RELEASED Python 2.4.2, release candidate 1

2005-09-22 Thread Anthony Baxter
On behalf of the Python development team and the Python community, I'm
happy to announce the release of Python 2.4.2 (release candidate 1).

Python 2.4.2 is a bug-fix release. See the release notes at the 
website (also available as Misc/NEWS in the source distribution) for 
details of the more than 60 bugs squished in this release.

Assuming no major problems crop up, a final release of Python 2.4.2 
will follow in about a week's time. 

For more information on Python 2.4.2, including download links for
various platforms, release notes, and known issues, please see:

Highlights of this new release include:

  - Bug fixes. According to the release notes, more than 60 have been
fixed, including bugs that prevented Python from working properly
on 64 bit HP/UX and AIX systems.

Highlights of the previous major Python release (2.4) are available 
from the Python 2.4 page, at

Enjoy the new release,

Anthony Baxter
Python Release Manager
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team)

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANNOUNCE: nautilus-python 0.4.1

2005-09-22 Thread Johan Dahlin
I am pleased to announce the first public release of nautilus-python.

The new release is available from

What's new since 0.4.1:

* Memory leaks plugged (Gustavo)
* Do not install examples (Gustavo)
* Improve documentation (Gustavo)
* Allow extensions to be loaded from $HOME (Gustavo)

I'd like to thank the following people, for helping me during the
   Sidnei da Silva, Gustavo Carneiro, Thomas Vander Stichele,
   Sebastien Bacher and Ross Burton.

Sidnei da Silva is writing an integration tool for plone desktop:

Ross Burton is writing a dpkg interface.


Nautilus is the file manager used by the GNOME desktop environment.
Nautilus-python provides bindings for the extension API in nautilus.
With help of it you can write extensions that goes beyond the standard
shell script interface like context menuitems, additional list columns
and property pages.

nautilus-python requires nautilus = 2.6.0, PyGTK = 2.8.0, gnome-python
  2.12.0 and Python = 2.3.5

Bug reports should be made in GNOMEs bugzilla:

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Upcoming Python talk in Toronto

2005-09-22 Thread George Belotsky
Seneca College is Canada's largest, with over 100,000 students and
more than 260 programs.  On October 24, 2005, Seneca will be hosting
their 4th annual Free Software and Open Source Symposium in Toronto,
Ontario.  Here is a link to the agenda.

I will be giving a Python talk at the symposium.  The talk is titled
Python Power -- Learning, Teaching and Doing with the World's Easiest
Programming Language.  

The talk is based on 3 short programs, which gives the audience a
practical sense of the broad application range, ease of use, and power
of Python.  The following link leads to an overview of the presentation.

Hope to see you all there :-)


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Help w/ easy python problem

2005-09-22 Thread r2_r2
Actually, it is not a sin curve i need to plot, it is dots running down
the page in the shape of a sin curve like this



Re: Help w/ easy python problem

2005-09-22 Thread r2_r2
Actually, it is not a sin curve i need to plot, it is dots running down
the page in the shape of a sin curve like this



Re: Python win32com com_error: (-2147418113

2005-09-22 Thread Roger Upole
Usually this means the COM object has to run in a full ActiveX container.
You can host it in IE, or Pythonwin can act as a container with some effort.
See \pythonwin\pywin\Demos\ocx for some examples of using OCX objects
that require a container.


g.franzkowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm trying to use a proprietary windows software with COM and win32com.
 The result is everytime the error message

 com_error: (-2147418113, 'Catastrophic failure', None, None)

 I've read this in some e-mails, but can't find the solution and I have
 not enough experience with Windows and COM.

 Can anybody help ?

 This ist the test script.

 import sys
 from win32com.client import gencache
 import win32com.client

 if __name__=='__main__':

flag = None
 gencache.EnsureModule('{A5FE85B0-D562-11D3-A8E8-00609727A3F3}', 0, 1, 0)
 o =

 Debug output:
 o   ==
 win32com.gen_py.A5FE85B0-... instance at 0x17707056
 o.connectToVisionP400 ==
 bound method_D

  flag = o.connectToVisionP400()

 Error by function call ==
  Unhandled exception while debugging...
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File S:\Python\DCOM\, line , in ?
 flag = o.connectToVisionP400()
 line 60, in connectToVisionP400
 return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(12, LCID, 1, (11, 0), (),)
 com_error: (-2147418113, 'Catastrophic failure', None, None)

   flag = *** - The connection not possible !

print flag


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---= East/West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---

Re: Intermediate to expert book

2005-09-22 Thread Tonguc Yumruk
Tony Houghton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can anyone recommend a good book for intermediate up to expert level?
 2.4 would be a bonus.

 I've heard good things about Dive Into Python. I see it can be
 downloaded or read online, and on a very quick browse it seems to be
 suitably to the point and cover some useful stuff that was missing from
 or too deeply buried in Learning Python. I find it easier to read
 printed material though, so I'd consider buying it. What sort of
 opinions do people here have of it?

 The address in the Reply-To is genuine and should not be edited.
 See for more reliable contact

Dive Into Python is really a great book about doing nifty tricks in a
pythonic way. Since you are already a programmer and learn the classic
things about python just by reading the tutorial, it's better to read
Dive Into Python and learn the python way of doing things.

Love Respect GNU/Linux

Magpie, n.:
A bird whose theivish disposition suggested to someone that it
might be taught to talk.
-- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

Tonguç Yumruk

Re: Free seminar on domain-specific modeling

2005-09-22 Thread Martijn Iseger
Hello Michael,

 The alternate point is that during computing history, many, many, many
 promises were made for many, many, many, technologies based on the
 same principle of raising the abstraction level. Many, many, many of
 those technologies promised much and failed to deliver on their claims
 when used beyond the people inventing/using those technologies.

True, DSM however is not so much a new method for develping software. It's 
been used since the early 1990ies as far as I know and seen many sccessful 
implementations of it in varying sectors of industry: From mobile phones 
(Nokia uses it to develop the software running in all their phones) to IP 
switching platforms (Lucent), CRM systems, pacemakers, home automation systems, 
J2EE-based B2B portals (insurance industry), car infotainment systems (Audi 
A6), messaging systems (USAF), enterprise apps on smartphones (Nokia series60), 
Tooling industry and many more. Success with DSM depends on several factors 
like a common platform used for developing applications or variants of 
and the presence of domain-expertise: That leaves out one-time projects.

 One thing is relatively clear - your approach appears to include a
 graphical approach to systems building. Personally I suspect that the
 fact people are able to engage other parts of their brain when
 building these systems beyond linguistic is the real reason you see
 benefits, rather than actually the specific thing that led to the
 visual approach being possible.

It is actually based on the graphical approach. The important thing I see 
here is that specific instances of this approach are defined by a company's 
expert developer instead of by a standards-body or a vendor, this puts the 
expert in the driver-seat so to say, he/she gets the ability to formalize 
(changing) development practices in his/her problem domain for the rest of 
the (less experienced) developers to follow automatically. Instead of adopting 
a one-size-fits-all approach companies/developers get to tailor the approach 
to the specific needs of their unique problem domain. It does not eliminate 
coding but attempts to minimize the need for it and leave it to the people 
who are really good at it.

 (On a sad note it looks like you're reinvented how hardware is
 designed and made, but not made the intuitive leap :-/ )

I suppose you mean software here? It seems I fail to make the leap towards 
understanding what you mean with this, feel free to elaborate.




Re: Code to read Cobol data files

2005-09-22 Thread Al Christians
none wrote:
 Any one know of some code to read cobol data files

I posted some here maybe 5+ years ago that would convert COBOL comp-3, 
comp-4, and comp-5 fields (as from Realia) to  whatever.  I suppose you 
can still find it in google somewhere.

There was some help for cracking one of the other COBOL file formats at 
a site called Wotsit's file formats or something like that.  This helped 
me access data out of ISAM files from one of the non-Realia desktop 
COBOLs.  It was one of the more popular COBOL versions way back in the 
1980's, but I don't recall anymore which one it was, but I'd guess RM 
Cobol if I had to.

COBOL has/had an indexed file type defined in the language, and the 
COBOL vendors each implemented it independently, I think.  So there are 
variations in both the coding of various field/record types and the way 
that the files are put together.  But Python can handle it if you can 
figure out the rules.



Re: PyEphem on winXP

2005-09-22 Thread vincent wehren
[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
| Hi,
| I'm a (sort of) newbie to python and would like to install the PyEphem
| extension to Python.  I'm using Python 2.4
| I obtained PyEphem from:
| When i ran python install my error was:
|  error: Python was built with version 7.1 of Visual Studio, and
| extensions need to be built with the same version of the compiler, but
| it isn't installed
| Browsing this group led me to the following URL where I could get (for
| free) the Visual C++ Toolkit 2003:
| However I still see the same error when running
|  python install.
| I know that Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 is the same as version 7.1, but is
| this the same as Visual Studio 7.1?

It should work.

Did you follow the instructions as per ?

I've had success using that approach...


Vincent Wehren

| If so, can Visual Studio 7.1 be obtained for free?
| If not, is there a workaround?
| I've seen suggestions in the group that you can recompile Python 2.4
| using MinGW or some other c compiler.  I'd be willing to do that, but
| do not know how to go about recompiling python.  Advice on this would
| also be helpful.
| Thanks,
| James


Re: Help w/ easy python problem

2005-09-22 Thread Tomasz Lisowski
[EMAIL PROTECTED] napisał(a):
 Actually, it is not a sin curve i need to plot, it is dots running down
 the page in the shape of a sin curve like this

Seems, like a homework to me :-)

Anyway, use the following hints:

math.sin() is your sine function, ranging, from -1.0 to 1.0 inclusively
set up a for loop printing the strings containing spaces, and one dot at 
the appropriate location with:
- the appropriate argument increase step between the lines (print 
- the appropriate scaling of the -1.0, 1.0 range into e.g. 0, 71, 
representing the 72 characters wide lines being printed.

Tomasz Lisowski

Re: Help w/ easy python problem

2005-09-22 Thread Mikael Olofsson
 I am very much a beginner to python.  I have been working on writing a
 very simple program and cannot get it and was hoping someone could help
 me out.  Basically i need to write a code to print a sin curve running
 down the page from top to bottom.  The trick is I have to do this using
 only 7-8 lines of code.  Any ideas?

This sounds like homework, and I think you should do that on your own. 
One hint, though: You could take a look at the standard module math.


Re: plateform info.

2005-09-22 Thread Maurice LING
Mikael Olofsson wrote:
 Monu Agrawal wrote:
 Hi I want to know whether the program is being run on windows or on
 Xnix. Is there any variable or method which tells me that it's windows?
 Will this help?
   import sys
 There is also the platform module, that can give you a lot more 
 information about the your platform. Try help(platform).

Adding onto this (which may be of need), but if this seems to be a 
hijack, my apologies..

Is there a way of getting the path to the site-packages directory? 
Considering that Mac OSX with Fink installs python libraries in 
/sw/lib/pythonversion, Mac OSX itself has python libraries in 
/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/version/lib, etc 


Re: Do thread die?

2005-09-22 Thread Maurice LING
Frithiof Andreas Jensen wrote:

 Maurice LING [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
I do have another dumb question which is OT here. Say aFunc method
instantiates a SOAP server that serves forever, will it prevent bFunc
from running as a separate thread?
 If the SOAP server thread never sleeps or block, it will effectively stop
 everything else in your program by eating all the CPU time available. If it
 does some IO and other OS functions, probably not because it is likely to
 block on those - I do not know SOAPpy in detail, but it being a socket-based
 server it should end up in a select loop somewhere. i.e. block when no work
 is available. which is what you want.
For example,

class myClass4:
 def repeat(self, s): return s+s
 def aFunc(self, a):
 import SOAPpy
 serv = SOAPpy.SOAPServer((a[0], a[1]))
 def bFunc(self, b): pass
 def runAll(self, a, b):
 threading.Thread(target=self.aFunc, args = (a)).start()
 threading.Thread(target=self.bFunc, args = (b)).start()

if __name__=='__main__': myClass4().runAll(['localhost', 8000], 'hi')

Will the 2nd thread (bFunc) ever run since the 1st thread is running
forever? Intuitively, I think that both threads will run but I just want
to be doubly sure, because some of my program logic depends on the 2nd
thread running while the 1st thread acts as a SOAP server or something.
 Both should run independently, sharing the CPU-time available for your
 application. Remember main is a thread  too, so you will want main to
 hang around while your threads are running and you will want main to block
 on something also, thread.join(), time.sleep(), command line parser e.t.c.
 whatever is natural.

Somehow I cannot reconcile your replies because I am essentially asking 
the same thing and expanding on the original question with an example of 
what I am trying to do, but the replies seems contradictory. Do you mind 
to explain a bit more?


Re: plateform info.

2005-09-22 Thread Maurice LING
Mikael Olofsson wrote:

 Monu Agrawal wrote:
 Hi I want to know whether the program is being run on windows or on
 Xnix. Is there any variable or method which tells me that it's windows?
 Will this help?
   import sys
 There is also the platform module, that can give you a lot more 
 information about the your platform. Try help(platform).

Adding onto this (which may be of need), but if this seems to be a
hijack, my apologies..

Is there a way of getting the path to the site-packages directory?
Considering that Mac OSX with Fink installs python libraries in
/sw/lib/pythonversion, Mac OSX itself has python libraries in
/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/version/lib, etc


RELEASED Python 2.4.2, release candidate 1

2005-09-22 Thread Anthony Baxter
On behalf of the Python development team and the Python community, I'm
happy to announce the release of Python 2.4.2 (release candidate 1).

Python 2.4.2 is a bug-fix release. See the release notes at the 
website (also available as Misc/NEWS in the source distribution) for 
details of the more than 60 bugs squished in this release.

Assuming no major problems crop up, a final release of Python 2.4.2 
will follow in about a week's time. 

For more information on Python 2.4.2, including download links for
various platforms, release notes, and known issues, please see:

Highlights of this new release include:

  - Bug fixes. According to the release notes, more than 60 have been
fixed, including bugs that prevented Python from working properly
on 64 bit HP/UX and AIX systems.

Highlights of the previous major Python release (2.4) are available 
from the Python 2.4 page, at

Enjoy the new release,

Anthony Baxter
Python Release Manager
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team)

Re: Object default value

2005-09-22 Thread Bengt Richter
On 20 Sep 2005 12:31:19 -0700, ago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is it possible to have a default value associated python objects? I.e.
to flag an attribute in such a way that the assignment operator for the
object returns the default attribute instead of the object itself, but
calls to other object attributes are properly resolved? (I don't think
so, but I am not sure)


class obj(object):
 x=1 #assume x is somehow made into a default value

Ideally this should be the result:


print myobj #- 1
expression myobj interpreted as myobj.x?

print myobj.y #- 2

normal, because expression myobj in this context of immediate assignment does 
not mean myobj.x?

print x #- 1
expression x is the same as expression myobj, which is intrpreted as myobj.x 
(alias x.x) if not assigned?

print type(x) #int

If you wanted to have this effect inside a function, you could write a 
decorator to evaluate selected_name as selected_name.selected_attr except where
assigning to an alias name is all that a statement does, as in x = myobj.

But what if you actually wanted to pass the object per se somewhere, or return 
it from
a function? Maybe you could have the expression myobj.x mean the normal myobj, 
and vice
versa in a kind of terrible symmetry ;-)

Then usage might be something like
@agostino_effect(myobj='x') # eval myobj as myobj.x
def foo():
print myobj #- 1
print myobj.y #- 2
x = myobj
print x #- 1
return x, myobj, x.y, myobj.x # with .x having symmetrically-other effect 

xval, myobjval, x_dot_y_val, myobj_per_se = foo() # assignment from 
function is not interfered with
myobj_per_se.y #-2
myobj_per_se #- 1
myobj_val.y - AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'y'

I'm not suggesting this is a good way to go forward, I am just playing with the 
feasibility of
doing what you want, even if it's not good for you ;-) I suspect there is a 
better way, but
it wouldn't be that hard to do the above, as you can see from the code of foo
that the agostino_effect decorator would be modifying:

  def foo():
 ... myobj=obj()
 ... print myobj #- 1
 ... print myobj.y #- 2
 ... x = myobj
 ... print x #- 1
 ... return x, myobj, x.y, myobj.x # with .x having symmetrically-other 
effect ;-)
  import dis
   2   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (obj)
   6 STORE_FAST   0 (myobj)

   3   9 LOAD_FAST0 (myobj)
Here you'd notice that the next instruction was not STORE_FAST
so you'd insert a
similar to the .y access below


   4  14 LOAD_FAST0 (myobj)
  17 LOAD_ATTR2 (y)
Here you'd notice the above wasn't LOAD_ATTR (x) (which you'd otherwise have to 
remove for object-per-se)


   5  22 LOAD_FAST0 (myobj)
  25 STORE_FAST   1 (x)
This you notice is an immediate assignment and you leave it alone, and note the 

   6  28 LOAD_FAST1 (x)
Here you notice the alias and insert
as before with myobj


   7  33 LOAD_FAST1 (x)
  36 LOAD_FAST0 (myobj)
  39 LOAD_FAST1 (x)
  42 LOAD_ATTR2 (y)
other attribute, no change to above byte code
  45 LOAD_FAST0 (myobj)
  48 LOAD_ATTR3 (x)
anti-attribute, remove above byte code

You might want to do the same for LOAD_GLOBAL/STORE_GLOBAL, and
STORE_DEREF/LOAD_DEREF, I don't know. But it wouldn't be a big deal
to get a hack working. Thorough testing is another matter,
not to mention justifying it ;-)

Bengt Richter

Re: Object default value

2005-09-22 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
ago wrote:
 Is it possible to have a default value associated python objects? I.e.
 to flag an attribute in such a way that the assignment operator for the
 object returns the default attribute instead of the object itself, but
 calls to other object attributes are properly resolved? (I don't think
 so, but I am not sure)

Python is not Visual Basic.

In Visual Basic, objects could have a default property which was set when
the object variable was assigned to, but that was only possible because
object variables had to be set with Set, not Let.


Re: Do thread die?

2005-09-22 Thread Maurice LING
Frithiof Andreas Jensen wrote:

 Maurice LING [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
I do have another dumb question which is OT here. Say aFunc method
instantiates a SOAP server that serves forever, will it prevent bFunc
from running as a separate thread?
 If the SOAP server thread never sleeps or block, it will effectively stop
 everything else in your program by eating all the CPU time available. If it
 does some IO and other OS functions, probably not because it is likely to
 block on those - I do not know SOAPpy in detail, but it being a socket-based
 server it should end up in a select loop somewhere. i.e. block when no work
 is available. which is what you want.
For example,

class myClass4:
 def repeat(self, s): return s+s
 def aFunc(self, a):
 import SOAPpy
 serv = SOAPpy.SOAPServer((a[0], a[1]))
 def bFunc(self, b): pass
 def runAll(self, a, b):
 threading.Thread(target=self.aFunc, args = (a)).start()
 threading.Thread(target=self.bFunc, args = (b)).start()

if __name__=='__main__': myClass4().runAll(['localhost', 8000], 'hi')

Will the 2nd thread (bFunc) ever run since the 1st thread is running
forever? Intuitively, I think that both threads will run but I just want
to be doubly sure, because some of my program logic depends on the 2nd
thread running while the 1st thread acts as a SOAP server or something.
 Both should run independently, sharing the CPU-time available for your
 application. Remember main is a thread  too, so you will want main to
 hang around while your threads are running and you will want main to block
 on something also, thread.join(), time.sleep(), command line parser e.t.c.
 whatever is natural.

Somehow I cannot reconcile your replies because I am essentially asking
the same thing and expanding on the original question with an example of
what I am trying to do, but the replies seems contradictory. Do you mind
to explain a bit more?



COM error Access is denied

2005-09-22 Thread Fabian Skivee

I try to make web testing using Pamie and it use win32com to call
Internet Explorer. A access denied COM_error occurs and I don't know
how to solve it. I'm administrator of my workstation and I install
myself Pyton and win32com

Any idea ?

 File D:\pyatf\, line 32, in do

 exec self.%s(*args) % actionName

 File string, line 1, in ?

 File C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\, line 1024,


 File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\dynamic


 return self._get_good_object_(self._oleobj_.Invoke(*allAr


com_error: (-2147024891, 'Access is denied.', None, None)



Fabian Skivée


python image library TIFF

2005-09-22 Thread bryan rasmussen
does anyone have any experience using the Python Image library  to
determine if a Tiff is in the G4 or G3 codec?

Re: Question About Logic In Python

2005-09-22 Thread Steve Holden
Ron Adam wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

   bool(a and b) * value

Would return value or zero, which is usually what I want when I do this 
type of expression.
That's all very interesting, and valuable advice for somebody who doesn't
understand how Python's logical operators work, but the question is, when
would you actually want that type of expression?
 It's a filter which returns a value or zero depending on conditions a and b.
 Some examples...
 High pass filter:
  (value  0) * value
 Low pass filter:
  (value  0) * value
 Band pass filter:
  (min  value  max) * value
 Changing and and or to return bools only, doesn't prevent us from doing 
 anything we can already do.  It just means changing the context to 
 explicitly return a non bool when you want one as I did here.
In practice, how often do you really care that your truth values have the
specific values 0 and 1 rather than anything false and anything true? In
what circumstances?
 We can separate these into two groups...
 1. True and false condition testing in which the result of the 
 condition is not used in any further expressions.
 You are correct in this case, it doesn't matter. Any True values would work.
 2. Expressions that will be used in a calculation or another 
By which you appear to mean expressions in which Boolean values are 
used as numbers.

 This matters because if you aren't careful your results may not be what 
 you expect.
Well yes, but then I wouldn't necessarily expect good results if I tried 
to use a nail file as a tyre-lever, either. If you abuse the intent of 
anything sufficiently you should expect trouble. But then, you seem to 
like trouble ;-)

 But group (2) can also be a part of group (1).  So then again it may 
 matter there too.
 This has more to do with clarity and separating function into forms that 
 have the potential for least surprises.  Or to put it another way, forms 
 that are predictable with no exceptional circumstances.
 In boolean math it is useful to add and subtract.
   a = b = True
   a + b
 2   # Non boolean result.


   True * True
 1   # Why not return True here as well?
Why not return 42? Why not return a picture of a banana?

 This is like adding two integer types and getting a float.
No it isn't. It's like trying to multiply April 2 1994 by June 5 2005. 
The operation isn't defined. So you choose an arbitrary definition and 
say it would be nice if it worked like this instead of how it actually 
does work.

When in fact it doesn't really work at all, except for the most 
tenuous possible value of work. It's an accident, because Guido 
decided that least code breakage was good when Booleans were introduced.

 There's the possibility of adding two (normally) True values and getting 
 a False result.
   a = True
   b = -1
   a + b  # True_value + True = False_value
Which is yet another reason why it makes absolutely no sense to apply 
arithmetic operations to Boolean values.
 Should bool type act like bools as expressed here?
  # P1: X = 0 or X = 1
  # P2: 0 . 0 = 0
  # P3: 1 + 1 = 1
  # P4: 0 + 0 = 0
  # P5: 1 . 1 = 1
  # P6: 1 . 0 = 0 . 1 = 0
  # P7: 1 + 0 = 0 + 1 = 1
  Table 1: Boolean Postulates
 Python's bools work this way if you use 'and' and 'or' and always cast 
 any non bools to bools first.  But it would be easier IMO if bool 
 operations gave bool results so I wouldn't need to do:
 bool_result = a and bool(b)
 bool_result = bool(a and b)
You are, of course, ignoring the huge amount of code breakage this 
little change you'd find so convenient would cause.

 On one hand these seem like little things, but little things is 
 sometimes what will bite you the hardest as they are more likely to get 
 by your guard.
Kindly think again about the vast number of times that Python 
programmers have relied on the documented property of and, which says 
that it returns the left operand (without evaluating the right one) 
unless the left operand is equivalent to False, in which case it returns 
the right operand.

You talk about least surprises and in my opinion as though your 
opinions are the only ones that anyone would dream of holding. This is 
in itself quite surprising to me.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: python image library TIFF

2005-09-22 Thread Michele Petrazzo
bryan rasmussen wrote:
 does anyone have any experience using the Python Image library  to
 determine if a Tiff is in the G4 or G3 codec?

PIL don't support G3/G4 encoding.

You can use freeimagepy that is another python graphic package.

Michele (freeimagepy developer :) )

Re: wxPython Notebook crash when pressing alt key

2005-09-22 Thread Steve Holden
Kreedz wrote:
 Did it freeze for you too with the alt+f while focus on the tab?
No, the program appears to work perfectly normally.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Noobie Starting New Project

2005-09-22 Thread Rubinho
Having looked in these sorts of areas before and having a general
interest in it, I'd like to make some suggestions.

I wouldn't go an implement OBD-II yourself in Python, especially not in
a serial port.  There are in fact (at least) 4 different OBD-II
protocols that I won't rattle off the names of here because I can't
remember them.  You have to do strange things like setting the serial
port to 5 baud, send a start byte, then set it to 10400 baud and wait
an indeterminate amount of time for a reply etc.  More info here
(  People have
done it like this with varying degrees of success on specific car
models (VAG-COM for VW and Audi cars for example) but never a generic

There is an implementation ( which
works with various interfaces and protocols but it's not been touched
since 2003.  I could never get this working in my car as it doesn't
support the OBD-II/CAN protocol.  You could wrap this if you think it
will work for you (UNIX only, no Win32 not even under cygwin).

There are devices which plug into OBD-II and have a dongle on the end
which does the OBD-II protocol detection and decoding for you and just
gives you a serial stream out. These are much more reliable (and much
more like what the real car industry uses).  There are many but
here's one supplier
(  Googling for
scantool will find the rest.  Using python to either implement the
proper serial protocol used by these or wrap their existing libraries
(if they come with one) would, I think, be a much quicker and
potentially more successful approach.

As for other sensors, I found a great USB accelerometer
( which I've used in python.  They supply a library
with a COM interface so I used the pythonwin COM module to access it.
They also have a more traditional C library (with source) if you want
to wrap it with python, you'd need to do this if you want to use their
Linux or Mac OSX libraries.  Phidgets make a whole set of cheap sensors
including temps, pressures etc. all accessible through USB.

GPS is easy and there are numerous ways to implement NMEA or Garmin
simple text protocols.  Or you could use GPSD

I've been about to start a similar project, just using an accelerometer
with temporal speed corrections using GPS for a little while now.  I've
got the maths sorted and the framework I just haven't decided on some
of the finer details I was going to do it in C++ but python seemed a
much better choice.  The only thing that concerns me is a lack of a
good timer but I must admit I've not looked into it too hard.

I hope this gets you started.  




Re: best solution to for loop

2005-09-22 Thread Dan
 Hi, I have several apps which connect to a database,  fetch some data
 an put this into a gtk.TreeStore, but if the result set is 1500 row
 long, the app response slowly

The first thing to test is whether it's Python or the database that's
the bottleneck. 1500 rows isn't all that much for a database, but it
might not be trivial either.

Even if the bottleneck is Python, the solution might be to limit the
amount of data that you process. For example, rather than displaying all
1500 records in a tree (nobody wants to scroll through 1500 records
anyway), try grouping them by the first letter of their name. Display a
tree consisting of each letter, then when the user clicks that letter:

  cur.execute(SELECT * FROM clients WHERE name LIKE ' + letter + %')

   I had picked out the theme of the baby's room and done other
   things. I decided to let Jon have this.
   - Jamie Cusack (of the Netherlands), whose husband Jon
 finally talked her into letting him name their son Jon 2.0


Re: python image library TIFF

2005-09-22 Thread pantagruel
I hadn't known about FreeImage either so double thanks.


Re: Help w/ easy python problem

2005-09-22 Thread bruno modulix
 I am very much a beginner to python.  I have been working on writing a
 very simple program and cannot get it and was hoping someone could help
 me out.  Basically i need to write a code to print a sin curve running
 down the page from top to bottom.  The trick is I have to do this using
 only 7-8 lines of code.  Any ideas?
Yes : do your homework yourself. When you'll run into trouble with
*your* code, then post here for help.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Finding where to store application data portably

2005-09-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 02:14:57 +, Ron Adam wrote:

Don't all file managers have an option to hide files beginning with '.'?
 I don't want to hide them. I just don't want them in my face when I open
 my home directory.
 This has been a gripe of mine on windows as well, and hiding files (or 
 extensions) is definitely not the answer.
 Personally I think hidden files do more harm than good. It's not a 
 substitute for good file management, and it not an acceptable 
 alternative to good security either.

Agreed. If hidden files are under the control of the user, then they
aren't really hidden, they are merely filtered from the current view.
Filtering may be useful in many circumstances, but if you are filtering
the same files all the time (eg don't show me files starting with a
period or don't show me files with the invisible flag set) then you
should stick them in a subdirectory.

And if hidden files aren't under the control of the user (as certain
obscure ways of hiding files under Windows aren't), then it is a serious
security risk. You, the user might not be able to hide the files, but you
can bet some virus will. Eg if you drop an executable file in the Windows
XP font directory, it will not show up in the file explorer.



Re: Chronological Processing of Files

2005-09-22 Thread yoda
Just to clarify:

Newest== modified last

The processing\sorting should apply to all the files found recursively
during the entire walk.

That being said, thanks for all the responses. I'll test the code
shortly and get back to everyone.

ps. This is why comp.lang.python is truly the greatest list ever.
(better than comp.lang.lisp?) Everyone is so helpful. Thanks again guys.


Re: Finding where to store application data portably

2005-09-22 Thread Tony Houghton
Ron Adam wrote:
  Tony Houghton wrote:
  I'm using pygame to write a game called Bombz which needs to save some
  data in a directory associated with it. In Unix/Linux I'd probably use
  ~/.bombz, in Windows something like
  C:\Documents And Settings\user\Applicacation Data\Bombz.
  There are plenty of messages in the archives for this group about how to
  find the correct location in Windows, but what about Mac OS? There I
  don't know the correct location for this sort of thing at all. And there
  are other, more obscure systems like RISC OS (it may not have pygame but
  it definitely has python). Surely this is something that's crying out
  for an official function in os or sys.
  This works on Win XP.  Not sure if it will work on Linux.
  import os
  parent = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.sys.argv[0]))[0]
  file = parent + os.sep + '.bombz'

Ooh, no, I don't want saved data to go in the installation directory. In
general that practice encourages people to run with Admin access, and
it's about time Windows users were discouraged from that.

The address in the Reply-To is genuine and should not be edited.
See for more reliable contact 

Re: Looking for system/network monitoring tool written in Python

2005-09-22 Thread Eddie Corns
Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I've found a fair number of systems/network monitoring tools (things
like Big Brother, Big Sister, cricket, etc.) written in Perl.

Depressing isn't it!

I'm curious if there are any written in Python.

I couldn't find any after extensive searching.  I wasn't really looking for
Python solutions as such, more avoiding things in Perl/PHP etc. but I would
have noticed any Python ones.  I won't bore you with my theories on why this

Some applications such as nagios and moodss will at least allow you to write
your own scripts in Python.  This is probably OK for small networks.


Re: Looking for system/network monitoring tool written in Python

2005-09-22 Thread Simon Brunning
On 9/22/05, Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've found a fair number of systems/network monitoring tools (things
 like Big Brother, Big Sister, cricket, etc.) written in Perl. I'm
 curious if there are any written in Python.

There's EDDIE - I've never used it myself,
but I can confirm that its author, Chris, is a good bloke and can hold
his ale, for what that's worth. ;-)

Simon B,

Re: Finding where to store application data portably

2005-09-22 Thread Steve Holden
Ron Adam wrote:
 Tony Houghton wrote:
I'm using pygame to write a game called Bombz which needs to save some
data in a directory associated with it. In Unix/Linux I'd probably use
~/.bombz, in Windows something like
C:\Documents And Settings\user\Applicacation Data\Bombz.

There are plenty of messages in the archives for this group about how to
find the correct location in Windows, but what about Mac OS? There I
don't know the correct location for this sort of thing at all. And there
are other, more obscure systems like RISC OS (it may not have pygame but
it definitely has python). Surely this is something that's crying out
for an official function in os or sys.
 This works on Win XP.  Not sure if it will work on Linux.
 import os
 parent = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.sys.argv[0]))[0]
 file = parent + os.sep + '.bombz'
Since you've gone to the trouble to use os.path functions why not use

 file = os.path.join(parent, 'bombz')

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Finding where to store application data portably

2005-09-22 Thread rbt
On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 23:03 +0100, Tony Houghton wrote:
 I'm using pygame to write a game called Bombz which needs to save some
 data in a directory associated with it. In Unix/Linux I'd probably use
 ~/.bombz, in Windows something like
 C:\Documents And Settings\user\Applicacation Data\Bombz.
 There are plenty of messages in the archives for this group about how to
 find the correct location in Windows, but what about Mac OS?

~/.bombz works equally well on OSX.



2005-09-22 Thread TK

is there no IDLE in Python2.4?



How to use writelines to append new lines to an existing file

2005-09-22 Thread Nico Grubert
Hi there,

I would like to open an existing file that contains some lines of text 
in order to append a new line at the end of the content.

My first try was:

  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w') #create new file for writing
  f.writelines('123') #write first line
  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w') #open existing file to append new line
  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'r') # open file for reading

I supposed to have:

Does  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w')  overwrite the existing file or does 
f.writelines('456') replace the first line in the existing file?


Re: Brute force sudoku cracker

2005-09-22 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-09-21, Tom Anderson schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Op 2005-09-17, Tom Anderson schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Bas wrote:

 -any ideas how to easily incorporate advanced solving strategies? 
 solve(problem1) and solve(problem2) give solutions, but 
 solve(problem3) gets stuck...

 the only way to solve arbitrary sudoku problems is to guess.

 That is strange, in al the puzzles that I have solved untill now, I 
 never needed to guess, unless the puzzle had multiple solutions, which 
 personnally I find inferior.

 Well, if we are to believe Lance Fortnow, a fairly expert comptational 
 complexionist, that's probably not generally true:

 It's this bit:

 Since we don't believe that NP has fast probabilistic algorithms, we 
 expect that there are no efficient procedures to completing a generalized 
 Sudoku grid

 That makes me think that there probably isn't a non-backtracking method, 
 since that would almost certainly be polynomial-time.

 The thing is, the puzzles you encounter in the wild have been designed to 
 be solved by humans, using non-backtracking methods; they're much easier 
 to solve than the general class of Sudoku.

Well I stand corrected. Thanks for the information.

Antoon Pardon

Re: How to use writelines to append new lines to an existing file

2005-09-22 Thread Grigoris Tsolakidis
file = open(open('/tmp/myfile', 'a')) the second time
when you want to append line

Nico Grubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Hi there,

 I would like to open an existing file that contains some lines of text in 
 order to append a new line at the end of the content.

 My first try was:

  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w') #create new file for writing
  f.writelines('123')  #write first line
  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w') #open existing file to append new line
  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'r') # open file for reading

 I supposed to have:

 Does  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w')  overwrite the existing file or does 
 f.writelines('456') replace the first line in the existing file?



Re: C#3.0 and lambdas

2005-09-22 Thread Christophe
Steven Bethard a écrit :
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I would love to see your test code and profiling results that demonstrate
 that explicit tuple unpacking in the body of a function is faster than
 tuple unpacking (implicit or explicit) in the header of a function.
 Should be pretty close.  I believe the byte-code is nearly identical:

You forgot the most important function : f3

  def f1((x,y)):
... print x,y
  def f2(x_y):
... x,y = x_y
... print x,y
  def f3(x_y):
... print x_y[0], x_y[1]
  import dis
   1   0 LOAD_FAST0 (.0)
   6 STORE_FAST   1 (x)
   9 STORE_FAST   2 (y)

   2  12 LOAD_FAST1 (x)
  16 LOAD_FAST2 (y)
  21 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
   2   0 LOAD_FAST0 (x_y)
   6 STORE_FAST   2 (x)
   9 STORE_FAST   1 (y)

   3  12 LOAD_FAST2 (x)
  16 LOAD_FAST1 (y)
  21 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
   2   0 LOAD_FAST0 (x_y)
   3 LOAD_CONST   1 (0)
   8 LOAD_FAST0 (x_y)
  11 LOAD_CONST   2 (1)
  17 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

Re: Looking for system/network monitoring tool written in Python

2005-09-22 Thread David Wilson
Also see Google. :)



need to divide a date

2005-09-22 Thread nephish
Hey there,
i am doing a plotting application.
i am using mxRelativeDateTimeDiff to get how much time is between
date x and date y

now what i need to do is divide that time by 20 to get 20 even time
for plotting on a graph.

For example, if the difference between them is 20 hours, i need 20
plots, each an hour apart. if its 40 minutes, i need 20 plots that are
2 minutes apart.

what would be a way i could pull this off?



Re: Calling python scripts from C# programs

2005-09-22 Thread David Wilson
You should also be aware of IronPython, although it is not suitable for
production use due to its reliance on a beta version of the .NET
runtime. In some future time, IronPython will probably be the cleanest
and simplest way to integrate Python with existing .NET code.


time challenge

2005-09-22 Thread nephish

Hey there,
i am doing a plotting application.
i am using mxRelativeDateTimeDiff to get how much time is between
date x and date y

now what i need to do is divide that time by 20 to get 20 even time
for plotting on a graph.

For example, if the difference between them is 20 hours, i need 20
plots, each an hour apart. if its 40 minutes, i need 20 plots that are
2 minutes apart.

what would be a way i could pull this off?



Re: unusual exponential formatting puzzle

2005-09-22 Thread Neal Becker
Paul Rubin wrote:

 Neal Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Like a puzzle?  I need to interface python output to some strange old
 program.  It wants to see numbers formatted as:
 e.g.: 0.23456789E01
 Yeah, that was normal with FORTRAN.
 My solution is to print to a string with the '% 16.9E' format, then
 parse it with re to pick off the pieces and fix it up.  Pretty ugly.
 Any better ideas?
 That's probably the simplest.

Acutally, I found a good solution using the new decimal module:
def Format(x):
 Produce strange exponential format with leading 0
 s  = '%.9E' % x

 d = decimal.Decimal (s)
 (sign, digits, exp) = d.as_tuple()

 s = ''
 if (sign == 0):
  s += ' '
  s += '-'

 s += '0.'

 e = len (digits) + exp
 for x in digits:
  s += str (x)
 s += 'E'
 s += '%+03d' % e

 return s


How to tell if an exception has been caught ( from inside the exception )?

2005-09-22 Thread Paul Dale

Hi everyone,

I'm writing an exception that will open a trouble ticket for certain 
events. Things like network failure. I thought I would like to have it 
only open a ticket if the exception is not caught. Is there a way to do 
this inside the Exception? As far as I can see there are only two events 
called on the exception, __init__ and __del__, both of which will be 
called wether or not an exception is caught (right?)

Am I missing something, or is there a way to do this with exceptions?



Re: How to use writelines to append new lines to an existing file

2005-09-22 Thread Tom Brown
On Thursday 22 September 2005 05:52, Nico Grubert wrote:
 Does  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w')  overwrite the existing file or
 does f.writelines('456') replace the first line in the existing file?

Here's an excerpt from open.__doc__

   The mode can be 'r', 'w' or 'a' for reading (default),
writing or appending.  The file will be created if it doesn't exist
when opened for writing or appending; it will be truncated when
opened for writing.


Re: How to tell if an exception has been caught ( from inside the exception )?

2005-09-22 Thread Dan
If the exception isn't caught, it is printed to standard error. This
means that either __str__ or __repr__ is called (to convert it to a
displayable string). If the exception is caught, those methods
*probably* won't be called.

Where you are is not as important as where you are going.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, U.S. Supreme Court Justice


Re: Perl's documentation come of age

2005-09-22 Thread Mabden
Måns Rullgård [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 This guy deserves two ascii trolls:

   /|  /|  |  |
   ||__||  |  Please do   |
  /   O O\__ NOT  |
 /  \ feed the|
/  \ \ trolls |
   /   _\ \ __|
  /|\\ \ ||
 / | | | |\/ ||
/   \|_|_|/   \__||
   /  /  \|| ||
  /   |   | /||  --|
  |   |   |// |  --|
   * _|  |_|_|_|  | \-/
*-- _--\ _ \ //   |
  /  _ \\ _ //   |/
*  /   \_ /- | - |   |
  *  ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c

  +---+ .:\:\:/:/:.
  |   PLEASE DO NOT   |:.:\:\:/:/:.:
  |  FEED THE TROLLS  |   :=.' -   - '.=:
  |   |   '=(\ 9   9 /)='
  |   Thank you,  |  (  (_)  )
  |   Management  |  /`-vvv-'\
  +---+ / \
  |  |@@@  / /|,|\ \
  |  |@@@ /_//  /^\  \\_\
@x@@x@|  | |/ WW(  (   )  )WW
\/|  |\|   __\,,\ /,,/__
 \||/ |  | |  jgs (__Y__)

And the Original Troll:

S, $Ss,
 SSs$$SSs,   s
  sSSs$$SSS$$sSSS. s
  s sSSs$$SSS$$sSSSs$$SSs,
  `S,vnnmmvv'  `vmmn%;%nmmv'  `vvmmnnv,%%%S'
  /vmnnnvnnmmmvv,  .vnnnv;vnnnv,  .vvmmmnnvnnnmv\
.,v% \nnnmnnn/%v,.
 .vvnn `nn' nnvv.
   .vvnn'  mmmm  `nnvv.
  vmmvnmmvnmmv'   .,   `vmmnvmmnvmmv
  `nm%nm%nm%' nn `%mn%mn%mn'
 .vvnnn'   `vvvnnnvv.
 vvnnvv vvnvv
.vvnnnv vnnvv.
vnmnvnmnvnmnvnmnvnm.   .mnvnmnvnmnvnmnvnmv
vmmm%mmm%mmm%mmm%mmm   mmm%mmm%mmm%mmm%mmm


Re: How to use writelines to append new lines to an existing file

2005-09-22 Thread Max Erickson
Nico Grubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Hi there,
 I would like to open an existing file that contains some lines of
 text in order to append a new line at the end of the content.
 My first try was:
  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w') #create new file for writing
  f.writelines('123')  #write first line
  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w') #open existing file to append
  new line f.writelines('456')
  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'r') # open file for reading
 I supposed to have:
 Does  f = open('/tmp/myfile', 'w')  overwrite the existing file
 or does f.writelines('456') replace the first line in the
 existing file? 

There is a good explanation in the tutorial:

and more detail is available in the docs for builtin functions:
(look under file() but probably still use open())

That said, open(file, 'a') will open an existing file to append.


Convert from unicode to int

2005-09-22 Thread Tor Erik S�nvisen

Is there any simpler way to convert a unicode numeric to an int than:



regards tores 


re.split() problem

2005-09-22 Thread Masayuki Takemura
Hi all. 

re.split() doesn't work as I intend.

My Python Version is  2.4.1
(#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32.

For example,

 r = re.compile('^$', re.MULTILINE)

but I expected ['foo\nbar\n', 'baz'].

This problem has been discussed following threads.

[ 852532 ] ^$ won't split on empty line

re.split on empty patterns

Will it be fixed in Python 2.4.2?


Masayuki Takemura


Re: How to tell if an exception has been caught ( from inside theexception )?

2005-09-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Paul Dale wrote:

 I'm writing an exception that will open a trouble ticket for certain
 events. Things like network failure. I thought I would like to have it
 only open a ticket if the exception is not caught. Is there a way to do
 this inside the Exception? As far as I can see there are only two events
 called on the exception, __init__ and __del__, both of which will be
 called wether or not an exception is caught (right?)

 Am I missing something, or is there a way to do this with exceptions?

if you want to trap uncaught exceptions, add an except handler to the top
level of your program:

except MySpecialException, v:

a less convoluted approach would be do to

def open_trouble_ticket(exctype, value, traceback):


or, in recent Python versions,

import sys

def open_trouble_ticket(exctype, value, traceback):

sys.excepthook = open_trouble_ticket




Open PDF

2005-09-22 Thread Jorge Ramirez


I would like to know 
how to open a PDF document from a python script, any suggestions are 



Re: Threading, real or simulated?

2005-09-22 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-09-22, Sam schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Jp Calderone writes:

 On Wed, 21 Sep 2005 18:23:33 -0500, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm using Python 2.3.5 with pygtk 2.4.1, and I'm using the second threading 
approach from pygtk's FAQ 20.6 - invoking gtk.gdk.threads_init(), and 
wrapping all gtk/gdk function calls with 

I start a thread, via thread.Threading.start().  The thread then calls a 
particularly time consuming C function, from an extension module.  I find 
that when the thread is running the C code, the GUI hangs even though I'm 
not inside the threads_enter/threads_leave territory.

   Does the extension module release the GIL?  It sounds like it does not. 
   Of course, there are a dozen other mistakes that could be made which would
   have roughly this symptom.  It's difficult to say which is the problem
   without actually seeing any code.

 What's the GIL?.

The general interpretor lock. In general changing python internals
is not thread-safe. The current implementation uses a lock (the GIL)
for thread to safely rebind variable or mutate object. The result
is that threads are serialised.

 The extension module is invoked outside of 

It looks like thread.Threading() only simulates threading, by having the 
python interpreter multiplex between running threads.  Is real threading 
possible, so that I do something time-consuming in the thread, without 
hanging the GUI?

 Assuming you mean threading.Thread, this is a native thread.  It is not a 
 simulation.  Something else is going wrong.

 Then I must have something locked.  Here's what I do:

Yes you have locked the GIL. Take a look at the following
URL:, hope it helps.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Convert from unicode to int

2005-09-22 Thread Max M
Tor Erik Sønvisen wrote:
 Is there any simpler way to convert a unicode numeric to an int than:

why doesn't:


work for you?


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Re: Convert from unicode to int

2005-09-22 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-09-22, Tor Erik Sønvisen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any simpler way to convert a unicode numeric to an int than:



Didn't that work for you when you tried it?

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  FIRST, I'm covering
  at   you with OLIVE OIL and
   visi.comPRUNE WHIP!!

Stampare su stampante aghi

2005-09-22 Thread lux
Salve a tutti,
sono alle prese con delle stampe su
stampanti ad aghi...

Per stampare puro testo la soluzione più gettonata
sembra essere

f = open(LPT1:)
f.write(bla bla)

devo dire che funziona benissimo, ma mi piacerebbe
essere slegato falla parallela (sempre meno frequente)
e inviare il puro testo da stampare scegliendo una delle
stampanti installate sulla macchina senza starmi a
preoccupare di come o dove sia configurata (locale, rete, usb, etc).

Come posso fare?

Grazie, Luca.


Re: plateform info.

2005-09-22 Thread Mike Meyer
Maurice LING [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Is there a way of getting the path to the site-packages directory?

 import sys
 import os
 for dir in sys.path:
...   if os.path.split(dir)[-1] == 'site-packages':
...  print dir

But there's seldom a reason to want this.

 Considering that Mac OSX with Fink installs python libraries in
 /sw/lib/pythonversion, Mac OSX itself has python libraries in
 /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/version/lib, etc

And darwinportgs puts them in
but includes /opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages in sys.path.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

NTEventLogHandler not logging `info'?

2005-09-22 Thread Jaime Wyant
This code doesn't seem to do what I think it should do:

# python 2.3.2
# not sure of my win32 extensions version

import logging
from logging.handlers import NTEventLogHandler
logger = logging.getLogger(testlogger)
handler = NTEventLogHandler(testlogger)
logger.addHandler(handler) is a test)

I expected to see an `information' message in my `Application' event
log.  Any ideas?


Re: Open PDF

2005-09-22 Thread Dan
 I would like to know how to open a PDF document from a python script

You mean open it and display it to the user? Under Windows you may be
able to get away with just executing the file (as though it were an

  import os

Under Linux you can probably use xpdf or gpdf:

  os.system(xpdf /path/to/file.pdf)

Note that you should check the return code of system to see if the
execution was successful. For example, the user might not have xpdf

  Don't try to be charming, witty or intellectual. Just be yourself.
  - Mrs. Cuomo's poorly worded advice to her husband (then
governor of New York) shortly before his speech to the
New York Press Club


Re: How to tell if an exception has been caught ( from inside the exception )?

2005-09-22 Thread Rocco Moretti
Paul Dale wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I'm writing an exception that will open a trouble ticket for certain 
 events. Things like network failure. I thought I would like to have it 
 only open a ticket if the exception is not caught. Is there a way to do 
 this inside the Exception? As far as I can see there are only two events 
 called on the exception, __init__ and __del__, both of which will be 
 called wether or not an exception is caught (right?)
 Am I missing something, or is there a way to do this with exceptions?

Is there some reason you can't wrap your entry point with a try:except?


if __name__ == __main__:
 except OpenTicket, e:

Re: need to divide a date

2005-09-22 Thread Steve Holden
 Hey there,
 i am doing a plotting application.
 i am using mxRelativeDateTimeDiff to get how much time is between
 date x and date y
 now what i need to do is divide that time by 20 to get 20 even time
 for plotting on a graph.
 For example, if the difference between them is 20 hours, i need 20
 plots, each an hour apart. if its 40 minutes, i need 20 plots that are
 2 minutes apart.
 what would be a way i could pull this off?
Python 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on 
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import mx.DateTime as dt
  d1 = dt.DateTime(2005, 1, 1)
  d2 = dt.DateTime(2005, 1, 21)
  rdt = dt.RelativeDateTimeDiff(d2, d1)
RelativeDateTime instance for '-MM-(+20) HH:MM:SS' at 0x9f1300
RelativeDateTime instance for '-MM-(+01) HH:MM:SS' at 0x9d5e90
  for i in range(20):
...print dt.DateTime(2000) + i*(rdt/20)
DeprecationWarning: i
nteger argument expected, got float
   return DateTime(year, month, 1) + \
2000-01-01 00:00:00.00
2000-01-02 00:00:00.00
2000-01-03 00:00:00.00
2000-01-04 00:00:00.00
2000-01-05 00:00:00.00
2000-01-06 00:00:00.00
2000-01-07 00:00:00.00
2000-01-08 00:00:00.00
2000-01-09 00:00:00.00
2000-01-10 00:00:00.00
2000-01-11 00:00:00.00
2000-01-12 00:00:00.00
2000-01-13 00:00:00.00
2000-01-14 00:00:00.00
2000-01-15 00:00:00.00
2000-01-16 00:00:00.00
2000-01-17 00:00:00.00
2000-01-18 00:00:00.00
2000-01-19 00:00:00.00
2000-01-20 00:00:00.00

Does this help?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Finding where to store application data portably

2005-09-22 Thread Mike Meyer
rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, 2005-09-20 at 23:03 +0100, Tony Houghton wrote:
 I'm using pygame to write a game called Bombz which needs to save some
 data in a directory associated with it. In Unix/Linux I'd probably use
 ~/.bombz, in Windows something like
 C:\Documents And Settings\user\Applicacation Data\Bombz.
 There are plenty of messages in the archives for this group about how to
 find the correct location in Windows, but what about Mac OS?

 ~/.bombz works equally well on OSX.

But Mac users - as opposed to Unix geeks - will expect to find it in
~/Library/Application Support/Bombz.

Us unix geeks can symlink that to ~/.bombz if we use the application
on both platforms.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: idle

2005-09-22 Thread Franz Steinhaeusler
On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:31:22 +0200, TK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


is there no IDLE in Python2.4?



on Windows:


You should have a shortcuts in your StartMenu
und Python 2.4

Franz Steinhaeusler

Need help:Unable to make runnable Python on AIX 4.3.3

2005-09-22 Thread mkent
I have a vexing problem and seek some input on how to fix it.

Starting with Python 2.4.0, I have been unable to compile a working
Python on our AIX 4.3.3 development system.  I can compile a working
Python 2.3.x with no problem.

The failure symptom is that Python 2.4.x fails its unit tests on
test_builtin with a Segmentation fault.  Turning on verbose test output
in the Makefile via the '-v' flag yields the following:

(Much output from passing tests elided)
test_open (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) ... ok
test_ord (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) ... ok
test_pow (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) ... ok
test_range (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) ... ok
test_reduce (test.test_builtin.BuiltinTest) ... ok
gmake: *** [test] Segmentation fault

Any ideas on how to find/fix this problem?  I'd hate to get locked into
Python 2.3, but that's what will happen if I can't solve this.


Re: Looking for system/network monitoring tool written in Python

2005-09-22 Thread Mike Meyer
David Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thanks for the pointer. And to Simon Brunning for the pointer to

 Also see Google. :)

While everything may be in Google, it's not always obvious how to get
it out. I've managed to extract a score of systems from Google - but
none based on Python...

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: re.split() problem

2005-09-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Masayuki Takemura wrot:

 re.split() doesn't work as I intend.

it works as it's supposed to work.

empty matches are not considered to be valid split points, partially
because it doesn't really make sense to split on nothing in most cases,
but mostly because doing so will, most likely, result in a lot more split
doesn't do what I want reports than the current design...

 For example,

 r = re.compile('^$', re.MULTILINE)

 but I expected ['foo\nbar\n', 'baz'].

so use an ordinary string split, or rephrase your RE.  if not else, you
can always invert your problem:

 s = foo\nbar\n\nbaz
 re.findall((?s).*\n\n|.+$, s)
['foo\nbar\n\n', 'baz']

(this also lets you use finditer so you can process huge texts without
having to hold everything in memory)

 Will it be fixed in Python 2.4.2?

2.4.2 is a bug fix release.  doesn't work as you intend doesn't really
count as a bug (unless you wrote the specification, of course, which I
don't think you did...)



Simultaneous Adobe Reader

2005-09-22 Thread Jorge Ramirez


From windows, using 
a python script how can I open Adobe Reader without displaying a PDF 
document? Furthermore, using a script is it possible torun two Adobe 
Reader sessions simulatneously. Thanks in advance.


Re: Looking for system/network monitoring tool written in Python

2005-09-22 Thread Eddie Corns
Simon Brunning [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On 9/22/05, Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've found a fair number of systems/network monitoring tools (things
 like Big Brother, Big Sister, cricket, etc.) written in Perl. I'm
 curious if there are any written in Python.

There's EDDIE - I've never used it myself,

How annoying that I didn't even notice one that was named after me.  It's not
what I was after but interesting none the less.


Re: Finding where to store application data portably

2005-09-22 Thread en.karpachov
On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 00:23:56 +1000
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 I wish the Linux Standard Base folks would specify that settings files
 should all go into a subdirectory like ~/settings rather than filling up
 the home directory with cruft. That was acceptable in the days when people
 only looked at their files with ls, but in these days of GUI file
 managers, it is ridiculous that there are more than 100 dot files and
 directories in my home directory.

So it is the very rationale why dot-files historically considered as
hidden in all unix shells and filemanagers.
 tilting at windmills
 Can I ask developers to break with the obsolete and annoying habit of
 creating user-specific config files as ~/.app-name and use
 ~/settings/app-name instead?
 /tilting at windmills

There is an other way around: look at your home dir as if it is your
settings dir and don't clutter it with files other than application
config dot-files.  Just make ~/files/, ~/bin/ ~/lib/ etc. for it.


Re: NTEventLogHandler not logging `info'?

2005-09-22 Thread Vinay Sajip
Jaime Wyant wrote:
 This code doesn't seem to do what I think it should do:

 # python 2.3.2
 # not sure of my win32 extensions version

 import logging
 from logging.handlers import NTEventLogHandler
 logger = logging.getLogger(testlogger)
 handler = NTEventLogHandler(testlogger)
 logger.addHandler(handler) is a test)

 I expected to see an `information' message in my `Application' event
 log.  Any ideas?

By default, the logger's level is WARNING, because you haven't
explicitly set a level and the level inherited from the parent logger
is WARNING (this is the default value for the root logger level). So if
you add a line before the call:

logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # or you can use logging.DEBUG

Then you should see an entry appear in the NT Event log.


Re: Perl's documentation come of age

2005-09-22 Thread Mike

Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Jim Hugunin's keynote speech at this year's PyCon was accompanied by a 
 projection if his interactive interpreter session, and I know I wasn't 
 alone in finding this a convincing example of Microsoft's (well, Jim's, 
 really) full integration of Python into the .net framework.
 Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC
 PyCon TX 2006

Which .Net integreation technology are you speaking of?
BTW, seems to be down (at least not reachable from here at the 



Re: Open PDF

2005-09-22 Thread Mike Meyer
 Under Linux you can probably use xpdf or gpdf:

   os.system(xpdf /path/to/file.pdf)

 Note that you should check the return code of system to see if the
 execution was successful. For example, the user might not have xpdf

This is the problem that the open package was designed to
solve. The API for Python apps is still under development, but if you
do 'os.system(open /path/to/file.pdf)', open will use the users
preferred pdf viewer, and interact with the user to select one if they
don't have a prefernce on record.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Python installation root directory problem

2005-09-22 Thread Matt Leslie

I am trying to install python 2.4.1 on a windows XP machine. Whether I 
choose to install 'for me' or 'for all users, and no matter where I select 
as the root directory, the installer always puts the python root in C:\, 
which is obviously a bit messy.

I am running this instalaltion as a slightly restricted non-administrative 
user, but I can create the C:\Python24 directory that I specified in the 
installation program and put files in it, so I do not think this can be the 
reason the installer fails. I have uninstalled python and deleted all 
references to it in the registry, then reinstalled, and experienced the same 

Does anyone have any ideas what this might be?



Re: Calling python scripts from C# programs

2005-09-22 Thread Paul
Another option is to implement the needed python code in COM server and
call that from C#. A simple example of python COM server can be seen
about halfway down the page here


Re: NTEventLogHandler not logging `info'?

2005-09-22 Thread Jaime Wyant
I must be missing something. This is what I read from the documentation:

When a logger is created, the level is set to NOTSET (which causes all
messages to be processed in the root logger, or delegation to the
parent in non-root loggers).



On 22 Sep 2005 08:21:48 -0700, Vinay Sajip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jaime Wyant wrote:
  This code doesn't seem to do what I think it should do:
  # python 2.3.2
  # not sure of my win32 extensions version
  import logging
  from logging.handlers import NTEventLogHandler
  logger = logging.getLogger(testlogger)
  handler = NTEventLogHandler(testlogger)
  logger.addHandler(handler) is a test)
  I expected to see an `information' message in my `Application' event
  log.  Any ideas?

 By default, the logger's level is WARNING, because you haven't
 explicitly set a level and the level inherited from the parent logger
 is WARNING (this is the default value for the root logger level). So if
 you add a line before the call:

 logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # or you can use logging.DEBUG

 Then you should see an entry appear in the NT Event log.



Re: NTEventLogHandler not logging `info'?

2005-09-22 Thread Jaime Wyant
BTW - you're suggestion worked.

Thanks again!

On 9/22/05, Jaime Wyant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I must be missing something. This is what I read from the documentation:

 When a logger is created, the level is set to NOTSET (which causes all
 messages to be processed in the root logger, or delegation to the
 parent in non-root loggers).



 On 22 Sep 2005 08:21:48 -0700, Vinay Sajip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Jaime Wyant wrote:
   This code doesn't seem to do what I think it should do:
   # python 2.3.2
   # not sure of my win32 extensions version
   import logging
   from logging.handlers import NTEventLogHandler
   logger = logging.getLogger(testlogger)
   handler = NTEventLogHandler(testlogger)
   logger.addHandler(handler) is a test)
   I expected to see an `information' message in my `Application' event
   log.  Any ideas?
  By default, the logger's level is WARNING, because you haven't
  explicitly set a level and the level inherited from the parent logger
  is WARNING (this is the default value for the root logger level). So if
  you add a line before the call:
  logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # or you can use logging.DEBUG
  Then you should see an entry appear in the NT Event log.


Re: Calling python scripts from C# programs

2005-09-22 Thread Brett Hoerner
David Wilson wrote:

It should be noted that they (?) don't seem to update that site
anymore, you can find 0.9.1 here:

There is also Boo, which is Python-like (with some differences) but is
a .NET Language itself.  I never understood if IronPython was ment to
be fully Python compatible, so I don't know if Boo is the same or
further from what you may want... anyways,


Indexed variables

2005-09-22 Thread python-novice

being an almost complete Python AND programming neophyte I would like to ask
the following - very elementary, as I might suspect - question:

How do I do the following flawed things right:


def f(x):
if x == a1:
a1 = a1 + 1
elif x == a2:
a2 = a2 + 1

Now if I call f with f(a2) only a1, of course, is incremented because the
if-clause does only check for the value of the input and the values of a1
and a2 are identical.

So how do I define the function such as to discrimate wheter I call it by 
f(a1) or f(a2) ?

Thank you very much,


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Re: wxPython Notebook crash when pressing alt key

2005-09-22 Thread Graham Fawcett

Kreedz wrote:
 Could Windows version have anything to do with this?? Else I've got
 some really weird issue...

 I'm on Windows 2000 Professional

Yes, that definitely counts as a wierd issue. wink

I couldn't reproduce the bug either.

ActivePython 2.4.1 Build 247 (ActiveState Corp.) based on
Python 2.4.1 (#65, Jun 20 2005, 17:01:55) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
 import wx

It's the unicode build, in case that makes any difference.



Re: Indexed variables

2005-09-22 Thread Laszlo Zsolt Nagy


def f(x):
if x == a1:
a1 = a1 + 1
elif x == a2:
a2 = a2 + 1

Now if I call f with f(a2) only a1, of course, is incremented because the
if-clause does only check for the value of the input and the values of a1
and a2 are identical.

So how do I define the function such as to discrimate wheter I call it by 
f(a1) or f(a2) ?

What you are trying to do is to create a function with a side effect. 
(Side effect is when a function changes its environment. The environment 
of a function is everything that is not local to that function, plus the 
actual parameters and I/O devices.)

If you really want to change an actual parameter inside an object, then 
you should use a mutable object. In Python, there are two kinds of 
objects: mutable and immutable. Immutable objects cannot change their 
value. Integers are immutable. The object zero will always be zero. You 
can add another integer to it, but it will create another object, while 
the zero object will remain zero. There are other immutable objects. For 
example, tuples are immutable.

 t = (1,2,3)

This object is an immutable tuple. You cannot change its value. Mutable 
objects can change their values. For example, lists are mutable.

 L = [1,2,3]

Usually, mutable objects have methods to change their value.

 print L


So if you really want to create a function with a side effect, do 
something like this:

 a1 = [0]
 a2 = [0]

 def f(x):
... if x is a1:
... a1[0] += 1
... elif x is a2:
... a2[0] += 1

But please note that having side effect is generally considered harmful.

Please read the tutorial, these things are explained quite well.




Re: Indexed variables

2005-09-22 Thread Rocco Moretti

 So how do I define the function such as to discrimate wheter I call it by 
 f(a1) or f(a2) ?

I don't want to sound rude, but I think you'll be better served by 
telling us why you would want to do such a thing - ten to one someone 
can suggest a better way to acomplish you end goal, rather than 
discriminating on which variable is passed to a function.

Re: Indexed variables

2005-09-22 Thread Tom Anderson
On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do I do the following flawed things right:

Well, that depends on what you mean by 'right'. I'm going to give you two 
solutions; one that answers your apparent question, and one that addresses 
what i suspect is your true question.


 def f(x):
if x == a1:
a1 = a1 + 1
elif x == a2:
a2 = a2 + 1

The problem here is to do with how variables work. When you say f(a2), you 
don't mean call f, and pass a2 as the parameter, you say call f, and 
pass the value of a2 as the parameter. It's a bit like if you have a cat, 
and two tins of sardines; you might say you feed a tin of sardines to the 
cat, but really, you're feeding it the sardines that were in the tin - you 
have to take them out of it first. Accordingly, if the sardines are 
identical, the cat has no way of knowing which tin the sardines came out 
of. I guess you know this.

So, first solution. What you can do is, rather than sending a value into 
f, is send the name of the variable you want to operate on, say as a 

a1 = a2 = 0

def f(name):
if (name == a1):
a1 = a1 + 1
elif (name == a2):
a2 = a2 + 1

You could even do this fully generically, using some magic:

a1 = a2 = 0

def f(name):
g = globals()
g[name] = g[name] + 1

I make absolutely no warranty that this will always do what you expect!

However, in my centuries of experience on programming newsgroups, if 
there's one thing that i've learned, it's that people who want to do this 
usually don't actually want to do this. They have some real need for 
storing a varying number of values under arbitrary names, and they think 
that the way to do this is by having a different variable for each. They 
are almost always wrong.

What they really want is the second solution: a collection object, like a 
list or dictionary:

a = {}
a[1] = 0
a[2] = 0

def f(number):
a[number] = a[number] + 1

This avoids mucking about with the variable namespace, which is usually a 
bad idea, and it means you have all the variables grouped together in one 
place, making it easy to look at them all together, or pass them to some 
other function, or whatever.

For extra style, try this:

a = {}

def f(number):
a[number] = a.get(number, 0)

That effectively automatically initialises every value stored in a to 

Hope this helps,

The ``is'' keyword binds with the same precedence as ``.'', even when it's not 
actually there. -- Larry Wall, Apocalypse 2

Re: Indexed variables

2005-09-22 Thread Laszlo Zsolt Nagy

If you really want to change an actual parameter inside an object, then 

inside a function, I mean

Re: Question About Logic In Python

2005-09-22 Thread Ron Adam
Steve Holden wrote:
 Ron Adam wrote:

 2. Expressions that will be used in a calculation or another 

 By which you appear to mean expressions in which Boolean values are 
 used as numbers.

Or compared to other types, which is common.

 This matters because if you aren't careful your results may not be 
 what you expect.

 Well yes, but then I wouldn't necessarily expect good results if I tried 
 to use a nail file as a tyre-lever, either. If you abuse the intent of 
 anything sufficiently you should expect trouble. But then, you seem to 
 like trouble ;-)

Steve...  You seem to agree,  but think if any one has a problem with 
this, it's a misuse or an abuse.  Ok.  fair enough.

Its not so much I like trouble, It's more that I tend to get stuck on 
contradictions and inconsistencies.  They bug me. (sometimes I bug 
myself as well)  ;-)

   True * True
 1   # Why not return True here as well?

 Why not return 42? Why not return a picture of a banana?

My question still stands.  Could it be helpful if bools were preserved 
in more cases than they are now?

My feelings is that it isn't needed as long as you strictly use your own 
modules, functions, and classes, and can depend on the behavior you 
decide on.  But if you are using routines and object written by others, 
you can't always be sure if a values should be treated as a bool or as 
an integer.  Preserving bools when possible, may help in that regard.

 This is like adding two integer types and getting a float.

 No it isn't. It's like trying to multiply April 2 1994 by June 5 2005. 
 The operation isn't defined. So you choose an arbitrary definition and 
 say it would be nice if it worked like this instead of how it actually 
 does work.

Sure, but if we didn't suggest changes, then nothing would change.  We 
would just have extremely detailed documentation of everything and 
strict rules of use so that we don't misuse them.  ;-)

 When in fact it doesn't really work at all, except for the most 
 tenuous possible value of work. It's an accident, because Guido 
 decided that least code breakage was good when Booleans were introduced.

Good point, but it could be changed in Python 3000 since it will drop 
the backwards compatible requirement.  This doesn't mean that it should 
though.  The reasons for doing so still need to be sufficient.

 There's the possibility of adding two (normally) True values and 
 getting a False result.

   a = True
   b = -1
   a + b  # True_value + True = False_value

 Which is yet another reason why it makes absolutely no sense to apply 
 arithmetic operations to Boolean values.

Again you agree, yet disagree.  Ok, I see your point about breaking 
code,  but should this be changed, either throw an exception or by 
changing to a boolean operation in Python 3000?  You already consider it 
an abuse.

 You are, of course, ignoring the huge amount of code breakage this 
 little change you'd find so convenient would cause.

I'm not suggesting anything be changed before Python 3000 which has as a 
purpose of changing things that haven't been changed because of 
backwards compatibility.  And I don't think I'm the only one who has 
suggested these.

 On one hand these seem like little things, but little things is 
 sometimes what will bite you the hardest as they are more likely to 
 get by your guard.

 Kindly think again about the vast number of times that Python 
 programmers have relied on the documented property of and, which says 
 that it returns the left operand (without evaluating the right one) 
 unless the left operand is equivalent to False, in which case it returns 
 the right operand.

The shortcut behavior would still work, but the returned values would be 
either True or False.  I agree the above is useful behavior, but I also 
see the boolean behavior as desirable.  I would like both in clear and 
separate contexts if possible.

Guido said the other day on python-dev, he would consider having 'and' 
and 'or' return True and False in order to reduce bugs, if a trinary was 
also added.  It's not as short to type, but the same functionality would 
still be present in the language.

Another possibility would be to just add bool operators '||' and '' 
which would always return True and False and leave 'and' and 'or' as 
they are.

 You talk about least surprises and in my opinion as though your 
 opinions are the only ones that anyone would dream of holding. This is 
 in itself quite surprising to me.

No, in my opinion means exactly that, It's my personal opinion.  You 
are free and welcome to express your opinion as well.

And least surprises is, I believe, a good thing to strive for. 
Weather or not this would fit that I'm not sure.  It's quite possible 
that some of these changes would create more surprises not less.

Also these ideas aren't mine, they are fairly standard concepts that 
other languages use as well, nothing really new here.


Re: Writing a parser the right way?

2005-09-22 Thread beza1e1
Thanks for the hints. I just found NLTK and MontyLingua.

And yes, it is just adventure game language. This means every tense
except present tense is discarded as not changing world. Furthermore
the parser will make a lot of assumptions, which are perhaps 90% right,
not perfect:

if word[-2:] == ly:
return Adverb(word)

Note that uppercase words are identified before, so Willy is parsed
correctly as a noun. On the other hand silly boy, will not return a
correct result.

Currently it is just a proof-of-concept. Maybe i can integrate a better
parser engine later. The idea is a kind of mud, where you talk correct
sentences instead of go north. I envision a difference like Diablo to
PenPaper. I'd call it more a collaborative story telling game, than a
actual RPG.

I fed it your sentences, Paul. Result:
['I', 'drive', 'a'] ['red'] ['truck']
should be:
['I'] ['drive'] ['a', 'red', 'truck']

Verbs are the tricky part i think. There is no way to recognice them.
So i will have to get a database ... work to do. ;)


Re: Finding where to store application data portably

2005-09-22 Thread Ron Adam
Steve Holden wrote:

 Ron Adam wrote:
 Tony Houghton wrote:

 I'm using pygame to write a game called Bombz which needs to save some
 data in a directory associated with it. In Unix/Linux I'd probably use
 ~/.bombz, in Windows something like
 C:\Documents And Settings\user\Applicacation Data\Bombz.

 There are plenty of messages in the archives for this group about how to
 find the correct location in Windows, but what about Mac OS? There I
 don't know the correct location for this sort of thing at all. And there
 are other, more obscure systems like RISC OS (it may not have pygame but
 it definitely has python). Surely this is something that's crying out
 for an official function in os or sys.

 This works on Win XP.  Not sure if it will work on Linux.

 import os

 parent = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.sys.argv[0]))[0]
 file = parent + os.sep + '.bombz'


 Since you've gone to the trouble to use os.path functions why not use
 file = os.path.join(parent, 'bombz')

It just didn't come to mind first.  I don't use os.path that often.

Thanks. :-)


Re: Python installation root directory problem

2005-09-22 Thread Matt Leslie
Further diggingappears to show this is an instance of the problem documented 

Running msiexec with logging revealed the following lines:

MSI (s) (48:F8) [18:15:47:990]: Ignoring disallowed property X
MSI (s) (48:F8) [18:15:47:990]: Ignoring disallowed property TARGETDIR
MSI (s) (48:F8) [18:15:47:990]: Ignoring disallowed property DLLDIR
MSI (s) (48:F8) [18:15:47:990]: Ignoring disallowed property USERNAME
MSI (s) (48:F8) [18:15:47:990]: Ignoring disallowed property COMPANYNAME
MSI (s) (48:F8) [18:15:47:990]: Ignoring disallowed property SOURCEDIR
MSI (s) (48:F8) [18:15:47:990]: Ignoring disallowed property ROOTDRIVE

Values were not being passed from the UI to the actual installation script 
as they were untrusted. This can be resolved as described in the link above 
by using SecureCustomProperties.  I have therefore submitted this to the 
sourceforge bug tracker.


Matt Leslie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 I am trying to install python 2.4.1 on a windows XP machine. Whether I 
 choose to install 'for me' or 'for all users, and no matter where I select 
 as the root directory, the installer always puts the python root in C:\, 
 which is obviously a bit messy.

 I am running this instalaltion as a slightly restricted non-administrative 
 user, but I can create the C:\Python24 directory that I specified in the 
 installation program and put files in it, so I do not think this can be 
 the reason the installer fails. I have uninstalled python and deleted all 
 references to it in the registry, then reinstalled, and experienced the 
 same effect.

 Does anyone have any ideas what this might be?




Linux/Python - SQL*Server Connexion chain

2005-09-22 Thread Gilles Lenfant

Have you guys any good experience on connecting a Python (Zope) app 
running on Linux to a Windoze SQL*Server ?

Many thanks by advance to report your success, failure, pitfalls (...) 
and used products.

Even reports using commercial solutions are welcome.


Re: time challenge

2005-09-22 Thread Scott David Daniels
nephish wrote:
 i am doing a plotting application If its 40 minutes, 
  i need 20 plots that are 2 minutes apart.
 what would be a way i could pull this off?

Sounds like homework related to another assignment discussed above.
Write your code, try to get it to work, and _then_ if you have
problems ask smart questions here about specific issues you have
with getting your code to work.


-Scott David Daniels

Re: Threading, real or simulated?

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Hansen
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-09-22, Sam schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
What's the GIL?.
 The general interpretor lock. In general changing python internals

That should be global (and, more pedantically, interpreter).

How to show percentage

2005-09-22 Thread Sen-Lung Chen
Dear All:
 I have a question of show percentage.
For example ,I want to show the percentage of 1/3 = 33.33%

 I use the 1*100/3 = 33
it is 33 not 33.33 , how to show the 33.33 %


Re: Writing a parser the right way?

2005-09-22 Thread Steven Bethard
beza1e1 wrote:
 Verbs are the tricky part i think. There is no way to recognice them.
 So i will have to get a database ... work to do. ;)

Try the Brill tagger[1] or MXPOST[2].



Re: Perl's documentation come of age

2005-09-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Mike wrote:

  Jim Hugunin's keynote speech at this year's PyCon was accompanied by a
  projection if his interactive interpreter session, and I know I wasn't
  alone in finding this a convincing example of Microsoft's (well, Jim's,
  really) full integration of Python into the .net framework.

 Which .Net integreation technology are you speaking of?



Re: Linux/Python - SQL*Server Connexion chain

2005-09-22 Thread Benji York
Gilles Lenfant wrote:
 Have you guys any good experience on connecting a Python (Zope) app 
 running on Linux to a Windoze SQL*Server ?

Yep.  I wrote bindings to ODBTP ( using 
ctypes.  It worked really well, good performance and quite reliable.

You can see an alpha version at  I'm 
not using it any more, but have a more recent version that I really 
should package up.
Benji York

Re: Finding where to store application data portably

2005-09-22 Thread Ron Adam
Tony Houghton wrote:

   This works on Win XP.  Not sure if it will work on Linux.
   import os
   parent = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.sys.argv[0]))[0]
   file = parent + os.sep + '.bombz'
 Ooh, no, I don't want saved data to go in the installation directory. In
 general that practice encourages people to run with Admin access, and
 it's about time Windows users were discouraged from that.

Yes, it occurred to me you didn't want to do that after I posted.

Looks like maybe the correct place would be as you suggested, but maybe 
doing it this way would be better.

import os
user = os.path.join( os.environ[USERPROFILE],
  'Application Data',
  'Bombz' )



Re: Question About Logic In Python

2005-09-22 Thread Terry Reedy

Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Which is yet another reason why it makes absolutely no sense to apply
 arithmetic operations to Boolean values.

Except for counting the number of true values.  This and other legitimate 
uses of False/True as 0/1 (indexing, for instance) were explicitly 
considered as *features* of the current design when it was entered.  The 
design was not merely based on backwards compatibility, but also on 
actually use cases which Guido did not want to disable.  There was lots of 
discussion on c.l.p.

Terry J. Reedy


Re: How to show percentage

2005-09-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Traditionally, one part of the expression has to be a float for the
result to be a float (this is a holdover from C). So 100/3.0 will give
you the result you want. Alternatively, you can put from __future__
import division at the top of your script, and then 100/3 will return
a float.


Re: How to show percentage

2005-09-22 Thread Bill Mill
You need to convert 1 or 3 to a float. How about:

 def pct(num, den): return (float(num)/den) * 100
 pct(1, 3)

Bill Mill
bill.mill at

On 22 Sep 2005 10:51:43 -0700, Sen-Lung Chen
 Dear All:
  I have a question of show percentage.
 For example ,I want to show the percentage of 1/3 = 33.33%

  I use the 1*100/3 = 33
 it is 33 not 33.33 , how to show the 33.33 %



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