2005-10-10 Thread Johan Dahlin
I am pleased to announce version 2.8.2 of the Python bindings for GTK.

The new release is available from as and its mirrors
as soon as its synced correctly:

What's new since 2.8.1:
- GIOChannel thread fix (Johan, Ole Andre Vadla Ravnås)

For a complete list of new features in 2.8.x, see the wiki page:


GTK is a toolkit for developing graphical applications that run on POSIX
systems such as Linux, Windows and MacOS X (provided that the X server
for MacOS X has been installed).  It provides a comprehensive set of GUI
widgets, can display Unicode bidi text.  It links into the Gnome
Accessibility Framework through the ATK library.

PyGTK provides a convenient wrapper for the GTK+ library for use in
Python programs, and takes care of many of the boring details such as
managing memory and type casting.  When combined with PyORBit and
gnome-python, it can be used to write full featured Gnome applications.

Like the GTK+ library itself PyGTK is licensed under the GNU LGPL, so is
suitable for use in both free software and proprietary applications.  It
is already in use in many applications ranging from small single purpose
scripts up to large full features applications.

PyGTK requires GTK+ = 2.8.0 and Python = 2.3 to build.

Bug reports, as always, should go to Bugzilla; check out and for
to posting and querying bug reports for PyGTK.

Johan Dahlin


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Merging sorted lists/iterators/generators into one stream of values...

2005-10-10 Thread Alex Martelli
George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  manipulation of a heap to place an item in the right spot, but with 4-5
  or a few more sources might not make an impact at all.
 Unless you're talking about hundreds or thousands sources, it probably
 won't. I would still go for the heap solution since IMO the resulting
 code it's more readable and easier to understand.

I'm not so sure about either sentence...:

Helen:~/pynut/samp alex$ python --numstreams=10 --minlen=100
Best time for 10 loops: 0.247116088867

Helen:~/pynut/samp alex$ python --numstreams=10 --minlen=100
Best time for 10 loops: 0.10344004631

i.e., a heap solution may be over 4 times faster than a sort-based one
(in the following implementations).  Readability seems quite comparable
(skipping the rest of the infrastructure, which generates random sorted
streams and ensures a stream is exhausted and verifies it etc etc):

def merge_by_sort(streams):
  sources = [[, i,] for i, s in enumerate(streams)]
  while sources:
best_source = sources[-1]
yield best_source[0]
try: best_source[0] = best_source[-1]()
except StopIteration: sources.pop()

def merge_by_heap(streams):
  sources = [[, i,] for i, s in enumerate(streams)]
  while sources:
best_source = sources[0]
yield best_source[0]
try: best_source[0] = best_source[-1]()
except StopIteration: heapq.heappop(sources)
else: heapq.heapreplace(sources, best_source)

Hmmm, I wonder if something like merge_by_heap would be a good candidate
for itertool.  Raymond...?


Python Programmer Urgently Required

2005-10-10 Thread Kedar Dash
Job Description:

The position holder will supplement the existing pool
of application development and programming pool of
OWSA technical team. In particular S/he will be
responsible for developing Python based overlay
application – to be mounted on existing software tools
and solutions. The position will report to Programe
Manager, Training  Technical Services.

Required Skills:

* A degree in Computer Application, Engineering or
another numerate subject
* 1+ years experience of web application
development in Python or PHP
* Good understanding of MySQL, PostGreSQL or
another RDBMS platform.
* Aptitude and experience of technical writing and
process documentation
* Good oral and written communication abilities;
and ability to work in multi-disciplinary team

To apply for any of these above positions, please send
your latest resume along with details of your current
role and how do your propose to contribute in this
position. Women candidates with the requisite skills 
qualifications are especially encouraged to apply.
OneWorld South Asia is an equal opportunity employer.

Applications along with a one page write up explaining
the suitability to the job may be sent (preferably
through email) to:

Kedar Dash
Team Leader, Web Development
OneWorld South Asia,
C-5 Qutab Institutional Area
New Delhi – 110016
Tel: 91 11 51689001 Ext 108
Fax: 91 11 51689001


Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner now. Go to

Re: searching a project to contribute to

2005-10-10 Thread Robert Kern
Clint Norton wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm a student currently in the beginning of my master's degree and
 I'm searching for an interesting open source project written in Python
 to contribute to.
 I have worked as a programmer for the past few years (mostly in
 academia but also as a typical full time code monkey in a commercial
 company), some of it in python, some in Java (commercial companies
 really seem to like Java).
 Anyway, which python projects would be a good start? I generally
 like working on algorithmic parts or Business Logic and really don't
 like doing interface work. The software I like producing has a tendency
 to make use of the random and/or math modules, if that says something
 about the nature of the work I've done... I really want to give
 something back to the community I've taken so much from in the past.

We could always use more algorithms in scipy. scipy is a large, fairly
loose collection of numerical algorithms. Currently we're in a
transitional period; we're moving over to the new array object (yes,
another one), so the website is a bit out of date. Fortunately, scipy is
loose enough that you could simply jump in and implement a new algorithm
without needing to concern yourself much with the rest of the library. I
suggest poking around the latest SVN branches (listed below) to get a
feel of what's already in there, and then introducing yourself on the
scipy-dev list. I can give you more direct advice about what's missing
and what we would like to include.

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
  -- Richard Harter


Pythot doc problem: lambda keyword...

2005-10-10 Thread Xah Lee
i'm trying to lookup on the detail of language Python's “lambda”
function feature. I've seen it before, but today i need to read about
it again since i'm writing. I quickly went to the index page:
but all i got is a LambdaType.

i'm thinking, maybe built-in functions are not listed there. Lo, but
map() and friends are there. O, maybe i'm confused and “lambda” is
actually a keyword by this particular language's feelings, but Lo,
“while” is certainly a keyword but it is there.

Fuck the Python liers and ignorant fuckheads. Motherfucking don't know
shit and yet lying thru their teeth with fanfare.

(for the technical context and justification of this message, please
see the essays at the bottom of: )



Re: non descriptive error

2005-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Timothy Smith wrote:
 i have reproduced the error in this code block

 #save values in edit
 == Decimal('0'):
 #box must be checked before continuing
 if self.PlacedInSafe.GetValue() != 1:
 self.parent.Popup(You must place the till draw back in the
 safe,Till draw)
 #finalise the till draw
 if Decimal(self.TillFloat.GetLabel().split('$')[1]) != Decimal('0'):
 Prompt = wx.MessageDialog(self,The correct amount has not been
 returned from the till draw float to the main float!
 If you proceed please contact your manager,Change tin doesn't
 if Prompt.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
 self.parent.Popup('You have an outstanding change tin balance on this
 till','Change tin')

 i have NO idea what in there could be making it have such a strange
 error. it just says error when you try run it. there nothing terribly
 strange being done.

the snippet you posted gives

$ python
  File, line 2
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

on my python 2.3 install.

are you sure you don't have some weird sitecustomize file on your
machine?  (more likely, it's a wxPython issue.  can you reproduce
this without using wxPython ?)



Re: non descriptive error

2005-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Timothy Smith wrote:

 it is definately a bug in 2.3 when using the decimal module. i can
 reproduce it.

 from decimal import Decimal
 a = Decimal('0'

 and when you attempt to run it you will get error

$ python
  File, line 3

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

 of course i do understand that decimal wasn't part of 2.3, but atleast
 now when if anyone gets that terse message they know where to start
 looking :)

on your machine ?



Re: __Classes and type tests

2005-10-10 Thread Peter Otten
Brian van den Broek wrote:

 The code below exhibits an attempt to refer to the type of a __Class
 from within a method of that class. I've been unable to figure out how
 to make it work as I want, and would appreciate any insight.
 The problem emerged out of a bad design that the good folks on the
 tutor list helped me repair. With that repair, I no longer need nor
 want to do this sort of thing in actual code. But the academic issue
 How/Can it be done? still itches.

Define the method outside the class to defeat mangling: 

 def __init__(self):
... if type(self) == __Two:
... print two leading underscores
 class __Two(object):
... __init__ = __init__
two leading underscores
__main__.__Two object at 0x4029360c



Re: line

2005-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Shi Mu wrote_

 There are four points with coordinates:
 How to use Python to draw one perpendicular bisector
 between (2,3) and (4,9);

the same was as you'd do it in any other computer language ?

once you know the algorithm, implementing it in Python should be
trivial.  maybe you should look for some geometrics site/group first ?
(sci.math or alt.math.recreational and their associated FAQs and
archives might be good choices)

(your questions do look a lot like homework assigments, btw.
are you sure they're not homework?  or if they are, that you're
supposed to have others do you homework for you?)



Re: line

2005-10-10 Thread gsteff
Why do you want to know?  This list isn't a tool to get others to do
your homework.



Re: line

2005-10-10 Thread Shi Mu
it is not a homework, just interested.

On 10 Oct 2005 00:04:23 -0700, gsteff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why do you want to know?  This list isn't a tool to get others to do
 your homework.




Re: Python on the Power PC

2005-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Peter Milliken wrote:

 There were Tkinter binaries with it so I installed those as well. When I
 attempt to run the most simplistic of python programs using Tkinter, I get
 an error message stating that Python can't find any tkinter module.

 Any ideas what I have done wrong anybody?

what does import _tkinter say ?

where is the module (or whatever that's called on the pocket pc,
or power pc, or what it is you're using) installed ?  what is sys.path set to ?


python -vv -c 'import _tkinter'

might provide you with additional clues.



Re: Python on the Power PC

2005-10-10 Thread Steve Holden
Peter Milliken wrote:
 I (think I have :-)) installed Python on my Pocket PC (obtained from
 There were Tkinter binaries with it so I installed those as well. When I
 attempt to run the most simplistic of python programs using Tkinter, I get
 an error message stating that Python can't find any tkinter module.
 Any ideas what I have done wrong anybody?
 import Tkinter
 if __name__ == '__main__':
   root = Tkinter.Tk()
   root.title('Hello World?')
Are you sure it didn't say _tkinter was what it couldn't find?

On my Windows system the file tries to import an extension 
(compiled C) module called _tkinter (provided as _tkinter.dll) that 
provides the low-level Tkinter functionality. It's likely that that's 

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


changing filename of file-type object

2005-10-10 Thread rspoonz
I have a cgi script from which I wish to return a zipped file with an
extension other than .zip (ie .zzz)

I am creating a file-type object (cStringIO) and adding some zipped
information to it using zipfile.

I then return this with Content-Type: application/zip

The problem is that the file the browser sees has a .zip extension. Is
there any way I can change this extension?


Re: Pythot doc problem: lambda keyword...

2005-10-10 Thread Robert Kern
Xah Lee wrote:
 i'm trying to lookup on the detail of language Python's “lambda”
 function feature.

google( lambda)

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
  -- Richard Harter


Re: how do you pronounce wxpython

2005-10-10 Thread Peter
I always pronounced it double-you-ex-python. I am almost positive this 
is the way it is pronounced.

Although the wxPyWiki seems to be pronounced wix-pee-wi-kee (as it says 
on the front page) so maybe it is pronounced wix-Python... you never know...


Alex wrote:

My native language is not English so I just wonder how you pronounce

vi-ex python
double-you-ex python

or something else




Comparing lists

2005-10-10 Thread Odd-R.
I have to lists, A and B, that may, or may not be equal. If they are not 
identical, I want the output to be three new lists, X,Y and Z where X has 
all the elements that are in A, but not in B, and Y contains all the 
elements that are B but not in A. Z will then have the elements that are 
in both A and B.

One way of doing this is of course to iterate throug the lists and compare 
each of the element, but is there a more efficient way?

Thanks in advance!

Har du et kjøleskap, har du en TV
så har du alt du trenger for å leve

-Jokke  Valentinerne

Re: Pythot doc problem: lambda keyword...

2005-10-10 Thread Pisin Bootvong

Xah Lee เขียน:
 i'm trying to lookup on the detail of language Python's “lambda”
 function feature. I've seen it before, but today i need to read about
 it again since i'm writing. I quickly went to the index page:
 but all i got is a LambdaType.

 i'm thinking, maybe built-in functions are not listed there. Lo, but
 map() and friends are there. O, maybe i'm confused and “lambda” is
 actually a keyword by this particular language's feelings, but Lo,
 “while” is certainly a keyword but it is there.

 Fuck the Python liers and ignorant fuckheads. Motherfucking don't know
 shit and yet lying thru their teeth with fanfare.

 (for the technical context and justification of this message, please
 see the essays at the bottom of: )


I knew I shouldn't feed the troll, but anyway.

'lambda' is a keyword. So there's no doubt looking in LIBRARY Reference
and not finding it.
There exists a document called LANGUAGE Reference, with description of
'lambda' keyword.
('while' statement is also documented in Language Reference.)

So to quote from Xah Lee:
 Fuck the [...] ignorant fuckheads. Motherfucking don't know
 shit and yet lying thru their teeth [...].

You can't complain about lacks of knowledge if you don't know where to
BTW, you post to the wrong group.



Re: Comparing lists

2005-10-10 Thread Laszlo Zsolt Nagy
Odd-R. wrote:

I have to lists, A and B, that may, or may not be equal. If they are not 
identical, I want the output to be three new lists, X,Y and Z where X has 
all the elements that are in A, but not in B, and Y contains all the 
elements that are B but not in A. Z will then have the elements that are 
in both A and B.

These are set operations.

One way of doing this is of course to iterate throug the lists and compare 
each of the element, but is there a more efficient way?

Maybe, using sets?

L1 = [1,2,3,4]
diff1 = list(set(L1)-set(L2))   # [1,2]
diff2 = list(set(L2)-set(L1))   # [5,6]
symdiff = diff1+diff2 # Symmetric difference [1,2,5,6]
intersect = set(L1+L2) - set(symdiff) # Intersect [3,4]




Re: users of pycurl here?

2005-10-10 Thread Michele Simionato
The Effbot wrote:
 here's a robust parser for various LIST output formats:

 (google for ftpparse to find python bindings for that module)

Well, I have downloaded the one from your site (ftpparse-1.1-20021124)
and I have given a python install. Now I have a
which exposes a single function 'parse'. However both the module and
the function do not have any docstring,  the underscore makes me
believe that there should be a file which is missing,
and the README says for a usage example, see the test
script but there is not such a script in the distribution :-(

   Michele Simionato


Question about parsing a string

2005-10-10 Thread Nico Grubert
Hi there,

I would like to parse a string in Python.

If the string is e.g. '[url=][/url]' I would like 
to generate this string:
'a href=;'

If the string is e.g. '[url=]My link[/url]' I 
would like to generate this string:
'a href=;My link/a'

Any idea how I can do this? Maybe with regular expressions?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Comparing lists

2005-10-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
try to use set.
L1 = [1,1,2,3,4]
L2 = [1,3, 99]
A = set(L1)
B = set(L2)

X = A-B
print X

Y = B-A
print Y

Z = A | B
print Z



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-10 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-07, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Well, that exactly is the point where we make the transition from this
 is how things work to pure speculation.

Everything starts with pure speculation. I had no intention of
introducing the big type system here. I just think people who
oppose type systems, limit themselves too much to how things
currently work and from there oppose anything that resembles
a type system instead of thinking of what they would like
a type system to do even if it is not implemtable now.

 Can't say that there won't be
 a solution someday - but certainly it requires much more, and from
 above nobody can say that this would solve _any_ problem.

 What you propose above is what JAVA does - plus more dynamicity.

So it isn't exactly JAVA afterall.

 given that even the  non-dynamic, everything has to be annotated JAVA
 fails to deal with ANY (called Object there),

So please explain how my system fails with the ANY.

 I can't see how a more
 dynamic environment will do _better_ in that respect.

You first argued that a type system had to limit the coder and you
gave the example of the homegeneous list. I suggested an ANY type
and asked how a homegeneous list of ANY's would limit the coder.
Your respons was that this was like a JAVA Object or C void* hack,
that can be used to circumvent the type system and cause all kinds
of problems, presumebly python was not vulnerable to.

So I would either like you to explain how my idea can be used to
circumvent the type system and cause problems, which don't
concern python or explain how this system will limit the coder
with respect what can be done in python.

 So unless you lay
 out some more detailed ideas how that works, this surely won't do much
 if any better than JAVA does today - and JAVA sucks _precisely_ because
 of the half-static-half-dynamic nature. It gives you both troubles -
 runtime errors like in python, together with compile-time limitations.

I have no need to convince you. It was you who made this claim how
a type system had to limit the coder. That you can't see how it
could be done is not an argument. Surely if a typesystem *must* limit
the user or else cause all kinds of problems as more general argument
can be given that doesn't depend on the specific implementation.

 Let's face it: you don't know much about type-systems. I do know a bit
 more - but don't claim to possess the holy grail. And I don't say that
 more powerful analyzing isn't possible. However, all you do so far is
 fantasizing and fail to see why not. Well, that failure might be
 because of limited sight on your side - not necessarily on our, which
 you constantly claim.

Well, I could accept that if you would have explained what the problem
would be with my system instead of just saying you couldn't see how
it would be more usefull than JAVA Objects.

 Visions are a nice thing - but actually, in the scientific domain not
 so much a vision, but proofs are what is needed.

Well you made the claim that a type system had to limit the coder.
Now prove your claim. Untill this is done I see no problem thinking
about type systems that don't limit the coder.

 And if you consider it
 hostile that nobody buys your ideas because so far they aren't more
 than marketing/whishful thinking, I'm sorry that I can't help you.

I don't consider it hostile that nobody buys my ideas. I considered
the environment here hostile to type systems long before I brought
my two cents to the discussions about this subject here.

Antoon Pardon

2D graphics

2005-10-10 Thread Peres

As a Python beginner, I feel a bit lost among all 
possible libraries... so I wondered whether soemone could help me find my way... 
I just need to generate animated sequences of 2D primitives (dots and lines), as 
fast as possible, checking the computer clock for the time elapsed for each 
image, and checking the mouse click. 
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!


Re: Question about parsing a string

2005-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Nico Grubert wrote:

 I would like to parse a string in Python.

 If the string is e.g. '[url=][/url]' I would like
 to generate this string:
 'a href=;'

 If the string is e.g. '[url=]My link[/url]' I
 would like to generate this string:
 'a href=;My link/a'

 Any idea how I can do this? Maybe with regular expressions?

here's one way to do it:

import re, cgi

def fixurl(text):
def fixup(m):
link, text = m.groups()
text = text.strip() or link
return a href='%s'%s/a % (cgi.escape(link), cgi.escape(text))
return re.sub(r\[url=([^]]+)\]([^[]*)\[/url\], fixup, text)


a href=''
 fixurl([url=]My link[/url])
a href=''My link/a



Re: 2D graphics

2005-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Peres wrote:

 As a Python beginner, I feel a bit lost among all possible libraries...
 so I wondered whether soemone could help me find my way... I
 just need to generate animated sequences of 2D primitives (dots
 and lines), as fast as possible, checking the computer clock for
 the time elapsed for each image, and checking the mouse click.

animated as in animated on screen ?

all Python GUI toolkits can do that.  which one(s) do you have installed
on your machine?



Re: Question about parsing a string

2005-10-10 Thread Alex Martelli
Nico Grubert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,
 I would like to parse a string in Python.
 If the string is e.g. '[url=][/url]' I would like
 to generate this string:
 'a href=;'
 If the string is e.g. '[url=]My link[/url]' I 
 would like to generate this string:
 'a href=;My link/a'
 Any idea how I can do this? Maybe with regular expressions?

If you know the string always starts with '[url=' and ends with '[/url]'
(or, any string not thus starting/ending are to be skipped, etc), REs
are a bit of an overkill (they'll work, but you can do it more simply).

If your actual needs are different, you'll have to express them more
explicitly.  But assuming the given starting and ending scenario:

_start = '[url='
_startlen = len(_start)
_end = '[/url]'
_endlen = len(_end)
def doit(s):
  if s[:_startlen] != _start: raise ValueError
  if s[-_endlen:] != _end: raise ValueError
  where_closebracket = s.index(']')
  url = s[_startlen:where_closebracket]
  txt = s[where_closebracket+1:-_endlen]
  if not txt: txt = url
  return 'a href=%s%s/a' % (url, txt)

I've just typed in this code without trying it out, but roughly it
should be what you want.


Re: Jargons of Info Tech industry

2005-10-10 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
Roedy Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Sat, 08 Oct 2005 23:33:13 GMT, Rich Teer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote or quoted :

 What the hell has that got to do with HTML email?  Sending photos
 is an example of what attachments are for.

 Normally you send photos to grandma with captions under each photo.
 That is far more convenient for the technopeasant receiver than
 dealing with multiple attachments.

I'd like to agree, but I haven't received *ANY* properly formatted,
captioned and readable list of photos in an HTML email message in a
long while.  What I usually get it an email message with a completely
irrelevant subject -- usually a reply to a random thread that happened
to include my email address in the recipient list -- with a message
body as useless as:

Here's a photo collection

or even more useless, or empty.

This and other things, that show the original poster of the particular
HTML email message has _no_ intention to spend just *one* minute to
properly write a readable, useful email message, tend to be the main
reasons why I block all HTML email messages from non-work-related
email addresses, save them in a special folder and look at them only
when I really feel like spending some time to weed through the junk.


2D graphics

2005-10-10 Thread Peres

Dear Fredrik,
Thanks for your answer. yes it means animated on 
the screen.
I downloaded Python2.4, pygame and vision, but the 
animation is slow, and i cannot set a graphic priority to my program. Someone 
suggested PyopenGL.sourceforge, but it seems complicated.
Thanks again


Re: users of pycurl here?

2005-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Michele Simionato wrote:

 the README says for a usage example, see the test
 script but there is not such a script in the distribution :-(

looks like a distutils glitch...  try this one:

# $Id$
# minimal sanity check

import string

# examples taken from ftpparse.c,
-rw-r--r--   1 root other531 Jan 29 03:26 README,
dr-xr-xr-x   2 root other512 Apr  8  1994 etc,
dr-xr-xr-x   2 root 512 Apr  8  1994 etc,
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root other  7 Jan 25 00:17 bin - usr/bin,
04-27-00  09:09PM   DIR  licensed,
07-18-00  10:16AM   DIR  pub,
04-14-00  03:47PM  589 readme.htm,

import _ftpparse

# parse sample strings
for line in TESTS:
print repr(line), -
item = _ftpparse.parse(line)
except ValueError:
print ***, cannot parse this line
print, (, item.size, item.mtime,, item.trycwd)

# check behaviour for unknown attributes
except AttributeError:

# end

on my machine, this prints:

'# examples taken from ftpparse.c' -
*** cannot parse this line
'+i8388621.29609,m824255902,/,\tdev' -
('dev', None, 824255902, '8388621.29609', True)
'+i8388621.44468,m839956783,r,s10376,\tRFCEPLF' -
('RFCEPLF', 10376, 839956783, '8388621.44468', False)
'-rw-r--r--   1 root other531 Jan 29 03:26 README' -
('README', 531, 1106969160, None, False)
'dr-xr-xr-x   2 root other512 Apr  8  1994 etc' -
('etc', 512, 765763200, None, True)
'dr-xr-xr-x   2 root 512 Apr  8  1994 etc' -
('etc', 512, 765763200, None, True)
'lrwxrwxrwx   1 root other  7 Jan 25 00:17 bin - usr/bin' -
('bin', 7, 1106612220, None, True)
'04-27-00  09:09PM   DIR  licensed' -
('licensed', None, 956869740, None, True)
'07-18-00  10:16AM   DIR  pub' -
('pub', None, 963915360, None, True)
'04-14-00  03:47PM  589 readme.htm' -
('readme.htm', 589, 955727220, None, False)



Re: Python reliability

2005-10-10 Thread Ville Voipio
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Paul Rubin wrote:

 I would say give the app the heaviest stress testing that you can
 before deploying it, checking carefully for leaks and crashes.  I'd
 say that regardless of the implementation language.

Goes without saying. But I would like to be confident (or as
confident as possible) that all bugs are mine. If I use plain
C, I think this is the case. Of course, bad memory management
in the underlying platform will wreak havoc. I am planning to
use Linux 2.4.somethingnew as the OS kernel, and there I have
not experienced too many problems before.

Adding the Python interpreter adds one layer on uncertainty.
On the other hand, I am after the simplicity of programming
offered by Python.

- Ville

Ville Voipio, Dr.Tech., M.Sc. (EE)


Re: assigning in nested functions

2005-10-10 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-09, jena schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I have code

 def test():
   def x():
 print a
 a=2 # ***
   print a


 This code fails (on statement print a in def x), if I omit line marked 
 ***, it works (it prints 1\n1\n). It look like when I assign variable in 
 nested function, I cannot access variable in container function.
 I need to assign variable in container function, is any way to do this?

I think the best solution with current python in this situation is to
wrap the nested scope variable in a one element list and use slice
notation to change the variable in a more nested function. Something like the

  def test():
def x():
  print a[0]
  a[:] = [2]
a = [1]
print a[0]

Another solution, IMO more workable if you have more of these variables
is to put them all in a Scope object aka Rec, Bunch and probably some
other names and various implementatiosn. (I don't remember from who this
one is. Something like the following:

class Scope(object):
 def __init__(__, **kwargs):
 for key,value in kwargs.items():
 setattr(__, key, value)
 __getitem__ = getattr
 __setitem__ = setattr

def test():

  def x():
print scope.a
scope.a = 2

  scope = Scope(a=1)
  print scope.a


Antoon Pardon

Re: Python reliability

2005-10-10 Thread Ville Voipio
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 If performance is really not such an issue, would it really matter if you
 periodically restarted Python? Starting Python takes a tiny amount of time:

Uhhh. Sounds like playing with Microsoft :) I know of a mission-
critical system which was restarted every week due to some memory
leaks. If it wasn't, it crashed after two weeks. Guess which

 $ time python -c pass
 sys 0m0.015s

This is on the limit of being acceptable. I'd say that a one-second
time lag is the maximum. The system is a safety system after all,
and there will be a hardware watchdog to take care of odd crashes.
The software itself is stateless in the sense that its previous
state does not affect the next round. Basically, it is just checking
a few numbers over the network. Even the network connection is
stateless (single UDP packet pairs) to avoid TCP problems with
partial closings, etc.

There are a gazillion things which may go wrong. A stray cosmic
ray may change the state of one bit in the wrong place of memory,
and that's it, etc. So, the system has to be able to recover from
pretty much everything. I will in any case build an independent
process which probes the state of the main process. However,
I hope it is never really needed.

 I'm not saying that you will need to restart Python once an hour, or even
 once a month. But if you did, would it matter? What's more important is
 the state of the operating system. (I'm assuming that, with a year uptime
 the requirements, you aren't even thinking of WinCE.)

Not even in my worst nightmares! The platform will be an embedded
Linux computer running 2.4.somethingnew.

- Ville

Ville Voipio, Dr.Tech., M.Sc. (EE)


Python and windows

2005-10-10 Thread maxxx_77
I've designed a virtual keyboard (on screen)with Python. I've used
Pithonwin and Tkinter. Well, I'd like to use this keyboard with some
Windows's Application.
This keyboard should find which application is running (with an Active
window) and then write on it.
The keybord should remain always on desktop.
I've wrote a script that interacts with Word. I've created a COM object
with 'win32com.client.Dispatch('Word.Application')'. But I'm not
very happy of this solution because I'd like to create the object only
if Word is really running. So for all (or almost all) Windows's
I'm sorry for my bad english.
Thanks for your time for me.


Re: What about letting x.( ... ? ... ) be equivalent to ( ... x ... )

2005-10-10 Thread Alex Martelli

 And it solve a problem that in all object oriented langages, a method
 that process 2 or more different classes of objets belongs just to one
 of those classes.

Your use of the word all in the phrase all object oriented languages
is erroneous.  There ARE several object-oriented languages which solve
this issue neatly and elegantly by using multi-methods.  The most
easily accessible of those is probably still Dylan; see for more

I don't believe that Python will ever have multi-methods (any more than
I expect to see them in Java, C++ or C#), but that's no reason to forget


Re: New Python book

2005-10-10 Thread Alex Martelli
hrh1818 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This book is not a new book. It is an updated version of Magnus's  2002
 Practical Python book.

Then it's probably a good book, because Practical Python sure was!


Re: Python reliability

2005-10-10 Thread Paul Rubin
Ville Voipio [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Goes without saying. But I would like to be confident (or as
 confident as possible) that all bugs are mine. If I use plain
 C, I think this is the case. Of course, bad memory management
 in the underlying platform will wreak havoc. I am planning to
 use Linux 2.4.somethingnew as the OS kernel, and there I have
 not experienced too many problems before.

You might be better off with a 2.6 series kernel.  If you use Python
conservatively (be careful with the most advanced features, and don't
stress anything too hard) you should be ok.  Python works pretty well
if you use it the way the implementers expected you to.  Its
shortcomings are when you try to press it to its limits.

You do want reliable hardware with ECC and all that, maybe with multiple
servers and automatic failover.  This site might be of interest:

Re: users of pycurl here?

2005-10-10 Thread Michele Simionato
Yes, it works fine, thanks (still I am a bit surprised there is not but only

  Michele Simionato


Re: Python reliability

2005-10-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Ville Voipio wrote:

 There are a gazillion things which may go wrong. A stray cosmic
 ray may change the state of one bit in the wrong place of memory,
 and that's it, etc. So, the system has to be able to recover from
 pretty much everything. I will in any case build an independent
 process which probes the state of the main process. However,
 I hope it is never really needed.

If you have enough hardware grunt, you could think 
about having three independent processes working in 
parallel. They vote on their output, and best out of 
three gets reported back to the user. In other words, 
only if all three results are different does the device 
throw its hands up in the air and say I don't know!

Of course, unless you are running each of them on an 
independent set of hardware and OS, you really aren't 
getting that much benefit. And then there is the 
question, can you trust the voting mechanism... But if 
this is so critical you are worried about cosmic rays, 
maybe it is the way to go.

If it is not a secret, what are you monitoring with 
this device?



propagating distutil user options between commands

2005-10-10 Thread gatti
When building a C extension, Distutils standard command 'install' calls
the 'build' command before performing the installation (see
Lib/distutils/command/ and
Reusing the build command is the correct way to ensure the installation
payload is ready, but the two commands support very different sets of
user options and it is impossible to combine them: install validates
them at the beginning, rejecting user options meant for build as
This becomes a problem with necessary build options like --compiler;
there is an easy workaround for my specific case (running
twice: build --compiler=... then install --skip-build), but
--skip-build is an ad hoc option, other combinations of commands and
options can have the same problem.
There are systematic solutions, like letting every option propagate to
subcommands without checking, on the assumption that unrecognized
options do no harm, or labeling options by command (e.g.
install --build:compiler=foo --install_scripts:force) to let every
command validate its options only and limit options to specific
commands as a byproduct.
What are the reasons for the current strict policy in Distutils? Can it
be changed?

Lorenzo Gatti


Perl-Python-a-Day: Sorting

2005-10-10 Thread Xah Lee
Sort a List

Xah Lee, 200510

In this page, we show how to sort a list in Python  Perl and also
discuss some math of sort.

To sort a list in Python, use the “sort” method. For example:

print li;

Note that sort is a method, and the list is changed in place.

Suppose you have a matrix, and you want to sort by second column.
Example Solution:

li.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1],y[1]))
print li; # prints [[1, 3], [5, 4], [2, 6]]

The line “li.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1],y[1]))” can also be written
as “li.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1],y[1]))”

The argument to sort is a function of two arguments, that returns -1,
0, 1. This function is a decision function that tells sort() how to
decide the order of any two elements in your list. If the first
argument is “less” then second argument, the function should return
-1. If equal, then 0. Else, 1.

Here's a more complex example. Suppose you have a list of strings.


You want to sort them by the number embedded in them. What you have to
do, is to provide sort() method a function, that takes two strings, and
compares the integer inside the string. Here's the solution:


def myComp (x,y):
import re
def getNum(str): return float(re.findall(r'\d+',str)[0])
return cmp(getNum(x),getNum(y))

print li # returns ['web7-s.jpg', 'my23i.jpg', 'fris88large.jpg',

Here, we defined a function myComp to tell sort about the ordering.
Normally, one would use the “lambda” construct, but Python's lambda
construct can only represent the simplest functions.

Some Math about Sorting

In general, the function f used to determine the order of any two
element must satisfy some constraints:

• f(a,a)==0
• if f(a,b)==0 then f(b,a)==0
• if f(a,b)==0 and f(b,c)==0, then f(a,c)==0.
• if f(a,b)==-1 and f(b,c)==-1, then f(a,c)==-1.
• if f(a,b)==-1, then f(b,a)==1.

If the comparison function does not behave as the above, then it is not
consistent, meaning that the result “ordered” list is may actually
be different depending how the language happens to implement sort.

The significance of all these is that in real software you may want to
sort a list of non-simple entities by a specialized ordering. For
example, you may want to sort a list of polygonal surfaces in 3D space,
for particular reasons in implementing some computer graphics features.
Say, you want to sort these polygons by their spacial orientations. It
is in advanced cases like these, understanding the basic math about
ordering is important. Otherwise, you might have a bewildering result
yet unable to locate any flaws in your code.

Python's “sort” method's optional parameters: “key” and

Most of the time, sorting is done for a list of atomic element such as
[3,2,4]. This is simply done by myList.sort() without any argument.
Other than simple list, sort is frequently used on matrixes (e.g.
[[2,6],[1,3],[5,4]]). For matrixes, almost always a particular column
is used for the basis of ordering. For example, if we want to sort by
second column, we do: “li.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1],y[1]))”. Since
this is frequently used, Python provides a somewhat shorter syntax for
it, by specifying the column used as the ordering “key”. For

li.sort(key=lambda x:x[1] ) # is equivalent to the following
#li.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1],y[1]))
print li; # prints [[1, 3], [5, 4], [2, 6]]

Because Python's implementation is not very refined , this specialized
syntax is actually much speedier than the general form “lambda x, y:
cmp(x[1],y[1])”. It is a burden on the programer to always use the
“key” syntax idiosyncrasy if he is sorting a large matrix.

Another idiosyncratic provision is the optional “reverse” argument.
This parameter is somewhat necessary when using the “key”
parameter. One can reverse the ordering by using the “reverse”
keyword as a argument to sort. Example:

The following are equivalent:

li.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True )
li.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1],y[1]), reverse=True)
li.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y[1],x[1]))

The official doc on Python's sort method is at (bottom):

Sorting in Perl

(to be posted in a couple of days)

This post is archived at:



Re: searching a project to contribute to

2005-10-10 Thread Ido Yehieli
Thank you all for your advice, I currently have several offers that
I'm really tempted about - I will take a closer look at both of them
(as well as continue searching) and will make an educated decision
within the next few days.
I've also decided to get rid of the sily pseudonym...


Writing an xmgr/grace file as text (not interactive)

2005-10-10 Thread Niels L Ellegaard
Can someone suggest a package that allows me to write a data file for

So far I have found some  packages that allow me to start an
interactive xmgrace session from python, but I would rather have a
package that write a text file.

I realize that xmgr can read text-files, and that the format of an
xmgr-file is easy to read, but if someone has allready done this work
then I would rather steal it and save my own time :)

Thanks in advance



Re: Question about StringIO

2005-10-10 Thread Frank Millman

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Frank Millman wrote:
  Hi all
  I understand that StringIO creates a file-like object in memory.
  Is it possible to invoke another program, using os.system() or
  os.popen(), and use the  redirect operator, so that the other program
  reads my StringIO object as its input?

 No. Processes don't share memory - thus you have to either use a temp
 file, or pipes.

  BTW, I have tried using popen2() and passing my data via stdin, but the
  other program (psql) does not react well to this - again, I will give
  more info if necessary.

 Better do so :)


Thanks, Steve and Diez, for the replies. I didn't think it was
possible, but it was worth asking :-)

I will try to explain my experience with popen() briefly.

I have some sql scripts to create tables, indexes, procedures, etc. At
present there are about 50 scripts, but this number will grow. I have
been running them manually so far. Now I want to automate the process.

I am supporting PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server, and the syntax is
slightly different in some cases. Rather than maintain two sets of
scripts, I prefix some lines with -pg- or -ms- to indicate the
platform, and then use Python to parse the scripts and generate a
correct output for each platform, passing it to 'psql' and 'osql'
respectively, using popen().

I have had a few problems, but it would take too long to describe them
all, and I just want a working solution, so I will focus on my latest

I run through all the scripts and create a StringIO object with the
string I want to pass. It is about 250 000 bytes long. If I run psql
using popen(), and pass it the string via stdin, it works fine, but I
get all the messages on the screen. If I do the same, but end the
command with '  fjm 21' it works correctly and the messages end up
in the file fjm, which is about 40 000 bytes long. If I run it with
popen4(), it starts ok, but then hangs about 1/4 of the way through.
Exactly the same happens on MSW. It seems to be hitting a limit on the
size of the stdout file - is that possible?

For my purposes, I will be happy to use popen() and a choice of no
redirection, redirect to a file, or redirect to /dev/null. The question
about popen4() is therefore academic, though I would be interested to
know the answer.

BTW, is there an equivalent of /dev/null on MSW?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.



Re: Perl-Python-a-Day: Sorting

2005-10-10 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Followup-To: comp.lang.scheme

Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Since this is frequently used, Python provides a somewhat shorter
 syntax for it, by specifying the column used as the ordering “key”.
 Because Python's implementation is not very refined , this specialized
 syntax is actually much speedier than the general form “lambda x, y:
 cmp(x[1],y[1])”. It is a burden on the programer to always use the
 “key” syntax idiosyncrasy if he is sorting a large matrix.

It's not only clearer for a human, but also faster in all good
implementations of all languages which support that, except when the
ordering function is very simple. It's called Schwartzian transform
and I wish more language designers and programmers knew about it.

I urge future SRFI authors to include it. The withdrawn SRFI-32 for
sorting didn't do that, and I can't find any other SRFI which deals
with sorting.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk

Re: Continuous system simulation in Python

2005-10-10 Thread Sébastien Boisgérault

I am aware of some shortcomings and design flaws of Simulink,
especially in the code generation area. I am interested by
your paper nonetheless, please send me copy.

However, Simulink is used by many people on a day-to-day basis
in the context of big, industrial projects. The claim that it
is next to unusable is, in my book, an overstatement ...

Scicos is not perfect either but you can hardly say that is
is a simple clone of Simulink. No time and space to go into
the details ...

Obviously, the python community is very dynamic, but how much
support will you get in the very specific topic of continuous
time systems simulation ?

IMHO, an hybrid approach, such as the development of bridge
to include Python components into Simulink/Scicos/Ptolemy/
Modelica/pick_your_favorite_simulator may grant you more
interest from the simulation community.



Nicolas Pernetty wrote:
 Simulink is well fitted for small simulators, but when you run into big
 projects, I find many shortcomings appears which made the whole thing
 next to unusable for our kind of projects.
 That's why I'm interested in Python by the way, it is not a simple clone
 like Scilab/Scicos. It is a real language which bring its own
 advantages, and its own shortcomings, which I find well suited for our

 If you want, I can send you a paper I wrote last year, detailing all
 Simulink shortcomings. I doubt that this mailing list is interested in
 such things...(and it's in French...).
 Concerning Scilab/Scicos, I'm not really interested in a technology
 primarily developed (INRIA and ENSPC) and used by France. Python and all
 its libraries and communities are so much more dynamic !
 And also I've heard that Scilab was developed in Fortran in a way which
 make it rigid and that the sources are poorly documented, not a good
 sign for an open source software (and Scilab isn't 'Free' for the FSF).



 On 8 Oct 2005 11:06:25 -0700, Sébastien Boisgérault

  Simulink is a framework widely used by the control engineers ...
  It is not *perfect* but the ODEs piece is probably the best
  part of the simulator. Why were you not convinced ?
  You may also have a look at Scicos and Ptolemy II. These
  simulators are open-source ... but not based on Python.
  Nicolas Pernetty a écrit :
   Hello Phil,
   Yes I have considered Octave. In fact I'm already using Matlab and
   decided to 'reject' it for Python + Numeric/numarray + SciPy because
   I think you could do more in Python and in more simple ways.
   Problem is that neither Octave, Matlab and Python offer today a
   framework to build continuous system simulator (in fact Matlab with
   Simulink and SimMechanics, do propose, but I was not convinced at
   On 7 Oct 2005 11:00:54 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
Have you looked at Octave? It is not Python, but I believe it can
talk to Python.
Octave is comparable to Matlab for many things, including having
ODE solvers. I have successfully used it to model and simulate
simple systems. Complex system would be easy to model as well,
provided that you model your dynamic elements with (systems of)
differential equations.


Changing an AST

2005-10-10 Thread beza1e1
Is it possible compiler.parse a statement, then change and then
execute/resolve it?

I'm probably to lazy to write my own parser.

I have such a statement as string: distance = x**2 + y**2
x and y are undefined, so it is no executable Python code, but it is
parseable. Now i'd like traverse through the AST and change Name('x')
for the value i have elsewhere. And finally let Python resolve the

More Background:
I want to write a simulation game with many interdepended values. I
don't want to create a class with dozens of functions, but let Python
create/evaluate them.

I hope this can be understood ;)


Re: dcop module under Python 2.4

2005-10-10 Thread qwweeeit
Hi Diez,
thank you for your replay, but I didn't succeed (I am almost a newbye).

So I solved the problem in another manner:
I changed distribution from kubuntu to SUSE 9.3 (base installation).
Now I can import dcop and also pcop.


Re: Changing an AST

2005-10-10 Thread Fredrik Lundh
beza1e1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have such a statement as string: distance = x**2 + y**2
 x and y are undefined, so it is no executable Python code, but it is
 parseable. Now i'd like traverse through the AST and change Name('x')
 for the value i have elsewhere. And finally let Python resolve the

you can use the parser class for this purpose:

instead of manipulating the parse tree, you can use the AST to identify
the variables, create a dictionary with the current values, and use exec
or eval to evaluate it.

or you can use a regular expression to dig out all variable names.

or you can compile the expression and analyze the code object to find
the variable names, and use the dictionary/exec approach:

 expr = compile(distance = x**2 + y**2, , exec)
 list(set(expr.co_names)  - set(expr.co_varnames))
['y', 'x']
 context = {x: 10, y: 20}
 exec expr in context

(the regular expression approach is probably the only one that's
guaranteed to work on all python implementations)



Re: Python reliability

2005-10-10 Thread Ville Voipio
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 If you have enough hardware grunt, you could think 
 about having three independent processes working in 
 parallel. They vote on their output, and best out of 
 three gets reported back to the user. In other words, 
 only if all three results are different does the device 
 throw its hands up in the air and say I don't know!

Ok, I will give you a bit more information, so that the
situation is a bit clearer. (Sorry, I cannot tell you
the exact application.)

The system is a safety system which supervises several
independent measurements (two or more). The measurements
are carried out by independent measurement instruments
which have their independent power supplies, etc.

The application communicates with the independent
measurement instruments thrgough the network. Each
instrument is queried its measurement results and
status information regularly. If the results given
by different instruments differ more than a given
amount, then an alarm is set (relay contacts opened).

Naturally, in case of equipment malfunction, the 
alarm is set. This covers a wide range of problems from
errors reported by the instrument to physical failures
or program bugs. 

The system has several weak spots. However, the basic
principle is simple: if anything goes wrong, start
yelling. A false alarm is costly, but not giving the
alarm when required is downright impossible.

I am not building a redundant system with independent
instruments voting. At this point I am trying to minimize
the false alarms. This is why I want to know if Python
is reliable enough to be used in this application.

By the postings I have seen in this thread it seems that
the answer is positive. At least if I do not try 
apply any adventorous programming techniques.

- Ville

Ville Voipio, Dr.Tech., M.Sc. (EE)


Re: Changing an AST

2005-10-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
beza1e1 wrote:
 Is it possible compiler.parse a statement, then change and then
 execute/resolve it?

This should work:

  from compiler.pycodegen import ModuleCodeGenerator
  from compiler.misc import set_filename
  from compiler import parse
  tree = parse('foo = 42')
  set_filename('foo', tree)
  code = ModuleCodeGenerator(tree).getCode()
  exec code

Also, if you need to turn an AST back into Python code, I have some ugly
code for doing that:

Re: Python reliability

2005-10-10 Thread Ville Voipio
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Paul Rubin wrote:

 You might be better off with a 2.6 series kernel.  If you use Python
 conservatively (be careful with the most advanced features, and don't
 stress anything too hard) you should be ok.  Python works pretty well
 if you use it the way the implementers expected you to.  Its
 shortcomings are when you try to press it to its limits.

Just one thing: how reliable is the garbage collecting system?
Should I try to either not produce any garbage or try to clean
up manually?

 You do want reliable hardware with ECC and all that, maybe with multiple
 servers and automatic failover.  This site might be of interest:

Well... Here the uptime benefit from using several servers is
not eceonomically justifiable. I am right now at the phase of
trying to minimize the downtime with given hardware resources.
This is not flying; downtime does not kill anyone. I just want
to avoid choosing tools which belong more to the problem than
to the solution set.

- Ville

Ville Voipio, Dr.Tech., M.Sc. (EE)


Re: Changing an AST

2005-10-10 Thread beza1e1
Thank you! this compile/exec in context is the thing i wanted.

It is not that performant i think. But it should ease the prototyping.


Re: Perl-Python-a-Day: Sorting

2005-10-10 Thread Ulrich Hobelmann
Xah Lee wrote:
 To sort a list in Python, use the “sort” method. For example:
 print li;

Likewise in Common Lisp.  In Scheme there are probably packages for that 
as well.  My apologies for not being very fluent anymore.

CL-USER (setf list (sort '(1 9 2 3) #'))  ; input
(1 2 3 9)   ; output

The second argument is mandatory too (comparison function).

 Note that sort is a method, and the list is changed in place.

Same here.  To be safe, assign the result to list.

 Suppose you have a matrix, and you want to sort by second column.
 Example Solution:
 li.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1],y[1]))
 print li; # prints [[1, 3], [5, 4], [2, 6]]

CL-USER (setf list (sort '((2 6) (1 3) (5 4))
  #'(lambda (x y) ( (second x) (second y)
((1 3) (5 4) (2 6)) ; output

 The argument to sort is a function of two arguments, that returns -1,
 0, 1. This function is a decision function that tells sort() how to
 decide the order of any two elements in your list. If the first
 argument is “less” then second argument, the function should return
 -1. If equal, then 0. Else, 1.

In CL you only need a smaller-than function.  I guess if elements are 
equal, they don't need sorting anyway.


CL-USER (setf list '(my283.jpg my23i.jpg web7-s.jpg 

 def myComp (x,y):
 import re
 def getNum(str): return float(re.findall(r'\d+',str)[0])
 return cmp(getNum(x),getNum(y))

CL-USER (defun my-comp (x y)
   (flet ((getnum (s)
(parse-integer s :start (position-if #'digit-char-p s)
   :junk-allowed t)))
 ( (getnum x) (getnum y

 print li # returns ['web7-s.jpg', 'my23i.jpg', 'fris88large.jpg',

CL-USER (setf list (sort list #'my-comp))
(web7-s.jpg my23i.jpg fris88large.jpg my283.jpg) ; output

 li.sort(key=lambda x:x[1] ) # is equivalent to the following
 #li.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1],y[1]))
 print li; # prints [[1, 3], [5, 4], [2, 6]]

CL-USER (setf list (sort '((2 6) (1 3) (5 4)) #' :key #'second))
((1 3) (5 4) (2 6)) ; output

Here some people might jump in and say lists might be more readable 
than vectors, but lists are slow.
If they are slow for your data set, just use vectors instead ;)

State, the new religion from the friendly guys who brought you fascism.

Re: Python reliability

2005-10-10 Thread Paul Rubin
Ville Voipio [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Just one thing: how reliable is the garbage collecting system?
 Should I try to either not produce any garbage or try to clean
 up manually?

The GC is a simple, manually-updated reference counting system
augmented with some extra contraption to resolve cyclic dependencies.
It's extremely easy to make errors with the reference counts in C
extensions, and either leak references (causing memory leaks) or
forget to add them (causing double-free crashes).  The standard
libraries are pretty careful about managing references but if you're
using 3rd party C modules, or writing your own, then watch out.  

There is no way you can avoid making garbage.  Python conses
everything, even integers (small positive ones are cached).  But I'd
say, avoid making cyclic dependencies, be very careful if you use the
less popular C modules or any 3rd party ones, and stress test the hell
out of your app while monitoring memory usage very carefully.  If you
can pound it with as much traffic in a few hours as it's likely to see
in a year of deployment, without memory leaks or thread races or other
errors, that's a positive sign.

 Well... Here the uptime benefit from using several servers is not
 eceonomically justifiable. I am right now at the phase of trying to
 minimize the downtime with given hardware resources.  This is not
 flying; downtime does not kill anyone. I just want to avoid choosing
 tools which belong more to the problem than to the solution set.

You're probably ok with Python in this case.

Re: Python reliability

2005-10-10 Thread Max M
Ville Voipio wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Paul Rubin wrote:
I would say give the app the heaviest stress testing that you can
before deploying it, checking carefully for leaks and crashes.  I'd
say that regardless of the implementation language.
 Goes without saying. But I would like to be confident (or as
 confident as possible) that all bugs are mine. If I use plain
 C, I think this is the case. Of course, bad memory management
 in the underlying platform will wreak havoc.

Python isn't perfect, but I do believe that is as good as the best of 
the major standard systems out there.

You will have *far* greater chances of introducing errors yourself by 
coding in c, than you will encounter in Python.

You can see the bugs fixed in recent versions, and see for yourself 
whether they would have crashed your system. That should be an indicator:


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Windows installer, different versions of Python on Windows

2005-10-10 Thread Max M
I would like to install several copies of Python 2.4.2 on my machine, 
but it doesn't seem to be possible.

If I allready has a version installed, the installer only gives the 
options to:

- change python 2.4.2
- repair python 2.4.2
- remove python 2.4.2

I would like to install different versions of Zope 3, and since it is 
installed under a specific python version, the simplest solution would 
be to install several Python versions, and install a different zope3 
version under each python install.

Have I misunderstood something here?


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Re: Question about StringIO

2005-10-10 Thread Benjamin Niemann
Frank Millman wrote:

 I will try to explain my experience with popen() briefly.
 I have some sql scripts to create tables, indexes, procedures, etc. At
 present there are about 50 scripts, but this number will grow. I have
 been running them manually so far. Now I want to automate the process.
 I am supporting PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server, and the syntax is
 slightly different in some cases. Rather than maintain two sets of
 scripts, I prefix some lines with -pg- or -ms- to indicate the
 platform, and then use Python to parse the scripts and generate a
 correct output for each platform, passing it to 'psql' and 'osql'
 respectively, using popen().
 I have had a few problems, but it would take too long to describe them
 all, and I just want a working solution, so I will focus on my latest
 I run through all the scripts and create a StringIO object with the
 string I want to pass. It is about 250 000 bytes long. If I run psql
 using popen(), and pass it the string via stdin, it works fine, but I
 get all the messages on the screen. If I do the same, but end the
 command with '  fjm 21' it works correctly and the messages end up
 in the file fjm, which is about 40 000 bytes long. If I run it with
 popen4(), it starts ok, but then hangs about 1/4 of the way through.
 Exactly the same happens on MSW. It seems to be hitting a limit on the
 size of the stdout file - is that possible?
 For my purposes, I will be happy to use popen() and a choice of no
 redirection, redirect to a file, or redirect to /dev/null. The question
 about popen4() is therefore academic, though I would be interested to
 know the answer.

That's probably a deadlock as described in

 BTW, is there an equivalent of /dev/null on MSW?

Dunno - but as a last resort, you could create a tempfile with a unique name
(to be sure, not to override any existing data), dump your output there and
later os.unlink() it...

Benjamin Niemann
Email: pink at odahoda dot de

Re: Comparing lists

2005-10-10 Thread Christian Stapfer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 try to use set.
L1 = [1,1,2,3,4]
L2 = [1,3, 99]
A = set(L1)
B = set(L2)

X = A-B
print X

Y = B-A
print Y

Z = A | B
print Z

But how efficient is this? Could you be a bit
more explicit on that point? What is the order
of complexity of set([...]) or of A-B, B-A,
A | B, A ^ B and A  B? - The Python Documentation
leaves me completely in the dark in this regard.

Sorting the two lists and then extracting
A-B, B-A, A|B, A  B and A ^ B in one single
pass seems to me very likely to be much faster
for large lists.



Re: socketServer questions

2005-10-10 Thread rbt
On Sat, 2005-10-08 at 14:09 -0700, Paul Rubinhttp: wrote:
 rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Off-topic here, but you've caused me to have a thought... Can hmac be
  used on untrusted clients? Clients that may fall into the wrong hands?
  How would one handle message verification when one cannot trust the
  client? What is there besides hmac? Thanks, rbt
 I don't understand the question.  HMAC requires that both ends share a
 secret key; does that help?  

That's what I don't get. If both sides have the key... how can it be
'secret'? All one would have to do is look at the code on any of the
clients and they'd then know everything, right?

 What do you mean by verification?

I'm trying to keep script kiddies from tampering with a socket server. I
want the server to only load a valid or verified string into its log
database and to discard everything else. 

Strings could come to the socket server from anywhere on the Net from
any machine. This is outside my control. What is there to prevent a
knowledgeable person from finding the py code on a client computer,
understanding it and then being able to forge a string that the server
will accept?

Does that make sense?


Re: socketServer questions

2005-10-10 Thread Paul Rubin
rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I don't understand the question.  HMAC requires that both ends share a
  secret key; does that help?  
 That's what I don't get. If both sides have the key... how can it be
 'secret'? All one would have to do is look at the code on any of the
 clients and they'd then know everything, right?

Yes, clients have to keep the key secure.

  What do you mean by verification?
 I'm trying to keep script kiddies from tampering with a socket server. I
 want the server to only load a valid or verified string into its log
 database and to discard everything else. 

If the clients can keep a secret key secure, then use hmac.  Note that
if there's lots of clients, they shouldn't all use the same secret key.
Instead, for client #i, let that client's key be something like
  hmac(your_big_secret, str(i)).digest()
and the client would send #i as part of the string.  You'd use
#i to recompute the client's key and then use that derived key to
verify the string.  This is called key derivation or key
diversification.  If an attacker gets hold of that client's key and
starts hosing you, you can disable that key without affecting the
other ones.  (The client is issued only the derived key and never sees
the big secret).

 Strings could come to the socket server from anywhere on the Net from
 any machine. This is outside my control. What is there to prevent a
 knowledgeable person from finding the py code on a client computer,
 understanding it and then being able to forge a string that the server
 will accept?

Yes, if you're concerned about insecure clients, you have a much more
complex problem.  But your x..z..y scheme is far worse than hmac.
Once the attacker figures that out, there's no security at all.

What is the actual application, if you can say?  Depending on the
environment and constraints, various approaches are possible.

One last thing about SocketServer

2005-10-10 Thread rbt
I've read more about sockets and now, I have a better understanding of
them. However, I still have a few SocketServer module questions:

When used with SocketServer how exactly does socket.setdefaulttimeout()
work? Does it timeout the initial connect request to the socket server
or does it timeout the session between the connecting client socket and
the client socket the server generated to handle the incoming request? 

Also, since the *only* thing a 'socket server' does is to create 'client
sockets' to handle requests, how do I use socket object features on
these generated clients to manage and/or monitor them?

The SocketServer module is great, but it seems to hide too many details
of what it's up to!



Re: Perl-Python-a-Day: Sorting

2005-10-10 Thread Pascal Costanza
Ulrich Hobelmann wrote:
 Xah Lee wrote:
 To sort a list in Python, use the “sort” method. For example:

 print li;
 Likewise in Common Lisp.  In Scheme there are probably packages for that 
 as well.  My apologies for not being very fluent anymore.
 CL-USER (setf list (sort '(1 9 2 3) #')); input
 (1 2 3 9); output

Careful. Common Lisp's sort function is specified to be destructive, so 
you shouldn't use it on literal constants. So don't say (sort '(1 9 2 3) 
...), say (sort (list 1 9 2 3) ...), etc.


OOPSLA'05 tutorial on generic functions  the CLOS Metaobject Protocol
 see for more details 

Re: Merging sorted lists/iterators/generators into one stream of values...

2005-10-10 Thread George Sakkis
Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   manipulation of a heap to place an item in the right spot, but with 4-5
   or a few more sources might not make an impact at all.
  Unless you're talking about hundreds or thousands sources, it probably
  won't. I would still go for the heap solution since IMO the resulting
  code it's more readable and easier to understand.

 I'm not so sure about either sentence...:

 Helen:~/pynut/samp alex$ python --numstreams=10 --minlen=100
 Best time for 10 loops: 0.247116088867

 Helen:~/pynut/samp alex$ python --numstreams=10 --minlen=100
 Best time for 10 loops: 0.10344004631

 i.e., a heap solution may be over 4 times faster than a sort-based one
 (in the following implementations).

Interesting; I thought timsort on small almost ordered lists would be 
practically as fast as the
heap. Still, how is 0.10344 over 4 times faster than 0.247116 ?

 Readability seems quite comparable
 (skipping the rest of the infrastructure, which generates random sorted
 streams and ensures a stream is exhausted and verifies it etc etc):

 def merge_by_sort(streams):
   sources = [[, i,] for i, s in enumerate(streams)]
   while sources:
 best_source = sources[-1]
 yield best_source[0]
 try: best_source[0] = best_source[-1]()
 except StopIteration: sources.pop()

 def merge_by_heap(streams):
   sources = [[, i,] for i, s in enumerate(streams)]
   while sources:
 best_source = sources[0]
 yield best_source[0]
 try: best_source[0] = best_source[-1]()
 except StopIteration: heapq.heappop(sources)
 else: heapq.heapreplace(sources, best_source)

Indeed, these are almost equivalent as far as readability goes; the previous 
examples in the thread
were less clear. By the way, why do you need 'i' and enumerate above ?

 Hmmm, I wonder if something like merge_by_heap would be a good candidate
 for itertool.  Raymond...?


Yes, it would be nice to make it into 2.5.



Re: Merging sorted lists/iterators/generators into one stream of values...

2005-10-10 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Alex Martelli wrote:

George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

manipulation of a heap to place an item in the right spot, but with 4-5
or a few more sources might not make an impact at all.

Unless you're talking about hundreds or thousands sources, it probably
won't. I would still go for the heap solution since IMO the resulting
code it's more readable and easier to understand.


i.e., a heap solution may be over 4 times faster than a sort-based one
(in the following implementations).  Readability seems quite comparable
(skipping the rest of the infrastructure, which generates random sorted
streams and ensures a stream is exhausted and verifies it etc etc):

One thing to keep in mind (if you care about performance) is that you 
one could use bisect, instead of sort, as the sorted list of streams is 
already in order save for the one element you are processing.  Btw, nice 
trick with reverse to reduce memory copying, when did that get 
introduced?  Wonder if bisect can deal with reverse-sorted elements.  
Anyway, should reduce the O-complexity of that part of the operation, 
though you'll still have to do a memcpy to shift the rest of the source 
list's array, and if it can't deal with reverse-sorted lists it would 
move you back to front-of-list popping.

Oh, we're still missing use of a comparison function in both versions. 
I'd think you'd want that functionality *available* if you're going to 
make this a general tool.  You'll also need to check for StopIteration 
on creation of sources for null sequences.  Finally, why  the 'i' 
element?  It's never used AFAICS.

def merge_by_sort(streams):
  sources = [[, i,] for i, s in enumerate(streams)]
  while sources:
best_source = sources[-1]
yield best_source[0]
try: best_source[0] = best_source[-1]()
except StopIteration: sources.pop()


Have fun,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Unlimited Free Music Downloads !

2005-10-10 Thread david
Download Unlimited Free Music Click Here!


Re: Windows installer, different versions of Python on Windows

2005-10-10 Thread Brandon K
When you install Python it plug entries into the registry, so that when 
you go to install add-ons that are pre-compiled binaries, they look into 
the registry for the python directory.  If you can find out how to 
manipulate the registry so that the binaries would recognize different 
installations, you'd be good to go.  This would probably involve having 
copies of the same key with different values.

 I would like to install several copies of Python 2.4.2 on my machine, 
 but it doesn't seem to be possible.
 If I allready has a version installed, the installer only gives the 
 options to:
 - change python 2.4.2
 - repair python 2.4.2
 - remove python 2.4.2
 I would like to install different versions of Zope 3, and since it is 
 installed under a specific python version, the simplest solution would 
 be to install several Python versions, and install a different zope3 
 version under each python install.
 Have I misunderstood something here?

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Re: best Pythonic way to do this sort: Python newb

2005-10-10 Thread George Sakkis
Satchidanand Haridas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, I want to sort myList by the return of myFunction( value3 )
 I tried doing the following... with no luck so far
 myList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(myFunction(x[2]), myFunction(y[2]))
 I think the above statement should be as follows:

 myList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(myFunction(x[2]) - myFunction(y[2]))

 hope that helps.

It would help more if you tested it before you posted. cmp takes two arguments 
(let alone that
subtraction may not be defined for the list elements), so the original version 
is correct.



Re: What about letting x.( ... ? ... ) be equivalent to ( ... x ... )

2005-10-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Daniel Delay wrote:
 I agree the comparison to the mathematical o-operator is misleading, it
 was just to say sometimes, it can be usefull introduce new syntax to
 avoid too many nested parenthesis

To replace them by the same amount of parentheses with a dot in front?
Not very convincing.

 This is usefull when you need to compose few already defined functions,
 but I more often have to compose few expressions, which is the goal of
 my proposition.

The only reason this _could_ be preferable was in a situation where one
large expression contains several subexpressions that are supposed to
be the same value. Like this:

foo.join(bar.split()+ bar.split())

Then your prosal would make it

bar.split().(foo.join(? + ?))

But then again, this is by no means better to read. The only
justification is that you want to avoid the possibly costly double
evaluation of the common subexpression. But then, the critic of e.g.
Frederik applies: Why don't you do

a = bar.split()
foo.join(a + a)

Beats everything else in readability.

 In fact it has nothing to do with magical expression : this will
 represent the value of the current expression you work on, in the same
 way self represent the value of the object you work on.

I very well understand that. But I think the only thing it leads to is
more convoluted code. Which one wants to avoid.


Re: One last thing about SocketServer

2005-10-10 Thread Steve Holden
rbt wrote:
 I've read more about sockets and now, I have a better understanding of
 them. However, I still have a few SocketServer module questions:
 When used with SocketServer how exactly does socket.setdefaulttimeout()
 work? Does it timeout the initial connect request to the socket server
 or does it timeout the session between the connecting client socket and
 the client socket the server generated to handle the incoming request? 
setdefaulttimeout() simply sets the default timeout for all sockets 
created thereafter. This timeout applies to any socket operation, I 
believe (though I am unsure about accept()).

 Also, since the *only* thing a 'socket server' does is to create 'client
 sockets' to handle requests, how do I use socket object features on
 these generated clients to manage and/or monitor them?
When the accept() call on a socket returns a tuple(socket, address): the 
first element of the returned tuple is the socket you use to communicate 
with that particular client (in other words, it represents the server 
end of the connection that's just been accept()ed).

So you can read and write that socket to communicate with that client 
over that specific connection. Of course, if you don't use either the 
ThreadingMixIn or the ForkingMixIn then communication with one client 
will effectively stop you form accept()ing any more connections, hence 
the need for the mix-in classes.

 The SocketServer module is great, but it seems to hide too many details
 of what it's up to!
Well, of course, that is what abstractions are for! You should bear in 
mind that SocketServer isn't necessarily the most efficient or effective 
way to handle multiple clients concurrently, but it's very convenient 
when you are just getting started.

Later you might want to consider an asyncore-based approach, or perhaps 
using the Twisted package. Both of these solutions are a little more 
robust for production code.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Jargons of Info Tech industry

2005-10-10 Thread axel
In comp.lang.perl.misc John Bokma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Roedy Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8 Oct 2005 23:39:27 GMT, John Bokma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote or
 quoted :

Yeah, yeah, and 640K is enough for everybody. Same song, different tune.

 For how long.  Surely attachments are a stop gap. Can you imagine
 people sharing images that way 100 years from now?
 No, but I agree with you :-) I am not using HTML myself in email, but I 
 will when it makes things easier.
 Why should we wait for the future?  The problems blocking easy to use
 photo sharing are not technological but social.
 Yup, agreed. Like I already wrote, if I route all HTML email to /dev/null 
 I'll lose some customers, and some friends :-)

What I find is that when I see emails which are obviously spam, I
simply do not read them and delete them immediately. But then I
use Pine rather than a web browser... and while some forms of HTML
may be rendered, nothing is automatically pulled down.



Re: Jargons of Info Tech industry

2005-10-10 Thread axel
In comp.lang.perl.misc Tim Tyler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote or 
 Only if your photos are so obscure and confusing that they need captions.
 Here's Johnny with the dog. Here is Johnny with the dog again. This one
 is Johnny on his own. Here is the dog. Oh look, it is Johnny with the dog
 again -- that's the dog on the left, in case it isn't clear. Just for a
 change, this is Johnny wearing a hat. It is blue with a feather in it,
 in case you couldn't tell from, oh I don't know, looking at the actual
 What have you got against captions?
 Giving photos captions is a *very* common practice.

Why not just put them on a web page? It is then possible to include
thumbnails so the recipient can chose to see which ones he cares to
look at in detail.

It also allows the web address to be sent to several people
without wasting bandwith.


Re: Comparing lists

2005-10-10 Thread George Sakkis
Christian Stapfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  try to use set.

 Sorting the two lists and then extracting
 A-B, B-A, A|B, A  B and A ^ B in one single
 pass seems to me very likely to be much faster
 for large lists.

Why don't you implement it, test it and time it to be more convincing about 
your intuition ?



Re: Perl's documentation come of age

2005-10-10 Thread Christos Georgiou
On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 21:36:47 -0600, rumours say that Mahesh Padmanabhan
[EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:

 Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

snip lot of drivel

While I don't like to feed the trolls, I do find his posts amusing. He 
is like a spoilt child seeking attention.

s/is like/is/
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Dear Paul,
please stop spamming us.
The Corinthians

Re: socketServer questions

2005-10-10 Thread rbt
On Mon, 2005-10-10 at 05:54 -0700, Paul Rubinhttp: wrote:
 rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I don't understand the question.  HMAC requires that both ends share a
   secret key; does that help?  
  That's what I don't get. If both sides have the key... how can it be
  'secret'? All one would have to do is look at the code on any of the
  clients and they'd then know everything, right?
 Yes, clients have to keep the key secure.
   What do you mean by verification?
  I'm trying to keep script kiddies from tampering with a socket server. I
  want the server to only load a valid or verified string into its log
  database and to discard everything else. 
 If the clients can keep a secret key secure, then use hmac.  Note that
 if there's lots of clients, they shouldn't all use the same secret key.
 Instead, for client #i, let that client's key be something like
   hmac(your_big_secret, str(i)).digest()
 and the client would send #i as part of the string.

How is this different from sending a pre-defined string from the client
that the server knows the md5 hash of? The clients know the string, the
server knows the hash of that string.

Also, could this not be done both ways? So that, if an attacker figures
out the string he's supposed to send from a client to the server (which
he could easily do). He could not easily figure out the string the
server should send back as all he would have is the hash of that string.

So, before the actual data is sent from the client to the server. The
client would send it's secret string that the server would verify and
then if that worked, the server would send its own secret string that
the client must verify. We'd have two secret strings instead of one.

   You'd use
 #i to recompute the client's key and then use that derived key to
 verify the string.  This is called key derivation or key
 diversification.  If an attacker gets hold of that client's key and
 starts hosing you, you can disable that key without affecting the
 other ones.  (The client is issued only the derived key and never sees
 the big secret).

This is interesting. I didn't know that was possible.

  Strings could come to the socket server from anywhere on the Net from
  any machine. This is outside my control. What is there to prevent a
  knowledgeable person from finding the py code on a client computer,
  understanding it and then being able to forge a string that the server
  will accept?
 Yes, if you're concerned about insecure clients, you have a much more
 complex problem.  But your x..z..y scheme is far worse than hmac.
 Once the attacker figures that out, there's no security at all.

I dropped the x,y,z scheme after your first response ;)

 What is the actual application, if you can say?  Depending on the
 environment and constraints, various approaches are possible.

Nothing important. It just logs network data. It's an anti-theft program
for laptops that phones home data like this: public and private IP(s),
MAC addy, date, time, etc. Maybe I'm putting too much thought into it.
Python encourages good design and I try to follow that encouragement
when coding... even for trivial things such as this. 


TurboGears slashdotted

2005-10-10 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
TurboGears: Python on Rails? post:


Re: Merging sorted lists/iterators/generators into one stream of values...

2005-10-10 Thread Alex Martelli
George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i.e., a heap solution may be over 4 times faster than a sort-based one
  (in the following implementations).
 Interesting; I thought timsort on small almost ordered lists would be
 practically as fast as the heap. Still, how is 0.10344 over 4 times faster
 than 0.247116 ?

Oops, 2.5 times (for 10 streams) -- the ratio keeps getting bigger with
the number of streams, the figure 4 I had in mind was probably from
comparisons with 50 streams or so.

timsort needs N comparisons even if the list is already ordered (just to
check it is) while heaps can do with log(N) comparisons or even less in
the best case -- that's the key issue here.

sources = [[, i,] for i, s in enumerate(streams)]
 Indeed, these are almost equivalent as far as readability goes; the
 previous examples in the thread were less clear. By the way, why do you
 need 'i' and enumerate above ?

Making sure that, if the first items are identical, the sorting (or
comparison for heap) does not compare the _methods_ -- no big deal if it
does, but that doesn't logically make sense.  If we had key= arguments,
that would ENSURE no such comparison, but heaps didn't support that in
2.4 and I wanted to keep the playing field level, so I used the above
old trick to ensure stable sorting without comparisons beyond a given
field (more details were explained in the 1st edition of the Cookbook,
but I hope I give the general idea).


Re: Merging sorted lists/iterators/generators into one stream of values...

2005-10-10 Thread Alex Martelli
Mike C. Fletcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One thing to keep in mind (if you care about performance) is that you
 one could use bisect, instead of sort, as the sorted list of streams is
 already in order save for the one element you are processing.  Btw, nice
 trick with reverse to reduce memory copying, when did that get 

Python 2.4

  Wonder if bisect can deal with reverse-sorted elements.  


 Anyway, should reduce the O-complexity of that part of the operation,
 though you'll still have to do a memcpy to shift the rest of the source
 list's array, and if it can't deal with reverse-sorted lists it would
 move you back to front-of-list popping.

Yeah, if you have to pop the front you're O(N) anyway, which is
basically what timsort does with nearly-ordered lists (though timsort
uses O(N) _comparisons_ while bisecting would use O(N) _moves_).

 Oh, we're still missing use of a comparison function in both versions.

Trivial, just have the functions accept a key= and use that to prepare
the auxiliary list they're using anyway.

 I'd think you'd want that functionality *available* if you're going to
 make this a general tool.  You'll also need to check for StopIteration
 on creation of sources for null sequences.

True, the functions as prepared don't accept empty streams (exactly
because they don't specialcase StopIteration on the first calls to
next).  Pretty trivial to remedy, of course.

 Finally, why  the 'i' 
 element?  It's never used AFAICS.

It's used by the list's lexicographic comparison when the first elements
of two lists being compared are equal (which can happen, of course) to
avoid comparing the last elements (which are methods... no big deal if
they get compared, but it makes no logical sense).

So, an example enhanced merge_by_sort:

def merge_by_sort(streams, key=None):

  if not key: key = lambda x: x
  sources = []
  for i, s in enumerate(streams):
try: first_item =
except StopIteration: pass
else: sources.append((key(item), i, item,

  while sources:
best_source = sources[-1]
yield best_source[2]
try: best_source[2] = best_source[-1]()
except StopIteration: sources.pop()
else: best_source[0] = key(best_source[2])

Of course, since the sort method DOES accept a key= parameter, this
could be simplified, but I'll leave it like this to make it trivial to
see how to recode the merging by heap as well (in 2.4)...



Re: Comparing lists

2005-10-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 14:34:35 +0200, Christian Stapfer wrote:

 Sorting the two lists and then extracting
 A-B, B-A, A|B, A  B and A ^ B in one single
 pass seems to me very likely to be much faster
 for large lists.

Unless you are running a Python compiler in your head, chances are your
intuition has no connection to the actual performance of Python except by
pure coincidence.

Write some code, and time it in action.

In fact, here is some code I've written for you, complete with timer. Do
yourself a favour, and run it and see for yourself which is faster.

Then, if you think you can write a list version that is more efficient
than my (admittedly very inefficient) version, please do so. Then time the
difference again. Then think about how much time it took you to write,
test and debug your list version, compared to my four lines using sets.

from sets import Set
import time

def compare_and_separate(A, B):
only_A = []
only_B = []
both_AB = []
for item in A:
# ignore items we've already seen before
if item in only_A or item in both_AB:
if item in B:
for item in B:
# ignore items we've already seen before
if item in only_B or item in both_AB:
return (only_A, only_B, both_AB)

def compare_and_separate_with_sets(A, B):
only_A = list(Set(A)-Set(B))
only_B = list(Set(B)-Set(A))
both_AB = list(Set(A+B) - Set(only_A+only_B))
return (only_A, only_B, both_AB)

A = range(199) + range(44, 300, 3) + range(250, 500) + range(2000, 2100)
B = range(1000) + range(3000, 4000)

def tester():
# confirm that the two functions give the same results
r1 = compare_and_separate(range(5), range(3,8)) 
r2 = compare_and_separate_with_sets(range(5), range(3,8))
print r1
print r2
if r1 == r2:
print   Same.
print   Warning: results are different.
loopit = range(20)  # repeat the test 20 times for timing purposes
t1 = time.time()
for i in loopit:
results = compare_and_separate(A, B)
t1 = time.time() - t1
t2 = time.time()
for i in loopit:
results = compare_and_separate_with_sets(A, B)
t2 = time.time() - t2
print Time with loops:, t1
print Time with sets:, t2



Re: socketServer questions

2005-10-10 Thread Paul Rubin
rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Instead, for client #i, let that client's key be something like
hmac(your_big_secret, str(i)).digest()
  and the client would send #i as part of the string.
 How is this different from sending a pre-defined string from the client
 that the server knows the md5 hash of? The clients know the string, the
 server knows the hash of that string.

I'm confused, I don't understand what that md5 whatever would do for you.
I'm assuming the server is secure and the clients are less secure.

 Also, could this not be done both ways? So that, if an attacker figures
 out the string he's supposed to send from a client to the server (which
 he could easily do). He could not easily figure out the string the
 server should send back as all he would have is the hash of that string.

I'm still confused, are you now trying to prevent the client from
accepting bogus stuff from the server?  You can do that with a digital
signature and not need client-side secrets.  But I still don't see
much gain from that.

 So, before the actual data is sent from the client to the server. The
 client would send it's secret string that the server would verify and
 then if that worked, the server would send its own secret string that
 the client must verify. We'd have two secret strings instead of one.

If the client is insecure, an attacker who gets control of it will get
all the secrets in it, so it doesn't matter if there's one or several.

 Nothing important. It just logs network data. It's an anti-theft program
 for laptops that phones home data like this: public and private IP(s),

Yeah, if a laptop is stolen and the thief is sophisticated enough to
go finding the authentication keys inside some binary, s/he also won't
be dumb enough to leave the program active.  Those programs are just
for dumb thieves (of whom there are a lot) or their customers, who
simply plug in the laptop and start using it, without concern about
what software is on it.  If they have any sense they'll do a total

But anyway, yeah, people who enroll in the system should get a
customer number.  Then you can derive an auth key from the customer
number as described earlier.

Default argument to __init__

2005-10-10 Thread netvaibhav
Hi All:

Here's a piece of Python code and it's output. The output that Python
shows is not as per my expectation. Hope someone can explain to me this

class MyClass:
def __init__(self, myarr=[]):
self.myarr = myarr

myobj1 = MyClass()
myobj2 = MyClass()

myobj1.myarr += [1,2,3]

myobj2.myarr += [4,5,6]

print myobj1.myarr
print myobj2.myarr

The output is:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Why do myobj1.myarr and myobj2.myarr point to the same list? The
default value to __init__ for the myarr argument is [], so I expect
that every time an object of MyClass is created, a new empty list is
created and assigned to myarr, but it seems that the same empty list
object is assigned to myarr on every invocation of MyClass.__init__

It this behaviour by design? If so, what is the reason, as the
behaviour I expect seems pretty logical.




Re: socketServer questions

2005-10-10 Thread rbt
On Mon, 2005-10-10 at 07:46 -0700, Paul Rubinhttp: wrote:
 rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Instead, for client #i, let that client's key be something like
 hmac(your_big_secret, str(i)).digest()
   and the client would send #i as part of the string.
  How is this different from sending a pre-defined string from the client
  that the server knows the md5 hash of? The clients know the string, the
  server knows the hash of that string.
 I'm confused, I don't understand what that md5 whatever would do for you.
 I'm assuming the server is secure and the clients are less secure.
  Also, could this not be done both ways? So that, if an attacker figures
  out the string he's supposed to send from a client to the server (which
  he could easily do). He could not easily figure out the string the
  server should send back as all he would have is the hash of that string.
 I'm still confused

OK, we'll leave it at that and just accept that we're from different
planets ;) Thanks for the help.


Re: Perl's documentation come of age

2005-10-10 Thread gene tani
request for Google groups enhancement:

Report Abuse button should have 4 choices:
- Spam
- Illegal Content
- Xah
- other

Christos Georgiou wrote:
 On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 21:36:47 -0600, rumours say that Mahesh Padmanabhan
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Xah Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 snip lot of drivel

 While I don't like to feed the trolls, I do find his posts amusing. He
 is like a spoilt child seeking attention.

 s/is like/is/
 TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
 Dear Paul,
 please stop spamming us.
 The Corinthians


subprocess and non-blocking IO (again)

2005-10-10 Thread Marc Carter
I am trying to rewrite a PERL automation which started a monitoring 
application on many machines, via RSH, and then multiplexed their 
collective outputs to stdout.

In production there are lots of these subprocesses but here is a 
simplified example what I have so far (python n00b alert!)
- SNIP -
import subprocess,select,sys


for machine in ['box1','box2','box3']:
 p = subprocess.Popen( ('echo '+machine+';sleep 2;echo goodbye;sleep 
2;echo cruel;sleep 2;echo world'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=None, universal_newlines=True )
 lProc.append( p )
 speakers.append( p.stdout )

while speakers:
 speaking = speakers, [], [], 1000 )[0]
 for speaker in speaking:
 speech = speaker.readlines()
 if speech:
 for sentence in speech:
 print sentence.rstrip('\n')
 sys.stdout.flush() # sanity check
 else: # EOF
 speakers.remove( speaker )
- SNIP -
The problem with the above is that the subprocess buffers all its output 
when used like this and, hence, this automation is not informing me of 
much :)

In PERL, realtime feedback was provided by setting the following:

How do I achieve this in Python ?

This topic seems to have come up more than once.  I am hoping that 
things have moved on from posts like this:
as I don't really want to have to write all that ugly 
fork/dup/fcntl/exec code to achieve this when high-level libraries like 
subprocess really should have corresponding methods.

If it makes anything simpler, I only *need* this on Linux/Unix (Windows 
would be a nice extra though).

thanks for reading,

read serial data from a barcode reader/scanner using python

2005-10-10 Thread Edgar


is therea way to program python to read 
serial data from a barcode reader/scanner and then using the 
parallel port of the PC to activatean 
electromagnetic door lock.


Send password over TCP connection

2005-10-10 Thread dcrespo
Hi all,

I have a program that serves client programs. The server has a login
password, which has to be used by each client for logging in. So, when
the client connects, it sends a string with a password, which is then
validated on the server side. The problem is obvious: anyone can get
the password just sniffing the network.

How can I solve this?



Re: Send password over TCP connection

2005-10-10 Thread Paul Rubin
dcrespo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I have a program that serves client programs. The server has a login
 password, which has to be used by each client for logging in. So, when
 the client connects, it sends a string with a password, which is then
 validated on the server side. The problem is obvious: anyone can get
 the password just sniffing the network.
 How can I solve this?

If you really want to do it right, use SRP,

Confused on Kid

2005-10-10 Thread Brandon K
Hey, so I heard about the TurboGears posting and decided to investigate. 
 I watched some of their video on building a wiki in 20 minutes and 
was totally blown away because I'm used to python...straight python, not 
melding together 4 different APIs into one to blah blah.  ANYWAY.  I was 
investigating each subproject individually and could not, for the life 
of me figure out how Kid worked.  I understand that it takes a 
well-formed XML document and transforms it, but I could not figure out 
where it transforms it, or how to transform a document.  They have 
plenty of template examples, but I'm left say, What do I do with this? 
I know I can't just pop in it a browser because it has no sort of style 
sheet or anything so it would just render as an XML document.  What do 
you do after you have a kid template?

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Re: Comparing lists

2005-10-10 Thread Christian Stapfer
George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Christian Stapfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  try to use set.

 Sorting the two lists and then extracting
 A-B, B-A, A|B, A  B and A ^ B in one single
 pass seems to me very likely to be much faster
 for large lists.

 Why don't you implement it, test it and time it
 to be more convincing about your intuition ?

The problem is in the generation of the test data.
Even merely generating a set of (suitably average,
random, and suitably worst case) datasets might
turn out to be a major undertaking.
 If the documentation stated the order-of-magnitude
behavior of those basic operations up front, then
I (and *anyone* else who ever wanted to use those
operations on large lists / large sets) could do
a quick order-of-magnitude estimation of how
a certain program design will behave, performance
  *Experimenting* is not necessarily as easy to
do as you seem to believe. How do you, for example,
hit upon the worst-case behavior with your test
data? - Without knowing *anything* about the
implementation it might a matter sheer luck.
If you *know* something about the implementation
then, of course, you might be able to figure it
out. (But note that if you know *that* much about
the implementation, you usually have an order-of-
magnitude estimate anyway and don't need to do
*any* experimenting in order to answer my question.)



Re: When someone from Britain speaks, Americans hear a Britishaccent...

2005-10-10 Thread Rocco Moretti
Duncan Smith wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
There are special rules for the monarchs, who are expected to refer to
themselves in the first person plural.

 Yes, although I'm not actually sure where the 'royal we' comes from; 

I was under the (probably misinformed) impression that since the 
King/Queen is the representative of the entire nation, they use the 
first person plural, because when they speak they speak for the all the 
(multiple) people in the land. I'm unaware of what term a monarch uses 
in a private, rather than public, context. (Never having had the 
opportunity to drink a pint with Lizzie, Chuck, and Cammie. :)

Re: Send password over TCP connection

2005-10-10 Thread Peter Tillotson
simplest approach is to 1 way hash the password ... perhaps using md5

normally with passwords the server only has to check if it is the same 
word, assuming the same hash algorithms the same hash value can be 
created at client.

Its not hugely secure ... anyone sniffing can grab your hash value and 
then try to crack it at their leisure. It would be better to communicate 
over ssl.

Anyone know of a simple ssl api in python :-)

dcrespo wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have a program that serves client programs. The server has a login
 password, which has to be used by each client for logging in. So, when
 the client connects, it sends a string with a password, which is then
 validated on the server side. The problem is obvious: anyone can get
 the password just sniffing the network.
 How can I solve this?

Re: Default argument to __init__

2005-10-10 Thread skip
vaibhav Here's a piece of Python code and it's output. The output that
vaibhav Python shows is not as per my expectation. Hope someone can
vaibhav explain to me this behaviour:

Yes, your default arg is evaluated once, at method definition time and
shared betwee all instances of MyClass.  See the thread last week on the
same thing for more detail.


Re: Default argument to __init__

2005-10-10 Thread Steve Holden
 Hi All:
 Here's a piece of Python code and it's output. The output that Python
 shows is not as per my expectation. Hope someone can explain to me this
 class MyClass:
 def __init__(self, myarr=[]):
 self.myarr = myarr
 myobj1 = MyClass()
 myobj2 = MyClass()
 myobj1.myarr += [1,2,3]
 myobj2.myarr += [4,5,6]
 print myobj1.myarr
 print myobj2.myarr
 The output is:
 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 Why do myobj1.myarr and myobj2.myarr point to the same list? The
 default value to __init__ for the myarr argument is [], so I expect
 that every time an object of MyClass is created, a new empty list is
 created and assigned to myarr, but it seems that the same empty list
 object is assigned to myarr on every invocation of MyClass.__init__
 It this behaviour by design? If so, what is the reason, as the
 behaviour I expect seems pretty logical.
The default value of the keyword argument is evaluated once, at function 
declaration time. The idiom usually used to avoid this gotcha is:

 def __init__(self, myarr=None):
 if myarr is None:
 myarr = []

This ensures each call with the default myarr gets its own list.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Default argument to __init__

2005-10-10 Thread Larry Bates
This comes up on the list about once a week on this list.


-Larry Bates

 Hi All:
 Here's a piece of Python code and it's output. The output that Python
 shows is not as per my expectation. Hope someone can explain to me this
 class MyClass:
 def __init__(self, myarr=[]):
 self.myarr = myarr
 myobj1 = MyClass()
 myobj2 = MyClass()
 myobj1.myarr += [1,2,3]
 myobj2.myarr += [4,5,6]
 print myobj1.myarr
 print myobj2.myarr
 The output is:
 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 Why do myobj1.myarr and myobj2.myarr point to the same list? The
 default value to __init__ for the myarr argument is [], so I expect
 that every time an object of MyClass is created, a new empty list is
 created and assigned to myarr, but it seems that the same empty list
 object is assigned to myarr on every invocation of MyClass.__init__
 It this behaviour by design? If so, what is the reason, as the
 behaviour I expect seems pretty logical.

Re: Confused on Kid

2005-10-10 Thread Robert Kern
Brandon K wrote:
 Hey, so I heard about the TurboGears posting and decided to investigate. 
  I watched some of their video on building a wiki in 20 minutes and 
 was totally blown away because I'm used to python...straight python, not 
 melding together 4 different APIs into one to blah blah.  ANYWAY.  I was 
 investigating each subproject individually and could not, for the life 
 of me figure out how Kid worked.  I understand that it takes a 
 well-formed XML document and transforms it, but I could not figure out 
 where it transforms it, or how to transform a document.  They have 
 plenty of template examples, but I'm left say, What do I do with this? 
 I know I can't just pop in it a browser because it has no sort of style 
 sheet or anything so it would just render as an XML document.  What do 
 you do after you have a kid template?

Did you read the documentation?

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
  -- Richard Harter


Re: Comparing lists

2005-10-10 Thread Steve Holden
Christian Stapfer wrote:
 George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
Christian Stapfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


try to use set.

Sorting the two lists and then extracting
A-B, B-A, A|B, A  B and A ^ B in one single
pass seems to me very likely to be much faster
for large lists.

Why don't you implement it, test it and time it
to be more convincing about your intuition ?
 The problem is in the generation of the test data.
 Even merely generating a set of (suitably average,
 random, and suitably worst case) datasets might
 turn out to be a major undertaking.
  If the documentation stated the order-of-magnitude
 behavior of those basic operations up front, then
 I (and *anyone* else who ever wanted to use those
 operations on large lists / large sets) could do
 a quick order-of-magnitude estimation of how
 a certain program design will behave, performance
   *Experimenting* is not necessarily as easy to
 do as you seem to believe. How do you, for example,
 hit upon the worst-case behavior with your test
 data? - Without knowing *anything* about the
 implementation it might a matter sheer luck.
 If you *know* something about the implementation
 then, of course, you might be able to figure it
 out. (But note that if you know *that* much about
 the implementation, you usually have an order-of-
 magnitude estimate anyway and don't need to do
 *any* experimenting in order to answer my question.)
You are, of course, either assuming that there's a single implementation 
of Python, or that all implementations have the same behaviour. Or 
alternatively you are asking all implementers to do what you seem to 
consider so difficult (i.e. identify worst-case scenarios and then 
estimate order-of-magnitude behaviour for them).

Test results with known test data are relatively easy to extrapolate 
from, and if your test data are reasonably representative of live data 
then so will your performance estimates.

Anyway, aren't you more interested in average behaviour than worst-case? 
Most people are.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Send password over TCP connection

2005-10-10 Thread Steve Holden
Peter Tillotson wrote:
 simplest approach is to 1 way hash the password ... perhaps using md5
No, it isn't - see below.

 normally with passwords the server only has to check if it is the same 
 word, assuming the same hash algorithms the same hash value can be 
 created at client.
Unfortunately this means that the client sends the same string every 
time the user authenticates.

 Its not hugely secure ... anyone sniffing can grab your hash value and 
 then try to crack it at their leisure. It would be better to communicate 
 over ssl.
It's not even that secure: all they have to do is replay the data 
sniffed from the server and they too can authenticate themselves. They 
don't have to know what the plain-text password is.

 Anyone know of a simple ssl api in python :-)
A safer way would be to use some sort of challenge-response mechanism, 
where the server presents a challenge C to the client, which then 
computes some function of both C and the plain-text password provided by 
the user. The server then authenticates by performing the same 
computation on C and the known password.

As long as the server uses a different challenge each time then this is 
at least secure from replay attacks. But this scheme does have the 
weakness that the server must know the password of each user.

For something even more secure, look at OPIE and similar schemes. But 
let's not forget that all these schemes only secure the authentication 
exchange: they do nothing to protect application data.


 dcrespo wrote:
Hi all,

I have a program that serves client programs. The server has a login
password, which has to be used by each client for logging in. So, when
the client connects, it sends a string with a password, which is then
validated on the server side. The problem is obvious: anyone can get
the password just sniffing the network.

How can I solve this?


Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Send password over TCP connection

2005-10-10 Thread Josef Meile
 Anyone know of a simple ssl api in python :-)
Perhaps pow may help:

or pyopenssl:



unable to import os

2005-10-10 Thread Kim Nguyen
Fredrik Lundh,I replaced  mtime = os.stat(Path + file_name)[os.path.stat.ST_MTIME] with mtime = nt.stat("") per your suggested, then ran it from IDLE 2.4.2. Here is the message I got,

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "C:\Documents and Settings\nguyeki\Desktop\Oct7", line 37, in -toplevel-
 File "C:\Documents and Settings\nguyeki\Desktop\Oct7", line 17, in main
 mtime = nt.stat("")
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

I did the search and could not find the file "". 


Re: Python reliability

2005-10-10 Thread Scott David Daniels
You might try a take over mode -- starting another copy gets to the
point it looks to listen for UDP, the (if the listening fails), tells
the other process to die over UDP, taking over then.  This scheme would
would reduce your time-to-switch to a much shorter window.  Whenever
given the shutdown signal, you could turn on the watcher sleeping
light.  The remaining issue, replacing hardware or OS (possibly due to
failure) probably changes the UDP address.  That might be trickier.  I
certainly feel happier when I can do a hand-off to another box, but it
sounds like you might need the instruments to broadcast or multicast
to get to that happy place.

--Scott David Daniels

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