Re: Why NOT only one class per file?

2007-04-06 Thread Alex Martelli
John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 systems that didn't work that way, in which the program source was
 manipulated within the language environment, in a more structured
 fashion.  Smalltalk, LISP, and (wierdly) Forth environments have been
 built that way.  But it never really caught on.

APL was that way, too.  And now the ACM wants to dissolve the APL SIG --
there just isn't anything much happening there any more:-(


Re: Looping issues

2007-04-06 Thread Peter Otten
Larry Bates wrote:

 If the files aren't terribly large (not tested):
 correct_lines=open(rC:\Python25\Scripts\Output \
 \correct_settings.txt, r).readlines()
 for line in current_settings:
 if line in correct_lines:
 print line +  found

You only have to read the inner file into memory, and a set is more
efficient than a list here:

current_settings = open(...)
correct_settings = set(open(...))

for line in current_settings:
   if line in correct_settings:
  print line.rstrip(), found

Of course your suggestion of difflib is spot-on.




2007-04-06 Thread C.L.
James Stroud jstroud at writes:
 C.L. wrote:
  I was looking for a function or method that would return the index to the
  first matching element in a list. ...
  ... __please don't be overly defensive__ ...
 The amount of typing wasted to defend design decisions such as this can 
 boggle one's mind. Just use lists unless you have on overwhelming reason 
 to do otherwise.

Read the quote. I *am* using a list.

That doesn't change the fact that this is unfriendly design. It's an ugly
inconsistent chunk of a Python's past in which built-in types didn't behave like
objects. It sticks out like a sore thumb, maybe just not very often.

Oh, and thanks for the insulting tone of your anticipated response. Have you
anything better to do with your time than wasting bytes writing empty responses
to what you already deem a waste of typing?

*sighs* just what I expected: another idle troll defending something just for
the sake of defending it. On the other hand, thanks 7stud, for the truly helpful


Re: Why NOT only one class per file?

2007-04-06 Thread Steven Howe
Now we're at the '_/How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin/_' 
question (like anything with wings would waste time dancing. Ever seen 
eagles mate (not the football players)? Dance it's not, but it looks 
like /sex on a roller coaster only better/! Get me a pair of wings!).  
Religious war over please! They get me long winded (as you'll note if 
you keep reading).  So, back to the original questions, now long forgotten.

The questions (there were three) were:
(1) Why does Java require each class be in a separate file?
(2) Why Python has no such rule?
(3) Is there a reason I should do one or the other (I assume that means 
either, (3)(a) one class per file, regardless of language and/or (3)(b) 
Java or Python).

-- evangelist flag off 

Question (1):

   There appear to be four answers to this question.
   (a) Don't know (most answers, but with some religious dogma
   attached. JAVA bad; PYTHON good and I worship PHP. Move the adj.
   around  to suit your tastes).

   (b) KISS principle. /Keep It Simple, Stupid/. This is probably the
   right answer. Back then SUN, or as some of us remember '/Stanford
   University Network/' employed some sharp people (I must admit, my
   main reason for disliking SUN and CISCO was where they started. I
   was from UC Berkeley. It should have been UCBUN, or Uncle Buns; but
   that's just wouldn't sell. See how well BSD or 'bastard' sells).

   (c) Early Java development technology not up to n+1 classes in a
   single file. Reasonable from an old programmer's point of view.
   Those old IPC workstation didn't have that much memory. Small
   compiling jobs and executable loads would have been preferred if not
   required. I remember my first IPC had 4 Megabytes of RAM (boy did I
   have to beg for that box!) My Compaq 386/20 MHz computer, running
   MSDOS 3.1 only had 1 Meg and a Hercules graphics card (16 colors. I
   must have been good that year). I must have been a star, as most
   other's new hires were using '*/Bleeding Edge/*' computers (and if
   you don't know the reference, your just too young; think Gateway or
   Dell's cheap, hobbled products). File and more importantly, virus
   transfers where by /SneakerNet/. You young people have it too good;
   just one message via Exchange and you can infect a million computers
   in a thousand countries in moments. We had to work at it before we
   could take a day off as IT reloaded our computers. Thank God or Bill
   Gates, that companies keep buying a broken product.

   (d) Last. It was developed for vending machines (as someone pointed
   out, it started life as 'OAK'). Small memory foot print and a
   limited feature set were no brainers. '/We Taka the coins in, We
   dropa the Twinky out'. /The net's early domination by Unix variants
   and the Macintosh made Java's '/jack of all trades'/ a good
   solution. It was the main reason Microsoft tried (and failed) to
   '/Embrace and Extend'/ Java (Novell watch your ass; Microsoft wants
   to embrace and extend up your backside. SUN, just like a good
   Catholic girl said NO! (Or not in public! as the IBM/SCO trial seems
   to show)).

   So, pick an answers. It's God's fault/feature (sorry, I forget SUN
   != Microsoft), a programming dogma, hardware related or just old
   fashion growing pains. Probably some of each is the truth.

Question (2):

   Python is a later generation language then Java. Without a SUN,
   Digital or Microsoft to push it, it had to serve it's users better.
   Design limitations, due to hardware (see HP and Korn shell) weren't
   a consideration. The main issue I could see, when I was first
   introduced to the Python language, was the reduction of overhead and
   limited ways of doing the same task (1/ Perl ^ n in my experience).
   The need to prettify code so other could read it, or more
   importantly, so other's couldn't read it (for job security), wasn't
   there. Python really is easy to learn, like Pascal was suppose to be.

   Python, like Java was OO from the word go (ok gcc for you purists),
   but was not syntactically  a descendant of C++, so non-C++
   programmers didn't need to pay homage to ATT (and God's only son,
   Bell Labs, from whence the Holy Ghost, Unix was created, destroyed
   and reborn as BSD. Is there a movie with Mell Gibson there?
   Remember, I said it first!).

   Freedom of vendors often means best of breed wins (i.e. most useful
   feature are includes). Freedom of vendors also means it hard to get
   into your shop (no one ever got fired for buying IBM after all).

That takes care of why, I hope. _No doubt_ there's a few opinions left 
to be expressed. Who knows, they might stay on topic as well or better 
them I.

Question (3):

   (3)(a) Is there a reason I should practice the 'One Class per File'
   Answer is *yes,* when it makes your programming task easier and
   *no,* when 

Re: Objects, lists and assigning values

2007-04-06 Thread Manuel Graune

Hello Gabriel, hello William,

thanks to both of you for your answers. I seem to need a
better book about python. 



Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 class new_class(object):
 def __init__(self, internal_list=None):
 if internal_list is None:
 internal_list = []
 self.internal_list= internal_list


 Gabriel Genellina

A hundred men did the rational thing. The sum of those rational choices was
called panic. Neal Stephenson -- System of the world
Key fingerprint = 1E44 9CBD DEE4 9E07 5E0A  5828 5476 7E92 2DB4 3C99

Freeze vs cx_Freeze

2007-04-06 Thread mathieu

   I am currently investigating how to distribute a python based
application on a targeted linux system (debian) and so far I only
found two options:
- Freeze (shipped with python dist)
- cx_Freeze (*)

As far as I understand those two options are very close. According to
the cx_Freeze README cx_Freeze is simply easier to use (no dependencie
of gcc, faster to create binaries) and it is cross-platform (no
interest for me in this case).

Anything else ?




Re: Why NOT only one class per file?

2007-04-06 Thread Paul Rubin
John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Interestingly, PHP breaks this model; PHP programs are web pages.
 They may be on to something.

See also literate programming, including the version built into Haskell.

Re: Freeze vs cx_Freeze

2007-04-06 Thread Phil Thompson
On Friday 06 April 2007 9:08 am, mathieu wrote:

I am currently investigating how to distribute a python based
 application on a targeted linux system (debian) and so far I only
 found two options:
 - Freeze (shipped with python dist)
 - cx_Freeze (*)

 As far as I understand those two options are very close. According to
 the cx_Freeze README cx_Freeze is simply easier to use (no dependencie
 of gcc, faster to create binaries) and it is cross-platform (no
 interest for me in this case).

 Anything else ?


ANN: PyPE 2.8.5

2007-04-06 Thread Josiah Carlson

=== What is PyPE? ===
PyPE (Python Programmers' Editor) was written in order to offer a
lightweight but powerful editor for those who think emacs is too much
and idle is too little. Syntax highlighting is included out of the box,
as is multiple open documents via tabs.

Beyond the basic functionality, PyPE offers an expandable source tree,
filesystem browser, draggable document list, todo list, filterable
function list, find and replace bars (no dialog to find or replace simple
strings), recordable and programmable macros, spell checker,
reconfigurable menu hotkeys, triggers, find in files, external process
shells, and much more.

=== More Information ===

If you would like more information about PyPE, including screenshots,
where to download the source or windows binaries, bug tracker, contact
information, or a somewhat complete listing of PyPE's features, visit
PyPE's home on the web:

If you have any questions about PyPE, please contact me, Josiah Carlson,
aka the author of PyPE, at jcarlson at (remember to include
PyPE in the subject).

PyPE 2.8.5 includes the following changes and bugfixes since release

(fixed) issue where double-clicking on a result while search was still going
wouldn't actually go to the line of the result.
(fixed) macros that use the line-based abstraction will now cause the parse
timers to restart (just like hitting a keyboard key).
(added) 'GotoLineS' utility method on stc instances for easy navigation to and
selection of an entire line.
(added) and disabled tagging tool.
(fixed) commented/uncommented line discovery for latex documents.
(fixed) vim option discovery when opening up latex documents.
(added) the ability to disable individual tools if desired (disabling a tool
prevents it from being updated, and may reduce tool refresh times).
(fixed) calltips.
(fixed) removed debug printouts for autocomplete.
(fixed) View - Go To Line Number, now goes to the proper line (not the one
after), and now will always show the content of the line.
(changed) stopped using combined file/text drop targets, drags could cause
extra copies of text to be pasted at the end of the document.
(added) ability to have a read-only view of a document in the wide or tall
tools.  See View - Split Wide and Split Tall.  Note that you can have two
different documents displayed in either split.  See View - Unsplit for hiding
removing the view to the documents (the split views persist even if you close
the open documents, but will not update if you close and re-open the closed
(changed) moved search code (for the Search tab) use a separate thread in
order to increase interactivity, and to prevent lockups due to bad regular
(fixed) checkbox updating for showing or hiding wide or tall tools when using
the keyboard to toggle them on some platforms.
(known issue) sometimes when attempting to use keyboard shortcuts, PyPE will
not recognize the keyboard shortcuts.  Click on an open document to allow the
keyboard shortcuts to work again.
(fixed) the 'Ignore .subdirs' option in the 'Search' tab; if you add a path of
foo/, and there was a foo/bar/.subdir, PyPE will now ignore foo/bar/.subdir .
PyPE mistakenly only previously ignored foo/.subdir .
(fixed) Option Document - Save Position will now properly go to the right
position when there are document folds present.
(changed) the way tree controls update their content during refresh.  Should
prevent unnecessary horizontal scrolling as was the case in PyPE 2.8, and be
noticably faster.
(fixed) classes or functions with the same names will no longer all be
expanded in the browsable source trees when one is expanded.
(fixed) icon update issues in the browsable source trees when classes,
functions, or methods lose child nodes.
(fixed) filter tool to not list #-- stuff -- style labels as having negative
lengths, instead will have lengths of zero, and won't affect line counts
(changed) the included stc-styles.rc.cfg to make // comments the standard font
(changed) adjusted the layout of the Find/Replace bar to use less horizontal
space (really only noticable in the Replace bar).
(fixed) pasting in a shell when non-editable data is selected will no longer
change the non-editable data or result in an error dialog.


Re: Objects, lists and assigning values

2007-04-06 Thread 7stud
On Apr 6, 1:23 am, Manuel Graune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Gabriel, hello William,

 thanks to both of you for your answers. I seem to need a
 better book about python.

What book are you reading?


Python on MIPS

2007-04-06 Thread Lorenzo Mainardi
Hi everybody,
I bought a very small embedded card, with a MIPS processor, running
Linux. So, I would to use Python on that; I checked on, but I
did'nt find any release for this architecture. Could you help me?

Re: RFC: Assignment as expression (pre-PEP)

2007-04-06 Thread Duncan Booth
Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You have to build the handlers list, containing (regex, handler) items;  
 the unknown case might be a match-all expression at the end.
 Well, after playing a bit with decorators I got this:

That's a nice class, and more maintainable with the separate handler 
methods than a long function. Here's a completely untested variation. I 
hope the intent is clear:

 def handle_this(regex, handlers=handlers):
 # A decorator; associates the function to the regex
 # (Not intended to be used as a normal method!
 # not even a static method!)
 def register(function, regex=regex):
 handlers.append((function.__name__, regex))
 return function
 return register

  ... insert handlers here ...

def parse(self):
 regex = '|'.join(['(?P%s%s)' % pair for pair in self.handlers])
 fields = str.split(
 for field in fields:
 match = regex.match(field)
 if match:
 handler = getattr(self,
handler(self, field, match)

The handler functions themselves would have to be constrained to also use 
only named groups, but you gain by only having a single regex.match call on 
each field which could (if there are a lot of handlers) be significant.

The calculation of regex could also of course be pulled out of parse to 
somewhere it only happens once for the class instead of once per instance.

How to fix this? Sybase module and character set!!!!

2007-04-06 Thread boyeestudio

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File, line 152, in ?
 File, line 132, in main
   testSyb = SybaseProc(199477,'','sa','','zxdb_ecity',173624)
 File, line 44, in __init__
   self.sybdata = Sybase.connect(hostip,user,pwd,databasename)
 File C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\, line 1087, in connect
   strip, auto_commit, delay_connect, locking, datetime)
 File C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\, line 866, in __init__
 File C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\, line 960, in connect
   status = conn.ct_connect(self.dsn)
 File C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\, line 200, in _servermsg_cb
   raise DatabaseError(_fmt_server(msg))
Sybase.DatabaseError: Msg 2401, Level 11, State 2
Character set conversion is not available between client character set
'iso_1' and server character set 'eucgb'.
Msg 2411, Level 10, State 1
No conversions will be done.
Msg 2415, Level 10, State 1
Due to previous errors, the language for this session is being forced to

How to change the client(My python program)'s character set from iso_1 to
eucgb(Chinese gb2312)?

Re: ANN: PyPE 2.8.5

2007-04-06 Thread Stef Mientki
Josiah Carlson wrote:
 === What is PyPE? ===
 PyPE (Python Programmers' Editor) was written in order to offer a
 lightweight but powerful editor for those who think emacs is too much
 and idle is too little. Syntax highlighting is included out of the box,
 as is multiple open documents via tabs.

Very beautiful, Josiah !
Not only very nice as an IDE,
but also to show the possibilities (and some of the limitations) of wxPython, 

A few remarks,
- example macros are placed one level to deep, so you won't see them
- you didn't include the run current Python script macro
- why not (also) place this announcement in the

Stef Mientki

BaseHTTPRequestHandler reading .html with python code

2007-04-06 Thread gcmartijn

I was wondering how I can do something like this.

bhello world/b
special pythoncodetag
print 'hello world'
#or display str(time.localtime()[7])
/special pythoncodetag
def do_GET(self):
if self.path.endswith(.html):
f = open(curdir + sep + self.path) #self.path has /
# now display the bhello world/b and run the python code.

I saw the mod python for apache and some PSP but I really want to know
how they do this.
Is there are special module for doing this ?

Or is there something like this:
1. a running python program
2. include with write( a extra python code inside the already
running python program.

How they handle this ?


Re: Looping issues

2007-04-06 Thread thebjorn
On Apr 5, 8:01 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I am trying to do is compare two files to each other.

 If the 2nd file contains the same line the first file contains, I want
 to print it. I wrote up the following code:

 correct_settings = open(C:\Python25\Scripts\Output
 current_settings = open(C:\Python25\Scripts\Output\output.txt,r)

 for line in correct_settings:
 for val in current_settings:
 if val == line:
 print line +  found.


 For some reason this only looks at the first line of the
 correct_settings.txt file. Any ideas as to how i can loop through each
 line of the correct_settings file instead of just looking at the first?

I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're trying to do, but in
case you're trying to walk through the two files in lockstep printing
the lines that correspond, here's a way to do that:

# note the r'..' syntax
correct = open(r'c:\python25\scripts\output\correct_settings.txt')
current = open(r'c:\python25\scripts\output\output.txt')

for correct_line, current_line in zip(correct, current):
if correct_line == current_line:
print correct_line, 'found.'


-- bjorn


Re: Storing of folder structure in SQL DB

2007-04-06 Thread Sergei Minayev

Amit Khemka:
 On 5 Apr 2007 04:58:22 -0700, Sergei Minayev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All!
  Can you please help me with the following problem:
  I need to store a copy of local folders structure in MySQL database.
  I have chosen the following table structure for that:
  |  id  |  id_uplink  |  folder_name  |
  id - unique property of each folder.
  id_uplink - id of upper level folder is stored here (for example: if
  id of c:\test is 1, than id_uplink of c:\test\python equals 1).
  folder_name - name of folder.
  You see, i dont want to store the path list, but the structure.
  The question is how to implement that in Python. I easily made it in C+
  + using recursion. But, unfortunately, I can't figure it out how to
  make it in python using os.walk function (or can you recommend smth.
  else???). :( Though it looks quite simple, but anyway.
  Best Regards,

 os.walk should be more than sufficient in your case. You can navigate
 the directory structure and at each 'new' directory find its parents
 id and assign a new-id to this 'new' directory.

 An Example:

 import os
 id =0
 tree={root:(-1, id)}
 for path, dirs, files in os.walk(root):
 for dir in dirs:
 if not tree.has_key(path+'/'+dir):
 tree[path+'/'+dir]=(tree[path][1], id)

 It stores ids as a tuple (parent_id, id) in a dictionary(tree). Should
 be straight forward to modify to your requirements. Also you can make
 the following code more efficient by saving/caching some lookups !

 Amit Khemka --
 Home Page:
 Endless the world's turn, endless the sun's Spinning, Endless the quest;
 I turn again, back to my own beginning, And here, find rest.

Thanks! Your code example was really helpful!


[optparse] Problem with getting an option value

2007-04-06 Thread Lucas Malor
Hello all. I'm trying to do a little script. Simply I want to make a list of 
all options with them default values. If the option is not specified in the 
command line, the script must try to read it in a config.ini file. If it's not 
present also there, it must set the default value.

The problem is I maked a simple list for this:

optname = [
  [ delete,   False ],
  [ file, file ],
  [ dir,   ],

But I must check that the option was specified in command line:

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
for opt in optname :
  if not options.opt[0] :
# read the options from config.ini

The problem is options is an instance, so options.delete, for example, is 
wrong; I should pass options.delete . How can I do?

Protect yourself from spam, 

Re: Python on MIPS

2007-04-06 Thread Thomas Krüger
Lorenzo Mainardi schrieb:
 I bought a very small embedded card, with a MIPS processor, running
 Linux. So, I would to use Python on that; I checked on, but I
 did'nt find any release for this architecture. Could you help me?

How about compiling it from source?


Re: tkinter canvas mvc

2007-04-06 Thread James Stroud
Gigs_ wrote:
 Hi all!
 I have just finished my tkinter text editor, learning tkinter purpose.
 Now I want to learn canvas so I want to make my paint program, I think 
 that this will be the best to do over model-view-controler pattern which 
 I need to learn also.
 Is there any good tutorial for mvc in python or can someone explain me 
 little bit about mvc?
 or maybe some code snippet in mvc, that will be nice.
 Thanks in advance!

MVC in a nutshell.

1. You need a model.
2. You need a view.
3. You need a controller.

Lets see how they work together, using dictionary-like interfaces:

class Model(dict): pass

class View(object):
   def __init__(self, controller, keys):
 self.controller = controller
 self.widgets = {}
 for k in keys:
   w = make_a_widget(k)
   def _callback(w=w):
 v = w.get_value()
 self.controller[k] = v
   w.bind(SomeEvent, _callback)
   self.widgets[k] = w
   def __setitem__(self, k, v):
   def __contains__(self, k):
 return k in self.widgets

class Controller(object):
   def __init__(self, model):
 self.views = [] = model
   def register_view(self, aview):
   def __setitem__(self, k, v):[k] = v
 for aview in self.views:
   if k in aview:
 aview[k] = v
   def __getitem__(self, k):
   def update(self, adict):
 for k,v in adict.items():
   for aview in self.views:
 if k in aview:
   aview[k] = v


Using os.popen3() to get binary data

2007-04-06 Thread Christoph Krammer
Hello everybody,

I need to get the different frames from a GIF image in my python
script and want to use the giftopnm program from netpbm to get the
frames and directly convert them to pnm files. I tried to use the
following code:

for image in images:
if (image[0:3] == 'GIF'):
  (si, so, se) = os.popen3('giftopnm -image=all', 'b')
  frame = so.readlines()

But with this code the script just hangs. When I interrupt the script,
I get the following error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/tiger/stock-spam/scripts/, line 46, in ?
frames = so.readlines()
close failed: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

Can somebody tell me, which command I have to use that the pipe will
be closed when the giftopnm returns? This program just prints the
converted images to stdout and terminates.

Thanks in advance,


Comments in ConfigParser module

2007-04-06 Thread Joel Andres Granados
Hi list:

I have run across a situation with ConfigParser Module.   It refers to 
the comments in the configuration filed.  According to the it states that 
lines starting with # and ; are ignored. 
So lines like:
; comment
# comment
are considered comments.  So far so good.

The module also allows the comments to appear in the same line as the 
name = value constructs.  The only difference being that this is only 
possible with ; and not with # character.  I did not see this in the 
documentation but this is how it is behaving.
So while the following line takes the comment as a comment.
*name = value ; comment*
the next line does not result in the same behavior.
*name = value # comment*
the name element would have value # comment as its value, when what I 
really want is for comment to be taken as a comment.

QUESTION...So the question is:
Can you use # and ; as comment characters? and if so why does the 
# not apply for the same situations as the ;?  I'm working with fc7 
(I synced it sometime last week) and python 2.5 (r25:51908, Feb 13 2007, 

Any comment greatly appreciated

Just for reference:
On the RFC 822 (a document 
referenced in the documentation) there is a mention of ; being used as 
comment character but not necessarily at the beginning of the line. 
So anything that comes after the ; is ignored.
name = value ; comment  (;comment would be ignored)


Re: [optparse] Problem with getting an option value

2007-04-06 Thread Peter Otten
Lucas Malor wrote:

 Hello all. I'm trying to do a little script. Simply I want to make a list
 of all options with them default values. If the option is not specified in
 the command line, the script must try to read it in a config.ini file. If
 it's not present also there, it must set the default value.
 The problem is I maked a simple list for this:
 optname = [
   [ delete, False ],
   [ file,   file ],
   [ dir, ],
 But I must check that the option was specified in command line:
 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 for opt in optname :
   if not options.opt[0] :
 # read the options from config.ini
 The problem is options is an instance, so options.delete, for example,
 is wrong; I should pass options.delete . How can I do?

Use getattr():

for name, default_value in optname:
if getattr(options, name) == default_value:
value = ... # read value from config file
setattr(options, name, value)

Personally, I would always read the config file, use the values found there
to set up the parser and avoid such post-processing.




2007-04-06 Thread Steve Holden
C.L. wrote:
 James Stroud jstroud at writes:
 C.L. wrote:
 I was looking for a function or method that would return the index to the
 first matching element in a list. ...
 ... __please don't be overly defensive__ ...
 The amount of typing wasted to defend design decisions such as this can 
 boggle one's mind. Just use lists unless you have on overwhelming reason 
 to do otherwise.

 Read the quote. I *am* using a list.
 That doesn't change the fact that this is unfriendly design. It's an ugly
 inconsistent chunk of a Python's past in which built-in types didn't behave 
 objects. It sticks out like a sore thumb, maybe just not very often.
OK, if you want a *reason*, the *reason* is that tuples were originally 
intended to be used in the same way that tuples are used in mathematics: 
as an ordered collection of dissimilar objects. Given that the sequence 
held by a tuple wasn't intended to be homogeneous it didn't originally 
make sense to be able to find something (which would of necessity be of 
a particular type) in it.

Of course much has changed since then, and nowadays the world goes in 
for tuple-abuse. Consequently the majority don't appear to understand 
why tuple doesn't become simply an immutable list. But you have clearly 
found the preferred solution on your own, so this is basically just a 
history lesson.

Glad you asked? Is your thumb any less sore.

 Oh, and thanks for the insulting tone of your anticipated response. Have you
 anything better to do with your time than wasting bytes writing empty 
 to what you already deem a waste of typing?
I'd have thought you would have saved time simply by refusing to rise to 
what you clearly see as bait.

 *sighs* just what I expected: another idle troll defending something just for
 the sake of defending it. On the other hand, thanks 7stud, for the truly 
Get over it. This is Usenet, abuse is next door.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: About python Sybase module and the database manipulation!

2007-04-06 Thread Steve Holden
boyeestudio wrote:
 I write a python program which can insert one record into the Sybase 
 databae at a time using the function fetchone(),But I find it runs slowly.
 So I want speed it up,But I don't know how to manipulate the database 
 more efficiently! Thread or any other methods can do it??
Since fetchone() is for *retrieval* of data from a database and since 
you don't show us your code it's difficult to know what to suggest.

If you let us have an example it will be easier to tell you why your 
code doesn't run fast enough.

You may wish to look at executemany() if you have lots of insertions to 

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Using os.popen3() to get binary data

2007-04-06 Thread Thomas Krüger
Christoph Krammer schrieb:

 for image in images:
 if (image[0:3] == 'GIF'):
   (si, so, se) = os.popen3('giftopnm -image=all', 'b')
   frame = so.readlines()
 But with this code the script just hangs. When I interrupt the script,
 I get the following error message:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/tiger/stock-spam/scripts/, line 46, in ?
 frames = so.readlines()
 close failed: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

Just a try: use read() instead of readlines()!


Getting Stack Trace on segfault

2007-04-06 Thread James Stroud
Hello All,

The built-in mac osx vecLib is segfaulting in some cases--A very fun 
fact to find out the hard way over two nights of work. I also spent an 
embarrassing amount of time figuring out just where. Although I'm in 
quite a self-congratulatory mood right now, in the future, I feel like I 
could save a lot of time by coercing the interpreter to spew forth 
method calls to stderr. Is this possible?

I would hope to produce something hauntingly reminiscent of

[] my_function
[my_function] another_function
[my_function - another_function] yet_a_deeper_function

Presentation, of course, is irrelevant.

I read the docs on pdb, but it did not seem to do what I want--unless, 
of course, I missed something.


Simple mx.ODBC prob seeks simple answer

2007-04-06 Thread Greg Corradini

Hello all,
I'm having trouble inserting an SQL selection into a new MS Access table. I
get a parameter error on my insert statement when I try this (see below for
code and error msg). I'm not sure if 'insert' or 'update' is the route I
should be taking.

#Import Pythond Standard Library Modules
import win32com.client, sys, os, string, copy, glob
import mx.ODBC.Windows as odbc

# Create the Geoprocessor Object
gp = win32com.client.Dispatch(esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1)
gp.overwriteoutput = 1

# Variables
tempspace = C:\Documents and Settings\corr1gre\Desktop\Workspace\DBFs 
workspace = string.replace(tempspace,\\,/)
worksheet1 = Mower_I
worksheet2 = Mower_II
#Conection to Access
driv = 'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ='+workspace
conn = odbc.DriverConnect(driv)
curse = conn.cursor()

#Drop Tables if they already exist
curse.execute('Drop table Table_I')
curse.execute('Drop table Table_II')
curse.execute('Drop table Checker')
#Create a New Tables
curse.execute('Create table Table_I (TISCODE TEXT(12), EXISTSIN
curse.execute('Create table Table_II(TISCODE TEXT(12), EXISTSIN TEXT(4))')
curse.execute('Create table Checker (TISCODE TEXT(12), EXISTSIN

#Upload DBF 1 as a List of Tuples: Returns tuple as ('102150','BMP')
sql = 'SELECT TISCODE,EXISTSIN from '+worksheet2
x = curse.fetchall()

#Put the fetched Data into Table_II
for i in x:
curse.execute('Insert into Table_II (TISCODE,EXISTSIN) values

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:/Documents and Settings/corr1gre/Desktop/Workspace/Python/ArcGIS
Python/ExistenceChecker and Update/Access Double Checker/,
line 40, in ?
curse.execute('Insert into Table_II (TISCODE,EXISTSIN) values
ProgrammingError: ('07001', -3010, '[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access
Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.', 4612)
View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


Re: elementary tuple question. (sorry)

2007-04-06 Thread mik3l3374
On Apr 6, 5:31 am, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 5, 3:08 pm, Steven W. Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a tuple that I got from struct.unpack. Now I want to pass the data
  from the returned tuple to struct.pack


  'l 10l 11i h 4h c 47c 0l'struct.pack(fmt, tup)

  Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in ?
  struct.error: required argument is not an integer

  What's the idiom to pass the data in tup?


 import struct

 fmt = l l
 result = struct.pack(fmt, 12, 4)

 t = (12, 4)
 result = struct.pack(fmt, *t)

 The * unpacks the tuple.

there's an unpack().


Re: Simple mx.ODBC prob seeks simple answer

2007-04-06 Thread Steve Holden
Greg Corradini wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm having trouble inserting an SQL selection into a new MS Access table. I
 get a parameter error on my insert statement when I try this (see below for
 code and error msg). I'm not sure if 'insert' or 'update' is the route I
 should be taking.
 #Import Pythond Standard Library Modules
 import win32com.client, sys, os, string, copy, glob
 import mx.ODBC.Windows as odbc
 # Create the Geoprocessor Object
 gp = win32com.client.Dispatch(esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1)
 gp.overwriteoutput = 1
 # Variables
 tempspace = C:\Documents and Settings\corr1gre\Desktop\Workspace\DBFs 
 workspace = string.replace(tempspace,\\,/)
 worksheet1 = Mower_I
 worksheet2 = Mower_II
 #Conection to Access
 driv = 'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ='+workspace
 conn = odbc.DriverConnect(driv)
 curse = conn.cursor()
 #Drop Tables if they already exist
 curse.execute('Drop table Table_I')
 curse.execute('Drop table Table_II')
 curse.execute('Drop table Checker')
 #Create a New Tables
 curse.execute('Create table Table_I (TISCODE TEXT(12), EXISTSIN
 curse.execute('Create table Table_II(TISCODE TEXT(12), EXISTSIN TEXT(4))')
 curse.execute('Create table Checker (TISCODE TEXT(12), EXISTSIN
 #Upload DBF 1 as a List of Tuples: Returns tuple as ('102150','BMP')
 sql = 'SELECT TISCODE,EXISTSIN from '+worksheet2
 x = curse.fetchall()
 #Put the fetched Data into Table_II
 for i in x:
 curse.execute('Insert into Table_II (TISCODE,EXISTSIN) values
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:/Documents and Settings/corr1gre/Desktop/Workspace/Python/ArcGIS
 Python/ExistenceChecker and Update/Access Double Checker/,
 line 40, in ?
 curse.execute('Insert into Table_II (TISCODE,EXISTSIN) values
 ProgrammingError: ('07001', -3010, '[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access
 Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.', 4612)

That error usually occurs when you use a name that isn't defined int he 
database (typically I mistype a column name) - the JET engine then 
thinks it's missing a value for some parameter.

In your case it's because you aren't surrounding the string literal 
value for TISCODE in your statement with the appropriate '' single 
quotes. The engine thus parses it as a name, hence the assumption that a 
parameter is missing.

It's actually good that you have made this error, because it allows me 
to expound yet again on the dangers of constructing your own SQL 
statements instead of using parameterised statements. In the case of 
mxODBC the correct parameter mark to use is a question mark. You should 
then supply the data to be substituted for the parameter marks as a 
tuple argument to the cursor's execute() method.

So what you really need is:

#Put the fetched Data into Table_II
for i in x:
 curse.execute(Insert into Table_II (TISCODE,EXISTSIN)
  values (?, ?), i)

A couple of other points:

1. It would actually be better to put the commit() call outside the 
loop. This is not only more efficient but it defines the whole set of 
changes as a transaction.

2. It would be even more efficient not to use a loop at all but to use 
the cursor's executemany() method to perform all inserts with a single 
call as follows:

#Put the fetched Data into Table_II
curse.executemany(Insert into Table_II (TISCODE,EXISTSIN)
  values (?, ?), x)

For more on using the DBI API, including something about the risks of 
SQL injection vulnerabilities, take a look at the notes from my PyCon 
tutorial at

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: how to remove multiple occurrences of a string within a list?

2007-04-06 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 15:56:34 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 Now how would one do it and preserve the original order?
 This apparently simple problem is surprisingly FOS...
 But list comprehension to the rescue :
[x for x in duplist if duplist.count(x) == 1]
 ['haha', 5, 6]
 *shakes head* duh... why does it take so long?

Because you are using Shlemiel the painter's algorithm:

Each time you call duplist.count(), you go back to the beginning
of the list and walk the entire list. You end up walking the list over
and over and over again.



Re: tuples, index method, Python's design

2007-04-06 Thread Paul Boddie
C.L. wrote:

 That doesn't change the fact that this is unfriendly design. It's an ugly
 inconsistent chunk of a Python's past in which built-in types didn't behave 
 objects. It sticks out like a sore thumb, maybe just not very often.

When this topic last appeared on my radar, I ended up writing a long
message about it:


 *sighs* just what I expected: another idle troll defending something just for
 the sake of defending it. On the other hand, thanks 7stud, for the truly 

The problem with 7stud's quote from GvR is that it's out of date:
tuples do have methods now, as you've noticed, but just not the index
method. Previously, I've missed that method, and it wouldn't be hard
to add it to the tuple class (in CPython's own source code), but one
has to wonder whether it's really necessary, or at least as necessary
as for other classes. Certainly, there's a trade-off between essential
functionality and having, say, 100 methods which are all useful to
someone but which make interactive introspection a rather tedious and
confusing business.



Re: Plugin architecture - how to do?

2007-04-06 Thread Nate Finch
On Apr 5, 10:57 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm making a program that consists of a main engine + plugins.  Both
 are in Python.  My question is, how do I go about importing arbitrary
 code and have it be able to use the engine's functions, classes, etc?

For a true plugin architecture, you don't have the main engine calling
methods on the plugin.  What you do is have an API on your engine with
methods the plugin can call and events it can hook into.  The events
are how the engine communicates state to any plugins, without having
to know who they are or what they do.  Your engine has a configuration
that tells it what plugins to load (which the plugins presumably
modified when they installed themselves) or otherwise has some
standard way that the engine can figure out what plugins need to be

Now granted, I don't specifically know how to do this via python..
but, maybe what I've said will send you in the right direction.



Re: Why NOT only one class per file?

2007-04-06 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 14:23:19 -0700, Chris Lasher wrote:

 A friend of mine with a programming background in Java and Perl places
 each class in its own separate file in . I informed him that keeping
 all related classes together in a single file is more in the Python
 idiom than one file per class. He asked why, and frankly, his valid
 question has me flummoxed.

Hah! Writing one class per file is for wimps! When I program, I write one
*method* per file, then import them and build the class at runtime.

I have a friend who writes one *line* per file, then pulls them all
together with exec(), but that's just being stupid.



Re: Using os.popen3() to get binary data

2007-04-06 Thread Christoph Krammer
Just got the solution...

After sending the image data with si.write(image), I have to close
the pipe to tell the program to convert the image with si.close().
Now everything works fine.



Re: low level networking in python

2007-04-06 Thread Maxim Veksler
On 4/4/07, Irmen de Jong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maxim Veksler wrote:

  I'm trying to bind a non-blocking socket, here is my code:
  #!/usr/bin/env python
  import socket, select
  from time import sleep
  s_nb1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  s_nb1.bind(('', 10002))
  while 1:
conn, addr = s_nb1.accept()
ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error =[conn], [],
  [], 0)
print (ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error)
  And this is the exception I'm getting:
  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 13, in ?
 conn, addr = s_nb1.accept()
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 161, in accept
 sock, addr = self._sock.accept()
  socket.error: (11, 'Resource temporarily unavailable')
  What am I doing wrong here?

 Any operation on a non-blocking socket that is usually blocking
 (this includes accept(), bind(), connect(), recv with MSG_WAITALL)
 can possibly return a socket.error with errno set to EAGAIN.
 ('resource temporarily unavailable').
 If this happens you should use a select() on the socket to
 wait until it's done with the requested operation.

Hello everyone, I would like to thank you all for the helping tips so
far, with your help I managed to improve the previous code to not give
the error, I believe it's now working.

The non blocking echo socket code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import socket, select

s_nb1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

s_nb1.bind(('', 10002))

while 1:
ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error =[s_nb1], [], [], 0)
if s_nb1 in ready_to_read:
conn, addr = s_nb1.accept()
while 1:
data = conn.recv(1024)
if not data: break




Maxim Veksler

Free as in Freedom - Do u GNU ?

Re: Extract zip file from email attachment

2007-04-06 Thread erikcw
On Apr 6, 12:51 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 erikcw wrote:
  resp = p.retr(msg_num)
  if resp[0].startswith('+OK'):

 You don't have to check this; errors are transformed into exceptions.

  fileObj = StringIO.StringIO()

 cStringIO is faster

  fileObj.write( part.get_payload() )

 You have to reset the file pointer to the beginning:,
 else ZipFile will not be able to read the contents.

 Gabriel Genellina

Hi Gabriel,

I added on the line directly after
fileObj.write( part.get_payload() ) and I'm still getting the
following error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 209, in module
attachment = zipfile.ZipFile(fileObj)
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/, line 346, in __init__
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/, line 366, in _GetContents
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/, line 378, in _RealGetContents
raise BadZipfile, File is not a zip file
zipfile.BadZipfile: File is not a zip file

Could the file like object still be encoded in MIME or something?



How to access multiple group matches?

2007-04-06 Thread Christoph Krammer

I want to use the re module to split a data stream that consists of
several blocks of data. I use the following code:

iter = re.finditer('^(HEADER\n.*)+$', data)

The data variable contains binary data that has the word HEADER in it
in some places and binary data after this word till the next
appearance of header or the end of the file. But if I iterate over
iter, I only get one match and this match only contains one group. How
to access the other matches? Data may contain tens of them.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Simple mx.ODBC prob seeks simple answer

2007-04-06 Thread Greg Corradini

Thanks Steve,
Once again your advice solved the problem


Steve Holden wrote:
 Greg Corradini wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm having trouble inserting an SQL selection into a new MS Access table.
 get a parameter error on my insert statement when I try this (see below
 code and error msg). I'm not sure if 'insert' or 'update' is the route I
 should be taking.
 #Import Pythond Standard Library Modules
 import win32com.client, sys, os, string, copy, glob
 import mx.ODBC.Windows as odbc
 # Create the Geoprocessor Object
 gp = win32com.client.Dispatch(esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1)
 gp.overwriteoutput = 1
 # Variables
 tempspace = C:\Documents and Settings\corr1gre\Desktop\Workspace\DBFs 
 workspace = string.replace(tempspace,\\,/)
 worksheet1 = Mower_I
 worksheet2 = Mower_II
 #Conection to Access
 driv = 'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ='+workspace
 conn = odbc.DriverConnect(driv)
 curse = conn.cursor()
 #Drop Tables if they already exist
 curse.execute('Drop table Table_I')
 curse.execute('Drop table Table_II')
 curse.execute('Drop table Checker')
 #Create a New Tables
 curse.execute('Create table Table_I (TISCODE TEXT(12), EXISTSIN
 curse.execute('Create table Table_II(TISCODE TEXT(12), EXISTSIN
 curse.execute('Create table Checker (TISCODE TEXT(12), EXISTSIN
 #Upload DBF 1 as a List of Tuples: Returns tuple as ('102150','BMP')
 sql = 'SELECT TISCODE,EXISTSIN from '+worksheet2
 x = curse.fetchall()
 #Put the fetched Data into Table_II
 for i in x:
 curse.execute('Insert into Table_II (TISCODE,EXISTSIN) values
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:/Documents and
 Python/ExistenceChecker and Update/Access Double Checker/,
 line 40, in ?
 curse.execute('Insert into Table_II (TISCODE,EXISTSIN) values
 ProgrammingError: ('07001', -3010, '[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access
 Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.', 4612)
 That error usually occurs when you use a name that isn't defined int he 
 database (typically I mistype a column name) - the JET engine then 
 thinks it's missing a value for some parameter.
 In your case it's because you aren't surrounding the string literal 
 value for TISCODE in your statement with the appropriate '' single 
 quotes. The engine thus parses it as a name, hence the assumption that a 
 parameter is missing.
 It's actually good that you have made this error, because it allows me 
 to expound yet again on the dangers of constructing your own SQL 
 statements instead of using parameterised statements. In the case of 
 mxODBC the correct parameter mark to use is a question mark. You should 
 then supply the data to be substituted for the parameter marks as a 
 tuple argument to the cursor's execute() method.
 So what you really need is:
 #Put the fetched Data into Table_II
 for i in x:
  curse.execute(Insert into Table_II (TISCODE,EXISTSIN)
   values (?, ?), i)
 A couple of other points:
 1. It would actually be better to put the commit() call outside the 
 loop. This is not only more efficient but it defines the whole set of 
 changes as a transaction.
 2. It would be even more efficient not to use a loop at all but to use 
 the cursor's executemany() method to perform all inserts with a single 
 call as follows:
 #Put the fetched Data into Table_II
 curse.executemany(Insert into Table_II (TISCODE,EXISTSIN)
   values (?, ?), x)
 For more on using the DBI API, including something about the risks of 
 SQL injection vulnerabilities, take a look at the notes from my PyCon 
 tutorial at
 Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC/Ltd
 Skype: holdenweb
 Recent Ramblings

View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


Re: Getting Stack Trace on segfault

2007-04-06 Thread kyosohma
On Apr 6, 7:13 am, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello All,

 The built-in mac osx vecLib is segfaulting in some cases--A very fun
 fact to find out the hard way over two nights of work. I also spent an
 embarrassing amount of time figuring out just where. Although I'm in
 quite a self-congratulatory mood right now, in the future, I feel like I
 could save a lot of time by coercing the interpreter to spew forth
 method calls to stderr. Is this possible?

 I would hope to produce something hauntingly reminiscent of

 [] my_function
 [my_function] another_function
 [my_function - another_function] yet_a_deeper_function

 Presentation, of course, is irrelevant.

 I read the docs on pdb, but it did not seem to do what I want--unless,
 of course, I missed something.



I've never done that before, but I found a recipe that claims to do it
with meta-classes. Check it out:

I hope this gives you some ideas.



Re: Why NOT only one class per file?

2007-04-06 Thread Bart Willems
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 14:23:19 -0700, Chris Lasher wrote:
 A friend of mine with a programming background in Java and Perl places
 each class in its own separate file in . I informed him that keeping
 all related classes together in a single file is more in the Python
 idiom than one file per class. He asked why, and frankly, his valid
 question has me flummoxed.
 Hah! Writing one class per file is for wimps! When I program, I write one
 *method* per file, then import them and build the class at runtime.
 I have a friend who writes one *line* per file, then pulls them all
 together with exec(), but that's just being stupid.
I guess you're one of those sissies who uses EDLIN as an editor.

REAL programmers use COPY CON: ... :)

Re: SNMP agent

2007-04-06 Thread Cameron Laird
alain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I still find it strange that, in all these years of existence, no one
felt the need for a SNMP agent in Python.

Do Pythoneers only write test tools and not real apps?
No, but I understand the question.  Python has had considerable
success with test tools, by the way.  On the other hand, SNMP
has become such a minor niche that its technologic implementations
depend heavily on historical accident.  The right combination of
expertise-resources-need-... simply hasn't occurred for Python-
based SNMP.

I'll repeat:  Tcl is the basis of Scotty, which, while largely
unsupported now, remains quite usable.  Perl is in a somewhat
more primitive condition.  I don't know of any other high-level
language which can effectively boast of the ability to write SNMP

Re: Python and Java

2007-04-06 Thread Ed Jensen
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Jensen wrote:
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jython is an implementation of Python that compiles to Java bytecode, 
 but at the moment there's some version lag so it won't handle the mos 
 recent language enhancements. Probably worth a look, though.
 Does Jython compile to Java bytecode, or is Jython a Java
 implementation of a Python interpreter?
 Please read what I wrote again.

I read it and understood it just fine.  My question was meant more
along the lines of, Are you SURE it compiles to Java bytecode, and
isn't a Python interpreter written in Java?  I guess I didn't make
that clear.

Anyway, I checked the Jython home page, and sure enough, Jython
compiles Python code to Java bytecode, as stated in the FAQ which can
be found at the following URL (in case anyone else reading this
message is following along and is interested):

In particular:

1.1   What is Jython?

Jython implements the Python programming language on the Java(tm)
Platform. It consists of a compiler to compile Python source code down
to Java bytecodes which can run directly on a JVM, a set of support
libraries which are used by the compiled Java bytecodes, and extra
support to make it trivial to use Java packages from within Jython.

Sorry if I bothered/annoyed you, Steve.

Re: [optparse] Problem with getting an option value

2007-04-06 Thread Mel Wilson
Peter Otten wrote:
 Lucas Malor wrote:
 Hello all. I'm trying to do a little script. Simply I want to make a list
 of all options with them default values. If the option is not specified in
 the command line, the script must try to read it in a config.ini file. If
 it's not present also there, it must set the default value.

 The problem is I maked a simple list for this:

 optname = [
   [ delete, False ],
   [ file,   file ],
   [ dir, ],

 But I must check that the option was specified in command line:

 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
 for opt in optname :
   if not options.opt[0] :
 # read the options from config.ini

 The problem is options is an instance, so options.delete, for example,
 is wrong; I should pass options.delete . How can I do?
 Use getattr():
 for name, default_value in optname:
 if getattr(options, name) == default_value:
 value = ... # read value from config file
 setattr(options, name, value)
 Personally, I would always read the config file, use the values found there
 to set up the parser and avoid such post-proc

But then, if the command-line value == the default_value the program 
will try to get a value from the config file.  If the config file 
overrides the defaults, then the command line can't re-override.

Stuck with this, I usually initialize with None, then after all the 
option sources have been done, set anything that's still None to the 
default.  It's not tidy.

If even None could be a valid value, then a new None:

class LikeNothingElse:
 '''Not a reasonable option value for anything'''
# ... various code
option_a = LikeNothingElse
option_b = LikeNothingElse
# ... process all the option sources
if option_a == LikeNothingElse:
 option_a = None



Re: How to access multiple group matches?

2007-04-06 Thread Gary Herron
Christoph Krammer wrote:

 I want to use the re module to split a data stream that consists of
 several blocks of data. I use the following code:

 iter = re.finditer('^(HEADER\n.*)+$', data)

 The data variable contains binary data that has the word HEADER in it
 in some places and binary data after this word till the next
 appearance of header or the end of the file. But if I iterate over
 iter, I only get one match and this match only contains one group. How
 to access the other matches? Data may contain tens of them.

 Thanks in advance,


Use .*? instead of .* in your regular expression. 

 From the manual page:

*|*?|, |+?|, |??|*
The *, +, and ? qualifiers are all /greedy/; they match as
much text as possible. Sometimes this behaviour isn't desired; if
the RE .* is matched against |'H1title/H1'|, it will match the
entire string, and not just |'H1'|. Adding ? after the qualifier
makes it perform the match in /non-greedy/ or /minimal/ fashion; as
/few/ characters as possible will be matched. Using .*? in the
previous expression will match only |'H1'|.

Gary Herron


block scope?

2007-04-06 Thread Neal Becker
One thing I sometimes miss, which is common in some other languages (c++),
is idea of block scope.  It would be useful to have variables that did not
outlive their block, primarily to avoid name clashes.  This also leads to
more readable code.  I wonder if this has been discussed?


Re: Python and Java

2007-04-06 Thread Steve Holden
Ed Jensen wrote:
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Jensen wrote:
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jython is an implementation of Python that compiles to Java bytecode, 
 but at the moment there's some version lag so it won't handle the mos 
 recent language enhancements. Probably worth a look, though.
 Does Jython compile to Java bytecode, or is Jython a Java
 implementation of a Python interpreter?
 Please read what I wrote again.
 I read it and understood it just fine.  My question was meant more
 along the lines of, Are you SURE it compiles to Java bytecode, and
 isn't a Python interpreter written in Java?  I guess I didn't make
 that clear.
 Anyway, I checked the Jython home page, and sure enough, Jython
 compiles Python code to Java bytecode, as stated in the FAQ which can
 be found at the following URL (in case anyone else reading this
 message is following along and is interested):
 In particular:
 1.1   What is Jython?
 Jython implements the Python programming language on the Java(tm)
 Platform. It consists of a compiler to compile Python source code down
 to Java bytecodes which can run directly on a JVM, a set of support
 libraries which are used by the compiled Java bytecodes, and extra
 support to make it trivial to use Java packages from within Jython.
 Sorry if I bothered/annoyed you, Steve.

No real problem, I just thought I had already answered the question you 
asked. Of course the web reference was, as you'd expect, definitive, and 
your quoting it in this group will probably help those weho follow along.

Glad it sounds like Jython might suit you - it's a great integration job!

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: block scope?

2007-04-06 Thread Steve Holden
Neal Becker wrote:
 One thing I sometimes miss, which is common in some other languages (c++),
 is idea of block scope.  It would be useful to have variables that did not
 outlive their block, primarily to avoid name clashes.  This also leads to
 more readable code.  I wonder if this has been discussed?
Nested scopes were put into the language for function definitions, at 
least. Back in around 2.0, I believe, though that's lost in the mists of 
time for me as it's not a feature I use.

I suspect, in fact, that those nested scopes have caused more trouble 
that they're worth, and continue to do so. Be that as it may, I don't 
think there's ever been any attempt to introduce scoping blocks into the 

Any ideas how you'd like it done?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Over a billion people believe Allah will provide 72 virgins to some Muslims.

2007-04-06 Thread thermate
On Apr 4, 6:31 pm, Dr. V I Plankenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The anthrax attack was almost certainly carried out by someone who had
 access to Gov labs or other secure facilities, but the attack on WTC was an
 act of Islamic fanaticism, and you're an ass to suggest otherwise without
 having some very solid proof to back your ridiculous claims - which you


If the ODIOUS George W Bush did not inform the American Public (Who
pays his salary) that Anthrax Attack was by a YANK BASTARD, then it
must not be so.

On the other hand if the Anthrax Attack was produced on such short
notice and such coordination with the whole 911, then 911 was ALL done
by yank bastards themselves and George W Bush is a prime suspect with
all his underlings.


911 was a heinous crime done by RACIST and UTTERLY SELFISH yank
bastards themselves.


Basic Serialization - a design decision question

2007-04-06 Thread Gizmo

I am a relative newcomer to Python, and I am studying it to understand its
design. It intrigues me.
I recently studied Serialization of classes via the pickle/cPickle library,
and I have a question.

Why is Serialization handled by a separate library (ie, pickle). Is it
possible, by design, to have serialization internally implemented via an
implicit ___serialize___ method? Ofcourse, you have to make this method not
overrideable (sp?). For example, the __repr__ method gives us the string
representation of a class... similarly, the __serialize__ method would give
us the serial norm representation of the class.

This would allow me to do something like this,
conn.send(serial(myClass));  // or something like that?


Re: block scope?

2007-04-06 Thread Chris Mellon
On 4/6/07, Neal Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One thing I sometimes miss, which is common in some other languages (c++),
 is idea of block scope.  It would be useful to have variables that did not
 outlive their block, primarily to avoid name clashes.  This also leads to
 more readable code.  I wonder if this has been discussed?

Block scope as a way to prevent name clashes is usually solved by
refactoring (in C++, too) - if you can't disambiguate locals in a
function it's usually a sign that your function does to much and needs
to be broken up.

Block scope as a way to control object lifetimes (automatic variables,
or RAII) is addressed (in 2.5) by context managers or (pre-2.5)
try/finally blocks.

Dr Jeff King, A Jewish MIT Engineer is the LEAD SPEAKER on 911 truth, no Islamics involved

2007-04-06 Thread thermate
See the video with your own EYEBALLS, that is if you have some courage
and shame left:

On Apr 6, 9:39 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 4, 6:31 pm, Dr. V I Plankenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The anthrax attack was almost certainly carried out by someone who had
  access to Gov labs or other secure facilities, but the attack on WTC was an
  act of Islamic fanaticism, and you're an ass to suggest otherwise without
  having some very solid proof to back your ridiculous claims - which you


 If the ODIOUS George W Bush did not inform the American Public (Who
 pays his salary) that Anthrax Attack was by a YANK BASTARD, then it
 must not be so.

 On the other hand if the Anthrax Attack was produced on such short
 notice and such coordination with the whole 911, then 911 was ALL done
 by yank bastards themselves and George W Bush is a prime suspect with
 all his underlings.


 911 was a heinous crime done by RACIST and UTTERLY SELFISH yank
 bastards themselves.


Re: Newbie Question about sequence multiplication

2007-04-06 Thread Scott
Thanks to everyone that respondedI would never have figured that out.

Your suggestion is being considered lol, as there are a lot more bits of 
code in that book that I can't get running correctly.
Any other books you'd, or anyone for that matter, would recommend as 
required reading?  Free would be very very (read very) good, as you've 
already said the one I have isn't very viable and it cost me $50. 
Basically, what I'm saying is that if I go and spend another $50+ my wife is 
going to make it very hard to learn Python; after all, how much can I learn 
with a size 5 down my throat? lol

Now when suggesting books, keep in mind that, that while I'm new to Python 
(and programming in general)  I'm able to grasp difficult concepts as long 
as I have enough detail as to why it is the way it is.  For instance I'm, by 
experience and nature, a computer technician and communications specialist. 
I've studied,  everything from childrens walkie talkie to deep space 
satalittes back to how computers talk (which is why I'm here now trying to 
learn the language of computers).  And all that just because I have a 
unquenchable desire to know.  SO, with that all said, the more details the 
better. If you have a book with 4 chapters on functions..I want to read 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  As I've said, this is something that 
I feel I have to know.

7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Apr 4, 4:48 pm, John Machin
 I suggest you get another book.  I am currently reading that book, and
 unless you are an experienced programmer that can detect all the
 mistakes, and you have another book like Python in a Nutshell to
 fill in all the gaps, I don't think you can learn python from that

 I recently looked at Learning Python in the bookstore, and it seems a
 lot better.  Unfortunately, it doesn't reflect the major changes in
 python over the last couple of years, but I would still recommend it
 over Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional.



Re: Python on MIPS

2007-04-06 Thread Lorenzo Mainardi
Thomas Krüger ha scritto:
 Lorenzo Mainardi schrieb:
 I bought a very small embedded card, with a MIPS processor, running
 Linux. So, I would to use Python on that; I checked on, but I
 did'nt find any release for this architecture. Could you help me?
 How about compiling it from source?

I did'nt try...I will do that :-)

Re: Why NOT only one class per file?

2007-04-06 Thread Greg Donald
On 4/6/07, Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For one liners, wouldn't

 ECHO the text line the.file

 be more appropriate? G

# dd if=/dev/tty of=/dev/hda1

Greg Donald

Re: tkinter canvas

2007-04-06 Thread Gigs_
gigs wrote:
 I have made drawing area and few butons.
 How can I make when i click my fill button that later when i click on 
 oval oval gets filled with chousen color?
when later click on my oval that is drawn in to change oval color, or to fill 
color in oval if click in oval with mouse

Re: block scope?

2007-04-06 Thread Terry Reedy

Neal Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
| One thing I sometimes miss, which is common in some other languages 
| is idea of block scope.  It would be useful to have variables that did 
| outlive their block, primarily to avoid name clashes.  This also leads to
| more readable code.  I wonder if this has been discussed?

Yes, but Guido (and others) prefer to keep things simple.

There is also the question of how to indicate a limited scope.  In C++, you 
put the declaration in the scope.  But Python has no such declarations.



Re: Welch essential for learning Tkinter well?

2007-04-06 Thread Russell E. Owen
 Kevin Walzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 James Stroud wrote:
 This begs the 
  question, is anyone truly an expert in Tkinter?
 Frederick Lundh is, if anyone is. (outdated) (new but incomplete)

I agree that this is an excellent resource.

I find Welch's book and the on-line tcl/tk help very helpful for Tkinter 
programming--especially some of the more obscure details. But to use 
either of these resources comfortably you must learn the basics of 
Tkinter first (including understanding the simple mapping between 
Tkinter and Tcl/Tk).

For learning the basics of Tkinter I suggest the links that Kevin listed 
above and/or Alex Martelli's Python in a Nutshell (an excellent 
reference in any case). Grayson's book is another reasonable alternative 
(and includes enough reference material to keep you from having to refer 
to the tcl/tk documentation very often).

-- Russell

Re: BaseHTTPRequestHandler reading .html with python code

2007-04-06 Thread aspineux
On 6 avr, 11:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering how I can do something like this.

Use a template engine like :

Kid template

For more engine look at

And maybe what you are looking fore is a complete framework like :


Hope this help

 bhello world/b
 special pythoncodetag
 print 'hello world'
 #or display str(time.localtime()[7])
 /special pythoncodetag
 def do_GET(self):
 if self.path.endswith(.html):
 f = open(curdir + sep + self.path) #self.path has /
 # now display the bhello world/b and run the python code.

 I saw the mod python for apache and some PSP but I really want to know
 how they do this.
 Is there are special module for doing this ?

 Or is there something like this:
 1. a running python program
 2. include with write( a extra python code inside the already
 running python program.

 How they handle this ?


Re: Prevent Modification of Script?

2007-04-06 Thread Steven W. Orr
On Wednesday, Apr 4th 2007 at 18:04 -0700, quoth ts-dev:

=Is it possible to prevent modification of a python file once its been
=deployed?  File permissions of the OS could be used..but that doesn't
=seem very secure.
=The root of my question is verifying the integrity of the application
=and the scripts being run. Is this possible, if so, how?

I'm going to take a stab at this one even though I'm a really junior 

I know others have already responded, but I'd like to offer a couple of 
suggestions that have nothing to do with python. (BTW, I do applaud the 
previous answers that suggest that this is really a non-problem in the 
first place.)

1. *IF* you are on a linux target platform then it's likely that you have
   a package management system in use, either rpm or deb. In either case,
   you have the ability to verify by checksum, every file of any package.

   In the case of rpm, just use the -V option.

2. You also have the ability to set the immutable flag on ext2/ext3
   filesystems. See lsattr/chattr commands. Of course, if you can get root
   access then you can shut off immutability, but you can also replace
   your package management tools as well. AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!

Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. Stranger things have  .0.
happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say Organ ..0
Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all- 000
individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question?
steveo at

HTML Parser in python

2007-04-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there a HTML parser (not xml) in python?
I need a html parser which has the ability to handle mal-format html

Thank you.


Re: HTML Parser in python

2007-04-06 Thread kyosohma
On Apr 6, 1:05 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a HTML parser (not xml) in python?
 I need a html parser which has the ability to handle mal-format html

 Thank you.'s called Beautiful Soup.



Picture resolution and PIL

2007-04-06 Thread Johny
Is it possible to find out a picture resolution by using  PIL package?
Thanks for help


Re: Picture resolution and PIL

2007-04-06 Thread kyosohma
On Apr 6, 1:16 pm, Johny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to find out a picture resolution by using  PIL package?
 Thanks for help

Dunno. But I found some ways to read metadata that should give you the
info in most cases:

Hope that helps,



Re: tuples, index method, Python's design

2007-04-06 Thread 7stud
On Apr 6, 7:56 am, Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The problem with 7stud's quote from GvR is that it's out of date:

I would argue that it shows the very guy who invented the language
stated publicly there was no good reason for tuples not to have an
index method---except for consistency; tuples had no other methods.
Now that tuples have other methods, the only justification he stated
no longer exists.


real time updating of popen, bufsize=0 problems

2007-04-06 Thread ianaré
hey all, I'm trying to get real time updates of batch file output.

Here is my batch file:
@echo off
echo 1
@ping -n 2 -w 1500  nul
echo 2
@ping -n 2 -w 1500  nul
echo 3

If I run it in cmd.exe it will print 1, wait 15sec, print 2, wait
15sec, print 3.

I tried doing it like this:

r, w, e = popen2.popen3('C:/path/to/test.bat',bufsize=0)
for line in r:

... but get: ValueError: popen3() arg 3 must be -1

If I use -1, then it waits for the batch file to complete, and prints
out all 3 lines at once.

So I tried subprocess:
proc = subprocess.Popen('C:/path/to/test.bat', bufsize=0,
for line in proc.stdout:

No error message, but no real time printing either.

self.display is a wx.TextCtrl - not that it should matter,as
'WriteText()' behaves basically like 'print'
winXP pro SP2, python 2.5, wxPython

You help is appreciated.


Re: zip files as nested modules?

2007-04-06 Thread Luciano Ramalho
Importing modules from zip files was proposed in PEP-273 [1]

Here is how the spec of PEP-273 begins:

Currently, sys.path is a list of directory names as strings.  If this
PEP is implemented, an item of sys.path can be a string naming a zip
file archive.

My interpretation of the above is that, to be importable, a zip file
must be explicitly named in sys.path.

So the mere fact that a zip file lies somewhere in a directory which
is part of the sys.path does not make it importable.






2007-04-06 Thread James Stroud
C.L. wrote:
 James Stroud jstroud at writes:
 C.L. wrote:
 I was looking for a function or method that would return the index to the
 first matching element in a list. ...
 ... __please don't be overly defensive__ ...
 The amount of typing wasted to defend design decisions such as this can 
 boggle one's mind. Just use lists unless you have on overwhelming reason 
 to do otherwise.

 Read the quote. I *am* using a list.
 That doesn't change the fact that this is unfriendly design. It's an ugly
 inconsistent chunk of a Python's past in which built-in types didn't behave 
 objects. It sticks out like a sore thumb, maybe just not very often.
 Oh, and thanks for the insulting tone of your anticipated response. Have you
 anything better to do with your time than wasting bytes writing empty 
 to what you already deem a waste of typing?
 *sighs* just what I expected: another idle troll defending something just for
 the sake of defending it. On the other hand, thanks 7stud, for the truly 

I think you misinterpreted my post, I agree with you. Please read it 
again. You have touched on a very old topic. Many people have fought 
tooth and nail to defend arbitrary design decisions such as a tuple not 
having an index. It boils down to the fact that tuples are useless as a 
result unless you know you really need them--and you never really NEED them.


SWIG, Python, C++, and Coca-Cola

2007-04-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Everyone,

Recently I have been working on building a module for Python from C++
code, with SWIG, and towards the end of compiling the various sets of
code I'm getting an error.

[comp:~/swig_project] user% swig -c++ -python example.i
[comp:~/swig_project] user% g++ -c example.cpp
[comp:~/swig_project] user% g++ -c example_wrap.cxx -I/scisoft/i386/
example_wrap.cxx: In function 'PyObject* _wrap_main(PyObject*,
example_wrap.cxx:735: error: 'main' was not declared in this scope

The beginning of example.i looks like the following:

%module filename
#define file_plugin plugins/file.h
#if foo_OS!=2
#include pthread.h
#include ../Foo.h
using namespace foo_library;

The error that is being picked up in reference to 'main'  is contained
in the following excerpt, generated by SWIG (example_wrap.cxx):

#define SWIG_initinit_filename

#define SWIG_name_filename

#define cimg_plugin plugins/file.h
#if foo_OS!=2
#include pthread.h
#include ../Foo.h
using namespace foo_library;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern C {
static PyObject *_wrap_main(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
PyObject *resultobj;
int arg1 ;
char **arg2 = (char **) 0 ;
int result;
PyObject * obj1 = 0 ;

if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)iO:main,arg1,obj1)) goto
if ((SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj1,(void **) arg2,
SWIGTYPE_p_p_char,SWIG_POINTER_EXCEPTION | 0 )) == -1) SWIG_fail;
result = (int)main(arg1,arg2);

resultobj = PyInt_FromLong((long)result);
return resultobj;
return NULL;

Any clues as to what is happening here or what to do next? If you
know, your help would greatly help. Thanks in advance!


Re: Picture resolution and PIL

2007-04-06 Thread bearophileHUGS
 Is it possible to find out a picture resolution by using  PIL package

By Gian Mario Tagliaretti:
import PIL.Image
a =[dpi]
(72, 72)

(It may raise an exception if that information isn't available)
I don't know if that can be used to read the DPI tag inside a TIFF
You can also read the pixel size of any image.



Re: Basic Serialization - a design decision question

2007-04-06 Thread Robert Kern
Gizmo wrote:
 I am a relative newcomer to Python, and I am studying it to understand
 its design. It intrigues me.
 I recently studied Serialization of classes via the pickle/cPickle
 library, and I have a question.
 Why is Serialization handled by a separate library (ie, pickle). Is it
 possible, by design, to have serialization internally implemented via
 an implicit ___serialize___ method? Ofcourse, you have to make this
 method not overrideable (sp?). For example, the __repr__ method gives us
 the string representation of a class... similarly, the __serialize__
 method would give us the serial norm representation of the class.
 This would allow me to do something like this,
 conn.send(serial(myClass));  // or something like that?

Serialization is a complicated task. It needs at least a full module devoted to
it just in terms of being able to implement it. Trying to stuff all of it into a
builtin is asking for trouble. Of course, you can always do this:

  from cPickle import dumps

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: tuples, index method, Python's design

2007-04-06 Thread Carsten Haese
On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 11:33 -0700, 7stud wrote:
 On Apr 6, 7:56 am, Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The problem with 7stud's quote from GvR is that it's out of date:
 I would argue that it shows the very guy who invented the language
 stated publicly there was no good reason for tuples not to have an
 index method---except for consistency; tuples had no other methods.
 Now that tuples have other methods, the only justification he stated
 no longer exists.

Except that that wasn't the only justification. GvR also said:

For tuples, I suspect such a function would rarely be used; I think
that is most cases where x.index() would be useful, x is generally a
list, whose contents varies in time, rather than a tuple (which cannot
change easily).

The lack of convincing use cases is still a pertinent reason today. Note
that the original poster on this thread did not present a use case for
tuple.index, they were only asking out of curiosity.

If you have a use case for tuple.index, please show it to me, and I'll
show you what you should be using instead of a tuple.



Re: real time updating of popen, bufsize=0 problems

2007-04-06 Thread kyosohma
On Apr 6, 1:44 pm, ianaré [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hey all, I'm trying to get real time updates of batch file output.

 Here is my batch file:
 @echo off
 echo 1
 @ping -n 2 -w 1500  nul
 echo 2
 @ping -n 2 -w 1500  nul
 echo 3

 If I run it in cmd.exe it will print 1, wait 15sec, print 2, wait
 15sec, print 3.

 I tried doing it like this:

 r, w, e = popen2.popen3('C:/path/to/test.bat',bufsize=0)
 for line in r:

 ... but get: ValueError: popen3() arg 3 must be -1

 If I use -1, then it waits for the batch file to complete, and prints
 out all 3 lines at once.

 So I tried subprocess:
 proc = subprocess.Popen('C:/path/to/test.bat', bufsize=0,
 for line in proc.stdout:

 No error message, but no real time printing either.

 self.display is a wx.TextCtrl - not that it should matter,as
 'WriteText()' behaves basically like 'print'
 winXP pro SP2, python 2.5, wxPython

 You help is appreciated.


I think this script on another post will help:;

The 4 line code example (from Daniel) in one of the posts at this link
worked with your batch file:



Debugging multithreaded program using Eclipse/Pydev

2007-04-06 Thread John Henry
I am back against the wall trying to migrate my multithreaded
application from Python 2.3 to 2.5.   The part of the code that's
failing has to do with queues (2.3 queues and 2.5 queues are not the
same).   Since WingIDE doesn't support multithread debugging (they've
been saying that one day they might support that - and that was 2003),
I am starting to look for alternatives.

From what I can gather, it appears the only *real* option I have is to
debug under Eclipse/Pydev.  I did a google search of this newsgroup
and didn't turn up too many hits.  Before I invest the time to learn
Eclipse/Pydev, I like to hear from somebody that have gone this path.
Have you been successful in using Eclipse/Pydev to debug multi-
threaded Python applications?  Is so, what was the learning curve like
to you?



Re: real time updating of popen, bufsize=0 problems

2007-04-06 Thread ianaré
On Apr 6, 3:22 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 6, 1:44 pm, ianaré [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  hey all, I'm trying to get real time updates of batch file output.

  Here is my batch file:
  @echo off
  echo 1
  @ping -n 2 -w 1500  nul
  echo 2
  @ping -n 2 -w 1500  nul
  echo 3

  If I run it in cmd.exe it will print 1, wait 15sec, print 2, wait
  15sec, print 3.

  I tried doing it like this:

  r, w, e = popen2.popen3('C:/path/to/test.bat',bufsize=0)
  for line in r:

  ... but get: ValueError: popen3() arg 3 must be -1

  If I use -1, then it waits for the batch file to complete, and prints
  out all 3 lines at once.

  So I tried subprocess:
  proc = subprocess.Popen('C:/path/to/test.bat', bufsize=0,
  for line in proc.stdout:

  No error message, but no real time printing either.

  self.display is a wx.TextCtrl - not that it should matter,as
  'WriteText()' behaves basically like 'print'
  winXP pro SP2, python 2.5, wxPython

  You help is appreciated.


 I think this script on another post will help:

 The 4 line code example (from Daniel) in one of the posts at this link
 worked with your batch 


Thanks but it doesn't work. Still prints it out all at once. It is
supposed to print, then wait 15sec for the next line to print.


Re: Newbie Question about sequence multiplication

2007-04-06 Thread Steve Holden
Scott wrote:
 Now when suggesting books, keep in mind that, that while I'm new to Python 
 (and programming in general)  I'm able to grasp difficult concepts as long 
 as I have enough detail as to why it is the way it is.  For instance I'm, by 
 experience and nature, a computer technician and communications specialist. 
 I've studied,  everything from childrens walkie talkie to deep space 
 satalittes back to how computers talk (which is why I'm here now trying to 
 learn the language of computers).  And all that just because I have a 
 unquenchable desire to know.  SO, with that all said, the more details the 
 better. If you have a book with 4 chapters on functions..I want to read 
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.  As I've said, this is something that 
 I feel I have to know.
Dive into Python is probably the best free read about Python for 
programmers. It takes you in deep much more quickly that the tutorial, 
but if you can understand it you develop quite a sophisticated 
understanding of the language in a fairly short time.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings

Re: Basic Serialization - a design decision question

2007-04-06 Thread Steve Holden
Gizmo wrote:
 I am a relative newcomer to Python, and I am studying it to understand 
 its design. It intrigues me.
 I recently studied Serialization of classes via the pickle/cPickle 
 library, and I have a question.
 Why is Serialization handled by a separate library (ie, pickle). Is it 
 possible, by design, to have serialization internally implemented via 
 an implicit ___serialize___ method? Ofcourse, you have to make this 
 method not overrideable (sp?). For example, the __repr__ method gives us 
 the string representation of a class... similarly, the __serialize__ 
 method would give us the serial norm representation of the class.
 This would allow me to do something like this,
 conn.send(serial(myClass));  // or something like that?
It would be quite possible to do this - it just hasn't been done, is 
all. I'm not quite sure what advantage you see for serial(myClass) over 
pickle.dumps(myClass) though.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: real time updating of popen, bufsize=0 problems

2007-04-06 Thread Rob Wolfe
ianaré [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 hey all, I'm trying to get real time updates of batch file output.


 So I tried subprocess:
 proc = subprocess.Popen('C:/path/to/test.bat', bufsize=0,

Instead of that:

 for line in proc.stdout:

try that:

while True:
line = proc.stdout.readline()
if not line: break

When a file is used in a for loop it works like an iterator. 
You can read details here (description of method ``next``):


Re: HTML Parser in python

2007-04-06 Thread eknowles
Beautiful Soup.

Works, well...beautifully.


British Marines Were tortured In Iran According to the Washington Conventions Re: Dr Jeff King, A Jewish MIT Engineer is the LEAD SPEAKER on 911 truth, no Islamics involved

2007-04-06 Thread stj911
We have just heard the news that the British Marines are ashamed to
admit that they were tortured with Electric Wires to their Genitalia
and two of them have had their penises bitten while a third ones
testicles were eaten by an Iranian dog for the meal. People are now
preferring the AbuGharib and Guantanamo style Washington Conventions
over the Geneva Conventions.

On Apr 6, 9:43 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 See the video with your own EYEBALLS, that is if you have some courage
 and shame left:

 On Apr 6, 9:39 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Apr 4, 6:31 pm, Dr. V I Plankenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The anthrax attack was almost certainly carried out by someone who had
   access to Gov labs or other secure facilities, but the attack on WTC was 
   act of Islamic fanaticism, and you're an ass to suggest otherwise without
   having some very solid proof to back your ridiculous claims - which you


  If the ODIOUS George W Bush did not inform the American Public (Who
  pays his salary) that Anthrax Attack was by a YANK BASTARD, then it
  must not be so.

  On the other hand if the Anthrax Attack was produced on such short
  notice and such coordination with the whole 911, then 911 was ALL done
  by yank bastards themselves and George W Bush is a prime suspect with
  all his underlings.


  911 was a heinous crime done by RACIST and UTTERLY SELFISH yank
  bastards themselves.


Re: real time updating of popen, bufsize=0 problems

2007-04-06 Thread ianaré
On Apr 6, 3:59 pm, Rob Wolfe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ianaré [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  hey all, I'm trying to get real time updates of batch file output.


  So I tried subprocess:
  proc = subprocess.Popen('C:/path/to/test.bat', bufsize=0,

 Instead of that:

  for line in proc.stdout:

 try that:

 while True:
 line = proc.stdout.readline()
 if not line: break

 When a file is used in a for loop it works like an iterator.
 You can read details here (description of method 


Rob, you are the man =) thanks!


Re: Debugging multithreaded program using Eclipse/Pydev

2007-04-06 Thread Michael Bentley

On Apr 6, 2007, at 2:32 PM, John Henry wrote:

 I am back against the wall trying to migrate my multithreaded
 application from Python 2.3 to 2.5.   The part of the code that's
 failing has to do with queues (2.3 queues and 2.5 queues are not the
 same).   Since WingIDE doesn't support multithread debugging (they've
 been saying that one day they might support that - and that was 2003),
 I am starting to look for alternatives.

The alpha release of Wing IDE (3.0.0-a1) does in fact, support  
multithread debugging.  It is an alpha release but so far, I'm quite  
satisfied with it.



Database Timestamp conversion error

2007-04-06 Thread kyosohma

 I am populating a mySQL database with data from the MS Access
database. I have successfully figured out how to extract the data from
Access, and I can insert the data successfully into mySQL with Python.
My problem is that I keep hitting screwy records with what appears to
be a malformed dbiDate object when I insert certain records. I get the
following traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File \\someServer\Development\, line 68, in -
TypeError: argument 1 must be string without null bytes, not str

When I print the timestamp variable, I get this output:


If I look in the MS Access database, I see the timestamp as 5/6/112.
Obviously some user didn't enter the correct date and the programmer
before me didn't give Access strict enough rules to block bad dates.
How do I test for a malformed date object so I can avoid this? There
are thousands of records to transfer.

I am using the odbc module for connection purposes with Python 2.4 on
Windows XP SP2.

Thanks a lot!



Re: Basic Serialization - a design decision question

2007-04-06 Thread Terry Reedy

Gizmo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
| Hello
| I am a relative newcomer to Python, and I am studying it to understand 
| design. It intrigues me.
| I recently studied Serialization of classes via the pickle/cPickle 
| and I have a question.
| Why is Serialization handled by a separate library (ie, pickle). Is it
| possible, by design, to have serialization internally implemented via 
| implicit ___serialize___ method? Ofcourse, you have to make this method 
| overrideable (sp?). For example, the __repr__ method gives us the string
| representation of a class... similarly, the __serialize__ method would 
| us the serial norm representation of the class.

Pickle has the factored-out code common to all classes.  It uses 
.__reduce__() for each, which has the class-specific code.

| This would allow me to do something like this,
| conn.send(serial(myClass));  // or something like that?

I believe pickle does more than just that.



Re: British Marines Were tortured In Iran According to the Washington Conventions Re: Dr Jeff King, A Jewish MIT Engineer is the LEAD SPEAKER on 911 truth, no Islamics involved

2007-04-06 Thread lemnitzer
On Apr 6, 1:06 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We have just heard the news that the British Marines are ashamed to
 admit that they were tortured with Electric Wires to their Genitalia
 and two of them have had their penises bitten while a third ones
 testicles were eaten by an Iranian dog for the meal. People are now
 preferring the AbuGharib and Guantanamo style Washington Conventions
 over the Geneva Conventions.

That was indeed a good pun at the BASTARDS of the tribal bastards.
CONTEMPTIBLE liars. There is no comparison between the bening Iranian
treatment and the Bastards give in ABU-GHRAIB, and GUANTANAMO and
AGENCY whose chief at one time was the PEDOPHILE Herbert Walter Bush
the most even man alive after his son. Even Newt Gingrich, who cheated
both his wives has not that much blood on his both hands.

They were injected with LSD, carcinogens, poisons, mind altering drugs
the yank bastards. The zionist press has published these openly with
and when it became an issue, the pawns were given contemptibly token

 On Apr 6, 9:43 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  See the video with your own EYEBALLS, that is if you have some courage
  and shame left:

  On Apr 6, 9:39 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Apr 4, 6:31 pm, Dr. V I Plankenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The anthrax attack was almost certainly carried out by someone who had
access to Gov labs or other secure facilities, but the attack on WTC 
was an
act of Islamic fanaticism, and you're an ass to suggest otherwise 
having some very solid proof to back your ridiculous claims - which you


   If the ODIOUS George W Bush did not inform the American Public (Who
   pays his salary) that Anthrax Attack was by a YANK BASTARD, then it
   must not be so.

   On the other hand if the Anthrax Attack was produced on such short
   notice and such coordination with the whole 911, then 911 was ALL done
   by yank bastards themselves and George W Bush is a prime suspect with
   all his underlings.


   911 was a heinous crime done by RACIST and UTTERLY SELFISH yank
   bastards themselves.


Re: Debugging multithreaded program using Eclipse/Pydev

2007-04-06 Thread John Henry
On Apr 6, 1:33 pm, Michael Bentley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 6, 2007, at 2:32 PM, John Henry wrote:

  I am back against the wall trying to migrate my multithreaded
  application from Python 2.3 to 2.5.   The part of the code that's
  failing has to do with queues (2.3 queues and 2.5 queues are not the
  same).   Since WingIDE doesn't support multithread debugging (they've
  been saying that one day they might support that - and that was 2003),
  I am starting to look for alternatives.

 The alpha release of Wing IDE (3.0.0-a1) does in fact, support
 multithread debugging.  It is an alpha release but so far, I'm quite
 satisfied with it.


That's nice to know.  May be I can get on their alpha list.



Re: Database Timestamp conversion error

2007-04-06 Thread attn . steven . kuo
On Apr 6, 1:48 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 If I look in the MS Access database, I see the timestamp as 5/6/112.
 Obviously some user didn't enter the correct date and the programmer
 before me didn't give Access strict enough rules to block bad dates.
 How do I test for a malformed date object so I can avoid this? There
 are thousands of records to transfer.

time.strptime ?

import time
for date in (5/6/2008, 5/6/118):
struct_tm = time.strptime(date, %m/%d/%Y)
print Good date:  + date
print struct_tm
except ValueError:
print Bad date:  + date

Hope this helps,


printing longs

2007-04-06 Thread garyp
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Oct 26 2004, 16:42:40)
[GCC 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)] on linux2

 x = int(8000, 16)
 x = x | 0x8000

stdin:1: FutureWarning: hex/oct constants  sys.maxint will return
positive values in Python 2.4 and up

 print %x % ( x )

How do I get python to print the usual answer: 800, not -8000



Hide the python-script from user

2007-04-06 Thread hlubenow

recently there was a thread about hiding the python-script from the user.
The OP could use


Re: printing longs

2007-04-06 Thread John Machin
On Apr 7, 7:54 am, garyp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Python 2.3.4 (#1, Oct 26 2004, 16:42:40)
 [GCC 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)] on linux2

  x = int(8000, 16)
  x = x | 0x8000

 stdin:1: FutureWarning: hex/oct constants  sys.maxint will return
 positive values in Python 2.4 and up

As your subject says, you are working with longs, so don't mix in an
int (0x800, which is negative in Python 2.3 and earlier) -- use
0x800L instead.

  print %x % ( x )

%x % x
is enough.

 How do I get python to print the usual answer: 800, not -8000

usual in what context?



Re: Hide the python-script from user

2007-04-06 Thread ts-dev
On Apr 6, 3:19 pm, hlubenow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 recently there was a thread about hiding the python-script from the user.
 The OP could use

Interesting - thanks


Convert xml symbol notation

2007-04-06 Thread dumbkiwi

I'm working on a script to download and parse a web page, and it
includes xml symbol notation, such as #39; for the ' character.  Does
anyone know of a pre-existing python script/lib to convert the xml
notation back to the actual symbol it represents?


Re: Hide the python-script from user

2007-04-06 Thread hlubenow
ts-dev wrote:

 On Apr 6, 3:19 pm, hlubenow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 recently there was a thread about hiding the python-script from the user.
 The OP could use
 Interesting - thanks

Well, testing it, it doesn't seem to work very well ...

It seems, Python-code is rather difficult to obfuscate, probably because of
its clear syntax and indentations. Here's yet another approach:


08 and 09 in sequence create invalid token error?!

2007-04-06 Thread IamIan
Hello all,

I am confused as to why including 08 or 09 in a sequence (list or
tuple) causes this error. All other numbers with a leading zero work.

[01,02,03,04,05,06,07]  is fine
[01,02,03,04,05,06,07,10]  is fine

[01,02,03,04,05,06,08]  produces SyntaxError: invalid token, as
does: [01,02,03,04,05,06,09]

I have tried this both in a script and in the interactive interpreter.
Using Python 2.3.4



Re: 08 and 09 in sequence create invalid token error?!

2007-04-06 Thread Wojciech Muła
IamIan wrote:
 I am confused as to why including 08 or 09 in a sequence (list or
 tuple) causes this error. All other numbers with a leading zero work.

All literals that start with 0 digit are considered as
octal numbers, i.e. only digits 0..7 are allowed.

See octinteger lexical definition:


Re: 08 and 09 in sequence create invalid token error?!

2007-04-06 Thread IamIan
Thank you!



Re: Database Timestamp conversion error

2007-04-06 Thread John Machin
On Apr 7, 6:48 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am populating a mySQL database with data from the MS Access
 database. I have successfully figured out how to extract the data from
 Access, and I can insert the data successfully into mySQL with Python.
 My problem is that I keep hitting screwy records with what appears to
 be a malformed dbiDate object when I insert certain records. I get the
 following traceback:

Ummm ... I didn't start using Python on databases till after DB API
2.0 came out (1999) so please pardon my ignorance, but isn't dbiDate
something that was in API 1.0 but vanished in API 2.0 [e.g. its
mentioned only briefly in the history section of the current mxODBC

If that's what you are still using:
(a) I can't imagine how printing a dbiDate object would give such a
garbled result -- try:

print type(obj)
print repr(obj)
for both a bad obj and a good obj.

(b) The API 1.0 docs give a clue:


This function constructs a 'dbiDate' instance that holds a
date value.  The value should be specified as an integer
number of seconds since the epoch (e.g. time.time()).

and googling brought up a few hits mentioning that not handling dates
earlier that the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00) was a limitation.

So: if you are calling dbiDate yourself, you can inspect its input
argument; presumably a date in the year 112 will show up as negative.

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File \\someServer\Development\, line 68, in -
 TypeError: argument 1 must be string without null bytes, not str

 When I print the timestamp variable, I get this output:


 If I look in the MS Access database, I see the timestamp as 5/6/112.
 Obviously some user didn't enter the correct date and the programmer
 before me didn't give Access strict enough rules to block bad dates.
 How do I test for a malformed date object so I can avoid this?
 are thousands of records to transfer.

 I am using the odbc module for connection purposes with Python 2.4 on
 Windows XP SP2.

If this is the odbc module that comes in the win32all package:
1. There are much better options available on Windows e.g. mxODBC.
2. Doesn't document dbiDate objects AFAICT.

If your SELECT from the Access db is returning you seconds since the
epoch values, proceed as I suggested earlier.

If it is returning you dbiDate objects directly, find out if the
dbiDate obj has any useful attributes or methods e.g.

obj.date_as_tuple() - (2007, 4, 7, ...)
obj.year - 2007
obj.month - 4

How to find out: insert code like
print dir(obj)
in your script and inspect the output for likely attribute/method

And if that doesn't help, abandon the odbc module and use e.g. mxODBC
or Python adodb.

Hope some of this helps,


Re: Indentifying the LAST occurrence of an item in a list

2007-04-06 Thread mkPyVS
On Apr 5, 6:37 pm, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Help on method_descriptor:

 L.index(value, [start, [stop]]) - integer -- return first index
 of value

 I look forward to your next version.

Great point! I was assuming the temp variable space was static but the
pointer to the start of the list was moving- shame on me (what
language is this now ;)!

Couldn't resist the temptation to just collect all of the locations as
I traversed

m = [2,9,1,5,6,3,1,1,9,2]
f = 1#What we're looking for
location = 0 #Start at beginning of list
fIndexs = []
while 1:
  location = m.index(f,location) + 1
   except ValueError:

print(Last location = %d % fIndexs[-1])
print(All Items = %s % fIndexs)


Re: Comments in ConfigParser module

2007-04-06 Thread James Stroud
Joel Andres Granados wrote:
 Hi list:
 Any comment greatly appreciated

Very clever.

Re: Hide the python-script from user

2007-04-06 Thread hlubenow
hlubenow wrote:

 ts-dev wrote:
 On Apr 6, 3:19 pm, hlubenow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 recently there was a thread about hiding the python-script from the
 user. The OP could use
 Interesting - thanks
 Well, testing it, it doesn't seem to work very well ...
 It seems, Python-code is rather difficult to obfuscate, probably because
 of its clear syntax and indentations. Here's yet another approach:

That didn't work very well either :(.

Ok, but now I can offer a real secure solution:

You can have real encryption in Python using this modules:


Below I post a code-example that I've written some time ago. With it,
encrypting text is rather easy.

Then you have to program a start-script, that reads in your script and the
decryption-key. The decryption-key must be encrypted too. Such a encrypted
key can be generated by the modules if you don't pass a password to my
function doEncrypt(). The decryption-key must then be hidden somewhere
within the encrypted program-script. That's because, if the user knows
where to find the key, he can decrypt the program-script.

If your start-script is written, everything should work automatically, one
shouldn't nearly notice the decryption-process.

Ok, here's my example code, how to encrypt and decrypt some text with the

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import base64

from yawPyCrypto.Cipher import DecryptCipher, EncryptCipher
from yawPyCrypto.Cipher import ZipDecryptCipher, ZipEncryptCipher
from yawPyCrypto.Constants import CIPHER_BLOWFISH, MODE_CBC

def doEncrypt(text, passw = None):

e = EncryptCipher(passw, CIPHER_BLOWFISH, MODE_CBC)
encryptedtext =

if passw != None:
passwr = passw
passwr = e.password

a = (encryptedtext, passwr)
return a

def doDecrypt(encryptedtext, passw):
d = DecryptCipher(passw)
decoded = (
return decoded

# Calling the encryption routine.
# If you just pass the text to encrypt, a password is generated:

a = doEncrypt(For your eyes only !, Melina)

# Just trying to clean the screen:

if sys.platform == win32:

print Hello !
print I just encrypted some text. It looks like this now:

print base64.b64encode(a[0])

print 'Please notice, that I just encoded the text once more using
base64.b64encode() to make it printable.'
print The password for decryption is: 
print base64.b64encode(a[1])
print Let's decrypt again (the original password must be passed without
print doDecrypt(a[0], a[1])

See you


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