The Texas Python Unconference is Almost Here!

2007-09-03 Thread Jeff Rush
The first regional Python unconference is coming to Houston on September 15-16
(Sat-Sun).  Being held at the Texas Learning  Computing Center on the
University of Houston main campus, this is a FREE event for Pythoneers from
all over the Texas region.

And being an unconference, participation by those who attend is welcome and
greatly sought.  The topics to be presented are purely up to the attendees.

Details about the facility and a sign-up registration list is available on the
wiki.  Please add your name if you think you might attend, so that we can have
some estimate of who is coming.

Also add to the wiki topics on which you are coming prepared to present, or
that you would like to see.  Often people can present on many topics but don't
know what others are interested in.

And a big thanks go out to Robin Friedrich and those in Houston for hosting
us.  Let's roll up our sleeves and help them out!  Involvement is key to
making an unconference successful.

For those not familiar with unconferences, check out this description:

See you all there...

Jeff Rush
Python Advocacy Coordinator

P.S. Please repost this to other Texas Python organizations.

Support the Python Software Foundation: Announces Winner of Most-Video-Plays of the Month

2007-09-03 Thread Jeff Rush, a website offering over 361 instructional screencasts about
topics both Python and non-Python, has announced their first winner of the
month for the most-played video.  And the winner is:

 Learn Django: Create a Wiki in 20 minutes

by Siddharta Govindaraj, founder of Silver Stripe Software, with 1851 views in
August, far outpacing the second-place entry.  The prize is a £20 (UK) voucher
to Amazon.  Congratulations, Siddhi!  You can watch it at:

Siddhi is also helping Doug Napoleone with PyCon this year, providing a
program for generating attendee badges and working to integrate it into the
Django-based conference site.

You can find Siddhi at:

So who will win this month?  It could be you!  How about a screencast
showcasing a different web framework like TurboGears or Twisted Web?  Or
something about databases, either relational or object.

Jeff Rush
Python Advocacy Coordinator


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Announcing a Bugfix update of YaMA, the meeting assistant

2007-09-03 Thread Atul

Yet Another Meeting Assistant (YaMA), will help you with the Agenda
and Minutes of a Meeting. If you are the assigned minute taker at any
meeting, this tool is for you.


YaMA is written in Python and Tkinter, is open source software
released under GPL, and is hosted by SourceForge (

Whats New:

1. Usability enhancements
2. Minor Bug Fixes

Thanks and Regards,


Support the Python Software Foundation: Announces Winner of Most-Video-Plays of the Month

2007-09-03 Thread O.R.Senthil Kumaran, a website offering over 361 instructional screencasts about
 topics both Python and non-Python, has announced their first winner of the
 month for the most-played video.  And the winner is:
  Learn Django: Create a Wiki in 20 minutes
 by Siddharta Govindaraj, founder of Silver Stripe Software, with 1851 views in
 August, far outpacing the second-place entry.  The prize is a £20 (UK) voucher
 to Amazon.  Congratulations, Siddhi!  You can watch it at:
 Siddhi is also helping Doug Napoleone with PyCon this year, providing a
 program for generating attendee badges and working to integrate it into the
 Django-based conference site.
 You can find Siddhi at:
 So who will win this month?  It could be you!  How about a screencast
 showcasing a different web framework like TurboGears or Twisted Web?  Or
 something about databases, either relational or object.
 Jeff Rush
 Python Advocacy Coordinator

O.R.Senthil Kumaran

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Sep 3)

2007-09-03 Thread Gabriel Genellina
QOTW:  If there were a protein that could only be folded by proving the
Riemann Hypothesis, the gene that coded for it would quickly get weeded
out of the gene pool. - Scott Aaaronson

We read Knuth so you don't have to. - Tim Peters

The first Python 3000 release is out -- Python 3.0a1.
Anouncement by Guido van Rossum:
Download it:

The first Python Unconference is under two weeks away:

Using set operations instead of list.index(), why there is
no list.find(), and the right way to pronounce troll.

Analyzing a very slow Python code (loops, xrange and
integer arithmetic only)

Free memory, garbage collection, and the reuse of integer objects.

An old PEP on Programming by Contract revisited

Started about client/server applications, then people
comment about their favorite architectures.

Using fcntl to syncronize file access by two processes

The difference between os.getenv/os.putenv and os.environ[]

Python sort-of joins the 21st century of Web 2.0, and video, and
... well, the technical point is that Django's a solution liked
by many:

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url
Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
World-Wide Web articles related to Python.
While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
their results.

Just beginning with Python?  This page is a great place to start:

The Python Papers aims to publish the efforts of Python enthusiats:
The Python Magazine is a technical monthly devoted to Python:

Readers have recommended the Planet sites:

comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.

Python411 indexes podcasts ... to help people learn Python ...
Updates appear more-than-weekly:

Steve Bethard continues the marvelous tradition early borne by
Andrew Kuchling, Michael Hudson, Brett Cannon, Tony Meyer, and Tim
Lesher of intelligently summarizing action on the python-dev mailing
list once every other week.

The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.

Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists

Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.

Colorado Python training in October

2007-09-03 Thread lutz
Python author and trainer Mark Lutz will be teaching another
3-day Python class at a conference center in Longmont, Colorado,
on October 23-25, 2007.

This is a public training session open to individual enrollments, 
and covers the same topics as the 3-day onsite sessions that Mark
teaches, with hands-on lab work.

For more information on this class, please visit this web page:

Thanks for your interest.
--Python Training Services


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Why is this loop heavy code so slow in Python? Possible Project Euler spoilers

2007-09-03 Thread Paul Rubin
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: A big
 question mark in my mind is Lisp, which according to aficionados is
 just as dynamic as Python, but has native compilers that generate
 code running as fast as highly optimized C. I'm not qualified to
 judge whether the lessons learnt from Lisp can be applied to Python,
 but in any case Lisp is an old, old language -- only Fortran is
 older. The amount of development effort and money put into Lisp
 dwarfs that put into Python by possibly a hundred or more.

Writing a simple Lisp compiler is not all that difficult.  There's a
chapter in SICP about how to do it, so it's sometimes part of
introductory courses.  To get C-like performance you end up having to
rely on user-supplied type declarations and/or type inference, but
even without that you can still do ok.  I'd say Lisp is a less dynamic
language than Python.  Lisp doesn't have duck typing and doesn't
represent class instance variables as dictionary elements that have to
be looked up at runtime all the time.  This maybe even applies to
locals, e.g. in Python if you say

   x = 3
   print hello
   y = x + 4

you're possibly not guaranteed that y=7, because you might have bound
sys.stdout to something with a .write method that reaches up the call
stack and messes with the caller's local variables, and if the langref
manual says this is supposed to work, then the compiler has to do it
like CPython.  Maybe Python 4.0 will fix some of this stuff.

Re: Will Python 3.0 remove the global interpreter lock (GIL)

2007-09-03 Thread Evan Klitzke
On Sun, 2007-09-02 at 17:21 -0700, llothar wrote:
 I'm afraid that the GIL is killing the usefullness of python for some
 types of applications now where 4,8 oder 64 threads on a chip are here
 or comming soon.
 What is the status about that for the future of python?

The GIL is an implementation specific issue with CPython. It will not be
removed in CPython for the forseeable future, but you can already get a
GIL-free interpreter with Jython and IronPython. AFAIK there are plans
to remove the GIL in PyPy.

According to the last PyPy release announcement, they're running at
about half the speed of CPython, and have a preliminary JIT that can
translate certain integer operations into assembly, and will be expanded
upon in future releases. If you're looking for a progressive alternative
to CPython, I'd keep an eye on that project ;-)



Re: advice about `correct' use of decorator

2007-09-03 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 29 Aug 2007 07:32:21 -0300, BJörn Lindqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 On 8/24/07, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:20:21 -0300, BJörn Lindqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  def check_user_logged_in(func):
  def f(*args, **kwargs):
  if global_state.the_user.is_logged_in:
  return func(*args, **kwargs)
  return show_login_page()
  return f

 I think there is a semantic problem, perhaps we are not talking
 about the same thing. I'm considering the software complexity AS
 PERCEIVED BY THE PROGRAMMER, looking at the interactions between a
 program and a programmer who is working on some task; some people
 would say cognitive complexity to make it clear.

 There is no semantic problem. You are just mistaken in your belief
 that the complexity that the user of the decorator has to deal with is
 different from the complexity in implementing the decorator.

But they ARE different. That's the whole point of abstractions, code  
reuse, layered design... Designing a simple interfase on top of a complex  
system is very common. Nobody writes X-Window code, as nobody writes a raw  
event loop for Windows anymore: there are very good GUI toolkits, even  
portable frameworks, that put an abstract layer on top of that so the  
programmer has a much simple and coherent view. The complexity is behind  
the scenes.

 Which API is more complex: one in which you can play a movie with
 just a single call like PlayMovie(Title), or one on which you must
 call a zillion functions to firtly initialize the stream format,
 configure the display, disable undesired user interfase elements,
 locate the movie file, load it in chunks, etc.? The first one is
 certainly much simpler to use (simpler = less complex), and maybe
 internally it calls the same functions as the second one, but nobody

 nobody cares is your guess. I'd bet that the caller of the PlayMovie
 function cares a lot: Is the movie played full screened? Which
 encodings are supported? Can you set the title of the movie window? Is
 streaming supported? Does it even work on windows? Which URI schemes
 does it support?  And so on and so on.

 That is why no video decoding API:s have a PlayMovie(Title) function
 and why I haven't seen a single 3d engine with a
 MakeReallyCoolDoomCloneFPSGame() function.

(yet!). What about urlopen? Using a single call one can be authenticated  
and retrieve any file in the other side of the planet. I consider it a  
simple interfase, altough it does complex things. Would you say it is  
better to use plain sockets everywhere? Or, since sockets are abstractions  
themselves, would you say it is better to use lower level primitives  
instead? Each time you descend a level, you have to use many simpler  
functions - but their combination is more complex.

 hiding details only works if the client programmer really doesn't
 care about the details.

Why should he care? Isn't hiding implementation details a good design  
When I use urlopen, I don't even care of the underlying socket  
implementation. I don't care which interfase the request is sent thru. I  
don't care if the answer got fragmented and some packets had to be  
reassembled. urlopen gives me something that looks like a file, and I just  
read() from it.

 Back to your example, the fact that a decorator builds a higher order
 function, does NOT make it more complex - because the programmer does  
 see that. In fact, hiding the details makes it simpler.

 Yes, the programmer does see that. The example decorator I posted
 requires about a zillion preconditions to work correctly and will fail
 in weird ways when those preconditions are not satisfied. The
 programmer is interested in the crazy failures he or she will
 experience. I dare you to try and implementing the code both as a
 decorator and as a function, then write the unit tests and
 documentation. The complexity of those three items together
 (implementation + tests + documentation) will be much higher for the
 decorator choice because the complexity of the decorator
 implementation is a bit higher than using a plain old function.

Testing the decorator is as hard as testing any other function. Testing  
the decorated functions might involve *only* checking if the decorator is  
actually used for those functions.
Going to your posted example, I don't see the difference - I should say, I  
don't see the advantage. Using a decorator hides some implementation  
details and reduces coupling between modules, both good things on my  
book; your function with no decorator does quite the opposite, and doesn't  
look like good coding style (on my book, of course).

 Note also that it is extremely rare to see well-documented or
 well-tested code, which means that the programmer WILL have to analyze
 the implementation which means that implementation complexity matters
 a lot.

In any case, that would require testing and analyzing 

Re: How does super() work?

2007-09-03 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 31 Aug 2007 17:58:24 -0300, Lamonte Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 I've searched Google, and other search engines to try to find out how
 super() works.  Can someone explain in short detail how super() works?  I
 may and may not need to know this information, but it is good to know.


Gabriel Genellina


Re: Will Python 3.0 remove the global interpreter lock (GIL)

2007-09-03 Thread Michele Simionato
On Sep 3, 2:21 am, llothar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm afraid that the GIL is killing the usefullness of python for some
 types of applications now where 4,8 oder 64 threads on a chip are here
 or comming soon.

 What is the status about that for the future of python?

This is FAQ. You will find thousands of discussion on the net about
My personal opinion (and I am not the only one in the Python
community) is that
if you want to scale the way to go is to use processes, not threads,
so removing the GIL would be a waste of effort anyway.
Look at the 'processing' module in PyPI.

 Michele Simionato


Re: PYTHONPATH not working on Windows XP (?)

2007-09-03 Thread olivier

 Any suggestions for adding my path to sys.path permanently?

You can write a file in Lib/site-packages with a 'pth' extension (the
name itself doesn't matter) containing the path you want to add.


And be careful with path separator on win32. It should be / or \\,
never \.




Re: How does super() work?

2007-09-03 Thread Michele Simionato
 En Fri, 31 Aug 2007 17:58:24 -0300, Lamonte Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I've searched Google, and other search engines to try to find out how
  super() works.  Can someone explain in short detail how super() works?  I
  may and may not need to know this information, but it is good to know.

You may also look at my ACCU lectures on advanced Python:


Re: Ayuda

2007-09-03 Thread Gonzalo HIGUERA DÍAZ
2007-08-30, Dr. José Contreras [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Gente Inteligente y Distinguida, soy un aficionado y apelo a Ustedes, para
 resolver éste problema. Para WebMaster de Google, me solicita instalar o
 ejecución de pitón, cómo comprenderán no dispongo de ningún guru de web, por
 lo que solicito en la medida de sus posibilidades me ayuden a ejecutar pitón
 para WebMaster, para ingresar a sitemap.xlm. Les saludo con distinguida
 consideración y respeto. José

  Si son tan amables, les agradeceré cualquiera sea la Repuesta, en Español o
 castellano. Gracias

Entiendo que desea usar la herramienta Google Sitemap Generator para
generar el fichero sitemap.xml.gz. De ser éste el caso, en el servidor
donde se alberga el sitio web es necesario lo siguiente:

1.- Que haya instalada una versión adecuada de Python (mínimo:
2.2; recomendable: 2.3 ó posterior). No es necesario ningún módulo de
integración con el programa que sirve las páginas web.

2.- Tener acceso por línea de comandos con permisos suficientes
como para poder ejecutar Python y para ver la estructura de
directorios que define el sitio web a indexar.

Para ambos puntos, quien mejor puede indicarle las posibilidades es el
personal del servicio de hospedaje y/o administradores del servidor



Re: So what exactly is a complex number?

2007-09-03 Thread Grzegorz Słodkowicz
  I was trying to motivate the idea by means of analogy. This is a
  legitimate thing to do.  It helps lead people to a conceptual
  understanding long before they understand the minutae.
You're mixing terms again. Analogy is saying 'something is like 
something else.'  What you are saying is 'Something is used to represent 
something.' You also make a scalar - vector distinction which is neither 
here nor there and implies that complex numbers are vectors, as opposed 
to real numbers.

Are you seriously saying that the imaginary unit is a small detail when 
explaining complex numbers? If you don't even mention the form 'a + bi' 
how can anyone make heads or tails of it? You omit many logical steps in 
what you think to be a simple explanation.

In fact, a proper vector in physics has 4 features: point of 
application, magnitude, direction and sense. In case of a vector in two 
dimensions (a special case, which you also fail to stress not to mention 
that you were talking about space) the magnitude and sense can be 
described by one number and the direction as another.  Since a complex 
number is composed of two numbers it can be used to describe those 
features of a vector.
Numbers are commonly used to represent breast sizes. This doesn't mean 
numbers are breasts, alas. If someone asks you what numbers are and you 
say only that they are used to denote breasts sizes, you might create 
the wrong impression.

  I just didn't think that was the best place to start explicating the
  *concept*. I find concrete examples that then can lead to theoretical
  underpinnings a better way to go than the reverse.
1. Actual answer to the question can hardly be regarded as 'theoretical 
2. You don't mention that answer at all.
3. Your 'concrete example' is equally sloppy and full of omissions.

  It is so hard to grasp that learning happens in layers, and that each
  layer need not be complete or even precise?
Is it so hard to grasp that you completely omit certain important layers?

  Evidently you've either never taught (or were very bad at it).  You
  have to motivate concept and interest before you can get to the
  precise detail.
If someone asks a question their interest is evident, I think. I also 
reckon they expect a simple answer which in this case is either a link 
or something along the lines:

'As you know, square roots of negative numbers aren't real numbers. We 
are taught at school that they don't exist. However, if we denote 
square root of -1 as i we can represent any such root as a product of a 
real number and i.
sqrt(-9) = sqrt(9 * -1) = 3 * i
sqrt(-0.25) = sqrt(0.25 * -1) = 0.5i etc.

Since sqrt(-1) has little representation in the surrounding world 
(saying I have 2i apples makes no sense) it's called the imaginary 
unit. Now, complex numbers are numbers of the form
a + bi
where a and b are real numbers. They have been invented because they 
have many applications in mathematics, physics, engineering etc. They 
have many useful properties, perhaps most important of which being that 
i2 = -1. Explanation of complex plane as an example of application

Note that real numbers are a subset of complex numbers. They are complex 
numbers with imaginary part equal to 0.
Also, since i also means current in physics and electrical engineering, 
the imaginary unit is denoted as j in those contexts. This is also the 
case in Python (presumably because i is a common name for an integer 
variable). Speaking of which, they are a built-in type in Py. Try 
performing operations on them in the interactive mode:
  c = 4 + 1j d = 1 + 2j c + d
  c = 1j # 1 is necessary because 'j' is a legit name for a
  variable c * c

And no, I've never taught professionally. Have you?

  For instance, you start with Newtonian physics, not quantum physics.
  The entry level physics classes ignore things like the the non-linear
  behavior of springs, or the effects when you don't actually do things
  in a vacuum.  By your definition these lectures would be wrong ..
  but they're not. They are attempting to introduce a topic painlessly.
  And that's what I was doing.
That's not what you were doing. You were doing the equivalent of 'Hello, 
today we shall discuss gravity. I have 23 apples here, and I will throw 
them at 45 degrees - let's denote this by a vector. I throw them. Oh 
look, they fell! Well, that's gravity. Thank you for your attention.'

  does it come from, why is it 'imaginary' etc.  Since we're being
  arses here I'd hazard a guess you were educated in the USA where
  doing without understanding has been mastered by teachers and
  students alike. You're

  I was initially educated in Europe where being rude was sometimes
  encouraged to mask insecurity with a false sense of self-importance.
  I was later educated in both Canada and the US wherein I learned both
  they why and the how
I'm sorry I made a generalisation from a tendency that I encountered. I 
shouldn't have done that. But 

Re: how can I find out the process ids with a process name

2007-09-03 Thread Michael Bentley

 cd /proc
 for i in ls [0-9]*/status
  echo $i `grep '^Name' $i | cut -f2` | sed 's/\/status//g'


cd /proc
for i in `ls [0-9]*/status`
 echo $i `grep '^Name' $i | cut -f2` | sed 's/\/status//g'

Let the wookie win.


Re: PYTHONPATH not working on Windows XP (?)

2007-09-03 Thread Sergio Correia

It worked straightforward, and it's easier than messing with the
enviromental variables or the registry.

BTW, I'm still wondering how did Autohotkey got included in sys.path
(there are no other .pht files on my PC)


On 9/3/07, olivier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Any suggestions for adding my path to sys.path permanently?

 You can write a file in Lib/site-packages with a 'pth' extension (the
 name itself doesn't matter) containing the path you want to add.


 And be careful with path separator on win32. It should be / or \\,
 never \.





Re: Soemthing wrong w/ urllib module or something.

2007-09-03 Thread Tim Golden
Lamonte Harris wrote:
 Error Message in cmd:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 25, in module
 response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 121, in urlopen
 return, data)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 374, in open
 response = self._open(req, data)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 392, in _open
 '_open', req)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 353, in _call_chain
 result = func(*args)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1100, in http_open
 return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1075, in do_open
 raise URLError(err)
 urllib2.URLError: urlopen error (10053, 'Software caused connection

 For some reason its not acting right when trying to run.  I get that error
 message and I never seen anything like it.

My experience is that that error message represents the local firewall
or virus scanner blocking your network activity. That said, it doesn't
seem likely that your firewall is blocking activity on port 80 without
your having noticed! Maybe the domain you're posting to is selectively
blacklisted by your local firewall?

To do the obvious, can you open a socket connection to the domain you're

from socket import socket
socket ().connect ((DOMAINHERE, 80))


or does it give you the same error?


Re: So what exactly is a complex number?

2007-09-03 Thread Evil Bert
Grzegorz Słodkowicz wrote:
 You're mixing terms again. Analogy is saying 'something is like 
 something else.'

Actually, that's a simile.

TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread christophertidy

I am new to Python and have recieved this error message when trying to
instantiate an object from a class from another file within the same
directory and wondered what I have done wrong.

I have a class:
class Step(object)
def __init__(self, sName):
Initialise a new Step instance
self.sName = sName
self.depSteps = []
self.remDepSteps = []
self.isCompleted = 0

Then I have created a new file within the same directory called

import Step
a  = Step(magn)

The following however generates the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 3, in ?
a  = Step(magn)
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

If anyone could help point me in the right direction, how to fix this
problem it would be much appreciated.

-- Announces Winner of Most-Video-Plays of the Month

2007-09-03 Thread Jeff Rush, a website offering over 361 instructional screencasts about
topics both Python and non-Python, has announced their first winner of the
month for the most-played video.  And the winner is:

 Learn Django: Create a Wiki in 20 minutes

by Siddharta Govindaraj, founder of Silver Stripe Software, with 1851 views in
August, far outpacing the second-place entry.  The prize is a £20 (UK) voucher
to Amazon.  Congratulations, Siddhi!  You can watch it at:

Siddhi is also helping Doug Napoleone with PyCon this year, providing a
program for generating attendee badges and working to integrate it into the
Django-based conference site.

You can find Siddhi at:

So who will win this month?  It could be you!  How about a screencast
showcasing a different web framework like TurboGears or Twisted Web?  Or
something about databases, either relational or object.

Jeff Rush
Python Advocacy Coordinator


Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Amit Khemka

 I am new to Python and have recieved this error message when trying to
 instantiate an object from a class from another file within the same
 directory and wondered what I have done wrong.

 I have a class:
 class Step(object)
 def __init__(self, sName):

 Initialise a new Step instance
 self.sName = sName
 self.depSteps = []
 self.remDepSteps = []
 self.isCompleted = 0

 Then I have created a new file within the same directory called

 import Step
 a  = Step(magn)

 The following however generates the error
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 3, in ?
 a  = Step(magn)
 TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

 If anyone could help point me in the right direction, how to fix this
 problem it would be much appreciated.

The exception is being raised as you are being confused about the
names ie: you have a class named Step in a module named .
And by importing the module the only Step  python sees is the module
not the names declared within the module.

To access a name defined in the module you can do :

import Step
a = Step.Step(magn) # It refers the name Step defined IN the module Step

example 2:
from Step import Step # You directly import the class ( and make the
name visible in your name space)
a = Step(magn)

Also have a look at:



Amit Khemka

Re: Will Python 3.0 remove the global interpreter lock (GIL)

2007-09-03 Thread king kikapu
On Sep 3, 9:15 am, Michele Simionato [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sep 3, 2:21 am, llothar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My personal opinion (and I am not the only one in the Python
 community) is that
 if you want to scale the way to go is to use processes, not threads,
 so removing the GIL would be a waste of effort anyway.
 Look at the 'processing' module in PyPI.

  Michele Simionato

I second that. You may also look here,

I tested it and work as expected. You can see all your processing-
cores work nicely and balanced.


Re: Announces Winner of Most-Video-Plays of the Month

2007-09-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Jeff Rush wrote:, a website offering over 361 instructional screencasts about
 topics both Python and non-Python, has announced their first winner of the
 month for the most-played video.  And the winner is:
  Learn Django: Create a Wiki in 20 minutes
 by Siddharta Govindaraj, founder of Silver Stripe Software, with 1851
 views in
 August, far outpacing the second-place entry.  The prize is a £20 (UK)
 to Amazon.  Congratulations, Siddhi!  You can watch it at:
 Siddhi is also helping Doug Napoleone with PyCon this year, providing a
 program for generating attendee badges and working to integrate it into
 the Django-based conference site.
 You can find Siddhi at:
 So who will win this month?  It could be you!  How about a screencast
 showcasing a different web framework like TurboGears or Twisted Web?  Or
 something about databases, either relational or object.

Great work. I just have one small remark: given the increasing amount of
spam in the NG/ML that reads go to learn everything about ..., I
was at first convinced that your post was one amongst these.

Maybe a subject line that shows somewhat more python context would be a good
idea? Just a suggestion.


Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
On Sep 3, 10:48 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am new to Python and have recieved this error message when trying to
 instantiate an object from a class from another file within the same
 directory and wondered what I have done wrong.

 I have a class:
 class Step(object)
 def __init__(self, sName):
 Initialise a new Step instance
 self.sName = sName
 self.depSteps = []
 self.remDepSteps = []
 self.isCompleted = 0

 Then I have created a new file within the same directory called

 import Step
 a  = Step(magn)

 The following however generates the error
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 3, in ?
 a  = Step(magn)
 TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

This is because when you issue import Step you're actually importing
the Step _module_, not the Step class inside the module.

You can do this in at least two ways:

import Step
a = Step.Step(magn) # access the Step class inside Step module


from Step import Step # insert in the current namespace the Step class
a = Step(magn)

 If anyone could help point me in the right direction, how to fix this
 problem it would be much appreciated.



Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 I am new to Python and have recieved this error message when trying to
 instantiate an object from a class from another file within the same
 directory and wondered what I have done wrong.
 I have a class:
 class Step(object)
 def __init__(self, sName):
 Initialise a new Step instance
 self.sName = sName
 self.depSteps = []
 self.remDepSteps = []
 self.isCompleted = 0
 Then I have created a new file within the same directory called
 import Step
 a  = Step(magn)
 The following however generates the error
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 3, in ?
 a  = Step(magn)
 TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
 If anyone could help point me in the right direction, how to fix this
 problem it would be much appreciated.

Do you by any chance come from a java-background?

Your actual problem is simply solved by this:

import Step


That's because is a module, and _not_ the class - there is no
file-class-correspondence as it is in e.g. Java.



Re: Weird gcc errors while installing MySQL-python module

2007-09-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Jonas Schneider wrote:

 Hi guys,
 I´m experiencing weird error messages while installing MySQL-python
 with easy_install... I have no idea where the errors come from.
 Read the whole output at
 It´s really a lot...
 Someone got ideas?

The pastebin errormessage didn't work for me, on two different machines


Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Amit Khemka a écrit :
 The exception is being raised as you are being confused about the
 names ie: you have a class named Step in a module named .

Actually, the module is named 'Step', not '' !-)


The Texas Python Unconference is Almost Here!

2007-09-03 Thread Jeff Rush
The first regional Python unconference is coming to Houston on September 15-16
(Sat-Sun).  Being held at the Texas Learning  Computing Center on the
University of Houston main campus, this is a FREE event for Pythoneers from
all over the Texas region.

And being an unconference, participation by those who attend is welcome and
greatly sought.  The topics to be presented are purely up to the attendees.

Details about the facility and a sign-up registration list is available on the
wiki.  Please add your name if you think you might attend, so that we can have
some estimate of who is coming.

Also add to the wiki topics on which you are coming prepared to present, or
that you would like to see.  Often people can present on many topics but don't
know what others are interested in.

And a big thanks go out to Robin Friedrich and those in Houston for hosting
us.  Let's roll up our sleeves and help them out!  Involvement is key to
making an unconference successful.

For those not familiar with unconferences, check out this description:

See you all there...

Jeff Rush
Python Advocacy Coordinator

P.S. Please repost this to other Texas Python organizations.

Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Amit Khemka
On 9/3/07, Bruno Desthuilliers
 Amit Khemka a écrit :
  The exception is being raised as you are being confused about the
  names ie: you have a class named Step in a module named .

 Actually, the module is named 'Step', not '' !-)

Yup, My Bad ! Thanks.

Amit Khemka

Re: Adding attributes stored in a list to a class dynamically.

2007-09-03 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Brian Munroe a écrit :
 On Sep 2, 3:33 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a nutshell, like all double-underscore methods, __setattr__ are for
 overriding behaviour in your own classes. With very few exceptions, you
 shouldn't need to directly call double-underscore methods (although you
 often may _write_ double-underscore methods).

 I think I understand.  You are saying that if I wanted to override the
 normal behavior when doing something like
 p1.firstName = Brian
 then I'd override __setattr__()?

That's one possible solution. Another one is to use a property object or 
a custom descriptor (you should find relevant documentation on

 But if I am doing something like creating dynamic attributes, the more
 'correct' way is to use setattr?  Even though they both appear to do
 the same thing, the more Pythonic way is to never directly call magic
 methods (if you can help it)?

Mainly, yes.

SOAP : ZSI error

2007-09-03 Thread linuxprog
hello i need some help with ZSI module
i want to use the web service located here
the wsdl file :
that web service is very simple , the function NumToStr converts numbers 
to dutch words (description

i have generated IDutchservice_services with wsdl2py
here is my code :

import IDutchservice_services
soap = 
ok = IDutchservice_services.NumToStr0Request()
print soap.NumToStr(ok)

that prints an error RuntimeError: must specify transport or url 
startswith https/http

what's wrong in my script ? thanks

Re: Will Python 3.0 remove the global interpreter lock (GIL)

2007-09-03 Thread Ben Finney
Michele Simionato [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Sep 3, 2:21 am, llothar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm afraid that the GIL is killing the usefullness of python for
  some types of applications now where 4,8 oder 64 threads on a chip
  are here or comming soon.
 This is FAQ. You will find thousands of discussion on the net about

 My personal opinion (and I am not the only one in the Python
 community) is that if you want to scale the way to go is to use
 processes, not threads, so removing the GIL would be a waste of
 effort anyway.

Yes. Processes are cheap on well-designed operating systems, and using
processes to subdivide your processor usage encourages simple, modular
interfaces between parts of a program. Threads, while also cheap, are
much more difficult and fiddly to program correctly, hence are rarely
an overall win.

One common response to that is Processes are expensive on Win32. My
response to that is that if you're programming on Win32 and expecting
the application to scale well, you already have problems that must
first be addressed that are far more fundamental than the GIL.

 \Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? Umm, I think |
  `\   so, Brain, but three men in a tub? Ooh, that's unsanitary!  -- |
_o__)_Pinky and The Brain_ |
Ben Finney

Re: Will Python 3.0 remove the global interpreter lock (GIL)

2007-09-03 Thread king kikapu
I was wondering (and maybe i still do) about this GIL problem. I am
relatively new to Python (less than a year) and when i started to
think about it i said: Oh, this IS a problem. But when i dig a
little more, i found that Ah, maybe it isn't.
I strongly believe that the best usage of multiple cores processor
will be achieved if programming languages are modified to support this
on their hearts. Code blocks that would be identified by the
compiler and run in parallel and such things. Laboratories are working
on these stuff but i do not expect something in the very-near future.

So, as i mentioned above, there are solutions for that right now
(parallel python and others) that enabled us with little effort to
spawn a new python interpreter, thus allowing the OS to schedule it on
a different core and do the job this way relatively cheap.
I wouldn't recommend going to IronPython despite the fact that the CLR
better utilize MP. The reason for this is that i would NEVER give up
the freedom that CPython gives me by exchange better usage of the MP
and platform lock-in.


Re: Will Python 3.0 remove the global interpreter lock (GIL)

2007-09-03 Thread king kikapu
I was wondering (and maybe i still do) about this GIL problem. I am
relatively new to Python (less than a year) and when i started to
think about it i said: Oh, this IS a problem. But when i dig a
little more, i found that Ah, maybe it isn't.
I strongly believe that the best usage of multiple cores processor
will be achieved if programming languages are modified to support this
on their hearts. Code blocks that would be identified by the
compiler and run in parallel and such things. Laboratories are working
on these stuff but i do not expect something in the very-near future.

So, as i mentioned above, there are solutions for that right now
(parallel python and others) that enabled us with little effort to
spawn a new python interpreter, thus allowing the OS to schedule it on
a different core and do the job this way relatively cheap.
I wouldn't recommend going to IronPython despite the fact that the CLR
better utilize MP. The reason for this is that i would NEVER give up
the freedom that CPython gives me by exchange better usage of the MP
and platform lock-in.


Re: advice about `correct' use of decorator

2007-09-03 Thread Ricardo Aráoz
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 En Wed, 29 Aug 2007 07:32:21 -0300, BJörn Lindqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 On 8/24/07, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:20:21 -0300, BJörn Lindqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 def check_user_logged_in(func):
 def f(*args, **kwargs):
 if global_state.the_user.is_logged_in:
 return func(*args, **kwargs)
 return show_login_page()
 return f
 I think there is a semantic problem, perhaps we are not talking
 about the same thing. I'm considering the software complexity AS
 PERCEIVED BY THE PROGRAMMER, looking at the interactions between a
 program and a programmer who is working on some task; some people
 would say cognitive complexity to make it clear.
 There is no semantic problem. You are just mistaken in your belief
 that the complexity that the user of the decorator has to deal with is
 different from the complexity in implementing the decorator.
 But they ARE different. That's the whole point of abstractions, code  
 reuse, layered design... Designing a simple interfase on top of a complex  
 system is very common. Nobody writes X-Window code, as nobody writes a raw  
 event loop for Windows anymore: there are very good GUI toolkits, even  
 portable frameworks, that put an abstract layer on top of that so the  
 programmer has a much simple and coherent view. The complexity is behind  
 the scenes.
 Which API is more complex: one in which you can play a movie with
 just a single call like PlayMovie(Title), or one on which you must
 call a zillion functions to firtly initialize the stream format,
 configure the display, disable undesired user interfase elements,
 locate the movie file, load it in chunks, etc.? The first one is
 certainly much simpler to use (simpler = less complex), and maybe
 internally it calls the same functions as the second one, but nobody
 nobody cares is your guess. I'd bet that the caller of the PlayMovie
 function cares a lot: Is the movie played full screened? Which
 encodings are supported? Can you set the title of the movie window? Is
 streaming supported? Does it even work on windows? Which URI schemes
 does it support?  And so on and so on.

 That is why no video decoding API:s have a PlayMovie(Title) function
 and why I haven't seen a single 3d engine with a
 MakeReallyCoolDoomCloneFPSGame() function.
 (yet!). What about urlopen? Using a single call one can be authenticated  
 and retrieve any file in the other side of the planet. I consider it a  
 simple interfase, altough it does complex things. Would you say it is  
 better to use plain sockets everywhere? Or, since sockets are abstractions  
 themselves, would you say it is better to use lower level primitives  
 instead? Each time you descend a level, you have to use many simpler  
 functions - but their combination is more complex.
 hiding details only works if the client programmer really doesn't
 care about the details.
 Why should he care? Isn't hiding implementation details a good design  
 When I use urlopen, I don't even care of the underlying socket  
 implementation. I don't care which interfase the request is sent thru. I  
 don't care if the answer got fragmented and some packets had to be  
 reassembled. urlopen gives me something that looks like a file, and I just  
 read() from it.
 Back to your example, the fact that a decorator builds a higher order
 function, does NOT make it more complex - because the programmer does  
 see that. In fact, hiding the details makes it simpler.
 Yes, the programmer does see that. The example decorator I posted
 requires about a zillion preconditions to work correctly and will fail
 in weird ways when those preconditions are not satisfied. The
 programmer is interested in the crazy failures he or she will
 experience. I dare you to try and implementing the code both as a
 decorator and as a function, then write the unit tests and
 documentation. The complexity of those three items together
 (implementation + tests + documentation) will be much higher for the
 decorator choice because the complexity of the decorator
 implementation is a bit higher than using a plain old function.
 Testing the decorator is as hard as testing any other function. Testing  
 the decorated functions might involve *only* checking if the decorator is  
 actually used for those functions.
 Going to your posted example, I don't see the difference - I should say, I  
 don't see the advantage. Using a decorator hides some implementation  
 details and reduces coupling between modules, both good things on my  
 book; your function with no decorator does quite the opposite, and doesn't  
 look like good coding style (on my book, of course).
 Note also that it is extremely rare to see well-documented or
 well-tested code, which means that the programmer WILL have to analyze
 the implementation which means that implementation complexity matters
 a lot.

Re: Will Python 3.0 remove the global interpreter lock (GIL)

2007-09-03 Thread king kikapu
I was wondering (and maybe i still do) about this GIL problem. I am
relatively new to Python (less than a year) and when i started to
think about it i said: Oh, this IS a problem. But when i dig a
little more, i found that Ah, maybe it isn't.
I strongly believe that the best usage of multiple cores processor
will be achieved if programming languages are modified to support this
on their hearts. Code blocks that would be identified by the
compiler and run in parallel and such things. Laboratories are working
on these stuff but i do not expect something in the very-near future.

So, as i mentioned above, there are solutions for that right now
(parallel python and others) that enabled us with little effort to
spawn a new python interpreter, thus allowing the OS to schedule it on
a different core and do the job this way relatively cheap.
I wouldn't recommend going to IronPython despite the fact that the CLR
better utilize MP. The reason for this is that i would NEVER give up
the freedom that CPython gives me by exchange better usage of the MP
and platform lock-in.


Re: metaclasses: timestamping instances

2007-09-03 Thread km

But why does it show  varied difference in the time  between a and b
instance creations when __metaclass__ hook is used and when not used in
class Y ? I dont understand that point !

On 9/1/07, Michele Simionato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 1, 6:07 pm, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Debugging with Wing IDE and examining the classes at a breakpoint shows
  this to be true (even after Y's __metaclass__ assignment is commented
  class '__main__.Meta'
  class '__main__.Meta'

 For the benefit of the readers I will just point out that in order
 to determine the metaclass of a class it is far better NOT to relay on
 __metaclass__ attribute. The right thing to to is to look at the
 attribute, or to use type. Here is a (made up) example
 where .__metaclass__ gives
 the wrong result:

 In [9]: class M(type): pass

 In [10]: class B: __metaclass__ = M

 In [11]: B.__metaclass__ = None # now the hook is set to None, but the
 metaclass does not change

 In [12]: B.__class__
 Out[12]: class '__main__.M'

Michele Simionato



Re: Does shuffle() produce uniform result ?

2007-09-03 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2007-08-26, tooru honda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 By incorporating Alex's code, I got another performance boost of 20%.  
 It is mostly due to Alex's more efficient implementation of block random 
 than my own version.

If I understand correctly that you are using urandom as a random
generator I wouldn't trust too much on this performance. Urandom
uses the systemwide entropy-pool. If other programs need this pool
too, your performance can drop spectaculary. If you are using a linux
machine just try to execute od -x /dev/random at the same time
as your program.

Antoon Pardon

Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread christophertidy
Thank you for your help that seems to have done the trick.
You are correct Diez B. Roggisch that I come from a java background!

I have a new tiny problem I can't understand either.
Withing I have the following method

def isCompleted(self):
Check whether data step has been processed
return self.isCompleted

Then within I simply wish to print the value of isCompleted
which I try to do by the following
print 'Magn completed status is',a.isCompleted()

Which returns the following error:
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable

I have tried ideas such as int(a.isCompleted) but to no prevail. Any



Re: So what exactly is a complex number?

2007-09-03 Thread Wildemar Wildenburger
Grzegorz Słodkowicz wrote:
 In fact, a proper vector in physics has 4 features: point of 
 application, magnitude, direction and sense.
OK, help me out here: What 'direction' does |Ψ (a state-vector in 
quantum mechanics) have? Also, doesn't sense directly follow from the 
point of application.

How about we quit being wiseasses right now. The wikipedia-article is 
good enough, so what's the point?


Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 Thank you for your help that seems to have done the trick.
 You are correct Diez B. Roggisch that I come from a java background!
 I have a new tiny problem I can't understand either.
 Withing I have the following method
 def isCompleted(self):
 Check whether data step has been processed
 return self.isCompleted
 Then within I simply wish to print the value of isCompleted
 which I try to do by the following
 print 'Magn completed status is',a.isCompleted()
 Which returns the following error:
 TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
 I have tried ideas such as int(a.isCompleted) but to no prevail. Any

Without more code, not really. It seems as if a is an integer, and not an
instance of Step.


Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 Thank you for your help that seems to have done the trick.
 You are correct Diez B. Roggisch that I come from a java background!
 I have a new tiny problem I can't understand either.
 Withing I have the following method
 def isCompleted(self):
 Check whether data step has been processed
 return self.isCompleted

Java background, indeed !-)

In Python, everything (including functions, methods, modules, classes 
etc) is an object, and methods are just attributes like every others - 
ie, there's no separate namespaces for methods. So when you set an 
instance attribute 'isCompleted', it shadows the class attribute by the 
same name.

The obvious solution is to give attributes different names. The perhaps 
less obvious but much more pythonic solution is to get get rid of the 
getter if all it does is returning the attribute. I know this sounds 
strange when coming from Java, but there's no problem doing so - Python 
has support for computed attributes (aka properties), so you can always 
replace a plain attribute by a computed one latter if you need to do so, 
this won't impact the client code.


Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Wildemar Wildenburger
 Thank you for your help that seems to have done the trick.
 You are correct Diez B. Roggisch that I come from a java background!
 I have a new tiny problem I can't understand either.
 Withing I have the following method
 def isCompleted(self):
 Check whether data step has been processed
 return self.isCompleted
Java, ey? ;)

Why do you write a method that jut returns a variable anyway? Forget 
that. Python doesn't need getters and setters.

 Then within I simply wish to print the value of isCompleted
 which I try to do by the following
 print 'Magn completed status is',a.isCompleted()
 Which returns the following error:
 TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
That is (I think) because you have two things called isCompleted in 
your class: The variable of type int (which BTW had better been of type 
bool) and the method.
As I said, just scrap the method. In Python it's perfectly OK to expose 
variables in the API. If you still want getters and setters, use look 
into properties.


Urgently Required SAP CO-COPA Functional Lead

2007-09-03 Thread HR Head

We urgently require following skill set for singapore client

SAP CO-COPA Functional Lead: Person with a strong Costing background.

Should have hands on SAP COPA experience

Minimum two implementations in Controling based Profitability Analysis
(COPA) and Product Costing (COPC) in the SAP COPA skill set.

Project Asset and Project costing

Must have 5+ years of SAP experience

Should be capable of handling Blueprinting and be a good

O Base location: Al Khobar, KSA ( near Dhaharan)

As the spec suggest, we are looking at predominantly a Costing person.
should have at least 2 implementation experience on costing preferably
Project Asset, + Profitability Analysis and Product costing.

A muslim candidate would be ideal, but this is not mandatory.
Pakistani /
Indonesian and Malay apart from Indians will be a good bet.

O Duration: 15 months

O Rate: US$ 7500 per month (housing included) + medical insurance +

Please feel free to refer your friends for same cv's to be send to


Re: advice about `correct' use of decorator

2007-09-03 Thread Gregor Horvath
Gerardo Herzig schrieb:
 def change_pass():
 And so on for all the other functions who needs that the user is still 
 loged in.
 where obviosly the is_logued_in() function will determine if the dude is 
 still loged in, and THEN execute change_pass(). If the dude is not loged 
 in, change_pass() is NOT executed at all. Instead, it will be redirected 
 to the `login' screen.
 Something in my mind tells me that this is not the pythonic way...But i 
 like the idea, so please tell me that im in the right way :)

That's how turbogears does it.


Re: So what exactly is a complex number?

2007-09-03 Thread Francesco Guerrieri
On 9/3/07, Wildemar Wildenburger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Grzegorz Słodkowicz wrote:
  In fact, a proper vector in physics has 4 features: point of
  application, magnitude, direction and sense.
 OK, help me out here: What 'direction' does |Ψ (a state-vector in
 quantum mechanics) have? Also, doesn't sense directly follow from the
 point of application.

For instance, you can apply a force to a point and it can be outward or

The direction of a state vector is completely specified by its decomposition
(given finite norm and completeness of the basis), just like ordinary
But since actually in quantum mechanics you are dealing with unit rays and
everything is defined up to a phase (which could be relevant given the topic
of this thread!)... I'd say that kets are not the most recommendable way to
introduce the concept of vector, or of complex variables :-)


Re: So what exactly is a complex number?

2007-09-03 Thread richyjsm
On Sep 2, 6:13 am, Grzegorz S odkowicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In fact, a proper vector in physics has 4 features: point of
 application, magnitude, direction and sense.

so whats the point of application of the sum of two vectors?  Do


Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 Thank you for your help that seems to have done the trick.
 You are correct Diez B. Roggisch that I come from a java background!
 I have a new tiny problem I can't understand either.
 Withing I have the following method
 def isCompleted(self):
 Check whether data step has been processed
 return self.isCompleted
 Then within I simply wish to print the value of isCompleted
 which I try to do by the following
 print 'Magn completed status is',a.isCompleted()
 Which returns the following error:
 TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
 I have tried ideas such as int(a.isCompleted) but to no prevail. Any

The others spottet the error I missed. But I can offer something else:

It's a worthy read for someone coming from Java, needing time to adjust.


Re: How does super() work?

2007-09-03 Thread Gerardo Herzig
Lamonte Harris wrote:

I've searched Google, and other search engines to try to find out how
super() works.  Can someone explain in short detail how super() works?  I
may and may not need to know this information, but it is good to know.


There is at least one explanation in the site, among other 
topics related to super() usage:


400 Bad Request calling urllib2.urlopen()

2007-09-03 Thread Achim Domma

I have an url which redirects the client to another url. If I paste
the url into a browser, it works fine. If I open it via
urllib2.urlopen() I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ...\, line 16, in module
body = urlopen(url).read()
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 121, in urlopen
return, data)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 380, in open
response = meth(req, response)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 491, in http_response
'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 412, in error
result = self._call_chain(*args)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 353, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 575, in http_error_302
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 380, in open
response = meth(req, response)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 491, in http_response
'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 418, in error
return self._call_chain(*args)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 353, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 499, in http_error_default
raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request

I'm using Python 2.5.1 and Google did not help. Any hint on how to fix
or debug this problem?



Re: Soemthing wrong w/ urllib module or something.

2007-09-03 Thread Tim Golden
[Tim Golden]
  To do the obvious, can you open a socket connection
  to the domain you're using?
  from socket import socket
  socket ().connect ((DOMAINHERE, 80))
  or does it give you the same error?

[Lamonte Harris]
 Yeah I basically got the same error.
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File string, line 1, in connect
 socket.error: (10053, 'Software caused connection abort')

OK, then *something's* blocking access to that host (at least)
on port 80. Can you browse the web normally from this machine?
In particular, can you browse to that site (DOMAINHERE)?


Re: Why is this loop heavy code so slow in Python? Possible Project Euler spoilers

2007-09-03 Thread jwrweatherley
Thanks for all the answers to my question. I think what I need to take
away from this is that xrange is an object - I thought it was just
some loop construct, and that maths is slow in python - so avoid
pathological looping.I remember the first time I tried Objective-C on
OS X I used the NSNumber class for arithmetic - the results that time
were pretty awful too!


Re: How can I wait for all the threads I spawn for 5 minutes

2007-09-03 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2007-08-31, herman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my python program, I would to like to spwan 5 threads, for the them
 for 5 minutes maximum and the continue. Here is my script:

 threads = []

 for j in range(5):
 t = MyThread()

 for t in threads:
 print thread join\n

 # wait for 5 minutes for all the threads to complete ,
 # then continue

 But this code ends up waiting 5 minutes for **each** thread.  that is
 not what I want. I just want to wait for 5 minutes for all threads.
 how can I do that?

 And after 5 minutes, i want to kill off all the threads I spawn
 earlier, how can I do that in python.

You may wish to look at this. No guarantee though.

Re: Why is this loop heavy code so slow in Python? Possible Project Euler spoilers

2007-09-03 Thread Paul Boddie
On 3 Sep, 15:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for all the answers to my question. I think what I need to take
 away from this is that xrange is an object

Indeed, but using xrange can be faster than converting your for
loops to while loops plus a counter; I converted your code to use
the latter arrangement and it was noticeably slower. Perhaps the
repeated invocation of each xrange object's next method is less
expensive than repeatedly obtaining new incremented int objects and
testing them against other int objects.

 - I thought it was just some loop construct, and that maths is slow in
 python - so avoid pathological looping.

You'd be wise to avoid doing unnecessary work deep within nested loops
in any programming language. Sadly, it's not possible for the compiler
to work out that some calculations can be lifted out of the innermost
loops in Python, since the various guarantees that make such
operations possible in other languages are not offered by Python.

 I remember the first time I tried Objective-C on OS X I used the
 NSNumber class for arithmetic - the results that time were pretty
 awful too!

Obviously, it'd be a fairer test if you used comparable numeric types
in both implementations, but a more capable numeric type would be
overkill for the C implementation of this program, and a less capable
numeric type doesn't exist for Python unless you're willing to use a
dialect such as Pyrex (as others have shown).



Re: Why is this loop heavy code so slow in Python? Possible Project Euler spoilers

2007-09-03 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Martin v. Löwis a écrit :
 (2) it is a interpretation language
 Not quite. It's compiled to byte-code - just like Java (would you call
 Java an 'interpreted language' ?)
 Python is not implemented like Java. In Java (at least in HotSpot),
 the byte code is further compiled to machine code before execution;

This is a VM-specific feature.

 in Python, the byte code is interpreted.


 Whether this makes Python an interpreter or a compiler,
 I don't know.

This is an old troll^Mdiscussion !-)

Now IANAL, but AFAIK, the byte-code compilation stage can make a great 
difference performances-wide, and for a same language, a byte-compiled 
implementation is likely to be faster than a pure-interpreted one, at 
least because of the saving on parsing time (please someone correct me 
if I'm wrong) ...

Re: Automation and scheduling of FrontPage publishing using Python

2007-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Sep 2, 4:22 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sep 1, 10:48 pm, Jerry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I would try looking into Windows automation with 
  you started.  The winGuiAuto package may help you out as it is like
  have a human click and move throughout the interface.  The only
  downside is that there is no recorder to help you build the script, so
  I would try to do as much in VBA as you can (does FrontPage even
  support VBA?) and then just write your python script to get through
  the program enough to execute the macro.

 Yes.. Front page can be run by VB macro but I really did not want to
 go down that road if it could be avoided.

 This looks very promising.

 I've installed the module and run a couple of the basic examples..

 Very cool.

After a bit of patience, I was able to get this to work.

Still fine-tuning the process but the basic elements are there.

What is interesting is that once I submitted the proof-of-concept
code, management decided that they would like to see what other
companies are doing for this requirement and weigh the pros/cons of
this approach.


Problem with extremely small real number

2007-09-03 Thread Andrea
I need to calculate this probability P!/{n \choose p}, varying both n
and p, n takes values in this range [512:1024] and p in [2:12].
So i write this code in python:

def factorial(n):
if n==0: return 1
for i in xrange(1, abs(n)+1):
result = i*result
if n = 0:
return result
return -result
def binomial(n, k):
assert n0 and isinstance(n, (int, long)) and isinstance(k,
if k  0 or k  n:
return 0
if k == 0 or k == n:
return 1
return factorial(n) // (factorial(k) * factorial(n-k))

I want to call factorial(2)//binomial(1024,2) for example, in this way
trivially I obtain 0 as probability, how can I obtain the probability
forcing this division to output extremely small real numbers

I want to produce a program that provide a set of data of this
probability on varying n and p, in order to plot a surface with this
data set with gnuplot, any comments or suggestion?
thanks in advance,


Re: Adding attributes stored in a list to a class dynamically.

2007-09-03 Thread Brian Munroe
On Sep 3, 6:34 am, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The underscore versions are for customizing the lookup process, not for
 dynamically looking up names. If your class needs to do something non-
 standard when you write, you might need to write methods
 __getattr__ etc.

I absolutely understand that much.

 In a nutshell: getattr() etc. are for looking up attributes dynamically
 when you don't know the name of the attribute until runtime. __getattr__
 etc. are for looking up attributes when you need to compute the value on
 the fly. (But an easier, less troublesome way of doing that
 is with properties.)

If I think about this in the context of a property, which in my newbie
mind gives you the ability to 'override' the standard behavior when
getting, setting or I suppose deleting a specific attribute.  I think
I understand what you meant by 'compute the value on the fly', the
keyword being *compute*?

thanks for taking the time to explain this (over and over, heh!)

-- brian


How do I get triangles from a vtkPolyData object?

2007-09-03 Thread Grant Edwards
I posted this question to the vtk mailing list last week:

  I've been Googling and wandering through the class references
  most of the afternoon, but I can't figure out how to get the
  triangles out of the vtkPolyData that vtkDelaunay2D produces?

  I can get the vertex corredinates like this:

delny = vtk.vtkDelaunay2D()

o = delny.GetOutput()

vertexes = [o.GetPoint(i) for i in xrange(o.GetNumberOfPoints())]

  I can see that there are 84 triangles, and 'o' is a vtkPolyData
  object that has 84 cells and 84 polygons, so they obviously
  represent the triangles, but I can't figure out how to get
  something useful out of the cells or polys.

I got multiple replies telling me that I need to make calls to
o.GetNextCell().  The posters were even kind enough to include
examples in C++ showing how to do a delaunay triangulation and
retrieve the triangle info.

However, the Python version of a vtkCellArray object (which is
what's created as output from the Delaunay triangulation
module) doesn't make the GetNextCell() (or GetCell()) method
visible. It does have a GetNumberOfCells() object, and methods
to set and insert cells, but how do I _get_ a cell?
Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  .. I'll make you
  at   an ASHTRAY!!

Re: Looking for Delaunay triangulation module...

2007-09-03 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-09-02, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can anybody point me to a Delaunay triangulation module (for
 Win32)?  I'm currently using 
 under Linux, but I have been unable to find a build for
 Windows. I don't have the tools (or skills) to build libqhull
 and Pythion extensions on Win32).
 I've also found the delaunay module in scipy's sandbox.  I
 could never get that module to work under Linux, and I can't
 build it for Windows anyway.

 I'm working on it today. I'm going to break it out into a
 separate package. If you can remember what problems you had,
 I'd like to fix them. I'm clearing up a number of (really
 dumb) memory leaks.

I'm sorry I don't remember what the problems were. It was some
time ago (probably 14-16 months) when I was trying to use the
module. After spending a day or two on it, I switched to the
Delny module (which I had used in the past).

I do have Dlaunay triangulation working using VTK (which is
included in Enthought Python), but I haven't been able to
figure out how to extract the triangle list from the object
containing the resulting triangulation.  The object method that
people on the VTK mailing list tell me to call isn't available
in the Python binding.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  .. does your DRESSING
  at   ROOM have enough ASPARAGUS?

Re: Problem with extremely small real number

2007-09-03 Thread Duncan Smith
Andrea wrote:
 I need to calculate this probability P!/{n \choose p}, varying both n
 and p, n takes values in this range [512:1024] and p in [2:12].
 So i write this code in python:
 def factorial(n):
   if n==0: return 1
   for i in xrange(1, abs(n)+1):
   result = i*result
   if n = 0:
   return result
   return -result
 def binomial(n, k):
   assert n0 and isinstance(n, (int, long)) and isinstance(k,
   if k  0 or k  n:
   return 0
   if k == 0 or k == n:
   return 1
   return factorial(n) // (factorial(k) * factorial(n-k))
 I want to call factorial(2)//binomial(1024,2) for example, in this way
 trivially I obtain 0 as probability, how can I obtain the probability
 forcing this division to output extremely small real numbers

'//' is floor division.

 from __future__ import division


Re: Problem with extremely small real number

2007-09-03 Thread Fabio Z Tessitore
Il Mon, 03 Sep 2007 07:56:10 -0700, Andrea ha scritto:

 I want to call factorial(2)//binomial(1024,2) for example, in this way
 trivially I obtain 0 as probability, how can I obtain the probability
 forcing this division to output extremely small real numbers

int to float will help

print float(factorial(2))/binomial(1024,2)


Re: Problem with extremely small real number

2007-09-03 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Sep 3, 3:56 pm, Andrea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to calculate this probability P!/{n \choose p}, varying both n
 and p, n takes values in this range [512:1024] and p in [2:12].
 So i write this code in python:

 def factorial(n):
 if n==0: return 1
 for i in xrange(1, abs(n)+1):
 result = i*result
 if n = 0:
 return result
 return -result
 def binomial(n, k):
 assert n0 and isinstance(n, (int, long)) and isinstance(k,
 if k  0 or k  n:
 return 0
 if k == 0 or k == n:
 return 1
 return factorial(n) // (factorial(k) * factorial(n-k))

 I want to call factorial(2)//binomial(1024,2) for example, in this way
 trivially I obtain 0 as probability, how can I obtain the probability
 forcing this division to output extremely small real numbers

 I want to produce a program that provide a set of data of this
 probability on varying n and p, in order to plot a surface with this
 data set with gnuplot, any comments or suggestion?
 thanks in advance,

You're using integer division, that's why you probabilities are 0!
In python (up to 2.5 at list), if one integer/long is divided by
another, integer division is used.
But if one of the operands is a float, then the other one is converted
to a float and float division is used.

* convert your integers to floats first.
* Don't use //, use /
(// is 'true division', it will always give you the rounded answer)

[This can cause confusion, and I think it has been changed from v2.6
on - which I haven't got to try so correct me if  I'm wrong]

 float(factorial(2)) / binomial(1024, 2)

p! / nCp = p! / (n! / p!(n-p)!) = (p!)^2 * (n! / (n-p)!) = (p!)^2 /
\prod_{i=n-p+1}^n i


def product(a, b):
return reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, xrange(a, b+1))

def f(n, p):
return float(product(1, p))**2 / product(n-p+1, n)

 f(1024, 2)

This will be more efficient.



Re: How can I wait for all the threads I spawn for 5 minutes

2007-09-03 Thread Fabio Z Tessitore
 But this code ends up waiting 5 minutes for **each** thread.  that is
 not what I want. I just want to wait for 5 minutes for all threads. how
 can I do that?

I've written a little code for you using threading. Hope it will help you:

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

import threading
import time

class MyLittleThread(threading.Thread):

  def __init__(self):

  def run(self):

if __name__ == __main__:
  # create a list of 10 MyLittleThread
  # total time to wait is 5 sec (NOT 5sec*10)
  lt = []
  for i in range(10):

  for th in lt:


Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread christophertidy

 The others spottet the error I missed. But I can offer something else:

 It's a worthy read for someone coming from Java, needing time to adjust.

 Diez- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

That deffinately was a useful read, thanks.
Thankyou to everyone who sorted these problems for me, I have
progressed very well
with this python program throughout the day now.

I have another little question before I finish today:
I am currently struggling to use a global variable in my static
functions. I'll explain further

Within my file I have

class Main(object):
stepStore = StepStore()

def createDepSteps():

stepStore.addStep([bol7, pre5])

def processSteps():
for step in stepStore.stepList[:]:


Trying this approach I am getting a error saying with the
processSteps() method, stepStore is undefined
To solve this problem I am currently passing in the processSteps()
parameter a stepStore instance created within createDepSteps()
but there is surely a way stepStore can be a global attribute which
can be accessed from both methods?
Any help would be much appreciated again


Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Mon, 03 Sep 2007 16:13:28 +, christophertidy wrote:

 Within my file I have
 class Main(object):
 stepStore = StepStore()
 def createDepSteps():
 stepStore.addStep([bol7, pre5])
 def processSteps():
 for step in stepStore.stepList[:]:

What's `Main` useful for?  Is Java shining through again?  A class with
just static methods isn't a class but just a container for functions.  But
functions usually live in modules in Python so get rid of that class and
move the functions to module level.

 Trying this approach I am getting a error saying with the
 processSteps() method, stepStore is undefined

`stepStore` is searched in the function and then in the module.  But it
is defined in the class.  So you have to access `Main.stepStore`.  Unless
you are modifying `stepStore.stepList` while iterating over it, you don't
need to make a copy by the way.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch


 The others spottet the error I missed. But I can offer something else:

 It's a worthy read for someone coming from Java, needing time to adjust.

 Diez- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
 That deffinately was a useful read, thanks.
 Thankyou to everyone who sorted these problems for me, I have
 progressed very well
 with this python program throughout the day now.
 I have another little question before I finish today:
 I am currently struggling to use a global variable in my static
 functions. I'll explain further
 Within my file I have
 class Main(object):
 stepStore = StepStore()
 def createDepSteps():
 stepStore.addStep([bol7, pre5])
 def processSteps():
 for step in stepStore.stepList[:]:
 Trying this approach I am getting a error saying with the
 processSteps() method, stepStore is undefined
 To solve this problem I am currently passing in the processSteps()
 parameter a stepStore instance created within createDepSteps()
 but there is surely a way stepStore can be a global attribute which
 can be accessed from both methods?
 Any help would be much appreciated again

You are dep down in javaland again. first of all, with the exception of
factory methods, staticmethods or classmethods usually aren't needed. In
Python, you can define functions directly.

So move the above methods toplevel, aka out of the class-context. and just
make stepStore a module-global variable.

Then things should work. 

The distinction between staticmethod and classmethod is, that staticmethod
is a pure method, something unknown in Java.

the classmethod OTOH is a method that gets the class as first argument
(instead of the instance, as in an instance-method):

class Foo(object):
   def bar(cls):
   print cls

However: get rid of unnecessary classes. Java is severely limited regarding
the definition of pure code, the permanently needed class-context for
e.g. a main-method is absurd - to say the least.


Re: Does shuffle() produce uniform result ?

2007-09-03 Thread Paul Rubin
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If I understand correctly that you are using urandom as a random
 generator I wouldn't trust too much on this performance. Urandom
 uses the systemwide entropy-pool. If other programs need this pool
 too, your performance can drop spectaculary. 

No the idea is that once there's enough entropy in the pool to make
one encryption key (say 128 bits), the output of /dev/urandom is
computationally indistinguishable from random output no matter how
much data you read from it.

Re: Problem with extremely small real number

2007-09-03 Thread Roberto Bonvallet
On 3 sep, 10:56, Andrea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 def binomial(n, k):
 assert n0 and isinstance(n, (int, long)) and isinstance(k,

Don't use assert to check whether the parameters have the right value.
assert should be used to claim that a certain condition always hold in
your program.
Prefer the following form, which will make debugging clearer:

if n = 0:
raise ValueError(Wrong value of n)
if not isinstance(n, (int, long)):
raise TypeError(Wrong type of n)
if not isinstance(k, (int, long)):
raise TypeError(Wrong type of k)

Anyway, you shouldn't be checking the type of the parameters either.
It could be more useful if you cast to the desired type.  This way,
your function will handle gracefully the case when you accidentally
pass a string as a parameter:

n = int(n)
k = int(k)
if n = 0:
raise ValueError(Wrong value of n: %d % n)

Best regards,
Roberto Bonvallet


Re: SOAP : ZSI error

2007-09-03 Thread Boris Borcic
linuxprog wrote:
 hello i need some help with ZSI module
 i want to use the web service located here
 the wsdl file :
 that web service is very simple , the function NumToStr converts numbers 
 to dutch words (description
 i have generated IDutchservice_services with wsdl2py
 here is my code :
 import IDutchservice_services
 soap = 
 ok = IDutchservice_services.NumToStr0Request()
 print soap.NumToStr(ok)
 that prints an error RuntimeError: must specify transport or url 
 startswith https/http
 what's wrong in my script ? thanks

Is startswith https/http part of the error message ? What would it refer to ?


Re: So what exactly is a complex number?

2007-09-03 Thread Boris Borcic
Lamonte Harris wrote:
 Like in math where you put letters that represent numbers for place 
 holders to try to find the answer type complex numbers?

Not quite. Relating them to (plane) trigonometry is much closer to the mark. 
Complex numbers are like a subclass of real numbers that elegantly extends the 
usual arithmetic operations to provide access to trigonometric functions and 
related goodies. This then allows you to think of trigonometric problems as 
simple arithmetic problems.


Re: 400 Bad Request calling urllib2.urlopen()

2007-09-03 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Achim Domma wrote:

 urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
 I'm using Python 2.5.1 and Google did not help. Any hint on how to
 fix or debug this problem?

Use e. g. wireshark to look at the raw stream data and check if the
request is malformed.



BOFH excuse #123:

user to computer ratio too high.


trap setting attribute when the attribute is dict

2007-09-03 Thread yosuke
Hello all,

I have a question which might be simple or need some work around.

I want to do something like this.  My class/instance has a dict as a
property.  I want the instance to catch the change in the dict (change
in some values, addition/deletion of key/value etc) to be recognized by
the class instance.  

How can I do this?  Any suggestions are very well appreciated.

Here is an example of what I want my class to behave:

class test(object):
def __init__(self):
self._d = {}
self._changed = False
def getd(self):
print 'called getd'
return self._d
# dont know what to do next
def setd(self,val):
print 'called setd', key, val
self._d[key] = val
self._changed = True
d = property(getd,setd,None,None)

def getc(self):
return self._changed
changed = property(getc,None,None,None)

if __name__ == '__main__':
obj = test()
print 'obj.changed = ', obj.changed

# I want obj to know that its propety d being changed here
print t.d['a'] = 1
obj.d['a'] = 1

# I want the changed property to be True
print 'obj.changed = ', obj.changed

yosuke kimura
Center for Energy and Environmental Resources
The Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA

Re: 400 Bad Request calling urllib2.urlopen()

2007-09-03 Thread O.R.Senthil Kumaran
 I have an url which redirects the client to another url. If I paste
 the url into a browser, it works fine. If I open it via

Any redirection is setup using either of the 301, 302, 303, 307 return codes of 
HTTP. Atleast, thats what standard determines.

   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 575, in http_error_302

Here we see that redirect handler http_error_302 has taken effect.

   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 499, in http_error_default
 raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
 urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request

The redirected page is not getting fetched by the OpenerDirector of urllib2. 
This could be due to various reasons.
- the protocol is unsupported.
- there is some prevention from accessing the resource directly.

If its possible, can you share the url which is throwing this error?
To me, it does seem urllib2 issue, it could be the (improper ??) redirection 
setup at webserver.


O.R.Senthil Kumaran

Applying transformation matrix to 3D vertex coordinates

2007-09-03 Thread PhilC

to apply a translation array to an array
of 3D vertex coordinates to produce the
resulting location of each vertices.

Translation array and vertex coordinates taken from
a Truespace COB file.

The text in the COB file looks like this:-

-2.11786 -0.817596 0.946387 0.864939
0.405189 1.25484 2.11894 0.434915
-1.16679 1.9198 -0.981965 1.13894
0 0 0 1
World Vertices 8
-0.20 -0.029486 -0.236313
0.20 0.029486 -0.163687
-0.20 0.370514 -0.282911
-0.20 0.370514 0.117089
-0.20 -0.029486 0.163687
0.20 0.029486 0.236313
0.20 0.429486 -0.210286
0.20 0.429486 0.189714

# script start 

import Numeric
transArray = Numeric.array((
(-2.11786, -0.817596, 0.946387, 0.864939),
(0.405189, 1.25484, 2.11894, 0.434915),
(-1.16679, 1.9198, -0.981965, 1.1389),
(0, 0, 0, 1)

# a 1 added to the end of each set of vertix coordinates
vertArray = Numeric.array((
(-0.20, -0.029486, -0.236313, 1),
(0.20, 0.029486, -0.163687, 1),
(-0.20, 0.370514, -0.282911, 1),
(-0.20, 0.370514, 0.117089, 1),
(-0.20, -0.029486, 0.163687, 1),
(0.20, 0.029486, 0.236313, 1),
(0.20, 0.429486, -0.210286, 1),
(0.20, 0.429486, 0.189714, 1)

print transArray
print vertArray

transArray = Numeric.reshape(transArray,(4,4))
vertArray = Numeric.reshape(vertArray,(4,8))

print Numeric.matrixmultiply(transArray,vertArray)

# script end

[[ 0.5708016   0.10309048  0.70481144 -1.12413 0.1022124
0.03400637  0.63866924 -1.12413   ]
 [-0.6688108   0.57729922 -0.19537307  4.2138840.3408408
0.72615216  0.66384632  4.213884  ]
 [ 0.2735711.26381257 -0.66763452  0.909945   -0.585931
1.13709619  0.39979 0.909945  ]
 [ 0.2 0.429486   -0.2102861.  0.2

Am I going in the right direction?
What do I do with the result? :)


-- Announces Winner of Most-Video-Plays of the Month

2007-09-03 Thread O.R.Senthil Kumaran, a website offering over 361 instructional screencasts about
 topics both Python and non-Python, has announced their first winner of the
 month for the most-played video.  And the winner is:
  Learn Django: Create a Wiki in 20 minutes
 by Siddharta Govindaraj, founder of Silver Stripe Software, with 1851 views in
 August, far outpacing the second-place entry.  The prize is a £20 (UK) voucher
 to Amazon.  Congratulations, Siddhi!  You can watch it at:
 Siddhi is also helping Doug Napoleone with PyCon this year, providing a
 program for generating attendee badges and working to integrate it into the
 Django-based conference site.
 You can find Siddhi at:
 So who will win this month?  It could be you!  How about a screencast
 showcasing a different web framework like TurboGears or Twisted Web?  Or
 something about databases, either relational or object.
 Jeff Rush
 Python Advocacy Coordinator

O.R.Senthil Kumaran

Re: list index()

2007-09-03 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Terry Reedy (Fri, 31 Aug 2007 02:28:36 -0400)
 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 | On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:09:36 +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
 |  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 |  What's with the index() function of lists throwing an exception on not
 |  found?
 |  It's letting you know that the item isn't in the list. There's no
 |  sensible return value from an index function in that condition.
 | What about -1?  C programmers do this all the time.  :-)
 Because they do not have exceptions. 

They have plenty of - but they can't catch them :)


Re: trap setting attribute when the attribute is dict

2007-09-03 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Sep 3, 7:00 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 I have a question which might be simple or need some work around.

 I want to do something like this.  My class/instance has a dict as a
 property.  I want the instance to catch the change in the dict (change
 in some values, addition/deletion of key/value etc) to be recognized by
 the class instance.  

 How can I do this?  Any suggestions are very well appreciated.

 Here is an example of what I want my class to behave:

 class test(object):
 def __init__(self):
 self._d = {}
 self._changed = False
 def getd(self):
 print 'called getd'
 return self._d
 # dont know what to do next
 def setd(self,val):
 print 'called setd', key, val
 self._d[key] = val

Where does the 'key' come from?  Perhaps you need to look further into
how properties work.

 self._changed = True
 d = property(getd,setd,None,None)

 def getc(self):
 return self._changed
 changed = property(getc,None,None,None)

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 obj = test()
 print 'obj.changed = ', obj.changed

 # I want obj to know that its propety d being changed here
 print t.d['a'] = 1
 obj.d['a'] = 1

 # I want the changed property to be True
 print 'obj.changed = ', obj.changed

You can't do that with plain dicts, and I'm not sure it is often a
good idea.  However you could create a class that behaves like a dict
but calls a function each time an item is set, e.g. (made up

 class TriggerDict(object):
... def __init__(self, trigger, val=None):
... self.trigger = trigger
... self.dict_ = val or {}
... def __setitem__(self, key, val):
... self.trigger(self, key, val)
... self.dict_[key] = val
... def __getitem__(self, key):
... return self.dict_[key]
 def trigger(d, k, v):
... print '%s = %s' % (k, v)
 td = TriggerDict(trigger)
 td['spanish'] = 'inquisition' # see side effect below.
spanish = inquisition

Obviously your trigger function would set the _changed attribute of
the test object instead.  And again it is probably not a good idea
unless you know exactly what you are doing.  If it was me, I'd try to
rethink my design instead.




Re: list index()

2007-09-03 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Ben Finney (Thu, 30 Aug 2007 18:02:15 +1000)
 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  What's with using your brain instead of whining ?
 Now now, no need for snappiness.

Actually there was. The OP's claim
| There are a million situations where you can have an item not be in
| a list and it is not an exception situation. just plain nonsense. zzbbaadd neither does understand exceptions 
nor what they are used for in Python. An item not being in a list is 
an exception situation /by definition/.


Re: trap setting attribute when the attribute is dict

2007-09-03 Thread yosuke
Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 3, 7:00 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to do something like this.  My class/instance has a dict as a
 property.  I want the instance to catch the change in the dict (change
 in some values, addition/deletion of key/value etc) to be recognized by
 the class instance.  

 How can I do this?  Any suggestions are very well appreciated.

 Here is an example of what I want my class to behave:

 class test(object):
 def __init__(self):
 self._d = {}
 self._changed = False
 def getd(self):
 print 'called getd'
 return self._d
 # dont know what to do next
 def setd(self,val):
 print 'called setd', key, val
 self._d[key] = val

 Where does the 'key' come from?  Perhaps you need to look further into
 how properties work.

This obviously doesn't work...

 self._changed = True
 d = property(getd,setd,None,None)

 def getc(self):
 return self._changed
 changed = property(getc,None,None,None)

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 obj = test()
 print 'obj.changed = ', obj.changed

 # I want obj to know that its propety d being changed here
 print t.d['a'] = 1
 obj.d['a'] = 1

 # I want the changed property to be True
 print 'obj.changed = ', obj.changed

 You can't do that with plain dicts, and I'm not sure it is often a
 good idea.  However you could create a class that behaves like a dict
 but calls a function each time an item is set, e.g. (made up

 class TriggerDict(object):
 ... def __init__(self, trigger, val=None):
 ... self.trigger = trigger
 ... self.dict_ = val or {}
 ... def __setitem__(self, key, val):
 ... self.trigger(self, key, val)
 ... self.dict_[key] = val
 ... def __getitem__(self, key):
 ... return self.dict_[key]
 def trigger(d, k, v):
 ... print '%s = %s' % (k, v)
 td = TriggerDict(trigger)
 td['spanish'] = 'inquisition' # see side effect below.
 spanish = inquisition

 Obviously your trigger function would set the _changed attribute of
 the test object instead.  And again it is probably not a good idea
 unless you know exactly what you are doing.  If it was me, I'd try to
 rethink my design instead.

Thank you for suggestion, Arnaud.

Since you are discouraging this idea of trigger, may I ask an advice of
if my intention was legitimate one or not?

My intention was to have a propery 'sum' in my object, and which has sum
of all the values() of the dict (i have code to make sure that the value
of dict are all numeric).  I could just the propery being calculated
everytime the property got __getattr__.  But I thought that it was
inefficient to calculate the same number over and over when the value is
already known.  So I was thiking of calculating the number only when the
dict got modified.

I also experimented with the idea of subclassing dict itself to
calculate the sum.  Is this what would be better solution?

Thank you again,


yosuke kimura
Center for Energy and Environmental Resources
The Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA

Re: Let's Unite Against Jews and Mongrels!

2007-09-03 Thread devondejohn
On Sep 2, 9:18 am, Richard B. Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Zentrader wrote:
  On Aug 28, 4:50 am, Richard B. Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Unless, of course, someone has a working Killbot.  If anyone has such

 a thing, please kill that MI5victim moron as well!

  I reported MI5victim to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and it appears to be gone, as
  well as the free air conditioner's posts.  (Thanks Steve Holden for
  the reminder that it doesn't have to be personal e-mail spam in order
  to be reported). If the OP posts again, report it.  Something like 75%
  of internet mail is spam.

 MI5victim was alive and (I won't say well!!) a week ago.  It remains to
 be seen if he's gone.  And if you believe that reporting spam to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] actually has any effect on spam, you must believe in the
 Tooth Fairy as well!

 There will be spam as long as there are morons who will send the
 spammers money for whatever they're peddling!  I still get two or three
 Spanish Prisoner a/k/a 401 scams each week (this is the one where
 somebody has $30,000,000 US and will share it with you if only you will
 send him a little of your money)!  The US government does seem to have
 cracked down on the Pharmacy spam and the internet pharmacies that
 were behind it.

 Remember, it costs essentially nothing to send spam to 30,000,000 people
   and if the spammer gets 0.5% response, he's ahead of the game!



Python object - XML

2007-09-03 Thread Samuel

Say you have the following XML:

item ref=1
  nameitem 1/name
item ref=2
  nameitem 2/name
  item ref=1 /
  item ref=2 /
  namemy group/name

Is there an easy way (i.e. without writing a sax/dom parser) to load
this into a (number of) Python object(s), manipulate the instance, and
save the result back to XML?



Re: Python object - XML

2007-09-03 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Samuel napisał(a):

 Say you have the following XML:
 item ref=1
   nameitem 1/name
 item ref=2
   nameitem 2/name
   item ref=1 /
   item ref=2 /
   namemy group/name
 Is there an easy way (i.e. without writing a sax/dom parser) to load
 this into a (number of) Python object(s), manipulate the instance, and
 save the result back to XML?

Yea, use ElementTree and you'd get a bunch of nested lists of very
simple objects.

Jarek Zgoda

Re: TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

2007-09-03 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 I have another little question before I finish today:
 I am currently struggling to use a global variable in my static
 functions. I'll explain further
 Within my file I have
 class Main(object):
 stepStore = StepStore()
 def createDepSteps():
 stepStore.addStep([bol7, pre5])
 def processSteps():
 for step in stepStore.stepList[:]:

Marc and Diez already gave you the good answers on this (basically: get 
rid of useless classes, and use plain functions instead of 
staticmethods). I'd just add a couple comments:

First point: OO is not about classes, it's about objects - FWIW, the 
mere concept of 'class' is nowhere in the definition of OO, and some 
OOPLs don't even have that concept (cf Self and Javascript).

Second point : in Python, everything (well... almost - at least 
everything that can be bound to a name) is an object. So Python's 
modules and functions are objects.

Third point : top-level (aka 'module level', aka 'globals') names 
(names defined outside classes or functions) are in fact module 
attributes. So, to make a long story short, you can consider a module as 
a kind of a singleton.

What I wanted to point out here is that there's much more to OO than 
what one learns with Java - and, FWIW, much more to Python's object 
model than what it may seems at first.

Ah, and, BTW : welcome here !-)

Re: Python object - XML

2007-09-03 Thread Samuel
On Sep 3, 10:19 pm, Jarek Zgoda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there an easy way (i.e. without writing a sax/dom parser) to load
  this into a (number of) Python object(s), manipulate the instance, and
  save the result back to XML?

 Yea, use ElementTree and you'd get a bunch of nested lists of very
 simple objects.

Sorry for being unclear. By load this into a number of Python
objects I mean, filling already existing objects with data. In other

class Item(object):
  def __init__(self, ref, name):
self.ref  = ref = name

class Group(object):
  def __init__(self, ref, name, item = []):
self.ref  = ref = name
self.item = item

mapper = Mapper()
objects = mapper.load('data.xml')
print objects['1']
Item object at 0x324235a

(Obviously, in my example the mapper could not always know where a
list is required, but an existing mapper will surely have a solution
I guess what I am looking for is pretty much an ORM that also works
with XML.



Re: status of Programming by Contract (PEP 316)?

2007-09-03 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Russ a écrit :

 Frankly, Mr. Holden, I'm getting a bit tired of the clannish behavior
 here, where
 outsiders like me are held to a higher standard than your insider
 friends. I don't know who you are, nor do I care what you and your 
  little group think about me.

If you took time to follow discussions on this group, you'd notice that 
newcomers are usually welcome. It's not a problem of being an outsider 
of an insider, and there's nothing clannish (or very few, specially 
when compared to some other places on usenet), it's mostly a problem 
with your attitude. And please notice, once again, that I'm not talking 
about *you* - as a person - but about how you behave(d).


Re: Python object - XML

2007-09-03 Thread Laurent Pointal
Samuel wrote:

 Say you have the following XML:
 item ref=1
   nameitem 1/name
 item ref=2
   nameitem 2/name
   item ref=1 /
   item ref=2 /
   namemy group/name
 Is there an easy way (i.e. without writing a sax/dom parser) to load
 this into a (number of) Python object(s), manipulate the instance, and
 save the result back to XML?

I dont know if this suit your needs:

Take a look at the Amara Bindery:




Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Sep 3)

2007-09-03 Thread Gabriel Genellina
QOTW:  If there were a protein that could only be folded by proving the
Riemann Hypothesis, the gene that coded for it would quickly get weeded
out of the gene pool. - Scott Aaaronson

We read Knuth so you don't have to. - Tim Peters

The first Python 3000 release is out -- Python 3.0a1.
Anouncement by Guido van Rossum:
Download it:

The first Python Unconference is under two weeks away:

Using set operations instead of list.index(), why there is
no list.find(), and the right way to pronounce troll.

Analyzing a very slow Python code (loops, xrange and
integer arithmetic only)

Free memory, garbage collection, and the reuse of integer objects.

An old PEP on Programming by Contract revisited

Started about client/server applications, then people
comment about their favorite architectures.

Using fcntl to syncronize file access by two processes

The difference between os.getenv/os.putenv and os.environ[]

Python sort-of joins the 21st century of Web 2.0, and video, and
... well, the technical point is that Django's a solution liked
by many:

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url
Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
World-Wide Web articles related to Python.
While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
their results.

Just beginning with Python?  This page is a great place to start:

The Python Papers aims to publish the efforts of Python enthusiats:
The Python Magazine is a technical monthly devoted to Python:

Readers have recommended the Planet sites:

comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.

Python411 indexes podcasts ... to help people learn Python ...
Updates appear more-than-weekly:

Steve Bethard continues the marvelous tradition early borne by
Andrew Kuchling, Michael Hudson, Brett Cannon, Tony Meyer, and Tim
Lesher of intelligently summarizing action on the python-dev mailing
list once every other week.

The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.

Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists

Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.

Colorado Python training in October

2007-09-03 Thread Mark Lutz
Python author and trainer Mark Lutz will be teaching another
3-day Python class at a conference center in Longmont, Colorado,
on October 23-25, 2007.

This is a public training session open to individual enrollments,
and covers the same topics as the 3-day onsite sessions that Mark
teaches, with hands-on lab work.

For more information on this class, please visit these web pages:

Thanks for your interest.
--Python Training Services


Re: trap setting attribute when the attribute is dict

2007-09-03 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Sep 3, 8:47 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 My intention was to have a propery 'sum' in my object, and which has sum
 of all the values() of the dict (i have code to make sure that the value
 of dict are all numeric).  I could just the propery being calculated
 everytime the property got __getattr__.  But I thought that it was
 inefficient to calculate the same number over and over when the value is
 already known.  So I was thiking of calculating the number only when the
 dict got modified.

 I also experimented with the idea of subclassing dict itself to
 calculate the sum.  Is this what would be better solution?

Why not simply have a method to update the dictionary that also keeps
the sum up to date? Something like that:

 class MyObj(object):
... def __init__(self):
... self._d = {}
... self._sum = 0
... def set_key(self, key, val):
... self._sum += val - self._d.get(key, 0)
... self._d[key] = val
... def get_key(self, key):
... return self._d[key]
... def sum(self):
... return self._sum
 a = MyObj()
 a.set_key(1, 2)
 a.set_key('a', 10)
 a.set_key(1, 5)

Of course this is only worth it if you need to use the sum often
If you update the dictionary a lot but only need the sum from time to
time, then it might not be worth it at all.

Of course you could subclass dict:

class MyDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._sum = sum(self.itervalues())
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
self._sum += val - self.get(key, 0)
dict.__setitem__(self, key, val)
def sum(self):
return self._sum
# overload all other methods that mutate the dict
# to keep _sum up to date

 d = MyDict()




Re: Let's Unite Against Jews and Mongrels!

2007-09-03 Thread Fit E. Cal
On Sep 3, 12:57 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 2, 9:18 am, Richard B. Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]


-Shrug- I fucked her. mvm


Re: Let's Unite Against Jews and Mongrels!

2007-09-03 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Barry OGrady napisał(a):

 What could anyone have against mongrels?

You clearly don't know how abusive ROR can be.

Jarek Zgoda

ANN: lfm 2.0

2007-09-03 Thread Iñigo Serna
Hi out there,

After a few years working silently I'm very pleased to announce here the
so much awaited new version of 'lfm'.

Last File Manager is a simple but powerful file manager for the
UNIX console. It's written in Python, using curses module.
Licensed under GNU Public License version 3.

Some of the features you could find in lfm:
- console-based file manager for UNIX platforms
- 1-pane or 2-pane view
- bookmarks
- vfs for compressed files
- dialogs with entry completion
- fast access to a shell
- direct integration of find/grep, df and other tools
- tabs per pane
- color files by extension [Andrey Skvortsov]
- fast file viewer with text and binary modes
- ...and many others

Download it from:

or if it doesn't show last version (crap of ISP reverse proxy), try this
low-bandwidth home server:

Of course, all comments, suggestions etc. are welcome.

Changes since previous version:

Version 2.0 (Nine 1/2 weeks... ok, ok, and 3 years) - 2007/09/03:

  + tabs implemented
  + color files by extension [Andrey Skvortsov]
  + new IPC code and API; more flexible, powerful and stable
  + new un/compress vfs API, added support for .zip and .rar files
  + make sort mode per tab, not globally
  + support locale [Andrey Skvortsov]
  + speed up loading directory contents
  + speed cursor movement, don't waste much CPU
  + use logging module in lfm and pyview for debugging
  + overwrite_all_none: yes, all, no  = new options: none, 
skip all
  + rewrite/refactor most of code to make lfm more robust and clean
  + preferences:
- change file name =
- use ConfigParser
  + use tempfile secure versions mkdtemp() and mkstemp()
  + added man pages [Sebastien Bacher]
  + use reST for documentation
  + check for python version 2.3 or higher in lfm and pyview
  + updated to GPL v3 license
  + and fixed lot of bugs, some of them:
- general:
  . delete garbage if user stops action
  . run 'do_special_view_file' as dettached from lfm window
  . path expand in bookmarks (~/) [Andrey Skvortsov]
  . an ugly traceback crash appears when user starts lfm path and 
has no permissions to enter. Show error message and default to
current directory
  . lfm crashes when filename is not encoded with same codec than
g_encoding utils.{decode|encode}. Needs curses module linked
against ncursesw to work properly
  . sort_mix_cases = 1 performance degrades on larger dirs.
Reported by Andrey Skvortsov
  . escape filenames with chars $ . Reported by Andrey Skvortsov
- user interface:
  . maximize/minimize window don't crash lfm anymore
  . dialogs appear at bad position after terminal is resized
  . handle window resize in Tree mode
  . refresh display after canceling completion dialog
  . the size of the right pane does not fill the last column in
terminal if their number is odd [Andrey Skvortsov]
  . fix crash when df shows entries in two different lines (device
name is too large, f.e. in linux lvm2 volumes)
  . if you try to enter a directory with insufficient permissions,
after the error message is closed the cursorline refreshes to
the first line
- compress:
  . added -i flag (--ignore-zeros) flag to tar [Andrey Skvortsov]
  . standard tar needs - for flags
- vfs:
  . regenerate_file, if user stops process, tempfile can't
be deleted
- find/grep:
  . escape special chars (- \ ( ) [ ]) in patterns
  . don't crash when find/grep returns no results
  . bug when matches occur in binary files
- pyview:
  . goto line 0 in pyview showed a blank screen
  . crash in file info if filename is too long

Version 1.0 was never released in public

Best regards,
Iñigo Serna


Python411 Podcast: Python for Mobile Interfaces

2007-09-03 Thread UrsusMaximus
Python for Mobile Interfaces is a clarion call for Pythonistas to
pioneer the future of alternative user interfaces for mobile phones,
PDA's, and wearable computers, including voice recognition, gesture
recognition, and wearable computing.


Can you use -getattr- to get a function in the current module?

2007-09-03 Thread Sergio Correia
This works:

# Module

import eggs

print getattr(eggs, 'omelet')(100)

That is, I just call the function omelet inside the module eggs and
evaulate it with the argument 100.

But what if the function 'omelet' is in the module where I do the
getattr (that is, in  If I do any of this

print getattr(spam, 'omelet')(100)
print getattr('','omelet')(100)
print getattr('omelet')(100)

It wont work. Any ideas?


Re: Registering a python function in C

2007-09-03 Thread fernando

 Is Maya a different python build than what is contained at
 If so, I suggest you get your C program to work with the latest python
 from  Then see if you can get it to work with the Maya

Ok, did that. If I write a normal C++ program and use the python
installed in my system, everything works ok and I can call the python
funtions. From within maya(where the C code is running as a plugin),
nothing happens. I tried removing my python installation so that only
the one that comes with maya is running, but then I have no python.h
or libs to compile against!! I found no help at the maya/python
newsgroup, is there anyone who has done this before???

Thanks for all the help!


Re: list index()

2007-09-03 Thread Ben Finney
Thorsten Kampe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 * Ben Finney (Thu, 30 Aug 2007 18:02:15 +1000)
  Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   What's with using your brain instead of whining ?
  Now now, no need for snappiness.
 Actually there was. The OP's claim [...] just plain nonsense.

Which was pointed out in several ways without snapping. Hence the part
of my response you omitted.

Ben Finney wrote:

 If you don't feel a constructive response is merited, please ignore.

There's no need to fuel flames with content-free flaming, and Bruno
agreed with that when it was pointed out. If one doesn't have the time
or inclination to post a constructive response, not responding at all
is better than flaming.

The Python community is remarkable for its low level of flaming and
high level of content in this forum, even in response to poor
attitudes and cluelessness. I'd like it to remain that way.

 \  I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate |
  `\  those who do. And for the people who like country music, |
_o__) denigrate means 'put down'.  -- Bob Newhart |
Ben Finney

Re: trap setting attribute when the attribute is dict

2007-09-03 Thread John Machin
On Sep 4, 5:47 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sep 3, 7:00 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I want to do something like this.  My class/instance has a dict as a
  property.  I want the instance to catch the change in the dict (change
  in some values, addition/deletion of key/value etc) to be recognized by
  the class instance.

  How can I do this?  Any suggestions are very well appreciated.

  Here is an example of what I want my class to behave:

  class test(object):
  def __init__(self):
  self._d = {}
  self._changed = False
  def getd(self):
  print 'called getd'
  return self._d
  # dont know what to do next
  def setd(self,val):
  print 'called setd', key, val
  self._d[key] = val
  Where does the 'key' come from?  Perhaps you need to look further into
  how properties work.

 This obviously doesn't work...

  self._changed = True
  d = property(getd,setd,None,None)

  def getc(self):
  return self._changed
  changed = property(getc,None,None,None)

  if __name__ == '__main__':
  obj = test()
  print 'obj.changed = ', obj.changed

  # I want obj to know that its propety d being changed here
  print t.d['a'] = 1
  obj.d['a'] = 1

  # I want the changed property to be True
  print 'obj.changed = ', obj.changed

  You can't do that with plain dicts, and I'm not sure it is often a
  good idea.  However you could create a class that behaves like a dict
  but calls a function each time an item is set, e.g. (made up
  class TriggerDict(object):
  ... def __init__(self, trigger, val=None):
  ... self.trigger = trigger
  ... self.dict_ = val or {}
  ... def __setitem__(self, key, val):
  ... self.trigger(self, key, val)
  ... self.dict_[key] = val
  ... def __getitem__(self, key):
  ... return self.dict_[key]
  def trigger(d, k, v):
  ... print '%s = %s' % (k, v)
  td = TriggerDict(trigger)
  td['spanish'] = 'inquisition' # see side effect below.
  spanish = inquisition

  Obviously your trigger function would set the _changed attribute of
  the test object instead.  And again it is probably not a good idea
  unless you know exactly what you are doing.  If it was me, I'd try to
  rethink my design instead.

 Thank you for suggestion, Arnaud.

 Since you are discouraging this idea of trigger, may I ask an advice of
 if my intention was legitimate one or not?

 My intention was to have a propery 'sum' in my object, and which has sum
 of all the values() of the dict (i have code to make sure that the value
 of dict are all numeric).  I could just the propery being calculated
 everytime the property got __getattr__.  But I thought that it was
 inefficient to calculate the same number over and over when the value is
 already known.  So I was thiking of calculating the number only when the
 dict got modified.

 I also experimented with the idea of subclassing dict itself to
 calculate the sum.  Is this what would be better solution?

And what's wrong with calculating the value when you need it ...

def thedictsum(self):
return sum(self.thedict.itervalues())

How big will the dict be, how often will it be updated, how often will
the sum be required?

Have you done timings of any of the options?

You say you have code to check that the values are numeric; why not
put this together with maintenance of the sum into a method which
clients must use to update the dict?

BTW, my motto:

__ == Danger, Will Robinson! == Wrong way, go back :-)



Re: SOAP : ZSI error

2007-09-03 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Mon, 03 Sep 2007 06:43:27 -0300, linuxprog [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 import IDutchservice_services
 soap =
 ok = IDutchservice_services.NumToStr0Request()
 print soap.NumToStr(ok)

 that prints an error RuntimeError: must specify transport or url
 startswith https/http

 what's wrong in my script ? thanks

Just a guess based on the error message, try using:


Gabriel Genellina


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