[ANN] wxPython

2007-01-21 Thread Robin Dunn


The release of wxPython is now available for download at
http://wxpython.org/download.php.  This release adds a few minor
enhancements and a number of bug fixes designed to further stabalize
the 2.8.x release series.

Source code is available, as well as binaries for both Python 2.4 and
2.5, for Windows and Mac, as well some pacakges for various Linux
distributions.  A summary of changes is listed below and also at

What is wxPython?

wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It
allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly
functional graphical user interface, simply and easily. It is
implemented as a Python extension module that wraps the GUI components
of the popular wxWidgets cross platform library, which is written in

wxPython is a cross-platform toolkit. This means that the same program
will usually run on multiple platforms without modifications.
Currently supported platforms are 32-bit Microsoft Windows, most Linux
or other Unix-like systems using GTK2, and Mac OS X 10.3+, in most
cases the native widgets are used on each platform to provide a 100%
native look and feel for the application.

Changes in

wxMSW: Fix lack of spin control update event when control lost focus

Added a typeId property to the PyEventBinder class that holds the
eventType ID used for that event.  So when you need the eventType
(such as when sending your own instance of standard events) you can
use, for example, wx.EVT_BUTTON.typeId instead of
wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED.   Note that there are a few composite
events, such as EVT_MOUSE and EVT_SCROLL, that will actually bind
multiple event types at once, and in these cases the typeId property
may not give you what you want.  You should use te component events in
these cases.

PyCrust now has an option for showing/hiding the notebook.

wxMSW:  Corrected drawing of bitmaps for disabled menu items.

Enhanced the wx.lib.mixins.inspect module.  In addition to showing a
PyCrust window it is now a widget browser, which provides a tree
loaded up with all the widgets in the app, optionally with the sizers
too, and also a panel displaying the properties of the selected
window.  Run the demo and type Ctrl-Alt-I keystroke (or Cmd-Alt-I on
the Mac) to see how it works.  You can add this to your own apps with
just a few lines of code.

Added wx.SearchCtrl.[Get|Set]DescriptiveText

wxMac: Added support for the wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT style.

wxMac: the popups used for call tips and autocomplete lists in
StyledTextCtrl (such as in PyShell) are now top-level float-on-parent
windows so they are no longer clipped by the bounds of the stc window.

Added EVT_TASKBAR_CLICK and use it to show taskbar icon menu on right
button release, not press, under MSW (bug 1623761)

Added wx.TreeCtrl.CollapseAll[Children]() and IsEmpty() methods

Fix wx.MDIChidFrame.GetPosition() (patch 1626610)

Fix attribute memory leak in wx.grid.Grid::ShowCellEditControl() (patch

wxGTK: Fix for controls on a toolbar being the full height of the
toolbar instead of their natural height.

wx.lib.customtreectrl patches from Andrea Gavana.

wxMac: Applied patch #1622389, fixing two memory leaks in

More fixes for the native wx.ListCtrl on Mac.

Added wx.aui.AuiNotebook.GetAuiManager().

Added wx.aui.AuiMDIParentFrame and wx.aui.AuiMDIChildFrame, which
essentially implement the MDI interface using a normal wx.Frame and a

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org  Java give you jitters?  Relax with wxPython!


Support the Python Software Foundation:

SOAPpy and ArrayOfString

2007-01-21 Thread icius
Hello all,

I am trying to use a web services API with Python and SOAPpy as a
client.  Some of the method paramters in this web service's WSDL are
asking for an ArrayOfString type. Here is my code so far:


from SOAPpy import WSDL

wsdlFile =

server = WSDL.Proxy(wsdlFile)

server.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPOut = 1
server.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPIn = 1

SID = server.login('srvcdesk', '')

contacts = server.doSelect(SID, 'cnt', userid = 'abeju01', 1,
['last_name', 'first_name', 'userid'])

I tried using a simple Python list for the argument that wants
ArrayOfString.  Python generates the following XML for the last
argument of the doSelect command above:

v5 SOAP-ENC:arrayType=xsd:string[3] xsi:type=SOAP-ENC:Array

The web service does not like this at all and returns the following

SOAPpy.Types.faultType: Fault soapenv:Server.userException:
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Bad types (class [Ljava.lang.Object; - class

I know in Perl I had to do some special gyrations to pass the right
structue for ArrayOfString to this same web service.  Is there any way
to force a type in Python or any other ideas on how to do this?


mmap caching

2007-01-21 Thread George Sakkis
I've been trying to track down a memory leak (which I initially
attributed erroneously to numpy) and it turns out to be caused by a
memory mapped file. It seems that mmap caches without limit the chunks
it reads, as the memory usage grows to several hundreds MBs according
to the Windows task manager before it dies with a MemoryError. I'm
positive that these chunks are not referenced anywhere else; in fact if
I change the mmap object to a normal file, memory usage remains
constant. The documentation of mmap doesn't mention anything about
this. Can the caching strategy be modified at the user level ?



Re: A solution to the MSVCRT vs MSVCR71 problem?

2007-01-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina

At Sunday 21/1/2007 00:07, sturlamolden wrote:

Solution to problem 1:

Compile with your compiler or choice, never mind which CRT are used.
Use a 'dumpbin' program, find all references to msvcrt in the binary
DLL file. Create a dll with name py_crt that exports these functions
but redirects them to msvcrt71. That is, in the file py_crt.def we put
something like


Compile the DLL py_crt.dll and then open your pyd file in binary mode.
Exchange all occurances of the string msvcrt (or any other CRT name)
with py_crt. Now your binary should work just fine. What you need to
make sure is just that the name of the proxy has the same number of
letters as the CRT your compiler linked. So if it is msvcrt81.dll, e.g.
use something like py_crt81.dll instead of py_crt.dll.

Solution to problem 2:
[modify external references inside python25.dll to use a different runtime]

This would only work, if runtime dll's were compatibles between them, 
and they are not. You can't blindly redirect a call to msvcr71.__xyz 
to msvcr80.__xyz and expect that to work magically - it may have a 
different number of arguments, or different types, or even may not 
exist anymore.

(And what about any symbol exported by ordinal?)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 


Re: A solution to the MSVCRT vs MSVCR71 problem?

2007-01-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Gabriel Genellina schrieb:
 This would only work, if runtime dll's were compatibles between them,
 and they are not. You can't blindly redirect a call to msvcr71.__xyz to
 msvcr80.__xyz and expect that to work magically - it may have a
 different number of arguments, or different types, or even may not exist

Actually, the libraries *are* binary-compatible (on the ABI level). You
just can't mix two libraries in a single program easily.

 (And what about any symbol exported by ordinal?)

That doesn't happen for msvcrt, as the import library links by name.


***** See my Cam *****

2007-01-21 Thread Eds Daughter


 True Pooper...


Re: A solution to the MSVCRT vs MSVCR71 problem?

2007-01-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
At Sunday 21/1/2007 05:38, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

Gabriel Genellina schrieb:
  This would only work, if runtime dll's were compatibles between them,
  and they are not. You can't blindly redirect a call to msvcr71.__xyz to
  msvcr80.__xyz and expect that to work magically - it may have a
  different number of arguments, or different types, or even may not exist

Actually, the libraries *are* binary-compatible (on the ABI level). You
just can't mix two libraries in a single program easily.

That's a good thing - but is this just by accident, or is documented somewhere?
I remember that I tried something like that in 
the past, and failed. (Perhaps earlier versions 
where not fully backwards compatible - or I didn't try hard enough that time).

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 


Re: Number methods

2007-01-21 Thread Ziga Seilnacht
Nick Maclaren wrote:
 I can't find any description of these.  Most are obvious, but some
 are not.  Note that this is from the point of view of IMPLEMENTING
 them, not USING them.  Specifically:

The Python equivalents of these methods are described in the
reference manual:

More details can be founf in various PEPs:

 Does Python use classic division (nb_divide) and inversion (nb_invert)
 or are they entirely historical?  Note that I can very easily provide
 the latter.

Python uses classic divison by default. True divison is used only when
the division __future__ directive is in effect. See PEP 238 for

The nb_invert method is used for the implementation of the bitwise
inverse unary operator (~). I don't think that it is deprecated. See:
http://docs.python.org/lib/bitstring-ops.html for details.

 Is there any documentation on the coercion function (nb_coerce)?  It
 seems to have unusual properties.

It is used for old style Python classes and extension types that
don't have Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES in their tp_flags. See:
for details.



Re: selective logger disable/enable

2007-01-21 Thread Vinay Sajip
Gary Jefferson wrote:

 Thanks for the reply Vinay.  I had been reading those docs prior to
 posting, but addFilter/removeFilter only work on individual logger
 instances and handlers.  I want to globally enable/disable multiple
 logger instances, based on their namespaces (see the example I
 provided).  I cannot find a way to do this.  I can certainly call
 addFilter on every instance of every logger throughout the source code,
 but this is more than inconvenient -- it breaks when new modules are
 added with their own loggers in their own namespaces (until fixed by
 manually adding addFilter() to those instances).

 e.g., suppose you have a source tree with a several components that do
 network access, and several components that do other things like saving
 state to disk, accessing the filesystem, etc.  And suppose you find a
 bug that you think is in the networking code.  It would be nice to be
 able to GLOBALLY enable just the loggers that belong in the networking
 namespace, and disable all others (similar to how Filters are supposed
 to work for individual loggers).  And then to be able to do this with
 any component, by providing, for example, a command line switch or
 environment variable.  Otherwise, the poor programmer is forced to go
 and edit every module in the source tree to selectively turn on/off
 their respecitve loggers.  Or am I missing something really obvious
 about how this is done with the logging module?

I don't know enough about your target environment and application to
necessarily give you the best advice, but I'll make some general
comments which I hope are useful. You seem to be thinking that loggers
are binary - i.e. you turn them on or off. But they can be controlled
more finely than that; you should be able to get the effect that you
want by using the different logging levels available judiciously, as
well as using the fact that loggers inhabit a named hierarchy. Note
that loggers, by default, inherit the level of the first ancestor
logger which has an explicitly set level (by ancestor, I mean in the
name hierarchy). The root logger's default level is WARNING, so by
default all loggers will work at this level. [N.B. You can also set
levels for individual handlers, e.g. to ensure that only CRITICAL
conditions are emailed to a specified email address using SMTPHandler,
or that ERROR conditions and above are written to file but not to

So, for your networking scenario, let's suppose you do the following:
Have all network loggers live in the hierarchy namespace below
network (e.g. network, network.tcp, network.http etc.). By
default, all of these will only log events of severity WARNING and
above. Also, suppose you log events in your application code, which are
sometimes but not always of interest, at level DEBUG or level INFO.
Then, these events will never show up in the logging output, since they
are below WARNING in severity. Subsequently, if you want to turn on
logging verbosity for the network code only, you can arrange, via a
command-line switch or environment variable or configuration file, to


whereupon you will start seeing events from the networking code at
severity DEBUG and INFO. This will affect all loggers in the network
hierarchy whose levels you have not explicitly set (so that they will
get the effective level of the first ancestor which has a level
explicitly set - the logger named network).

If all you are interested in is turning on verbosity based on different
event severities (levels), you should not need to use or set Filters.
Filters are for use only when levels don't meet your use case

Best regards,

Vinay Sajip


Is any python like linux shell?

2007-01-21 Thread Frank Potter
I learned some python in windows.
And now I've turned to linux.
I read a book and it teaches how to write shell script with bash,
but I don't feel like the grammar of bash.
Since I know about python,
I want to get a linux shell which use python grammar.
I searched by google and I found pysh, which is not maintained any
There's another script named pyshell, which is not likely what I'm
searching for.
So, will somebody please tell me if there are any python like shells
for linux?


Re: Is any python like linux shell?

2007-01-21 Thread George Sakkis
Frank Potter wrote:

 I learned some python in windows.
 And now I've turned to linux.
 I read a book and it teaches how to write shell script with bash,
 but I don't feel like the grammar of bash.
 Since I know about python,
 I want to get a linux shell which use python grammar.
 I searched by google and I found pysh, which is not maintained any
 There's another script named pyshell, which is not likely what I'm
 searching for.
 So, will somebody please tell me if there are any python like shells
 for linux?

IPython is actually more than a simple shell. Give it a try:



Re: A solution to the MSVCRT vs MSVCR71 problem?

2007-01-21 Thread sturlamolden

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

 This would only work, if runtime dll's were compatibles between them,
 and they are not. 

It is standard C, defined by ANSI and ISO.


Re: A solution to the MSVCRT vs MSVCR71 problem?

2007-01-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Gabriel Genellina schrieb:
 That's a good thing - but is this just by accident, or is documented

It's documented somewhere (although I can't find the documentation
right now - it explains how you can link object files from a static
library compiled with an older compiler version against a new version
of the C library).

 I remember that I tried something like that in the past, and failed.
 (Perhaps earlier versions where not fully backwards compatible - or I
 didn't try hard enough that time).

It's been that way for ages, atleast since they started to support
32-bit code. So if you had problems, they might have had a different

It's a different thing for the C++ libraries, though.


Re: A solution to the MSVCRT vs MSVCR71 problem?

2007-01-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
sturlamolden schrieb:
 This would only work, if runtime dll's were compatibles between them,
 and they are not. 
 It is standard C, defined by ANSI and ISO.

ANSI and ISO don't define the ABI, though. For example, the definition
of the FILE type might (and does) vary across compilers, even if all
these compilers implement C99.


Re: mmap caching

2007-01-21 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've been trying to track down a memory leak (which I initially
  attributed erroneously to numpy) and it turns out to be caused by a
  memory mapped file. It seems that mmap caches without limit the chunks
  it reads, as the memory usage grows to several hundreds MBs according
  to the Windows task manager before it dies with a MemoryError. I'm
  positive that these chunks are not referenced anywhere else; in fact if
  I change the mmap object to a normal file, memory usage remains
  constant. The documentation of mmap doesn't mention anything about
  this. Can the caching strategy be modified at the user level ?

I'm not familiar with mmap() on windows, but assuming it works the
same way as unix...

The point of mmap() is to map files into memory.  It is completely up
to the OS to bring pages into memory for you to read / write to, and
completely up to the OS to get rid of them again.

What you would expect is that the file is demand paged into memory as
you access bits of it.  These pages will remain in memory until the OS
feels some memory pressure when the pages will be written out if dirty
and then dropped.

The OS will try to keep hold of pages as long as possible just in case
you need them again.  The pages dropped should be the least recently
used pages.

I wouldn't have expected a MemoryError though...

Did you do mmap.flush() after writing?

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick

Python Windows Editors

2007-01-21 Thread W. Watson
I downloaded python-2.5.msi and installed it. I believe its editor is IDE. I 
understand there's a Win editor called pythonwin. I believe it's in the 
download pywin32-210.win32-py2.5.exe, but I'm not sure if this exe file has 
just the editor or all of Python. Comments? If not how do I get the 
PythonWin editor by itself?

BTW, one of the features I did not like of IDE is the limited file Print 
command. It puts everything in 16pt type, and gives no choice over what 
pages should be printed. Maybe there's an option?

  Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Two laws Newton and Einstein didn't discover:
  1. Time is money.
  2. Matter will be damaged in direct proportion
 to its value.
 Web Page: home.earthlink.net/~mtnviews

Beginners Tutorial in PDF Format?

2007-01-21 Thread W. Watson
I'd like to print a tutorial in one fell swoop, but it seems most on the 
various sites are page by page embedded descriptions in the page. Any 
available as a pdf?

  Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Two laws Newton and Einstein didn't discover:
  1. Time is money.
  2. Matter will be damaged in direct proportion
 to its value.
 Web Page: home.earthlink.net/~mtnviews

Accessing class variables in staticmethods.

2007-01-21 Thread Ramashish Baranwal

I want to access a static variable in a staticmethod. The variable can
be redefined by derived classes and that should be reflected in base's
staticmethod. Consider this trivial example-

class Base:
staticvar = 'Base'

def printname():
# this doesn't work
# print staticvar
# this does work but derived classes wouldn't behave as I want
print Base.staticvar

class Derived(Base):
staticvar = 'Derived'

Base.printname() # should print 'Base'
Derived.printname() # should print 'Derived'

Any idea on how to go about this? Also from a staticmethod how can I
find out other attributes of the class (not objects)? Do static methods
get some classinfo via some implicit argument(s)?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Accessing class variables in staticmethods.

2007-01-21 Thread Sam
On 21 Jan 2007 12:49:17 -0800, Ramashish Baranwal
 class Base:
 staticvar = 'Base'

 def printname():
 # this doesn't work
 # print staticvar
 # this does work but derived classes wouldn't behave as I want
 print Base.staticvar

 class Derived(Base):
 staticvar = 'Derived'

 Base.printname() # should print 'Base'
 Derived.printname() # should print 'Derived'

 Any idea on how to go about this? Also from a staticmethod how can I
 find out other attributes of the class (not objects)? Do static methods
 get some classinfo via some implicit argument(s)?

No, staticmethods get told nothing about the class they're being
defined in. What you want is a classmethod, which gets passed the
class to work with.

Using classmethods, your code becomes:

#untested, bear in mind
class Base:
staticvar = 'Base'

def printname(cls):
print cls.staticvar

class Derived(Base):
staticvar = 'Derived'

Base.printname() #prints 'Base'
Derived.printname() #prints 'Derived'

Incidentally, you can also use cls.__name__ for this purpose, but I
guess that your actual motivation for this is more complicated than
class names.

Re: mmap caching

2007-01-21 Thread George Sakkis
Nick Craig-Wood wrote:

 George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've been trying to track down a memory leak (which I initially
   attributed erroneously to numpy) and it turns out to be caused by a
   memory mapped file. It seems that mmap caches without limit the chunks
   it reads, as the memory usage grows to several hundreds MBs according
   to the Windows task manager before it dies with a MemoryError. I'm
   positive that these chunks are not referenced anywhere else; in fact if
   I change the mmap object to a normal file, memory usage remains
   constant. The documentation of mmap doesn't mention anything about
   this. Can the caching strategy be modified at the user level ?

 I'm not familiar with mmap() on windows, but assuming it works the
 same way as unix...

 The point of mmap() is to map files into memory.  It is completely up
 to the OS to bring pages into memory for you to read / write to, and
 completely up to the OS to get rid of them again.

 What you would expect is that the file is demand paged into memory as
 you access bits of it.  These pages will remain in memory until the OS
 feels some memory pressure when the pages will be written out if dirty
 and then dropped.

 The OS will try to keep hold of pages as long as possible just in case
 you need them again.  The pages dropped should be the least recently
 used pages.

 I wouldn't have expected a MemoryError though...

 Did you do mmap.flush() after writing?

The file is written once and then opened as read-only, there's no
flushing. So if caching is completely up to the OS, I take it that my
options are either (1) modify my algorithms so that they work in
fixed-size batches instead of arbitrarily long sequences or (2)
implement my own memory-mapping scheme to fit my algorithms. I guess
(1) would be the less trouble overall, or is there a way to give a hint
to the OS on how large cache can it use ?



Re: Beginners Tutorial in PDF Format?

2007-01-21 Thread Robert Hicks

W. Watson wrote:
 I'd like to print a tutorial in one fell swoop, but it seems most on the
 various sites are page by page embedded descriptions in the page. Any
 available as a pdf?

   Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
   (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

 Two laws Newton and Einstein didn't discover:
   1. Time is money.
   2. Matter will be damaged in direct proportion
  to its value.
  Web Page: home.earthlink.net/~mtnviews






Re: mmap caching

2007-01-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
George Sakkis schrieb:
 I've been trying to track down a memory leak (which I initially
 attributed erroneously to numpy) and it turns out to be caused by a
 memory mapped file. It seems that mmap caches without limit the chunks
 it reads, as the memory usage grows to several hundreds MBs according
 to the Windows task manager before it dies with a MemoryError.

You must be misinterpreting what you are seeing. It's the operating
system that decides what part of a memory-mapped file are held in
memory, and that is certainly not without limits.

Notice that there are several values that can be called memory
usage (such as the size of the committed address space, the working
set size, etc); you don't mention which of these values grows several
hundreds MB.


Re: Python Windows Editors

2007-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

W. Watson wrote:
 I downloaded python-2.5.msi and installed it. I believe its editor is IDE. I
 understand there's a Win editor called pythonwin. I believe it's in the
 download pywin32-210.win32-py2.5.exe, but I'm not sure if this exe file has
 just the editor or all of Python. Comments? If not how do I get the
 PythonWin editor by itself?

 BTW, one of the features I did not like of IDE is the limited file Print
 command. It puts everything in 16pt type, and gives no choice over what
 pages should be printed. Maybe there's an option?

Print your files from Notepad, after all, they're just text files.
But IDLE has more usefull Formatting options.

   Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
   (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

 Two laws Newton and Einstein didn't discover:
   1. Time is money.
   2. Matter will be damaged in direct proportion
  to its value.
  Web Page: home.earthlink.net/~mtnviews


Re: SOAPpy and ArrayOfString

2007-01-21 Thread icius
Figured it out.  This works:


import SOAPpy

wsdlFile =

server = SOAPpy.WSDL.Proxy(wsdlFile)

server.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPOut = 1
server.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPIn = 1

SID = server.login('srvcdesk', 'x')

attr = SOAPpy.structType()
attr._addItem('string', 'userid')
attr._addItem('string', 'last_name')
attr._addItem('string', 'first_name')

contacts = server.doSelect(SID, 'cnt', userid = 'srvcdesk', 1, attr)

print contacts


The XML generated is very similar, but my web service seems to like
this for some reason...weird.

icius wrote:
 Hello all,

 I am trying to use a web services API with Python and SOAPpy as a
 client.  Some of the method paramters in this web service's WSDL are
 asking for an ArrayOfString type. Here is my code so far:


 from SOAPpy import WSDL

 wsdlFile =

 server = WSDL.Proxy(wsdlFile)

 server.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPOut = 1
 server.soapproxy.config.dumpSOAPIn = 1

 SID = server.login('srvcdesk', '')

 contacts = server.doSelect(SID, 'cnt', userid = 'abeju01', 1,
 ['last_name', 'first_name', 'userid'])

 I tried using a simple Python list for the argument that wants
 ArrayOfString.  Python generates the following XML for the last
 argument of the doSelect command above:

 v5 SOAP-ENC:arrayType=xsd:string[3] xsi:type=SOAP-ENC:Array

 The web service does not like this at all and returns the following

 SOAPpy.Types.faultType: Fault soapenv:Server.userException:
 org.xml.sax.SAXException: Bad types (class [Ljava.lang.Object; - class

 I know in Perl I had to do some special gyrations to pass the right
 structue for ArrayOfString to this same web service.  Is there any way
 to force a type in Python or any other ideas on how to do this?


Reading Fortran Data

2007-01-21 Thread Tyler
Hello All:

After trying to find an open source alternative to Matlab (or IDL), I
am currently getting acquainted with Python and, in particular SciPy,
NumPy, and Matplotlib. While I await the delivery of Travis Oliphant's
NumPy manual, I have a quick question (hopefully) regarding how to read
in Fortran written data.

The data files are not binary, but ASCII text files with no formatting
and mixed data types (strings, integers, floats). For example, I have
the following write statements in my Fortran code:

I write the files as such:
  WRITE(90,'(A30)') fgeo_name
  WRITE(90,'(A30)') fmed_name
  WRITE(90,*) nfault,npoint
  WRITE(90,*) (xpt(n), n=1,npoint)
  WRITE(90,*) (ypt(n), n=1,npoint)


  WRITE(10,'(A30)') fname
  DO i=1,nfault
 WRITE(10,*) dbn(i),dtn(i),xfwnt(i),yfwnt(i),xfent(i),yfent(i),

I then respectively read them into Fortran as:
  READ(70,'(A30)') fgeo_name
  READ(70,'(A30)') fmed_name
  READ(70,*) nfault,npoint
  READ(70,*) (x(n), n=1,npoint)
  READ(70,*) (y(n), n=1,npoint)


  READ(20,'(A30)') fname
  DO i=1,nfault
 READ(20,*) dbn(i),dtn(i),xfwnt(i),yfwnt(i),xfent(i),yfent(i),

I also read them into IDL for visualization using the READF command.
I was wondering how I might go about reading this into Python using
NumPy. If this is not trivial, let me know and I'll just wait until the
NumPy manual arrives.





2007-01-21 Thread Gert Cuykens
import MySQLdb

class Db:


def __init__(self,server,user,password,database):
self._db=MySQLdb.connect(server , user , password , database)

def excecute(self,cmd):

def rowcount(self):
return int(self._cursor.rowcount)

def fetchone(self):
return self._cursor.fetchone()

def close(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
gert.excecute('select * from person')
for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
print gert.fetchone()

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python ./Desktop/svn/db/Py/db.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./Desktop/svn/db/Py/db.py, line 35, in module
for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
TypeError: range() integer end argument expected, got instancemethod.

Can anybody explain what i must do in order to get integer instead of
a instance ?

Re: pyparsing Combine without merging sub-expressions

2007-01-21 Thread Paul McGuire

Steven Bethard wrote:
 Within a larger pyparsing grammar, I have something that looks like::


 When parsing this, I'd like to keep around both the full string, and the
 AAA_ substring of it, so I'd like something like::

  (['wsj/00/wsj_0003.mrg', 'wsj_0003'], {})

 How do I go about this? I was using something like::

   digits = pp.Word(pp.nums)
   alphas = pp.Word(pp.alphas)
   wsj_name = pp.Combine(alphas + '_' + digits)
   wsj_path = pp.Combine(alphas + '/' + digits + '/' + wsj_name +
  ... '.mrg')

 But of course then all I get back is the full path::

  (['wsj/00/wsj_0003.mrg'], {})

The tokens are what the tokens are, so if you want to replicate a
sub-field, then you'll need a parse action to insert it into the
returned tokens.  BUT, if all you want is to be able to easily *access*
that sub-field, then why not give it a results name?  Like this:

wsj_name = pp.Combine(alphas + '_' + digits).setResultsName(name)

Leave everything else the same, but now you can access the name field
independently from the rest of the combined tokens.

result = wsj_path.parseString('wsj/00/wsj_0003.mrg')
print result.dump()
print result.name
print result.asList()

-- Paul


Re: Python Windows Editors

2007-01-21 Thread Ant
The pywin32 extension does not contain the python runtime itself, but
comes with many (very useful) classes you can use when interacting with
the windows universe. The editor is based on a component called
scintilla (http://www.scintilla.org/). The referenced site also offers
an editor SciTE based around the component, which comes with some nice
features and syntax files for a number of languages.

If you are going to make use of python on the windows platform, I would
highly recommend the pywin32 extension.



W. Watson wrote:
 I downloaded python-2.5.msi and installed it. I believe its editor is IDE. I
 understand there's a Win editor called pythonwin. I believe it's in the
 download pywin32-210.win32-py2.5.exe, but I'm not sure if this exe file has
 just the editor or all of Python. Comments? If not how do I get the
 PythonWin editor by itself?

 BTW, one of the features I did not like of IDE is the limited file Print
 command. It puts everything in 16pt type, and gives no choice over what
 pages should be printed. Maybe there's an option?

   Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
   (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

 Two laws Newton and Einstein didn't discover:
   1. Time is money.
   2. Matter will be damaged in direct proportion
  to its value.
  Web Page: home.earthlink.net/~mtnviews


Re: instancemethod

2007-01-21 Thread Nanjundi

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 gert.excecute('select * from person')
 for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
 print gert.fetchone()

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python ./Desktop/svn/db/Py/db.py
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./Desktop/svn/db/Py/db.py, line 35, in module
 for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
 TypeError: range() integer end argument expected, got instancemethod.

 Can anybody explain what i must do in order to get integer instead of
 a instance ?

 for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
gert.rowcount is the method (and not a data attribute).
gert.rowcount() is the method call, which get the return value from

So try this.
for x in range( 0,gert.rowcount() ):



Re: instancemethod

2007-01-21 Thread Gert Cuykens
On 21 Jan 2007 14:35:19 -0800, Nanjundi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if __name__ == '__main__':
  gert.excecute('select * from person')
  for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
  print gert.fetchone()
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python ./Desktop/svn/db/Py/db.py
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File ./Desktop/svn/db/Py/db.py, line 35, in module
  for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
  TypeError: range() integer end argument expected, got instancemethod.
  Can anybody explain what i must do in order to get integer instead of
  a instance ?

  for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
 gert.rowcount is the method (and not a data attribute).
 gert.rowcount() is the method call, which get the return value from

 So try this.
 for x in range( 0,gert.rowcount() ):

Doh! :)


Re: Reading Fortran Data

2007-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't know if this is helpfull or not but (or for that matter
current).  http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/ offers some suggestions
and it looks like you can use it with c code also.

Tyler wrote:
 Hello All:

 After trying to find an open source alternative to Matlab (or IDL), I
 am currently getting acquainted with Python and, in particular SciPy,
 NumPy, and Matplotlib. While I await the delivery of Travis Oliphant's
 NumPy manual, I have a quick question (hopefully) regarding how to read
 in Fortran written data.

 The data files are not binary, but ASCII text files with no formatting
 and mixed data types (strings, integers, floats). For example, I have
 the following write statements in my Fortran code:

 I write the files as such:
   WRITE(90,'(A30)') fgeo_name
   WRITE(90,'(A30)') fmed_name
   WRITE(90,*) nfault,npoint
   WRITE(90,*) (xpt(n), n=1,npoint)
   WRITE(90,*) (ypt(n), n=1,npoint)


   WRITE(10,'(A30)') fname
   DO i=1,nfault
  WRITE(10,*) dbn(i),dtn(i),xfwnt(i),yfwnt(i),xfent(i),yfent(i),

 I then respectively read them into Fortran as:
   READ(70,'(A30)') fgeo_name
   READ(70,'(A30)') fmed_name
   READ(70,*) nfault,npoint
   READ(70,*) (x(n), n=1,npoint)
   READ(70,*) (y(n), n=1,npoint)


   READ(20,'(A30)') fname
   DO i=1,nfault
  READ(20,*) dbn(i),dtn(i),xfwnt(i),yfwnt(i),xfent(i),yfent(i),

 I also read them into IDL for visualization using the READF command.
 I was wondering how I might go about reading this into Python using
 NumPy. If this is not trivial, let me know and I'll just wait until the
 NumPy manual arrives.


Re: Py 2.5 on Language Shootout

2007-01-21 Thread Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
On 20 Jan 2007 14:19:12 -0800, Isaac Gouy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ramon Diaz-Uriarte wrote:
  On 20 Jan 2007 11:34:46 -0800, Isaac Gouy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   And that's why the existence of CINT is such a stark reminder of the
   separation between the language and the implementation. When people
   think of C what do they think of - gcc? tiny-c? intel c? microsoft c?
   some mythical C implementation?
  Really, this ain't my war. Sure, there are two things: the language
  and the implementation. But, for practical purposes, when most people
  today say Python they mean CPython, whereas if the say Scheme, they
  certainly need to say _which_ Scheme (I think only PLT is in the
  official shootout page; there are others in the beta tests). If people
  want to mean Jython or Stackless, they just say that. As for C, I
  think people will need to qualify what exactly they mean.
  I think all these issues do not really lead to confusion for most of
  us; certainly not if you go to the shootout page. But as I said, this
  ain't my war. I was simply pointing out that correcting one poster for
  talking about languages when referring to python was hair splitting.
  And I think we are all running in circles, because I guess we all
  agree. This is turning into what in Spain (a country of catholic
  tradition) we call a discussion about the sex of the angels (el sexo
  de los angeles), i.e., whether angels are male or female or something
  else. Since sexing angels is not my area of expertise, I'll just shut
  up (I actually don't really know why I even said anything about this
  issue; please, forgive my chatiness).

 In England the corresponding expression is Counting Angels on a

Thanks, that is neat. I find the discussion on the sex of the angels,
well, sexier. But we are probably a few hundred years late to start a
catholic-protestant religious war here :-).


I think readers understood the previous poster.


 Carl Friedrich Bolz


Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
Statistical Computing Team
Structural Biology and Biocomputing Programme
Spanish National Cancer Centre (CNIO)
  Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
  Statistical Computing Team
  Structural Biology and Biocomputing Programme
  Spanish National Cancer Centre (CNIO)


Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
Statistical Computing Team
Structural Biology and Biocomputing Programme
Spanish National Cancer Centre (CNIO)

Re: Python Windows Editors

2007-01-21 Thread laurent rahuel

I guess you could take a look at pydev extension for eclipse and if you 
wan't an almost straight forward installation, you should consider this 
link :



W. Watson a écrit :
 I downloaded python-2.5.msi and installed it. I believe its editor is 
 IDE. I understand there's a Win editor called pythonwin. I believe it's 
 in the download pywin32-210.win32-py2.5.exe, but I'm not sure if this 
 exe file has just the editor or all of Python. Comments? If not how do I 
 get the PythonWin editor by itself?
 BTW, one of the features I did not like of IDE is the limited file Print 
 command. It puts everything in 16pt type, and gives no choice over what 
 pages should be printed. Maybe there's an option?
  Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet
Two laws Newton and Einstein didn't discover:
  1. Time is money.
  2. Matter will be damaged in direct proportion
 to its value.

Re: Reading Fortran Data

2007-01-21 Thread Robert Kern
 I don't know if this is helpfull or not but (or for that matter
 current).  http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/ offers some suggestions
 and it looks like you can use it with c code also.

f2py has been folded into numpy.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: mmap caching

2007-01-21 Thread George Sakkis
Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 George Sakkis schrieb:
  I've been trying to track down a memory leak (which I initially
  attributed erroneously to numpy) and it turns out to be caused by a
  memory mapped file. It seems that mmap caches without limit the chunks
  it reads, as the memory usage grows to several hundreds MBs according
  to the Windows task manager before it dies with a MemoryError.

 You must be misinterpreting what you are seeing. It's the operating
 system that decides what part of a memory-mapped file are held in
 memory, and that is certainly not without limits.

Sure; what I meant was that that whatever the limit is, it's high
enough that a MemoryError is raised before the limit is reached.

 Notice that there are several values that can be called memory
 usage (such as the size of the committed address space, the working
 set size, etc); you don't mention which of these values grows several
 hundreds MB.

It's the one in the 'Processes' tab of the Windows task manager (XP
proffesional). By the way, I ran the same program on a box with more
physical memory and the mem. usage stops growing at around 430MB, by
which time the whole file is most likely cached. I'd be interested in
any suggestions other than buy more RAM :) (these are not my machines



Re: Reading Fortran Data

2007-01-21 Thread Robert Kern
Tyler wrote:
 Hello All:
 After trying to find an open source alternative to Matlab (or IDL), I
 am currently getting acquainted with Python and, in particular SciPy,
 NumPy, and Matplotlib. While I await the delivery of Travis Oliphant's
 NumPy manual, I have a quick question (hopefully) regarding how to read
 in Fortran written data.
 The data files are not binary, but ASCII text files with no formatting
 and mixed data types (strings, integers, floats). For example, I have
 the following write statements in my Fortran code:

Konrad Hinsen has a module for reading this kind of file.


Specifically, Scientific.IO.FortranFormat .

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


[ANN] wxPython

2007-01-21 Thread Robin Dunn


The release of wxPython is now available for download at
http://wxpython.org/download.php.  This release adds a few minor
enhancements and a number of bug fixes designed to further stabalize
the 2.8.x release series.

Source code is available, as well as binaries for both Python 2.4 and
2.5, for Windows and Mac, as well some pacakges for various Linux
distributions.  A summary of changes is listed below and also at

What is wxPython?

wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It
allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly
functional graphical user interface, simply and easily. It is
implemented as a Python extension module that wraps the GUI components
of the popular wxWidgets cross platform library, which is written in

wxPython is a cross-platform toolkit. This means that the same program
will usually run on multiple platforms without modifications.
Currently supported platforms are 32-bit Microsoft Windows, most Linux
or other Unix-like systems using GTK2, and Mac OS X 10.3+, in most
cases the native widgets are used on each platform to provide a 100%
native look and feel for the application.

Changes in

wxMSW: Fix lack of spin control update event when control lost focus

Added a typeId property to the PyEventBinder class that holds the
eventType ID used for that event.  So when you need the eventType
(such as when sending your own instance of standard events) you can
use, for example, wx.EVT_BUTTON.typeId instead of
wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED.   Note that there are a few composite
events, such as EVT_MOUSE and EVT_SCROLL, that will actually bind
multiple event types at once, and in these cases the typeId property
may not give you what you want.  You should use te component events in
these cases.

PyCrust now has an option for showing/hiding the notebook.

wxMSW:  Corrected drawing of bitmaps for disabled menu items.

Enhanced the wx.lib.mixins.inspect module.  In addition to showing a
PyCrust window it is now a widget browser, which provides a tree
loaded up with all the widgets in the app, optionally with the sizers
too, and also a panel displaying the properties of the selected
window.  Run the demo and type Ctrl-Alt-I keystroke (or Cmd-Alt-I on
the Mac) to see how it works.  You can add this to your own apps with
just a few lines of code.

Added wx.SearchCtrl.[Get|Set]DescriptiveText

wxMac: Added support for the wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT style.

wxMac: the popups used for call tips and autocomplete lists in
StyledTextCtrl (such as in PyShell) are now top-level float-on-parent
windows so they are no longer clipped by the bounds of the stc window.

Added EVT_TASKBAR_CLICK and use it to show taskbar icon menu on right
button release, not press, under MSW (bug 1623761)

Added wx.TreeCtrl.CollapseAll[Children]() and IsEmpty() methods

Fix wx.MDIChidFrame.GetPosition() (patch 1626610)

Fix attribute memory leak in wx.grid.Grid::ShowCellEditControl() (patch

wxGTK: Fix for controls on a toolbar being the full height of the
toolbar instead of their natural height.

wx.lib.customtreectrl patches from Andrea Gavana.

wxMac: Applied patch #1622389, fixing two memory leaks in

More fixes for the native wx.ListCtrl on Mac.

Added wx.aui.AuiNotebook.GetAuiManager().

Added wx.aui.AuiMDIParentFrame and wx.aui.AuiMDIChildFrame, which
essentially implement the MDI interface using a normal wx.Frame and a

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org  Java give you jitters?  Relax with wxPython!


Re: Python Windows Editors

2007-01-21 Thread Stef Mientki
W. Watson wrote:
 I downloaded python-2.5.msi and installed it. I believe its editor is 
 IDE. I understand there's a Win editor called pythonwin. I believe it's 
 in the download pywin32-210.win32-py2.5.exe, but I'm not sure if this 
 exe file has just the editor or all of Python. Comments? If not how do I 
 get the PythonWin editor by itself?
 BTW, one of the features I did not like of IDE is the limited file Print 
 command. It puts everything in 16pt type, and gives no choice over what 
 pages should be printed. Maybe there's an option?
  Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet
Two laws Newton and Einstein didn't discover:
  1. Time is money.
  2. Matter will be damaged in direct proportion
 to its value.
there a too many (good) IDE's for Python ;-)
maybe we should give them a ranking,
I tried 2 of them, and only was stable enough:  PyScripter

Stef Mientki

Re: mmap caching

2007-01-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
George Sakkis schrieb:
 You must be misinterpreting what you are seeing. It's the operating
 system that decides what part of a memory-mapped file are held in
 memory, and that is certainly not without limits.
 Sure; what I meant was that that whatever the limit is, it's high
 enough that a MemoryError is raised before the limit is reached.

The operating system will absolutely, definitely, certainly release
any cached data it can purge before reporting it is out of memory.

So if you get a MemoryError, it is *not* because the operating system
has cached too much data.

In fact, memory that is read in because of mmap should *never* cause
a MemoryError. Python calls MapViewOfFile when mmap.mmap is invoked,
at which point the operating commits to providing that much address
space to the application, along with backing storage on disk
(typically, from the file being mapped, unless it is an anonymous
map). Later access to the mapped range cannot fail (except for
hardware errors), and if it would, you wouldn't see a MemoryError.

 It's the one in the 'Processes' tab of the Windows task manager (XP
 proffesional). By the way, I ran the same program on a box with more
 physical memory and the mem. usage stops growing at around 430MB, by
 which time the whole file is most likely cached. I'd be interested in
 any suggestions other than buy more RAM :) (these are not my machines

As a starting point, try understanding better what is really happening.
Turn on Virtual Memory Size in View/Select Columns also, and perhaps
a few additional counters as well. Also take a look at the Commit
Charge, which takes into account swap file usage as well. Try
increasing the size of the swap file.


Re: PyMeld for html templates?

2007-01-21 Thread Sean Schertell
Thanks Richie! That's exactly the reply I was hoping for.



On Jan 20, 2007, at 9:50 PM, Richie Hindle wrote:

 Hi Sean,

 Thanks Richie -- but actually, what I had in mind was slightly
 different. I want for my CONTENT pages to only contain the content.
 So to modify your example:

 LAYOUT = htmlheadtitle id='title'The Title/title/head
 bodydiv id='info'The page information goes here./div
 p id='footerCopyright Me 2007./p/body/html

 INFO = div id='info'pHere is the info, which would in the real
 be read from a file./p/div

 Can I do this just as easily?

 Yes, of course, just the same way:

 from PyMeld import Meld

 LAYOUT = htmlheadtitle id='title'The Title/title/head
 bodydiv id='info'The page information goes here./div
 p id='footerCopyright Me 2007./p/body/html

 INFO = div id='info'pHere is the info, which would in the real
 world be read from a file./p/div

 page = Meld(LAYOUT)
 info = Meld(INFO)
 page.info = info.info._content
 print page

 There's nothing that says a Meld has to be a complete HTML document.

 One other unrelated question... Let's say I have a table with a
 template row with id=myRow. I want to use PyMeld to clone that row
 n number of times (depending on database results). So here's my
 stoopid question: Does that mean that my XHTML will contain n rows
 all with the same id=myRow thereby making my XHTML invalid?

 Yes, it does, but you can simply delete the 'id' attributes from  
 the rows,
 with `del row.id`, before adding them back into the document.

 Richie Hindle


Re: Reading Fortran Data

2007-01-21 Thread Beliavsky
Tyler wrote:
 Hello All:

 After trying to find an open source alternative to Matlab (or IDL), I
 am currently getting acquainted with Python and, in particular SciPy,
 NumPy, and Matplotlib. While I await the delivery of Travis Oliphant's
 NumPy manual, I have a quick question (hopefully) regarding how to read
 in Fortran written data.

 The data files are not binary, but ASCII text files with no formatting
 and mixed data types (strings, integers, floats). For example, I have
 the following write statements in my Fortran code:

In plain Python, you can read each line in to a string, break the
string into words using split, and then convert the words into
variables of the desired types. If you are new to Python, this is an
important idiom to learn. I don't know if NumPy has  facilities to do
this more easily.

 I write the files as such:
   WRITE(90,'(A30)') fgeo_name
   WRITE(90,'(A30)') fmed_name

Let me comment on the Fortran code. For the following lines using
list-directed output, the compiler has considerable freedom in how it
writes the output. I guess you expect the integers nfault and npoint to
be written on one line and the vectors xpt and ypt to each be written
on separate lines. The compiler could print each number on a separate
line and be standard-conforming. This does not matter if you are going
to use a Fortran list-directed read to read the file, but it will
matter if you are using other languages. I suggest that you use format
strings to get more control over the ouptput format before you think
about reading the output files in Python. Otherwise you will be trying
to hit a moving target.



Re: Reading Fortran Data

2007-01-21 Thread Carl Banks
Tyler wrote:
 Hello All:

 After trying to find an open source alternative to Matlab (or IDL), I
 am currently getting acquainted with Python and, in particular SciPy,
 NumPy, and Matplotlib. While I await the delivery of Travis Oliphant's
 NumPy manual, I have a quick question (hopefully) regarding how to read
 in Fortran written data.

I think you made a good choice, if for no other reason than the fact
that Python and numpy absolutely rock when it comes to interfacing with
Fortran (and any C code that can be called by Fortran).  I suggest
having a look at pyfort and/or f2py to see if they can be useful to
you.  If your data files are temporary (that is, they only exist to
pass data from one program to another), you might not even need them.

For completeness, I'll answer how to write as well as read Fortran
data.  It turns out that all of this can be done without numpy, but
there is one very convenient numpy function.

 The data files are not binary, but ASCII text files with no formatting
 and mixed data types (strings, integers, floats). For example, I have
 the following write statements in my Fortran code:

 I write the files as such:
   WRITE(90,'(A30)') fgeo_name
   WRITE(90,'(A30)') fmed_name

Fortran pads it's output when using a width field.  A good way to do
this in Python is to use string formating with a given width.  If
fgeo_name is a Python string, they you'd write something like this:

f.write(%-30s\n % fgeo_name)

The negeative sign is to pad the name on the left, which is how Fortran
does it (by default, Python string formatting pads on the right).  You
could also use the .ljust method of string objects:

f.write(fgeo_name.ljust(30) + \n)

Don't forget the newline on the end.

   WRITE(90,*) nfault,npoint

Fortran writes this as two arbitrary integers separated by a space.  To
do this in Python, use string formating.  This also adds a space to the
beginning as most Fortran implementations seem to do.

f.write( %d %d\n % (nfault,npoint))

   WRITE(90,*) (xpt(n), n=1,npoint)
   WRITE(90,*) (ypt(n), n=1,npoint)

Now, an array.  I think you'd be safest writing one value per line.
You would do that like this:

for x in xpt:
f.write( %#g\n % x)

The # sign is there to force the number to be formatted with a decimal
point.  You'll probably want to tweak the format string in other ways
(to specify a precision, for instance).


   WRITE(10,'(A30)') fname
   DO i=1,nfault
  WRITE(10,*) dbn(i),dtn(i),xfwnt(i),yfwnt(i),xfent(i),yfent(i),

I'd write this as one number per line.

f.write(%-30s\n % fname)
for i in range(nfault):
f.write( %#g\n % dbn[i])
f.write( %#g\n % dtn[i])
# and so on

If you know Python well, there are more Pythonic ways to do this, but
this is straightforward and works well enough.  Now for the reading

 I then respectively read them into Fortran as:
   READ(70,'(A30)') fgeo_name
   READ(70,'(A30)') fmed_name

Once you've opened a file, then:

fgeo_name = f.readline().strip()
fmed_name = f.readline().strip()

Note that this strips the padding off the name.  If the first line of
the file is ABC followed by 27 spaces, the result will be ABC with
the spaces stripped.

   READ(70,*) nfault,npoint

Python doesn't have any built in input formating (a la READ in Fortran
or scanf in C), so one usually does this kind of thing by hand.
Fortunately, Python makes this quite easy.  The following will do what
you want:

s = f.readline().split()
nfault = int(s[0])
npoint = int(s[1])

Here's what happens: it reads in a line, and splits the line on
whitespace into substrings.  It assigns the list of substrings to s.
Then it converts the first substring (s[0]) to an int and assigns it to
nfault; the second (s[1]) to npoint.

With more advanced knowledge of Python, you could write it in one line
like this:

nfault,npoint = (int(ss) for ss in f.readline().split())

   READ(70,*) (x(n), n=1,npoint)
   READ(70,*) (y(n), n=1,npoint)

Fortran programs seem to wrap free-form output to 80 columns, inserting
newlines whenever.  Because of this, you can't really free-form read
data in a line-by-line way (unless it's short, like the above example),
but now have to read data number-by-number, which is not so

Fortunately, numpy has a function, fromfile, which reads data
number-by-number.  If f is the file object you're reading from, then
you could read in the array like this:

x = numpy.fromfile(f,sep= ,count=npoint,dtype=numpy.Float)

According to my tests, this leaves f pointing right past the end of the
array, so that you can still read in other arrays and variables.  Don't
forget to specify the type.


   READ(20,'(A30)') fname
   DO i=1,nfault
  READ(20,*) dbn(i),dtn(i),xfwnt(i),yfwnt(i),xfent(i),yfent(i),

Because this line has a very good chance of being split up upon output,
and because they're all 

Re: Code reformater?

2007-01-21 Thread Vincent Delporte
On Sun, 21 Jan 2007 14:15:46 +1100, Steven D'Aprano
Still, it is better not to lose the indentation in the first place.

Thanks for the tips. But it does happen when copy/pasting code from
either a web page or an e-mail that TABs are messed up, which is not a
problem with other languages, but is a problem with Python. Too bad.

OpenOffice 2.0 UNO update Links; need help

2007-01-21 Thread Sells, Fred
I've got a ~100 page document I assemble from ~30 OOo .odt files with some
search and replace functions.  I then produce a PDF.  So far so good.

Now I need to get a barcode from our internal website and insert that.  The
barcode will vary based on some parameters.  Our internal site provides a
.jpg image (or .gif) based on those parameters.

Can anyone provide a snippet or some pointers on how to do this.  I've
googled it to death and checked the OOo DevGuide to no avail.

Either python or java solution is acceptable.

The information contained in this message may be privileged and / or
confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader of this message is
not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
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have received this communication in error, please notify the sender
immediately by replying to this message and deleting the material from any

Re: Python Windows Editors

2007-01-21 Thread W. Watson
 W. Watson wrote:
 I downloaded python-2.5.msi and installed it. I believe its editor is IDE. I
 understand there's a Win editor called pythonwin. I believe it's in the
 download pywin32-210.win32-py2.5.exe, but I'm not sure if this exe file has
 just the editor or all of Python. Comments? If not how do I get the
 PythonWin editor by itself?

 BTW, one of the features I did not like of IDE is the limited file Print
 command. It puts everything in 16pt type, and gives no choice over what
 pages should be printed. Maybe there's an option?
 Print your files from Notepad, after all, they're just text files.
 But IDLE has more usefull Formatting options.
Thanks. Already did it, but used Word. I can get line numbers in that way.

Re: instancemethod

2007-01-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
Gert Cuykens [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió en el mensaje 

 class Db:


def __init__(self,server,user,password,database):
self._db=MySQLdb.connect(server , user , password , database)

def excecute(self,cmd):

 if __name__ == '__main__':
gert.excecute('select * from person')
for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
print gert.fetchone()

Besides your specific question that was already answered, why are you using 
classmethods at all?
You are constructing a Db instance and using it as if all were normal 
instance methods... Just remove all those @classmethod declarations and use 
it in a standard way.

Gabriel Genellina 


Re: Beginners Tutorial in PDF Format?

2007-01-21 Thread W. Watson
Robert Hicks wrote:
 W. Watson wrote:
 I'd like to print a tutorial in one fell swoop, but it seems most on the
 various sites are page by page embedded descriptions in the page. Any
 available as a pdf?

   Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
   (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

 Two laws Newton and Einstein didn't discover:
   1. Time is money.
   2. Matter will be damaged in direct proportion
  to its value.
  Web Page: home.earthlink.net/~mtnviews
Thanks, but the first url takes me to a web page that contains the complete 
tutorial. Does choosing pdf (USA) in the table download a file that contains 
all the documents on the list below and to the left?

  Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
  (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
   Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Two laws Newton and Einstein didn't discover:
  1. Time is money.
  2. Matter will be damaged in direct proportion
 to its value.
 Web Page: home.earthlink.net/~mtnviews

Re: Python Windows Editors

2007-01-21 Thread gonzlobo
I prefer PyScripter too, but would like to know if I can have
'indentation guides' enabled like PythonWin allows.

On 1/21/07, Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried 2 of them, and only was stable enough:  PyScripter

Re: Beginners Tutorial in PDF Format?

2007-01-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
W. Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió en el mensaje 
Robert Hicks wrote:
 W. Watson wrote:
 I'd like to print a tutorial in one fell swoop, but it seems most on the
 various sites are page by page embedded descriptions in the page. Any
 available as a pdf?



 Thanks, but the first url takes me to a web page that contains the 
 tutorial. Does choosing pdf (USA) in the table download a file that 
 all the documents on the list below and to the left?

Try again. The first url goes to this page:
Download Python 2.5 Documentation (19 September 2006): To download an 
archive containing all the documents for this version of Python in one of 
various formats [pdf included, you can choose between Letter/A4].
Below, it says These documents are not available for download 

Gabriel Genellina


Re: instancemethod

2007-01-21 Thread Gert Cuykens
On 1/22/07, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gert Cuykens [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió en el mensaje

  class Db:
 def __init__(self,server,user,password,database):
 self._db=MySQLdb.connect(server , user , password , database)
 def excecute(self,cmd):
  if __name__ == '__main__':
 gert.excecute('select * from person')
 for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
 print gert.fetchone()

 Besides your specific question that was already answered, why are you using
 classmethods at all?
 You are constructing a Db instance and using it as if all were normal
 instance methods... Just remove all those @classmethod declarations and use
 it in a standard way.

 Gabriel Genellina


i thought @classmethod was the normal method ?

Re: Reading Fortran Data

2007-01-21 Thread Beliavsky

Carl Banks wrote:


WRITE(90,*) nfault,npoint

 Fortran writes this as two arbitrary integers separated by a space.

I wrote a paragraph in my reply explaining why this is wrong. A Fortran
list-directed write can print results in an almost arbitrary format,
depending on the compiler. Many compilers will separate integers by
several spaces, not just one, and they could use commas instead of
spaces if they wanted. The number of items printed before a new line is
started is also compiler-dependent. For more control, one uses a
formatted write, for example

write (90,(2(1x,i0))) nfault,npoint



Re: instancemethod

2007-01-21 Thread Gert Cuykens
On 1/22/07, Gert Cuykens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1/22/07, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Gert Cuykens [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió en el mensaje
   class Db:
  def __init__(self,server,user,password,database):
  self._db=MySQLdb.connect(server , user , password , database)
  def excecute(self,cmd):
   if __name__ == '__main__':
  gert.excecute('select * from person')
  for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
  print gert.fetchone()
  Besides your specific question that was already answered, why are you using
  classmethods at all?
  You are constructing a Db instance and using it as if all were normal
  instance methods... Just remove all those @classmethod declarations and use
  it in a standard way.
  Gabriel Genellina

 i thought @classmethod was the normal method ?

did some reading and i think i know why now :)


python always seems to amaze me how other languages make a mess of
things that suppose to be simple

pylab, matplotlib ... roots function question

2007-01-21 Thread Schüle Daniel
Hello NG,

given this call to roots funtion from pylab

In [342]: roots([0,2,2])
Out[342]: array([-1.])

as far as I understand it [a0,a1,a2] stands for a0+a1*x+a2*x^2
in the above case it yields 2x^2+2x = 2x(1+x)
and the roots are 0 and -1
I am wondering why roots function gives me only the -1

second try

In [343]: roots([1,0,0])
Out[343]: array([], dtype=float64)

ok, as it should be

In [344]: roots([0,0,1])
Out[344]: array([], dtype=float64)

here again, 0 is the root of x^2

Do I miss something important?

Regards, Daniel

Re: instancemethod

2007-01-21 Thread Gert Cuykens
import MySQLdb

class Db:


def __init__(self,server,user,password,database):
self._db=MySQLdb.connect(server , user , password , database)

def excecute(self,cmd):

def fetchone(self):
return self._cursor.fetchone()

def close(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
gert.excecute('select * from person')
for x in range(0,gert.rowcount):
print gert.fetchone()

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File Desktop/svn/db/Py/db.py, line 28, in module
gert.excecute('select * from person')
  File Desktop/svn/db/Py/db.py, line 17, in excecute
TypeError: 'long' object is not callable

I guess i did something wrong again ? :)

Re: instancemethod

2007-01-21 Thread Gert Cuykens
never mind i think i need some sleep lol i did the exact opposite this
time .rowcount() - .rowcount

Re: Reading Fortran Data

2007-01-21 Thread Carl Banks

Beliavsky wrote:
 Carl Banks wrote:


 WRITE(90,*) nfault,npoint
  Fortran writes this as two arbitrary integers separated by a space.

 I wrote a paragraph in my reply explaining why this is wrong.

It's a safe assumption for a line of two integers.  It might not
exactly produce what a Fortran program would, but it would work in a
read statement.

 A Fortran
 list-directed write can print results in an almost arbitrary format,
 depending on the compiler. Many compilers will separate integers by
 several spaces, not just one, and they could use commas instead of
 spaces if they wanted.

1. Hardly any compiler will produce a line of two integers, or reals,
that another compiler couldn't read back.
2. The number of spaces separating the numbers isn't important when
reading back free-form data.
3. Fear that a Fortran compiler might use commas or wrap lines at ten
columns or whatever, because it's not based on a standard, is misguided

 The number of items printed before a new line is
 started is also compiler-dependent. For more control, one uses a
 formatted write, for example

 write (90,(2(1x,i0))) nfault,npoint

I think it's just more work to guard against something isn't very
relevant in practice.

Carl Banks


Re: PyMeld for html templates?

2007-01-21 Thread Sean Schertell
I'm trying to get PyMeld happening but I'm a bit stumped as to how to  
make it work with mod_python.

The pymeld docs show examples only for the Python command line  
interpreter and show using the print statement to output stuff. But  
using mod_python.apache, I think you need to use req.write(something)  
format. And of course, this fails when you feed it output from Meld.

Any tips?


On Jan 20, 2007, at 6:18 AM, Richie Hindle wrote:

 I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on PyMeld as a template
 system for churning out general websites?

 I'm doing that (but then I would be wouldn't I? 8-)
 http://www.mandant.net is an example - the content of each page comes
 from a file containing just the content, the layout and sidebar are
 defined in a template HTML file, and the navigation is built by a
 Python script.  All that is pulled together using PyMeld into a set of
 HTML files and deployed to the web server (there's no need to it on  
 fly for that site, but you certainly could).

 I want for a URI request to mysite.com/info
 to pull in a layout.html template which will in turn be populated by
 the info.html template. [...]  how about PyMeld, any ideas on how
 to do it or whether it will even work as I've described?

 You'd do something like this:

 from PyMeld import Meld

 LAYOUT = htmlheadtitle id='title'The Title/title/head
 bodydiv id='info'The page information goes here./div
 p id='footerCopyright Me 2007./p/body/html

 INFO = htmlheadtitle id='title'The real title/title/head
 body id='info'pHere is the info, which would in the real world
 be read from a file./p/body/html

 page = Meld(LAYOUT)
 info = Meld(INFO)
 page.title = info.title._content
 page.info = info.info._content
 print page

 Is that the sort of thing you had in mind?

 Richie Hindle



Re: Reading Fortran Data

2007-01-21 Thread Beliavsky

Carl Banks wrote:


  A Fortran
  list-directed write can print results in an almost arbitrary format,
  depending on the compiler. Many compilers will separate integers by
  several spaces, not just one, and they could use commas instead of
  spaces if they wanted.

 1. Hardly any compiler will produce a line of two integers, or reals,
 that another compiler couldn't read back.

Yes, but for more than three numbers, the statement is wrong. Intel
Fortran prints four double precision random n

  0.555891433847495   0.591161642339424   0.888434673900224


but g95 prints them on a single line. I advise against using
list-directed Fortran writes to create files that other programs will
read, and I think most experienced Fortran programmers would agree.


Help with 'popen'

2007-01-21 Thread stephen_b
Can someone let me know why this won't work? Thanks.

 from os import popen
 popen('export asdfasdf=hello').read()
 popen('echo $asdfasdf').read()




Re: selective logger disable/enable

2007-01-21 Thread Gary Jefferson

Vinay Sajip wrote:

 I don't know enough about your target environment and application to
 necessarily give you the best advice, but I'll make some general
 comments which I hope are useful. You seem to be thinking that loggers
 are binary - i.e. you turn them on or off. But they can be controlled
 more finely than that; you should be able to get the effect that you
 want by using the different logging levels available judiciously, as
 well as using the fact that loggers inhabit a named hierarchy. Note
 that loggers, by default, inherit the level of the first ancestor
 logger which has an explicitly set level (by ancestor, I mean in the
 name hierarchy). The root logger's default level is WARNING, so by
 default all loggers will work at this level. [N.B. You can also set
 levels for individual handlers, e.g. to ensure that only CRITICAL
 conditions are emailed to a specified email address using SMTPHandler,
 or that ERROR conditions and above are written to file but not to

 So, for your networking scenario, let's suppose you do the following:
 Have all network loggers live in the hierarchy namespace below
 network (e.g. network, network.tcp, network.http etc.). By
 default, all of these will only log events of severity WARNING and
 above. Also, suppose you log events in your application code, which are
 sometimes but not always of interest, at level DEBUG or level INFO.
 Then, these events will never show up in the logging output, since they
 are below WARNING in severity. Subsequently, if you want to turn on
 logging verbosity for the network code only, you can arrange, via a
 command-line switch or environment variable or configuration file, to


 whereupon you will start seeing events from the networking code at
 severity DEBUG and INFO. This will affect all loggers in the network
 hierarchy whose levels you have not explicitly set (so that they will
 get the effective level of the first ancestor which has a level
 explicitly set - the logger named network).

 If all you are interested in is turning on verbosity based on different
 event severities (levels), you should not need to use or set Filters.
 Filters are for use only when levels don't meet your use case

 Best regards,

 Vinay Sajip

Vinay, okay, I think what you described will work out for me -- thank
you very much for the explanation.

I am still a bit confused about Filters, though.  It seems they are a
bit of an anomoly in the hierarchical view of loggers that the API
supports elsewhere, i.e., filters don't seem to inherit...  Or am I
missing something again?  Here's a quick example:

import logging

log1 = logging.getLogger(top)
log2 = logging.getLogger(top.network)
log3 = logging.getLogger(top.network.tcp)
log4 = logging.getLogger(top.network.http)
log5 = logging.getLogger(top.config)
log6 = logging.getLogger(top.config.file)

format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')

filter = logging.Filter(top.network)
log1.addFilter(filter)  # only affects log1, do this for each of log2-7

log1.debug(I'm top)
log2.debug(I'm top.network)
log3.debug(I'm top.network.tcp)
log4.debug(I'm top.network.http)
log5.debug(I'm top.config)
log6.debug(I'm top.config.file)

This is only for the binary case (and I think if I ignore the binary
case and filters altogether as you suggested), but it really would be
nice to be able to squelch /all/ output from loggers that belong to
certain parts of the namespace by using a filter as above (which I
can't get to work).

Perhaps if I set up a basicConfig with a loglevel of nothing, I can get
this to approximate squelching of everything but that which I
explicitly setLevel (which does inherit properly).

In other words, the addFilter/removeFilter part of the API seems rather
impotent if it can't be inherited in the logging namespaces.  In fact,
I can't really figure out a use case where I could possibly want to use
it without it inheriting.  Obviously I'm missing something.  I'm sure
I've consumed more attention that I deserve already in this thread,
but, do you have any pointers which can enlighten me as to how to
effectively use addFilter/removeFilter?

many thanks,


Re: Is any python like linux shell?

2007-01-21 Thread Paddy

George Sakkis wrote:

 Frank Potter wrote:

  I learned some python in windows.
  And now I've turned to linux.
  I read a book and it teaches how to write shell script with bash,
  but I don't feel like the grammar of bash.
  Since I know about python,
  I want to get a linux shell which use python grammar.
  I searched by google and I found pysh, which is not maintained any
  There's another script named pyshell, which is not likely what I'm
  searching for.
  So, will somebody please tell me if there are any python like shells
  for linux?

 IPython is actually more than a simple shell. Give it a try:


IPython is great, but it is not a replacement for a shell like bash. If
you have a Linux system then you still need to know the rudiments of

- Paddy.


Re: Reading Fortran Data

2007-01-21 Thread Carl Banks

Beliavsky wrote:
 Carl Banks wrote:


   A Fortran
   list-directed write can print results in an almost arbitrary format,
   depending on the compiler. Many compilers will separate integers by
   several spaces, not just one, and they could use commas instead of
   spaces if they wanted.
  1. Hardly any compiler will produce a line of two integers, or reals,
  that another compiler couldn't read back.

 Yes, but for more than three numbers, the statement is wrong. Intel
 Fortran prints four double precision random n

   0.555891433847495   0.591161642339424   0.888434673900224


 but g95 prints them on a single line.

Did you try to use one compiler's program's output as the other's
input?  How did it work?

 I advise against using
 list-directed Fortran writes to create files that other programs will
 read, and I think most experienced Fortran programmers would agree.

It's been awhile, but I'd consider myself an experienced Fortran
programner.  I don't really agree.

Carl Banks


Re: html + javascript automations = [mechanize + ?? ] or something else?

2007-01-21 Thread John

I tried to install pamie (but I have mostly used python on cygwin on
In the section  What will you need to run PAMIE, it says I will need
Mark Hammonds Win32 All
which I can not find. Can anyone tell me how do I install PAMIE? Do I
need python for
windows that is different from cygwin's python?


ina wrote:
 John wrote:
  I have to write a spyder for a webpage that uses html + javascript. I
  had it written using mechanize
  but the authors of the webpage now use a lot of javascript. Mechanize
  can no longer do the job.
  Does anyone know how I could automate my spyder to understand
  javascript? Is there a way
  to control a browser like firefox from python itself? How about IE?
  That way, we do not have
  to go thru something like mechanize?
  Thanks in advance for your help/comments,

 You want pamie, iec or ishybrowser.  Pamie is probably the best choice
 since it gets patches and updates on a regular basis.


Re: pyparsing Combine without merging sub-expressions

2007-01-21 Thread Steven Bethard
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 13:49:52 -0700, Steven Bethard
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
 Within a larger pyparsing grammar, I have something that looks like::


 When parsing this, I'd like to keep around both the full string, and the 
 AAA_ substring of it, so I'd like something like::

  (['wsj/00/wsj_0003.mrg', 'wsj_0003'], {})

   If working file name/paths, why not use the functions in os.path?

Two reasons.  First, as I mentioned, this is within a larger pyparsing 
grammar so it's not as easy to switch back and forth between the two. 
Second, I do want to do some data validation (e.g. the name of the file 
needs to be in a particular format) so I either need to post-process the 
os.path approach or just do it in pyparsing.

 But that then allows whitespace between the pieces of the path, which 
 there shouldn't be::

   If you didn't have whitespace coming in, there shouldn't be any
 going out. If you do, you likely have malformed data and probably should
 detect it earlier...

Well that's the intention of using pyparsing here.  With a proper 
grammar, pyparsing can detect the malformed data for me and throw an error.


Re: pyparsing Combine without merging sub-expressions

2007-01-21 Thread Steven Bethard
Paul McGuire wrote:
 Steven Bethard wrote:
 Within a larger pyparsing grammar, I have something that looks like::


 When parsing this, I'd like to keep around both the full string, and the
 AAA_ substring of it, so I'd like something like::

  (['wsj/00/wsj_0003.mrg', 'wsj_0003'], {})

 How do I go about this? I was using something like::

   digits = pp.Word(pp.nums)
   alphas = pp.Word(pp.alphas)
   wsj_name = pp.Combine(alphas + '_' + digits)
   wsj_path = pp.Combine(alphas + '/' + digits + '/' + wsj_name +
  ... '.mrg')
 BUT, if all you want is to be able to easily *access*
 that sub-field, then why not give it a results name?  Like this:
 wsj_name = pp.Combine(alphas + '_' + digits).setResultsName(name)
 Leave everything else the same, but now you can access the name field
 independently from the rest of the combined tokens.

Works great.  Thanks!


Re: Reading Fortran Data

2007-01-21 Thread Tyler
Wow! Thanks for the help everyone.

I will look into each of your comments in more detail in the morning,
but I'll mention a few things I guess. The first is, the list-directed
output was not necesarily my choice as some of the code is also used by
my supervisor (and her colleagues) and I had to keep the IO similar.
However, for non-legacy codes (even though is was upgraded to
Fortran90), I can ensure you that I will employ a more portable format.

Also, I am very interested in the Scientific.IO module mentioned and
will look into it further along with f2py.

Once again, I thank all of you for your replies, I think I even learnt
a few things about Fortran here too




Re: html + javascript automations = [mechanize + ?? ] or something else?

2007-01-21 Thread John

My python2.5 installation on windows did not come with win32com.
How do I install/get this module for windows?


Duncan Booth wrote:
 John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is there a way
  to control a browser like firefox from python itself? How about IE?

 IE is easy enough to control and you have full access to the DOM:

  import win32com
 C05BAE0B}', 0, 1, 1)
 module 'win32com.gen_py.EAB22AC0-30C1-11CF-A7EB-C05BAE0Bx0x1x1' from
  IE = win32com.client.DispatchEx('InternetExplorer.Application.1')
 ['CLSID', 'ClientToWindow', 'ExecWB', 'GetProperty', 'GoBack', 'GoForward',
 'GoHome', 'GoSearch', 'Navigate', 'Navigate2', 'PutProperty',
 'QueryStatusWB', 'Quit', 'Refresh', 'Refresh2', 'ShowBrowserBar', 'Stop',
 '_ApplyTypes_', '__call__', '__cmp__', '__doc__', '__getattr__',
 '__init__', '__int__', '__module__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__',
 '__unicode__', '_get_good_object_', '_get_good_single_object_', '_oleobj_',
 '_prop_map_get_', '_prop_map_put_', 'coclass_clsid']
  while IE.Busy: pass

  print IE.Document.getElementById(portlet-news).innerHTML
 DT class=portletHeaderA class=feedButton link-plain
 href=feed://plone.org/news/newslisting/RSSIMG title=RSS subscription
 feed for news items alt=RSS src=http://plone.org/rss.gif; /AA
 href=http://plone.org/news;News/A /DT

 ... and so on ...

 for the documentation.


Re: selective logger disable/enable

2007-01-21 Thread Vinay Sajip
Gary Jefferson wrote:

 I am still a bit confused about Filters, though.  It seems they are a
 bit of an anomoly in the hierarchical view of loggers that the API
 supports elsewhere, i.e., filters don't seem to inherit...  Or am I
 missing something again?  Here's a quick example:

 import logging

 log1 = logging.getLogger(top)
 log2 = logging.getLogger(top.network)
 log3 = logging.getLogger(top.network.tcp)
 log4 = logging.getLogger(top.network.http)
 log5 = logging.getLogger(top.config)
 log6 = logging.getLogger(top.config.file)

 format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')

 filter = logging.Filter(top.network)
 log1.addFilter(filter)  # only affects log1, do this for each of log2-7

 log1.debug(I'm top)
 log2.debug(I'm top.network)
 log3.debug(I'm top.network.tcp)
 log4.debug(I'm top.network.http)
 log5.debug(I'm top.config)
 log6.debug(I'm top.config.file)

 This is only for the binary case (and I think if I ignore the binary
 case and filters altogether as you suggested), but it really would be
 nice to be able to squelch /all/ output from loggers that belong to
 certain parts of the namespace by using a filter as above (which I
 can't get to work).

 Perhaps if I set up a basicConfig with a loglevel of nothing, I can get
 this to approximate squelching of everything but that which I
 explicitly setLevel (which does inherit properly).

 In other words, the addFilter/removeFilter part of the API seems rather
 impotent if it can't be inherited in the logging namespaces.  In fact,
 I can't really figure out a use case where I could possibly want to use
 it without it inheriting.  Obviously I'm missing something.  I'm sure
 I've consumed more attention that I deserve already in this thread,
 but, do you have any pointers which can enlighten me as to how to
 effectively use addFilter/removeFilter?

I don't really think there's a problem with the logging API - it went
through a fair amount of peer review on python-dev before making it
into the Python distribution. You need to use what's there rather than
shoehorn it into how you think it ought to be. Filters are for more
esoteric requirements - you can see some examples of filters in the old
(out of date) standalone distribution at
http://www.red-dove.com/python_logging.html (download and examine some
of the test scripts). Loggers aren't binary - levels are there to be
used. Most people get by with judicious use of levels, using Filters on
loggers only for unusual cases. Since Filters are only meant to be used
in unusual situations, there is no need to think about inheriting them.

Filters can be set on Handlers so that even if Loggers log the events,
they don't go to any output if filtered out at the handlers for that

BTW I would also advise reading PEP-282 to understand more about the
logging approach.

Best regards,

Vinay Sajip


Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Introduction to 3D Graphics Programing

2007-01-21 Thread Xah Lee
Xah Lee wrote in 2006-12-22:
 Of Interest:

 Introduction to 3D Graphics Programing

Folks, i have expanded my tutorial to several pages in the past nearly
two months, and thank you very much for those who have given

I had plans to write pages that actually contained Python or Perl and
elisp code to demonstrate the mingled use of common languages with
POV-RAY and other tools for doing algorithmic mathematical art...

However, i'm posting now for one in-credible discovery that amazed me,
and believe it is a revolutionary both with respect to technology, as
well as its social impact.

Following is my brief introduction. The web version is at:
Introduction to Second Life


Introduction to Second Life

Xah Lee, 2007-01-09

above: A screenshot of a location in Second Life.

This place is called “The Future”, it is a place built by Henry
Segerman ↗ built.

Second Life is a online virtual world with 2 million accounts as of
2006-12, and reportedly 10 thousand users logged in at any moment.
Basically, you operate a software that is a 3D world much like 3D
games, but everything in the “game” is built by users, and you can
interact with other users, including buying and selling virtual land
with real money. What people do inside Second Life is entirely up to
them (as in real life). And, as it happens, what people do mostly in
Second Life are pretty much what people do in real life. The major
activities are: sex, shopping, socializing, dancing.

My mathematician friend Henry Segerman introduced me to 2nd life. (also
because it appeared in Time Mag in 2006-12.) Henry has a 2nd life page
that contains many math objects made in Second Life:

Part of my interest in Second Life is to build geometric models. (See
Introduction to 3D Graphics Programing) I have for the past couple
years sought for a software platform/system where i can build 3D
objects, with abilities to do interactive adjustment (such as moving a
slide to change a surface's parameter), dynamic rotation (viewing from
different angles), animations (such as morphing that shows geometric
processes), and most of all, walk-thru in it as if it is a building.

As far as my experiences goes, no software platform for 3D graphics are
close to the ideal of what i need to do. They lack one feature or the
other, or otherwise requires the programer to be a specialist with
years of dedication in learning the tool. For example, Mathematica↗
has great collection of math functions but no dynamic graphics.
POV-RAY↗ and 3D-modelers like AutoCAD↗ can do great in building 3D
objects but they are not designed for interactivity, animations, or
walk-thru. Java the programming language↗ allows one to write applets
that does rotation and interactive manipulation but programing in Java
is extremely unnecessarily complex and yet it is still not possible to
do walk-thrus. The one class of platform that does all these, is 3D
game engines. But alas, they take a dedicated game programing
specialist to be able to use it. Second Life changed all this.

(Note: Just for completness, my requirement for a 3D-graphics
programing software system is this: • easy to use for average
programers or scientists. • Easy to build geometry models, such as
basic shapes like spheres and blocks, as well as surfaces or meshes of
triangles. • designed for interactivity. That is, the programer can
easily build buttons and sliders that changes parameters and have the
object reflect these changes visually right away. • the user can
easily change viewing angles or rotate the object. • The programer
can easily do animations. For example, morph a sphere into a cube, or a
bunch of spheres flying in space as a swarm of flies. • The ability
to do walk-thru (or fly-thru). For example, if i build a fancy 3D-maze
or architecture, i should be able to — say — become a ant, and walk
inside the object, so as to view the object from inside and as well as
getting the real experience of perceiving such a building. (Before my
discover of Second Life, the platform that i was considering nearly
ideal and preparing to learn, are VPython↗ and Macromedia Flash↗ (i
do still plan to learn these technologies) ))

Second Life is not just the answer to my mathematical fantasies, but
because of its Real-World nature, being run and build by real people,
and with scarily real money market of the virtual dollars it uses, is
nothing but a technological revolution with great social impact. It is
essentially the virtual-3D-world-wide-web dream of VRML↗ envisioned
around 1995.

Anshe Chung↗ is famouly known for being the first to become a (real
world) millionaire by selling entirely virtual items and virtual
services inside Second Life.

For a encyclopedic introduction, see: Second Life↗

Here are some articles about Second Life. (note that there are a lot
linked at the bottom of the Wikipedia article.)

* Time 

Re: html + javascript automations = [mechanize + ?? ] or somethingelse?

2007-01-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
John [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió en el mensaje 

 My python2.5 installation on windows did not come with win32com.
 How do I install/get this module for windows?

Look for the pywin32 package at sourceforge.net

Gabriel Genellina 


Re: Help with 'popen'

2007-01-21 Thread James Stroud
stephen_b wrote:
 Can someone let me know why this won't work? Thanks.
from os import popen
popen('export asdfasdf=hello').read()
popen('echo $asdfasdf').read()

Python starts a new shell for each command, so your environment variable 
is lost. You probably want this, which makes the variable permanent.

py import os
py os.environ['asdfasdf'] = 'hello'
py os.popen('echo $asdfasdf').read()


Re: Is any python like linux shell?

2007-01-21 Thread James Stroud
Paddy wrote:
 George Sakkis wrote:
Frank Potter wrote:

I learned some python in windows.
And now I've turned to linux.
I read a book and it teaches how to write shell script with bash,
but I don't feel like the grammar of bash.
Since I know about python,
I want to get a linux shell which use python grammar.
I searched by google and I found pysh, which is not maintained any
There's another script named pyshell, which is not likely what I'm
searching for.
So, will somebody please tell me if there are any python like shells
for linux?

IPython is actually more than a simple shell. Give it a try:

 IPython is great, but it is not a replacement for a shell like bash. If
 you have a Linux system then you still need to know the rudiments of

Or better yet, csh. ;)



Re: html + javascript automations = [mechanize + ?? ] or somethingelse?

2007-01-21 Thread John

I tried it, didnt work with the python25 distribution msi file that is
on python.org
But activestate python worked. Now I can open IE using COM. What I am
to figure out is how to click an x,y coordinate on a page in IE
using COM. How about typing something automatically...Any ideas?


Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 John [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió en el mensaje

  My python2.5 installation on windows did not come with win32com.
  How do I install/get this module for windows?

 Look for the pywin32 package at sourceforge.net
 Gabriel Genellina


Re: Is any python like linux shell?

2007-01-21 Thread James Stroud
Frank Potter wrote:
 I learned some python in windows.
 And now I've turned to linux.
 I read a book and it teaches how to write shell script with bash,
 but I don't feel like the grammar of bash.
 Since I know about python,
 I want to get a linux shell which use python grammar.
 I searched by google and I found pysh, which is not maintained any
 There's another script named pyshell, which is not likely what I'm
 searching for.
 So, will somebody please tell me if there are any python like shells
 for linux?

Best is to do simple things (ls, mv, rm, cp) via bash or tcsh and to use 
python for things of any greater complexity (even slightly more complex).

My strongest advice would be to let go of the idea of shell scripting 
altogether and begin to write programs built from libraries to solve 
your problems. The mere act of beginning to write a shell script (in, 
say, bash) will tie you to that language, even when you realize your 
task was much more complex than you had originally imagined. It has 
happened to me time and time again.


Re: Accessing class variables in staticmethods.

2007-01-21 Thread Ramashish Baranwal
Sam wrote:
 On 21 Jan 2007 12:49:17 -0800, Ramashish Baranwal
  class Base:
  staticvar = 'Base'
  def printname():
  # this doesn't work
  # print staticvar
  # this does work but derived classes wouldn't behave as I want
  print Base.staticvar
  class Derived(Base):
  staticvar = 'Derived'
  Base.printname() # should print 'Base'
  Derived.printname() # should print 'Derived'
  Any idea on how to go about this? Also from a staticmethod how can I
  find out other attributes of the class (not objects)? Do static methods
  get some classinfo via some implicit argument(s)?

 No, staticmethods get told nothing about the class they're being
 defined in. What you want is a classmethod, which gets passed the
 class to work with.

 Using classmethods, your code becomes:

 #untested, bear in mind
 class Base:
 staticvar = 'Base'

 def printname(cls):
 print cls.staticvar

 class Derived(Base):
 staticvar = 'Derived'

 Base.printname() #prints 'Base'
 Derived.printname() #prints 'Derived'

 Incidentally, you can also use cls.__name__ for this purpose, but I
 guess that your actual motivation for this is more complicated than
 class names.

Thanks Sam, using classmethod works. You guessed it correctly, my
actual motivation is more complicated but on the same line.



Re: pylab, matplotlib ... roots function question

2007-01-21 Thread Robert Kern
Schüle Daniel wrote:
 Hello NG,
 given this call to roots funtion from pylab

It's actually from numpy and numpy questions are best asked (and best answered!)
on numpy-discussion.


 In [342]: roots([0,2,2])
 Out[342]: array([-1.])
 as far as I understand it [a0,a1,a2] stands for a0+a1*x+a2*x^2
 in the above case it yields 2x^2+2x = 2x(1+x)
 and the roots are 0 and -1
 I am wondering why roots function gives me only the -1

No, it's the other way around.

In [1]: from numpy import *

In [2]: roots?
Type:   function
Base Class: type 'function'
Namespace:  Interactive
Definition: roots(p)
Return the roots of the polynomial coefficients in p.

The values in the rank-1 array p are coefficients of a polynomial.
If the length of p is n+1 then the polynomial is
p[0] * x**n + p[1] * x**(n-1) + ... + p[n-1]*x + p[n]

So you were really solving 2*x + 2 = 0, the single root of which is -1.

 second try
 In [343]: roots([1,0,0])
 Out[343]: array([], dtype=float64)
 ok, as it should be

No, that's actually wrong. What version of numpy are you using? With a recent
SVN checkout of numpy, I get the correct answer:

In [3]: roots([1,0,0])
Out[3]: array([ 0.,  0.])

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


class explorer for automating IE

2007-01-21 Thread John

I found this class which was written in 2003.


Is there a better/more complete version around that someone knows of.



Re: class explorer for automating IE

2007-01-21 Thread John

Is there an analogue of IE Mechanize in python?



On Jan 22, 1:48 am, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I found this class which was written in 2003.


 Is there a better/more complete version around that someone knows of.


Re: Is any python like linux shell?

2007-01-21 Thread Russ
Frank Potter wrote:
 I learned some python in windows.
 And now I've turned to linux.
 I read a book and it teaches how to write shell script with bash,
 but I don't feel like the grammar of bash.
 Since I know about python,
 I want to get a linux shell which use python grammar.
 I searched by google and I found pysh, which is not maintained any
 There's another script named pyshell, which is not likely what I'm
 searching for.
 So, will somebody please tell me if there are any python like shells
 for linux?

You could in principle use Python as a general-purpose interactive
shell, but it wouldn't make much sense. Bash is more convenient for
basic operations such as changing directories, listing directories,
copying files, etc.

For more advanced scripting, I use both bash and Python. I use bash
typically as an executive for scripting Python programs. For example, I
use bash for stepping through a list of directories and running a set
of python programs in each directory. Sure, I could use Python for the
whole thing, but simply starting programs and moving files around is
more straightforward in bash than in Python.


Re: class explorer for automating IE

2007-01-21 Thread Peter Otten
John wrote:

 Is there an analogue of IE Mechanize in python?


[ python-Bugs-1603907 ] subprocess: error redirecting i/o from non-console process

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1603907, was opened at 2006-11-27 18:20
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by astrand
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Oren Tirosh (orenti)
Assigned to: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Summary: subprocess: error redirecting i/o from non-console process 

Initial Comment:
In IDLE, PythonWin or other non-console interactive Python under Windows:

 from subprocess import *
 Popen('cmd', stdout=PIPE)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#11, line 1, in -toplevel-
Popen('', stdout=PIPE)
  File C:\python24\lib\subprocess.py, line 533, in __init__
(p2cread, p2cwrite,
  File C:\python24\lib\subprocess.py, line 593, in _get_handles
p2cread = self._make_inheritable(p2cread)
  File C:\python24\lib\subprocess.py, line 634, in _make_inheritable
TypeError: an integer is required

The same command in a console windows is successful.

Why it happens: 
subprocess assumes that GetStdHandle always succeeds but when there is no 
console it returns None. DuplicateHandle then complains about getting a 
non-integer. This problem does not happen when redirecting all three standard 

Replace None with -1 (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) in _make_inheritable.

Patch attached.


Comment By: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Date: 2007-01-21 16:31

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

This the suggested patches are not ready for commit, I'm moving this issue
to bugs instead. 


Comment By: Oren Tirosh (orenti)
Date: 2007-01-07 19:13

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

Oops. The new patch does not solve it in all cases in the win32api
version, either...


Comment By: Oren Tirosh (orenti)
Date: 2007-01-07 19:09

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

If you duplicate INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE you get a new valid handle to
nothing :-) I guess the code really should not rely on this undocumented
behavior. The reason I didn't return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE directly is
because DuplicateHandle returns a _subprocess_handle object, not an int.
It's expected to have a .Close() method elsewhere in the code.

Because of subtle difference between in the behavior of the _subprocess
and win32api implementations of GetStdHandle in this case solving this
issue this gets quite messy!
File Added: subprocess-noconsole2.patch


Comment By: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Date: 2007-01-07 11:58

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

This patch looks very interesting. However, it feels a little bit strange
to call DuplicateHandle with a handle of -1. Is this really allowed? What
will DuplicateHandle return in this case? INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE? In that
case, isn't it better to return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE directly? 


You can respond by visiting: 
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1634739 ] Problem running a subprocess

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1634739, was opened at 2007-01-13 16:46
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by astrand
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Closed
Resolution: Invalid
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Florent Rougon (frougon)
Assigned to: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Summary: Problem running a subprocess

Initial Comment:

I have a problem running a subprocess from Python (see below). I first ran into 
it with the subprocess module, but it's also triggered by a simple os.fork() 
followed by os.execvp().

So, what is the problem, exactly? I have written the exact same minimal program 
in C and in Python, which uses fork() and execvp() in the most straightforward 
way to run the following command:

  transcode -i /tmp/file.mpg -c 100-101 -o snapshot -y im,null -F png

(whose effect is to extract the 100th frame of /tmp/file.mpg and store it into 

The C program runs fast with no error, while the one in Python takes from 60 to 
145 times longer (!), and triggers error messages from transcode. This 
shouldn't happen, since both programs are merely calling transcode in the same 
way to perform the exact same thing.


1. First, I run the C program (extract_frame) twice on a first .mpg file (MPEG 
2 PS) [the first time fills the block IO cache], and store the output in 

  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output 21
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output 2 1  0.82s user 0.33s system 53% cpu 
2.175 total
  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output 21
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output 2 1  0.79s user 0.29s system 96% cpu 
1.118 total

Basically, this takes 1 or 2 seconds. extract_frame.output is attached.

Second, I run the Python program (extract_frame.py) on the same .mpg file, and 
store the output in extract_frame.py.output:

  % time ./extract_frame.py extract_frame.py.output 21 
  ./extract_frame.py  extract_frame.py.output 2 1  81.59s user 25.98s system 
66% cpu 2:42.51 total

This takes more than 2 *minutes*, not seconds!
(of course, the system is idle for all tests)

In extract_frame.py.output, the following error message appears quickly after 
the process is started:

  failed to write Y plane of frame(demuxer.c) write program stream packet: 
Broken pipe

which is in fact composed of two error messages, the second one starting at 

Once these messages are printed, the transcode subprocesses[1] seem to hang 
(with relatively high CPU usage), but eventually complete, after 2 minutes or 

There are no such error messages in extract_frame.output.

2. Same test with another .mpg file. As far as time is concerned, we have the 
same problem:

  [C program]
  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output2 21 
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output2 2 1  0.73s user 0.28s system 43% 
cpu 2.311 total

  [Python program]
  % time ./extract_frame.py extract_frame.py.output2 21
  ./extract_frame.py  extract_frame.py.output2 2 1  92.84s user 12.20s 
system 76% cpu 2:18.14 total

We also get the first error message in extract_frame.py.output2:

  failed to write Y plane of frame

when running extract_frame.py, but this time, we do *not* have the second error 

  (demuxer.c) write program stream packet: Broken pipe

All this is reproducible with Python 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 (Debian packages in sarge 
for 2.3 and 2.4, vanilla Python 2.5).

  % python2.5 -c 'import sys; print sys.version; print %x % sys.hexversion'
  2.5 (r25:51908, Jan  5 2007, 17:35:09) 
  [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)]

  % transcode --version
  transcode v1.0.2 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2004 T. Bitterberg

I'd hazard that Python is tweaking some process or threading parameter that is 
inherited by subprocesses and disturbs transcode, which doesn't happen when 
calling fork() and execvp() from a C program, but am unfortunately unable to 
precisely diagnose the problem.

Many thanks for considering.



  [1] Plural because the transcode process spawns several childs: tcextract, 
tcdemux, etc.


Comment By: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Date: 2007-01-21 16:37

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

That's the only thing I managed to get with the C version. But with the
Python version, if I don't list the contents of /proc/pid/fd
after the transcode process started,

I find it very hard to believe that just listing the contents of a
kernel-virtual directory can change the behaviour of an application. I
think it's much more likely that you have a timing issue.  

Since nothing indicates that there's actually a problem with the

[ python-Bugs-1598181 ] subprocess.py: O(N**2) bottleneck

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1598181, was opened at 2006-11-17 07:40
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by astrand
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve (rwgk)
Assigned to: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Summary: subprocess.py: O(N**2) bottleneck

Initial Comment:
subprocess.py (Python 2.5, current SVN, probably all versions) contains this 
O(N**2) code:

  bytes_written = os.write(self.stdin.fileno(), input[:512])
  input = input[bytes_written:]

For large but reasonable input the second line is rate limiting. Luckily, it 
is very easy to remove this bottleneck. I'll upload a simple patch. Below is a 
small script that demonstrates the huge speed difference. The output on my 
machine is:

creating input
slow slicing input
creating input
fast slicing input

The numbers are times in seconds.

This is the source:

import time
import sys
size = 100
t0 = time.time()
print creating input
input = \n.join([str(i) for i in xrange(size)])
print time.time()-t0
t0 = time.time()
print slow slicing input
n_out_slow = 0
while True:
  out = input[:512]
  n_out_slow += 1
  input = input[512:]
  if not input:
print time.time()-t0
t0 = time.time()
print creating input
input = \n.join([str(i) for i in xrange(size)])
print time.time()-t0
t0 = time.time()
print fast slicing input
n_out_fast = 0
input_done = 0
while True:
  out = input[input_done:input_done+512]
  n_out_fast += 1
  input_done += 512
  if input_done = len(input):
print time.time()-t0
assert n_out_fast == n_out_slow
print done


Comment By: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Date: 2007-01-21 16:45

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Backported to 2.5, in rev. 53513.


Comment By: Neal Norwitz (nnorwitz)
Date: 2007-01-17 08:00

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Peter this is fine for 2.5.1.  Please apply and update Misc/NEWS. Thanks!


Comment By: Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve (rwgk)
Date: 2007-01-07 16:15

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

Thanks for the fixes!


Comment By: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Date: 2007-01-07 15:36

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Fixed in trunk revision 53295. Is this a good candidate for backporting to


Comment By: Mike Klaas (mklaas)
Date: 2007-01-04 19:20

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

I reviewed the patch--the proposed fix looks good.  Minor comments:
  - input_done sounds like a flag, not a count of written bytes
  - buffer() could be used to avoid the 512-byte copy created by the slice


Comment By: Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve (rwgk)
Date: 2006-11-17 07:43

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

Sorry, I didn't know the tracker would destroy the indentation.
I'm uploading the demo source as a separate file.


You can respond by visiting: 
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1634739 ] Problem running a subprocess

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1634739, was opened at 2007-01-13 15:46
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by frougon
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Closed
Resolution: Works For Me
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Florent Rougon (frougon)
Assigned to: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Summary: Problem running a subprocess

Initial Comment:

I have a problem running a subprocess from Python (see below). I first ran into 
it with the subprocess module, but it's also triggered by a simple os.fork() 
followed by os.execvp().

So, what is the problem, exactly? I have written the exact same minimal program 
in C and in Python, which uses fork() and execvp() in the most straightforward 
way to run the following command:

  transcode -i /tmp/file.mpg -c 100-101 -o snapshot -y im,null -F png

(whose effect is to extract the 100th frame of /tmp/file.mpg and store it into 

The C program runs fast with no error, while the one in Python takes from 60 to 
145 times longer (!), and triggers error messages from transcode. This 
shouldn't happen, since both programs are merely calling transcode in the same 
way to perform the exact same thing.


1. First, I run the C program (extract_frame) twice on a first .mpg file (MPEG 
2 PS) [the first time fills the block IO cache], and store the output in 

  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output 21
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output 2 1  0.82s user 0.33s system 53% cpu 
2.175 total
  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output 21
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output 2 1  0.79s user 0.29s system 96% cpu 
1.118 total

Basically, this takes 1 or 2 seconds. extract_frame.output is attached.

Second, I run the Python program (extract_frame.py) on the same .mpg file, and 
store the output in extract_frame.py.output:

  % time ./extract_frame.py extract_frame.py.output 21 
  ./extract_frame.py  extract_frame.py.output 2 1  81.59s user 25.98s system 
66% cpu 2:42.51 total

This takes more than 2 *minutes*, not seconds!
(of course, the system is idle for all tests)

In extract_frame.py.output, the following error message appears quickly after 
the process is started:

  failed to write Y plane of frame(demuxer.c) write program stream packet: 
Broken pipe

which is in fact composed of two error messages, the second one starting at 

Once these messages are printed, the transcode subprocesses[1] seem to hang 
(with relatively high CPU usage), but eventually complete, after 2 minutes or 

There are no such error messages in extract_frame.output.

2. Same test with another .mpg file. As far as time is concerned, we have the 
same problem:

  [C program]
  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output2 21 
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output2 2 1  0.73s user 0.28s system 43% 
cpu 2.311 total

  [Python program]
  % time ./extract_frame.py extract_frame.py.output2 21
  ./extract_frame.py  extract_frame.py.output2 2 1  92.84s user 12.20s 
system 76% cpu 2:18.14 total

We also get the first error message in extract_frame.py.output2:

  failed to write Y plane of frame

when running extract_frame.py, but this time, we do *not* have the second error 

  (demuxer.c) write program stream packet: Broken pipe

All this is reproducible with Python 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 (Debian packages in sarge 
for 2.3 and 2.4, vanilla Python 2.5).

  % python2.5 -c 'import sys; print sys.version; print %x % sys.hexversion'
  2.5 (r25:51908, Jan  5 2007, 17:35:09) 
  [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)]

  % transcode --version
  transcode v1.0.2 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2004 T. Bitterberg

I'd hazard that Python is tweaking some process or threading parameter that is 
inherited by subprocesses and disturbs transcode, which doesn't happen when 
calling fork() and execvp() from a C program, but am unfortunately unable to 
precisely diagnose the problem.

Many thanks for considering.



  [1] Plural because the transcode process spawns several childs: tcextract, 
tcdemux, etc.


Comment By: Florent Rougon (frougon)
Date: 2007-01-21 16:24

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

I never wrote that it was the listing of /proc/pid/fd that was changing
the behavior of transcode. Please don't put words in my mouth. I wrote
that some fds are open soon after the transcode process is started, and
quickly closed afterwards, when run from the Python test script.

The rest of your answer again shows that you didn't read the bug report.
I'll repeat a last time. The title of this bug report is Problem running
a subprocess. It is 

[ python-Bugs-1634739 ] Problem running a subprocess

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1634739, was opened at 2007-01-13 15:46
Message generated for change (Settings changed) made by frougon
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Closed
Resolution: Invalid
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Florent Rougon (frougon)
Assigned to: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Summary: Problem running a subprocess

Initial Comment:

I have a problem running a subprocess from Python (see below). I first ran into 
it with the subprocess module, but it's also triggered by a simple os.fork() 
followed by os.execvp().

So, what is the problem, exactly? I have written the exact same minimal program 
in C and in Python, which uses fork() and execvp() in the most straightforward 
way to run the following command:

  transcode -i /tmp/file.mpg -c 100-101 -o snapshot -y im,null -F png

(whose effect is to extract the 100th frame of /tmp/file.mpg and store it into 

The C program runs fast with no error, while the one in Python takes from 60 to 
145 times longer (!), and triggers error messages from transcode. This 
shouldn't happen, since both programs are merely calling transcode in the same 
way to perform the exact same thing.


1. First, I run the C program (extract_frame) twice on a first .mpg file (MPEG 
2 PS) [the first time fills the block IO cache], and store the output in 

  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output 21
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output 2 1  0.82s user 0.33s system 53% cpu 
2.175 total
  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output 21
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output 2 1  0.79s user 0.29s system 96% cpu 
1.118 total

Basically, this takes 1 or 2 seconds. extract_frame.output is attached.

Second, I run the Python program (extract_frame.py) on the same .mpg file, and 
store the output in extract_frame.py.output:

  % time ./extract_frame.py extract_frame.py.output 21 
  ./extract_frame.py  extract_frame.py.output 2 1  81.59s user 25.98s system 
66% cpu 2:42.51 total

This takes more than 2 *minutes*, not seconds!
(of course, the system is idle for all tests)

In extract_frame.py.output, the following error message appears quickly after 
the process is started:

  failed to write Y plane of frame(demuxer.c) write program stream packet: 
Broken pipe

which is in fact composed of two error messages, the second one starting at 

Once these messages are printed, the transcode subprocesses[1] seem to hang 
(with relatively high CPU usage), but eventually complete, after 2 minutes or 

There are no such error messages in extract_frame.output.

2. Same test with another .mpg file. As far as time is concerned, we have the 
same problem:

  [C program]
  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output2 21 
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output2 2 1  0.73s user 0.28s system 43% 
cpu 2.311 total

  [Python program]
  % time ./extract_frame.py extract_frame.py.output2 21
  ./extract_frame.py  extract_frame.py.output2 2 1  92.84s user 12.20s 
system 76% cpu 2:18.14 total

We also get the first error message in extract_frame.py.output2:

  failed to write Y plane of frame

when running extract_frame.py, but this time, we do *not* have the second error 

  (demuxer.c) write program stream packet: Broken pipe

All this is reproducible with Python 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 (Debian packages in sarge 
for 2.3 and 2.4, vanilla Python 2.5).

  % python2.5 -c 'import sys; print sys.version; print %x % sys.hexversion'
  2.5 (r25:51908, Jan  5 2007, 17:35:09) 
  [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)]

  % transcode --version
  transcode v1.0.2 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2004 T. Bitterberg

I'd hazard that Python is tweaking some process or threading parameter that is 
inherited by subprocesses and disturbs transcode, which doesn't happen when 
calling fork() and execvp() from a C program, but am unfortunately unable to 
precisely diagnose the problem.

Many thanks for considering.



  [1] Plural because the transcode process spawns several childs: tcextract, 
tcdemux, etc.


Comment By: Florent Rougon (frougon)
Date: 2007-01-21 16:24

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

I never wrote that it was the listing of /proc/pid/fd that was changing
the behavior of transcode. Please don't put words in my mouth. I wrote that
some fds are open soon after the transcode process is started, and quickly
closed afterwards, when run from the Python test script.

The rest of your answer again shows that you didn't read the bug report.
I'll repeat a last time. The title of this bug report is Problem running a
subprocess. It is 

[ python-Bugs-1546442 ] subprocess.Popen can't read file object as stdin after seek

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1546442, was opened at 2006-08-25 07:52
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by astrand
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: GaryD (gazzadee)
Assigned to: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Summary: subprocess.Popen can't read file object as stdin after seek

Initial Comment:
When I use an existing file object as stdin for a call
to subprocess.Popen, then Popen cannot read the file if
I have called seek on it more than once.

eg. in the following python code:

 import subprocess
 rawfile = file('hello.txt', 'rb')
'line 1\n'
'line 1\n'
 process_object = subprocess.Popen([cat],
stdin=rawfile, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,

process_object.stdout now contains nothing, implying
that nothing was on process_object.stdin.

Note that this only applies for a non-trivial seek (ie.
where the file-pointer actually changes). Calling
seek(0) multiple times in a row does not change
anything (obviously).

I have not investigated whether this reveals a problem
with seek not changing the underlying file descriptor,
or a problem with Popen not handling the file
descriptor properly.

I have attached some complete python scripts that
demonstrate this problem. One shows cat working after
calling seek once, the other shows cat failing after
calling seek twice.

Python version being used:
Python 2.4.2 (#1, Nov  3 2005, 12:41:57)
[GCC 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux,
ssp-, pie-8.7 on linux2


Comment By: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Date: 2007-01-21 20:43

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

It's not obvious that the subprocess module is doing anything wrong here.
Mixing streams and file descriptors is always problematic and should best
be avoided
However, the subprocess module *does* accept a file object (based on a
libc stream), for convenience. For things to work correctly, the
application and the subprocess module needs to cooperate. I admit that the
documentation needs improvement on this topic, though. 

It's quite easy to demonstrate the problem, you don't need to use seek at
all. Here's a simple test case:

import subprocess
rawfile = file('hello.txt', 'rb')
p = subprocess.Popen([cat], stdin=rawfile, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
print File contents from Popen() call to cat:
print p.stdout.read()

The descriptor offset is at the end, since the stream buffers.
describes the need for cleaning up a stream, when you switch from stream
functions to descriptor functions. This is described at
The documentation recommends the fclean() function, but it's only available
on GNU systems and not in Python. As I understand it, fflush() works good
for cleaning an output stream. 

For input streams, however, things are difficult. fflush() might work
sometimes, but to be sure, you must set the file pointer as well. And,
this does not work for files that are not random access, since there's no
way of move the buffered data back to the operating system. 

So, since subprocess cannot reliable deal with this situation, I believe
it shouldn't try. I think it makes more sense that the application
prepares the file object for low-level operations. There are many other
Python modules that uses the .fileno() method, for example the select()
module, and as far as I understand, this module doesn't try to clean
streams or anything like that. 

To summarize: I'm leaning towards a documentation solution. 


Comment By: lplatypus (ldeller)
Date: 2006-08-25 09:13

Logged In: YES 

I found the cause of this bug:

A libc FILE* (used by python file objects) may hold a
different file offset than the underlying OS file
descriptor.  The posix version of Popen._get_handles does
not take this into account, resulting in this bug.

The following patch against svn trunk fixes the problem.  I
don't have permission to attach files to this item, so I'll
have to paste the patch here:

Index: subprocess.py
--- subprocess.py   (revision 51581)
+++ subprocess.py   (working copy)
@@ -907,6 +907,12 @@
 # Assuming file-like object
 p2cread = 

[ python-Bugs-1634739 ] Problem running a subprocess

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1634739, was opened at 2007-01-13 16:46
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by astrand
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Closed
Resolution: Invalid
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Florent Rougon (frougon)
Assigned to: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Summary: Problem running a subprocess

Initial Comment:

I have a problem running a subprocess from Python (see below). I first ran into 
it with the subprocess module, but it's also triggered by a simple os.fork() 
followed by os.execvp().

So, what is the problem, exactly? I have written the exact same minimal program 
in C and in Python, which uses fork() and execvp() in the most straightforward 
way to run the following command:

  transcode -i /tmp/file.mpg -c 100-101 -o snapshot -y im,null -F png

(whose effect is to extract the 100th frame of /tmp/file.mpg and store it into 

The C program runs fast with no error, while the one in Python takes from 60 to 
145 times longer (!), and triggers error messages from transcode. This 
shouldn't happen, since both programs are merely calling transcode in the same 
way to perform the exact same thing.


1. First, I run the C program (extract_frame) twice on a first .mpg file (MPEG 
2 PS) [the first time fills the block IO cache], and store the output in 

  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output 21
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output 2 1  0.82s user 0.33s system 53% cpu 
2.175 total
  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output 21
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output 2 1  0.79s user 0.29s system 96% cpu 
1.118 total

Basically, this takes 1 or 2 seconds. extract_frame.output is attached.

Second, I run the Python program (extract_frame.py) on the same .mpg file, and 
store the output in extract_frame.py.output:

  % time ./extract_frame.py extract_frame.py.output 21 
  ./extract_frame.py  extract_frame.py.output 2 1  81.59s user 25.98s system 
66% cpu 2:42.51 total

This takes more than 2 *minutes*, not seconds!
(of course, the system is idle for all tests)

In extract_frame.py.output, the following error message appears quickly after 
the process is started:

  failed to write Y plane of frame(demuxer.c) write program stream packet: 
Broken pipe

which is in fact composed of two error messages, the second one starting at 

Once these messages are printed, the transcode subprocesses[1] seem to hang 
(with relatively high CPU usage), but eventually complete, after 2 minutes or 

There are no such error messages in extract_frame.output.

2. Same test with another .mpg file. As far as time is concerned, we have the 
same problem:

  [C program]
  % time ./extract_frame extract_frame.output2 21 
  ./extract_frame  extract_frame.output2 2 1  0.73s user 0.28s system 43% 
cpu 2.311 total

  [Python program]
  % time ./extract_frame.py extract_frame.py.output2 21
  ./extract_frame.py  extract_frame.py.output2 2 1  92.84s user 12.20s 
system 76% cpu 2:18.14 total

We also get the first error message in extract_frame.py.output2:

  failed to write Y plane of frame

when running extract_frame.py, but this time, we do *not* have the second error 

  (demuxer.c) write program stream packet: Broken pipe

All this is reproducible with Python 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 (Debian packages in sarge 
for 2.3 and 2.4, vanilla Python 2.5).

  % python2.5 -c 'import sys; print sys.version; print %x % sys.hexversion'
  2.5 (r25:51908, Jan  5 2007, 17:35:09) 
  [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)]

  % transcode --version
  transcode v1.0.2 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2004 T. Bitterberg

I'd hazard that Python is tweaking some process or threading parameter that is 
inherited by subprocesses and disturbs transcode, which doesn't happen when 
calling fork() and execvp() from a C program, but am unfortunately unable to 
precisely diagnose the problem.

Many thanks for considering.



  [1] Plural because the transcode process spawns several childs: tcextract, 
tcdemux, etc.


Comment By: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Date: 2007-01-21 21:22

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

I never wrote that it was the listing of /proc/pid/fd that was
the behavior of transcode. Please don't put words in my mouth. I wrote
some fds are open soon after the transcode process is started, and
closed afterwards, when run from the Python test script.

Sorry about that, I did misunderstand you. 

I wrote and attached minimal example programs that reproduce the bug.

The problem is that although extract_frame.py is short 

[ python-Bugs-1599254 ] mailbox: other programs' messages can vanish without trace

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1599254, was opened at 2006-11-19 16:03
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by baikie
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 9
Private: No
Submitted By: David Watson (baikie)
Assigned to: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling)
Summary: mailbox: other programs' messages can vanish without trace

Initial Comment:
The mailbox classes based on _singlefileMailbox (mbox, MMDF, Babyl) implement 
the flush() method by writing the new mailbox contents into a temporary file 
which is then renamed over the original. Unfortunately, if another program 
tries to deliver messages while mailbox.py is working, and uses only fcntl() 
locking, it will have the old file open and be blocked waiting for the lock to 
become available. Once mailbox.py has replaced the old file and closed it, 
making the lock available, the other program will write its messages into the 
now-deleted old file, consigning them to oblivion.

I've caused Postfix on Linux to lose mail this way (although I did have to turn 
off its use of dot-locking to do so).

A possible fix is attached.  Instead of new_file being renamed, its contents 
are copied back to the original file.  If file.truncate() is available, the 
mailbox is then truncated to size.  Otherwise, if truncation is required, it's 
truncated to zero length beforehand by reopening self._path with mode wb+.  In 
the latter case, there's a check to see if the mailbox was replaced while we 
weren't looking, but there's still a race condition.  Any alternative ideas?

Incidentally, this fixes a problem whereby Postfix wouldn't deliver to the 
replacement file as it had the execute bit set.


Comment By: David Watson (baikie)
Date: 2007-01-21 22:10

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

Hold on, I have a plan.  If _toc is only regenerated on locking, or at
the end of a flush(), then the only way self._pending can be set at
that time is if the application has made modifications before calling
lock().  If we make that an exception-raising offence, then we can
assume that self._toc is a faithful representation of the last known
contents of the file.  That means we can preserve the existing message
keys on a reread without any of that _user_toc nonsense.

Diff attached, to apply on top of mailbox-unified2.  It's probably had
even less review and testing than the previous version, but it appears
to pass all the regression tests and doesn't change any existing

File Added: mailbox-update-toc-new.diff


Comment By: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling)
Date: 2007-01-21 03:16

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

sigh  I'm starting to lose track of all the variations on the bug. 
Maybe we should just add more warnings to the documentation about locking
the mailbox when modifying it and not try to fix this at all.


Comment By: David Watson (baikie)
Date: 2007-01-20 18:20

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

Hang on.  If a message's key changes after recreating _toc, that does
not mean that another process has modified the mailbox.  If the
application removes a message and then (inadvertently) causes _toc to
be regenerated, the keys of all subsequent messages will be
decremented by one, due only to the application's own actions.

That's what happens in the broken locking test case: the program
intends to remove message 0, flush, and then remove message 1, but
because _toc is regenerated in between, message 1 is renumbered as 0,
message 2 is renumbered as 1, and so the program deletes message 2
instead.  To clear _toc in such code without attempting to preserve
the message keys turns possible data loss (in the case that another
process modified the mailbox) into certain data loss.  That's what I'm
concerned about.


Comment By: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling)
Date: 2007-01-19 15:24

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

After reflection, I don't think the potential changing actually makes
things any worse.  _generate() always starts numbering keys with 1, so if
a message's key changes because of lock()'s, re-reading, that means
someone else has already modified the mailbox.  Without the ToC clearing,
you're already fated to have a corrupted mailbox because the new mailbox
will be written using outdated file offsets.  With the ToC clearing, you
delete the wrong message.  Neither outcome is good, but data is lost
either way.  


[ python-Bugs-1641109 ] Error in append and extend descriptions

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1641109, was opened at 2007-01-21 23:34
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Documentation
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: ilalopoulos (arafin)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Error in append and extend descriptions

Initial Comment: Mutable Sequence Types (2.4.4 Python Doc) 

Error in the table describing append and extend operations for the list type.


s.append(x) same as s[len(s):len(s)] = [x] (2) 
s.extend(x) same as s[len(s):len(s)] = x (3) 

should be:

s.append(x) same as s[len(s):len(s)] = x (2) 
s.extend(x) same as s[len(s):len(s)] = [x] (3)


You can respond by visiting: 
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1546442 ] subprocess.Popen can't read file object as stdin after seek

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1546442, was opened at 2006-08-25 15:52
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by ldeller
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: GaryD (gazzadee)
Assigned to: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Summary: subprocess.Popen can't read file object as stdin after seek

Initial Comment:
When I use an existing file object as stdin for a call
to subprocess.Popen, then Popen cannot read the file if
I have called seek on it more than once.

eg. in the following python code:

 import subprocess
 rawfile = file('hello.txt', 'rb')
'line 1\n'
'line 1\n'
 process_object = subprocess.Popen([cat],
stdin=rawfile, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,

process_object.stdout now contains nothing, implying
that nothing was on process_object.stdin.

Note that this only applies for a non-trivial seek (ie.
where the file-pointer actually changes). Calling
seek(0) multiple times in a row does not change
anything (obviously).

I have not investigated whether this reveals a problem
with seek not changing the underlying file descriptor,
or a problem with Popen not handling the file
descriptor properly.

I have attached some complete python scripts that
demonstrate this problem. One shows cat working after
calling seek once, the other shows cat failing after
calling seek twice.

Python version being used:
Python 2.4.2 (#1, Nov  3 2005, 12:41:57)
[GCC 3.4.3-20050110 (Gentoo Linux,
ssp-, pie-8.7 on linux2


Comment By: lplatypus (ldeller)
Date: 2007-01-22 12:23

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Fair enough, that's probably cleaner and more efficient than playing games
with fflush and lseek anyway.  If file objects are not supported properly
then maybe they shouldn't be accepted at all, forcing the application to
call fileno() if that's what is wanted.  That might break a lot of
existing code though.  Then again it may be beneficial to get everyone to
review code which passes file objects to Popen in light of this behaviour.


Comment By: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Date: 2007-01-22 06:43

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

It's not obvious that the subprocess module is doing anything wrong here.
Mixing streams and file descriptors is always problematic and should best
be avoided
However, the subprocess module *does* accept a file object (based on a
libc stream), for convenience. For things to work correctly, the
application and the subprocess module needs to cooperate. I admit that the
documentation needs improvement on this topic, though. 

It's quite easy to demonstrate the problem, you don't need to use seek at
all. Here's a simple test case:

import subprocess
rawfile = file('hello.txt', 'rb')
p = subprocess.Popen([cat], stdin=rawfile, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
print File contents from Popen() call to cat:
print p.stdout.read()

The descriptor offset is at the end, since the stream buffers.
describes the need for cleaning up a stream, when you switch from stream
functions to descriptor functions. This is described at
The documentation recommends the fclean() function, but it's only available
on GNU systems and not in Python. As I understand it, fflush() works good
for cleaning an output stream. 

For input streams, however, things are difficult. fflush() might work
sometimes, but to be sure, you must set the file pointer as well. And,
this does not work for files that are not random access, since there's no
way of move the buffered data back to the operating system. 

So, since subprocess cannot reliable deal with this situation, I believe
it shouldn't try. I think it makes more sense that the application
prepares the file object for low-level operations. There are many other
Python modules that uses the .fileno() method, for example the select()
module, and as far as I understand, this module doesn't try to clean
streams or anything like that. 

To summarize: I'm leaning towards a documentation solution. 


Comment By: lplatypus (ldeller)
Date: 2006-08-25 17:13

Logged In: YES 

I found the cause of this bug:

A libc FILE* (used by 

[ python-Bugs-654766 ] asyncore.py and quot;handle_exptquot;

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #654766, was opened at 2002-12-16 10:42
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by sf-robot
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.2
Status: Closed
Resolution: Out of Date
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Jes�s Cea Avi�n (jcea)
Assigned to: Josiah Carlson (josiahcarlson)
Summary: asyncore.py and quot;handle_exptquot;

Initial Comment:
Python 2.2.2 here.

Asyncore.py doesn't invoke quot;handle_exptquot; ever
(quot;handle_exptquot; is documented in docs). Managing OOB
data is imprescindible to handle quot;connection refusedquot;
errors in Windows, for example.


Comment By: SourceForge Robot (sf-robot)
Date: 2007-01-21 19:20

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
the administrator of this Tracker).


Comment By: Josiah Carlson (josiahcarlson)
Date: 2007-01-06 22:18

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

According to the most recent Python trunk, handle_expt() is called when an
error is found within a .select() or .poll() call.

Is this still an issue for you in Python 2.4 or Python 2.5?

Setting status as Pending, Out of Date as I believe this bug is fixed.


Comment By: Alexey Klimkin (klimkin)
Date: 2004-03-04 00:24

Logged In: YES 

Patch #909005 fixes the problem.


You can respond by visiting: 
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[ python-Bugs-1579370 ] Segfault provoked by generators and exceptions

2007-01-21 Thread SourceForge.net
Bugs item #1579370, was opened at 2006-10-18 04:23
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by loewis
You can respond by visiting: 

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Interpreter Core
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 9
Private: No
Submitted By: Mike Klaas (mklaas)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Segfault provoked by generators and exceptions

Initial Comment:
A reproducible segfault when using heavily-nested
generators and exceptions.

Unfortunately, I haven't yet been able to provoke this
behaviour with a standalone python2.5 script.  There
are, however, no third-party c extensions running in
the process so I'm fairly confident that it is a
problem in the core.

The gist of the code is a series of nested generators
which leave scope when an exception is raised.  This
exception is caught and re-raised in an outer loop. 
The old exception was holding on to the frame which was
keeping the generators alive, and the sequence of
generator destruction and new finalization caused the


Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2007-01-22 08:51

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

I don't like mklaas' patch, since I think it is conceptually wrong to have
PyTraceBack_Here() use the frame's thread state (mklaas describes it as
dirty, and I agree). I'm proposing an alternative patch (tr.diff); please
test this as well.
File Added: tr.diff


Comment By: Neal Norwitz (nnorwitz)
Date: 2007-01-17 08:01

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Bumping priority to see if this should go into 2.5.1.


Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2007-01-04 11:42

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Why do frame objects have a thread state in the first place? In
particular, why does PyTraceBack_Here get the thread state from the frame,
instead of using the current thread?

Introduction of f_tstate goes back to r7882, but it is not clear why it
was done that way.


Comment By: Andrew Waters (awaters)
Date: 2007-01-04 10:35

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

This fixes the segfault problem that I was able to reliably reproduce on

We need to get this applied (assuming it is the correct fix) to the source
to make Python 2.5 usable for me in production code.


Comment By: Mike Klaas (mklaas)
Date: 2006-11-27 19:41

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

The following patch resets the thread state of the generator when it is
resumed, which prevents the segfault for me:

Index: Objects/genobject.c
--- Objects/genobject.c (revision 52849)
+++ Objects/genobject.c (working copy)
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
assert(f-f_back == NULL);
f-f_back = tstate-frame;
+f-f_tstate = tstate;
gen-gi_running = 1;
result = PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f, exc);


Comment By: Eric Noyau (eric_noyau)
Date: 2006-11-27 19:07

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

We are experiencing the same segfault in our application, reliably.
Running our unit test suite just segfault everytime on both Linux and Mac
OS X. Applying Martin's patch fixes the segfault, and makes everything fine
and dandy, at the cost of some memory leaks if I understand properly.

This particular bug prevents us to upgrade to python 2.5 in production.


Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2006-10-28 07:18

Logged In: YES 

 I tried Tim's hope.py on Linux x86_64 and
 Mac OS X 10.4 with debug builds and neither
 one crashed.  Tim's guess looks pretty damn
 good too.

Neal, note that it's the /Windows/ malloc that fills freed
memory with dangerous bytes in a debug build -- this
really has nothing to do with that it's a debug build of
/Python/ apart from that on Windows a debug build of Python
also links in the debug version of Microsoft's malloc.

The valgrind report is pointing at the same thing.  Whether
this leads to a crash is purely an accident of when and how
the system malloc happens to reuse the freed memory.


Comment By: Neal Norwitz (nnorwitz)
Date: 2006-10-28 06:56
