ANN: pyFltk-1.1RC2

2006-01-21 Thread a . held
This is to announce the second release candidate for pyFltk-1.1,
then Python bindings for the cross platform GUI toolkit fltk-1.1

This release candidate has been tested with fltk-1.1.6 and fltk-1.1.7
and requires Python2.4.
pyFltk and fltk is a lighweight, easy-to-use GUI toolkit for Python. It
can be used where simplicity, small footprint, and ease-of-use are
* Now it is possible to extend all widgets in Python
* Fl_Preferences has been added.
* Various bug fixes
A source distribution and a Windows installer (including fltk) can be
downloaded from htpp://


Andreas Held


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Ann: FarPy GUIE v0.4

2006-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GUIE (GUI Editor) provides a simple WYSIWYG GUI editor for wx.
The program was made in C# and saves the GUI that was created to a XML
format I called GUIML. This GUIML is a pretty standard representation
of the GUI created with the program. Next, GUIE takes these GUIML files
and translates it to wxPython Python code. You may ask yourself why I
took the extra step? Why didn't I go straight from C# controls to
wxPython code? Why is GUIML necessary? Well, it isn't. It is there
simply for people (or maybe I) to take the GUIML and convert it to
other languages. This, by effect can convert this tool from a Python
GUI editor, to any programming language with a GUI module GUI editor.

Changes (as of v0.4)
Added: wxRuby support!
Fixed: Minor bugs
More languages to come!


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: ConfigParser: writes a list but reads a string?

2006-01-21 Thread Fuzzyman

funkyj wrote:
 I'm interested in the same sort of config file issues.

 Unfortunately the restricted execution has fallen out of favor.  My
 preferred solution would be to have a configEval() function that is
 just like the regular Python eval() but only accepts a subset of the
 python language, e.g. creating the basic built in datatypes and
 variable assignment and perhaps a short list of safe library functions:

 favoriteColors = [ 'red', 'blue', 'orange']
 props = {'fish': 7, 'cow': 'milk'}
 # a comment
 otherstuff = (props, favoritColors, 7)

 While currently I just write my config file in python and eval() it,
 this sucks from a security standpoint (e.g. someone could replace the
 config file with a python program that deletes my hard drive).  Thanks
 for the configObj suggestion, I'll look into that.

 making the config file XML and using xml.dom is another option,
 although XML is a bit ugly to edit by hand.

On the cookbook there is a serialize and de-serialize function that
works with the basic datatypes, but doesn't have the associated risks
of using eval.

ConfigObj is still a better solution IMHO. :-)

All the best,




Re: Python shell interpreting delete key as tilde?

2006-01-21 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Leif K-Brooks wrote:

 I'm running Python 2.3.5 and 2.4.1 under Debian Sarge. Instead of
 deleting the character after the cursor, pressing my delete key in an
 interactive Python window causes a system beep and inserts a tilde

that's probably because the delete key can be set up to send a \e[3~
sequence, and readline isn't properly configured to understand that.

 This behavior occurs across all of the terminals I've tried
 (xterm, Konsole, real Linux terminal), but does not occur when running
 bash instead of python. Other Readline-provided functionality (moving
 the cursor, history) seems to work fine.

 The delete key was working fine in Python up until a few days ago, and I
 don't remember making any changes that should have affected it.

 If anyone knows what could be causing this problem, please explain. It's
 driving me crazy!

this page might help:

or you could switch to a less lame operating system ;-) (duck).



Re: Redirecting standard out in a single namespace

2006-01-21 Thread Fuzzyman

Ido Yehieli wrote:
 I'm sorry, but i don't see how this will solve the problem? It is
 exactly the same, only now you've replaced everything in sys except
 just sys.stdout?

In the solution above (which I haven't had a chance to test) you're
just chaning hte reference to sys to point to a different module, so
you're not messing with sys itself. This won't affect other code that
uses the sys module.

Because of the builtin status of the sys module I'm not *convinced* it
will work. I'll try it though.

 At any rate, perhapse the code you will write will be more maintainable
 if instead of redirecting sys.stdout for some of the code just use a
 different function (instead of print) for the times where you wish it
 to be redirected somewhere else? it will probably make your code
 longer, but the maintainer will have one less gotcha to worry about a
 few months/years down the road. perhapse it is best to not do the
 clever thing this time ;-) ?

We're executing code from another module that uses the print statement
a lot. That module isn't our code - other wise we wouldn't have a
problem. :-)

Changing the module will mean a great deal more to maintain, not less.

All the best,



Re: New Bee

2006-01-21 Thread Christoph Zwerschke
Prasanna wrote:
 I am new to this group.I am willing to learn PYTHON can anyone suggest
 me where to start.I have installed PYTHON 2.4 windows platform.Where
 can I get books for beginners.How to go about?.It would be helpful if
 anyone is will to guide me.

Here is something helpful for newbies:

Re: New Bee

2006-01-21 Thread Prasanna
Thanx for ur info.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-21 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 The first few pages are a review of probability theory but I think
 they assume you've seen it before.  The book's subject matter is more
 mathematical by nature than what most programmers deal with from day
 to day, and as such, the book is not for everyone.

And so the cycle repeats itself. We teach our students the world is all
about money, and sure enough, the world is all about money. If we would
continue to keep the interesting things away from most of the people,
by hiding it behind mathematical jargon we end up believing that
functional programming is connected to having a math degree and more
such self serving and self fullfilling prophecies.

An excellent book would break with this jargon advertising


but I'll give it one more try


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-21 Thread David H Wild
   Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But the real question is why it is that American publishers believe
 their readers are so lazy and ignorant that they require special
 translations of British books. I don't know anyone who has said I'm
 glad that I read the American edition of [Harry Potter/Discworld/pick
 your own example], it was much better than the British edition. Not
 even American fans.

Something which irritates me, along with many other British people, is a
book written in UK English, but which uses US spelling for the American
market. If people can understand the words, then the slight differences in
spelling shouldn't be a problem.

David Wild using RISC OS on broadband

Re: How to generate graphics dynamically on the web using Python CGI script?

2006-01-21 Thread Fuzzyman

Steve Holden wrote:
 Luiz Geron wrote:
  I don't have experience on this, but I think that you can make the
  script return the image contents directly to the img tag, without
  passing it to a img file, so you can use something like this:
  img src=script_that_return_image_contents
  wich saves some processing and I/O.
 No it doesn't, because the script that generates the graphic is then a
 different script from the one that generates the referring HTML. I agree
 that scripted generation of the graphical content is a viable option
 that I overlooked, though it seems from the OP's inquiry that he already
 uses CGI to generate the HTML.

It doesn't save processing/IO, but it can still be done from teh same
script. Just pass parameters in the ``src='...'`` tag to tell the
script which image to output.

Either that or the script can generate static images (and maybe do a
cyclic cleanup) and put the correct URL into the image tags.

All the best,


 Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC
 PyCon TX 2006


Re: How to generate graphics dynamically on the web using Python CGI script?

2006-01-21 Thread Fuzzyman

Steve Holden wrote:
 Luiz Geron wrote:
  I don't have experience on this, but I think that you can make the
  script return the image contents directly to the img tag, without
  passing it to a img file, so you can use something like this:
  img src=script_that_return_image_contents
  wich saves some processing and I/O.
 No it doesn't, because the script that generates the graphic is then a
 different script from the one that generates the referring HTML. I agree
 that scripted generation of the graphical content is a viable option
 that I overlooked, though it seems from the OP's inquiry that he already
 uses CGI to generate the HTML.

It doesn't save processing/IO, but it can still be done from the same
script. Just pass parameters in the ``src='...'`` tag to tell the
script which image to output.

Either that or the script can generate static images (and maybe do a
cyclic cleanup) and put the correct URL into the image tags.

All the best,


 Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC
 PyCon TX 2006


Re: Python shell interpreting delete key as tilde?

2006-01-21 Thread Fuzzyman
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 this page might help:

 or you could switch to a less lame operating system ;-) (duck).

Not like you to duck when sending flames Fredrik ;-)




Re: OT: introduction to computing clusters?

2006-01-21 Thread Paul McGuire
Cameron Laird [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Bring back VMS.

That's creepy, I was just reminiscing about working on VAXen less than 12
hours ago!

One of my favorite bits of the VAX documentation was the book VAX/VMS
Internals.  Each chapter started with a related quote.  I think the chapter
on the layers of security cited Tolkein's description of the construction of
the city of Gondor in concentric rings.  But the best quote was one for the
chapter on memory, that quoted Joe Walsh:

I was in the Eagles? Cool!

-- Paul


ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack

2006-01-21 Thread Elezar Simeon Papo
Hello All,

I have a tab separated input file (data.txt) in text format - the file
looks like this

Harvard Economics   Mathematics Physics
StanfordMathematics Physics
U.C.L.A Biology Genetics

I have to utilize Python and to generate four files based on my input
file. The files would have this structure:

First File
Filename: Harvard.txt

Second File
Filename: Stanford.txt

The same pattern would follow for files 3 and 4.

I came up with this code,

#!  python # -*- coding: cp1252 -*-

InputFILENAME = data.txt  #Name of the data fule containg all records
OutputFileExtension = .txt #File extension of output files

for line in open(InputFILENAME):

SCHOOL, DEPART1, DEPART2, DEPART3 = line.split('\t')
f = open(SCHOOL.strip() + OutputFileExtension, w+)

f.write( +SCHOOL.strip() +\n)
f.write(  +DEPART1.strip() +\n)
f.write(  +DEPART2.strip() +\n)
f.write(  +DEPART3.strip() +\n)

f.close() #InputFILENAME

# end

I am having problems as the program will not work if all three DEPART
values are not present. If I populate all DEPART values for all records
program functions without issues.

When I run the check module, I get the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Documents and
Settings\administrator\Desktop\code\test\, line 8, in ?

SCHOOL, DEPART1, DEPART2, DEPART3 = line.split('\t')
ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack

How do I solve this problem and change the program so it does not stop
if a data record has less than three DEPART values.

Thanks for your help!



Re: Redirecting standard out in a single namespace

2006-01-21 Thread Ido Yehieli
oh, ok...
I guess people have to learn to use a logger instead of print in
production code...


Re: ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack

2006-01-21 Thread Fuzzyman

Elezar Simeon Papo wrote:
 Hello All,

 I have a tab separated input file (data.txt) in text format - the file
 looks like this

 Harvard   Economics   Mathematics Physics
 Stanford  Mathematics Physics
 Berkeley  Physics
 U.C.L.A   Biology Genetics

 I have to utilize Python and to generate four files based on my input
 file. The files would have this structure:

 First File
 Filename: Harvard.txt

 Second File
 Filename: Stanford.txt

 The same pattern would follow for files 3 and 4.

 I came up with this code,

 #!  python # -*- coding: cp1252 -*-

 InputFILENAME = data.txt  #Name of the data fule containg all records
 OutputFileExtension = .txt #File extension of output files

 for line in open(InputFILENAME):

 SCHOOL, DEPART1, DEPART2, DEPART3 = line.split('\t')
 f = open(SCHOOL.strip() + OutputFileExtension, w+)

 f.write( +SCHOOL.strip() +\n)
 f.write(  +DEPART1.strip() +\n)
 f.write(  +DEPART2.strip() +\n)
 f.write(  +DEPART3.strip() +\n)

 f.close() #InputFILENAME

 # end

 I am having problems as the program will not work if all three DEPART
 values are not present. If I populate all DEPART values for all records
 program functions without issues.

 When I run the check module, I get the following:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File D:\Documents and
 Settings\administrator\Desktop\code\test\, line 8, in ?

 SCHOOL, DEPART1, DEPART2, DEPART3 = line.split('\t')
 ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack

 How do I solve this problem and change the program so it does not stop
 if a data record has less than three DEPART values.

 Thanks for your help!

Sounds like homework ;-)

if you do :

values = line.split('\t')

Then you have a list with all the separate values in it.
You can then do the first line :

f.write( +values[0].strip() +\n)

Then the rest...

for entry in values[1:]:
f.write(  +entry.strip() +\n)

This will work whatever the number of values. It won't report any badly
formed lines to you though.

All the best,



Re: python camera

2006-01-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Alex Gittens schrieb:
 I'm working on a final project for my EE degree that requires the use
 of digital camera with high resolution. I'd like to do the image
 capture with Python, preferably in a cross-platform manner, but if
 necessary, we can limit ourselves to Windows. Any ideas on
 modules/hardware for doing this?

Under Linux, its just a matter of opening the video-device-file and 
reading the stream from the camera. Some ioctl-calls (module fcntl) may 
also be necessary to setup things correctly.

Peter answered the question for windows.


Re: Read from Serial Port

2006-01-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 appropriate platform-specific code.  I'll be happy to answer
 questions about the Posix parts of it, but I had the portion of
 my brain containing Win32 knowledge cauterized.

I'm working on that. Last time I checked there was even some AMIGA 
pre-AGA-stuff in there. Which I actually think is cute, but could be 
filled with other more useful stuff. Any suggestions for a good 
cauterization service?



Re: PyXML: SAX vs. DOM

2006-01-21 Thread Ivan Herman
 Original Message 
From: Matthias Kaeppler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re:PyXML: SAX vs. DOM
Date: 20/1/2006 21:26

 Oh and:
 Where can I find an API reference for PyXML? Am I supposed to /guess/
 which methods and attributes e.g. Sax2 supplies? :D
 Thanks again,


your question is valid, and I just tell you how *I* do it...

- the core of the methods in DOM are described by the W3C recommendations. I
think the most relevant ones are:

where you can find all objects and methods that are defined by DOM Level 2 and,
as far as I could see, all properly implemented by PyXML.

The only caveat is that DOM2 defines the interface in abstract (more exactly, in
IDL), and one has to know (or guess) how those are mapped onto Python. Having
said that, by looking at the PyXML documentation:


one can do a very good educated guess so it is not sooo bad as it sounds.

I know this is not the ideal answer, but maybe it helps...


Re: Firefox bug in webbrowser module on Ubuntu?!

2006-01-21 Thread skip

ncf This section is the cause of the problem:
ncf for browser in (mozilla-firefox, mozilla-firebird,
ncf mozilla, netscape):
ncf if _iscommand(browser):
ncf register(browser, None, Netscape(browser))

In SVN trunk (aka 2.5a0) this code is

for browser in (mozilla-firefox, firefox,
mozilla-firebird, firebird,
mozilla, netscape):
if _iscommand(browser):
register(browser, None, Mozilla(browser))

where Mozilla == Netscape, so your proposed fix appears to be correct.
(Which reminds me, I have a patch to to test...)


Re: [ANNOUNCE] MyHDL 0.5 released

2006-01-21 Thread Michael
Jan Decaluwe wrote:
 Michael wrote:
 One question I've got, mainly because it strikes me as very intriguing is
 do you know if the MU0 processor as described is synthesisable or have a
 feeling as to how much work would be needed for it to be synthesisable?
 This is a fairly old project (2003). At that time, MyHDL didn't
 yet have conversion to Verilog.
 After reviewing the code again, it's clear that it's written in
 RTL (register-transfer level) style. This means that the building
 blocks are combinatorial, or triggered on clock edges, closely
 reflecting an actual implementation. As it is, it's not
 convertible to Verilog (see the MyHDL manual for conversion
 constraints), but it's close.

Thanks that's great to hear, and from something I find very interesting.

 To someone with some synthesis experience, it should be fairly
 straightforward to make the code synthesizable. I don't expect
 that this would make the code more verbose or less clear.

I find that even more intersting :-)

 I've been watching your project grow over the past couple of years with
 great interest though little actual need at the moment, but for me seeing
 MU0 crop up piques my interest because that shows that MyHDL is getting
 up to a very interesting level.
 As your interest was apparently triggered by an example, this
 tells me that I should put more emphasis on publishing practical
 examples, as conversion to Verilog was already introduced some time
 ago (beginning of 2004).

Practical examples are great, I'd seen that you'd introduced conversion to
verilog some time back, but it wasn't clear how much was synthesisable. The
example on the website  seeing MU0 description made me really wonder.
After all MU0 is used as a teaching example of how a very minimal CPU can
be constructed.

MU0 itself is not that interesting, but for me the fact MyHDL might be able
to synthesise it *is* interesting.  After all, synthesising such a beast
(essentially) directly from python shows to me a very powerful example
which can be built upon.

 Note also that by now, there are designers that use MyHDL in real
 projects, showing that you really can use it to go from Python to
 an FPGA (or ASIC). Moreover, with development tools such
 as Xilinx WebPack (now on Linux also) that start from Verilog,
 this can be done using a zero-cost development environment.

Hmm... Very interesting :-)

[different post]
 I believe it's meaningful because in my view digital hardware
 design can be regarded as just another specialized software
 engineering discipline. Of course, things have to be learned,
 but it's not more difficult than other application domains.
 I should add that this is not the mainstream view of the
 hardware design community :-)

For what it's worth, I agree. I've had some limited experience with
compilation to hardware in the past, specifically to asynchronous hardware,
but given you write code that can include loops, conditionals and these can
be translated to FPGA descriptions and then run this for me blurs the
hardware/software distinction. A specific example that looks like software
I'm thinking of is this:

(In particularly it's not really that different from Occam)

Maybe I should continue this conversation on the MyHDL list, since I'd be
interested in getting started in this in a simple way. (Mainly because my
work project Kamaelia is designed, to an extent, with hardware constraints
in mind. Implementing some Kamaelia components in MyHDL would be pretty
cool. This might well be possible since we also use generators to model

Best Regards,



Re: Read from Serial Port

2006-01-21 Thread Peter Hansen
Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2006-01-21, Casey Bralla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'd like to use only standard built-in modules if possible.
 Then there aren't going to be any basic level docs because
 it's just not an easy thing to do.  You pretty much have to do
 exactly what you would do in C. 

 For Win32, you'll have to do all of the nasty Win32
 CreateFile() calls and such-like. IMO, 

And given that win32all is *not* standard and built-in, at least with 
the standard distribution, you can't do Win32 at all if you insist on 
builtin modules.

But doing so would be unreasonable, and fortunately the OP indicates 
that that's just his desire, not a firm requirement, so pyserial it is! :-)



Re: Read from Serial Port

2006-01-21 Thread Runsun Pan
How about reading from the USB ports ?-- ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Runsun Pan, PhD[EMAIL PROTECTED]Nat'l Center for Macromolecular Imaging*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 

Re: Returning a tuple-struct

2006-01-21 Thread Tom Anderson
On Thu, 18 Jan 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a better way?  Thoughts?

I was thinking along these lines:

class NamedTuple(tuple):
def __init__(self, indices, values):
indices should be a map from name to index
tuple.__init__(self, values)
self.indices = indices
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self[self.indices[name]]

colourNames = {red: 0, green: 1, blue:2}
plum = NamedTuple(colourNames, (219, 55, 121))

The idea is that it's a tuple, but it has some metadata alongside (shared 
with other similarly-shaped tuples) which allows it to resolve names to 
indices - thus avoiding having two references to everything.

However, if i try that, i get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
TypeError: tuple() takes at most 1 argument (2 given)

As far as i can tell, inheriting from tuple is forcing my constructor to 
only take one argument. Is that the case? If so, anyone got any idea why?

If i rewrite it like this:

class NamedTuple(tuple):
def __init__(self, values):
tuple.__init__(self, values)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self[self.indices[name]]

class ColourTuple(NamedTuple):
indices = {red: 0, green: 1, blue:2}

plum = ColourTuple((219, 55, 121))

Then it works. This is even an arguably better style. Changing the 
constructor to take *values rather than values, and to validate the length 
of the value tuple against the length of the index tuple, would be good, 
but, since i'm lazy, is left as an exercise to the reader.


Throwin' Lyle's liquor away is like pickin' a fight with a meat packing
plant! -- Ray Smuckles

Re: ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack

2006-01-21 Thread Roy Smith
Elezar Simeon Papo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 SCHOOL, DEPART1, DEPART2, DEPART3 = line.split('\t')
 ValueError: need more than 3 values to unpack
 How do I solve this problem and change the program so it does not stop
 if a data record has less than three DEPART values.

The problem is that when you unpack a sequence, you must have exactly the 
same number of variables as you have values.  The idiom I use in a 
situation where I'm not sure how many values I've got in the sequence is:

words = line.split('\t')+ 4 * [None]
firstFourWords = words[0:3]

The first line generates a list of words which is guaranteed to have at 
least 4 elements in it.  The second line gets the first four of those 
words, and the last line unpacks them (in real life, I'd probably have 
combined the second and third lines, but I spread it out here for 
educational purposes).

If line is HardKnocks\tFoo, you'll end up unpacking [HardKnocks, Foo, 
None, None].  Depending on your application, you may want to pad with empty 
strings instead of None.

It would be convenient if string.split() took an optional 'minsplit' 
argument as well as a 'maxsplit'.  Then you could have just done:

school, dept1, dept2, dept3 = line.split ('\t', 4, 4)

but, alas, it doesn't work that way.

Re: Arithmetic sequences in Python

2006-01-21 Thread Tom Anderson
On Fri, 20 Jan 2006, it was written:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:

 How would you make a one-element list, which we'd currently write as 
 [3]? Would you have to say list((3,))?

 Yep.  I don't particularly like the mandatory trailing comma in the 
 tuple's display form, mind you, but, if it's good enough for tuples, 
 and good enough for sets (how else would you make a one-element set?),

 If you really want to get rid of container literals, maybe the best way 
 is with constructor functions whose interfaces are slightly different 
 from the existing type-coercion functions:

listx(1,2,3)  = [1, 2, 3]
listx(3)  = [3]
listx(listx(3)) = [[3]]
dictx((a,b), (c,d))  = {a:b, c:d}
setx(a,b,c)   = Set((a,b,c))

 listx/dictx/setx would be the display forms as well as the constructor forms.

Could these even replace the current forms? If you want the equivalent of 
list(sometuple), write list(*sometuple). With a bit of cleverness down in 
the worky bits, this could be implemented to avoid the apparent overhead 
of unpacking and then repacking the tuple. In fact, in general, it would 
be nice if code like:

def f(*args):

foo = (1, 2, 3)

Would avoid the unpack/repack.

The problem is that you then can't easily do something like:

mytable = ((1, 2, 3), (a, b, c), (,, Tone.mi))
mysecondtable = map(list, mytable)

Although that's moderately easy to work around with possibly the most 
abstract higher-order-function i've ever written:

def star(f):
def starred_f(args):
return f(*args)
return starred_f

Which lets us write:

mysecondtable = map(star(list), mytable)

While we're here, we should also have the natural complement of star, its 
evil mirror universe twin:

def bearded_star(f):
def bearded_starred_f(*args):
return f(args)
return bearded_starred_f

Better names (eg unpacking and packing) would obviously be needed.


I might feel irresponsible if you couldn't go almost anywhere and see
naked, aggressive political maneuvers in iteration, marinating in your
ideology of choice. That's simply not the case. -- Tycho Brahae

Re: Numarray, numeric, NumPy, scpy_core ??!!

2006-01-21 Thread Colin J. Williams
J wrote:
 I hope the title of this message indicates my question. I am looking
 for basic
 array functionality in Python and it turns out that there are all these
 packages which
 are somehow related. Some are allegedly discontinued but still seem to
 get updated. Could we start a discussion about which package will or
 may or should survive ?
 I started to use numarray, but I have a bug that I just cannot find a
 solution for, so I started
 to look around again. Basically I want to provide scripting support to
 a graphics engine. All the
 matrices and vectors are in C++ and all I want to do is provide an
 interface to python. As a matter of fact, all of the matrix
 multiplication etc, could remain in the native C++ code, but I need a
 way to extend the python language with the array data type and somehow
 intercept operator calls such as *,+,- 
 How is that done in the current libraries... Thx for any help.
numarray was intended to replace Numeric.

numarray is stable and performs reaonably well.
If you have a specific problem, you might post a problem report to:
You can also subscribe to the list.

numpy is intended to perform better and is close to a production release.

Colin W,

Re: PyXML: SAX vs. DOM

2006-01-21 Thread Matthias Kaeppler
Ivan Herman wrote:
 I know this is not the ideal answer, but maybe it helps...

It does, thanks Ivan.


[Python for .NET] Any plans for supporting CLR2.0?

2006-01-21 Thread F. GEIGER
I'm on .NET/CLR2.0 and would like to use some stuff from w/i Python. The 
Python for .NET file name suggests that CLR1.1 is needed. Is that right? 
Any known plans to change this?

Kind regards


Re: Decimal vs float

2006-01-21 Thread Tim Peters
[Kay Schluehr]
 I concur and I wonder why CAS like e.g. Maple that represent floating
 point numbers using two integers [1] are neither awkward to use nor

My guess is that it's because you never timed the difference in Maple
-- or, perhaps, that you did, but misinterpreted the results.  You
don't give any data, so it's hard to guess which.

BTW, why do you think Maple's developers added the UseHardwareFloats option?

 According to the Python numeric experts one has to pay a
 high tradeoff between speed and accuracy.  But as it seems it just
 compares two Python implementations ( float / decimal ) and does not
 compare those to approaches in other scientific computing systems.

It's easy to find papers comparing the speed of HW and SW floating
point in Maple.  Have you done that, Kay?  For example, read:

Symbolic and Numeric Scientific Computation in Maple
K.O. Geddes, H.Q. Le

Keith Geddes is a key figure in Maple's history and development, and
can hardly be accused of being a Python apologist ;-)  Note that
Example 1.5 there shows a _factor_ of 47 speed gain from using HW
instead of SW floats in Maple, when solving a reasonably large system
of linear equations.  So I'll ask again ;-):  why do you think Maple's
developers added the UseHardwareFloats option?

While that paper mentions the facility only briefly, Geddes and Zheng
give detailed analyses of the tradeoffs in Maple here:

Exploiting Fast Hardware Floating Point in High Precision Computation

If you're uncomfortable reading technical papers, one bottom line is
that they show that the time required by Maple to do a floating-point
multiplication in software is at least 1000 times larger than doing
the same with UseHardwareFloats set to true (and Digits:=15 in both

 By the way one can also learn from Maple how accuracy can be adjusted
 practically. I never heard users complaining about that.

It's easy to change the number of digits of precision in Python's
decimal module.


Re: Simultaneous connections

2006-01-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
datbenik schrieb:
 How can i write a program that supports simultaneous multipart
 download. So i want to open multiple connections to download one file.
 Is this possible. If so, how?

In case of HTTP, the needed header is Range. So I guess its all a 
matter of making n connections, and specifying total_size/n consecutive 
ranges in each request.

But be aware that the range is possibly nor supported - no idea how that 
is communicated.

Googling reveals this:

Use that, or look at it and reprogram it accordingly.


Dynamic website content

2006-01-21 Thread sophie_newbie
Basically I have written a cgi script to automatically download TIFF
images of patents from the US patent office.

What I want is that the user can see what is happening when the images
are being downloaded, because it takes a while to download them and
there can be anything up to 30 individual files for each image.

Is there a way of using Python or any other means, that I could it
could print on the webpage:

Downloading image 1

Downloading image 2
Downloading image X

as the individual pictures are being downloaded so the user doesn't
think the program is hanging?


Re: Dynamic website content

2006-01-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
sophie_newbie schrieb:
 Basically I have written a cgi script to automatically download TIFF
 images of patents from the US patent office.
 What I want is that the user can see what is happening when the images
 are being downloaded, because it takes a while to download them and
 there can be anything up to 30 individual files for each image.
 Is there a way of using Python or any other means, that I could it
 could print on the webpage:
 Downloading image 1
 Downloading image 2
 Downloading image X
 as the individual pictures are being downloaded so the user doesn't
 think the program is hanging?

Why? In my browser, if I download a file, the browser itself shows a 
nice progress-bar. I guess what you are after is a way to trigger a 
download while the current page is displayed in the browser.

Looking at sf, one can see that the header of the site explaining to you 
that your download now starts contains this:

meta http-equiv=refresh content=5; 

That means that 5 seconds later, the URL is fetched. As the type is 
neither image nor HTML, the browser will download it.

In conclusion, it should even suffice to just let the user click that 
link itself. Then the browser should start downloading that image of yours.



Re: Numarray, numeric, NumPy, scpy_core ??!!

2006-01-21 Thread J
Ok, I will look at NumPy ...

I have another question about performance. Are the array operations
such as matrix multiplication implemented in
python or in C ? I was under the impression that the function calls in
numarray are only wrappers to C code, but now I suspect that matrix
multiplicaiton is implemented in python and executed in the
interpreter. Is that true ?

Can someone also please point me to examples of how I could make my own
array classes. Basically all I need is vectors and 3x3 matrices. I
already have all of the multiplication code in my C++ classes and only
need wrappers. But how can I create an array class and intercept
operators calls like * + -. This is not neccessarily a solution that I
want to follow, but it may be what
I have to do for now.

BTW, here is also the problem I have with a numarray. I have created a
vector like so...

mPyObject = PyArray_FromDimsAndData(GeoVec4f::sD,GeoVec4f::sDim,

The PyObject is then used as a member called gradient in another
embedded class. When I execute the following


my app just crashes. But when I execute

print (x.gradient)

everything works fine... I assum there must be some kind of reference
count problem...



Re: Numarray, numeric, NumPy, scpy_core ??!!

2006-01-21 Thread Robert Kern
J wrote:
 Ok, I will look at NumPy ...
 I have another question about performance. Are the array operations
 such as matrix multiplication implemented in
 python or in C ? I was under the impression that the function calls in
 numarray are only wrappers to C code, but now I suspect that matrix
 multiplicaiton is implemented in python and executed in the
 interpreter. Is that true ?

No, not at all. In fact, if an optimized BLAS is available on your system, you
can make numpy (or numarray or Numeric) use that to do your matrix
multiplications much faster.

 Can someone also please point me to examples of how I could make my own
 array classes. Basically all I need is vectors and 3x3 matrices. I
 already have all of the multiplication code in my C++ classes and only
 need wrappers. But how can I create an array class and intercept
 operators calls like * + -. This is not neccessarily a solution that I
 want to follow, but it may be what
 I have to do for now.

It's a difficult problem, since you have to overload nearly every operation in
order to return arrays of your subclass, not the basic array class. numpy has a
new mechanism to try to alleviate this. You should look at the matrix subclass
in numpy/core/ .

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
  -- Richard Harter


Error in Python documentation

2006-01-21 Thread Peter
I found a minor error in the Python documentation for 2.4 which I
thought I would report. But after a while I gave up. I wonder if this
sort of reporting which is less than a bug could be made easier? The
error was that the index entry to 'print statement' sent me to From the point
of view of making Python accessible this sort of typo should be easily


Re: Error in Python documentation

2006-01-21 Thread skip

peter I found a minor error in the Python documentation for 2.4 which I
peter thought I would report. But after a while I gave up. I wonder if
peter this sort of reporting which is less than a bug could be made
peter easier? The error was that the index entry to 'print statement'
peter sent me to
peter From the point of view of making Python accessible this sort of
peter typo should be easily reportable.

You can always report documentation problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'll
submit a bug report.  A quick glance didn't locate the source of the


Re: Dynamic website content

2006-01-21 Thread sophie_newbie
To give you a better explaination of what I want, you could visit

Type in 123456 as the patent number, you see what it does? It tells the
user that it is requesting the various TIFF images and then displays
the link to the PDF file that it has created.

This is exactly what I want to do, so if anyone has any idea how it is
done I would be greatful.

I'm not asking how to get the TIFF files of create the PDF etc, that is
grand, just how it updates the screen with its progress like that...


Re: Numarray, numeric, NumPy, scpy_core ??!!

2006-01-21 Thread J

I will just jump in an use NumPy. I hope this one will stick and evolve
into the mother of array packages.
How stable is it ? For now I really just need basic linear algebra.
i.e. matrix multiplication, dot, cross etc



Re: Error in Python documentation

2006-01-21 Thread Peter
From go to the Library reference from there to the index
(i) at In the index
select 'p' and  click to reach . At the foot of
this page is a link: See About this document... for information on
suggesting changes. which if you follow takes you to where there is:

 If you find specific errors in this document, either in the content or
the presentation, please report the bug at the Python Bug Tracker at

So you need to add a bug to the Python bug tracker -- at least so it



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-21 Thread Paul Rubin
Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 And so the cycle repeats itself. We teach our students the world is all
 about money, and sure enough, the world is all about money. If we would
 continue to keep the interesting things away from most of the people,
 by hiding it behind mathematical jargon we end up believing that
 functional programming is connected to having a math degree and more
 such self serving and self fullfilling prophecies.

I don't think a math degree is needed to read that book, but you do
need to know some basic calculus and probability.  Maybe also some
abstract algebra since error correcting codes generally involve finite
field arithmetic.  The book doesn't cover those subjects starting from
scratch.  I don't think it can reasonably be expected to do so.  But
it's less math-intensive than most books I've looked at about digital
signal processing, for example.  Perhaps it could be improved by being
more explicit about what the reader needs to know, and giving
references to other books where the prerequisites can be found.

I also don't think presenting the math in Python would make things any
easier conceptually.  The math in Sussman and Wisdom's Structure and
Interpretation of Classical Mechanics is all presented in Scheme, but
it's still the same math that's normally presented as equations, and
you have to think just as hard to understand it.

Math is a beautiful subject, and is not at all secret or inaccessible.  
Try to broaden your horizons a bit ;-).

Re: Arithmetic sequences in Python

2006-01-21 Thread Paul Rubin
Tom Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  listx/dictx/setx would be the display forms as well as the constructor 
 Could these even replace the current forms? If you want the equivalent
 of list(sometuple), write list(*sometuple). 

The current list function is supposed to be something like a typecast:

list() = []
xlist() = []   # ok

list(list()) = []   # casting a list to a list does nothing
xlist(xlist()) = [[]]  # make a new list, not the same

list(xrange(4)) = [0,1,2,3]
xlist(xrange(4)) = [xrange(4)]   # not the same

list((1,2)) = [1,2]
xlist((1,2)) = [(1,2)]


Re: Numarray, numeric, NumPy, scpy_core ??!!

2006-01-21 Thread Robert Kern
J wrote:
 I will just jump in an use NumPy. I hope this one will stick and evolve
 into the mother of array packages.
 How stable is it ? For now I really just need basic linear algebra.
 i.e. matrix multiplication, dot, cross etc

That stuff isn't going to change on you.

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
  -- Richard Harter


Re: Numarray, numeric, NumPy, scpy_core ??!!

2006-01-21 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
J wrote:
 I will just jump in an use NumPy. I hope this one will stick and evolve
 into the mother of array packages.
 How stable is it ? For now I really just need basic linear algebra.
 i.e. matrix multiplication, dot, cross etc

There is a new release coming out this weekend.   It's closer to 1.0 and 
so should be more stable.It also has some speed improvements in 
matrix-vector operations (if you have ATLAS BLAS --- or if you download 
a binary version with ATLAS BLAS compiled in).   I would wait for it.



Re: Arithmetic sequences in Python

2006-01-21 Thread Tom Anderson
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006, it was written:

 Tom Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 listx/dictx/setx would be the display forms as well as the constructor 

 Could these even replace the current forms? If you want the equivalent 
 of list(sometuple), write list(*sometuple).

 The current list function is supposed to be something like a typecast:

A what?


 list() = []
 xlist() = []   # ok

 list(list()) = []   # casting a list to a list does nothing
 xlist(xlist()) = [[]]  # make a new list, not the same

 list(xrange(4)) = [0,1,2,3]
 xlist(xrange(4)) = [xrange(4)]   # not the same

 list((1,2)) = [1,2]
 xlist((1,2)) = [(1,2)]

True, but so what? Is it that it has to be that way, or is it just that it 
happens to be that way now?


It's the 21st century, man - we rue _minutes_. -- Benjamin Rosenbaum

Re: Dynamic website content

2006-01-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
sophie_newbie schrieb:
 To give you a better explaination of what I want, you could visit
 Type in 123456 as the patent number, you see what it does? It tells the
 user that it is requesting the various TIFF images and then displays
 the link to the PDF file that it has created.
 This is exactly what I want to do, so if anyone has any idea how it is
 done I would be greatful.
 I'm not asking how to get the TIFF files of create the PDF etc, that is
 grand, just how it updates the screen with its progress like that...

It seems that they just fetch the tiff and then write Fetched 
%ibr/\n into the page.

The important thing then is to flush the stdout, so that the data is 
actually transmitted over the network. And I guess you have to provide a 
header that accounts for the number of bytes you want to write (the 
total bytes of the html-page that is), by specifying something equals or 
maybe greater than the overall page.




Re: Numarray, numeric, NumPy, scpy_core ??!!

2006-01-21 Thread Tom Anderson
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006, Travis E. Oliphant wrote:

 J wrote:

 I will just jump in an use NumPy. I hope this one will stick and evolve 
 into the mother of array packages. How stable is it ? For now I really 
 just need basic linear algebra. i.e. matrix multiplication, dot, cross 

 There is a new release coming out this weekend.  It's closer to 1.0 and 
 so should be more stable.  It also has some speed improvements in 
 matrix-vector operations (if you have ATLAS BLAS --- or if you download 
 a binary version with ATLAS BLAS compiled in).  I would wait for it.

Pardon my failure to RTFM, but does NumPy pick up the vecLib BLAS on Macs?


It's the 21st century, man - we rue _minutes_. -- Benjamin Rosenbaum

Re: Dynamic website content

2006-01-21 Thread Christoph Haas
On Saturday 21 January 2006 20:42, sophie_newbie wrote:
 To give you a better explaination of what I want, you could visit

 Type in 123456 as the patent number, you see what it does? It tells the
 user that it is requesting the various TIFF images and then displays
 the link to the PDF file that it has created.

Ah, so you are trying to get the page displayed while your CGI is still 
running? Try flushing stdout after you print something. Otherwise the 
output will only be sent when the CGI ends or the buffer is full.

Never trust a system administrator who wears a tie and suit.

The real name

2006-01-21 Thread engsolnorm
I'm playing with a sudoku GUI...just to learn more about python.

I've made 81 'cells'...actually small canvases

Part of my scheme to write the cells (all 81 of them in the gui) to a file 
(using the the SAVE callback/button), then
restore the gui cells from the contents of the saved file, which depends on 
knowing the name of the cell with the
focus, or one (or more) which have a number.

The print shows .9919624.9990312, but this nunber (name?) does not work in:

cell-name of cell-.create_text(18,18, text = somevar, fill = 'blue' , font = 
('arial', 18, 'bold'))

Also, how can I declare a variable outside of the mainloop/callback scheme 
which would be 'known' to the callbacks?



Regular expressions: recursive patterns and callouts

2006-01-21 Thread Carlos
I think two extensions to re could be really powerful in aiding to
match non regular strings -for example those containing parens nested
up to an arbitrary depth- but without a significative performance loss,
although I'm not at all sure at this last point. One of these features
is re nesting; I don't mean nesting some strings and then compiling the
composed re, but to include -possibly recursive- references to other
re's. The second feature is the ability to add callout points in a re,
so external functions would be called when the matcher reaches those
points to validate the current matched prefix or even to do some
arbitrary further matching of its own, advancing the pattern position.
pcre implements similar features with its (?CN) callout and (?N)
recursive patterns mechanisms.
Are the above or equivalent features planned for future python
Do you know of some extension package which provide them or at least
pcre compatible res?
Thank you in advance,


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-21 Thread Tom Anderson
Slow and to the pointless, but ...

On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Terry Hancock wrote:

 On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 12:15:25 -0500
 Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 More Britishisms are surviving in the Scholastic editions as the 
 series goes on, but as the list for Half-Blood Prince shows the editors 
 still make an amazing number of seemingly pointless changes: like:

UK:Harry smiled vaguely back
US:Harry smiled back vaguely

 I know you are pointing out the triviality of this, since both US and UK 
 English allow either placement -- but is it really preferred style in 
 the UK to put the adverb right before the verb?

For the meaning which i assume is meant here, no, i wouldn't have said so.

 In US English, the end of the clause (or the beginning) is probably more 

Same in British English (or at least, English English).

As Dave Hansen pointed out, Harry smiled vaguely back, means that the 
direction Harry was smiling was vaguely back - might have been a bit to 
the side or something.

 This actually gets back on topic ( ;-) ), because it might affect the 
 localization of a Python interactive fiction module I'm working on -- 
 it's a GUI to generate sentences that are comprehensible to the IF 

My guess would be that you're going to need something far more powerful 
than a localisation engine for this.

 Sally, gently put flower in basket


 Sally, put flower in basket gently

That example isn't as bad as the Rowling one (although the lack of 
articles is a bit odd); i think i'd only use the latter form if i wanted 
to put particular emphasis on the 'gently', particularly if it was as a 
modified repetition of a previous sentence:

Instructor: Sally, put a flower in the basket.
[Sally roughly puts the flower in the basket, crushing it]
Instructor: Sally, put a flower in the basket *gently*.

Your second construction isn't the equivalent of the Rowling sentence, 
though, where the adverb goes right after the verb; that would make it 
Sally, put gently the flower in the basket, which would be completely 
awful. Or maybe it would be Sally, put the flower gently in the basket, 
which would be fine, although a bit dated - has an admittedly euphonious 
1950s BBC English feel to it.


It's the 21st century, man - we rue _minutes_. -- Benjamin Rosenbaum

Re: Numarray, numeric, NumPy, scpy_core ??!!

2006-01-21 Thread Robert Kern
Tom Anderson wrote:

 Pardon my failure to RTFM, but does NumPy pick up the vecLib BLAS on Macs?


Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
  -- Richard Harter


Re: Dynamic website content

2006-01-21 Thread Alex Martelli
Christoph Haas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 21 January 2006 20:42, sophie_newbie wrote:
  To give you a better explaination of what I want, you could visit
  Type in 123456 as the patent number, you see what it does? It tells the
  user that it is requesting the various TIFF images and then displays
  the link to the PDF file that it has created.
 Ah, so you are trying to get the page displayed while your CGI is still
 running? Try flushing stdout after you print something. Otherwise the
 output will only be sent when the CGI ends or the buffer is full.

...unless you run Python with the -u option, which makes output
unbuffered (and, if on Windows where it matters, binary).  However, it's
not sufficient to ensure the user's browser will show the messages you
want when you want.  A much more reliable way to achieve that is to use
timed redirects, or an AJAX (Javascript-based) solution.


Re: The real name

2006-01-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Part of my scheme to write the cells (all 81 of them in the gui) to a file 
 (using the the SAVE callback/button), then
 restore the gui cells from the contents of the saved file, which depends on 
 knowing the name of the cell with the
 focus, or one (or more) which have a number.
 The print shows .9919624.9990312, but this nunber (name?) does not work in:
 cell-name of cell-.create_text(18,18, text = somevar, fill = 'blue' , font = 
 ('arial', 18, 'bold'))

I'm not entirely sure what you are after here. To me it sounds better to 
create names like

cell%i % row * column

just for the sake of having different names, but store the cell in a 
2-dimensional list called e.g. cells

Then accessing the cell at x, y is simply


Does that make sense to you?

 Also, how can I declare a variable outside of the mainloop/callback scheme 
 which would be 'known' to the callbacks?

You can of course go for globals. Beside that, a callback can be 
anything callable. That means that you can go for something like this:

class StatefulCallable(obkect):

 def __init__(self, some_state):
 self.state = some_state

 def __call__(self, *args): # I'm not sure what comes with the callback
 print called with args %r and state %r % (args, self.state)

Then pass an instance of StatefulCallable as callback.



Re: Error in Python documentation

2006-01-21 Thread skip

... [much page traversal deleted] ...

peter So you need to add a bug to the Python bug tracker -- at least so
peter it seems.

If you go to the top of the doc tree:

and look in the left-hand sidebar you'll see [EMAIL PROTECTED] under the
heading Email Us.


Re: The real name

2006-01-21 Thread André
 I'm playing with a sudoku GUI...just to learn more about python.

 I've made 81 'cells'...actually small canvases

 Part of my scheme to write the cells (all 81 of them in the gui) to a file 
 (using the the SAVE callback/button), then
 restore the gui cells from the contents of the saved file, which depends on 
 knowing the name of the cell with the
 focus, or one (or more) which have a number.

 The print shows .9919624.9990312, but this nunber (name?) does not work in:

 cell-name of cell-.create_text(18,18, text = somevar, fill = 'blue' , font = 
 ('arial', 18, 'bold'))

 Also, how can I declare a variable outside of the mainloop/callback scheme 
 which would be 'known' to the callbacks?

How about using a dict, something like (untested):
cells = {}
for row in range(1, 10):
.   for column in range(1, 10):
.  cells[(row, column)] = canvas()  # or whatever you use to create
a canvas

Then, to put a value in a given cell, you simply to
cell[(row, column)].create_text(...)



Compiling cx_Oracle and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

2006-01-21 Thread Brian Cole
I can compile and install cx_Oracle fine by following the manta:
export ORACLE_HOME=...
python install
 import cx_Oracle

My issue is the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Is there a way to compile cx_Oracle,
or any Python extension for that matter so that it's not required to
set LD_LIBRARY_PATH? Is there a way I can make distutils do this for

Brian Cole

Re: Compiling cx_Oracle and LD_LIBRARY_PATH

2006-01-21 Thread Gerhard Häring
Hash: SHA1

Brian Cole wrote:
 I can compile and install cx_Oracle fine by following the manta:
 export ORACLE_HOME=...
 python install
import cx_Oracle
 My issue is the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Is there a way to compile cx_Oracle,
 or any Python extension for that matter so that it's not required to
 set LD_LIBRARY_PATH? Is there a way I can make distutils do this for

Set runtime_library_dirs to a list of library directories you want to
search at runtime in your

for an example.


- -- Gerhard
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: The real name

2006-01-21 Thread James Stroud
 I'm playing with a sudoku GUI...just to learn more about python.
 I've made 81 'cells'...actually small canvases
 Part of my scheme to write the cells (all 81 of them in the gui) to a file 
 (using the the SAVE callback/button), then
 restore the gui cells from the contents of the saved file, which depends on 
 knowing the name of the cell with the
 focus, or one (or more) which have a number.
 The print shows .9919624.9990312, but this nunber (name?) does not work in:
 cell-name of cell-.create_text(18,18, text = somevar, fill = 'blue' , font = 
 ('arial', 18, 'bold'))
 Also, how can I declare a variable outside of the mainloop/callback scheme 
 which would be 'known' to the callbacks?

I guess you are using tkinter.

.9919624.9990312 in tkinter is just a string representation of the 
underlying object, in this case a Canvas(). It is not up to a python 
programmer to understand exactly what these numbers are. They are used 
by Tcl/Tk internally.

Tk objects are not pickleable. Better is to create a datastructure that 
can be pickled from info gleaned specifically with the itemcget() 
method. Example code is below. See the Pickle/cPickle documentation. 
They are very easy to use.

Since you haven't posted any code, I can only guess what you are doing. 
But you may want to try variations on the following (read the comments):

from Tkinter import *

# This is how you may want to make a bunch of canvases in a grid.
def make_canvases(parent, rows=9, cols=9, **options):
   Pass in rows, cols, and any options the canvases should
   cells = []
   for i in xrange(rows):
 arow = []
 for j in xrange(cols):
   c = Canvas(parent, **options)
   c.grid(row=i, column=j)
   return cells

def demo():
   Tests out our make_canvases() function.

   # tkinter stuff--setting up
   tk = Tk()
   f = Frame(tk)
   f.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

   # make the canvases the gui-programmer way
   canvases = make_canvases(f, height=25, width=25)

   # individual access to canvases (remember that indices start at 0)
   canvases[7][8].create_text(14, 8, text='Bob',
  font=('arial', 14, 'bold'))
   canvases[8][8].create_text(14, 8, text='9,9',
  font=('arial', 14, 'bold'))

   # accessing inside loops
   for i in xrange(9):

   # fun with bindings (see your last question)
   # you should study this one!
   for i in xrange(9):
 for j in xrange(9):
   c = canvases[i][j]
  lambda e=None, c=c: c.configure(background='green'))

   # getting out info
   texts = []
   for i in xrange(9):
 for j in xrange(9):
   c = canvases[i][j]
   for t in c.find_all():
   text = c.itemcget(t, 'text')

   # reporting the got-out info
   Label(tk, text=Texts are: %s % texts).pack(expand=YES, fill=X)


Embedding matplotlib into page GUI builder

2006-01-21 Thread Madhusudan Singh
After a successful but problematic experience with the QT Designer + python
combo, I decided that I needed something simpler (read completely in
python) for my lab applications with python linux-gpib bindings.

I am looking at PAGE, which while not pretty, seems simple and fast to work
with. How do I embed a realtime graphic o/p from matplotlib into this GUI
builder ?


Re: Read from Serial Port

2006-01-21 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-01-21, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 appropriate platform-specific code.  I'll be happy to answer
 questions about the Posix parts of it, but I had the portion of
 my brain containing Win32 knowledge cauterized.

 I'm working on that. Last time I checked there was even some AMIGA 
 pre-AGA-stuff in there. Which I actually think is cute, but could be 
 filled with other more useful stuff. Any suggestions for a good 
 cauterization service?

Yea, um, hmm.  Don't remember that either.  Sloppy work then, eh?
Just as well.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  ... A housewife
  at   is wearing a polypyrene

Re: Variables and none?

2006-01-21 Thread Terry Reedy

Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Ivan Shevanski wrote:
 python way to detect if a variable exsists?  Say I had a program that
 needed a certain variable to be set to run and the variable was not
 found when it came time to use it. . .Would I just have to catch the
 error, or could I have python look for the variable beforehand?

 The usual way to do this is to catch the error.

 If you can access the namespace of interest (say it's an instance of
 some class) then you can use hasattr() to answer the question, but
 catching the exception is the generic way to do it.

According to what I recently read, hasattr is purely syntactic sugar.  It 
answers that question by invoking gettattr in the C equivalent of a try 

def hasattr(ob, name): # this and below untested
return True
  except AttributeError:
return False

So if the attribute exists, it is retrieved twice -- the first time to tell 
the caller that it is okay to get it again the second time.

Perhaps we should have hasgetattr(ob, name):

def hasgetattr(ob, name):
return True, getattr(ob, name)
  except AttributeError:
return False, None

This could be used like so:

has,val = hasgetattr(ob, attr)
if has: code using val

Terry J. Reedy


Re: [Python for .NET] Any plans for supporting CLR2.0?

2006-01-21 Thread Terry Reedy

F. GEIGER [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I'm on .NET/CLR2.0 and would like to use some stuff from w/i Python. The 
 Python for .NET file name suggests that CLR1.1 is needed. Is that 
 right? Any known plans to change this?

Most responders here use CPython.  The IronPython users mailing list, 
mirrored as gmane.comp.python.ironpython.users (see would more 
likely give you an authoritative answer.

Terry J. Reedy


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 21:01:53 +, Tom Anderson wrote:

 As Dave Hansen pointed out, Harry smiled vaguely back, means that the 
 direction Harry was smiling was vaguely back - might have been a bit to 
 the side or something.

That's an extremely artificial interpretation of the sentence, even if it
is grammatically possible. Who talks about smiling in a physical
direction? Does anyone ever say He smiled forward or She smiled
north-by-north-east or She smiled to the side?

The only thing even close to what you're talking about is He smiled out
of the corner (or side) of his mouth -- not the same thing at all.

Smiled vaguely back is a clumsy construction, and any decent editor
should change it to smiled back vaguely regardless of whether they are
from the US or UK. But clumsy or not, you're really pushing the envelope
to get the interpretation that he smiled in a direction which was
vaguely back.

Yes, the sentence He smiled vaguely back is grammatically ambiguous, but
semantically can have only one meaning: he returned a smile, but his smile
was vague. 

He vaguely smiled back suffers the same fate. It too can imply that the
smile was vague, or that the smile was only vaguely in return. Both
interpretations are grammatically possible, but the second is semantically
dubious. A good editor from any country is supposed to weed out clumsy,
confusing sentences like that, and replace them with the grammatically
unambiguous equivalent he smiled back vaguely. This isn't a localisation
issue, it is a command of language issue.



Re: The real name

2006-01-21 Thread engsolnorm
On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 14:23:49 -0800, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm playing with a sudoku GUI...just to learn more about python.
 I've made 81 'cells'...actually small canvases
 Part of my scheme to write the cells (all 81 of them in the gui) to a file 
 (using the the SAVE callback/button), then
 restore the gui cells from the contents of the saved file, which depends on 
 knowing the name of the cell with the
 focus, or one (or more) which have a number.
 The print shows .9919624.9990312, but this nunber (name?) does not work in:
 cell-name of cell-.create_text(18,18, text = somevar, fill = 'blue' , font = 
 ('arial', 18, 'bold'))
 Also, how can I declare a variable outside of the mainloop/callback scheme 
 which would be 'known' to the callbacks?

I guess you are using tkinter.

.9919624.9990312 in tkinter is just a string representation of the 
underlying object, in this case a Canvas(). It is not up to a python 
programmer to understand exactly what these numbers are. They are used 
by Tcl/Tk internally.

Tk objects are not pickleable. Better is to create a datastructure that 
can be pickled from info gleaned specifically with the itemcget() 
method. Example code is below. See the Pickle/cPickle documentation. 
They are very easy to use.

Since you haven't posted any code, I can only guess what you are doing. 
But you may want to try variations on the following (read the comments):

from Tkinter import *

# This is how you may want to make a bunch of canvases in a grid.
def make_canvases(parent, rows=9, cols=9, **options):
   Pass in rows, cols, and any options the canvases should
   cells = []
   for i in xrange(rows):
 arow = []
 for j in xrange(cols):
   c = Canvas(parent, **options)
   c.grid(row=i, column=j)
   return cells

def demo():
   Tests out our make_canvases() function.

   # tkinter stuff--setting up
   tk = Tk()
   f = Frame(tk)
   f.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

   # make the canvases the gui-programmer way
   canvases = make_canvases(f, height=25, width=25)

   # individual access to canvases (remember that indices start at 0)
   canvases[7][8].create_text(14, 8, text='Bob',
  font=('arial', 14, 'bold'))
   canvases[8][8].create_text(14, 8, text='9,9',
  font=('arial', 14, 'bold'))

   # accessing inside loops
   for i in xrange(9):

   # fun with bindings (see your last question)
   # you should study this one!
   for i in xrange(9):
 for j in xrange(9):
   c = canvases[i][j]
  lambda e=None, c=c: c.configure(background='green'))

   # getting out info
   texts = []
   for i in xrange(9):
 for j in xrange(9):
   c = canvases[i][j]
   for t in c.find_all():
   text = c.itemcget(t, 'text')

   # reporting the got-out info
   Label(tk, text=Texts are: %s % texts).pack(expand=YES, fill=X)


Thanks for your reply, and those of others...all are helpful. As to the code I 
wrote (so far), her it is, complete with
some expressions that didn't work too well...:)

# Start GUI CODE ==

from Tkinter import * 
import tkFileDialog

fred = Tk()# Notice I have a bias against 'top', 'master', 
'root', etc

fred.title('SUDOKU SCREEN')

#-- Declare 9 frames plus one for the buttons

fr1 = Frame(fred); fr2 = Frame(fred); fr3 = Frame(fred)
fr4 = Frame(fred); fr5 = Frame(fred); fr6 = Frame(fred)
fr7 = Frame(fred); fr8 = Frame(fred); fr9 = Frame(fred)
bfr = Frame(fred, relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 1, pady = 10)

#-- Set some vars

ind = 
fr_list  = [fr1,fr2,fr3,fr4,fr5,fr6,fr7,fr8,fr9]
can_list = ['can1','can2','can3','can4','can5','can6','can7','can8','can9']
cell = []
myvar = ''
mykey = 'K'
myadd = 'one'
iy = 0

#-- Create 9 frames with 9 canvases in each

for fitem in fr_list:
  for item in can_list:
item = Canvas(fitem, width = 30, height = 30, borderwidth = 1, relief = 
item.pack(side = LEFT, fill = BOTH)
cell.append([item, iy, '-'])   # List of [IDs, 0 to 80, key text]
iy += 1

#-- Create some supporting (callback) functions

def clr_scrn():
  for iz in range(81):

def hint():
  print 'Hint not implemented yet'

def solve():
  print 'Solve not implemented yet'

Re: New website ?

2006-01-21 Thread Gerhard Häring
Hash: SHA1

Steve Holden wrote:
 Tim Golden wrote:
[Steve Holden]


| but I don't know whether anonymous access is enabled. Maybe you can
 |me know ...

Doesn't look like it. Asking me for authentication.

I've finally gotten to install pyramid and build the very small and
outdated subset of the beta pydotorg site. Obviously, I'd like to have
access to the real data in the SVN.

 Rats, thanks for letting me know. As a first step I'd like to open up 
 anonymous access to both the content and the site generation software, 
 so that people can experiment with local content generation.
 Then once someone knows how to use the system they can get a login for 
 the SVN system and start editing site content.
 I'll get back to the list with instructions ASAP. It may take a while 
 due to inter-continental time differences and general overwork.

Are you still on it?

I'd be happy enough with any kind of readonly access for myself for now.


- -- Gerhard
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: The real name

2006-01-21 Thread James Stroud
 On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 14:23:49 -0800, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm playing with a sudoku GUI...just to learn more about python.

I've made 81 'cells'...actually small canvases

Part of my scheme to write the cells (all 81 of them in the gui) to a file 
(using the the SAVE callback/button), then
restore the gui cells from the contents of the saved file, which depends on 
knowing the name of the cell with the
focus, or one (or more) which have a number.

The print shows .9919624.9990312, but this nunber (name?) does not work in:

cell-name of cell-.create_text(18,18, text = somevar, fill = 'blue' , font = 
('arial', 18, 'bold'))

Also, how can I declare a variable outside of the mainloop/callback scheme 
which would be 'known' to the callbacks?


I guess you are using tkinter.

.9919624.9990312 in tkinter is just a string representation of the 
underlying object, in this case a Canvas(). It is not up to a python 
programmer to understand exactly what these numbers are. They are used 
by Tcl/Tk internally.

Tk objects are not pickleable. Better is to create a datastructure that 
can be pickled from info gleaned specifically with the itemcget() 
method. Example code is below. See the Pickle/cPickle documentation. 
They are very easy to use.

Since you haven't posted any code, I can only guess what you are doing. 
But you may want to try variations on the following (read the comments):

from Tkinter import *
# This is how you may want to make a bunch of canvases in a grid.
def make_canvases(parent, rows=9, cols=9, **options):
  Pass in rows, cols, and any options the canvases should
  cells = []
  for i in xrange(rows):
arow = []
for j in xrange(cols):
  c = Canvas(parent, **options)
  c.grid(row=i, column=j)
  return cells

def demo():
  Tests out our make_canvases() function.

  # tkinter stuff--setting up
  tk = Tk()
  f = Frame(tk)
  f.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

  # make the canvases the gui-programmer way
  canvases = make_canvases(f, height=25, width=25)

  # individual access to canvases (remember that indices start at 0)
  canvases[7][8].create_text(14, 8, text='Bob',
 font=('arial', 14, 'bold'))
  canvases[8][8].create_text(14, 8, text='9,9',
 font=('arial', 14, 'bold'))

  # accessing inside loops
  for i in xrange(9):

  # fun with bindings (see your last question)
  # you should study this one!
  for i in xrange(9):
for j in xrange(9):
  c = canvases[i][j]
 lambda e=None, c=c: c.configure(background='green'))

  # getting out info
  texts = []
  for i in xrange(9):
for j in xrange(9):
  c = canvases[i][j]
  for t in c.find_all():
  text = c.itemcget(t, 'text')

  # reporting the got-out info
  Label(tk, text=Texts are: %s % texts).pack(expand=YES, fill=X)

 Thanks for your reply, and those of others...all are helpful. As to the code 
 I wrote (so far), her it is, complete with
 some expressions that didn't work too well...:)
 # Start GUI CODE ==
 from Tkinter import * 
 import tkFileDialog
 fred = Tk()# Notice I have a bias against 'top', 
 'master', 'root', etc
 fred.title('SUDOKU SCREEN')
 #-- Declare 9 frames plus one for the buttons
 fr1 = Frame(fred); fr2 = Frame(fred); fr3 = Frame(fred)
 fr4 = Frame(fred); fr5 = Frame(fred); fr6 = Frame(fred)
 fr7 = Frame(fred); fr8 = Frame(fred); fr9 = Frame(fred)

Named references are useleless here, especially since you are putting
these frames into a list later. In fact, you really don't need to create 
these frames because you can just use grid() to place your 
canvases...except if you want resize behavior.

 bfr = Frame(fred, relief = 'raised', borderwidth = 1, pady = 10)

This frame you WILL want a named reference for, because you do adress it 
by name later.

 #-- Set some vars
 ind = 
 fr_list  = [fr1,fr2,fr3,fr4,fr5,fr6,fr7,fr8,fr9]

Better is to eliminate the fr# = Frame(fred) code above and replace this 
latter line with:

fr_list = [Frame(fred) for i in xrange(9)]

 can_list = ['can1','can2','can3','can4','can5','can6','can7','can8','can9']

This list is largely unecessary. Can do the same thing with xrange below.

 cell = []
 myvar = ''
 mykey = 'K'
 myadd = 'one'
 iy = 0

Re: Firefox bug in webbrowser module on Ubuntu?!

2006-01-21 Thread SPE - Stani's Python Editor
This seems ok...
 import webbrowser
{'galeon': [None, webbrowser.Galeon instance at 0xb7d471cc],
'firefox': [None, webbrowser.Netscape instance at 0xb7d43bcc],
'mozilla': [None, webbrowser.Netscape instance at 0xb7d4708c],
'mozilla-firefox': [None, webbrowser.Netscape instance at
0xb7d4712c], 'w3m': [None, webbrowser.GenericBrowser instance at

But it is still not working...;)
...doesn't do anything

 import os

I also have Ubuntu on a VMware Player and there it works out of the
box, although firefox is not registered there. (mozilla-firefox is.)

It is strange as I just installed Ubuntu on this system and can't
imagine something is screwed up already.


how to run python scripts on a website

2006-01-21 Thread py
i have a website which runs apache on linux.  it supports python (i
think via cginot sure how else).  anyway how can I go to a web page
and run a python script or something like that?  for example say i make
a script which prints out all the links on another URLhow can i run



Re: how to run python scripts on a website

2006-01-21 Thread James Stroud
py wrote:
 i have a website which runs apache on linux.  it supports python (i
 think via cginot sure how else).  anyway how can I go to a web page
 and run a python script or something like that?  for example say i make
 a script which prints out all the links on another URLhow can i run

Here is a start. Put the following in your cgi-bin folder or equivalent. 
Name it test.cgi


print Content-Type: text/plain\n\n
print Hello, World!\n

Now just browse it. E.g.:


Re: Regular expressions: recursive patterns and callouts

2006-01-21 Thread Paul McGuire
Carlos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I think two extensions to re could be really powerful in aiding to
 match non regular strings -for example those containing parens nested
 up to an arbitrary depth- but without a significative performance loss,
 although I'm not at all sure at this last point. One of these features
 is re nesting; I don't mean nesting some strings and then compiling the
 composed re, but to include -possibly recursive- references to other
 re's. The second feature is the ability to add callout points in a re,
 so external functions would be called when the matcher reaches those
 points to validate the current matched prefix or even to do some
 arbitrary further matching of its own, advancing the pattern position.
 pcre implements similar features with its (?CN) callout and (?N)
 recursive patterns mechanisms.
 Are the above or equivalent features planned for future python
 Do you know of some extension package which provide them or at least
 pcre compatible res?
 Thank you in advance,

Pyparsing supports both parse-time callouts (called parse actions) and
recursive grammar definitions.

Download pyparsing at

-- Paul


new.instancemethod as a form of partial()

2006-01-21 Thread bonono

I came across this while searching for a way to DIY partial(), until it
is available in 2.5

However, when trying for the following, it doesn't work and is
wondering if it is a bug or intended :

 import operator
 import new

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#5, line 1, in -toplevel-
TypeError: is_ expected 2 arguments, got 1

So it seems that instancemethod() don't like None as the instance.


Re: new.instancemethod as a form of partial()

2006-01-21 Thread Alex Martelli
 So it seems that instancemethod() don't like None as the instance.

bound methods and unbound methods are instance of the same type,
distinguished by one thing: the im_self of an unbound method is None,
the im_self of a bound method is anything else.

So, when you pass None as the instance, instancemethod likes it just
fine... and returns an unbound method as the result, so you haven't
actually achieved your goal (you must still pass the first parameter
explicitly -- all you've gained by wrapping a function into an unbound
method is an implicit typecheck on the first argument, and if, as the
class, you're using 'object' as in your example, that's not much use
[even in other cases, it's no great shakes;-)]).


Re: new.instancemethod as a form of partial()

2006-01-21 Thread bonono

Alex Martelli wrote:
  So it seems that instancemethod() don't like None as the instance.

 bound methods and unbound methods are instance of the same type,
 distinguished by one thing: the im_self of an unbound method is None,
 the im_self of a bound method is anything else.

 So, when you pass None as the instance, instancemethod likes it just
 fine... and returns an unbound method as the result, so you haven't
 actually achieved your goal (you must still pass the first parameter
 explicitly -- all you've gained by wrapping a function into an unbound
 method is an implicit typecheck on the first argument, and if, as the
 class, you're using 'object' as in your example, that's not much use
 [even in other cases, it's no great shakes;-)]).

thanks. So in this special case, None is being treated as a flag
rather than just an instance(I just read the doc) like any other
instance and the behaviour is intended. Is there any reason why it is
designed this way ?


Some thougts on cartesian products

2006-01-21 Thread Christoph Zwerschke
In Python, it is possible to multiply a string with a number:


However, you can't multiply a string with another string:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File interactive input, line 1, in ?
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int

Sometimes I was missing such a feature.
What I expect as the result is the cartesian product of the strings.

Here is a simple implementation of new list and string objects that 
explains what I mean. It also implements powers of lists and strings:

class plist(list):
 list with cartesian product list

 def __mul__(self, other):
 if isinstance(other, pstr):
 return plist([s+o for s in self for o in other])
 if hasattr(other, '__getitem__'):
 return plist([[s, o] for s in self for o in other])
 return list(self)*other

 def __pow__(self, other):
 if isinstance(other, int) and other  0:
 if other == 1:
 return self
 return self * self**(other-1)

class pstr(str):
 str with cartesian product list

 def __mul__(self, other):
 if hasattr(other, '__getitem__'):
 return plist([s+o for s in self for o in other])
 return str(self)*other

 def __pow__(self, other):
 if isinstance(other, int) and other  0:
 if other == 1:
 return self
 return self * self**(other-1)

With these new strings you can do the following:

['ace', 'acf', 'ade', 'adf', 'bce', 'bcf', 'bde', 'bdf']

  print pstr(abcdefgh)*pstr(12345678)
['a1', 'a2', ..., 'a8', 'b1', 'b2', ..., 'b8',
..., ..., ..., 'h1', 'h2', ..., 'h8']

  print pstr(ACGU)**3
['AAA', 'AAC', 'AAG', 'AAU', 'ACA', 'ACC', 'ACG', ...,
..., 'UGC', 'UGG', 'UGU', 'UUA', 'UUC', 'UUG', 'UUU']

I think this can be quite handy at times and save some typing.

If Python strings had this ability, you could even outdo the
117 byte solution in the recent shortest Python coding contest 
(, as follows:

j=''.join;seven_seg=lambda x:j(j(\
(' |'*'_ '*' |')[ord('|[EMAIL PROTECTED](ÀD°'[int(d)])%e]\
for d in x)+'\n'for e in(4,9,7))

This has only 110 bytes.

Or you could write a simple password cracker like that:

def crack(crypted, alphabet):
 for passwd in alphabet**4:
 if crypt(passwd, crypted[:2]) == crypted:
 return passwd

And call it with alphabet = string.lowercase, for example.

Cartesian products may be generally interesting for iterables:

def imul(iterable1, iterable2):
 cartesian product of two iterables
 for object1 in iterable1:
 for object2 in iterable2:
 if isinstance(object1, basestring) and \
 isinstance(object2, basestring):
 yield object1 + object2
 yield (object1, object2)

def ipow(iterable, number):
 cartesian product power of an iterable
 if number == 1:
 for object in iterable:
 yield object
 elif number  1:
 for object1 in iterable:
 for object2 in ipow(iterable, number-1):
 yield object1 + object2

class istr(str):
 str with iterable cartesian product

 def __mul__(self, other):
 if isinstance(other, str):
 return imul(self, other)
 return str(self)*other

 def __pow__(self, other):
 return ipow(self, other)

I was wondering if similar functionality could be added in some way to 
Python. I noticed that Python has a lot of aggregate functions that can 
reduce given collection objects (like reduce, filter, min, max, sum, 
hash) and functions that keep the same size (like map, sort or zip), but 
few functions that can inflate the given objects (like range and 
enumerate). I know, such functions are dangerous because they also 
inflate time and memory consumed by the program. Still, sometimes they 
can make sense, whenever you for some reason simply *have* to walk 
through all the combinations.

Re: Returning a tuple-struct

2006-01-21 Thread Tim Roberts

I've noticed that there's a few functions that return what appears to
be a tuple, but that also has attributes for each item in the tuple.
For example, time.localtime() returns a time.time_struct, which looks
like a tuple but also like a struct.  That is, I can do:

(2006, 1, 18, 21, 15, 11, 2, 18, 0)

Ah, but it ISN'T really a tuple:

 import time
 t = time.localtime()
type 'time.struct_time'
'(2006, 1, 21, 22, 49, 32, 5, 21, 0)'

It's a class object.  The __repr__ method returns a string that LOOKS the
same as a tuple.
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Help needed with Weave and XP and MSVC 6.0

2006-01-21 Thread zhuang

   I'm having some problems getting weave to work correctly. For now,
I'm just testing how to
access Numeric arrays under weave. My test code is:

from Numeric import *
import weave

a = zeros((5,5,5,5,5),typecode=Int16)
a[4,3,2,2,1] = 55.0

code = 

a[0,0,3,0,0] = 3.0;

weave.inline(code,['a'] ,type_converters= weave.converters.blitz,

The interperter is currently spitting out errors which ends in:
 AttributeError: array_info instance has no attribute 'msvc_msg'

If I leave off the compiler keyword, the interperter then starts having
problems with
the type_converter. If l leave both keywords off, the code just doesn't

On the other hand, I have had success saving Numeric arrays to file
using fwrite and opening them again with fread. I have a feeling that
my weave/python
install is messed up, but I'm not sure what's wrong. I first installed
MSVC 6, then the
Enthought package of python/weave. Has anybody ever experienced this


Re: Xah's Edu Corner: IT Industry Predicament

2006-01-21 Thread Tim Hammerquist
Ulrich Hobelmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[ snip bait ]
 I know, don't feed the troll.  Sorry 'bout that.

To quote Space Balls:

Don't be sorry, be *quiet*! :)

Tim Hammerquist

Re: How to generate graphics dynamically on the web using Python CGI script?

2006-01-21 Thread John M. Gabriele
Luiz Geron wrote:
 I don't have experience on this, but I think that you can make the
 script return the image contents directly to the img tag, without
 passing it to a img file, so you can use something like this:
 img src=script_that_return_image_contents
 wich saves some processing and I/O.

I like this method.

You have 2 cgi scripts: one that creates your html with that img
tag in it, and a 2nd one to generate the image file on the fly when
the browser asks for it.

For generating the plot, I tried pychart
and it was pretty nice.

If using pychart, your script that emits image contents might look
like this:


# Not using cgi module at this point, since this script
# isn't very smart yet. :)

import sys
sys.argv.append( '--format=png' )

print Content-type: image/png

from pychart import *
theme.scale_factor = 3

import random
data = []
for i in range(10):
 data.append( (i, random.random()* 3.0) )

xaxis = axis.X( format=/hL%d,  label=time )
yaxis = axis.Y(  label=synaptic activity )

ar = area.T( x_axis=xaxis, y_axis=yaxis, y_range=(0,None), size=(120,110) )
plot = line_plot.T( label=cortex data, data=data, ycol=1, )
ar.add_plot( plot )
- /code 

Try the script out -- it'll work as-is once you've installed pychart.

You can add logic to it to generate your plot depending on what
you pass in, encoded in the URL request. Just import the cgi
module for getting those parameters.


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

[ python-Bugs-1338995 ] CVS (1.40) bugs

2006-01-21 Thread
Bugs item #1338995, was opened at 2005-10-26 18:08
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by montanaro
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Greg Couch (gregcouch)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: CVS (1.40) bugs

Initial Comment:
There are two calls to _safequote that are only made on
darwin, aka, Mac OS X.  That function is missing.

And the UnixBrowser is missing an  in the simpler
command and thus causes python to hang until the
browser is exited (if it wasn't running already).


Comment By: Skip Montanaro (montanaro)
Date: 2006-01-21 09:06

Logged In: YES 

 Skip, can you test?

Yes, it works, thanks.  I can understand special casing local URLs, but why
also OSX?  Was that the only platform on which local URLs failed?


Comment By: Georg Brandl (birkenfeld)
Date: 2006-01-20 15:05

Logged In: YES 

Another try to fix it in 42121. I added a special case for
OSX browsers wrt local URLs. Skip, can you test?


Comment By: Greg Couch (gregcouch)
Date: 2005-12-06 18:13

Logged In: YES 

And I agree it is desirable, but it didn't work reliably in
2.4 nor any earlier version, and it isn't documented to work.  

The urllib.urlopen example you gave fails miserably with
Windows files names, i.e., given C:\WINDOWS\system.ini it
tries to interpret the C as a scheme.  You need to use
urllib's pathname2url function and pass the result to
urlopen.  If is fixed, then maybe there will
be some pressure to fix urlopen as well.

You just have been lucky or unlucky depending on how you
view it.


Comment By: Skip Montanaro (montanaro)
Date: 2005-12-06 17:38

Logged In: YES 

All I'm saying is that if this form

was supported in Python 2.4, possibly by recognizing the bare
path and silently pretending the programmer wrote

then it ought to do the same in 2.5 unless you intend to break
existing applications.  How hard can it be to recognize that
the first character of the url is / and prepend file://localhost/
before passing it along to the user's chosen browser?

I suggest compatibility with urllib.urlopen is desirable:

 f = urllib.urlopen(/etc/hosts)
##\n# Host Database\n# \n# Note that this file is consulted when the 
system is running in single-user\n# mode.  At other times this information is 
handled by lookupd.  By default,\n# lookupd gets information from NetInfo, 
so this file will not be consulted\n# unless you have changed lookupd's 
configuration.\n#\n# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface\n# 
when the system is booting.  Do not change this 



Comment By: Greg Couch (gregcouch)
Date: 2005-12-06 16:27

Logged In: YES 

And you seem to have scanned my previous post and missed
where I discussed all of the problems with  I should have been more explicit
that those were problems with the all versions of the
webbrowser module.  It is browser-dependent whether or not
opening a path works at all.  I have had to work around that
problem for years (starting with grail in 1997 and carried
over to the webbroswer module in 2001).  Any cross-platform
developer, that tests their code, already has a workaround
in place.

If the webbrowser documentation agreed with you, then I
would agree with you as well.  Although I feel we are
already violently agreeing.  Fix the documentation and
I'll fix the code.


Comment By: Skip Montanaro (montanaro)
Date: 2005-12-06 15:57

Logged In: YES 

You're missing the point.  It works in Python 2.4 and
doesn't on CVS HEAD.  I've already had to modify one
application.  Maybe the old webbrowser module
used to prepend a file://localhost/ to filenames
that were missing schemes.  All I know is it used to
work and now it doesn't  As is, 2.5 is likely to
break some applications that rely on the behavior in


Comment By: Greg Couch (gregcouch)

[ python-Bugs-1338995 ] CVS (1.40) bugs

2006-01-21 Thread
Bugs item #1338995, was opened at 2005-10-27 01:08
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by birkenfeld
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Greg Couch (gregcouch)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: CVS (1.40) bugs

Initial Comment:
There are two calls to _safequote that are only made on
darwin, aka, Mac OS X.  That function is missing.

And the UnixBrowser is missing an  in the simpler
command and thus causes python to hang until the
browser is exited (if it wasn't running already).


Comment By: Georg Brandl (birkenfeld)
Date: 2006-01-21 20:04

Logged In: YES 

Well, all of the Unix browsers I tried accept filenames
without a problem, the os.startfile function on Windows does
it in any case. That left OSX and Safari.


Comment By: Skip Montanaro (montanaro)
Date: 2006-01-21 16:06

Logged In: YES 

 Skip, can you test?

Yes, it works, thanks.  I can understand special casing local URLs, but why
also OSX?  Was that the only platform on which local URLs failed?


Comment By: Georg Brandl (birkenfeld)
Date: 2006-01-20 22:05

Logged In: YES 

Another try to fix it in 42121. I added a special case for
OSX browsers wrt local URLs. Skip, can you test?


Comment By: Greg Couch (gregcouch)
Date: 2005-12-07 01:13

Logged In: YES 

And I agree it is desirable, but it didn't work reliably in
2.4 nor any earlier version, and it isn't documented to work.  

The urllib.urlopen example you gave fails miserably with
Windows files names, i.e., given C:\WINDOWS\system.ini it
tries to interpret the C as a scheme.  You need to use
urllib's pathname2url function and pass the result to
urlopen.  If is fixed, then maybe there will
be some pressure to fix urlopen as well.

You just have been lucky or unlucky depending on how you
view it.


Comment By: Skip Montanaro (montanaro)
Date: 2005-12-07 00:38

Logged In: YES 

All I'm saying is that if this form

was supported in Python 2.4, possibly by recognizing the bare
path and silently pretending the programmer wrote

then it ought to do the same in 2.5 unless you intend to break
existing applications.  How hard can it be to recognize that
the first character of the url is / and prepend file://localhost/
before passing it along to the user's chosen browser?

I suggest compatibility with urllib.urlopen is desirable:

 f = urllib.urlopen(/etc/hosts)
##\n# Host Database\n# \n# Note that this file is consulted when the 
system is running in single-user\n# mode.  At other times this information is 
handled by lookupd.  By default,\n# lookupd gets information from NetInfo, 
so this file will not be consulted\n# unless you have changed lookupd's 
configuration.\n#\n# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface\n# 
when the system is booting.  Do not change this 



Comment By: Greg Couch (gregcouch)
Date: 2005-12-06 23:27

Logged In: YES 

And you seem to have scanned my previous post and missed
where I discussed all of the problems with  I should have been more explicit
that those were problems with the all versions of the
webbrowser module.  It is browser-dependent whether or not
opening a path works at all.  I have had to work around that
problem for years (starting with grail in 1997 and carried
over to the webbroswer module in 2001).  Any cross-platform
developer, that tests their code, already has a workaround
in place.

If the webbrowser documentation agreed with you, then I
would agree with you as well.  Although I feel we are
already violently agreeing.  Fix the documentation and
I'll fix the code.


Comment By: Skip Montanaro (montanaro)
Date: 2005-12-06 22:57

Logged In: YES 

You're missing the point.  It works in Python 2.4 and
doesn't on CVS HEAD.  I've already had to modify one
application.  Maybe the old 

[ python-Bugs-1411674 ] print statement in libref index broken

2006-01-21 Thread
Bugs item #1411674, was opened at 2006-01-21 13:50
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Documentation
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Skip Montanaro (montanaro)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: print statement in libref index broken

Initial Comment:
The print statement entry in the libref index refers the user to

The source (libstdtypes.tex):

   \ulink{\keyword{print} statement}{../ref/print.html}

suggests that the link should be to the reference manual.  Something's
fishy.  This was reported on comp.lang.python by
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  His report was against the current doc, but
the problem still exists in the development version.

Just passing it along...


You can respond by visiting:
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1411674 ] print statement in libref index broken

2006-01-21 Thread
Bugs item #1411674, was opened at 2006-01-21 20:50
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by birkenfeld
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Documentation
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Skip Montanaro (montanaro)
Assigned to: Fred L. Drake, Jr. (fdrake)
Summary: print statement in libref index broken

Initial Comment:
The print statement entry in the libref index refers the user to

The source (libstdtypes.tex):

   \ulink{\keyword{print} statement}{../ref/print.html}

suggests that the link should be to the reference manual.  Something's
fishy.  This was reported on comp.lang.python by
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  His report was against the current doc, but
the problem still exists in the development version.

Just passing it along...


Comment By: Georg Brandl (birkenfeld)
Date: 2006-01-21 20:59

Logged In: YES 

The output is okay. The \ulink you state does not add the
index entry, it's the \stindex one line above it.

But it's questionable whether this mention of print merits
an index entry. Fred?


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[ python-Bugs-1411695 ] XML.sax.saxutils.escape -- always escapes , , ,

2006-01-21 Thread
Bugs item #1411695, was opened at 2006-01-21 15:17
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: XML
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Mark Sandler (msandler)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: XML.sax.saxutils.escape -- always escapes , , ,

Initial Comment:
sax.saxutils.escape -- always escapes , , , even
if entities are provided.  

escape(abcd, {'a':'\a'}) would produce

lt;\abcd%rt; instead of \abcd

While it might be expected behaviour, the documentation

You can escape other strings of data by passing a
dictionary as the optional entities parameter. The keys
and values must all be strings; each key will be
replaced with its corresponding value. 

and it is not at all obvious that entities specify
_additional_ (to , , ) escape strings.

It is also impossible to do custom escapes of ,,
using saxutils.escape. 
(while custom escapes of  and  might be never
necessary for XML,  the escape function is general
enough to be of interest in other circumstances).


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Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1411097 ] urllib2.urlopen() hangs due to use of socket._fileobject?

2006-01-21 Thread
Bugs item #1411097, was opened at 2006-01-20 20:26
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by jjlee
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: John J Lee (jjlee)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: urllib2.urlopen() hangs due to use of socket._fileobject?

Initial Comment:
To reproduce:

import urllib2
print urllib2.urlopen(;).read()

The attached patch fixes the hang, but that patch is
not acceptable because it also removes the .readline()
and .readlines() methods on the response object
returned by urllib2.urlopen().

The patch seems to demonstrate that the problem is
caused by the (ab)use of socket._fileobject in
urllib2.AbstractHTTPHandler (I believe this hack was
introduced when urllib2 switched to using

Not sure yet what the actual problem is...


Comment By: John J Lee (jjlee)
Date: 2006-01-21 22:10

Logged In: YES 

In fact the commit message for rev 36871 states the real
reason _fileobject is used (handling chunked encoding),
showing my workaround is even more harmful than I thought. 
Moreover, doing a urlopen on shows the response
*is* chunked.

The problem seems to be caused by httplib failing to find a
CRLF at the end of the chunked response, so the loop at the
end of _read_chunked() never terminates.  Haven't looked in
detail yet, but I'm guessing a) it's the server's fault and
b) httplib should work around it.

Here's the commit message from 36871:

Fix urllib2.urlopen() handling of chunked content encoding.

The change to use the newer httplib interface admitted the
that we'd get an HTTP/1.1 chunked response, but the code
didn't handle
it correctly.  The raw socket object can't be pass to
because it would read the undecoded response.  Instead,
must call, which will handle the decoding.

One extra wrinkle is that the HTTPReponse object can't be
passed to
addinfourl() either, because it doesn't implement readline() or
readlines().  As a quick hack, use socket._fileobject(), which
implements those methods on top of a read buffer. 
(suggested by mwh)

Finally, add some tests based on test_urllibnet.

Thanks to Andrew Sawyers for originally reporting the
chunked problem.


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