This wasn't a
deliberate feature as such, it merely fell out naturally from the
bit-patterns that represented NaNs, but it was useful since Apple took
advantage of it by specifying certain particular NaNs for certain failure
modes. Eg NaN(1) might represent the square root of a negative number, but
NaN(2) might be INF-INF.

Furthermore, you could easily query the class of a number (zero,
normalised, denormalised, infinity, NaN), so you would test for a NaN by
doing something like: 

if Kind(x) == NanKind: ...


if isNaN(x): ...

 And while i'm ranting, how come these expressions aren't the same:
 1e300 * 1e300
 1e300 ** 2

Because this is floating point, not real maths :-)

I get inf and Overflow respectively. What do you get?

 And finally, does Guido know something about arithmetic that i don't, or
 is this expression:
 -1.0 ** 0.5
 Evaluated wrongly?

No, it is evaluated according to the rules of precedence. It is equivalent
to -(1.0**0.5). You are confusing it with (-1.0)**0.5 which fails as



Re: No sys.ps2 in IDLE (was Re: question)

2005-07-03 Thread Michael Hoffman
shisa wrote:
 What should I do to correct the errors accordingly?

What error? IDLE appears to be behaving as designed.

Also, please don't top-post--it makes responding to your message in a 
way that others can understand more difficult.
Michael Hoffman

How to dump an interpreter image?

2005-07-03 Thread VansMll
Hi, is it possible to save a state of the python interpreter to disk and 
load it later?



Re: [Tutor] How to get 4 numbers from the user in one line for easycomparision?

2005-07-03 Thread Alan G

 I  Just need to figure out how to get 4 numbers from 
 the player on one line for easy comparison, 

Unless there is a set of batteries somewhere that I don't know 
about I think you have to rely on reading the line as a string 
and then splitting it.

line = raw_input('Type 4 numbers separated by spaces: ')
numbers = [int(n) for n in line.split(' ')]


Alan G.


Re: question about raw_input

2005-07-03 Thread Michael Hoffman
wcc wrote:
 Hello group,
 After searching free IDE for a while, i picked
 PyScripter( It is neat. I like
 it. But I always get error when using raw_input function. Please see
raw_input(Press ENTER to continue...)
 Press ENTER to continue...Traceback (most recent call last):
   File interactive input, line 1, in ?
 EOFError: EOF when reading a line
 I don't see this error when using the IDE from python or activepython.

Then it's probably a problem with PyScripter, not Python. You'd be 
better off asking the PyScripter people than asking here.
Michael Hoffman

Re: How to dump an interpreter image?

2005-07-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
VansMll wrote:
 Hi, is it possible to save a state of the python interpreter to disk and 
 load it later?

Should be doable in stackless python.


Re: math.nroot [was Re: A brief question.]

2005-07-03 Thread Tom Anderson
On Mon, 4 Jul 2005, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 10:56:42 +0100, Tom Anderson wrote:

 On Sun, 3 Jul 2005, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 02:22:23 +0200, Fredrik Johansson wrote:

 On 7/3/05, Tom Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's one way. I'd do:

 root = value ** 0.5

 Does that mean we can expect Guido to drop math.sqrt in py3k? :)

 I'd rather like to see a well implemented math.nthroot. 64**(1/3.0)
 gives 3.9996, and this error could be avoided.

 py math.exp(math.log(64)/3.0)


 Eeenteresting. I have no idea why this works. Given that math.log is
 always going to be approximate for numbers which aren't rational powers of
 e (which, since e is transcendental, is all rational numbers, and
 therefore all python floats, isn't it?), i'd expect to get the same
 roundoff errors here as with exponentiation. Is it just that the errors
 are sufficiently smaller that it looks exact?

 I have no idea :-)

 Unfortunately, floating point maths is a bit of a black art. Try this
 simple calculation:

 py 4.0/3 - 5.0/6

 Should be 0.5 exactly.

 Many numbers which you can write exactly in decimal cannot be
 stored exactly in floating point. Even something as simple as one tenth
 0.1 doesn't have an exact representation in binary:

 py 1.0/10

I realise that - but all that argues that your example shouldn't work 

I think there would be a lot less confusion over the alleged inaccuracy of 
floating point if everyone wrote in hex - indeed, i believe that C99 has 
hex floating-point literals. C has always been such a forward-thinking 

 Note how much simpler this would be if we could guarantee proper
 infinities and NaNs in the code. We could turn a 23-line block to a

 YES! This is something that winds me up no end; as far as i can tell,
 there is no clean programmatic way to make an inf or a NaN; in code i
 write which cares about such things, i have to start:

 inf = 1e300 ** 1e300
 nan = inf - inf

 Every bloody time. I'm going to be buggered if python ever rolls out some
 sort of bigfloat support.

 It fails for me:

 py inf = 1e300 ** 1e300
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
 OverflowError: (34, 'Numerical result out of range')

Oops. I meant to write 1e300 * 1e300 - multiplication, not 
exponentiation. My bad.

 But this works:

 py inf = float(inf)
 py inf

True. Still, i'd rather not have to rely on string parsing to generate a 
fairly fundamental arithmetic quantity.

 And then god forbid i should actually want to test if a number is NaN,
 since, bizarrely, (x == nan) is true for every x;

 Well dip me in chocolate and call me a Tim Tam, you're right. That is
 bizarre. No, that's not the word I want... that behaviour is broken.

 instead, i have to

 def isnan(x):
  return (x == 0.0) and (x == 1.0)

 The IEEE spec actually says that (x == nan) should be *false* for every x,
 including nan. I'm not sure if this is more or less stupid than what
 python does!

 Well, no, the IEEE standard is correct. NaNs aren't equal to anything, 
 including themselves, since they aren't numbers.

I don't buy that. Just because something isn't a number doesn't mean it 
can't be equal to something else, does it? I mean, we even say x == None 
if x is indeed None. Moreover, this freaky rule about NaNs means that this 
is an exception to the otherwise absolutely inviolate law that x == x. I'd 
rather have that simple, fundamental logical consistency than some IEEE 
rocket scientist's practical-value-free idea of mathematical consistency.

 Apple Computer had a maths library that implemented a superset of IEEE 
 arithmetic. It allowed for 254 different NaNs (twice that if you looked 
 at the sign bit, which you weren't supposed to do). This wasn't a 
 deliberate feature as such, it merely fell out naturally from the 
 bit-patterns that represented NaNs, but it was useful since Apple took 
 advantage of it by specifying certain particular NaNs for certain 
 failure modes. Eg NaN(1) might represent the square root of a negative 
 number, but NaN(2) might be INF-INF.

 Furthermore, you could easily query the class of a number (zero,
 normalised, denormalised, infinity, NaN), so you would test for a NaN by
 doing something like:

 if Kind(x) == NanKind: ...


 if isNaN(x): ...

We should add that to python - although it would one one small step for 
NaN, one giant leap for NanKind.


 And while i'm ranting, how come these expressions aren't the same:

 1e300 * 1e300
 1e300 ** 2

 Because this is floating point, not real maths :-)

 I get inf and Overflow respectively. What do you get?

The same. They really ought to give the same answer.

 And finally, does Guido know something about arithmetic that i don't, or
 is this expression:

 -1.0 ** 0.5

 Evaluated wrongly?

 No, it is evaluated according to the rules of precedence. It is 

Re: math.nroot [was Re: A brief question.]

2005-07-03 Thread George Sakkis
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Unfortunately, floating point maths is a bit of a black art. Try this
 simple calculation:

 py 4.0/3 - 5.0/6

 Should be 0.5 exactly.

 Many numbers which you can write exactly in decimal cannot be
 stored exactly in floating point. Even something as simple as one tenth
 0.1 doesn't have an exact representation in binary:

 py 1.0/10

Given that 0.5 *can* be represented exactly in binary (try 0.3/0.6),
your first example illustrates something worse about floating point
arithmetic: not only many decimal numbers cannot be represented exactly
as binary floating point, but that the kind and the order of operations
in arithmetic expressions affects the accuracy of the result. *Even
worse* than that, errors can be accumulated over a sequence of
operations, so that even if each individual error is typically very
small, the overall error might be non-trivial. There's a whole area
studying the analysis and control of error in floating point arithmetic
so it's not quite black art for everyone; e.g. see, for



Re: math.nroot [was Re: A brief question.]

2005-07-03 Thread George Sakkis
Tom Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  And finally, does Guido know something about arithmetic that i don't, or
  is this expression:
  -1.0 ** 0.5
  Evaluated wrongly?
  No, it is evaluated according to the rules of precedence. It is
  equivalent to -(1.0**0.5). You are confusing it with (-1.0)**0.5 which
  fails as expected.

 Ah. My mistake. I submit that this is also a bug in python's grammar.
 There's probably some terribly good reason for it, though.

How about 'conformance with standard mathematic notation', does this
count for a terribly good reason ? What would one expect to be the
result of 5^2 - 2^2, 29 or 21 ? Would you expect 5^2 + - 2^2 to be
different, even if you write it as 5^2 + -2  ^ 2  ? White space is not
significant in math AFAIK ;-)



Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Scott David Daniels
egbert wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 08:26:31PM -0700, Devan L wrote:
Also, map is easily replaced.
map(f1, sequence) == [f1(element) for element in sequence]
 How do you replace
 map(f1,sequence1, sequence2)
 especially if the sequences are of unequal length ?
 I didn't see it mentioned yet as a candidate for limbo,
 but the same question goes for:

OK, you guys are picking on what reduce cannot do.
The first is [f1(*args) for args in itertools.izip(iter1, iter2)]
How to _you_ use map to avoid making all the intermediate structures?

I never saw anything about making zip go away.  It is easy to explain.

Now reduce maps to what I was taught to call foldl.
How do you express foldr?  How do you express:

  _accum = initial()
  for elem in iterable:
  _accum = func(elem, _accum, expr)


If you want functional programming in python, you have at least three
big problems:

1) Python has side effect like mad, so order of evaluation matters.
I'd claim any useful language is like that (I/O to a printer is
kind of hard to do out-of-order), but I'd get sliced to death
by a bunch of bullies wielding Occam's razors.

2) Python's essential function call is not a single-argument
function which might be a tuple, it is a multi-argument
function which is not evaluated in the same way.  The natural
duality of a function taking pairs to a function taking an arg
and returning a function taking an arg and returning a result
breaks down in the face of keyword args, and functions that
take an indeterminate number of arguments.  Also, because of (1),
there is a big difference between a function taking no args and
its result.

3) Python doesn't have a full set of functional primitives.
Fold-right is one example, K-combinator is another, 
Why pick on reduce as-is to keep?  There is another slippery
slope argument going up the slope adding functional primitives.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: How to get 4 numbers from the user in one line for easycomparision?

2005-07-03 Thread George Sakkis

  I  Just need to figure out how to get 4 numbers from
  the player on one line for easy comparison,

 Unless there is a set of batteries somewhere that I don't know
 about I think you have to rely on reading the line as a string
 and then splitting it.

 line = raw_input('Type 4 numbers separated by spaces: ')
 numbers = [int(n) for n in line.split(' ')]

Or if you want to assign these 4 numbers to separate variables, you can
use tuple unpacking:

a,b,c,d = map(int, raw_input('Type 4 numbers separated '
 'by spaces:').split())

If you want to do error handling later, you may need to split this line
into two steps so that you can distinguish between invalid values and
wrong count of values (less or more than 4).



Re: Tkinter Checkbutton initialization problem

2005-07-03 Thread Scott David Daniels
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Python 2.4, Windows XP.  If I say:
 f = Frame()
 v = IntVar()
   v.set(1)  # Might help. v.get() at this point returned 0 for me.
 c = Checkbutton(f, text='hi there', variable=v)

Re: website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread jwaixs
Well, thank you for your advice. So I have a couple of solutions, but
it can't become a server at its own so this means I will deal with

Thank you for your advice, I'll first make it work... than the server.

Noud Aldenhoven


How do you program in Python?

2005-07-03 Thread anthonyberet
My question isn't as all-encompassing as the subject would suggest...

I am almost a Python newbie, but I have discovered that I don't get 
along with IDLE, as i can't work out how to run and rerun a routine 
without undue messing about.

What I would really like is something like an old-style BASIC 
interpreter, in which I could list, modify and test-run sections of 
code, to see the effects of tweaks, without having to save it each time, 
or re-typing it over and over (I haven't even worked out how to cut and 
paste effectively in the IDLE environment).

I see lots of alternate IDEs etc, but which would allow me the simple 
interface that I have described? - I really don't know about IDEs in 
general, and I suspect I would be out of my depth with one of those.

Thanks, and feel free to mock ;)

Re: website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread gene tani
maybe look at Harvestman


Re: Assigning to None

2005-07-03 Thread Rocco Moretti
François Pinard wrote:
 [Rocco Moretti]
foo, bar, _ = gen_tuple(stuff)
as '_' is already special cased (last result in interactive mode), and
is already used for don't care sematics in Prolog.
 `_' is also the `gettext' function in internationalised programs.  It so
 seems that `_' is in great demand! :-)

Hm, then assigning to '_' might not be the best idea in 
internationalized programs, then. Well, you still have '_'*2, '_'*3, 
'_'*4, etc.

A Policy for Inclusion in the Standard Library: was Modules for inclusion in standard library?

2005-07-03 Thread Colin J. Williams
Terry Reedy wrote:
 Colin J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
Isn't this where the discussion should start?  There should be some
general policy guiding the types of modules which should be in the
standard library.
 A couple of times, Guido has given his general policy as generally useful; 
 best-of-breed, tested and accepted by the community; and backed by a 
 developer who will adapt it and its doc up to stdlib standards (if 
 necessary) and commit to maintainence for a few years.
 Terry J. Reedy
This is a good base.  Presumably accepted by the community means
with some minimum number of ongoing users.

Colin W.


Re: How do you program in Python?

2005-07-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
anthonyberet wrote:
 My question isn't as all-encompassing as the subject would suggest...
 I am almost a Python newbie, but I have discovered that I don't get 
 along with IDLE, as i can't work out how to run and rerun a routine 
 without undue messing about.
 What I would really like is something like an old-style BASIC 
 interpreter, in which I could list, modify and test-run sections of 
 code, to see the effects of tweaks, without having to save it each time, 
 or re-typing it over and over (I haven't even worked out how to cut and 
 paste effectively in the IDLE environment).
 I see lots of alternate IDEs etc, but which would allow me the simple 
 interface that I have described? - I really don't know about IDEs in 
 general, and I suspect I would be out of my depth with one of those.

The property of basic to have explicit linenumbering is the reason 
you've been able to work in that style of programming, as you could 
simply overwrite parts of the  program. But that's close to undoable in 
all other languages.

   Python has the interactive REPL that you can use to toy around 
interactively and is very helpful to me - especially when enriched with 
rlcompleter2. - You can even replace functions or classes while working 
and toying around. But the amount of reasonable editing work that can be 
done in the interpreter is pretty limited. You _need_ a decent editor 
for that.

So what I usually do is to create a that contains the code I 
want to tinker with, and simply run that in a shell - cygwin on windows, 
but usually I work in *NIX-style environments, so it's even easier. As 
there is no compilation or whatsoever required, that works pretty well 
for me.


How execute a .py in this way?

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Cai
If it's a executable file, a .exe file, you can launch it in this
way, xxx.exe  input.txt. The text file input.txt will be
considered as the standard input.

But when I use this trick on python, it doesn't work. The only way to
do so is like this python  input.txt. But this method has a
problem, that you have to include the full path of unless
it's in your current folder even if is in a folder which has
been include in the eviorment variable path on windows. Thus, you
can execute you py program anywhere by using the command,
but when you want to use an exsiting file as it's input, you have to
use something like pythong  input.txt.

It's very inconvenient as I tried to make my python programs cowork with vim.

Sorry for my poor english!  

Re: math.nroot [was Re: A brief question.]

2005-07-03 Thread Tim Peters
[Fredrik Johansson]
 I'd rather like to see a well implemented math.nthroot. 64**(1/3.0)
 gives 3.9996, and this error could be avoided.

[Steven D'Aprano]


[Tom Anderson]
 Eeenteresting. I have no idea why this works. Given that math.log is
 always going to be approximate for numbers which aren't rational powers of
 e (which, since e is transcendental, is all rational numbers, and
 therefore all python floats, isn't it?), i'd expect to get the same
 roundoff errors here as with exponentiation. Is it just that the errors
 are sufficiently smaller that it looks exact?

Writing exp(log(x)*y) rather than x**y is in _general_ a terrible
idea, but in the example it happens to avoid the most important
rounding error entirely:  1./3. is less than one-third, so 64**(1./3.)
is less than 64 to the one-third.  Dividing by 3 instead of
multiplying by 1./3. is where the advantage comes from here:

 1./3.  # less than a third
 64**(1./3.)  # also too small
 exp(log(64)/3)  # happens to be on the nose

If we feed the same roundoff error into the exp+log method in
computing 1./3., we get a worse result than pow got:

 exp(log(64) * (1./3.))  # worse than pow's

None of this generalizes usefully -- these are example-driven
curiousities.  For example, let's try 2000 exact cubes, and count how
often the right answer is delivered:

c1 = c2 = 0
for i in range(1, 2001):
p = i**3
r1 = p ** (1./3.)
r2 = exp(log(p)/3)
c1 += r1 == i
c2 += r2 == i
print c1, c2

On my box that prints

3 284

so a wrong answer is overwhelmingly more common either way.  Fredrik
is right that if you want a library routine that can guarantee to
compute exact n'th roots whenever possible, it needs to be written for
that purpose.


 YES! This is something that winds me up no end; as far as i can tell,
 there is no clean programmatic way to make an inf or a NaN;

All Python behavior in the presence of infinities, NaNs, and signed
zeroes is a platform-dependent accident, mostly inherited from that
all C89 behavior in the presence of infinities, NaNs, and signed
zeroes is a platform-dependent crapshoot.

 in code i write which cares about such things, i have to start:

 inf = 1e300 ** 1e300
 nan = inf - inf

That would be much more portable (== would do what you intended by
accident on many more platforms) if you used multiplication instead of
exponentiation in the first line.


 And then god forbid i should actually want to test if a number is NaN,
 since, bizarrely, (x == nan) is true for every x; instead, i have to
 def isnan(x):
return (x == 0.0) and (x == 1.0)

The result of that is a platform-dependent accident too.  Python 2.4
(but not eariler than that) works hard to deliver _exactly_ the same
accident as the platform C compiler delivers, and at least NaN
comparisons work as intended (by IEEE 754) in 2.4 under gcc and MSVC
7.1 (because those C implementations treat NaN comparisons as intended
by IEEE 754; note that MSVC 6.0 did not):

 inf = 1e300 * 1e300
 nan == nan
 nan = inf - inf
 nan == 1.0
 nan  1.0
 nan  1.0
 nan == nan
 nan  nan
 nan  nan
 nan != nan

So at the Python level you can do x != x to see whether x is a NaN
in 2.4+(assuming that works in the C with which Python was compiled;
it does under gcc and MSVC 7.1).

 The IEEE spec actually says that (x == nan) should be *false* for every x,
 including nan. I'm not sure if this is more or less stupid than what
 python does!

Python did nothing on purpose here before Python 2.4.

 And while i'm ranting, how come these expressions aren't the same:

 1e300 * 1e300
 1e300 ** 2

Because all Python behavior in the presence of infinities, NaNs and
signed zeroes is a platform-dependent accident.

 And finally, does Guido know something about arithmetic that i don't,

Probably yes, but that's not really what you meant to ask wink.

 or is this expression:

 -1.0 ** 0.5

 Evaluated wrongly?

Read the manual for the precedence rules.  -x**y groups as -(x**y). 
-1.0 is the correct answer.  If you intended (-x)**y, then you need to
insert parentheses to force that order.

Re: debugger?

2005-07-03 Thread Renato Ramonda
Qiangning Hong ha scritto:
 Eric3 need pyqt so it is not free under windows platform.

Eric3 has had a free version for months now on windows, since the kde on 
win32 project recompiled the free versions on windows.

And qt4 now has a GPL version free on windows too.


Usi Fedora? Fai un salto da noi:

Re: Tkinter Checkbutton initialization problem

2005-07-03 Thread Paul Rubin
Scott David Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Paul Rubin wrote:
  Python 2.4, Windows XP.  If I say:
  f = Frame()
  v = IntVar()
v.set(1)  # Might help. v.get() at this point returned 0 for me.

Yeah, I tried that too.  Further reorganization of the code in some
other way suddenly made it start working.  I'll have to examine it to
see what I did since I wasn't paying attention to that particular
problem at the time.  I had checked for a bug report on this
and didn't see one, but maybe didn't check carefully enough.  I'll
look a little more and then file one, I guess.

Re: math.nroot [was Re: A brief question.]

2005-07-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 15:46:35 +0100, Tom Anderson wrote:

 I think there would be a lot less confusion over the alleged inaccuracy of 
 floating point if everyone wrote in hex - indeed, i believe that C99 has 
 hex floating-point literals. C has always been such a forward-thinking 

No, all that would do is shift the complaint from Python has a bug when
you divide 10 into 1.0 to Python has a bug when you convert 0.1 into hex.

 But this works:

 py inf = float(inf)
 py inf
 True. Still, i'd rather not have to rely on string parsing to generate a 
 fairly fundamental arithmetic quantity.

What happens when your Python script is running on a platform that can
deal with 1e300*1e300 giving 1e600 without overflow? Okay, maybe no such
platform exists today (or does it?), but it could exist, and your code
will fail on those systems.

I believe that the IEEE standard specifies that float(inf) should give
an infinity, just as float(0.0) should give a zero.

For production code, I'd wrap float(inf) in a try...except and only
fall back on your method if it raised an exception, and then I'd actually
test that your result was a real inf (eg by testing that inf+inf=inf).


 The IEEE spec actually says that (x == nan) should be *false* for every x,
 including nan. I'm not sure if this is more or less stupid than what
 python does!

 Well, no, the IEEE standard is correct. NaNs aren't equal to anything, 
 including themselves, since they aren't numbers.
 I don't buy that. Just because something isn't a number doesn't mean it 
 can't be equal to something else, does it? I mean, we even say x == None 
 if x is indeed None.

Yes, but None does equal None, since there is only one None, and by
definition, a thing is equal to itself.

But NaNs are _not_ things. That is the whole point! Yes, we _represent_
INF-INF as a particular bit-pattern and call it NaN, but mathematically
subtracting infinity from infinity is not defined. There is no answer to
the question what is infinity subtracted from infinity?.

We pretend that the answer is NaN, but that isn't right. The NaN is just
there as a placeholder for there is no answer, so that we don't have
to sprinkle our code with a thousand and one tests.

Since INF-INF doesn't have an answer, we can't do this:

x = inf - inf
y = inf - inf

and expect that x == y. 

 Moreover, this freaky rule about NaNs means that this 
 is an exception to the otherwise absolutely inviolate law that x == x.

Yes. So what? Remove the NaN shorthand:

The non-existent answer to this question is the same non-existent answer
to this other question.

It doesn't make sense to say that a non-thing is equal to anything -- even
to itself, since itself doesn't exist.

(Remember, a NaN is just an illusionary placeholder, not a number.)

 I'd rather have that simple, fundamental logical consistency than some IEEE 
 rocket scientist's practical-value-free idea of mathematical consistency.

Ah, from a _programmer's_ perspective, there is an argument that the
simplicity of just testing NaNs with equality outweighs the logical
silliness of doing such a thing. But, apart from testing whether a float
is a NaN, why would you ever want to do an equality test?

The only usage case I can think of is would be something like this:

def isNaN(x):
return x == SOME_KNOWN_NAN

But that won't work, because there are lots of different NaNs. 254 of
them, or twice that if you include signed NaNs (which you shouldn't, but
you do have to allow for them in equality testing).

Any good IEEE compliant system should already have a built-in function
that tests for NaNs.


 And while i'm ranting, how come these expressions aren't the same:

 1e300 * 1e300
 1e300 ** 2

 Because this is floating point, not real maths :-)

 I get inf and Overflow respectively. What do you get?
 The same. They really ought to give the same answer.

In real numbers, yes they should. In floating point, that is too much to
expect. In mathematics, the order you do your calculation shouldn't
matter. But in floating point, where there is rounding errors and finite
precision issues, it does.

The aim of the High Level Language designer is to insulate the programmer
from the ickiness of actual hardware implementation. Unfortunately, in the
case of floating point, you can't get away from the hardware limitations.

 And finally, does Guido know something about arithmetic that i don't,
 or is this expression:

 -1.0 ** 0.5

 Evaluated wrongly?

 No, it is evaluated according to the rules of precedence. It is
 equivalent to -(1.0**0.5). You are confusing it with (-1.0)**0.5 which
 fails as expected.
 Ah. My mistake. I submit that this is also a bug in python's grammar.
 There's probably some terribly good reason for it, though.

Yes. You generally want exponentiation to have the highest precedence.

2*3**4 should give 162, not 1296. Think about how you would write
that mathematically, with pencil and paper: the 4 is written 

Re: Favorite non-python language trick?

2005-07-03 Thread Christopher Subich
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 00:39:19 -0400, Christopher Subich wrote:
Personally, I think demanding that it be writable as a sum (or product, 
or any, or all) is a false standard -- nobody's claimed that these would 
replace all cases of reduce, just the most common ones.
 Er, excuse me, but that is EXACTLY what Devan claimed. 
 Quote: With the exception of reduce(lambda x,y:x*y, sequence), reduce can be
 replaced with sum, and Guido wants to add a product function.

Okay, then... not many people have claimed that sum is a universal 
replacement for reduce, only the most common cases.  It's further 
argued that the uncommon cases are more flexible and (again, mostly) 
anywhere from only slightly less readable to significantly more readable 
in for-loop form.

The only corner case that isn't, so far as I know, is when the reduce() 
has no default initial value and the sequence/generator might possibly 
have 0 elements.  But that's a TypeError anyway.

Re: math.nroot [was Re: A brief question.]

2005-07-03 Thread Tim Peters
[Steven D'Aprano]
 But this works:
 py inf = float(inf)
 py inf

Another platform-dependent accident.  That does not work, for example,
on Windows.  In fact, the Microsoft C float-string routines don't
support any way to spell infinity that works in the string-float

Re: how to retrive highlighted text in a browser?

2005-07-03 Thread Colin J. Williams
wcc wrote:
 Hello group,
 When browsing websites, quite often I have to look up words in
 dictionary.  I'm hoping that I can come up with a python program that
 does the following:
 When I highlight some text in browser and right-click, besides the
 default options such as COPY, PASTE, etc, I want an option that says
 Send to file, something like that.  The file is a text file, with
 fixed path. When I select this option, the highlighted text will be
 appended to the text file.  This way, I can collect those words 
 phrases that I don't know.
 Is this going to be a difficult task?  I'm a newbie in python. TIA for
 your help.
 - wcc
Firefox doesn't provide the file capture function you seek but, using a 
readily available extension, does permit dictionary lookup using the 
American Heritage Dictionary - the response comes with copious 
advertising which is not overly intrusive.

Colin W.

Re: How do you program in Python?

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Hansen
anthonyberet wrote:
 What I would really like is something like an old-style BASIC 
 interpreter, in which I could list, modify and test-run sections of 
 code, to see the effects of tweaks, without having to save it each time, 
 or re-typing it over and over (I haven't even worked out how to cut and 
 paste effectively in the IDLE environment).

I do all my work using Scite (a nice free editor that was built to 
demonstrate the Scintilla plugin that can also be used in Python 
programs through things like the StructuredTextControl in wxPython), 
with the auto-save-on-loss-of-focus feature enabled, and a command 
prompt open in another window.

I edit in the Scite window, hit Alt-Tab (under Windows XP) to change 
focus to the cmd console (and instantly all my modified files are 
saved), press the Cursor Up key to retrieve the previous command (which 
is generally the name of my script, or a command like python, and hit Enter to execute it.

So, any time I need to test the changes, I hit four keys (which at this 
point is understandably more like a chord that I hit without direct 
awareness of it) and I'm done.  Sounds pretty close to old-style BASIC 
and since I've come that route too (in the distant past), this may not 
be a coincidence.


Re: How execute a .py in this way?

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Hansen
Peter Cai wrote:
 Thus, you
 can execute you py program anywhere by using the command,
 but when you want to use an exsiting file as it's input, you have to
 use something like pythong  input.txt.

This is apparently a bug or limitation of Windows command prompts and 
may not be fixed any time soon.  Past threads have discussed it and a 
recent one even gave pointers to some web pages that explain it further.


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 08:14:28 -0700, Scott David Daniels wrote:

 egbert wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 02, 2005 at 08:26:31PM -0700, Devan L wrote:
Also, map is easily replaced.
map(f1, sequence) == [f1(element) for element in sequence]
 How do you replace
 map(f1,sequence1, sequence2)
 especially if the sequences are of unequal length ?
 I didn't see it mentioned yet as a candidate for limbo,
 but the same question goes for:
 OK, you guys are picking on what reduce cannot do.
 The first is [f1(*args) for args in itertools.izip(iter1, iter2)]

And now we get messier and messier... Compare these two idioms:

Map function f1 to each pair of items from seq1 and seq2.

Build a list comprehension by calling function f1 with the unpacked list
that you get from a list built by zipping seq1 and seq2 together in pairs.

Good thing that removing reduce is supposed to make code easier to
understand, right?

 How to _you_ use map to avoid making all the intermediate structures?

I don't understand the question. Presumably the sequences already exist.
That's not the point.

 I never saw anything about making zip go away.  It is easy to explain.

I don't find map any less clear than zip.

Except for the arbitrary choice that zip truncates unequal sequences while
map doesn't, zip is completely redundant:

def my_zip(*seqs):
return map(lambda *t: t, *seqs)

Zip is just a special case of map. I find it disturbing that Guido is
happy to fill Python with special case built-ins like sum, zip and
(proposed) product while wanting to cut out more general purpose solutions.

 If you want functional programming in python, you have at least
 three big problems:
 1) Python has side effect like mad, so order of evaluation matters.

Not if you *just* use functional operations.

Not that I would ever do that. The point isn't to turn Python into a
purely functional language, but to give Python developers access to
functional tools for when it is appropriate to use them.

 2) Python's essential function call is not a single-argument
 function which might be a tuple, it is a multi-argument function
 which is not evaluated in the same way.

And I'm sure that makes a difference to the functional programming
purists. But not to me.

 3) Python doesn't have a full set of functional primitives.
 Fold-right is one example, K-combinator is another,  Why pick on
 reduce as-is to keep?  There is another slippery slope argument
 going up the slope adding functional primitives.

My car isn't amphibious, so I can't go everywhere with it. Should I throw
it away just because I can't drive under water?

No, of course not. Just because Python isn't a purely functional language
doesn't mean that we should reject what functional idioms (like list
comps, and zip, and reduce) it does have.

Personally, I'd like to learn more about about fold-right and
K-combinator, rather than dump reduce and map.

Frankly, I find this entire discussion very surreal. Reduce etc *work*,
right now. They have worked for years. If people don't like them, nobody
is forcing them to use them. Python is being pushed into directions which
are *far* harder to understand than map and reduce (currying, decorators,
etc) and people don't complain about those. And yet something as simple
and basic as map is supposed to give them trouble? These are the same
people who clamoured for zip, which is just a special case of map?



Using regular expressions in internet searches

2005-07-03 Thread mike . ceravolo
What is the best way to use regular expressions to extract information
from the internet if one wants to search multiple pages? Let's say I
want to search all of and get a list of all the words that
follow Michael.

(1) Is Python the best language for this? (Plus is it time-efficient?)
Is there already a search engine that can do this?

(2) How can I search multiple web pages within a single location or




C parser with spark

2005-07-03 Thread Sébastien Boisgérault

Has anybody already implemented a full ANSI C parser
with John Aycock's spark module ?

(spark :




Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Christopher Subich
Carl Banks wrote:

 Listcomps et al. cannot do everything map, lambda, filter, and reduce
 did.  Listcomps are inferior for functional programming.  But, you see,
 functional is not the point.  Streamlining procedural programs is the
 point, and I'd say listcomps do that far better, and without all the
 baroque syntax (from the procedural point of view).

I've heard this said a couple times now -- how can listcomps not 
completely replace map and filter?

I'd think that:
mapped = [f(i) for i in seq]
filtered = [i for i in seq if f(i)]

The only map case that doesn't cleanly reduce is for multiple sequences 
of different length -- map will extend to the longest one (padding the 
others with None), while zip (izip) truncates sequences at the shortest. 
  This suggests an extension to (i)zip, possibly (i)lzip ['longest zip'] 
that does None padding in the same way that map does.

Reduce can be rewritten easily (if an initial value is supplied) as a 
for loop:
_accum = initial
for j in seq: _accum=f(_accum,j)
result = _accum

(two lines if the result variable can also be used as the accumulator -- 
this would be undesirable of assigning to that can trigger, say, a 
property function call)

Lambdas, I agree, can't be replaced easily, and they're the feature I'd 
probably be least happy to see go, even though I haven't used them very 

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Christopher Subich
Scott David Daniels wrote:
 egbert wrote:
 How do you replace
 map(f1,sequence1, sequence2)
 especially if the sequences are of unequal length ?

 I didn't see it mentioned yet as a candidate for limbo,
 but the same question goes for:
 OK, you guys are picking on what reduce cannot do.
 The first is [f1(*args) for args in itertools.izip(iter1, iter2)]
 How to _you_ use map to avoid making all the intermediate structures?

Not quite -- zip an izip terminate at the shortest sequence, map extends 
the shortest with Nones.  This is resolvable by addition of an lzip (and 
ilzip) function in Python 2.5 or something.

And egbert's Chicken Littling with the suggestion that 'zip' will be 

Re: Using regular expressions in internet searches

2005-07-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 What is the best way to use regular expressions to extract information
 from the internet if one wants to search multiple pages? Let's say I
 want to search all of and get a list of all the words that
 follow Michael.
 (1) Is Python the best language for this? (Plus is it time-efficient?)
 Is there already a search engine that can do this?
 (2) How can I search multiple web pages within a single location or

You'd probably better off using htdig.


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Hansen
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Frankly, I find this entire discussion very surreal. Reduce etc *work*,
 right now. They have worked for years. If people don't like them, nobody
 is forcing them to use them. Python is being pushed into directions which
 are *far* harder to understand than map and reduce (currying, decorators,
 etc) and people don't complain about those. 

I find it surreal too, for a different reason.

Python *works*, right now.  It has worked for years.  If people don't 
like the direction it's going, nobody is forcing them to upgrade to the 
new version (which is not imminent anyway).

In the unlikely event that the latest and greatest Python in, what, five 
years or more?, is so alien that one can't handle it, one has the right 
to fork Python and maintain a tried-and-true-and-still-including-reduce- 
-filter-and-map version of it, or even just to stick with the most 
recent version which still has those features.  And that's assuming it's 
not acceptable (for whatever bizarre reason I can't imagine) to use the 
inevitable third-party extension that will provide them anyway.

I wonder if some of those who seem most concerned are actually more 
worried about losing the free support of a team of expert developers as 
those developers evolve their vision of the language, than about losing 
access to something as minor as reduce().


Re: Inheriting from object

2005-07-03 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sat, 02 Jul 2005 12:26:49 -0700, Scott David Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Bengt Richter wrote:
 On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 08:54:31 -0700, Scott David Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Or, perhaps:
class foo(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(foo, self).__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

 Doesn't super(foo, self).__init__ return a bound method, so you don't
 need to pass self again? I.e.,
   super(foo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Yes, of course (a silly cut-o / paste-o).

 BTW, there's something about referring to type(self) by its not
 always dependably bound (though usually global) name that bothers me.
 I wonder if the above common use of super could be implemented as a property 
 of object,
 so you'd normally inherit it and be able to write
 self.super.__init__(*args, **kwargs)  # (maybe spell it 
 self.__super__.__init__(...) I suppose)
 I.e., self.__super__ would effectively return the equivalent of
 super(type(self), self)

The problem with this is:

 class A(object):
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 print 'Set A(*%r, **%r)' % (args, kwargs)
 class B(A):
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 print 'Set B(*%r, **%r)' % (args, kwargs)
 super(B, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
 class C(B):
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 print 'Set C(*%r, **%r)' % (args, kwargs)
 super(C, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

 class D(A):
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 print 'Set D(*%r, **%r)' % (args, kwargs)
 super(type(self), self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
 class E(D):
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 print 'Set E(*%r, **%r)' % (args, kwargs)
 super(type(self), self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

You'll see the problem when you attempt to create an instance of E.
All of the others work just fine.

Ok, I had a brain-o ;-) If we had class decorators analogous to function 
we could write
class X: ...

instead of
class X: ...
X = deco(args)(X)

below, but anyway (untested beond what you see), using your example, have a 
look: ---
# -- bokr 2005-07-03
from ut.presets import presets # function local presets decorator
def preset_super_ubm(target_method_name, super_method_name, alias=None):

class decorator to preset an unbound super-method as a local
alias name in a target method of the decorated class.

if alias is None: alias = 'SUPER'+super_method_name # for local name in 
target method
def super_deco(cls):
if not getattr(cls, target_method_name):
raise ValueError, 'class %s does not have a %s method' %(
cls.__name__, target_method_name)
for base in cls.mro()[1:]:
if hasattr(base, super_method_name):
ubm = getattr(base, super_method_name)
setattr(cls, target_method_name, presets(**{alias:ubm})(
return cls
raise ValueError, '%s not found as super-method' % super_method_name
return super_deco

def test():
class A(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print 'Set A(*%r, **%r)' % (args, kwargs)
SUPER__init__(self, *(('from A:',)+args), **kwargs)
A = preset_super_ubm('__init__', '__init__')(A)
class B(A):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print 'Set B(*%r, **%r)' % (args, kwargs)
SUPER__init__(self, *(('from B:',)+args), **kwargs)
#super(B, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
B = preset_super_ubm('__init__', '__init__')(B)

class C(B):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print 'Set C(*%r, **%r)' % (args, kwargs)
SUPER__init__(self, *(('from C:',)+args), **kwargs)
#super(C, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
C = preset_super_ubm('__init__', '__init__')(C)

class D(A):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print 'Set D(*%r, **%r)' % (args, kwargs)
SUPER__init__(self, *(('from D:',)+args), **kwargs)
#super(type(self), self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
D = preset_super_ubm('__init__', '__init__')(D)

class E(D):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print 'Set E(*%r, **%r)' % (args, kwargs)
SUPER__init__(self, *(('from E:',)+args), **kwargs)
#super(type(self), self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
E = preset_super_ubm('__init__', '__init__')(E)

print '... from creating instance %s\n' % A('some', 'args', a='keyword')
print '... from creating instance %s\n' % B('some', 'args', a='keyword')
print '... from creating instance %s\n' % C('some', 'args', a='keyword')
print '... from 

Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientificmini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Jp Calderone
On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 14:43:14 -0400, Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Frankly, I find this entire discussion very surreal. Reduce etc *work*,
 right now. They have worked for years. If people don't like them, nobody
 is forcing them to use them. Python is being pushed into directions which
 are *far* harder to understand than map and reduce (currying, decorators,
 etc) and people don't complain about those.

I find it surreal too, for a different reason.

Python *works*, right now.  It has worked for years.  If people don't
like the direction it's going, nobody is forcing them to upgrade to the
new version (which is not imminent anyway).

In the unlikely event that the latest and greatest Python in, what, five
years or more?, is so alien that one can't handle it, one has the right
to fork Python and maintain a tried-and-true-and-still-including-reduce-
-filter-and-map version of it, or even just to stick with the most
recent version which still has those features.  And that's assuming it's
not acceptable (for whatever bizarre reason I can't imagine) to use the
inevitable third-party extension that will provide them anyway.

I wonder if some of those who seem most concerned are actually more
worried about losing the free support of a team of expert developers as
those developers evolve their vision of the language, than about losing
access to something as minor as reduce().

This is a specious line of reasoning.  Here's why:

Lots of people use Python, like Python, want to keep using Python.  Moreover, 
they want Python to improve, rather than the reverse.  Different people have 
different ideas about what improve means.  Guido has his ideas, and since 
he's the BDFL, those are the ideas most likely to influence the direction of 
Python's development.

However, Guido isn't the only person with ideas, nor are his ideas the only 
ones that should be allowed to influence the direction of Python's development. 
 Guido himself wouldn't even be silly enough to take this position.  He knows 
he is not the ultimate source of wisdom in the world on all matters programming 

So when people disagree with him, suggesting that they should leave the Python 
community is ridiculous.  Just like Guido (and the overwhelming majority of the 
Python community - heck, maybe even all of it), these people are trying to 
improve the language.

Leaving the community isn't going to improve the language.  Continuing to 
operate actively within it just might.

For my part, I lack the time and energy to participate in many of these 
discussions, but anyone who knows me knows I'm not silent because I see eye to 
eye with Guido on every issue :)  I'm extremely greatful to the people who do 
give so much of their own time to try to further the Python language.

Suggesting people can like it or lump it is a disservice to everyone.

(Sorry to single you out Peter, I know you frequently contribute great content 
to these discussions too, and that there are plenty of other people who respond 
in the way you have in this message, but I had to pick /some/ post to reply to)


Re: Using regular expressions in internet searches

2005-07-03 Thread MyHaz
Python would be good for this, but if you just want a chuck an rumble
solution might be.

bash $wget -r --ignore-robots -l 0 -c -t 3
bash $ grep -r Micheal.* ./*

Or you could do a wget/python mix


import sys
import re
sys.os.command(wget -r --ignore-robots -l 0 -c -t 3;)
re_iraq=re.compile(iraq .+?,re.IGNORECASE)

while file in dirs under ./ 
iraqs = re_iraq.findall(
print iraqs


Re: How do you program in Python?

2005-07-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

anthonyberet wrote:
 My question isn't as all-encompassing as the subject would suggest...

 I am almost a Python newbie, but I have discovered that I don't get
 along with IDLE, as i can't work out how to run and rerun a routine
 without undue messing about.

 What I would really like is something like an old-style BASIC
 interpreter, in which I could list, modify and test-run sections of
 code, to see the effects of tweaks, without having to save it each time,
 or re-typing it over and over (I haven't even worked out how to cut and
 paste effectively in the IDLE environment).

I think you're missing something about IDLE if you are re-typing.

For example:

IDLE 1.1a3
 for i in range(25):
print i,

When you type the above, you get

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Now let's say you want to re-run that with 10 instead of 25.
You don't have to re-type it. Click to place your cursor anywhere
in the original block of code and hit return. Idle will re-type
the entire block for you:

 for i in range(25):
print i,

The cursor will be at the very end of the block so you can re-run
it by hitting enter twice. But you'll get the same output.
Instead of hitting enter twice, use your cursor keys (or mouse)
to move to the 25 in the range function and edit it to 10. Once
edited, move the cursor back to end of the block and hit enter
twice to execute

 for i in range(10):
print i,

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

It sounds worse than it is, just takes a little getting used to.

Once you're happy with that code fragment, edit it again and add
a definition at the start.

[1] click in the block and hit enter, Idle re-types the block

 for i in range(10):
print i,

[2] place cursor in front of the 'for' and add a function name
and change the 'for' to use the parameter instead of a constant

 def t(n): for i in range(n):
print i,

[3] hit enter (here we do want to insert a line) and IDLE will
show you this (indents adjust automatically)

 def t(n):
for i in range(n):
print i,

[4] move cursor to the end of the block (after the comma)
and hit enter twice

Nothing happens. You have defined a function, but did not execute
it. To execute it, type its name with some value of n.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Now you can try it out with different values of n without having
to edit the whole block. Now if you want to change the function
definition, say we want each number output on a seperate line,
do the same thing we did before. Click anywhere in the block and
hit enter. The entire block is re-typed for you. Make your change
(remove the comma) and hit enter twice.

 def t(n):
for i in range(n):
print i

Again, the function is not executed. And you can always simply
click on the previously typed line t(8) and hit enter twice


 I see lots of alternate IDEs etc, but which would allow me the simple
 interface that I have described? - I really don't know about IDEs in
 general, and I suspect I would be out of my depth with one of those.
 Thanks, and feel free to mock ;)


Re: math.nroot [was Re: A brief question.]

2005-07-03 Thread Tom Anderson
On Sun, 3 Jul 2005, George Sakkis wrote:

 Tom Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And finally, does Guido know something about arithmetic that i don't, or
 is this expression:

 -1.0 ** 0.5

 Evaluated wrongly?

 No, it is evaluated according to the rules of precedence. It is
 equivalent to -(1.0**0.5). You are confusing it with (-1.0)**0.5 which
 fails as expected.

 Ah. My mistake. I submit that this is also a bug in python's grammar.
 There's probably some terribly good reason for it, though.

 How about 'conformance with standard mathematic notation', does this 
 count for a terribly good reason?

Yes. However, it's an excellent reason why python's precedence rules are 
wrong - in conventional mathematical notation, the unary minus, used to 
denote the sign of a literal number, does indeed have higher precedence 
than exponentiation: -1^2 evaluates to 1, not -1.

 What would one expect to be the result of 5^2 - 2^2, 29 or 21?


 Would you expect 5^2 + - 2^2 to be different, even if you write it as 
 5^2 + -2 ^ 2 ?

Yes: 5^2 + -2^2 is 29, however you write it.

 White space is not significant in math AFAIK ;-)

No, but there's a very big difference between unary and binary minus.


When you mentioned INSERT-MIND-INPUT ... did they look at you like this?

Re: Using regular expressions in internet searches

2005-07-03 Thread Jp Calderone
On 3 Jul 2005 10:49:03 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What is the best way to use regular expressions to extract information
from the internet if one wants to search multiple pages? Let's say I
want to search all of and get a list of all the words that
follow Michael.

(1) Is Python the best language for this? (Plus is it time-efficient?)
Is there already a search engine that can do this?

(2) How can I search multiple web pages within a single location or



Is a google search for Michael not up to the task?


need to get an index for an item in a list

2005-07-03 Thread nephish
hey there,
i need to be able to get the index for an item in a list.
the list is a list of lines read from a text file.

like this:

file = open(/home/somefile.text, r)
lines = file.readlines()

now, i want to see if a certain string is == to one of the lines
and if so, i need to know the index of that line.

any ideas?



Re: Assigning to None (was Re: Question about Python)

2005-07-03 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 11:47:07 +1000, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 12:59:20 -0400, François Pinard wrote:

 [Peter Hansen]
 Mike Meyer wrote:
  Yes. I once grabbed an old program that did assignments to None. But
  that's always been a bad idea.
 What was the use case!?
 People used to assign None to itself as a keyword argument in function
 headers.  The goal was to make a local copy of the reference, which was
 then accessed faster than the global thing.

Can you say premature optimization is the root of all evil?

I'd like to see the profiling that demonstrated that this made a
significant -- or even measurable -- speed-up in anything but the most
unusual cases.

The difference between local and global access is definitely measurable, though
there's no reason to use None as the local name if you want to do that kind
of optimization (not possible in 2.4+)

  from time import clock
  def test():
 ... none = None # local
 ... t0 = clock()
 ... for i in xrange(10**6): v = None
 ... t1 = clock()
 ... for i in xrange(10**6): v = none
 ... t2 = clock()
 ... print 't1-t0 = %f, t2=t1 = %f, ratio = %f' %(t1-t0, t2-t1, 
 t1-t0 = 0.971914, t2=t1 = 0.766901, ratio = 1.267327

about 25% longer to get a global (AND bind it locally, which the two timings 
than to do the same for a local, it seems.

Bengt Richter

Re: Accepted Summer of Code proposals

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Decker
On 7/2/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A.M. Kuchling wrote:
  For anyone who's interested: the Python wiki now contains a list of the
  PSF-mentored proposals that were accepted for Google's Summer of Code:

 Is it right that two Wax proposals were accepted?

Or that Wax is being promoted over Dabo, which wraps wxPython just as
elegantly in its UI tier, and which is further along (more controls
supported) than Wax, is more powerful (data binding is built in), and
is still being actively developed? I looked at Wax, but it seems to be
at best a side project to Hans, with no goal in sight. Dabo blew me
away with just how easy it is to create UI apps without all that C++
cruft that wxPython inherits from wxWidgets.

# p.d.

Re: PIL question: keeping metadata

2005-07-03 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Ilpo Nyyssönen napisał(a):

Is there any way of keeping this info in PIL?

I don't think so... when I investigated in the past, I think I
discovered that the PIL can't write EXIF data (I might be wrong,
though, or my information might be outdated).
 There is this:

It would be nice to have general EXIF module, the one that is able to 
read and write image metadata. Consider such case: you want to rotate 
some image from digital camera, but don't want to remove completely the 
whole EXIF metadata -- modifying one field would be sufficient.

Jarek Zgoda

Re: math.nroot [was Re: A brief question.]

2005-07-03 Thread Tom Anderson
On Sun, 3 Jul 2005, Tim Peters wrote:

 [Fredrik Johansson]

 I'd rather like to see a well implemented math.nthroot. 64**(1/3.0)
 gives 3.9996, and this error could be avoided.

 [Steven D'Aprano]


 None of this generalizes usefully -- these are example-driven

I was afraid of that. Thanks for shedding some light on it, though.

 YES! This is something that winds me up no end; as far as i can tell,
 there is no clean programmatic way to make an inf or a NaN;

 All Python behavior in the presence of infinities, NaNs, and signed 
 zeroes is a platform-dependent accident, mostly inherited from that all 
 C89 behavior in the presence of infinities, NaNs, and signed zeroes is a 
 platform-dependent crapshoot.

Okay. That's a shame.

 in code i write which cares about such things, i have to start:

 inf = 1e300 ** 1e300
 nan = inf - inf

 That would be much more portable (== would do what you intended by 
 accident on many more platforms) if you used multiplication instead of 
 exponentiation in the first line.

Yes - that's what i meant to write, but i must have got carried away with 
the asterisks. Sorry about that.

 And then god forbid i should actually want to test if a number is NaN,
 since, bizarrely, (x == nan) is true for every x; instead, i have to

 def isnan(x):
return (x == 0.0) and (x == 1.0)

 The result of that is a platform-dependent accident too.  Python 2.4
 (but not eariler than that) works hard to deliver _exactly_ the same
 accident as the platform C compiler delivers, and at least NaN
 comparisons work as intended (by IEEE 754) in 2.4 under gcc and MSVC
 7.1 (because those C implementations treat NaN comparisons as intended
 by IEEE 754; note that MSVC 6.0 did not):

 So at the Python level you can do x != x to see whether x is a NaN
 in 2.4+(assuming that works in the C with which Python was compiled;
 it does under gcc and MSVC 7.1).

I see. I have to confess that i'm using 2.3.

So, is there a way of generating and testing for infinities and NaNs 
that's portable across platforms and versions of python? If not, could we 
perhaps have some constants in the math module for them? math.inf and 
math.nan should do nicely (although there is the question of just _which_ 
nan that should be ...). It wouldn't help with old versions of python, but 
it'd solve the problem for the future.

 or is this expression:

 -1.0 ** 0.5

 Evaluated wrongly?

 Read the manual for the precedence rules.  -x**y groups as -(x**y). -1.0 
 is the correct answer.  If you intended (-x)**y, then you need to insert 
 parentheses to force that order.

So i see. Any idea why that precedence order was chosen? It goes against 
conventional mathematical notation, as well as established practice in 
other languages.

Also, would it be a good idea for (-1.0) ** 0.5 to evaluate to 1.0j? It 
seems a shame to have complex numbers in the language and then miss this 
opportunity to use them!


When you mentioned INSERT-MIND-INPUT ... did they look at you like this?

Re: need to get an index for an item in a list

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Hansen
 i need to be able to get the index for an item in a list.

 any ideas?

Fire up the interactive interpreter and learn to use it to help 
yourself.  In this case, the most useful thing might be to know about 
the dir() builtin method, which you can use on a list like so:


Note in the output the presence of the index method...  I'll leave it 
up to you to read the docs to learn more about how to use it, or you can 
just experiment at the prompt to see how it works.


Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientific mini-survey

2005-07-03 Thread Ron Adam
Erik Max Francis wrote:

 Ron Adam wrote:

 I'm just estimating, but I think that is the gist of adding those two 
 in exchange for reduce.  Not that they will replace all of reduce use 
 cases, but that sum and product cover most situations and can be 
 implemented more efficiently than using reduce or a for loop to do the 
 same thing.  The other situations can easily be done using for loops, 
 so it's really not much of a loss.
 I really don't understand this reasoning.  You essentially grant the 
 position that reduce has a purpose, but you still seem to approve 
 removing it.  Let's grant your whole point and say that 90% of the use 
 cases for reduce are covered by sum and product, and the other 10% are 
 used by eggheads and are of almost no interest to programmers.  But it 
 still serves a purpose, and a useful one.  That it's not of immediate 
 use to anyone is an argument for moving it into a functional module 
 (something I would have no serious objection to, though I don't see its 
 necessity), not for removing it altogether!  Why would you remove the 
 functionality that already exists _and is being used_ just because? What 
 harm does it do, vs. the benefit of leaving it in?

There are really two separate issues here.

First on removing reduce:

1. There is no reason why reduce can't be put in a functional module or 
you can write the equivalent yourself.  It's not that hard to do, so it 
isn't that big of a deal to not have it as a built in.

2. Reduce calls a function on every item in the list, so it's 
performance isn't much better than the equivalent code using a for-loop.

  *** (note, that list.sort() has the same problem. I would support 
replacing it with a sort that uses an optional 'order-list' as a sort 
key.  I think it's performance could be increased a great deal by 
removing the function call reference. ***

Second, the addition of sum  product:

1. Sum, and less so Product, are fairly common operations so they have 
plenty of use case arguments for including them.

2. They don't need to call a pre-defined function between every item, so 
they can be completely handled internally by C code. They will be much 
much faster than equivalent code using reduce or a for-loop.  This 
represents a speed increase for every program that totals or subtotals a 
list, or finds a product of a set.

 But removing reduce is just removing 
 functionality for no other reason, it seems, than spite.

No, not for spite. It's more a matter of increasing the over all 
performance and usefulness of Python without making it more complicated. 
In order to add new stuff that is better thought out, some things 
will need to be removed or else the language will continue to grow and 
be another visual basic.

Having sum and product built in has a clear advantage in both 
performance and potential frequency of use, where as reduce doesn't have 
the same performance advantage and most poeple don't use it anyway, so 
why have it built in if sum and product are?  Why not just code it as a 
function and put it in your own module?

 def reduce( f, seq):
 x = 0
 for y in seq:
 x = f(x,y)
 return x

But I suspect that most people would just do what I currently do and 
write the for-loop to do what they want directly instead of using lambda 
in reduce.

 x = 1
 for y in seq:
 x = x**y

If performance is needed while using reduce with very large lists or 
arrays, using the numeric module would be a much better solution.



Re: need to get an index for an item in a list

2005-07-03 Thread Roy Smith

 hey there,
 i need to be able to get the index for an item in a list.
 the list is a list of lines read from a text file.
 like this:
 file = open(/home/somefile.text, r)
 lines = file.readlines()
 now, i want to see if a certain string is == to one of the lines
 and if so, i need to know the index of that line.

Assuming you're already read the lines from the file with the above code, 
something along the lines of the following will work:

for lineNumber, line in enumerate (lines):

But, starting from scratch, it'll be more efficient to do:

for  lineNumber, line in enumerate (file (filename)):

because it'll read lines one at a time as needed, instead of gulping them 
all in at once and buffering them in memory.  For small files (say, less 
than a few hundred lines), it probably won't make any appreciable 
difference, but for big files, it can be substantial.

BTW, enumerate() starts counting from 0; you might want to add 1 to what it 
returns to get a file line number.

Re: Accepted Summer of Code proposals

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Hansen
Peter Decker wrote:
 On 7/2/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is it right that two Wax proposals were accepted?
 Or that Wax is being promoted over Dabo

Promoted?  Do you know if any Dabo proposals were even made?  And how 
good the proposals were?

The money goes to those who are actually willing to do some work, and to 
those projects for which willing mentors are available.  Perhaps one of 
these things wasn't present in Dabo's case...


Re: need to get an index for an item in a list

2005-07-03 Thread Roy Smith
 Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  i need to be able to get the index for an item in a list.
  any ideas?
 Fire up the interactive interpreter and learn to use it to help 
 yourself.  In this case, the most useful thing might be to know about 
 the dir() builtin method, which you can use on a list like so:
 Note in the output the presence of the index method...  I'll leave it 
 up to you to read the docs to learn more about how to use it, or you can 
 just experiment at the prompt to see how it works.

I certainly agree that dir() is a very handy tool to know about, and that 
poking around with it in the interactive interpreter is a great way to 
learn what's possible.

That being said, index() isn't isn't going to work if there are duplicate 
lines in the file; it'll return the index of the first one.

Re: Accepted Summer of Code proposals

2005-07-03 Thread Robert Kern
Peter Decker wrote:
 On 7/2/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A.M. Kuchling wrote:

For anyone who's interested: the Python wiki now contains a list of the
PSF-mentored proposals that were accepted for Google's Summer of Code:

Is it right that two Wax proposals were accepted?
 Or that Wax is being promoted over Dabo, which wraps wxPython just as
 elegantly in its UI tier, and which is further along (more controls
 supported) than Wax, is more powerful (data binding is built in), and
 is still being actively developed?

I would suggest not speculating on biased or malicious intentions. It is 
possible that no one applied with a proposal to work on Dabo, or that 
such a proposal was poorly written, or that the author had too little 
experience, or any number of other things.

(Disclosure: I am now a co-mentor on an unrelated SoC project, but I 
wasn't part of the group rating and selecting proposals.)

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: need to get an index for an item in a list

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Hansen
Roy Smith wrote:
 That being said, index() isn't isn't going to work if there are duplicate 
 lines in the file; it'll return the index of the first one.

It will still work, if you are willing to do a bit of work to help it:

  l = range(10) + [5]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 5]
  l.index(5, 5+1)

As with str.index(), the one for list takes a second argument that 
specifies the index at which to start the search, allowing you to skip 
past items that have already been checked.

That said, other approaches (such as Roy suggested in his other post) 
may well be more appropriate depending on the context.


Re: Proposal: reducing self.x=x; self.y=y; self.z=z boilerplate code

2005-07-03 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sat, 02 Jul 2005 13:50:25 GMT, Andrew Koenig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

class grouping:

def __init__(self, .x, .y, .z):
# real code right here

 Emulation using existing syntax::

def __init__(self, x, y, z):
self.x = x
del x
self.y = y
del y
self.z = z
del z

I think this is a bad idea, for a subtle reason.

In Python, unlike many other languages, the names of formal parameters are 
part of a function's interface. For example:

def f(x, y):
return x-y

Now f(3, 4) is -1 and f(y=3,x=4) is 1.

The names of instance variables are generally not part of a class' 
interface--they are part of its implementation.

This proposed feature, whenever used, would tie a class' implementation to 
the interface of every method that uses the feature.  As far as I can see, 
it is impossible to use the feature without constraining the implementation 
in this way.

For this reason, I would much rather have the mapping between parameter 
names and instance variables be explicit.

What if parameter name syntax were expanded to allow dotted names as binding
targets in the local scope for the argument or default values? E.g.,

def foometh(self, self.x=0, self.y=0): pass

would have the same effect as

def foometh(self, self.y=0, self.x=0): pass

and there would be a persistent effect in the attributes of self
(whatever object that was), even with a body of pass.

I'm not sure about foo(self, **{'self.x':0, 'self.y':0}), but if
you didn't capture the dict with a **kw formal parameter, IWT you'd
have to be consistent and effect the attribute bindings implied.

(Just a non-thought-out bf here, not too serious ;-)

Bengt Richter

Re: How do you program in Python?

2005-07-03 Thread James

Peter Hansen wrote:
 anthonyberet wrote:
  What I would really like is something like an old-style BASIC
  interpreter, in which I could list, modify and test-run sections of
  code, to see the effects of tweaks, without having to save it each time,
  or re-typing it over and over (I haven't even worked out how to cut and
  paste effectively in the IDLE environment).

 I do all my work using Scite (a nice free editor that was built to
 demonstrate the Scintilla plugin that can also be used in Python
 programs through things like the StructuredTextControl in wxPython),
 with the auto-save-on-loss-of-focus feature enabled, and a command
 prompt open in another window.

 I edit in the Scite window, hit Alt-Tab (under Windows XP) to change
 focus to the cmd console (and instantly all my modified files are
 saved), press the Cursor Up key to retrieve the previous command (which
 is generally the name of my script, or a command like python, and hit Enter to execute it.

 So, any time I need to test the changes, I hit four keys (which at this
 point is understandably more like a chord that I hit without direct
 awareness of it) and I'm done.  Sounds pretty close to old-style BASIC
 and since I've come that route too (in the distant past), this may not
 be a coincidence.

Just curious. Why do you Alt-Tab to a console when you can just hit F5
in SciTE? That's just 1 key instead of 4. And yes, SciTE can autosave
here too.


Re: math.nroot [was Re: A brief question.]

2005-07-03 Thread Tom Anderson
On Mon, 4 Jul 2005, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Sun, 03 Jul 2005 15:46:35 +0100, Tom Anderson wrote:

 I think there would be a lot less confusion over the alleged inaccuracy of
 floating point if everyone wrote in hex - indeed, i believe that C99 has
 hex floating-point literals. C has always been such a forward-thinking

 No, all that would do is shift the complaint from Python has a bug when
 you divide 10 into 1.0 to Python has a bug when you convert 0.1 into hex.

Ah, but since the programmer would have to do that conversion themself, 
they wouldn't be able to blame python got it!

 But this works:

 py inf = float(inf)
 py inf

 True. Still, i'd rather not have to rely on string parsing to generate a
 fairly fundamental arithmetic quantity.

 What happens when your Python script is running on a platform that can
 deal with 1e300*1e300 giving 1e600 without overflow?

Then i lose.

 Okay, maybe no such platform exists today (or does it?), but it could 
 exist, and your code will fail on those systems.

 I believe that the IEEE standard specifies that float(inf) should give
 an infinity, just as float(0.0) should give a zero.

I think it's been pointed out that this fails on (some versions of?) 

 For production code, I'd wrap float(inf) in a try...except and only 
 fall back on your method if it raised an exception, and then I'd 
 actually test that your result was a real inf (eg by testing that 

Okay, let's try this ...

def mkinf():
return float(inf)
except ValueError:
x = 1e300
while ((x + x) != x):
x = x * x
return x

inf = mkinf()

Is that a portable solution?

 The IEEE spec actually says that (x == nan) should be *false* for 
 every x, including nan. I'm not sure if this is more or less stupid 
 than what python does!

 Well, no, the IEEE standard is correct. NaNs aren't equal to anything, 
 including themselves, since they aren't numbers.

 I don't buy that. Just because something isn't a number doesn't mean it
 can't be equal to something else, does it? I mean, we even say x == None
 if x is indeed None.

 Yes, but None does equal None, since there is only one None, and by 
 definition, a thing is equal to itself.


 But NaNs are _not_ things.

I disagree. A NaN _is_ a thing; it's not a floating-point number, for 
sure, but it is a symbol which means there is no answer, or i don't 
know, and as such, it should follow the universal rules which apply to 
all things.

 That is the whole point! Yes, we _represent_ INF-INF as a particular 
 bit-pattern and call it NaN, but mathematically subtracting infinity 
 from infinity is not defined. There is no answer to the question what 
 is infinity subtracted from infinity?.

There is a value at large in my programs, represented however, meaning 
whatever, and with whatever name, and it should follow the same 
fundamental rules as every single other value in the entire programmatic 
universe. Yes, NaN is a special case, but special cases aren't special 
enough to break the rules.

 We pretend that the answer is NaN, but that isn't right. The NaN is just 
 there as a placeholder for there is no answer, so that we don't have 
 to sprinkle our code with a thousand and one tests.

In the same way as None is a placeholder for there is no thing. These 
placeholders are themselves things!

 Since INF-INF doesn't have an answer, we can't do this:

 x = inf - inf
 y = inf - inf

 and expect that x == y.

I think we can. Both x and y have the same value, a value of 
indeterminacy. NaN is a rigidly defined value of doubt and uncertainty!

 Moreover, this freaky rule about NaNs means that this is an exception 
 to the otherwise absolutely inviolate law that x == x.

 Yes. So what? Remove the NaN shorthand:

 The non-existent answer to this question is the same non-existent answer
 to this other question.

Make sense to me.

 It doesn't make sense to say that a non-thing is equal to anything -- even
 to itself, since itself doesn't exist.

 (Remember, a NaN is just an illusionary placeholder, not a number.)

If you think it's illusionary, i invite you to inspect the contents of my 
variables - i have a real, live NaN trapped in one of them!

 I'd rather have that simple, fundamental logical consistency than some IEEE
 rocket scientist's practical-value-free idea of mathematical consistency.

 Ah, from a _programmer's_ perspective, there is an argument that the 
 simplicity of just testing NaNs with equality outweighs the logical 
 silliness of doing such a thing.

Yes. It may not be mathematically pure (although i argue that it is, in 
fact, as long as you don't think of floats as being real numbers), it is 
practical, and practicality beats purity.

 But, apart from testing whether a float is a NaN, why would you ever 
 want to do an equality test?

By definition, never. Isn't that usage reason enough?

 The only 

Re: Determining actual elapsed (wall-clock) time

2005-07-03 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sat, 2 Jul 2005 19:44:19 -0400, Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[Peter Hansen]
 Hmmm... not only that, but at least under XP the return value of
 time.time() _is_ UTC.  At least, it's entirely unaffected by the
 daylight savings time change, or (apparently) by changes in time zone.

On all platforms, time.time() returns the number of seconds since the
epoch.  All POSIX systems agree on when the epoch began, but that
doesn't really matter to your use case.  Number of seconds since the
epoch is insensitive to daylight time, time zone, leap seconds, etc.=20
Users can nevertheless make it appear to jump (into the future or the
past) by changing their system clock.  If you need an absolute measure
of time immune to user whims, you need to connect to special hardware,
or to an external time source.

For the latter, Peter, you can probably adapt Paul Rubin'
found at

Bengt Richter

Re: A Policy for Inclusion in the Standard Library: was Modules forinclusion in standard library?

2005-07-03 Thread Terry Reedy

Colin J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Terry Reedy wrote:

 A couple of times, Guido has given his general policy as generally 
 best-of-breed, tested and accepted by the community; and backed by a
 developer who will adapt it and its doc up to stdlib standards (if
 necessary) and commit to maintainence for a few years.

 This is a good base.  Presumably accepted by the community means
 with some minimum number of ongoing users.

Yes.  Users also indicate practical (versus theoretical) usefullness and 
also test beyond what a developer might (especially documentation).

Of course, modules written by the inner core group of active developers or 
on their behalf may bypass these criteria, but the context of my answer was 
discussion of inclusion of existing modules mostly or all written by other 

Part of the maintainence requirement is a willingness to work compatibly 
with the Python release cycle.  Related to that is something I left out on 
the other side: willingness to license the module to the PSF for inclusion. 
Some people seem to assume that everyone 'of course' wants their stuff 
included and that it is just Guido blocking inclusion, but that just is not 

Terry J. Reedy


Re: Accepted Summer of Code proposals

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Decker
On 7/3/05, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would suggest not speculating on biased or malicious intentions. It is
 possible that no one applied with a proposal to work on Dabo, or that
 such a proposal was poorly written, or that the author had too little
 experience, or any number of other things.

I wasn't implying malicious intentions; if that's the way it read, I
apologize. I only meant to express surprise.

I know that there was a proposal from Dabo, but I don't know much more
than that. I've simply been following both projects for some time now,
and find that the Dabo folks have done so much more in much less time,
and that their stuff seems so much more straightforward. Wax seems to
be slowly drifting along, while Dabo is moving ahead steadily.

Re: What are the other options against Zope?

2005-07-03 Thread Mike Meyer
Christopher Subich [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 That, and the file format definitely isn't robust to bit-rot that
 happened too often on FAT16/32 filesystems.

From where I sit, the critical difference between the registry and a
set of .ini files (or Unix rc files) is that the registry requires
special tools to tweak if it gets so busted you can't boot the
system. The .ini (rc) files require nothing more complicated than an
editor. Editors you sort of have to know - so fixing the .ini (rc)
files doesn't require learning anything beyond the configuration
system. To add insult to injury, the tools for hacking the Windows
registry all require you to bring up a GUI, which means your rescue
disk has to include a GUI.

Note that Unix isn't immune to things like the registry. AIX(*) puts
all the configuration information in an object database, that require
special tools to manipulate. At least AIX provides CLI and
curses-based tools to do the work.


*) I know, some people don't consider AIX to be Unix. But it at least
reminds you of Unix...
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: need to get an index for an item in a list

2005-07-03 Thread nephish
Hey, thanks, this has worked out for me.
i am trying to do as much of this as possible in IDLE because
it lets me know on the fly what is messed up.
thanks for your help


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