Re: Using PyExcelerator

2006-03-23 Thread rbsharp
I would agree with the author, pyExcelerator is good at writing Excel
but xlrd is better at reading. I was recently forced to use them in
tandem because pyExcelerator had problems reading an Excel sheet and
xlrd had no problems.


Richard Sharp

John Machin wrote:
> On 23/03/2006 9:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I have just installed PyExcelerator, and now want to use it to read
> > Excel spreadsheets with a variable number of rows and columns and with
> > multiple sheets. Unfortunately, no documentation seems to accompany
> > PyExcelerator. Does anyone know of a good source of documentations
> > and/or examples? The author provides some examples, but these tend to
> > involve writing data into spreadsheets one cell at a time.
> >
> Thomas,
> Look at pyExcelerator's tools/xls2*.py for examples
> or
> Look at the xlrd package (which doesn't *write* xls files, but does read
> them tolerably well -- even if I do say so myself -- and has documentation).
> What do you mean by "with a variable number of rows and columns"?
> Cheers,
> John


Re: import random module

2006-03-23 Thread Just
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "Carl Banks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ben Finney wrote:
> > "DataSmash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > *
> > >
> > > import random
> >
> > Now that you've tripped over this ambiguity of Python's current
> > 'import' behaviour, you may be interested to know that the behaviour
> > will change to solve this:
> >
> >>
> I don't believe this change will solve the problem at hand, at least
> there's nothing in the PEP that says it will.  "import random" is an
> absolute import even in is in the current directory, because
> current directory is in sys.path.  Unless there's a change sys.path
> planned, the shadowing should still happen.

Correct. See also for more explanations and 
also more of the same confusion.


where is os.path.expanduser?

2006-03-23 Thread Kevin F
where is this code looking for the .imap file?  I am on OSX and am not 
sure where to put the file it is looking for.

f = open(os.path.expanduser('~/.imap'))

Re: don't understand popen2

2006-03-23 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Donn Cave wrote:

> Anyway, it seems unlikely he would get that INVARG error for this
> reason.  That's an error from the host operating system, not the
> interpreter, and it mostly likely refers to the file descriptor.
> Since it works for me, I guess his problem is basically this:
> |> (python 2.4 + win32 extensions on XPProSP2)
>   Donn Cave, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for your suggestion.

I shuffled it a bit around and executed it on my BSD box and there 
indeed it works, if I use that exactly program (well not the path var of 
course) on NT it has no error but it still not gives the expected 
results. So I guess that pipes,std-in, std-out & std-err work that 
different on NT then on other POSIX systems.

The lucky thing is that the code where I am exercising for must run on a 
BSD system so my immediately problem is dealt with, but I'm still 
curious how to get this working on NT.

I posted my new code and the results under my sep.

#! /usr/local/bin/python
import popen2

std_out, std_in = popen2.popen2("F:\coding\pwSync\popen_test\")
#! /usr/local/bin/python
someline = raw_input("something:")

if someline == 'test':

results on NT:

results on BSD:

os.path.expanduser ... where is this?

2006-03-23 Thread Kevin F
I have a code that opens an .imap file in os.path.expanduser.

Unfortunately, I am on OS X and have no idea where that directory is.

I am wondering how I can change this code to just open the .imap file in 
the directory where the code is saved.

f = open(os.path.expanduser('~/.imap'))

p.s. anyone know where os.path.expanduser opens up on OSX?

Re: Server.sendmail with no "to_addrs" parameter.

2006-03-23 Thread Tim Roberts
"EdWhyatt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Ok, totally unrelated, and on that subject, I will make sure I always
>have a recipient in the To: field. - hey it works if I do that anyway!

OK, I'm a bit concerned that the answer to the original question has been
lost.  The difference between the SMTP envelope and the message content is
an important one, and that's the key point here.  If this is obvious to
everyone involved, I apologize.

The actual content of an e-mail message, including the message headers, has
absolute nothing to do with the delivery of the message.  That's all just a
convention that we have developed to allow messages to be read by humans.
All of the To:, Cc:, and Bcc: headers are there for you, the human (well,
and your helper, the e-mail reader).  SMTP doesn't care one whit about

The smtplib.sendmail method has three parameters: sender, recipient list,
and content.  SMTP could not care less about the content.  You can skip ALL
of the headers (as long as you leave a blank line), and it will be
delivered just fine.  It won't be RFC 822 compliant, but SMTP doesn't care.
SMTP is RFC 821.  Your message will get delivered, although the recipients
e-mail reader might croak on it.

SMTP cares about the sender and the recipient list.  Going off the deep
end, consider this Python snippet:

   msg = """\
Subject: This is the RFC-822 part

Hello, mom!"""

   s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
msg )

Note that the To: address is not listed in the sendmail parameters.  Now,
here is a "simulated" SMTP script for this message:

Subject: This is the RFC-822 part

Hello, mom!

Those first four commands are SMTP, generated from the first two parameters
to sendmail, and those are the ONLY things that determine where this
message will be delivered.  The are called the "envelope".  Note that the
actual recipients' names do not appear in the message body AT ALL.  At the
other end, Mr. One at Foo, Inc., might be surprised to receive a message
that does not appear to have been addressed to him, but SMTP doesn't care.

So, the way a BCC works is that the address goes into the envelope (in the
to_addrs list), but not in the message body.
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: where is os.path.expanduser?

2006-03-23 Thread Peter Otten
Kevin F wrote:

> where is this code looking for the .imap file?  I am on OSX and am not
> sure where to put the file it is looking for.
> f = open(os.path.expanduser('~/.imap'))

Your interactive interpreter has the answer

>>> import os
>>> os.path.expanduser("~")

that will most likely differ from the one given above.


Re: Can't get the real contents form page in internet as the tag "no-chche"

2006-03-23 Thread Tim Roberts
"dongdong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>using web browser can get page's content formally, but when use
>the result is
>,I think the reson is the no-cache, are there person would help me?

No, that's not the reason.  The reason is that this includes a redirect.

As an HTML consumer, you are supposed to parse that content and notice the
 tag, which says "here is something that should have been
one of the HTTP headers".

In this case, it wants you to act as though you saw:
Refresh: 0;URL=
Pragma: no-cache

In this case, the "Refresh" header means that you are supposed to go fetch
the contents of that new page immediately.  Try using on THAT
address, and you should get your content.

This is one way to handle a web site reorganization and still allow older
URLs to work.
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: where is os.path.expanduser?

2006-03-23 Thread Kevin F
Peter Otten wrote:
> Kevin F wrote:
>> where is this code looking for the .imap file?  I am on OSX and am not
>> sure where to put the file it is looking for.
>> f = open(os.path.expanduser('~/.imap'))
> Your interactive interpreter has the answer
 import os
> '/home/peter'
> that will most likely differ from the one given above.
> Peter

Re: Per instance descriptors ?

2006-03-23 Thread bruno at modulix
Michael Spencer wrote:
> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> BTW, there may be other use case for per-instance descriptors... 
> Agreed.  Per-instance descriptors could be interesting (that's why the
> subject line caught my attention).
> But your solution involves a custom __getattribute__ in the class, which
> I would always avoid if possible (and I gather you're uneasy about it too).

I'm not uneasy about overriding __getattribute__, just about overriding
it that way -

> Here, I don't see why that's better than having a descriptor in the
> class and, if it needs per-instance behavior, then make it dependent on
> something provided by the instance.

Each instance will need it's own set of descriptors. The class is used
as a decorator for many controller functions. The descriptors are used
to encapsulate some gory implementation details about how to get such or
such object from the framework (they of course depend on instance
specific data, but that's not the point).

> e.g.,
> class DummyDescriptor1(object):
>   def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
> if isinstance(obj, objtype):
> return
> else:
> return self
> class MyClass4(object):
>   baaz = DummyDescriptor1()
>   def __init__(self, foo, bar = None):
> = foo
> = bar

This would imply a decorator subclass and a descriptor subclass for each
and every controller function - which is what I'm trying to avoid.


bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

IMAP mailwatcher w/Tkinter

2006-03-23 Thread Kevin F
I've been trying to implement this script, it polls an IMAP inbox for 
unread messages and displays the sender and subject in a scrollable 
window using Tkinter.  However, when I try to change the search 
parameters on line 55 from 'unread' (UNSEEN) to 'read' (SEEN), the 
tkinter window doesn't even pop up anymore.

Any idea how to change the parameters of this program and yet still keep 
it functional?

my code: (if you can't see line 55, search for 'UNSEEN')

#!/usr/bin/env python
import imaplib, string, sys, os, re, rfc822
from Tkinter import *

PollInterval = 60 # seconds

def getimapaccount():
 f = open(('info.imap'))
 except IOError, e:
 print 'Unable to open ~/.imap: ', e
 global imap_server, imap_user, imap_password
 imap_server, imap_user, imap_password = string.split(f.readline())
 except ValueError:
 print 'Invalid data in ~/.imap'

class msg: # a file-like object for passing a string to rfc822.Message
 def __init__(self, text):
self.lines = string.split(text, '\015\012')
 def readline(self):
try: return self.lines.pop() + '\n'
except: return ''

class Mailwatcher(Frame):
 def __init__(self, master=None):
 Frame.__init__(self, master)
 self.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
 self.scroll = Scrollbar(self)
 self.list = Listbox(self, font='7x13',
 setgrid=1, height=6, width=80)
 self.scroll.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH)
 self.list.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

 def getmail(self):
self.after(1000*PollInterval, self.getmail)
M = imaplib.IMAP4(imap_server)
M.login(imap_user, imap_password)
except Exception, e:
self.list.insert(END, 'IMAP login error: ', e)

result, message =
if result != 'OK':
raise Exception, message
typ, data =, '(UNSEEN)')
for num in string.split(data[0]):
f = M.fetch(num, '(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (SUBJECT FROM)])')
m = rfc822.Message(msg(f[1][0][1]), 0)
subject = m['subject']
except KeyError:
f = M.fetch(num, '(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM)])')
m = rfc822.Message(msg(f[1][0][1]), 0)
subject = '(no subject)'
fromaddr = m.getaddr('from')
if fromaddr[0] == "": n = fromaddr[1]
else: n = fromaddr[0]
text = '%-20.20s  %s' % (n, subject)
self.list.insert(END, text)
len = self.list.size()
if len > 0: self.list.see(len-1)
except Exception, e:
print sys.exc_info()
self.list.insert(END, 'IMAP read error: ', e)

root = Tk(className='mailwatcher')
mw = Mailwatcher(root)

Re: Use of Python with GDAL. How to speed up ?

2006-03-23 Thread Julien Fiore
Thank you Serge for this generous reply,

Vectorized code seems a great choice to compute the distance. If I
understand well, vectorized code can only work when you don't need to
access the values of the array, but only need to know the indices. This
works well for the distance, but I need to access the array values in
the openness function.

As regards array.array, it seems a bit complicated to reduce all my 2D
arrays to 1D arrays because I am working with the gdal library, which
works only with 'numeric' arrays.



Re: Per instance descriptors ?

2006-03-23 Thread bruno at modulix
Steven Bethard wrote:
> bruno at modulix wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm currently playing with some (possibly weird...) code, and I'd have a
>> use for per-instance descriptors, 

>> class MyClass2(MyClass1):
>> def __getattribute__(self, key):
>> v = MyClass1.__getattribute__(self, key)
>> if hasattr(v, '__get__'):
>> return v.__get__(self, self.__class__)
>> return v
>> And it *seems* to work just fine:
>> mc2 = MyClass2(bar='foo')
>> mc2.baaz
>> ->  'foo'
>> Now the question: is there any obvious (or non-obvious) drawback with
>> this approach ?
> Don't know if this matters, but if you override __getattribute__, you'll
> slow down all attribute accesses to this object.

Yes, I know, but this shouldn't be a major annoyance here.

>  If this matters, you
> could write something like:
> class MyClass(object):
> def __init__(self, bar=None):
> if bar is not None:
> = bar
> def __getattr__(self, name):
> if name == 'baaz':
> return
> elif name == 'bar':
> return 'no bar'

Don't focus on the dummy example I gave - the real descriptors are doing
something a bit less stupid !-)

> Could you explain again why you don't want baaz to be a class-level
> attribute?

Because the class is a decorator for many controller functions, and each
controller function will need it's own set of descriptors, so I don't
want to mess with the class.

Think of the decorator as a prototype, each controller function
customizing it according to it's need  - this customisation including
the decorator instance attaching descriptors and methods to itself
according to parameters passed at __init__ time. The decorator instance
also passes itself as first arg to the controller function - which then
practically become an instance method too.

Don't tell me, I know this is a somewhat weird architecture, and it
could mostly be done with more conventional subclassing. BTW, this was
how a first implementation worked, and it required almost twice more
code than the new one I'm experimenting, without being half as flexible.

As I said, it's mostly syntactic sugar, but what, I'm lazy enough to
spend time on writing code that will allow me to write less code in the
end !-)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

Re: __slots__

2006-03-23 Thread Ziga Seilnacht
David Isaac wrote:
> 1. "Without a __dict__ variable,
> instances cannot be assigned new variables not listed in the __slots__
> definition."
> So this seemed an interesting restriction to impose in some instances,
> but I've noticed that this behavior is being called by some a side effect
> the reliance on which is considered unPythonic.  Why?

If you want to restrict  attribute asignment, you should use the
__setattr__ special method, see:

> 2. What is a simple example where use of slots has caused "subtle" problems,
> as some claim it will?

The first point is true only if all bases use __slots__:

>>> class A(object):
... pass
>>> class B(A):
... __slots__ = ('spam',)
>>> b = B()
>>> b.eggs = 1
>>> b.eggs

> 3. What is a simple example of a Pythonic use of __slots__ that does NOT
> involved the creation of **many** instances.
> Thanks,
> Alan Isaac



Integrating python with smalltalk

2006-03-23 Thread nelson
Hi all,
  sorry if it isn't the right group (and sorry for the cross post, but
it's a cross- question :P ), but i'm not sure where to post. I have a
python library and i want to be able to call it from smalltalk (the
squeak implementation in particular..). I was just wondering if there
is a standard mechanism to do it. On windows i know i can create in
python a COM server and call it from smalltalk, but i wonder if there
is a more general solution (platform independent).

thanks for any advice,


Probelem about image size and dimensions

2006-03-23 Thread gongcheng_g
I got a piece of python script to upload file and it can upload it to
different folders on server depend on the type of file is image or not.
but I also want to restrict the size and dimensions of file if it is a
image file.Could anyone help me out?

Parameter List:id, file, title='',folder

if content_type.find('image')!=-1: #.find() is a method in Python2.0<

destination.manage_addImage(id, file, title)\


destination.manage_addFile(id, file, title)

return 'Finished'


Strange metaclass behaviour

2006-03-23 Thread Christian Eder

I think I have discovered a problem in context of
metaclasses and multiple inheritance in python 2.4,
which I could finally reduce to a simple example:

Look at following code:

class M_A (type) :

 def __new__ (meta, name, bases, dict) :
print "M.__new__", meta, name, bases
return super (M_A, meta).__new__ (meta, name, bases, dict)

class M_B (M_A) : pass

class A (object) : __metaclass__ = M_A

class B (object) : __metaclass__ = M_B

class D (A, B) : pass

One would expect that either
1) D inherits the metaclass M_A from A
2) or python raises the well known "Metatype conflict among bases"

Instead, if you run this code, you get the following output:

M.__new__  A (,)
M.__new__  B (,)
M.__new__  D (, )
M.__new__  D (, )

This means that when class D gets defined, the __new__ from M_A
get executed twice (first from M_A, then from M_B), which should not happen.
This suggests that either
1) cooperative supercalls do not work here
2) the metaclass of EACH of the bases of D does it's work independently
when D is defined.

Does anyone have a detailed explanation here ?
Is this problem already known ?


Re: Probelem about image size and dimensions

2006-03-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

> I got a piece of python script to upload file and it can upload it to
> different folders on server depend on the type of file is image or not.
> but I also want to restrict the size and dimensions of file if it is a
> image file.Could anyone help me out?

Use PIL, the python imaging library. Load your image, check its sizes and
proceed accordingly.


Re: Programming challenge: wildcard exclusion in cartesian products

2006-03-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The solution that would have the most utility would be one where the
elements are generated one-by-one, loop-like, so that they can be used
in the body of a loop, and to avoid the fact that even with exclusion
the cardinality of the target set EX^n could be in the millions even
with a full list of wc's, that is, a list containing at least one wc of
every length in 2..(n-1). I don't know enough Lisp, Haskell or
Qi/Prolog to know if the solutions so far can be modified to do this.
The Python program is too slow for large sets.

Walter Kehowski


Re: Linear regression in NumPy

2006-03-23 Thread nikie
Although I think it's worth reading, it only covers the fundamental
structure (what arrays are, what ufuncs are..) of NumPy. Neither of the
functions dicussed in this thread (polyfit/linear_least_squares) is
mentioned in the file.


Re: Programming challenge: wildcard exclusion in cartesian products

2006-03-23 Thread Dinko Tenev
Dirk Thierbach wrote:
> If more time during preprocessing is allowed, another idea is to
> treat the wildcard expressions as regular expressions, convert
> each into a finite state machine, construct the "intersection" of
> all these state machines, minimize it and then swap final and non-final
> states.

Given the requirements, did you mean taking the *union* and swapping
states?  Or maybe swapping states first, and then taking the

> Then you can use the resulting automaton to efficiently
> enumerate S^n - W. In the above case, the resulting FSM would have just
> three states.

I don't see immediately how exactly this is going to work.  Unless I'm
very much mistaken, a FSA in the classical sense will accept or reject
only after the whole sequence has been consumed, and this spells
exponential times.  For improved asymptotic complexity in this case,
you need to be able to at least reject in mid-sequence, and that calls
for a slightly different concept of a FSA -- is this what you meant?




Re: Can't get the real contents form page in internet as the tag "no-chche"

2006-03-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
dongdong wrote:

> using web browser can get page's content formally, but when use
> the result is
>  CONTENT="0;URL=";>
>  content="no-cache">?y?ú'ò?aò3??...
> ,I think the reson is the no-cache, are there person would help me?

No, the reason is the";>

that redirects you to the real site. Extract that url from the page and
request that. Or maybe you can use webunit, which acts more like a "real"
http-client with interpreting such content.


Re: Probelem about image size and dimensions

2006-03-23 Thread ChengGong
Thank you for your reply. I have been learning python only 2 weeks.
According what u said. I tried to import Image  but there 's an error
on the server.
here is the message
Error Type: ImportError
Error Value: import of "Image" is unauthorized


Re: Good thread pool module

2006-03-23 Thread Rene Pijlman
Dennis Lee Bieber:
>Raymond Hettinger:
>> Because of the GIL, thread pools are not as useful in Python as you
>> might expect -- they execute one at a time and do not take advantage of
>> hyper-threading or multiple processors.  If that kind of efficiency is
>   If the task is I/O bound (something like a web spider?), seems
>they'd still be useful...

Yes, I use a thread pool for that. But async I/O may be a more efficient
solution (e.g. Twisted).

René Pijlman

Wat wil jij leren?

Re: Probelem about image size and dimensions

2006-03-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
ChengGong wrote:

> Thank you for your reply. I have been learning python only 2 weeks.
> According what u said. I tried to import Image  but there 's an error
> on the server.
> here is the message
> Error Type: ImportError
> Error Value: import of "Image" is unauthorized

Are you by chance running under ZOPE? Then you'll need a so-called
ExternalMethod for your code to import restricted modules.


Re: Server.sendmail with no "to_addrs" parameter.

2006-03-23 Thread Arne Ludwig
Sorry to have caused all that confusion. The quote from RFC822 I gave
is really confusing and is indeed not relevant to the original
question. As Tim pointed out, the "to_addrs" parameter in is translated to the SMTP RCPT TO and thus must
contain all the intended recipients whether they are logically To, CC,
Bcc. That parameter cannot be empty, and that is not a restriction in
Python, but a restriction of the nature of email: No recipient, no

It is true that even with RFC 822 it was allowed to have NO To: line,
but NOT an empty To: line, while it was allowable to have an empty Bcc:
line. This was the quote I gave.


Re: Can't get the real contents form page in internet as the tag "no-chche"

2006-03-23 Thread dongdong
oh~~~! offer my  thanks to Tim Roberts  and all persons above!
 I see now, it's the different url causes!
 contents can only be got from the later (real ) url.
 I made a mistick not to look at the different urls  taking effect.


Re: Windows getting local ip address

2006-03-23 Thread Erno Kuusela
The traditional right way (tm) to do this is to call getsockname() on
the (a?) socket that's connected to the guy you want to tell your
address to. This picks the right address in case you have several. If
you don't have a socket handy, you can make a connectionless UDP
socket and connect() it to a suitable place - this won't result in any
packets on the wire. NAT breaks it of course, but then you couldn't
easily be contacted from outside the NAT anyway.

  -- erno

Re: Probelem about image size and dimensions

2006-03-23 Thread ChengGong

I asked the administrator that they won't allow me to import Image and
PIL in Zope.
I am wondering that how can I get the height and width and the size of
the image in this situation?
Can I just use to get Image's addtributs?



question: how to clare the absolute url in a html file

2006-03-23 Thread dongdong
is there any lib to help to clear the absolute url in a html file? for
example, '' should be clear ,but "/image/asd.gif"
should be reserved.


RELEASED Python 2.4.3, release candidate 1

2006-03-23 Thread Anthony Baxter
On behalf of the Python development team and the Python 
community, I'm happy to announce the release of Python 2.4.3 
(release candidate 1).

Python 2.4.3 is a bug-fix release. See the release notes at 
the website (also available as Misc/NEWS in the source 
distribution) for details of the more than 50 bugs squished 
in this release, including a number found by the Coverity 
Scan project.

Assuming no major problems crop up, a final release of 
Python 2.4.3 will follow in about a week's time.

For more information on Python 2.4.3, including download 
links for various platforms, release notes, and known issues, 
please see:

Highlights of this new release include:

  - Bug fixes. According to the release notes, at least 50 
have been fixed since 2.4.2.

Highlights of the previous major Python release (2.4) are 
available from the Python 2.4 page, at

On a personal note, according to my records this is the 25th 
release of Python I've made as release manager.

So enjoy this silver anniversary release,

Anthony Baxter
Python Release Manager
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team)

Re: Probelem about image size and dimensions

2006-03-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
ChengGong wrote:

> Diez,
> I asked the administrator that they won't allow me to import Image and
> PIL in Zope.
> I am wondering that how can I get the height and width and the size of
> the image in this situation?
> Can I just use to get Image's addtributs?

No. At least not easily. You'd have to write the whole image-header loading
yourself. Which is certainly more than a two-week-old python coder is
capable of.

If I were you I'd pester your sysadmins to allow you to create an external
method - after all it is _their_ job to make you happy as a developer -


Re: question: how to clare the absolute url in a html file

2006-03-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
dongdong wrote:

> is there any lib to help to clear the absolute url in a html file? for
> example, '' should be clear ,but "/image/asd.gif"
> should be reserved.

Built-in string-manipulation is your friend:

"abcdef/ghi".replace("abcdef", "")


Re: Windows getting local ip address

2006-03-23 Thread Arne Ludwig
That man is a genius:

>>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> s.connect(("",80))
>>> print s.getsockname()
('', 2768)
>>> s.close()

Should work on Windows as well.


Simple but fundamental: How to import a jython class?

2006-03-23 Thread aziz . hammadi
I wrote a jython class bus I can not use it in another jython script
class X:
 def hello():
 print "Hello"

import X
x = X()

I get TypeError: call of non function (module 'X')
Both files are in the same directory.



Re: question: how to clare the absolute url in a html file

2006-03-23 Thread dongdong
to Diez B. Roggisch :
 no, I won't to  use this way, its efficiency is very low as I need to
replace all the '

Re: Simple but fundamental: How to import a jython class?

2006-03-23 Thread Frank Schenk
> I wrote a jython class bus I can not use it in another jython script
> :-(
> Example:
> --
> class X:
>  def hello():
>  print "Hello"
> --
> import X
> x = X()
> x.hello()
> I get TypeError: call of non function (module 'X')
> Both files are in the same directory.

from X import X
x = X.X()


PIL: Breaking/Wrapping lines "automatically"

2006-03-23 Thread Jorge Godoy


Is there something I can do in PIL to restrict a line to a certain size and
have it to break/wrap into a newline automatically?  (Or by using some code, of

I'm trying to add information to barcodes and since the label space is fixed
I'd like to use all the horizontal space I can and since I'm with two or three
lines of free space I'd like to use them as well.

Jorge Godoy  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

Re: Some info

2006-03-23 Thread Fulvio
Alle 22:14, mercoledì 22 marzo 2006, Sybren Stuvel ha scritto:

> different partitions might have, though. Then again, it all depends on
> the filesystems in use.
Then I should make some extra programming to catch these info, according to 
which OS will run it :-(
Regarding the names, CDROMs DVD have a label, which might be written during 
the burning process. Also partition have name, which can be written by fdisk, 
or in MS windows properties.
Just a comparison :  Imaging something like WhereIsIt (Windows) Gwhere 
(Linux), but in my opinion I'd like to give it free and less weak (as the 
before-mentioned programs).


Re: Remote teamwork anecdotes

2006-03-23 Thread Ed Leafe
On Mar 20, 2006, at 9:51 PM, Alex Martelli wrote:

> While what *I* want, ideally, is pair programming -- somebody sitting
> right at my side, alternating with me in controlling keyboard and  
> mouse,
> and in verbalizing what he or she is coding -- that's part of the huge
> productivity boost I observe in a co-located team... that pair
> programming works SO much better that way, that even with the best
> remote cooperation tools (subethaedit onwards).

I've often noticed that programming for me is akin to composing  
music. Now let me start by saying that while I can hum pretty well,  
I'm not a musician of any sort, so this is based upon the experiences  
related to me by others who are (btw, there seems to be a very large  
overlap between programmers and musicians...).

I can be mulling over a particular problem for hours, sometimes  
days, and do nothing but write some pseudo-code or a couple of trial  
programs that don't really do what is needed. Then, at some  
unpredictable point, clarity sets in and I see the solution. After  
that, it's just a matter of transferring that into code (for which  
Python is by far the best language, as it doesn't get in my way).

The people I know who write music tell me of a similar process: they  
play a few bars or write a few words, but it doesn't feel quite  
right. Then either a particular musical hook comes to mind, or a set  
of words that solidifies the image of what they were feeling, and  
after that the song is written in their head and just needs to be  
transferred to tape (or bits, as is more common these days).

I can't wake up one day and plan my day like this: 9-12, write some  
killer algorithm; 12-1, run errands and eat lunch; 1-3, add algorithm  
to existing code and refactor; etc. Nor can the musicians I know plan  
of writing the first stanza of a song in the morning, the second  
after lunch, and the chorus in the evening.

The other similarity is that some musicians tend to be more creative  
when off by themselves, while the rest seem to feed off of jamming  
together with others. Most of them strongly prefer one or the other;  
rarely do they employ both. The comparison to programmers would be  
that I seem to resemble the former type, while you seem to resemble  
the latter.

I strongly agree on the benefit of code review, though, especially  
in my case where things tend to get written more or less  
unconsciously. While the main problem may be addressed well, there  
are either side/end cases that still need to be addressed, or there  
is an opportunity to refactor to make it fit in much better with the  
project as a whole. A partner who is not emotionally immersed in the  
code can usually see these things better than the person who created  
the code.

> Wanna talk debugging?  I think solo debugging is even worse than solo
> programming -- when I just CAN'T have a debugging partner for a
> sufficiently nasty bug (race conditions are the worst, but there are
> many other categories vying for that title;-), I'll turn to one of my
> beloved plushies (I'm firmly convinced the baby tiger is by far the  
> most
> effective debugging partner for most bugs, though Tux the Penguin  
> has a
> knack for helping spot bugs that aren't MY fault but rather the
> compiler's &c -- since I've been using Python for most of my coding  
> for
> years, poor Tux hasn't seen much action recently) -- I talk out  
> loud to
> the plushy-partner to make narratives out of expected and observed
> occurrences.  But a *LIVE* partner, actively checking out the  
> coherence
> of my narratives and challenging them and proposing alternatives,  
> is 10
> times more effective... the plushies don't even talk back (except in
> debugging sessions that have gone on for *FAR* too long;-).

OK, we part ways on the plushie thing, but here I have to agree with  
you: a second set of eyes (and brain patterns) helps immeasurably  
when debugging. I think the key here is having to explain what you  
did and what you thought the code should have done to someone else  
clarifies the problem, whether it's explaining it to someone else in  
the room, or trying to explain it in an email to a list like this. I  
can't even begin to count the number of times that I've been stuck,  
and decided to post the problem to a list for help, and in the  
process of composing the email, figured out what my mistake was!  
Those netiquette guidelines for posting intelligently aren't to help  
the readers of the post; they're to help you form your scattered  
thoughts into a coherent picture, and more often than not, if it's a  
bug that I've created rather than a gap in my understanding, the  
process of writing the email is all I need.

I guess if there's a point to all of this, it's that good  
programming is a creative process, and that you need to identify what  
works and doesn't work for you. There is no one-size-fits-all  

Building files within a package

2006-03-23 Thread schwehr
Hi All,

I am creating a python package that contains a whole pile of functions
that build lookup tables.  Since these lookup tables will not be
changing, I would like to have create a fie from
the lookup table code (  What is the best way to do this so
that when I install the package the static tables get build?  It
basically looks like this

   foo <- want to generate this from

For development, it is easy enough for me to have a Makefile in foo
that creates when ever is changed, but I would
like to make handle this so if someone tweaks the and
reinstalls it, they don't have to know about foo/Makefile



Re: Programming challenge: wildcard exclusion in cartesian products

2006-03-23 Thread Dr.Ruud

> The solution that would have the most utility would be one where the
> elements are generated one-by-one, loop-like, so that they can be used
> in the body of a loop, and to avoid the fact that even with exclusion
> the cardinality of the target set EX^n could be in the millions even
> with a full list of wc's, that is, a list containing at least one wc
> of every length in 2..(n-1). I don't know enough Lisp, Haskell or
> Qi/Prolog to know if the solutions so far can be modified to do this.
> The Python program is too slow for large sets.

Use a bitmapping, see also

Detect the exclusions with a bitwise AND.

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."
echo 014C8A26C5DB87DBE85A93DBF |perl -pe 'tr/0-9A-F/JunkshoP cartel,/'


Re: Simple but fundamental: How to import a jython class?

2006-03-23 Thread Fredrik Lundh

>I wrote a jython class bus I can not use it in another jython script
> :-(
> Example:
> --
> class X:
> def hello():
> print "Hello"
> --
> import X
> x = X()
> x.hello()
> I get TypeError: call of non function (module 'X')
> Both files are in the same directory.

after you've done "import X", the name X refers to the namespace of the
module, not the class (or any other object) in that module.  to access
the class, use dot notation:

x = X.X()



Re: don't understand popen2

2006-03-23 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
Martin P. Hellwig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>std_out, std_in = popen2.popen2("F:\coding\pwSync\popen_test\")
Your problem is, I suspect, nothing to do with popen2(), which is
supported by the fact that the only thing other than OS different
between this and your working BSD version is the path:
>>> "F:\coding\pwSync\popen_test\"

std_out, std_in = popen2.popen2("F:/coding/pwSync/popen_test/")
std_out, std_in = popen2.popen2("F:\\coding\\pwSync\\popen_test\\")
(and please avoid the abuse of raw strings for Windows paths).

  ___  |  "Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other"
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: Simple but fundamental: How to import a jython class?

2006-03-23 Thread aziz . hammadi
Thanks Frank. It works :_)


Re: COM Client / Server creation?

2006-03-23 Thread Dan
>>What went wrong...
Operator Error. My appologies. If typed in correctly the example works
perfectly. I was using the PythonWin shell and when I started to type
in it suggested CDispatch and I typed that in. I will be looking to
pick up a copy of the book if I continue to use Python. I still do not
know if it will be sufficient to my purposes. It looks like a very
powerful scripting language. Dan


Re: Breaking/Wrapping lines "automatically"

2006-03-23 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Jorge Godoy wrote:
> Is there something I can do in PIL to restrict a line to a certain size and
> have it to break/wrap into a newline automatically?  (Or by using some
> code, of course...)

there's no standard function for this purpose, no.

here's a somewhat rough implementation, based on a WCK demo:

a somewhat better approach would be to use collect words as long as
they fit, and write each line as a single string.



Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-23 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
>Diez> Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
>>> I've got an established client-server application here where there
>>> is now a need to shovel huge amounts of data (structured as lists of
>>> lists) between the two, and the performance bottleneck has become
>>> the amount of time spent parsing XML ...
>Diez> CORBA. Or TCP/IP directly. I know that isn't really the answer
>Diez> you're looking for - but there is an overhead parsing XML, and
>Diez> that can't go away.
>Ah, but if both ends of the pipe happen to be running Python, you can
>cheat. ;-)  Run your list through marshal.dumps() before passing it to
>xmlrpclib, then undo the marshalling on the other end.
> [ ... ]
>If you can swing it, I'd be willing to bet you a beer your XML parsing time
>will all but disappear.

I wouldn't take you up on that bet, because I'd already considered
that as a likely solution, and while I was asking here another member
of the team went away and implemented it for me. Except with cPickle
(as suggested elsewhere in the thread) -- we've got DateTime objects
in there, which marshal chokes on. Initial tests show you'd've
comfortably won your beer: 16s XML parsing down to 0.5s parsing plus
1.5s unpickling.

>If you're not using xmlrpclib with some sort of C helper (like sgmlop), try
>that as well.  Big difference parsing XML in C and Python.

Diez edited out the bit where I said we were using sgmlop and worried
about what it would be like if we weren't 8-)

  ___  |  "Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other"
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: don't understand popen2

2006-03-23 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

> 'F:\\coding\\pwSync\\popen_test\'

this might make it more obvious that something's not quite right with that
string literal:

>>> print "F:\coding\pwSync\popen_test\"



Re: datetime iso8601 string input

2006-03-23 Thread Magnus Lycka
> Why not
> dt = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")[0:6])
> ?

Maybe due to neglection of the 7th commandment?
Most of the other commandments can be ignored while
coding Python, but the 7th certainly applies here.

As I've written before, the ISO 8601 spec contains
many variations in date formats. Making a full ISO
8601 parser is probably possible if we ignore time
deltas, but it's hardly worth the effort. Writing
something that parses a few percent of the possible
ISO 8601 messages and calling that an ISO 8601
parser seems silly to me.

With code like Skip's above it's obvious what kind
of strings are handled. In typical applications, one
such format is enough, and this needs to be properly
specified. In a recent case I wrote the spec like

"The timestamp shall be an ISO 8601 combination of
UTC date and time with complete representation in
extended format, with representation of fractions
of seconds with up to six decimals preceeded by a
full stop as decimal sign.
E.g. 2005-06-20T13:42:55.2425Z"

Despite my verbosity here, someone who didn't follow
the example, would still be able to write ISO 8601
strings following the requirements above that we
won't parse, since I didn't actually write that dates
should be written as year-month-day.

For a brief summary of some of the allowed variation

Re: question: how to clare the absolute url in a html file

2006-03-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
dongdong wrote:

> to Diez B. Roggisch :
>  no, I won't to  use this way, its efficiency is very low as I need to
> replace all the '

Re: Breaking/Wrapping lines "automatically"

2006-03-23 Thread Jorge Godoy
"Fredrik Lundh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jorge Godoy wrote:
>> Is there something I can do in PIL to restrict a line to a certain size and
>> have it to break/wrap into a newline automatically?  (Or by using some
>> code, of course...)
> there's no standard function for this purpose, no.
> here's a somewhat rough implementation, based on a WCK demo:
> a somewhat better approach would be to use collect words as long as
> they fit, and write each line as a single string.

Then I'd have to have some means to determine the width of the char (I'm using
a TrueType font due to my need of using Unicode text) to calculate how many
words I can put on a single line... 

I'll take a look at the page above.


Jorge Godoy  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

Re: Breaking/Wrapping lines "automatically"

2006-03-23 Thread Jorge Godoy
Jorge Godoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Then I'd have to have some means to determine the width of the char (I'm using
> a TrueType font due to my need of using Unicode text) to calculate how many
> words I can put on a single line... 

Hmmm...  It looks like your code does that!  Thanks!  I'll give it a try

Jorge Godoy  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

Convert Word .doc to Acrobat .pdf files

2006-03-23 Thread kbperry
Hi all,

I need some help.  I am trying to streamline a process for one of our
technical writers.  He is using Perforce (version control system), and
is constantly changing his word documents, and then converts them to
both .pdf and "Web page" format (to publish to the web).  He has a
licensed copy of Adobe Acrobat Professional (7.x).

Does Acrobat Pro, have some way to interface with it command-line (I
tried searching, but couldn't find anything)?  Is there any other good
way to script word to pdf conversion?

Note:  The word documents do contain images, and lots of stuff besides
just text.


Re: Probelem about image size and dimensions

2006-03-23 Thread ChengGong
Hi Diez,

They do not allow me to do what u said above.
so I do not have any idea what is supposed to do.
however i am think that if I can get the id of the image, i have chance
to modify it.
This is what i programed but it is an empty page, I but it in images

File Library

Last Modified







is there any mistake?
How ever thank you alot Diez. Your comments and suggestion are helpful.

P.S. i am doing my internship in a commercial company:(, create
external method is not allowed in my situation



Re: Server applications - avoiding sleep

2006-03-23 Thread rodmc
Hi Lev,

Sounds interesting. As I am quite new to Python an example program
would be most welcome. My email address is contained in the message.




Re: Probelem about image size and dimensions

2006-03-23 Thread ChengGong
Is that because I can not import PIL ? then i can not use codes above
to show all image id?


Re: Strange metaclass behaviour

2006-03-23 Thread Ziga Seilnacht
Christian Eder wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I have discovered a problem in context of
> metaclasses and multiple inheritance in python 2.4,
> which I could finally reduce to a simple example:

I don't know if this is a bug; but I will try to expain
what is happening; here is an example similar to yours:

>>> class M_A(type):
... def __new__(meta, name, bases, dict):
... print 'metaclass:', meta.__name__, 'class:', name
... return super(M_A, meta).__new__(meta, name, bases, dict)
>>> class M_B(M_A):
... pass
>>> class A(object):
... __metaclass__ = M_A
metaclass: M_A class: A
>>> class B(object):
... __metaclass__ = M_B
metaclass: M_B class: B

So far everything is as expected.

>>> class C(A, B):
... __metaclass__ = M_B
metaclass: M_B class: C

If we explicitly declare that our derived class inherits
from the second base, which has a more derived metaclass,
everything is OK.

>>> class D(A, B):
... pass
metaclass: M_A class: D
metaclass: M_B class: D

Now this is where it gets interesting; what happens
is the following:
 - Since D does not have a __metaclass__ attribute,
   its type is determined from its bases.
 - Since A is the first base, its type (M_A) is called;
   unfortunately this is not the way metaclasses are
   supposed to work; the most derived metaclass should
   be selected.
 - M_A's __new__ method calls the __new__ method of the
   next class in MRO; that is, super(M_1, meta).__new__
   is equal to type.__new__.
 - In type.__new__, it is determined that M_A is not
   the best type for D class; it should be actually M_B.
 - Since type.__new__ was called with wrong metaclass
   as the first argument, call the correct metaclass.
 - This calls M_B.__new__, which again calls type.__new__,
   but this time with M_B as the first argument, which
   is correct.

As I said, I don't know if this is a bug or not,
but you can achieve what is expected if you do the
following in your __new__ method (warning, untested code):

>>> from types import ClassType
>>> class AnyMeta(type):
... """
... Metaclass that follows type's behaviour in "metaclass
... Code is taken from Objects/typeobject.c and translated to
... """
... def __new__(meta, name, bases, dict):
... winner = meta
... for cls in bases:
... candidate = type(cls)
... if candidate is ClassType:
... continue
... if issubclass(winner, candidate):
... continue
... if issubclass(candidate, winner):
... winner = candidate
... continue
... raise TypeError("metaclass conflict: ...")
... if winner is not meta and winner.__new__ !=
... return winner.__new__(winner, name, bases, dict)
... # Do what you actually meant from here on
... print 'metaclass:', winner.__name__, 'class:', name
... return super(AnyMeta, winner).__new__(winner, name, bases,
>>> class OtherMeta(AnyMeta):
... pass
>>> class A(object):
... __metaclass__ = AnyMeta
metaclass: AnyMeta class: A
>>> class B(object):
... __metaclass__ = OtherMeta
metaclass: OtherMeta class: B
>>> class C(A, B):
... pass
metaclass: OtherMeta class: C

> Does anyone have a detailed explanation here ?
> Is this problem already known ?
> regards
> chris

I hope that above explanation helps.



Re: Default/editable string to raw_input

2006-03-23 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
Sybren Stuvel  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Paraic Gallagher enlightened us with:
>> While I agree in principal to your opinion, the idea is that an
>> absolute moron would be able to configure a testcell with smallest
>> amount of effort possible.
>Then explain to me why learning how to use your program to edit the
>file is easier than using an already familiar program.

You're assuming that the tester is already familiar with a text
editor. And then they would have to learn the syntax of the
configuration file, and the parameters available. A point-and-
drool interface requires no such learning.

  ___  |  "Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other"
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-23 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
>Steve> I suppose there *was* a good reason for using XML-RPC in the
>Steve> first place?
>I don't know about the OP, but in my case it was a drop-dead simple
>cross-language RPC protocol.

I am the OP and *I* don't know if there was a good reason for using
XML-RPC in the first place. It's someone else's code, and they're
no longer with the company. I can see it being justifiable at the
time: (a) single developer writing both server and client doesn't
need to think about the implemention of their communication (b) in
the future there may be other clients in other languages (as above)
and (c) up until recently, the volume of data being passed back and
forth wasn't high enough for XML parsing performance to be of much
significance. I've known XML parsing makes XML-RPC suck since, er,
before XML-RPC was invented. (At about the same time that SOAP was
being developed, we developed a prototype component system using
XML for message passing, then threw it away when it was clear that
the XML parsing was a major bottleneck.)

  ___  |  "Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other"
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: Help: why python odbc module can not fetch all over?

2006-03-23 Thread zxo102
Hi Dennis,

Thanks for your effort. I really appreciate it.  It works for me



python/py2exe running in background

2006-03-23 Thread Astan Chee
Im using py2exe to convert my python scripts to .exe. Im trying to get 
my scripts and .exes to only run (utilize full CPU) when my PC is idle 
(kinda like [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
Do i only need to modify GIL parameters or is there more to acomplishing 


definition of sub-functions in the hotshot profiler

2006-03-23 Thread Lars Woetmann
what is the definition of sub-functions in the hotshot profiler? and just
as important what is not sub-functions

from the output I can see that functions I made and functions in
/usr/lib/python2.4/ is considered sub-functions, but I call a
lot of other functions in the python library and they are not in the
output, so how come textwrap is?


import hotshot, hotshot.stats
prof = hotshot.Profile("")
stats = hotshot.stats.load("")
stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')


 195 function calls in 0.005 CPU seconds

   Ordered by: internal time, call count

ncalls tottime percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 1 0.0010.0010.0050.005 
18 0.0010.0000.0020.000 m/kw/
 9 0.0010.0000.0010.000 
 1 0.0000.0000.0030.003 m/kw/
18 0.0000.0000.0010.000 
18 0.0000.0000.0000.000 /usr/lib/python2.4/
 9 0.0000.0000.0010.000 m/kw/
18 0.0000.0000.0000.000 
 9 0.0000.0000.0010.000 
36 0.0000.0000.0000.000 m/kw/
 1 0.0000.0000.0000.000 
18 0.0000.0000.0000.000 
18 0.0000.0000.0000.000 
18 0.0000.0000.0000.000 
 2 0.0000.0000.0000.000 m/kw/ 
 1 0.0000.0000.0000.000 m/kw/ 
 0 0.000 0.000  profile:0(profiler)

Re: Strange metaclass behaviour

2006-03-23 Thread Michele Simionato
Ziga Seilnacht wrote:
>  - Since D does not have a __metaclass__ attribute,
>its type is determined from its bases.
>  - Since A is the first base, its type (M_A) is called;
>unfortunately this is not the way metaclasses are
>supposed to work; the most derived metaclass should
>be selected.
>  - M_A's __new__ method calls the __new__ method of the
>next class in MRO; that is, super(M_1, meta).__new__
>is equal to type.__new__.
>  - In type.__new__, it is determined that M_A is not
>the best type for D class; it should be actually M_B.
>  - Since type.__new__ was called with wrong metaclass
>as the first argument, call the correct metaclass.
>  - This calls M_B.__new__, which again calls type.__new__,
>but this time with M_B as the first argument, which
>is correct.

This is a very good explanation and it should go somewhere in the
standard docs.
I remember I spent a significant amount of time and effort to reach the
same conclusion
a while ago, and now I have already started to forget eveything a again
Anyway, I will bookmark this post for future reference ;)

Michele Simionato


Re: SWIGing problem

2006-03-23 Thread Jaap Spies
Robert Kern wrote:
> Tommy Grav wrote:
>>This might not be the venue to ask this but I do not know where else to
>>I am trying to install a package that is swig'ed from some C code. 
>>Unfortunately the readme file isn't to informative.  Does anyone
>>know which libraries to link to to remove the undefined symbols
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] Python/pynovas -> ld -dynamic novas_wrap.o libnovas.a -lm
>>-lpython -o
>>ld: Undefined symbols:
> Ouch! Are they really not using distutils to build the extension modules? Even
> when you fix the specific issue above (if you're on OS X, add -lcc_dynamic to
> the link line; otherwise, I don't know), you're still probably going to have
> other problems. distutils knows how to build Python extensions modules. The
> pynovas Makefile doesn't.

I did not use distutils, because I do not know how :-)! Maybe in the 
next release of PyNOVAS.


wxpython error message?

2006-03-23 Thread Kenneth Xie
I made some mistake in my codes, so there was a window with a text field
appeared. But before I could read the message in the text field, the
window disappeared. So I can't figure out what's the problem with my codes.
What should I do to make the message window last a little longer?

Thank you.

Re: removing file by inode

2006-03-23 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-03-23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> is it possible to remove a file by it's inode and not it's filename
> using Python?

What do you mean "remove a file"?

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Life is a POPULARITY

Re: Convert Word .doc to Acrobat .pdf files

2006-03-23 Thread Thomas Guettler
I wrote a script which uses OpenOffice. It can
convert and read a lot of formats.

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Old: !/optlocal/
# (c) 2003-2006 Thomas Guettler

# OpenOffice1.1 comes with its own python interpreter.
# This Script needs to be run with the python from OpenOffice1:
#   /opt/ 
# Start the Office before connecting:
# soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;"
# With OpenOffice2 you can use the default Python-Interpreter (at least on SuSE)

# Python Imports
import os
import re
import sys
import getopt

sys.path.insert(0, default_path)

# pyUNO Imports
import uno
from import PropertyValue
print "This Script needs to be run with the python from"
print "Example: /opt/ %s" % (
print "Or you need to insert the right path at the top, where is."
print "Default: %s" % default_path



def usage():
print """Usage: %s [--extension pdf --format writer_pdf_Export] files
All files or directories will be converted to HTML.

You must start the office with this line before starting
this script:
  soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;"

 If you want to export to something else, you need to use give the extension 
 the format.
 For a list of possible export formats see




 grep -ri MYEXTENSION 
 the format is

path to modules per import statement

2006-03-23 Thread AndyL
is there any way to specify the path to modules within import statement 
(like in Java)?

For instance: "import my.path.module" would load module from 


Re: Strange metaclass behaviour

2006-03-23 Thread Michele Simionato
Christian Eder wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I have discovered a problem in context of
> metaclasses and multiple inheritance in python 2.4,
> which I could finally reduce to a simple example:
> Look at following code:
> class M_A (type) :
>  def __new__ (meta, name, bases, dict) :
> print "M.__new__", meta, name, bases
> return super (M_A, meta).__new__ (meta, name, bases, dict)
> class M_B (M_A) : pass
> class A (object) : __metaclass__ = M_A
> class B (object) : __metaclass__ = M_B
> class D (A, B) : pass
> One would expect that either
> 1) D inherits the metaclass M_A from A
> 2) or python raises the well known "Metatype conflict among bases"
> error

No, there is no conflict in this case: since M_B is a subclass of M_A,
metaclass of D is M_B. I don't think this is bug either: the fact is
type.__new__ works differently from object.__new__, so that it is
called twice in this case. Not sure if it could be avoided.

Speaking of the metatype conflict, I realized a while ago that it is
to avoid it automatically even at the pure Python level, without
the C code for type.__new__. However, the solution is too complicate.
to the Zen of Python "If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a
bad idea",
thus I have never used it.

Still, it is an interesting exercise if you are willing to risk the
melting of your brain,
so here is the code ;)

"""Deep, **DEEP** magic to remove metaclass conflicts.

``noconflict`` provides the ``safetype`` metaclass, the mother of
metaclasses. I you do

from noconflict import safetype as type

on top of your module, all your metaclasses will be conflict safe.
If you override ``__new__`` when you derive from ``safetype``,
you should do it cooperatively."""

import inspect, types, __builtin__
try: set # python version >= 2.4
except NameError: # python version <= 2.3
   from sets import Set as set

def skip_redundant(iterable, skipset=None):
   "Redundant items are repeated items or items in the original
   if skipset is None: skipset = set()
   for item in iterable:
   if item not in skipset:
   yield item

memoized_metaclasses_map = {}

# utility function
def remove_redundant(metaclasses):
   skipset = set([types.ClassType])
   for meta in metaclasses: # determines the metaclasses to be skipped
   return tuple(skip_redundant(metaclasses, skipset))

## now the core of the module: two mutually recursive functions ##

def get_noconflict_metaclass(bases, left_metas, right_metas):
"""Not intended to be used outside of this module, unless you know
what you are doing."""
# make tuple of needed metaclasses in specified priority order
metas = left_metas + tuple(map(type, bases)) + right_metas
needed_metas = remove_redundant(metas)

# return existing confict-solving meta, if any
if needed_metas in memoized_metaclasses_map:
  return memoized_metaclasses_map[needed_metas]
# nope: compute, memoize and return needed conflict-solving meta
elif not needed_metas: # wee, a trivial case, happy us
meta = type
elif len(needed_metas) == 1: # another trivial case
meta = needed_metas[0]
# check for recursion, can happen i.e. for Zope ExtensionClasses
elif needed_metas == bases:
raise TypeError("Incompatible root metatypes", needed_metas)
else: # gotta work ...
metaname = '_' + ''.join([m.__name__ for m in needed_metas])
meta = classmaker()(metaname, needed_metas, {})
memoized_metaclasses_map[needed_metas] = meta
return meta

def classmaker(left_metas=(), right_metas=()):
def make_class(name, bases, adict):
metaclass = get_noconflict_metaclass(bases, left_metas,
return metaclass(name, bases, adict)
return make_class

## and now a conflict-safe replacement for 'type'  ##

__type__=__builtin__.type # the aboriginal 'type'
# left available in case you decide to rebind __builtin__.type

class safetype(__type__):
"""Overrides the ``__new__`` method of the ``type`` metaclass,
making the
generation of classes conflict-proof."""
def __new__(mcl, *args):
nargs = len(args)
if nargs == 1: # works as __builtin__.type
return __type__(args[0])
elif nargs == 3: # creates the class using the appropriate
n, b, d = args # name, bases and dictionary
meta = get_noconflict_metaclass(b, (mcl,), right_metas=())
if meta is mcl: # meta is trivial, dispatch to the default
return super(safetype, mc

encoding problems (é and è)

2006-03-23 Thread bussiere bussiere
hi i'am making a program for formatting string,
i've added :
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

in the begining of my script but

 str = str.replace('Ç', 'C')
str = str.replace('é', 'E')
str = str.replace('É', 'E')
str = str.replace('è', 'E')
str = str.replace('È', 'E')
str = str.replace('ê', 'E')

doesn't work it put me " and , instead of remplacing é by E

if someone have an idea it could be great

ps : i've added the whole script under :


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import fileinput, glob, string, sys, os, re

fichA=raw_input("Entrez le nom du fichier d'entree : ")
print ("\n")
fichC=raw_input("Entrez le nom du fichier de sortie : ")
print ("\n")
normalisation1 = raw_input("Normaliser les adresses 1 (ex : Avenue->
AV) (O/N) ou A pour tout normaliser \n")
normalisation1 = normalisation1.upper()

if normalisation1 != "A":
print ("\n")
normalisation2 = raw_input("Normaliser les civilités (ex :
Docteur-> DR) (O/N) \n")
normalisation2 = normalisation2.upper()
print ("\n")
normalisation3 = raw_input("Normaliser les Adresses 2 (ex :
Place-> PL) (O/N) \n")
normalisation3 = normalisation3.upper()

normalisation4 = raw_input("Normaliser les caracteres / et - (ex :
/ ->   ) (O/N) \n" )
normalisation4 = normalisation4.upper()

if normalisation1 == "A":
normalisation1 = "O"
normalisation2 = "O"
normalisation3 = "O"
normalisation4 = "O"


compteur = 0

while 1:


if ligneA == "":


if ligneA != "":
str = ligneA
str = str.replace('a', 'A')
str = str.replace('b', 'B')
str = str.replace('c', 'C')
str = str.replace('d', 'D')
str = str.replace('e', 'E')
str = str.replace('f', 'F')
str = str.replace('g', 'G')
str = str.replace('h', 'H')
str = str.replace('i', 'I')
str = str.replace('j', 'J')
str = str.replace('k', 'K')
str = str.replace('l', 'L')
str = str.replace('m', 'M')
str = str.replace('n', 'N')
str = str.replace('o', 'O')
str = str.replace('p', 'P')
str = str.replace('q', 'Q')
str = str.replace('r', 'R')
str = str.replace('s', 'S')
str = str.replace('t', 'T')
str = str.replace('u', 'U')
str = str.replace('v', 'V')
str = str.replace('w', 'W')
str = str.replace('x', 'X')
str = str.replace('y', 'Y')
str = str.replace('z', 'Z')

str = str.replace('ç', 'C')
str = str.replace('Ç', 'C')
str = str.replace('é', 'E')
str = str.replace('É', 'E')
str = str.replace('è', 'E')
str = str.replace('È', 'E')
str = str.replace('ê', 'E')
str = str.replace('Ê', 'E')
str = str.replace('ë', 'E')
str = str.replace('Ë', 'E')
str = str.replace('ä', 'A')
str = str.replace('Ä', 'A')
str = str.replace('à', 'A')
str = str.replace('À', 'A')
str = str.replace('Á', 'A')
str = str.replace('Â', 'A')
str = str.replace('Ä', 'A')
str = str.replace('Ã', 'A')
str = str.replace('â', 'A')
str = str.replace('Ä', 'A')
str = str.replace('ï', 'I')
str = str.replace('Ï', 'I')
str = str.replace('î', 'I')
str = str.replace('Î', 'I')
str = str.replace('ô', 'O')
str = str.replace('Ô', 'O')
str = str.replace('ö', 'O')
str = str.replace('Ö', 'O')
str = str.replace('Ú','U')
str = str.replace('  ', ' ')
str = str.replace('   ', ' ')
str = str.replace('', ' ')

if normalisation1 == "O":
str = str.replace('AVENUE', 'AV')
str = str.replace('BOULEVARD', 'BD')
str = str.replace('FAUBOURG', 'FBG')
str = str.replace('GENERAL', 'GAL')
str = str.replace('COMMANDANT', 'CMDT')
str = str.replace('MARECHAL', 'MAL')
str = str.replace('PRESIDENT', 'PRDT')
str = str.replace('SAINT', 'ST')
str = str.replace('SAINTE', 'STE')
str = str.replace('LOTISSEMENT', 'LOT')
str = str.replace('RESIDENCE', 'RES')
str = str.replace('IMMEUBLE', 'IMM')
str = str.replace('IMEUBLE', 'IMM')
str = str.replace('BATIMENT', 'BAT')

if normalisation2 == "O":
str = str.replace('MONSIEUR', 'M')
str = str.replace('MR', 'M')
str = str.replace('MADAME', 'MME')
str = str.replace('MADEMOISELLE', 'MLLE')
str = str.replace('DOCTEUR', 'DR')
str = str.replace('PROFESSEUR', 'PR')
str = str.replace('MONSEIGNEUR', 'MGR')
str = str.replace('M ME','MME')

if normalisation

Re: Strange metaclass behaviour

2006-03-23 Thread Christian Eder
Ziga Seilnacht wrote:

> I hope that above explanation helps.

Thanks for your support.
I now understand what happens here,
but I'm not really happy with the situation.
Your solution is a nice workaround, but in a quite 
huge and complex class framework with a lot a custom 
metaclasses you don't want this code in each __new__ 
function. And in fact each __new__ which does not contain this
fix-code (and which is not completely side-effect free) might
break if someone adds additional classes deeps down in the 
inheritance hierarchy (which is exactly what happened
for me). And this is clearly not what one should expect in
context of multiple inheritance and cooperative supercalls.

Raising a "metatype conflict among bases" error might be a 
perfectly acceptable behavior here (though it would be better if 
python resolves the conflict as your code does), but 
double-executing code is not in my humble opinion.

Is this worth a bug-report on sourceforge ?


Re: Convert Word .doc to Acrobat .pdf files

2006-03-23 Thread Duncan Booth
kbperry wrote:

> Hi all,
> Background:
> I need some help.  I am trying to streamline a process for one of our
> technical writers.  He is using Perforce (version control system), and
> is constantly changing his word documents, and then converts them to
> both .pdf and "Web page" format (to publish to the web).  He has a
> licensed copy of Adobe Acrobat Professional (7.x).
> Questions:
> Does Acrobat Pro, have some way to interface with it command-line (I
> tried searching, but couldn't find anything)?  Is there any other good
> way to script word to pdf conversion?

As I remember, Acrobat monitors a directory and converts anything it
finds there, so you don't need to script Acrobat at all, just script
printing the documents. However, it sounds as though you are talking
about running Acrobat on a server and his license probably doesn't
permit that. 

Alternatively use OpenOffice: it will convert word documents to
pdf or html and can be scripted in Python.

Re: Default/editable string to raw_input

2006-03-23 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Sion Arrowsmith enlightened us with:
> You're assuming that the tester is already familiar with a text
> editor.

Indeed. Someone working on a test suite sounded like someone who knows
how to work with a text editor.

> And then they would have to learn the syntax of the configuration
> file, and the parameters available.

True. Thorough comments and a clear syntax help a long way.

> A point-and-drool interface requires no such learning.

But that's not what you get with raw_input().

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: path to modules per import statement

2006-03-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For instance: "import my.path.module" would load module from

Yeah, just do that. I don't understand the question, it works just like
this today.


Re: wxpython error message?

2006-03-23 Thread Larry Bates
Kenneth Xie wrote:
> I made some mistake in my codes, so there was a window with a text field
> appeared. But before I could read the message in the text field, the
> window disappeared. So I can't figure out what's the problem with my codes.
> What should I do to make the message window last a little longer?
> Thank you.

This might help:

Larry Bates

[no subject]

2006-03-23 Thread cm012b5105


Hi there i am hoping some one could help me out with a small problem
i am in the process of learning python. I am trying
to write an interactive programme,
This is a short example.
if s = raw_input
("hello what’s your name? ")
if s=='carmel':
print "Ahh the boss’s

What i would like to know is what if she dont write carmel she rights say carm
short of me writing if s=='carm': on a new line is
there a shorter way of doing this so i can cover all
angles on how she might write her name.
Thanks nige



Re: path to modules per import statement

2006-03-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As an example, let's say you have a main module at /usr/code/
and you have a module you'd like to import at /usr/code/util/,
you can do this:

import util.Util

If you are using PyDev and Eclipse to develop your Python code, you can
set the base directory to reference module imports from.

You can also tweak your PYTHONPATH if you want to import modules from
other directory structures.


Re: path to modules per import statement

2006-03-23 Thread Arne Ludwig
Maybe he means: sys.path.append('/my/path')


Python has a new Logo

2006-03-23 Thread Xah Lee
Python has a new logo!


And it is a fantastic logo.



Re: Python has a new Logo

2006-03-23 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
Em Qui, 2006-03-23 às 07:43 -0800, Xah Lee escreveu:
> Python has a new logo!

Really? :)

> See
> And it is a fantastic logo.

LOL, sorry for the trolling, but we already had loads of (good)
discussions about it some time ago...



Re: removing file by inode

2006-03-23 Thread Arne Ludwig
Good answer. :)  I seriously doubt it is possible except for the
trivial solution:

def remove_a_file(inode):
 os.system ("find / -inum %d | xargs rm -f" % (inode))

PS. Don't blame me if this function destroys your hard disk. I wrote it
off the top of my head.


Re: Convert Word .doc to Acrobat .pdf files

2006-03-23 Thread kbperry
Thanks for the replys!

I need to stick with Word (not my choice, but I would rather keep
everything like he has it).

I was just trying the printing thing.  When installing Adobe Acrobat,
it installs a printer called "Adobe PDF," and I have been trying to
print to there, but the "Save" window keeps popping up.  I need to
figure out a way to keep it in the background.


Re: encoding problems (é and è)

2006-03-23 Thread Christoph Zwerschke
bussiere bussiere wrote:
> hi i'am making a program for formatting string,
> i've added :
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> in the begining of my script but
>  str = str.replace('Ç', 'C')
> ...
> doesn't work it put me " and , instead of remplacing é by E

Are your sure your script and your input file *is* actually encoded with 
utf-8? If it does not work as expected, it is probably latin-1, just 
like your posting. Try changing the coding to latin-1. Does it work now?

-- Christoph

Re: Programming challenge: wildcard exclusion in cartesian products

2006-03-23 Thread Dirk Thierbach
Dinko Tenev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dirk Thierbach wrote:
>> If more time during preprocessing is allowed, another idea is to
>> treat the wildcard expressions as regular expressions, convert
>> each into a finite state machine, construct the "intersection" of
>> all these state machines, minimize it and then swap final and non-final
>> states.

> Given the requirements, did you mean taking the *union* and swapping
> states?  Or maybe swapping states first, and then taking the
> intersection?

Whatever the requirements were. Take your pick. :-)

>> Then you can use the resulting automaton to efficiently
>> enumerate S^n - W. In the above case, the resulting FSM would have just
>> three states.

> I don't see immediately how exactly this is going to work.  Unless I'm
> very much mistaken, a FSA in the classical sense will accept or reject
> only after the whole sequence has been consumed, and this spells
> exponential times.  

Exponential in respect to what? You just recursively walk the
automaton for every word of length n, so at most you'll have to check
every word in S^n once. Hence, the complexity is not worse than the
"generate and test" approach (it's in fact better, since testing is

However, if the result set is simple (as in the example), then the
result FSM will have states that won't have transitions for every
letters, so I guess the average case will be a lot better.

> For improved asymptotic complexity in this case,
> you need to be able to at least reject in mid-sequence, 

One can do that if there is no valid transition out of some state.

I guess one could even optimize on that: In the minimal automaton,
every state has some transition sequence that will end up in a final
state. Annotate each state with the minimum number of steps for
such a sequence. While walking the automaton, keep the maximum
number of letters to produce in a variable. If this number is small
then the number in the annotation, stop and backtrace.

This should guarantee that only those states are visited that really
produce some output. 

- Dirk

Re: question: how to clare the absolute url in a html file

2006-03-23 Thread Arne Ludwig
Perhaps this is what he means:



Re: Python has a new Logo

2006-03-23 Thread Xah Lee
is there larger versions of the logo?

and, any usage restrictions?

i also like to find out the the artist name. Any pointer is
appreciated. Thanks.


Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:
> Em Qui, 2006-03-23 às 07:43 -0800, Xah Lee escreveu:
> > Python has a new logo!
> Really? :)
> > See
> >
> > And it is a fantastic logo.
> LOL, sorry for the trolling, but we already had loads of (good)
> discussions about it some time ago...
> -- 
> Felipe.


Re: encoding problems (é and è)

2006-03-23 Thread Larry Bates
Seems to work fine for me.

>>> x="éÇ"
>>> x=x.replace('é','E')
>>> x=x.replace('Ç','C')
>>> x
>>> x=x.replace('Ç','C')
>>> x

You should also be able to use .upper() method to
uppercase everything in the string in a single statement:


Note: you should never use 'str' as a variable as
it will mask the built-in str function.

-Larry Bates

bussiere bussiere wrote:
> hi i'am making a program for formatting string,
> or
> i've added :
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> in the begining of my script but
>  str = str.replace('Ç', 'C')
> str = str.replace('é', 'E')
> str = str.replace('É', 'E')
> str = str.replace('è', 'E')
> str = str.replace('È', 'E')
> str = str.replace('ê', 'E')
> doesn't work it put me " and , instead of remplacing é by E
> if someone have an idea it could be great
> regards
> Bussiere
> ps : i've added the whole script under :
> __
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> import fileinput, glob, string, sys, os, re
> fichA=raw_input("Entrez le nom du fichier d'entree : ")
> print ("\n")
> fichC=raw_input("Entrez le nom du fichier de sortie : ")
> print ("\n")
> normalisation1 = raw_input("Normaliser les adresses 1 (ex : Avenue->
> AV) (O/N) ou A pour tout normaliser \n")
> normalisation1 = normalisation1.upper()
> if normalisation1 != "A":
> print ("\n")
> normalisation2 = raw_input("Normaliser les civilités (ex :
> Docteur-> DR) (O/N) \n")
> normalisation2 = normalisation2.upper()
> print ("\n")
> normalisation3 = raw_input("Normaliser les Adresses 2 (ex :
> Place-> PL) (O/N) \n")
> normalisation3 = normalisation3.upper()
> normalisation4 = raw_input("Normaliser les caracteres / et - (ex :
> / ->   ) (O/N) \n" )
> normalisation4 = normalisation4.upper()
> if normalisation1 == "A":
> normalisation1 = "O"
> normalisation2 = "O"
> normalisation3 = "O"
> normalisation4 = "O"
> fiA=open(fichA,"r")
> fiC=open(fichC,"w")
> compteur = 0
> while 1:
> ligneA=fiA.readline()
> if ligneA == "":
> break
> if ligneA != "":
> str = ligneA
> str = str.replace('a', 'A')
> str = str.replace('b', 'B')
> str = str.replace('c', 'C')
> str = str.replace('d', 'D')
> str = str.replace('e', 'E')
> str = str.replace('f', 'F')
> str = str.replace('g', 'G')
> str = str.replace('h', 'H')
> str = str.replace('i', 'I')
> str = str.replace('j', 'J')
> str = str.replace('k', 'K')
> str = str.replace('l', 'L')
> str = str.replace('m', 'M')
> str = str.replace('n', 'N')
> str = str.replace('o', 'O')
> str = str.replace('p', 'P')
> str = str.replace('q', 'Q')
> str = str.replace('r', 'R')
> str = str.replace('s', 'S')
> str = str.replace('t', 'T')
> str = str.replace('u', 'U')
> str = str.replace('v', 'V')
> str = str.replace('w', 'W')
> str = str.replace('x', 'X')
> str = str.replace('y', 'Y')
> str = str.replace('z', 'Z')
> str = str.replace('ç', 'C')
> str = str.replace('Ç', 'C')
> str = str.replace('é', 'E')
> str = str.replace('É', 'E')
> str = str.replace('è', 'E')
> str = str.replace('È', 'E')
> str = str.replace('ê', 'E')
> str = str.replace('Ê', 'E')
> str = str.replace('ë', 'E')
> str = str.replace('Ë', 'E')
> str = str.replace('ä', 'A')
> str = str.replace('Ä', 'A')
> str = str.replace('à', 'A')
> str = str.replace('À', 'A')
> str = str.replace('Á', 'A')
> str = str.replace('Â', 'A')
> str = str.replace('Ä', 'A')
> str = str.replace('Ã', 'A')
> str = str.replace('â', 'A')
> str = str.replace('Ä', 'A')
> str = str.replace('ï', 'I')
> str = str.replace('Ï', 'I')
> str = str.replace('î', 'I')
> str = str.replace('Î', 'I')
> str = str.replace('ô', 'O')
> str = str.replace('Ô', 'O')
> str = str.replace('ö', 'O')
> str = str.replace('Ö', 'O')
> str = str.replace('Ú','U')
> str = str.replace('  ', ' ')
> str = str.replace('   ', ' ')
> str = str.replace('', ' ')
> if normalisation1 == "O":
> str = str.replace('AVENUE', 'AV')
> str = str.replace('BOULEVARD', 'BD')
> str = str.replace('FAUBOURG', 'FBG')
> str = str.replace('GENERAL', 'GAL')
> str = str.replace('COMMANDANT', 'CMDT')
> str = str.replace('MARECHAL', 'MAL')
> str = str.replace('PRESIDENT', 'PRDT')
> str = str.replace('SAINT', 'ST')

Re: Convert Word .doc to Acrobat .pdf files

2006-03-23 Thread Duncan Booth
kbperry wrote:

> Thanks for the replys!
> I need to stick with Word (not my choice, but I would rather keep
> everything like he has it).

That shouldn't be a problem: you can use stick with Word for editing the 
documents and just use OpenOffice to do the conversion.

> Duncan,
> I was just trying the printing thing.  When installing Adobe Acrobat,
> it installs a printer called "Adobe PDF," and I have been trying to
> print to there, but the "Save" window keeps popping up.  I need to
> figure out a way to keep it in the background.
I'm afraid its a while since I used Acrobat to generate PDF files. I think 
there are configuration options to tell it to do the conversion 
automatically and not prompt you, but I can't remember where.

Re: Python has a new Logo

2006-03-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yawn. Go start indenting, and stop using Perl. If Python has such a
nice logo, why waste any more time with Perl?


Re: Linear regression in NumPy

2006-03-23 Thread Robert Kern
nikie wrote:
> Although I think it's worth reading, it only covers the fundamental
> structure (what arrays are, what ufuncs are..) of NumPy. Neither of the
> functions dicussed in this thread (polyfit/linear_least_squares) is
> mentioned in the file.

Both functions are described in the full book. Were you just looking at the
sample chapter?

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: raw_input (was "no subject")

2006-03-23 Thread Tim Williams (gmail)
On 23/03/06, cm012b5105 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there i am hoping some one could help me out with a small problem
i am in the process of learning python. I am trying
to write an interactive programme,
This is a short example.
if s = raw_input
("hello what's your name? ")
if s=='carmel
print "Ahh the boss's

What i would like to know is what if she dont write 
carmel she rights say carm
short of me writing if s=='carm': on a new line is
there a shorter way of doing this so i can cover all
angles on how she might write her name.
Thanks nige
>>> s = raw_input ("hello what's your name? ")
Traceback (  File "", line 1
    if s = raw_input ("hello what's your name? ")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

>>> s = raw_input ("hello what's your name? ")  # carmel
>>> if s=='carmel':
...     print "Ahh the boss's wife"
Ahh the boss's wife

HTH :)

Re: multiple assignment

2006-03-23 Thread Steven Bethard
Anand wrote:
>>> Wouldn't it be nice to say
>>> id, *tokens = line.split(',')
>> id, tokens_str = line.split(',', 1)
> But then you have to split tokens_str again.
> id, tokens_str = line.split(',', 1)
> tokens = tokens_str.split(',')

Sorry, it wasn't clear that you needed the tokens from the original post.

If you're interested in this, the best route is to write up a PEP and 
provide an implementation.  The new AST in Python makes this kind of 
thing a bit easier.


Re: Per instance descriptors ?

2006-03-23 Thread Steven Bethard
bruno at modulix wrote:
> Steven Bethard wrote:
>> Could you explain again why you don't want baaz to be a class-level
>> attribute?
> Because the class is a decorator for many controller functions, and each
> controller function will need it's own set of descriptors, so I don't
> want to mess with the class.

So you're trying to add property-like attributes to functions?  That is, 
you want something like:

def f(...):
 ... # calls f._get_foo()

in another post, bruno at modulix wrote:
 > This would imply a decorator subclass and a descriptor subclass for
 > each and every controller function - which is what I'm trying to
 > avoid.

So you only want one decorator?  Doesn't that mean that all functions 
will have the same attributes?  But if that were true you would only 
need one descriptor for all controller functions, so I must not be 
understanding that right.

Can you give a little more realistic code sample?  I'm still not sure 
what it is you really want to do.  Don't worry about showing the 
implementation you're thinking of.  Just show me how you want to use 
these things and what it ought to look like.



2006-03-23 Thread cm012b5105


Hi there i am hoping some one could help me out with a small problem
i am in the process of learning python. I am trying
to write an interactive programme,

This is a short





if s = raw_input
("hello what's your name? ")
if s=='carmel ':
print "Ahh the boss's





What i would like to know is what if she doesn’t write carmel she rights say carm
short of me writing if s=='carm': on a new line is
there a shorter way of doing this so i can cover all
angles on how she might write her name.
Thanks nigeps I appologise
for my earlier thread


Confused: appending to a list

2006-03-23 Thread DataSmash
I'm confused.  Why is it that when I say "while len(list) < 5:", I get
5 items in my list.
If I say "while len(list) < 6:", I get 6 items in the list and so on.
I would think if I said "less than 5", I would get 4 items.
Can anyone explain this?

# Start an empty list
list = []
while len(list) < 5:
# Get a random number between 1 & 100
num = random.randint(1,100)
# Make sure there are no duplicates
if num not in list:
# Append each number to the list
print list


Re: Confused: appending to a list

2006-03-23 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
Em Qui, 2006-03-23 às 08:31 -0800, DataSmash escreveu:
> I'm confused.  Why is it that when I say "while len(list) < 5:", I get
> 5 items in my list.

"while len(list) < 5:" implies that the loop will stop only when
len(list) >= 5.




Re: removing file by inode

2006-03-23 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-03-23, Arne Ludwig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Good answer. :)  I seriously doubt it is possible except for the
> trivial solution:  [...]

I don't know if there is a Linux equivalent, but under SunOS
there was a way to delete a file given it's i-node.  And that's
all it did was delete the file itself and mark the i-node as
free.  It didn't remove any directory entries referring to the

It left your filesystem in a rather broken state, so you had to
run fsck afterwards.  

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I have a very good
  at   DENTAL PLAN. Thank you.

Re: Confused: appending to a list

2006-03-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
DataSmash wrote:

> I'm confused.  Why is it that when I say "while len(list) < 5:", I get
> 5 items in my list.
> If I say "while len(list) < 6:", I get 6 items in the list and so on.
> I would think if I said "less than 5", I would get 4 items.
> Can anyone explain this?

Yes - you loop until the condition is _not_ fullfilled anymore. Which means
that if the list has a length of five, the len(l) < 6 is true, and
appending makes it len(l) == 6 - which then will fail your condition.

So - you need to loop one time less, by doing

while len(l) < 6 - 1:



Re: Confused: appending to a list

2006-03-23 Thread Rene Pijlman
>I'm confused.  Why is it that when I say "while len(list) < 5:", I get
>5 items in my list.

Because the last time when len(list) was < 5, the block of code following
the while executed and did something to the list to give it a length >= 5
(otherwise the block of code would be executed again and it wouldn't have
been the last time).


There you have it.

René Pijlman

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