ANN: Circe 0.0.3b1 released

2005-11-07 Thread Nick
=== Announcing Circe 0.0.3b1 ===

Circe Mainpage:

Circe Download Page:

=== New features/bug fixes ===
We have added several bug fixes, and new features, such as unicode,
into the 0.0.3 beta 1 release.

=== Whats Circe? ===
Circe is a multiplatform IRC client written in the Python language that
utilizes the wxpython library for the graphical interface. Circe
features Unicode, Scripting, and many other features.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: eric3 3.8.0 released

2005-11-07 Thread Detlev Offenbach

this is to inform you about the release of eric3 3.8.0. It is available

The list below summarizes the difference between eric3 3.7.x and 3.8.x

- too long list of bugfixes to mention here
- these usability enhancements

  -- added possibility for path translation for passive debugging
 and remote debugging (Configuration Dialog - Debugger - General)
  -- added support for project specific debugger settings
 (see Project menu - Debugger)
  -- added support for special watchpoint conditions
 (variable is created, variable is changed)

  -- added capability to generate source documentation using CSS style 
 sheets to the eric3-doc utility (including the default style and
 a style with reversed headers) (Note: eric3-helpviewer cannot
 show the styles due to the limited HTML support in QTextBrowser)
  -- added the flag '-t' to eric-doc and eric-api to tell them
 to look for additional files

  -- added additional lexers (CSS files, TeX files, 
 Diff files, Make Files, Properties Files and Batch Files)
 (QScintilla  1.5.x is required)

  -- some interface cleanups and little reorganization of the
 configuration dialog
  -- added action to open multiple files
  -- added the capability to use %-codes for entering command line
 arguments. Supported codes are:
   %D   directory of the current editor
   %F   filename of the current editor
   %H   home directory of the current user
   %U   user name of the current user
   %%   the percent sign
 This functionality is available in the following dialogs:
   configuration dialog, Debugger-General page
   version control system, Command Options
   cvs, Execute Command
   subversion, Execute Command
   mercurial, Execute command
   Tools Configuration
  -- added a configuration option to set the default encoding for
 files, that don't contain an encoding marker

  -- added the capability to delete shapes to the graphics dialogs

  -- some optimisations and additions in the project browsers
  -- added configurable filetype associations for projects
  -- changed Add file dialog to allow the addition of
 multiple files to the project

  -- enhanced Ruby support (thanks to Richard Dale)

  -- changed the shell completion to use the Scintilla userlist.
 It is activated by pressing the TAB key and deactivated
 by pressing the ESC key (without selection) or the TAB or
 ENTER key (with selection).

  -- extended task management with categorization and a colorized

  -- added a templates system

  -- added support for cx_Freeze (FreezePython)
  -- added support for PyLint

  -- added the commandline option --nokde to disable usage of the
 KDE dialogs
  -- switching the editor will highlight the current file in
 the project browser
  -- added a context menu for the Listspace view manager
  -- added an incremental quicksearch to the search toolbar

  -- added support for Mercurial VCS

What is it?
eric3 is a Python and Ruby IDE with batteries included. For details see
the eric3 home page.

Detlev Offenbach

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: python-ldap-2.0.11

2005-11-07 Thread Michael Ströder
Find a new release of python-ldap:

python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory
servers from Python programs. It mainly wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x libs for
that purpose. Additionally it contains modules for other LDAP-related
stuff (e.g. processing LDIF, LDAPURLs and LDAPv3 schema).

Released 2.0.11 2005-11-07

Changes since 2.0.10:

* Class ldap.ldapobject.LDAPObject:
  Each method returns a result now
* Class ldap.ldapobject.ReconnectLDAPObject:
  Some methods called the wrong methods of LDAPObject. Fixed.
* Added new class ldap.async.Dict
* Slightly cleaned up ldap.schema.subentry.attribute_types()
* New sub-module ldap.resiter which simply provides a mix-in
  class for ldap.ldapobject.LDAPObject with a generator method
  Obviously this only works with Python 2.3+. And
  it's still experimental.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: logintools Critical Update

2005-11-07 Thread Fuzzyman

Critical Bugfix in logintools (which also affects jalopy)

The new release is 0.6.2

What's New

I recently updated logintools and jalopy to be compatible with the new
pythonutils code. This was the 0.6.0 releases.

Embarrassingly, I didn't update the email calls to use the new function
signature in cgiutils. New user sign-ups have been thoroughly broken
since. sigh

The application I use logintools for doesn't allow new user signups. It
only has administrator created accounts, so I didn't notice the broken

This is now fixed and anyone who wants jalopy or logintools to work
should download the new release.

What is logintools

logintools is a full framework to do user authentication and account
management with CGI.

It provides you with a full system for restricting access to pages and
your applications, including administration features, new user
sign-ups, and the facility for users to edit their account details.

Even better - you can add it to a Python CGI with as little as two
lines of code (really).

Configurable in terms of behaviour nad appearance, it also provides a
mechanism for storing details of the user account.

See the documentation at


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN : ConfigObj 4.0.1 Config File Reader/Writer

2005-11-07 Thread Fuzzyman
Version 4.0.1 of ConfigObj is now available. This includes one bugfix
and two new features.

What's New ?

Fixed bug in ``Section.walk`` when transforming names as well as

Added the ``istrue`` section method. (Fetches the boolean equivalent of
a string value).

Fixed ``list_values=False`` - single line values are not quoted or

for a description of these changes.

List values are written as ``item, item`` rather than ``item,item``.

What is ConfigObj ?

ConfigObj is a simple but powerful config file reader and writer: an
ini file round tripper. It's main feature is that it is very easy to
use, with a straightforward programmer's interface and a simple syntax
for config files. It has lots of other features though. This module is
used in most Voidspace projects. See the ConfigObj Home Page for full

It's features include :

* Nested sections (subsections), to any level
* List Values
* Multiple Line Values
* String interpolation (substitution)
* Integrated with a powerful validation system

  o including automatic type checking/conversion
  o repeated sections
  o and allowing default values

* All comments in the file are preserved
* The order of keys/sections is preserved
* No external dependencies


Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] ASTNG 0.13.1

2005-11-07 Thread Sylvain Thénault
Hi there !

I'm pleased to announce a new bug fix release of ASTNG. This release
fixes a lot of bugs detected by pylint users, the most popular
application built on top of this package.

What's new ?

* fix bug on building from living module the same object in
  encountered more than once time (eg builtins.object) (close #10069)

* fix bug in Class.ancestors() regarding inner classes (close #10072)

* fix .self_resolve() on From and Module nodes to handle package
  precedence over module (close #10066)

* locals dict for package contains __path__ definition (close #10065)

* astng provide GenExpr and GenExprFor nodes with python = 2.4
  (close #10063)

* fix python2.2 compatibility (close #9922)

* link .__contains__ to .has_key on scoped node to speed up execution

* remove no more necessary .module_object() method on From and Module

* normalize parser.ParserError to SyntaxError with python 2.2

What is ASTNG
The aim of this module is to provide a common base representation of
python source code for projects such as pychecker, pyreverse,
pylint... Well, actually the development of this library is essentialy
governed by pylint's needs.

It extends class defined in the compiler.ast [1] module with some
additional methods and attributes. Instance attributes are added by a
builder object, which can either generate extended ast (let's call
them astng ;) by visiting an existant ast tree or by inspecting living
object. Methods are added by monkey patching ast classes.

Home page


Mailing list


LOGILAB provides services in the fields of XML techniques and advanced
computing (implementation of intelligent agents, knowledge management,
natural language processing, statistical analysis, data mining, etc.),
and also trainings on Python, XML, UML, Object Oriented design, design
patterns use and other cutting edge topics. To know more about
Logilab, visit

Logilab is also a strong supporter of the Free Software movement, and an
active member of the Python and Debian communities. Logilab's open 
source projects can be found on

Sylvain Thénault   LOGILAB, Paris (France).


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-04, Christopher Subich schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Except when your default is a list
 class foo:
   x = [] # default
 a = foo()
 a.x += [3]
 b = foo()
 This results in [3]. So in this case using a class variable x to
 provide a default empty list doesn't work out in combination
 with augmented operators.

 This has nothing to do with namespacing at all,

Yes it has.

 it's the Python 
 idiosyncracy about operations on mutable types.  In this case, += 
 mutates an object, while + returns a new one -- as by definition, for 

It is the combination of the two.

If python had chosen for an approach like function namespaces, the
problem wouldn't have occured either. What would have happened then
is that the compilor would have noticed the a.x on the right hand
side and based on that fact would then have deciced that all a.x
references should be instance reference (at least in that function
block). The a.x += ... would then result in an AttributeError being raised. 

You may prefer the current behaviour over this, but that is not the
point. The point is that resolution of name spaces does play its
role in this problem.

It also has little to do with mutable vs immutable types.
Someone could implement an immutable type, but take advantage
of some implemtation details to change the value inplace
in the __iadd__ method. Such an immutable type would show
the same problems.

Antoon Pardon

Is mod_python 3.1 good for commercial blogging/CMS?

2005-11-07 Thread Anthony L.
I am writing a web application that is comparable to a content 
management system used in blogging. I really want to use Python after 
having done some evaluation coding using Python 2.3.5 with mod_python 
3.1.4 running on Apache 2.0 with the Publisher handler.

However, I am still very hesitant to settle on Python. All my research 
brings up the same collection of scant articles and old mailing list 
messages that reference each other. I am not interested in using 
frameworks, partly because I am confused by them, but mostly because I 
don't want to add another layer of software complexity on top of my code 
since I already am expecting a hard time finding low-cost dedicated 
hosting with Apache 2 and mod_python 3 support.

I have made a few assumptions regarding Python and mod_python's value. 
Hopefully the experts here can help correct any of my assumptions and 
give me some more comfort in committing to Python.

1. I want to use CGI through Publisher handler, instead of CGI handler 
or PSP. Despite the speed increase mod_python gives me, there is a 
problem of persistence that can be a problem when dealing with a site 
that will hosts potentially hundreds of simultaneous users.

2. I have found nothing to quantify the stability and reliability of 
mod_python 3, and in the absence of a list of major commercial sites 
that use mod_python, I am left feeling as is there might be technical 
(read as stability/security) reasons to favor mod_perl over mod_python.

3. I am not very attracted to PSP because I want to separate the logic 
from the presentation as completely as possible, and PHP and other 
template languages including PSP seem difficult to do that in. Learning 
template systems like PyMeld is an unattractive option for me since I 
don't understand their benefit. Why can't I just use req.write() to 
output my markup, relying completely on external CSS after the fact? My 
thought is that HTML templates provide a minimum set of static code that 
doesn't require extra processing, thus keeping performance up. However, 
if I minimize my use of req.write() will it make a difference?

4 A final question, is mod_python 2.7 suitable for use in a commercial 
production system? All I'm doing is text processing, string 
manipulation, database calls, and some very minor mathematics. If the 
Apache 1.3 series mod works fine, can I relieve myself of some stress 
and go with that combo?

I'd appreciate some practical advise on this. I am funding this myself 
on a small budget with no hard deadline, so it is critical to me that I 
choose a language that will minimize my costs. Are my assumptions 
correct, or am I falling prey to FUD?


Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-04, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 09:03:56 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Op 2005-11-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Thu, 03 Nov 2005 13:01:40 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Seems perfectly sane to me. 

 What would you expect to get if you wrote b.a = b.a + 2?
 I would expect a result consistent with the fact that both times
 b.a would refer to the same object.

 class RedList(list):
 colour = red

 L = RedList(())

 What behaviour would you expect from len(L), given that L doesn't have a
 __len__ attribute?
 Since AFAICT there is no single reference to the __len__ attribute that
 will be resolved to two different namespace I don't see the relevance.


 b.a += 2

 Before the assignment, instance b does not have an attribute a, so class
 attribute a is accessed. You seem to be objecting to this inheritance.

I object to the inheritance in a scope where b.a also refers to the

If there is no problem that a reference can refer to different objects
in the same scope, then the following should work too.

a = 0
def f():
  a += 2

One can reason just the same that before the assignment f doesn't have
a local variable yet, so the global should be accessed. People who
don't agree don't want functions to have access to outer scope

 Do you object to import searching multiple directories?

 Why do you object to attribute resolution searching multiple namespaces?

I don't.

 I don't see the relevance of these pieces of code. In none of them is
 there an occurence of an attribute lookup of the same attribute that
 resolves to different namespaces.

 Look a little more closely. In all three pieces of code, you have a
 conflict between the class attribute 'ls' and an instance attribute 'ls'.

No you look a little more clearly.

 In the first scenario, that conflict is resolved by insisting that
 instances explicitly define an attribute, in other words, by making
 instance attribute ONLY search the instance namespace and not the class

No it isn't. You seem unable to make a difference between a resolution
in general, and a resolution in a scope where an assignment has been

Antoon Pardon

Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-04, Christopher Subich schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Well I wonder. Would the following code be considered a name binding
   b.a = 5

 Try it, it's not.

 Python 2.2.3 (#1, Nov 12 2004, 13:02:04)
 [GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-42)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
 NameError: name 'a' is not defined
  b = object()
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
 AttributeError: 'object' object has no attribute 'a'

 Once it's attached to an object, it's an attribute, not a base name. 

So? It is still a name and it gets bound to an object. Sure the name
is bound within a specific namespace but that is IMO a detail.

 unified for Py3k, but in cases like this the distinction is important.

But part of this dicussion is about the sanity of making these kind
of distinctions. Since they apparantly plan to get rid of them in
Py3k, I guess I'm not the only one questioning that.

Antoon Pardon


Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-04, Magnus Lycka schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
   I have looked and didn't find it in the language reference.
 This is what I have found:
 An augmented assignment expression like x += 1 can be rewritten
 as x = x + 1 to achieve a similar, but not exactly equal effect.

 It's just a little further down. I'll post the quote once more (but
 this is the last time ;^):

I appreciate you quoting the documentation. But I would appreciate
a URL even more. It isn't necessary now any more but it would have
been usefull the first time you quoted this material.

 For targets which are attribute references, the initial value is 
 retrieved with a getattr() and the result is assigned with a setattr(). 
 Notice that the two methods do not necessarily refer to the same 
 variable. When getattr() refers to a class variable, setattr() still 
 writes to an instance variable. For example:

 class A:
  x = 3# class variable
 a = A()
 a.x += 1 # writes a.x as 4 leaving A.x as 3

 I'd say it's documented...

Well then I guess they have documented awkward behaviour.

 That doesn't change the fact that the current behaviour is
 on occasions awkward or whatever you want to call it.

 I fear that this has to do with the way reality works. Perhaps
 it's due to Gödel's incompleteness theorems... :)

 Sure, Python has evolved and grown for about 15 years, and
 backward compatibility has always been an issue, but the
 management and development of Python is dynamic and fairly
 open-minded. If there had been an obvious way to change this
 in a way that solved more problems than it caused, I suspect
 that change would have happened already.

Fine I can live with that. 

Antoon Pardon

Data Type Problem in Python / COM

2005-11-07 Thread Olav
I'm trying to use Python / COM to do some drawing automation.   Here
is a simple code example:
This code uses a object made by the Opendwg-org.  Autocad has a similar
object with the same methods - and the same result.


import win32com.client
odaApp = odaHost.Application

point = (0,0,0) #x,y,z

filename= r'c:\temp\test.dwg'
odaDoc  = odaApp.Documents.Add(filename)



Traceback (most recent call last):
line 310, in RunScript
exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
  File F:\dom-users\Autoproject\, line 13, in ?
line 9516, in AddPoint
ret = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(1562, LCID, 1, (9, 0), ((12,
com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, 'DWGdirectX', 'The
parameter is incorrect.\r\n', None, 0, -2147024809), None)


I have tried both early and late binding but with the same result.

I have seen the same code in VB, and the code looks like this:
This works.

Sub Example_AddPoint()
 ' This example creates a point in model space.
 Dim pointObj As AcadPoint
 Dim location(0 To 2) As Double
 ' Define the location of the point
 location(0) = 5#: location(1) = 5#: location(2) = 0#
 ' Create the point
 Set pointObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPoint(location)

It seems to me that this error is related to the data-type
Any help would be much appreciated



Re: gmpy 1.01 rc near... anybody wanna test

2005-11-07 Thread Steve Holden
Alex Martelli wrote:
 I have fixed almost all of the outstanding bugreports and feature
 request for gmpy: divm doesn't leak memory any more, truediv and
 floordiv are implemented for all types, etc -- in the current CVS
 version (one thing I must still look at is divm's behavior when its args
 are not mutually prime).  It currently compiles w/o warnings, and passes
 all of its 1040+ tests, w/the current release of GMP (4.1.4), Python
 (2.4.2), MacOSX (10.4.3), XCode (2.1), gcc (4.0).\\
 gmpy users able to download and build from sourceforge's cvs are
 encouraged to test the current CVS version.  This is a great time to
 send me any bug reports or (minor;-) feature requests, since I hope to
 release a 1.01 release candidate of gmpy ASAP.  I'm currently unable
 to build any Windows version -- any volunteer for THAT task is doubly
I tried compiling it with the MS free toolkit but the C compile 
complains about the absence of gmp.h. Since I see such a header in my 
Cygwin installation I presume it's something that a full VC7 
installation could expect to be present.

Unfortunately modifying the build to use the Cygwin include directory 
gave errors, I suspect because other Cygwin headers were also being 
picked up in error (I just added /cygwin/usr/include to include_dirs.

Compilation ran to completion with the header files from both Cygwin and 
the GNU gmp-static library, but then of course in both cases I was 
missing the gmp library to link it against.

So I'm afraid you might need someone with access to VC to test this on 
Windows for you, sorry.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


RE: connect to a remote web server upload data from Python using sshand scp

2005-11-07 Thread Tim Golden
[Swarna Pulavarty]

 I need to upload data ( text  image data ) to a remote web 
 server from python. I came to know that i could do it using 
 ssh and scp.but am not sure of how to do it.

Well, the only difference between server and web server is that
the latter is guaranteed to be listening, probably on port 80, to
HTTP requests. If you want to avoid CGI (and, I assume, any other
web-interface means of transferring files) then you need to know
what *other* services the remote server is running. ssh/scp is one
possibility, FTP is another. There are others (rsync or WebDAV, for 
example). It all depends on what's on offer.

If you know the server in question will accept an ssh connection,
then one simple solution is to call scp (or pscp from the Putty 
suite if you're on Win32) from the command line to copy the files 
you want. If you want to do it from within Python, then you could 
use os.system or os.popen or one of its cousins to do the same. eg,

scp my_local_file.txt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

If you only mean: I know it's theoretically possible to copy
files to servers using ssh/scp but I don't about this particular
server then you'll need to determine whether the server in question 
will accept ssh connections, and whether you have the right to create 
such a connection. Try the above, and see if it works.


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service is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive
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pls help me with strange result

2005-11-07 Thread eight02645999
i defined a func

db  = Sybase.connect(DSN) 
def x_dml(SQL,conn):
''' Connects to database specified, exec the SQL and returns
c = conn.cursor()
res = c.rowcount
return res
except :
return -1
return -2
stmt = 
update table1 set col = '%s' where col = '%s'
update table2 set col = '%s' where col = '%s'
  % ( blah, blah ,blah,blah)

r = x_dml(stmt,db)
if r  0:
   print r
print some error

Whenever i execute x_dml , it raise the exeception, even though my r is
value of 1 and i checked the database tables, they are updated with
what i want.
somehow the condition r0 did not work..any advice ?


Notes 6.X not accessible with Python?

2005-11-07 Thread Marco Aschwanden

Since my upgrade from Notes 5.X to Notes 6.X I can't access Notes anymore.

The third line of the following code is already a show stopper in my case:

 from win32com.client import Dispatch
session = Dispatch('Lotus.NotesSession')

When started, ends:

line 310, in RunScript
  exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
File C:\temp\, line 3, in ?
File c:\Python24\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
489, in __getattr__
  raise AttributeError, %s.%s % (self._username_, attr)
AttributeError: Lotus.NotesSession.Initialize

It worked before though with Version 5.x of Notes. In Notes Version 6.X
they introduced the session.Initialize() - that was the point, when I
couldn't create an instance anymore. I found no hint on the net... Do you
have any idea what is going wrong here?



Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-04, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 08:08:42 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 One other way, to implement the += and likewise operators would be
 something like the following.
 Assume a getnsattr, which would work like getattr, but would also
 return the namespace where the name was found. The implementation
 of b.a += 2 could then be something like:
   ns, t = getnsattr(b, 'a')
   t = t + 2
   setattr(ns, 'a')
 I'm not arguing that this is how it should be implemented. Just
 showing the implication doesn't follow.

 Follow the logical implications of this proposed behaviour.

 class Game:
 current_level = 1
 # by default, games start at level one  
 def advance(self):
 self.current_level += 1

 py antoon_game = Game()
 py steve_game = Game()
 py steve_game.advance()
 py steve_game.advance()
 py print steve_game.level
 py print antoon_game.level

 What will it print?

 Hint: your scheme means that class attributes mask instance attributes.

So? This proposal was not meant to replace the current behaviour.
It was meant to contradict your assertion that some particular
behaviour implied mutable numbers.

My proposal was an example that showed the particular behaviour and
didn't require mutable numbers, so it showed your assertion false.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-04, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 09:07:38 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Now the b.a on the right hand side refers to A.a the first time through
 the loop but not the next times. I don't think it is sane that which
 object is refered to depends on how many times you already went through
 the loop.


 Look at that: the object which is referred to depends on how many times
 you've already been through the loop. How nuts is that?
 It is each time the 'x' from the same name space. In the code above the
 'a' is not each time from the same namespace.
 I also think you new very well what I meant.

 I'm supposed to be a mindreader now? After you've spent multiple posts
 ranting that, quote, I don't think it is sane that which object is
 refered to depends on how many times you already went through the loop,
 I'm supposed to magically read your mind and know that you don't actually
 object to what you say you object to, but to something completely

No I meant object when I wrote object. But it is not about the object,
it is about the being refered to. And how do you refer to objects,
by names in namespace or variables.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-04, Christopher Subich schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Well maybe because as far as I understand the same kind of logic
 can be applied to something like
 lst[f()] += foo
 In order to decide that this should be equivallent to
 lst[f()] = lst[f()] + foo.
 But that isn't the case.

 Because, surprisingly enough, Python tends to evaluate expressions only 
 once each time they're invoked.

Well but once can consider b.a as an expression too. An expression
that gets evaluated twice in case of

b.a += 2

 In this case, [] is being used to get an item and set an item -- 
 therefore, it /has/ to be invoked twice -- once for __getitem__, and 
 once for __setitem__.

But we are here questioning language design. One could question a design
where it is necessary to invoke the [] operator twice, even when it
is only mentioned once in the code.

 Likewises, lst appears once, and it is used once -- the name gets looked 
 up once (which leads to a += 1 problems if a is in an outer scope).

 f() also appears once -- so to evaluate it more than one time is odd, 
 at best.

No more or less than [] or . is to be invoked twice. 

Antoon Pardon

Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-06, Steve Holden schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 But I can't understand the position of folks who want inheritance but
 don't want the behaviour that Python currently exhibits.
 instance.attribute sometimes reading from the class attribute is a feature
 of inheritance; instance.attribute always writing to the instance is a
 feature of OOP; instance.attribute sometimes writing to the instance and
 sometimes writing to the class would be, in my opinion, not just a wart
 but a full-blown misfeature.
 I ask and I ask and I ask for some use of this proposed behaviour, and
 nobody is either willing or able to tell me where how or why it would be
 useful. What should I conclude from this?

 You should conclude that some readers of this group are happier 
 designing languages with theoretical purity completely disconnected from 
 users' needs. But of course we pragmatists know that practicality beats 
 purity :-)

But explicit is better than implicit.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Print to printer

2005-11-07 Thread Magnus Lycka
avnit wrote:
 Do you know if there's a way to print a file? I'm trying to print an
 HTML file, so your solution is good, but doesn't really work for me.
 Just reading the HTML file and the printing the content obviously
 wouldn't work. I also tried:
 but apparently this function only takes strings as parameters.

Unless you have a strong desire to waste time and memory by opening
the file reading the content into a string and then call printer.write,
you could simply do something along the lines of this:

fn = 'path/to/file.ext'
printer = 'ps'
print_cmd = 'lpr -P %s %s'
os.system(print_cmd % (printer, fn))

Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-04, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 10:48:54 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Please explain why this is illegal.
 x = 1
 def f():
   x += 1

 Because names in function namespaces don't have inheritance.

Your quibling about words. This certainly works. 

x = 1
def f():
  a = x + 1

So you could say that function namespaces do inherit from
outer scopes.

Whether you want to name it inheritance or not, is not the

Antoon Pardon

Re: how to present Python's OO feature in design?

2005-11-07 Thread Ben Sizer
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 pcmanlin wrote:
  because i have a problem that python's oo feature is so great, but
  maybe when the project become larger, python's no-declaration cannot
  mapping the design to practice?
  I am not sure about it.

I don't know if there are any tools that convert UML to Python code,
but that doesn't stop you working with UML diagrams if you choose, and
then hand-coding the classes later. Just remember that one of the major
purposes of using UML for big up-front design is to save you from
having to do a lot of refactoring later, but in Python this is rarely a
difficult task.

Ben Sizer


Re: pls help me with strange result

2005-11-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 db  = Sybase.connect(DSN) 
 def x_dml(SQL,conn):
 ''' Connects to database specified, exec the SQL and returns
 c = conn.cursor()
 res = c.rowcount
 return res
 except :
 return -1
 return -2
 stmt = 
 update table1 set col = '%s' where col = '%s'
 update table2 set col = '%s' where col = '%s'
   % ( blah, blah ,blah,blah)

 r = x_dml(stmt,db)
 if r  0:
print r
 print some error

 Whenever i execute x_dml , it raise the exeception

what exception?

to see what really happens in there, temporarily change *all*
except: clauses to

except foo:

and run your script again, and let us know what it prints.

when you've done that, change the except clauses to

   except Sybase.Error:

(you should only use catch-all except clauses if you report the error
in some other way; e.g. by inspecting sys.exc_info, or by using the
traceback module.  using catch-all to hide errors from yourself is a
rather lousy idea)

if you want to do things in a more pythonic way, remove *both*
try-except clauses from the x_dml function, and leave it to the
caller to use try-except to look for errors:

import Sybase as DB

conn = DB.connect(DSN) 

def x_dml(SQL,conn):
c = conn.cursor()
res = c.rowcount
return res


r = x_dml(stmt,db)
except DB.Error, v:
print some error, v
print r, rows updated



Re: pls help me with strange result

2005-11-07 Thread eight02645999
i used your method to rearrange the  try,except clauses, and the
problem is solved.
I also redefined my funcs to get rid of the try/except clauses and
leave it to the caller to 
do the job of try/except.


Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-05, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 12:10:11 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 There are good usage cases for the current inheritance behaviour. I asked
 before what usage case or cases you have for your desired behaviour, and
 you haven't answered. Perhaps you missed the question? Perhaps you haven't
 had a chance to reply yet? Or perhaps you have no usage case for the
 behaviour you want.
 There are good use cases for a lot of things python doesn't provide.
 There are good use cases for writable closures, but python doesn't
 provide it, shrug, I can live with that. Use cases is a red herring

 Is that a round-about way of saying that you really have no idea of
 whether, how or when your proposed behaviour would be useful?

I am not proposing specific behaviour. Because if I do, you will
just try to argue how much worst my proposed behaviour is.

Whether or not I can come up with a better proposal is irrelevant
to how sane the current behaviour is.

 Personally, I think that when you are proposing a major change to a
 language that would break the way inheritance works, there should be more
 benefits to the new way than the old way. 

How many times do I have to repeat myself. I'm not proposing a change
to the language. 

 Some things are a matter of taste: should CPython prefer  or != for not
 equal? Some things are a matter of objective fact: should CPython use a
 byte-code compiler and virtual machine, or a 1970s style interpreter that
 interprets the source code directly?

 The behaviour you are calling insane is partly a matter of taste, but it
 is mostly a matter of objective fact. I believe that the standard
 model for inheritance that you call insane is rational because it is
 useful in far more potential and actual pieces of code than the behaviour
 you prefer -- and the designers of (almost?) all OO languages seem to
 agree with me.
 I didn't call the model for inheritance insane.

 Antoon, I've been pedanted at by experts, and you ain't one. The behaviour
 which you repeatedly described as not sane implements the model for
 inheritance. The fact that you never explicitly said the standard OO
 model of inheritance cuts no ice with me, not when you've written
 multiple posts saying that the behaviour of that standard inheritance
 model is not sane.

I haven't written that once. You may think that you can imply it from
what I wrote, but then that is your inferance and not my words.

 The standard behaviour makes it easy for code to do the right thing in
 more cases, without the developer taking any special steps, and in the
 few cases where it doesn't do the right thing (e.g. when the behaviour
 you want is for all instances to share state) it is easy to work
 around. By contrast, the behaviour you want seems to be of very limited
 usefulness, and it makes it difficult to do the expected thing in
 almost all cases, and work-arounds are complex and easy to get wrong.
 Please don't make this about what I *want*. I don't want anything. I
 just noted that one and the same reference can be processed multiple
 times by the python machinery, resulting in that same reference
 referencing differnt variables at the same time and stated that that was
 unsane behaviour.

 Unsane now?

 Heaven forbid that I should criticise people for inventing new words, but
 how precisely is unsane different from insane? In standard English,
 something which is not sane is insane.

Well maybe English works differently from dutch, but I thought there
were a whole lot of gradation between sane and insane. And not being
sane IMO just means not being at one end of the extreme while being
insane meant to be at the other end of the extreme.

So when something doesn't make complete sense, instead of it making
no sense at all, I would think that wording it as unsane instead of
insane resembles best what I intended to mean.

 If you're just trolling, you've done a great job of it because you fooled
 me well and good. But if you are serious in your criticism about the
 behaviour, then stop mucking about and tell us what the behaviour should
 be. Otherwise your criticism isn't going to have any practical effect on
 the language at all.

I wasn't trolling. I just threw in an off hand remark. That you got so
heated up about that remark is not my responsibility. I'm not trolling
because I'm willing to defend my remark and I don't intend to get
people to get heated up about it. I just don't hold back because
people may get heated up about it.

 If you are serious about wanting the behaviour changed, and not just
 whining, then somebody has to come up with an alternative behaviour that
 is better.

If I would be whining I would want the behaviour changed. I would just
keep complaining about it until someone else would have changed it.

Sure I would prefer it changed, but it is not that I *want* it to
change. I'll happily continue with python if it doesn't change.

Maybe when someone 

web interface

2005-11-07 Thread Ajar

I have a stand alone application which does some scientific
computations. I want to provide a web interface for this app. The app
is computationally intensive and may take long time for running. Can
someone suggest me a starting point for me? (like pointers to the
issues involved in this, or even better any of the existing tools for
doing this...)



Re: strange sockets

2005-11-07 Thread Skink
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
 conn.sendall(struct.pack(!i, len(data)) + data)
 or after creating conn
 conn.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
 to disable Nagle.


thank you for your help,

it works but...
it works when client  server is in python
i tried both solutions and they work when client is
they both don't work when client is java client
when i tried to connect python's server by java client i have the same:

% java Loader
init 29 reading 631 1 reading 631 40 reading 631 41



Re: PyFLTK - an underrated gem for GUI projects

2005-11-07 Thread egbert
PyFLTK is not a debian package - yet. 
Is nobody interested, or is there a more specific reason ?
Egbert Bouwman - Keizersgracht 197 II - 1016 DS  Amsterdam - 020 6257991


help-I am new to python, I have some query could sombody help me out.

2005-11-07 Thread sumi
I am very new to python ,  I have small query could some one help me.
every time I get a new load i need to do few things like creating some
dir, changing some file contents and moving some files , i would like
to know if i can write a python script to do all these operation .


Re: PyFLTK - an underrated gem for GUI projects

2005-11-07 Thread aum
On Mon, 07 Nov 2005 12:25:49 +0100, egbert wrote:

 PyFLTK is not a debian package - yet. 
 Is nobody interested, or is there a more specific reason ?

AFAIK, the maintainer feels it's still at release-candidate stage.
When he's happy with it, I'm sure he could be persuaded to make
arrangements to .deb it, or get someone else to.

In the meantime, it does build ok on Debian, provided you build/install
libfltk from source, and set the FLTK_HOME env var to point into it before
running the pyfltk, as per the instructions in pyfltk tarball.



Re: how to present Python's OO feature in design?

2005-11-07 Thread Jorge Godoy
Ben Sizer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I don't know if there are any tools that convert UML to Python code,
 but that doesn't stop you working with UML diagrams if you choose, and

Umbrello helps starting things using as a base UML diagrams.  You'll probably
have to draw your diagrams on it, though...


can i tar and untar using python

2005-11-07 Thread sumi
can i tar and untar using python


Re: can i tar and untar using python

2005-11-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
sumi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 can i tar and untar using python



Re: PyFLTK - an underrated gem for GUI projects

2005-11-07 Thread Jorge Godoy
aum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What I'm saying is that there are many basic projects being written for
 these toolkits, whose functionality could be completely supported by
 PyFLTK. When only a smaller set of widgets is needed, there's a stronger
 case for using lighter widget libraries - especially FLTK, because you'll
 get way more functionality per line of code, and finish your project
 faster, than if using the bigger toolkits with their application-level red
 tape - the extra lines of code you have to write to get things done.

At least on Linux world, it is easier to find Qt or GTK than FLTK.  Not having
to deploy new base libraries for another project when there are other
available is a big plus, IMHO.  Specially if you have no control over the
politics of updating servers, installing extra software, etc.  And it would
sound really weird asking the admin to install new software on the server or
on workstations to provide a GUI layer for a more complex project just after
using a lighter one...  Why not using the same stuff for both? is the
question I hear from them.

Installing things mean, usually:

- checking licenses

- checking vulnerabilities

- convincing admin / IT staff that it is needed and there's no
  already installed alternative

- maintenance

- tests on upgrading the environment

- tests on deployment (who knows if there's something that might cause
  a clash or interfere with other apps?)

and a few more stuff.  Doing all that just because one app might use a lighter
toolkit doesn't look interesting.

On the other hand, if the environment requires lighter libs -- the software
will be embedded in something --, then it is fine doing all these because of

 If travelling off-road for a few weeks and driving over minefields in
 enemy territory, take the Hummer. But for ordinary use, like commuting to
 work, visiting friends, shopping etc, using anything more than the Honda
 4-cylinder sedan is IMHO a waste of resources.

You can choose only one vehicle and you don't know where you'll be sent.
Which will you pick?

 Similarly, coding something in wx when FLTK will suffice is a waste of
 time, effort, disk space, CPU cycles and memory.

If wx is already there, installing FLTK starts being a waste of resources,
disk space, CPU cycles, memory (it won't be shared with other apps...), etc. 


Re: web interface

2005-11-07 Thread Jorge Godoy
Ajar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a stand alone application which does some scientific
 computations. I want to provide a web interface for this app. The app
 is computationally intensive and may take long time for running. Can
 someone suggest me a starting point for me? (like pointers to the
 issues involved in this, or even better any of the existing tools for
 doing this...)

For the long running task you might get some idea from cvsmonitor (Perl
code).  It has a long running task that is updating some repositories and
giving feedback from time to time to the user.

One thing is: detach all what is possible from user interface and give
feedback from time to time to avoid browser timeout and the user thinking the
app hanged.

Be seeing you,

ANN: eric3 3.8.0 released

2005-11-07 Thread Detlev Offenbach

this is to inform you about the release of eric3 3.8.0. It is available

The list below summarizes the difference between eric3 3.7.x and 3.8.x

- too long list of bugfixes to mention here
- these usability enhancements

  -- added possibility for path translation for passive debugging
 and remote debugging (Configuration Dialog - Debugger - General)
  -- added support for project specific debugger settings
 (see Project menu - Debugger)
  -- added support for special watchpoint conditions
 (variable is created, variable is changed)

  -- added capability to generate source documentation using CSS style 
 sheets to the eric3-doc utility (including the default style and
 a style with reversed headers) (Note: eric3-helpviewer cannot
 show the styles due to the limited HTML support in QTextBrowser)
  -- added the flag '-t' to eric-doc and eric-api to tell them
 to look for additional files

  -- added additional lexers (CSS files, TeX files, 
 Diff files, Make Files, Properties Files and Batch Files)
 (QScintilla  1.5.x is required)

  -- some interface cleanups and little reorganization of the
 configuration dialog
  -- added action to open multiple files
  -- added the capability to use %-codes for entering command line
 arguments. Supported codes are:
   %D   directory of the current editor
   %F   filename of the current editor
   %H   home directory of the current user
   %U   user name of the current user
   %%   the percent sign
 This functionality is available in the following dialogs:
   configuration dialog, Debugger-General page
   version control system, Command Options
   cvs, Execute Command
   subversion, Execute Command
   mercurial, Execute command
   Tools Configuration
  -- added a configuration option to set the default encoding for
 files, that don't contain an encoding marker

  -- added the capability to delete shapes to the graphics dialogs

  -- some optimisations and additions in the project browsers
  -- added configurable filetype associations for projects
  -- changed Add file dialog to allow the addition of
 multiple files to the project

  -- enhanced Ruby support (thanks to Richard Dale)

  -- changed the shell completion to use the Scintilla userlist.
 It is activated by pressing the TAB key and deactivated
 by pressing the ESC key (without selection) or the TAB or
 ENTER key (with selection).

  -- extended task management with categorization and a colorized

  -- added a templates system

  -- added support for cx_Freeze (FreezePython)
  -- added support for PyLint

  -- added the commandline option --nokde to disable usage of the
 KDE dialogs
  -- switching the editor will highlight the current file in
 the project browser
  -- added a context menu for the Listspace view manager
  -- added an incremental quicksearch to the search toolbar

  -- added support for Mercurial VCS

What is it?
eric3 is a Python and Ruby IDE with batteries included. For details see
the eric3 home page.

Detlev Offenbach

Re: help-I am new to python, I have some query could sombody help me out.

2005-11-07 Thread Jorge Godoy
sumi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am very new to python ,  I have small query could some one help me.
 every time I get a new load i need to do few things like creating some
 dir, changing some file contents and moving some files , i would like
 to know if i can write a python script to do all these operation .

You can...  Creating directories, processing file contents and moving files is
not hard with Python (if the processing part is simple, then it all becomes
easy). :-)

Take a look at the tutorial and the documentation on the website.


Re: Circe

2005-11-07 Thread Björn Lindström
Sargun  Dhillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Me and my friends are working on a project, Circe we'd like some people
 to test it:

I guess you weren't aware of this.

Björn Lindström [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student of computational linguistics, Uppsala University, Sweden

Re: can i tar and untar using python

2005-11-07 Thread Jay Parlar

On Nov 7, 2005, at 3:00 AM, sumi wrote:
 can i tar and untar using python

The standard library does it again:

Jay P.


Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Magnus Lycka
First of all, I've still not heard any sensible suggestions
about a saner behaviour for augmented assignment or for the
way Python searches the class scope after the instance scope.

What do you suggest?

Today, x += n acts just as x = x + n if x is immutable.
Do you suggest that this should change?

Today, instance.var will look for var in the class
scope if it didn't find it in the instance scope. Do
you propose to change this?

Or, do you propose that we should have some second order
effect that makes the combination of instance.var += n
work in such a way that these features are no longer

Paul Rubin wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
A basic usage case:

class Paper:
size = A4
def __init__(self, contents):
# it makes no sense to have class contents,
# so contents go straight into the instance
self.contents = contents
 So add:
  self.size = Paper.size
 and you've removed the weirdness.  What do you gain here by inheriting?

class LetterPaper(Paper):
 size = Letter

class LegalPaper(Paper):
 size = Legal

This is what you gain. Subclassing it extremely simple, if all
you want is that the subclass differs in data. You could also
have __init__ pick up the class variable and set an instance
variable, but why make things difficult if it's trivial now?

Considering how __init__ works in Python class hierachies,
where you need to manually call __init__ in ancestor classes
if you've overridden them, the fact that a simple self.size
picks up a class variable is particularly useful if you use
MI. For instance I could imagine a FirstPageMixin class in
this case, and a FancyFirstPageMixin that subclasses that.
There, we might want to pick up certain margin values or
other positions etc.

The spirit of Python is to make it easy to do things right,
not make it difficult to make mistakes. If you want a language
that tries to prevent you from making mistakes, use Ada.

When developing code in a dynamic language such as Python,
it's really important to have a decent set of automated tests.
If you have, you'll hopefully notice bugs like these. Making
changes in the language that forces you to write more code
will in general not reduce the total number of bugs, but
rather increase them.

I've been involved with high reliability design long enough to
know the problems involved fairly well. I mainly worked with
electronic design then, but the problem is the same: The more
safety gadgets you add, the more stuff you have that can break.
The details are a bit difference, but in principle the problem
is the same.

Ever wondered why Russian and Chinese rocket launchers have a
better reliability than the American? Simply put, they're simpler.

Re: how to present Python's OO feature in design?

2005-11-07 Thread Paul McGuire
pcmanlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 As I know java has many UML tools to design for its OO feature, is
 there any tools or good concept for Python project Modeling?

Check out EnterpriseArchitect ( ).  They have
a very good UML tool that has a Python plugin. I'd recommend the
Professional Edition - the code reverse-engineering is like magic.

Not open source or free, though.  EA Pro is US$199, Academic license is
US$105.  But compare to Rational at $US000's, it is a great value for the

-- Paul McGuire
(not associated wth SparxSystems, just a happy customer)


Re: gmpy 1.01 rc near... anybody wanna test

2005-11-07 Thread Paul Rubin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
 gmpy users able to download and build from sourceforge's cvs are
 encouraged to test the current CVS version.

Oh cool, I wondered whether any gmpy maintenance was still going on.
I'll see if I can give the new version a try.

Re: Using Which Version of Linux

2005-11-07 Thread Magnus Lycka
 ok, i m going to use Linux for my Python Programs, mainly because i 
 need to see what will these fork() and exec() do. So, can anyone tell 
 me which flavour of linux i should use, some say that Debian is more 
 programmer friendly, or shold i use fedora, or Solaris. Because these 
 three are the only ones i know of that are popular and free.

Maybe you've already figured it out, but Ubuntu is your distro.

It's based on Debian, but while standard Debian is a bit daunting
to get up and running the first time, Ubuntu is one of the easiest
Linux distros. Ubuntu is also much more up-to-date than the stable
Debian, but still very stable.

If you just want to try it out, and don't want to repartition your
disk (or install a second disk), you can try the Ubuntu Live CD.

Ubuntu has good support for modern hardware and a polished user
interface, and it's very much focused on Python. You'll find a lot
of Python modules that are maintained in the Ubuntu repositiories
and will be kept up-to-date with something similar to Windows
Update, all very convenient if you're on the net. Naturally, you
can install Python source packages and run 'python install'
the normal way, but then you won't get this auto-update feature.

Mark Shuttleworth's projects, such as Ubuntu and School Tool, are
also investing good money in Python development. You can even get
Ubuntu CDs sent to you for free! Order ten and give out to your
friends! I think it's a good way to promote Python.

I've used Linux since Slackware 2.3. (Or 2.2?1994?) I'm certainly
computer literate, but never had the stamina to get the normal Debian
distro to work. After Slackware, I've tried Red Hat, SuSE and Mandrake
etc, and I mainly use Red Hat Enterprise Linux at work, but given a
choice I prefer Ubuntu these days.

Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Steve Holden
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-11-05, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 12:10:11 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

There are good usage cases for the current inheritance behaviour. I asked
before what usage case or cases you have for your desired behaviour, and
you haven't answered. Perhaps you missed the question? Perhaps you haven't
had a chance to reply yet? Or perhaps you have no usage case for the
behaviour you want.

There are good use cases for a lot of things python doesn't provide.
There are good use cases for writable closures, but python doesn't
provide it, shrug, I can live with that. Use cases is a red herring

Is that a round-about way of saying that you really have no idea of
whether, how or when your proposed behaviour would be useful?
 I am not proposing specific behaviour. Because if I do, you will
 just try to argue how much worst my proposed behaviour is.
 Whether or not I can come up with a better proposal is irrelevant
 to how sane the current behaviour is.
If you can't provide a superior alternative then you have little right 
to be questioning the present behavior. Honestly, you are like a child 
with a whistle who keeps blowing the whistle to the annoyance of all 
around it simply because it likes being able to make the noise, and 
causing the annoyance.
Personally, I think that when you are proposing a major change to a
language that would break the way inheritance works, there should be more
benefits to the new way than the old way. 
 How many times do I have to repeat myself. I'm not proposing a change
 to the language. 
So you have a clear impression that Python's current behavior is 
unsatisfactory enough to be called unsane which, when challenged, you 
insist simply means not at the extreme end of some imaginary sanity 
scale you have constructed for the purpose if bending English to your 
will. And you refuse to propose anything further towards the sane end of 
the scale because people will try to argue that your proposal would be 
worse than the existing behavior. Good grief, I though I was dealing 
with an adult here, but I must be mistaken.
Some things are a matter of taste: should CPython prefer  or != for not
equal? Some things are a matter of objective fact: should CPython use a
byte-code compiler and virtual machine, or a 1970s style interpreter that
interprets the source code directly?

The behaviour you are calling insane is partly a matter of taste, but it
is mostly a matter of objective fact. I believe that the standard
model for inheritance that you call insane is rational because it is
useful in far more potential and actual pieces of code than the behaviour
you prefer -- and the designers of (almost?) all OO languages seem to
agree with me.

I didn't call the model for inheritance insane.

Well you are repeatedly call one aspect of the Python inheritance model 
insane. You appear to feel that repetition of an argument will make it 
more true, which is sadly not the case.

Antoon, I've been pedanted at by experts, and you ain't one. The behaviour
which you repeatedly described as not sane implements the model for
inheritance. The fact that you never explicitly said the standard OO
model of inheritance cuts no ice with me, not when you've written
multiple posts saying that the behaviour of that standard inheritance
model is not sane.
 I haven't written that once. You may think that you can imply it from
 what I wrote, but then that is your inferance and not my words.
The standard behaviour makes it easy for code to do the right thing in
more cases, without the developer taking any special steps, and in the
few cases where it doesn't do the right thing (e.g. when the behaviour
you want is for all instances to share state) it is easy to work
around. By contrast, the behaviour you want seems to be of very limited
usefulness, and it makes it difficult to do the expected thing in
almost all cases, and work-arounds are complex and easy to get wrong.

Please don't make this about what I *want*. I don't want anything. I
just noted that one and the same reference can be processed multiple
times by the python machinery, resulting in that same reference
referencing differnt variables at the same time and stated that that was
unsane behaviour.

But you clearly don't perceive this as being related to Python's 
inheritance mechanism, presumably because you aren't prepared to accept 
that an instance inherits names from its class just like a class 
inherits names from its superclass.

Unsane now?

Heaven forbid that I should criticise people for inventing new words, but
how precisely is unsane different from insane? In standard English,
something which is not sane is insane.
 Well maybe English works differently from dutch, but I thought there
 were a whole lot of gradation between sane and insane. And not being
 sane IMO just means not being at one end of the extreme while being
 insane meant to be at the 

Re: strange sockets

2005-11-07 Thread Steve Holden
Skink wrote:
 Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
conn.sendall(struct.pack(!i, len(data)) + data)

or after creating conn

conn.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)

to disable Nagle.

 thank you for your help,
 it works but...
 it works when client  server is in python
 i tried both solutions and they work when client is
 they both don't work when client is java client
 when i tried to connect python's server by java client i have the same:
 % java Loader
 init 29 reading 631 1 reading 631 40 reading 631 41
Seems to me that should probably be a question for

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Python and PL/SQL

2005-11-07 Thread vb_bv
Does Pyton PL/SQL programming language of Oracle support?



Re: Threading- Stopping

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-04, Tuvas schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Is there a way to stop a thread with some command like t.stop()? Or any
 other neat way to get around it? Thanks!

What do you mean with stop? Pauze it or make it finish.

In the latter case, if you really want it you could use the following.
It requires ctypes. It also wont stop a thread while it is in a C
extention. In that case the exception will be raised when it returns
from the extention.

import os
import ctypes
from time import sleep
from random import randint

class TimeOut(Exception):

class Alarm(Exception):

import threading

class Xthread(threading.Thread):

  def start(self):
self.__original_run = = self.__run 

  def __run(self):
self.__thrd_id = threading._get_ident()
finally: = self.__original_run

  def raize(self, excpt):
Nr = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(self.__thrd_id, 
while Nr  1:
  ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(self.__thrd_id, None)
  Nr = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(self.__thrd_id, 

  def alarm(self, tm):
alrm = threading.Timer(tm, self.raize, (TimeOut,))
return alrm

if __name__ == __main__:

  class Continue(Xthread):
def run(self): = os.getpid()
  print, Begin
  i = 0
for _ in xrange(randint(0,20)):
  for e in xrange(4 * 10):
  i = i + e
print, Finished
  except Alarm:
print, Interupted
  lst = [Continue() for _ in xrange(10)]
  for T in lst:
for T in lst:

Re: Threading- Stopping

2005-11-07 Thread Alan Kennedy
 Is there a way to stop a thread with some command like t.stop()? Or any
 other neat way to get around it? Thanks!

Good question.

And one that gets asked so often, I ask myself why it isn't in the FAQ?

It really should be in the FAQ. Isn't that what FAQs are for?

Maybe the FAQ needs to be turned into a wiki?

alan kennedy
email alan:

Re: Python and PL/SQL

2005-11-07 Thread infidel

vb_bv wrote:
 Does Pyton PL/SQL programming language of Oracle support?


PL/SQL is only supported *inside* Oracle databases.  Python can be used
to call PL/SQL procedures (I recommend the cx_Oracle module), but you
can't run Python inside the database like PL/SQL.


Re: Python and PL/SQL

2005-11-07 Thread Gerhard Häring
vb_bv wrote:
 Does Pyton PL/SQL programming language of Oracle support?

Python supports calling Oracle PL/SQL procedures. Here's an example 
using the cx_Oracle database adapter:

  import cx_Oracle
  con = cx_Oracle.connect(outlinetest/[EMAIL PROTECTED])
  cur = con.cursor()
...   PKG_Test.Test;
... END;
... )

cx_Oracle also works with all types I needed, including passing ARRAYs 
to stored procedures, and getting REFCURSORs back.

-- Gerhard


Re: Python gui

2005-11-07 Thread Magnus Lycka
Philippe C. Martin wrote:
 Thanks, Tkinter it is.

It really depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to
make any advanced GUI application, you'll probably want some
third party extension to Tkinter anyway, and then you might
as well choose another tool kit from the beginning, whether
it's wxPython, PyGtk or PyQt. It's not more inconvenient to
rely on wxPython than to rely on e.g. Pmw (2 years since last


Re: strange sockets

2005-11-07 Thread Skink
Steve Holden wrote:
 Skink wrote:
 Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

 conn.sendall(struct.pack(!i, len(data)) + data)

 or after creating conn

 conn.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)

 to disable Nagle.


 thank you for your help,

 it works but...
 it works when client  server is in python
 i tried both solutions and they work when client is
 they both don't work when client is java client
 when i tried to connect python's server by java client i have the same:

 % java Loader
 init 29 reading 631 1 reading 631 40 reading 631 41


 Seems to me that should probably be a question for

ok, my falt. again... ;)
i forgot to use Buffered[Input|Output]Stream


Re: Python and PL/SQL

2005-11-07 Thread Gerhard Häring
infidel wrote:
 vb_bv wrote:
Does Pyton PL/SQL programming language of Oracle support?

 PL/SQL is only supported *inside* Oracle databases.  Python can be used
 to call PL/SQL procedures (I recommend the cx_Oracle module), but you
 can't run Python inside the database like PL/SQL.

If one is really really really insisting on running Python code inside 
an Oracle database, I think it could be done: you can write Oracle 
stored procedures in C libraries, Java libraries and even .NET libraries 
(10g on win32). And there are Python implementations for C, Java and .NET.

So much for the theory.

In my not so humble opinion, instead of all this fancy stuff, you will 
be better off writing your stored procedures in PL/SQL, which is a very 
good language for manipulating data, and writing portable, efficient and 
maintainable server-side database code.

-- Gerhard


Re: Python and PL/SQL

2005-11-07 Thread Jorge Godoy
Gerhard Häring [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In my not so humble opinion, instead of all this fancy stuff, you will be
 better off writing your stored procedures in PL/SQL, which is a very good
 language for manipulating data, and writing portable, efficient and
 maintainable server-side database code.

And if Python is the requirement, but not Oracle, one can write stored
procedures (functions is the name) in Python with PostgreSQL. ;-)


Tkinter and X11

2005-11-07 Thread Philippe C. Martin

Is there anything that prevents tkinter from running prior to login to an
X11 session: as the X server is already up ?




Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-11-07, Steve Holden schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-11-05, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 12:10:11 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

There are good usage cases for the current inheritance behaviour. I asked
before what usage case or cases you have for your desired behaviour, and
you haven't answered. Perhaps you missed the question? Perhaps you haven't
had a chance to reply yet? Or perhaps you have no usage case for the
behaviour you want.

There are good use cases for a lot of things python doesn't provide.
There are good use cases for writable closures, but python doesn't
provide it, shrug, I can live with that. Use cases is a red herring

Is that a round-about way of saying that you really have no idea of
whether, how or when your proposed behaviour would be useful?
 I am not proposing specific behaviour. Because if I do, you will
 just try to argue how much worst my proposed behaviour is.
 Whether or not I can come up with a better proposal is irrelevant
 to how sane the current behaviour is.
 If you can't provide a superior alternative then you have little right 
 to be questioning the present behavior.

Nonesense. Unable to produce a superior alternative doesn't make
one unable to evaluate.

Personally, I think that when you are proposing a major change to a
language that would break the way inheritance works, there should be more
benefits to the new way than the old way. 
 How many times do I have to repeat myself. I'm not proposing a change
 to the language. 
 So you have a clear impression that Python's current behavior is 
 unsatisfactory enough to be called unsane which,

You are generalizing my words to the point they no longer 
reasonably resemble what I wrote. 

If you're just trolling, you've done a great job of it because you fooled
me well and good. But if you are serious in your criticism about the
behaviour, then stop mucking about and tell us what the behaviour should
be. Otherwise your criticism isn't going to have any practical effect on
the language at all.
 I wasn't trolling. I just threw in an off hand remark. That you got so
 heated up about that remark is not my responsibility. I'm not trolling
 because I'm willing to defend my remark and I don't intend to get
 people to get heated up about it. I just don't hold back because
 people may get heated up about it.
 The defense of your original remark implies very strongly that it wasn't 
 offhand, and that you are indeed trolling. Hence the reduction in the 
 frequency of my replies. You make it more and more difficult to take you 

Fine that goes both ways. I don't mind not being taken serious by people
I have trouble taking serious my self. No doubt that goes for you too.

So I propose we don't react to each other any longer, since there
would be very little purpose in it.

 Particularly since you have now resorted to a defense which 
 involves refusing to define a non-existent word in any but the vaguest 
 terms - you are trying to specify a position on the imaginary continuum 
 of sanity, but you don't say how close to which end you are trying to 
 specify. This puts you somewhere between barmy and crackpot on my 
 own personal scale.
If you are serious about wanting the behaviour changed, and not just
whining, then somebody has to come up with an alternative behaviour that
is better.
 If I would be whining I would want the behaviour changed. I would just
 keep complaining about it until someone else would have changed it.
 Instead you just keep complaining about it, full stop.

No I don't keep complaining about. I just defend my claim.

 Since we are all 
 now fully aware of your opinions, couldn't you just shut up, or do we 
 have to send you to your room without any supper? Whine, whine, whine.

Well since you are aware of my opinion, why don't you just ignore
any new articles of mine in this thread and go on, instead of whining
about the fact that I care to defend what I wrote but won't put
more fuel on the fire by starting my idea about superior behaviour
which would only make this thread live longer without any chance
of coming to a shared conclusion.

 Every time I reply to you my spell checker looks at your name and shows 
 me a dialog with an ignore all button on it. I have this increasing 
 suspicion that it's trying to tell me something.

Well maybe you should listen to it. It seems damn obvious neither of
us has anything interresting to say to the other.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Python and PL/SQL

2005-11-07 Thread vb_bv
Thanks for your answers.
I would like to document with Python PL/SQL of programs, so similarly
as javadoc for Java.
I do not know whether it is possible. If yes, I would like to know how.



need help extracting data from a text file

2005-11-07 Thread nephish
Hey there,
i have a text file with a bunch of values scattered throughout it.
i am needing to pull out a value that is in parenthesis right after a
certain word,
like the first time the word 'foo' is found, retrieve the values in the
next set of parenthesis (bar) and it would return 'bar'

i think i can use re to do this, but is there some easier way?


[ANN] ASTNG 0.13.1

2005-11-07 Thread Sylvain Thénault
Hi there !

I'm pleased to announce a new bug fix release of ASTNG. This release
fixes a lot of bugs detected by pylint users, the most popular
application built on top of this package.

What's new ?

* fix bug on building from living module the same object in
  encountered more than once time (eg builtins.object) (close #10069)

* fix bug in Class.ancestors() regarding inner classes (close #10072)

* fix .self_resolve() on From and Module nodes to handle package
  precedence over module (close #10066)

* locals dict for package contains __path__ definition (close #10065)

* astng provide GenExpr and GenExprFor nodes with python = 2.4
  (close #10063)

* fix python2.2 compatibility (close #9922)

* link .__contains__ to .has_key on scoped node to speed up execution

* remove no more necessary .module_object() method on From and Module

* normalize parser.ParserError to SyntaxError with python 2.2

What is ASTNG
The aim of this module is to provide a common base representation of
python source code for projects such as pychecker, pyreverse,
pylint... Well, actually the development of this library is essentialy
governed by pylint's needs.

It extends class defined in the compiler.ast [1] module with some
additional methods and attributes. Instance attributes are added by a
builder object, which can either generate extended ast (let's call
them astng ;) by visiting an existant ast tree or by inspecting living
object. Methods are added by monkey patching ast classes.

Home page


Mailing list


LOGILAB provides services in the fields of XML techniques and advanced
computing (implementation of intelligent agents, knowledge management,
natural language processing, statistical analysis, data mining, etc.),
and also trainings on Python, XML, UML, Object Oriented design, design
patterns use and other cutting edge topics. To know more about
Logilab, visit

Logilab is also a strong supporter of the Free Software movement, and an
active member of the Python and Debian communities. Logilab's open 
source projects can be found on

Sylvain Thénault   LOGILAB, Paris (France).


[ANN] pylint 0.8.1

2005-11-07 Thread Sylvain Thénault
Hi there !

I'm pleased to announce a new bug fix release of PyLint. Notice that a
lot of other bugs will be fixed by updating the logilab-astng package
to 0.13.1. Almost all bugs noticed by pylint users since the 0.8 is
out should be corrected by updating pylint and astng :)

What's new ?

* fix deprecated module false positive when the code imports a
  module whose name starts with a deprecated module's name (close

* fix module has no name __dict__ false positive (close #10039)

* fix access to undefined variable __path__ false positive (close

* fix explicit return in __init__ false positive when return is
  actually in an inner function (close #10075)  

What is pylint ?

Pylint is a python tool that checks if a module satisfy a coding
standard. Pylint can be seen as another pychecker since nearly all
tests you can do with pychecker can also be done with Pylint. But
Pylint offers some more features, like checking line-code's length,
checking if variable names are well-formed according to your coding
standard, or checking if declared interfaces are truly implemented,
and much more (see for the
complete check list). The big advantage with Pylint is that it is
highly configurable, customizable, and you can easily write a small
plugin to add a personal feature.

The usage it quite simple :

$ pylint mypackage.mymodule

This command will output all the errors and warnings related to the
tested code (here : mypackage.mymodule), will dump a little summary at
the end, and will give a mark to the tested code.

Pylint is free software distributed under the GNU Public Licence.

Home page


Mailing list


Sylvain Thénault   LOGILAB, Paris (France).


Re: Python and PL/SQL

2005-11-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

vb_bv wrote:
 Thanks for your answers.
 I would like to document with Python PL/SQL of programs, so similarly
 as javadoc for Java.
 I do not know whether it is possible. If yes, I would like to know how.

Is it possible - yes. Has it been done? I doubt it. You can fetch the
sourcecode of oracle packages through sql-statements (google for how to
do it), and then process it with whatever tool you like. But you will
have to write your own parser and generator for that, pydoc or epydoc
won't be of much use here. However, implementing such a thingy in
python is certainly a good idea.



Re: How to read all files in a directory

2005-11-07 Thread Hung Vo

Hello Larry,

Thanks a lot for your response. It helps me a lot. 

I used your suggestion and got an error:
 path=r'C:\datafiles\' ^SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string
Then, I changed just a little bit and it works fine.
I set path='C:\\datafiles\\' instead of path=r'C:\datafiles\'
Again Larry, I appreciate your suggestion

Hung Vo.Larry Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Not tested:import globimport ospath=r'C:\datafiles\'for fileName in glob.glob(os.path.join(path,'*.DAT')):dataFile=open(fileName, 'r').readlines().. Continue yur code here.-Larry Bateshungbichvo wrote: Dear All,  My python application is small. It reads data from a file. My code is: fileName = '900128.DAT' dataFile = open(fileName, 'r').readlines() I have to run 100 input files .DAT. Each time I run application, I have  to change code fileName to a new one. For example, fileName  = 'NewFile.DAT'. I do not know how I can process all file with extension .DAT in a  specific directory once only.  Any suggestion will be appreciated,  Thank you.   
		 Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



ANN: python-ldap-2.0.11

2005-11-07 Thread Michael Ströder
Find a new release of python-ldap:

python-ldap provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory
servers from Python programs. It mainly wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x libs for
that purpose. Additionally it contains modules for other LDAP-related
stuff (e.g. processing LDIF, LDAPURLs and LDAPv3 schema).

Released 2.0.11 2005-11-07

Changes since 2.0.10:

* Class ldap.ldapobject.LDAPObject:
  Each method returns a result now
* Class ldap.ldapobject.ReconnectLDAPObject:
  Some methods called the wrong methods of LDAPObject. Fixed.
* Added new class ldap.async.Dict
* Slightly cleaned up ldap.schema.subentry.attribute_types()
* New sub-module ldap.resiter which simply provides a mix-in
  class for ldap.ldapobject.LDAPObject with a generator method
  Obviously this only works with Python 2.3+. And
  it's still experimental.


Re: need help extracting data from a text file

2005-11-07 Thread Iain King

 Hey there,
 i have a text file with a bunch of values scattered throughout it.
 i am needing to pull out a value that is in parenthesis right after a
 certain word,
 like the first time the word 'foo' is found, retrieve the values in the
 next set of parenthesis (bar) and it would return 'bar'

 i think i can use re to do this, but is there some easier way?

well, you can use string.find with offsets, but an re is probably a
cleaner way to go.  I'm not sure which way is faster - it'll depend on
how many times you're searching compared to the overhead of setting up
an re.

start = textfile.find(foo() + 4 # 4 being how long 'foo(' is
end = textfile.find(), start)
value = textfile[start:end]




2005-11-07 Thread john boy

I am having trouble with the following example used in a tutorial:

print "Halt !"
s = raw_input ("Who Goes there? ")
print "You may pass,", s

I run this and get the following:
Who Goes there?

--thats itif I hit enter again "You may pass,"

In the example after running you should get:

Who Goes there? Josh
You may pass, Josh

I'm assuming s=Josh...but that is not included in the statement at all
I don't know how you put "Josh" in or how you got it to finish running w/o hitting enter after "Who goes there?"

What am I doing wrong?

		 Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



Re: gmpy 1.01 rc near... anybody wanna test

2005-11-07 Thread Alex Martelli

 I downloaded and tried the CVS version. Division still didn't work as

Now that's truly interesting...

  import gmpy
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for //: 'mpz' and 'mpz'

while, on my machine:

Helen:~/gmpy/test alex$ python
Python 2.4.1 (#2, Mar 31 2005, 00:05:10) 
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import gmpy

etc, etc.

The CVS commit which I did before the post you're replying to gave me:

Checking in src/gmpy.c;
/cvsroot/gmpy/gmpy/src/gmpy.c,v  --  gmpy.c
new revision: 1.14; previous revision: 1.13
Generating notification message...
Generating notification message... done.

and the logfile should be...:

Helen:~/gmpy alex$ cvs log src/gmpy.c | head -20
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password: 

RCS file: /cvsroot/gmpy/gmpy/src/gmpy.c,v
Working file: src/gmpy.c
head: 1.14
locks: strict
access list:
symbolic names:
import_vendor: 1.1.1
keyword substitution: kv
total revisions: 15;selected revisions: 15

revision 1.14
date: 2005/11/07 05:29:24;  author: aleax;  state: Exp;  lines: +83 -2

Add floordiv and truediv implementations to mpz, mpq, mpf (unittests
still need to be added).

revision 1.13

Unfortunately, I didn't have a CVS $Id$ in gmpy.c (silly me!) so
checking that you have the right version was hard.  I have now added it,
and an accessor to it from Python:

Helen:~/gmpy/test alex$ python
Python 2.4.1 (#2, Mar 31 2005, 00:05:10) 
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import gmpy
'$Id: gmpy.c,v 1.15 2005/11/07 15:43:24 aleax Exp $'

Can you cvs update again and check what's going on?  Thanks!


Re: gmpy 1.01 rc near... anybody wanna test

2005-11-07 Thread Alex Martelli
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
  gmpy users able to download and build from sourceforge's cvs are
  encouraged to test the current CVS version.
 Oh cool, I wondered whether any gmpy maintenance was still going on.

Only when I get guilt-tripped into working a bit on it;-).  gmpy as it
stands mostly meets my modest personal needs, but I'd still like to keep
it useful to others, too, of course.

 I'll see if I can give the new version a try.

Thanks.  The floordiv and truediv still need tests, and there's a
mysterious report of them not working at all (which I suspect is due to
a cvs update somehow going awry -- I've now added a gmpy._cvsid()
accessor to return the CVS $Id$ string to facilitate checking for such
issues); divm shouldn't leak memory any more, but still fails when
arguments aren't mutually prime (haven't looked into that yet).  I will
be working on these issues presently.

I haven't even looked at what's new in GMP 4.1.4 to see if there's
anything there which I should wrap in gmpy (or use to reimplement some
of gmpy's existing functionality in a more optimized way...).  I'm open
to suggestions for any such minor features or optimizations, although my
main goal for 1.01 is to remove bugs and leaks -- any _major_ new
feature will have to wait for a future 1.1 or whatever...

Current gmpy's biggest single issue right now is that I can't build it
on Windows, having no Windows machine, and even less any GMP 4.1.4 for


A Tcl/Tk programmer learns Python--any advice?

2005-11-07 Thread Kevin Walzer
Hash: SHA1

I'm a Tcl/Tk developer who has been dabbling with Python for some time,
but had not seen a compelling reason to really learn the language.
Programming in Tkinter seemed redundant to me since I already have
direct access to that toolkit via Tcl, and the other Python GUI toolkits
I tried--PyQt and wxPython--were frustrating with their learning curve.

Well, I have finally found a good reason to learn Python in more depth:
the language already directly supports things that I want to do in my
next project (specifically the Carbon modules in Mac OS X), whereas Tcl
would require a lot of extending in C before I could get started. I've
decided that it's probably less work to learn the Python way of doing
things, and if I stick with Tkinter, then the learning curve will be

I've gotten all the approropriate resources for learning Python (docs,
books, tutorials), so my question is this: are there any gotchas that
Tcl programmers often encounter in learning Python? I'm thinking
specifically about habits that may require unlearning, for instance,
such as grokking object orientation (Tcl procedures are now embedded
deep in my brain).

Any advice, particularly from other programmers with a lot of experience
in Tcl, is appreciated.

- --

Kevin Walzer, PhD
WordTech Software - Tame the Terminal
sw at
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Re: need help extracting data from a text file

2005-11-07 Thread nephish
this is cool, it is only going to run about 10 times a day,

the text is not written out like foo(bar) its more like
foo blah blah blah (bar)

the thing is , every few days the structure of the textfile may change,
one of the reasons i wanted to avoid the re.

thanks for the tip,


Re: gmpy 1.01 rc near... anybody wanna test

2005-11-07 Thread Alex Martelli
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried compiling it with the MS free toolkit but the C compile 
 complains about the absence of gmp.h. Since I see such a header in my
 Cygwin installation I presume it's something that a full VC7 
 installation could expect to be present.

gmp.h is the header of GMP, the GNU library that gmpy wraps.  It appears
to be preinstalled on Cygwin, from what you mention, but I'm pretty sure
Microsoft doesn't preinstall GPL-covered libraries from GNU with THEIR
stuff... a suitable Windows version need to be procured and installed in
some other way (having no Windows around I'm hard put to suggest what is
the best way to do this these days).

 So I'm afraid you might need someone with access to VC to test this on
 Windows for you, sorry.

Tx for the attempt, but I don't think VC per se will suffice -- somebody
needs to build or find a suitable version of GMP for Windows, too.


Re: Tkinter and X11

2005-11-07 Thread jepler
There should be no problem with this.  After all, even the greeter is just an
X application.  Depending on which login manager you use (xdm/kdm/gdm/whatever)
the details of getting your Tkinter app to actually be run will vary, though.
In gdm, it looks like adding it to the file /etc/X11/gdm/Init/default may be
the ticket.

It is probably best to run, send, )
in your program, for the reasons outlined in the send(n) manpage:
The  send  command is potentially a serious security loophole. On Unix,
any application that can connect to your X server can send  scripts  to
your  applications.   These  incoming  scripts  can use Tcl to read and
write your files and invoke subprocesses under your  name.


Description: PGP signature

Sending email in utf-8?

2005-11-07 Thread morphex

I have an email that's in the utf-8 encoding, and I'm getting this
error message when I try to send it using smtplib:

* Module smtplib, line 688, in sendmail
* Module smtplib, line 485, in data
* Module smtplib, line 312, in send
* Module socket, line 1, in sendall

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position
263-264: ordinal not in range(128)

any suggestions on how I can approach this so that the email can be
sent without raising errors?


Re: need help extracting data from a text file

2005-11-07 Thread Iain King

 this is cool, it is only going to run about 10 times a day,

 the text is not written out like foo(bar) its more like
 foo blah blah blah (bar)

then I guess you worked this out, but just for completeness:

keywordPos = textfile.find(foo)
start = textfile.find((, keywordPos)
end = textfile.find(), start)
value = textfile[start:end]



Re: Tkinter and X11

2005-11-07 Thread Philippe C. Martin
Thanks jeff,

I actually want that Tkinter application to be the greater: replace gdm

Still feasible as far as Tkinter is conserned ?

Thanks and regards,



 There should be no problem with this.  After all, even the greeter is
 just an
 X application.  Depending on which login manager you use
 (xdm/kdm/gdm/whatever) the details of getting your Tkinter app to actually
 be run will vary, though. In gdm, it looks like adding it to the file
 /etc/X11/gdm/Init/default may be the ticket.
 It is probably best to run, send, )
 in your program, for the reasons outlined in the send(n) manpage:
 The  send  command is potentially a serious security loophole. On
 any application that can connect to your X server can send 
 scripts  to
 your  applications.   These  incoming  scripts  can use Tcl to
 read and
 write your files and invoke subprocesses under your  name.


Re: need help extracting data from a text file

2005-11-07 Thread nephish
um, wait. what you are doing here is easier than what i was doing after
your first post.
thanks a lot. this is going to work out ok.

thanks again.



2005-11-07 Thread A D
On Mon, 2005-11-07 at 07:57 -0800, john boy wrote:
 I am having trouble with the following example used in a tutorial:
 print Halt !
 s = raw_input (Who Goes there? )
 print You may pass,, s

at this print line you need to do 
print you may pass, %s % s

this will allow you to enter the string s into the output sentence

 I run this and get the following:
 Who Goes there?
 --thats itif I hit enter again You may pass,
 In the example after running you should get:
 Who Goes there? Josh
 You may pass, Josh
 I'm assuming s=Josh...but that is not included in the statement at all
 I don't know how you put Josh in or how you got it to finish running
 w/o hitting enter after Who goes there?
 What am I doing wrong?
 Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 


RE: Python, COM Servers, and Multi-Threading

2005-11-07 Thread Stefan Schukat

you get best performance if you make your servers local servers, since
then every
interpreter runs in ist own process. If you make it an inproc server you
all threads/CPUs with the GIL. Even better multithreading support you
will get 
if you mark your server to run in an multithreaded apartment (MTA). 


class COMClass:
_public_methods_ = [ 'Method', ... ]
_reg_verprogid_ = COMServer.COMClass.1
_reg_progid_ = COMServer.COMClass
_reg_desc_ = COMServer COMClass
_reg_clsid_ = {30BD3490-2632-11cf-AD5B-524153480001}
_reg_class_spec_ = win32com.servers.COMServer.COMClass
_reg_threading_ = free
# --- Threading model
_reg_clsctx_ = pythoncom.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER
# -- own exe



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
 Behalf Of Carl Waldbieser
 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 12:46 AM
 Subject: Python, COM Servers, and Multi-Threading
 I have been considering using Python and the Reportlab 
 library for generating PDF reports for the back-end of a web 
 based application.  The application runs most of its 
 background tasks on a dedicated server that is Windows based 
 (Win2K or Win2k3).  The program that launches the tasks 
 requires a COM-based interface, so I wrote a Python COM 
 server using Mark Hammond's PythonCom libraries and import 
 and run the reporlab modules from there.
 I had been reading up on Python and it's handling of the 
 multiple threads, specifically the Global Interpreter Lock 
 (GIL).  I got to wondering if a multi-processor machine 
 machine would be able to take advantage of its extra 
 processing power using this setup.  I am guessing that the 
 GIL is global with respect to each instance of a running 
 Python interpreter, so if say 4 interpreters were running, a 
 4 processor machine would be able to take advantage of this.  
 However, I am not quite sure how launching my reports via COM 
 behaves-- if I launched 4 reports this way, would that be 
 like launching 4 seperate instances of the Python 
 interpreter, or would it be just a single instance, and 
 therefore run into the limitations of the GIL?  If so, can 
 anybody offer suggestions as to a design that would be better 
 able to take advantage of a multi-processor machine?
 Carl Waldbieser

[OT] Map of email origins to Python list

2005-11-07 Thread Claire McLister
  We've been working with Google Maps, and have created a web service to 
map origins of emails to a group. As a trial, we've developed a map of 
emails to this group at:

  This represents emails sent to the group since October 27.

  Would like to hear what you think of it.

  Thanks for listening.


  Claire McLister                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  1684 Nightingale Avenue     Suite 201
  Sunnyvale, CA 94087        408-733-2737(fax)



2005-11-07 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Mon, 07 Nov 2005 12:14:15 -0600, A D [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, 2005-11-07 at 07:57 -0800, john boy wrote:
 I am having trouble with the following example used in a tutorial:

 print Halt !
 s = raw_input (Who Goes there? )
 print You may pass,, s

at this print line you need to do
print you may pass, %s % s

this will allow you to enter the string s into the output sentence

No, this is totally irrelevant.  The print in the original code will work just 

 I run this and get the following:
 Who Goes there?

 --thats itif I hit enter again You may pass,

 In the example after running you should get:

 Who Goes there? Josh
 You may pass, Josh

 I'm assuming s=Josh...but that is not included in the statement at all
 I don't know how you put Josh in or how you got it to finish running
 w/o hitting enter after Who goes there?

 What am I doing wrong?

Did you try typing Josh and then enter?  Or any other name, for that matter...


RE: when and how do you use Self?

2005-11-07 Thread Tieche Bruce A MSgt USMTM/AFD
Well, thanx for all the ... useful information.

I thought that I would try, but this has turned out to be a waist of my time.

Have fun playing with your egos 

-Original Message-
From: Bruno Desthuilliers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: when and how do you use Self?

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
 On Thu, 03 Nov 2005 20:19:03 +0100, bruno at modulix wrote:
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Thu, 03 Nov 2005 10:14:23 +0100, bruno at modulix wrote:

Tieche Bruce A MSgt USMTM/AFD wrote:

I am new to python,

Could someone explain (in English) how and when to use self?

Don't use self. Use other.

Are you serious? 

Are you seriously wondering if I am serious ?
 Well, you are either serious, or you're guilty of giving extremely bad
 advice to a newbie who will probably have even less ability to recognise
 an in-joke than I do.

Guilty. I thought the pun would be obvious (even if very bad).



2005-11-07 Thread dataw0lf
john boy wrote:

 --thats itif I hit enter again You may pass,
 What am I doing wrong?

raw_input accepts, that's right, input.  So, when you get the line
Who goes there?
You don't hit enter;  you type whatever you want to be printed with You 
may pass,.  Then you hit enter.



2005-11-07 Thread jmdeschamps
The raw_input('Who Goes there?') function writes out the arg and then
waits for *user input* , and that is considered terminated when you hit

Since you only hit return without typing 'Josh' first you get an empty
string  which is then printed to screen... ('You may pass,'+)

Type something and it will appear
NOTE: the string variable  (print you may pass, %s % s ) is uncalled

Good luck!


Re: Sending email in utf-8?

2005-11-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
morphex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have an email that's in the utf-8 encoding, and I'm getting this
 error message when I try to send it using smtplib:

* Module smtplib, line 688, in sendmail
* Module smtplib, line 485, in data
* Module smtplib, line 312, in send
* Module socket, line 1, in sendall

 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position
 263-264: ordinal not in range(128)

 any suggestions on how I can approach this so that the email can be
 sent without raising errors?

looks like you're confusing Unicode (character set) and UTF-8 (encoding).

smtplib only deals with 8-bit character streams; if you want to use a specific
encoding, you have to apply it yourself *before* you call the library:

HOST = ...
FROM = ...
TO = ...
BODY = u...

server = smtplib.SMTP(HOST)
server.sendmail(FROM, [TO], BODY.encode(utf-8))



Re: need help extracting data from a text file

2005-11-07 Thread Paul McGuire
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hey there,
 i have a text file with a bunch of values scattered throughout it.
 i am needing to pull out a value that is in parenthesis right after a
 certain word,
 like the first time the word 'foo' is found, retrieve the values in the
 next set of parenthesis (bar) and it would return 'bar'

 i think i can use re to do this, but is there some easier way?

Using string methods to locate the 'foo' instances is by far the fastest way
to go.

If your requirements get more complicated, look into using pyparsing
(  Here is a pyparsing rendition of this
problem.  This does three scans through some sample data - the first lists
all matches, the second ignores matches if they are found inside a quoted
string, and the third reports only the third match.  This kind of
context-sensitive matching gets trickier with basic string and re tools.

-- Paul

data = 
i have a text file with a bunch of foo(bar1) values scattered throughout it.
i am needing to pull out a value that foo(bar2) is in parenthesis right
after a
certain word,
like the foo(bar3) first time the word 'foo' is found, retrieve the values
in the
next set of parenthesis foo(bar4) and it would return 'bar'
do we want to skip things in quotes, such as 'foo(barInQuotes)'?

from pyparsing import Literal,SkipTo,quotedString

pattern = Literal(foo) + ( + SkipTo()).setResultsName(payload) + )

# report all occurrences of xxx found in foo(xxx)
for tokens,start,end in pattern.scanString(data):
print tokens.payload, at location, start

# ignore quoted strings
for tokens,start,end in pattern.scanString(data):
print tokens.payload, at location, start

# only report 3rd occurrence
tokenMatch = {'foo':0}
def thirdTimeOnly(strg,loc,tokens):
word = tokens[0]
if word in tokenMatch:
tokenMatch[word] += 1
if tokenMatch[word] != 3:
raise ParseException(strg,loc,wrong occurrence of token)

for tokens,start,end in pattern.scanString(data):
print tokens.payload, at location, start

bar1 at location 36
bar2 at location 116
bar3 at location 181
bar4 at location 278
barInQuotes at location 360

bar1 at location 36
bar2 at location 116
bar3 at location 181
bar4 at location 278

bar3 at location 181



2005-11-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 print You may pass,, s

 at this print line you need to do
 print you may pass, %s % s

 this will allow you to enter the string s into the output sentence

where did you buy your python license ?

 s = josh
 print hello,, s
hello, josh
 print hello, %s % s
hello, josh



Re: Python doc problem example: gzip module (reprise)

2005-11-07 Thread jmdeschamps
(gulp! red-in-the-face) yes Steve, I meant gist,  sorry if I offended
anyone, specially Fredrik since I was referring to the 'substance' of
his post...certainly not as if it were a 'joke' .




2005-11-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
john boy [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

I am having trouble with the following example used in a tutorial:

 print Halt !
 s = raw_input (Who Goes there? )
 print You may pass,, s

 I run this and get the following:
 Who Goes there?

 --thats itif I hit enter again You may pass,

 In the example after running you should get:

 Who Goes there? Josh
 You may pass, Josh

 I'm assuming s=Josh...but that is not included in the statement at all
 I don't know how you put Josh in or how you got it to finish running
 w/o hitting enter after Who goes there?

 What am I doing wrong?

I think you're supposed to type Josh (or any other name, without the quotes)
*before* you hit enter.

(raw_input() reads a string of characters from the terminal, and returns them
as a string.  if you don't type anything, there's nothing to return, and 
nothing to



Re: gmpy 1.01 rc near... anybody wanna test

2005-11-07 Thread Steve Holden
Alex Martelli wrote:
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I tried compiling it with the MS free toolkit but the C compile 
complains about the absence of gmp.h. Since I see such a header in my
Cygwin installation I presume it's something that a full VC7 
installation could expect to be present.
 gmp.h is the header of GMP, the GNU library that gmpy wraps.  It appears
 to be preinstalled on Cygwin, from what you mention, but I'm pretty sure
 Microsoft doesn't preinstall GPL-covered libraries from GNU with THEIR
 stuff... a suitable Windows version need to be procured and installed in
 some other way (having no Windows around I'm hard put to suggest what is
 the best way to do this these days).
So I'm afraid you might need someone with access to VC to test this on
Windows for you, sorry.
 Tx for the attempt, but I don't think VC per se will suffice -- somebody
 needs to build or find a suitable version of GMP for Windows, too.
Yes indeed. I took a look at the gmplib source distro, but it would mean 
installing way too much other stuff to be practical right now, 

As a consolation prize you might like to know that it appears to build 
and pass all tests happily under Cygwin. Sorry I can't be more help.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: [OT] Map of email origins to Python list

2005-11-07 Thread Paul McGuire
Claire McLister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  We've been working with Google Maps, and have created a web service to
map origins of emails to a group. As a trial, we've developed a map of
emails to this group at:

  This represents emails sent to the group since October 27.

  Would like to hear what you think of it.

Another sleepless camera pointed at the fishbowl that is my online life.

I guess it's a great way to find where there might be Python jobs to be
found, or at least kindred souls (or dissident Python posters in countries
where Internet activity is closely monitored...)

To me, it's either cool in a creepy sort of way, or creepy in a cool sort of

-- Paul


Re: help-I am new to python, I have some query could sombody help me out.

2005-11-07 Thread Magnus Lycka
sumi wrote:
 I am very new to python ,  I have small query could some one help me.
 every time I get a new load i need to do few things like creating some
 dir, changing some file contents and moving some files , i would like
 to know if i can write a python script to do all these operation .

Sure, that's something Python shines at. If you are very new, you
will probably want to look at some general tutorial first.

The specific functions you need are in some standard modules though,
and when you start to feel comfortable with how Python works in
general, read these: (file stuff)

Re: how to present Python's OO feature in design?

2005-11-07 Thread Magnus Lycka
pcmanlin wrote:
 As I know java has many UML tools to design for its OO feature, is
 there any tools or good concept for Python project Modeling?

My favourite is whiteboard and digital camera. I don't generate
any code from that though... ;) It's the approach suggested in
Scott Ambler's Agile Modeling, and I think it's just just the
right approach.

Don't forget a good set of automated tests. We use TextTest, but
ymmv. It fits our type of applications.

Lie Hetland book: Beginning Python..

2005-11-07 Thread Vittorio
I am reading Beginning Python from Novice to Professional and the book 
is really awesome. Nonetheless on ch 13 Database Support I found this 
code to import data (in a txt file) into a SQLite Database:

#this was corrected because original import sqlite does not work
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite

#this function strips the txt file from special chars
def convert(value):
if value.startswith('~'):
return value.strip('~')
if not value:
value = '0'
return float(value)

conn = sqlite.connect('food.db')
curs = conn.cursor()

  desc   TEXT,
  water  FLOAT,
  kcal   FLOAT,
  carbs  FLOAT,
  fiber  FLOAT,
  sugar  FLOAT

field_count = 10

#following is the line I suspect mistyped
markers = ', '.join(['%s']*field_count)

query = 'INSERT INTO food VALUES (%s)' % markers

for line in open('ABBREV.txt'):
fields = line.split('^')
vals = [convert(f) for f in fields[:field_count]]
#the following line raises error


The error was Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\, line 39, in ?
pysqlite2.dbapi2.OperationalError: near %: syntax error

After two hours of trying (did I say I am a beginner?) and after some 
documentation about PySqlite I suspect the error is in:
markers = ', '.join(['%s']*field_count)

I think Magnus intended:
markers = ', '.join(['?']*field_count)

Did I found an errata or my Python is still too green?


python server

2005-11-07 Thread linuxpld

I`m writing a program (server in future) in python.
I would like to write it in such a way that I will be able to write gui
in any language and connect to my python program and use functionality
included with it.
are there any libraries that I could use?

I dont know if i wrote it understandably but maybe picture will explain

| python |
|| - module in python - - connection (???) - -gui in
any language (java, c++, python, etc).
| server  |
what could I use as  http? mqseries? webservices? what are the

thx for answers


Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Bengt Richter
On Mon, 07 Nov 2005 12:05:40 +0100, Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First of all, I've still not heard any sensible suggestions
about a saner behaviour for augmented assignment or for the
way Python searches the class scope after the instance scope.
A nit, but a sizeable one: For new-style classes, the class scope
is searched first for a descriptor that may trump the instance logic.

What do you suggest?

Today, x += n acts just as x = x + n if x is immutable.
Do you suggest that this should change?
A descriptor allows you to make it do as you like, so it's
a matter of discussing default behavior, not what you
are locked into (although costs re optimization could be a topic).

Today, instance.var will look for var in the class
scope if it didn't find it in the instance scope. Do
you propose to change this?
It is already changed, for new-style classes. It is only if
a data descriptor is NOT found in the class hierarchy that
an existing instance variable is accessed as usual.

Or, do you propose that we should have some second order
effect that makes the combination of instance.var += n
work in such a way that these features are no longer
I don't think he is proposing anything, just defending against
what he considers misinterpretations of what he is saying.
Given how hard it is to say ANYTHING and be understood EXACTLY,
this tends towards a pursuit of quantum nits ;-)
I suspect we all experience the emotions relevant to being misunderstood;
we just stop at different nit granularities (modulo horn locking ;-)

Bengt Richter

Tkinter- Building a message box

2005-11-07 Thread Tuvas
I've been trying to build a fairly simple message box in tkinter, that
when a button is pushed, will pop up a box, that has a line of text, an
entry widget, and a button, that when the button is pushed, will return
the value in the line of text. However, while I can read the value of
the button, I want to wait till the button is pushed to return the
value. Any ideas of how I could do this?


Re: when and how do you use Self?

2005-11-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Tieche Bruce A MSgt USMTM/AFD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, thanx for all the ... useful information.

 I thought that I would try, but this has turned out to be a waist of my time.

did you perhaps miss that at least three people wrote proper replies to your 

(if you read the newsgroup in a threaded reader, spotting them should be
relatively easy).



Re: Python and PL/SQL

2005-11-07 Thread infidel
 Thanks for your answers.
 I would like to document with Python PL/SQL of programs, so similarly
 as javadoc for Java.
 I do not know whether it is possible. If yes, I would like to know how.

All of the source code for procedures and packages in an oracle
database can be retreived from the USER_SOURCE view.  It's just plain
text, though, and one record per line.  Parsing it for documentation
would be up to you.

There are other views that might be useful too, like USER_TABLES,
etc etc


Re: Class Variable Access and Assignment

2005-11-07 Thread Bengt Richter
On 7 Nov 2005 08:38:49 GMT, Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Op 2005-11-04, Magnus Lycka schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Sure, Python has evolved and grown for about 15 years, and
 backward compatibility has always been an issue, but the
 management and development of Python is dynamic and fairly
 open-minded. If there had been an obvious way to change this
 in a way that solved more problems than it caused, I suspect
 that change would have happened already.

Fine I can live with that. 

Amen ;-)

Bengt Richter

Re: Tkinter- Building a message box

2005-11-07 Thread Ron Adam

Tuvas wrote:
 I've been trying to build a fairly simple message box in tkinter, that
 when a button is pushed, will pop up a box, that has a line of text, an
 entry widget, and a button, that when the button is pushed, will return
 the value in the line of text. However, while I can read the value of
 the button, I want to wait till the button is pushed to return the
 value. Any ideas of how I could do this?

The way I do it is to set self.result in the dialog to the return value 
just before closing and exiting.

And then instead of openiug the dialog directly I use a function to pass 
and sometimes modify the values to the dialog and then return the 
dialog.result value after it's closed.

Something like...

def domydialog(*args, **kwds):
# Check and modify args or kwds here if needed.
mydialog(*args, **kwds)
return mydialog.result



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