EuroPython 2007 - call for refereed papers

2007-04-25 Thread arigo
Hi all,

He're a reminder to submit a talk at EuroPython!

Like each year, we have both the regular conference (see call at and a somewhat
separated Refereed Papers section.  Here is the call for the latter.

The deadline for both is the 18th of May.

   EuroPython 2007
Vilnius, Lithuania  9-11 July

  Call for Refereed Papers

EuroPython is the only conference in the Python world that has a
properly prestigious peer-reviewed forum for presenting technical and
scientific papers. Such papers, with advanced and highly innovative
contents, can equally well stem from academic research or industrial
research. We think this is an important function for EuroPython, so we
are even making some grants available to help people with travel costs.

We will be happy to consider papers in subject areas including, but not
necessarily limited to, the following:

* Python language and implementations
* Python modules (in the broadest sense)
* Python extensions
* Interoperation between Python and other languages / subsystems
* Scientific applications of Python
* Python in Education
* Games
* Agile Methodologies and Testing
* Social Skills

We are looking for Python-related scientific and technical papers of
advanced, highly innovative content that present the results of original
research (be it of the academic or industrial research kind), with
proper attention to state of the art and previous relevant
literature/results (whether such relevant previous literature is itself
directly related to Python or not).

We do not intend to let the specific subject area block a paper's
acceptance, as long as the paper satisfies other requirements:
innovative, Python-related, reflecting original research, with proper
attention to previous literature.


Please submit abstracts of no more than 200 words to the refereeing
committee. You can send submissions no later than 18 May 2007. We shall
inform you whether your paper has been selected and announce the
conference schedule on the 25 May 2007. For all details regarding the
submission of abstracts, please see the EuroPython website
( WARNING: Independently of their topic, all
abstracts must be submitted *in the Refereed Papers track* in order to
be considered by the refereeing committee!

If your abstract is accepted, you must submit your corresponding paper
before 29 June 2006. Last-minute changes will be accepted until the start
of the conference. You should submit the paper as a PDF file, in A4
format, complete, stand-alone, and readable on any standards-compliant
PDF reader (basically, the paper must include all fonts and figures it
uses, rather than using external pointers to them; by default, most
PDF-preparation programs typically produce such valid stand-alone PDF
documents). There are no strict typesetting rules.


The refereeing committee, selected by Armin Rigo, will examine all
abstracts and papers. The committee may consult external experts as it
deems fit. Referees may suggest or require certain changes and editing
in submissions, and make acceptance conditional on such changes being
performed. We expect all papers to reflect the abstract as approved and
reserve the right, at our discretion, to reject a paper, despite having
accepted the corresponding abstract, if the paper does not substantially
correspond to the approved abstract.


The paper must be presented at EuroPython by one or more of the
authors. Presentation time will be between half an hour and an hour,
including time for questions and answers, depending on each paper's
details, and also on the total number of talks approved for


We will publish the conference's proceedings in purely electronic
form. By presenting a paper, authors agree to give the EuroPython
conference non-exclusive rights to publish the paper in electronic forms
(including, but not limited to, partial and total publication on web
sites and/or such media as CDROM and DVD-ROM), and warrant that the
papers are not infringing on the rights of any third parties. Authors
retain all other intellectual property rights on their submitted
abstracts and papers excepting only this non-exclusive license.

Subsidised travel

We have funds available to subsidise travel costs for some presenters
who would otherwise not be able to attend EuroPython. When submitting
your abstract, please indicate if you would need such a subsidy as a
precondition of being able to come and present your paper. (Yes, this
possibility does exist even if you are coming from 

Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Apr 23)

2007-04-25 Thread ???? ???
QOTW:  The users. - Ali, answering a question on what's special about 

Dynamic languages look at WSDL and shrug - another example of the hoops 
static typing forces humans to go through. - Gordon Weakliem

 The current issue of the rather prestigious *Computing in Science
 and Engineering* journal is devoted to Python (!):

 Python is just as capable--and more!--as JavaScript, VBScript,
 ... for controlling COM.  Here's a little chatter on expression
 of Array data:

 Despite Python-URL!'s habitual ... reserve about regular
 expressions, there *are* places they fit perfectly.  Steven
 Bethard and Peter Otten show off how good a simple RE can be:

 Python 2.5.1 is the first bugfix release of Python 2.5:

 Michael Hoffman correctly explains the so-often-misunderstood
 semantics of '*' (for example) in subprocess invocations.  Notice
 use of the little-known expanduser(), expandvars(), and check_call():

 Carsten Haese supplies a model for construction in Python of a
 VB/Delphi iterator:

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
 center of Pythonia
 Notice especially the master FAQ

 PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
 marvelous daily python url
 Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
 World-Wide Web articles related to Python.
 While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
 are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
 their results.

 For far, FAR more Python reading than any one mind should
 absorb, much of it quite interesting, Planet Python indexes
 much of the universe of Pybloggers.

 The Python Papers aims to publish the efforts of Python enthusiats.

 Readers have recommended the Planet sites:

 comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
 sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.

 Python411 indexes podcasts ... to help people learn Python ...
 Updates appear more-than-weekly:

 Steve Bethard continues the marvelous tradition early borne by
 Andrew Kuchling, Michael Hudson, Brett Cannon, Tony Meyer, and Tim
 Lesher of intelligently summarizing action on the python-dev mailing
 list once every other week.

 The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

 The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
 to all sorts of Python resources.

 Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
 mailing lists

 Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
 match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
 subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

 The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
 Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
 responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.
 Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation.

 Kurt B. Kaiser publishes a weekly report on faults and patches.

 Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python
 hyperlinks retains a few gems.

 Python FAQTS

 The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and
 interesting recipes.

MS SQL Server Extension?

2007-04-25 Thread Jack
Hi all, in my next project, my Python code needs to talk to an MS SQL
2000 Server. Internet search gives me
I wonder what module(s) people are using. My code runs on a Linux
box so the module has to build on Linux. Any hints/pointers are welcome. 


Advocacy: Python up, Ruby down.

2007-04-25 Thread Paddy
I found this blog post on one users migration to Python. It states one
users frustrations but the comments section is quite good too.

The time and effort the developers spend on the balance between fixing
what we have over adding new features is hard, but it did pay off for
this programmer who was lured over by a more robust implementation and
good documentation.

- Paddy.


How to set font colour in PIL

2007-04-25 Thread Johny
 I use PIL to write some text to a picture.The text must  be seen wery
I write the text to different pictures but to the same position. As
pictures maybe  different, colour, in the position where I write the
text, is also different.
Is there a way how to set the font colour so that it will be seen very
clearly in the picture?
For example, if the picture is bright ( for example yellow), the font
colour should be dark( e.g. black) and vice versa.
Can anyone help?


Re: [python-advocacy] Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Tennessee Leeuwenburg
Firstly, let me put up my hand and say that I would be happy to write
Python articles for cash.

Now, on to business.

I am already doing something similar with /The Python Papers/. As part
of putting together each edition (especially the upcoming, bumper
edition due out soon), I seek out authors, solicit contributions,
review available literature and generally promote good content. I
don't think it's too much to suggest that anyone seeking to assist in
creating a good image for Python could very usefully contribute to
this effort.

In the last edition we offered a prize for the best article, and also
undertook some review of published papers and articles, reprinting
'best of' papers from the recent OSDC conference. We are also seeking
recommendations from other conference organisers so that we can, on an
ongoing basis, select and republish 'the best' and present them in one
globally accessible place.

The Python Papers has a growing profile, but it is still very early
days. We need help at the editorial level very much, and also in
building a new website.

Additionally, I can see the value in getting more column inches in
journals and magazines with already large readerships. As editor, I
already have a relationship with many authors of Python material. If I
knew of opportunities for publishing in other journals, I would be
more than happy to try to organise a contribution.

I have been waiting until after the publication of our next edition to
propose anything of the kind, but in light of this discussion perhaps
I should bring it up now -- perhaps there is the possibility of The
Python Papers becoming more officially related to This
might give the PSF a tool by which they can officially recognise
members of the Python community.

Unfortunately, we are limited at the moment by a lack of manpower.
Each edition is the result of a lot of effort on my part, and also by
contributors and other members of the editorial board. Being able to
have more committed individuals involved in its production would, I
feel, rapidly improve the reach and quality of the publication.

I'm not looking for a handout, as I'm happy with what I'm doing
already, but I thought I'd point out that The Python Papers could be
an instrument for achieving many of the goals outlined in this

All the best,

On 4/25/07, Facundo Batista [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2007/4/24, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  and I was more looking for a way to reward authors of excellence, as
  judged by some subset of the Python community - this might have to be
  the PSF membership given the impracticality of running a meaningful poll
  with a larger set of voters.

 Why? Because of spammers and/or false voters?

 When I first read about this, I thought about a web page where anybody
 could propose articles for voting, and anybody could vote them.
 Monthly, an award goes for the top 1, and that article goes out from
 the poll.

 Why can't that be done?

 Other point: what happens with all the non-english articles? Other categories?

  There are many other possibilities too. What about an award for most
  helpful responses on over some period? I think one of the

 How do you evaluate such thing? I think this is too complicated...



 Advocacy mailing list


Re: how to serialize a COM object ?

2007-04-25 Thread Roger Upole

Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Tue, 2007-04-24 at 13:10 -0700, vml wrote:
 I have a problem :

 I have a COM object.

 I would like to pass this com object from a server to a client through
 a socket.

 That is just as feasible as passing a cruise ship through a phone line.

 A COM object represents a connection to a service or executable that is
 running on one computer. Transferring that connection to another
 computer is impossible.


Actually, CoMarshalInterface allows you to do exactly this.


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Re: function object.func_default off the console

2007-04-25 Thread Peter Otten
Aaron Brady wrote:

 [2, 3]
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in module
 TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
 [2, 3, 4]
 V. interesting.  Operation succeeds but with a throw.  Er, raise.

This is not specific to func_defaults:

 t = ([1],)
 t[0] += [2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
([1, 2],)

t[0] += [2]

is resolved to


where list.__iadd__() succeeds but __setitem__() fails (because tuples don't
have that method).


trinary operator - if then else

2007-04-25 Thread Alchemist
What is Python's version for the trinary if..then..else operator?

I want a one-liner such as
for the if..then..else control structure
if a
  then b
  else c

Does Python 2.4 support it?


Re: Catching a specific IO error

2007-04-25 Thread Tina I
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 You can get the 2 as the errno exception attribute. BTW, 2 == errno.ENOENT
  export = open(self.exportFileName , 'w')
  except IOError, e:
 if e.errno==errno.ENOENT:
 # handle the No such file or directory error
  # calling an error handling method.
 --Gabriel Genellina

Perfect! Just what I was looking for. Thank you! :)


Re: trinary operator - if then else

2007-04-25 Thread Peter Otten
Alchemist wrote:

 What is Python's version for the trinary if..then..else operator?

true_value if condition else false_value

 Does Python 2.4 support it?

No, it requires 2.5 or later.


RE: If Dict Contains a particular key

2007-04-25 Thread Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Thanks guys for this, glad it was so simple.


I used mikes solution in the end, and it worked a charm.


Thanks again,




On Behalf Of Michael Bentley
Sent: 24 April 2007 18:37
Subject: Re: If Dict Contains a particular key



On Apr 24, 2007, at 12:28 PM, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:

Hello Guys,


I'm Looking to build a quick if/else statement that checks a dictionary for
a key like follows.


If myDict contains ThisKey:

Do this...


Do that...


Thats the best way of doing this?

if ThisKey in myDict:

  pass # do this


  pass # do that




Re: Tutorial creates confusion about slices

2007-04-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2007-04-24, Michael Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Really only one person has argued that the docs do not need to be 
 changed. The other two people seemed to think you were asking for help 
 rather than discussing how to revise the docs. Understandable, since 
 that's why most people come to this group in my estimation.

 Your time is your own and it is good to spend your efforts on what you 
 think will be most fruitful. But if you are going to let the opposition 
 of one person stop you from doing anything, you will not accomplish very 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] has brought a point that is worth considering.
So I retreat now a bit to see if I can come with a proposal that
bears in mind his point.

Antoon Pardon


Re: Python un-plugging the Interpreter

2007-04-25 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Jorgen Grahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 20:39:57 -0700, Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A long time ago Greg Stein produced a patch that removed the need for
  the GIL, but nobody seemed to want to pay the penalty it extracted in
  speed reduction, so it languished unadopted.
  Perhaps the current wave of dual-core and quad-core CPUs in cheap
  consumer products would change people's perceptions -- I wonder...
 Maybe it would change /perceptions/, but would normal users suddenly
 start running things that are (a) performance-critical, (b) written in
 Python and (c) use algorithms that are possible to parallellize?
 I doubt it. (But I admit that I am a bit negative towards thread
 programming in general, and I have whined about this before.)

I find this last statement interesting, because it differs so much
from my own attitude - getting a thread running was one of the
first things I did when I started getting to grips with python.

Do you mind whining some more - maybe I can learn 
something - threads seem to me to make a lot of things so 
much easier and more natural, as I see them as sequences
that run at the same time,  and I find this immensely useful
for all sorts of things, as it enables me to think in a simple
linear fashion about parts of complicated things.  And if you
add queues, you have something in your hand that you can 
do quite fancy stuff with in a robust, simple manner...

*grin* before I discovered the queue module, I was using
named pipes to communicate between threads...

So you could say I am a threading freak if you want to, and 
I won't argue.

But I would like to hear the opposite viewpoint..

- Hendrik


Re: Tutorial creates confusion about slices

2007-04-25 Thread Antoon Pardon

 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 2007-04-24, Michael Bentley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Apr 24, 2007, at 6:35 AM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
  People don't read tutorials in a strictly linear fashion. They can
  continue to later subjects and then come back here to see how things
  tie together. So the fact that it is only confusing to those who
  know more than is already presented doesn't seem a very good reason
  to leave it in.
  Yet they understand that earlier in the document, there is likely to
  be a less complete coverage of a given topic.  There is in fact, a
  link on that page that includes a more complete coverage of that
  topic (which I mentioned to you in an earlier message IIRC).

 That there is more complete coverage elsewhere is no good reason
 to come with an explanation that suggests things working in
 a way that will be contradicted by that more complete coverage.

 I happen to agree with you, but that's not a completely non-
 controversial position.  Many tutorials/manuals will prevent a
 simplified (and incorrect for the general case) description of how
 something works early on, and then clarify it later for the general
 case.  Personally I'd usually rather have the complete description
 earlier rather than an incorrect simplification, or at least have a
 footnote to the effect of this is a simple introduction, the full
 behavior will be described later.

 But there's a good argument to be made for omitting confounding
 details early on in a tutorial if there's a pedogogical reason for
 doing so--indeed, there's such a widespread belief that early
 oversimplification is actually helpful that I'd guess the majority of
 language tutorials engage in it to some degree.

Thank you for bringing this up so explicitly. I must confess this
point hadn't entered my mind but it is worth thinking about. I'll
see if I can come up with a new proposal bearing this in mind.

Thank you.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jeff Rush wrote:
  There is discussion by the Python Software Foundation of offering cash
  bounties or perhaps periodic awards to the best of for magazine articles,
  video/screencast clips and such.
  If YOU would be swayed to get involved in producing content in exchange for
  cash, please speak up on the advocacy mailing list and also drop an email to
  Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED], current champion of this idea and
  for encouragement.  Ideas on how to evaluate contributions, how frequently
  do this and critical thresholds of cash amounts necessary to induce YOUR
  participation are wanted.
 Thanks for posting this, Jeff. I have already had a couple of replies.
 Allow me to expand on my current thinking before this gets off-track.

 Lest people be lulled into thinking that the PSF is going into the
 articles for cash business, let me say that isn't really the idea. I
 don't really think we will necessarily improve the quality of
 information about Python simply by throwing cash incentives at authors,
 and I was more looking for a way to reward authors of excellence, as
 judged by some subset of the Python community - this might have to be
 the PSF membership given the impracticality of running a meaningful poll
 with a larger set of voters.

I get a bit confused here - when you say articles - what forum do you have
in mind?

I would suggest that paying for articles would make sense on a commisioned
basis, if there were to be an identified hole in the documentation, or for
some technique or recipe which is not well covered, and deserving of more

 So the intention is not so much to encourage people who wouldn't
 otherwise write to start writing (desirable though this outcome might
 be, I don't think cash incentives are the right way to achieve it) but
 rather to reward *excellence* in Python writing and underline the fact
 that standards are important.

 There are many other possibilities too. What about an award for most
 helpful responses on over some period? I think one of the
 reasons people find Python so useful is its helpful community, and it
 would be nice to see the tireless fielders of questions rewarded for
 their community contribution.

This is a good idea - I sometimes marvel at the degree of effort that
some of the answers to a question on this NG must cost the repliers.

Another one would be to reward the most patient fellow...

 However, these are only my ideas and I am open to any and all
 suggestions from the broader Python community about how awards might be
 used to provide incentives to improve the available information about
 Python, and possibly even the software that's available in Python. I
 have undertaken to make a proposal to the PSF Board for an incentive
 scheme. So please let me have your ideas.

Most bugs fixed in the month for the developers?
(Watch them scrabbling for the easy ones  - G )

Most Patches reviewed and incorporated?

Best recipe of the week/month/year?

Best Existing Module - don't forget that there has been a lot of effort
put in already into stuff like Twisted, Pyro, SPE, and many more - a
lot of it excellent work provided by rugged individuals, just because
they could...

As somone else has already said :

.. is F**G awesome - and its all in python.

Hey! how about starting with the best suggestion for spending the money...
That should get the ball rolling.

- Hendrik


If Dict Contains...

2007-04-25 Thread Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Hello Guys,


Looking to build a quick if/else statement that checks a dictionary for a
key like follows.


If myDict contains ThisKey:

Do this...


Do that...


Thats the best way of doing this?






Charlotte Python Group

2007-04-25 Thread Calvin Spealman
Attending my first meetup tomorrow for the Agile Charlotte group from My old area, surrounded by cows and corn, had no chance of
getting any meetups, so I'm excited to be back at the city and able to
partake in some community. If anyone by chance is attending, or near
enough to make it, check out the information and drop a note.

Read my blog! I depend on your acceptance of my opinion! I am interesting!

Re: *** Watch BOMBSHELL video of Senator John Kerry admitting 911 was in INSIDE JOB ???

2007-04-25 Thread joseph2k
Jon Slaughter wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Senator John Kerry was questioned concerning 9/11 during an appearance
 at Book People in Austin, Texas. Members of Austin 9/11 Truth Now
 asked Kerry about the officially unexplained collapse of WTC Building

 Kerry responded:

I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger and I think
 they made the decision based on the danger that it had in destroying
 other things-- that they did it in a controlled fashion.

 Thanks to the dozen or so people who submitted this as a blog entry :)

 Mr. Kerry?!?

 Just a follow-up or two...

 WHAT THE HELL|?| Are you saying that building was wired that day? Or
 well in advance? 'Splain, please.

 Does your fellow Bonesman George Walker Bush appreciate you letting
 the cat out of the bag on this? Is that your cell phone I hear

 Why is your wife squirming like that? Stop it, Theresa! Stop it!

 So what your saying is that the democrates are behind 9/11?  So they tried
 to frame Bush? Whats new?  Doesn't this then mean that the democrates and
 alqaeda are working together?  I always that pelosie looked like she had a
 little arabic in her(probably in more ways than one).
Naw, the Repuglicans were fully in power then, it had to be them.
 Gegen dummheit kampfen die Gotter Selbst, vergebens.  

Re: MS SQL Server Extension?

2007-04-25 Thread Tim Golden
Jack wrote:
 Hi all, in my next project, my Python code needs to talk to an MS SQL
 2000 Server. Internet search gives me
 I wonder what module(s) people are using. My code runs on a Linux
 box so the module has to build on Linux. Any hints/pointers are welcome. 

There are several modules around which will cover this.
One of these days I'll take the post I'm about to write
and stick it on a Wiki or something because I seem to
write it about once every six months :)

In no particular order:

adodbapi - recently resurrected from moribundity (if
that's a word); search the list archives because I
can't remember who's working on it.

+ Win32 only (afaik)
+ Covers all sorts of things as well as MSSQL
+ Allows for passthrough authentication

- Used to have some slight flakiness in it. Bloke
who's taken over maintenance says he's patched and
simplified things. Haven't tried it since.

pymssql -

+ Win32  Linux (via FreeTDS)

- Doesn't allow passthrough authentication
- Has some issues with Unicode

pyodbc -
(a recent runner)

+ Win32  Linux (via whatever *nix ODBC package)
+ Apparently more actively maintained than pymssql
+ (Is currently the favoured front-runner among the 
sqlalchemy devs)

- Lacks .nextset (in case that's important to you)

Other contenders:

mxODBC - Commercial License but a very strong
and long-standing candidate. Lacks .nextset
support. Works on *nix via iODBC etc.

Object Craft MSSQL - Worked well for me for years
but they seemed to have abandoned it of late.
Still there. Still works. But no binaries beyond
Python 2.3. (I did try to recompile using MingW
but couldn't get it to work). Works on *nix via


Re: Tutorial creates confusion about slices

2007-04-25 Thread Ant
Hi Antoon,

 The best way to remember how slices work is to think of the indices as
   | H | e | l | p | A |
   0   1   2   3   4   5
  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1

 This is all very well with a simple slice like:

   HelpA[2:4]= lp

But that is the whole point of a language tutorial, to introduce the
language and provide a way to get started. Note that the tutorial
doesn't even go into any details on extended slicing - as far as the
beginner is concerned at this point, there *is* no extended slice
notation. Even if the tutorial *did* go into more detail about
slicing, mentioning negative steps would be folly - the tutorial
should be an easy way into the language, and in such a context the
above tool for remembering how they work is just fine.

The exact (mathematical) definition for string slices is given in the
Library reference (, which is
where it should be. If you are at the point where understanding what
the deal is with extended slice notation for strings, then you are
ready to look at the real manual. If the tutorial was fully
comprehensive it would be massive and daunting. You'd probably have to
split it up as well, into, say, a Language reference and a Library


popen2 results

2007-04-25 Thread Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Hello guys,


I've recently ported my application from bash to python, however there are
still a few bash line utilities I -have- to use in the application as there
isn't any alternative available to me. In the old days of bash I would have
grep'd the output from these commands to determine the outcome.


I'm now using popen2 to run the command which works a charm, but I'm
struggling to parse the results of the function, has anyone had any
experience with this? I've found a few suggested solutions dotted around,
such as this one.


 import os


 def filtered(command, source):

 dest, result = os.popen2(command)








But to be honest I'm struggling to get it to do anything as it doesn't
states what the 'source' object is or should be.


Thanks for any help guys, I'm just looking to capture the output from the
command and then I can go about a little REGEX on it.






Re: Tutorial creates confusion about slices

2007-04-25 Thread Tim Golden
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 2007-04-24, Michael Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Really only one person has argued that the docs do not need to be 
 changed. The other two people seemed to think you were asking for help 
 rather than discussing how to revise the docs. Understandable, since 
 that's why most people come to this group in my estimation.

 Your time is your own and it is good to spend your efforts on what you 
 think will be most fruitful. But if you are going to let the opposition 
 of one person stop you from doing anything, you will not accomplish very 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] has brought a point that is worth considering.
 So I retreat now a bit to see if I can come with a proposal that
 bears in mind his point.

Now that this thread has slowed a little I would also
point out -- while agreeing with sjdevnull's thoughtful
post -- that reaction to an idea on a mailing list is
possibly not the best means of gauging its validity.
That's not to say you shouldn't listen to other posters;
rather that, if you still feel after due consideration
of other people's points of view that what you're
proposing is right, then go ahead and create a patch.

The people who are going to accept or reject your
doc patch are (probably) not the people who are
putting forward their ideas here on this list.
Ultimately, patches aren't voted in by the denizens
of python-list /

Also, there may be 1000 people nodding thoughtfully
(and silently) in agreement with your point of view, but
who are unlikely to post a me, too comment. It seems
likely that any posters are more likely to be those in
disagreement with a point of view.

Frankly, if you think after consideration that a change
to the docs is advisable, post up a patch to the relevant
place. If there are people on this list who disagree,
they're at liberty to comment on the patch. But at that
point, you've made the effort and said your piece. It's
up to the naysayers to make the effort to comment on
the patch. And, ultimately, up to the Python development
community to accept or reject it as they see fit. (And
as they have the time and inclination :)


Coding conventions for class names

2007-04-25 Thread Kay Schluehr
set, int, float, list, object,...

Don't see any of the basic types following the capitalized word
convention for classes covered by PEP 08. This does not hold only for
__builtins__ in the strict sense but also for types defined in builtin
modules like datetime.

My question is: does anyone actually follow guidelines here and if yes
which ones and are they resonable ( e.g. stable with regard to
refactoring etc. )?


Re: If Dict Contains...

2007-04-25 Thread Daniel Nogradi
 Looking to build a quick if/else statement that checks a dictionary for a
 key like follows.

 If myDict contains ThisKey:

 Do this...


 Do that...

 Thats the best way of doing this?

if key in myDict:
Do this.
Do that


How to change font colour

2007-04-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I use PIL to write some text to a picture.The text must be seen wery clearly.
I write the text to different pictures but to the same position. As pictures maybe different, 
colour, in the position where I write the text, is also different.
Is there a way how to set the font colour so that it will be seen very clearly in the picture?
For example, if the picture is bright ( for example yellow), the font colour should be dark( e.g. 
black) and vice versa.
Can anyone help?


Re: Tutorial creates confusion about slices

2007-04-25 Thread Ant
On Apr 23, 1:38 pm, Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The following is part of the explanation on slices in the

 The best way to remember how slices work is to think of the indices as
   | H | e | l | p | A |
   0   1   2   3   4   5
  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1

For a tutorial this is sound advice. A tutorial is designed to give
readers an easy intro to a topic, which is what this achieves. At this
stage the target audience has no idea that extended slices even exist,
let alone that you can use negative indices with them.

 This is all very well with a simple slice like:

   HelpA[2:4]= lp

 But it give the wrong idea when using the following extended slice:

   HelpA[4:2:-1]   =   Ap

But that is fine. Extended slice notation (let alone using negative
indices) is beyond the scope of the tutorial. Once you start to
experiment with extended slices, it is time to look beyond the
simplified tutorial information, and to the official documentation in
the Library and Language references. The library docs (http:// say this:

(5) The slice of s from i to j with step k is defined as the sequence
of items with index x = i + n*k such that 0 = n  (j-i/k)

Which is exactly how it works, and describes exactly why your extended
slice example works as it does.


Re: Coding conventions for class names

2007-04-25 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kay Schluehr

 set, int, float, list, object,...
 Don't see any of the basic types following the capitalized word
 convention for classes covered by PEP 08. This does not hold only for
 __builtins__ in the strict sense but also for types defined in builtin
 modules like datetime.

Most built-ins are easy to explain:  They were functions long before it
was possible to use them as base classes and stayed lowercase for
backwards compatibility.  Don't know about `set` and `object`.  I guess
it's foolish consistency!?

 My question is: does anyone actually follow guidelines here and if yes
 which ones and are they resonable ( e.g. stable with regard to
 refactoring etc. )?

I follow PEP 8 in my (mostly unpublished) code if that does matter to you.  :-)

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2007-04-24, Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
 When cash is involved, it's important to avoid even the slightest
 hint of a suggestion of a suspicion of a conflict of interest; 
 that, I guess, is why firms that run contests with cash prizes
 always declare employees and their families not eligible, and why
 I think the PSF should do likewise in this case.
 That's a good point, and also a valid reason for restricting the
 voting community to PSF members. Thanks, Alex.

 So in order to avoid a suspicion of a conflict of interest you want to 
 turn the whole thing into private property of the PSF?

 That is  the most ridiculous suggestion I have ever

I kind of understand why they would want to do this. If you have
no limitations on who may vote, such a contest can easily turn
into a contest of who can mobilize the biggest clan of supporters.

Now maybe there are better ways to avoid this kind of unwanted
effect but I wouldn't call Steve's suggestion ridiculous.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Coding conventions for class names

2007-04-25 Thread Michael Hoffman
Kay Schluehr wrote:

 My question is: does anyone actually follow guidelines here


 and if yes
 which ones and are they resonable ( e.g. stable with regard to
 refactoring etc. )?

All of them that I know of. What does it mean to be stable with regard 
to refactoring etc.?
Michael Hoffman

Re: q: how to output a unicode string?

2007-04-25 Thread Frank Stajano
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Frank Stajano wrote:
 A simple unicode question. How do I print?

 Sample code:

 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 s1 = uhéllô wórld
 print s1
 # Gives UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character
 # u'\xe9' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)

 What I actually want to do is slightly more elaborate: read from a text
 file which is in utf-8, do some manipulations of the text and print the
 result on stdout. I understand I must open the file with

 f =, r, utf-8)

 but then I get stuck as above.

 I tried

 s2 = s1.encode(utf-8)
 print s2

 but got

 héllô wórld
 Which is perfectly alright - it's just that your terminal isn't prepared to
 decode UTF-8, but some other encoding, like latin1.

Aha! Thanks for spotting this. You are right about the terminal 
(rxvt/cygwin) not being ready to handle utf-8, as I can now confirm with a


( being the program above) which displays the source code garbled 
in the same way.

If I do

s1 = uhéllô wórld
print s1

at the interactive prompt of Idle, I get the proper output

héllô wórld

So why is it that in the first case I got UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' 
codec can't encode? Seems as if, within Idle, a utf-8 codec is being 
selected automagically... why should that be so there and not in the 
first case?

 Then, in the hope of being able to write the string to a file if not to
 stdout, I also tried

 import codecs
 f =, w, utf-8)

 but got

 UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 1:
 ordinal not in range(128)
 Instead of writing s2 (which is a byte-string!!!), write s1. It will work.

OK, many thanks, I got this to work!

 The error you get stems from f.write wanting a unicode-object, but s2 is a
 bytestring (you explicitly converted it before), so python tries to encode
 the bytestring with the default encoding - ascii - to a unicode string.
 This of course fails.

I think I have a better understanding of it now. If the terminal hadn't 
fooled me, I probably wouldn't have assumed that the code I originally 
wrote (following the first examples I found) was wrong! I assume that 
when you say bytestring you mean a string of bytes in a certain 
encoding (here utf-8) that can be used as an external representation for 
the unicode string which is instead a sequence of code points.

Thanks again

Re: q: how to output a unicode string?

2007-04-25 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 So why is it that in the first case I got UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii'
 codec can't encode? Seems as if, within Idle, a utf-8 codec is being
 selected automagically... why should that be so there and not in the
 first case?

I'm a bit confused on what you did when the error appears if you try to
output a unicode-object without prior encoding - then the default encoding
(ascii) is used.
 Then, in the hope of being able to write the string to a file if not to
 stdout, I also tried

 import codecs
 f =, w, utf-8)

 but got

 UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 1:
 ordinal not in range(128)
 Instead of writing s2 (which is a byte-string!!!), write s1. It will
 OK, many thanks, I got this to work!
 The error you get stems from f.write wanting a unicode-object, but s2 is
 a bytestring (you explicitly converted it before), so python tries to
 encode the bytestring with the default encoding - ascii - to a unicode
 string. This of course fails.
 I think I have a better understanding of it now. If the terminal hadn't
 fooled me, I probably wouldn't have assumed that the code I originally
 wrote (following the first examples I found) was wrong! I assume that
 when you say bytestring you mean a string of bytes in a certain
 encoding (here utf-8) that can be used as an external representation for
 the unicode string which is instead a sequence of code points.

Yes. That is exactly the difference. 


Re: Tutorial creates confusion about slices

2007-04-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2007-04-25, Ant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 23, 1:38 pm, Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The following is part of the explanation on slices in the

 The best way to remember how slices work is to think of the indices as
   | H | e | l | p | A |
   0   1   2   3   4   5
  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1

 For a tutorial this is sound advice. A tutorial is designed to give
 readers an easy intro to a topic, which is what this achieves. At this
 stage the target audience has no idea that extended slices even exist,
 let alone that you can use negative indices with them.

OK. But eventually they will come into contact with negative indexes.
If they still rely on the above representation for understanding slices
that may cause confusions. It is possible that the time lost in clearing
up these later confusions will be bigger than the time gained by using
this simplification in the tutorial.

So I'm not so sure it is sound advice in this case.

If the consensus is that something like this should remain, I would
suggest replacing:

The best way to remember how slices work is


A way to remember how slices work, it is not entirly correct
 but may be usefull, is

Or something similar.

Wording to that effect makes it more clear that it is a crutch
that can be usefull now but that it should be discarded later.

Antoon Pardon


2007-04-25 Thread Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Hello Guys,


I'm using the following function 'str (now)' to place a date time stamp into
a log file, which works fine, however it writes the stamp like this.


2007-04-25 11:06:53.873029


But I need to expel those extra decimal places as they're causing problems
with the application that parses the log data, all I need is something like


2007-04-25 11:06:53


With time depicted to the nearest second, from my background in ColdFusion
development we used to have a datetimeformat() function that I could use as


DateTimeFormat(now(), -mm-dd HH:mm:ss)


Which would give the current time a mask.


Any equivalent for this in python?






Re: trinary operator - if then else

2007-04-25 Thread Michael Bentley

On Apr 25, 2007, at 1:58 AM, Alchemist wrote:

 What is Python's version for the trinary if..then..else operator?

 I want a one-liner such as
 for the if..then..else control structure
 if a
   then b
   else c

 Does Python 2.4 support it?

Not precisely, but you can *usually* get away with:

a and b or c


Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Antoon Pardon wrote:

 That's a good point, and also a valid reason for restricting the
 voting community to PSF members. Thanks, Alex.
 So in order to avoid a suspicion of a conflict of interest you want to 
 turn the whole thing into private property of the PSF?

 That is  the most ridiculous suggestion I have ever
 I kind of understand why they would want to do this. If you have
 no limitations on who may vote, such a contest can easily turn
 into a contest of who can mobilize the biggest clan of supporters.

Sure, any democratic process can be derailed by a coordinated effort of 
people with a different mentality. To prevent such things by killing the 
democratic process oneself right at the beginning of a project is a 
peculiar way of avoiding this risk.

 Now maybe there are better ways to avoid this kind of unwanted
 effect but I wouldn't call Steve's suggestion ridiculous.

It's about as ridiculous as proving that a stiff parrot is dead by 
grabbing it by the legs and repeatedly hitting it's head on the counter.


Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Anton Vredegoor wrote:

 It's about as ridiculous as proving that a stiff parrot is dead by 
 grabbing it by the legs and repeatedly hitting it's head on the counter.

Or to write it's where its is more appropriate.


PIL font formatting...

2007-04-25 Thread Durumdara


I wrote a web visitor counter with modpy and pil.
It is must working on half-static page, so I must write this counter with
jpeg image output.

Everything is working good, but I need to change this counter a little, it's
style isn't same as it's webpage's style.

I want to make bold and italic text into image. How to I do it?

font = ImageFont.truetype('arial.ttf', 15, )

.text('a', font = font, )

Please help me!!!


Re: Coding conventions for class names

2007-04-25 Thread Michael Hoffman
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kay Schluehr
 set, int, float, list, object,...

 Don't see any of the basic types following the capitalized word
 convention for classes covered by PEP 08. This does not hold only for
 __builtins__ in the strict sense but also for types defined in builtin
 modules like datetime.
 Most built-ins are easy to explain:  They were functions long before it
 was possible to use them as base classes and stayed lowercase for
 backwards compatibility.  Don't know about `set` and `object`.  I guess
 it's foolish consistency!?

Well originally there was sets.Set (uppercase). It became set when it 
went to being a built-in.
Michael Hoffman

Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2007-04-25, Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:

 That's a good point, and also a valid reason for restricting the
 voting community to PSF members. Thanks, Alex.
 So in order to avoid a suspicion of a conflict of interest you want to 
 turn the whole thing into private property of the PSF?

 That is  the most ridiculous suggestion I have ever
 I kind of understand why they would want to do this. If you have
 no limitations on who may vote, such a contest can easily turn
 into a contest of who can mobilize the biggest clan of supporters.

 Sure, any democratic process can be derailed by a coordinated effort of 
 people with a different mentality. To prevent such things by killing the 
 democratic process oneself right at the beginning of a project is a 
 peculiar way of avoiding this risk.

As far as I understood the idea was to reward excellence. The process
to achieve this can be democratic, but in that case it is just a means
to an end. The democratic process was not an end itself.

So talking about this as if the democratic process itself was somehow
the goal seems to miss what it is about.

Antoon Pardon

Re: trinary operator - if then else

2007-04-25 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Does Python 2.4 support it?
 Not precisely, but you can *usually* get away with:
 a and b or c

This is really bad advice, as long as you don't explain why it usually
works (and often enough not). This for example won't work:

 False or '' and 0

The reason is that the if-value has to be bool(v) == True, otherwise the
short-circuiting of the and will prevent the 0 from being returned.

So in general, _don't_ use this!


jython: user-defined modules

2007-04-25 Thread Gregor Stich
Dear all,

I hope my question is here in the right place...
What I want to achieve is a communication between Java and Python. We
have a pretty strong framework of existing python scripts and modules.
Now I want to use jython in order to faciliate the communication
between another Java framework.

But I`m currently stuck with jython: Trying to import the user-defined
python modules, these cannot be found. I read a lot about the jython
registry and I setup a $HOME/.jython file where I created a
python.path=... resource, however, when I start the jython command
line and type
print python.path
then this property is not found. Passing it with the -D option does
not work as well, or maybe I`m too confused to make it work anyway?

Any help would be great!
 Best regards


Re: Now()

2007-04-25 Thread Daniel Nogradi
 I'm using the following function 'str (now)' to place a date time stamp into
 a log file, which works fine, however it writes the stamp like this.

 2007-04-25 11:06:53.873029

 But I need to expel those extra decimal places as they're causing problems
 with the application that parses the log data, all I need is something like

 2007-04-25 11:06:53

Please see


Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 2007-04-25, Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:

 That's a good point, and also a valid reason for restricting the
 voting community to PSF members. Thanks, Alex.
 So in order to avoid a suspicion of a conflict of interest you want to 
 turn the whole thing into private property of the PSF?

 That is  the most ridiculous suggestion I have ever
 I kind of understand why they would want to do this. If you have
 no limitations on who may vote, such a contest can easily turn
 into a contest of who can mobilize the biggest clan of supporters.
 Sure, any democratic process can be derailed by a coordinated effort of 
 people with a different mentality. To prevent such things by killing the 
 democratic process oneself right at the beginning of a project is a 
 peculiar way of avoiding this risk.
 As far as I understood the idea was to reward excellence. The process
 to achieve this can be democratic, but in that case it is just a means
 to an end. The democratic process was not an end itself.

Yes, but this sub thread was about avoiding a suspicion of a conflict of 
interests. If this suspicion is to be avoided by just openly promoting 
the interests of the members of the PSF that is one hell of a way of 
solving the problem.


Re: Now()

2007-04-25 Thread Tim Golden
Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:

 I'm using the following function 'str (now)' to place a date time stamp into
 a log file, which works fine, however it writes the stamp like this.

 2007-04-25 11:06:53.873029

 But I need to expel those extra decimal places as they're causing problems
 with the application that parses the log data, all I need is something like

 2007-04-25 11:06:53

 With time depicted to the nearest second, from my background in ColdFusion
 development we used to have a datetimeformat() function that I could use as

 DateTimeFormat(now(), -mm-dd HH:mm:ss)

 Which would give the current time a mask.

 Any equivalent for this in python?

You want the strftime method which is documented under
the time module.

trivial example
import datetime
print ().strftime (%Y-%m-%d etc.)

/trivial example


RE: Tutorial creates confusion about slices

2007-04-25 Thread Hamilton, William
 -Original Message-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Antoon
 Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 7:40 AM
 Subject: Re: Tutorial creates confusion about slices
 On 2007-04-24, Michael Bentley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Apr 24, 2007, at 6:35 AM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
  People don't read tutorials in a strictly linear fashion. They can
  continue to later subjects and then come back here to see how
  tie together. So the fact that it is only confusing to those who
  know more than is already presented doesn't seem a very good reason
  to leave it in.
  Yet they understand that earlier in the document, there is likely to
  be a less complete coverage of a given topic.  There is in fact, a
  link on that page that includes a more complete coverage of that
  topic (which I mentioned to you in an earlier message IIRC).
 That there is more complete coverage elsewhere is no good reason
 to come with an explanation that suggests things working in
 a way that will be contradicted by that more complete coverage.
 Even after people have read the more complete coverage it is
 still very possible that they will come back to this part of
 the text and get the wrong idea of how things work.

That's how everything I've ever learned has been taught.  Start with a
simple explanation that may not be completely accurate but is
functional, then fill in the details later when there is a context to
put them in.  The tutorial could start out by explaining everything at
the implementation level; it doesn't because it is a _tutorial_,
intended to give new users the context they need to understand the more
complicated nuances of the language.  

If it covered every fiddly little detail, it wouldn't be a tutorial.  It
would be a language reference document instead.

 A more complete coverage elsewhere is not an adequate remedy
 for a tekst suggesting things working differently than they
 actually do. Sure in the long run people will figger out how
 things actually work and that the explanation given in that
 section is totally inadequate for negative steps. But I
 prefer that people don't loose too much time figgering out
 that a particular explanation only works for particular cases
 and not in general.
  Submit a patch if you want it changed.  I'm sure your valuable
  insights will greatly improve the quality of the python
 Fat chance, if they reason like you.

So you're saying your insights aren't valuable?

-Bill Hamilton

Re: jython: user-defined modules

2007-04-25 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Gregor Stich wrote:

 Dear all,
 I hope my question is here in the right place...
 What I want to achieve is a communication between Java and Python. We
 have a pretty strong framework of existing python scripts and modules.
 Now I want to use jython in order to faciliate the communication
 between another Java framework.
 But I`m currently stuck with jython: Trying to import the user-defined
 python modules, these cannot be found. I read a lot about the jython
 registry and I setup a $HOME/.jython file where I created a
 python.path=... resource, however, when I start the jython command
 line and type
 print python.path
 then this property is not found. Passing it with the -D option does
 not work as well, or maybe I`m too confused to make it work anyway?

First of all, you should subscribe to the jython mailing list.

Second, you access the python.path inside jython via

import sys
print sys.path



Re: [python-advocacy] Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Facundo Batista
2007/4/25, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Most bugs fixed in the month for the developers?
 (Watch them scrabbling for the easy ones  - G )

 Most Patches reviewed and incorporated?

These numbers are easy to acquire.  Note, though, that the name of the
developer in a top ten of these numbers in a public place (like, and a mention in a weekly report in the main python
mailing lists, will be enough prize most of the times...




Re: When are immutable tuples *essential*? Why can't you just use lists *everywhere* instead?

2007-04-25 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-04-24, Thomas Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 23, 10:38 pm, Mel Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Even with a balanced tree, if a key in a node changes value,
 you may have to re-balance the tree.  Nothing in a Python list
 says that a dictionary tree would have to be re-balanced if
 you changed that particular list.

 You don't have to look at any implementation.  A dictionary
 maps every key to exactly one object.  If the objects were
 mutable, you could change one key to another key, and then
 which item would the dictionary pull?
 (Imaginary code)
 d = {[1,2,3]: 'hat', [1,2,4]: 'sock' }
 for key in d:
 print d[[1,2]]  #does this print hat or sock?

That would be documented as undefined behavior, and users
exhorted not to do such things.

Python's dictionaries are a proven winner--I'm definitely not an
advocate for changing them. But the general requirement for a
mapping container *isn't* that keys be immutable, but that you
either don't mutate keys, or don't do so without also reording
(rehashing?) the mapping.

Neil Cerutti

Re: When are immutable tuples *essential*? Why can't you just use lists *everywhere* instead?

2007-04-25 Thread Steve Holden
Neil Cerutti wrote:
 On 2007-04-24, Thomas Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 23, 10:38 pm, Mel Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Even with a balanced tree, if a key in a node changes value,
 you may have to re-balance the tree.  Nothing in a Python list
 says that a dictionary tree would have to be re-balanced if
 you changed that particular list.
 You don't have to look at any implementation.  A dictionary
 maps every key to exactly one object.  If the objects were
 mutable, you could change one key to another key, and then
 which item would the dictionary pull?
 (Imaginary code)
 d = {[1,2,3]: 'hat', [1,2,4]: 'sock' }
 for key in d:
 print d[[1,2]]  #does this print hat or sock?
 That would be documented as undefined behavior, and users
 exhorted not to do such things.
 Python's dictionaries are a proven winner--I'm definitely not an
 advocate for changing them. But the general requirement for a
 mapping container *isn't* that keys be immutable, but that you
 either don't mutate keys, or don't do so without also reording
 (rehashing?) the mapping.
And which API do you use to reord(er?) (rehash) the mapping?

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Tutorial creates confusion about slices

2007-04-25 Thread Steve Holden
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 2007-04-25, Ant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 23, 1:38 pm, Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The following is part of the explanation on slices in the

 The best way to remember how slices work is to think of the indices as
   | H | e | l | p | A |
   0   1   2   3   4   5
  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1
 For a tutorial this is sound advice. A tutorial is designed to give
 readers an easy intro to a topic, which is what this achieves. At this
 stage the target audience has no idea that extended slices even exist,
 let alone that you can use negative indices with them.
 OK. But eventually they will come into contact with negative indexes.
 If they still rely on the above representation for understanding slices
 that may cause confusions. It is possible that the time lost in clearing
 up these later confusions will be bigger than the time gained by using
 this simplification in the tutorial.
 So I'm not so sure it is sound advice in this case.
 If the consensus is that something like this should remain, I would
 suggest replacing:
 The best way to remember how slices work is
 A way to remember how slices work, it is not entirly correct
  but may be usefull, is
 Or something similar.
 Wording to that effect makes it more clear that it is a crutch
 that can be usefull now but that it should be discarded later.
Most people reading a tutorial are aware that they are being given the 
knowledge they need to put the subject matter to immediate use, and that 
there may well be refinements that are glossed over or covered in detail 
later or elsewhere.

I don't believe this needs to be made explicit wherever it applies.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Socket exceptions aren't in the standard exception hierarchy

2007-04-25 Thread Steve Holden
John Nagle wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
 John Nagle wrote:

 Steve Holden wrote:

 John Nagle wrote:
 [socket.error bug report]
 All these notes should be included in the bug report, as I suspect the 
 module would benefit from additional clarity. 
  Done.  See
 [ 1706815 ] socket.error exceptions not subclass of StandardError
 Also see
 [ 805194 ] Inappropriate error received using socket timeout
 [ 1019808 ] wrong socket error returned
 [ 1571878 ] Improvements to socket module exceptions
 [ 708927 ] socket timeouts produce wrong errors in win32
 for related but not identical problems in that area.
Thanks. At least this is less likely to be overlooked now.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-25 Thread leuchte
So I read quite a few things about this phenomenon in Python 2.4.x but
I can hardly believe that there is really no solution to my problem.

We use a commercial tool that has a macro functionality. These macros
are written in python. So far nothing extraordinary.

Our (python-)macro uses massively nested loops which are unfortunately
necessary. These loops perform complex calculations in this commercial
tool. To give you a quick overview how long this macros runs:

The outer loop takes 5-7 hours for one cycle. Each cycle creates one
outputfile. So we would like to perform 3-5 outer cycles en bloc.
Unfortunately one of our computers (768MB RAM) crashes after just ~10%
of the first cycle with the following error message:

while another computer (1GB RAM) crashes after ~10% of the fourth
loop. While the virtual memory on the 1gb machine was full to the
limit when it crashed the memory usage of the 768mb machine looked
this this:

The moment I close the application that launched the macro, my
ressources get freed.

So is there a way to free my memory inside my nested loops?

thanks in advance,


Re: Python un-plugging the Interpreter

2007-04-25 Thread Steve Holden
John Nagle wrote:
 Alex Martelli wrote:
 Jorgen Grahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Perhaps the current wave of dual-core and quad-core CPUs in cheap
 consumer products would change people's perceptions -- I wonder...
 IronPython would appear to be coming along nicely and getting acceptance
 in the Windows community, and I believe the underlying dotNet CLR does
 do threads nicely; we'll see what develops on that front, I guess.
  Thus we now have a demonstration that Python implementations need
 not be as slow as CPython.  And that Microsoft is beating open source
 on Python.
Well, let's remember that a) IronPython was originally developed 
independently of Microsoft, and b) it's still open source or close to it 
(I.'m not familiar with the OSI's opinion on the license Microsoft use 
to distribute IronPython, but the fact it can be included in the FePy 
distribution bodes well).

  Python as a language is in good shape.  But the CPython
 implementation is holding back progress.   What we need are better
 and faster implementations of the language we've got.
Hear, hear!

  PyPy, ShedSkin, and Jython all were steps in the right
 direction, but none had enough momentum to make it.
 Jython hasn't had a release since 2002, ShedSkin is basically
 one guy, and the EU pulled the plug on PyPy.
Hey there, loose talk costs lives, you know. That is a complete 
mischaracterization of the true position.

Progress on Jython may not have been stellar, but it has occurred and is 
ongoing. Yes, Shedskin is one guy, but so was Psyco and that was (and 
remains) a useful tool.

As far as I am aware the PyPy project has come to the end of its initial 
EU funding, and they chose to focus on producing deliverables close to 
the end of the project phase rather that divert effort into securing 
ongoing funding. So nobody has pulled the plug, and I believe there is 
every possibility of a further round of funded research and development 
  in the future. Certainly the results to date would justify that action 
on the part of the EU. I don't know if and when the request for further 
funding will be submitted.

  Now what?
Work continues. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Tutorial creates confusion about slices

2007-04-25 Thread Duncan Booth
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wording to that effect makes it more clear that it is a crutch
 that can be usefull now but that it should be discarded later.
 Most people reading a tutorial are aware that they are being given the 
 knowledge they need to put the subject matter to immediate use, and that 
 there may well be refinements that are glossed over or covered in detail 
 later or elsewhere.

The authors of 'The Science of Discworld' coined a term for this 'lies to 
children' where an explanation to a student is technically wrong but is 
pitched at the appropriate level for the student.



Re: PIL and font colour

2007-04-25 Thread Steve Holden
Johny wrote:
  I use PIL to write some text to a picture.The text must  be seen wery
 I write the text to different pictures but to the same position. As
 pictures maybe  different, colour, in the position where I write the
 text, is also different.
 Is there a way how to set the font colour so that it will be seen very
 clearly in the picture?
 For example, if the picture is bright ( for example yellow), the font
 colour should be dark( e.g. black) and vice versa.
 Can anyone help?
The easy way to ensure this is to paint a background rectangle of an 
appropriate color to ensure good font contrast before writing the text. 
Of course, this obscures rather more of the image in the background than 
you might otherwise.

Apart from that you could try averaging the pixel values in the area you 
are going to paint on, and then choose a font color that contrasts well 
with the average. If there are large variations in color, however, this 
can give disappointing results.

If you'd like to get some insight into color contrast you could do worse 
than start at

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Tutorial creates confusion about slices

2007-04-25 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-04-25, Hamilton, William [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's how everything I've ever learned has been taught.  Start
 with a simple explanation that may not be completely accurate
 but is functional, then fill in the details later when there is
 a context to put them in.  The tutorial could start out by
 explaining everything at the implementation level; it doesn't
 because it is a _tutorial_, intended to give new users the
 context they need to understand the more complicated nuances of
 the language.  

 If it covered every fiddly little detail, it wouldn't be a
 tutorial.  It would be a language reference document instead.

Presenting a simplified model is a good technique, but when a
simplified model is presented it should be clearly stated wether
or not that model will eventually prove inadequate.

Is the divider-between-elements model presented in the tutorial
really the best way to understand half-open range notation?

I vote we change the word best to possible in the excerpt.

Neil Cerutti

Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-25 Thread Durumdara


I got same problem with Lotus Domino + Python.
The lotus COM objects are not freed, so I get out from memory.

I solve this problem with a little trick:
I make two py applications. The first is call the second as like another

The first is put some work to the seconds datadir.
Whe second is finished with it, it is close itself.

Because the memory operations are existing in only the second script, all
memory get freed after it is finished, and the first (controller) py script
can call the next session without any problem.


25 Apr 2007 07:08:42 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

So I read quite a few things about this phenomenon in Python 2.4.x but
I can hardly believe that there is really no solution to my problem.

We use a commercial tool that has a macro functionality. These macros
are written in python. So far nothing extraordinary.

Our (python-)macro uses massively nested loops which are unfortunately
necessary. These loops perform complex calculations in this commercial
tool. To give you a quick overview how long this macros runs:

The outer loop takes 5-7 hours for one cycle. Each cycle creates one
outputfile. So we would like to perform 3-5 outer cycles en bloc.
Unfortunately one of our computers (768MB RAM) crashes after just ~10%
of the first cycle with the following error message:

while another computer (1GB RAM) crashes after ~10% of the fourth
loop. While the virtual memory on the 1gb machine was full to the
limit when it crashed the memory usage of the 768mb machine looked
this this:

The moment I close the application that launched the macro, my
ressources get freed.

So is there a way to free my memory inside my nested loops?

thanks in advance,



Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Steve Holden
Anton Vredegoor wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
 When cash is involved, it's important to avoid even the slightest
 hint of a suggestion of a suspicion of a conflict of interest; 
 that, I guess, is why firms that run contests with cash prizes
 always declare employees and their families not eligible, and why
 I think the PSF should do likewise in this case.

 That's a good point, and also a valid reason for restricting the
 voting community to PSF members. Thanks, Alex.
 So in order to avoid a suspicion of a conflict of interest you want to 
 turn the whole thing into private property of the PSF?
 That is  the most ridiculous suggestion I have ever

I presume that interruption came to us courtesy of the PSU?

Since it's the PSF's money I don't see why the voting shouldn't be 
restricted to PSF members. I could be persuaded otherwise, but I haven't 
yet heard anything persuasive. At least most PSF members start out with 
a record of contribution to some aspect of Python, which is the reason 
they were invited to membership in the first place. Or should we ask the 
Perl Foundation to vote on awards too?

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Steve Holden
Anton Vredegoor wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 That's a good point, and also a valid reason for restricting the
 voting community to PSF members. Thanks, Alex.
 So in order to avoid a suspicion of a conflict of interest you want to 
 turn the whole thing into private property of the PSF?

 That is  the most ridiculous suggestion I have ever
 I kind of understand why they would want to do this. If you have
 no limitations on who may vote, such a contest can easily turn
 into a contest of who can mobilize the biggest clan of supporters.
 Sure, any democratic process can be derailed by a coordinated effort of 
 people with a different mentality. To prevent such things by killing the 
 democratic process oneself right at the beginning of a project is a 
 peculiar way of avoiding this risk.
I'm sorry, but while the PSF is a democratically-run organization its 
franchise doesn't extend beyond the membership.

You might as well suggest that America isn't being democratic because it 
doesn't allow the French to vote for its president.

 Now maybe there are better ways to avoid this kind of unwanted
 effect but I wouldn't call Steve's suggestion ridiculous.
 It's about as ridiculous as proving that a stiff parrot is dead by 
 grabbing it by the legs and repeatedly hitting it's head on the counter.
So you are now saying my behavior is completely appropriate?

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Steve Holden
Anton Vredegoor wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 2007-04-25, Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:

 That's a good point, and also a valid reason for restricting the
 voting community to PSF members. Thanks, Alex.
 So in order to avoid a suspicion of a conflict of interest you want to 
 turn the whole thing into private property of the PSF?

 That is  the most ridiculous suggestion I have ever
 I kind of understand why they would want to do this. If you have
 no limitations on who may vote, such a contest can easily turn
 into a contest of who can mobilize the biggest clan of supporters.
 Sure, any democratic process can be derailed by a coordinated effort of 
 people with a different mentality. To prevent such things by killing the 
 democratic process oneself right at the beginning of a project is a 
 peculiar way of avoiding this risk.
 As far as I understood the idea was to reward excellence. The process
 to achieve this can be democratic, but in that case it is just a means
 to an end. The democratic process was not an end itself.
 Yes, but this sub thread was about avoiding a suspicion of a conflict of 
 interests. If this suspicion is to be avoided by just openly promoting 
 the interests of the members of the PSF that is one hell of a way of 
 solving the problem.
Perhaps you misunderstood. The quote you were reacting to said ... 
for restricting the *voting* community to PSF members (emphasisi 
added here).

In other words, the PSF members get to decide who wins awards, while 
themselves being ineligible. Does this make a difference?

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-25 Thread Larry Bates
 So I read quite a few things about this phenomenon in Python 2.4.x but
 I can hardly believe that there is really no solution to my problem.
 We use a commercial tool that has a macro functionality. These macros
 are written in python. So far nothing extraordinary.
 Our (python-)macro uses massively nested loops which are unfortunately
 necessary. These loops perform complex calculations in this commercial
 tool. To give you a quick overview how long this macros runs:
 The outer loop takes 5-7 hours for one cycle. Each cycle creates one
 outputfile. So we would like to perform 3-5 outer cycles en bloc.
 Unfortunately one of our computers (768MB RAM) crashes after just ~10%
 of the first cycle with the following error message:
 while another computer (1GB RAM) crashes after ~10% of the fourth
 loop. While the virtual memory on the 1gb machine was full to the
 limit when it crashed the memory usage of the 768mb machine looked
 this this:
 The moment I close the application that launched the macro, my
 ressources get freed.
 So is there a way to free my memory inside my nested loops?
 thanks in advance,
Let's see for this I need to get out my crystal ball...

If it is a commercial application, you should contact their tech
support for a solution.  The problem isn't specifically a Python
problem but rather an implementation problem with their app.


Re: gotcha or bug? random state reset on irrelevant import

2007-04-25 Thread Alan Isaac
Alex Martelli said:
 What do you mean?  Just instantiate the random.Random class and you can
 call .seed on it as well as anything else, and no other module will
 infringe on your module's Random instance.  The global functions of
 module random exist for those who *SPECIFICALLY* want globally shared
 behavior, of course.

I consider this an unduly kind response.
RTFM would have been appropriate.

 The functions supplied by this module are actually bound
  methods of a hidden instance of the random.Random class.
 You can instantiate your own instances of Random to get generators that
don't share state.

Sheesh.  I must have been asleep when reading the documentation.



Re: When are immutable tuples *essential*? Why can't you just use lists *everywhere* instead?

2007-04-25 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-04-25, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Neil Cerutti wrote:
 That would be documented as undefined behavior, and users
 exhorted not to do such things.
 Python's dictionaries are a proven winner--I'm definitely not an
 advocate for changing them. But the general requirement for a
 mapping container *isn't* that keys be immutable, but that you
 either don't mutate keys, or don't do so without also reording
 (rehashing?) the mapping.
 And which API do you use to reord(er?) (rehash) the mapping?

A pretty complex an unnecessary one, I'd guess. ;) Since you
would most likely need to remove the changed key from the
mapping, and then reinsert the new one, it's just as well to
leave the whole process entirely up to the user.

Which is how Python currently works. ;)

Neil Cerutti

Re: Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-25 Thread TimC
Larry Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let's see for this I need to get out my crystal ball...
 If it is a commercial application, you should contact their tech
 support for a solution.  The problem isn't specifically a Python
 problem but rather an implementation problem with their app.

Well one part of the problem maybe really is on the side of this
tool. Because the implementation of the macro functionality is
really crappy. But unfortunately there are no competitive-product
we could switch too, so we have to live with this poor environment.

But I don't think that the WHOLE problem lies inside this tool.
Because I read

Sadly we can't switch from Python 2.4 to 2.5 because this stupid
macro functionality only supports 2.4.x

I really know that all this is not the best setup to get happy with
but there really is no other setup available.

So I'm happy for every input all of you can give me.


Re: override settrace

2007-04-25 Thread Steve Holden
Raja wrote:
   I want to override the sys.settrace() call, create a way to trace
 the execution of a python program. Keep track of all objects created
 and destroyed. Keep track of the call pattern throughout the execution
 of the program and output a simplified call graph to standard out.
 Please help me in this regard.
 Thank You,
How many times do you intend to post this question before waiting 
patiently for an answer?

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Python Screen Scraper

2007-04-25 Thread tstrokes
On Apr 24, 6:17 am, Michael Bentley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 24, 2007, at 11:50 AM, James Stroud wrote:


  Does anyone know of an example, however modest, of a screenscraper
  authored in python? I am using Firefox.

  Basically, I am answering problems via my browser and being scored for
  each problem. I have a tendency to go past my peak for training
  efficiency, so I would like to scrape the result page for each
  problem I
  answer, compile statistics, and have a program alert me when I should
  stop (based on score and accuracy--assuming training value is
  related to
  changes in these metrics).

  I have no idea how to go about writing such a beast and I am hoping
  I could get some pointers or an example that could get me going in the
  right direction.

  Parsing, etc, is not a problem, but I'm not exactly sure how I might
  interface python with Firefox, forwarding scraped pages to my browser
  (or forwarding from the browser to the scraper).

  Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

 Possibly the easiest thing will be to read from firefox' cache.
 Otherwise I think your only real options are to either build a proxy
 or sniff the wire...

You could try twill


Re: Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-25 Thread Chris Mellon
On 25 Apr 2007 15:04:59 GMT, TimC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Larry Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Let's see for this I need to get out my crystal ball...
  If it is a commercial application, you should contact their tech
  support for a solution.  The problem isn't specifically a Python
  problem but rather an implementation problem with their app.

 Well one part of the problem maybe really is on the side of this
 tool. Because the implementation of the macro functionality is
 really crappy. But unfortunately there are no competitive-product
 we could switch too, so we have to live with this poor environment.

 But I don't think that the WHOLE problem lies inside this tool.
 Because I read

 Sadly we can't switch from Python 2.4 to 2.5 because this stupid
 macro functionality only supports 2.4.x

 I really know that all this is not the best setup to get happy with
 but there really is no other setup available.

 So I'm happy for every input all of you can give me.

The problem you're seeing almost certainly isn't related to the memory
arena issues referenced on the list.

Returning memory to the OS doesn't affect exhaustion of your virtual
address space. More likely, your nested loops are just creating more
objects than is possible to hold within a single process. That may be
because you're working with very large data sets, or because you have
some sort of ref cycle problem, or simply because you hold onto
references you no longer need. You'll need to do more work to diagnose
the exact details before you can find a fix. Contacting your vendor
support would be a really good first step.

It's possible that you have a degenerate case that triggers some of
the arena problems (like allocation 10 million integers, and then
never using them again), and thats the root of your problem. Without
knowing more about the usage pattern of  your application, theres no
way we can determine that. If you can't upgrade to python 2.5, your
only solution is going to be to rework your algorithm to not do that.
Again, contacting your vendor support is going to be the first step.

Re: trinary operator - if then else

2007-04-25 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does Python 2.4 support it?
  Not precisely, but you can *usually* get away with:
  a and b or c
  This is really bad advice, as long as you don't explain why it usually
  works (and often enough not). This for example won't work:
  False or '' and 0

You can use this if you want it to be bullet proof

  (a and [b] or [c])[0]

Not exactly elegant though!

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

key detect

2007-04-25 Thread Alex Taslab
Hi everybody, does anyone know how to detect a key press from a
keyboard. Well I do know how to do that, but i need to detect just one
press and ignore the others. I mean, my program checks an input from the
outside (a sensor) and i emulate that signal as a keypress, but the
sensor doesn`t send the signal as a unique pulse y just keeps sending
signal during some seconds, so that is like to be pressing one key for a
period of time. How can i take that first press of a key and ignore the
others? I am using pygtk. thanks everybody!


Another Python Game Programming Challenge concludes

2007-04-25 Thread ???? ???
The fourth Python Game Programming Challenge (PyWeek) has now concluded 
judges (PyWeek being peer-judged) declaring the winners:

  Individual: Which way is up? by Hectigo

  Team: Bubble Kong by The Olde Battleaxe

Congratulations to them and to the other entrants. You may view the 
listing of entries here:

and the scores here:

and everything else about PyWeek is here:

Before anyone asks, the next challenge will be in 6 months. There is no 
a date

 Richard Jones
 (the PyWeek guy ;)

 Support the Python Software Foundation:



key detect

2007-04-25 Thread Alex Taslab
Hi everybody, does anyone know how to detect a key press from a
keyboard. Well I do know how to do that, but i need to detect just one
press and ignore the others. I mean, my program checks an input from the
outside (a sensor) and i emulate that signal as a keypress, but the
sensor doesn`t send the signal as a unique pulse y just keeps sending
signal during some seconds, so that is like to be pressing one key for a
period of time. How can i take that first press of a key and ignore the
others? I am using pygtk. thanks everybody!


gcov-like python code coverage

2007-04-25 Thread mathieu
Just in case something already exist for this. Is there some tool,
that can produce gcov-type coverage out of a python code ?

I have an already existing regex code that turn gcov output into XML,
which I'd like to reuse.

thanks !


Re: Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-25 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-04-25, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Returning memory to the OS doesn't affect exhaustion of your virtual
 address space. More likely, your nested loops are just creating more
 objects than is possible to hold within a single process.

I'm a bit fuzzy on this, but I don't think there _is_ a
practical way to return memory to the OS in many OSes.  For
example in Unix the C library uses the sbrk() call to increase
the size of the data segment when additional memory is needed
to handle soemthing like malloc() calls.  

In theory, one can use brk() to reduce the size of the data
segment, but I think making the segment smaller will produce
undefined behavior if any of the standard C library's dynamic
memory routines (e.g. malloc/free) have ever been used by the
program prior to the call to brk().

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! FEELINGS are cascading
  at   over me!!!

Re: Advocacy: Python up, Ruby down.

2007-04-25 Thread Terry Reedy

Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
|I found this blog post on one users migration to Python. It states one
| users frustrations but the comments section is quite good too.
| The time and effort the developers spend on the balance between fixing
| what we have over adding new features is hard, but it did pay off for
| this programmer who was lured over by a more robust implementation and
| good documentation.

I think the author should be invited to contribute a Python Success Story 
for the site!

Definitely worth reading.



Re: popen2 results

2007-04-25 Thread Steven Howe

Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:

Hello guys,


I've recently ported my application from bash to python, however there are
still a few bash line utilities I -have- to use in the application as there
isn't any alternative available to me. In the old days of bash I would have
grep'd the output from these commands to determine the outcome.


I'm now using popen2 to run the command which works a charm, but I'm
struggling to parse the results of the function, has anyone had any
experience with this? I've found a few suggested solutions dotted around,
such as this one.


 import os


 def filtered(command, source):

 dest, result = os.popen2(command)








But to be honest I'm struggling to get it to do anything as it doesn't
states what the 'source' object is or should be.


Thanks for any help guys, I'm just looking to capture the output from the
command and then I can go about a little REGEX on it.





check out os.popen3 as well. An Example? Let's assume you were doing 'ls 
-1', which at the
console would give you a one column list of files (and yes, I know I can 
use glob.glob for this;

this is an example).

   from os import popen3
   ( sin, sout, serr ) = popen3( 'ls -1 /tmp' )
   fList = sout.readlines()
   for f in fList:
   print f
   errors = serr.readlines()
   for line in errors:
   print line

Now you have 3 file handles.
sin: input (which I've never used, as I give popen3 a complete command)
sout: the standard output stream
serr: the standard error output
You can read sout and serr and take action on them.
Oh and each line has a '\n' linefeed (probably '\r\n' on Windows). 
Depending on what your doing
with the output, you might want to use string.strip to eliminate the 


Re: Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-25 Thread Steven Howe
Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2007-04-25, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Returning memory to the OS doesn't affect exhaustion of your virtual
 address space. More likely, your nested loops are just creating more
 objects than is possible to hold within a single process.

 I'm a bit fuzzy on this, but I don't think there _is_ a
 practical way to return memory to the OS in many OSes.  For
 example in Unix the C library uses the sbrk() call to increase
 the size of the data segment when additional memory is needed
 to handle soemthing like malloc() calls.  

 In theory, one can use brk() to reduce the size of the data
 segment, but I think making the segment smaller will produce
 undefined behavior if any of the standard C library's dynamic
 memory routines (e.g. malloc/free) have ever been used by the
 program prior to the call to brk().

Interesting questions. What happens when an object is 'cleaned' up by
using the 'del' command. Does the memory space stay in the python
process, get handed back to the OS, or some combination of both?
I remember 'C' on VMS at least, could be coerced into return memory on
block boundaries. 'C++' was suppose to have garbage collect, but I was
always doubtful it worked well.



Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Terry Reedy

Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
| Since it's the PSF's money I don't see why the voting shouldn't be
| restricted to PSF members.

Legally, I believe it *is* that way.  And even as a non-member, I think it 
should be that way.  Any expression of opinions, through a straw poll, or 
otherwise, is advisory.



Re: q: how to output a unicode string?

2007-04-25 Thread Frank Stajano
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 So why is it that in the first case I got UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii'
 codec can't encode? Seems as if, within Idle, a utf-8 codec is being
 selected automagically... why should that be so there and not in the
 first case?
 I'm a bit confused on what you did when the error appears if you try to
 output a unicode-object without prior encoding - then the default encoding
 (ascii) is used.

Here's a minimal example for you.
I put these four lines into a utf-8 file.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# this file is called
s1 = uhéllô wórld
print s1

If I invoke python at the cygwin/rxvt/bash prompt, I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 4, in module
 print s1
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in 
position 1: ordinal not in range(128)

If I load the exact same file in Idle and press F5 (for Run), I get:

héllô wórld

So obviously the system is not behaving in the same way in the two 
cases. Maybe Python senses that it can do utf-8 when it's inside Idle 
and sets the default to utf-8 without me asking for it, and senses that 
it can't do (or more precisely output) utf-8 when it's in 
cygwin/rxvt/bash so there it sets the default codec to ascii. That's my 
best guess so far...

I find the encode/decode terminology somewhat confusing, because 
arguably both sides are encoded. For example, a unicode-encoded string 
(I mean a sequence of unicode code points) should count as decoded in 
the terminology of this framework, right?

Anyway, thanks again for your help, for deepening my modest 
understanding of the issue and for solving my original problem!

Bibus/python locale not supported problem

2007-04-25 Thread Tom Chilton


I am running Gentoo Linux. 

I have emerge'd Bibus and everything seemed to go well. 
When I try to start it from a shell I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/share/bibus/, line 63, in ?
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'en_US') #
use english if any problem
  File /usr/share/bibus/, line 381, in setlocale
return _setlocale(category, locale)
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting

and it does not run.

Can anyone suggest why?

I am in the UK and where I get the option I choose en_GB.
If this isn't a python problem sorry for bothering you all...

I am not subscribed to this list but I will check nabble for replies.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


lowercase class names, eg., qtgui ? (PyQt4)

2007-04-25 Thread Glen

In the file generated by pyuic4 from Designer's .ui file I noticed the use
of lower case class names (I'm assuming these are the names of classes,
not modules).  For example:

It imports thusly:

from PyQt4 import QtGui

then uses things like:
self.gridlayout = qtgui.qgridlayout(dldialog)

What exactly is going on here?  Are these instances that are defined
somewhere else (their not in the local scope.)? Can I do the same in my
code when I import something?





Re: Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-25 Thread Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy
 So I read quite a few things about this phenomenon in Python 2.4.x but
 I can hardly believe that there is really no solution to my problem.
 We use a commercial tool that has a macro functionality. These macros
 are written in python. So far nothing extraordinary.
 Our (python-)macro uses massively nested loops which are unfortunately
 necessary. These loops perform complex calculations in this commercial
 tool. To give you a quick overview how long this macros runs:
 The outer loop takes 5-7 hours for one cycle. Each cycle creates one
 outputfile. So we would like to perform 3-5 outer cycles en bloc.
 Unfortunately one of our computers (768MB RAM) crashes after just ~10%
 of the first cycle with the following error message:
 while another computer (1GB RAM) crashes after ~10% of the fourth
 loop. While the virtual memory on the 1gb machine was full to the
 limit when it crashed the memory usage of the 768mb machine looked
 this this:
 The moment I close the application that launched the macro, my
 ressources get freed.
 So is there a way to free my memory inside my nested loops?
 thanks in advance,

Could you split the program into one handling the outer loop and
calling another program, with data transfer, to handle the inner

- Paddy.

Re: q: how to output a unicode string?

2007-04-25 Thread Richard Brodie

Frank Stajano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 I find the encode/decode terminology somewhat confusing, because arguably 
 both sides are 
 encoded. For example, a unicode-encoded string (I mean a sequence of 
 unicode code 
 points) should count as decoded in the terminology of this framework, right?

Yes. Unicode is the one true Universal Character Set, and everything else
(including  ASCII and UTF-8) is a mere encoding. Once you've got your head
round that, things may make more sense. 


Re: Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-25 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-04-25, Steven Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm a bit fuzzy on this, but I don't think there _is_ a
 practical way to return memory to the OS in many OSes.  For
 example in Unix the C library uses the sbrk() call to increase
 the size of the data segment when additional memory is needed
 to handle soemthing like malloc() calls.  

 In theory, one can use brk() to reduce the size of the data
 segment, but I think making the segment smaller will produce
 undefined behavior if any of the standard C library's dynamic
 memory routines (e.g. malloc/free) have ever been used by the
 program prior to the call to brk().

 Interesting questions. What happens when an object is
 'cleaned' up by using the 'del' command. Does the memory space
 stay in the python process, get handed back to the OS, or some
 combination of both?

Assuming the python interpreter free()s the memory, my
understanding is that on Unixes the memory is returned to the
pool used by malloc(), but is not returned to the OS since
there isn't a practical way to ensure that the memory at the
end of the data segment is not used.

In theory, you could walk the data structures used by
free/malloc and try to figure out if a free() should allow
brk() to be called to reduce the data segment size.  That would
only happen if the free() call was freeing data that was at the
end of the data segment.  It's possible that some standard C
libraries do that, but most of what I remember reading implies
that they don't. I don't really keep current on libc details,
so my info might be way out of date.

Asking on the gnu libc mailing list would probably provide a
more authoritative answer.  I'd wager that they even know what
other non-Gnu libc implementations do.

 I remember 'C' on VMS at least, could be coerced into return
 memory on block boundaries.

You can call brk() in a C program to reduce the size of the
data segment, but that may result in free and malloc breakage
because you've returned (behind their back) some of the memory
they are managing.

 'C++' was suppose to have garbage collect, but I was always
 doubtful it worked well.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Why is everything made
  at   of Lycra Spandex?

Re: Python Screen Scraper

2007-04-25 Thread skotjs
On Apr 24, 5:50 am, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know of an example, however modest, of a screenscraper
 authored in python? I am using Firefox.

 Basically, I am answering problems via my browser and being scored for
 each problem. I have a tendency to go past my peak for training
 efficiency, so I would like to scrape the result page for each problem I
 answer, compile statistics, and have a program alert me when I should
 stop (based on score and accuracy--assuming training value is related to
 changes in these metrics).

 I have no idea how to go about writing such a beast and I am hoping that
 I could get some pointers or an example that could get me going in the
 right direction.

 Parsing, etc, is not a problem, but I'm not exactly sure how I might
 interface python with Firefox, forwarding scraped pages to my browser
 (or forwarding from the browser to the scraper).

 Thanks in advance for any help or advice.


Hey James,

This might be of interest to you:



Controlling gnuplot via subprocess.Popen

2007-04-25 Thread Peter Beattie
I am trying to plot something in gnuplot 4.2 using co-ordinates a Python
2.5 program computes. Here's what I'm doing:

py from subprocess import *
py plot = Popen(c:/progs/gp/bin/wgnuplot.exe, stdin=PIPE)
py plot.stdin.write(plot x*x)

The first command dutifully opens gnuplot, but the second doesn't do
anything. Could someone favour me with an explanation as to the whyness?


File not read to end

2007-04-25 Thread andrew . jefferies

I'm trying to write a simple log parsing program. I noticed that it
isn't reading my log file to the end.

My log is around 200,000 lines but it is stopping at line 26,428. I
checked that line and there aren't any special characters.

This is the file reading code segment that I'm using:
lineCount = 0
for line in sysFile:
lineCount +=1
print str(lineCount) +  --  + line

I also stuck this same code bit into a test script and it was able to
parse the entire log without problem. Very quirky.

This is my first foray from Perl to Python so I appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance.



Re: File not read to end

2007-04-25 Thread Larry Bates
 I'm trying to write a simple log parsing program. I noticed that it
 isn't reading my log file to the end.
 My log is around 200,000 lines but it is stopping at line 26,428. I
 checked that line and there aren't any special characters.
 This is the file reading code segment that I'm using:
 lineCount = 0
 for line in sysFile:
 lineCount +=1
 print str(lineCount) +  --  + line
 I also stuck this same code bit into a test script and it was able to
 parse the entire log without problem. Very quirky.
 This is my first foray from Perl to Python so I appreciate any help.
 Thanks in advance.

Show us more of your surrounding code so we have some chance of figuring
out why this working code stops.  There's nothing wrong with this code,
the problem is somewhere else.


lineCount = 0
for line in sysFile:
lineCount +=1
print str(lineCount) +  --  + line

can be written:

for lineCount, line in enumerate(sysFile):
print %i--%s % (lineCount, line)


Re: Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-25 Thread Donn Cave
 Steven Howe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Interesting questions. What happens when an object is 'cleaned' up by
 using the 'del' command. Does the memory space stay in the python
 process, get handed back to the OS, or some combination of both?
 I remember 'C' on VMS at least, could be coerced into return memory on
 block boundaries. 'C++' was suppose to have garbage collect, but I was
 always doubtful it worked well.

Note that UNIX (and VMS) use virtual memory.  Real memory
space gets handed back to the OS by default -- if you don't
use it, you lose it.  It isn't coercion, but it does happen on
a per page basis, so fragmentation wastes space.

If a Python program uses more space than it ought to need, then
some knowledge of Python's reference counting allocation scheme
will be useful.  In particular, you need a fairly good grasp of
what a reference is.


Re: File not read to end

2007-04-25 Thread Facundo Batista

 My log is around 200,000 lines but it is stopping at line 26,428. I
 checked that line and there aren't any special characters.

Are you in Windows? Just in case, put rb as the mode of the open.


.   Facundo


Re: Would You Write Python Articles or Screencasts for Money?

2007-04-25 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Steve Holden wrote:

 I'm sorry, but while the PSF is a democratically-run organization its 
 franchise doesn't extend beyond the membership.

I didn't realize this was about an PSF internal affair. Of course a 
group of people can decide on its internal matters without asking anyone 
else, as long as its actions do not damage the larger community around 
it. I'm sorry to have interfered with your private discussions, they 
took place on an international newsgroup aimed at the global python 
community at large, you might consider taking it elsewhere, but since 
there is no moderation, go and spam this group with your posts as much 
as you like.

 You might as well suggest that America isn't being democratic because it 
 doesn't allow the French to vote for its president.

Neither France nor America strike me as being very democratic at the 
moment, because large parts of their communities have no way of voting 
on a person or party that represents their specific interests. It's the 
same way in the Netherlands where I live by he way, so no criticism is 
intended by me, in any way.

I was picturing this thread more in terms like the international court 
which at least constitutionally *tries* to be democratic in a global 
community alike manner, albeit unfortunately also failing miserably.

It seems current western democracies are preferable over the total chaos 
that we see in Iraq because its internal legal structure was removed 
without providing a functional alternative. History shows -to me- that 
even an evil dictator is better than that. That doesn't mean people 
shouldn't try to aim higher. Higher than accepting even a benevolent 

So in my case the question becomes if I would be willing to promote the 
interests of some group that doesn't represent me, for a chance that I 
may comply with their objectives, which I cannot influence. I'd say: No 
I don't want to do that, although I also wouldn't go out of my way in 
order to *not* comply.

Thanks for clearing it all up. Have a nice life.


Re: KOREAN MOON revolves around BUSH

2007-04-25 Thread Major Quaternion Dirt Quantum
Global Warning,
an *anonymous* article in an old issue of *National Review*,
the so-called conservative mag of the grotesque Establishment
William Buckley, was a sort of benignly-spun expose
of the Mont Pelerin Society, the vehicle of British imperialist free
free beer  free dumb, whose many rightwing affiliate foundations
are always in the news.  the universally-newspaper-lauded-when-
he-died founding president, Mitlon Friedman,
used Sir Henry of Kiss.Ass. to conduct their first experiment
in Chile, with the help of Augusto Pinochet  Dick Nixon.

(the fact that it was an awful failure, with the privatization
of Chile's social security, was only recently mention, but
only before Uncly Milty died.)

I realized, much later, since it was anonymous, that
it was probably taken from The Holy Spook Economist, but
I haven't checked that hypothesis.

yes, Warning was meant to evoke warming, although
nowhere mentioned in the article, as I recall; can you say,
emmissions trading schemes, Boys and Girl?

can you say, hedge funds on out-of-the-way desert islands?

Just Desserts Island

Kucinich is reportedly presenting a bill of impeachment
for Trickier Dick Cheeny, today, which may be augmented
by some rules of Congress via the state of Vermont.

now is the time to make him resign!

if you are not a PC Democrat, ask me, How?,
in person.  if you are not a PC Republican, please,
tell the others of the meaning of the word,

why do Dick, Borat, Osama, Harry P., Rumsfeld and Tony B. want us
to underwrite the 3rd British Invasion of Sudan,
so badly?

which are really fictional British characters?

whwat is the role of the Prime Minister in the Muggles government,
and who is he said to be by The Holy Economist?

anyway, Bertrand Russel published a jeremyad in the Bulletin
of the Atomic Scientists, while the USA was the only thermonukey
that we should bomb them into the Stone Age;
that's your British pacifist, whether before or after he went nuts
because of Godel's proof.

if you can't prove that all Fermat numbers are pairwise coprime,

Darfur 'Mini-Summit'

uh yeah; Borat wants you in Sudan,
why, Baby?...  Harry Potter wants you in Iran --
yeah, Baby; shag'US with a spoon?

  we are marching to Darfuria, Darfuria, Darfuria!
Harry Potter IIX, ?Ordeal @ Oxford//Sudan ^ Aircraft Carrier!


Re: Python not giving free memory back to the os get's me in real problems ...

2007-04-25 Thread TimC
Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

 Could you split the program into one handling the outer loop and
 calling another program, with data transfer, to handle the inner
 - Paddy.

I'm afraid this isn't possible, because the python macro is called
and started from within our commercial tool which leads to the
cirumstance that this tool eats up more and more memory.

Due to the fact that there is no way we can start the tool via
commandline giving an argument that tells the tool it has to
start after startup I don't see a way to lower the
memory usage by splitting it up in two loops.

thanks for all your help so far,

Re: script for seconds in given month?

2007-04-25 Thread skip

ed I, unfortunately, failed to realize the actual platform the script
ed is for is IronPython.  When trying to import calendar in IronPython,
ed I get:

ed SyntaxError: future feature is not defined: with_statement
ed (c:\Python25\Lib\, line 8)

So try the 2.4 version of


conditional print statement ?

2007-04-25 Thread Stef Mientki

As part of a procedure I've a number sequences like this:

 if Print_Info: print Datafile.readline()

Is there a more compressed way to write such a statement,
especially I dislike the redundancy Datafile.readline().

Stef Mientki

Re: conditional print statement ?

2007-04-25 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Stef Mientki schrieb:
 As part of a procedure I've a number sequences like this:
 if Print_Info: print Datafile.readline()
 Is there a more compressed way to write such a statement,
 especially I dislike the redundancy Datafile.readline().

if Print_info: print d

It's still two lines, but only has a single call to .readline().


bitwise shift?

2007-04-25 Thread desktop
I have found a code example with this loop.

for k in range(10, 25):
   n = 1  k;

I have never read Python before but is it correct that 1 get multiplied 
with the numbers 10,11,12,12,...,25 assuming that 1  k means 1 shift 
left by k which is the same as multiplying with k.

Embedding Matplotlib in wxpython wx.Panel problem

2007-04-25 Thread Soren

I'm trying to create a small GUI program where I can do plots using
Matplotlib. I've been trying to borrow code from the examples at the
matplotlib website, but I can't get it to work.

I want to be able to create a wx.Panel that contains an axis for
plotting. Around it i want other panels containing various settings,
buttons etc. to control the plot. So far I can't even get the program
to actually show a plot in a panel.

Does anyone here have experience in making a wxpython GUI with

Any help would be appreciated!


My code shows a frame, and I'm trying to set up two panels.. one with
a plot and one with a button.. The plotpanel is just a little square
in the corner when I run it.. ???

My code is as follows:

import wx
import pylab
from matplotlib.numerix import arange, sin, cos, pi
import matplotlib

from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import NavigationToolbar2Wx
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

class App(wx.App):

def OnInit(self):
self.frame = MainFrame(Autoplotter, (50,60), (700,700))

return True

class MainFrame(wx.Frame):

def __init__(self, title, pos, size):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, title, pos, size)

pPanel = PlotPanel(self, -1)# Plot panel

bPanel = ButtonPanel(self, 100,500, (200,100))# button

sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)



class ButtonPanel(wx.Panel):

def __init__(self, Parent, xPos, yPos, insize):

pos = (xPos, yPos)
wx.Panel.__init__(self, Parent, -1, pos, style =
wx.RAISED_BORDER, size = insize)

button = wx.Button(self, -1, 'HELLO!!', (10,10), (150,50))

class NoRepaintCanvas(FigureCanvasWxAgg):
We subclass FigureCanvasWxAgg, overriding the _onPaint method,
so that
the draw method is only called for the first two paint events.
After that,
the canvas will only be redrawn when it is resized.

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
FigureCanvasWxAgg.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._drawn = 0

def _onPaint(self, evt):

Called when wxPaintEvt is generated

if not self._isRealized:

if self._drawn  2:
self.draw(repaint = False)
self._drawn += 1


class PlotPanel(wx.Panel):

def __init__(self, parent, id = -1, color = None,\
 dpi = None, style = wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE,

wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id = id, style = style,

self.figure = Figure(None, dpi)
self.canvas = NoRepaintCanvas(self, -1, self.figure)
self._resizeflag = True

self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self._onIdle)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self._onSize)


def draw(self):   # just draw something!
if not hasattr(self, 'subplot'):
self.subplot = self.figure.add_subplot(111)
theta = arange(0, 45*2*pi, 0.02)
rad = (0.8*theta/(2*pi)+1)
r = rad*(8 + sin(theta*7+rad/1.8))
x = r*cos(theta)
y = r*sin(theta)
#Now draw it
self.subplot.plot(x,y, '-r')

def _onSize(self, event):
self._resizeflag = True

def _onIdle(self, evt):
 if self._resizeflag:
 self._resizeflag = False

def _SetSize(self, pixels = None):

This method can be called to force the Plot to be a desired
size, which defaults to
the ClientSize of the panel

if not pixels:
pixels = self.GetClientSize()

if __name__ == __main__:

app = App(0)


Re: bitwise shift?

2007-04-25 Thread Michael Hoffman
desktop wrote:
 I have found a code example with this loop.
 for k in range(10, 25):
   n = 1  k;
 I have never read Python before but is it correct that 1 get multiplied 
 with the numbers 10,11,12,12,...,25


 assuming that 1  k means 1 shift left by k


 which is the same as multiplying with k.


Try starting the Python interpreter and entering 1  10.
Michael Hoffman

Re: getting scancodes

2007-04-25 Thread faulkner
On Apr 23, 8:39 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone knows if its possible to get scan codes ???
 I tried with getch () but with no success, just keycodes.
 May be using the something in the sys.stdin module ??

is this what you're looking for?

and sys.stdin isn't a module. it's a file.


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