Early Bird Registration closes Tuesday - Leipzig Python Workshop

2006-08-14 Thread Mike Müller
Early bird workshop registration closes Tuesday (August 15th). Late
registration will be available until the workshop starts, but at a
greater cost.

=== Workshop Python im deutschsprachigen Raum ===

Der letzte Termin für den Frühbucherrabatt ist Dienstag, der 15. August.
Danach sind Anmeldungen noch bis zum Beginn des Workshops möglich,
die Anmeldegebühr ist aber etwas höher.

Anmeldungen unter:

=== Workshop-Details ===

Am 8. September 2006 findet in Leipzig der Workshop Python im
deutschsprachigen Raum statt.

Der Workshop ist als Ergänzung zu den internationalen und
europäischen Python-Zusammenkünften gedacht.
Die Themenpalette der Vorträge ist sehr weit gefasst und
soll alles einschließen, was mit Python im deutschsprachigen
Raum zu tun hat.

Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der Ziele des Workshops,
der Workshop-Themen sowie Details zu Organisation und
Anmeldung sind unter

=== Wichtige Termine ===

15.08.2006 Letzter Termin für Frühbucherrabatt
08.09.2006 Workshop
15.09.2006 Letzter Termin für die Einreichung der publikationsfähigen Beiträge
Dezember 2006 Veröffentlichung des Tagungsbandes

=== Bitte weitersagen ===

Der Workshop soll auch Leute ansprechen, die
bisher nicht mit Python arbeiten.
Wer mithelfen möchte den Workshop bekannt zu machen,
kann einen Link auf
Auch außerhalb des Internets kann der Workshop durch den Flyer
bekannt gemacht werden. Einfach doppelseitig ausdrucken oder kopieren und
ein paar Exemplare am Schwarzen Brett von Universitäten, Firmen,
Organisationen usw. aushängen.

Wir freuen uns auf eine rege Teilnahme,
Mike Müller
Stefan Schwarzer 


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Drawing a grid on a picture

2006-08-14 Thread Jive Dadson
I also found a reference to something called PIL.  Maybe that's the 
ticket.  If so, where can I find it (with documentation)?  Thanks.

Re: Python/Tk not working in Linux

2006-08-14 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], BinnyVA wrote:

 Some distributions move the `Tkinter` stuff into an own package. 
 Search for a package called `python-tk` or `python-tkinter` or similar.
 I could use a 'python-tk' package - but the problem is the latest
 version of python may not be available.

That's always the problem with packaged software.  But you gain fast and
easy installation via the package system.

 I am going to download Tcl/Tk and install it. Then I would try to
 install Python once again.

Just install the necessary development packages for your installed Tcl/Tk
and compile the Python sources.  Unless you really want to compile
everything yourself.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Drawing a grid on a picture

2006-08-14 Thread Brian Quinlan
Jive Dadson wrote:
 I also found a reference to something called PIL.  Maybe that's the 
 ticket.  If so, where can I find it (with documentation)?  Thanks.

The will likely do what you want. And you can find it the same way that 
you would find anything online i.e. with google. But here is the link:


PIL and solaris

2006-08-14 Thread kepioo
Hi all,

I am trying to install PIL with python 2.3 on solaris X86, but I get
this error message :

building '_imaging' extension
creating build/temp.solaris-2.10-i86pc-2.3 creating
/sgnome/tools/x86-solaris/forte/SOS8/SUNWspro/bin/cc -i -xO4 -xspace
-xstrconst -xpentium -mr -DANSICPP -D__STDC_VERSION__=199409L -DNDEBUG
-O -DHAVE_LIBJPEG -DHAVE_LIBZ -I/usr/sfw/include/freetype2 -IlibImaging
-I/usr/sfw/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include
-I/usr/sfw/include/python2.3 -c libImaging/Antialias.c -o
unable to execute /sgnome/tools/x86-solaris/forte/SOS8/SUNWspro/bin/cc:
No such file or directory
error: command '/sgnome/tools/x86-solaris/forte/SOS8/SUNWspro/bin/cc'
failed with exit status 1

It works fine with python 2.2 however

Do you have any recommendation? Advices?


Re: access abook addressbook with curses

2006-08-14 Thread Fabian Braennstroem
Hi Ben,
* Ben C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2006-08-08, Fabian Braennstroem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Ben,

 * Ben C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2006-08-06, Fabian Braennstroem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Ben,

 * Ben C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2006-08-05, Fabian Braennstroem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to get access to my abook address file with python.
 Does anyone have some python lines to achive this using
 curses? If not, maybe anybody has small python program doing
 it with a gui!?

 You can just parse the abook addressbook with the ConfigParser, try

 import os
 from ConfigParser import *

 abook = ConfigParser()
 abook.read(os.environ[HOME] + /.abook/addressbook)

 for s in abook.sections():
 print abook.items(s)

 Thanks! I found a different example too:

 import ConfigParser
 import string

 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()


 # print summary
 for number in [2,200]:
 print string.upper(config.get(str(number), email))
 print string.upper(config.get(str(number), name))
 print string.upper(config.get(str(number), city))
 print string.upper(config.get(str(number), address))

 but the problem seems to be that abook does not write every
 field, so I get an exception when there is a field missing:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File configparser-example-1.py, line 13, in ?
 print string.upper(config.get(str(number), city))
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/ConfigParser.py, line 520, in get
 raise NoOptionError(option, section)
 ConfigParser.NoOptionError: No option 'city' in section: '2'

 Section 2 looks like:

 name=Andrs Gzi

 Is there a workaround?

 You can construct the parser with a dictionary of defaults:

 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser({city : unknown,
 zip : unknown})

 that kind of thing.

 Or catch the exceptions. Or use config.options(2) to see what options
 exist in section 2 before you try to read them.

 Thanks! I will try it out!

 Looking at the bigger picture here, though, I may be giving you the
 wrong advice. Mutt just invokes abook to get the addresses I think,
 that's why you put

 set query_command=abook --mutt-query '%s'

 So you could do the same (if what you're trying to do is write a mutt
 clone in Python):

 import subprocess

 name = Andrs
 subprocess.Popen(abook --mutt-query  + name,
 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0]

 The difference is that this leverages abook to do the search, not just
 to store the data, which is a logical approach.

 On the other hand, this way, you require that abook is installed on the
 machine, which is no good if the object of the exercise is a portable
 Python-only solution.

The biggest problem is a missing and not allowed
abook installation. But thanks for your tips!



Re: Drawing a grid on a picture

2006-08-14 Thread Jive Dadson
Sybren Stuvel wrote:
 Jive Dadson enlightened us with:
 I also found a reference to something called PIL.  Maybe that's the
 ticket.  If so, where can I find it (with documentation)?  Thanks.
 Just google for PIL and Python.

Thanks Brian and Sybren.  PIL did the trick.  Real easy.


Re: selecting base class from user input

2006-08-14 Thread Jackson
Thanks for the reply.

danielx wrote the following on 2006-08-13 19:49:
 Is your declaration of ABC supposed to have some_super as one of the
 base classes? Your constructor has some_super as a parameter. What is
 this supposed to mean in light of the declaration for ABC?

Indeed, my goal is to have the base class of ABC determined dynamically
via a parameter passed into the constructor.
 If you are trying to customize the base class of ABC by passing an
 argument to the constructor of ABC, you should probably reconsider. If
 constructing one instance of ABC can change ABC (the class) itself,
 then the behavior of other instances will be affected as well. No
 programmer can stay sane if he creates instances of a class that could
 suddenly change its behavior (due to someone else's code).

Fortunately, the ABC class is not very useful.  In fact, it was mostly
just to be used to store particular examples of the user-specified base
class.  So all method calls would be from the base class only.

 What you could do instead is to create a function which constructs
 classes based on the arguments it recieves. Then, you'll be able to
 create instances of the generated classes (all this meta-thinking is
 huring my brain ;). I am talking about something like this:
 def createClass(name, base):
   exec class %s(%s): pass % (name, base)
   return eval( name )

In fact, this is exactly what I ended up doing.

def example(base):
  if base == SomeClass:
# call SomeClass.__init__(self)
# build example as it would look in SomeClass

  elif base == SomeOtherClass:
# call SomeOtherClass.__init__(self)
# build example as it would in SomeOtherClass

 Can you please tell us why you are doing this? My curiosity is killing

So here is a good example:

I have 4 classes:


which are all subclasses of some superclass called Animal.  Now I want
to define an occupation. For example, Worker.  A worker can exist as any
of the 4 classes above.  Their constructors are different and I might
want to add certain features.

My first thought was to create a class called Worker and have the base
class determined by a variable which is passed into the constructor.
Most of the method calls will come from the Animal superclass anyway,
but some method calls might come from the Lion class, for example.

Now I realize this would drive a programmer crazy...because a Lion might
have a roar() method whereas a Human might have a holler() method. But
so long as the user knew which argument they passed in, it shouldn't be
too difficult to keep track of it.

So for example (again, I know what I am typing doesn't actually work)...

  def __init__(self,some_animal):
# change the base class to some_animal

if some_animal == Lion:
# give the lion a big mane

if some_animal == Ant:
# make the ant dumb

if some_animal == Bee:
# make the bee know how to dance

if some_animal == Human
# give the human a hardhat

  def work(self, hours):
# tell the animal to work for the specified number of hours
if some_animal == Lion:
if some_animal == Ant:
if some_animal == Bee:
if some_animal == Human:
# notice, a Human does not have a cat_nap method

  def take_lunch(location):

and so on. So the thought is that a Worker can exist in many different
forms: as a lion, as an ant, as a bee, and as a human.  And I might want
a single worker class that represents them all.

Hopefully this makes sense.

 Another meta-thought: Hopefully I've beaten everyone else to the punch
 about that question. Is it just me, or will a reply with such a
 question always tell the original poster that what he wants to do MUST
 be flawed? I hope I have been gentler than this.

:-) There is no need to be too gentle.  We are all here to learn (or
help).  So I am fairly happy with the def solution...any comments on
this? But a Worker is an noun, and it seems like the proper way to do
this is to make the Worker into a class...so that I can define methods
like work, take_lunch, etc.  However, I have no idea how I should do
this.  Perhaps someone can recommend a procedure.


Strange problem with Tkinter... photos don't show on first iteration.

2006-08-14 Thread aldonnelley
Hi all.

Just having a weird problem with tkinter. I'm trying to make a gui that
shows results from an image search, with a forward and back button
so the user can compare results from different pages. All that's
working fine...
The problem I'm having is that the images don't show onscreen the first
time the first page of results shows up. When I click the search
again button, and have more than the original results page to toggle
between, the images __do__ show up on the first page of results. (and
on the second, etc, etc.)
Which is to say,  there's no error messages, and on the first page,
the first time it's shown, the Toplevel formats correctly, and there
are spaces where the images should be that are the correct size,
just... no images.
It's baffling me. Perhaps someone can help.

Cheers, Al.

Script attached (apologies for it not being as neat as it probably
should be... :)

from Tkinter import *
import sys
import cPickle

#opens gui and displays returned image thumbnails
class Im_Res1:
def __init__(self, master, lof, pageno):
self.master = root
nav_child(master, lof, pageno)

# the child window class
class nav_child:
def __init__(self, master, lof, pageno):
self.slave = Toplevel(master)
self.slave.title(Image Results)
self.picts = []
lif = lof[pageno]
lenlif = len(lif)
for r in range(lenlif):
j = lif[r]
f = j[2]
self.img = PhotoImage(file = f)
print self.picts = , self.picts
for g in range(lenlif):
text = (lif[g])[1]# label text
def callback(text=text):

p = open(VerRes.txt, 'w')
if 0= g  6:
buttonx = Button(self.slave, text=(text), height=1,
width=23, command=callback)
buttonx.grid(row=3, column=g)
Label(self.slave, text=((lif[g])[0])).grid(row=2,
self.Im = self.picts[g]
Label(self.slave, image=self.Im).grid(row=1, column=g)
elif 6= g  12:
buttonx = Button(self.slave, text=(text), height=1,
width=23, command=callback)
buttonx.grid(row=6, column=(g-6))
Label(self.slave, text=((lif[g])[0])).grid(row=5,
self.Im = self.picts[g]
Label(self.slave, image=self.Im).grid(row=4,
elif 12= g  18:
buttonx = Button(self.slave, text=(text), height=1,
width=23, command=callback)
buttonx.grid(row=9, column=(g-12))
Label(self.slave, text=((lif[g])[0])).grid(row=8,
self.Im = self.picts[g]
Label(self.slave, image=self.Im).grid(row=7,
elif 18= g  24:
buttonx = Button(self.slave, text=(text), height=1,
width=23, command=callback)
buttonx.grid(row=12, column=(g-18))
Label(self.slave, text=((lif[g])[0])).grid(row=11,
self.Im = self.picts[g]
Label(self.slave, image=self.Im).grid(row=10,
def search_again(lof=lof, pageno=pageno):
p = open(VerRes.txt, 'w')
pageno = pageno + 1
reslist = [pageno, 1, lof]
cPickle.dump(reslist, p)
SearchAgain = Button(self.slave, text='Search Again.',
fg=blue, command=search_again)
SearchAgain.grid(row=13, column=2, columnspan=2)
if pageno  0:
def Back_Cmd(lof=lof, pageno=pageno):
pageno = pageno - 1
nav_child(master, lof, pageno)
backbutton = Button(self.slave, text=Previous Page,
height=1, width=23, command=Back_Cmd)
backbutton.grid(row=13, column=0)
if pageno  (len(lof) - 1):
def Fwd_Cmd(lof=lof, pageno=pageno):
pageno = pageno + 1
nav_child(master, lof, pageno)
fwdbutton = Button(self.slave, text=Next Page, height=1,
width=23, command=Fwd_Cmd)
fwdbutton.grid(row=13, column=5)
def Quit_Search():
quitbutton = Button(self.slave, text='QUIT', fg=red,
quitbutton.grid(row=14, column=2, columnspan=2)

 lof is nested lists 'cos there's more than one page of more than one
 Images don't show on the first results page... *sigh*

Re: Looking for a text file based wiki system written in Python

2006-08-14 Thread kernel1983
The base of moinmoin is called piki.It provides the simplest functions
as a wiki system
And there are lots of other wiki system based on piki.

If I try to developed one,I'll make the text data compatible with

Jack wrote:
 Thanks! Because it was so well known, I thought it was database-based  :)
 Any good and simple text file-based blog system in Python?


Best IDE for Python

2006-08-14 Thread stylecomputers
Hi All, What do you find the best IDE for creating web applications in
Python is? Preferably FOS IDE.



Re: selecting base class from user input

2006-08-14 Thread Maric Michaud
Le lundi 14 août 2006 09:33, Jackson a écrit :
 Now I realize this would drive a programmer crazy...because a Lion might
 have a roar() method whereas a Human might have a holler() method. But
 so long as the user knew which argument they passed in, it shouldn't be
 too difficult to keep track of it.

There are many problems if you go that way.
One implementation could be :

In [28]: class Animal(object) :
   : _types = {}

In [29]: class Worker(object) :
   : def work(self) : print 'hard'

In [30]: def createLion(*classes) :
   : def roar(self) : print roar
   : if not classes in Animal._types :
   : Animal._types[classes] = type('Lion', (Animal,) + classes, 
{'roar' : roar})
   : return Animal._types[classes]()

In [31]:

In [31]: createLion().roar()

In [32]: type(createLion())
Out[32]: class '__main__.Lion'

In [33]: type(createLion()) is type(createLion())
Out[33]: True

In [34]: createLion(Worker).roar()

In [35]: createLion(Worker).work()

In [36]: type(createLion(Worker))
Out[36]: class '__main__.Lion'

In [37]: type(createLion(Worker)) is type(createLion(Worker))
Out[37]: True

In [38]: Animal._types
{(): class '__main__.Lion',
 (class '__main__.Worker',): class '__main__.Lion'}

In [39]: type(createLion(Worker)) is type(createLion())
Out[39]: False

The main problems are : first, your classes definition are hidden, second 
there is no real Lion class to test, say isinstance(createLion(toto), Lion), 
this can be misleading.

What you are trying to achieve is more commonly done by agregation and 
delegation :

In [47]: class Lion(Animal) :
   : def __init__(self, *classes) :
   : self._objects = tuple(c() for c in classes)
   : def isA(self, class_) :
   : return class_ in (type(o) for o in self._objects)
   : def __getattr__(self, name) :
   : for obj in self._objects :
   : try: return getattr(obj, name)
   : except: pass
   : raise AttributeError('not defined or found in objects %s' % 

In [48]: Lion().work()
exceptions.AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent 
call last)

/home/maric/ipython console

/home/maric/ipython console in __getattr__(self, name)

AttributeError: not defined or found in objects work

In [49]: Lion().isA(Worker)
Out[49]: False

In [50]: Lion(Worker).isA(Worker)
Out[50]: True

In [51]: Lion(Worker).work()


Maric Michaud

Aristote - www.aristote.info
3 place des tapis
69004 Lyon
Tel: +33 426 880 097

Re: Newbie doing lengthy initialization with Tkinter gui

2006-08-14 Thread Maric Michaud
Le dimanche 13 août 2006 16:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 No neep for thread or Tix modules...!

Module thread is always available (at less on platforms where Tkinter is 
available), while Tix in my example is just intended to use the Meter widget 
(a progress bar).

 # this will *sleep* one millisec before calling
 # your doInitOne function and continue
 # with the rest of the code during that sleep time
 # in this case just the mainloop
 root.after(1, doInitOne)

hum, this has not exactly the same effect, after, after_cancel, etc. are for 
scheduling actions in the future, and when the action start, it will block 
the mainloop and user interaction (this is why you need to call explicitly 
the update method), so the gui will not respond anymore.

Finally why do you differ the call of your function after the mainloop since 
it will block ?

That's said, I remember now that there isn't anything in Tkinter  (no events 
or callbacks) to get the  'mainloop started' hook, so you must start the 
thread before the mainloop, probably like this :

class myApp(Toplevel) :

def mainloop(self) :
start_new_thread(initFunc, params)


Maric Michaud

Aristote - www.aristote.info
3 place des tapis
69004 Lyon
Tel: +33 426 880 097

Re: Nested if and expected an indent block

2006-08-14 Thread Pierre Barbier de Reuille
 Simon Forman wrote:
 I got rid of the triple quote string at the start of the function, and
 that cleared up the problem, though I don't know why.

 Ah, yes. The docstring for a function (or at least its first
 triple-quote) must be indented to the same degree as its statements.
 (If you're using IDLE it should have indented it for you when you hit
 return after the def statement.)

 Hi Simon:
 Thanks. I code in VB / VBA, and use indented structure, but it's not
 enforced they way it is in Python - still getting used to that. Also, I
 got goofed up editing some of the code in VIM, indenting with tabs, and
 then switching to IDLE, with space indentation. Whoops...
 Thanks for all the help everyone, my first Python program is now

Tips: if you're coding with VIM, put set expandtab in your config
file. That way, each tab will be expanded into the corresponding number
of spaces ... Whatever the language, I find it always a bad idea to mix
spaces and tabs, and I prefer spaces ...


Re: selecting base class from user input

2006-08-14 Thread John Machin
Jackson wrote:

 I have 4 classes:


 which are all subclasses of some superclass called Animal.  Now I want
 to define an occupation. For example, Worker.  A worker can exist as any
 of the 4 classes above.  Their constructors are different and I might
 want to add certain features.

 My first thought was to create a class called Worker and have the base
 class determined by a variable which is passed into the constructor.
 Most of the method calls will come from the Animal superclass anyway,
 but some method calls might come from the Lion class, for example.

Here are a couple of thoughts that *might* help:

(1) mix-in i.e. a class can have multiple base classes:

class AntWorker(Animal, Worker):

(2) you can create classes on the fly using the 3-argument form of the
built-in type() function:

new_cls = type(name_of_class, base_classes_tuple, dict_of_methods_etc)

so you can have just one base class (i.e. object) and populate the dict
with methods and/or you can have pre-packaged base-classes each already
containing relevant methods ... so when the order for a new tailored
class comes in you just rush about your virtual warehouse throwing
packaged base-classes into a tuple and extra methods into a dict,
attach a name tag and then type() gift-wraps it for you.

You need to read up on method resolution order aka mro before
planning what methods go in what mixin classes and what methods are
optional add-ons and what order you specify the classes in the tuple.



Re: Best IDE for Python

2006-08-14 Thread Michiel Sikma
By FOS, do you mean FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)? I've never  
seen the acronym FOS used.

I personally use Eclipse with PyDev.


Op 14-aug-2006, om 9:50 heeft [EMAIL PROTECTED] het volgende  

 Hi All, What do you find the best IDE for creating web applications in
 Python is? Preferably FOS IDE.




Re: hide python code !

2006-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 06:16:26 -0700, Fuzzyman wrote:

 What you can do with Python is almost certainly *good enough* for most
 people who ask this question - and that fact never seems to be included
 in the 'reality' propogated by the knee jerk reactionists... :-p

The Original Poster *explicitly* stated that he was aware of the .pyc
files, and rejected that strategy because .pyc files can be decompiled.

He was asking for something which can't be decompiled, which is not
possible since machine code can also be decompiled -- in fact, there
are probably lots more disassemblers and decompilers for C than there are
for Python. I'd rather educate him so he stops wasting his time rather
than reinforce his ignorance by pretending that there are ways of
distributing code without it also being decompilable.

You suggested that it does harm to Python to give developers a realistic
understanding of what Python is capable of, and that it's better to give
them a misleading answer. I reject that idea utterly.

Steven D'Aprano 


Re: hide python code !

2006-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 09:18:12 -0700, Ben Sizer wrote:

 Imagine if you were the single-person developer of a small application
 that did something quite innovative, 

And imagine that you found a money-tree in your back yard...

How about a more likely scenario? Imagine you're using a boring,
run-of-the-mill algorithm, the same as 99.9% of all software out there,
and that it's neither non-obvious nor innovative in any way at all.
Statistically, I'd say it is ten thousand times more likely that this is
the case than that the algorithm is at all valuable. Everybody thinks
their algorithm is special. They almost never are.

Even this is more likely than the semi-mythical algorithm that needs to
be kept secret: the reason you (generic you) want to keep your software
secret is because you've copied source code -- from books, from your
friends, from Open Source projects, maybe even from stolen copies of
Windows source code you've downloaded from the darker corners of the
Internet, and you don't want people to know. That's more likely than you
hitting upon an amazing new innovative AND valuable algorithm.

Valuable algorithms are rare. Most software is not valuable for the
algorithm, which is hidden in the source code, but for the functionality,
which is obvious. Algorithms are a dime a dozen.

 It may not matter if some console game or other doesn't work after 20
 Certainly; yet this is a valid example of software that requires a
 degree of protection since some of the algorithms employed truly are
 'worth stealing'. 

Yes, and for every algorithm worth stealing, there are ten thousand that
aren't. Play the odds, and you too will poo-poo the idea that some random
developer on Usenet has discovered a valuable innovative algorithm. More
likely he's just ashamed of his code, or wants to hide backdoors in it.

Steven D'Aprano 


Re: yet another noob question

2006-08-14 Thread Stargaming
Jason Nordwick schrieb:
 Or without filter:
 from operator import add
 def pr(x): print x
 def cross(x,y): return reduce(add, [[a+b for b in y] for a in x])
 x=map(pr, reduce(cross, [map(str,range(1,6))]*5))

reduce(add, list) is the same as sum(list) and is only half as fast as sum:
  from timeit import Timer
  sum(Timer(sum(range(500))).repeat(200, 1000))/200
  sum(Timer(reduce(add, range(500)), from operator import 
add).repeat(200, 1000))/200

Also note that reduce will be removed in Python 3000.

Re: Best IDE for Python

2006-08-14 Thread Ben Finney

 Hi All, What do you find the best IDE for creating web applications
 in Python is? Preferably FOS IDE.

I don't know what a FOS IDE is, but my preferred free software
development environment for making web applications is:

  - GNU screen URL:http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/

  - Powerful editor; lately I prefer Emacs with python-mode

  - Standards-compliant browser, such as Firefox; the web developer
toolbar extension is a must.

Separate 'screen' windows for:

  - VCS interaction
  - Continuous unit test running
  - Emacs session
  - Python interactive session

Many of the above could be in Emacs windows instead, but I already
know how to work 'screen'. The wonderful part about using 'screen' as
my IDE is that any of the tools can be interchanged as I like.

 \  The WWW is exciting because Microsoft doesn't own it, and |
  `\  therefore, there's a tremendous amount of innovation |
_o__)   happening.  -- Steve Jobs |
Ben Finney


Re: Strange problem with Tkinter... photos don't show on first iteration.

2006-08-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 Just having a weird problem with tkinter. I'm trying to make a gui that
 shows results from an image search, with a forward and back button
 so the user can compare results from different pages. All that's
 working fine...
 The problem I'm having is that the images don't show onscreen the first
 time the first page of results shows up. When I click the search
 again button, and have more than the original results page to toggle
 between, the images __do__ show up on the first page of results. (and
 on the second, etc, etc.)
 Which is to say,  there's no error messages, and on the first page,
 the first time it's shown, the Toplevel formats correctly, and there
 are spaces where the images should be that are the correct size,
 just... no images.
 It's baffling me. Perhaps someone can help.

this is explained in the Python FAQ, and also in the note at the bottom
of this page:




Re: Which KDE IDE for Python?

2006-08-14 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Bart Ogryczak napisał(a):

 Rigth now I'm using two IDEs for Python, KDevelop and Eric. Both have
 drawbacks. KDevelop is a multilanguage IDE, and doesn't really have
 anything special for Python. There's no Python debugger, no PyDOC
 integration, it's class browser doesn't display attributes. On the
 other side there's Eric, which is made just for Python. But.. it
 doesn't integrate with KDE, doesn't support remote files (fish://,
 ftp:// etc.). Does anyone know a better IDE for Python, that'll
 integrate nicely with KDE?

No, I don't know *the exactly one*. I used to use Eric3, but it was a
bit of overkill, as I never needed things like interactive debugger.
Kate is good editor with some basic IDE features (interactive console,
project management), but in no way it can be called an integrated
development, it's just advanced editor.

There are some good integrated environments focused on Python
development (Wing IDE, Komodo, PyDev for Eclipse), but none of them is
integrated with KDE, AFAIK.

As a side note, Eric3 has no KDE integration because it's pure PyQt

Jarek Zgoda

Re: Which KDE IDE for Python?

2006-08-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 As a side note, Eric3 has no KDE integration because it's pure PyQt

Not fully true. While it certainly doesn't aim to be a fully integrated ide,
it has some kde-support. Which you can disable using the --nokde argument,

It will then use kde color-dialogs, file-dialogs and the like.


Re: yet another noob question

2006-08-14 Thread bearophileHUGS
 Also note that reduce will be removed in Python 3000.

Then let's use it until it lasts! :-)



Re: yet another noob question

2006-08-14 Thread Gerard Flanagan

mike_wilson1333 wrote:
 I would like to generate every unique combination of numbers 1-5 in a 5
 digit number and follow each combo with a newline.  So i'm looking at
 generating combinations such as: (12345) , (12235), (4) and so on.
 What would be the best way to do this? So, basically i'm looking for a
 list of all combinations of 1-5 in a 5 digit unique number. Also, when
 I send the list to print there can't be any duplicates of the combos.



Hi Mike

mod5 = ['1','2','3','4','5']

X = [ ''.join([a,b,c,d,e])
  for a in mod5
  for b in mod5
  for c in mod5
  for d in mod5
  for e in mod5 ]

assert len(X) == 5**5
assert len(set(X)) == 5**5#no duplicates



Re: yet another noob question

2006-08-14 Thread bearophileHUGS
Gerard Flanagan:

 mod5 = ['1','2','3','4','5']
 X = [ ''.join([a,b,c,d,e])
   for a in mod5
   for b in mod5
   for c in mod5
   for d in mod5
   for e in mod5 ]

A modified version of your one is the faster so far:

v = 12345
r = [a+b+c+d+e for a in v for b in v for c in v for d in v for e in v]



Re: Best IDE for Python

2006-08-14 Thread jelle
I think SPE is a terrible complete and efficient IDE!


help parsing this

2006-08-14 Thread a
mx.DateTime.RangeError at /podcasts
Failed to parse 31 Apr 2006 20:19:00 -0400: day out of range: 31
Python  /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mx/DateTime/Parser.py in
DateTimeFromString, line 608

how to parse this date


Re: proxy for xmlrpc calls

2006-08-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Xavier wrote:

 I'm attempting to write a proxy for xmlrpc calls.

why not use the one in the standard library?

 I want to expand this to do something like;

 x = a.b.c.d

 Then on the last __getattr__ send a call over xmlrpc.
 How do I determine when the last __getattr__ will be?

you can't determine that.

(and XML-RPC doesn't support attribute access either, so this sounds
like a rather pointless exercise)

 I thought about getting the source code from the correct frame, but
 I don't think thats a good solution.

getting the source won't help, unless you're willing to violate Python's
execution model.

 Any ideas?

stick to the standard.



NRIEvents - Independence Day Contest :

2006-08-14 Thread NRI Events

Hello Friend,

Kindly spare  2 minutes to celebrate INDIA's
Independence Day with us.

Host INDIA'S tri-color flag at your desk-top
to show your love  support to INDIA.
Its specially designed  for you. (Home page)

Participate  in the event   win a gift for your
brother or friend in INDIA.

Click: http://www.nrievents.com

Thanks for taking time in participating the event.



Re: help parsing this

2006-08-14 Thread Richard Brodie

a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 mx.DateTime.RangeError at /podcasts
 Failed to parse 31 Apr 2006 20:19:00 -0400: day out of range: 31
 Python /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mx/DateTime/Parser.py in
 DateTimeFromString, line 608

 how to parse this date

There isn't a 31st of April. 


Re: help parsing this

2006-08-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
a wrote:
 mx.DateTime.RangeError at /podcasts
 Failed to parse 31 Apr 2006 20:19:00 -0400: day out of range: 31
 Python /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mx/DateTime/Parser.py in
 DateTimeFromString, line 608

 how to parse this date

parse it into what?  there is no such thing as April 31st.



Re: help parsing this

2006-08-14 Thread Tim Chase
 how to parse this date
 parse it into what?  there is no such thing as April 31st.

I think somebody's chain is getting pulled...thus the right thing 
to do is to wrap around and return April 1st ;-)

-Loof Lirpa


Re: Strange problem with Tkinter... photos don't show on first iteration.

2006-08-14 Thread aldonnelley
That's the problem. Can't thank you enough.
I'd read about Tkinter garbage collection, but, like car crashes and
lung cancer, you never think it's going to happen to you...

thanks once again.
Cheers, Al.

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

  Just having a weird problem with tkinter. I'm trying to make a gui that
  shows results from an image search, with a forward and back button
  so the user can compare results from different pages. All that's
  working fine...
  The problem I'm having is that the images don't show onscreen the first
  time the first page of results shows up. When I click the search
  again button, and have more than the original results page to toggle
  between, the images __do__ show up on the first page of results. (and
  on the second, etc, etc.)
  Which is to say,  there's no error messages, and on the first page,
  the first time it's shown, the Toplevel formats correctly, and there
  are spaces where the images should be that are the correct size,
  just... no images.
  It's baffling me. Perhaps someone can help.

 this is explained in the Python FAQ, and also in the note at the bottom
 of this page:


Re: Strange problem with Tkinter... photos don't show on first iteration.

2006-08-14 Thread aldonnelley
And I say once again: I can't thank you enough.


cheers, al.

(Just changed the code in my main program, and it WORKS! The previous
thankyou was only a preliminary.)
ps I really like python, too. :)

 That's the problem. Can't thank you enough.
 I'd read about Tkinter garbage collection, but, like car crashes and
 lung cancer, you never think it's going to happen to you...

 thanks once again.
 Cheers, Al.

 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
   Just having a weird problem with tkinter. I'm trying to make a gui that
   shows results from an image search, with a forward and back button
   so the user can compare results from different pages. All that's
   working fine...
   The problem I'm having is that the images don't show onscreen the first
   time the first page of results shows up. When I click the search
   again button, and have more than the original results page to toggle
   between, the images __do__ show up on the first page of results. (and
   on the second, etc, etc.)
   Which is to say,  there's no error messages, and on the first page,
   the first time it's shown, the Toplevel formats correctly, and there
   are spaces where the images should be that are the correct size,
   just... no images.
   It's baffling me. Perhaps someone can help.
  this is explained in the Python FAQ, and also in the note at the bottom
  of this page:


sending mailing list with smtplib

2006-08-14 Thread 3KWA
Hi all,

I tried to send a small mailing list using python today (2036 emails).
For that purpose I looked in the doc for some code examples (I had
never done it before). And I ended up writing and running this little

# list.txt is a text file container an email per line

# message.txt is the plaine text message to send
subject='[xsbar] alive and kicking'

# rom and example in the doc
import smtplib

from email.MIMEText import MIMEText

fp = open(textfile, 'rb')
msg = MIMEText(fp.read())

# ... but the actual message sending in a loop to send one email each
(didn't work)
for line in list:
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you

s = smtplib.SMTP()
s.sendmail(me, [you], msg.as_string())

but it copied all the recipients in the header (To:) which I don't

Can someone help me understand what I did wrong?




Re: outputting a command to the terminal?

2006-08-14 Thread John Salerno
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Sun, 13 Aug 2006 20:21:26 -0400, John Salerno
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
 Yes, I'm using Ubuntu. But I checked this log file and I'm a bit 
 confused. It has a lot of listings for 5-31-06, but I didn't even 
 install Linux until last Saturday. The next date after 5-31 is 8-5-06, 
 and I know I installed things between last Saturday and Aug. 5.

   Pardon, between when?

Wow, I can't believe how time goes. Aug. 5 *was* the first day! I knew I 
had installed it a week ago, but I was thinking it was the last Saturday 
in July, not Aug. 5 already!

   August 5 was last Saturday if you ignore yesterday (well, since
 my watch says it is now Monday... day before last).
   I'd guess the May 31 entries are those that were snapshots of
 the OS installer date. August 5, first Saturday in the month, might be
 the first non-standard installed package.
 Hmm, interesting. I figured I could do this with a bash script, but I 
 don't know bash at all and I'm trying to stick with Python. I don't 
 quite understand your bash script (not familiar with the $@ syntax).

   Well, I don't do shell scripts either, but... looking at the
 sample... $@ is likely the shell equivalent of Python's sys.argv -- or
 *sys.argv if passed down


2006-08-14 Thread david_wahler
I'll be out of the office until approximately August 20th. If you have any 
questions, please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- David Wahler


=?utf-8?Q?Re:_Toronto_Area_Python_User's_group_meeting_this_Tuesday, _6:30pm, _Linux=0A=09Caffe?=

2006-08-14 Thread david_wahler
I'll be out of the office until approximately August 20th. If you have any 
questions, please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- David Wahler


Re: Best IDE for Python

2006-08-14 Thread hiaips

I'm assuming that FOS = free open source...

In any case, what operating system do you run? If you're on OS X, I
highly recommend TextMate. It's not free, but it has good support
(either via built-in or third-party plugins) for Python as well as
HTML, SQL, XML, Django templates, and the like. A lot of Rails folks
use it (as well as Django and TurboGears developers, I might add).

The best general-purpose IDE for Python, IMO, is WingIDE. Again, it's
not free (personal license will cost you $30). It runs on each of the
major platforms - Windows, Linux, OS X - and has some nice features,
including code completion, syntax highlighting, a built-in Python
shell, etc. I don't think it has any features built-in specifically for
web dev, however; if you have to do lots of HTML, XML, and SQL as part
of your project, you might want something a bit more general-purpose.

If you're determined to go the FOSS route, you can always use VIM,
Emacs, Eric, or SPE.

Just my two cents...



Re: recommended general-purpose string template packages?

2006-08-14 Thread metaperl

John Machin wrote:

 In general, I'm mainly interested in a template engine for dynamic web
 pages but would like a general purpose one to avoid learning yet
 another package for generating e-mail messages, form letters, source
 code, whatever.

HTMLTemplate and texttemplate offer a somewhat uniform approach to text
versus HTML... it attempts to raise string processing up to the level
of tree/HTML processing. That stringtemplate module seems to be aiming
for the lowest common denominator.

Interesting contrast in approaches:


Re: hide python code !

2006-08-14 Thread Ben Sizer
Paul Boddie wrote:
 Ben Sizer wrote:
  Imagine if you were the single-person developer of a small application
  that did something quite innovative, and charged a small fee for your
  product. Now imagine you were practically forced to make your algorithm
  obvious - a couple of months later, Microsoft bring out a freeware
  version and destroy your business in an instant. Sure, they and others
  can (and have) done that with closed-source products, but you increase
  your chances of survival 10-fold if the key algorithms are not obvious.

 This point is fairly comprehensively answered in the following article:


I don't believe so. That talks about copying of ideas, which is quite
distinct from copying of implementations. The distinction may be
meaningless in your typical desktop app where implementation is usually
obvious from the interface. However in more high-tech systems such as
multimedia or AI, the same is far from true.

 I read an article where various aging popular musicians were
 lobbying the British government to extend the period of copyright
 beyond 50 years because their first works would soon fall into the
 public domain and that they'd no longer earn royalties on those works.
 But in what percentage of the many other jobs that exist do you still
 get paid for a day at work that happened over 50 years ago?

However, in most of those jobs you get paid properly at the time. Aside
from the 1% of musicians who are pop stars, musicians generally do not.
I'm not saying I agree with extending the copyright period, however I
do think you can't just compare it to 'a day at work'. It's a totally
different set of circumstances which requires a different set of rules
to both encourage artists to continue creating while benefitting
society in the long run too.

Ben Sizer


Re: Looking for a text file based wiki system written in Python

2006-08-14 Thread Marcel

Jack wrote:
 I'd like to set up a wiki system for a project I'm working on.
 Since I'm not good at databases, and there's really not much
 stuff to put into the wiki, I hope it is text file-based.
 I used DokuWiki before, which is very nice but it's written
 in PHP. Is there a similar system that's written in Python?
 I found pwyky but it's functionality is a bit too simple.

A TiddlyWiki with a python backend.

-- Marcel


Re: hide python code !

2006-08-14 Thread Ben Sizer
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 09:18:12 -0700, Ben Sizer wrote:

  Imagine if you were the single-person developer of a small application
  that did something quite innovative,

 And imagine that you found a money-tree in your back yard...

 How about a more likely scenario? Imagine you're using a boring,
 run-of-the-mill algorithm, the same as 99.9% of all software out there,
 and that it's neither non-obvious nor innovative in any way at all.
 Statistically, I'd say it is ten thousand times more likely that this is
 the case than that the algorithm is at all valuable. Everybody thinks
 their algorithm is special. They almost never are.

I work in game development, where new algorithms and processes are
being discovered all the time. Sure, they're not going to cure cancer
or end poverty but there are most definitely some algorithms devised by
many developers which other companies have no idea how to emulate until
years down the line; long enough for the first company to enjoy a
little commercial benefit based on their individual implementation.

 Valuable algorithms are rare. Most software is not valuable for the
 algorithm, which is hidden in the source code, but for the functionality,
 which is obvious. Algorithms are a dime a dozen.

True, however, most is not all, and I think it's unfair to categorise
all software as being so trivial.

 Yes, and for every algorithm worth stealing, there are ten thousand that
 aren't. Play the odds, and you too will poo-poo the idea that some random
 developer on Usenet has discovered a valuable innovative algorithm. More
 likely he's just ashamed of his code, or wants to hide backdoors in it.

Play the odds, and pretty much everything is unlikely. Of all the names
in the world, what was the chance of this language being called Python?
Yet these things occasionally happen. I have no opinion on why the
original poster wants to hide code, only an opinion on there definitely
being a few applications where it is very useful.

Ben Sizer


[Announce] p-gal: photo gallery generator with templating support

2006-08-14 Thread Paolo Pantaleo
I'm writing a software in python to generate html photo gallery. It is
called p-gal and is GPL licensed. It is written in python [With the
invaluable help of this list :)] and it has a templating system based
on Cheetah. Currently it works under Linux (and maybe other UNIX-like

The main idea of p-gal is to provide a framework to allow image
gallery generation, but letting the user as free as possible about the
style of the gallery. P-gal features for now only one template (or
theme), but adding new ones is very simple.

I would anyone to take a look at my piece of code, and give me his
feedback about what is good and what should be improved.

PAolo Pantaleo

A little assistance with os.walk please.

2006-08-14 Thread KraftDiner
The os.walk function walks the operating systems directory tree.

This seems to work, but I don't quite understand the tupple that is
Can someone explain please?

for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/directory/'):
print root
#   print dirs
#   print files


Re: can wxpython checkbox use the fill in marker instead of the check?

2006-08-14 Thread jean-michel bain-cornu
jean-michel bain-cornu a écrit :
 i just like the look of the fill-in instead of the checkmark
 I'm just realizing it's a good idea !
 I'm going to use it. Thanks !
Actually, there is a problem when one generates an exe application with 
py2exe. In that case, the 3rd style checkmark looks 'disabled'... which 
is not what we want !
The best solution I can find at the moment is to switch back to the 
regular style (it allways happens when you are about to deliver your 
stuff...), but if you are still there, you'd better think about of it...

Re: A little assistance with os.walk please.

2006-08-14 Thread Pontus Ekberg
On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 07:44:39 -0700, KraftDiner wrote:

 The os.walk function walks the operating systems directory tree.
 This seems to work, but I don't quite understand the tupple that is
 Can someone explain please?
 for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/directory/'):
   print root
 # print dirs
 # print files

 print os.walk.__doc__
Directory tree generator.

For each directory in the directory tree rooted at top (including top
itself, but excluding '.' and '..'), yields a 3-tuple

dirpath, dirnames, filenames

dirpath is a string, the path to the directory.  dirnames is a list of
the names of the subdirectories in dirpath (excluding '.' and '..').
filenames is a list of the names of the non-directory files in dirpath.
Note that the names in the lists are just names, with no path components.
To get a full path (which begins with top) to a file or directory in
dirpath, do os.path.join(dirpath, name).

If optional arg 'topdown' is true or not specified, the triple for a
directory is generated before the triples for any of its subdirectories
(directories are generated top down).  If topdown is false, the triple
for a directory is generated after the triples for all of its
subdirectories (directories are generated bottom up).

When topdown is true, the caller can modify the dirnames list in-place
(e.g., via del or slice assignment), and walk will only recurse into the
subdirectories whose names remain in dirnames; this can be used to prune
the search, or to impose a specific order of visiting.  Modifying
dirnames when topdown is false is ineffective, since the directories in
dirnames have already been generated by the time dirnames itself is

By default errors from the os.listdir() call are ignored.  If
optional arg 'onerror' is specified, it should be a function; it
will be called with one argument, an os.error instance.  It can
report the error to continue with the walk, or raise the exception
to abort the walk.  Note that the filename is available as the
filename attribute of the exception object.

Caution:  if you pass a relative pathname for top, don't change the
current working directory between resumptions of walk.  walk never
changes the current directory, and assumes that the client doesn't


from os.path import join, getsize
for root, dirs, files in walk('python/Lib/email'):
print root, consumes,
print sum([getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files]),
print bytes in, len(files), non-directory files
if 'CVS' in dirs:
dirs.remove('CVS')  # don't visit CVS directories


Re: A little assistance with os.walk please.

2006-08-14 Thread Tim Chase
 The os.walk function walks the operating systems directory tree.


 This seems to work, but I don't quite understand the tupple that is
 Can someone explain please?
 for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/directory/'):
   print root
 # print dirs
 # print files

As cheesy as it may sound, try uncommenting the two commented 
lines.  For a more explicit variant:

print repr(dirs)
print repr(files)

You'll notice that they're lists.

In the directory root, you'll find the subdirectories given in 
the list dirs and you'll find the files given in the list files.



why the method get() of python Queue is hang on there?

2006-08-14 Thread zxo102
   I am using Queue from python2.4. Here is what happen to me:

import Queue
b = Queue.Queue(0)
b.get()   # this is ok, it pops out 
b.get()   # this one does not return anything and is hang on there

Anybody knows what is going on with the second b.get()?



Re: A little assistance with os.walk please.

2006-08-14 Thread Larry Bates
KraftDiner wrote:
 The os.walk function walks the operating systems directory tree.
 This seems to work, but I don't quite understand the tupple that is
 Can someone explain please?
 for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/directory/'):
   print root
 # print dirs
 # print files

Actually returns two tuples: dirs and files

root - is the directory branch you are currently walking
dirs - are the directory branches that are subdirectories of this
   directory branch
files - are the files that live in this directory branch

To process all the files here you do something like:

for afile in files:  # resist the urge to call it 'file'
 fullpath=os.path.join(root, afile)
 # Do something  with fullpath

Hard to figure out item - If you wish to NOT process some of the
dirs, you can delete them from the dirs list here and they won't
get walked.  You MUST delete them in place with del dirs[n] or
dirs.pop or some other function that deletes in-place.

You might want to type: help(os.walk) to get some more info.

-Larry Bates

Re: why the method get() of python Queue is hang on there?

2006-08-14 Thread skip
zxo import Queue
zxo b = Queue.Queue(0)
zxo b.put()
zxo b.get()   # this is ok, it pops out 
zxo b.get()   # this one does not return anything and is hang on there

zxo Anybody knows what is going on with the second b.get()?

Queue objects are meant to be used in a multithreaded application.  By
default, when the Queue is empty, a consumer calling get() will block until
a producer put()s something else into it.  From the documentation:

get([block[, timeout]])
Remove and return an item from the queue. If optional args block is
true and timeout is None (the default), block if necessary until an
item is available


Re: why the method get() of python Queue is hang on there?

2006-08-14 Thread Tim Chase
  import Queue
  b = Queue.Queue(0)
  b.get()   # this is ok, it pops out 
 b.get() # this one does not return anything and is hang on
 Anybody knows what is going on with the second b.get()?

|  get(self, block=True, timeout=None)
|  Remove and return an item from the queue.
|  If optional args 'block' is true and
|  'timeout' is None (the default), block if
|  necessary until an item is available. If
|  'timeout' is a positive number, it blocks
|  at most 'timeout' seconds and raises the
|  Empty exception if no item was available
|  within that time.  Otherwise ('block' is
|  false), return an item if one is
|  immediately available, else raise the
|  Empty exception ('timeout' is ignored in
|  that case).
|  get_nowait(self)
|  Remove and return an item from the queue
|  without blocking.
|  Only get an item if one is immediately
|  available. Otherwise raise the Empty
|  exception.

Notice that by default, get() will block until
there's something to read.  You can use either




In either case, an exception will be raised when
the Queue is empty, to let you know as much.  Just
trap for the exception and do as you please.



Re: why the method get() of python Queue is hang on there?

2006-08-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
zxo102 wrote:
I am using Queue from python2.4. Here is what happen to me:
 import Queue
 b = Queue.Queue(0)
 b.get()   # this is ok, it pops out 
 b.get()   # this one does not return anything and is hang on there
 Anybody knows what is going on with the second b.get()?

the documentation has the answer:

 get( [block[, timeout]])

 Remove and return an item from the queue.  If optional args block
 is true and timeout is None (the default), block if necessary until
 an item is available. /.../




Re: why the method get() of python Queue is hang on there?

2006-08-14 Thread Eric Brunel
On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 17:10:13 +0200, zxo102 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am using Queue from python2.4. Here is what happen to me:

 import Queue
 b = Queue.Queue(0)
 b.get()   # this is ok, it pops out 
 b.get()   # this one does not return anything and is hang on there

 Anybody knows what is going on with the second b.get()?

What did you expect? Since you've done only one put in the Queue, there's  
nothing left in it. Since queues are meant to communicate between threads  
- and also often to synchronize them -, the default behaviour for the get  
when the queue is empty is to wait for something to be put in it. If you  
want your second get to fail, use the get_nowait method.

python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in  

Re: [Announce] p-gal: photo gallery generator with templating support

2006-08-14 Thread Paul Rubin
Paolo Pantaleo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I would anyone to take a look at my piece of code, and give me his
 feedback about what is good and what should be improved.


Re: Easy to use distributed system?

2006-08-14 Thread AlbaClause
Jim Jones wrote:

 I am looking for a system in Python that will easily allow me to
 processes across multiple systems?So, if I have a function 'foo', I'd
 like to be able to call something along the lines of
 And have the system figure out which node is available for process, and
 then have the results returned in some sort of callback fashion.
 Any insight is greatly appreciated.

I did a little research on this subject not too long ago.   From what I've
seen, OpenMosix appears to be about the easiest one for Linux Operating
Systems.   Here's the url:  http://openmosix.sourceforge.net/

There are several things that I will never be:
  *  I will never be attracted to females.
  *  I will never enjoy the company of others.
Exactly how these realities bode for my enemy, is not of my concern.


Re: why the method get() of python Queue is hang on there?

2006-08-14 Thread zxo102
Thanks for your guys. I got it.  I thought  Queue can be used anywhere
in the code and the second b.get() would return a None.


zxo102 写道:

I am using Queue from python2.4. Here is what happen to me:

 import Queue
 b = Queue.Queue(0)
 b.get()   # this is ok, it pops out 
 b.get()   # this one does not return anything and is hang on there
 Anybody knows what is going on with the second b.get()?


Re: Compiling wxPython app for Windows; Single EXE

2006-08-14 Thread Larry Bates
Satya wrote:
 Vincent Delporte wrote:
 - there's no way to build a single EXE, to make deployment easier (if
 multiple files, I need to build an installer with eg. NSIS or

 I am using InnoSetup. The included example script (I believe in py2exe) is
 adequate for simple applications. I just modified a few lines and I had a
 neat Windows Installer.
+1 on the Inno Installer solution.  I use it a lot and it is both
easy to use and flexible for distributing Python apps on Windows.
While just compressing into self-extracting .exe works for simple
apps, there always seem to be other things you want to do.  Things
like modifying .ini files, setting up shortcuts and icons on user's
desktop, start list, quickstart list.  Registering dlls, starting
services, ...   Inno Installer can help you with all these things.
The combination of py2exe and Inno Installer is hard to beat.

-Larry Bates

Re: looking for a simple way to load a program from another python program..

2006-08-14 Thread AlbaClause

 I was looking for a simple way to load a simple python program from
 another python program.
 I tried
 The file name is cabel.py a csound instrument editor..
 The error I am getting is
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\boa-constructor\test of
 snake\Frame1.py, line 212, in OnCabelItems0Menu
 NameError: global name 'cabel' is not defined
 Localisation of messages is disabled, using default language.
 time resolution is 279.365 ns
 This is with cabel in the current directory.  I have managed to use
 import to run it but it will only do it once.  I may be able to use the
 exec commands but I don't want to exit the program I am using only to
 run other programs and then exit.  I would also perfer that cabel is in
 it's own directory.
 thanks in advance for any help

I am new to Python coding myself, but I've found that the easiest way to
start another script from within a script, is to use the
execfile('filename.py') command.

There may be better ways of loading other Python scripts -- better ways that
I'm not yet aware of -- but execfile() works for me.

There are several things that I will never be:
  *  I will never be attracted to females.
  *  I will never enjoy the company of others.
Exactly how these realities bode for my enemy, is not of my concern.


Re: hide python code !

2006-08-14 Thread Paul Boddie
Ben Sizer wrote:
 Paul Boddie wrote:
  Ben Sizer wrote:
   Imagine if you were the single-person developer of a small application
   that did something quite innovative, and charged a small fee for your
   product. Now imagine you were practically forced to make your algorithm
   obvious - a couple of months later, Microsoft bring out a freeware
   version and destroy your business in an instant. Sure, they and others
   can (and have) done that with closed-source products, but you increase
   your chances of survival 10-fold if the key algorithms are not obvious.
  This point is fairly comprehensively answered in the following article:

 I don't believe so.

Well, it talks about competing against some large business who will
eventually emulate your work. The advantage of small businesses
competing against anyone with a fairly rigid schedule and an arguably
non-agile internal organisation is that there will be a certain amount
of time before that large business firstly gets round to dismantling
your product (as opposed to that of the other small competitors),
secondly manages to produce something which does more or less the same
thing, and thirdly is able to bring it to market with the same level of
quality/branding that its customers expect.

Successful software businesses are not merely founded on the process of
having ideas and implementing them - they might also need to be
effective at delivering those ideas and going through the whole process
again and again. Writing a neat utility for Windows is not by itself
the foundation of a successful business - other factors are critical,
whether they be continuous improvements, service, support, or a number
of other things.

 That talks about copying of ideas, which is quite
 distinct from copying of implementations. The distinction may be
 meaningless in your typical desktop app where implementation is usually
 obvious from the interface. However in more high-tech systems such as
 multimedia or AI, the same is far from true.

Well, let's say that algorithms are a step up from mere ideas, and
let's also say that actual code is a step up from mere descriptions of
algorithms (since actual code serves to verify the behaviour of those
algorithms). The article I mention states that people shouldn't expect
to be rewarded forever for dreaming up some idea, and I extend that
point by stating that people shouldn't expect to be rewarded forever
for describing an algorithm - both of these things being patentable in
various permissive patent regimes, which (in conjunction with a few
other factors) really is quite harmful for anyone actually doing work
in any of the affected lines of work.

So, if we decide to ignore people waving pieces of paper around which
make some claim to an idea or some way of solving some problem, instead
investigating the actual code, others have pointed out already that if
you provide just a binary and there exist people who want to know what
you've done, those people will find it out whether you make it easy for
them or not. Now, if we sidestep the issue of decompiling binaries and
cast the affected work as some kind of service, the question can now be
expressed as whether you should expect to be rewarded forever for
providing such a service. This brings in a number of issues that are
suddenly more apparent than in the case where the end-user has some
binary - notably the issue of control over the activity that the
service performs - and such issues could possibly increase competitive
pressure rather than enhance any supposed competitive advantage if
people felt that the market wasn't providing enough in the way of
choice in that area.

  I read an article where various aging popular musicians were
  lobbying the British government to extend the period of copyright
  beyond 50 years because their first works would soon fall into the
  public domain and that they'd no longer earn royalties on those works.
  But in what percentage of the many other jobs that exist do you still
  get paid for a day at work that happened over 50 years ago?

 However, in most of those jobs you get paid properly at the time. Aside
 from the 1% of musicians who are pop stars, musicians generally do not.

The article I read was in the paper edition of the newspaper in
question, but here's a fairly similar electronic version:


I don't doubt that sessions musicians are paid badly, but multiplying
every musician's income by a certain factor doesn't necessarily
represent a just solution to that issue.

 I'm not saying I agree with extending the copyright period, however I
 do think you can't just compare it to 'a day at work'. It's a totally
 different set of circumstances which requires a different set of rules
 to both encourage artists to continue creating while benefitting
 society in 

Re: A little assistance with os.walk please.

2006-08-14 Thread KraftDiner

Larry Bates wrote:
 KraftDiner wrote:
  The os.walk function walks the operating systems directory tree.
  This seems to work, but I don't quite understand the tupple that is
  Can someone explain please?
  for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/directory/'):
  print root
  #   print dirs
  #   print files

 Actually returns two tuples: dirs and files

 root - is the directory branch you are currently walking
 dirs - are the directory branches that are subdirectories of this
directory branch
 files - are the files that live in this directory branch

 To process all the files here you do something like:

 for afile in files:  # resist the urge to call it 'file'
  fullpath=os.path.join(root, afile)
  # Do something  with fullpath

 Hard to figure out item - If you wish to NOT process some of the
 dirs, you can delete them from the dirs list here and they won't
 get walked.  You MUST delete them in place with del dirs[n] or
 dirs.pop or some other function that deletes in-place.

 You might want to type: help(os.walk) to get some more info.

Yep done that.   Thanks.
Two things..
1) there seems to be an optional topdown flag.  Is that passed to
os.walk(path, topdownFlag)
2) I only want to process files that match *.txt for example...  Does
that mean I need to parse the list of files for the .txt extention or
can I pass a wildcard in the path parameter?

 -Larry Bates


Re: [Announce] p-gal: photo gallery generator with templating support

2006-08-14 Thread Paolo Pantaleo
14 Aug 2006 08:31:06 -0700, Paul Rubin http://phr.cx@nospam.invalid:
 Paolo Pantaleo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I would anyone to take a look at my piece of code, and give me his
  feedback about what is good and what should be improved.




Re: outputting a command to the terminal?

2006-08-14 Thread Steven Bethard
John Salerno wrote:
 Here's my new project: I want to write a little script that I can type 
 at the terminal like this:
 $ scriptname package1 [package2, ...]
 where scriptname is my module name and any subsequent arguments are the 
 names of Linux packages to install. Running the script as above will 
 create this line:
 sudo aptitude install package1 package2 ...
 It will run that line at the terminal so the package(s) will be installed.
 Now, the extra functionality I want to add (otherwise I would just 
 install them normally!) is to save the package names to a text file so I 
 can now the names of programs I've manually installed, if I ever want to 
 check the list or remove packages.
 So creating the proper bash command (sudo aptitude install ...) is easy, 
 and writing the names to a file is easy. But I have two questions:
 1. First of all, does Linux keep track of the packages you manually 
 install? If so, then I won't have to do this at all.
 2. Assuming I write this, how do output the bash command to the 
 terminal? Is there a particular module that Python uses to interact with 
 the terminal window that I can use to send the install command to the 

I don't know the answer to the first bit here, but I think the following 
should get you most of what you want as far as the second bit is concerned:

import argparse # http://argparse.python-hosting.com/
import subprocess
import sys

def outputfile(filename):
 return open(filename, 'w')

if __name__ == '__main__':
 # parse the command line arguments
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 parser.add_argument('packages', metavar='package', nargs='+',
 help='one of the packages to install')
 parser.add_argument('--save', type=outputfile, default=sys.stdout,
 help='a file to save the package names to')
 namespace = parser.parse_args()

 # call the command
 command = ['sudo', 'aptitude', 'install'] + namespace.packages

 # write the package name file
 for package_name in namespace.packages:
 namespace.save.write('%s\n' % package_name)

$ scriptname.py -h
usage: scriptname.py [-h] [--save SAVE] package [package ...]

positional arguments:
   package  one of the packages to install

optional arguments:
   -h, --help   show this help message and exit
   --save SAVE  a file to save the package names to


Re: Compiling wxPython app for Windows; Single EXE

2006-08-14 Thread ajaksu
Vincent Delporte wrote:
 - py2exe is still the best tool in town to compile Python scripts to
 run on a Windows host that doesn't have Python installed, including

Hi Vincent and c.l.p-ers

I'm using PyInstaller (http://pyinstaller.hpcf.upr.edu/) precisely to
compile a wxPython-based program. So I'm curious about what makes
py2exe the best tool..., because I'm about to miss that due to my
ignorance. I learned PyInstaller for something else and laziness kept
me from trying py2exe. Now, the blurb on py2exe's site doesn't sound
better than what I have with PyInstaller.

FWIW, PyInstaller  (NB: it's an exe-maker, not an installer) can
compress your binaries using UPX, create single file executables and
works cross-platforms too. It'll even include w9xpopen.exe and allow
custom icons for the executable. It doesn't need setup.py. My
buildtest.bat is:

python Makespec.py -X -F -o ecoz ecotools.py grid.py similarity.py
python -O Build.py ecoz\ecotools.spec  pyinstaller_log.txt
ecoz\ecotools.exe test

I've notice that application start time (or rather, 're-start', as it's
more noticeable for the subsequent runs) is much better for the single
directory method, because single file will always decompress to a
temporary directory.

All the best,


Re: A little assistance with os.walk please.

2006-08-14 Thread Tim Chase
 1) there seems to be an optional topdown flag.  Is that passed to
 os.walk(path, topdownFlag)


 2) I only want to process files that match *.txt for example...  Does
 that mean I need to parse the list of files for the .txt extention or
 can I pass a wildcard in the path parameter?

  for path, dirs, files in os.walk(.):
... for f in files:
... if not f.lower().endswith(.txt): continue
... print os.path.join(path, f)

If you want to be more complex:

  from os.path import splitext
  allowed = ['.txt', '.sql']
  for path, dirs, files in os.walk(.):
... for f in files:
... if splitext(f)[1].lower() not in allowed: continue
... fn = os.path.join(path, f)
... print do something with %s % fn

Just a few ideas,



Re: A little assistance with os.walk please.

2006-08-14 Thread KraftDiner

Tim Chase wrote:
  1) there seems to be an optional topdown flag.  Is that passed to
  os.walk(path, topdownFlag)


  2) I only want to process files that match *.txt for example...  Does
  that mean I need to parse the list of files for the .txt extention or
  can I pass a wildcard in the path parameter?

   for path, dirs, files in os.walk(.):
 ... for f in files:
 ... if not f.lower().endswith(.txt): continue
 ... print os.path.join(path, f)

 If you want to be more complex:

   from os.path import splitext
   allowed = ['.txt', '.sql']
   for path, dirs, files in os.walk(.):
 ... for f in files:
 ... if splitext(f)[1].lower() not in allowed: continue
 ... fn = os.path.join(path, f)
 ... print do something with %s % fn
 Just a few ideas,

Many thanks all.


tkinter: Button color Solaris/Linux

2006-08-14 Thread Bob Greschke
I have a GUI where the background of the GO button, for example, turns 
green while the associated action is running.  On Windows it works fine, but 
on Solaris and Linux the button background turns white (or whatever) when 
the mouse pointer enters the button, the background stays that color while 
Button-1 is being held down, and the background continues to stay that color 
when Button-1 is released.  The background only turns green when the user 
moves the pointer off of the button.  Can that be fixed, or is that an 
X-Windows thing?




Re: outputting a command to the terminal?

2006-08-14 Thread John Salerno
Steven Bethard wrote:
 John Salerno wrote:
 Here's my new project: I want to write a little script that I can type 
 at the terminal like this:

 $ scriptname package1 [package2, ...]

 where scriptname is my module name and any subsequent arguments are 
 the names of Linux packages to install. Running the script as above 
 will create this line:

 sudo aptitude install package1 package2 ...

 It will run that line at the terminal so the package(s) will be 

 Now, the extra functionality I want to add (otherwise I would just 
 install them normally!) is to save the package names to a text file so 
 I can now the names of programs I've manually installed, if I ever 
 want to check the list or remove packages.

 So creating the proper bash command (sudo aptitude install ...) is 
 easy, and writing the names to a file is easy. But I have two questions:

 1. First of all, does Linux keep track of the packages you manually 
 install? If so, then I won't have to do this at all.

 2. Assuming I write this, how do output the bash command to the 
 terminal? Is there a particular module that Python uses to interact 
 with the terminal window that I can use to send the install command to 
 the terminal?
 I don't know the answer to the first bit here, but I think the following 
 should get you most of what you want as far as the second bit is concerned:
 import argparse # http://argparse.python-hosting.com/
 import subprocess
 import sys
 def outputfile(filename):
 return open(filename, 'w')
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 # parse the command line arguments
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 parser.add_argument('packages', metavar='package', nargs='+',
 help='one of the packages to install')
 parser.add_argument('--save', type=outputfile, default=sys.stdout,
 help='a file to save the package names to')
 namespace = parser.parse_args()
 # call the command
 command = ['sudo', 'aptitude', 'install'] + namespace.packages
 # write the package name file
 for package_name in namespace.packages:
 namespace.save.write('%s\n' % package_name)
 $ scriptname.py -h
 usage: scriptname.py [-h] [--save SAVE] package [package ...]
 positional arguments:
   package  one of the packages to install
 optional arguments:
   -h, --help   show this help message and exit
   --save SAVE  a file to save the package names to

yikes! I'll have to take some time to study this! I appreciate it. :)

Re: Easy to use distributed system?

2006-08-14 Thread John Henry
I've been using Pyro and it does what I needs it to do for me.

I don't know if it's as fancy as other packages but the price is right.

Jim Jones wrote:
 I am looking for a system in Python that will easily allow me to distribute
 processes across multiple systems?So, if I have a function 'foo', I'd
 like to be able to call something along the lines of


 And have the system figure out which node is available for process, and then
 have the results returned in some sort of callback fashion.

 Any insight is greatly appreciated.
 http://www.runfatboy.net - Exercise for the rest of us.


Re: outputting a command to the terminal?

2006-08-14 Thread Yu-Xi Lim
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
   Well, I don't do shell scripts either, but... looking at the
 sample... $@ is likely the shell equivalent of Python's sys.argv -- or
 *sys.argv if passed down

Yeah, kinda equivalent to *sys.argv[1:].

Re: outputting a command to the terminal?

2006-08-14 Thread Yu-Xi Lim
Steven Bethard wrote:
 import argparse # http://argparse.python-hosting.com/
 import subprocess
 import sys

Why not the standard lib's optparse?

Re: outputting a command to the terminal?

2006-08-14 Thread Steven Bethard
John Salerno wrote:
 Steven Bethard wrote:
 import argparse # http://argparse.python-hosting.com/
 import subprocess
 import sys

 def outputfile(filename):
 return open(filename, 'w')

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 # parse the command line arguments
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 parser.add_argument('packages', metavar='package', nargs='+',
 help='one of the packages to install')
 parser.add_argument('--save', type=outputfile, default=sys.stdout,
 help='a file to save the package names to')
 namespace = parser.parse_args()

 # call the command
 command = ['sudo', 'aptitude', 'install'] + namespace.packages

 # write the package name file
 for package_name in namespace.packages:
 namespace.save.write('%s\n' % package_name)

 $ scriptname.py -h
 usage: scriptname.py [-h] [--save SAVE] package [package ...]

 positional arguments:
   package  one of the packages to install

 optional arguments:
   -h, --help   show this help message and exit
   --save SAVE  a file to save the package names to

 yikes! I'll have to take some time to study this! I appreciate it. :)

For just calling the command, the important lines are::

 command = ['sudo', 'aptitude', 'install'] + namespace.packages

where you could have probably used ``sys.argv[1:]`` instead of 

For writing the file, as I'm sure you've already figured out, the 
important lines are::

 for package_name in namespace.packages:
 namespace.save.write('%s\n' % package_name)

where again, if you weren't using argparse, you could have used 
``sys.argv`` to determine the package names (namespace.packages) and the 
file to write to (namespace.save).

The remaining lines involving the ``parser`` object are basically 
defining a command line interface in a similar way to what optparse in 
the stdlib does.  Sure, you could do all of this by fiddling with 
sys.argv, but the argparse module will do all the parsing and 
conversions for you, and give your script a meaningful usage message. 
And I'm a firm believer in meaningful usage messages. =)


P.S. Thank *you* for posting this.  As a result, I've been convinced 
that argparse should grow a 'outfile' type, something I've been debating 
with myself about for a while now.

Re: recommended general-purpose string template packages?

2006-08-14 Thread Yu-Xi Lim
Ravi Teja wrote:
 Most Python templating engines are general purpose. Choice between them
 however is sometimes a matter of preference, like editors. I settled
 down on Cheetah for most part.

I second Cheetah. It's suitable for most text templates. Many others are 
specific for XML or HTML documents.

Re: Easy to use distributed system?

2006-08-14 Thread Andre Meyer
Hi allWe are using Pyro, too, for our Multi-Agent System framework Spyse (http://spyse.sf.net). We support mobile agents, distributed environments, various threading models and a lot more.
Just ask if you are interested, but use the svn version, mot the 0.1 download. Our 1.0 release should be coming with a month.kind regardsAndre

Re: tkinter: Button color Solaris/Linux

2006-08-14 Thread Bob Greschke
Bob Greschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
I have a GUI where the background of the GO button, for example, turns 
green while the associated action is running.  On Windows it works fine, 
but on Solaris and Linux the button background turns white (or whatever) 
when the mouse pointer enters the button, the background stays that color 
while Button-1 is being held down, and the background continues to stay 
that color when Button-1 is released.  The background only turns green when 
the user moves the pointer off of the button.  Can that be fixed, or is 
that an X-Windows thing?



activebackground.  At least this time it was a couple of minutes after the 
Return key was pressed. :)



Re: p-gal: photo gallery generator with templating support

2006-08-14 Thread ajaksu
Paolo Pantaleo wrote:

Ciao Paolo!

The homepage (http://paolopan.freehostia.com/p-gal/ ) looks weird in my
SeaMonkey 1.0.4,  contents appear below GoogleAds instead of at the

Some feedback and a couple of questions at http://tinyurl.com/qgbth
(points to

Best regards,


Re: outputting a command to the terminal?

2006-08-14 Thread John Salerno
Steven Bethard wrote:

 P.S. Thank *you* for posting this.  As a result, I've been convinced 
 that argparse should grow a 'outfile' type, something I've been debating 
 with myself about for a while now.

Heh heh. I'm glad my ignorance can inspire those around me. ;)

Re: outputting a command to the terminal?

2006-08-14 Thread Steven Bethard
Yu-Xi Lim wrote:
 Steven Bethard wrote:
 import argparse # http://argparse.python-hosting.com/
 import subprocess
 import sys
 Why not the standard lib's optparse?

The page referenced above gives a variety of reasons, but the two most 
important things in this example are: argparse supports parsing of both 
positional and optional arguments, and argparse generates better usage 

Since argparse supports positional arguments, I can write something like::

 parser.add_argument('packages', ..., nargs='+', ...)

and then the arparse module will enforce that at least one positional 
argument was given. With optparse, you'd do something like:

 options, args = parser.parse_args()
 if not args:
 parser.error('wrong number of arguments')

Basically, with optparse, anything that involves positional arguments 
has to be handled by the user.

It's also worth pointing out the better usage messages. Notice that the 
output looked like::

 $ scriptname.py -h
 usage: scriptname.py [-h] [--save SAVE] package [package ...]

 positional arguments:
   package  one of the packages to install

 optional arguments:
   -h, --help   show this help message and exit
   --save SAVE  a file to save the package names to

With the optparse, you'd get something like::

 $ scriptname.py -h
 usage: scriptname.py [OPTIONS]

   -h, --help   show this help message and exit
   --save SAVE  a file to save the package names to

The argparse module knows how to create a meaningful usage message 
instead of just %prog [OPTIONS], and the argparse module knows about 
positional arguments, so you can have help messages for them too.

Ok, enough propaganda for now. ;-)


TypeError: 'module' object is not callable (newby question)

2006-08-14 Thread Charles Russell
Why does this work from the python prompt, but fail from a script?
How does one make it work from a script?

#! /usr/bin/python
import glob
# following line works from python prompt; why not in script?
print files

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./glob.py, line 2, in ?
 import glob
   File /home/cdr/python/glob.py, line 5, in ?
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

Boost Build Warning

2006-08-14 Thread Hoop
I am trying to run the Hello World example in Boost.Python from the
Building Hello World documentation. I believe that I have everything
set up right but I get these three warnings,

warning: no toolsets are configured.
warning: you won't be able to build C++ programs.
warning: please consult the documentation.

Not sure how to set up the toolsets or what documentation is being
refered to here.
To compile I do,( from the example, for using VS2005)
bjam -s VC80_ROOT=vc-8_0
not totally sure if that is right so I have tried a few others like,
bjam -sTOOLS=vc-8_0

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Best IDE for Python

2006-08-14 Thread Yu-Xi Lim
Michiel Sikma wrote:
 By FOS, do you mean FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)? I've never 
 seen the acronym FOS used.

Maybe he was trying for Free Open Source IDE without the 
semi-redundant Software

 I personally use Eclipse with PyDev.

Eclipse+PyDev has the advantage over emacs when it comes to big 
projects, IMO. It has features like refactoring, better project 
management, code coverage. emacs has the advantage of being faster and 
smaller, and if all you need is a syntax-aware (smart indentation, 
syntax highlighting) editor and integrated debugger, emacs is more than 

I've tried the other free IDEs like IDLE, SPE, eric3, TruStudio (for 
Eclipse), Boa, Komodo, WingIDE. I have various issues with them, 
including instability, poor automatic indentation, bad GUI (too many 
subwindows or uncustomizable), costly, no refactoring, and no project 

It's strangely ironic. I consider Eclipse to be a lousy Java IDE 
especially compared to commercial offerings and yet that's what the 
project started out as.

Re: selecting base class from user input

2006-08-14 Thread Jackson
Maric Michaud wrote the following on 2006-08-14 01:26:
 In [28]: class Animal(object) :
: _types = {}
 In [29]: class Worker(object) :
: def work(self) : print 'hard'
 What you are trying to achieve is more commonly done by agregation and 
 delegation :
 In [47]: class Lion(Animal) :
: def __init__(self, *classes) :
: self._objects = tuple(c() for c in classes)
: def isA(self, class_) :
: return class_ in (type(o) for o in self._objects)
: def __getattr__(self, name) :
: for obj in self._objects :
: try: return getattr(obj, name)
: except: pass
: raise AttributeError('not defined or found in objects %s' 
 In [48]: Lion().work()
 exceptions.AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent 
 call last)
 /home/maric/ipython console
 /home/maric/ipython console in __getattr__(self, name)
 AttributeError: not defined or found in objects work
 In [49]: Lion().isA(Worker)
 Out[49]: False
 In [50]: Lion(Worker).isA(Worker)
 Out[50]: True
 In [51]: Lion(Worker).work()

This is exactly what I am looking for.  However, I am not sure how to
implement different Worker methods.  For example, a Lion might work
differently than an Bee. In my example, the Lion would take a cat-nap
while the Bee might do a dance.

It seems that I would need to what kind of class called the work()
method.  Is there a way to do that?

Even if I could do that, it seems these various definitions of work
should probably go into the class of the animal---so that Lion actions
are all within the Lion class.  Thus, the Lion class should have its own
work method, and the Bee class should have its own work method as well.
 The problem with this is that every Lion can use the work method, when
I really only work Workers to use the work method.

I can picture another way of achieving this...have a list of
occupations...which are booleans for each instance of the class.  Then
the work() method will call only if the Worker boolean is True.  This
should be sufficient...and the differing work methods would be in their
respective classes. However, now the actual method names are not
uniform---that is, it becomes a bookkeeping exercise to remember that
when Worker is True, then the method to create is work(), that when
Student is True, then the method to create is study().  So this
procedure has its own problems too.  It seems like I am trading off
hardships now.

So here is what I am looking for:

A single Worker class with a standardized set of method names. The
methods in the Worker class are dependent on the superclass (via
aggregation and delegation, as shown above) of the worker.  That is, a
Bee performs different actions when working than a Lion or a Human.  And
finally, the occupations such that not every Bee is a worker and
there are some Workers which are Bees.


Re: A little assistance with os.walk please.

2006-08-14 Thread Tim Chase
   allowed = ['.txt', '.sql']
   for path, dirs, files in os.walk(.):
 ... for f in files:
 ... if splitext(f)[1].lower() not in allowed: continue

Additionally, if you really do want to specify wildcards:

  allowed = ['*.txt', 'README*', '*.xml', '*.htm*']
  from glob import fnmatch
  import os
  for path, dirs, files in os.walk(.):
... good_files = []
... for pat in allowed:
... good_files.extend(fnmatch.filter(files, pat))
... if good_files: break
... for f in good_files:
... print doing something with %s % 
os.path.join(path, f)



Re: yet another noob question

2006-08-14 Thread Jason Nordwick
Somehow my other response to the list got lost. I'm still learning Python, but 
this seems much better than my first attempt:

def pr(x): print x
def cross(x,y): return [a+b for a in x for b in y]
x=map(pr, reduce(cross, [map(str,range(1,6))]*5))


Stargaming wrote:
 Jason Nordwick schrieb:
 Or without filter:

 from operator import add
 def pr(x): print x
 def cross(x,y): return reduce(add, [[a+b for b in y] for a in x])
 x=map(pr, reduce(cross, [map(str,range(1,6))]*5))

 reduce(add, list) is the same as sum(list) and is only half as fast as sum:
   from timeit import Timer
   sum(Timer(sum(range(500))).repeat(200, 1000))/200
   sum(Timer(reduce(add, range(500)), from operator import 
 add).repeat(200, 1000))/200
 Also note that reduce will be removed in Python 3000.


Re: yet another noob question

2006-08-14 Thread Jason Nordwick

Stargaming wrote:
 Also note that reduce will be removed in Python 3000.

What will replace it?



Re: selecting base class from user input

2006-08-14 Thread Jackson
John Machin wrote the following on 2006-08-14 01:45:
 Here are a couple of thoughts that *might* help:
 (1) mix-in i.e. a class can have multiple base classes:
 class AntWorker(Animal, Worker):
 (2) you can create classes on the fly using the 3-argument form of the
 built-in type() function:
 new_cls = type(name_of_class, base_classes_tuple, dict_of_methods_etc)

This seems like it should work. The only problem I have with it is that
there are a _lot_ of classes to define (and remember).  For 256
different animals, we'd have to create 256 more animal-worker classes.
Obviously this works, but it seems not to be in the spirit of classes
and subclasses in that it doesn't (in some central way) highlight that
there is just one occupation: a worker.

As another example, suppose we had Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.  What
I mean is that we have the idea (the storyline, themes, etc) of Romeo
and Juliet. Further, suppose that we have various ways of expressing the
piece:  poem, book, movie, broadway.

It is true, we could do:

a = RaJPoem()
a = RaJBook()
a = RaJMovie()
a = RaJBroadway()

but it would be nice if we could do something like this:

a = RaJ(Poem)
a = RaJ(Book)
a = RaJ(Movie)
a = RaJ(Broadway)

And then a method call to RaJ might do something different for each
media. For example,


should fetch the opening of each media(first stanza, first chapter,
first scene, etc).  Thus, Poem, Book, Movie, and Broadway should
probably have a get_opening() method, and the RaJ class should pass this
call onto the respective class.  Notice, get_opening() is not exclusive
to RaJ.  Maric's method works nicely for this.

Additionally, I might want some methods which are exclusive to RaJ. For


would fetch elements of love from each type of media. Clearly this
method depends on the type of media. And there is not one method that
each media class could call.

For a poem, the RaJ class might look for a specific way that love can be
expressed (specific to RaJ). Studpid example, look for the word 'love'
at the end of each line.

For a movie, we might look for any scenes where the couple kisses.

The point is that there are methods for which the set of calls will
differ depending on the media type (poem, book, movie, etc).

This seems like a fun idea to me, and I'd like to think that things like
this are done frequently.


Re: p-gal: photo gallery generator with templating support

2006-08-14 Thread Paolo Pantaleo
14 Aug 2006 10:16:37 -0700, ajaksu [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Paolo Pantaleo wrote:

 Ciao Paolo!

 The homepage (http://paolopan.freehostia.com/p-gal/ ) looks weird in my
 SeaMonkey 1.0.4,  contents appear below GoogleAds instead of at the

Well... I designed the site for Firefox... anyway I used CSS float
directives and no tables. I don't know if I made something wrong, or
if it is a [not so unlikely] standard compliance problem. Well Firefox
too has some problems with floats.

I copied the layout from http://www.topolinux.org/ - can you see this properly?

if you have a minute to spend please visit my photogrphy site:

Re: Boost Build Warning

2006-08-14 Thread Roman Yakovenko
On 14 Aug 2006 10:29:08 -0700, Hoop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to run the Hello World example in Boost.Python from the
 Building Hello World documentation. I believe that I have everything
 set up right but I get these three warnings,

 warning: no toolsets are configured.
 warning: you won't be able to build C++ programs.
 warning: please consult the documentation.

 Not sure how to set up the toolsets or what documentation is being
 refered to here.
 To compile I do,( from the example, for using VS2005)
 bjam -s VC80_ROOT=vc-8_0
 not totally sure if that is right so I have tried a few others like,
 bjam -sTOOLS=vc-8_0

 Any help would be appreciated.

Try to run vcvars32.bat ( if exists or something similar ) before you invoke
bjam from the same cmd. I am not sure, but this could help.


Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

Re: TypeError: 'module' object is not callable (newby question)

2006-08-14 Thread faulkner
works for me. do you do anything in your script besides that?

Charles Russell wrote:
 Why does this work from the python prompt, but fail from a script?
 How does one make it work from a script?

 #! /usr/bin/python
 import glob
 # following line works from python prompt; why not in script?
 print files

 Traceback (most recent call last):
File ./glob.py, line 2, in ?
  import glob
File /home/cdr/python/glob.py, line 5, in ?
 TypeError: 'module' object is not callable


Re: yet another noob question

2006-08-14 Thread bearophileHUGS
Jason Nordwick:
 Stargaming wrote:
  Also note that reduce will be removed in Python 3000.
 What will replace it?

Nothing, I presume. You will have to write a function to find another
way to solve problems.



Re: outputting a command to the terminal?

2006-08-14 Thread Simon Forman
John Salerno wrote:
 Yu-Xi Lim wrote:

  I assume you're using a Debian-based distro with aptitude as the front
  end. In which case, all dpkg operations should be logged in

 Yes, I'm using Ubuntu. But I checked this log file and I'm a bit
 confused. It has a lot of listings for 5-31-06, but I didn't even
 install Linux until last Saturday. The next date after 5-31 is 8-5-06,
 and I know I installed things between last Saturday and Aug. 5.

 (But this is OT, so don't worry about it.)

  I'm wondering about the need to output the bash command to the
  terminal. It would probably suffice if your Python script just spawned
  an instance of the shell with the necessary command line. Take a look at
  the subprocess module.
  But this really calls for a bash script:
  echo $@  /path/to/manual_install.log
  sudo aptitude install $@
  Shorter than the equivalent Python code. You could probably declare this
  as a function in your bash initialization files too, if you know how to
  do this.

 Hmm, interesting. I figured I could do this with a bash script, but I
 don't know bash at all and I'm trying to stick with Python. I don't
 quite understand your bash script (not familiar with the $@ syntax).

 I think I'll take a look at the subprocess module, just for fun. :)

Hey John, Yu-Xi Lim's right.  This is one of those (thankfully few)
cases where bash makes more sense to use than python (at least IMHO.)

To figure out about that $@, fire up your teminal and type man bash
(!man bash in IPython) (BTW, apropos of nothing, man bash is one of
my all time favorite commands ever.  I always think of some comic-book
hero/monster shouting it, MAN BASH!! lol.  Anyway...)

So, now you're looking at the man page for bash.  It's very very long
and ubergeeky.  Deep and amazing mysteries are contained (and kind of
explained) within it.  You want information on $@ so we'll use the
search incantation to find and reveal it.

Type /\$@ without the quotes, then press return.  (What this
means/does: / is the manpage search command, it uses a regular
expression syntax not dissimilar to python's own. \ escapes the next
character ($, in this case) and we need to do that because $ is
regular expression syntax for end of line.  The $@ will now match,
um, $@ correctly.)

Once you press return, man will scroll to put the first occurance of
$@ at the top of your terminal and highlight it.  On my system it's
this line (I narrowed my terminal so that quoted portions wouldn't wrap
badly in this posting):

   $@  as  explained  below  under Special Parameters.

So far so good, '$@ as explained below' looks promising.  Rather than
scrolling down to find this Special Parameters section, let's keep
using the search.

Press n to scroll to the next occurance of our pattern $@.  On my
system this brings me to:

  separate word.  That is, $@ is equivalent to
  $1 $2 ...  If the double-quoted  expansion

Ah ha!  Scrolling up a few lines, we see:

   @  Expands to the positional parameters, starting
  from  one.   When  the expansion occurs within
  double quotes, each  parameter  expands  to  a
  separate word.  That is, $@ is equivalent to
  $1 $2 ...  If the double-quoted  expansion
  occurs  within  a  word,  the expansion of the
  first parameter is joined with  the  beginning
  part  of  the original word, and the expansion
  of the last parameter is joined with the  last
  part  of the original word.  When there are no
  positional parameters, $@ and $@  expand  to
  nothing (i.e., they are removed).

Not extraordinarily enlightening, maybe, but better than sitting in the
dark, lighting your farts. :-D   (Hit q to exit man.)

Basically what this means is that $@ will become the positional
arguments that you pass to your script.  You can play with this by
writing a simple bash script like this

echo $@

and passing it args to see what it echos. (Remember to chmod +x it..)

So, long story short, Yu-Xi Lim's bash script echos your package names
to the /path/to/manual_install.log file ( in bash means append the
output of the command to the left to the file on the right,) then it
calls aptitude with those same package names.

It's simple, short, and to-the-point.  The equivalent python script
would be much longer, for no appreciable gain.  I write most of my tiny
little helper scripts in python, but in this case, bash is the clear
winnar.  (And on *nix. man pages are your best friend. Plus you get to
feel all l33t when you grok them. lol)



Memory problem

2006-08-14 Thread Yi Xing

I need to read a large amount of data into a list. So I am trying to 
see if I'll have any memory problem. When I do
x=range(2700*2700*3) I got the following message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?

Any way to get around this problem? I have a machine of 4G memory. The 
total number of data points (float) that I need to read is in the order 
of 200-300 millions.



Re: TypeError: 'module' object is not callable (newby question)

2006-08-14 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Charles Russell wrote:

 Why does this work from the python prompt, but fail from a script?
 How does one make it work from a script?
 #! /usr/bin/python
 import glob
 # following line works from python prompt; why not in script?
 print files
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File ./glob.py, line 2, in ?
  import glob
File /home/cdr/python/glob.py, line 5, in ?
 TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

Don't call your file `glob.py` because then you import this module and not
the `glob` module from the standard library.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Best IDE for Python

2006-08-14 Thread Satya

 Hi All, What do you find the best IDE for creating web applications in
 Python is? Preferably FOS IDE.

WingIDE appears to be the best, especially if you are an Emacs user and are
used to its niceties. It is however, not free.

PyScripter is pretty good too -- light weight, lots of features.


Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com


Re: Which KDE IDE for Python?

2006-08-14 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Diez B. Roggisch napisał(a):

As a side note, Eric3 has no KDE integration because it's pure PyQt
 Not fully true. While it certainly doesn't aim to be a fully integrated ide,
 it has some kde-support. Which you can disable using the --nokde argument,
 It will then use kde color-dialogs, file-dialogs and the like.

I wouldn't call this integration (like using kio, dcop, kparts, etc.),
but you are right, it may use some elements of KDE desktop. Anyway, I
think OP's wish for integration was closer to my understanding of
integration with desktop environment. ;)

Which doesn't change situation, that currently there's no KDE-based (nor
even fully integrated with KDE) IDE for Python.

Jarek Zgoda

tkinter, livewires: slow moving on Canvas

2006-08-14 Thread Pavel Kosina


I have two similar programs-  one in Livewires and one in Tkinter. Just 
moving the player on a canvas. Why is that one in Tkinter so slow? What 
did I miss? Livewires is based on Tkinter, so it should be the same. I 
looked at the code of Livewires, tried something, but no success. Maybe  
its because of sleeping part in event handler in Tkinter, that is 
somehow (how?) bypassed in Livewires by magic 
tkinter.dooneevent(tkinter.DONT_WAIT). Neither this worked with me.

Could anyone help?
Both programs attached.

livewires: http://www.livewires.org.uk/python/lwpackage.html

Pavel Kosina

from livewires import *
from random import randint

def makePlayer():
global player_body, player_x, player_y
player_body=circle(player_x, player_y,5, filled=1)

def movePlayer():
global finito, player_body, player_x, player_y

if '2' in keys:
if '4' in keys:
if '6' in keys:
if '8' in keys:
if 'q' in keys:

move_to(player_body, player_x, player_y)


while not finito:


from Tkinter import * 
import random

def makeCanvas():
global canvas, root

canvas=Canvas(root, width=640, height=480, bg=white)

def makePlayer():
global player
x1,y1=random.randint(0,640), random.randint(0,480)
x2,y2=x1+10, y1+10
player=canvas.create_oval(x1,y1,x2,y2, fill=blue)
root.bind(Key, movePlayer)

def movePlayer(event):
if event.char==8:  # nahoru
dx,dy= 0,-step
elif event.char==6:  # vpravo
dx,dy= step, 0
elif event.char==2:  # dolu
dx,dy= 0, step
elif event.char==4:  # vlevo
dx,dy= -step,0

canvas.move(player, dx, dy)

# --- root program 




Re: outputting a command to the terminal?

2006-08-14 Thread John Salerno
Simon Forman wrote:

 It's simple, short, and to-the-point.  The equivalent python script
 would be much longer, for no appreciable gain.  I write most of my tiny
 little helper scripts in python, but in this case, bash is the clear
 winnar.  (And on *nix. man pages are your best friend. Plus you get to
 feel all l33t when you grok them. lol)

Thanks for the info! I might grudgingly decide to use a bash script in 
this case. :)

And yes, it seems every time I ask a Linux question, everyone points me 
to a man page. Sometimes I find them difficult to decipher, but they are 
still a great help.

Re: TypeError: 'module' object is not callable (newby question)

2006-08-14 Thread John Machin
Charles Russell wrote:
 Why does this work from the python prompt, but fail from a script?
 How does one make it work from a script?

 #! /usr/bin/python
 import glob
 # following line works from python prompt; why not in script?
 print files

 Traceback (most recent call last):
File ./glob.py, line 2, in ?
  import glob
File /home/cdr/python/glob.py, line 5, in ?
 TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

Short answer: Change the name of your script file.

Long answer:

It is attempting to emulate the mythical ooloo bird, which is allegedly
capable of evading would-be predators by vanishing up its own
fundamental orifice. This topological exploit won't be available in
Python until the as yet still mythical Python 3000.

Contemplate the following:

C:\junktype glob.py
if __name__ == __main__:
print *** Being run as a script ...
import glob
print glob was imported from, glob.__file__
print glob.glob is, type(glob.glob)
print glob.glob was imported from, glob.glob.__file__
print (glob.glob is glob) is, glob.glob is glob
print --- end of script
print *** Aarrgghh!! I'm being imported as, __name__
import glob
print glob was imported from, glob.__file__
print glob.glob is, type(glob.glob)
print glob.glob was imported from, glob.glob.__file__
print (glob.glob is glob) is, glob.glob is glob
print --- end of import

*** Being run as a script ...
*** Aarrgghh!! I'm being imported as glob
glob was imported from C:\junk\glob.pyc
glob.glob is type 'module'
glob.glob was imported from C:\junk\glob.pyc
(glob.glob is glob) is True
--- end of import
glob was imported from C:\junk\glob.pyc
glob.glob is type 'module'
glob.glob was imported from C:\junk\glob.pyc
(glob.glob is glob) is True
--- end of script




Re: outputting a command to the terminal?

2006-08-14 Thread Simon Forman
John Salerno wrote:
 Simon Forman wrote:

  It's simple, short, and to-the-point.  The equivalent python script
  would be much longer, for no appreciable gain.  I write most of my tiny
  little helper scripts in python, but in this case, bash is the clear
  winnar.  (And on *nix. man pages are your best friend. Plus you get to
  feel all l33t when you grok them. lol)

 Thanks for the info! I might grudgingly decide to use a bash script in
 this case. :)

You're welcome. lol :)

 And yes, it seems every time I ask a Linux question, everyone points me
 to a man page. Sometimes I find them difficult to decipher, but they are
 still a great help.

Yup.  When I started with Linux, man pages were one of those things I
resisted...  until I started actually reading them.  Then I kicked
myself for not starting sooner. :)

Neat trick:  man -k search term
Shows you man pages matching your search term (I think it's the same
thing as the apropos command.) It searches the command names and
summary lines.



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