Re: recycling internationalized garbage

2006-03-15 Thread Ross Ridge
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 The point is that you can tell UTF-8 reliably. If the data decodes
 as UTF-8, it *is* UTF-8, because no other encoding in the world
 produces the same byte sequences (except for ASCII, which is
 an UTF-8 subset).

It should be obvious that any 8-bit single-byte character set can
produce byte sequences that are valid in UTF-8.   In fact I can't think
of any multi-byte encoding that can't produce valid UTF-8 byte

 Ross Ridge


Re: Python Debugger / IDE ??

2006-03-15 Thread jean-michel bain-cornu
 I've always been happy with the debugger in PythonWin.  You can even
 from pywin.debugger import set_trace;set_trace()
 to bring up the debugger directly from a script that wasn't originally
 run in the ide.
I use that one also.
There is also Boa (, available 
both in Linux and Windows, and with the avantage of having a separate 
process for the debugging unit, which is great when you have to explore 
some unsane scripts.

Re: Python Debugger / IDE ??

2006-03-15 Thread jean-michel bain-cornu
bruno at modulix wrote:
 FWIW, I've almost never used a debugger with Python.
It's pourtant very simpa from time to time !

py2exe: abnormal program termination

2006-03-15 Thread PyDenis
Today, I found strange error while using py2exe:

1. I wrote simple program and save as
import win32ui
import win32con

win32ui.MessageBox('Test messageBox.' , 'Test', win32con.MB_OK |
win32con.MB_TOPMOST )

2. I create file for py2exe:

 from distutils.core import setup
 import py2exe
   version = 0.0,
   description = ,
   name = '',
 options = {py2exe: {compressed: 1,
   optimize: 2,
   bundle_files: 1}},
   console = [],
   zipfile = None,

3. I run 1.exe and get error:
Runtime Error!
Abnormal program termination.

Is there a way to fix it?
Common way (python works.

Thank you!


Re: SSL/TLS - am I doing it right?

2006-03-15 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Michael Ekstrand enlightened us with:
 clients aren't expected to have their own certificates. I think that
 the only time you really need the clients to have certificates is
 when the certificate *is* your authentication (e.g., in OpenVPN).

Fact remains that a strong certificate is much more secure than
letting people choose their own passwords.

 Likewise, SSH does not verify client certificates (unless you're
 using PKA, but that's different).

PKA is the more secure one, IIRC.

 Since the password is your authentication, I don't see any reason
 why the client verifying the server's certificate against its known
 good fingerprint, and then providing username/password as its
 credentials, is any less secure than SSH with

Again, IIRC having properly used certificates is more secure than
using passwords. For instance, even if the encryption is broken and
the unencrypted text can be read, certificates still can't be misused
for authentication, since the private key is never sent. Passwords on
the other hand will be immediately useless.

 Sure, maybe not quite as secure as SSH w/ public key auth, but it's
 good enough for a lot of stuff.

It's too weak for a lot of stuff either.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: recycling internationalized garbage

2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Martin wrote:

  The point is that you can tell UTF-8 reliably.

RFC 3629 says fairly reliably rather than reliably, but they mean
the same thing...

  If the data decodes
  as UTF-8, it *is* UTF-8, because no other encoding in the world
  produces the same byte sequences (except for ASCII, which is
  an UTF-8 subset).

or as the RFC puts it,

the probability that a string of characters in any other encoding
appears as valid UTF-8 is low, diminishing with increasing string


Ross Ridge wrote:

 It should be obvious that any 8-bit single-byte character set can
 produce byte sequences that are valid in UTF-8.

it should be fairly obvious that you don't know much about UTF-8...



MS word document generator

2006-03-15 Thread Raja Raman Sundararajan
Hello guys,
Is there any nice library to generate word documents using Python.

As of today I am generating a HTML document and then open it with MS
But the problem is that I am not able to control the pages in the
document and as a result of it the output looks terrible.

I have been using reportlab's platypus to generate PDF documents.
Its a nice application which allows controlling segments of the pages

I was wondering if there was any library as reportlab to generate word



Re: SSL/TLS - am I doing it right?

2006-03-15 Thread Frank Millman

Sybren Stuvel wrote:
 Michael Ekstrand enlightened us with:
  clients aren't expected to have their own certificates. I think that
  the only time you really need the clients to have certificates is
  when the certificate *is* your authentication (e.g., in OpenVPN).

 Fact remains that a strong certificate is much more secure than
 letting people choose their own passwords.

I suppose it depends on your degree of paranoia (not that I want to
belittle paranoia - it is a healthy instinct in this context).

I was recommended to read O'Reilly's Network Security with OpenSSL. The
first chapter is available online -

It is a 30 page introduction which explains the concepts fairly
thoroughly. After describing how a server sends a certificate and a
client validates it, it simply says Although rare, the server can also
request a certficate from the client.

Obviously there are many different scenarios, but for my particular
one, user id and password is 'good enough'.



Re: SSL/TLS - am I doing it right?

2006-03-15 Thread Paul Rubin
Frank Millman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   You also want to generate a client
  certificate to install on the server.   
 Both you and Sybren are insistent that this is a necessary step, but I
 confess I cannot see the need for it. The client is lightweight, and
 authenticates itself to the server using a user id and password. What
 is the worst that could go wrong?

The client cert approach isn't strictly necessary but it means that
the SSL stack takes care of stuff that your application would
otherwise have to take care of at both the client and the server side.
If you don't generate a certificate, you have to generate a username
and password instead, and manage that.  There's still secret
authenticating info on the client, so you haven't really decreased the
client's responsibility.  Also, if you need to go to a heavier-duty
approach sometime, there's an industry making hardware devices
(e.g. smart cards) that encapsulate keys and certificates so that the
keys are very difficult to get access to.  That improves security


2006-03-15 Thread PyDenis
ActivePython 2.4.2 Build 10 (ActiveState
Corp.) based on
Python 2.4.2 (#67, Jan 17 2006, 15:36:03) [MSC
v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Dont know how to get version info.
Little snippet
[code:1:f18a50c332]import win32ui

aa = sorted(dir(win32ui))

for i in aa:
print '%s = %r' % (i, getattr(win32ui, i))
print [/code:1:f18a50c332]

gives me only

copyright = 'Copyright 1994-2004 Mark Hammond
AFAIK, win32ui is part of pywin32
Pythonwin.exe on about: pythonwin32 build
OS: Windows 2000 SP4
Dualcore: NO


installing numpy

2006-03-15 Thread cesco

I'm trying to install the numpy library (precisely
numpy-0.9.6-py2.4-linux-i686) on Linux but I encounter several
After unpacking the file it creates the following folders:
The file and the whole library is located under the folder
If, from the location where I unpacked the file, I run the command
python usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numpy/ install
I receive the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numpy/, line 24, in ?
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
If, instead, I do
cd usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numpy/
and then
python install
I receive the following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 26, in ?
from numpy.distutils.core import setup
ImportError: No module named numpy.distutils.core
Finally I tried to move the folder numpy to the location where all the
third-party modules are installed, that in my case is
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ and run the command from there like:
python numpy/ install
but, once again, I receive the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File numpy/, line 26, in ?
from numpy.distutils.core import setup
ImportError: No module named numpy.distutils.core

Does anyone know how this module should be installed?

Thanks and regards


Re: Python Debugger / IDE ??

2006-03-15 Thread Christoph Zwerschke
 Is there any editor or IDE in Python (either Windows or Linux) which
 has very good debugging facilites like MS VisualStudio has or something
 like that.
 I like SPE but couldn't easily use winPDP. I need tips to debug my code

You can try out PyScripter, a relatively new Python IDE that is 
completely free and has nice debugging and unit testing facilities.

The latest version is available here:

-- Christoph

Re: MS word document generator

2006-03-15 Thread Max M
Raja Raman Sundararajan wrote:
 I was wondering if there was any library as reportlab to generate word

If you are on Windows, why dont you use word for it? You can call it 
from Python.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Phone:  +45 66 11 84 94
Mobile: +45 29 93 42 96

global, globals(), _global ?

2006-03-15 Thread robert
Using global variables in Python often raises chaos. Other languages use 
a clear prefix for globals.

* you forget to declare a global
* or you declare a global too much or in conflict
* you have a local identical variable name and want to save/load it 
to/from the global with same name
* while you add code, the definition of globals moves more and more 
apart from their use cases - weirdness; programmers thinking is fragmented
* using globals()['xy']  is 'stringy non-program-code'

Thus, since long time at the head of my bigger modules I often put...

_global = sys.modules[__name__]

...and use global variables only/mainly like

def f(y):

for me this method is much more clear overall. And it is in line with 
the clear exposition of self as regular object in Python methods (in a 
much more self-similiar way compared to frozen @ $ m_... hacks in other 

I know, this home created _global creates a circular ref, but usually 
this is not serious as modules are unload only at the end of a program.

( side question: does this maybe hinder global objects from being 
__del__'ed correctly; is at least gc() run when all modules are pulled 
off at exit() )

Somehow I miss a nice standard method for using globals in an 
unfragmented way everywhere. What do you think?


Re: global, globals(), _global ?

2006-03-15 Thread Xaver Hinterhuber
Hi Robert,

I was using global variables some time ago, too.
But with the time the program simply got unmaintainable, because it is very 
to trace, why a global variable has some special value and not the one, you 
thought it should have.
So I redesigned the program and now I can do it without global variables.

To me global variables are now in most cases a sign of bad design.
Is there no other way to do it?



robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
 Using global variables in Python often raises chaos. Other languages use a 
 clear prefix for globals.

 * you forget to declare a global
 * or you declare a global too much or in conflict
 * you have a local identical variable name and want to save/load it 
 to/from the global with same name
 * while you add code, the definition of globals moves more and more apart 
 from their use cases - weirdness; programmers thinking is fragmented
 * using globals()['xy']  is 'stringy non-program-code'

 Thus, since long time at the head of my bigger modules I often put...

 _global = sys.modules[__name__]

 ...and use global variables only/mainly like

 def f(y):

 for me this method is much more clear overall. And it is in line with the 
 clear exposition of self as regular object in Python methods (in a much 
 more self-similiar way compared to frozen @ $ m_... hacks in other 

 I know, this home created _global creates a circular ref, but usually this 
 is not serious as modules are unload only at the end of a program.

 ( side question: does this maybe hinder global objects from being 
 __del__'ed correctly; is at least gc() run when all modules are pulled off 
 at exit() )

 Somehow I miss a nice standard method for using globals in an unfragmented 
 way everywhere. What do you think?




2006-03-15 Thread PyDenis
I fixed problem using Atypes:

import ctypes

ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA(0, 'test', 'Title',
win32con.MB_ICONINFORMATION | win32con.MB_OK |

It compiles and runs fine with py2exe.

Dont remember buggy pywin32 :)


Re: MS word document generator

2006-03-15 Thread Tim Churches
Raja Raman Sundararajan wrote:
 Hello guys,
 Is there any nice library to generate word documents using Python.
 As of today I am generating a HTML document and then open it with MS
 But the problem is that I am not able to control the pages in the
 document and as a result of it the output looks terrible.
 I have been using reportlab's platypus to generate PDF documents.
 Its a nice application which allows controlling segments of the pages
 I was wondering if there was any library as reportlab to generate word

How about PyRTF to generate Rich Text Format documents which MS-Word
will lap up? Thanks to the efforts of Simon Cusack (hi Simon).


Tim C


Re: Playing with modules

2006-03-15 Thread John Cassidy
Kent Johnson wrote:
 But I was wondering whether I could fool or backend the normal import
 mechanism. Even in Java, I can write my own class loader which can
 quick compile Java snippets and load the anonymous byte code.

Thanks. That one helped. Just to get me started looking at in the dist.

Re: Memory visualization

2006-03-15 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tim
Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 I'd like to know if for Python there is a similar program to
 dynamically see the memory in a similar way.
 If such tool doesn't exist yet, I'd like to know if it may be diffifult
 to create it.

One already exists: Python Memory Validator.

Software Verification provide software tools for Python on the Windows
platform. Software Verification have two commercial products for
coverage and performance profiling and three beta products for flow
tracing, memory analysis and thread deadlock monitoring.

Software Verification run with Python 2.2 upwards - no need to modify
the python source or binary.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: recycling internationalized garbage

2006-03-15 Thread Ross Ridge
Ross Ridge wrote:
 It should be obvious that any 8-bit single-byte character set can
 produce byte sequences that are valid in UTF-8.

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 it should be fairly obvious that you don't know much about UTF-8...

Despite this malicious and false accusation, your post only confirms
what I wrote above is true and what Martin wrote was false.  Even with
the desperate and absurd semantic game you tried to play, like falsely
equating fairly reliably with reliably, in a database as large as
this a low probability of failure does not guarantee if the data
decodes as UTF-8, it *is* UTF-8.

  Ross Ridge


Re: elementtree and gbk encoding

2006-03-15 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 good advice, but note that an envelope (e.g a HTTP request or response
 body) may override the encoding in the XML file itself.  if this arrives
 in a MIME message with the proper charset information, it's perfectly okay
 to leave out the encoding from the file.

It might be practical - still, a xml parser _should_ puke on you, ans
certainly some will (elemnttree not being one of those, I know :)) 

So even if it goes over the wire headerless, you should be prepending it
when dealing with teh data later.



Re: elementtree and gbk encoding

2006-03-15 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 pyexpat has only limited support for non-standard encodings; the core
 expat library only supports UTF-8, UTF-16, US-ASCII, and ISO-8859-1,
 and the Python glue layer then adds support for all byte-to-byte en-
 codings support by Python on top of that.


Maybe 4suite is more complete? I'll give it a shot.


Re: elementtree and gbk encoding

2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 good advice, but note that an envelope (e.g a HTTP request or response
 body) may override the encoding in the XML file itself.  if this arrives
 in a MIME message with the proper charset information, it's perfectly okay
 to leave out the encoding from the file.

 It might be practical - still, a xml parser _should_ puke on you, ans
 certainly some will (elemnttree not being one of those, I know :))

no, the parser must not to choke on a file for which the encoding has been

for example, the HTTP standard allows the transport layer to recode text/* re-
sources as long as it updates the charset properly, so if you e.g send an XML
document as text/xml and charset=iso-8859-1, the transport layer can recode
that to charset=utf-8, *without* rewriting the XML header.



Re: recycling internationalized garbage

2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Ross Ridge wrote:

 Despite this malicious and false accusation, your post only confirms
 what I wrote above is true and what Martin wrote was false.  Even with
 the desperate and absurd semantic game you tried to play, like falsely
 equating fairly reliably with reliably, in a database as large as
 this a low probability of failure does not guarantee if the data
 decodes as UTF-8, it *is* UTF-8.

are you a complete idiot, or do you only play one on the internet ?




2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Could you perhaps use basic netiquette stuff, such as sticking to the same sub-
ject line for followup posts in the same thread, and including a least some 
of the post you're commenting on ?

(this would be less of a problem if everyone was reading your posts in a news-
reader, but this group is available in many different forms...)



Re: recycling internationalized garbage

2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
 Unless someone has any other ideas I'm
 giving up now.

btw, have you looked at using

instead?  they appear to guarantee UTF-8 (to the extent that *they* have managed
to autodecode the FreeDB junk, of course).  not sure how complete it is, 



Re: SSL/TLS - am I doing it right?

2006-03-15 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Paul Rubin enlightened us with:
 The client cert approach isn't strictly necessary but it means that
 the SSL stack takes care of stuff that your application would
 otherwise have to take care of at both the client and the server

Indeed. I always try to take the route of the least wheels I have to
invent. If a group of security specialists have already looked at such
a mechanism, why should I reinvent another?

 If you don't generate a certificate, you have to generate a username
 and password instead, and manage that.  There's still secret
 authenticating info on the client, so you haven't really decreased
 the client's responsibility.

And on top of that, using passwords the secret information is sent
over the network.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Button and Key Event

2006-03-15 Thread lux
how to enable EVT_CHAR or EVT_KEY_DOWN in a wxButton?

Thank's, Luca


Re: Tree and Graph structures in Python.

2006-03-15 Thread Tamas Nepusz
Istvan Albert wrote:
 See this:
Or if you want to be able to handle large graphs efficiently, igraph
might be a good choice:

It's written in pure C, but has a Python interface and according to my
measurements, it's much faster than any other Python graph package. The
Python interface really needs some documentation, though, because now
the only way to figure things out is to call help(igraph.Graph) after
importing the module. (Or read the documentation of the C interface and
hope that the function arguments are the same :))



Re: global, globals(), _global ?

2006-03-15 Thread robert
Xaver Hinterhuber wrote:

 Hi Robert,
 I was using global variables some time ago, too.
 But with the time the program simply got unmaintainable, because it is very 
 to trace, why a global variable has some special value and not the one, you 
 thought it should have.
 So I redesigned the program and now I can do it without global variables.
 To me global variables are now in most cases a sign of bad design.
 Is there no other way to do it?

Yes, one should put common _application_ variables of importance to 
config instances or data-modules/classes etc.

Yet globals variables in Python are anyway module commons. That is a 
frequent practical need.

Grep e.g. the python standard modules for use of global variables and 
use of global 

There are many practical module globals, which control e.g. the mode of 
a module, store precomputed/cached stuff etc., and where you do not open 
an extra data structure (for now).

Most variable read-s in Python anyway go to module globals - as there 
are no other kinds of namespaces except __builtins__

( And that later scheme is fairly wonderful - compare for example the 
namespace fuzz in C/C++, Pascal, Ruby, ...  where you never know which 
module file addeds what to which namespace;

In Ruby they even scribble from anywhere to _any_ class _and_ any 
namespace without the barrier of a dot or subclassing or anything - 
using somehow by random the same name already joins!? A threat for good 
modularization of code. Not far from free flat memory programming :-) 
Don't know how they keep bigger projects managable in this language.

Yet, python module globals are set with this strange fragmented global 
name ; name=...

But the common storage object in question is an ordinary module anyway. 
Why not stay self-similiar and use it as such in dot-syntax for write-s 
(and often for read-s in places, where you want to express the use of a 
special global explicitly in order to not confuse things with locals, 
and want to maintain the code readable.


__slots__ in derived class

2006-03-15 Thread Schüle Daniel

consider this code

  class A(object):
... def __init__(self):
... self.a = 1
... self.b = 2
  class B(A):
... __slots__ = [x,y]
  b.x = 100
  b.y = 100
  b.z = 100

no exception here
does __slots__ nothing when used in derived classes?

  class Z(object):
... __slots__ = [x,y]
  z.x = 100
  z.y = 100
  z.z = 100
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'Z' object has no attribute 'z'

here it works like expected

Regards, Daniel


Re: installing numpy

2006-03-15 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
cesco wrote:
 I'm trying to install the numpy library (precisely
 numpy-0.9.6-py2.4-linux-i686) on Linux but I encounter several

This is a dumb pre-built binary package (useful perhaps because it links 
against ATLAS already) built using distutils.

You don't build it and install it using you just un-tar it in 
the / directory and start using it.

You only run python install when you have a source file.  You 
can download the sources if you want and build it yourself using:

python install

 Finally I tried to move the folder numpy to the location where all the
 third-party modules are installed, that in my case is
 /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ and run the command from there like:
 python numpy/ install

Presumably, you can copy the files directly there and then start using 
it (don't run though, there is no need).

After copying the files over to your site-packages directory, just start 
python and do

import numpy



Re: global, globals(), _global ?

2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
robert wrote:

 Most variable read-s in Python anyway go to module globals - as there
 are no other kinds of namespaces except __builtins__

your post made some sense until I got to this paragraph, which appears to
completely ignore local variables, arguments, and variables in intermediate
scopes ?  maybe you could clarify ?



Re: elementtree and gbk encoding

2006-03-15 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 no, the parser must not to choke on a file for which the encoding has been
 for example, the HTTP standard allows the transport layer to recode text/*
 re- sources as long as it updates the charset properly, so if you e.g send
 an XML document as text/xml and charset=iso-8859-1, the transport layer
 can recode that to charset=utf-8, *without* rewriting the XML header.

I have to correct myself: I was under the impression that XML _has_ to
contain an XMLDecl (which is the header, possibly with encoding) to be

Interestingly enough, that has not to be the case. A document can very well
be well-formed without a header. The constraints for well-formedness are
scattered throughout the spec, so I'm not sure what they say about the used
encoding in absence of a header. 

I am certain though that I've met parsers which weren't able to digest xml
without XMLDecl - which formed my impression. But then, that wasn't

Boy, that XML-stuff is always full of surprises - even after so many years
dealing with it..


Re: Very, Very Green Python User

2006-03-15 Thread hanumizzle

Scott David Daniels wrote:
  ... Is the Python debugger fairly stable?
 Yes, but it is not massively featured.  The Pythonic way is to
 rarely use a debugger (test first and straightforward code should
 lead to shallow bugs).  Often for most of us judiciously placed
 print statements suffice.

   The one you get with Perl stinks on ice. More than
  anything else, I would like to have a powerful OO environment where I
  do not have to worry about the debugger sucking 

 Do watch your language on this newsgroup.  Lots of people read this
 group and there is no good reason to offend them.  In turn, you will be
 cut some slack.

As one who avidly studies language, I have observed that the meaning of
a word slip out of its original context through idiomatic usage. If I
had included the implicit object of 'sucks', then you would have more
grounds for complaint. However, 'sucks', used in the intransitive
sense, is no worse than 'bites the bag'.

Think about the word 'mogul'. Like 'oil mogul' or 'software mogul'.
Well, the **Mughals**, whence comes the word, were mass-murderers:

If you were a Hindu in those times, saying 'oil mogul', would be
equivalent to saying 'oil Stalin' or 'oil Hitler' today. But this isn't
about human rights so much as it is about semantics. (Nobody likes
long-winded, abstract philosophical discussions on a technology NG.)
'Sucks' doesn't mean what it used to, at least how I used it there.

Unless one is willing to investigate the etymology of every word he
uses (like mogul, Christian, or juggernaut), there needs to be a more
lenient attitude towards use of language.


Re: Tree and Graph structures in Python.

2006-03-15 Thread Ant
Thanks guys. The networkx and igraph packages look to have the sort of
features I want. I'm surprised there's nothing in the standard module
library really.



Re: Very, Very Green Python User

2006-03-15 Thread hanumizzle
Exactly...this is how most of my Perl modules are written and tested,


Re: elementtree and gbk encoding

2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 Interestingly enough, that has not to be the case. A document can very well
 be well-formed without a header. The constraints for well-formedness are
 scattered throughout the spec, so I'm not sure what they say about the used
 encoding in absence of a header.

if there's no header, and no external override, the document must use either
UTF-8 or UTF-16, and for UTF-16, a leading byte order mark must be present
(ASCII is of course a subset of UTF-8, but e.g. ISO-8859-1 isn't).


may also help (at least if you read between the lines).

 Boy, that XML-stuff is always full of surprises - even after so many years
 dealing with it..

a specification written for humans would have saved the world a lot of con-



libglade for python-2

2006-03-15 Thread Doug
I am having some fun running a program called pygps.  This uses libglade
and runs fine on my very old Redhat 7.?  system running Python 1.5.2.  I
have not needed to make any changes to the import files (see below). The
program uses a glade generated xml file for the gui.  I like
the way this works and the ability to edit the xml(?) with glade.

Now on my Fedora system which has version 2 of just about everything it
will not run and I cannot figure how to get the code to work.  The
site packages include a file but there is no libglade.

Googling I have not found specifc support for libglade in anything other
than ada and c, nothing for python 2.0.

Is there a mechanism to invoke libglade operation (ie a separate xml
file generated by glade-2 like I have with the old python 1 system?

Note that I have discovered the older glade files are not compatible with

Is libglade dead now for python-2 or am I missing something?


Imports from pygps:

import GDK
from gtk import *
import math
import socket, string
import libglade
import GdkImlib
import os
from LatLongUTMconversion import LLtoUTM
import NMEA

(Ignore the last two, they are local but I have
included them for completeness)


Re: Very, Very Green Python User

2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 Nobody likes long-winded, abstract philosophical discussions on a
 technology NG.

not even on comp.lang.python ? ;-)



Installing PySQLite on OS X 10.4

2006-03-15 Thread Rob Cowie
Hi all,

I'm having difficulty installing pysqlite 2.1.3 on Mac OS X 10.4.4

There are some notes on the pysqlite wiki regarding modification of the script and I've followed them to no avail.

Build and install appear to go smoothly but attempting to run the tests
from the python interpreter fails. Likewise any attempt to utilise
pysqlite2 in a python script fails.

Has anyone here successfully installed it?

If you have, do you have any pearls of wisdom that might help me out?


Rob C


Re: Little Help with Exceptions and ConfigParser

2006-03-15 Thread Kent Johnson
mwt wrote:
 (Whoops, again.)
 def __init__(self, config_file):
 self.fahdata = fahdata.FAHData()
 self.INI = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
 if os.path.exists(config_file):
 except ConfigParser.Error, err:
 print Cannot parse configuration file. %s %err
 except IOError, err:
 print Problem opening configuration file. %s %err
 except Error, err:
 print Problem with with configuration file. %s %err

I don't know what Error refers to here. If you want a blanket except 
clause then catch Exception, that would replace IOError and probably Error.

Also you can specify more than one exception in a single except clause 
by putting them in a tuple:
 except (IOError, Error), err:
 print Problem opening configuration file. %s %err


Re: global, globals(), _global ?

2006-03-15 Thread Roy Smith
 robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Using global variables in Python often raises chaos. Other languages use 
 a clear prefix for globals.

Unsing globals raises chaos in any language.  They should be shunned and 

Re: Installing PySQLite on OS X 10.4

2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Rob Cowie wrote:

 There are some notes on the pysqlite wiki regarding modification of the script and I've followed them to no avail.

 Build and install appear to go smoothly but attempting to run the tests
 from the python interpreter fails. Likewise any attempt to utilise
 pysqlite2 in a python script fails.

it's might be a bit easier to help if you what you did when attempting to use
the library, and how things failed.

(if you get an ImportError, are you importing the right thing?  where did the install step put the modules ?  is that directory on the Python path 



Feedparser and dates

2006-03-15 Thread friis
I'm using to import feeds into our MySQL database.
Our problem is that we haven't found a solution to translate the date
of a post item into GMT.

Any ideas?



Re: __slots__ in derived class

2006-03-15 Thread Kay Schluehr

Schüle Daniel wrote:

 consider this code

   class A(object):
 ... def __init__(self):
 ... self.a = 1
 ... self.b = 2
   class B(A):
 ... __slots__ = [x,y]
   b.x = 100
   b.y = 100
   b.z = 100

 no exception here
 does __slots__ nothing when used in derived classes?

   class Z(object):
 ... __slots__ = [x,y]
   z.x = 100
   z.y = 100
   z.z = 100
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
 AttributeError: 'Z' object has no attribute 'z'

 here it works like expected

 Regards, Daniel

I would expect that A has to define its own __slots__ too.

The following code should work as expected and makes also sense with
the memory optimization considerations that motivated introduction of
the __slots__ variable.

class A(object):
__slots__ = [a,b]
def __init__(self):
self.a = 1
self.b = 2

class B(A):
__slots__ = [x,y]




2006-03-15 Thread PyDenis
 Fredrik Lundhwrote:
Could you perhaps use basic netiquette stuff, such as sticking to the
same sub-
 ject line for followup posts in the same thread, and including a
least some trace
 of the post you're commenting on ?
 (this would be less of a problem if everyone was reading your posts
in a news-
 reader, but this group is available in many different forms...)

Excuse me, please.

I mean, that 

1. When I post new message to WEBFORUM (not a Mailing List nor News
Group) not to include even part of message.

2. About subject line: if this forum huge depends from subject line,
this field must be disabled or set to RE: % + (orig_msg.subject) by
forum admins. Forum using some webforum engine, and easiest way to
format messages - tune it up accurately instead of messaging about

3. I receive message about topic posts without host name, so could go
in Browser History to find it. I mean, misplaced 'netiquette'
eclipsed by this bug: 


You are receiving this email because you are watching the topic,
Re: WORKAROUND at niXforums. This topic has received
a reply since your last visit. You can use the following link to view
the replies made, no more notifications will be sent until you visit
the topic.


If you no longer wish to watch this topic you can either click the
Stop watching this topic link found at the bottom of the
topic above, or by clicking the following link:


Thanks, The Management

Please, sorry for my english.



2006-03-15 Thread PyDenis
 Fredrik Lundhwrote:
Could you perhaps use basic netiquette stuff, such as sticking to the
same sub-
 ject line for followup posts in the same thread, and including a
least some trace
 of the post you're commenting on ?
 (this would be less of a problem if everyone was reading your posts
in a news-
 reader, but this group is available in many different forms...)

Excuse me, please.

I mean, that 

1. When I post new message to WEBFORUM (not a Mailing List nor News
Group) not to include even part of message.

2. About subject line: if this forum huge depends from subject line,
this field must be disabled or set to RE: % + (orig_msg.subject) by
forum admins. Forum using some webforum engine, and easiest way to
format messages - tune it up accurately instead of messaging about

3. I receive message about topic posts without host name, so could go
in Browser History to find it. I mean, misplaced 'netiquette'
eclipsed by this bug: 


You are receiving this email because you are watching the topic,
Re: WORKAROUND at niXforums. This topic has received
a reply since your last visit. You can use the following link to view
the replies made, no more notifications will be sent until you visit
the topic.


If you no longer wish to watch this topic you can either click the
Stop watching this topic link found at the bottom of the
topic above, or by clicking the following link:


Thanks, The Management

Please, sorry for my english.



2006-03-15 Thread PyDenis
 Fredrik Lundhwrote:
Could you perhaps use basic netiquette stuff, such as sticking to the
same sub-
 ject line for followup posts in the same thread, and including a
least some trace
 of the post you're commenting on ?
 (this would be less of a problem if everyone was reading your posts
in a news-
 reader, but this group is available in many different forms...)

Excuse me, please.

I mean, that 

1. When I post new message to WEBFORUM (not a Mailing List nor News
Group) not to include even part of message.

2. About subject line: if this forum huge depends from subject line,
this field must be disabled or set to RE: % + (orig_msg.subject) by
forum admins. Forum using some webforum engine, and easiest way to
format messages - tune it up accurately instead of messaging about

3. I receive message about topic posts without host name, so could go
in Browser History to find it. I mean, misplaced 'netiquette'
eclipsed by this bug: 


You are receiving this email because you are watching the topic,
Re: WORKAROUND at niXforums. This topic has received
a reply since your last visit. You can use the following link to view
the replies made, no more notifications will be sent until you visit
the topic.


If you no longer wish to watch this topic you can either click the
Stop watching this topic link found at the bottom of the
topic above, or by clicking the following link:


Thanks, The Management

Please, sorry for my english.


Re: Very, Very Green Python User

2006-03-15 Thread Steve Holden
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
Nobody likes long-winded, abstract philosophical discussions on a
technology NG.
 not even on comp.lang.python ? ;-)
I wish :-)

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog


FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread LabWINC
Hi all,
i'm looking for a module to implement a digital FIR filter!
Can anyone help me?





2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
PyDenis wrote:

 1. When I post new message to WEBFORUM (not a Mailing List nor News
 Group) not to include even part of message.

comp.lang.python is a newsgroup and the python-list mailing list is a mailing
list.  your messages appear in both places.



Server applications - avoiding sleep

2006-03-15 Thread rodmc
I have written a small server application (for Windows) which handles
sending and receiving information from an instant messaging client and
a database. This server needs to run 24/7, however it stops when the
computer screen is locked.

I assume there is a way to make it run in the background 24/7 but how
do I go about doing this?

At present the application runs from within a wxPython GUI, however
this is only used to start and stop it. It could be entire faceless and
the GUI only used to execute it.




Re: global, globals(), _global ?

2006-03-15 Thread Daniel Dittmar
Roy Smith wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Using global variables in Python often raises chaos. Other languages use 
 a clear prefix for globals.
 Unsing globals raises chaos in any language.  They should be shunned and 

Solution: replace globals with Singletons ;-)


Re: Feedparser and dates

2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
friis wrote:

 I'm using to import feeds into our MySQL database.
 Our problem is that we haven't found a solution to translate the date
 of a post item into GMT.

from what I can tell, feedparser returns a 9-item UTC time tuple (which
is the same thing as GMT, at least for all practical purposes).

if it's a standard timestamp you want, you can use calendar.timegm:

 t = (2004, 1, 1, 19, 48, 21, 3, 1, 0)
 import calendar
 import time, datetime
'Thu Jan 01 19:48:21 2004'
datetime.datetime(2004, 1, 1, 19, 48, 21)



Re: Server applications - avoiding sleep

2006-03-15 Thread Sebastjan Trepca
You can create a Windows Service which will run as long as Windows are
up, well, except if you stop it.

You can find more info here:


On 15 Mar 2006 05:26:45 -0800, rodmc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have written a small server application (for Windows) which handles
 sending and receiving information from an instant messaging client and
 a database. This server needs to run 24/7, however it stops when the
 computer screen is locked.

 I assume there is a way to make it run in the background 24/7 but how
 do I go about doing this?

 At present the application runs from within a wxPython GUI, however
 this is only used to start and stop it. It could be entire faceless and
 the GUI only used to execute it.





Re: Server applications - avoiding sleep

2006-03-15 Thread bruno at modulix
rodmc wrote:
 I have written a small server application (for Windows) which handles
 sending and receiving information from an instant messaging client and
 a database. This server needs to run 24/7, however it stops when the
 computer screen is locked.
 I assume there is a way to make it run in the background 24/7 but how
 do I go about doing this?
 At present the application runs from within a wxPython GUI, however
 this is only used to start and stop it. It could be entire faceless and
 the GUI only used to execute it.

google is your friend - when you know what to search !-)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: __slots__ in derived class

2006-03-15 Thread Duncan Booth
Schüle Daniel wrote:

 consider this code
  class A(object):
 ... def __init__(self):
 ... self.a = 1
 ... self.b = 2
  class B(A):
 ... __slots__ = [x,y]
  b.x = 100
  b.y = 100
  b.z = 100
 no exception here
 does __slots__ nothing when used in derived classes?

__slots__ is intended as a way to reduce memory consumption. It was never 
intended as a protection mechanism.

The slots which are available in a class only add to the attributes 
available in the base class. You can hide base class slots by defining a 
slot of the same name, but you cannot remove them.

Your base class has a __dict__ attribute and therefore all instances of the 
base class or any derived classes also have a __dict__ attribute.

Install Universal Encoding Detector

2006-03-15 Thread Jacob
How do I install Universal Encoding Detector



Re: Threads: does Thread.start() atomically set Thread.__started ?

2006-03-15 Thread Peter Hansen
Enigma Curry wrote:
 Can some kind person please further my education on Threads?
 When I create a thread called t and I do a t.start() am I
 guaranteed that t.isAlive() will return True as long as the thread
 hasn't already completed? Put another way, does t.start() ever return
 before t.__started is set to True?

Did you check the source?  It's fairly straightforward, as I recall. 
( in the python library)



Re: Install Universal Encoding Detector

2006-03-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Jacob wrote:

 How do I install Universal Encoding Detector

it comes with a file, so I suppose the answer is in the usual way:

1. download
2. unpack
3. cd to the distribution directory
4. run python install

more here:



Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread Peter Hansen
LabWINC wrote:
 i'm looking for a module to implement a digital FIR filter!
 Can anyone help me?

Is this for homework, for academic interest, for a control system 
problem, or what?  Some context would be useful in helping us answer.

(The first thing that occurs to me, for example, is why don't you just 
write it yourself?'s not like they're a complicated equation and 
if you have the coefficients, you practically have the code already. 
But that might not be the best approach if this is a real-world situation.)



Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread LabWINC
It's for research work. I'm implementing an algorithm from a matlab
It could be very difficult to find the fir coefficients because i have
lot of fileters to implement.



Re: MS word document generator

2006-03-15 Thread Raja Raman Sundararajan
Hi Tim,
Thanks for your PyRTF suggestion. I am checking it out now


Re: Installing PySQLite on OS X 10.4

2006-03-15 Thread Rob Cowie

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Rob Cowie wrote:

  There are some notes on the pysqlite wiki regarding modification of the script and I've followed them to no avail.
  Build and install appear to go smoothly but attempting to run the tests
  from the python interpreter fails. Likewise any attempt to utilise
  pysqlite2 in a python script fails.

 it's might be a bit easier to help if you what you did when attempting to use
 the library, and how things failed.

 (if you get an ImportError, are you importing the right thing?  where did the install step put the modules ?  is that directory on the Python 
 path ?)


True... I should have included this stuff.

the output from install indicates that an egg is constructed
and copied to

At the python prompt, I can import pysqlite2 with no problems.

However, if I do from pysqlite2 import test as suggested after
installation, I get the following traceback...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File pysqlite2/test/, line 25, in ?
from pysqlite2.test import dbapi, types, userfunctions, factory,
  File pysqlite2/test/, line 26, in ?
import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as sqlite
  File pysqlite2/, line 32, in ?
from pysqlite2._sqlite import *
ImportError: No module named _sqlite

If I view my site-packages dir in the Finder, the .egg file appears as
a document, instead of a directory as is usually the case with .eggs.
Perhaps this is an indication that the .egg file is not being built


Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread Hans Georg Krauthaeuser
LabWINC wrote:
 Hi all,
 i'm looking for a module to implement a digital FIR filter!
 Can anyone help me?

Hans Georg

Re: Install Universal Encoding Detector

2006-03-15 Thread Jacob
Thanks :)


Re: WORKAROUND the Python GUI-lib situation ...

2006-03-15 Thread robert
PyDenis wrote:

 I fixed problem using Atypes:
 import ctypes
 ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA(0, 'test', 'Title',
 win32con.MB_ICONINFORMATION | win32con.MB_OK |
 It compiles and runs fine with py2exe.
 Dont remember buggy pywin32 :)

better use win32api.MessageBox
win32api/gui/...  are flat modules unlikely to have errors.

I tested your 2-liner with build207/py2.4.2 and build205/py2.3.5 with 
py2exe and cx_Freeze in each combination and could not reproduce the bug 
on XP, W2K and 98.
( The DestroyWindow bug appears only for more complex apps explicitly 
using .DestroyWindow from certain Notification Handlers; the dual core 
bug does not apply here )

I'm curious what it is?
If you could post a bug - if reproduceable - with all your detailed 
context data to pywin32 project/bugs on, that would be fine.

--- Python GUI situation:

win32ui most probably is responsible for this bug; its a complex beast 
with lot of descriptional status (MFC).
win32ui wants a mainframe, a document-template, an all that like until 
you can do any simple thing  :-( :-) But once settled and maybe hiding 
its added complexity in a custom wrapper you can program quite fluid 
apps with official Windows lookfeel with it.

Yet in my recent tests with wxPython (I tried now 4x over years to get 
something stable with wx :-( ), Boa, Kommodo, ...  I had so much more 
freezes and damages, and fat memory consumption and slowness and 
fatigue, and funny appearance, that I'd say, for Windows its better to 
live with win32ui for non-trivial GUI's (especially distributable ones), 
which appear and behave like real Windows apps - and not like something 
copyied from a Donald Duck magazine.

Testing the latest wx and Boa last week (for py2.3) it hit the 
high-score: All other old win32api/ui apps - just by starting them - 
press magically buttons themslef, raise this and that. Never saw such 
behaviour. wx modified something in the libraries. There were new 
Windows ctrl-libs in the main Python folder after wx-install (which I 
never requested/allowed). But even removing them did not heal the 
ghostly behavor of normal win32 apps not having anything to do with wx. 
Only after uninstalling wx  boa win32 was stable again...

There are some other (open) things like PyFltk and worse ...

In my opinion the overall situation of Python GUI's (platform 
independent) is not in line with and not up to the level of the 
wonderful language itself and to its stability.
There is always a fragile TCL or XY-C++ or MFC or this and that in the 
middle - and I can't believe, that it is necessary. Python is a best OO 
language for GUI programming also and it should glue soon to OS-libs 
(win32api/gui../ctypes , gtk, ...) .

I'd believe there is still room for a relly good, platform independent 
speedy, flat, python-only OO GUI library - which loads modules with 
discipline into memory, allows building distributables below 2MB, raises 
only Python exceptions and would even attack Delphi in terms of 
stability, endurance, VHL language typing speed - first by Pythons 
qualities, and quickly by features (for which people would contribute 
very quickly if a good plan is raised).
( But maybe I'm only dreaming ... ? )

Anygui was an academical test.

Some want to see wx as standard Python GUI lib. In my opinion thats 
compromising cheaply with a C++ monster for producing clumsy test 
in-door apps by carefully avoiding too much stepping with broken builds ..

It is strange, that each of the big python IDE's uses another GUI 
toolkit: In an urge they use everything from Tk and to even the 20MB 
MozillaWindowing-Toolkit (Komodo; I dropped 3.5 yesterday from my HD 
after it core-dumped on second start and stepped 20x slower in the 
debugger than PythonWin, no consistent Interactive Win/history, 100MB in 
memory, .. ).

Python first should maybe have a real Python GUI toolkit and unite the 
OS'es directly - as good as it does for the os module ?



Re: sizeof(struct timeval)

2006-03-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nick Kew wrote:
 Tony Houghton wrote:
 But regardless of whether it's 'safe' amongst current devices,
 you're setting yourself up for a Y2K-family bug.  Except it'll
 be a real one, not a storm-inna-teacup.

Hey, hey, don't go spouting off like one of those ignorant journalists!
I and a lot of other programmers wasted years debugging code ahead of
2000 to make darn sure the tempest stayed in the teacup. The code I
worked on sure as heck would have screwed over a bunch of Texans on
Medicaid, and I would have far preferred to be at my previous job
monitoring Space Shuttle data.

And in that Nick is correct, don't paint yourself into a corner.



Re: Tried Ruby (or, what Python *really* needs or perldoc!)

2006-03-15 Thread msoulier
While epydoc is nice, I'll point out that one thing that Unix people
like myself really like is to be able to check docs on a remote server
that we're logged into via a terminal session. The help() function in
the interpreter is great for this, although it seems that python eggs
broke it. :(

Please don't leave the terminal behind. Perl provides docs in all
formats, since if you can write POD (plain old documentation), you can
run perldoc, or run pod2html, or pod2man, etc.

I'll also point out that a lot of these complex solutions are ignoring
the KISS principle. POD takes about 5 minutes to learn, tops.


Re: Tried Ruby (or, what Python *really* needs or perldoc!)

2006-03-15 Thread msoulier
 I'd love to have a unified documentation system where *all* the
 documentation for *all* installed modules was available to pydoc *and*
 the web browser and *all* this documentation was in .py files.




Re: Install Universal Encoding Detector

2006-03-15 Thread Kent Johnson
Jacob wrote:
 How do I install Universal Encoding Detector

The usual process:
unpack with your favorite tool - tar or WinZip, maybe
cd chardet-1.0
python install


Re: Tried Ruby (or, what Python *really* needs or perldoc!)

2006-03-15 Thread msoulier
 I have found the Python sidebar VERY helpful:

Personally, I can't use local docs on my desktop as they may not be the
same version of the docs for the Python distro running on the server
that I'm deploying on. I usually go to and use the wayback
machine to look at the old docs for the release that I'm on.

But, if Python would match Perl for docs available on the command-line,
then I'd have it all at my fingertips. I simply don't understand why
this is not being done. When I'm coding in C, I use the manpages on the
remote host so that I know the docs are correct for my target. Why
can't I do that in Python? It's yet another thing that my Perl-using
coworkers point out as a Python weakness. 



Re: WORKAROUND the Python GUI-lib situation ...

2006-03-15 Thread Chris Mellon
On 3/15/06, robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 PyDenis wrote:

  I fixed problem using Atypes:
  import ctypes
  ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA(0, 'test', 'Title',
  win32con.MB_ICONINFORMATION | win32con.MB_OK |
  It compiles and runs fine with py2exe.
  Dont remember buggy pywin32 :)

 better use win32api.MessageBox
 win32api/gui/...  are flat modules unlikely to have errors.

 I tested your 2-liner with build207/py2.4.2 and build205/py2.3.5 with
 py2exe and cx_Freeze in each combination and could not reproduce the bug
 on XP, W2K and 98.
 ( The DestroyWindow bug appears only for more complex apps explicitly
 using .DestroyWindow from certain Notification Handlers; the dual core
 bug does not apply here )

 I'm curious what it is?
 If you could post a bug - if reproduceable - with all your detailed
 context data to pywin32 project/bugs on, that would be fine.

 --- Python GUI situation:

 win32ui most probably is responsible for this bug; its a complex beast
 with lot of descriptional status (MFC).
 win32ui wants a mainframe, a document-template, an all that like until
 you can do any simple thing  :-( :-) But once settled and maybe hiding
 its added complexity in a custom wrapper you can program quite fluid
 apps with official Windows lookfeel with it.

 Yet in my recent tests with wxPython (I tried now 4x over years to get
 something stable with wx :-( ), Boa, Kommodo, ...  I had so much more
 freezes and damages, and fat memory consumption and slowness and
 fatigue, and funny appearance, that I'd say, for Windows its better to
 live with win32ui for non-trivial GUI's (especially distributable ones),
 which appear and behave like real Windows apps - and not like something
 copyied from a Donald Duck magazine.

win32gui and wxPython use *exactly* the same controls in almost all
cases. If you're seeing something donald duck then you're either
doing something wrong, or you're using a custom control. wx is also in
a far better position for most non-trivial UIs, becuase it has
infrastructure that win32 (pretty much alone among modern UI toolkits)
lacks, like layout algorithms and i18ln support.

 Testing the latest wx and Boa last week (for py2.3) it hit the
 high-score: All other old win32api/ui apps - just by starting them -
 press magically buttons themslef, raise this and that. Never saw such
 behaviour. wx modified something in the libraries. There were new
 Windows ctrl-libs in the main Python folder after wx-install (which I
 never requested/allowed). But even removing them did not heal the
 ghostly behavor of normal win32 apps not having anything to do with wx.
 Only after uninstalling wx  boa win32 was stable again...

I dont know where you get your wx libs from, or what press magically
buttons themself means, but the official wx installer doesn't do any
of this. Whatever you saw had nothing to do with wx.

 There are some other (open) things like PyFltk and worse ...

 In my opinion the overall situation of Python GUI's (platform
 independent) is not in line with and not up to the level of the
 wonderful language itself and to its stability.
 There is always a fragile TCL or XY-C++ or MFC or this and that in the
 middle - and I can't believe, that it is necessary. Python is a best OO
 language for GUI programming also and it should glue soon to OS-libs
 (win32api/gui../ctypes , gtk, ...) .

 I'd believe there is still room for a relly good, platform independent
 speedy, flat, python-only OO GUI library - which loads modules with
 discipline into memory, allows building distributables below 2MB,

Python all by itself is bigger than this unless you totally gut the
standard library, and even then it's just barely under 2MB.

 only Python exceptions and would even attack Delphi in terms of
 stability, endurance, VHL language typing speed - first by Pythons
 qualities, and quickly by features (for which people would contribute
 very quickly if a good plan is raised).
 ( But maybe I'm only dreaming ... ? )

 Anygui was an academical test.

 Some want to see wx as standard Python GUI lib. In my opinion thats
 compromising cheaply with a C++ monster for producing clumsy test
 in-door apps by carefully avoiding too much stepping with broken builds ..

 It is strange, that each of the big python IDE's uses another GUI
 toolkit: In an urge they use everything from Tk and to even the 20MB
 MozillaWindowing-Toolkit (Komodo; I dropped 3.5 yesterday from my HD
 after it core-dumped on second start and stepped 20x slower in the
 debugger than PythonWin, no consistent Interactive Win/history, 100MB in
 memory, .. ).

 Python first should maybe have a real Python GUI toolkit and unite the
 OS'es directly - as good as it does for the os module ?

Even a minimal GUI toolkit is an order of magnitude more complicated
than the os module.




Re: Tried Ruby (or, what Python *really* needs or perldoc!)

2006-03-15 Thread Paul Boddie
msoulier wrote:

 But, if Python would match Perl for docs available on the command-line,
 then I'd have it all at my fingertips. I simply don't understand why
 this is not being done. When I'm coding in C, I use the manpages on the
 remote host so that I know the docs are correct for my target. Why
 can't I do that in Python?

What about pydoc?

% pydoc os

[Clear screen]

Help on module os:

os - OS routines for Mac, DOS, NT, or Posix depending on what
system we're on.





 It's yet another thing that my Perl-using coworkers point out as a Python 

In my experience, Perl-using coworkers tend to dredge up all sorts of
weaknesses, although many of them are no more than cheap shots: the
name, whitespace, and so on. Sure, Python's documentation system could
be better, but let's consider the tools we already have first.



Re: Server applications - avoiding sleep

2006-03-15 Thread rodmc

Thanks to both of you for your help.




Re: global, globals(), _global ?

2006-03-15 Thread robert
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 robert wrote:
Most variable read-s in Python anyway go to module globals - as there
are no other kinds of namespaces except __builtins__
 your post made some sense until I got to this paragraph, which appears to
 completely ignore local variables, arguments, and variables in intermediate
 scopes ?  maybe you could clarify ?

Of course the local namespaces on the stack are the unmentioned default 
(the intermediate frames are half way on the stack ..).

The discussion focused on off-stack, common name spaces. Python has 
done the right magic in order to let modularize code well.

Just self-similiar self-inspection is not (yet) done to the best in some 
places: this _global own module, self inspection in 
functions/classes/methods (nameless recursion), stack handling/callcc


Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread LabWINC
What's gnuradio?


Re: MS word document generator

2006-03-15 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-03-15, Raja Raman Sundararajan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any nice library to generate word documents using Python.

I find the following works well for me:

f = open(file.doc)
f.write(Hello there.\n)
f.write(How are you?\n)

 As of today I am generating a HTML document and then open it
 with MS Word. But the problem is that I am not able to control
 the pages in the document and as a result of it the output
 looks terrible.

If you want fancier formatting that available in my example
code, I'd look for a library to generate RTF.  Something like
this perhaps (I haven't tried it yet):

RTF is far more portable that whatever .doc format-du-jour
happens to be in vogue in Redmond.
 I have been using reportlab's platypus to generate PDF
 documents. Its a nice application which allows controlling
 segments of the pages programatically.

 I was wondering if there was any library as reportlab to
 generate word documents.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  ... I have read the

Don't use __slots__ (was Re: __slots__ in derived class)

2006-03-15 Thread Aahz
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Sch=FCle_Daniel?=  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

does __slots__ nothing when used in derived classes?

Short answer: don't use __slots__ until you're comfortable writing
metaclasses and decorators.  __slots__ are a performance hack strictly
for advanced users, and if you think you need them, you probably don't.

19. A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming,
is not worth knowing.  --Alan Perlis

Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread Hans Georg Krauthaeuser
LabWINC wrote:
 What's gnuradio?

It's a c++ lib with a python wrapper.

BTW, thats the first hit in google ...

Hans Georg

Re: Installing PySQLite on OS X 10.4

2006-03-15 Thread Gerhard Häring
Rob Cowie wrote:
 However, if I do from pysqlite2 import test as suggested after
 installation, I get the following traceback...

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
   File pysqlite2/test/, line 25, in ?
 from pysqlite2.test import dbapi, types, userfunctions, factory,
   File pysqlite2/test/, line 26, in ?
 import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as sqlite
   File pysqlite2/, line 32, in ?
 from pysqlite2._sqlite import *
 ImportError: No module named _sqlite

Apparently, you're doing this from the pysqlite sources root directory. 
So the pysqlite2 directory is tried, which does ont include the compiled 
C extension module. Execuring from any other working directory on your 
system should work fine.

I'll have to check that this is all properly documented before I do the 
next pysqlite release.

-- Gerhard

Re: WORKAROUND the Python GUI-lib situation ...

2006-03-15 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 wx is also in
 a far better position for most non-trivial UIs, becuase it has
 infrastructure that win32 (pretty much alone among modern UI toolkits)
 lacks, like layout algorithms and i18ln support.

Qt has all of this. On all platforms. Just for the record. 

And layout algorithms - that was something I discovered in tk (using it from
tcl, btw) 10 years ago - but my VB experience some years later didn't
include that. Maybe that has changed - but the straight VB 6.0 GUI builder
certainly encouraged you to use windows UI-units or however these thingies
were called. 



Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
LabWINC wrote:

 What's gnuradio?

Google dead again? Boy, must be one of these days...


Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread LabWINC
I can't understand how gnuradio can help me...
I find scipy is the only way to implement a good FIR.




Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread John Hunter

LabWINC Hi all, i'm looking for a module to implement a digital
LabWINC FIR filter!  Can anyone help me?

Between scipy and matplotlib, you'll feel quite comfortable with
python as a former matlab user

help scipy.filter (see FIR filter design below)

Signal Processing Tools


convolve  --  N-dimensional convolution.
correlate --  N-dimensional correlation.
fftconvolve   --  N-dimensional convolution using the FFT.
convolve2d--  2-dimensional convolution (more options).
correlate2d   --  2-dimensional correlation (more options).
sepfir2d  --  Convolve with a 2-D separable FIR filter.


bspline   --  B-spline basis function of order n.
gauss_spline  --  Gaussian approximation to the B-spline basis
cspline1d --  Coefficients for 1-D cubic (3rd order)
qspline1d --  Coefficients for 1-D quadratic (2nd order)
cspline2d --  Coefficients for 2-D cubic (3rd order)
qspline2d --  Coefficients for 2-D quadratic (2nd order)


order_filter  --  N-dimensional order filter.
medfilt   --  N-dimensional median filter.
medfilt2  --  2-dimensional median filter (faster).
wiener--  N-dimensional wiener filter.

symiirorder1  --  2nd-order IIR filter (cascade of first-order
symiirorder2  --  4th-order IIR filter (cascade of
second-order systems).
lfilter   --  1-dimensional FIR and IIR digital linear

deconvolve--  1-d deconvolution using lfilter.

hilbert   --- Compute the analytic signal of a 1-d signal.
get_window--- Create FIR window.

detrend   --- Remove linear and/or constant trends from

 Filter design:

remez --  Optimal FIR filter design.
firwin--- Windowed FIR filter design.
iirdesign --- IIR filter design given bands and gains
iirfilter --- IIR filter design given order and critical
freqs --- Analog filter frequency response
freqz --- Digital filter frequency response

Matlab-style IIR filter design:

butter (buttord)  -- Butterworth
cheby1 (cheb1ord) -- Chebyshev Type I
cheby2 (cheb2ord) -- Chebyshev Type II
ellip (ellipord)  -- Elliptic (Cauer)
bessel-- Bessel (no order selection available --
try butterod)

 Linear Systems:

lti -- linear time invariant system object.
lsim -- continuous-time simulation of output to linear system.
impulse -- impulse response of linear, time-invariant (LTI)
step -- step response of continous-time LTI system.

 LTI Reresentations:

tf2zpk -- transfer function to zero-pole-gain.
zpk2tf -- zero-pole-gain to transfer function.
tf2ss -- transfer function to state-space.
ss2tf -- state-pace to transfer function.
zpk2ss -- zero-pole-gain to state-space.
ss2zpk -- state-space to pole-zero-gain.


sawtooth -- Periodic sawtooth
square -- Square wave
gausspulse -- Gaussian modulated sinusoid
chirp -- Frequency swept cosine signal


daub -- return low-pass filter for daubechies wavelets
qmf  -- return quadrature mirror filter from low-pass
cascade -- compute scaling function and wavelet from

Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread Hans Georg Krauthaeuser
LabWINC wrote:
 I can't understand how gnuradio can help me...
 I find scipy is the only way to implement a good FIR.

Well, then do it with scipy...
gnuradio has a module for FIR. I never used it. I just wanted to share
that information.

Hans Georg

Re: WORKAROUND the Python GUI-lib situation ...

2006-03-15 Thread Chris Mellon
On 3/15/06, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  wx is also in
  a far better position for most non-trivial UIs, becuase it has
  infrastructure that win32 (pretty much alone among modern UI toolkits)
  lacks, like layout algorithms and i18ln support.

 Qt has all of this. On all platforms. Just for the record.

I know - so do almost all other toolkits, but not the win32 API, which
is what I was comparing it to.

 And layout algorithms - that was something I discovered in tk (using it from
 tcl, btw) 10 years ago - but my VB experience some years later didn't
 include that. Maybe that has changed - but the straight VB 6.0 GUI builder
 certainly encouraged you to use windows UI-units or however these thingies
 were called.

Dialog units. But thats a mapping mechanism for scaling dialogs to
screen resolution, not a layout mechanism. The traditional mechanism
on win32 (VB and otherwise) is to place your controls in absolute
(dialog unit) coordinates. If you want to scale with window resizes,
you need to do it manually. Even Delphi has better layout support than




newbie questions

2006-03-15 Thread meeper34

I'm just starting out with Python, and so far I am thoroughly impressed
with what you can do very easily with the language.  I'm coming from a
C++ background here.  A couple of questions came up as I was thinking
about dynamically typed languages:

1.  If someone releases an interface in Python, how does the user know
what parameters the function takes/returns?

2.  If documentation is the answer to 1, then are there any Python
documentation standards?

3.  Are there any tools out there that can extract the interface
information from Python files and release it as documentation like
header (.h) files?  I know there are tools like this for languages like

4.  Really basic question, and I'm sure I will learn this very quickly
with more reading, but I'm confused by the lack of an entry point in a
Python app, i.e. int main().

Btw, I was turned on to Python from Bruce Eckel's article Strong
Typing vs Strong Testing.



Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread LabWINC
Thank you too Georg


Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread Peter Hansen
LabWINC wrote:
 It's for research work. I'm implementing an algorithm from a matlab
 It could be very difficult to find the fir coefficients because i have
 lot of fileters to implement.

Oh, you mean you need to find the coefficients, not just implement the 
FIR filter itself.  (Perhaps to some these describe the same thing, but 
I would call the former designing the filter.)

I see John Hunter's post shows scipy probably has what you need.



Re: Printable string for 'self'

2006-03-15 Thread Don Taylor
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 objects don't have names in Python, and the source is not part of
 the running program.
 have you read this ?

I have now.  Thank you very much.

objects don't have names in Python: It appears from the code that 
Michael posted that objects can discover the names that are bound to 
themselves.  Is this true in general?  If so, then I guess it does not 
matter which name I use as long as it is bound to the object.

the source is not part of the running program : Ok, but in my case I 
would have the source that corresponds to the running program available 
to me and the inspect module does appear to provide enough information 
for me to find the corresponding piece of the source code.  Is there 
something wrong with using the inspect module for this sort of work?

My overall intent is to try to build something that can record 
interactions against an object so that they can be replayed later for 
testing and debugging.  I had in mind to generate the recording as a 
sequence of Python statements.  I would like to do this without 
modifying the source of the target class.  At the moment this is just a 
project to help me learn Python, although it would nice if it did yield 
something useful.

Is there anything around that already does this sort of thing?




Re: Very, Very Green Python User

2006-03-15 Thread Scott David Daniels
 Scott David Daniels wrote:
 ... Is the Python debugger fairly stable?
 Yes, but it is not massively featured.  The Pythonic way is to
 rarely use a debugger (test first and straightforward code should
 lead to shallow bugs).  Often for most of us judiciously placed
 print statements suffice.

   The one you get with Perl stinks on ice. More than
 anything else, I would like to have a powerful OO environment where I
 do not have to worry about the debugger sucking 
 Do watch your language on this newsgroup.  Lots of people read this
 group and there is no good reason to offend them.  In turn, you will be
 cut some slack.
 As one who avidly studies language, I have observed that the meaning of
 a word slip out of its original context through idiomatic usage. If I
 had included the implicit object of 'sucks', 

In fact I elided the ass from your original sucks ass in my original
  quote, and now you carefully forget it in order to bolster your case.

  then you would have more grounds for complaint. However, 'sucks',
  used in the intransitive sense, is no worse than 'bites the bag'.

Comp.lang.python is an unusually well-mannered group.  If you look at
the messages over the past year (and exclude any chain with Xah Lee),
I think you will find your language, while not obscene, was well below
the standard for the newsgroup.  Some of us value that, and are happy
enough to leave it to other groups to express themselves more fervently.
Here you'll find even strong disagreement is usually expressed with a
careful consideration that the other person may well get offended.

By the by, you will notice I did not simply chide you about your use
of language, but rather answered your questions as best I understood

Don't worry, this is the last I have to say on the subject.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: FIR filtering

2006-03-15 Thread LabWINC
I'm interested in finding coefficient and implementig the filter as
John's post is what i need.

John Hunter wrote:
 help scipy.filter (see FIR filter design below)

How can i get the help like yours?

If i type help scipy.filter it give me an error

help scipy.filter
  File input, line 1
help scipy.filter
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I'm sorry but i'm new of python,



Re: WORKAROUND the Python GUI-lib situation ...

2006-03-15 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
  a far better position for most non-trivial UIs, becuase it has
  infrastructure that win32 (pretty much alone among modern UI toolkits)
  lacks, like layout algorithms and i18ln support.

 Qt has all of this. On all platforms. Just for the record.

 I know - so do almost all other toolkits, but not the win32 API, which
 is what I was comparing it to.

Ah, I misread your statement as win32 _having_ layout algorithms. 
 Dialog units. But thats a mapping mechanism for scaling dialogs to
 screen resolution, not a layout mechanism. The traditional mechanism
 on win32 (VB and otherwise) is to place your controls in absolute
 (dialog unit) coordinates. If you want to scale with window resizes,
 you need to do it manually. Even Delphi has better layout support than

Yes - and as I knew tk when first seing win32, I thought of it being

Sorry  for the confusion,


Re: Installing PySQLite on OS X 10.4

2006-03-15 Thread Rob Cowie

Gerhard Häring wrote:
 Rob Cowie wrote:
  However, if I do from pysqlite2 import test as suggested after
  installation, I get the following traceback...
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
File pysqlite2/test/, line 25, in ?
  from pysqlite2.test import dbapi, types, userfunctions, factory,
File pysqlite2/test/, line 26, in ?
  import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as sqlite
File pysqlite2/, line 32, in ?
  from pysqlite2._sqlite import *
  ImportError: No module named _sqlite

 Apparently, you're doing this from the pysqlite sources root directory.
 So the pysqlite2 directory is tried, which does ont include the compiled
 C extension module. Execuring from any other working directory on your
 system should work fine.

 I'll have to check that this is all properly documented before I do the
 next pysqlite release.

 -- Gerhard

Thanks however, now when I try from pysqlite2 import test it
results in:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
line 25, in ?
line 26, in ?
line 32, in ?
line 7, in ?
line 6, in __bootstrap__
2): Symbol not found: _sqlite3_transfer_bindings
  Referenced from:
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

I now suspect that this may all be down to the version of sqlite3
installed as part of OS X 10.4. Some people report success when using
this version with pysqlite, others report failure.


Re: WORKAROUND the Python GUI-lib situation ...

2006-03-15 Thread robert
Chris Mellon wrote:

 win32gui and wxPython use *exactly* the same controls in almost all

(win32ui or win32gui? the later is almost only a better ctypes replacement )

 cases. If you're seeing something donald duck then you're either
 doing something wrong, or you're using a custom control. wx is also in
 a far better position for most non-trivial UIs, becuase it has
 infrastructure that win32 (pretty much alone among modern UI toolkits)
 lacks, like layout algorithms and i18ln support.

Yes, wx is of course fat.
But I guess things like a layout algorithm ? is done very quickly in a 
clean Python only lib. I can just imagine ...

Testing the latest wx and Boa last week (for py2.3) it hit the
high-score: All other old win32api/ui apps - just by starting them -
press magically buttons themslef, raise this and that. Never saw such
behaviour. wx modified something in the libraries. There were new
Windows ctrl-libs in the main Python folder after wx-install (which I
never requested/allowed). But even removing them did not heal the
ghostly behavor of normal win32 apps not having anything to do with wx.
Only after uninstalling wx  boa win32 was stable again...

 I dont know where you get your wx libs from, or what press magically
 buttons themself means, but the official wx installer doesn't do any
 of this. Whatever you saw had nothing to do with wx.

that last test was with py2.3.5 / pywin32 205 / 

then run a few dialog examples of win32 and the dance begins.

There are some other (open) things like PyFltk and worse ...

In my opinion the overall situation of Python GUI's (platform
independent) is not in line with and not up to the level of the
wonderful language itself and to its stability.
There is always a fragile TCL or XY-C++ or MFC or this and that in the
middle - and I can't believe, that it is necessary. Python is a best OO
language for GUI programming also and it should glue soon to OS-libs
(win32api/gui../ctypes , gtk, ...) .

I'd believe there is still room for a relly good, platform independent
speedy, flat, python-only OO GUI library - which loads modules with
discipline into memory, allows building distributables below 2MB,
 Python all by itself is bigger than this unless you totally gut the
 standard library, and even then it's just barely under 2MB.


This  2-liner hello world with win32ui(=MFC) of this thread with 
py2exe / cx_freeze / py2.3 / win32ui 205 is all compressed 869kB ,  or 
even 700 kB with upx7zip.

A quite big app (upx'ed) with win32ui, ssl, enc., unicode and all .. 683 kB
  app.exe 8 kB
  _socket.pyd 16 kB
 _sre.pyd 18 kB
 _ssl.pyd 192 kB
  _winreg.pyd 11 kB
 datetime.pyd 17 kB
 pywintypes23.dll 39 kB
  unicodedata.pyd 167 kB
 w9xpopen.exe 3 kB
 win32api.pyd 21 kB
   win32clipboard.pyd 6 kB
 win32gui.pyd 25 kB
win32help.pyd 11 kB
win32task.dll 21 kB
  win32ui.pyd 156 kB
 zlib.pyd 23 kB
  AES.pyd 13 kB
 Blowfish.pyd 11 kB
 DES3.pyd 9 kB
   select.pyd 5 kB
 python23.dll 361 kB

.. is not more than 1700kB.  That competes with Delphi.

A real Python OO GUI lib would be similar in size, maybe even smaller. 
you'd hardly get more than 2MB (without docs) after all compressions.

Python first should maybe have a real Python GUI toolkit and unite the
OS'es directly - as good as it does for the os module ?

 Even a minimal GUI toolkit is an order of magnitude more complicated
 than the os module.

Of course its some effort, but with Python you code very very fast.

Once a basic OO message handling system is wired and the first commctrls 
of Windows are covered and resembled on the other systems, things would 
go very fast. Resembling indispensable things of MFC/wx like 
tool/statusbars, docking windows, ...  can also be coded quickly with a 
clean python GUI system. And soon first professional apps could be built 
... the more I think about it

Most effort would be to have a mature, compatible event system. wx 
learned it anyway from Windows (WM_ - EVT_ ) and resembled it more on 
Linux, etc.

That would be principally ok here too, as Windows is quite good in this 
(despite the rest of the OS). One could steal a few principles, 
abstract algs. and even names in less time than gluing the fragile C++.


Re: newbie questions

2006-03-15 Thread keirr

meeper34 wrote:

 I'm just starting out with Python, and so far I am thoroughly impressed
 with what you can do very easily with the language.  I'm coming from a
 C++ background here.  A couple of questions came up as I was thinking
 about dynamically typed languages:

 1.  If someone releases an interface in Python, how does the user know
 what parameters the function takes/returns?

 2.  If documentation is the answer to 1, then are there any Python
 documentation standards?

 3.  Are there any tools out there that can extract the interface
 information from Python files and release it as documentation like
 header (.h) files?  I know there are tools like this for languages like

epydoc: is used by a  bunch of people -
including me.
The documentation it produces is far from a header file, typically it
is in HTML
(although other output formats are available) but I find it does.

 4.  Really basic question, and I'm sure I will learn this very quickly
 with more reading, but I'm confused by the lack of an entry point in a
 Python app, i.e. int main().

There is some idiom for this.

def main(*args, **kw):
# do stuff
if __name__ == '__main__':
# call main, perhaps with sys.argv

You put this at the bottom of the file you want to run.
The __name__ property will be '__main__' iff you have executed the file

from the command line.
In particular the code in the if __name__... block won't be run if you
just import the file.

All the best,


 Btw, I was turned on to Python from Bruce Eckel's article Strong
 Typing vs Strong Testing.


Re: global, globals(), _global ?

2006-03-15 Thread Alex Martelli
robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ( And that later scheme is fairly wonderful - compare for example the
 namespace fuzz in C/C++, Pascal, Ruby, ...  where you never know which
 module file addeds what to which namespace;

Pascal (per se) doesn't really have much by the way of namespaces
(alas).  C++ (per se) does, with zap::zop=23 being rather unambiguous (C
compatibility and using namespace zap can muddy it up, but that's like
saying, e.g., that from zap import * muddies things up in Python:
true, but the obvious solution in both cases is just don't do it;-).

Sure, any C++ or Ruby soure file can reopen a namespace or class,
respectifely -- but how's that different from Python's
anothermodule.zop=23?  It's much of a muchness.

 In Ruby they even scribble from anywhere to _any_ class _and_ any 
 namespace without the barrier of a dot or subclassing or anything - 
 using somehow by random the same name already joins!? A threat for good
 modularization of code. Not far from free flat memory programming :-)
 Don't know how they keep bigger projects managable in this language.

Uh?  I don't see what you mean -- in Ruby, an assignment can be clearly
situated regarding what namespace it affects.  The only example of
using somehow by random the same name I can think of is within a
block, where (e.g.) 'a=2' sets a new block-local name _unless_ 'a' was
previously used within the lexically enclosing method, in which case it
resets said method's 'a', but while unpleasant that's a fairly localized
problem.  Maybe you can give some examples?


Re: global, globals(), _global ?

2006-03-15 Thread Alex Martelli
robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Using global variables in Python often raises chaos. Other languages use
 a clear prefix for globals.

Ruby does ($ means global), but, what other languages?  Perl, C, C++,
Java (taking a class's statics as Java's equivalent of other languages'
globals), etc, etc, all use the same lexical form for identifiers
whether local or global, disambiguating in other ways, not by a clear
prefix ('my' in Perl to declare locals, sort of like 'global' in Python
to declare globals, just with the default the other way 'round, etc).
Can you please explain what you mean here?

Anyway, I'd LOVE expunging the hated 'global' in favour of an explicit
namespace (and another one for free variables in containing functions
for closures), but while this gets often proposed in python-dev, Guido
is apparently never going to approve such a change (even in Py3k where
backwards compatibility could be broken), so I've given up on it.


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