Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Nov 13)

2006-11-14 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW:  It is humbling to see how simple yet powerfull python`s view on
things is - Éric Daigneault 

[I]f a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be
intelligent. - Alan Turing, 20 February 1947, lecture to London
Mathematical Socity on ACE URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACE_(computer) 

Stefan Schukat illustrates an instructive use of COM in a multi-threaded
context which manages a MATLAB instance:


Someone should capture the scattered but valuable observations of this
report on Windows-hosted extending into a more enduring document:


Paul Boddie provides references on concurrency in Python:

Microsoft publicizes IronPython's ASP.Net capabilities:


The latest release of eric3 supports QScintilla autocompletion,
and more:

Is a parameter-holding class reasonable?  Probably so, at
least on occasion:


Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:

Python.org's Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url
Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
World-Wide Web articles related to Python.
While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
their results.

For far, FAR more Python reading than any one mind should
absorb, much of it quite interesting, several pages index
much of the universe of Pybloggers.

comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.


Python411 indexes podcasts ... to help people learn Python ...
Updates appear more-than-weekly:

Steve Bethard continues the marvelous tradition early borne by
Andrew Kuchling, Michael Hudson, Brett Cannon, Tony Meyer, and Tim
Lesher of intelligently summarizing action on the python-dev mailing
list once every other week.

The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.

Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists

Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.
Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation.

Kurt B. Kaiser publishes a weekly report on faults and patches.

Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python
hyperlinks retains a few gems.

Python FAQTS

The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and
interesting recipes.

Among several Python-oriented RSS/RDF feeds available are
For more, see

ANN: ludevit 1 available

2006-11-14 Thread garabik-news-2005-05
ludevít is a simple program translating standard Slovak language
into the L. Štúr version. 
The program is probably interesting only to Slovak speakers.

Requirements: Python at least version 2.3, only standard library modules
are used. The program is intended to be used in Unix environments with
UTF-8 locale, but should work everywhere python runs, if you provide
UTF-8 input and are content with UTF-8 output.

GPL =2.0

Where to download:

Online demo:

This is an initial release.

| Radovan Garabík http://kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk/~garabik/ |
| __..--^^^--..__garabik @ kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk |
Antivirus alert: file .signature infected by signature virus.
Hi! I'm a signature virus! Copy me into your signature file to help me spread!

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] httpy 1.0a1 -- smooths out WSGI's worst warts

2006-11-14 Thread Chad Whitacre
Greetings, program!

I'm pleased to announce version 1.0a1 of httpy, middleware to smooth out 
WSGI's worst warts. With httpy in your stack, you can return a string, 
or return or raise an httpy.Response object, instead of mucking with 
start_response and iterables.

This version marks a major change of scope for httpy, from WSGI 
competitor to itty-bitty middleware. I'm late to the party, but it turns 
out Kool-Aid is still good warm. Help yourself:



Chad Whitacre

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Data structure for ordered sequence

2006-11-14 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   unless this is homework because the pil people will not let
  you distribute pils.
 I'm not sure I can parse this sentence fragment.  What do you mean?

oh come on! - you of all people should know that pils means mushroom...

- Hendrik


Re: Python development time is faster.

2006-11-14 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
 Chris Brat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've seen a few posts, columns and articles which state that one of the
 advantages of Python is that code can be developed x times faster than
 languages such as Insert popular language name here.

 Does anyone have any comments on that statement from personal
 How is this comparison measured?

I don't think it can be, objectively - comparing two teams,  one using language
a, and the other python, to do  a task, is simply comparing the skill levels
of the two teams - and using the same team to do the same task in two different
languages is also misleading, because of the experience gained in the first

Python is actually astonishing - it seems to fit the brain of a large number
of people - it is very easy to get started with, and is rich enough to keep
surprising you - even after considerable time hacking around with it.
It can do OO, but you can also write procedures in it, and you can even mix the
two in the same module, and most of the time it just works - and when it
doesn't, it is normally very easy to teach yourself what you are doing wrong by
playing at the interactive interpreter prompt.  This makes for productivity, as
you can write quite complex things in a day or so, from scratch, such as:

A single pass assembler for a virtual machine with 33 instructions - from
nothing to running, fully debugged, in two days.

A simple sliding window protocol - coded up from nothing in four days - mostly
spent staring into space, imagining problems, instead of coding... so the
design time is included... but its not working yet, as I have to write the
other side in assembler on a very small machine, which would normally have taken
me almost a month, but that will now probably take about two weeks, as I have
the Python code to translate...

And I am not a guru on this group, and I have just idly mucked around with
Python for about a year in real time, not doing it full time, or making any real
effort to study the language formally beyond lurking here - there are other
people here on this group who, I am sure, could beat the hell out of these
times, both for the design and the coding.

So to sum up my personal perspective - it is very worth while to know a little
python, even if you just use it as a prototyping language - it gets you going

- Hendrik


Re: Py3K idea: why not drop the colon?

2006-11-14 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Simon Brunning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote:

 On 11/11/06, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
   blue is red or green or yellow
   *grin* - this can be construed as a weakness in Python -
  it's boolean logic, and it's incompatible with human use of the same
  terms in all contexts, not just Python.


 The other day, I way showing my eight year old, Freja, what a program
 looks like:

 your_name = raw_input(What's your name? )
 if your_name.lower() == freja:
 print You're very stinky,, your_name
 print You smell lovely, , your_name

 After running it a couple of times, she dove in and changed the 2nd line to:

 if your_name.lower() == daddy or ella:

 (Ella is my other daughter's name.) That's pretty close to correct,
 I'd say - but you don't get anything for being close in a programming

This is true - and it is actually also an intractable problem - if you look at
what your daughter wrote, you get the feeling that you should be able to write
an interpreter that can implement what she meant, because it is quite clear to
you - until you try to write the specs...

Your daughter, btw, will go far if she already has the guts to do that...

- Hendrik


Re: Py3K idea: why not drop the colon?

2006-11-14 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
 Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael Hobbs wrote:
  True enough. Although, I have to ask how many times you define a new
  function only to have Python spit a syntax error out at you saying that
  you forgot a colon. It happens to me all the time. (Usually after an
  else) If you'd never notice that the colon was missing if the compiler
  didn't point it out, is it really that readable? For me, I tend to get
  annoyed at language features that I'm constantly tripping over.


I confess I find myself in the position of a Yorkshire Youngster - I don't
believe you!

- Hendrik


Re: handling many default values

2006-11-14 Thread Michele Simionato
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 At Monday 13/11/2006 13:33, Michele Simionato wrote:

 Alan Isaac wrote:
   Also, as an aside, no one objected to using
   in the __init__ function of the parameter holding class.
 It is a common trick, also shown in the Python cookbook, IIRC. If you
 are anal about
 double underscores, you can also use

 Not good - that relies on vars() returning the actual __dict__.
  From http://docs.python.org/lib/built-in-funcs.html:
 The returned dictionary should not be modified: the effects on the
 corresponding symbol table are undefined.

I believe the issue is with classes, where vars(klass) returns a
dictproxy which is read only.
In the case of instances (i.e. the OP' case) vars(self) returns the
instance dictionary and
my suggestion is correct. However you was right to point out this
subtility, it is always
worth to know.

   Michele Simionato


deleteing item from a copy of a list

2006-11-14 Thread timmy
i make a copy of a list, and delete an item from it and it deletes it 
from the orginal as well, what the hell is going on?!?!?!

#create the staff copy of the roster
Roster2 = []
for ShiftLine in Roster:
#delete phone number from staff copy
del Roster2[len(Roster2)-1][1]

Roster2 should have nothing to do with Roster, right??? doing a print of 
both lists confirms that the phone number has been removed from both

Re: deleteing item from a copy of a list

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
timmy wrote:

 i make a copy of a list, and delete an item from it and it deletes it 
 from the orginal as well, what the hell is going on?!?!?!
 #create the staff copy of the roster
   Roster2 = []
   for ShiftLine in Roster:
   #delete phone number from staff copy
   del Roster2[len(Roster2)-1][1]
 Roster2 should have nothing to do with Roster, right??? doing a print of 
 both lists confirms that the phone number has been removed from both

you're not removing something from Roster2, you're removing something 
from the last item in Roster2.  the append methods adds a reference to 
an object to a list; it doesn't copy the object.



Re: __cmp__ between dissimilar objects

2006-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 When the rich comparison methods raise NotImplementedError, the
 comparison logic inside the interpreter tries reversing the operands.

Can you point me to a description of this algorithm?  It doesn't seem
to be described in the documentation for the rich comparison or __cmp__



Re: Is python for me?

2006-11-14 Thread Mark Woodward
On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:11:13 -0800, lennart wrote:

 I'm planning to learn a language for 'client' software. Until now, i
 'speak' only some web based languages, like php. As a kid i programmed
 in Basic (CP/M, good old days :'-) ) Now i want to start to learn a
 (for me) new computer language.
 I like Python. Its free, easy to learn and some favorite programs of my
 are written in Python / can understand Python (like OpenOffice) etc.
 But I'm not a full-time programmer. I know, that I've only time 
 possibility to learn one (= 1) language good. So i ask myself is python
 the language I'm looking for?

I've been hesitant to write this in the past but seems like a good time.

I'm at the same stage, but (and this is NOT a troll) I'm tossing up
between Python and Ruby. I know this has been discussed numerous times but
I'd like to come at it from a different angle. 

I've been 'playing' with both languages and to be honest it's a case of 6
of one, half a dozen of the other. If I'm using python I 'think' python
and if I'm using Ruby I 'think' ruby (if that makes sense). Ie I don't
find I'm more productive in one over the other to any great extent (pretty
unproductive in both ATM to be honest ;-)) .

In the foreseeable future I suspect I'll stick with one and just use it
for things I personally will use/need. But (and here's where I finally get
to a question) I use Linux, I love the whole idea of open source and
contributing in some way. So if I ever get to the stage where I can give
something back is one preferred over the other? I would have thought no
but I read on the Ubuntu site somewhere that they prefer contributions
written in Python/ pyGTK?? Is this just a 'preference' or because python
is installed by default? (whereas Ruby isn't)? Is it just Ubuntu or Linux
distros in general?

I hope you can see where I'm coming from here. I don't want to start a
Python/Ruby flame war. That's not the question. The question is is one
preferred over the other when contributing software and is this just a
particular distros preference?



Re: deleteing item from a copy of a list

2006-11-14 Thread Peter Otten
timmy timothy at open-networks.net wrote:

 i make a copy of a list, and delete an item from it and it deletes it 
 from the orginal as well, what the hell is going on?!?!?!
 #create the staff copy of the roster
 Roster2 = []
 for ShiftLine in Roster:
 #delete phone number from staff copy
 del Roster2[len(Roster2)-1][1]
 Roster2 should have nothing to do with Roster, right??? doing a print of 
 both lists confirms that the phone number has been removed from both

You seem to have a list of lists and are making a new outer list. The lists
inside that outer list are not copied. You can copy them by calling
list(item) or copy.copy(item):

 roster = [
... [Tim, 12345, some more],
... [Jack, 54321, whatever],
... ]
 roster2 = []
 for item in roster:
... item = list(item)
... del item[1]
... roster2.append(item)
[['Tim', '12345', 'some more'], ['Jack', '54321', 'whatever']]
[['Tim', 'some more'], ['Jack', 'whatever']]


Seeking assistance - string processing.

2006-11-14 Thread billpaterson2006
I've been working on some code to search for specific textstrings and
act upon them insome way. I've got the conversion sorted however there
is 1 problem remaining.

I am trying to work out how to make it find a string like this ===
and when it has found it, I want it to add === to the end of the

For example.

The text file contains this:


and I am trying to make it be processed and outputted as a .dat file
with the contents


Here's the code I have got so far.

import string
import glob
import os

mydir = os.getcwd()
newdir = mydir#+\\Test\\;

for filename in glob.glob1(newdir,*.txt):
#print This is an input file:  + filename
fileloc = newdir+\\+filename
#print fileloc

outputname = filename
outputfile = string.replace(outputname,'.txt','.dat')
#print filename
#print a

print This is an input file:  + filename + .  Output file:

#temp = newdir + \\ + outputfile
#print temp

fpi = open(fileloc);
fpo = open(outputfile,w+);

output_lines = []
lines = fpi.readlines()

for line in lines:
if line.rfind() is not -1:
new = line.replace(,)
elif line.rfind(img:) is not -1:
new = line.replace(img:,[[Image:)
elif line.rfind(.jpg) is not -1:
new = line.replace(.jpg,.jpg]])
elif line.rfind(.gif) is not -1:
new = line.replace(.gif,.gif]])

for line in output_lines:


I hope this gets formatted correctly :-p

Cheers, hope you can help.


Re: Data structure for ordered sequence

2006-11-14 Thread Steve Holden
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   unless this is homework because the pil people will not let
 you distribute pils.
 I'm not sure I can parse this sentence fragment.  What do you mean?
 oh come on! - you of all people should know that pils means mushroom...
Cue yet another appearance of badgerbadgerbadger?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Skype: holdenweb   http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: Seeking assistance - string processing.

2006-11-14 Thread Peter Otten

 Thanks so much, a really elegant solution indeed.
 I have another question actually which I'm praying you can help me
 with regards to the .jpg conversion to .jpg]] and .gif - .gif]]
 this works, but only when .jpg/.gif is on it's own line.
 will get converted to:
 gets converted to:
 rather than
 Hope you can help again!  Cheers

It does not do the right thing in all cases, but maybe you can get away with

for line in lines:
if line.startswith(===):
line = line.rstrip() + ===\n
line = line.replace(,)
line = line.replace(img:,[[Image:)
line = line.replace(.jpg,.jpg]])
line = line.replace(.gif,.gif]])



Re: Seeking assistance - string processing.

2006-11-14 Thread billpaterson2006
Cheers for the reply.

But I'm still having a spot of bother with the === addition

it would seem that if there is no whitespace after the ===test
then the new === gets added to the next line

e.g file contains:

===test (and then no whitesapace/carriage returns or anything)

and the result is:


I tried fidding aruond trying to make it add whitespace but it didnt

What do you think I should do? 



Re: Using signal.alarm to terminate a thread

2006-11-14 Thread Adrian Casey
Nick Craig-Wood wrote:

 Adrian Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a multi-threaded python application which uses pexpect to connect
  multiple systems concurrently.  Each thread within my application is a
  connection to a remote system.  The problem is when one of the child
  threads runs a command which generates an unlimited amount of output. 
  classic example of this is the yes command.  If you
  execute pexpect.run('yes'), your cpu will sit at 100% forever.
  Here is a simple multi-threaded program using pexpect which demonstrates
  problem.  The command 'yes' is run in a thread.  The parent says that
  the alarm goes off, run the handler function.  The thread sets the alarm
  to trigger after 5 seconds.
 1) Don't ever mix threads and signals - you are heading for trouble!
 2) pexpect has a timeout parameter exactly for this case
 import os, pexpect, threading
 def runyes():
 print Running yes command...
 pexpect.run('yes', timeout=5)
 t = threading.Thread(target=runyes)
The timeout parameter will not work in this case.  If you run the sample
code above, it will run forever.  The 'yes' command presents a class of
command which can not be easily be handled by pexpect.  As far as I know,
mixing threads and signals is OK provided the parent creates the alarm.


Re: Py3K idea: why not drop the colon?

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Why not? My impression is that removing redundancy is considered
 a positive thing here in c.p.l.

so why are you still here?



Re: Python 2.5 Core Dump on Solaris 8

2006-11-14 Thread Anthon
Hi Melissa,

I run into similar problems after compiling python-ldap 2.2.0 for
Python 2.5 on SuSE Linux 9.3
and running a small commandline application
*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out): 0x40180788 ***
I realy suspect the _ldap.so file. I have not found a solution yet, but
will let you know if I do.

Did you compile python-ldap yourself for Python 2.5?
Which version of python-ldap? Which compiler?


Melissa Evans wrote:
 Hi.  I'm new to Python. :)

 I've modified grappy.py,
 http://www.stacken.kth.se/~mattiasa/projects/grappy/, a postfix policy
 daemon for greylisting. to use LDAP as a backend instead of SQL (with
 python-ldap.)  The daemon runs fine when testing but when I put it under
 load it core dumps quickly.  What little analysis I know how to do shows
 similar information every time.  Any advice on where to go from here?


Re: Seeking assistance - string processing.

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 I am trying to work out how to make it find a string like this ===
 and when it has found it, I want it to add === to the end of the

how about

 if line.startswith(===):
 line = line + ===


 if === in line: # anywhere
 line = line + ===


 if line.rfind() is not -1:
 new = line.replace(,)

it's not an error to use replace on a string that doesn't contain the 
pattern, so that rfind is rather unnecessary.

(and for cases where you need to look first, searching from the left
is usually faster than searching backwards; use pattern in line or 
line.find(pattern) instead of rfind.



Re: Is python for me?

2006-11-14 Thread Steve Holden
Mark Woodward wrote:
 On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 09:11:13 -0800, lennart wrote:

 I'm planning to learn a language for 'client' software. Until now, i
 'speak' only some web based languages, like php. As a kid i programmed
 in Basic (CP/M, good old days :'-) ) Now i want to start to learn a
 (for me) new computer language.

 I like Python. Its free, easy to learn and some favorite programs of my
 are written in Python / can understand Python (like OpenOffice) etc.

 But I'm not a full-time programmer. I know, that I've only time 
 possibility to learn one (= 1) language good. So i ask myself is python
 the language I'm looking for?
 I've been hesitant to write this in the past but seems like a good time.
 I'm at the same stage, but (and this is NOT a troll) I'm tossing up
 between Python and Ruby. I know this has been discussed numerous times but
 I'd like to come at it from a different angle. 
 I've been 'playing' with both languages and to be honest it's a case of 6
 of one, half a dozen of the other. If I'm using python I 'think' python
 and if I'm using Ruby I 'think' ruby (if that makes sense). Ie I don't
 find I'm more productive in one over the other to any great extent (pretty
 unproductive in both ATM to be honest ;-)) .
 In the foreseeable future I suspect I'll stick with one and just use it
 for things I personally will use/need. But (and here's where I finally get
 to a question) I use Linux, I love the whole idea of open source and
 contributing in some way. So if I ever get to the stage where I can give
 something back is one preferred over the other? I would have thought no
 but I read on the Ubuntu site somewhere that they prefer contributions
 written in Python/ pyGTK?? Is this just a 'preference' or because python
 is installed by default? (whereas Ruby isn't)? Is it just Ubuntu or Linux
 distros in general?
 I hope you can see where I'm coming from here. I don't want to start a
 Python/Ruby flame war. That's not the question. The question is is one
 preferred over the other when contributing software and is this just a
 particular distros preference?
Ubuntu is pretty much a Python-oriented distribution. A lot of people 
like it because you always get a fairly up-to-date Python with lots of 
extras available.

I don't know that much about Ruby, but the best approach to software 
development has always been to choose the best language for solving the 
problem, so you seem to be doing OK.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Skype: holdenweb   http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: deleteing item from a copy of a list

2006-11-14 Thread Mikael Olofsson
timmy wrote:
 i make a copy of a list, and delete an item from it and it deletes it 
 from the orginal as well, what the hell is going on?!?!?!

 #create the staff copy of the roster
   Roster2 = []
   for ShiftLine in Roster:
   #delete phone number from staff copy
   del Roster2[len(Roster2)-1][1]

 Roster2 should have nothing to do with Roster, right??? doing a print of 
 both lists confirms that the phone number has been removed from both

First of all, you could have said

del Roster2[-1][1]

since negative indices count backwards from the end of the list. This 
has nothing to do with your problem, though.

Fredrik has already given you a correct, somewhat condensed, answer. Let 
me elaborate. I guess that Roster is a list of lists. Then actually, it 
is a list of references to lists (really a reference to a list of 
references to lists). Your for-loop makes Roster2 a shallow copy of 
Roster, i.e. Roster2 is a new list with references to the _same_ 
sublists as in Roster. So, Roster2[-1] references the same object as 
Roster[-1], not a copy of it. To get copies, you could change your 
.append-line to


which gives you shallow copies of the sublists. If there are mutables in 
the sublists, you may still get into trouble. In that case, maybe you 
should take a look at copy.deepcopy.


Re: Multithreaded C API Python questions

2006-11-14 Thread Svein Seldal

I think I've found the bug, but I need to confirm this behavior.

My findings is that if you use PyEval_InitThreads(), it is crucial to 
release the GIL with PyEval_ReleaseThread() afterwards.

The API docs states that you can release the GIL with 
PyEval_ReleaseLock() or PyEval_ReleaseThread() AFAICS. 
http://docs.python.org/api/threads.html under docs of void 

However, if I do use PyEval_ReleaseLock() it will crash shortly after 
with Fatal Python error: ceval: tstate mix-up in a multithreaded C 

If I use PyEval_ReleaseThread() to release the GIL, my app seems stable. 
I release the GIL like this:

 PyThreadState *pts = PyGILState_GetThisThreadState();

Now, is this a feature or expected behavior in python (i.e. unclear API 
documentation), or is this a bug in python itself?



For reference I did something like this in pseudo-code:


 other_py_inits();   // Load py modules, etc.

 PyEval_ReleaseLock();// -- MAKES THE APP UNSTABLE


 PyGILState_STATE gstate;
 gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();

 call_py_function_main();  // Py main() wont return


And the main of the C thread function looks like this:
 PyGILState_STATE gstate;
 gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();



Re: to setattr or def setProp()

2006-11-14 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 I have a class for rectangle and it has two points in its __slots__ .
 However, we can derive a number of properties like width, height,
 centerPoint etc from these two points. Now, I want to be able to set
 and get these properties directly from the instances. I can either def
 __setattr__ , __getattr__ 

But this won't help with introspection...

 or I can define function for each property
 like setWidth(), setHeight() . Which one would be faster?

You mean faster performances or faster to implement ?

 I would
 prefer doing through __setattr__, __getattr__ because it makes the code
 more readable.

You mean the client code ?

 However, speed is a concern I would have to do these operations in few
 thousand iterations for about 50-100 rectangles.

The canonical solution is to use either properties or custom
descriptors[1]. Custom descriptors should be a bit faster than
properties (since you save a couple function calls), but I have not done
any benchmark... It should also be a bit faster than __getattr__, which
is only used as a fallback when all other lookup rules have failed (here
again, don't take me on words and do some benchmarking). As a last
point, descriptors show up as class and instance attributes, which helps
with introspection.

class Height(object):
  def __get__(self, instance, cls):
if instance is None: return self
return instance.bottomright.y - instance.topleft.y

 def __set__(self, instance, value):
instance.bottomright.y = instance.topleft.y + value

class Width(object):
  def __get__(self, instance, cls):
if instance is None: return self
return instance.bottomright.x - instance.topleft.x

 def __set__(self, instance, value):
instance.bottomright.x = instance.topleft.x + value

class Rectangle(object):
   def __init__(self):
 self.topleft = Point(10, 10)
 self.bottomright = Point(20, 30)

   height = Height()
   width = Width()

r = Rectangle()
r.with = 40

(not tested)

[1] :
 * http://docs.python.org/ref/descriptors.html
 * http://users.rcn.com/python/download/Descriptor.htm

My 2 cents...
bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Py3K idea: why not drop the colon?

2006-11-14 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2006-11-14, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Why not? My impression is that removing redundancy is considered
 a positive thing here in c.p.l.

 so why are you still here?

Because I have a different opinion and I don't need your permission.

Antoon Pardon

PyFAQ: help wanted with thread article

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
this FAQ item talks about using sleep to make sure that threads run


I suspect it was originally written for the thread module, but as
far as I know, the threading module takes care of the issues described 
here all by itself.

so, should this item be removed?

or can anyone suggest a rewrite that's more relevant for threading 
users.  feel free to post suggestions (or better, an updated text) to 
this thread, or over at the PyFAQ staging site.



RE: sqlite3 views, if not exists clause

2006-11-14 Thread Tim Golden

| I'm running into a problem when trying to create a view in my sqlite 
| database in python. I think its a bug in the sqlite3 api that 
| comes with python 2.5.

| THIS DOES NOT WORK, but it should!
|   conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
|   conn.execute(create table foo (a int,b int))
|   conn.execute('create view if not exists bar as select * from foo')
| it fails with exception sqlite3.OperationalError: near 
| not: syntax error

Not a bug with the sqlite3 api that comes with python 2.5. as such,
since .execute pretty much passes its parameters through to the database
engine. Rather, the syntax you're using is a relatively late addition
to the sqlite libs -- at least it fails on my 3.2.1 version of the
sqlite3 commmand-line tool, but succeeds on the latest download (3.3.8).

I presume therefore that you build of Python is linked against an
older version of the sqlite libraries / DLL.


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sqlite3 views, if not exists clause

2006-11-14 Thread Josh
I'm running into a problem when trying to create a view in my sqlite 
database in python. I think its a bug in the sqlite3 api that comes with 
python 2.5.

This works as expected:
  conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
  conn.execute(create table foo (a int,b int))
  conn.execute('create view bar as select * from foo')

This fails as expected:
  conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
  conn.execute(create table foo (a int,b int))
  conn.execute('create view bar as select * from foo')
  conn.execute('create view bar as select * from foo')
with exception sqlite3.OperationalError: table bar already exists.
Weird that it fails with TABLE bar already exists, but this is the message 
that sqlite actually returns so it is not python's fault.

THIS DOES NOT WORK, but it should!
  conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
  conn.execute(create table foo (a int,b int))
  conn.execute('create view if not exists bar as select * from foo')
it fails with exception sqlite3.OperationalError: near not: syntax error

Can anyone confirm, or pass this on to the appropriate person?


Re: sqlite3 views, if not exists clause

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Josh wrote:

 THIS DOES NOT WORK, but it should!

Python 2.5 was released on September 19th, 2006, and support for CREATE
VIEW IF NOT EXISTS was added to sqlite on October 9th, 2006:




Using ctypes with Windows API to get FileVersion of a file

2006-11-14 Thread looping
I need to get the FileVersion of some files on Windows. The best way
look like to use function GetFileVersionInfo from the Windows API. I
first try with pywin32 and it work well, but with ctypes now included
in Python 2.5, use it look like a good idea.
So I write the code below that work fine, but I'm not sure it's the
best way to do what I want.
My main concern is about the codepages extraction: could I use a struct
to make the job ?
Codepages is actually an array of struct, how could I use ctypes to
extract it ?

Thanks for your comments and advices.

import array
from ctypes import *

def get_file_info(filename, info):

Extract information from a file.

# Get size needed for buffer (0 if no info)
size = windll.version.GetFileVersionInfoSizeA(filename, None)
# If no info in file - empty string
if not size:
return ''
# Create buffer
res = create_string_buffer(size)
# Load file informations into buffer res
windll.version.GetFileVersionInfoA(filename, None, size, res)
r = c_uint()
l = c_uint()
# Look for codepages
windll.version.VerQueryValueA(res, '\\VarFileInfo\\Translation',
  byref(r), byref(l))
# If no codepage - empty string
if not l.value:
return ''
# Take the first codepage (what else ?)
codepages = array.array('H', string_at(r.value, l.value))
codepage = tuple(codepages[:2].tolist())
# Extract information
windll.version.VerQueryValueA(res, ('\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\'
+ info) % codepage,
byref(r), byref(l))
return string_at(r.value, l.value)

print get_file_info(r'C:\WINDOWS\system32\calc.exe', 'FileVersion')


Re: Programmatically finding significant data points

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
erikcw wrote:

 I have a collection of ordered numerical data in a list.  The numbers
 when plotted on a line chart make a low-high-low-high-high-low (random)
 pattern.  I need an algorithm to extract the significant high and low
 points from this data.

 Here is some sample data:
 data = [0.10, 0.50, 0.60, 0.40, 0.39, 0.50, 1.00, 0.80, 0.60, 1.20,
 1.10, 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.05, 1.20, 0.90, 0.70, 0.80, 0.40, 0.45, 0.35,

silly solution:

for i in range(1, len(data)-1):
if data[i-1]  data[i]  data[i+1] or data[i-1]  data[i]  data[i+1]:
print i

(the above doesn't handle the edges, but that's easy to fix)



Re: Programmatically finding significant data points

2006-11-14 Thread Philipp Pagel
erikcw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a collection of ordered numerical data in a list.  The numbers
 when plotted on a line chart make a low-high-low-high-high-low (random)
 pattern.  I need an algorithm to extract the significant high and low
 points from this data.

I am not sure, what you mean by 'ordered' in this context. As
pointed out by Jeremy, you need to find an appropriate statistical test.
The appropriateness depend on how your data is (presumably) distributed
and what exactly you are trying to test. E.g. do te data pints come from
differetn groupos of some kind? Or are you just looking for extreme
values (outliers maybe?)?

So it's more of statistical question than a python one.


Dr. Philipp Pagel  Tel. +49-8161-71 2131
Dept. of Genome Oriented BioinformaticsFax. +49-8161-71 2186
Technical University of Munich

graphical class diagram tool?

2006-11-14 Thread nic
Hi all
Some years ago I saw a graphical class diagram generated by
examining a python program. I *thought* that this was done with Boa
Constructor, but I may be wrong. I've download a recent version of BC
and can't find reference to this feature. Can anyone point me at other
tools to do this?



Re: __init__.py

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
km wrote:

 what is the use of __init__.py file in a module dir ?

it tells Python that the directory is a package directory.  if you have


and mydir is on the path, you can do import foo.module or from foo 
import module.  if you remove the __init__.py file, Python will no 
longer look for submodules inside that directory.

 Is it used to initialize variables  that could be shared across sub 
 modules  if set in __init__.py at root dir  of module ?

it's usually empty, or used to export selected portions of the package 
under more convenient names.  given the example above, the contents of 
the __init__ module can be accessed via:

 import foo



Re: Programmatically finding significant data points

2006-11-14 Thread Ganesan Rajagopal
 Jeremy Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How do I sort through this data and pull out these points of

 Get a book on statistics. One idea is as follows. If you expect the points
 to be centred around a single value, you can calculate the median or mean
 of the points, calculate their standard deviation (aka spread), and remove
 points which are more than N-times the standard deviation from the median.

Standard deviation was the first thought that jumped to my mind
too. However, that's not what the OP is after. He's seems to be looking for
points when the direction changes. 


Ganesan Rajagopal


Re: Using signal.alarm to terminate a thread

2006-11-14 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Adrian Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Adrian Casey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  import os, pexpect, threading
  def runyes():
  print Running yes command...
  pexpect.run('yes', timeout=5)
  t = threading.Thread(target=runyes)
  The timeout parameter will not work in this case.  If you run the sample
  code above, it will run forever.

The above runs just fine for me, stopping after 5 seconds.  Did you
try it?

  The 'yes' command presents a class of command which can not be
  easily be handled by pexpect.

Worked for me under Debian/testing.

 As far as I know, mixing threads and signals is OK provided the
 parent creates the alarm.

There are so many pitfalls here that I advise you not to try.  From
the linuxthreads FAQ

  J.3: How shall I go about mixing signals and threads in my program?

  The less you mix them, the better. Notice that all pthread_*
  functions are not async-signal safe, meaning that you should not
  call them from signal handlers. This recommendation is not to be
  taken lightly: your program can deadlock if you call a pthread_*
  function from a signal handler!

  The only sensible things you can do from a signal handler is set a
  global flag, or call sem_post on a semaphore, to record the delivery
  of the signal. The remainder of the program can then either poll the
  global flag, or use sem_wait() and sem_trywait() on the semaphore.

  Another option is to do nothing in the signal handler, and dedicate
  one thread (preferably the initial thread) to wait synchronously for
  signals, using sigwait(), and send messages to the other threads

Note also that the signal can be delivered to any thread which
complicates things.

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick

Re: Programmatically finding significant data points

2006-11-14 Thread Alan J. Salmoni
If the order doesn't matter, you can sort the data and remove x * 0.5 *
n where x is the proportion of numbers you want. If you have too many
similar values though, this falls down. I suggest you check out
quantiles in a good statistics book.


Peter Otten wrote:

 erikcw wrote:

  Hi all,
  I have a collection of ordered numerical data in a list.  The numbers
  when plotted on a line chart make a low-high-low-high-high-low (random)
  pattern.  I need an algorithm to extract the significant high and low
  points from this data.
  Here is some sample data:
  data = [0.10, 0.50, 0.60, 0.40, 0.39, 0.50, 1.00, 0.80, 0.60, 1.20,
  1.10, 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.05, 1.20, 0.90, 0.70, 0.80, 0.40, 0.45, 0.35,
  In this data, some of the significant points include:
  How do I sort through this data and pull out these points of

 I think you are looking for extrema:

 def w3(items):
 items = iter(items)
 view = None, items.next(), items.next()
 for item in items:
 view = view[1:] + (item,)
 yield view

 for i, (a, b, c) in enumerate(w3(data)):
 if a  b  c:
 print i+1, min, b
 elif a  b  c:
 print i+1, max, b
 print i+1, ---, b


Re: Seeking assistance - string processing.

2006-11-14 Thread Peter Otten

 Cheers for the reply.
 But I'm still having a spot of bother with the === addition
 it would seem that if there is no whitespace after the ===test
 then the new === gets added to the next line
 e.g file contains:
 ===test (and then no whitesapace/carriage returns or anything)
 and the result is:

You'd get the above with Fredrik's solution if there is a newline. That's
why I put in the rstrip() method call (which removes trailing whitespace)
and added an explicit \n (the Python way to spell newline). With my

if line.startswith(===):
   line = line.rstrip() + ===\n

you should always get

===test===(and then a newline)


Re: PyFAQ: help wanted with thread article

2006-11-14 Thread Laurent Pointal
Fredrik Lundh a écrit :
 this FAQ item talks about using sleep to make sure that threads run
 I suspect it was originally written for the thread module, but as
 far as I know, the threading module takes care of the issues described
 here all by itself.
 so, should this item be removed?
 or can anyone suggest a rewrite that's more relevant for threading
 users.  feel free to post suggestions (or better, an updated text) to
 this thread, or over at the PyFAQ staging site.

Maybe it could be modified to indicate (for threading) existence of
daemon and non-daemon threads.


Re: __init__.py

2006-11-14 Thread km

I have a structure like this :






now i have some variables (paths to data files) common, to be used in first module and second modules respectively.

can i set those variables in foo/__init__.py so that i can access them by foo.mypath1 in first and second submodule class definitions? if not anyother way out ? 


KMOn 11/14/06, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
km wrote: what is the use of __init__.py file in a module dir ?it tells Python that the directory is a package directory.if you have mydir/foo/__init__.py mydir/foo/module.py
and mydir is on the path, you can do import foo.module or from fooimport module.if you remove the __init__.py file, Python will nolonger look for submodules inside that directory.
 Is it used to initialize variablesthat could be shared across sub modulesif set in __init__.py at root dirof module ?it's usually empty, or used to export selected portions of the packageunder more convenient names.given the example above, the contents of
the __init__ module can be accessed via: import foo/F--http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Re: Seeking assistance - string processing.

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 But I'm still having a spot of bother with the === addition
 it would seem that if there is no whitespace after the ===test
 then the new === gets added to the next line
 e.g file contains:
 ===test (and then no whitesapace/carriage returns or anything)
 and the result is:

that's probably because it *does* contain a newline.  try printing the 
line with

print repr(line)

before and after you make the change, to see what's going on.

 I tried fidding aruond trying to make it add whitespace but it didnt

peter's complete example contains one way to solve that:

 if line.startswith(===):
 line = line.rstrip() + ===\n

  What do you think I should do?

reading the chapter on strings in your favourite Python tutorial once 
again might help, I think.  python have plenty of powerful tools for 
string processing, and most of them are quite easy to learn and use; a 
quick read of the tutorial and a little more trial and error before 
posting should be all you need.



Re: Seeking assistance - string processing.

2006-11-14 Thread John Machin
 I've been working on some code to search for specific textstrings and
 act upon them insome way. I've got the conversion sorted

What does that mean? There is no sort in the computer sense, and if you
mean as in done ...

 however there
 is 1 problem remaining.

 I am trying to work out how to make it find a string like this ===
 and when it has found it, I want it to add === to the end of the

The answer is at the end. Now take a deep breath, and read on carefully
and calmly:

 For example.

 The text file contains this:


 and I am trying to make it be processed and outputted as a .dat file
 with the contents


 Here's the code I have got so far.

 import string

Not needed for this task. In fact the string module has only minimal
use these days. From what book or tutorial did you get the idea to use
result = string.replace(source_string, old, new) instead of result =
source_string.replace(old, new) sometimes? You should be using the
result = source_string.replace(old, new) way all the time.

What version of Python are you using?

 import glob
 import os

 mydir = os.getcwd()
 newdir = mydir#+\\Test\\;

Try and make a real comment obvious; don't do what you did -- *delete*
unwanted code; alternatively if it may be wanted in the future, put in
a real comment to say why.

What was the semicolon for?

Consider using os.path.join() -- it's portable. Don't say But my code
will only ever be run on Windows. If you write code like that, it will
be a self-fulfilling prophecy -- no-one will want try to run it
anywhere else.

 for filename in glob.glob1(newdir,*.txt):
 #print This is an input file:  + filename
No it isn't; it's a *name* of a file
 fileloc = newdir+\\+filename
 #print fileloc

 outputname = filename
 outputfile = string.replace(outputname,'.txt','.dat')

No again, it's not a file.

Try outputname = filename.replace('.txt', '.dat')
Also consider what happens if the name of the input file is foo.txt.txt
[can happen]

 #print filename
 #print a

 print This is an input file:  + filename + .  Output file:

No it isn't.

 #temp = newdir + \\ + outputfile
 #print temp

 fpi = open(fileloc);
 fpo = open(outputfile,w+);

Why the +?

 output_lines = []

Why not just write as you go? What happens with a 1GB file? How much
memory do you have on your computer?

 lines = fpi.readlines()

Whoops. That's now 2GB min of memory you need

 for line in lines:

No, use for line in fpi

 if line.rfind() is not -1:

Quick, somebody please count the - signs in there; we'd really like
to know what this program is doing. If there are more identical
characters than you have fingers on your hand, don't do that. Use
character.repeat(count). Then consider giving it a name. Consider
putting in a comment to explain what your code is doing. If you can,
like why use rfind instead of find -- both will give the same result if
there are 0 or 1 occurrences of the sought string, and you aren't using
the position if there are 1 or more occurences. Then consider that if
you need a a comment for code like that, then maybe your variable names
are not very meaningful.

 new = line.replace(--,)

Is that the same number of -? Are you sure?

 elif line.rfind(img:) is not -1:
 new = line.replace(img:,[[Image:)
 elif line.rfind(.jpg) is not -1:
 new = line.replace(.jpg,.jpg]])

That looks like a pattern to me. Consider setting up a list of (old,
new) tuples and looping over it.

 elif line.rfind(.gif) is not -1:
 new = line.replace(.gif,.gif]])

Try this:
new = line

 for line in output_lines:


News to me that close() doesn't automatically do flush() on a file
that's been open for writing.


 I hope this gets formatted correctly :-p

 Cheers, hope you can help.

Answer to your question:

string1 in string2 beats string2.[r]find(string1) for readability and
(maybe) for speed too

elif === in line: # should be same to assume your audience can count
to 3 
   new = line[:-1] + ===\n



Re: graphical class diagram tool?

2006-11-14 Thread Laurent Pointal
nic a écrit :
 Hi all
 Some years ago I saw a graphical class diagram generated by
 examining a python program. I *thought* that this was done with Boa
 Constructor, but I may be wrong. I've download a recent version of BC
 and can't find reference to this feature. Can anyone point me at other
 tools to do this?

Maybe pyreverse  :

I have other links here:


Re: Research Master 0.1 (GPL/Python)

2006-11-14 Thread Colin J. Williams
 ResearchMaster has been designed to simplify management of research
 literature. It is a GUI interface to a system of folders and records.
 Each record contains notes, meta info and BibTex info about an
 associated file.  Instances of the single copy of a record can occur
 throughout the folder system, as specified through a membership list.
 A single button creates a recursive bibliography of all records
 containing BibTex information which are children of the currently
 selected parent node. One click launching of files by an associated
 application is also supported. A tutorial document is included.
The Windows version seems to offer a great way to burn cycles but not 
much else.

Colin W.

PS What's the connection to Python?


Re: Seeking assistance - string processing.

2006-11-14 Thread billpaterson2006
Thanks so much, a really elegant solution indeed.

I have another question actually which I'm praying you can help me

with regards to the .jpg conversion to .jpg]] and .gif - .gif]]

this works, but only when .jpg/.gif is on it's own line.



will get converted to:




gets converted to:


rather than



Hope you can help again!  Cheers


Re: PyFAQ: anyone seen aahz' thread tutorial ?

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Paul Boddie wrote:

 they have disappeared from the starship?  any ideas where to look for them ?
 The Internet Archive (the rewind button of the Internet):

but of course.  I didn't even bother to look there, because I was sure 
they didn't cache PDF files.  oh well, you learn something every day ;-)

thanks /F


Re: mod_python installation problem ..severity High

2006-11-14 Thread Graham Dumpleton
boney wrote:
 On doing this and duly following the installation and testing
 instructions at www.modpython.org and then pointing the url as
 http://localhost/test/mptest.py, i get the following error on the
 server log file:

 [Tue Nov 14 15:17:47 2006] [error] make_obcallback: could not import
 [Tue Nov 14 15:17:47 2006] [error] make_obcallback: Python path being
 used ['C:Program FilesApache
 GroupApache2binpython24.zip', '.DLLs', '.lib',
 '.libplat-win', '.liblib-tk', 'C:Program
 FilesApache GroupApache2bin'].
 [Tue Nov 14 15:17:47 2006] [error] python_handler: no interpreter
 callback found.
 [Tue Nov 14 15:17:47 2006] [error] [client] python_handler:
 Can't get/create interpreter.

Your registry settings for Python do not include the site-packages
directory where mod_python typically gets installed. Thus, trying
updating the registry to add the site-packages directory. As a guide,
see the following post from the mod_python mailing list archive as a


This is for Python 2.5, but should give an indicator of what to look
for. Update the PythonPath entry.

For any mod_python help in the future, suggest you subscribe to the
mod_python mailing list and ask your question there as there is a
higher concentration of people there who are familiar with the
software. Details of the mod_python mailing list are on the mod_python
web site.



Re: Programmatically finding significant data points

2006-11-14 Thread Beliavsky

erikcw wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a collection of ordered numerical data in a list.

Called a time series in statistics.

 The numbers
 when plotted on a line chart make a low-high-low-high-high-low (random)
 pattern.  I need an algorithm to extract the significant high and low
 points from this data.

 Here is some sample data:
 data = [0.10, 0.50, 0.60, 0.40, 0.39, 0.50, 1.00, 0.80, 0.60, 1.20,
 1.10, 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.05, 1.20, 0.90, 0.70, 0.80, 0.40, 0.45, 0.35,

 In this data, some of the significant points include:

 How do I sort through this data and pull out these points of

The best place to ask about an algorithm for this is not
comp.lang.python -- maybe sci.stat.math would be better. Once you have
an algorithm, coding it in Python should not be difficult. I'd suggest
using the NumPy array rather than the native Python list, which is not
designed for crunching numbers.


Re: Tkinter: Strange behavior using place() and changing cursors

2006-11-14 Thread Mudcat

Wojciech Mula wrote:
 Mudcat wrote:

 You have to set cursor once, Tk change it automatically:

  def buildFrame(self):
  self.f = Frame(self.master, height=32, width=32, relief=RIDGE,
   #self.f.bind( 'Enter', self.enterFrame )
   #self.f.bind( 'Leave', self.leaveFrame )
   self.f.configure(cursor = 'sb_h_double_arrow')

The problem is I need the ability to change it dynamically. I don't
want the cursor to be the double_arrow the whole time the mouse hovers
inside that frame. It's supposed to be a resize arrow when the mouse is
on the frame border, and regular cursor once it passes to the inner
part of the frame.

Unless there is a better way to do this, I have written code to
determine if the mouse is on the edge or not. There doesn't seem to be
a 'mouseover' type event to determine if the mouse is currently on the
frame border itself. As a result, I calculate the position of the mouse
and set the cursor appropriately.

I have also determined that this is not a problem if the button is not
packed inside the frame.  So somehow the interaction of the internal
button is causing this problem.


RE: Noob | datetime question

2006-11-14 Thread Demel, Jeff
Perfect.  Thanks a million.

.strftime was the method I was looking for.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Kevin Kelley
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:34 AM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Noob | datetime question

import time

output = '20070219'

Kevin Kelley

On 11/14/06, Demel, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm having trouble finding exactly what I need by googling, so
I'd try to get a quick answer from the group.  This seems like
that should be dead simple.

I need to generate a string value of a date in the format
MMDD that 
is 97 days in the future.  The datetime module is brand new to
me, and
I'm not sure how to do this.  Can someone help me out here?


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Re: Noob | datetime question

2006-11-14 Thread Kevin Kelley
import timeFORMAT='%Y%m%d'time.strftime(FORMAT,time.gmtime(time.time()+8380800))output = '20070219'--Kevin KelleyOn 11/14/06, Demel, Jeff
I'm having trouble finding exactly what I need by googling, so thoughtI'd try to get a quick answer from the group.This seems like somethingthat should be dead simple.I need to generate a string value of a date in the format MMDD that
is 97 days in the future.The datetime module is brand new to me, andI'm not sure how to do this.Can someone help me out here?TIA-JeffThis email is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is addressed.This email may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure. Dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail or any attachments by anyone other than the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or the employee or agent responsible for delivery of this email to the intended recipient, please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.Any use, dissemination, distribution, or reproduction of this message by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited and may be unla!

Python speed on Solaris 10

2006-11-14 Thread Chris Miles
I have found that the sunfreeware.com build of Python 2.4.3 for Solaris 
10 is faster than one I can build myself, on the same system. 
sunfreeware.com doesn't bother showing the options they used to 
configure and build the software, so does anyone know what the optimal 
build options are for Solaris 10 (x86)?

Here are some pybench/pystone results, and I include the same comparison 
of Python2.4.3 running on CentOS 4.3 on the same hardware (which is what 
prompted me to find a faster Python build in the first place).

Python 2.4.3:
   System   pybench  Pystone (pystones/s)

   Sol10 my build   3836.00 ms   37313.4
   Sol10 sunfreeware3235.00 ms   43859.6
   CentOS   3569.00 ms   44247.8

My build:
Python 2.4.3 (#1, Oct 15 2006, 16:00:33)
[GCC 3.4.3 (csl-sol210-3_4-branch+sol_rpath)] on sunos5

sunfreeware.com build:
Python 2.4.3 (#1, Jul 31 2006, 05:14:51)
[GCC 3.4.6] on sunos5

My build on CentOS 4.3:
Python 2.4.3 (#1, Jul 19 2006, 17:52:43)
[GCC 3.4.5 20051201 (Red Hat 3.4.5-2)] on linux2

is the difference purely gcc minor version?



VLC-python bindings

2006-11-14 Thread LaundroMat

Has anyone succeeded in compiling the vlc-python bindings on Windows?
(as discussed in the vlc development wiki).

I have found several compiled bindings, but none were updated for
Python 2.4 (or 2.5 for that matter). As I am a complete layman for
everything that is C compilation on any platform, could anyone point me
to vlc-python bindings that work out of the box?

Many thanks in advance,



Re: PyFAQ: anyone seen aahz' thread tutorial ?

2006-11-14 Thread Paul Boddie
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 and yes, has anyone seen Aahz or his OSCON2001 thread tutorial slides
 lately ?  as noticed here:


 they have disappeared from the starship?  any ideas where to look for them ?

The Internet Archive (the rewind button of the Internet):




Re: Seeking assistance - string processing.

2006-11-14 Thread billpaterson2006
Thanks Fredrik, Peter and John for your help.

John, I especially enjoyed your line by line assasination of my code,
keep it up.

I'm not a programmer, I dislike programming, I'm bad at it. I just
agreed to do this to help someone out, I didn't even know what python
was 3 days ago.

In case you were wondering about all the crazyness with the ---'s -
it's because I am trying to batch convert 1600 files into new versions
with slightly altered syntax.

It all works for now, hurrah, now it's time to break it again.

Cheerio fellas (for now, I'll be back I'm sure ;-D)


Re: __init__.py

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
km wrote:

 I have a structure like this :

 now i have some variables (paths to data files) common, to be used in
 first module and second modules respectively.
 can i set those variables in foo/__init__.py so that i can access them by
 foo.mypath1 in first and second submodule class definitions?

looks ok to me, as long as you remember to actually import foo into your

have you tried it?



Re: Using signal.alarm to terminate a thread

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Nick Craig-Wood wrote:

   The only sensible things you can do from a signal handler is set a
   global flag, or call sem_post on a semaphore, to record the delivery
   of the signal. The remainder of the program can then either poll the
   global flag, or use sem_wait() and sem_trywait() on the semaphore.

but that's exactly what Python's signal handlers do, right ?

(the interpreter uses a pending call queue to collect events, and 
executes them from the interpreter main loop in a controlled fashion).



Re: modules and generated code

2006-11-14 Thread Peter Otten
Nigel Rantor wrote:

 Peter Otten wrote:
 Nigel Rantor wrote:

 So, if I have a tool that generates python code for me (in my case,
 CORBA stubs/skels) in a particular package is there a way of placing my
 own code under the same package hierarchy without all the code living in
 the same directory structure.


 Yep, looks like that should work, but it doesn't. :-/
 Do you have any idea whether other __init__.py scripts from the same
 logical module will still be run in this case?

I don't think it will.

 The generated code uses its init script to pull in other code.

You could invoke it explicitly via 


in the static package/__init__.py.


Re: Python 2.5 Core Dump on Solaris 8

2006-11-14 Thread Anthon
You can set an environment variable MALLOC_CHECK_ to influence the
behaviour of glibc
0 - no error message program continues
1 - error message, program continues
2 - no error message, kills program
3 - error message, kills program

Since the message only occured with my two programs at exit time, I set
the environment var to 0



Re: __cmp__ between dissimilar objects

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh

I have a class that has, as an attribute, an instance of
 datetime.datetime().  I would like to be able to compare my class
 directly to instances of datetime.datetime in addition to other
 instances of my class.  The value used for the comparison in either
 case should be the value of the datetime attribute of the class:

 from datetime import datetime

 class GeneralizedTime(object):
def __init__(self, time=None):
if time is None:
self.datetime = datetime.now()
def __cmp__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, GeneralizedTime):
return cmp(self.datetime, x.datetime)
if isinstance(x, datetime):
return cmp(self.datetime, x)

 import datetime

 GeneralizedTime()  datetime.now()
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
 TypeError: can't compare datetime.datetime to GeneralizedTime

 Clearly I'm misunderstanding something, here.  As I understand my code,
 I'm directly comparing an instance of datetime (self.datetime) to
 another instance of datetime.

sure looks like you're comparing a datetime instance against a GeneralizeTime
instance to me.

why not just inherit from datetime instead?  or read footnote 4 under supported
operations on this page for info on how to implement mixed-type comparisions:




Re: Py3K idea: why not drop the colon?

2006-11-14 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2006-11-13, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Salerno wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 John Salerno wrote:

 Anyway, the FAQ answer seems to be a weak argument to me.
 I agree. I was expecting something more technical to justify the 
 colon, not just that it looks better.
 yeah, the whole idea of treating programming languages as an interface 
 between people and computers is really lame.  no wonder nobody's using 
 Python for anything.


 personally, i don't mind the colon and see no need to lose it, but if we 
 are talking in the realm of aesthetics, it actually seems like it would 
 be cleaner if it weren't there...sure, at first everyone who is used to 
 it might feel like something is missing, or the line is hanging open, 
 but overall the less characters, the better, right? isn't that why the 
 braces are gone?

 No. The braces are gone because they don't assist a reader's 
 determination of block structure like indentation does.

IMO this works both ways.

 Otherwise why 
 would people write indenting pretty printers for C and the like?

Try to follow an indentation marked structure when the structure
crosses a page boundary and you can't view the whole structure
at once. Sensible placed markers can greatly assist in getting
a feel for a structure even if the structure is already properly

Antoon Pardon

Re: Py3K idea: why not drop the colon?

2006-11-14 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2006-11-13, Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Hobbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 To be clear, this is the actual thrust of my argument. It seems
 redundant to have *both* line continuations and colons in compound

 Why are you trying to remove redundancy?

Why not? My impression is that removing redundancy is considered
a positive thing here in c.p.l.

 The language is designed for
 communication between people (programmers) primarily. Redundancy is
 often the best way to be explicit and readable.

Except if you argue for blockmarkers. Then you get the response
that indentation is clear enough and such markers are redundant.

And there have been other subjects where redundancy was seen
as something negative.

Antoon Pardon

Re: CORBA: Fnorb Problems

2006-11-14 Thread rodmc
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\Fnorb\script\cpp.py, line 53, in
  raise No C/C++ pre-processor found in your PATH!
  No C/C++ pre-processor found in your PATH!

 You don't say *when* this error occurs, i.e. what is the command that
 returns the exception. Assuming it's when you try to compile an IDL file
 with fnidl, just try:
 fnidl --internal-cpp ...

Sorry you are right I did not say, but you guessed correctly. However
even when I try your advice I still receive the same error. 





2006-11-14 Thread dan84
I write my code :
#inizializzazioni varie che tralascio

#mi connetto al mio db mysql e recupero i dati che volgio inserire
nel file excel
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host = XXX, port = XXX, user = XXX,
passwd = XXX, db= XXX)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(SELECT * FROM XXX)
allFields = cursor.description
allRecords = cursor.fetchall()

#inizializzo gli strumenti per lavorare in python con excel
xlApp = Dispatch(Excel.Application)
#xlApp.Visible = 1

#specifico che file utilizzare
xlbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open('C:/view.xls')
i = 1
j = 1

#popolo il mio file excel
for field in allFields :
xlApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(i, j).Value = field[0]
j = j + 1
for records in allRecords :
i = i + 1
j = 1
for item in records :
xlApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(i, j).Value = item
j = j + 1
#salvo le modifiche effettuate

#scrivo le istruzioni che mi permettereanno di aprirlo in una
pagina html
size = os.path.getsize('C:/view.xls')
of = open(C:/view.xls,rb)
content = of.read()

printContent-length:%d \r\n%size
print content

I want open an excel document in an apache page.
I want write in excel document the information of a database mySQL and
after open the excel documen in a broswer page
Where is the problem?
Sorry for my english but I'm not speak english very well, I write in
this group because I think that in this forum there are very very good


Re: __init__.py

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
km wrote:

 wow ! i tried it and it works like charm!
 could access  variables  declared at root module dir  in submodules.
 also i would like to know if i can have an abstract class declared in
 __init__.py  with common variables ?

you don't really need our permission to try things out, you know ;-)



Re: __init__.py

2006-11-14 Thread km
wow ! i tried it and it works like charm!
could access variables declared at root module dir in submodules.
also i would like to know if i can have an abstract class declared in __init__.py with common variables ? 

KMOn 11/14/06, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
km wrote: I have a structure like this : foo/__init__.py foo/bar/__init__.py foo/bar/firstmodule.py foo/abc/__init__.py foo/abc/secondmodule.py now i have some variables (paths to data files) common, to be used in
 first module and second modules respectively. can i set those variables in foo/__init__.py so that i can access them by foo.mypath1 in first and second submodule class definitions?looks ok to me, as long as you remember to actually import foo into your
submodules.have you tried it?/F--http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


Re: modules and generated code

2006-11-14 Thread Nigel Rantor
Peter Otten wrote:
 Nigel Rantor wrote:
 So, if I have a tool that generates python code for me (in my case,
 CORBA stubs/skels) in a particular package is there a way of placing my
 own code under the same package hierarchy without all the code living in
 the same directory structure.

Ooh, thanks for that.

Yep, looks like that should work, but it doesn't. :-/

Do you have any idea whether other __init__.py scripts from the same 
logical module will still be run in this case?

The generated code uses its init script to pull in other code.

Off, to tinker some more with this.



Re: Noob | datetime question

2006-11-14 Thread Carsten Haese
On Tue, 2006-11-14 at 09:33 -0600, Kevin Kelley wrote:
 import time
 output = '20070219'

While the above works, the following variation using datetime is more

 import datetime
 someday = datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=97)
 print someday.strftime(%Y%m%d)



Re: PyFAQ: anyone seen aahz' thread tutorial ?

2006-11-14 Thread Aahz
Fredrik Lundh  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

and yes, has anyone seen Aahz or his OSCON2001 thread tutorial slides 
lately ?  as noticed here:


they have disappeared from the starship?  any ideas where to look for them ?

Just a public note that I'm aware of the problem and have sent e-mail
privately to Fredrik, just haven't had enough cycles to fix it
Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   * http://www.pythoncraft.com/

In many ways, it's a dull language, borrowing solid old concepts from
many other languages  styles:  boring syntax, unsurprising semantics,
few automatic coercions, etc etc.  But that's one of the things I like
about it.  --Tim Peters on Python, 16 Sep 1993

refactoring so that multiple changes can be made with one variable?

2006-11-14 Thread John Salerno
My code is below. For now I'm focusing on the lines where health (and 
armor) are increased in each character class. Let's say I decided to 
change the amount of increase in the future. As it is now, I'd have to 
go to each character class and change the number so that each is still 
in a good relation to the other (right now: 3, 2, 1; later: perhaps 4, 
3, 2, 1, if I added a new class -- i.e., change Fighter from 3 to 4, 
Thief from 2 to 3, in other words increase them all by 1). So instead of 
changing each one, is there a simple, clean way of just changing a 
single number so that this change is reflected in all classes? Hope that 
makes sense.

class Character(object):
 def __init__(self, name, strength, dexterity, intelligence):
 self.name = name
 self.health = 10
 self.armor = self.attack = self.defense = self.magic_attack = \
 self.magic_defense = 0
 self.strength = strength
 self.dexterity = dexterity
 self.intelligence = intelligence

 def adjust_attributes(self):

class Fighter(Character):
 def adjust_attributes(self):
 self.health += 3
 self.armor += 3
 self.attack += 2
 self.defense += 2
 self.strength += 1

class Thief(Character):
 def adjust_attributes(self):
 self.health += 2
 self.armor += 2
 self.attack += 1
 self.defense += 1
 self.magic_defense += 1
 self.dexterity += 1

class Mage(Character):
 def adjust_attributes(self):
 self.health += 1
 self.armor += 1
 self.magic_attack += 2
 self.magic_defense += 2
 self.intelligence += 1

Re: Programmatically finding significant data points

2006-11-14 Thread Roberto Bonvallet
erikcw wrote:
 I have a collection of ordered numerical data in a list.  The numbers
 when plotted on a line chart make a low-high-low-high-high-low (random)
 pattern.  I need an algorithm to extract the significant high and low
 points from this data.

In calculus, you identify high and low points by looking where the
derivative changes its sign.  When working with discrete samples, you can
look at the sign changes in finite differences:

 data = [...]
 diff = [data[i + 1] - data[i] for i in range(len(data))]
 map(str, diff)
['0.4', '0.1', '-0.2', '-0.01', '0.11', '0.5', '-0.2', '-0.2', '0.6',
'-0.1', '0.2', '0.1', '0.1', '-0.45', '0.15', '-0.3', '-0.2', '0.1',
'-0.4', '0.05', '-0.1', '-0.25']

The high points are those where diff changes from + to -, and the low
points are those where diff changes from - to +.

Roberto Bonvallet

Programmatically finding significant data points

2006-11-14 Thread erikcw
Hi all,

I have a collection of ordered numerical data in a list.  The numbers
when plotted on a line chart make a low-high-low-high-high-low (random)
pattern.  I need an algorithm to extract the significant high and low
points from this data.

Here is some sample data:
data = [0.10, 0.50, 0.60, 0.40, 0.39, 0.50, 1.00, 0.80, 0.60, 1.20,
1.10, 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.05, 1.20, 0.90, 0.70, 0.80, 0.40, 0.45, 0.35,

In this data, some of the significant points include:

How do I sort through this data and pull out these points of

Thanks for your help!



Re: Programmatically finding significant data points

2006-11-14 Thread Jeremy Sanders
erikcw wrote:

 I have a collection of ordered numerical data in a list.  The numbers
 when plotted on a line chart make a low-high-low-high-high-low (random)
 pattern.  I need an algorithm to extract the significant high and low
 points from this data.
 How do I sort through this data and pull out these points of

Get a book on statistics. One idea is as follows. If you expect the points
to be centred around a single value, you can calculate the median or mean
of the points, calculate their standard deviation (aka spread), and remove
points which are more than N-times the standard deviation from the median.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: modules and generated code

2006-11-14 Thread Peter Otten
Nigel Rantor wrote:

 So, if I have a tool that generates python code for me (in my case,
 CORBA stubs/skels) in a particular package is there a way of placing my
 own code under the same package hierarchy without all the code living in
 the same directory structure.




Re: Programmatically finding significant data points

2006-11-14 Thread Roy Smith
erikcw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a collection of ordered numerical data in a list.  The numbers
 when plotted on a line chart make a low-high-low-high-high-low (random)
 pattern.  I need an algorithm to extract the significant high and low
 points from this data.

I think you want a control chart.  A good place to start might be 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_chart.  Even if you don't actually 
graph the data, understanding the math behind control charts might help you 
with your analysis.

Wow.  I think this is the first time I'm actually used something I learned 
by sitting though those stupid Six Sigma training classes :-)

Re: Programmatically finding significant data points

2006-11-14 Thread Peter Otten
erikcw wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have a collection of ordered numerical data in a list.  The numbers
 when plotted on a line chart make a low-high-low-high-high-low (random)
 pattern.  I need an algorithm to extract the significant high and low
 points from this data.
 Here is some sample data:
 data = [0.10, 0.50, 0.60, 0.40, 0.39, 0.50, 1.00, 0.80, 0.60, 1.20,
 1.10, 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.05, 1.20, 0.90, 0.70, 0.80, 0.40, 0.45, 0.35,
 In this data, some of the significant points include:
 How do I sort through this data and pull out these points of

I think you are looking for extrema:

def w3(items):
items = iter(items)
view = None, items.next(), items.next()
for item in items:
view = view[1:] + (item,)
yield view

for i, (a, b, c) in enumerate(w3(data)):
if a  b  c:
print i+1, min, b
elif a  b  c:
print i+1, max, b
print i+1, ---, b


matplotlib and zope

2006-11-14 Thread markacy
Hello All,

  I've been using zope and matplotlib for some time now, and I want to
connect them. I'am using the example code from page:
http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Matplotlib_and_Zope ,
but whenever I try to import matplotlib, and/or pylab packages i get
this error from zope:

Error Type: RuntimeError
Error Value: '/' is not a writable dir; you must set environment
variable HOME to be a writable dir

Have You got any ideas, on what might go wrong?
Is it a problem with matplotlib itself? Have anyone had the same issue?

 I'am using matplotlib 0.87.4, and zope 2.9.5 with python 2.4.3 on
gentoo linux box.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Marek Szczypinski

Here is the traceback:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 115, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 41, in call_object
  Module Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod, line 59, in
  Module Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod, line 111, in __init__
  Module Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod, line 134, in
  Module Products.ExternalMethod.ExternalMethod, line 141, in
  Module App.Extensions, line 148, in getObject
   - __traceback_info__:
('/var/lib/zope/zope-markacy/Extensions/mpl.py', 'mpl')
  Module /var/lib/zope/zope-markacy/Extensions/mpl.py, line 1, in ?
  Module None, line 1011, in ?
  Module None, line 968, in rc_params
  Module None, line 914, in matplotlib_fname
  Module None, line 273, in wrapper
  Module None, line 324, in _get_configdir
RuntimeError: '/' is not a writable dir; you must set environment
variable HOME to be a writable dir


Re: refactoring so that multiple changes can be made with one variable?

2006-11-14 Thread Paddy

John Salerno wrote:

 My code is below. For now I'm focusing on the lines where health (and
 armor) are increased in each character class. Let's say I decided to
 change the amount of increase in the future. As it is now, I'd have to
 go to each character class and change the number so that each is still
 in a good relation to the other (right now: 3, 2, 1; later: perhaps 4,
 3, 2, 1, if I added a new class -- i.e., change Fighter from 3 to 4,
 Thief from 2 to 3, in other words increase them all by 1). So instead of
 changing each one, is there a simple, clean way of just changing a
 single number so that this change is reflected in all classes? Hope that
 makes sense.

You could keep a handle on all object instances created then go through
the objects making appropriate changes, e.g:

class Character(object):
 instances = []
 def __init__(self, name, strength, dexterity, intelligence):
  # as before ...
 def mod_instances(self):
  for inst in instances:
   inst.some_property += 1 # or whatever
# (Untested)

- Paddy.


Re: CORBA: Fnorb Problems

2006-11-14 Thread Eric Brunel
On Tue, 14 Nov 2006 13:13:42 +0100, rodmc [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

  Traceback (most recent call last):
File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\Fnorb\script\cpp.py, line 53,  
  raise No C/C++ pre-processor found in your PATH!
  No C/C++ pre-processor found in your PATH!

 You don't say *when* this error occurs, i.e. what is the command that
 returns the exception. Assuming it's when you try to compile an IDL file
 with fnidl, just try:
 fnidl --internal-cpp ...

 Sorry you are right I did not say, but you guessed correctly. However
 even when I try your advice I still receive the same error.

I took a look at the Fnorb sources and it appears you're right: even if  
the --internal-cpp flag is used, fnidl still tests if the MS compiler  
exists and breaks if it can't be called or if it doesn't return what fnidl  
expects. The actual test is whether the cl output contains the string  
/link, whatever the character case. So as you said in your original post  
that cl can be run, but doesn't print anything, this seems to be the  

What you can do is the following: go to Fnorb's source directory and edit  
scripts/cpp.py; on line 53, replace the raise ... by:
with the same indent.

Then run fnidl again with the --internal-cpp flag. This should work and  
produce the expected files.

Note that this is a dirty hack: if you forget to specify the  
--internal-cpp flag, you'll get a nasty traceback. But it should work in  
your case.

python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in  

Re: A question on Encoding and Decoding.

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
kath wrote:

 Also python IDLE is able to output the same character corretly when I
 say print and why not I?

probably because IDLE's interactive window is Unicode-aware, but your terminal
is not.



Re: sqlite3 views, if not exists clause

2006-11-14 Thread Roberto Bonvallet
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Josh wrote:
 THIS DOES NOT WORK, but it should!
 Python 2.5 was released on September 19th, 2006, and support for CREATE
 VIEW IF NOT EXISTS was added to sqlite on October 9th, 2006:

So?  from __future__ import ... should have supported this!  :o)

Roberto Bonvallet

modules and generated code

2006-11-14 Thread Nigel Rantor

Hi all,

Python newbie here with what I hope is a blindingly obvious question 
that I simply can't find the answer for in the documentation.

So, if I have a tool that generates python code for me (in my case, 
CORBA stubs/skels) in a particular package is there a way of placing my 
own code under the same package hierarchy without all the code living in 
the same directory structure.

Ideally I would like something like the following:


but have two distinct directories that hold them so that I can simply 
delete the generated code and regenerate it without worrying that 
anything got left behind.

So, I want something like:



Whilst I can create this structure, and add 'generated_package_dir' and 
'implementation_package_dir' to PYTHONPATH the fact that both 
directories contain 'top_level_package' seems to be causing clashes, 
perhaps because there are multiple __init__.py files for 

I know that this is possible in Java, Perl and C++ so I am finding it 
hard to believe I can't do the same in Python, I just think I'm too new 
to know how.

I have spent most of this morning searching through all the docs I can 
find, searching on USENET and the web to no avail.

Any help or pointers greatly appreciated.



Re: Py3K idea: why not drop the colon?

2006-11-14 Thread Dan Lenski
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
 This is true - and it is actually also an intractable problem - if you look at
 what your daughter wrote, you get the feeling that you should be able to write
 an interpreter that can implement what she meant, because it is quite clear to
 you - until you try to write the specs...

Unfortunately natural language is completely riddled with ambiguities
about negation and conjunction.  It doesn't seem like a good idea for
programming languages to emulate these too closely, even if it does
make for more natural constructions.

For example:
You must not go there. means You are forbidden to go there.
You do not have to go there. means You are not required to go
Similar negations of two English verbs with virtually identical meaning
makes quite a difference in the semantics of the complete sentence!

Likewise, double negation is perfectly equivalent to single negation in
many languages, including in some dialects of English:
I ain't got time. means I don't have time.
I ain't got no time. means I don't have time.

Another problem is that the English word or sometimes means
inclusive or and sometimes means exclusive or:
Do you have any brothers or sisters? (inclusive or)
You can carry on a briefcase or a backpack. (exclusive or)

I think part of learning to think like a computer is learning to stop
associating computer logic too strongly with the natural language
meanings of and, or, and not.



Noob | datetime question

2006-11-14 Thread Demel, Jeff
I'm having trouble finding exactly what I need by googling, so thought
I'd try to get a quick answer from the group.  This seems like something
that should be dead simple.

I need to generate a string value of a date in the format MMDD that
is 97 days in the future.  The datetime module is brand new to me, and
I'm not sure how to do this.  Can someone help me out here?


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Re: Py3K idea: why not drop the colon?

2006-11-14 Thread Robert Kern
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
  Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michael Hobbs wrote:
 True enough. Although, I have to ask how many times you define a new
 function only to have Python spit a syntax error out at you saying that
 you forgot a colon. It happens to me all the time. (Usually after an
 else) If you'd never notice that the colon was missing if the compiler
 didn't point it out, is it really that readable? For me, I tend to get
 annoyed at language features that I'm constantly tripping over.
 I confess I find myself in the position of a Yorkshire Youngster - I don't
 believe you!

Okay, not often enough or annoyingly enough for me to remember having done so.
Perhaps seven years ago when I started using Python, but not any time recent.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


another newbie question

2006-11-14 Thread Mary Jane Boholst
Hello everyone,
I have a question that google couldnt answer for me and thought that the
brains on here might be able to help.
I am trying to upload a file to a database using a (cgi) form and am
having trouble doing this. I think that I need some way of escaping the
file contents or making it so that mysql/python (not sure which) will
ignore the files actual contents and store it in the db regardless of
what is actually in the file.
I hope that made sense.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Re: Random image text generation?

2006-11-14 Thread skip
 Paul == Paul Rubin http://phr.cx@NOSPAM.invalid writes:

Paul Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Instead of displaying an obfuscated image of a nonsense word, display
 six randomly chosen photos, where five are of the same thing but not
 the same image. E.g. you might show five different kittens and a
 horse. The user has to click on the image that is not the same as the
 others.  State-of-the-art horse-recognition software is not yet in
 widespread use by spammers *wink*

Paul No need to recognize the horse.  Just pick one of the pictures at
Paul random and you'll get the right one 1/6th of the time.  Repeat ad
Paul infinitum--they're spammers and like to repeat stuff after all.
Paul That's why those conventional captcha images make you recognize a
Paul multi-character string: so the guessing chance is low.

Actually, the ones I saw that used a set of one of these things is not like
the other images gave you a pop-up menu of maybe 100-200 words.  The user
needed to choose the name of the different object from that list.  That
makes it a bit harded to guess.  Of course, these sorts of tests suffer from
the same shortcoming as the randomly generated string.  Visually impaired
people have trouble with it.

I finally settled on just reusing the SpamBayes engine to detect/reject spam


wxpython - wxtoolbar font size

2006-11-14 Thread Ghido
Hi all i want to set wx.toolbar font size and i use this code:

self.tb1 = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, style=wx.TB_HORIZONTAL|
self.tb1.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL,0))

but i obtain nothing. Is possibile? where i wrong?
I use wxpython 2.6.3 on ubuntu edgy



Re: another newbie question

2006-11-14 Thread BartlebyScrivener
Lots of smart, patient people here, but they can't help you until you
provide a lot more information and the actual error messages you are
getting and whether they are spawned by Python or MySQL, if that is
indeed the db you are using. Where did you get the idea that Python
might be involved?

Read this and it will serve you well for this inquiry and any others
you may have.


Good luck


Give a man a fire and keep him warm for a day. Light a man on fire
 and he will be warm for rest of his life. --Terry Pratchett


Re: another newbie question

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Mary Jane Boholst wrote:

 I am trying to upload a file to a database using a (cgi) form and am
 having trouble doing this. I think that I need some way of escaping the
 file contents or making it so that mysql/python (not sure which) will
 ignore the files actual contents and store it in the db regardless of
 what is actually in the file.




Re: Decimal() instead of float?

2006-11-14 Thread Steve Holden
Michael B. Trausch wrote:
 On Mon, 2006-11-13 at 03:45 -0600, Steve Holden wrote:
 Michael B. Trausch wrote:
  Is there a way to use Decimal() by default in Python instead of float?  

 No. You'll just have to be explicit.

 That's kinda what I figured.  :-(
 It /would/ be nice to see Decimal() become the default.  I cannot 
 imagine why in an otherwise human enough language, math wouldn't be 
 included in that without going out of one's way to do it.  :-)
Speed has a lot to do with it. Have you timed some decimal operations 
against their floating-point counterparts? It might be possible to build 
a version of Python that used decimal instead of floating-point but it 
certainly wouldn't be trivial: consider the use of C language libraries 
that know nothing of Python's decimal representation.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Skype: holdenweb   http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden

mod_python installation problem ..severity High

2006-11-14 Thread boney
hello All,

I am totally unknown to python language..

i need to install mod_python to embed python interpreter with the
Apache server, in order to use Trac with Apache Web Server

i am using :

Python 2.4.3,
apache 2.0.50 for windows,
mod_python-3.2.10.win32-py2.4-apache2.0 (windows installer)

after installing the packages i added the following lines to the
httpd.conf file :

  LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so

in order to test mod_python installation i added to following line to
the httpd.conf file

  Directory C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/test
AddHandler mod_python .py
PythonHandler mptest
PythonDebug On

 within the htdocs/test folder there is mptest.py file with the
following contents

   from mod_python import apache

def handler(req):
req.content_type = 'text/plain'
req.write(Hello World!)
return apache.OK

On doing this and duly following the installation and testing
instructions at www.modpython.org and then pointing the url as
http://localhost/test/mptest.py, i get the following error on the
server log file:

[Tue Nov 14 15:17:47 2006] [error] make_obcallback: could not import
[Tue Nov 14 15:17:47 2006] [error] make_obcallback: Python path being
used ['C:Program FilesApache
GroupApache2binpython24.zip', '.DLLs', '.lib',
'.libplat-win', '.liblib-tk', 'C:Program
FilesApache GroupApache2bin'].
[Tue Nov 14 15:17:47 2006] [error] python_handler: no interpreter
callback found.
[Tue Nov 14 15:17:47 2006] [error] [client] python_handler:
Can't get/create interpreter.

On one of the forum i got the following feedback regarding this error:-

This one seems to occur on all platforms with similar frequency, and is
usually related
to having python multiple versions on the same system.The solution is
to adjust that PATH apache uses so it finds the correct python version.

But i donot have multiple versions of python installed.

Can anybody give some insight to what can be the problem and hw to
reach to the solution ??

Thanks in Advance



Re: Random image text generation?

2006-11-14 Thread Paul Rubin
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Instead of displaying an obfuscated image of a nonsense word, display six
 randomly chosen photos, where five are of the same thing but not the same
 image. E.g. you might show five different kittens and a horse. The user
 has to click on the image that is not the same as the others.
 State-of-the-art horse-recognition software is not yet in widespread use
 by spammers *wink*

No need to recognize the horse.  Just pick one of the pictures at
random and you'll get the right one 1/6th of the time.  Repeat ad
infinitum--they're spammers and like to repeat stuff after all.
That's why those conventional captcha images make you recognize a
multi-character string: so the guessing chance is low.


2006-11-14 Thread km
Hi all,

what is the use of __init__.py file in a module dir ? 

Is it used to initialize variables that could be shared across
sub modules if set in __init__.py at root dir of module ? 


Re: Tkinter: Strange behavior using place() and changing cursors

2006-11-14 Thread Wojciech Muła
Mudcat wrote:

You have to set cursor once, Tk change it automatically:

   def buildFrame(self):
   self.f = Frame(self.master, height=32, width=32, relief=RIDGE,
#self.f.bind( 'Enter', self.enterFrame )
#self.f.bind( 'Leave', self.leaveFrame )
self.f.configure(cursor = 'sb_h_double_arrow')

PyFAQ: anyone seen aahz' thread tutorial ?

2006-11-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
and yes, has anyone seen Aahz or his OSCON2001 thread tutorial slides 
lately ?  as noticed here:


they have disappeared from the starship?  any ideas where to look for them ?



Re: Seeking assistance - string processing.

2006-11-14 Thread John Machin

John Machin wrote:

new = line[:-1] + ===\n

To allow for cases where the last line in the file is not terminated
[can happen],
this should be:

new = line.rstrip(\n) + ===\n
# assuming you want to fix the unterminated problem.



Re: __cmp__ between dissimilar objects

2006-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 why not just inherit from datetime instead?

I'll probably do that in the next iteration.

 or read footnote 4 under supported operations on this page for info on how 
 implement mixed-type comparisions:


OK.  I added a 'timetuple' attribute to my class.  Now comparisons seem
to just work.  This has made it even more obvious to me that I don't
understand how comparisons function:

If the GeneralizedTime instance is on the LHS of the comparison and the
datetime instance on the RHS, why would datetime's __cmp__ method be
called?  I assume its being called since GeneralizedTime sure doesn't
care whether or not it has a timetuple attribute...

I've read through the Basic customization section of the language
reference, which doesn't seem to describe a scenario where the __cmp__
method on the RHS is called.




Re: Py3K idea: why not drop the colon?

2006-11-14 Thread skip
 Michael Hobbs wrote:
 True enough. Although, I have to ask how many times you define a new
 function only to have Python spit a syntax error out at you saying that
 you forgot a colon. It happens to me all the time.
 I confess I find myself in the position of a Yorkshire Youngster - I
 don't believe you!

Robert Okay, not often enough or annoyingly enough for me to remember
Robert having done so.  Perhaps seven years ago when I started using
Robert Python, but not any time recent.

If your editor knows about Python's block structure (as Emacs's python-mode
does), when you forget the colon it's immediately obvious because the next
line doesn't autoindent properly.


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