Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-10 Thread Kay Schluehr

> I find it amusing that most of the arguments that python-people are
> making in this thread are actually the arguments that C++ and Java make
> against Python. "Who needs dynamic typing?", "Who needs closures?",
> "The idea of using whitespace for syntax is beyond stupid"... Now the
> python guys obviouly see that that those arguments are bogus, but they
> keep the same reasoning against lisp.

Yes, this structure of argument is the same in *any* discussion about
language design and feature integration. The solution could be laissez
faire but then you have to counteract creating standards for a minimal
contract social. In either way you cut down language feature diversity
and feature implementation redundancy, something macros strongly
encourage. So Lisp is always the right language to start with but what
is the right language to end with? The answer is BASIC and although the
reference to the historical BASIC language is not accidental, I
actually mean all kind of general purpose languages that aim to
facilitate programming in the first place. That's why Python = BASIC or
more accurately Python = ABC. Of course you can start with BASIC too,
instead of Lisp, or Ruby and quote Yukihiro Matsumoto who just wants
happy users - from the very beginning and not just after one month,
when one starts looking through the jungle of parens ( Ken Tilton ) or
perform any other cognitive transformation to ease the pain.

While Pythonistas might defend their language with all kind of typical
nerdish idiocy, Lispers try to convince Pythonistas to be unhappy,
because they lack X, Y and Z and recommend Lisp as the cure. But just
like a beautifull woman, Pythonistas stay unimpressed and do respond:
no, I don't lack anything, I am complete; stay away from me with your


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-10 Thread Paddy


> > Python has to rely more on using the right algorithm...
> This sound familiar: "Macros are dangerous!"
Yes. I changed my opinion on advocating Python having macros in one
of our long threads on the subject. Maintainance counts.
> "Compilers make you lazy."
This is new to me. In fact, for the compiled languages available to me.
Using them *first* would be the difficult choice.
> "Worse is better!"
Yep, I think I read that one. To (over), summarise what I read: the
states that waiting for perfect will often give the advantage to a
competitor who ships with 'good enough'. The author gives examples.
The skill to me resides in knowing what is good enough ;-)

> (I have a Russian friend -- a mathematician -- who
> jokes that the reason the Soviets were great mathematicians because
> their computers sucked, so they had to use extensive formal
> manipulation to get things to run fast enough to get anything done. He
> was joking (I think); you don't appear to be.)
I can't vouch for your Russian friend, but yes I do think that the
gumph on
exponential time algorithms versus linear time algorithms makes sense.
I started using my first scripting language AWK whilst using C and went
through only using it for small tasks to using it for more and more
because it was fast enough. In my case I'd be finishing some task in
a much shoter time giving my customers solutions that might take 10
minutes to run instead of ten seconds, but they were using it in a flow
that took maybe overnight to run.
Unlike Lisp, Python does not have a ubiquitous compiler. It is
made to interface nicely with compiled languages. Other compiled
language users see the need for dynamic interpreted languages like
Python and maintain links Python such as the Boost Python C++
wrapper. IronPython for .NET, Jython for Java.
Lisp is its own interpreter and compiler, which should be a great
advantage, but only if you don't make the mistake of ignoring the
wealth of code out there that is written in other languages.

> > Talk to these guys:
> > they have an interesting take on
> No, actually maybe you should talk to them since you seem to think that
> making Python run fast is dangerous, or at least unnecessary.
> > Python has this unsung module called doctest that neatly shows some of
> > the strengths of python:
> Now I'm *certain* that you're just pulling my leg: You guys document
> all your random ten-line hacks in Wikipedia?!?! What a brilliant idea!
Python is newbie-friendly. Part of that is being accessible.
Doctest is about a novel way of using a feature shared by Lisp, that is
docstrings. Testing is important, usually not done enough, and doctests
are a way to get people to write more tests by making it easier. Does
Lisp have similar?
> Hey, you even have dead vaporware projects like uuu documented in
> Wikipedia! Cool! (Actually, I don't know that doctest is ten lines in
> Python, but it'd be about ten lines of Lisp, if that, so I'm just
> guessing here.)
Does Lisp have a doctest-like module as part of its standard
Or are you saying that  If you ever needed it, then it would be trivial
implement in Lisp, and you would 'roll your own'? There are advantages
doctest being one of Pythons standard modules.

- Paddy.


alternate language

2006-12-10 Thread Bryan
what is a good alternate language to learn? i just want something to expand
my mind and hopefully reduce or delay any chance of alzheimer's. i would
especially like to hear from those of you who learned python _before_ these

haskell, erlang, ocaml, mozart/oz, rebel, etc.

i don't require any of these features, but extra browny points for any of
the following:

interactive interpreter
batteries included
can integrate with c
compiles to native code
can use a gui toolkit such as wx
doesn't take 60 hour weeks over years to master




Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-10 Thread Kaz Kylheku
Paul Rubin wrote:
> "Kaz Kylheku" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Lisp just seems hopelessly old-fashioned to me these days.  A
> > > modernized version would be cool, but I think the more serious
> > > Lisp-like language designers have moved on to newer ideas.
> >
> > What are some of their names, and what ideas are they working on?

Right. What these have in common with Lisp is that they use manifest
typing, whereas Lisp uses latent typing. But after that, they mostly


Re: Automatic debugging of copy by reference errors?

2006-12-10 Thread Carl Banks

Niels L Ellegaard wrote:
> Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> > In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Niels L
> > Ellegaard wrote:
> > > I have been using scipy for some time now, but in the beginning I made
> > > a few mistakes with copying by reference.
> > But "copying by reference" is the way Python works.  Python never copies
> > objects unless you explicitly ask for it.  So what you want is a warning
> > for *every* assignment.
> Maybe I am on the wrong track here, but just to clarify myself:
> I wanted  a each object to know whether or not it was being referred to
> by a living object, and I wanted to warn the user whenever he tried to
> change an object that was being refered to by a living object.

This really wouldn't work, trust us.  Objects do not know who
references them, and are not notified when bound to a symbol or added
to a container.  However, I do think you're right about one thing: it
would be nice to have a tool that can catch errors of this sort, even
if it's imperfect (as it must be).

ISTM the big catch for Fortran programmers is when a mutable container
is referenced from multiple places; thus a change via one reference
will confusingly show up via the other one.  (This, of course, is
something that happens all the time in Python, but it's not something
people writing glue for numerical code need to do a lot.)  Instead of
the interpreter doing it automatically, it might be better (read:
possible) to use an explicit check.  Here is a simple, untested

class DuplicateReference(Exception):

def _visit_container(var,cset):
if id(var) in cset:
raise DuplicateReference("container referenced twice")

def assert_no_duplicate_container_refs(datalist,cset=None):
if cset is None:
cset = set()
for var in data:
if isinstance(var,(list,set)):
elif isinstance(var,dict):

Then, at important points along the way, call this function with data
you provide yourself.  For example, we might modify your example as

import os
firstlines =[0,0]
for filename in os.listdir('.'):
firstlines[0] = open(filename,"r").readlines()[0]
firstlines[1] = open(filename,"r").readlines()[1]
except (IOError, IndexError):
# please don't use bare except unless reraising exception
print output

We passed the function output and firstlines because those are the two
names you defined yourself.  It'll check to see if any containers are
referenced more than once.  And it turns out there are--firstlines is
referenced many times.  It'll raise DuplicateReference on you.

There's plenty of room for improvement in the recipe, for sure.  It'll
catch real basic stuff, but it doesn't account for all containers, and
doesn't show you the loci of the duplicate references.

Now, to be honest, the biggest benefit of this check is it gives
newbies a chance to learn about references some way other than the hard
way.  It's not meant to catch a common mistake, so much as a
potentially very confusing one.  (It's really not a common mistake for
programmers who are aware of references.)  Once the lesson is learned,
this check should be put aside, as it unnecessarily restricts
legitimate use of referencing.

Carl Banks


Re: Newbie Question - Checkboxes

2006-12-10 Thread John Machin

Leanne wrote:
> I have been using Python for only a few months part-time and have
> recently had my first encounter with retrieving user input from
> checkboxes.  I have a problem with the way Python reads the input
> values from a set of checkboxes on a webpage.
> The values assigned to the checkboxes are integers.  I first of all
> check for a key of CHK_CHILDREN to see if any checkboxes have been
> checked.  That works fine.
> I then use a 'for x in CHK_CHILDREN' loop to get all the values from
> the returned list.  This works for most cases except one.  If the user
> only checks 1 checkbox, Python reads a scalar, not a list, and if this
> scalar is a double digit integer (eg 11), then the loop goes through
> each digit and retrieves these values, eg retrieves 1 and then
> retrieves 1 again.

You evidently mean that the scalar you are getting is e.g. "11" and
your loop is returning "1" then "1" again. So there are two
possibilities: a string (either str or unicode) or a list (or some
other sequence).

I'd try this:

if isinstance(returned_value, basestring):
returned_value = [returned_value]
for item in returned_value:



Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-10 Thread Kaz Kylheku
> Well, having read a lot of this thread, I can see one of the
> reasons why the software profession might want to avoid
> lispies.  With advocacy like this, who needs detractors?

And thus your plan for breaking into the software profession is ... to
develop Usenet advocacy skills.

``That guy we just interviewed, I don't know. Perfect score on the C++
test, lots of good architectural knowledge, but he seems to care more
about being correct than convincing people. He'd be fine for now, but
what does that say about his ability when the crunch comes, and he's
called upon to ... advocate?''


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-10 Thread Paul Rubin
"Alex Mizrahi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  PR> I don't see how to implement coroutines with CL macros.  Maybe I'm
>  PR> missing something.
> read the book.

Which book?

> but once you convert it to CPS, you just operate with closures. stack is 
> just a lexical variables caught into closure.
> do you know what does CPS mean at all??

I once understood the basic notion but confess to have never been
clear on the fine points.  However, I don't see how you can do it with
CL closures since CL semantics do not guarantee tail recursion
optimization.  If you code a loop with closures and CPS, you will blow
the stack.

Re: Automatic debugging of copy by reference errors?

2006-12-10 Thread Carl Banks
Russ wrote:
> If a debugger could tell you how many references exist to an object,
> that would be helpful.

import sys

But I doubt it would be very helpful.

Carl Banks


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-10 Thread Kaz Kylheku
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> I'd love to say it has been fun, but it has been more frustrating than
> enjoyable. I don't mind an honest disagreement between people who

Honest disagreement requires parties who are reasonably informed, and
who are willing not to form opinions about things that they have no
experience with.

> So now I have an even better understanding for why Lispers have a reputation 
> for being difficult and
> arrogant.

Whereas, for instance, lecturing a Lisp newsgroup (of all places) in
the following manner isn't arrogant, right?

``Turing Complete. Don't you Lisp developers know anything about
computer science? ''

If that had been intended to be funny, you should have made that more
clear by choosing, say, lambda calculus as the subject.

> But I also gained a little more insight into why Lispers love their
> language. I've learnt that well-written Lisp code isn't as hard to read as
> I remembered, so I'd just like to withdraw a comment I made early in the
> piece.

You /think/ you learned that, but in reality you only read some
/opinions/ that Lisp isn't as hard to read as was maintained by your
previously held opinions. Second-hand opinions are only little better
than spontaneous opinions.  It's, at best, a slightly favorable trade.

> I no longer believe that Lisp is especially strange compared to natural 
> languages.

Natural languages are far less completely understood than any
programming language. Only your own, and perhaps some others in nearby
branches of the language tree do not appear strange to you.


Quake 3 and the Python interpreter

2006-12-10 Thread Neil Toronto
So I've recently had a stroke of insanity, deciding that what the 
open-source Quake III engine *really* needs is a good, healthy dose of 

Here's the quick version: The Q3 engine is split into the engine 
(responsible for rendering, sound, networking, input, and collision 
detection) and the game logic. Currently, the game logic can be loaded 
as a shared object file (usually for development) or this crazy thing 
called a QVM: a bytecode file which is either interpreted or 
JIT-compiled. Using ioquake3 ( as a base, I added Python to 
the list.

Frankly, I'm not amazed at how much easier it is to code game logic in 
Python, but some people might be. :D I'm working on the client game, and 
I'm about 30% done with that part. It looks like it's going to work out 
very well. It's the coolest thing to be able to pull down the console 
and type "/py print" and have it print out your 
current position.

Now that the background is out of the way, I have two questions:

1) Is there a good guide for distributing applications with embedded Python?

I'm planning (so far) on putting in the executable 
directory, along with everything from
/usr/lib/python2.4 that the interpreter complains about not having. 
(I'll try to put them in a zip file - sans - if I possibly 
can.) Is there a nicer way to do this?

2) Is there any way to restrict Python modules from accessing files 
outside of a sandbox?

One of the nice things about Quake 3's QVM files is that they are very, 
very restricted. They have no concept of a standard C library. This 
makes some things rather tricky, but also very secure: if the engine 
doesn't support it, you can't do it. If you download a Quake 3 mod from 
someone, you can be fairly sure it won't hose your system.

In particular, it won't let you access files outside of the game 
directory. Is there a way I can accomplish something similar in an 
embedded Python application? I probably only have to make it secure on 
systems that don't have Python installed.

