ANN: Omaha Python Users Group Meeting, July 12 2007 @ 7pm

2007-07-12 Thread dundeemt
The second Thursday of the month is quickly approaching.

What:   Omaha Python Users Group Meeting
When:  July 12, 2007 - 7pm
  + Lightning Talks
  + discuss/vote on a change in venue
  + more...
  + Pizza and Pop will be served.
  Please make sure and mail the list with toppings and flavor
requests for the meeting.

Where:Reboot The User
13416 A Street
Omaha, NE 68144

More Information on the group is available @


Support the Python Software Foundation:

itools 0.16.2 released

2007-07-12 Thread J. David Ibáñez
itools is a Python library, it groups a number of packages into a single
meta-package for easier development and deployment:

   itools.catalogitools.i18n itools.tmx
   itools.cmsitools.ical itools.uri
   itools.csvitools.odf  itools.vfs
   itools.datatypes  itools.pdf  itools.web itools.workflow
   itools.handlers   itools.rss  itools.xhtml
   itools.html   itools.schemas  itools.xliff
   itools.http   itools.stl  itools.xml

The big news in this release is the License upgrade; now itools is
available under the terms and conditions of the GPL version 3.  Check
the LICENSE.txt file.

Also, a bunch of bugs have been fixed.  Some of them have triggered
small backwards incompatible changes; check the UPGRADE-0.16.2 file for
the details.

The package that has changed the most is itools.stl:

  - Now STL returns by default the stream of events, not the serialized
byte string. The new parameter mode replaces the boolean parameter
html, it has four modes: 'events' (default), 'xml', 'xhtml' and

  - Now it is possible to insert a sequence of XML events into ${...}

  - New public function set_prefix that rewrites the relative URLs of
the given XML events.  Its prototype is stl(events, prefix).

  - The main function stl accepts a generator or a Parser instance
for the events parameter (not only a list).  It also accepts a byte
string for the prefix parameter (not only a Path instance).

  - Fix when stl:repeat and stl:if expressions are together in the
same element.

Other changes worth to mention are:

  - Reorganize the RELEASE and UPDATE files.  The old ones are kept on
the doc folder.

  - [itools.catalog] Fix, without parameters it
returns all indexed documents.

  - [itools.cms] Various minor fixes for the user interface (Wiki, web
pages view, search form, folder's browse view, login form, user's
edit account form and CSS).

  - [itools.handlers] Fix has_handler(path) for special paths, like

  - [itools.i18n] Rewrite the accept module.  Much simpler, now language
negotiation behaves as defined by RFC2616.  And accept objects are
correctly serialized.

  - [itools.pdf] Various RML fixes.

  - [itools.web] The new method context.get_accept_language replaces

  - [itools.xhtml] Escape the text nodes when serializing to HTML.


  - Hervé Cauwelier worked on itools.cms;
  - J. David Ibáñez fixed bugs;
  - Henry Obein fixed bugs;
  - Sylvain Taverne helped fixing bugs;




Mailing list

Bug Tracker

J. David Ibáñez
Itaapy Tel +33 (0)1 42 23 67 45
9 rue Darwin, 75018 Paris  Fax +33 (0)1 53 28 27 88

Support the Python Software Foundation:

python-cjson 1.0.3x6 released - fixed segfault

2007-07-12 Thread Ferenczi Viktor
This is an enhanced version of python-cjson,
the _fast_ JSON encoder/decoder for python.


- Fixed segmentation fault when decoding specially crafted unicode strings.

I recommend you to upgrade python-cjson, since a critical bug has been fixed. 
All existing and new unit tests are passed with python 2.3.5, 2.4.3 and 2.5.1 
without problems. Windows installer for Python 2.5.1 included.

Download, examples and more information:

Support the Python Software Foundation:

bbfreeze 0.95.2

2007-07-12 Thread Ralf Schmitt

Hi all,

I've just uploaded bbfreeze 0.95.2 to python's cheeseshop.
bbfreeze creates standalone executables from python scripts. It's similar
in functionality to py2exe or cx_Freeze.

This release fixes issues with python installation, where the zlib module is

called (e.g. fedora core 7). If you previously got
zipimport.ZipImportError: can't decompress data; zlib not available when
trying to run the frozen executables, try version 0.95.2.

*NEW* support for egg files: bbfreeze scans zipped egg files and now
 includes whole egg files/directories in the distribution. Programs
 using setuptools' pkg_resources module will now work.

It offers the following features:

easy installation
 bbfreeze can be installed with setuptools' easy_install command.

zip/egg file import tracking
 bbfreeze tracks imports from zip files.

multiple script freezing
 bbfreeze can freeze multiple scripts at once.

python interpreter included
  bbfreeze will create an extra executable named 'py', which might be
 used like the python executable itself.

bbfreeze works on windows and UNIX-like operating systems. It
currently does not work on OS X. bbfreeze has been tested with python
2.4 and 2.5. bbfreeze will not work with python versions prior to 2.3
as it uses the zipimport feature introduced with python 2.3.


cheese shop entry:


mercurial repository:

- Ralf

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: storing pickles in sql data base

2007-07-12 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 17:14:43 -0500, Chris Mellon wrote:


 Protocol 0 (the default) is a text protocol, it's safe to store in a
 text field or write to a text file.

It's not really a text protocol it's more a binary protocol that uses just
the ASCII range of byte values.  You have to write and read the text
files in binary mode or they break if taken across platform boundaries
because of the different line endings in Linux and Windows for instance.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Anonymous Classes

2007-07-12 Thread Lachlan Gunn

I have a library (SQLObject) that stores data as class variables.  I would
like to set a class variable in a certain context, specific to a certain
instance of an object.  This would require some sort of anonymous class.  I
have attempted to use the following code to set the connection string:

| class SQLStorage:
|def __init__(self, c, debug = False):
|config = StorageConfiguration(c)
|connection = sqlobject.connectionForURI(config.databaseString)
|if debug:
|connection.debug = True
|# I don't know whether this is right.  My belief is that we can
|# subclass each table and use _connection on them.
|class newDatum(DatumTable):
|_connection = connection
|class newMetadatum(MetadatumTable):
|_connection = connection
|class newChecksum(ChecksumTable):
|_connection = connection
|self.__SQLDatum = newDatum
|self.__SQLMetadatum = newMetadatum
|self.__SQLChecksum  = newChecksum

This does not work; Python complains that the classes already exist when
SQLObject is instantiated for a second time.  This has led me to try
instantiating a subclass using DatumTable.__class__ and friends, but this
requires setting a class name, which, again, limits me to a single
instance.  I *could* have a counter that appends a number to each class
name, but that's a fairly ugly solution; is it possible to create an
anonymous class in Python?



2007-07-12 Thread Kay Schluehr
I found this flag in

PyCF_DONT_IMPLY_DEDENT = 0x200  # Matches pythonrun.h

It is apperantly a parser flag used in the PARSER_FLAGS define in

Questions: what does it actually mean and why is this implementation
detail exposed to Python code. I tried to change the value and it
caused severe problems. When it is a constant anyway why does it have
to be passed to the compile function in as a variable?



Re: PEP 3107 and stronger typing (note: probably a newbie question)

2007-07-12 Thread Paul Rubin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
 If what you wonder about, and the theory mentioned by Clemmer and
 detailed by the AQF, are both true, then this may help explain why some
 programmers are fiercely innovative why other, equally intelligent ones,
 prefer to stick with some plodding, innovation-killing process that only
 works well for repetitive tasks: the latter group may be the ones who
 dread errors, and therefore miss the making mistakes, experiencing
 failures, and learning from them that is how we improve.

The idea of designing languages with more and more support for
ensuring program correctness is to put the established, repetitive
processes into the computer where it belongs, freeing the programmer
to be innovative while still providing high assurance of that the
program will be right the first time.  And some of the most innovative
work in software is going into this area today.  

Also, taking a learn-from-mistakes approach is fine and dandy if the
consequences of the mistakes stay contained to those who make them.
It's completely different if the consequences are imposed on other
people who weren't part of the process.  Vast amounts of software
today (and I mean the stuff that clpy denizens write for random web
servers or desktop apps, not just scary stuff like nuclear reactor
code) has the potential to screw people who had nothing to do with the
development process.  It's unreassuring to hear the the developers say
oh cool, we learned from the mistake when that happens.  So, it's
irresponsible to deliberately choose development processes that
externalize risks onto outsiders that way.

Re: bool behavior in Python 3000?

2007-07-12 Thread Stargaming
Steven D'Aprano schrieb:
 On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 08:04:33 +0200, Stargaming wrote:
No, I think Bjoern just wanted to point out that all those binary 
boolean operators already work *perfectly*. You just have to emphasize 
that you're doing boolean algebra there, using `bool()`.
Explicit is better than implicit.
 So we should always write things explicitly like:
 if bool(bool(some_condition) is True) is True:
 first_line = str(some_string).split(str(\n))[int(0)]
 n = int(int(len(list(some_list))) + int(1))
 elif bool(bool(some_condition) is False) is True:
 f = float(math.sin(float(6.0)/float(math.pi)))
 instead of the less explicit code. I'll try to remember that, thank you
 for the advice.

You're missing like 400 bool(...) is True constructs there! Fatal error, 
recursion depth reached. Aww!

Re: Anonymous Classes

2007-07-12 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Lachlan Gunn a écrit :
 I have a library (SQLObject) that stores data as class variables.  I would
 like to set a class variable in a certain context, specific to a certain
 instance of an object.  This would require some sort of anonymous class.  I
 have attempted to use the following code to set the connection string:
 | class SQLStorage:

You probably want:

 class SQLStorage(object):

 |def __init__(self, c, debug = False):
 |config = StorageConfiguration(c)
 |connection = sqlobject.connectionForURI(config.databaseString)
 |if debug:
 |connection.debug = True
 |# I don't know whether this is right.  My belief is that we can
 |# subclass each table and use _connection on them.
 |class newDatum(DatumTable):
 |_connection = connection
 |class newMetadatum(MetadatumTable):
 |_connection = connection
 |class newChecksum(ChecksumTable):
 |_connection = connection
 |self.__SQLDatum = newDatum
 |self.__SQLMetadatum = newMetadatum
 |self.__SQLChecksum  = newChecksum

Are you sure you need name mangling here ?

 This does not work; Python complains that the classes already exist when
 SQLObject is instantiated for a second time.  This has led me to try
 instantiating a subclass using DatumTable.__class__ and friends, but this
 requires setting a class name, which, again, limits me to a single
 instance.  I *could* have a counter that appends a number to each class
 name, but that's a fairly ugly solution; is it possible to create an
 anonymous class in Python?

Yes. Using type() :

Help on class type in module __builtin__:

class type(object)
  |  type(object) - the object's type
  |  type(name, bases, dict) - a new type

  class Toto(object):
... pass
  class Tutu(object):
... def __init__(self, what):
... self._toto = type('Autototo', (Toto,), dict(_what=what))
  t = Tutu(42)
class '__main__.Autototo'
__main__.Autototo object at 0xb7c3806c
  t2 = Tutu(1138)
class '__main__.Autototo'

Re: Tuple vs List: Whats the difference?

2007-07-12 Thread Dave Baum
 Shafik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello folks,
 I am an experienced programmer, but very new to python (2 days). I
 wanted to ask: what exactly is the difference between a tuple and a
 list? I'm sure there are some, but I can't seem to find a situation
 where I can use one but not the other.

Lists and tuples are both sequences, and can be used interchangeably in 
many situations.  The big difference is that lists are mutable (can be 
modified), and tuples are immutable (cannot be modified).  Lists also 
have a richer API (for example the index and count methods).

If you are going to need to change the contents of the sequence 
(appending, removing, altering a value, etc), then use a list.

If you require the sequence to be immutable (such as being used as the 
key in a dictionary), then use a tuple.

In general, tuples should be a little more efficient than lists.  
However, altering a list is more efficient than creating a new tuple, so 
always prefer tuples does not necessarily lead to a faster overall 
program.  Unless performance is critical, I wouldn't worry about this 

IMHO, a more important reason to prefer tuples is that since they are 
immutable, you don't have to worry about side effects.  If you call a 
function and pass it a list, you have no guarantee that the list won't 
be changed during the function call.  With tuples, any attempt to change 
the tuple will raise an exception.  If it is important to the caller 
that the sequence remain unchanged, then a tuple is a safer 
representation for that sequence.


Re: atexit, sys.exit, sys.exitfunc, reaching end of source code

2007-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 12 jul, 01:32, Wojciech Mu a
  I am playing with theatexitmodule but I don't find a way to see the
  between a script calling sys.exit(returncode) and the interpreting
  arriving at the end
  of the source code file. This has a semantic difference for my
  Is there a way to determine in an exithandler (that is registered
  how I exited?

 Actually sys.exit raises exception SystemExit, but if interpreter
 reaches end of script exception is not raised.  Try something
 like this:

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 exit_code_for_exithandler = None
 except SystemExit, e:
 exit_code_for_exithandler = e.code
 print sys.exit called
 print end of script


I am getting quite confused with this SystemExit.
If I register a custom sys.excepthook then it is never invoked
when I do sys.exit(.)


Re: Anonymous Classes

2007-07-12 Thread Lachlan Gunn
Thanks for your help.

After trying your suggestion for a while, I eventually realised that
SQLObject was doing something funny in its metaclass that was causing the
issue, which I got around by mangling the class names with a counter.

web page text extractor

2007-07-12 Thread kublai

For a project, I need to develop a corpus of online news stories.  I'm
looking for an application that, given the url of a web page, copies
the rendered text of the web page (not the source HTNL text), opens a
text editor (Notepad), and displays the copied text for the user to
examine and save into a text file. Graphics and sidebars to be
ignored. The examples I have come across are much too complex for me
to customize for this simple job. Can anyone lead me to the right



pytz giving incorrect offset and timezone

2007-07-12 Thread Sanjay
Hi All,

Using pytz, I am facing a problem with Asia/Calcutta, described below.

Asia/Calcutta is actually IST, which is GMT + 5:30. But while using
pytz, it was recognized as HMT (GMT + 5:53). While I digged into the
oslan database, I see the following:

Zone Asia/Calcutta 5:53:28 - LMT 1880 # Kolkata
   5:53:20 - HMT 1941 Oct # Howrah Mean Time?
   6:30 - BURT 1942 May 15 # Burma Time
   5:30 - IST 1942 Sep
   5:30 1:00 IST 1945 Oct 15
   5:30 - IST

Searching in this group, I saw a similar problem posted at
without any solutions.

I mailed to Stuart and also posted it at the launchpad of pytz, but
did not get any response.

Unable to know how to proceed further. Any suggestion will be of vital



Samodzielny program pod linuksem

2007-07-12 Thread stainboy
Witam. Zastanawiam się w jaki sposób mogę stworzyć samodzielny program
pod linuksem napisany w pythonie, aby można go było uruchomić bez
instalacji bibliotek pythona, chodzi mi o coś takiego jak py2exe pod
Pozdrawiam JP


Re: PEP 3107 and stronger typing (note: probably a newbie question)

2007-07-12 Thread Paul Rubin
Donn Cave [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I've wondered if programmers might differ a lot in how much they
 dread errors, or how they react to different kinds of errors.
 For example, do you feel a pang of remorse when your program
 dies with a traceback - I mean, what a horrible way to die?

I'm reminded of the time I found out that a program I had worked on
had crashed due to a coding bug.  It was the control software for an
ATM switch.  I had moved on from that job a year or so earlier, but I
found out about the crash because it took out vast swaths of data
communications for the whole US northeast corridor for 2+ days (almost
like the extended power outage of 2003) and it was on the front page
of the New York Times.  The first thing I thought of was that a
certain subroutine I had rewritten was the culprit.  I got on the
phone with a guy I had worked with to ask what the situation was, and
I was very relieved to find out that the error was in a part of the
code that I hadn't been anywhere near.

That program was a mess of spaghetti C code but even more carefully
written code keeps crashing the same way.  It was one of the incidents
that now has me interested in the quest for type-safe languages with
serious optimizing compilers, that will allow us to finally trash
every line of C code currently in existence ;-).

Re: Samodzielny program pod linuksem

2007-07-12 Thread Jarek Zgoda
stainboy napisał(a):

 Witam. Zastanawiam się w jaki sposób mogę stworzyć samodzielny program
 pod linuksem napisany w pythonie, aby można go było uruchomić bez
 instalacji bibliotek pythona, chodzi mi o coś takiego jak py2exe pod

I think you tried to post on pl.comp.lang.python so I'd just set FUT.

Jarek Zgoda
Skype: jzgoda | GTalk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | voice: +48228430101

We read Knuth so you don't have to. (Tim Peters)

Re: Should I use Python for these programs?

2007-07-12 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen

8 ---
  Basically, it's almost impossible to use 
 ethernet on other than PCs, on the official LAN.
 I will have to look into this further though, as higher data rate stuff 
 is a problem with serial.  Although I could do 10Mbps RS-422 I suppose.

This kind of implies USB into the PC - Haven't seen a 16550 driven much
above 1Mb/s

As you have a DSP in the system think about USB (with the chips you mentioned)
into a DSP then the DSP's serial port converted to RS-485 for every signal 
(clock, data in and out and sync) and then everything is native DSP on the 
remote device.

That gives you multiple channels of better than Audio response, full duplex.

And since your eyes are slower than your ears, that should be good enough...

- Hendrik


Launch One Application From Another

2007-07-12 Thread Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
Hello Guys,


I'm looking for the best method to launch one Python application from
another? Is something like sub process going to be my best bet? Or is there
something more specific for launching one python app from another?


Thanks guys,




Re: Try a different type of debugger.

2007-07-12 Thread Michael Newman
Thanks for making this terrific program.
Can you add a setting for screen size? (perhaps desired Width and
Height in pixels)?
I have my screen set at 1024x768 (the web browser window is of course
a little bit smaller) and I can't see all the program's rendering at
the far right.


 This one does not need you to set any breakpoints. It records the
 entire run. Handy, if you don't know where to start.

 Run the program once and after that all the runtime data is available
 to you. Which means you can jump to any point in the run and verify
 the code against runtime data.

 The user interface is the python code itself viewed inside a Firefox
 Scroll to a line you're interested in and click the variable.

 It requires Firefox and Python 2.5.


 Support the Python Software Foundation:


Re: 2**2**2**2**2 wrong? Bug?

2007-07-12 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  En Wed, 11 Jul 2007 16:39:17 -0300, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  As was
  pointed out earlier, left-associativity with exponentiation is of
  little value, since (2**3)**2 is the same as 2**(3*2) or 2**6=64.
  Just for curiosity: This helps to find the answer to the problem Which is  
  the largest number that can be written with only 3 digits?
  Some people stop at 999, others try 99**9 and 9**99, and the winner is  
  9**9**9, or:

Actually I think 9**9E9 is bigger!

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: os.wait() losing child?

2007-07-12 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Jason Zheng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
  The problem you are having is you are letting Popen do half the job
  and doing the other half yourself.
  Except that I never wanted Popen to do any thread management for me to 
  begin with. Popen class has advertised itself as a replacement for 
  os.popen, popen2, popen4, and etc., and IMHO it should leave the 
  clean-up to the users, or at least leave it as an option.
  Here is a way which works, done completely with Popen.  Polling the
  subprocesses is slightly less efficient than using os.wait() but does
  work.  In practice you want to do this anyway to see if your children
  exceed their time limits etc.
  I think your polling way works; it seems there no other way around this 
  problem other than polling or extending Popen class.

I think polling is probably the right way of doing it...

Internally subprocess uses os.waitpid(pid) just waiting for its own
specific pids.  IMHO this is the right way of doing it other than
os.wait() which waits for any pids.  os.wait() can reap children that
you weren't expecting (say some library uses os.system())...

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

variable naming query

2007-07-12 Thread loial
I'ma a newbie python user and would like clarification on variable
naming conventions.

What is the difference between


and when should I use each of them?


Re: profiling a C++ python extension

2007-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It doesn't suffice to compile the python interpreter with -pg, as the
module is loaded via dlopen.
I solved the problem for my case compiling an executable with embedded
python and the module itself.
I would wish, that there would be an easier way.
Best regards,


Re: variable naming query

2007-07-12 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:33:03 -, loial [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'ma a newbie python user and would like clarification on variable
naming conventions.

What is the difference between


This is the convention for public attributes.


This is the convention for private attributes.


This causes the name to be mangled in an inconvenient way by the runtime.  You
probably /don't/ want to name your variables like this, since the consequence
is primarily that the result is harder to use.


Re: Rats! vararg assignments don't work

2007-07-12 Thread samwyse
On May 30, 7:29 am, Sion Arrowsmith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 samwyse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I thought that I'd try this:
  first, *rest = arglist
 Needless to say, it didn't work.
  [ ... ]
 My use-case is (roughtly) this:
  first, *rest = f.readline().split()
  return dispatch_table{first}(*rest)

 first, rest = f.readline().split(None, 1)
 return dispatch_table{first}(*rest.split())

Hey, I like that!  Thanks!


Re: PEP 3107 and stronger typing (note: probably a newbie question)

2007-07-12 Thread Ben Finney
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The idea of designing languages with more and more support for
 ensuring program correctness is to put the established, repetitive
 processes into the computer where it belongs, freeing the programmer
 to be innovative while still providing high assurance of that the
 program will be right the first time.

This seems to make the dangerous assumption that the programmer has
the correct program in mind, and needs only to transfer it correctly
to the computer.

I would warrant that anyone who understands exactly how a program
should work before writing it, and makes no design mistakes before
coming up with a program that works, is not designing a program of any

 Also, taking a learn-from-mistakes approach is fine and dandy if the
 consequences of the mistakes stay contained to those who make them.
 It's completely different if the consequences are imposed on other
 people who weren't part of the process.

Certainly. Which is why the trend continues toward developing programs
such that mistakes of all kinds cause early, obvious failure -- where
they have a much better chance of being caught and fixed *before*
innocent hands get ahold of them.

 \We have to go forth and crush every world view that doesn't |
  `\ believe in tolerance and free speech.  -- David Brin |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: pytz giving incorrect offset and timezone

2007-07-12 Thread Simon Percivall
On Jul 12, 11:47 am, Sanjay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 Using pytz, I am facing a problem with Asia/Calcutta, described below.

 Asia/Calcutta is actually IST, which is GMT + 5:30. But while using
 pytz, it was recognized as HMT (GMT + 5:53). While I digged into the
 oslan database, I see the following:

 Zone Asia/Calcutta 5:53:28 - LMT 1880 # Kolkata
5:53:20 - HMT 1941 Oct # Howrah Mean Time?
6:30 - BURT 1942 May 15 # Burma Time
5:30 - IST 1942 Sep
5:30 1:00 IST 1945 Oct 15
5:30 - IST

 Searching in this group, I saw a similar problem posted 
 without any solutions.

 I mailed to Stuart and also posted it at the launchpad of pytz, but
 did not get any response.

 Unable to know how to proceed further. Any suggestion will be of vital


I don't use pytz myself that often so I can't be sure, but I don't
think it's a bug in pytz.

The problem seems to be that the timezone has changed for the
location. Now, without a date as reference, pytz can't know what
timezone to use when constructing the tzinfo; you might want a date
from the 1800's.

When you're constructing the datetime with the tzinfo argument, you're
saying: use this timezone as the local timezone. datetime_new (the
constructor in C) never calls the tzinfo to verify that the timezone
is still valid, it just uses it.

On the other hand: When you construct a datetime with
and pass a timezone, datetime_now (again, in C) calls the method
fromutz() on the tzinfo object. Now the pytz tzinfo object has a
reference by which to choose the current timezone for the location,
and that's why it's correct when you use but not for a
manual construction.

A workaround (or maybe the proper way to do it) is to construct the
datetime without a tzinfo set, and then use the localize() method on
the tzinfo object, this will give you the correct result.

 tz = pytz.timezone(Asia/Calcutta)
 mydate = datetime.datetime(2007, 2, 18, 15, 35)
 print tz.localize(mydate)
2007-02-18 15:35:00+05:30


Re: PEP 3107 and stronger typing (note: probably a newbie question)

2007-07-12 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've worked in big mainframe shops, where an operating system
 crash caused everything to suddenly freeze, red lights came on all
 over the building, and a klaxon sounded.  I've worked for aerospace
 companies, where one speaks of defects, not bugs, and there
 are people around whose job involves getting in high performance
 aircraft and flying with the software written there.  I've worked
 with car-sized robot vehicles, ones big enough to injure people.
 This gives one a stronger feeling about wanting to eliminate
 software defects early.

Does this actually cause you to make less goofy mistakes?

- I find that no matter how careful I try to be, I still f***k up.
not so much in the big things, its the little things that get me...

And the errors seem to come in runs - almost like a bad hair day.

- Hendrik


Re: Tuple vs List: Whats the difference?

2007-07-12 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Shafik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello folks,
 I am an experienced programmer, but very new to python (2 days). I
 wanted to ask: what exactly is the difference between a tuple and a
 list? I'm sure there are some, but I can't seem to find a situation
 where I can use one but not the other.

Welcome to Python.

From a practical point of view, use lists - you will get exceptions
if you use a list where a tuple is required, such as a key in a dict,
and other more obscure cases.

The philosophical differences - tuple as struct vs list as collection
argument, makes no practical difference - you can use a list in the same 
structured way if you want, and lists have more nice methods as they 
are not immutable as tuples are.

Google this Group for Index to see some flame wars.

hth - Hendrik


Re: allow scripts to use .pth files?

2007-07-12 Thread samwyse
On Jul 8, 3:53 pm, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I got the impression that the OP was suggesting that the interpreter
 look in the directory in which it found the script.
 I got the impression that the problem was that the package was not
 only not on sys.path but also not in the same directory as the script
 that wanted to import it. Otherwise the OP's script.p?h file need only
 contain .\n (or the path to the  directory in which it resided!!),
 and I doubt that he was proposing something so silly.

And as I'm sure you realize, those two impression slightly contradict
each other.  Anyway, a small modification to my second approach would
also work in the case looking for packages in a directory that's
located somewhere relative to the one where the script was found:

if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys, os.path
base = sys.path[0]
for d in 'lib', 'modules':
d2 = os.path.join(base, d)
if os.path.isdir(d2):
base = os.path.join(base, '..')
for d in 'modules', 'lib':
d2 = os.path.join(base, d)
if os.path.isdir(d2):
# for debugging
print repr(sys.path)

(BTW, this is such a fun script to type.  My fingers keep typing
'os.path' where I mean 'sys.path' and vice versa.)


Re: Portable general timestamp format, not 2038-limited

2007-07-12 Thread Ben Finney
Ilya Zakharevich [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 *This* was my question; and with kitchentop book, one cannot expect
 to find such an answer.  If interested, Wiki looks like a good place
 to look it up.

I don't know what Wiki[0] has to do with it, but just to check:


Nope, can't find any existing page about it.

[0] Left unqualified, referring to a site named Wiki refers to *the*
Wiki, at URL: If you mean some other
subsequent Wiki site, you'll need to be more specific.

 \Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be |
  `\   over here, looking through your stuff.  -- Jack Handey |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: Tuple vs List: Whats the difference?

2007-07-12 Thread Ben Finney
Dave Baum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Shafik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  what exactly is the difference between a tuple and a list? I'm
  sure there are some, but I can't seem to find a situation where I
  can use one but not the other.

 Lists and tuples are both sequences, and can be used interchangeably
 in many situations.  The big difference is that lists are mutable
 (can be modified), and tuples are immutable (cannot be modified).
 Lists also have a richer API (for example the index and count

This common misconception falls foul of only considering the
implementation details.

The choice of when to use one or the other is more one of intent: A
tuple is best for heterogeneous sequences, a list is best for
homogeneous sequences. Here's a better explanation:


 \ No matter how cynical I get, I can't seem to keep up.  -- |
  `\   Lily Tomlin |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: Re-raising exceptions with modified message

2007-07-12 Thread samwyse
On Jul 8, 8:50 am, Christoph Zwerschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did you run this?
 With Py  2.5 I get a syntax error, and with Py 2.5 I get:

  new.__class__ = old.__class__
 TypeError: __class__ must be set to a class

 -- Chris

Damn, I'd have sworn I ran the final copy that I posted, but
apparently I did manage to have a typo creep in as I was prettifying
the code.  You need to lose the '()' in the definition of Empty.  (I'd
orignally had it subclass Exception but discovered that it wasn't

class Empty: pass

I can't figure out the other complaint, though, as old.__class_ should
be a class.  I guess I need to upgrade; I am using PythonWin 2.4.3
(#69, Apr 11 2006, 15:32:42) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32.
(Of course, at work they're still stuck on 2.4.2.)  Printing
type(old.__class__) gives me type 'classobj'; maybe using
setattr(new, '__class__', old.__class__)
instead of the assignment would work, or maybe it's a bug/feature
introduced in 2.5.  (Trying this code:
class Empty(old.__class__): pass
brings us back to the TypeError: function takes exactly 5 arguments
(0 given) message that we're trying to avoid.)

Anyway, running the corrected version under 2.4.X gives me this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\pythonwin\pywin\framework
\, line 310, in RunScript
exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
  File C:\Documents and Settings\dentos\Desktop\scripting
\, line 19, in ?
test(lambda: unicode('\xe4'))
  File C:\Documents and Settings\dentos\Desktop\scripting
\, line 16, in test
raise modify_message(e, lambda: str(e) + , sorry!)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position
0: ordinal not in range(128), sorry!


Re: allow scripts to use .pth files?

2007-07-12 Thread John Machin
On Jul 12, 9:55 pm, samwyse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 8, 3:53 pm, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I got the impression that the OP was suggesting that the interpreter
  look in the directory in which it found the script.
  I got the impression that the problem was that the package was not
  only not on sys.path but also not in the same directory as the script
  that wanted to import it. Otherwise the OP's script.p?h file need only
  contain .\n (or the path to the  directory in which it resided!!),
  and I doubt that he was proposing something so silly.

 And as I'm sure you realize, those two impression slightly contradict
 each other.

Your sureness is misplaced. Please explain.


Re: allow scripts to use .pth files?

2007-07-12 Thread samwyse
On Jul 8, 3:53 pm, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm curious whether you think that the OP's use of .pth was a typo,
 and whether you have read this:

I've read it, but not recently; the syntax of the .pyh files was in
the back of my head.  I had forgotten about the sitecustomize module,
though.  Unfortunately for the OP, while the documentation states,
After these path manipulations, an attempt is made to import a module
named sitecustomize, the import is apparently done *before* the path
to the script is prepended to sys.path.  (My name isn't Luke, so I
don't feel the need to read the source.)

I'm guessing that the OP's real question is, How does one do site
customizations when one doesn't have write access to the site
directories?  Lots of programs can be installed and run from ~/bin,
but locating ~/lib can be hard, at least for arbitrary values of bin
and lib.  At this point, someone usually tells me to write a PEP;
perhaps the OP would like to try his hand?  In keeping with the spirit
of the site customizations, I'd specify that all .pyh files get
imported, not just one matching the name of the script.  (This is more
robust in the face of hard-links, packages consisting of multiple
scripts, etc.)  I'd also suggest an attempt to import a module named
mycustomize after the path to the invoked script is prepended to


Re: allow scripts to use .pth files?

2007-07-12 Thread samwyse
On Jul 12, 7:20 am, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 12, 9:55 pm, samwyse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Jul 8, 3:53 pm, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I got the impression that the OP was suggesting that the interpreter
   look in the directory in which it found the script.
   I got the impression that the problem was that the package was not
   only not on sys.path but also not in the same directory as the script
   that wanted to import it. Otherwise the OP's script.p?h file need only
   contain .\n (or the path to the  directory in which it resided!!),
   and I doubt that he was proposing something so silly.

  And as I'm sure you realize, those two impression slightly contradict
  each other.

 Your sureness is misplaced. Please explain.

Oops, you're right.  See my other post.


Re: bool behavior in Python 3000?

2007-07-12 Thread Nis Jørgensen
Alan Isaac skrev:
 Since it is seemingly ignored in most of the comments
 on this thread, I just want to remind that PEP 285
 says this:
   In an ideal world, bool might be better implemented as a
   separate integer type that knows how to perform mixed-mode
 I mentioned Python 3000 since that is an opportunity for an ideal world.

You forgot to quote this bit:

4) Should we strive to eliminate non-Boolean operations on bools
   in the future, through suitable warnings, so that for example
   True+1 would eventually (in Python 3000) be illegal?

= No.

   There's a small but vocal minority that would prefer to see
   textbook bools that don't support arithmetic operations at
   all, but most reviewers agree with me that bools should always
   allow arithmetic operations.


Re: 2**2**2**2**2 wrong? Bug?

2007-07-12 Thread Ben Finney
Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Which is the largest number that can be written with only 3
 digits?  Some people stop at 999, others try 99**9 and 9**99, and
 the winner is 9**9**9

Since exponentiation is (I think?) the highest-order function we
understand for writing *only* digits on the page, then yes, your
answer is right, if no other mathematical notation is allowed.

Since others seem to be reading only 3 digits as 3 digits plus
other well-defined mathematical notation, here's the best answer
given those criteria:


 \  I stayed up all night playing poker with tarot cards. I got a |
  `\   full house and four people died.  -- Steven Wright |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: variable naming query

2007-07-12 Thread Ben Finney
loial [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What is the difference between


Indicates to the reader that the attribute 'myvariable' is available
for use as part of the interface of the object.

Prefer this style unless you have good reason in a particular case to
do otherwise.


Indicates to the reader that the attribute '_myvariable' should not be
used as part of the interface to the object.


Indicates to the reader that the attribute '__myvariable' is not
available by that name outside the object, and name mangling is
automatically done to discourage its use from outside the object.

 and when should I use each of them?

Use each of them to indicate the above conditions where appropriate.

Note that none of them will change the nature of the attribute, and
Python will allow use of any of them by the correct name. There is no
such thing as limited-access attributes in Python; we rely on the
maxim that we're all consenting adults here. If an attribute exists
in the current scope, it is available for any use regardless of what
name you give it.

 \ I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence. |
  `\  There's a knob called 'brightness' but it doesn't work.  -- |
_o__)  Eugene P. Gallagher |
Ben Finney

Re: bool behavior in Python 3000?

2007-07-12 Thread Ben Finney
Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In Guido's opinion (and mine, but his counts 100x), the positive
 benefits of the current implementation are greater than the net
 positive benefits of a 'pure' type.  See

I assume you're referring to:

6) Should bool inherit from int?

= Yes.

   In an ideal world, bool might be better implemented as a
   separate integer type that knows how to perform mixed-mode
   arithmetic.  However, inheriting bool from int eases the
   implementation enormously [...further explanation...]

I accept Guido's explanation in the PEP, that the implementation is
made much easier, as an explanation of why bool inherits from int. I
haven't seen people here expressing that they want the opposite.

To my mind the more fundamental issue is this one:

4) Should we strive to eliminate non-Boolean operations on bools
   in the future, through suitable warnings, so that for example
   True+1 would eventually (in Python 3000) be illegal?

= No.

   There's a small but vocal minority that would prefer to see
   textbook bools that don't support arithmetic operations at
   all, but most reviewers agree with me that bools should always
   allow arithmetic operations.

Frustratingly, unlike the above point about inheritance, the PEP gives
no explanation of why the answer to this is No. All we get is most
reviewers agree, with no explanation of *why*.

So, I'm left with the points already made in this thread as to why the
answer should be yes, and no source online for an official
explanation of the no.

 \  I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate |
  `\  those who do. And for the people who like country music, |
_o__) denigrate means 'put down'.  -- Bob Newhart |
Ben Finney

Re: Screen Scraping Question

2007-07-12 Thread jeffbg123
On Jul 11, 10:31 pm, Dan Stromberg - Datallegro
 On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 12:45:21 +, jeffbg123 wrote:

  I am trying to make a bot for a flash game using python. However I am
  having some trouble with a screen scraping strategy. Is there an
  accepted way to compare a full screenshot with the image that I want
  to locate? It is a math based game, so I just have to check what
  number, 1-9, appears in the center of the flash game. Is there an
  easier method to do this?



 That sounds like an OCR problem, unless the numbers are so consistently
 rendered that you can just store copies of all 9 (I'd pick a non-lossy
 format) and compare.

The numbers are always rendered the same. So I don't know if OCR is a
necessary step.

Also, what if I just got the data from the packets? Any disadvantages
to that? Any good python packet capturing libraries?



Re: New release: Crunchy 0.9

2007-07-12 Thread Paddy
On Jul 10, 12:37 am, André [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Crunchy 0.9 has been released.  It is available 

 What is Crunchy?

 Crunchy is a an application that transforms html Python tutorials into
 interactive session viewed within a browser.  We are not aware of any
 other application (in any language) similar to Crunchy.   Currently
 Crunchy has only been fully tested with Firefox; we know that some
 browsers simply don't work with it.  Crunchy should work with all
 operating systems - it has been tested fairly extensively on Linux,
 Windows and Mac OS.

 What is new in this release?

 Crunchy has been rewritten from scratch from the previous version
 (0.8.2), to use a custom plugin architecture.  This makes easier to
 extend and add new functionality.  Rather than list the differences
 with the old release, it is easier to list the essential features of
 this new version.

 1. Crunchy can work best with specially marked-up html tutorials.
 However, it can now work with any html tutorials - including the
 official Python tutorial on the site.  Html pages can be
 loaded locally or remotely from anywhere on the Internet.  Crunchy
 uses a combination of Elementtree and BeautifulSoup to process html
 pages.  Non W3C-compliant pages can be handled, but the visual
 appearance is not guaranteed to reproduce that normally seen using a

 2. Crunchy can insert a number of Python interpreters inside a web
 page.  In the default mode, it does that whenever it encounters an
 html pre element which is assumed to contain some Python code.
 These interpreters can either share a common environment (e.g. modules
 imported in one of them are known in the other) or be isolated one
 from another.

 3. Crunchy adds automatic css styling to the Python code -  you can
 look at the official Python tutorial using your browser (all Python
 code in blue) and compare with what Crunchy displays to give you a
 good idea.

 4. Instead of inserting an interpreter, Crunchy can insert a code
 editor that can be used to modify the Python code on the page and
 execute it.  The editor can be toggled to become a fairly decent
 syntax aware editor that can save and load files.

 5. Crunchy has a doctest feature where the code inside the pre is
 taken to be the result
 of an interpreter session and the user has to write the code so as to
 make the interpreter session valid; this is useful in a teaching
 environment. Messages from the Crunchy's doctest are friendlier for
 Python beginners than the usual tracebacks.

 6. Crunchy has a small graphics library that can be imported, either
 inside an editor or an interpreter, to produce simple graphics (even
 animations!) inside the browser.

 7. For the user that needs better quality graphics, Crunchy supports
 programs (such as matplotlib) that can create image files; by
 executing the code, the image produced is loaded inside the browser
 window.  In this capacity, Crunchy could be used as a front end for
 libraries such as matplotlib.

 8. Crunchy supports code execution of files as separate processes,
 making it suitable to launch gui based application from the browser

 9. Crunchy's interpreter has an interactive help feature like many
 python-aware IDEs.

 10. Crunchy includes a fairly comprehensive tutorial on its own use,
 as well as a reference for tutorial writers that want to make their
 tutorials crunchy-friendlier.

 11. As a security feature, crunchy strips all pre-existing javascript
 code from an html page before displaying it inside the browser window.

 Bug reports, comments and suggestions are always welcome.

 André Roberge, for the Crunchy team.


- Paddy


Re: os.wait() losing child?

2007-07-12 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I think your polling way works; it seems there no other way around this 
  problem other than polling or extending Popen class.

 I think polling is probably the right way of doing it...

It requires the program to wake up every 0.1s to poll for freshly
exited subprocesses.  That doesn't consume excess CPU cycles, but it
does prevent the kernel from swapping it out when there is nothing to
do.  Sleeping in os.wait allows the operating system to know exactly
what the process is waiting for, and to move it out of the way until
those conditions are met.  (Pedants would also notice that polling
introduces on average 0.1/2 seconds delay between the subprocess dying
and the parent reaping it.)

In general, a program that waits for something should do so in a
single call to the OS.  OP's usage of os.wait was exactly correct.

Fortunately the problem can be worked around by hanging on to Popen
instances until they are reaped.  If all of them are kept referenced
when os.wait is called, they will never end up in the _active list
because the list is only populated in Popen.__del__.

 Internally subprocess uses os.waitpid(pid) just waiting for its own
 specific pids.  IMHO this is the right way of doing it other than
 os.wait() which waits for any pids.  os.wait() can reap children
 that you weren't expecting (say some library uses os.system())...

system calls waitpid immediately after the fork.  This can still be a
problem for applications that call wait in a dedicated thread, but the
program can always ignore the processes it doesn't know anything

Re: os.wait() losing child?

2007-07-12 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Jason Zheng [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 greg wrote:
 Jason Zheng wrote:
 Hate to reply to my own thread, but this is the working program
 that can demonstrate what I posted earlier:
 I've figured out what's going on. The Popen class has a
 __del__ method which does a non-blocking wait of its own.
 So you need to keep the Popen instance for each subprocess
 alive until your wait call has cleaned it up.
 The following version seems to work okay.

 It still doesn't work on my machine. I took a closer look at the Popen
 class, and I think the problem is that the __init__ method always
 calls a method _cleanup, which polls every existing Popen

Actually, it's not that bad.  _cleanup only polls the instances that
are no longer referenced by user code, but still running.  If you hang
on to Popen instances, they won't be added to _active, and __init__
won't reap them (_active is only populated from Popen.__del__).

This version is a trivial modification of your code to that effect.
Does it work for you?


import os
from subprocess import Popen

pids = {}
counts = [0,0,0]

for i in xrange(3):
   p = Popen('sleep 1', shell=True, cwd='/home', stdout=file(os.devnull,'w'))
   pids[] = p, i
   print Starting child process %d (%d) % (i,

while (True):
   pid, ignored = os.wait()
  p, i = pids[pid]
   except KeyError:
  # not one of ours
   del pids[pid]
   counts[i] += 1

   #terminate if count10
   if (counts[i]==10):
 print Child Process %d terminated. % i
 if reduce(lambda x,y: x and (y=10), counts):

   print Child Process %d terminated, restarting % i
   p = Popen('sleep 1', shell=True, cwd='/home', stdout=file(os.devnull,'w'))
   pids[] = p, i

Re: lists and dictionaries

2007-07-12 Thread Bart Ogryczak
On 11 jul, 21:08, Ladislav Andel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a list of dictionaries.
 [{'index': 0, 'transport': 'udp', 'service_domain': ''},
 {'index': 1, 'transport': 'udp', 'service_domain': ''},
 {'index': 0, 'transport': 'tcp', 'service_domain': ''},
 {'index': 1, 'transport': 'tcp', 'service_domain': ''}]

 how could I make a new list of dictionaries which would look like:
 [{'transports': ['udp','tcp'], 'service_domain': ''},
 {'transports': ['udp','tcp'], 'service_domain': ''}]

 Could you help me, please?

doms = {}
for entry in oldList:
newList = [{'transports': t, 'service_domain': d} for d,t in


Re: Portable general timestamp format, not 2038-limited

2007-07-12 Thread Lew
Ben Finney wrote:
 [0] Left unqualified, referring to a site named Wiki refers to *the*
 Wiki, at URL: If you mean some other
 subsequent Wiki site, you'll need to be more specific.

I'm betting they meant

or one of its non-English siblings.


Re: web page text extractor

2007-07-12 Thread Andre Engels
2007/7/12, kublai [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 For a project, I need to develop a corpus of online news stories.  I'm
 looking for an application that, given the url of a web page, copies
 the rendered text of the web page (not the source HTNL text), opens a
 text editor (Notepad), and displays the copied text for the user to
 examine and save into a text file. Graphics and sidebars to be
 ignored. The examples I have come across are much too complex for me
 to customize for this simple job. Can anyone lead me to the right

def textonly(url):
   # Get the HTML source on url and give only the main text
   f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
   text =
   r = re.compile('\[^\\]*\')
   newtext = r.sub('',text)
   while newtext != text:
  text = newtext
  newtext = r.sub('',text)
   return text

ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

Re: web page text extractor

2007-07-12 Thread Andre Engels
2007/7/12, Andre Engels [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I forgot to include

import urllib2, re


 def textonly(url):
# Get the HTML source on url and give only the main text
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
text =
r = re.compile('\[^\\]*\')
newtext = r.sub('',text)
while newtext != text:
   text = newtext
   newtext = r.sub('',text)
return text

ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

Re: lists and dictionaries

2007-07-12 Thread Bart Ogryczak
On 12 jul, 04:49, anethema [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  li =  [ {'index': 0, 'transport': 'udp', 'service_domain':
  {'index': 1, 'transport': 'udp', 'service_domain':
  {'index': 0, 'transport': 'tcp', 'service_domain':
  {'index': 1, 'transport': 'tcp', 'service_domain':

 I like this solution:

 [{ 'transports': [d['transport'] for d in li if
 d['service_domain'] == dom],
'service_domain': dom,
  } for dom in set(d2['service_domain'] for d2 in li)]

 merely because it takes one line.  Humorously enough, it appears to be
 twice as efficient,

Correct me if I´m wrong, that is a O(n**2) solution, to O(n) problem.


Re: web page text extractor

2007-07-12 Thread Jon Rosebaugh
On 2007-07-12 04:42:25 -0500, kublai [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 For a project, I need to develop a corpus of online news stories.  I'm
 looking for an application that, given the url of a web page, copies
 the rendered text of the web page (not the source HTNL text), opens a
 text editor (Notepad), and displays the copied text for the user to
 examine and save into a text file. Graphics and sidebars to be
 ignored. The examples I have come across are much too complex for me
 to customize for this simple job. Can anyone lead me to the right

You may find BeautifulSoup or templatemaker to be of assistance:


Lists in classes

2007-07-12 Thread Jeremy Lynch

Learning python from a c++ background. Very confused about this:

class jeremy:
def additem(self):

temp = jeremy()
print temp.list

temp2 = jeremy()
print temp2.list
The output gives:

Why does adding items to one instance produce items in a separate
instance? Doesn't each instance of jeremy have its' own list?

Many thanks for clearing up this newbie confusion.



Re: Lists in classes

2007-07-12 Thread Bart Ogryczak
On 12 jul, 17:23, Jeremy  Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Learning python from a c++ background. Very confused about this:

 class jeremy:
 def additem(self):

 temp = jeremy()
 print temp.list

 temp2 = jeremy()
 print temp2.list
 The output gives:

 Why does adding items to one instance produce items in a separate
 instance? Doesn't each instance of jeremy have its' own list?

You've defined list (very bad choice for a name), as a class variable.
To declare instance variable you should have written:
class jeremy:


Re: Lists in classes

2007-07-12 Thread kyosohma
On Jul 12, 10:23 am, Jeremy  Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Learning python from a c++ background. Very confused about this:

 class jeremy:
 def additem(self):

 temp = jeremy()
 print temp.list

 temp2 = jeremy()
 print temp2.list
 The output gives:

 Why does adding items to one instance produce items in a separate
 instance? Doesn't each instance of jeremy have its' own list?

 Many thanks for clearing up this newbie confusion.


The reason it works like that is that your variable list isn't an
instance variable per se. Instead, you should have it like this:


class jeremy:
def __init__(self):
def additem(self):


Now it works as expected. It's some kind of scope issue, but I can't
explain it adequately.



Re: Lists in classes

2007-07-12 Thread Bart Ogryczak
On 12 jul, 17:23, Jeremy  Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Learning python from a c++ background. Very confused about this:

 class jeremy:

You've defined list (very bad choice of a name, BTW), as a class
variable. To declare is as instance variable you have to prepend it
with self.


Re: Lists in classes

2007-07-12 Thread Alex Popescu
On Jul 12, 6:23 pm, Jeremy  Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Learning python from a c++ background. Very confused about this:

 class jeremy:
 def additem(self):

 temp = jeremy()
 print temp.list

 temp2 = jeremy()
 print temp2.list
 The output gives:

 Why does adding items to one instance produce items in a separate
 instance? Doesn't each instance of jeremy have its' own list?

 Many thanks for clearing up this newbie confusion.


You are defining the list in the class context and so it becomes a
class field/member.
For defining instance members you need to always prefix those with
self (this) in the
contexts it is available (f.e. in the instance method context).


.w( the_mindstorm )p.


Re: Lists in classes

2007-07-12 Thread Jennifer Thacher
Jeremy Lynch wrote:
 Learning python from a c++ background. Very confused about this:
 class jeremy:
   def additem(self):
 temp = jeremy()
 print temp.list
 temp2 = jeremy()
 print temp2.list
 The output gives:
 Why does adding items to one instance produce items in a separate
 instance? Doesn't each instance of jeremy have its' own list?
 Many thanks for clearing up this newbie confusion.

In this code, list (bad name) is a class attribute and all therefor in 
all instances, the list attribute is reference to the class attribute 
unless otherwise assigned, as in __init__.

For instance, try:

temp = jeremy()
print temp.list

temp2 = jeremy()
temp2.list = [1,2,3]
print temp.list, temp2.list, jeremy.list

And see which ones look the same (same reference) or look different.


Re: Lists in classes

2007-07-12 Thread Wildemar Wildenburger
Bart Ogryczak wrote:
 On 12 jul, 17:23, Jeremy  Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Learning python from a c++ background. Very confused about this:

 class jeremy:

 You've defined list (very bad choice of a name, BTW), as a class
 variable. To declare is as instance variable you have to prepend it
 with self.


'self' is *not* a reserved ord in python, it doesn't do anything. So 
just popping 'self' in front of something doesn't bind it to an instance.
Here is how it works:

class Jeremy(object):  # you better inherit from 'object' at all times
classlist = []  # class variable
def __init__(self):  # constructor
self.instancelist = []  # instance variable
def add_item(self, item):

'self' is the customary name for the first argument of any instance 
method, which is always implicitly passed when you call it. I think it 
translates to C++'s 'this' keyword, but I may be wrong. Simply put: The 
first argument in an instance-method definition (be it called 'self' or 
otherwise) refers to the current instance.
Note however that you don't explicitly pass the instance to the method, 
that is done automatically:

j = Jeremy()  # Jeremy.__init__ is called at this moment, btw
j.add_item(hi) # See? 'item' is the first arg you actually pass

I found this a bit confusing at first, too, but it's actually very 
clean, I think.

Re: web page text extractor

2007-07-12 Thread Alex Popescu
On Jul 12, 5:24 pm, Andre Engels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2007/7/12, Andre Engels [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I forgot to include

 import urllib2, re


  def textonly(url):
 # Get the HTML source on url and give only the main text
 f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
 text =
 r = re.compile('\[^\\]*\')
 newtext = r.sub('',text)
 while newtext != text:
text = newtext
newtext = r.sub('',text)
 return text

 Andre Engels, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

Andre I think that unfortunately your solution will not ignore inlined
scripting, inlined styling, etc.
On the otherside, I don't think there are many solutions available,
other than the Lynx approach somebody
has already suggested.

.w( the_mindstorm )p.


Re: web page text extractor

2007-07-12 Thread kublai
On Jul 12, 10:22 pm, Jon Rosebaugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2007-07-12 04:42:25 -0500, kublai [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  For a project, I need to develop a corpus of online news stories.  I'm
  looking for an application that, given the url of a web page, copies
  the rendered text of the web page (not the source HTNL text), opens a
  text editor (Notepad), and displays the copied text for the user to
  examine and save into a text file. Graphics and sidebars to be
  ignored. The examples I have come across are much too complex for me
  to customize for this simple job. Can anyone lead me to the right

 You may find BeautifulSoup or templatemaker to be of assistance:

Thanks all for your suggestions. I will try first the Lynx solution.



Re: Lists in classes

2007-07-12 Thread Jeremy Lynch
Thanks for all the replies, very impressive. Got it now.


On Jul 12, 4:23 pm, Jeremy  Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Learning python from a c++ background. Very confused about this:

 class jeremy:
 def additem(self):

 temp = jeremy()
 print temp.list

 temp2 = jeremy()
 print temp2.list
 The output gives:

 Why does adding items to one instance produce items in a separate
 instance? Doesn't each instance of jeremy have its' own list?

 Many thanks for clearing up this newbie confusion.



Re: Re-raising exceptions with modified message

2007-07-12 Thread samwyse
On Jul 12, 6:31 am, samwyse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 8, 8:50 am, Christoph Zwerschke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  With Py 2.5 I get:

   new.__class__ = old.__class__
  TypeError: __class__ must be set to a class

Hmmm, under Python 2.4.X, printing repr(old.__class__) gives me this:
  class exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError at 0x00A24F00
while under 2.5.X, I get this:
  type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'

So, let's try sub-classing the type:

def modify_message(old, f):
class Empty: pass
new = Empty()
print old.__class__ =, repr(old.__class__)
print Empty =, repr(Empty)
new.__class__ = Empty

class Excpt(old.__class__): pass
print Excpt =, repr(Excpt)
print Excpt.__class__ =, repr(Excpt.__class__)
new.__class__ = Excpt

new.__dict__ = old.__dict__.copy()
new.__str__ = f
return new

Nope, that gives us the same message:

old.__class__ = type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'
Empty = class __main__.Empty at 0x00AB0AB0
Excpt = class '__main__.Excpt'
Excpt.__class__ = type 'type'
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: __class__ must be set to a class

Excpt ceratinly appears to be a class.  Does anyone smarter than me
know what's going on here?


Re: os.wait() losing child?

2007-07-12 Thread Jason Zheng
Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
 greg wrote:
 Actually, it's not that bad.  _cleanup only polls the instances that
 are no longer referenced by user code, but still running.  If you hang
 on to Popen instances, they won't be added to _active, and __init__
 won't reap them (_active is only populated from Popen.__del__).

Perhaps that's the difference between Python 2.4 and 2.5. In 2.4, 
Popen's __init__ always appends self to _active:

def __init__(...):

 This version is a trivial modification of your code to that effect.
 Does it work for you?

Nope it still doesn't work. I'm running python 2.4.4, tho.

$ python
Starting child process 0 (26497)
Starting child process 1 (26498)
Starting child process 2 (26499)
Child Process 2 terminated, restarting
Child Process 2 terminated, restarting
Child Process 2 terminated, restarting
Child Process 2 terminated, restarting
Child Process 2 terminated, restarting
Child Process 2 terminated, restarting
Child Process 2 terminated, restarting
Child Process 2 terminated, restarting
Child Process 2 terminated, restarting
Child Process 2 terminated.
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 15, in ?
 pid, ignored = os.wait()
OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes


2007-07-12 Thread GEGEREKA!
Millions files for everyone. Music, movies, soft and other media.
Check it now!!

Re: storing pickles in sql data base

2007-07-12 Thread Chris Mellon
On 12 Jul 2007 06:00:59 GMT, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 17:14:43 -0500, Chris Mellon wrote:

  Protocol 0 (the default) is a text protocol, it's safe to store in a
  text field or write to a text file.

 It's not really a text protocol it's more a binary protocol that uses just
 the ASCII range of byte values.  You have to write and read the text
 files in binary mode or they break if taken across platform boundaries
 because of the different line endings in Linux and Windows for instance.

It's fine as long as you use universal line endings mode.

Re: Lists in classes

2007-07-12 Thread Jason Drew
Thanks for clearing up the other incorrect answers! In true Python
fashion, I would also remind everyone of the *documentation* - in
particular the Python tutorial. These are very elementary mistakes to
be making - even worse as part of attempted answers.

The Python tutorial is at

In particular see the section on classes:

Note however that the tutorial doesn't show the current best practice
of subclassing your classes from object, i.e.
class MyClass(object):


On Jul 12, 11:51 am, Wildemar Wildenburger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Bart Ogryczak wrote:
  On 12 jul, 17:23, Jeremy  Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Learning python from a c++ background. Very confused about this:

  class jeremy:

  You've defined list (very bad choice of a name, BTW), as a class
  variable. To declare is as instance variable you have to prepend it
  with self.


 'self' is *not* a reserved ord in python, it doesn't do anything. So
 just popping 'self' in front of something doesn't bind it to an instance.
 Here is how it works:

 class Jeremy(object):  # you better inherit from 'object' at all times
 classlist = []  # class variable
 def __init__(self):  # constructor
 self.instancelist = []  # instance variable
 def add_item(self, item):

 'self' is the customary name for the first argument of any instance
 method, which is always implicitly passed when you call it. I think it
 translates to C++'s 'this' keyword, but I may be wrong. Simply put: The
 first argument in an instance-method definition (be it called 'self' or
 otherwise) refers to the current instance.
 Note however that you don't explicitly pass the instance to the method,
 that is done automatically:

 j = Jeremy()  # Jeremy.__init__ is called at this moment, btw
 j.add_item(hi) # See? 'item' is the first arg you actually pass

 I found this a bit confusing at first, too, but it's actually very
 clean, I think.


Re: PEP 3107 and stronger typing (note: probably a newbie question)

2007-07-12 Thread Donn Cave
 Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Donn Cave wrote:
  Someday we will look at variables like we look at goto.
 How very functional. I believe some people naturally think in terms of 
 state transformations and some in terms of functional evaluation.  I am 
 pretty firmly in the former camp myself, so variables are a natural 
 repository for state to me.

Don't worry - there will be a state transformation monad for you!

Nature or nurture?  it would be interesting to see some identical twin
studies on novice programmers.  Since few of us were exposed first
to strictly functional programming, though, you have to wonder.  In
its day, goto was of course very well loved.


Re: PEP 3107 and stronger typing (note: probably a newbie question)

2007-07-12 Thread Donn Cave
 Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  The idea of designing languages with more and more support for
  ensuring program correctness is to put the established, repetitive
  processes into the computer where it belongs, freeing the programmer
  to be innovative while still providing high assurance of that the
  program will be right the first time.
 This seems to make the dangerous assumption that the programmer has
 the correct program in mind, and needs only to transfer it correctly
 to the computer.
 I would warrant that anyone who understands exactly how a program
 should work before writing it, and makes no design mistakes before
 coming up with a program that works, is not designing a program of any

I don't get it.  Either you think that the above mentioned support
for program correctness locks program development into a frozen
stasis at its original conception, in which case you don't seem to
have read or believed the whole paragraph and haven't been reading
much else in this thread.  Certainly up to you, but you wouldn't be
in a very good position to be drawing weird inferences as above.

Or you see original conception of the program as so inherently
suspect, that random errors introduced during implementation can
reasonably be seen as helpful, which would be an interesting but
unusual point of view.


Re: Tuple vs List: Whats the difference?

2007-07-12 Thread Shafik
Thanks to all of you, Im sure I'll pick your brains some more later
down the line.



Re: web page text extractor

2007-07-12 Thread Stefan Behnel
kublai wrote:
 For a project, I need to develop a corpus of online news stories.  I'm
 looking for an application that, given the url of a web page, copies
 the rendered text of the web page (not the source HTNL text), opens a
 text editor (Notepad), and displays the copied text for the user to
 examine and save into a text file. Graphics and sidebars to be
 ignored. The examples I have come across are much too complex for me
 to customize for this simple job. Can anyone lead me to the right


   import lxml.etree as et
   parser = et.HTMLParser()
   tree = et.parse(http://the/page.html;, parser)
   print tree.xpath(string(/html/body))

You may want to use the incredibly versatile lxml.html.clean module first to
remove any annoying content. It's not released yet but available in a branch:


Re: Problem with building extension in Python

2007-07-12 Thread cornpicker
On Jul 5, 4:33 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Thu, 05 Jul 2007 05:08:58 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I have already install Microsoft visual studio .NET 2003 and MinGw,
  when I try to build a extension:

 Is this for Python 2.4? I think you can't compile Python 2.5 with VS2003.

  python build ( or install ) , I get an error:

  LINK : fatal error LNK1141: failure during build of exports file
  error: command 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
  2003\Vc7\bin\link.exe' failed with exit status 1141.What shoud I

 Almost surely you got a previous error, making link to fail. Try to
 correct *that* error.

 Gabriel Genellina

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Version 7.1 is the correct
version to build extensions for Python 2.5. There is also a Microsoft
Visual Studio .NET 2003 Version 7.0 as well, which is not acceptable
for building extensions. The first release (version 7.0) was purchased
by many, and is relatively easy to find. The following release
(version 7.1) was a minor revision and is very hard to find, but it is
what's necessary for building Python extensions. I hope future Python
releases are built using a more standard compiler.

I'm posting in this thread because I am running into the same
problem as the original poster, linker error 1141. Here's a summary of
what I've gotten to work properly so far:

Python 2.5, Pyrex, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 .NET (version 7.1)
are successfully installed
I have successfully built Pyrex extensions using Distutils
I have successfully imported and ran Pyrex extensions in my Python

The problems occur when I try to include C libraries in my Pyrex
code. Specifically, I need some trig functions found in C's math.h
header files. My .pyx file is as follows:

#  Use C math functions

def cFunctionTester(float theta):

import sys

# Import the native C functions we need
cdef extern from math.h:
double cos(double theta)
double sin(double theta)

result[0] = cos(theta)
result[1] = sin(theta)

return 5

 I try to build the extension by running my file from the
command prompt. My file is presented below:

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext
  name = PyrexGuide,
Extension(cTest, [cTest.pyx], libraries = [])
  cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}

I run this code through the command prompt by entering
install   The following error appears:

C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\Pyrex\ install
running install
running build
running build_ext
building 'cTest' extension
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin\cl.exe /c /
nologo /Ox
 /MD /W3 /GX /DNDEBUG -IC:\Python25\include -IC:\Python25\PC /
TccTest.c /Fobuild
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin\link.exe /
DLL /nologo
\Python25\PCBuild /EXPORT:
initcTest build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\cTest.obj /OUT:build
pyd /IMPLIB:build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\cTest.lib
LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol initcTest
build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\cTest.lib : fatal error LNK1120: 1
unresolved exter
LINK : fatal error LNK1141: failure during build of exports file
error: command 'c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
.exe' failed with exit status 1141


I do not know what the problem is -- perhaps the linker cannot locate
math.h? I've tried copying the math.h file to a whole bunch of other
directories, but there's still no luck. Any help anyone can provide
would be greatly appreciated.

Joe Stoffa


Re: PEP 3107 and stronger typing (note: probably a newbie question)

2007-07-12 Thread Paul Rubin
Donn Cave [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Don't worry - there will be a state transformation monad for you!
 Nature or nurture?  it would be interesting to see some identical twin
 studies on novice programmers.  Since few of us were exposed first
 to strictly functional programming, though, you have to wonder.  In
 its day, goto was of course very well loved.

Guy Steele used to describe functional programming -- the evaluation
of lambda-calculus without side effects -- as separation of Church
and state, a highly desirable situation ;-).

(For non-FP nerds, the above is a pun referring to Alonzo Church, who
invented lambda calculus in the 1920's or so).

Re: PEP 3107 and stronger typing (note: probably a newbie question)

2007-07-12 Thread Chris Mellon
On 7/12/07, Donn Cave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   The idea of designing languages with more and more support for
   ensuring program correctness is to put the established, repetitive
   processes into the computer where it belongs, freeing the programmer
   to be innovative while still providing high assurance of that the
   program will be right the first time.
  This seems to make the dangerous assumption that the programmer has
  the correct program in mind, and needs only to transfer it correctly
  to the computer.
  I would warrant that anyone who understands exactly how a program
  should work before writing it, and makes no design mistakes before
  coming up with a program that works, is not designing a program of any

 I don't get it.  Either you think that the above mentioned support
 for program correctness locks program development into a frozen
 stasis at its original conception, in which case you don't seem to
 have read or believed the whole paragraph and haven't been reading
 much else in this thread.  Certainly up to you, but you wouldn't be
 in a very good position to be drawing weird inferences as above.

 Or you see original conception of the program as so inherently
 suspect, that random errors introduced during implementation can
 reasonably be seen as helpful, which would be an interesting but
 unusual point of view.

You can't prove a program to be correct, in the sense that it's proven
to do what it's supposed to do and only what it's supposed to do. You
can prove type-correctness, and the debate is really over the extent
that a type-correct program is also behavior-correct.

Personally, I remain unconvinced, but am open to evidence - I've only
heard anecdotes which are readily discounted by other anecdotes. I
absolutely do not believe that pure functional style programming,
where we shun variables, is the best model for computing, either now
or in the future.

Re: os.wait() losing child?

2007-07-12 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Hrvoje Niksic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I think your polling way works; it seems there no other way around this 
   problem other than polling or extending Popen class.
  I think polling is probably the right way of doing it...
  It requires the program to wake up every 0.1s to poll for freshly
  exited subprocesses.  That doesn't consume excess CPU cycles, but it
  does prevent the kernel from swapping it out when there is nothing to
  do.  Sleeping in os.wait allows the operating system to know exactly
  what the process is waiting for, and to move it out of the way until
  those conditions are met.  (Pedants would also notice that polling
  introduces on average 0.1/2 seconds delay between the subprocess dying
  and the parent reaping it.)


You could get rid of this by sleeping until a SIGCHLD arrived maybe.

  In general, a program that waits for something should do so in a
  single call to the OS.  OP's usage of os.wait was exactly correct.

Disagree for the reason below.

  Internally subprocess uses os.waitpid(pid) just waiting for its own
  specific pids.  IMHO this is the right way of doing it other than
  os.wait() which waits for any pids.  os.wait() can reap children
  that you weren't expecting (say some library uses os.system())...
  system calls waitpid immediately after the fork.

os.system probably wasn't the best example, but you take my point I

  This can still be a problem for applications that call wait in a
  dedicated thread, but the program can always ignore the processes
  it doesn't know anything about.

Ignoring them isn't good enough because it means that the bit of code
which was waiting for that process to die with os.getpid() will never
get called, causing a deadlock in that bit of code.

What is really required is a select() like interface to wait which
takes more than one pid.  I don't think there is such a thing though,
so polling is your next best option.

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: Problem with Python's robots.txt file parser in module robotparser

2007-07-12 Thread Nikita the Spider
 John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nikita the Spider wrote:
  Hi John,
  Are you sure you're not confusing your sites? The robots.txt file at contains the double slashed path. The robots.txt file at  is different and contains this which would explain why you 
  think all URLs are denied:
  User-agent: *
  Disallow: /
 Ah, that's it.  The problem is that redirects to;, but but does not
 redirect.  For comparison, try,
 which does redirect.

Strange thing for them to do, isn't it? Especially with two such 
different robots.txt files.

Whole-site HTML validation, link checking and more

Re: asyncore and OOB data

2007-07-12 Thread Douglas Wells
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Douglas Wells wrote:
  Third, the TCP protocol, which you have selected via the SOCK_STREAM
  option doesn't support OOB at all, so there's no way that you can
  even send OOB data in the manner that you are expecting.
 Wrong. The URGENT pointer indicates that the data begins with 
 out-of-band data. You are correct, however, in stating that the FTP 
 protocol doesn't support or implement out-of-band data transmissions.

Well, first I have to admit that I just looked at the wiki article
on out-of-band ( and
it also makes a statement that TCP urgent data is OOB.  But I
disagree with that interpretation.  So, let me acknowledge that
there are dissenting opinions, and explain my assertion in terms
of the OP's problem of wanting a separate data stream (or at least
that was my interpretation).

First, I fully acknowledge that the concept of TCP's URGENT pointer
itself is out-of-band, but I don't know of any way to associate
data, in the form of an identifiable set of octets, with that
concept.  As supporting evidence I offer the following:

  - There is no way for the sender and the receiver to agree on
the *start* of an urgent data set.  The end point is clearly
identified by the urgent pointer, but the start is time dependent
and is not identified in the TCP communication stream. Thus, the
sender could not express the concept of sending a particular
data value, e.g. This string, to the receiver reliably.

  - If receivers are highly responsive (meaning that the receiver
is always able to process incoming data without having to
discard any of it), there will be no difference in the behavior
of two receivers, one of which properly implements the concept
of the urgent pointer, and the other of which totally ignores
the concept of urgency.

  - There appears to be no way to actually read any OOB data from
a Berkeley socket API. (As I noted my system, at least, returns
an error in this case.)

  Let's switch to the positive, however.  What TCP does have is the
  concept of urgent data.  Urgent data is data that the sender
  believes is so important that the receiver should discard intermediate
  data, if necessary, in order to process the urgent data -- but the
  urgent data is sent *in-band*.
 No, technically the urgent data is out-of-band, isn't it? There is no 
 requirement to ditch the other data in the packet, so urgent data can be 
 interspersed without loss of regular in-band data if required.

This is the same point that I argued above.  I now acknowledge that
some people think of the TCP urgent concept as OOB.  I don't; but
this is a matter of definition and almost certainly not an issue
for coherent argument.

  In the case of FTP, the concept of urgent data is used to allow
  the user side to interrupt the data transfer, which it does by
  sending an ABOR command.  The underlying problem is that the server
  might be blocked on a receive on the data connection and not
  listening for commands on the control connection.  So the user
  side is required to perform some special action that includes
  sending urgent data, which the server can then process specially.
  This problem arises primarily in systems without either threading
  or asynchronous I/O APIs.  Your use of asyncore should alleviate
  this problem.

  The thing that may be confusing you is that for whatever reason
  the designers of the Berkeley socket API (which is what you are
  using when running under POSIX/Linux/MS Windows), chose to use the
  OOB flags (e.g., MSG_OOB) to indicate the *transmission* of OOB
  data -- but it's not really OOB data.  In fact, when I attempt to
  receive using the MSG_OOB flag using the OS interfaces on my system,
  I get back an error (EINVAL - Invalid argument).  I would expect
  that asyncore would report this error somehow or other.
 You can, of course, expect what you like, but experience is the best 
 guide to what will actually happen.

Agreed, but having acknowledged that I had never used asyncore,
I was trying to express the hope that the designers would not
purposely discard a error condition without notifying the user,
particularly for a reliable transfer method such as TCP.


 - dmw

.   Douglas Wells .  Connection Technologies  .
.   Internet:  -sp9804- -at - .

Re: asyncore and OOB data

2007-07-12 Thread Douglas Wells
 billiejoex [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Douglas Wells wrote:
  Second, when I look at the FTP specification, I don't find the
  concept of OOB anywhere.  So, it's not clear what OOB data would
  mean in terms of the defined FTP commands in any case.
 Steve Holde wrote:
  You are correct, however, in stating that the FTP
  protocol doesn't support or implement out-of-band
  data transmissions.
 Wait a sec. RFC959 [1], on chapter 4.1.3 says:
 [ ... ]
 I believe that the TCP urgent flag, activated by using
 socket.MSG_OOB, should be set when client must send the Sync signal
 (RFC854 [2] talks about it). I think that you do not find references
 of OOB in RFC959 (FTP) just because it is specified into RFC854

The point that I was trying to make, which Steve made more clearly
that I did in the referenced paragraph, is that FTP doesn't support
OOB data transmission, not that RFP doesn't require the use of OOB
information (in the form of the Telnet Synch signal).

Note that FTP limits the commands that may be issues while a data
transfer in progress.  The RFC isn't totally explicit, but the
general notion is that issuing a data transfer command (such as
STOR or RETR) is not allowed while another data transfer is in

 - dmw

.   Douglas Wells .  Connection Technologies  .
.   Internet:  -sp9804- -at - .

Re: lists and dictionaries

2007-07-12 Thread Ladislav Andel
Thank you to all of you guys.
It's exactly I was looking for.
 You provide scant information for this task.  For example, is the
 new list ordered or unordered?  Can the list corresponding to the
 'transports' key contain duplicates?
unordered is fine.. I will be storing it in DB from that list.
It should not happen to get 'transports' duplicates in my application.
It's for testing domains where are running SIP servers.


Bart Ogryczak wrote:
 On 12 jul, 04:49, anethema [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 li =  [ {'index': 0, 'transport': 'udp', 'service_domain':
 {'index': 1, 'transport': 'udp', 'service_domain':
 {'index': 0, 'transport': 'tcp', 'service_domain':
 {'index': 1, 'transport': 'tcp', 'service_domain':
 I like this solution:

 [{ 'transports': [d['transport'] for d in li if
 d['service_domain'] == dom],
'service_domain': dom,
  } for dom in set(d2['service_domain'] for d2 in li)]

 merely because it takes one line.  Humorously enough, it appears to be
 twice as efficient,

 Correct me if I´m wrong, that is a O(n**2) solution, to O(n) problem.



Re: Lists in classes

2007-07-12 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Alex Popescu a écrit :
 You are defining the list in the class context and so it becomes a
 class field/member.

'attribute' is the pythonic term.

Re: lists and dictionaries

2007-07-12 Thread Ladislav Andel
Thank you to all of you guys.
It's exactly I was looking for.


Bart Ogryczak wrote:
 On 12 jul, 04:49, anethema [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 li =  [ {'index': 0, 'transport': 'udp', 'service_domain':
 {'index': 1, 'transport': 'udp', 'service_domain':
 {'index': 0, 'transport': 'tcp', 'service_domain':
 {'index': 1, 'transport': 'tcp', 'service_domain':
 I like this solution:

 [{ 'transports': [d['transport'] for d in li if
 d['service_domain'] == dom],
'service_domain': dom,
  } for dom in set(d2['service_domain'] for d2 in li)]

 merely because it takes one line.  Humorously enough, it appears to be
 twice as efficient,

 Correct me if I´m wrong, that is a O(n**2) solution, to O(n) problem.



Re: PEP 3107 and stronger typing (note: probably a newbie question)

2007-07-12 Thread Paul Rubin
Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 You can't prove a program to be correct, in the sense that it's proven
 to do what it's supposed to do and only what it's supposed to do. You
 can prove type-correctness, and the debate is really over the extent
 that a type-correct program is also behavior-correct.

But every mathematical theorem corresponds to a type, so if you can
formalize an argument that your code has a certain behavior, then a
type checker can statically verify it.  There are starting to be
programming languages with embedded proof assistants, like Concoqtion
(google for it).

Of course you can only prove formal properties of programs, which says
nothing about whether the application is doing the right thing for
what the user needs.  However, you're still way ahead of the game if
you have a machine-checked mathematical proof that (say) your
multi-threaded program never deadlocks or clobbers data through race
conditions, instead of merely a bunch of test runs in which you didn't
observe deadlock or clobbered data.  Similarly for things like
floating-point arithmetic, Intel and AMD now use formal verification
on their designs, apparently unlike in the days of the notorious
original Pentium FDIV implementation, which passed billions of test
vectors and then shipped with an error.  Larger applications like the
Javacard bytecode interpreter have been certified for various
properties and pretty soon we may start seeing certified compilers and
OS kernels.  Things have come a long way since the 1970's.

 Personally, I remain unconvinced, but am open to evidence - I've only
 heard anecdotes which are readily discounted by other anecdotes. I
 absolutely do not believe that pure functional style programming,
 where we shun variables, is the best model for computing, either now
 or in the future.

I wonder if you looked at the Tim Sweeney presentation that I linked
to a few times upthread.

Class decorators do not inherit properly

2007-07-12 Thread Chris Fonnesbeck
I have a class that does MCMC sampling (Python 2.5) that uses decorators 
-- one in particular called _add_to_post that appends the output of the 
decorated method to a class attribute. However, when I 
subclass this base class, the decorator no longer works:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/chris/Projects/CMR/, line 132, in module
class M0(MetropolisHastings):
  File /Users/chris/Projects/CMR/, line 173, in M0
NameError: name '_add_to_post' is not defined

yet, when I look at the dict of the subclass (here called M0), I see the 
decorator method:

In [5]: dir(M0)

I dont see what the problem is here -- perhaps someone could shed 
some light. I thought it might be the underscore preceding the name, 
but I tried getting rid of it and that did not help.



Re: profiling a C++ python extension

2007-07-12 Thread Matthew Woodcraft
rasmus  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have used gprof to profile stand alone C++ programs.  I am also
 aware of pure python profilers.  However, is there a way to get
 profile information on my C++ functions when they are compiled in a
 shared library (python extension module) and called from python. 

 Any suggestions or tips would be helpful.

You didn't say what platform you're using. If you're using linux and
have root access, oprofile should be able to do what you need.



Re: os.wait() losing child?

2007-07-12 Thread Matthew Woodcraft
Jason Zheng  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
 Actually, it's not that bad.  _cleanup only polls the instances that
 are no longer referenced by user code, but still running.  If you hang
 on to Popen instances, they won't be added to _active, and __init__
 won't reap them (_active is only populated from Popen.__del__).

 Perhaps that's the difference between Python 2.4 and 2.5. In 2.4, 
 Popen's __init__ always appends self to _active:

Yes, that changed between 2.4 and 2.5.

Note that if you take a copy of 2.5's, it ought to work
fine with 2.4.



Re: web page text extractor

2007-07-12 Thread kublai
On Jul 13, 2:19 am, Stefan Behnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 kublai wrote:
  For a project, I need to develop a corpus of online news stories.  I'm
  looking for an application that, given the url of a web page, copies
  the rendered text of the web page (not the source HTNL text), opens a
  text editor (Notepad), and displays the copied text for the user to
  examine and save into a text file. Graphics and sidebars to be
  ignored. The examples I have come across are much too complex for me
  to customize for this simple job. Can anyone lead me to the right


import lxml.etree as et
parser = et.HTMLParser()
tree = et.parse(http://the/page.html;, parser)
print tree.xpath(string(/html/body))

 You may want to use the incredibly versatile lxml.html.clean module first to
 remove any annoying content. It's not released yet but available in a branch:


Hi, Stefan,
This looks very interesting. I will look into this first thing
tonight. Gotta hit some golf bugs, I mean, balls first. It's a
beautiful afternoon here in Edmonton.


inspite of proper package structure, no module named xyz error.

2007-07-12 Thread krishnakant Mane
hello all,
can some one suggest me the best solution for a package?
I have a package folder called idm and there are the following files in there. which is right now empty. which has a single class called MainWindow which is an
MDI Parent frame from wxpython. which is a child frame which gets called from the main menu., another child frame.
now when I try to run file with the import
idmstatement, I get the following error.
no module named idm.
what could be the problem?
I have imported all the necessary modules in mainwindow.
kindly help.

Re: bash-style pipes in python?

2007-07-12 Thread Dan Stromberg - Datallegro
On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 20:55:48 -0700, faulkner wrote:

 On Jul 11, 8:56 pm, Dan Stromberg - Datallegro
 I'm constantly flipping back and forth between bash and python.

 Sometimes, I'll start a program in one, and end up recoding in the
 other, or including a bunch of python inside my bash scripts, or snippets
 of bash in my python.

 But what if python had more of the power of bash-style pipes?  I might not
 need to flip back and forth so much.  I could code almost entirely in python.

 The kind of thing I do over and over in bash looks like:

 #!/usr/bin/env bash

 # exit on errors, like python. Exit on undefind variables, like 
 set -eu

 # give the true/false value of the last false command in a pipeline
 # not the true/false value of the lat command in the pipeline - like
 # nothing I've seen
 set -o pipefail

 # save output in output, but only echo it to the screen if the 
 command fails
 if ! output=$(foo | bar 21)
 echo $0: foo | bar failed 12
 echo $output 12
 exit 1

 Sometimes I use $PIPESTATUS too, but not that much.

 I'm aware that python has a variety of pipe handling support in its
 standard library.

 But is there a similarly-simple way already, in python, of hooking the 
 stdout of
 process foo to the stdin of process bar, saving the stdout and errors from 
 in a variable, and still having convenient access to process exit values?

 Would it be possible to overload | (pipe) in python to have the same 
 behavior as in

 I could deal with slightly more cumbersome syntax, like:

 (stdout, stderrs, exit_status) = proc('foo') | proc('bar')

 ...if the basic semantics were there.

 How about it?  Has someone already done this?
 class P(subprocess.Popen):
 def __or__(self, otherp):
 return otherp
 def __init__(self, cmd, *a, **kw):
 for s in ['out', 'in', 'err']: kw.setdefault('std' + s, -1)
 subprocess.Popen.__init__(self, cmd.split(), *a, **kw)
 print (P('cat /etc/fstab') | P('grep x'))
 of course, you don't need to overload __init__ at all, and you can
 return instead of otherp, and you can make
 __gt__, __lt__ read and write files. unfortunately, you can't really
 fudge , , |, or any of the more useful pipes, but you can make
 more extensive use of __or__:
 class Pipe:
 def __or__(self, other):
 if isinstance(other, Pipe): return ...
 elif isinstance(other, P): return ...
 def __init__(self, pipe_type): ...
 k = Pipe(foo)
 m = Pipe(bar)
 P() |k| P()
 P() |m| P()

This is quite cool.

I have to ask though - isn't this going to read everything from foo until
foo closes its stdout, and then write that result to bar - rather than
doing it a block at a time like a true pipe?

I continued thinking about this last night after I sent my post, and
started wondering if it might be possible to come up with something where
you could freely intermix bash pipes and python generators, by faking the
pipes using generators and some form of concurrent function composition -
perhaps threads or subprocesses for the concurrency.  Of course, that
imposes some extra I/O, CPU and context switch overhead, since you'd have
python shuttling data from foo to bar all the time instead of foo sending
data directly to bar, but the ability to mix python and pipes might be
worth it.

Even better might be to have a choice between intermixable and fast.

Comments anyone?


DBXML and the Xerces DOM

2007-07-12 Thread nikki
I downloaded Berkeley DB XML and put together a test script to load a
large 250mb XML file into the database.  Storage and retrieval works
great, but I need DOM access to the file without loading it all into a
string and re-parsing it.  In the c++ api (they used swig to expose c+
+ to python) it says there is a XmlDocument::getContentAsDOM() method,
but when I try to access it via python I just get an attribute error.
I looked in the source and the method isn't mapped at all!  Has anyone
had this work, ever?

from dbxml import *

mgr = XmlManager()
container = mgr.openContainer(test.dbxml)
document = container.getDocument('test1')
dom = document.getContentAsDOM()

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 10, in ?
dom = document.getContentAsDOM()
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/, line 277, in
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, XmlDocument,
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/, line 28, in
raise AttributeError,name
AttributeError: getContentAsDOM


Best way to add values from keys

2007-07-12 Thread robinsiebler
I have a data structure that looks like this:

dates = {}; last_song = [] #; year = {}; week = {}; date = {};
artist = []; song = {}
#dates = {'2007': {'25': {'06/23/07': {'aerosmith': [{'sweet
emotion': 1}, {'dream on': 2}],
#  'Metallica': [{'Fade to
Black': 1}, {'Master of Puppets': 1}]},
# 'last_song': [Master of Puppets', 'Fade to Black',
'sweet emotion']}}}

What is the most effecient way to go through a week and determine how
many times each song was played?


Re: bool behavior in Python 3000?

2007-07-12 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Alan Isaac wrote:
 Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:

 Is there any type named bool in standard Python?
 type 'bool'

Thanks anyway, but I remembered it shortly after sending. Thus the
cancel (seems to have failed a bit).



BOFH excuse #384:

it's an ID-10-T error


wx.App console window [Windows]

2007-07-12 Thread siwiak
Hi All,

I'm looking for a way to  hide console window created by wx.App class.

examplary code below:

import wx

class Gui(wx.App):
def __init__(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
wx.App.__init__(self, *pargs, **kwargs)

if __name__ == __main__:
app = Gui()

produces a blank console window (than dies).

What shall I do to make wx.App run without raising console window?

thanks in advance


Re: bool behavior in Python 3000?

2007-07-12 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 It seems to me that you deliberately misunderstood him. 

I know for sure I didn't.

 Why else would you type-cast the integers 2 and 1 to bools to
 supposedly demonstrate that there's nothing wrong with operations
 between bools returning ints?

Kindly excuse me bothering You.


BOFH excuse #419:

Repeated reboots of the system failed to solve problem


Re: os.wait() losing child?

2007-07-12 Thread Jason Zheng
Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
 You could get rid of this by sleeping until a SIGCHLD arrived maybe.

Yah, I could also just dump Popen class and use fork(). But then what's 
the point of having an abstraction layer any more?

  This can still be a problem for applications that call wait in a
  dedicated thread, but the program can always ignore the processes
  it doesn't know anything about.
 Ignoring them isn't good enough because it means that the bit of code
 which was waiting for that process to die with os.getpid() will never
 get called, causing a deadlock in that bit of code.

Are you talking about something like os.waitpid(os.getpid())? If the 
process has completed and de-zombified by another os.wait() call, I 
thought it would just throw an exception; it won't cause a deadlock by 
hanging the process.


Re: os.wait() losing child?

2007-07-12 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  This can still be a problem for applications that call wait in a
  dedicated thread, but the program can always ignore the processes
  it doesn't know anything about.

 Ignoring them isn't good enough because it means that the bit of
 code which was waiting for that process to die with os.getpid() will
 never get called, causing a deadlock in that bit of code.

It won't deadlock, it will get an ECHILD or equivalent error because
it's waiting for a PID that doesn't correspond to a running child
process.  I agree that this can be a problem if and when you use
libraries that can call system.  (In that case sleeping for SIGCHLD is
probably a good solution.)

 What is really required is a select() like interface to wait which
 takes more than one pid.  I don't think there is such a thing
 though, so polling is your next best option.

Except for the problems outlined in my previous message.  And the fact
that polling becomes very expensive (O(n) per check) once the number
of processes becomes large.  Unless one knows that a library can and
does call system, wait is the preferred solution.

How to create new files?

2007-07-12 Thread Robert Dailey

I'm trying to create a Python equivalent of the C++ ifstream class,
with slight behavior changes.

Basically, I want to have a filestream object that will allow you to
overload the '' and '' operators to stream out and stream in data,
respectively. So far this is what I have:

class filestream:
def __init__( self, filename ):
self.m_file = open( filename, rwb )

#   def __del__( self ):
#   self.m_file.close()

def __lshift__( self, data ):
self.m_file.write( data )

def __rshift__( self, data ): data )

So far, I've found that unlike with the C++ version of fopen(), the
Python 'open()' call does not create the file for you when opened
using the mode 'w'. I get an exception saying that the file doesn't
exist. I expected it would create the file for me. Is there a way to
make open() create the file if it doesn't exist, or perhaps there's
another function I can use to create the file? I read the python docs,
I wasn't able to find a solution.

Also, you might notice that my function is wrong,
according to the python docs at least. read() takes the number of
bytes to read, however I was not able to find a C++ equivalent of
sizeof() in Python. If I wanted to read in a 1 byte, 2 byte, or 4
byte value from data into python I have no idea how I would do this.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


New guy help with setup

2007-07-12 Thread meg99
I just downloaded 2.5 and read the readme file.  It says Before you
can build Python, you must first confiigure itStart by running the
script ./configure.

I can't find ./configure

I am running Windows XP SP2

Python.exe gives me a black window
Pythonw.exe does nothing (I assume this is a windows interface)




Re: bool behavior in Python 3000?

2007-07-12 Thread Alexander Schmolck
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Expressions like (i == j) used to return 0 and 1, and it was to avoid
 breaking hacks like the above that bools were implemented as a subclass of
 int, not because being able to write the above was a specific feature
 requested. In the hypothetical bright new world of Python with bools that
 are actually bools, the above are good cases for explicit being better than

 int(x  b) * f(x)
 -1 ** int(i == j)

 It makes more sense to explicitly cast bools to ints when you want to
 do integer arithmetic on them, rather than explicitly casting bools to
 bools to do boolean arithmetic! I feel strongly enough about this that I
 believe that being able to write (x  b) * f(x) is a DISADVANTAGE -- it
 gives me a real WTF moment to look at the code.

Just because it looks funny to you doesn't mean it is a hack. It turns out
that many mathemtical formulas can be written more clearly using this notation
(see e.g. at knuth et al's concrete mathematics), and in mathematics limited
and often ambiguous ad hoc notation that is neatly subsumed by this scheme is
widely established.

And I don't think adding int is an improvement: ``(x  b) * f(x)`` is plenty
clear (not easily misread as something else and, I believe, not even
particularly difficult to figure out even for mediocre python programmers) but
adding padding just obscures formula structure. Of course it doesn't in the
above examples with less than half a dozen terms, but IMO for something longer
the int-litter, even it may be soothing the psyches of the anally retentive,
is counterproductive.


Re: New guy help with setup

2007-07-12 Thread Paul McNett
meg99 wrote:
 I just downloaded 2.5 and read the readme file.  It says Before you
 can build Python, you must first confiigure itStart by running the
 script ./configure.
 I can't find ./configure
 I am running Windows XP SP2

You downloaded the wrong file. You want the Windows Installer:


pkm ~

Re: New guy help with setup

2007-07-12 Thread meg99
On Jul 12, 4:24 pm, Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 meg99 wrote:
  I just downloaded 2.5 and read the readme file.  It says Before you
  can build Python, you must first confiigure itStart by running the
  script ./configure.

  I can't find ./configure

  I am running Windows XP SP2

 You downloaded the wrong file. You want the Windows 


 pkm ~

My applogies - I did download and install 2.5.1



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