ANN: mountpy 0.5

2006-01-07 Thread garabik-news-2005-05
mountpy is a python script for quick automatic mounting and umounting
of external filesystems, especially suited for USB removable devices.
mountpy is developed on linux, and is meant for modern linux systems.

This is version 0.5, changes from previous version:

 - use setuid wrapper from python source distribution
   (suggested by Олег Бройтман/Oleg Broytmann)
 - do not try to umount directory which is not a mountpoint
   (caused some confusing, though harmless, messages)



| Radovan Garabík |
| __..--^^^--..__garabik @ |
Antivirus alert: file .signature infected by signature virus.
Hi! I'm a signature virus! Copy me into your signature file to help me spread!

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] Release 0.54 of Task Coach

2006-01-07 Thread Frank Niessink
Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce release 0.54 of Task Coach. New in this release:

Bugs fixed:

* The accelerators INSERT and Ctrl+INSERT were mapped to 'c' and 
'Command-Copy' on the Mac, which caused Task Coach to create a new task 
whenever the user typed a 'c'. Fixed by changing the accelerators for 
new task and new subtask to Ctrl+N and Shift+Ctrl+N (on the Mac only).

* It was possible to enter control characters -- by copy-and-pasting -- 
resulting in invalid XML in the Task Coach file.

* One python file was missing in the source distribution of release 
0.53. Added a test to check that all python files in the source are 
actually added to the source distributions, so hopefully this will never 
happen again.

Feature added:

* Effort can be exported as iCalendar (ICS) file and imported into e.g. 
Mozilla Sunbird. Each effort record is exported as a VEVENT. This is 
an experimental feature. Patch provided by Gissehel.

What is Task Coach?

Task Coach is a simple task manager that allows for hierarchical
tasks, i.e. tasks in tasks. Task Coach is open source (GPL) and is
developed using Python and wxPython. You can download Task Coach from:

A binary installer is available for Windows XP, in addition to the
source distribution.

Note that Task Coach is alpha software, meaning that it is wise to back
up your task file regularly, and especially when upgrading to a new release.

Cheers, Frank


Support the Python Software Foundation:

BayPIGgies: January 12, 7:30pm (Google)

2006-01-07 Thread Aahz
The next meeting of BayPIGgies will be Thurs, January 12 at 7:30pm at
Google, room Tunis.  Meet in the lobby of building 43.

This will be a combo meeting:

* First Marilyn Davis will practice her Why Python? talk -- she's
looking for feedback and suggestions on improving it.

* We'll fill the rest of the time with a Newbies Night; this is your
opportunity to get realtime responses to questions about Python

BayPIGgies meetings alternate between IronPort (San Bruno, California)
and Google (Mountain View, California).  For more information and
directions, see

Before the meeting, we sometimes meet at 6pm for dinner.  Discussion of
dinner plans is handled on the BayPIGgies mailing list.  

Advance notice:  We need speakers for February and later; the February
meeting is currently reserved for PyCon speakers wanting practice, and
the March meeting will probably be a PyCon wrap-up.  Please e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if you want to suggest an agenda (or volunteer to
give a presentation).

19. A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming,
is not worth knowing.  --Alan Perlis

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Translate this to python?

2006-01-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Heiko Wundram [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I know this, and that's one of the reasons I'm a little at odds with Python
 3000...  some things are so basic (such as
 xrange) I wouldn't want to have to implement them every time I need such a

Itertools.count could be extended to replace xrange.

 Unless of course range() becomes more clever and returns an iterator in
 case the amount of memory to store the needed range is too large...

That could break things.  Range is supposed to return a list.

Re: csv format to DBase III format

2006-01-07 Thread coriolis_wong

Peter Otten wrote:

  I need to transfer csv format file to DBase III format file.
  How do i do it in Python language?



I create a dbf file, it can be opened by Excel but it cannot be opened
by Access. Where is the error in my script. My script is as follows,

def dbfwriter(f, fieldnames, fieldspecs, records):
 Return a string suitable for writing directly to a binary dbf

File f should be open for writing in a binary mode.

Fieldnames should be no longer than ten characters and not include
Fieldspecs are in the form (type, size, deci) where
type is one of:
C for ascii character data
M for ascii character memo data (real memo fields not
D for datetime objects
N for ints or decimal objects
L for logical values 'T', 'F', or '?'
size is the field width
deci is the number of decimal places in the provided decimal
Records can be an iterable over the records (sequences of field

# header info
ver = 3
now =
yr, mon, day = now.year-1900, now.month,
numrec = len(records)
numfields = len(fieldspecs)
lenheader = numfields * 32 + 33
#   lenrecord = sum(field[1] for field in fieldspecs) + 1
num = 0
for field in fieldspecs :
 num = num + int(field[1])

lenrecord = num + 1

hdr = struct.pack('LHH20x', ver, yr, mon, day, numrec,
lenheader, lenrecord)

# field specs
for name, (typ, size, deci) in itertools.izip(fieldnames,
#   name = name.ljust(11, '\x00')
name = name.ljust(11)
fld = struct.pack('11sc4xBB14x', name, typ, size, deci)

# terminator

# records
for record in records:
f.write(' ')# deletion flag
for (typ, size, deci), value in itertools.izip(fieldspecs,
if typ == N:
#   value = str(value).rjust(size, ' ')
value = str(value).rjust(size)
elif typ == 'D':
#   value = value.strftime('%Y%m%d')
value = value
elif typ == 'L':
value = str(value)[0].upper()
#   value = str(value)[:size].ljust(size, ' ')
value = str(value)[:size].ljust(size)
assert len(value) == size

# End of file

# ---
# Example calls
if __name__ == '__main__':

import sys, csv
from cStringIO import StringIO
#   from operator import itemgetter

# Create a new DBF
#   f = StringIO()

f = open('test.dbf','w')
fieldspecs = [('C',11,0),('C',11,0),('D',8,0),('N',12,2)]
records = [['MORNS','555','19950626','17.40'],\

dbfwriter(f, fieldnames, fieldspecs, records)



Re: How run web software *locally* easily?

2006-01-07 Thread Fuzzyman
For development I run my own modified version of CGIHTTPServer.

It is called CGITHTTPServerWithSSI -

It implements *some* SSI functions and allows you to maintain sites in
*two* folders. A main folder and a second 'development' folder that
just has stuff you're working on. It looks in the development folder

The HTTPServer classes make great base classes for messing around with
your own custom implementations for testing.

All the best,



Re: Working Firedrop2 anywhere?

2006-01-07 Thread Fuzzyman
Uhm... how about emailing the maintainer ?

I use Firedrop2 every day... sometimes twice a day ;-)

The only dependencies are Wax and wxPython.

Installation instructions are on the homepage at :

Download link is :

Let me know if this doesn't work for you.

All the best,



Re: Win32 Binary-only for 2.3.x?

2006-01-07 Thread Fuzzyman
Out of interest, doesn't the Python binary use the registry (and
environment variables) for building sys.path ?

Won't you still have conflicting path issues if you use an alternative
binary with an existing 'normal' install ?

All the best,



Re: Microsoft IronPython?

2006-01-07 Thread Ray

Max M wrote:
 First of they would need to make Python a strategic platform for
 corporations, so that it was used practically everywhere on Windows.

Actually, if Python gets used everywhere on Windows, I'll be happy,
pure Python or no pure Python :) Visual Python 2010 anyone?


Re: Microsoft IronPython?

2006-01-07 Thread Kay Schluehr
Max M wrote:

 First of they would need to make Python a strategic platform for
 corporations, so that it was used practically everywhere on Windows.

 Then it would have the powerbase to change the lanuage and make an
 incompatible version that they could control.

 As far as I can see C## has that role for them. So I don't see how
 Python should be in any danger.

If Python would create a Py3EE spec and make it an industry standard,
provide a reference implementation and attract bluechips like
Accenture, Bearing Point, Cap Gemini and IBM, Microsoft would be on the
stage in order to improve it. Currently Python is still a cute little
language, with plenty of bindings but few interesting products, that
keeps attention among nerds and some consultants, but nothing more.
Java, C++, C# and VB are playing in an own league.


Re: CGI question

2006-01-07 Thread Fuzzyman
An easier way is to use the cgi module.

form = cgi.FieldStorage()

form is a dictionary like object where each key is the parameter and
each entry ahs a 'value' attribute that represents the value.

You can use the ``getform`` function from cgiutils to turn it straight
into a dictionary. See

The cgi module handles parsing hte query string for you.

All the best,



Re: Path and Unicode woes

2006-01-07 Thread Fuzzyman
Not full help - but still a pointer.

E%3A/ isn't a unicode issue - but a value that is HTML escaped. MEaning
(I presume without looking it up) 'E:/' - your file path.

All the best,



Re: Quickest way to make py script Web accessible

2006-01-07 Thread Fuzzyman
Turning a script into a CGI is a brain-dead easy way of web-enabling a

You could even make the script dual purpose by checking for the
existence of CGI environment variables. If they exist the script is
running as a CGI.

There are lots of resources on the internet on how to write CGIs.

All the best,



Returning Values from Bash Scripts

2006-01-07 Thread chakkaradeepcc
HI all,

How to execute bash scripts from python (other than using os.popen) and
get the values that those bash scripts return.

I would be happy if someone could help me out in this..

thanks in advance..

With Regards,


os.environ['PATH'] missing

2006-01-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is a hard question to ask because I can't reproduce the problem
other than restarting several times over until it happens again.

I'm using Zope and Plone for a website on this debian linux vserver and
when I restart it it runs some /etc/init.d/zope restart scripts and
things fail in zope because somewhere deep in there the following
raises an AttributeError that 'PATH' doesn't exist:

 foo = os.environ['PATH']

How can it not be present?
What might cause this seemingly random situation?

Has anybody had similar experiences where 'PATH' is not present in


Re: config errors on Freebsd and python 2.3

2006-01-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Bear wrote:
 I need python 2.3. I have freebsd 4.10-releng. when configuring python I
 received the following:

 ./configure --prefix=/home/webenv  config-results

 I don't plan on using curses -- so I'd like to ignore this. But, I'm just
 wondering if there is an 'easy' fix...

I've tried to fix it, still happens on Python 2.4.2 on FreeBSD6.0.

Don't sweat it , 



Detecting Python Installs from the Windows Registry

2006-01-07 Thread Fuzzyman
Hello all,

I'm creating a py2exe program (for Windows) that needs to detect all
version of Python installed on the machine.

Because it is running under py2exe it doesn't have access to the Python
environment variables.

Does anyone know how to use _winreg to get path information (location
of install) for all versions of Python installed (and also which is the
most recent) ?

Googling the group didn't quickly turn up the answer, and I thought
*someone* was likely to know easily...




Re: Display of JPEG images from Python

2006-01-07 Thread svbrk
You can f.i. use wxPython ( Here is a compact and
ugly, but (almost) minimal, example of a python script that shows an
image file:

import wx
a = wx.PySimpleApp()
wximg = wx.Image('img.jpg',wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG)
f = wx.Frame(None, -1, Show JPEG demo)
f.SetSize( wxbmp.GetSize() )
def callback(evt,a=a,f=f):
# Closes the window upon any keypress



Re: multiple clients updating same file in ftp

2006-01-07 Thread Fuzzyman

Mike Meyer wrote:
  here's a simple-minded suggestion: have the first client create a text
  file on the remote server, and delete it when it is finished updating.
  The second client can check for existence of this file before trying to

 That's an old hack, dating back to at least Unix v6. The problem is
 the window between check for lock file and create lock file. The
 solution is to use an atomic create-or-fail action for the lock
 file. Exatly what that is will depend on your server, but things to
 check on are rename and mkdir.

mkdir is good - if the directory already exists an error will be
raised, this means you don't need to check for it's existence (meaning
a race condition in between checking and attempting to create). If two
mkdirs occur simultaneously then it is up to the OS to return an
error to one of them.

All the best,


 Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.


Re: Removing Duplicate entries in a file...

2006-01-07 Thread sri2097
Hi there, I'm just curious to know as to how the changes you have
suggested will solve the problem. Instead of appending (what I was
doing), now we are opening and storing the files in 'binary' format.
All the other entries in my file will be gone when I write into the
file again.

What I actuall need is this -

I have some dictionary values stored in a file. I retrieve these
entries based on the key value specified by the user. Now if I want to
modify the values under a particular key, I first search if that key
exists in the file and if yes retrieve the values associated with the
key and modify them. Now when I re-insert this modified key-value pair
back in the file. I have 2 entries now (one is the old wntry and the
second is the new modified one). So if I search for that key the next
time I'll have 2 entries for it. That's not what we want. So how do I
remove the old entry without the other values getting deleted ? In
other words, keeping the other entries as it is, I want to update a
particular key-value pair.

Let me know in case any bright idea strikes...


Re: - Requesting Comments for Process Definition and Presentation

2006-01-07 Thread Gene Tani

Xavier Morel wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
  b) to retrieve feedback subjecting the Process Definition itself
  (content of diagramms, clarity, terminology etc.)
 This is a lie, and you know it.

I've said it before, i'll say it again; medical insurance premiums
should be lower for people who know how to use killfiles.


Viewing Binary Data

2006-01-07 Thread Cuyler

I would like to display a file in its binary form (1s and 0s), but I'm
having no luck... Any thoughts would be most appreciated.




Re: Translate this to python?

2006-01-07 Thread bonono

Xavier Morel wrote:
 While xrange does have it's place in Python, it has very few actual uses
 (yours being one of the few), and is usually more harmful than beneficial.

 While the deprecation of xrange is not that soon, it is part of the
 Python 3000 PEP ( along
 with the deprecation of most FP-facilities of Python (filter, map, reduce).

 It should also be noted that reimplementing xrange when needed is
 trivial and can be done with a 5-lines generator for the minimal version
 (1 argument, 0-n range) and probably less than 10 lines for the full
 blown version equivalent to the current one (including start, end and
 step arguments)

Seems that xrange() would be deprecated because range() will be the
lazy version, so a name change or more like that the current range(),
i.e. the one that returns a list will be deprecated, feature wise.


Converting milliseconds to human amount of time

2006-01-07 Thread Harlin Seritt
How can I take a time given in milliseconds (I am doing this for an
uptime script) and convert it to human-friendly time i.e. 4 days, 2
hours, 25 minutes, 10 seonds.? Is there a function from the time
module that can do this?


Harlin Seritt


Newbie Question: CSV to XML

2006-01-07 Thread ProvoWallis

Would anyone be willing to give me some feedback about this little
script that I wrote to convert CSV to XML. I'll happily admit that I
still have a lot to learn about Python so I'm always grateful for
constructive feedback.




#csv to XML conversion utility

import os, re, csv
root = raw_input(Enter the path where the program should run: )
fname = raw_input(Enter name of the uncoverted file: )

given,ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
root_name = os.path.join(root,fname)
n = given + '.xml'
outputName = os.path.join(root,n)

reader = csv.reader(open(root_name, 'r'), delimiter=',')

output = open(outputName, 'w')

output.write('?xml version=1.0

output.write('\ncore:legend %s %s  /core:legend\ntable
frame=none colsep=0 rowsep=0\ntgroup cols=11 colsep=0
rowsep=0\ntbody valign=bottom' % ('TAS input file for ', given))

for row in reader:
 for i in range(0, len(row)):

  if i == 0:
colname=col%s%s/entry' % (i, row[i]))
  if i  0 and i  len(row) - 1:
   output.write('\nentry colname=col%s%s/entry' % (i,
  if i == len(row) - 1:
colname=col%s%s/entry\n/row' % (i, row[i]))




Re: error rising while connecting oracle 9i

2006-01-07 Thread Robert Hicks
python_eager wrote:
i am connecting my database oracle 9i. While connecting i am
 getting the following error

 connection = cx_Oracle.connect(myusername, mypassword, python)
 RuntimeError: Unable to acquire Oracle environment handle

Do you have the Oracle client installed? Might be something wrong with
your ORA_HOME.



Renaming files in ftplib

2006-01-07 Thread Thierry Lam
Let's say I have a file called 'test.c' on my local machine and I'm
ftping a file with similar name from a remote computer.  I want to
prefix the file ftped over with a T_, how do I do that through ftplib
in python?



Re: C regex equiv to Python implementation?

2006-01-07 Thread techiepundit

I'm trying to stay portable between Windows and Linux. My app will run
on Linux when deployed. But we do a lot of simulation on Windows
because of better dev tools available on Windows.

So I really want a regular expression implementation that'll compile
under MS VS 2003 C++ and also under Gnu C++ for Linux on both x86 and
ARM targets.


Re: Microsoft IronPython?

2006-01-07 Thread sam
After downloading and trying out Ironpython, I have the following
1) I like the idea of Python under .net
2) I like the support for both Microsoft math lib,and Python's math lib
Will Microsoft maintain the compatability between standard python with
the addition of their libs?


Re: Occasional OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied on Windows

2006-01-07 Thread Alec Wysoker
 File attributes may be an issue to. Take  look at the recipe at:

 which ensures the file attributes are normal before you delete it.

I don't think file attributes are an issue, because generally I can
manually delete the file in question, and sometimes my app is
eventually able to delete the file.  You're not suggesting that some
other process is temporarily changing the file attributes, are you?


Double Click Mouse Event in Tkinter

2006-01-07 Thread scott_gui
Creating a Windows application:
Double-Button-1 mouse event has a conflict when there is also a
binding to the Button-1 event. It seems like a silly oversight that
performing a double click will also initiate the single click action.

Has anyone figured out a way to circumvent this problem? Right now I am
making the Double click function undo the action my Single click
function does, but this is very annoying, especially since the action
that is bound to the Single click flashes for a second.


Double Click mouse event problems

2006-01-07 Thread scott_gui
I tried to post this a few seconds ago and isn't showing. My apologies
if it posts twice.

I am creating a Windows application:
The mouse event Double-Button-1 has a conflict when the Button-1
event also has a binding. Double clicks will first perform the single
click action. This seems a little silly.

Anyone know how to circumvent this? Right now I am having the function
that is bound to the double click event undo the action the single
click event performs. This is annoying and it flashes the single click
event for a split second before the double click takes over.


Re: MVC programming with python (newbie) - please help

2006-01-07 Thread Gerard Flanagan
bwaha wrote:

 I'd appreciate some experience from the gurus out there to help me
 understand how to implement MVC design in python code.

I'm neither a guru nor an expert, have never used wxpython, and am not
qualified to advise on MVC!! But until someone more qualified arrives
here's some code from a relative newbie.
It's maybe not of any use in itself, but hopefully it won't lead you
astray either.

Hope it helps.


class Study(object):
def __init__(self, name, file): = name
self.file = file

class Project(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.studies = []
 End Model 

class TreeViewNode(object):
children = []
tag = NODE

class StudyNode(TreeViewNode):
def __init__(self, study):
self.tag =
self.file = study.file
self.children = None

class ProjectNode(TreeViewNode):
def __init__(self, project):
self.tag =
for study in project.studies:
self.children.append( StudyNode(study) )

class ProjectTreeView(TreeViewNode):
def __init__(self):
self.tag = All Projects

def add_node(self, node):
assert isinstance( node, ProjectNode )
 End View 

STUDY Cyc0302_0 cyc0302_beanoz_x1.sdy
STUDY Cyc0305_0 cyc0305_beanoz_x1.sdy
STUDY Cyc0308_0 cyc0308_beanoz_x1.sdy
STUDY Cyc0311_0 cyc0311_beanoz_x1.sdy
STUDY Cyc0314_0 cyc0314_beanoz_x1.sdy
STUDY Cyc0302_1 cyc0302_beanoz_x1.sdy
STUDY Cyc0305_1 cyc0305_beanoz_x1.sdy
STUDY Cyc0308_1 cyc0308_beanoz_x1.sdy
STUDY Cyc0311_1 cyc0311_beanoz_x1.sdy
STUDY Cyc0314_1 cyc0314_beanoz_x1.sdy

if __name__ == '__main__':
import StringIO
src = StringIO.StringIO(data)
projects = []
for line in src:
parts = line.split(' ')
begin = parts[0] == 'BEGIN'
studyline = parts[0] == 'STUDY'
end = parts[0] == 'END'
if begin == True:
project = Project( parts[2][1:-1] )
elif studyline == True:
project.studies.append( Study(parts[1][1:-1], parts[2]) )
elif end == True:
projects.append( project )

for proj in projects:
print 'PROJECT: ',
for study in proj.studies:
print ' ',

MyTreeView = ProjectTreeView()
for proj in projects:
MyTreeView.add_node( ProjectNode(proj) )
print MyTreeView


Copying files between different linux machines

2006-01-07 Thread Thierry Lam
Let's say I have two linux machines with the following names:

If I'm currently on linone and if I want to copy a bunch of files from
lintwo into linone, how can that be done in a python script without
using ftp?



Re: Occasional OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied on Windows

2006-01-07 Thread Alec Wysoker
I tried something not exactly like this, but in the same spirit.  I
don't generally have a list of files I want to delete - just one.  I
try to delete it and if I get errno 13 I sleep for a little while (0.2)
and then try again.  If the same problem then I add 1 sec to the sleep
time and try again.  After sleeping about 10 sec total I give up.

Unfortunately, one of my testers still experiences the problem even
with this fix.  I am surprised that a virus checker or file indexer
would hold onto a file for so long.  Ugh.

Patrick Maupin wrote:
 Tim Peters wrote:

  In that case, anything that burns some time and tries again
   will work better.  Replacing gc.collect() with time.sleep() is
   an easy way to test that hypothesis; because gc.collect()
  does an all-generations collection, it can consume measurable time.

 An slight enhancement to this hypothesis-tester (which might even
 approach being production-worthy) would be to maintain a list of items
 which were not deleted on a particular pass.  Sleep after each pass,
 then try to kill all the items on the list again.  Maintain a counter
 of the number of passes which have been made since the last time the
 undeleted item list shrank (via a completed deletion), and if the total
 time exceeds 'x' or the number of passes since a completed deletion
 exceeds 'y', then bail and ask the user to help you out.


Help wanted with md2 hash algorithm

2006-01-07 Thread wjb131
hi all,

below you find my simple python version of MD2 algorithm
as described in RFC1319  (
It produces correct results for strings shorter than 16 Bytes and wrong
results for longer strings.

I can't find what's wrong.

Can anybody help?



#--- MD2 validation data
md2_test = [
   ('', '8350e5a3e24c153df2275c9f80692773'),
   (a, '32ec01ec4a6dac72c0ab96fb34c0b5d1'),
   (abc, 'da853b0d3f88d99b30283a69e6ded6bb'),
   (message digest, 'ab4f496bfb2a530b219ff33031fe06b0'),


'd5976f79d83d3a0dc9806c3c66f3efd8' )

#--- 256-byte random permutation constructed from the digits of pi
PI_SUBST = [41, 46, 67, 201, 162, 216, 124, 1, 61, 54, 84, 161, 236,
240, 6,
  19, 98, 167, 5, 243, 192, 199, 115, 140, 152, 147, 43, 217, 188,
  76, 130, 202, 30, 155, 87, 60, 253, 212, 224, 22, 103, 66, 111, 24,
  138, 23, 229, 18, 190, 78, 196, 214, 218, 158, 222, 73, 160, 251,
  245, 142, 187, 47, 238, 122, 169, 104, 121, 145, 21, 178, 7, 63,
  148, 194, 16, 137, 11, 34, 95, 33, 128, 127, 93, 154, 90, 144, 50,
  39, 53, 62, 204, 231, 191, 247, 151, 3, 255, 25, 48, 179, 72, 165,
  181, 209, 215, 94, 146, 42, 172, 86, 170, 198, 79, 184, 56, 210,
  150, 164, 125, 182, 118, 252, 107, 226, 156, 116, 4, 241, 69, 157,
  112, 89, 100, 113, 135, 32, 134, 91, 207, 101, 230, 45, 168, 2, 27,
  96, 37, 173, 174, 176, 185, 246, 28, 70, 97, 105, 52, 64, 126, 15,
  85, 71, 163, 35, 221, 81, 175, 58, 195, 92, 249, 206, 186, 197,
  234, 38, 44, 83, 13, 110, 133, 40, 132, 9, 211, 223, 205, 244, 65,
  129, 77, 82, 106, 220, 55, 200, 108, 193, 171, 250, 36, 225, 123,
  8, 12, 189, 177, 74, 120, 136, 149, 139, 227, 99, 232, 109, 233,
  203, 213, 254, 59, 0, 29, 57, 242, 239, 183, 14, 102, 88, 208, 228,
  166, 119, 114, 248, 235, 117, 75, 10, 49, 68, 80, 180, 143, 237,
  31, 26, 219, 153, 141, 51, 159, 17, 131, 20]

PADDING = [.join(map(chr, [i]*i))  for i in range(17)]
SIZE = 16

def md2(m):

   ## (1) prepare message

   #--- append to m i byte with value i, len(m) % 16 == 0
   padLen = SIZE - len(m) % SIZE
   m += PADDING[padLen]

   #--- compute checksum C of m and append it to m
   C = [0] * SIZE
   L = 0
   for i in range(len(m) / SIZE):
  m16 = m[i*SIZE : (i+1)*SIZE]
  for j in range(SIZE):
 c = ord(m16[j])
 C[j] = PI_SUBST[ c ^ L ]
 L = C[j]
   C = .join( map(chr, C) )
   m += C

   ## (2) compress message

   X = [0] * 48   # 'compressor'

   for i in range(len(m) / SIZE):

  # fill X
  m16 = m[i*SIZE : (i+1)*SIZE]
  X[16:32] = map(ord, m16)
  X[32:48] = [ a^b for (a,b) in zip(X[16:48], X[:16]) ]

  # compress m
  t = 0
  for j in range(18):
 for k in range(48):
t = X[k] ^ PI_SUBST[t]
X[k] = t
 t = (t+j) % 256

   X = .join(map(lambda d: %02x % d, X[:SIZE]))
   return X

def test():
   for (i, j) in md2_test:
  md = md2(i)
  print Message: %s % i
  print My   MD:%s %  md
  print Test MD:%s %  j
  print %s % (md== j)
if __name__ == __main__:


Re: MVC programming with python (newbie) - please help

2006-01-07 Thread Gerard Flanagan
Gerard Flanagan wrote:

 bwaha wrote:

  I'd appreciate some experience from the gurus out there to help me
  understand how to implement MVC design in python code.

Badly snipped, not pretending to be a 'guru'



Re: Converting milliseconds to human time

2006-01-07 Thread rurpy

Max Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 the hard way(in that you have to do it yourself):

 def prntime(ms):
 return d,h,m,s

Or abstracted...

def decd (n, base):

Decompose numeric value 'n' into components k[0:n]
such that n = sum (k[N-i]*base[M-i]) for i=0...N
where N is the length of k and M is the length of


To convert 310255 seconds to [days, hours, minutes, seconds]:

decd (310255, [3600*24, 3600, 60, 1])
[3, 14, 10, 55]

To convert 86.182 hours to [days, hours, minutes, seconds]:

decd (86.182, [24, 1, 1./60, 1./3600])
[3.0, 14.0, 10.0, 55.0]

To convert 78 (decimal) to binary:

decd (78, [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1])
[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]

To break a decimal number into digits:
decd (463, [1000, 100, 10, 1])
[0, 4, 6, 3]

r = []
for b in base:
d, n = divmod (n, b)
r.append (d)
return r


Double Click mouse event problems

2006-01-07 Thread scott_gui
I am creating a Windows application:
The mouse event Double-Button-1 has a conflict when the Button-1
event also has a binding. Double clicks will first perform the single
click action. This seems a little silly.

Anyone know how to circumvent this? Right now I am having the function
that is bound to the double click event undo the action the single
click event performs. This is annoying and it flashes the single click
event for a split second before the double click takes over.


Re: Xah's Edu Corner: the bug-reporting attitude

2006-01-07 Thread rurpy
Apoologies for the multiple posts -- please blame Google.


Re: error rising while connecting oracle 9i

2006-01-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1. Whta is the Python version your running, with
py import sys
py print sys.version
2.4.2 (#2, Sep 30 2005, 21:19:01)
[GCC 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu8)]
2. Download the correct version of cx_Oracle
then execute the command again - supposed your user is myusername,
your assword is mypassword, and your dsn is python.

The dns should match an entry in the 'tnsnames.ora' - the location  of
this file depends on running Oracle on a Windows or Unix server.

If you need more help please post more info like:
* Oracle version (including subnumbers)
* Python version
* cx_Oracle version
* OS version
* DNS entry
* exact traceback


Re: Try Python update

2006-01-07 Thread Devan L
Mike Meyer wrote:
 Xavier Morel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
[Old message and Xavier's question]
[Mike's reply to Xavier]

  Since Python doesn't have any way to secure the interface built-in,
  i'd be interrested in that.

 Devan apparently doesn't have as cooperative an ISP, and is working on
 securing the interpreter. What he's done may be more interesting.

It's not particularily interesting. The C code simply has more
attributes restricted in restricted mode, disabling in particular
__subclasses__. The rest is creating safe __builtins__ and only giving
them some modules (but again, importing is still largely broken,
although one liners are still possible).

In any case, I don't know how secure it actually is, since nobody seems
to go further than import os or import sys. So if you're bored, you can
try to break into it. I haven't secured modjelly entirely, and it might
be possible to trick modjelly into executing code by using descriptors
when it tries to pull out all of the information. Then again, I haven't
even added support for properties in it yet. Plus it has no support for
if you delete critical attributes which are needed to recreate the
object. Still, I think it's good enough to deter any random person from
trying to wipe the server for now.



2006-01-07 Thread Levi Campbell
ahh, it all makes sense now, thank you.


wxPython installation woes on OpenSUSE

2006-01-07 Thread linuxfreak
Hi all,

I downloaded the wxpython2.6 tar ball and tried building an rpm from it
an opensuse 10 computer. The command i used was

rpmbuild -tb wxpython tar file

The build worked fine and i found an 3 rpms in

Then proceeded to install the which went without any hiccups... but
when i
import the wx package like so

 import wx

i get the following error... Cant figure out whats happening... Any
would be appreciated

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
line 42, in ?
from wx._core import *
line 4, in ?
import _core_
undefined symbol: pango_x_get_context


Re: Converting milliseconds to human time

2006-01-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Harlin Seritt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I would like to take milliseconds and convert it to a more
 human-readable format like:
 4 days 20 hours 10 minutes 35 seconds

# To iterate is human; to recurse, divine.
def dhms(m,t):
   if not t: return (m,)
   return rl(m//t[0], t[1:]) + (m % t[0],)

human_readable = '%d days %d hours %d minutes %d seconds'% \
   dhms(msec//1000, (60, 60, 24))

Re: Converting milliseconds to human time

2006-01-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 def dhms(m,t):
if not t: return (m,)
return rl(m//t[0], t[1:]) + (m % t[0],)

Editing error, sigh.  Meant of course to say

return dhms(m//t[0], t[1:]) + (m % t[0],)

Re: download full sites?

2006-01-07 Thread linuxfreak
Try curl...its pretty cool.. and also wget...


Re: Copying files between different linux machines

2006-01-07 Thread selffrag
I'll presume you have ssh, scp on both boxes
$ man ssh
$ man scp
$scp mydata.dat [EMAIL PROTECTED]:mydata.dat


Re: multiple clients updating same file in ftp

2006-01-07 Thread Mike Meyer
Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Mike Meyer wrote:
  here's a simple-minded suggestion: have the first client create a text
  file on the remote server, and delete it when it is finished updating.
  The second client can check for existence of this file before trying to
 That's an old hack, dating back to at least Unix v6. The problem is
 the window between check for lock file and create lock file. The
 solution is to use an atomic create-or-fail action for the lock
 file. Exactly what that is will depend on your server, but things to
 check on are rename and mkdir.
 mkdir is good - if the directory already exists an error will be
 raised, this means you don't need to check for it's existence (meaning
 a race condition in between checking and attempting to create). If two
 mkdirs occur simultaneously then it is up to the OS to return an
 error to one of them.

Except that some os designer (or the ftp server - remember, the OP is
talking to an FTP server to do this!) may decide that mkdir on an
existing directory isn't an error, since the directory exists
afterward. Rename can also work, but again depends on how the os and
FTP server decide to treat the case of renaming to an existing file.
There may be other alternatives as well.

If the OP weren't working through the FTP server, with
os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL would do the trick.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: Copying files between different linux machines

2006-01-07 Thread Mike Meyer
Thierry Lam [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Let's say I have two linux machines with the following names:

 If I'm currently on linone and if I want to copy a bunch of files from
 lintwo into linone, how can that be done in a python script without
 using ftp?

Use scp.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: csv format to DBase III format

2006-01-07 Thread Peter Otten
William wrote:

 Peter Otten wrote:

  I need to transfer csv format file to DBase III format file.
  How do i do it in Python language?

 I create a dbf file, it can be opened by Excel but it cannot be opened
 by Access. Where is the error in my script. 

No idea, but here's some brainstorming.

 f = open('test.dbf','w')

First make sure that you open the file in binary mode 'wb'.
If you have an application around that can generate dbfs you could compare a
manually created file with the python-generated one. Have you tried the dbf
with no records? If that is opened without error, you could successively
add records until you find the culprit. Finally, if Excel and Access
disagree about the dbf's validity, the Access import filter could be
broken. Are there other filters for the Dbase family (Foxpro, Clipper)? Try
one of them.


Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-07 Thread Sam Pointon
  In fact, googling for referer and referrer reports a similar
  number of hits, unlike most misspellings.

 Terry You know, I almost mentioned that myself. Drives me crazy.

 Me too.  I'm one of those people who, for better or worse, is a good
 speller.  Words just look right or wrong to me and it bothers me when they
 look wrong.

What's worse is the closely related problem of British/American
English, though you sort of get used to it after typing
s/colour/color/g or s/serialise/serialize/g for the thousandth time.
The words look wrong to me, but they're correct in the context.


Re: Is 'everything' a refrence or isn't it?

2006-01-07 Thread Bryan Olson
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Thu, 05 Jan 2006 05:21:24 +, Bryan Olson wrote:
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Mike Meyer wrote:


Correct. What's stored in a list is a reference.

Nonsense. What is stored in the list is an object.

According to the Python Language Reference:

 Some objects contain references to other objects; these are
 called containers. Examples of containers are tuples, lists
 and dictionaries.
 Is it so hard to understand that the word reference has a general,
 imprecise meaning in common English (which is clearly how the quote
 above is using the word) while still having in the context of assignment
 and argument passing a more precise meaning which is dangerously

What's pretty easy to understand at this point, is that Mike
was right and you were wrong. Reference has a precise meaning
here, it's what the Python language uses, and contrary to your
reporting, it's what the rest of the discipline uses.

 Words are important -- not only for what they mean, but for what the
 connotations they carry. For people who come to Python from C-like
 languages, the word reference means something that is just not true in
 the context of Python's behaviour.

Wrong. C does not have references, and the Python use is consistent
with the rest of computer science. You seem to have read in things
that it does not mean. Fix *your* thinking.

  That's why people come to Python with a
 frame that tells that what call by reference implies (I can do this...)
 and then they discover that they often *can't* do that.

I'm sorry if you got confused, but please don't project it on
the rest of the discipline. C does not have even references.

 Thinking about Python's behaviour (it always passes references to

Just fix your thinking and don't attribute these problems to

 If we were writing academic papers, we could define call by reference
 and objects contain references any way we liked,

That would be a terrible thing to do. Just learn to use the
meaning accepted in the discipline, and used in the Python doc.


Re: Is 'everything' a refrence or isn't it?

2006-01-07 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 07 Jan 2006 01:29:46 -0500, Mike Meyer wrote:

 Call by object is the worst choice among the three, because object
 has such a vague meaning, so you never know what implications someone
 will come away with. 

So very unlike call by reference, right?



Re: Visualisation Engine for Python

2006-01-07 Thread rodmc
Thanks for all the help everyone.



Re: - why is this debugger different from all other debuggers?

2006-01-07 Thread R. Bernstein
Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 But if I had to choose between being
 able to play with objects interactively or being able to step through
 code, I'll take the interactive interpreter every time.

Why would you have to choose?  You've created a straw-man argument.
No one has previously suggested *removing* tools or forcing one to use
one and not the other! The thrust that started this thread and the
intent was thoughts on *improving* debugging.

You say you are happy with what you have. Great! But then out of the
blue offer your non-help. And although that too wasn't the thrust of
the thread either (soliciting volunteers), it's not like you
apparently *had* been working on this either. Weird.

 Well, the tools I'm talking about here are ones that Python comes
 with. It may be simple-minded to assert that everyone who writes
 Python code uses the tools that come with Python, but it's not very
 bright to not use the tools that come with the language.

Not if one uses *better* tools. :-) Again in this very thread another
interpreter was mentioned which, alas, doesn't come with Python. But on
many systems it is installed rather easily. It addresses some things
that again in this thread have been noted as perhaps lacking in the
stock Python-supplied interpreter.

 I'm all to aware that not everyone writes code as easy to understand
 as what I do. 

(And it just may be that not everyone finds reading your code as easy
to understand as you think it is.)

 The correct solution for bad code was elucidated by
 Kernighan and Plauger nearly 30 years ago: Don't fix bad
 code. Rewrite it. I don't do that nearly often enough.

I heartily agree. (But I also can't help note that this may be a little
bit of a self-serving statement.)

 A good debugger is a valuable thing, and I've used some incredible
 debuggers, including one that actually implemented DWIM.  Stepping
 through the code is one of the least valuable thing a debugger does,
 but it's also the thing that makes it a debugger. 

Hmmm. If that's really your view of what makes a debugger, I can see
why it's not all that important to you. But this could another one of
your exaggerate-to-make-absurd arguments.

Now that you mention it, stepping in does have this little
thing that seems just a little different from the norm. When one steps
through a class or even a script with lots of methods/functions, the
debugger seems to stop at every def, which isn't all that
exciting. And say in contrast to gdb's step/next, you can't give a
count. (Perl allows one to enter an arbitrary expression to step/next
into). These do tend to make stepping less useful.

But as with the restart command that was mentioned at the beginning
of the thread, it wasn't all that hard to address in the current code

 Pretty much
 everything else that a debugger does can be done by other tools. 

So tell me what tools you have to set a breakpoint somewhere in a
program possibly based on variable values, inspect arbitrary values as
you see fit and perhaps change them, and then either continue or
restart the program depending on how long it took to get to the point
and how messed up things were when you got there?  None of this
involves stepping, so by your definition it's something that doesn't
need a debugger.

 those tools improve, the value of the debugger decreases. Python has
 very good other tools.

The argument also goes the other way. If one has a debugger that's
lacking -- and it looks to me that is a little bit neglected
(in some cases I would even say not pythonic)-- then, sure, people are
going to try to find ways to avoid using it. This too was mentioned on
this thread.

Without a doubt Python has good tools. And no doubt they will continue
to improve as perhaps they should.  But I don't see this as an
argument for not to improving debugging in Python as well.

Optional typecheck

2006-01-07 Thread Gregory Petrosyan
Hello all! Please enlighten me about optional typecheck:

1) Will it be available in Python 2.5?
2) Will it support things like

def f(a: int | float)

3) Will it support interface checking like

def g(a: BookInterface)

or even mix like

def k(a: file | BookInterface)

4) Will it support things like

def t(*args: T1 | T2, **kwds: T1 | T3)


Re: Does Python allow access to some of the implementation details?

2006-01-07 Thread Claudio Grondi
 Claudio Grondi wrote:
Martin v. Löwis wrote:

You can get somewhat faster in Python than your code if you avoid
producing new long objects all the time, and do the task in chunks of 30

It would be nice if you could explain why you consider chunks of 30 bits
to be superior e.g. to chunks of 32 bits?

write a C file that is a Python module

If I understand you right, there is no way to get direct access to
internal representation of Python objects by Python script language
means provided in the standard Python 2.4.2 distribution.
So the answer to the question in the subject is : NO (valid for what is
  provided in the standard Python distribution, but not valid when
considering to write an own extension module in C)
 No need to re-invent the wheel. That extension has already been
 written. The GMPY module has a full suite of bit-functions:
 digits(x[,base]): returns Python string representing x in the
 given base (2 to 36, default 10 if omitted or 0); leading '-'
 present if x0, but no leading '+' if x=0. x must be an mpz,
 or else gets coerced into one.
That's nice function. A pity it's not in the standard Python distro as 
the inversion of the int() operation.
What I am also looking for is a conversion to base 256 (i.e where the 
full byte is used and the string and the integer have the same actual 
content if on appropriate endian machine), which would make the bit 
extraction comparable easy and effective as the i.__hex__() based method.
Using digits() instead of the code you have provided speeds the whole 
thing up two times (see attached code for details), but still is 
i.__hex__() the best way to go and could be improved probably only by 
direct conversion to base 256 or even higher base as e.g. 2**16 or 2**32.


import time

# dctLstOfBitsVsCharOfNibble is a dictionary with a key beeing one 
# string representing hexadecimal value of a nibble and a value beeing a 
# of bits of the nibble where the lowest bit is stored at index 0 of the 
# i.e.
dctLstOfBitsVsCharOfNibble = {
   '0':[0, 0, 0, 0],
   '1':[0, 0, 0, 1],
   '2':[0, 0, 1, 0],
   '3':[0, 0, 1, 1],
   '4':[0, 1, 0, 0],
   '5':[0, 1, 0, 1],
   '6':[0, 1, 1, 0],
   '7':[0, 1, 1, 1],
   '8':[1, 0, 0, 0],
   '9':[1, 0, 0, 1],
   'A':[1, 0, 1, 0],
   'B':[1, 0, 1, 1],
   'C':[1, 1, 0, 0],
   'D':[1, 1, 0, 1],
   'E':[1, 1, 1, 0],
   'F':[1, 1, 1, 1]
# The dctLstOfBitsVsCharOfNibble dictionary can be generated by 
following code:
# dctLstOfBitsVsCharOfNibble = {}
# for intNibbleValue in range(0, 16):
#   lstBitReprOfCurrNibble=[]
#   for indxOfBit in range(0,4):
# lstBitReprOfCurrNibble.append(intNibbleValueindxOfBit0x01)
#   #:for
#   lstBitReprOfCurrNibble.reverse()
# #:for
n = 0
NoOf32bitChunks   = 0
lstBitsBitwiseAnd = []
lstBitsModulo = []
lstViaBitChunks   = []
lstBitsViaHex = []
lstBitsGMPY   = []
timeBitwiseAnd= -1
timeModulo= -1
timeBitsViaHex= -1
timeViaBitChunks  = -1
timeGMPY  = -1

bitChunkSize  = 32 # must be = 32

while timeBitwiseAnd = timeBitsViaHex + 0.001:

   n = (n32) + 0x12345678

   NoOf32bitChunks += 1

   i = n
   lstBitsModulo = []
   start = time.clock()
   while i:
   timeModulo = time.clock()-start

   i = n
   lstBitsBitwiseAnd = []
   start = time.clock()
   while i:
   timeBitwiseAnd = time.clock()-start

   i = n
   lstViaBitChunks = []
   bitFilter= 0
   for dummy in range(bitChunkSize):
 bitFilter = (bitFilter1)+1

   start = time.clock()
   done = False
   while i:
 i1 = int(i  bitFilter) # int() converts here a long-integer to integer
 i = bitChunkSize
 if i == 0: done = True
 for k in xrange(bitChunkSize):
   lstViaBitChunks.append(i1  1)
   i1 = 1
   if done and i1==0:
 # if this is the top word, and no bits are left, we are done
   timeViaBitChunks = time.clock()-start

   i = n
   # lstBitsViaHex = []
   start = time.clock()
   strHexOf_i = i.__hex__()[2:]
   if strHexOf_i[-1]=='L':
   intNoOfLeadingZeroBits = 0
   lstBitsOfFirstNibble = dctLstOfBitsVsCharOfNibble[strHexOf_i[0]]
   while not lstBitsOfFirstNibble[intNoOfLeadingZeroBits] and 
intNoOfLeadingZeroBits  4:
 intNoOfLeadingZeroBits += 1
   if intNoOfLeadingZeroBits == 4:
 lstBitsViaHex = []
 lstBitsViaHex = lstBitsOfFirstNibble[intNoOfLeadingZeroBits:]
   for indxToStrHexOf_i in range(1,len(strHexOf_i)):
 lstBitsViaHex += 
   timeBitsViaHex = time.clock()-start

   import gmpy
   lstBitsGMPY = []
   # start = time.clock()
   # i = gmpy.mpz(n)
   # f = gmpy.scan1(i,0)

PyQt Access Violations

2006-01-07 Thread gregarican
I noticed that when I invoked the setCentralWidget() method using PyQt
3.13 on Python 2.3.5 opening and closing a widget associated with a
main window would result in a Win32 access violation crash after a
couple of times. Here's a generic snippet:

class Application_Window(QMainWindow):
 def __init__(self):
  QMainWindow.__init__(self,None,'application main

 def other_widget(self):

The only way I could avoid the crashes was to replace the
setCentralWidget() method with:

Is there some fundamental error I was making in this, or is this a
known bug?


Re: download full sites?

2006-01-07 Thread Claudio Grondi
 hi, does anyone know of any package that will download a full site for
 offline viewing? It will change all url to match local urls and follow
 a logical structure (the site's structure would be suffice).. Please
 tell me if you have heard of such a package.. thanks alot :D
I thougt, that HarvestMan is THE tool 
to do that. Because haven't used it yet, still dowloading with a 
commercial OfflineExplorer program I have a license for, I would be glad 
to hear how it compares to the other in this thread mentioned tools.


Re: Converting milliseconds to human amount of time

2006-01-07 Thread Max
Harlin Seritt wrote:
 How can I take a time given in milliseconds (I am doing this for an
 uptime script) and convert it to human-friendly time i.e. 4 days, 2
 hours, 25 minutes, 10 seonds.? Is there a function from the time
 module that can do this?
 Harlin Seritt

seconds = millis / 1000 # obviously

minutes = seconds / 60
seconds %= 60

hours = minutes / 60
minutes %= 60

days = hours / 24
hours %= 24

All this using integer division, of course. This is probably much more 
verbose than the tersest soln, but it works (or should do - I haven't 
tested it). It's not strictly accurate (from a scientific/UTC 
perspective, as some minutes have 59 or 61 seconds rather than 60, but 
it's probably the best you need.


Re: python speed

2006-01-07 Thread Xavier Morel
James Tanis wrote:
 Quite honestly I've never heard of java being faster than.. well..
 anything.  Faster than Python? I really doubt it. Their are several
 libraries for game programming specifically as well as opengl, sdl, as
 well as several different audio systems/daemons.. I'd suggest browsing
 through the categories in's module search engine.
 Disclaimer (:P): The majority of generalizations have some amount of
 exceptions, the java crack above was just my opinion - it was not
 really intended to offend any java addicts out there (the poor,
 miss-guided souls).

While java is much slower than Python in developer-time (e.g. the time 
it takes to generate a working app, and the number of lines involved), 
(good) Java code running on the hotspot (JIT) VM is usually at least an 
order of magnitude faster than the equivalent Python code, if not faster.

What's dog slow in Java is primarily the VM startup, and then the memory 
bloating, but as far as execution speed goes, pure Java code is much 
faster than pure Python much more often than the opposite (now that may 
change with Pypy, but Pypy is not done yet)


Re: - E04 - Leadership! Google, Guido van Rossum, PSF

2006-01-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 For Software Engineer:


* BS or MS in Computer Science or equivalent (PhD a plus).

 Right here.
 This requirement is really funny.
 I thought google is somehow different.

from within this thread:

I understand.

Ok, thus Google is flexible in this.

[sidenote: some jobs _require_ a degree by law]

So, I like Google again (in this context).



Re: PIL implementation

2006-01-07 Thread Claudio Grondi
circusdei wrote:
 I wrote this snippet with the intention of -- capturing a section of
 the screen whenever it changes.  It could be implemented to log any
 sort of messaging system ( by saving consecutive images eg.
 import Image
 import ImageGrab
 lastchatbound = (21, 504) + (189, 516)
 img1 = ImageGrab.grab(lastchatbound)
 data1 = list(img1.getdata())
 img2 = ImageGrab.grab(lastchatbound)
 data2 = list(img2.getdata())
 # print `data1`
pictnumber = 0
 if data1 != data2:`picnumber` + '.png')
 picnumber = picnumber + 1
 print same
 #code --
 it doesn't work yet and i'm not quite sure how the loops work yet ( i
 just sarted python last week). any help anyone could give me would be
 if someone could rewrite it so it works, i could use that as an example
 for the future, thanks.
 - mb
At the first glance the code looks almost ok. It is a good habit always 
to attach documentation of the error messages if any.
What I can directly see is, that you need at least to initialize the 
picnumber (see above).
Look in the Python documentation for the chapter with loops, read about 
the time module you will need to let the loop pause before taking the 
next screenshot and consider also, that maybe later it would be a good 
idea to have a way to stop the loop executing.
Come back with the next revision of your code for further help if you 
get into trouble or wait until someone else provides you with 
appropriate working code.


Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-07 Thread Peter Hansen
Sam Pointon wrote:
 What's worse is the closely related problem of British/American
 English, though you sort of get used to it after typing
 s/colour/color/g or s/serialise/serialize/g for the thousandth time.
 The words look wrong to me, but they're correct in the context.

Hah!  Canucks r00l!  Most of those words look about equally good to us 
most of the time.  (And it's not because of the beer!)  (But our beer 
r00lz too.)

-Peter Freezing-my-ass-off-in-Uxbridge Hansen


Re: [OT] - Requesting Comments for Process Definition and Presentation

2006-01-07 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Xavier Morel wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 b) to retrieve feedback subjecting the Process Definition itself 
 (content of diagramms, clarity, terminology etc.)

  You are merely some kind of strange troll. You've built something that
[...] - (off topic comments)

note to readers: most of the comments are answered within those sections:

 I can't see anything at this site what would make sense to me.

 you mean, you don't understand _anything_?

 No, he means that your website just doesn't make sense. 

I have understood this. that's why I wrote:

And it seems I've many work to do. 

 There is no 
 purpose, no consistency, no way to understand what the website is 
 supposed to hold, no way to find *informations* (and your colorful 
 graphs with an informative level of somewhere below 0 do not count as 
 information BTW).

= missing purpose and consistency
= missing way to understand main scope of website.
= missing way to find informations
= graphs have no information value

 I'll add that the color/style schemes are awfully misleading (why the 
 hell are random words in bold-ocre, please go read a few books on 

= avoid bold-ocre

 interfaces and websites creation because you obviously don't have a clue 
 there, Steve Krug's Don't Make Me Think would be a much required 

= Book suggestion Steve Krug's - Don't Make Me Think

I operate based on public available resources.

 start), that the various categories are unclear, fuzzy and *never 
 explained anywhere* 

= categories are unclear  fuzzy
= missing explanations for categories

 and that you claiming that you can *review websites* 
 (for a fee on top of that) is insulting to people with actual skills in 
 the field.

from the inital message:

I would like to ask for feedback on the Process Definition and Presentation.

Essentially this is exactly what I've myself specialized to do.

But I cannot apply the process to my own system.


Thank you for your feedback.





Re: PyQt Access Violations

2006-01-07 Thread Phil Thompson
On Saturday 07 January 2006 1:06 pm, gregarican wrote:
 I noticed that when I invoked the setCentralWidget() method using PyQt
 3.13 on Python 2.3.5 opening and closing a widget associated with a
 main window would result in a Win32 access violation crash after a
 couple of times. Here's a generic snippet:

 class Application_Window(QMainWindow):
  def __init__(self):
   QMainWindow.__init__(self,None,'application main

  def other_widget(self):

 The only way I could avoid the crashes was to replace the
 setCentralWidget() method with:

 Is there some fundamental error I was making in this, or is this a
 known bug?

What version of Qt?


How to format and print text.

2006-01-07 Thread tjerk
Have been messing with python, but could´nt find out
how to do printing with different Fonts.
Any suggestions?



Re: Is 'everything' a refrence or isn't it?

2006-01-07 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 07 Jan 2006 11:20:25 +, Bryan Olson wrote:

 Wrong. C does not have references, and the Python use is consistent
 with the rest of computer science. You seem to have read in things
 that it does not mean. Fix *your* thinking.

Bryan, I'll admit that I'm no C/C++ programmer, and I frequently assume
that if X is true for C++ it is also true for C, and vice versa. I
appreciate being corrected when I make a mistake.

However, in this case, I think you are confused by the term references. Of
course pure C does not have the C++ data structure known as references,
but that is hardly the only meaning of the word. Reference is a generic
term for something which refers to something else, not just in plain
English but also in computer science. Pointers are references. Indexes
into a table are references. URLs are references. File names and file
handles are references, as are keys from databases, and even raw memory

I'll admit that my position on this question has changed. I no longer say
that everything in Python is a reference is *false*, not in the weak,
generic sense. How can it be? In the generic sense, Python names are
references. (Under the hood, names may even be implemented as C++
references for all I know.) I will still argue that the term reference is
harmful, not because it is technically incorrect, but because it activates
incorrect mental models of Python's high-level behaviour in too many

 That's why people come to Python with a
 frame that tells that what call by reference implies (I can do this...)
 and then they discover that they often *can't* do that.
 I'm sorry if you got confused, but please don't project it on
 the rest of the discipline. 

Perhaps you should check out the beginning of the thread before making
any additional comments. It wasn't me who was confused and asked Hey
what's going on? I was told everything in Python is a reference, but when
I do this it doesn't work. I'm not projecting anything on anyone.



Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-07 Thread Alan Kennedy
 Aside from the other responses (unittests, pychecker/pylint), you might also
 consider using __slots__ for new-style classes:

I've been shouted at for suggesting exactly that! :-)


alan kennedy
email alan:

Re: config errors on Freebsd and python 2.3

2006-01-07 Thread Safeer Tabassum
why you are not installing it from ports?

Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 David Bear wrote:
 I don't plan on using curses -- so I'd like to ignore this. But, I'm just
 wondering if there is an 'easy' fix...

 Not really, no. It's safe to ignore.



Re: Does Python allow access to some of the implementation details?

2006-01-07 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Claudio Grondi wrote:
 You can get somewhat faster in Python than your code if you avoid
 producing new long objects all the time, and do the task in chunks of 30
 It would be nice if you could explain why you consider chunks of 30 bits
 to be superior e.g. to chunks of 32 bits?

With chunks of 32 bits, you might get negative numbers. Then,
right-shifting bit-by-bit will never get you to zero.

It also happens that the long ints are represented as arrays of
15-bit values, so that the shift by 30 *could* be implemented
without shifts in the individual words; however, this optimization
is not done.


Re: Calling foreign functions from Python? ctypes?

2006-01-07 Thread Carl Friedrich Bolz
Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
 I could probably dig up a few more, if you want.  So what's ctypes on top of 

another one:

Python 2.4.2 (#2, Sep 30 2005, 21:19:01)
[GCC 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu8)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import weakref
  ref = None
  class Target:
... def __del__(self):
... global ref
... ref = weakref.ref(self)
  def g():
... w = Target()
... w = None
... print ref()
Segmentation fault

There are dozends of segfaults in Python indeed.


Carl Friedrich Bolz


Stackless Python

2006-01-07 Thread Xavier Morel
Some time ago, I finally decided to check what Stackless was (exactly) 
and which were the theorical concepts behind it (continuations and all).

I managed to find some documentations and papers, but most if not all of 
them are related to pre-2.0 Stackless. The issue is, I just can't seem 
to reach the Stackless website ( Some specific 
pages of the site do work (, but the 
index itself always yields a 502 gateway error.

Would anyone have more informations about that? It doesn't seem to be an 
issue on my side (since I tried to access the Stackless site from two 
different connections and 3 computers) but I can't rule it out.

I should also note that Google is no good in this case as mostly yields 
fairly old results...

Re: How to format and print text.

2006-01-07 Thread Grant Edwards

 Have been messing with python, but could´nt find out
 how to do printing with different Fonts.
 Any suggestions?

Output postscript.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Did we bring enough
  at   BEEF JERKY?

Re: Stackless Python

2006-01-07 Thread Carl Friedrich Bolz
Xavier Morel wrote:
 I managed to find some documentations and papers, but most if not all of 
 them are related to pre-2.0 Stackless. The issue is, I just can't seem 
 to reach the Stackless website ( Some specific 
 pages of the site do work (, but the 
 index itself always yields a 502 gateway error.

I see the same problem. I asked Christian Tismer (author of stackless) 
to check whether the server has a problem.


Carl Friedrich Bolz


Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-07 Thread skip

 Aside from the other responses (unittests, pychecker/pylint), you
 might also consider using __slots__ for new-style classes:

Alan I've been shouted at for suggesting exactly that! :-)

Maybe Aahz didn't notice my post.  The OP sort of seemed like he was pining
for attribute declarations.  __slots__ is the closest thing Python has to
them.  I don't use them myself (since I've basically avoided new-style
classes so far).


Re: question about

2006-01-07 Thread Kent Johnson
Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
 Did you read the module docstring?
Of course, no multi-threading is implied -- hence the funny interface
for lock, where a function is called once the lock is aquired.
 If you are looking for a mutex suitable for multithreaded use, see the 
 threading module.

I have always seen mutexes used in multi-threaded programs. I'm curious, 
what is the usefulness of a non-thread-safe mutex? I'm sure it must be 
good for something, I just can't figure it out.


Re: Translate this to python?

2006-01-07 Thread Robert Kern
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Heiko Wundram [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Unless of course range() becomes more clever and returns an iterator in
case the amount of memory to store the needed range is too large...
 That could break things.  Range is supposed to return a list.

Except that we're talking about Python 3.0, which will break things anyways.

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
  -- Richard Harter


Re: How to format and print text.

2006-01-07 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-01-07, Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2006-01-07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have been messing with python, but could´nt find out
 how to do printing with different Fonts.
 Any suggestions?

 Output postscript.

Reportlab seems to be a popular way to do that...

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I've read SEVEN
  at   MILLION books!!

Re: Optional typecheck

2006-01-07 Thread DH
Gregory Petrosyan wrote:
 Hello all! Please enlighten me about optional typecheck:
 1) Will it be available in Python 2.5?
 2) Will it support things like
 def f(a: int | float)
 3) Will it support interface checking like
 def g(a: BookInterface)
 or even mix like
 def k(a: file | BookInterface)
 4) Will it support things like
 def t(*args: T1 | T2, **kwds: T1 | T3)

No, not til python 3.0, which is years off.
For now you can use:
Or if you want static type checking with it speed boost instead of
typechecking at runtime, there are lots of other options too.
shedskin, pyrex, scipy.weave, boo

BayPIGgies: January 12, 7:30pm (Google)

2006-01-07 Thread Aahz
The next meeting of BayPIGgies will be Thurs, January 12 at 7:30pm at
Google, room Tunis.  Meet in the lobby of building 43.

This will be a combo meeting:

* First Marilyn Davis will practice her Why Python? talk -- she's
looking for feedback and suggestions on improving it.

* We'll fill the rest of the time with a Newbies Night; this is your
opportunity to get realtime responses to questions about Python

BayPIGgies meetings alternate between IronPort (San Bruno, California)
and Google (Mountain View, California).  For more information and
directions, see

Before the meeting, we sometimes meet at 6pm for dinner.  Discussion of
dinner plans is handled on the BayPIGgies mailing list.  

Advance notice:  We need speakers for February and later; the February
meeting is currently reserved for PyCon speakers wanting practice, and
the March meeting will probably be a PyCon wrap-up.  Please e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if you want to suggest an agenda (or volunteer to
give a presentation).

19. A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming,
is not worth knowing.  --Alan Perlis

Re: urllib2 and proxies support ?

2006-01-07 Thread DH
tomazi75-nospam(at) wrote:
 Hello all,
 I've a problem using urllib2 with a proxy which need authentication.

I don't have a way to test this myself but you can try the
suggestion at the bottom of this page:
Move your name/password to an HTTPBasicAuthHandler.

Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-07 Thread Aahz
Alan Kennedy  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Aside from the other responses (unittests, pychecker/pylint), you might also
 consider using __slots__ for new-style classes:

I've been shouted at for suggesting exactly that! :-)


Because I've been busy.  I'd been saving Skip's post for when I had
enough time to do it justice, but your URL saves me the trouble.  ;-)

19. A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming,
is not worth knowing.  --Alan Perlis

Re: Is 'everything' a refrence or isn't it?

2006-01-07 Thread Bryan Olson
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Bryan Olson wrote:
Wrong. C does not have references, and the Python use is consistent
with the rest of computer science. You seem to have read in things
that it does not mean. Fix *your* thinking.
 Bryan, I'll admit that I'm no C/C++ programmer, and I frequently assume
 that if X is true for C++ it is also true for C, and vice versa. I
 appreciate being corrected when I make a mistake.
 However, in this case, I think you are confused by the term references.

No, though I should have had references in quotes; C doesn't
call anything a reference, so saying it confuses people about
what references are doesn't make sense.

 I'll admit that my position on this question has changed. I no longer say
 that everything in Python is a reference is *false*, not in the weak,
 generic sense. 

Of course it's false. Is indentation a reference? Is a comment
a reference? The bad term there is everything, not reference.

  How can it be? In the generic sense, Python names are
 references. (Under the hood, names may even be implemented as C++
 references for all I know.) I will still argue that the term reference is
 harmful, not because it is technically incorrect, but because it activates
 incorrect mental models of Python's high-level behaviour in too many

Mike wrote that lists contain references. You said that was
nonsense as they contain objects. His description was right and
consistent with Python behavior. Yours was wrong and inconsistent
with Python behavior. List storing references is the *right*
mental model.

That's why people come to Python with a
frame that tells that what call by reference implies (I can do this...)
and then they discover that they often *can't* do that.

I'm sorry if you got confused, but please don't project it on
the rest of the discipline. 
 Perhaps you should check out the beginning of the thread before making
 any additional comments. It wasn't me who was confused and asked Hey
 what's going on? I was told everything in Python is a reference, but when
 I do this it doesn't work. I'm not projecting anything on anyone.

Read more carefully. His problem was in understanding variable 
assignment in C versus Python: storage in a location versus name
binding. He got some good explanations. Unfortunately there was
also quite a bit of wrong reporting, which some of us are trying
to correct.


Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-07 Thread Scott David Daniels
Terry Hancock wrote:
 One thing I've figured out is that using the full spelling
 of a word instead of groovy programmer abbreviations makes
 it a lot easier to remember the names of things.  Of course,
 like everything, that can be taken too far, so I still use
 things like bkg_clr too.

Yeah, it's a real pain to constantly type breakage_clear every time.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: Help Please: 'module' object has no attribute 'compile'

2006-01-07 Thread livin
I beleive so... I cannot know for sure becasue the models are not 
separate... they are in the python23.zlib file... I'm no sure how to check 
the file, it looks as if it is compiled (I'm new to python so forgive my 

Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 livin wrote:
 my log...

 INFO urllib.urlopen('', 
 urllib.urlencode({'Action': 'hs.ExecX10ByName+Kitchen+Lights%2C+On 
  INFO   File Q:\python\python23.zlib\, line 78, in urlopen
 INFO   File Q:\python\python23.zlib\, line 159, in open
 INFO   File Q:\python\python23.zlib\, line 957, in splittype
 INFO AttributeError
 INFO 'module' object has no attribute 'compile'

 That line reads
 _typeprog = re.compile('^([^/:]+):')

 Do you have a module named 're' that is shadowing the library module of 
 the same name?



Re: Double Click mouse event problems

2006-01-07 Thread Scott David Daniels
scott_gui wrote:
 I am creating a Windows application:
 The mouse event Double-Button-1 has a conflict when the Button-1
 event also has a binding. Double clicks will first perform the single
 click action. This seems a little silly.
 Anyone know how to circumvent this? Right now I am having the function
 that is bound to the double click event undo the action the single
 click event performs. This is annoying and it flashes the single click
 event for a split second before the double click takes over.

This behavior is a feature of the double-click interface.  Normal GUI
design techniques provide double-click behavior that is not interfered
with by the corresponding single-click behaviors.

Step back and think about what is happening instead of focusing in
tightly on mouse commands as being completely distinct operations.
You wouldn't expect three distinct (and non-overlapping) behaviors
from Button-1-Down, Button-1-Up and Button-1-Click, would you?

If you must, provide a single-click that initiates a timer event,  where
the corresponding double-click turns off (or disables) the timer, and
cause the single-click behavior when the timer triggers.

On the original mouse, the buttons were ored together from the first
down to all buttons-up.  If the result was neither none-seen or all-
seen, the operation happened at the release.  Since that mouse had a
5-key paddle board (where paddle keys were included with the three
mouse buttons in the above algorithm), you could specify 254
different values with a mouse and paddle-board.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: Apology Re: Is 'everything' a refrence or isn't it?

2006-01-07 Thread Alex Martelli
Ben Sizer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 assignment semantics that differ from languages such as C++ and Java,
 not the calling mechanism. In C++, assignment means copying a value. In
 Python, assignment means reassigning a reference.

And in Java, it means just the same as in Python (with some unfortunate
exceptions, in Java, for elementary types such as int -- but for all
normal types, the meaning of assignment and parameter passing is just
the same in Java as in Python).

Considering that Java may have become the language most used for first
courses in programming, it's unfortunate to propagate disinformation
about its assignment semantics differing from Python's -- it will
confuse people who know Java, and there are many of those.


Re: Does Python allow access to some of the implementation details?

2006-01-07 Thread Alex Martelli
Claudio Grondi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I am also looking for is a conversion to base 256 (i.e where the
 full byte is used and the string and the integer have the same actual
 content if on appropriate endian machine), which would make the bit 

gmpy supplies that, too: 

gmpy.binary(x) or x.binary(): returns a portable binary
representation (base-256 little endian) of an mpz object, suitable
for saving into a file (or db, whatever) -- this string can later
be passed as the first argument to function gmpy.mpz (with a
second argument with value 256) to reconstruct a copy of the
original mpz object. 

 extraction comparable easy and effective as the i.__hex__() based method.

I suspect bit-extraction is still going to be faster with getbit and
friends, but I'm sure you can measure that for yourself (I'm stuck with
a loaner machine these days, and don't currently have gmpy at hand).


Re: - E04 - Leadership! Google, Guido van Rossum, PSF

2006-01-07 Thread Alex Martelli
Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However I still maintain that I was never able to meet these fine
 people you speak about and which you seem to know because the cost
 involved (a few hundred euro to visit pycon for example) was too high
 compared to my food budget.

Europython is cheap to attend, and has been held twice in Charleroi,
Belgium, for example -- if you're in the Netherlands, you could have
bycicled there, crashed with somebody (I've seen lots of impecunious
people offered hospitality that way), and not spent more on food than
you would by staying in the Netherlands.  You'll have to invent some
better excuse, to explain why you chose not to attend it.


Re: Does Python allow access to some of the implementation details?

2006-01-07 Thread Claudio Grondi
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Claudio Grondi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The question is if Python allows somehow access to the bytes of the
representation of a long integer or integer in computers memory?
 No it doesn't, and that's a good thing, since the internal
 representation is a little bit surprising (it stores 15 bits of the
 long int in each 16-bit word of the representation, to make the
 arithmetic routines  a little simpler).
If it were possible to 'tell' the %2 operation to operate
only on one short of the integer number representation there will be
probably no difference in speed. Is there a way to do this efficiently
in Python like it is possible in C when using pointers and recasting?
 The usual trick to get at the contents of a long is to use hex
 conversion and maybe the array module (untested):
a = '%x' % n
if len(a) % 2 == 1: 
   a = '0' + a
s = array.array('B', binascii.unhexlify(a))
 s now gives you the individual bytes of n.

This is the _fastest_ approach I have seen so far (updated code attached).
Thank you!


import time

# dctLstOfBitsVsCharOfNibble is a dictionary with a key beeing one 
# string representing hexadecimal value of a nibble and a value beeing a 
# of bits of the nibble where the lowest bit is stored at index 0 of the 
# i.e.
dctLstOfBitsVsCharOfNibble = {
   '0':[0, 0, 0, 0],
   '1':[0, 0, 0, 1],
   '2':[0, 0, 1, 0],
   '3':[0, 0, 1, 1],
   '4':[0, 1, 0, 0],
   '5':[0, 1, 0, 1],
   '6':[0, 1, 1, 0],
   '7':[0, 1, 1, 1],
   '8':[1, 0, 0, 0],
   '9':[1, 0, 0, 1],
   'A':[1, 0, 1, 0],
   'B':[1, 0, 1, 1],
   'C':[1, 1, 0, 0],
   'D':[1, 1, 0, 1],
   'E':[1, 1, 1, 0],
   'F':[1, 1, 1, 1]
# The dctLstOfBitsVsCharOfNibble dictionary can be also generated by 
following code:
# dctLstOfBitsVsCharOfNibble = {}
# for intNibbleValue in range(0, 16):
#   lstBitReprOfCurrNibble=[]
#   for indxOfBit in range(0,4):
# lstBitReprOfCurrNibble.append(intNibbleValueindxOfBit0x01)
#   #:for
#   lstBitReprOfCurrNibble.reverse()
# #:for

dctLstOfBitsVsOrdOfChar = {}
for ordOfChar in range(256):
   dctLstOfBitsVsOrdOfChar[ordOfChar] = 
dctLstOfBitsVsCharOfNibble['%X'%(ordOfChar4,)] + 
# what gives: {
# 0x00:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
# 0x01:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
# 0x02:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
#  ...
# 0xFD:[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1],
# 0xFE:[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
# 0xFF:[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
#  }

n = 0
NoOf32bitChunks= 0
lstBitsBitwiseAnd  = []
lstBitsModulo  = []
lstViaBitChunks= []
lstBitsViaHex  = []
lstBitsGMPY= []
lstViaHexAndArray  = []
timeBitwiseAnd = -1
timeModulo = -1
timeBitsViaHex = -1
timeViaBitChunks   = -1
timeGMPY   = -1
timeViaHexAndArray = -1

bitChunkSize  = 32 # must be = 32

while timeBitwiseAnd = timeBitsViaHex + 0.001:

   n = (n32) + 0x12345678

   NoOf32bitChunks += 1

   i = n
   lstBitsModulo = []
   start = time.clock()
   while i:
   timeModulo = time.clock()-start

   i = n
   lstBitsBitwiseAnd = []
   start = time.clock()
   while i:
   timeBitwiseAnd = time.clock()-start

   i = n
   lstViaBitChunks = []
   bitFilter= 0
   for dummy in range(bitChunkSize):
 bitFilter = (bitFilter1)+1

   start = time.clock()
   done = False
   while i:
 i1 = int(i  bitFilter) # int() converts here a long-integer to integer
 i = bitChunkSize
 if i == 0: done = True
 for k in xrange(bitChunkSize):
   lstViaBitChunks.append(i1  1)
   i1 = 1
   if done and i1==0:
 # if this is the top word, and no bits are left, we are done
   timeViaBitChunks = time.clock()-start

   i = n
   # lstBitsViaHex = []
   start = time.clock()
   strHexOf_i = i.__hex__()[2:]
   if strHexOf_i[-1]=='L':
   intNoOfLeadingZeroBits = 0
   lstBitsOfFirstNibble = dctLstOfBitsVsCharOfNibble[strHexOf_i[0]]
   while not lstBitsOfFirstNibble[intNoOfLeadingZeroBits] and 
intNoOfLeadingZeroBits  4:
 intNoOfLeadingZeroBits += 1
   if intNoOfLeadingZeroBits == 4:
 lstBitsViaHex = []
 lstBitsViaHex = lstBitsOfFirstNibble[intNoOfLeadingZeroBits:]
   for indxToStrHexOf_i in range(1,len(strHexOf_i)):
 lstBitsViaHex += 
   timeBitsViaHex = time.clock()-start

   i = n
   lstViaHexAndArray = []
   import array, binascii
   start = time.clock()
   strHexOf_i = i.__hex__()[2:]
   if strHexOf_i[-1]=='L':
   for item in array.array('B', binascii.unhexlify(strHexOf_i)):
 lstViaHexAndArray += dctLstOfBitsVsOrdOfChar[item]
   intNoOfLeadingZeroBits = 0

Re: Double Click Mouse Event in Tkinter

2006-01-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
scott_gui wrote:

 Creating a Windows application:
 Double-Button-1 mouse event has a conflict when there is also a
 binding to the Button-1 event. It seems like a silly oversight that
 performing a double click will also initiate the single click action.

If your design depends on your code being able to accurately figure out what
the user will do in the future, you may want to go back to the drawing board.

 Has anyone figured out a way to circumvent this problem? Right now I am
 making the Double click function undo the action my Single click
 function does, but this is very annoying, especially since the action
 that is bound to the Single click flashes for a second.

I don't think I've ever seen any recent application that does this (be-
cause all possible solutions are annoying), but I seem to recall that
the Explorer in some early version of Windows overloaded single and
double click actions by delaying the single click action (click and wait =
single click action, click and click = double click action).

To implement this in Tkinter, you can schedule an after task in the
Button-1 handler, and cancel it in the Double-Button-1 handler.  But
a redesign is probably a better idea...



Re: Does Python allow access to some of the implementation details?

2006-01-07 Thread Carl Friedrich Bolz
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Claudio Grondi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The question is if Python allows somehow access to the bytes of the
representation of a long integer or integer in computers memory?
 No it doesn't, and that's a good thing, since the internal
 representation is a little bit surprising (it stores 15 bits of the
 long int in each 16-bit word of the representation, to make the
 arithmetic routines  a little simpler).

Indeed. There are even more reasons why this is a Good Thing (tm) (not 
only because the internal representation is surprising). Basically it 
gives the implementor of a Python interpreter the freedom to choose the 
internal representation that he deems to be the most fitting. If 
implementation details leaked outside that wouldn't be possible anymore.


Carl Friedrich Bolz


Re: Try Python update

2006-01-07 Thread Alex Martelli
Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And yes, I know about this. It's listed in Known Problems. Anything

What's the URL to Known Problems?  There's a strange cursor-placement
bug on Apple's Safari browser (not in Firefox), but I don't want to add
a bug report if you already know about it -- 'Try Python' is a neat
hack, and useful, it well deserves some care from would-be bug
reporters... but I can't see any links to known problems (or other
bug-reporting facilities) from the base page.


Re: What's wrong with this code snippet?

2006-01-07 Thread Alex Martelli
LordLaraby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For what it's worth, GenerateRandomColour does not access any instance
 variables and therefore needn't even be a member of the class
 Population. If you wanted it there for encapsulation purposes, consider
 making it a staticmethod like so:
 def GenerateRandomColour():
 colour = rn.choice(['C', 'P', 'Z'])
 return colour 

No parentheses on the decorator line, just '@staticmethod'.  Otherwise,


Re: Copy an Object (Again?)

2006-01-07 Thread Alex Martelli
KraftDiner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 objs = myListOfObjects
 for obj in objs:
if obj.flag:
   newObject = copy.deepcopy(obj)

Never modify the very list you're looping on.  I doubt this is the root
of your problem, but, at any rate, loop on a COPY of the list you're
modifying -- e.g. change the first statement to

objs = list(myListOfObjects)


Re: Stackless Python

2006-01-07 Thread Christian Tismer
Xavier Morel wrote:

 Would anyone have more informations about that? It doesn't seem to be an 
 issue on my side (since I tried to access the Stackless site from two 
 different connections and 3 computers) but I can't rule it out.

Thanks to Carl Friedrich, I restarted the Zope process.

I have no idea why it broke, the site was running since 38 days
without problems. The Zope/Plone process was still there, blocking
the port.

Maybe I should go for something simpler than Plone...

Don't hesitate to ask on the mailing list for all the things
you will not find on the site. The list works :-)

ciao - chris
Christian Tismer :^)   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Is 'everything' a refrence or isn't it?

2006-01-07 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Bryan Olson wrote:

  Words are important -- not only for what they mean, but for what the
  connotations they carry. For people who come to Python from C-like
  languages, the word reference means something that is just not true in
  the context of Python's behaviour.

 Wrong. C does not have references

Unless they've changed it since the drafts, the ANSI C specification uses
the word reference to describe how pointers work:

A  pointer  type describes an object
whose value provides a reference to an  entity  of  the
referenced  type.   A  pointer  type  derived  from the
referenced type T is sometimes called ``pointer to T''.
The  construction  of  a pointer type from a referenced
type is called ``pointer type derivation''.

so unless you're using some odd dialect of C that doesn't support pointers,
your C implementation sure has references.

 and the Python use is consistent with the rest of computer science.

The problem isn't the word reference in itself, the problem is when people
are implying that since Python passes object references to functions, it's
using call by reference.

In ordinary CS, call by reference generally means that the function is
handed a reference to the *variable* holding the *value*.  You can do
this explicitly in C (by passing in arg instead of arg), and you can do
this in C++, but there's no way to do this in Python -- Python variables
hold objects, not values.

Saying that Python uses call by value is probably more correct (where
the values are references), but that's even more confusing.  (see endless
earlier threads for more on this).

 That would be a terrible thing to do. Just learn to use the
 meaning accepted in the discipline, and used in the Python doc.

afaik, the Python Language Reference never defines the word reference.

It carefully defines words like object and value, though, and terms like
call by object or call by object reference are perfectly understandable
if you use the words as they are defined in the language reference.



Re: Is 'everything' a refrence or isn't it?

2006-01-07 Thread Terry Hancock
On Sat, 07 Jan 2006 01:29:46 -0500
Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From what I can tell, Liskov proposed *three* different
 names for
 passing references to objects: call-by-sharing,
 call-by-object, and call-by-object-reference.

Call by object reference makes the most sense to me. Names
in Python are object references: they refer to objects.  You
might almost say call by name but that sort of implies
that you are passing the strings around (which is generally
untrue), and it doesn't convey what happens when the name is
something complex like ham['spam'][0].eggs()[42] (i.e.
name carries the conotation of being a simple string,
although you could argue that it doesn't have to mean that).

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


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