ANN: parley 0.2

2007-05-10 Thread Jacob Lee
Release Announcement: PARLEY version 0.2

PARLEY is an API for writing Python programs that implement the Actor
model of distributed systems, in which lightweight concurrent processes
communicate through asynchronous message-passing. Actor systems typically
are easier to write and debug than traditional concurrent programs that
use locks and shared memory.

PARLEY can run using either traditional native threads or user-space
threads (i.e. the tasklets implemented by Stackless Python). A program
written using PARLEY can choose between the two by changing a single line
of code.

Code samples, documentation, and source code can be found at the PARLEY
home page:

PARLEY is licensed under the LGPL.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: eGenix mx Base Distribution 3.0.0 (mxDateTime, mxTextTools, etc.)

2007-05-10 Thread eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg

ANNOUNCING mx Base Extension Package

Version 3.0.0

  Open Source Python extensions providing important and useful
  services for Python programmers.

This announcement is also available on our web-site for online reading:


The mx Base Extensions for Python are a collection of
professional quality software tools which enhance Python's usability
in many important areas such as fast text searching, date/time
processing and high speed data types.

The tools have a proven record of being portable across many Unix and
Windows platforms. You can write applications which use the tools on
Windows and then run them on Unix platforms without change due to the
consistent platform independent interfaces.

All available packages have proven their stability and usefulness in
many mission critical applications and various commercial settings all
around the world.

* About Python:
Python is an object-oriented Open Source programming language which
runs on all modern platforms ( By integrating
ease-of-use, clarity in coding, enterprise application connectivity
and rapid application design, Python establishes an ideal programming
platform for todays IT challenges.

* About eGenix:
eGenix is a consulting and software product company focused on
providing professional quality services and products to Python
users and developers (


The 3.0 release of the eGenix mx Base Distributions comes with a huge
number of enhancements, bug fixes and additions.

Some highlights:

* All mx Extensions have been ported to Python 2.5.

* mxDateTime has support for working with Python's datetime module
  types, so you can use and combine both if necessary. The parser
  was enhanced to support even more formats and make it more
  reliable than ever before.

* mxTextTools now fully supports Unicode, so you can parse Unicode
  data just as fast as you can 8-bit string data. The package also
  includes a tag table compiler and new jump target support to
  simplify working with tag tables.

* mxURL and mxUID were previously released as part of our
  mx Experimental distribution. They have now been integrated into
  the base distribution, providing easy-to-use data types for
  common tasks in web programming.

* We've switched from the old distutils wininst installer to the
  new MSI installer for the Windows Python 2.5 build. This gives
  you a lot more options for automatic installs, including
  unattended installs.
  See for details.

For a more detailed description of changes, please see the respective
package documentation on our web-site.

As always we are providing pre-compiled versions of the package for
Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and Solaris as well as sources
which allow you to install the package on all other supported


The download archives and instructions for installing the packages can
be found on the eGenix mx Base Distribution page:


Please note that the 2.0 series of the eGenix mx Base Distribution does
not support Python 2.5 on 64-bit platforms due to the Py_ssize_t
changes in the Python C API.

You are encouraged to upgrade to the new 3.0 series, if you plan to
deploy on 64-bit platforms and use Python 2.5 as basis for your


The eGenix mx Base package is distributed under the Public
License which is a CNRI Python License style Open Source license.
You can use the package in both commercial and non-commercial settings
without fee or charge.

The package comes with full source code


Commercial support for these packages is available from
Please see

for details about our support offerings.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, May 10 2007)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...


SQLObject 0.8.4

2007-05-10 Thread Oleg Broytmann

I'm pleased to announce the 0.8.4 release of SQLObject.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper.  Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes.  SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and
Firebird.  It also has newly added support for Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also
known as SAPDB).

Where is SQLObject



Mailing list:



News and changes:

What's New

News since 0.8.3

Bug Fixes

* Fixed a bug in SQLRelatedJoin that ignored per-instance connection.

* Fixed a bug in MySQL connection in case there is no charset in the DB URI.

For a more complete list, please see the news:

 Oleg Broytmann[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

SQLObject 0.9.0

2007-05-10 Thread Oleg Broytmann

I'm pleased to announce the 0.9.0 release of SQLObject, the first stable
release of the 0.9 branch.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper.  Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes.  SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and
Firebird.  It also has newly added support for Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also
known as SAPDB).

Where is SQLObject



Mailing list:



News and changes:

What's New

Features  Interface

* Support for Python 2.2 has been declared obsolete.

* Removed actively deprecated attributes;
  lowered deprecation level for other attributes to be removed after 0.9.

* SQLite connection got columnsFromSchema(). Now all connections fully support
  fromDatabase. There are two version of columnsFromSchema() for SQLite -
  one parses the result of SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master and the other
  uses PRAGMA table_info; the user can choose one over the other by using
  use_table_info parameter in DB URI; default is False as the pragma is
  available only in the later versions of SQLite.

* Changed connection.delColumn(): the first argument is sqlmeta, not
  tableName (required for SQLite).

* SQLite connection got delColumn(). Now all connections fully support
  delColumn(). As SQLite backend doesn't implement ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN
  delColumn() is implemented by creating a new table without the column,
  copying all data, dropping the original table and renaming the new table.

* Versioning - see

* MySQLConnection got new keyword conv - a list of custom converters.

* Use logging if it's available and is configured via DB URI.

* New columns: TimestampCol to support MySQL TIMESTAMP type;
  SetCol to support MySQL SET type;
  TinyIntCol for TINYINT; SmallIntCol for SMALLINT;
  MediumIntCol for MEDIUMINT; BigIntCol for BIGINT.

Small Features

* Support for MySQL INT type attributes: UNSIGNED, ZEROFILL.

* Support for DEFAULT SQL attribute via defaultSQL keyword argument.

* cls.tableExists() as a shortcut for conn.tableExists(cls.sqlmeta.table).

* cls.deleteMany(), cls.deleteBy().

Bug Fixes

* idName can be inherited from the parent sqlmeta class.

* Fixed a longstanding bug with .select() ignoring 'limit' parameter.

* Fixed a bug with absent comma in JOINs.

* Fixed sqlbuilder - .startswith(), .endswith() and .contains() assumed
  their parameter must be a string; now you can pass an SQLExpression:'a')), for example.

* Fixed a longstanding bug in sqlbuilder.Select() with groupBy being a

* Fixed a bug with Aliases in JOINs.

* Yet another patch to properly initialize MySQL connection encoding.

* Fixed a minor comparison problem in

* Fixed a bug in SQLRelatedJoin that ignored per-instance connection.


* Added documentation about 'validator' Col constructor option.

* Added an answer and examples to the FAQ on how to use sqlmeta.createSQL.

* Added an example on how to configure logging.

* More documentation about orderBy.

For a more complete list, please see the news:

 Oleg Broytmann[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: eGenix mxODBC Distribution 3.0.0 (mxODBC Database Interface)

2007-05-10 Thread eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg

ANNOUNCING mxODBC Database Interface

  Version 3.0.0

   Our commercially supported Python extension providing
ODBC database connectivity to Python applications
 on Windows and Unix platforms

This announcement is also available on our web-site for online reading:


The mxODBC Database Interface allows users to easily connect
Python applications to just about any database on the market
today - on both Windows and Unix platforms in a highly portable
and convenient way.  This makes mxODBC the ideal basis for writing
cross-platform database programs and utilities in Python.

mxODBC is included in the mxODBC Distribution
for Python, a commercial part of the mx Extension Series,
a collection of professional quality software tools which enhance
Python's usability in many important areas such as ODBC database
connectivity, fast text processing, date/time processing and
web site programming.

The package has proven its stability and usefulness in many mission
critical applications and various commercial settings all around
the world.

* About Python:
Python is an object-oriented Open Source programming language which
runs on all modern platforms ( By integrating
ease-of-use, clarity in coding, enterprise application connectivity
and rapid application design, Python establishes an ideal programming
platform for todays IT challenges.

* About eGenix:
eGenix is a consulting and software product company focused on
providing professional quality services and products to Python
users and developers (


mxODBC 3.0 has received a large number of enhancements and supports
more ODBC drivers than ever.

Some highlights:

* mxODBC has been ported to Python 2.5.

* We've worked a lot on the Unicode support and made it more
  robust, especially on Unix platforms where the ODBC Unicode
  support has stabilized over the last few years. You can now issue
  commands using Unicode and exchange Unicode data with the database
  in various configurable ways.

* We've also added a methods to give you more control of the
  connections and cursors as well as the .callproc() method for
  calling stored procedures that mxODBC 2.0 was missing.

* Multiple result sets via the .nextset() are also supported, so
  working with stored procedures should be a lot easier now.

* Another highlight is the added support for Python's datetime
  module types and the option to use strings for date/time
  processing (e.g. to be able to use timezones in timestamps if
  that's supported by the database).

* Python's decimal module is now supported as well and it's possible
  to configure mxODBC to return Decimal types for numeric values.

* mxODBC 3.0 received full 64-bit support, so that you can run
  mxODBC (and all other mx Extensions) on e.g. AMD64 platforms.

* We've switched from the old distutils wininst installer to the
  new MSI installer for the Windows Python 2.5 build. This gives
  you a lot more options for automatic installs, including
  unattended installs.
  See for details.

Note that in order to avoid confusion, we've decided to rename the mx Commercial Distribution to mxODBC Distribution
with this release. The commercial distribution has always only contained
the mxODBC package, so this was an obvious step to clarify things for
our users.

As always we are providing pre-compiled versions of the package for
Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and Solaris as well as sources
which allow you to install the package on all other supported


The download archives and instructions for installing the package can
be found at:

In order to use the eGenix mx Commercial package you will first
need to install the eGenix mx Base package which can be downloaded
from here:


Please note that mxODBC 2.0 does not support Python 2.5 on 64-bit
platforms due to the Py_ssize_t changes in the Python C API.

You are encouraged to upgrade to the new mxODBC 3.0 release, if you plan
to deploy on 64-bit platforms and use Python 2.5 as basis for your


This release 

SQLObject 0.7.7

2007-05-10 Thread Oleg Broytmann

I'm pleased to announce the 0.7.7 release of SQLObject.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper.  Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes.  SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and
Firebird.  It also has newly added support for Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also
known as SAPDB).

Where is SQLObject


Mailing list:



News and changes:

What's New

News since 0.7.6

Bug Fixes

* Fixed a bug in SQLRelatedJoin that ignored per-instance connection.

* Fixed a bug in MySQL connection in case there is no charset in the DB URI.

For a more complete list, please see the news:

 Oleg Broytmann[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: PyMite release 05

2007-05-10 Thread dwhall
.. Hello,
   I would like to announce the fifth release of PyMite.
   PyMite is still in its experimental stages.
   It works pretty well, but you need to know C, makefiles
   and how to cross-compile using gcc or other compiler.


:Author:Dean Hall
:Copyright: Copyright 2002 Dean Hall.
All of the source code for PyMite is licensed under
the GNU General Public License v2,
except for AT91SAM7 files released by Atmel without
:Release:   05


PyMite is a flyweight Python interpreter written from scratch to
on 8-bit and larger microcontrollers with resources as limited as 64
of program memory (flash) and 4 KiB of RAM. PyMite supports a subset
the Python 2.5 syntax and can execute a subset of the Python 2.5
PyMite can also be compiled, tested and executed on a desktop


My thanks go to these people for their contribution to this release of

- Philipp Adelt: Threading!  Enhancements to,
  issues and fixes.
- for providing quality,
  free project hosting on

Release Notes

This is PyMite release 05

* Release 05, 2007/05/10
* Release 04, 2006/12/14
* Release 03, 2006/09/18
* Release 02, 2006/08/11 - Sourceforge release.  Do not use.
* Release 01, 2003/03/18 - Internal release only

.. :mode=rest:


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: change of random state when pyc created??

2007-05-10 Thread Alan Isaac

Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I was simply pointing out all the ways in which you made it difficult for
 community to explain your problem.

And without that community, I would still not have a clue.
Thanks to all!

 Please feel free to suggest specific wording changes to make the
 more useful.

I'm sure my first pass will be flawed, but here goes:
to footnote (3), add phrase which may depend on the memory location of the
keys to get:

Keys and values are listed in an arbitrary order,
which may depend on the memory location of the keys.
This order is non-random, varies across Python implementations,
and depends on the dictionary's history of insertions and deletions. append a new sentence to 2nd

Iteration over a set returns elements in an arbitrary order,
which may depend on the memory location of the elements.

Alan Isaac


Re: preferred windows text editor?

2007-05-10 Thread Flavio Preto

I use VIM here too. Mainly because i always switch from Windows to Linux and
using the same text editor is a way to avoid getting crazy.


On 9 May 2007 15:21:41 -0700, BartlebyScrivener [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On May 9, 1:26 pm, Looney, James B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using Vim (

I too vote for VIM. I use it on both Windows XP and Debian Etch. I
can't find anything it doesn't do.




Re: elegant python style for loops

2007-05-10 Thread Gary Herron
 To step through a list, the python style is avoid an explicit index.
 But what if the same hidden index is to be used for more than one list

 for example:-
  for key,value in listKeys,listValues :

 won't work as it is a tuple of lists, as opposed to a list of tuples.
 Is there an elegant solution to this? Is there a way to merge lists
 into a list of tuples to allow moving through multiple lists, or is
 the for i in range(len(listkeys)): the only solution?

 Any suggestions?

Yes.  The builtin function zip does just that: merging separate lists 
into a list of tuples.


Gary Herron

Re: elegant python style for loops

2007-05-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 To step through a list, the python style is avoid an explicit index.
 But what if the same hidden index is to be used for more than one list
 for example:-
  for key,value in listKeys,listValues :
 won't work as it is a tuple of lists, as opposed to a list of tuples.
 Is there an elegant solution to this? Is there a way to merge lists
 into a list of tuples to allow moving through multiple lists, or is
 the for i in range(len(listkeys)): the only solution?
 Any suggestions?

for a, b in zip(lista, listb):



Re: elegant python style for loops

2007-05-10 Thread Peter Otten

 To step through a list, the python style is avoid an explicit index.
 But what if the same hidden index is to be used for more than one list
 for example:-
  for key,value in listKeys,listValues :
 won't work as it is a tuple of lists, as opposed to a list of tuples.
 Is there an elegant solution to this? Is there a way to merge lists
 into a list of tuples to allow moving through multiple lists, or is
 the for i in range(len(listkeys)): the only solution?
 Any suggestions?

zip() creates a list of tuples, or better, itertools.izip() lazily creates
tuples as you go.


Re: Erlang style processes for Python

2007-05-10 Thread Jacob Lee
On Wed, 09 May 2007 18:16:32 -0700, Kay Schluehr wrote:

 Every once in a while Erlang style [1] message passing concurrency [2]
 is discussed for Python which does not only imply Stackless tasklets [3]
 but also some process isolation semantics that lets the runtime easily
 distribute tasklets ( or logical 'processes' ) across physical
 processes. Syntactically a tasklet might grow out of a generator by
 reusing the yield keyword for sending messages:
 yield_expr : 'yield' ([testlist] | testlist 'to' testlist)
 where the second form is specific for tasklets ( one could also use  a
 new keyword like emit if this becomes confusing - the semantics is
 quite different ) and the addition of a new keyword for assigning the
 mailbox e.g:
 required_stmt: 'required' ':' suite
 So tasklets could be identified on a lexical level ( just like
 generators today ) and compiled accordingly. I just wonder about sharing
 semantics. Would copy-on-read / copy-on-write and new opcodes be needed?
 What would happen when sharing isn't dropped at all but when the runtime
 moves a tasklet around into another OS level thread / process it will be
 pickled and just separated on need? I think it would be cleaner to
 separate it completely but what are the costs?
 What do you think?
 [1] [2] [3]

Funny enough, I'm working on a project right now that is designed for
exactly that: PARLEY, . (An announcement
should show up in clp-announce as soon as the moderators release it). My
essential thesis is that syntactic sugar should not be necessary -- that a
nice library would be sufficient. I do admit that Erlang's pattern
matching would be nice, although you can get pretty far by using uniform
message formats that can easily be dispatched on -- the tuple
  (tag, sender, args, kwargs)
in the case of PARLEY, which maps nicely to instance methods of a
dispatcher class.

The questions of sharing among multiple physical processes is interesting.
Implicit distribution of actors may not even be necessary if it is easy
enough for two hosts to coordinate with each other. In terms of the
general question of assigning actors to tasklets, threads, and processes,
there are added complications in terms of the physical limitations of
Python and Stackless Python:
 - because of the GIL, actors in the same process do not gain the
 advantag of true parallel computation
 - all tasklet I/O has to be non-blocking
 - tasklets are cooperative, while threads are preemptive
 - communication across processes is slower, has to be serialized, etc.
 - using both threads and tasklets in a single process is tricky

PARLEY currently only works within a single process, though one can choose
to use either tasklets or threads. My next goal is to figure out I/O, at
which point I get to tackle the fun question of distribution.

So far, I've not run into any cases where I've wanted to change the
interpreter, though I'd be interested in hearing ideas in this direction
(especially with PyPy as such a tantalizing platform!).


Re: Minor bug in tempfile module (possibly __doc__ error)

2007-05-10 Thread James T. Dennis
Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 09 May 2007 06:50:38 -, James T. Dennis
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

  In fact I realized, after reading through in /usr/lib/...
  that the following also doesn't work like I'd expect:

No idea of the tempfile problem, but...
   tst = foo
   def getTst(arg):
   return foo-%s % arg

This return is using a literal foo-. Change it to

return %s-%s % (tst, arg)

Sorry that was a retyping bug in my posting ... not in
my sample code which was on another system.

 and try again.

Try it yourself.  As I said ... the value of tst in your
name space will be changed, but the value returned by functions
in the imported module will still use the old value!

Jim Dennis,
Starshine: Signed, Sealed, Delivered


Re: Minor bug in tempfile module (possibly __doc__ error)

2007-05-10 Thread James T. Dennis
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], James T. Dennis wrote:

  Tonight I discovered something odd in the __doc__ for tempfile
  as shipped with Python 2.4.4 and 2.5: it says:
   This module also provides some data items to the user:
 TMP_MAX  - maximum number of names that will be tried before
giving up.
 template - the default prefix for all temporary names.
You may change this to control the default prefix.
  ... which would lead one to think that the following code would work:
import tempfile
tempfile.template = 'mytest'
tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
  It doesn't.

 The source says:

 __all__ = [
NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryFile, # high level safe interfaces
mkstemp, mkdtemp,  # low level safe interfaces
mktemp,  # deprecated unsafe interface
TMP_MAX, gettempprefix,# constants
tempdir, gettempdir

 Maybe the doc should be clearer in saying constants too.

  Secondly, the author(s) of the tempfile module apparently didn't
  understand this either.  And no one else even noticed that the __doc__
  is wrong (or at least misleading -- since the only way I can see to
  change tempfile.template is to edit the .py file!

 You can change it by simply assigning to the name:

 In [15]: tempfile.template = 'spam'

 In [16]: tempfile.template
 Out[16]: 'spam'

I know you can change it.  But changing it in your namespace
doesn't change the results returned by the functions called
from the module.

 If you want to change the outcome of the functions and objects then simply
 give the prefix as argument.

I know how to provide the prefix arguments and that was
never the issue.

The issue was twofold:

The docs are wrong (or at least confusing/misleading)

I don't quite understand how this name/variable in
my namespace (__main__) is able to change the value
while the functions in the module still hold the old

Jim Dennis,
Starshine: Signed, Sealed, Delivered


Re: change of random state when pyc created??

2007-05-10 Thread Raymond Hettinger
On May 9, 6:42 am, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there
 a warning anywhere in the docs?  Should
 there be?

I do not think additional documentation here would be helpful. One
could note that the default hash value is the object id. Somewhere
else you could write that the placement of objects in memory is
arbitrary and can be affected by a number of factors not explicity
under user control.

With those notes scattered throughout the documentation, I'm not sure
that you would have found them and recognized the implications with
respect to your design and with respect to the deletion of pyc files
(which is just one factor among many that could cause different
placements in memory).

Also, the existing docs describe behavior at a more granular level.
How the parts interact is typically left to third-party documentation
(i.e. the set docs say what the set methods do but do not give advice
on when to use them instead of a dict or list).

Out of this thread, the more important lesson is that the docs
intentionally do not comment on implemation specific details. When the
docs do not make specific guarantees and behavior is left undefined,
it is not a good practice to make assumptions about invariants that
may or may not be true (in your case, you assumed that objects would
be located in the same memory locations between runs -- while that
sometimes happens to be true, it is certainly not guaranteed behavior
as you found out -- moreover, you've made non-guaranteed assumptions
about the arbitrary ordering of an unordered collection -- a definite

Raymond Hettinger


Re: elegant python style for loops

2007-05-10 Thread Asun Friere
On May 10, 4:20 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 for a, b in zip(lista, listb):

You don't even need the for loop nowadays.  Just pass the zipped list
to a dictionary constructor thusly:
newdict = dict(zip(listKeys,listValues))



python module developer wanted for 'libmsgque'

2007-05-10 Thread Andreas Otto

  I'm a the maintainer for the new project 'libmsgque'
  hosted at SF (see below for details) and need a volunteer 
  to develop the language bindings for python.

  Is somebody available to take over this job ?

  An example language binding for tcl is allready available.

  This is the initial announcement:

ANNOUNCE: libmsgque2.3-beta2

The libmsgque project is an infrastructure for linking applications together
to act like a single application. This is done using Unix or inet domain
sockets. The framework handles all aspects of setting up and maintaining
the link in addition to starting and stopping the different applications,
starting and stopping the communication interface, sending and receiving
packages, reading and writing data from or into packages, setting up and
maintaining the event handling for asynchronous transfers, and propagating
warnings or errors.


As usual, it is available from:


This is the initial announcement


First of all it is a framework to link commands together to avoid
the traditional shell pipline using a similar approach as MS PowerShell.

To get more information's please use the following links:

1. an overview about the basic concept:

2. the man page of the tclmsgque extension:


Andreas Otto (aotto1968)

Re: Erlang style processes for Python

2007-05-10 Thread Kay Schluehr
On May 10, 8:31 am, Jacob Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Funny enough, I'm working on a project right now that is designed for
 exactly that: PARLEY, (An announcement
 should show up in clp-announce as soon as the moderators release it). My
 essential thesis is that syntactic sugar should not be necessary -- that a
 nice library would be sufficient.

Synsugar is helpfull when you want to control compiler actions. Of
course you can do this also by means of __special__ attributes  but I
guess this becomes clutter when you work with certain exposed sections
in the code.

 I do admit that Erlang's pattern
 matching would be nice, although you can get pretty far by using uniform
 message formats that can easily be dispatched on -- the tuple
   (tag, sender, args, kwargs)
 in the case of PARLEY, which maps nicely to instance methods of a
 dispatcher class.

Yes, I do think so too. It is more interesting to think about what
might be qualify as a message. Destructuring it is not hard in anyway
and I do also have a few concerns with naive pattern matching:

 The questions of sharing among multiple physical processes is interesting.
 Implicit distribution of actors may not even be necessary if it is easy
 enough for two hosts to coordinate with each other. In terms of the
 general question of assigning actors to tasklets, threads, and processes,
 there are added complications in terms of the physical limitations of
 Python and Stackless Python:
  - because of the GIL, actors in the same process do not gain the
  advantag of true parallel computation
  - all tasklet I/O has to be non-blocking
  - tasklets are cooperative, while threads are preemptive
  - communication across processes is slower, has to be serialized, etc.
  - using both threads and tasklets in a single process is tricky

Actors don't need locking primitives since their data is locked by
virtue of the actors definition. That's also why I'm in favour for a
runtime / compiler based solution. Within the shiny world of actors
and actresses the GIL has no place. So a thread that runs actors only,
does not need to be blocked or block other threads - at least not for
data locking purposes. It is used much like an OS level process with
better sharing capabilities ( for mailbox addresses and messages ).
Those threads shall not take part of the access/release GIL game. They
might also not be triggered explicitely using the usual threading

 PARLEY currently only works within a single process, though one can choose
 to use either tasklets or threads. My next goal is to figure out I/O, at
 which point I get to tackle the fun question of distribution.

 So far, I've not run into any cases where I've wanted to change the
 interpreter, though I'd be interested in hearing ideas in this direction
 (especially with PyPy as such a tantalizing platform!).

I guess you mean tantalizing in both of its meanings ;)

Good luck and inform us when you find interesting results.



Re: tkinter - Screen Resolution

2007-05-10 Thread Eric Brunel
On Wed, 09 May 2007 18:37:32 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have developed a GUI using tkinter (grid geometory manager).
 The structure is a top frame containing multiple subframes. Each
 subframe has a combination of widgets like(Entry, label,
 button,listboxes). The subframes are placed with a padx and pady
 offset with regards to the other subframes. And the widgets within
 these subframes have their own padx and pady offsets. The GUI runs
 fine on my linux box, but on a different linux box things get wierd.
 I see things like-
 1) The frame width increasing
 2) The widget padx translating to much bigger offsets with reference
 to the subframe edges
 3) Widget widths like that for Entry become bigger

 I Know its to do with the screen resolution settings and user settings
 on different machines. Can anyone point me in the right
 direction(before I start looking into it)as how to account for
 different screen resolutions so as to have as uniform a GUI look as
 possible across different user machines.

For some reason, tk uses different default units for coordinates and font  
sizes: a coordinate specified as just a number is considered to be in  
pixels (a.k.a screen points); a font size specified as just a number is  
considered to be in points, i.e 1/72 inch. So these units are the same  
only if your screen resolution is exactly 72 dpi, which is usually not the  

If this is actually your problem, the way to correct it is quite simple:  
the tk command tk scaling 1 tells tk that a point and a pixel are the  
same thing. To issue it, you may have to use explicitely the tcl  
interpreter used by Tkinter by doing:'tk', 'scaling', 1)
where aWidget is any Tkinter widget. This is what I had to do with Python  
2.1; it may be easier with later Python/Tkinter versions.

python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in  

Re: Comparing dates problem

2007-05-10 Thread Tim Golden
 I am writing a reminder program for our Zimbra email client. One of
 the requirements I was given was to automatically increment or
 decrement the display to show something like the following:
 5 minutes until appointment
 10 minutes past your appointment
 Either way, as each minute goes by, I need to increment it or
 decrement it. I am having trouble finding a coherent way to take the
 same date and compare just the number of minutes between them to find
 the difference. Like if I have an appointment at 9:30 a.m. and the app
 is loaded at 8 a.m., I need to know the number of minutes or hours and
 minutes until the appointment.

Not the most elegant piece of code on earth,
but this piece of code works for me (cut-and-pasted
directly from a working project, so doesn't
*exactly* match your requirement).

def deltastamp (now, then):

   def pluralise (base, n):
 if n  1:
   return %d %ss % (n, base)
   return %d %s % (n, base)

   if now  then:
 output_format = %s ago
 delta = now - then
 output_format = in %s
 delta = then - now

   days = delta.days
   if days  0:
 wks, days = divmod (days, 7)
 if wks  0:
   output = pluralise (wk, wks)
   output = pluralise (day, days)
 mins, secs = divmod (delta.seconds, 60)
 hrs, mins = divmod (mins, 60)
 if hrs  0:
   output = pluralise (hr, hrs)
 elif mins  0:
   output = pluralise (min, mins)
   output = pluralise (sec, secs)

   return output_format % output



the inspect thing

2007-05-10 Thread castironpi
-the code:
class A:

import inspect
print inspect.getsource(A)

class A:
print inspect.getsource(A)

-unavailable from the console, but gets you:
class A:

class A:

One thought is, in inspect, could at least:
def findsource(object):
if candidates:
# this will sort by whitespace, and by line number,
# less whitespace first
return lines, candidates[0][1]
return lines, candidates[-1][1]
to get the most recent?

Why no cl_firstlineno in the object for the class, or access to the


replacing string in xml file--revisited

2007-05-10 Thread saif . shakeel
 I need to replace a string in xml file with something else.Ex

- SERVICEPARAMETER id=_775 Semantics=subfunction DDORef=_54
  VALUE role=constant DataType=unsigned value=1 /
  BYTEPOSITION role=position BytePos=1 /
- SERVICEPARAMETER id=_776 Semantics=localId DDORef=_54

 Here i have opened an xml
file(small part is pasted here).I want to replace the word 'localId'
with 'dataPackageID' wherever it comes in xml file.I have asked this
before and got a code:
input_file = open(filename)
xmlcontents =
xmlcontents = xmlcontents.replace(spam, eggs)
output_file = open(filename,w)

 Although this works alone it is nto
working when i handle multiple file I/O.Is there a alternative to do
this.(maybe without read() operation)


Re: preferred windows text editor?

2007-05-10 Thread Ant
On May 9, 11:21 pm, BartlebyScrivener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I too vote for VIM. I use it on both Windows XP and Debian Etch. I
 can't find anything it doesn't do.

I also use Vim (well, GVim).

The only thing I find missing is an integrated console for running
code snippets/entire scripts. The runscript plugin is OK, but lacks
interactive use. I have been thinking about some way of interacting
with a Python shell using sockets to send snippets directly to the
shell from Vim, but haven't had time to get very far.

What method of executing code snippets in a Python shell do other Vim
users use? Other than just copy/paste?


Re: elegant python style for loops

2007-05-10 Thread ian . team . python
thank you everybodyvery well answered.just one question
where do i find documentation on zip ...i was looking for a function
like this, but could not even find a relevant list of functions!!


Re: Erlang style processes for Python

2007-05-10 Thread jkn
Have you seen Candygram?

jon N


Re: elegant python style for loops

2007-05-10 Thread ian . team . python
On May 10, 6:00 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 thank you everybodyvery well answered.just one question
 where do i find documentation on zip ...i was looking for a function
 like this, but could not even find a relevant list of functions!!

ooops...even that was answered. again, thanks


Re: Specification for win32com.client package

2007-05-10 Thread Peter Fischer
Hello Tim,

thank you for your quick and detailed reply. So I will try it at the 
python-win32 list.
Many thanks for your help and if you want I will let you know when I know more.

Best regards,


Need Mail bonding?
Go to the Yahoo! Mail QA for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users.--

Re: SEO - Search Engine Optimization - Seo Consulting

2007-05-10 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Wed, 02 May 2007 19:47:28 -0700, Huck Phin wrote:
 [a request for peace, love and understanding, concluding with]
  We all should be a little more considerate of each other.
  And if the hippy hug fest fails to stop spamming, perhaps we'll be allowed
  to hunt them down like rabid dogs and stick their heads up on pikes as a
  warning to others.
  Hey, a man can dream can't he??? *wink*
 Yeah, just ONE day a year when we could roast them on spits over open
 fires ... just to discourage the survivors, you understand.

This is a surprisingly violent group of people, judging by
the responses elicited in this thread, and in the muzzle velocity 

Better watch my step...

- Hendrik


Re: elegant python style for loops

2007-05-10 Thread Ant
On May 10, 6:51 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 into a list of tuples to allow moving through multiple lists, or is
 the for i in range(len(listkeys)): the only solution?

 Any suggestions?

For the specific case of indexing lists, the following is cleaner than
the 'for i in range...' solution above, and works in cases where
zipping the lists may not be appropriate:

for i, item in enumerate(mylist):
print %s) My item: %s; My other item: %s % (i, item,



Re: Towards faster Python implementations - theory

2007-05-10 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED],,.edu wrote:

 Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 | I am relatively new on this turf, and from what I have seen so far, it
 | would not bother me at all to tie a name's type to its first use, so that
 | the name can only be bound to objects of the same type as the type
 | of the object that it was originally bound to.
 | But maybe I am missing the point of dynamism.
 | Would an implementation of the above break lots of stuff in practice?
 For function local variables, if you mean 'originally bound to' in the 
 current call invocation, that would sometimes be ok (and that is sort of 
 what Psycho does).  But if you mean in the original binding in the first 
 call invocation, then that would cripple many functions.
Errr - I was thinking a bit simplistic - I know I can write:

def f(x):
  for y in x:
print y# using print here as short for doing something complicated

And that would currently work with any iterable, as x could 
currently be anything.

It seems that such functions are the problem, as something like this:

x = [1,2,3,4,5]
for y in x:
  print y

does not have the same hassle for x, but can shift the problem to y:

x = [1,2,3,4,(1,2)]
for y in x:
  print y

I can't see an easy way to put the patient back into his straight jacket.

Makes you want to use pre defined globals...

- Hendrik


Re: Change serial timeout per read

2007-05-10 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen

 I'm writing a driver in Python for an old fashioned piece of serial
 equipment. Currently I'm using the USPP serial module. From what I can
 see all the serial modules seem to set the timeout when you open a
 serial port. This is not what I want to do. I need to change the
 timeout each time  I do a read on the serial port, depending on
 which part of the protocol I've got to. Sometimes a return character
 is expected within half a second, sometimes within 2 seconds, and
 sometimes within 20 seconds. How do I do this in USPP, or Pyserial, or
 anything else? Currently I'm working in Windows, but I'd prefer a
 platform independent solution if possible...


you will probably have to make the port non blocking, and roll your own
using different time.sleep(n) values between invocations to calls

Unless you can afford to close and open the port each time - but that way leads
to missed characters...

- Hendrik


Re: Towards faster Python implementations - theory

2007-05-10 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Paul Boddie wrote:
  On 9 May, 08:09, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am relatively new on this turf, and from what I have seen so far, it
 would not bother me at all to tie a name's type to its first use, so that
 the name can only be bound to objects of the same type as the type
 of the object that it was originally bound to.
  But it's interesting to consider the kinds of names you could restrict
  in this manner and what the effects would be. In Python, the only kind
  of name that can be considered difficult to arbitrarily modify at a
  distance - in other words, from outside the same scope - are locals,
  and even then there are things like closures and perverse
  implementation-dependent stack hacks which can expose local namespaces
  to modification, although any reasonable conservative Python
  implementation would disallow the latter.
  Modifying at a distance is exactly what I'm getting at.  That's the
 killer from an optimizing compiler standpoint.  The compiler, or a
 maintenance programmer, looks at a block of code, and there doesn't seem
 to be anything unusual going on.  But, if in some other section of
 code, something does a setattr to mess with the first block of code,
 something unusual can be happening.  This is tough on both optimizing
 compilers and maintenance programmers.
  Python has that capability mostly because it's free in an
 everything is a dictionary implementation.  (When all you have
 is a hash, everything looks like a dictionary.)  But that limits
 implementation performance.  Most of the time, nobody is using
 setattr to mess with the internals of a function, class, or
 module from far, far away.  But the cost for that flexibility is
 being paid, unnecessarily.
  I'm suggesting that the potential for action at a distance somehow
 has to be made more visible.
  One option might be a class simpleobject, from which other classes
 can inherit.  (object would become a subclass of simpleobject).
 simpleobject classes would have the following restrictions:
 - New fields and functions cannot be introduced from outside
 the class.  Every field and function name must explicitly appear
 at least once in the class definition.  Subclassing is still
 - Unless the class itself uses getattr or setattr on itself,
 no external code can do so.  This lets the compiler eliminate the
 object's dictionary unless the class itself needs it.
 This lets the compiler see all the field names and assign them fixed slots
 in a fixed sized object representation.  Basically, this means simple objects
 have a C/C++ like internal representation, with the performance that comes
 with that representation.
 With this, plus the Shed Skin restrictions, plus the array features of
 numarray, it should be possible to get computationally intensive code
 written in Python up to C/C++ levels of performance.  Yet all the dynamic
 machinery of Python remains available if needed.
 All that's necessary is not to surprise the compiler.
If this is all it takes, I would even be happy to have to declare which things
could be surprising - some statement like:

x can be anything

Would that help?

It kind of inverts the logic - and states that if you want what is now
the default behaviour, you have to ask for it.

- Hendrik


Newbie (but improving) - Passing a function name with parameters as a parameter

2007-05-10 Thread mosscliffe
I am trying to time a function's execution, but I get 'TypeError:
'bool' object is not callable' when I try to run it.

I suspect it is my calling of 'timeloop' with the function name
'lookup' and its associated variables or it could just be some stupid
error on my part.

function 'lookups' was working OK

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks - Richard

===The offending Code =


def timeloop(dofunction,iters=10):
   import datetime
   print -- Start of test, LOOPS=, iters,
   for x in xrange(iters):
  print x
   print -- End of test, LOOPS=, iters,

def lookup(recs,patterns):
   matchcount = 0
   pattcount = 0
   for patt in patterns:
  if matchcount  pattcount:
  pattcount += 1
  for rec in recs:
 # print PATT:, patt,  REC:, rec,  PATTCOUNT=, pattcount
 if patt in rec:
matchcount +=1
   # printMATCHCOUNT=,matchcount, PATTCOUNT=, pattcount
   if matchcount == pattcount:
  return True
  return False

myrecs = ['This is a title for Brian', 'this is detail one for brian',
'this is detail two for brian', 'this is another detail one for

test1 = ['one', 'nomatch']
test2 = ['one', 'two']
test3 = ['title', 'two', 'nomatcheither']

mypatts = test1

timeloop(lookup(myrecs,mypatts), 10)


Re: replacing string in xml file--revisited

2007-05-10 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], saif.shakeel

  Although this works alone it is nto
 working when i handle multiple file I/O.Is there a alternative to do
 this.(maybe without read() operation)

Why do you want to change the part that *works* instead of fixing the code
that doesn't!?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Newbie Prob : IDLE can't import Tkinter

2007-05-10 Thread Romain FEUILLETTE


I'have just install Python 2.5.1 on Linux and the IDLE doesn't seem to
works because it didn't find Tcl/Tk

Is there someone to explain how to modify the file
to tell the install that Tcl/Tk are at the paht : /usr/bin/tclsh and
usr/bin/wish/ ?

I have attached to log file of my terminal.

Thanks a lot in advance.


total 8212
drwxr-s---   19 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 May  3 15:14 ./
drwxr-s---3 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 May  3 14:01 ../
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell77512 May  3 15:15 
drwxr-s---5 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 May  3 10:12 build/
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell   336280 May  3 10:09 config.log
-rwxr-x---1 fr18 Dk_pcell57416 May  3 10:09 config.status*
-rwxr-x---1 fr18 Dk_pcell   637991 Mar 12 11:50 configure*
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell96904 Mar 12 11:50
drwxr-s---   22 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 Apr 18 05:56 Demo/
drwxr-s---   24 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 Apr 18 06:01 Doc/
drwxr-s---2 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 Apr 18 05:56 Grammar/
drwxr-s---2 fr18 Dk_pcell 8192 Apr 18 05:55 Include/
-rwxr-x---1 fr18 Dk_pcell 7122 Jun 14  2003 install-sh*
drwxr-s---   42 fr18 Dk_pcell20480 May  3 15:14 Lib/
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell  3949072 May  3 15:14 libpython2.5.a
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell13615 Apr  5 06:52 LICENSE
drwxr-s---   11 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 Apr 18 05:57 Mac/
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell38219 May  3 10:09 Makefile
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell35107 May  3 10:09 Makefile.pre
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell35070 Dec  8 21:46
drwxr-s---4 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 Apr 18 05:56 Misc/
drwxr-s---7 fr18 Dk_pcell12288 May  3 15:14 Modules/
drwxr-s---3 fr18 Dk_pcell 8192 May  3 15:14 Objects/
drwxr-s---2 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 May  3 15:14 Parser/
drwxr-s---8 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 Apr 18 05:58 PC/
drwxr-s---2 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 Apr 18 05:55 PCbuild/
drwxr-s---2 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 Apr 18 06:08 PCbuild8/
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell28357 May  3 10:09 pyconfig.h
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell27049 Oct 27  2006
-rwxr-x---1 fr18 Dk_pcell  2661658 May  3 15:14 python*
drwxr-s---2 fr18 Dk_pcell 8192 May  3 15:14 Python/
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell77512 May  3 14:51 python_install.log
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell55678 Apr  5 06:52 README
drwxr-s---5 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 Apr 18 05:58 RISCOS/
-rw-r-1 fr18 Dk_pcell67931 May  3 15:18
drwxr-s---   19 fr18 Dk_pcell 4096 Apr 18 05:58 Tools/

[EMAIL PROTECTED] : build/scripts-2.5/idle
** IDLE can't import Tkinter.  Your Python may not be configured for Tk. **

[EMAIL PROTECTED] : which wish
% [EMAIL PROTECTED] : which tclsh
% info tcl
% exit


Re: preferred windows text editor?

2007-05-10 Thread Jorgen Bodde
I prefer PsPad.

If you like Notepad++, PSPad might be a better choice. More intuitive.
I've used Notepad++ for a while, I really disliked the fact that every
new install my settings XML file would get overwritten, and what does
that guy have with Comic sans MS? Every default style is hard coded
into the app, to that strange oddly looking style for comments etc.

Anyway, I do not want to get too personal. PsPad is very nice, I also
use more python-like editors like SPE and UliPad.

- Jorgen

On 10 May 2007 00:57:52 -0700, Ant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 9, 11:21 pm, BartlebyScrivener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I too vote for VIM. I use it on both Windows XP and Debian Etch. I
  can't find anything it doesn't do.

 I also use Vim (well, GVim).

 The only thing I find missing is an integrated console for running
 code snippets/entire scripts. The runscript plugin is OK, but lacks
 interactive use. I have been thinking about some way of interacting
 with a Python shell using sockets to send snippets directly to the
 shell from Vim, but haven't had time to get very far.

 What method of executing code snippets in a Python shell do other Vim
 users use? Other than just copy/paste?



matplotlib problem

2007-05-10 Thread redcic
I've got a question regarding matplotlib. I use the command:
to create a graph.
Then, the execution of the code stops after the line:
which is off course the last line of my code.

My problem is that I have to close the figure window before in order
to finish the execution of my code.
I'd like to be able to launch my program other times with different
parameters without having to close the figure windows before each
Just so you know, I'm using TkAgg backend and the SciTE editor.

Following the answer I was given in the thread:
I set interactive : True in matplotlibrc.
I also tried the other things I had been advised to do but I still
have the same problem.

Any other idea ?




Re: Minor bug in tempfile module (possibly __doc__ error)

2007-05-10 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], James T. Dennis wrote:

 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], James T. Dennis wrote:
 You can change it by simply assigning to the name:
 In [15]: tempfile.template = 'spam'
 In [16]: tempfile.template
 Out[16]: 'spam'
   I know you can change it.  But changing it in your namespace
   doesn't change the results returned by the functions called
   from the module.

I'm not changing it in my namespace but in the namespace of the `tempfile`

   I don't quite understand how this name/variable in
   my namespace (__main__) is able to change the value
   while the functions in the module still hold the old

Default arguments are evaluated *once* when the ``def`` is executed and
not at every function call.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: PYDOC replacement. (Was:Sorting attributes by catagory)

2007-05-10 Thread Nick Vatamaniuc
On May 10, 1:28 am, Ron Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:

  Consider using epydoc if you can. Epydoc will sort the methods and it
  will also let you use custom CSS style sheets for the final HTML
  output. Check out the documentation of my PyDBTable module.

  -Nick Vatamaniuc

 Hi Nick,

 I already have sorting and style sheets taken care of.  I'm just trying to
 get the content of each sub section correct at this point.  The overall
 frame work is finished.

 I don't think Epydoc can replace the console help() output.  The
 module imports help(), from  That serves as the consoles
 interactive help mode.  When you type help() at the console, you are using

 Some of the differences...

  Output formats:
  - html files
  - graphs  (requires Graphviz)  I like this!
  - pdf files   (requires latex)

  * Requires explicitly generating files first.
  * Supports file parsing only instead of introspection.

 Epydoc is more of a complete application and has many nice features such as
 the graphs and completeness checks, that will make it better than pydoc for
 creating more complete pre-generated html documents with less work.

  Output formats:
  - live interactive console text
  - live interactive html with a local html server.
  * no files are generated.  (just in the browser cache)
  * supports custom CSS stylesheets

 (API data output...)
  - text
  - html page
  - html section (for use in templates)
  - xml
  - reST  (not yet, but will be easy to do)

 The reason for having additional output formats is it makes it much easier
 to use it as a tool to extract documentation from source code to be
 combined with existing more complete documentation.

 I am planning on writing output formatters to return docutils and docbook
 data structures as well. With those, you will be able to convert to latex,
 pdf, and other formats.  The data formats for those are very close to what
 I'm using, so this should be easy to do.

 Other side benefits of doing this is that some of the modules in pydoc have
 been generalized so that they can be used without pydoc.  The html server,
 and the document data and formatter classes, can be used independently of

 The overall total size has not increased much, and it is more modular,
 maintainable, and extendable.  Maintainability is a major concern for any
 library module or package.

 Of course it will need to be approved first.  ;-)


Thanks for the info, Ron. I had no idea pydoc was that powerful!


Re: replacing string in xml file--revisited

2007-05-10 Thread half . italian
On May 10, 12:56 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I need to replace a string in xml file with something else.Ex

 - SERVICEPARAMETER id=_775 Semantics=subfunction DDORef=_54
   VALUE role=constant DataType=unsigned value=1 /
   BYTEPOSITION role=position BytePos=1 /
 - SERVICEPARAMETER id=_776 Semantics=localId DDORef=_54

  Here i have opened an xml
 file(small part is pasted here).I want to replace the word 'localId'
 with 'dataPackageID' wherever it comes in xml file.I have asked this
 before and got a code:
 input_file = open(filename)
 xmlcontents =
 xmlcontents = xmlcontents.replace(spam, eggs)
 output_file = open(filename,w)

  Although this works alone it is nto
 working when i handle multiple file I/O.Is there a alternative to do
 this.(maybe without read() operation)

try this...

#!/usr/bin/env python

from elementtree import ElementTree as et
tree = et.parse(testxml.xml)

for t in tree.getiterator(SERVICEPARAMETER):
t.set(Semantics, localId)




Re: Boost python : get the shape of a numpy ndarray in C++ code.

2007-05-10 Thread TG
What I'm trying to say here : a numpy array is supposed to have it's
shape stored as a tuple. What I want to do is to access this
information from my C++ code, in order to do some validity check.

So, by looking around in the doc of boost/python/numeric.hpp I was
able to do this :

Layer::set_potentials (numeric::array array)
  for (int h=0; hmap-height; h++){
for (int w=0; wmap-width; w++){
  units[w+h*map-width]-potential =

which is fairly simple and actually works. Now, if I look further, I
see there is a method called getshape() in array class, which gives
back an object - I guess this object is a tuple, because the
documentation is quite poor.

So my idea is to get this object and use extract in order to get the
actual dimensions as integers.

but when I add this :

Layer::set_potentials (numeric::array array)
  object shape = array.getshape();


It compiles, and then on execution I get this error :

AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'getshape'

Does it still have nothing to do with Boost.Python ?


Re: Newbie Prob : IDLE can't import Tkinter

2007-05-10 Thread Asun Friere
On May 10, 6:31 pm, Romain FEUILLETTE [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'have just install Python 2.5.1 on Linux and the IDLE doesn't seem to
 works because it didn't find Tcl/Tk

Perhaps you haven't installed Tkinter?

I'm not sure which distribution you are using, but on my box (with
Python2.4 installed) the relevant package is tkinter-2.4.4-1.fc6.rpm.


How to convert Unicode string to raw string escaped with HTML Entities

2007-05-10 Thread ldng

I'm looking for a way to convert en unicode string encoded in UTF-8 to
a raw string escaped with HTML Entities. I can't seem to find an easy
way to do it.

Quote from urllib will only work on ascii (which kind of defeat the
purpose imho) and escape from cgi doesn't seems to do anything with my

Any suggestion ?


Re: replacing string in xml file--revisited

2007-05-10 Thread half . italian
On May 10, 12:56 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I need to replace a string in xml file with something else.Ex

 - SERVICEPARAMETER id=_775 Semantics=subfunction DDORef=_54
   VALUE role=constant DataType=unsigned value=1 /
   BYTEPOSITION role=position BytePos=1 /
 - SERVICEPARAMETER id=_776 Semantics=localId DDORef=_54

  Here i have opened an xml
 file(small part is pasted here).I want to replace the word 'localId'
 with 'dataPackageID' wherever it comes in xml file.I have asked this
 before and got a code:
 input_file = open(filename)
 xmlcontents =
 xmlcontents = xmlcontents.replace(spam, eggs)
 output_file = open(filename,w)

  Although this works alone it is nto
 working when i handle multiple file I/O.Is there a alternative to do
 this.(maybe without read() operation)

After reading your post again, this might be better:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from elementtree import ElementTree as et
tree = et.parse(testxml.xml)

for t in tree.getiterator(SERVICEPARAMETER):
if t.get(Semantics) == localId:
t.set(Semantics, dataPackageID)




Re: preferred windows text editor?

2007-05-10 Thread Laurent Pointal
T. Crane a écrit :
 Right now I'm using Notepad++.  What are other people using?

Notepad++ :-)

And still use ConTEXT from time to time when I have big (MB) xml files 
to look at.


Re: replacing string in xml file--revisited

2007-05-10 Thread saif . shakeel
On May 10, 1:42 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 10, 12:56 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I need to replace a string in xml file with something else.Ex

  - SERVICEPARAMETER id=_775 Semantics=subfunction DDORef=_54
VALUE role=constant DataType=unsigned value=1 /
BYTEPOSITION role=position BytePos=1 /
  - SERVICEPARAMETER id=_776 Semantics=localId DDORef=_54

   Here i have opened an xml
  file(small part is pasted here).I want to replace the word 'localId'
  with 'dataPackageID' wherever it comes in xml file.I have asked this
  before and got a code:
  input_file = open(filename)
  xmlcontents =
  xmlcontents = xmlcontents.replace(spam, eggs)
  output_file = open(filename,w)

   Although this works alone it is nto
  working when i handle multiple file I/O.Is there a alternative to do
  this.(maybe without read() operation)

 try this...

 #!/usr/bin/env python

 from elementtree import ElementTree as et
 tree = et.parse(testxml.xml)

 for t in tree.getiterator(SERVICEPARAMETER):
 t.set(Semantics, localId)


 ~Sean- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

   #!/usr/bin/env python

from elementtree import ElementTree as et
tree = et.parse(testxml.xml)

for t in tree.getiterator(SERVICEPARAMETER):
t.set(Semantics, localId)

 Is this code
complete,where are you replacing the localid with datapackageid,and
where is the new xml being stored.
Thanks for the replies


Re: Minor bug in tempfile module (possibly __doc__ error)

2007-05-10 Thread Marc Christiansen
James T. Dennis [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribis:
 In fact I realized, after reading through in /usr/lib/...
 that the following also doesn't work like I'd expect:
tst = foo
def getTst(arg):
If I change this line:
return foo-%s % arg
 return %s-%s % (tst, arg)

import foo
foo.tst = bar
print foo.getTst(testing)

foo-testing - NOT bar-testing
Then python prints bar-testing.

0:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp cat
tst = foo
def getTst(arg):
return %s-%s % (tst,arg)
0:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp cat
import foo
foo.tst = bar
print foo.getTst(testing)
0:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp python 

And regarding the tempfile.template problem, this looks like a bug.
Because all functions in tempfile taking a prefix argument use def
function(... , prefix=template, ...), only the value of template at
import time matters. 

AdiaÅ­, Marc

Re: How to convert Unicode string to raw string escaped with HTML Entities

2007-05-10 Thread Tim Golden
ldng wrote:
 I'm looking for a way to convert en unicode string encoded in UTF-8 to
 a raw string escaped with HTML Entities. I can't seem to find an easy
 way to do it.
 Quote from urllib will only work on ascii (which kind of defeat the
 purpose imho) and escape from cgi doesn't seems to do anything with my

Probably worth having a look at this:


Re: preferred windows text editor?

2007-05-10 Thread Charles Sanders
Ant wrote:
 What method of executing code snippets in a Python shell do other Vim
 users use? Other than just copy/paste?

Not vim, but good old vi so should work in vim

1. Mark the start of the fragment, for exampls ms (to mark
with label s). Labels a through z are available.
2. Move to the end of the fragment.
3. :'s,.w !python to send the fragment to the python

Worked for me when I tried it a few minutes ago. I had never
bothered before - just copied/pasted.

Obviously, you can also mark the end, move to the start and
do something like :.,'ew !python  or mark both the start and
the end, or use line numbers, or labels plus offsets, or
searches, eg :/def/;+5w !python to search forward to the
next occurrence of def and send that line plus the next
five to the interpreter. Whatever works for you. The abbreviate
and map commands can be used to reduce the typing if you are


Re: Newbie (but improving) - Passing a function name with parameters as a parameter

2007-05-10 Thread Asun Friere
Try again ...

Just looking over your code quickly ... the function 'lookup' returns
either True or False (a boolean) depending on whether matchcount ==
pattcount.  Then in the declaration of the function 'timeloop' this
return value gets bound to 'dofunction.'  The subsequent call
'dofunction()' fails, because a boolean is not callable.



Re: How to convert Unicode string to raw string escaped with HTML Entities

2007-05-10 Thread ldng
On 10 mai, 11:03, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Probably worth having a look at this:

Great ! You made my day :-)



Re: Simulating simple electric circuits

2007-05-10 Thread Dave Baum
 Bjoern Schliessmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Sounds more familiar than the analog approach. Maybe I misunderstood
 something ... but I can't transfer my problem to this way of
 thinking yet. My biggest problem is the fact that relays aren't
 really interested in voltage, but current. 
 Also, I find it difficult to transfer this circuit logic to boolean
 logic I can contruct logic gates from. Sometimes, electric circuits
 are used in different directions.

Yep, the traditional digital simulation techniques don't apply very well 
to things like switches and relays.  Going with a different approach is 
probably cleaner.

 I set up the mentioned controller which, at the beginning, tries
 out all possible ways through the network and saves them. So, for
 every possible circuit it knows which switches must be closed and
 which relays will work if it's on. In theory, it should now be
 possible to try out every path, tell the relays if they have
 voltage/current, and let the relays report back in to the
 controller if their status changes so it can again test the
 circuits that may have changed. I haven't tried out the last step,
 but I will in the next days. Is there any logic error in my

Sounds reasonable.  Depending on the size of your network, I might not 
worry too much about precomputing and saving information.  If your 
circuit has loops in it (where the output of a later relay circles back 
to an earlier relay's coil), then it is possible for the circuit to 
oscillate, so you might have to be careful about this.  For example, if 
your basic simulation flow was:

1) set initial conditions (switches, etc)
2) let power flow through the system
3) determine which relays will be thrown
4) if any relays have changed state, go to 2

Then an oscillating circuit would never quit.  You might want to put a 
limit on the number of iterations through the loop, or logic that 
explicitly checks for oscillation.  Or you could analyze the circuit 
ahead of time to see whether it has oscillation or not.


Re: How to convert Unicode string to raw string escaped with HTML Entities

2007-05-10 Thread Tim Golden
ldng wrote:
 On 10 mai, 11:03, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Probably worth having a look at this:
 Great ! You made my day :-)

That's all right, but it's the effbot you
need to thank. (Hope Fredrik's reading this).


Re: Multiple regex match idiom

2007-05-10 Thread Steffen Oschatz
On 9 Mai, 11:00, Hrvoje Niksic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I often have the need to match multiple regexes against a single
 string, typically a line of input, like this:

 if (matchobj = re1.match(line)):
   ... re1 matched; do something with matchobj ...
 elif (matchobj = re2.match(line)):
   ... re2 matched; do something with matchobj ...
 elif (matchobj = re3.match(line)):

 Of course, that doesn't work as written because Python's assignments
 are statements rather than expressions.  The obvious rewrite results
 in deeply nested if's:

 matchobj = re1.match(line)
 if matchobj:
   ... re1 matched; do something with matchobj ...
   matchobj = re2.match(line)
   if matchobj:
 ... re2 matched; do something with matchobj ...
 matchobj = re3.match(line)
 if matchobj:

 Normally I have nothing against nested ifs, but in this case the deep
 nesting unnecessarily complicates the code without providing
 additional value -- the logic is still exactly equivalent to the
 if/elif/elif/... shown above.

 There are ways to work around the problem, for example by writing a
 utility predicate that passes the match object as a side effect, but
 that feels somewhat non-standard.  I'd like to know if there is a
 Python idiom that I'm missing.  What would be the Pythonic way to
 write the above code?

Instead of scanning the same input over and over again with different,
maybe complex, regexes and ugly looking, nested ifs, i would suggest
defining a grammar and do parsing the input once with registered hooks
for your matching expressions.

SimpleParse ( with a
DispatchProcessor or  pyparsing ( in
combination with setParseAction  or something similar are your friends
for such a task.



Re: Newbie (but improving) - Passing a function name with parameters as a parameter

2007-05-10 Thread Steffen Oschatz
On 10 Mai, 10:27, mosscliffe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to time a function's execution,

Do you know the timeit module ? : Tool for measuring execution time of
small code snippets



Re: Newbie (but improving) - Passing a function name with parameters as a parameter

2007-05-10 Thread Ant
As Stephan said, you can investigate the timeit module. If you want to
test it your way, wrap up your function call in another function:

On May 10, 9:27 am, mosscliffe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 def timeloop(dofunction,iters=10):

 def lookup(recs,patterns):

 myrecs = ...

def test1():
lookup(myrecs, ['one', 'nomatch'])

def test2():
lookup(myrecs, ['one', 'two'])

 timeloop(test1, 10)

Using timeit:

t = timeit.Timer(lookup(myrecs, ['one', 'nomatch']), from __main__
import *)
print t.timeit(10)



Re: msbin to ieee

2007-05-10 Thread imageguy
On May 6, 6:44 pm, revuesbio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone have the python version of the conversion from msbin to
 Thank u

Not sure if this helps, but I think this thread has the answer;

Check out the response from Bengt Richter.  His function did the right


Re: matplotlib problem

2007-05-10 Thread Steffen Oschatz
On 10 Mai, 10:31, redcic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've got a question regarding matplotlib. I use the command:
 to create a graph.
 Then, the execution of the code stops after the line:
 which is off course the last line of my code.

 My problem is that I have to close the figure window before in order
 to finish the execution of my code.
 I'd like to be able to launch my program other times with different
 parameters without having to close the figure windows before each
 Just so you know, I'm using TkAgg backend and the SciTE editor.

 Following the answer I was given in the 
 I set interactive : True in matplotlibrc.
 I also tried the other things I had been advised to do but I still
 have the same problem.

 Any other idea ?



Use ipython ( :


IPython accepts the special option -pylab (Sec. 5.2). This configures
it to support matplotlib, honoring the settings in the .matplotlibrc
file. IPython will detect the user's choice of matplotlib GUI backend,
and automatically select the proper threading model to prevent
blocking. It also sets matplotlib in interactive mode and modifies
%run slightly, so that any matplotlib-based script can be executed
using %run and the final show() command does not block the interactive




Re: replacing string in xml file--revisited

2007-05-10 Thread saif . shakeel
On May 10, 1:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 10, 12:56 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I need to replace a string in xml file with something else.Ex

  - SERVICEPARAMETER id=_775 Semantics=subfunction DDORef=_54
VALUE role=constant DataType=unsigned value=1 /
BYTEPOSITION role=position BytePos=1 /
  - SERVICEPARAMETER id=_776 Semantics=localId DDORef=_54

   Here i have opened an xml
  file(small part is pasted here).I want to replace the word 'localId'
  with 'dataPackageID' wherever it comes in xml file.I have asked this
  before and got a code:
  input_file = open(filename)
  xmlcontents =
  xmlcontents = xmlcontents.replace(spam, eggs)
  output_file = open(filename,w)

   Although this works alone it is nto
  working when i handle multiple file I/O.Is there a alternative to do
  this.(maybe without read() operation)

 After reading your post again, this might be better:

 #!/usr/bin/env python

 from elementtree import ElementTree as et
 tree = et.parse(testxml.xml)

 for t in tree.getiterator(SERVICEPARAMETER):
 if t.get(Semantics) == localId:
 t.set(Semantics, dataPackageID)


 ~Sean- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

 which module should be imported for above to work,it says
 ImportError: No module named elementtree


Re: Newbie (but improving) - Passing a function name with parameters as a parameter

2007-05-10 Thread mosscliffe
Many thanks. I think I see  what you mean.

I will try 'timeit' as well.

Aren't examples wonderful ?

On 10 May, 11:42, Ant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As Stephan said, you can investigate the timeit module. If you want to
 test it your way, wrap up your function call in another function:

 On May 10, 9:27 am, mosscliffe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ... def timeloop(dofunction,iters=10):

  def lookup(recs,patterns):


  myrecs = ...

 def test1():
 lookup(myrecs, ['one', 'nomatch'])

 def test2():
 lookup(myrecs, ['one', 'two'])

  timeloop(test1, 10)

 Using timeit:

 t = timeit.Timer(lookup(myrecs, ['one', 'nomatch']), from __main__
 import *)
 print t.timeit(10)



Re: PYDOC replacement. (Was:Sorting attributes by catagory)

2007-05-10 Thread Ron Adam
Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:

 Thanks for the info, Ron. I had no idea pydoc was that powerful!

Change *was* to *will be*.

It really needed to be re factored.  ;-)



Re: preferred windows text editor?

2007-05-10 Thread Dick Moores
At 11:06 AM 5/9/2007, T. Crane wrote:
Right now I'm using Notepad++.  What are other people using?


Dick Moores


Re: Change serial timeout per read

2007-05-10 Thread rowan
 you will probably have to make the port non blocking, and roll your own
 using different time.sleep(n) values between invocations to calls

What I actually want to do is to respond immediately if the expected
string comes in, but not raise a timeout unless it takes longer than
the maximum time. So if the device I'm communicating with usually
responds in a second, but _can_ take up to 20 seconds, I don't want to
do a sleep(20) then read the port since this will slow everything down
a lot in an average world. I want to keep checking for the expected
string, and act upon it as soon as I've got it, only raising a timeout
if I haven't got it after 20 seconds. I guess to do this using non-
blocking calls I have to do something like:
timesofar = 0
returnstring =
while len(returnstring)expectedlength:
if timesofar = timeout:
raise SerialException('Timeout')
timesofar += checkpointinterval
returnstring +=

This seems rather messy. What I've tried this morning is to produce a
modified version of uspp with a second optional timeout parameter in
its read() function. If this is present, the timeout given is sent to
the port using SetCommTimeouts(). If it's not present, the timeouts
specified when the port was opened are sent. At first sight, with
minimal testing on Windows, this seems to be working, and will leave
my application code a lot cleaner than the non-blocking plus sleep
approach. Of course I don't know whether my method will work on Linux,
and there may be problems I haven't found yet.



Re: msbin to ieee

2007-05-10 Thread John Machin
On May 10, 8:48 pm, imageguy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 6, 6:44 pm, revuesbio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Does anyone have the python version of the conversion from msbin to
  Thank u

 Not sure if this helps, but I think this thread has the 

 Check out the response from Bengt Richter.  His function did the right

Yes, Bengt's function did the right thing on the input for that
particular problem, which involved IEEE 64-bit floating point numbers
stored in little-endian format.

The current problem involves 32-bit MBF (Microsoft Binary/Basic
Floating-point/Format) numbers.

Different problem.


Re: Single precision floating point calcs?

2007-05-10 Thread Ross Ridge
Grant Edwards  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In the C implementations, the algorithms will be done
implemented in single precision, so doing my Python prototyping
in as close to single precision as possible would be a good

Something like numpy might give you reproducable IEEE 32-bit floating
point arithmetic, but you may find it difficult to get that out of a
IA-32 C compiler.  IA-32 compilers either set the x87 FPU's precision to
either 64-bits or 80-bits and only round results down to 32-bits when
storing values in memory.  If you can target CPUs that support SSE,
then compiler can use SSE math to do most single precision operations
in single precision, although the compiler may not set the required SSE
flags for full IEEE complaince.

In other words, since you're probably going to have to allow for some
small differences in results anyways, it may not be worth the trouble
of trying to get Python to use 32-bit floats.

(You might also want to consider whether you want to using single
precision in your C code to begin with, on IA-32 CPUs it seldom makes
a difference in performance.)

Ross Ridge

 l/  //   Ross Ridge -- The Great HTMU
 db  //   

Thread-safe dictionary

2007-05-10 Thread tuom . larsen

please consider the following code:

from __future__ import with_statement

class safe_dict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.lock = threading.Lock()
dict.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
def __getitem__(self, key):
with self.lock:
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
with self.lock:
dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
with self.lock:
dict.__delitem__(self, key)

- would I need to override another methods e.g. update() or items() in
order to remain thread-safe or is this enough?
- in __getitem__, does it release the lock after returning the item?
- wouldn't it be better to use threading.RLock, mutex, ... instead?

Thanks a lot!


Re: Designing a graph study program

2007-05-10 Thread andrea
On 9 Mag, 09:10, Alexander Schliep [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 andrea [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Well then I wanted to draw graphs and I found that pydot is working
  really nicely.
  BUT I'd like to do this, an interactive program to see ho the
  algorithms works...
  For example in the breath search first, every time the algorithm
  colors a node, the program should redraw the graphs. Which modules
  should I use for graphics (I use macosX and I'd like something cross

 Check out license). It does exactly what you
 want to do and there is a binary for MacOS X. Algorithms are implemented
 using Gato's graph class and rudimentary visualizations you get for free
 by replacing standard data structures (e.g., a vertex queue) by
 animated ones (AnimatedVertexQueue).

 There is a Springer textbook forthcoming. We are also starting to collect
 contributed algorithms, which we would like to make available from
 our website.

 Full disclosure: I am the author of Gato


Very very nice well done!
I'd like to do something similar, just to learn something new...
Could you explain me how you designed it?? How is the step mechanism
Any advices?


Re: Thread-safe dictionary

2007-05-10 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On 10 May 2007 05:45:24 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

please consider the following code:

from __future__ import with_statement

class safe_dict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.lock = threading.Lock()
dict.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
def __getitem__(self, key):
with self.lock:
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
with self.lock:
dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
with self.lock:
dict.__delitem__(self, key)

- would I need to override another methods e.g. update() or items() in
order to remain thread-safe or is this enough?
- in __getitem__, does it release the lock after returning the item?
- wouldn't it be better to use threading.RLock, mutex, ... instead?

The builtin dict type is already thread safe.


trouble with generators

2007-05-10 Thread Hans-Peter Jansen
Hi Pythonistas,

I'm stuck in a maze of new style classes and generators. While I love the
concepts, I obviously didn't grok them throughout. 

I'm trying to generate a bunch of similar classes, where some are contained
in list attributes of others, e.g.: 

class A:
  def __init__(self): = 'A1'
self.b = [instances of B]

class B:
  def __init__(self): = 'B1'

Here's the test code, I have:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

class A(object):
def __init__(self): = None
self.b = []

class B(object):
def __init__(self): = None

class Gen(object):
def records(self, cls):
for i in range(3):
setattr(cls, id, %s%s % (cls.__doc__,  i))
yield cls

def display(self, rec):
for i in rec.__dict__.keys():
if not i.startswith(_):
print %s: %s: %s % (rec.__doc__, i, rec.__dict__[i])

class GenA(Gen):
def __init__(self):
self.genB = GenB()

def records(self):
for a in Gen.records(self, A()):
for b in self.genB.records():
yield a

class GenB(Gen):
def records(self):
return Gen.records(self, B())

# testing..

aRecs = []
bRecs = []

for i, r in enumerate(GenB().records()):
print i,, r

for i, r in enumerate(GenA().records()):
print i,, r
for b in r.b:
print, b

Here's the commented output:
# even if I keep a reference to each rec, the object is reused:
0 B0 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd0f8c
1 B1 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd0f8c
2 B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd0f8c
# same here, with additional quadratic behavior, I do not understand
0 A0 __main__.A object at 0xb7bd206c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd210c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd210c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd210c
1 A1 __main__.A object at 0xb7bd206c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd210c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd210c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd210c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd20ec
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd20ec
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd20ec
2 A2 __main__.A object at 0xb7bd206c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd210c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd210c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd210c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd20ec
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd20ec
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd20ec
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd0f8c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd0f8c
B2 __main__.B object at 0xb7bd0f8c

I expected to get 3 different class objects from both sections, with each A
containing 3 different Bs in the latter section, but obviously got
something else. 

Could some kind soul help me to distangle my mind twist here? Am I healable?

TIA, Pete

Re: Thread-safe dictionary

2007-05-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Jean-Paul Calderone schrieb:
 On 10 May 2007 05:45:24 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 please consider the following code:

 from __future__ import with_statement

 class safe_dict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.lock = threading.Lock()
dict.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
def __getitem__(self, key):
with self.lock:
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
with self.lock:
dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
def __delitem__(self, key):
with self.lock:
dict.__delitem__(self, key)

 - would I need to override another methods e.g. update() or items() in
 order to remain thread-safe or is this enough?
 - in __getitem__, does it release the lock after returning the item?
 - wouldn't it be better to use threading.RLock, mutex, ... instead?

 The builtin dict type is already thread safe.

Technically - yes. But you should mention that the reason for that is 
the GIL, which essentially ensures that python as whole is threadsafe on 
the level of assignments, collection manipulation and so forth. At the 
cost of not being able to have real concurrent threads except for C-code 
that explicitly releases the GIL.


RE: change of random state when pyc created??

2007-05-10 Thread Hamilton, William
 From: Alan Isaac
 I'm sure my first pass will be flawed, but here goes:
 to footnote (3), add phrase which may depend on the memory location of
 keys to get:
 Keys and values are listed in an arbitrary order,
 which may depend on the memory location of the keys.
 This order is non-random, varies across Python implementations,
 and depends on the dictionary's history of insertions and deletions. append a new sentence to 2nd
 Iteration over a set returns elements in an arbitrary order,
 which may depend on the memory location of the elements.

It's possible there are other factors that can affect this as well.  A more
general statement is probably more appropriate:

Keys and values are listed in an arbitrary order.  This order is
non-random, varies across Python implementations, and depends on the
dictionary's history of insertions and deletions as well as factors outside
the scope of the containing program.

Iteration over a set returns elements in an arbitrary order, which may
depend on factors outside the scope of the containing program.

-Bill Hamilton

RE: change of random state when pyc created??

2007-05-10 Thread Carsten Haese
On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 08:01 -0500, Hamilton, William wrote:
 It's possible there are other factors that can affect this as well.  A more
 general statement is probably more appropriate:
 Keys and values are listed in an arbitrary order.  This order is
 non-random, varies across Python implementations, and depends on the
 dictionary's history of insertions and deletions as well as factors outside
 the scope of the containing program.

I think we should remove any implied reliability and slash it down to

Keys and values are listed in an arbitrary order that is random except
that if items(), keys(), values(), iteritems(), iterkeys(), and
itervalues() are called with no intervening modifications to the
dictionary, the lists will directly correspond.

 Iteration over a set returns elements in an arbitrary order, which may
 depend on factors outside the scope of the containing program.

And this: Iteration over a set returns elements in random order.


Carsten Haese


Re: change of random state when pyc created??

2007-05-10 Thread Alan Isaac
 Alan Isaac requested: to footnote (3), add phrase append a new sentence to 2nd

Hamilton, William  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Keys and values are listed in an arbitrary order.  This order is
 non-random, varies across Python implementations, and depends on the
 dictionary's history of insertions and deletions as well as factors
 the scope of the containing program.

 Iteration over a set returns elements in an arbitrary order, which may
 depend on factors outside the scope of the containing program.

I think this is good and might have clued me in.
At least I'd have had a fighting chance this way.

Alan Isaac


keyword checker - keyword.kwlist

2007-05-10 Thread tom

I try to check whether a given input is keyword or not. However this 
script won't identify keyword input as a keyword. How should I modify it 
to make it work?

#!usr/bin/env python
import keyword

input = raw_input('Enter identifier to check  ')
if input in keyword.kwlist:
 print input + is keyword

 print input + is not keyword

Re: Towards faster Python implementations - theory

2007-05-10 Thread sturlamolden
On May 8, 5:53 pm, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The point here is that we don't need language changes or declarations
 to make Python much faster.  All we need are a few restrictions that
 insure that, when you're doing something unusual, the compiler can

Franz, CMUCL, SBCL and GCL teams made Lisp almost as fast as C. A
dynamic language can be fast if the implementation is good.

If you look at SBCL and GCL, no code is interpreted. It's all compiled
on the fly to native machine code. The compiler begins with some code
and some input data, and compiles as much as it can. Then the RT
executes the machine code, compiles again, etc. Often long stretches
of code can be compiled without break, and tight performance critical
loops are usually compiled only once. In addition to this, one needs
an efficient system to cache compiled code, in order to do the
compilation work only once. making a dynamic language fast is not
rocket science.

We should have somthing like GPython, a Python RT on top of a GCC
backend, similar to what the GCL team did for Lisp. There is no
obvious reason as to why Lisp should have better performance than


Re: Single precision floating point calcs?

2007-05-10 Thread sturlamolden
On May 9, 6:51 pm, Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any way to do single-precision floating point
 calculations in Python?

Yes, use numpy.float32 objects.

 I know the various array modules generally support arrays of
 single-precision floats.  I suppose I could turn all my
 variables into single-element arrays, but that would be way

Numpy has scalars as well.

 import numpy
 a = numpy.float32(2.0)
 b = numpy.float32(8.0)
 c = a+b
 print c
type 'numpy.float32'


Re: Suggestions for how to approach this problem?

2007-05-10 Thread John Salerno
James Stroud wrote:

 I included code in my previous post that will parse the entire bib, 
 making use of the numbering and eliminating the most probable, but still 
 fairly rare, potential ambiguity. You might want to check out that code, 
 as my testing it showed that it worked with your example.

Thanks. It looked a little involved so I hadn't started to work through 
it yet, but I'll do that now before I actually try to write something 
from scratch. :)

Re: Single precision floating point calcs?

2007-05-10 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-05-10, Ross Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Grant Edwards  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the C implementations, the algorithms will be done
implemented in single precision, so doing my Python prototyping
in as close to single precision as possible would be a good

 Something like numpy might give you reproducable IEEE 32-bit
 floating point arithmetic, but you may find it difficult to
 get that out of a IA-32 C compiler.

That's OK, I don't run the C code on an IA32.  The C target is
a Hitachi H8/300.

 (You might also want to consider whether you want to using
 single precision in your C code to begin with, on IA-32 CPUs
 it seldom makes a difference in performance.)

Since I'm running the C code on a processor without HW floating
point support, using single precision makes a big difference.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I have many CHARTS
  at   and DIAGRAMS..

Re: Thread-safe dictionary

2007-05-10 Thread Duncan Booth
Jean-Paul Calderone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- would I need to override another methods e.g. update() or items() in
order to remain thread-safe or is this enough?

No, you'll need to protect almost everything. items may be safe. update, 
clear, get, has_key, pop, and setdefault all need a lock in the general 

Also be aware that some Python internals bypass things like __getitem__ in 
dict subclasses, so the lock will be ignored if (for example) you use the 
dict as a namespace for exec.

- in __getitem__, does it release the lock after returning the item?
- wouldn't it be better to use threading.RLock, mutex, ... instead?

 The builtin dict type is already thread safe.

It very much depends on what you mean by 'thread safe'. Calls to dict 
methods from multiple threads won't result in Python getting into an 
inconsistent state and crashing, but they aren't necessarily atomic either.

In particular, any method which can modify the content of the dictionary 
could release an instance of a class with a __del__ method written in 
Python and other threads will be able to run at that point. 
Likewise any lookup in a dict where a key is an instance of a class with 
user-defined comparison method could allow Python code and therefore other 
threads to run.

Of course if your particular dict objects all use simple types this may not 
matter, but it needs a careful programmer to use an ordinary Python dict 
(or list) safely across threads.

IMHO you are probably best to write a thread-safe class which uses an 
ordinary dict (and has a nicely limited interface) rather than trying to 
produce a completely thread-safe dict type.

How to installo????

2007-05-10 Thread RonV
Just got a new Vista system and puter

Installed a newer version of Python, up from 2.2 or so...

Tried to install Win extensions, but have forgotten how it's done.
Clicking on  setup in the Win Extsions package flashes a window by,
but cannot read it.  and I don't see a way to load the setup into
Python without Win Extensions.

Any suggestions?

Thank you


Re: Towards faster Python implementations - theory

2007-05-10 Thread Tim Golden
sturlamolden wrote:
 On May 8, 5:53 pm, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The point here is that we don't need language changes or declarations
 to make Python much faster.  All we need are a few restrictions that
 insure that, when you're doing something unusual, the compiler can
 Franz, CMUCL, SBCL and GCL teams made Lisp almost as fast as C. A
 dynamic language can be fast if the implementation is good.
 If you look at SBCL and GCL, no code is interpreted. It's all compiled
 on the fly to native machine code. The compiler begins with some code
 and some input data, and compiles as much as it can. Then the RT
 executes the machine code, compiles again, etc. Often long stretches
 of code can be compiled without break, and tight performance critical
 loops are usually compiled only once. In addition to this, one needs
 an efficient system to cache compiled code, in order to do the
 compilation work only once. making a dynamic language fast is not
 rocket science.
 We should have somthing like GPython, a Python RT on top of a GCC
 backend, similar to what the GCL team did for Lisp. There is no
 obvious reason as to why Lisp should have better performance than

I doubt if anyone disputes the gist of what you're
saying[*], viz that Python could be made faster by using
technique (a), (b) or (c) which have been successful 
elsewhere. At least that it's worth investgating.

But the relevant bit of your last paragraph is at the start:
We should Unless someone or someones has the time,
inclination, money, backing, wherewithal etc. to implement
this or any other measure of speeding-up, it's all
pie-in-the-sky. Useful, maybe, as discussion of what
options are viable, but a project of this magnitude
doesn't just happen in some developer's lunchbreak.

Many people (and I include myself) are quite
happy with Python's speed. In fact, I'm quite happy
with most things about Python. Others would like to
see it faster. That's great. But unless people
puts their money where their mouths are, I don't
see it happening.


[*] Actually, knowing this community, I'm sure *someone's*
going to!

newb: Python Module and Class Scope

2007-05-10 Thread johnny
Can a class inside a module, access a method, outside of class, but
inside of the module?

Eg.  Can instance of class a access main, if so how?  What is the
scope of def main() interms of class A?


class A:

def main():



Re: newb: Python Module and Class Scope

2007-05-10 Thread rishi pathak

This works for me.Also tried importing this module into another program.
The class is inside the module so like the different function's of a module
can access each other,the same thing applies to a class and
#Test Module
class foo:
   def __init__(self):

   def outData(self):

def main():
   print I am the main
#Module test
if __name__==__main__:

On 10 May 2007 07:02:49 -0700, johnny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can a class inside a module, access a method, outside of class, but
inside of the module?

Eg.  Can instance of class a access main, if so how?  What is the
scope of def main() interms of class A?


class A:

def main():



Rishi Pathak
National PARAM Supercomputing Facility
Center for Development of Advanced Computing(C-DAC)
Pune University Campus,Ganesh Khind Road

Re: keyword checker - keyword.kwlist

2007-05-10 Thread alessiogiovanni . baroni
On 10 Mag, 15:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I try to check whether a given input is keyword or not. However this
 script won't identify keyword input as a keyword. How should I modify it
 to make it work?

 #!usr/bin/env python
 import keyword

 input = raw_input('Enter identifier to check  ')
 if input in keyword.kwlist:
  print input + is keyword

  print input + is not keyword

Hmm... I tried, and identify it.
Try to change the 'input' variable name with other...


Re: newb: Python Module and Class Scope

2007-05-10 Thread Duncan Booth
johnny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can a class inside a module, access a method, outside of class, but
 inside of the module?
 Eg.  Can instance of class a access main, if so how?  What is the
 scope of def main() interms of class A?
 class A:
 def main():

Yes;by using its name;global scope.

Why not try it for yourself?

N.B. Functions in Python do not exist until the def statement is executed, 
so the code like your sample will fail to find 'main' if you try to call it 
from inside the class body. A call from inside an instance method would be 
fine though (provided you didn't call it until main was defined), or a call 
from the class body would also be fine provided you define main before you 
define the class.

Re: How to make Python poll a PYTHON METHOD

2007-05-10 Thread johnny
Is it possible to call threads inside another thread (nested threads)?

The example above creates a thread to call a function eat every time
based on a specified interval.
Now for example, if I make the called function eat to spawn threads
to do the work in a queue and when all jobs are done, spawned threads
join.  When the next interval is up this process repeat itself.


On May 7, 11:19 pm, Nick Vatamaniuc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 7, 10:42 pm, Nick Vatamaniuc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On May 7, 10:07 pm, johnny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Is there a way to call a function on a specified interval(seconds,
   milliseconds) every time, like polling user defined method?



   def baz():

 ...: print Baz!

   from threading import Timer

  -Nick Vatamaniuc

 By the way, here is another way to do it. This way it will repeat, the
 other one executed once. Of course, if it executed once, you can make
 it do it again, but there is some trickery involved. Here is a way to
 do it using threads.

 Hope it helps,
 -Nick Vatamaniuc

 from threading import Thread
 from time import sleep

 class Repeater(Thread):
 def __init__(self,interval,fun,*args,**kw):

 def run(self):

 def stop_repeating(self):

 def eat(*a):
 print eating:  , ','.join([stuff for stuff in a])

 r=Repeater(1.0, eat, 'eggs','spam','kelp')


Read binary data from MySQL database

2007-05-10 Thread Christoph Krammer

I try to write a python application with wx that shows images from a
MySQL database. I use the following code to connect and get data when
some event was triggered:

dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(host=localhost, user=..., passwd=...,
dbcurs = dbconn.cursor()
dbcurs.execute(SELECT imgdata FROM images LIMIT 1)
imgstring = dbcurs.fetchone()[0]

Within my frame, the following method is defined:

def showImage(self, imgstring):
  imgdata = StringIO.StringIO()
  print imgdata.getvalue()
  wx.ImageFromStream(imgdata, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_GIF)
  panel = wx.Panel(self, -1)
  self.panel = panel

But this does not work. The converter says that the data is not valid
GIF. When I print the content of imgstring after the database select
statement, it contains something like this:

array('c', 'GIF89aL\x01=\x01\x85\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff

When I try to print imgstring[1], the result is I. So I don't quite
get what this print result is about and why my input should not be
valid. The data in the database is correct, I can restore the image
with tools like the MySQL Query Browser.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Read binary data from MySQL database

2007-05-10 Thread Carsten Haese
On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 07:19 -0700, Christoph Krammer wrote:
 I try to write a python application with wx that shows images from a
 MySQL database. I use the following code to connect and get data when
 some event was triggered:
 dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(host=localhost, user=..., passwd=...,
 dbcurs = dbconn.cursor()
 dbcurs.execute(SELECT imgdata FROM images LIMIT 1)
 imgstring = dbcurs.fetchone()[0]
 Within my frame, the following method is defined:
 def showImage(self, imgstring):
   imgdata = StringIO.StringIO()
   print imgdata.getvalue()
   wx.ImageFromStream(imgdata, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_GIF)
   panel = wx.Panel(self, -1)
   self.panel = panel
 But this does not work. The converter says that the data is not valid
 GIF. When I print the content of imgstring after the database select
 statement, it contains something like this:
 array('c', 'GIF89aL\x01=\x01\x85\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff

That means that imgstring is not a string, it's an array of characters.

 import array
 a = array.array('c', 'Blahblahblah')
 print a
array('c', 'Blahblahblah')
array('c', 'Blahblahblah')

Calling write() with an object that's not a string will implicitly call
str() on that object and write the result of that call to the file. Try
imgdata.write(imgstring.tostring()) to extract the string data from the

Hope this helps,

Carsten Haese


Re: Read binary data from MySQL database

2007-05-10 Thread Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens
On Do, 10.05.2007, 16:19, Christoph Krammer wrote:

 I try to write a python application with wx that shows images from a
 MySQL database. I use the following code to connect and get data when
 some event was triggered:

 dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(host=localhost, user=..., passwd=...,
 dbcurs = dbconn.cursor()
 dbcurs.execute(SELECT imgdata FROM images LIMIT 1)
 imgstring = dbcurs.fetchone()[0]

 Within my frame, the following method is defined:

 def showImage(self, imgstring):
   imgdata = StringIO.StringIO()
   print imgdata.getvalue()
   wx.ImageFromStream(imgdata, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_GIF)
   panel = wx.Panel(self, -1)
   self.panel = panel

 But this does not work. The converter says that the data is not valid
 GIF. When I print the content of imgstring after the database select
 statement, it contains something like this:

 array('c', 'GIF89aL\x01=\x01\x85\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff

 When I try to print imgstring[1], the result is I. So I don't quite
 get what this print result is about and why my input should not be
 valid. The data in the database is correct, I can restore the image
 with tools like the MySQL Query Browser.

 Thanks in advance,



Re: High resolution sleep (Linux)

2007-05-10 Thread John
On 9 Maj, 03:23, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
   Tim Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
  It is also possible to keep the timer list sorted by expiry date,
  and to reprogram the timer to interrupt at the next expiry time
  to give arbitrary resolution, instead of implementing a regular 'tick'.

  Yes, and that's a common feature in real-time operating systems.
 If you're running QNX, you can expect that if your high priority
 task delays to a given time, you WILL get control back within a
 millisecond of the scheduled time.   Even tighter timing control
 is available on some non-x86 processors.

  Some CPUs even have hardware support for a sorted event list.
 The Intel 8061, which ran the engines of most Ford cars in the 1980s,
 had that.

  But no way are you going to get consistent timing resolution like that
 from Python.  It's an interpreter with a garbage collector, after all.

 John Nagle

The application the original poster (i.e. me) was interested in was a
program that sends ethernet packets at a loosely specified rate. A
loop that sends all packets with no sleep in between will send them at
a too high rate. Using the default sleep in my Python interpreter
sleeps to long, since even a few microseconds add up when you send
hundreds of thousands of packets.

If the process scheduler deals with another process now and then, it
doesn't matter. If it switches to another application between each
packet is beeing sent, that's a problem.

Anyways, what I need is high resolution sleep, not high resolution
timing. Installing a real time OS seems like overkill.

(Yes I know, one can also send, say, 50 packets at a time, and then
sleep, send 50 more packets, and so on.)


Re: preferred windows text editor?

2007-05-10 Thread John DeRosa
On Wed, 9 May 2007 13:06:52 -0500, T. Crane

Right now I'm using Notepad++.  What are other people using?

SPE, out of the trunk.


ANN: parley 0.2

2007-05-10 Thread Jacob Lee
Release Announcement: PARLEY version 0.2

PARLEY is an API for writing Python programs that implement the Actor
model of distributed systems, in which lightweight concurrent processes
communicate through asynchronous message-passing. Actor systems typically
are easier to write and debug than traditional concurrent programs that
use locks and shared memory.

PARLEY can run using either traditional native threads or user-space
threads (i.e. the tasklets implemented by Stackless Python). A program
written using PARLEY can choose between the two by changing a single line
of code.

Code samples, documentation, and source code can be found at the PARLEY
home page:

PARLEY is licensed under the LGPL.


Re: keyword checker - keyword.kwlist

2007-05-10 Thread tom
 Hmm... I tried, and identify it.
 Try to change the 'input' variable name with other...
Changed input variable to myInput, but the result is still the same.

for example, 'else' isn't identified as a keyword by the script though 
it exists in keyword.kwlist.

Re: How to make Python poll a PYTHON METHOD

2007-05-10 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-05-10, johnny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it possible to call threads inside another thread (nested threads)?

No.  It's not possible to call threads because they're not
callable objects. (I'm assuming you're talking about Thread
objects from the threading module.)

If you're asking if you can create and start threads from a
non-main thread, the answer is yes.

 The example above creates a thread to call a function eat
 every time based on a specified interval. Now for example, if
 I make the called function eat to spawn threads to do the
 work in a queue and when all jobs are done, spawned threads
 join.  When the next interval is up this process repeat


Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I demand IMPUNITY!

SQLObject 0.7.7

2007-05-10 Thread Oleg Broytmann

I'm pleased to announce the 0.7.7 release of SQLObject.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper.  Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes.  SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and
Firebird.  It also has newly added support for Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also
known as SAPDB).

Where is SQLObject


Mailing list:



News and changes:

What's New

News since 0.7.6

Bug Fixes

* Fixed a bug in SQLRelatedJoin that ignored per-instance connection.

* Fixed a bug in MySQL connection in case there is no charset in the DB URI.

For a more complete list, please see the news:

 Oleg Broytmann[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Re: Designing a graph study program

2007-05-10 Thread Alexander Schliep
andrea [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 9 Mag, 09:10, Alexander Schliep [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Check out license). It does exactly what you
 want to do and there is a binary for MacOS X. Algorithms are implemented
 using Gato's graph class and rudimentary visualizations you get for free
 by replacing standard data structures (e.g., a vertex queue) by
 animated ones (AnimatedVertexQueue).

 Very very nice well done!


 I'd like to do something similar, just to learn something new...

Gato is open source and I'd be happy to collaborate. There are quite a
few areas (e.g. SVG export, displays for data structure contents, more
complete 3D support, polygon edges, running backwards?) which need

 Could you explain me how you designed it?? How is the step mechanism

The algorithm is executed by a subclass of the Python debugger (see  A Tk event mechanism is used to step to the next line if
you are in running mode. Otherwise the user steps manually. The
visualizations are done with animated data structures, which animate
changes to their internal state with respect to the graph: e.g., when
you add or remove v to/from an AnimatedVertexQueue it changes v's

Tk has a canvas which does object-oriented drawing. A line is not
just a bunch of pixels but rather an object which you can move,
scale, has callbacks. I dislike Tcl, but Tk is amazing, even it
it looks 1980s.

There is a paper
describing the ideas.


SQLObject 0.8.4

2007-05-10 Thread Oleg Broytmann

I'm pleased to announce the 0.8.4 release of SQLObject.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper.  Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes.  SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and
Firebird.  It also has newly added support for Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also
known as SAPDB).

Where is SQLObject



Mailing list:



News and changes:

What's New

News since 0.8.3

Bug Fixes

* Fixed a bug in SQLRelatedJoin that ignored per-instance connection.

* Fixed a bug in MySQL connection in case there is no charset in the DB URI.

For a more complete list, please see the news:

 Oleg Broytmann[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Re: preferred windows text editor?

2007-05-10 Thread Ant
On May 10, 9:59 am, Charles Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ant wrote:

  What method of executing code snippets in a Python shell do other Vim
  users use? Other than just copy/paste?

 Not vim, but good old vi so should work in vim

 1. Mark the start of the fragment, for exampls ms (to mark
 with label s). Labels a through z are available.
 2. Move to the end of the fragment.
 3. :'s,.w !python to send the fragment to the python

Yes - that works nicely for code snippets in isolation. My quest for
tighter integration of the Python console/IPython and vim will have to



SQLObject 0.9.0

2007-05-10 Thread Oleg Broytmann

I'm pleased to announce the 0.9.0 release of SQLObject, the first stable
release of the 0.9 branch.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper.  Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes.  SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and
Firebird.  It also has newly added support for Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also
known as SAPDB).

Where is SQLObject



Mailing list:



News and changes:

What's New

Features  Interface

* Support for Python 2.2 has been declared obsolete.

* Removed actively deprecated attributes;
  lowered deprecation level for other attributes to be removed after 0.9.

* SQLite connection got columnsFromSchema(). Now all connections fully support
  fromDatabase. There are two version of columnsFromSchema() for SQLite -
  one parses the result of SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master and the other
  uses PRAGMA table_info; the user can choose one over the other by using
  use_table_info parameter in DB URI; default is False as the pragma is
  available only in the later versions of SQLite.

* Changed connection.delColumn(): the first argument is sqlmeta, not
  tableName (required for SQLite).

* SQLite connection got delColumn(). Now all connections fully support
  delColumn(). As SQLite backend doesn't implement ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN
  delColumn() is implemented by creating a new table without the column,
  copying all data, dropping the original table and renaming the new table.

* Versioning - see

* MySQLConnection got new keyword conv - a list of custom converters.

* Use logging if it's available and is configured via DB URI.

* New columns: TimestampCol to support MySQL TIMESTAMP type;
  SetCol to support MySQL SET type;
  TinyIntCol for TINYINT; SmallIntCol for SMALLINT;
  MediumIntCol for MEDIUMINT; BigIntCol for BIGINT.

Small Features

* Support for MySQL INT type attributes: UNSIGNED, ZEROFILL.

* Support for DEFAULT SQL attribute via defaultSQL keyword argument.

* cls.tableExists() as a shortcut for conn.tableExists(cls.sqlmeta.table).

* cls.deleteMany(), cls.deleteBy().

Bug Fixes

* idName can be inherited from the parent sqlmeta class.

* Fixed a longstanding bug with .select() ignoring 'limit' parameter.

* Fixed a bug with absent comma in JOINs.

* Fixed sqlbuilder - .startswith(), .endswith() and .contains() assumed
  their parameter must be a string; now you can pass an SQLExpression:'a')), for example.

* Fixed a longstanding bug in sqlbuilder.Select() with groupBy being a

* Fixed a bug with Aliases in JOINs.

* Yet another patch to properly initialize MySQL connection encoding.

* Fixed a minor comparison problem in

* Fixed a bug in SQLRelatedJoin that ignored per-instance connection.


* Added documentation about 'validator' Col constructor option.

* Added an answer and examples to the FAQ on how to use sqlmeta.createSQL.

* Added an example on how to configure logging.

* More documentation about orderBy.

For a more complete list, please see the news:

 Oleg Broytmann[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

  1   2   3   >