htmldata 1.1.1

2007-10-27 Thread Connelly Barnes

Bug-fix release of htmldata, fixes error when parsing whitespace inside tags.

Description of the htmldata module, from its PyPI site:

Extract and modify HTML/CSS URLs, translate HTML documents - list data 

The htmldata module allows one to translate HTML documents back and forth to 
list data structures.
This allows for programmatic reading and writing of HTML documents, with much 

Functions are also available for extracting and/or modifying all URLs present 
in the HTML or
stylesheets of a document.

I have found this library useful for writing robots, for wrapping all of the 
URLs on websites
inside my own proxy CGI script, for filtering HTML, and for doing flexible 
wget-like mirroring.

It keeps things as simple as possible, so it should be easy to learn.

Supports XHTML, too.

Connelly Barnes

Do You Yahoo!?
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Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Leo 4.4.4 beta 4 released

2007-10-27 Thread Edward K Ream
Leo 4.4.4 beta 4 is available at:

This beta 4 version fixes all bugs reported against Leo 4.4.4 beta 3.

Leo is a text editor, data organizer, project manager and much more. See:

Leo 4.4.4 contains many important features originally planned for later 

The highlights of Leo 4.4.4:

- The Great Graph Aha (tm): simple scripts allow Leo outlines to represent
  arbitrary directed graphs. There is no need for a separate 'graph world'. 
The plugin is a direct result of this Aha. The plugin 
  you to create general graphs from Leo outlines.

- @menus trees in settings files create all of Leo's menus.  It is now dead
  easy to make Leo's menus look the way you want.

- @buttons trees in settings files create common @button nodes created in 
  Leo outlines.

- @auto nodes eliminate sentinels in derived files, thereby allowing people 
  collaborate using Leo more easily.

- New commands for resolving cvs conflicts.

- A threading_colorizer plugin replaces the __jEdit_colorizer__ plugin.
  This plugin features much better performance and a new, elegant algorithm.

- Leo is now compatible with jython.

- Better support for icons in headlines.

- The usual assortment of bug fixes and other minor improvements.


Edward K. Ream   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ceODBC 1.2

2007-10-27 Thread Anthony Tuininga
What is ceODBC?

ceODBC is a Python extension module that enables access to databases using the
ODBC API and conforms to the Python database API 2.0 specifications with a few
additions. I have tested this on Windows against SQL Server, Access, dBASE
and Oracle and others have reported success on more obscure drivers.
On Linux I have tested this against PostgreSQL.

Where do I get it?

What's new?

1) Added support for time data as requested by Dmitry Solitsky.

2) Added support for Python 2.4 as requested by Lukasz Szybalski.

3) Added support for setting the autocommit flag in the connection
constructor since some drivers do not support transactions and raise a
driver not capable exception if any attempt is made to turn
autocommit off; thanks to Carl Karsten for working with me to resolve
this problem.

4) Added support for calculating the size and display size of columns
in the description attribute of cursors as requested by Carl Karsten.

5) Use SQLFreeHandle() rather than SQLCloseCursor() since closing a
cursor in the ODBC sense is not the same as closing a cursor in the DB
API sense and caused strange exceptions to occur if no query was
executed before calling cursor.close().

6) Added additional documentation to README.txt as requested by Lukasz

7) Tweaked setup script and associated configuration files to make it
easier to build and distribute; better support for building with
cx_Logging if desired.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

transmit an array via socket

2007-10-27 Thread Jeff Pang
I want to transmit an array via socket from a host to another.
How to do it? thank you.

Largest network of startups. Find new startup opportunities. Click here.


Re: simple question on dictionary usage

2007-10-27 Thread Frank Millman

Frank Stutzman wrote:
 My apologies in advance, I'm new to python

 Say, I have a dictionary that looks like this:

 record={'BAT': '14.4', 'USD': '24', 'DIF': '45', 'OAT': '16',
 'FF': '3.9', 'C3': '343', 'E4': '1157', 'C1': '339',
 'E6': '1182', 'RPM': '996', 'C6': '311', 'C5': '300',
 'C4': '349', 'CLD': '0', 'E5': '1148', 'C2': '329',
 'MAP': '15', 'OIL': '167', 'HP': '19', 'E1': '1137',
 'MARK': '', 'E3': '1163', 'TIME': '15:43:54',
 'E2': '1169'}

 From this dictionary I would like to create another dictionary calld
 'egt') that has all of the keys that start with the letter 'E'.  In
 otherwords it should look like this:

 egt = {'E6': '1182','E1': '1137','E4': '1157','E5': '1148',
'E2': '1169','E3': '1163'}

This should work -

egt = dict([i for i in d.items() if i[0].startswith('E')])

Frank Millman


Re: simple question on dictionary usage

2007-10-27 Thread Frank Millman

 This should work -

 egt = dict([i for i in d.items() if i[0].startswith('E')])

Of course I meant record.items(), not d.items(). Sorry.



Re: Proposal: Decimal literals in Python.

2007-10-27 Thread Paul Rubin
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  assert 0b1 is 0x1
 That this doesn't raise `AssertionError` is an implementation detail. 
 It's not guaranteed the two objects are really the same.

I think Ben is getting at 0b1 and 0x1 being the same type, while the
proposed 0d1 is a different type.  I don't see anything wrong with 1d.
We already have 1j and I don't think that's going away in 3.0.

Re: tuples within tuples

2007-10-27 Thread korovev76
On 26 Ott, 23:33, Stargaming [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  He certainly is -- *you* are misreading *him*. The nit he's picking
 the non-terminated string (quotation mark/apostrophe missing).

right, now i got it!

beside this, i'm trying to use the reduceXML function proposed by
Larry.. but I found out that sometimes pyrxp parses the newline too...
By now I guess it's not its fault, but it's becuase of the way the xml
file is written


Re: Finding decorators in a file

2007-10-27 Thread Kay Schluehr
On Oct 27, 3:14 am, Andrew  West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Probably a bit of weird question. I realise decorators shouldn't be
 executed until the function they are defined with are called,  but is
 there anyway for me to find all the decorates declared in a file when
 I import it? Or perhaps anyway to find the decorators by loading the
 file by other methods (with out simply parsing it by hand).

There is no need for having *parser Angst* in Python. Once you
understand the syntactical structure of the language it's easy to move
on. I show you how to deal with it using EasyExtend for grepping parse
trees ( which is much easier than using regexps for that purpose ).
Alternatively you can use the compiler package. It hides some low
level stuff being present in EE on this level. You need to decide how
you want to reduce mental overhead and achieve simplicity that fits
your brain.

EasyExtend is available at

Here is a small tutorial:

# purpose -- seeking for decorators and decorated functions in Python
2.5 stdlibs

import inspect
import parser
import symbol
import token

# just import contextlib, keep source and create a parse tree

import contextlib
src = inspect.getsource(contextlib)  # keep source
cst = parser.suite(src).tolist() # create concrete syntax tree as
a nested list

# so far its all standard lib stuff...
# ... now something new:

from EasyExtend.csttools import find_node, find_all

functions  = find_all(cst, symbol.funcdef)

# You need to know how these nodes are structured to get more
information out of them
# This can be looked up in EasyExtend/Grammar which contains a copy of
Pythons Grammar or
# in the same file in Pythons source distribution. Here are the
relevant rules:

# decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE
# decorators: decorator+
# funcdef: [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite

# We see immediately that it's not all that simple. Decorators can be
methods and the first name
# in dotted-name can be the name of an object. For demonstration
purposes we simplify our
# assumptions and suppose to have plain function decorators

func_info = {}

for f in functions:

decorator_info = set()  # store decorator information here

decorators = find_node(f, symbol.decorators) # we do *not* want
all decorators
 # since there might
be those related to
 # a closure that is
handled separately
if decorators:
decos = find_all(decorators, symbol.decorator)
for deco in decos:
# token.NAME has structure [1, 'name', line_no]
deco_name = find_node(deco, token.NAME)[1]
args  = find_node(deco, symbol.arglist)  # ... we
analyze args later
decorator_info.add((deco_name, args))

f_names = find_all(f, token.NAME, level = 1)  # set level
information otherwise you
  # get all names
defined anywhere in
  # funcdef
func_name = f_names[1][1]  # the first name is 'def', the
second one the func_name
func_info[func_name] = decorator_info

# Note: you can move from syntax tree representation straightforward
back to a textual
#   representation. This requires not much work but the following
import is nevertheless
#   conceptual overhead I do not try to explain in detail here:

from import unparse   # zero represents
*Python* in the larger
   # context of
EasyExtend applications
   # unparse
transforms a cst of a particular
   # grammar back to
source code

for func_name, deco_info in func_info.items():
for (deco_name, deco_args) in deco_info:
 print func_name, deco_name, (unparse(deco_args) if deco_args
else ())

# I get the rather unspectacular result
#nested contextmanager ()
# You might verify this manually...


Re: simple question on dictionary usage

2007-10-27 Thread Frank Millman
On Oct 27, 8:02 am, Frank Millman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This should work -

  egt = dict([i for i in d.items() if i[0].startswith('E')])

 Of course I meant record.items(), not d.items(). Sorry.


On reflection, although my solution is a bit shorter than some others,
it may not be as efficient, as it retrieves the key and value for
*every* entry in 'record' before testing whether the key begins with

If the dictionary is large, this may be a consideration.



Re: Proposal: Decimal literals in Python.

2007-10-27 Thread Raymond Hettinger
On Oct 26, 1:54 am, Lennart Benschop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My proposal:
 - Any decimal constant suffixed with the letter D or d will be
   interpreted as a literal of the Decimal type. This also goes for
   decimal constants with exponential notation.

There's nothing new here that hasn't already been proposed and
discussed on python-dev.  There were no major objections to the idea;
however, it will need to wait until there is a good C implementation
of the decimal module (which is in the works but coming along very,
very slowly).  Also, once we have a C coded decimal object, further
work would be needed to make it integrate well with the rest of the
language (i.e. making sure that everything allows numeric inputs can
handle a decimal object as a possible input).

FWIW, using the decimal module is not at all as onerous as the OP
makes it sound.  I write:

   from decimal import Decimal as D
   print D(1) / D(7) + D('0.123456')

That isn't much of a burden compared with:

print 1d / 7d + 0.123456d

You would still need to import decimal so you can set the context
parameters (like precision and rounding).

Also, most non-toy scripts have *very* few literals in them; instead,
the decimal values arise from calculations, user inputs, and file of
data.  Casting those to the correct type is really no more difficult
that it is with other types:

  s = raw_input('Input temperature')
  print int(s), Decimal(s), float(s)



cannot open webpage which requires authentication

2007-10-27 Thread gmguyx
I tried using urllib.urlopen to open a personalized webpage
( but it doesn't work:

print urllib.urlopen(

Instead of returning, it returns a page asking me to log

So then I tried urllib.urlencode:

data = urllib.urlencode({'action': '
login?', 'login': mylogin, 'passwd': mypassword})
print urllib.urlopen(, data).read()

However, this doesn't work either. Is there a way to do this? Thanks
in advance.


Re: transmit an array via socket

2007-10-27 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Jeff Pang schrieb:
 I want to transmit an array via socket from a host to another.
 How to do it? thank you.

Using XMLRPC or Pyro or other RPC mechanisms instead of reinventing a 
wheel that is larger than the socket API suggests in the first place.


Re: transmit an array via socket

2007-10-27 Thread 7stud
On Oct 26, 11:52 pm, Jeff Pang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to transmit an array via socket from a host to another.
 How to do it? thank you.

Try this:

import socket

s = socket.socket()
host = 'localhost'
port = 3030
s.connect( (host, port) )

arr = [1, 2, 3]

for elmt in arr:
send_str = %s, % str(elmt)

while send_str:
   chars_sent = s.send(send_str)
   send_str = send_str[chars_sent:]


import socket

s = socket.socket()

host = localhost
port = 3030
s.bind((host, port))


while(Ctrl-C hasn't been entered):
new_sock, addr = s.accept()
data_list = []

while True:
partial_data = new_sock.recv(1012)
if not partial_data: #then got all the data

data_str = ''.join(data_list)[:-1]  #chop off trailing comma
arr_strs = data_str.split(,)

arr_ints = [int(elmt) for elmt in arr_strs]
print arr_ints


How can i do proxy in urllib.urlopen?

2007-10-27 Thread Abandoned
Hi i want to do proxy in urllib.urlopen how can i do this ?
And which proxy type have i can prefer ?


Re: Going past the float size limits?

2007-10-27 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen

 On Oct 26, 6:56 pm, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What in the world are you trying to count?

 The calculation looks like this

 A = 0.35
 T = 0.30
 C = 0.25
 G = 0.10

 and then I basically continually multiply those numbers together. I
 need to do it like 200,000+ times but that's nuts. I can't even do it
 1000 times or the number rounds off to 0.0. I tried taking the inverse
 of these numbers as I go but then it just shoots up to inf.

Yeah right.  Nuts it is.

0.35*0.3*0.25*0.1 is approximately a third of a third of a
quarter of a tenth, or more precisely 2.625 parts in a thousand.

So after the second set of mutiplies,  you have about 6.89 parts in a million,
and then 0.18 parts in a billion after the third, and so on - the exponent grows
by between -3 and -2 on every iteration.

So 0.002625**20 is a number so small that its about as close as
you can practically get to bugger-all, as it is less than 10 ** -40,
and more than 10**-60

Now I have heard rumours that there are approximately 10**80 elementary
particles in the universe, so this is much less than one of them, even if my
rumour is grossly wrong.

A light year is of the order of 9.46*10**18 millimetres, and no human has ever
been that far away from home.  Call it 10**19 for convenience.  So your number
slices the last millimetre in a light year into more than 10**399981 parts.

Have you formulated the problem that you are trying to solve properly?

- Hendrik


Re: transmit an array via socket

2007-10-27 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Jeff Pang wrote:

I want to transmit an array via socket from a host to another.
How to do it? thank you.

pickle it and send it and unpickle it on the other side.

See the cPickle module docs for loads and dumps.

- Hendrik


Re: How can i do proxy in urllib.urlopen?

2007-10-27 Thread Abandoned
I read the urllib
reference and set http_proxy=my proxy. But it didn't work. I can't
even get authenticated. Is there anyway that we can set the proxy?


Re: Going past the float size limits?

2007-10-27 Thread Carl Banks
On Oct 26, 8:00 pm, Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2007-10-26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What in the world are you trying to count?

  The calculation looks like this

  A = 0.35
  T = 0.30
  C = 0.25
  G = 0.10

 The bases in DNA?

  and then I basically continually multiply those numbers together. I
  need to do it like 200,000+ times but that's nuts.

 Exactly.  It sure looks like what you're doing is nuts.

  I can't even do it 1000 times or the number rounds off to 0.0.
  I tried taking the inverse of these numbers as I go but then
  it just shoots up to inf.

 Can you explain what it is you're trying to calculate?

Looks pretty obviously to be a calculation of the probability that
bases in the given ratios would randomly form a particular sequence.

What use this would be I cannot tell.

Carl Banks


Re: sem_post: Invalid argument

2007-10-27 Thread robert
Jonathan Gardner wrote:
 On Oct 25, 2:19 pm, robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jonathan Gardner wrote:
 On Oct 25, 12:56 pm, robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On a server the binary (red hat) installed python2.4 and also a
 fresh compiled python2.5 spits sem_post: Invalid argument.
 What is this and how can this solved?
 Python 2.4.3 (#1, Jun  6 2006, 21:10:41)
 [GCC 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-54)] on linux2
 server [~]# uname -a
 Linux server #1 SMP Mon Mar 19 03:26:57
 JST 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
 Are you sure you have compatible binaries? Or did you install a random
 RPM without checking for dependencies?
 Should be compatible - but I am not sure if the kernel was
 recompiled on this machine. And at least the fresh ./configure'ed
 and compiled py2.5, which yields the same problem, should be
 maximum compatible. Maybe because this machine is a smp-bigmem ..

 At this point, I would start digging into the error messages
 themselves. Maybe a shout out to the developers of whatever code is
 generating that error message. When you understand under what
 conditions that error message is thrown, perhaps it will yield some
 insight into what python is doing differently than everything else.

In the Python2.4 sources just this piece causes the sem_post error 

PyThread_release_lock(PyThread_type_lock lock)
sem_t *thelock = (sem_t *)lock;
int status, error = 0;

dprintf((PyThread_release_lock(%p) called\n, lock));

status = sem_post(thelock);


 The sem_post() function will fail if:

 The sem does not refer to a valid semaphore.

with EINVAL - to me the only remaining reason is somehow a wrong 
sem_t memory layout - in the C compiler header file on this rented 
server - though the lock was established ok!?? ...


2007-10-27 Thread Athul



Dr. Wallach...

2007-10-27 Thread Hans Peter Tkany

Im Tierfutter sind 41 wichtige Nährstoffe...
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Erfahren Sie kostenlos die schockierende Wahrheit in Das Geheimniss der 91 essentiellen Nährstoffe


Re: transmit an array via socket

2007-10-27 Thread Bryan Olson
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
 Jeff Pang wrote:
 I want to transmit an array via socket from a host to another.
 How to do it? thank you.
 pickle it and send it and unpickle it on the other side.
 See the cPickle module docs for loads and dumps.

In particular note:

 Warning: The pickle module is not intended to be secure
 against erroneous or maliciously constructed data. Never
 unpickle data received from an untrusted or
 unauthenticated source.

Pickle works great for lots of things, but combining
pickle and socket is scary. If an unfriendly can connect
to our socket, they can feed us a *poison* pickle. The
marshal module is at least as bad.

The marshaling in RPC facilities tends to be much safer.


ANN: Leo 4.4.4 beta 4 released

2007-10-27 Thread Edward K Ream
Leo 4.4.4 beta 4 is available at:

This beta 4 version fixes all bugs reported against Leo 4.4.4 beta 3.

Leo is a text editor, data organizer, project manager and much more. See:

Leo 4.4.4 contains many important features originally planned for later 

The highlights of Leo 4.4.4:

- The Great Graph Aha (tm): simple scripts allow Leo outlines to represent
  arbitrary directed graphs. There is no need for a separate 'graph world'. 
The plugin is a direct result of this Aha. The plugin 
  you to create general graphs from Leo outlines.

- @menus trees in settings files create all of Leo's menus.  It is now dead
  easy to make Leo's menus look the way you want.

- @buttons trees in settings files create common @button nodes created in 
  Leo outlines.

- @auto nodes eliminate sentinels in derived files, thereby allowing people 
  collaborate using Leo more easily.

- New commands for resolving cvs conflicts.

- A threading_colorizer plugin replaces the __jEdit_colorizer__ plugin.
  This plugin features much better performance and a new, elegant algorithm.

- Leo is now compatible with jython.

- Better support for icons in headlines.

- The usual assortment of bug fixes and other minor improvements.


Edward K. Ream   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: simple question on dictionary usage

2007-10-27 Thread Dustan
On Oct 27, 1:16 am, Frank Millman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 27, 8:02 am, Frank Millman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This should work -

   egt = dict([i for i in d.items() if i[0].startswith('E')])

  Of course I meant record.items(), not d.items(). Sorry.


 On reflection, although my solution is a bit shorter than some others,
 it may not be as efficient, as it retrieves the key and value for
 *every* entry in 'record' before testing whether the key begins with

That can be fixed by using record.iteritems() instead of

 If the dictionary is large, this may be a consideration.



Re: simple question on dictionary usage

2007-10-27 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Frank Stutzman a écrit :
 My apologies in advance, I'm new to python
 Say, I have a dictionary that looks like this:
 record={'BAT': '14.4', 'USD': '24', 'DIF': '45', 'OAT': '16',
 'FF': '3.9', 'C3': '343', 'E4': '1157', 'C1': '339',
 'E6': '1182', 'RPM': '996', 'C6': '311', 'C5': '300',
 'C4': '349', 'CLD': '0', 'E5': '1148', 'C2': '329',
 'MAP': '15', 'OIL': '167', 'HP': '19', 'E1': '1137',
 'MARK': '', 'E3': '1163', 'TIME': '15:43:54',
 'E2': '1169'}
 From this dictionary I would like to create another dictionary calld
 'egt') that has all of the keys that start with the letter 'E'.  In
 otherwords it should look like this:
 egt = {'E6': '1182','E1': '1137','E4': '1157','E5': '1148',
'E2': '1169','E3': '1163'}
 This should be pretty easy,

Indeed !-)

 but somehow with all my googling I've
 not found a hint.

egt = dict((k, v) for k, v in record.iteritems() if k.startswith('E'))

Re: Regular Expression

2007-10-27 Thread patrick . waldo
Finally I solved the problem, with some really minor things to tweak.
I guess it's true that I had two problems working with regular

Thank you all for your help.  I really learned a lot on quite a
difficult problem.

Final Code:

#For text files in a directory...
#Analyzes a randomly organized UTF8 document with EINECS, CAS,
Chemical, and Chemical Formula
#into a document structured as EINECS|CAS|Chemical|Chemical Formula.

import os
import codecs
import re

path = C:\\text_samples\\text\\
path2 = C:\\text_samples\\text\\output\\
EINECS = re.compile(r'^\d\d\d-\d\d\d-\d$')
CAS = re.compile(r'^\d*-\d\d-\d$')
FORMULA = re.compile(r'([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+\.?[A-Za-z0-9]+/?[A-Za-

def iter_elements(tokens):
product = []
for tok in tokens:
if EINECS.match(tok) and len(product) = 4:
match = re.match(FORMULA,product[-1])
if match:
product[2:-1] = [' '.join(product[2:-1])]
yield product
product = []
product[2:-1] = [' '.join(product[2:])]
del product[-1]
yield product
product = []
yield product

for text in os.listdir(path):
input_text = os.path.join(path,text)
output_text = os.path.join(path2,text)
input =, 'r','utf8')
output =, 'w', 'utf8')
tokens =
for element in iter_elements(tokens):


Re: simple question on dictionary usage

2007-10-27 Thread bearophileHUGS
My take too :-)

dict(item for item in record.iteritems() if item[0][0] == 'E')



Re: NUCULAR fielded text searchable indexing

2007-10-27 Thread Istvan Albert
On Oct 17, 7:20 am, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I still remember Gadfly fondly.

What a great piece of software Gadfly is ... congrats on that Aaron.
For me it was one of the first Python packages that truly stood out
and made me want to learn Python.



Re: simple question on dictionary usage

2007-10-27 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 05:23:30 -0700, bearophileHUGS wrote:

 My take too :-)
 dict(item for item in record.iteritems() if item[0][0] == 'E')

``s.startswith('E')`` is a little safer than ``s[0] == 'E'`` as the former
returns `False` if `s` is empty while the latter raises an `IndexError`.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Going past the float size limits?

2007-10-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 10:24:41 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 So 0.002625**20 is a number so small that its about as close as you
 can practically get to bugger-all, as it is less than 10 ** -40, and
 more than 10**-60

If you read the rest of the thread, you'll see I give a much more 
accurate estimate. It's approaching 10**-52.

 Now I have heard rumours that there are approximately 10**80 elementary
 particles in the universe, so this is much less than one of them, even
 if my rumour is grossly wrong.
 A light year is of the order of 9.46*10**18 millimetres, and no human
 has ever been that far away from home.  Call it 10**19 for convenience. 
 So your number slices the last millimetre in a light year into more than
 10**399981 parts.

Numbers like 10**52 (the reciprocal of the product found) is a 
perfectly reasonable number if you're dealing with (say) permutations. 
Admittedly, even something of the complexity of Go only has about 10**150 
possible moves, but Go is simplicity itself compared to (say) Borges' 
Library of Babel or the set of all possible genomes.

It's not even what mathematicians call a large number -- it can be 
written using ordinary notation of powers. For large numbers that can't 
be written using ordinary notation, see here:

For instance, Ackermann's Sequence starts off quite humbly:

2, 4, 27 ...

but the fourth item is 4**4**4**4 (which has 10,154 digits) and the fifth 
can't even be written out in ordinary mathematical notation.

Calculating numbers like 10**52 or its reciprocal is also a very good 
exercise in programming. Anyone can write a program to multiply two 
floating point numbers together and get a moderately accurate answer:

product = X*Y # yawn

But multiplying 200,000 floating point numbers together and getting an 
accurate answer somewhere near 10**-52 requires the programmer to 
actually think about what they're doing. You can't just say:

A,T,C,G = (0.35, 0.30, 0.25, 0.10)
product = map(operator.mul, [A*T*C*G]*20)

and expect to get anywhere.

Despite my fear that this is a stupid attempt by the Original Poster's 
professor to quantify the old saw about evolution being impossible 
(...blah blah blah hurricane in a junk yard blah blah Concorde blah blah 
blah...), I really like this homework question.


Re: How to create a PUG mailing list?

2007-10-27 Thread Aahz
Kevin D. Smith  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to get a Python User Group started in Norman, OK and I want 
to get one of those fancy mailing lists on  There is a 
link there to create a new list if you have the proper authority.  How 
does someone get the proper authority?

Expressing interest.  ;-)

Seriously, just send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- they're a bit
strapped for time, so it may take a few days.

Typing is cheap.  Thinking is expensive.  --Roy Smith

How to include docs using distutils?

2007-10-27 Thread skip
I have a simple file:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from distutils.core import setup
  author='Skip Montanaro',
  author_email='[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
  maintainer='Skip Montanaro',
  maintainer_email='[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
  data_files=[('doc', ['lockfile.rst'])],

I've used the data_files arg to setup to note where the docs live.  Alas,
the sdist command doesn't include this in the tar file:

% tar tfz dist/lockfile-0.1.tar.gz 

I'm a complete distutils novice.  I can't for the life of me understand why
the doc directory isn't included in the tar file.  As far as I can tell
distutils has no explicit provision at all for distributing documentation,
which seems very weird.  What am I missing?




Re: simple question on dictionary usage

2007-10-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 04:29:51 +, Frank Stutzman wrote:

 My apologies in advance, I'm new to python
 Say, I have a dictionary that looks like this:
 record={'BAT': '14.4', 'USD': '24', 'DIF': '45', 'OAT': '16',
 'FF': '3.9', 'C3': '343', 'E4': '1157', 'C1': '339', 'E6':
 '1182', 'RPM': '996', 'C6': '311', 'C5': '300', 'C4': '349',
 'CLD': '0', 'E5': '1148', 'C2': '329', 'MAP': '15', 'OIL':
 '167', 'HP': '19', 'E1': '1137', 'MARK': '', 'E3': '1163',
 'TIME': '15:43:54', 'E2': '1169'}
 From this dictionary I would like to create another dictionary calld
 'egt') that has all of the keys that start with the letter 'E'.  In
 otherwords it should look like this:
 egt = {'E6': '1182','E1': '1137','E4': '1157','E5': '1148',
'E2': '1169','E3': '1163'}

With my tongue firmly in cheek, I present the following obfuscated 

eval({ + reduce(lambda x,y: y+', '+x, [ for mo in __import__
('re').finditer(r('E.*?'\s*:\s*'.*?'),?, str(record))], ) + })

The above should be a single line.

eval(), reduce(), lambda, string concatenation in the least efficient way 
possible, regexes... could it get any worse than this?


Re: Proposal: Decimal literals in Python.

2007-10-27 Thread MRAB
On Oct 27, 12:12 am, Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Matimus [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  The trailing L [for 'long' literals] is going away in Python 3.0.

 Yes. On the other hand, we are gaining '0b' for binary literals,
 to go along with '0o' for octal and '0x' for hexadecimal.

 So, the original poster might get further by proposing an '0dNNN.NNN'
 syntax for 'decimal.Decimal' literals. At least the syntax would be
 consistent and wouldn't add a new punctuation character to the

Some languages have or permit 0q or 0Q for octal to reduce the
chance of confusion of 'O' (oh) with '0' (zero) in uppercase, eg.
0Q123 is clearer than 0O123 (0 oh 123), although lowercase is better,
eg. 0q123 or 0o123.


A lib to build query string...

2007-10-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a pager component.
This component is makes database slices (record sets) and it is use 
query string's PageIndex element to identify the actual page.

This component is makes pager buttons in HTML to control.
Like this:
  4 5 6  

My problem that I need to search and I need to use pager in the resultset.

This time I need to give all search parameters to the controller HTML.

I wanna automatize that with this:
qdict = parse_query(query_string)
qdict['pageindex'] = neededpageindex
new_query_string = make_query_string(qdict)

Is anybody knows about a function that can build query string from 
parameter list? I very need that!

Thanks for it!


Re: Going past the float size limits?

2007-10-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Oct 27, 8:12?am, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 10:24:41 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
  So 0.002625**20 is a number so small that its about as close as you
  can practically get to bugger-all, as it is less than 10 ** -40, and
  more than 10**-60

 If you read the rest of the thread, you'll see I give a much more
 accurate estimate. It's approaching 10**-52.

  Now I have heard rumours that there are approximately 10**80 elementary
  particles in the universe, so this is much less than one of them, even
  if my rumour is grossly wrong.

  A light year is of the order of 9.46*10**18 millimetres, and no human
  has ever been that far away from home.  Call it 10**19 for convenience.
  So your number slices the last millimetre in a light year into more than
  10**399981 parts.

 Numbers like 10**52 (the reciprocal of the product found) is a
 perfectly reasonable number if you're dealing with (say) permutations.
 Admittedly, even something of the complexity of Go only has about 10**150
 possible moves, but Go is simplicity itself compared to (say) Borges'
 Library of Babel or the set of all possible genomes.

And numbers of that size needn't be intractable.
The run time to generate a Collatz sequence is
logarithmic to the starting number. A number with
53328 digits only takes about 2.5 million iterations.
Of course, you can't test ALL the numbers of that
size, but often we're researching only certain types,
such as the ith kth Generation Type [1,2] Mersenne

Closed form: Type12MH(k,i)
Find ith, kth Generation Type [1,2] Mersenne Hailstone
using the closed form equation


2**5-1  generation: 1
   2**29-1  generation: 2
  2**245-1  generation: 3
 2**2189-1  generation: 4
2**19685-1  generation: 5
   2**177149-1  generation: 6
  2**1594325-1  generation: 7
 2**14348909-1  generation: 8
2**129140165-1  generation: 9
   2**1162261469-1  generation:10

1.141 seconds

Generation 10 has over a billion bits or 300
million digits. I had to stop there because an
exponent of 32 bits gives an outrageous exponent

The closed form formula only works for a very
specific type of number. The research goal was
to come with a generic algorithm that works with
any Type and see if the algorithm obtains the
same results:

Verify Type12MH Hailstones:
Find ith, kth Generation Type (xyz) Hailstone
using the non-recursive equation


where i=((hailstone-geni(k,1,xyz))/(xyz[1]**k))+1

2**5-1  generation: 1
   2**29-1  generation: 2
  2**245-1  generation: 3
 2**2189-1  generation: 4
2**19685-1  generation: 5
   2**177149-1  generation: 6
  2**1594325-1  generation: 7
 2**14348909-1  generation: 8
2**129140165-1  generation: 9
   2**1162261469-1  generation:10

4.015 seconds

There are legitimate uses for such large numbers
and Python's ability to handle this was what got
me interested in using Python in the first place.

 It's not even what mathematicians call a large number -- it can be
 written using ordinary notation of powers. For large numbers that can't
 be written using ordinary notation, see here:

 For instance, Ackermann's Sequence starts off quite humbly:

 2, 4, 27 ...

 but the fourth item is 4**4**4**4 (which has 10,154 digits) and the fifth
 can't even be written out in ordinary mathematical notation.

 Calculating numbers like 10**52 or its reciprocal is also a very good
 exercise in programming. Anyone can write a program to multiply two
 floating point numbers together and get a moderately accurate answer:

 product = X*Y # yawn

 But multiplying 200,000 floating point numbers together and getting an
 accurate answer somewhere near 10**-52 requires the programmer to
 actually think about what they're doing. You can't just say:

 A,T,C,G = (0.35, 0.30, 0.25, 0.10)
 product = map(operator.mul, [A*T*C*G]*20)

 and expect to get anywhere.

 Despite my fear that this is a stupid attempt by the Original Poster's
 professor to quantify the old saw about evolution being impossible
 (...blah blah blah hurricane in a junk yard blah blah Concorde blah blah
 blah...), I really like this homework question.



good example of C extension for Mac OS X

2007-10-27 Thread chewie54
Hi All,

Does anyone now of a good example to use as template for a  C program
extension that needs to be built on the Mac OS X.



Re: Proposal: Decimal literals in Python.

2007-10-27 Thread Paul Hankin
On Oct 27, 3:09 pm, MRAB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 27, 12:12 am, Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: Matimus [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   The trailing L [for 'long' literals] is going away in Python 3.0.

  Yes. On the other hand, we are gaining '0b' for binary literals,
  to go along with '0o' for octal and '0x' for hexadecimal.

  So, the original poster might get further by proposing an '0dNNN.NNN'
  syntax for 'decimal.Decimal' literals. At least the syntax would be
  consistent and wouldn't add a new punctuation character to the

 Some languages have or permit 0q or 0Q for octal to reduce the
 chance of confusion of 'O' (oh) with '0' (zero) in uppercase, eg.
 0Q123 is clearer than 0O123 (0 oh 123), although lowercase is better,
 eg. 0q123 or 0o123.

Even clearer is not to allow octal literals :) Is there *any* use for

Paul Hankin


Re: good example of C extension for Mac OS X

2007-10-27 Thread Paul Hankin
On Oct 27, 4:11 pm, chewie54 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone now of a good example to use as template for a  C program
 extension that needs to be built on the Mac OS X.

There's good, basic examples in the documentation on extending python:

Paul Hankin


Re: Proposal: Decimal literals in Python.

2007-10-27 Thread Tim Chase
 Even clearer is not to allow octal literals :) Is there *any* use for


I find that anything I have even the remotest inkling of using
octal for can be done just as easily with hex.



mod_python, ElementTree and Aapche 2.0

2007-10-27 Thread Rajarshi
Hi, this is a slightly vague question but I'm really puzzled as to
when I write a mod_python (3.1.3) program that makes use of
ElementTree and call it via a URL, the program simply stops when I do
something like

s = # some XML document in a string
root = XML(s)

There is no exception at all - the browser just shows a blank page

But running the code outside of the web server makes it run fine.

This is on a RHEL 4 machine, with Apache 2.0.52 and Python 2.3.4

Has anybody ever seen this type of behavior?



Consistent mapping from frame to function

2007-10-27 Thread TimeHorse
Is there a consistent way to map a frame object to a function / method
object?  Methods usually hang off of parameter 1, and functions
usually in the global or local scope.  But lambda functions and
decorators are not so easily mapped.  You can get access to the
executing code object from the frame, but I don't see a consistent way
to map it to the function.  Any suggestion?


sort a list

2007-10-27 Thread _nospamnet_

I'm new to python and this list.I hope this question don't repeat an old story 
on the list.

I have a number list,say it's [3,2,1,4,5],I want to sort it as [1,2,3,4,5],how 
to do?



os.walk and recursive deletion

2007-10-27 Thread Martin Marcher

I'm playing around with os.walk and I made up del_tree(path) which I
think is correct (in terms of the algorithm, but not as python wants
it :)).

As soon as some directory is deleted the iterator of os.walk chokes.
OK that is somehow clear to me as it can't be valid anymore since it
can't go to the just deleted directory but it is in the iterator.

I generated the test data with (bash, don't know of other shell
expansion features)

# root=test
# mkdir $root
# mkdir -p
# touch 
# touch 

Here goes the script, as far as I tested it it runs fine in test mode.
Now that is just use the print statements like attached below. as soon
as os.rmdir and os.unlink are involved the iterator chokes. How do I
get around that, or what should I use to be able to recursively delete
everything under a certain subdir?

import sys
import os
import unittest

def del_tree(path):
   walker = os.walk(path)
   for entry in walker:
  cwd = entry[0]
  subdirs = entry[1]
  files = entry[2]
  print Checking directory: %s %(cwd, )
  if files:
 for file in files:
file = os.path.join(cwd, file)
print The file is now: %s % (file, )
 print OK directory %s has no more files, checking for
subdirs... % (cwd, )
 print OK directory %s NEVER HAD FILES, checking for
subdirs... % (cwd, )
  if not subdirs:
 print We can delete: %s % (cwd, )
 for subdir in subdirs:
subdir = os.path.join(cwd, subdir)
print We need to recurse into: %s % (subdir, )
   print Removing: %s % (path, )

how to creating html files with python

2007-10-27 Thread krishnakant Mane
I have one strange requirement,
I need to create html files through python and add some data from the database.
it is a GUI based application developed in WX python.
and the reports need to come out in html for some strange reason which
is off topic to discuss here.
but the point is that how do I do it?
should I create a normal file object and write the html with the data
into it or are there some modules to do it?

Re: Proposal: Decimal literals in Python.

2007-10-27 Thread Dan Bishop
On Oct 27, 10:27 am, Paul Hankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 27, 3:09 pm, MRAB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Oct 27, 12:12 am, Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  wrote: Matimus [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The trailing L [for 'long' literals] is going away in Python 3.0.

   Yes. On the other hand, we are gaining '0b' for binary literals,
   to go along with '0o' for octal and '0x' for hexadecimal.

   So, the original poster might get further by proposing an '0dNNN.NNN'
   syntax for 'decimal.Decimal' literals. At least the syntax would be
   consistent and wouldn't add a new punctuation character to the

  Some languages have or permit 0q or 0Q for octal to reduce the
  chance of confusion of 'O' (oh) with '0' (zero) in uppercase, eg.
  0Q123 is clearer than 0O123 (0 oh 123), although lowercase is better,
  eg. 0q123 or 0o123.

 Even clearer is not to allow octal literals :) Is there *any* use for

The mode argument to os.chmod.


Re: sort a list

2007-10-27 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 I'm new to python and this list.I hope this question don't repeat an old 
 story on the list.
 I have a number list,say it's [3,2,1,4,5],I want to sort it as 
 [1,2,3,4,5],how to do?


Please read the documentation, all of this is properly documented.

And even google would have brought that up really fast:

google:python list sort

1) (Oh my, it's Xah)

2) (official python docs)

So the first two links give you all the information you needed.


Re: simple question on dictionary usage

2007-10-27 Thread Frank Stutzman
Wow, what a great group!  Lots of useful and kind suggestions to what I was
sure was a fairly dumb question.  A few comments on some selected suggestions
(but I appreciate all of them)

Edward Kozlowski wrote:

 egt = {}
 for key in record:
if key.startswith('E'):
egt[key] = record[key]

I actually had come up with something like this, but thought it wasn't
quite as pythonish as it should be.  It is certainly much more readable
to a neophyte to python.
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 egt = dict((k, v) for k, v in record.iteritems() if k.startswith('E'))

This is what I was looking for.  I thought I had seen something simular
to this in one of the tutorials I had read, but couldn't seem to find it.

Steven D'Aprano:

 eval({ + reduce(lambda x,y: y+', '+x, [ for mo in __import__
 ('re').finditer(r('E.*?'\s*:\s*'.*?'),?, str(record))], ) + })

Ah!  Now this is one solution I can get my teeth into.  If its not obvious,
I'm a recovering perl programmer.

Thanks to all

Frank Stutzman


Re: how to creating html files with python

2007-10-27 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
krishnakant Mane schrieb:
 I have one strange requirement,
 I need to create html files through python and add some data from the 
 it is a GUI based application developed in WX python.
 and the reports need to come out in html for some strange reason which
 is off topic to discuss here.
 but the point is that how do I do it?
 should I create a normal file object and write the html with the data

Essentially, yes.

 into it or are there some modules to do it?

There are a bazillion templating systems out there. Beginning with 
python's own string interpolation, to

KID, genshi, Mako, tenjin, cheeta, ... continue

Search this NG for python templating engines, and you'd be overwhelmed 
by the answers.

Happy chosing your evil,


Event for multithread help advice

2007-10-27 Thread JoeSox
I have two threads going
class guiThread(threading.Thread)
class mainThread(threading.Thread)

Within the guiThread, I have an instance of class GUIFramework(Frame)
in this Tkinter instance I have a ListBox.

The second thread, mainThread, has an instance of a custom class the
will need to send out text or other objects to the gui.

What is the best or easiest way to send, let's say text, from
mainThread to the guiThread ListBox?

Should I use a custom Event class, pubsub, or Queue?

This is the way I have things right now (not in its entirety):
import threading
import thread
import time
import GUIFramework
import myFoo
class guiThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadID, name):
self.threadID = threadID = name
self.guiFrame = GUIFramework(master=None)
def run(self):
print Starting  +
print Exiting  +

class mainThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadID, name):
self.threadID = threadID = name
self.myFoo = myFoo()
def run(self):
print Starting  +
print Exiting  +

def start():
#Create new threads
threadgui = guiThread(1, threadgui)
threadmain= carlThread(2, threadmain)
#Start new Threads
while threadmain.isAlive():
if not threadgui.isAlive():
doExit = 1
print Exiting Main Thread

if __name__ == '__main__':

I've tried a fews things but I really haven't had any luck.
Thanks, Joe

Alarming message when running Python code

2007-10-27 Thread peter
I'm not sure if this query should be directed to comp.lang.python or
comp.os.linux.misc so I intend to post it to both with apologies if
it's inappropriate on either.

I have a small python utility which I wrote myself and which crawls
through a directory comparing all possible pairs of files.  Under
Windows it works fine, while the same code under Linux (Fedora Core 3)
works for a while then starts continuously throwing up the following

Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [date/time]
localhost kernel: CPU1: Temperature above threshold

While the code is continues to work, it is greatly slowed by these
constant messages, and of ourse I am left wondering if my computer is
about to explode!

Is it really true that the code causes overheating under Linux and not
under Windows?  Or does Windows ignore the problem (and so am I
risking damage by running the code)? Or are the Linux messages
spurious, and if so how can I suppress them and ensure they do not
slow the running of the code?

Grateful for any help - preferably not too technical.



multi-protocol url-based IO -- pure python kioslave-like module?

2007-10-27 Thread Rob McMullen
Wheel reinvention preemption question: is there an existing pure-
python library with functionality similar to KDE's kio/kioslave
implementation?  A multi-protocol, extensible library based on URLs
that abstracts directory listing and file read/write?  I'm looking to
use it in client code, not server, so it doesn't have to be
asynchronous like kio; ideally it would be small and only depend on
the standard python library.

Here's what I'm aware of:

* urllib2 doesn't handle opening URLs for writing, meaning that it's
incapable of supporting WebDAV or e.g. the fish:// protocol

* twisted is built to handle multiple protocols, but is an extremely
large package aiming to simplify low-level server and client code

* Boa Contstructor has something called Explorers which support
multiple protocols, but seems pretty tied to its gui implementation

* PyKDE can interface with the KDE shared libraries, but obviously
that's not pure python. (Or standalone or small. :)

* the somewhat related PEP-268 for WebDAV support, but that was

My google-fu doesn't show much else.  Any pointers would be




Re: urllib2 weirdness when https_proxy environment variable is exported

2007-10-27 Thread John J. Lee
Devraj [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have been extensively using Python's urllib2 while developing a
 project with the Google Data API. The Google Data API uses httplib to
 place all of its requests. However I have been using urllib2 and some
 handlers that I discovered in an ASPN article to handle HTTPS proxies
 in my code.

 The Google Data API relies on an environment variable called
 https_proxy to get information about the proxy to be used. However
 urllib2 starts spitting out the BadStatusLine exception if the
 https_proxy environment variable is found.

This is because urllib2 does not support HTTPS proxies (neither does
urllib).  See Python cookbook for a hack to get it working.


Re: how to creating html files with python

2007-10-27 Thread George Sakkis
On Oct 27, 12:12 pm, krishnakant Mane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have one strange requirement,
 I need to create html files through python and add some data from the 

The only strange thing here is that you think this is a strange
requirement :) This is quite typical, and practically required for web
development. As Diez pointed out, your main problem will be which of
the dozen or so template packages to pick. Depending on your criteria
(expressive power, syntax close to python, performance, stability
etc.) you may narrow it down to a handful.



Re: Alarming message when running Python code

2007-10-27 Thread J. Cliff Dyer
peter wrote:
 I'm not sure if this query should be directed to comp.lang.python or
 comp.os.linux.misc so I intend to post it to both with apologies if
 it's inappropriate on either.

 I have a small python utility which I wrote myself and which crawls
 through a directory comparing all possible pairs of files.  Under
 Windows it works fine, while the same code under Linux (Fedora Core 3)
 works for a while then starts continuously throwing up the following

 Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [date/time]
 localhost kernel: CPU1: Temperature above threshold

 While the code is continues to work, it is greatly slowed by these
 constant messages, and of ourse I am left wondering if my computer is
 about to explode!

 Is it really true that the code causes overheating under Linux and not
 under Windows?  Or does Windows ignore the problem (and so am I
 risking damage by running the code)? Or are the Linux messages
 spurious, and if so how can I suppress them and ensure they do not
 slow the running of the code?

 Grateful for any help - preferably not too technical.


How well is the fan working on your computer?

How recently have you cleaned the dust out of it?

Touch it.  Is it hot?

Do you have the same problem if you turn off your computer for two hours
before you run your program?

I wouldn't run the risk if it were my computer.  If a basic cleaning
doesn't take care of the problem, take your computer to a professional.


P.S. This is not a python-specific issue.

xmpfilter-a-like for python (code annotation)

2007-10-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
looks cool , anything like this for python? any reason that we culd
not do simmilar ?


Re: multi-protocol url-based IO -- pure python kioslave-like module?

2007-10-27 Thread Paul Boddie
On 27 Okt, 18:26, Rob McMullen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wheel reinvention preemption question: is there an existing pure-
 python library with functionality similar to KDE's kio/kioslave
 implementation?  A multi-protocol, extensible library based on URLs
 that abstracts directory listing and file read/write?  I'm looking to
 use it in client code, not server, so it doesn't have to be
 asynchronous like kio; ideally it would be small and only depend on
 the standard python library.

Something like itools.vfs, perhaps?



Re: xmpfilter-a-like for python (code annotation)

2007-10-27 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 17:10:13 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 looks cool , anything like this for python? any reason that we culd
 not do simmilar ?

I just read that page and am a little confused.  This program adds
assertions based on the actual code, i.e. if the code is wrong it
nonetheless adds assertions that don't fail.  I always thought one writes
assertions to test what the code should do and not what it actually does!?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: os.walk and recursive deletion

2007-10-27 Thread Peter Otten
Martin Marcher wrote:

 I'm playing around with os.walk and I made up del_tree(path) which I
 think is correct (in terms of the algorithm, but not as python wants
 it :)).
 As soon as some directory is deleted the iterator of os.walk chokes.
 OK that is somehow clear to me as it can't be valid anymore since it
 can't go to the just deleted directory but it is in the iterator.
 I generated the test data with (bash, don't know of other shell
 expansion features)
 # root=test
 # mkdir $root
 # mkdir -p
 # touch 
 # touch 
 Here goes the script, as far as I tested it it runs fine in test mode.
 Now that is just use the print statements like attached below. as soon
 as os.rmdir and os.unlink are involved the iterator chokes. How do I
 get around that, or what should I use to be able to recursively delete
 everything under a certain subdir?
 import sys
 import os
 import unittest
 def del_tree(path):
walker = os.walk(path)
for entry in walker:
   cwd = entry[0]
   subdirs = entry[1]
   files = entry[2]
   print Checking directory: %s %(cwd, )
   if files:
  for file in files:
 file = os.path.join(cwd, file)
 print The file is now: %s % (file, )
  print OK directory %s has no more files, checking for
 subdirs... % (cwd, )
  print OK directory %s NEVER HAD FILES, checking for
 subdirs... % (cwd, )
   if not subdirs:
  print We can delete: %s % (cwd, )
  for subdir in subdirs:
 subdir = os.path.join(cwd, subdir)
 print We need to recurse into: %s % (subdir, )
print Removing: %s % (path, )

While it is possible to mix recursion and os.walk()...

def del_tree(path):
for cwd, subdirs, files in os.walk(path):
print Checking directory: %s %(cwd, )
if files:
for file in files:
file = os.path.join(cwd, file)
print The file is now: %s % (file, )
print OK directory %s has no more files, checking for subdirs... 
% (cwd, )
print OK directory %s NEVER HAD FILES, checking for subdirs... % 
(cwd, )
for subdir in subdirs:
subdir = os.path.join(cwd, subdir)
print We need to recurse into: %s % (subdir, )
break # ugly but necessary
print Removing: %s % (path, )

...the idea behind it is that you use it instead of recursion:

def del_tree(root):
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(root, False):
for fn in files:
os.unlink(os.path.join(path, fn))
for dn in dirs:
os.rmdir(os.path.join(path, dn))

The second parameter to os.walk() ensures that the tree is walked
depth-first, i. e. the contents of a directory are seen before the
directory itself. Personally, I would prefer a recursive implementation
based on os.listdir(),

def del_tree(root):
for name in os.listdir(root):
path = os.path.join(root, name)
if os.path.isdir(path):

an approach that is also taken by shutils.rmtree().


Re: os.walk and recursive deletion

2007-10-27 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 18:07:44 +0200, Martin Marcher wrote:

 I'm playing around with os.walk and I made up del_tree(path) which I
 think is correct (in terms of the algorithm, but not as python wants
 it :)).

It's not correct in terms of the algorithm if you take the algorithm of
`os.walk()` into the equation.

 Here goes the script, as far as I tested it it runs fine in test mode.
 Now that is just use the print statements like attached below. as soon
 as os.rmdir and os.unlink are involved the iterator chokes. How do I
 get around that, or what should I use to be able to recursively delete
 everything under a certain subdir?

 import sys
 import os
 import unittest
 def del_tree(path):
walker = os.walk(path)

`os.walk()` is itself diving recursivly into the subdirectories…

for entry in walker:
   cwd = entry[0]
   subdirs = entry[1]
   files = entry[2]
   print Checking directory: %s %(cwd, )
   if files:
  for file in files:
 file = os.path.join(cwd, file)
 print The file is now: %s % (file, )
  print OK directory %s has no more files, checking for
 subdirs... % (cwd, )
  print OK directory %s NEVER HAD FILES, checking for
 subdirs... % (cwd, )
   if not subdirs:
  print We can delete: %s % (cwd, )
  for subdir in subdirs:
 subdir = os.path.join(cwd, subdir)
 print We need to recurse into: %s % (subdir, )

…and here you are calling the your function recursively which then calls
again `os.walk()` on that subdirectory.  That's a little bit too much.

Just use `os.listdir()` (and `os.path.isdir()`) in your recursive function.

print Removing: %s % (path, )

Or `shutil.rmtree()`.  :-)

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

urllib: cannot open webpage which requires authentication

2007-10-27 Thread gmguyx
I tried using urllib.urlopen to open a personalized webpage
( but it doesn't work:

print urllib.urlopen(

Instead of returning, it returns a page asking me to log

So then I tried urllib.urlencode:

data = urllib.urlencode({'action': '
login?', 'login': mylogin, 'passwd': mypassword})
print urllib.urlopen(, data).read()

However, this doesn't work either. Is there a way to do this? Thanks
in advance.


Re: how to creating html files with python

2007-10-27 Thread BartlebyScrivener
On Oct 27, 12:02 pm, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The only strange thing here is that you think this is a strange
 requirement :) This is quite typical, and practically required for web

I was wondering about this myself the other day. Suppose you wanted to
get by on the cheap without setting up a whole new Joomla or WordPress
installation for another smallish blog or website where you are the
only poster, and all you need is simple CMS.

How hard would it be to create, say, a calendar of events, or news
postings using MySQL and Python and HTML. Create the page on your
local machine using Python templating, and then just post the HTML
code daily?

I'm a rank amateur, but was wondering if this is silly and making
work, or if one of those templating systems you all are mentioning
would work for simple CMS and calendaring?




Re: xmpfilter-a-like for python (code annotation)

2007-10-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Oct 27, 6:27 pm, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 17:10:13 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  looks cool , anything like this for python? any reason that we culd
  not do simmilar ?

 I just read that page and am a little confused.  This program adds
 assertions based on the actual code, i.e. if the code is wrong it
 nonetheless adds assertions that don't fail.  I always thought one writes
 assertions to test what the code should do and not what it actually does!?

 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Its more the inline annotation lie here
that I wanted


Is the subprocess module thread-safe?

2007-10-27 Thread John Nagle
Can the subprocess module be used to launch subprocesses from threads?
Or does the subprocess module affect the entire process context, like fork?
Or is this OS dependent?

Also, if you launch processes from the subprocess module module and
don't wait them to complete, do zombies accumulate under UNIX/Linux?

John Nagle

Re: Proposal: Decimal literals in Python.

2007-10-27 Thread Tim Chase
 Even clearer is not to allow octal literals :) Is there *any* use for
 The mode argument to os.chmod.

You mean instead of

  import this
  os.chmod(filename, os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK)

which explicitly (rather than implicitly) spells it out?



Re: About Pywin32's invoke

2007-10-27 Thread Roger Upole

kernel1983 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 By reading the doc of pywin32

 we can invoke COM like:

o = win32com.client.Dispatch(Excel.Application)

 but is it possible to invoke some GUID directly?

Yes, you can do something like

 If COM was going to be invoked by python, must it support IDispatch?

Not neccessarily.  Pythoncom has compiled-in support for many interfaces
that don't inherit from IDispatch, but it requires that someone write code
to wrap the interface.


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Re: Alarming message when running Python code

2007-10-27 Thread Bill Marcum
[Followup-To: header set to comp.os.linux.misc.]
On 2007-10-27, peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure if this query should be directed to comp.lang.python or
 comp.os.linux.misc so I intend to post it to both with apologies if
 it's inappropriate on either.

 I have a small python utility which I wrote myself and which crawls
 through a directory comparing all possible pairs of files.  Under
 Windows it works fine, while the same code under Linux (Fedora Core 3)
 works for a while then starts continuously throwing up the following

 Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [date/time]
 localhost kernel: CPU1: Temperature above threshold

 While the code is continues to work, it is greatly slowed by these
 constant messages, and of ourse I am left wondering if my computer is
 about to explode!

 Is it really true that the code causes overheating under Linux and not
 under Windows?  Or does Windows ignore the problem (and so am I
 risking damage by running the code)? Or are the Linux messages
 spurious, and if so how can I suppress them and ensure they do not
 slow the running of the code?

 Grateful for any help - preferably not too technical.

Controlling CPU temperature is the job of the operating system and the 
hardware.  Do you have the latest version of the kernel?  Do you hear the fans 
running at full speed when your code runs?  Maybe you need new fans or a new 
heatsink, or you need to clean the ones you have.  Why are you still using FC3? 
Which version of Windows do you use? 98? XP with no service pack?

Re: good example of C extension for Mac OS X

2007-10-27 Thread MrJean1
There is a C template in file Modules/xxmodule.c in Python 2.5, maybe

/Jean Brouwers

On Oct 27, 8:11 am, chewie54 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 Does anyone now of a good example to use as template for a  C program
 extension that needs to be built on the Mac OS X.



Re: good example of C extension for Mac OS X

2007-10-27 Thread MrJean1
There is a C template in file Modules/xxmodule.c in Python 2.5, maybe

/Jean Brouwers

On Oct 27, 8:11 am, chewie54 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 Does anyone now of a good example to use as template for a  C program
 extension that needs to be built on the Mac OS X.



while within while

2007-10-27 Thread Shawn Minisall
I've been having some problems with using a while statement for one menu 
within another while statement for the main menu, first time I've done 
it.  It's with choice number two from the menu.  When I run the program, 
I get a UnboundLocalError: local variable 'ai' referenced before 
assignment.  I initialize ai as , but then it just skips to the you 
choose scissors I choose and nothing shows up.  As soon as I take away 
the while again[0] == y: statement, the program is fine again which 
leads me to think I'm just placing it in the wrong place.  I just want 
to ask the user if they would like to play again and loop them back to 
the weapons menu if they choose yes.  If they choose no,  loop them back 
to the main menu.  I've placed the question again=raw_input(Would you 
like to play again? ) at the end the tasks for menu choice two.  Ignore 
threeone step at a time. ;)


import random

def main():

#define and initialize variables
#choice as int
choice = 0
#weapon choice as int
weaponchoice = 0
#number of wins
win = 0
#number of loses
lose = 0
#number of ties
tie = 0
#number of rounds
rounds = 0
#play again loop
again = no



#Menu loop
while choice != 4:
#display menu
print Please choose from the following menu: 
print 1. See the rules
print 2. Play against the computer
print 3. Play a two player game
print 4. Exit
#prompt user for their menu choice
choice = input(Please enter your choice here: )

#if statements to determine which choice
if choice == 1:
print The rules of the game are as follows: 
print Rock Covers Rock
print Rock Smashes Scissors
print Scissors Cuts Paper
elif choice == 2:
while again[0] == y:
#display menu
print Please choose a weapon from the following menu: 
print 1. Rock
print 2. Paper
print 3. Scissors

while weaponchoice != 1 and weaponchoice != 2 and 
weaponchoice != 3:
weaponchoice = input(Please choose a weapon: )
if weaponchoice != 1 and weaponchoice != 2 and 
weaponchoice != 3:
print Error. Please enter a number from 1-3.

decision = (1, 2, 3)
ai = str((random.choice(decision)))

if ai == 1:
ai = rock
if ai == 2:
ai = paper
if ai == 3:
ai = scissors

if weaponchoice == 1:
weaponchoice = rock

elif weaponchoice == 2:
weaponchoice = paper

weaponchoice = scissors

print =
print you choose  + weaponchoice
print I choose  + ai

if weaponchoice == rock and ai == scissors:
win += 1
print You WIN by SMASHING those SCISSORS!

elif weaponchoice == paper and ai == rock:
win += 1
print You WIN by COVERING that ROCK!

elif weaponchoice == scissors and ai == paper:
win += 1
print You WIN by CUTTING that PAPER!

elif weaponchoice == ai:
tie += 1
print YOU TIE!

lose += 1
print YOU LOSE!

print \nRounds Won: , + win
print \nRounds Lost: , + lose
print \nRounds Tied: , + tie

again=raw_input(Would you like to play again? )

elif choice == 3:
print test  
elif choice == 4:
print Have a great day!
print Thanks for playing!

print Invalid selection.  Please enter a number from 1 - 4.


while within while

2007-10-27 Thread Shawn Minisall
K I've since fixed the UnboundLocalError: local variable 'ai' referenced 
before assignment error, I forgot to include decision = (1, 2, 3) inside 
  for each number.

Now when I run it, I get this..


Please choose from the following menu:
1. See the rules
2. Play against the computer
3. Play a two player game
4. Exit
Please enter your choice here: 2

you choose scissors

I choose


Rounds Won:  0

Rounds Lost:  1

Rounds Tied:  0

Would you like to play again? y
Please choose from the following menu:
1. See the rules
2. Play against the computer
3. Play a two player game
4. Exit
Please enter your choice here: 2

Please choose a weapon from the following menu:
1. Rock
2. Paper
3. Scissors
Please choose a weapon: 1

and then the weapon submenu repeats over and over.

It's also like the program is ignoring

if ai == 1:
ai = rock
if ai == 2:
ai = paper
if ai == 3:
ai = scissors

since it says I choose  


Re: good example of C extension for Mac OS X

2007-10-27 Thread chewie54
On Oct 27, 2:59 pm, MrJean1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a C template in file Modules/xxmodule.c in Python 2.5, maybe

 /Jean Brouwers

 On Oct 27, 8:11 am, chewie54 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi All,

  Does anyone now of a good example to use as template for a  C program
  extension that needs to be built on the Mac OS X.


I have looked at the docs on the but specifically looking
examples showing how to deal with linked lists and more about when to
references Py_INCREF and Py_DECREF

I didn't find Modules/xxmodule.c on my Mac OS X installation.

Thanks again


Re: while within while

2007-10-27 Thread J. Cliff Dyer
Shawn Minisall wrote:
 K I've since fixed the UnboundLocalError: local variable 'ai' referenced 
 before assignment error, I forgot to include decision = (1, 2, 3) inside 
   for each number.

You mean like decision = (1, 2, 3) ?  I don't think that would
have caused the error you reported.  You probably changed something else
as well.
 Now when I run it, I get this..


 Please choose from the following menu:
 1. See the rules
 2. Play against the computer
 3. Play a two player game
 4. Exit
 Please enter your choice here: 2

 you choose scissors

 I choose


 Rounds Won:  0

 Rounds Lost:  1

 Rounds Tied:  0

 Would you like to play again? y
 Please choose from the following menu:
 1. See the rules
 2. Play against the computer
 3. Play a two player game
 4. Exit
 Please enter your choice here: 2

 Please choose a weapon from the following menu:
 1. Rock
 2. Paper
 3. Scissors
 Please choose a weapon: 1

 and then the weapon submenu repeats over and over.

 It's also like the program is ignoring

 if ai == 1:
 ai = rock
 if ai == 2:
 ai = paper
 if ai == 3:
 ai = scissors

 since it says I choose  

Lo and behold: it *is* ignoring that block.  Why?  Or in other words
what set of conditions have to be true in order to reach that block? 
Which one of them is false?  (Hint: Check your while loops, and your
initialization variables.)

Also, Why not use decision = ('rock', 'paper', 'scissors')?


Re: xmpfilter-a-like for python (code annotation)

2007-10-27 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 17:57:06 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 27, 6:27 pm, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 17:10:13 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  looks cool , anything like this for python? any reason that we culd
  not do simmilar ?

 I just read that page and am a little confused.  This program adds
 assertions based on the actual code, i.e. if the code is wrong it
 nonetheless adds assertions that don't fail.  I always thought one writes
 assertions to test what the code should do and not what it actually does!?
 Its more the inline annotation lie here
 that I wanted

Can you give *useful* examples?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Proposal: Decimal literals in Python.

2007-10-27 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 13:28:02 -0500, Tim Chase wrote:

 Even clearer is not to allow octal literals :) Is there *any* use for
 The mode argument to os.chmod.
 You mean instead of
   import this
   os.chmod(filename, os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK)
 which explicitly (rather than implicitly) spells it out?

And the equivalent of ``os.chmod(filename, 0777)`` looks like what!?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: object inheritance

2007-10-27 Thread Pradeep Jindal
On Friday 26 Oct 2007 6:21:57 pm Anand wrote:
 On Oct 26, 5:31 pm, Pradeep Jindal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can you tell any specific use case for doing this?

 I have many implementaions of a db interface.

 SimpleDB - simple implementation
 BetterDB - optimized implementation
 CachedDB - an implementation with caching of queries
 RestrictedDB - implementation with permissions

 Now, I want to combine these implementations and use.
 Typical use case scenarios are:

 db = RestrictedDB(CachedDB(SimpleDB()))
 db = RestrictedDB(SimpleDB())
 db = RestrictedDB(BetterDB())
 db = RestrictedDB(CachedDB(BetterDB())
 db = CachedDB(SimpleDB())

I agree with Duncan. According to me, this should be called Delegation rather 
than inheritance. And delegation should work without any conflicts of 
identifier names and all that. I think, it should be all about several 
objects implementing a protocol (interface) and that should work cleanly.

Re: how to creating html files with python

2007-10-27 Thread krishnakant Mane
hi George,

On 27/10/2007, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 27, 12:12 pm, krishnakant Mane [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I have one strange requirement,
  I need to create html files through python and add some data from the

 The only strange thing here is that you think this is a strange
 requirement :) This is quite typical, and practically required for web
 development. As Diez pointed out, your main problem will be which of
 the dozen or so template packages to pick. Depending on your criteria
I am finding it difficult to choose.
my only requirement is to create an htmo file with normal html taggs
but the values come from a database connection.
so I want to get rid of doing the entire concatination right from
start till end.  I don't mind opening a file and doing file.write()
but it will be nice of some module to help me get the data
concatinated with taggs and rather even better if I can do complex
things like creating an html table whos rows contain data coming from
a result set.
here I would like to have the tagging more like functions, some thing
like report.bold(this must be bold ) and this function to return a
line with the bolded html which looks in the file as b this must be
bold /b
so instead of I doing the concatination myself, python makes it easy.
and I will have lot of complex tables etc to do like this.
so please help me choose one.

cron, python and samba restart

2007-10-27 Thread symbioid

I'm working on a project, and VMware has problems with suspending the
virtual machine.  We are accessing the machine through samba.
However, when I suspend the VM, it stops the Samba service.

The solution we hit upon was to run a script that checks, say, once a
minute to determine whether the machine was active or suspended.  If
it's been longer than a minute, we restart the samba service.

I have been able to manually execute the script, and it properly
restarts the service.  When running from cron, however, the service
won't restart.  I am able to write the file out, so I know it's
running the script.

Is there something in the way I'm calling with the
function that's not able to work through cron?  My concern is that I'm
using sudo, and that may be where the problem lies.  I've had the
process run as both root and as localuser in the crontab, both with
and without sudoing the command.  None works.  I don't know how cron
would run a sudo command in this case, anyways...

Any hints would be appreciated.


import os.path
import time
import subprocess

t = str(int(time.time()))
f = gasr.dat

if os.path.exists(f):
file = open(f,'r')
timestamp = file.readline()

cur_time = int(time.time())
difference_in_mins = (cur_time - int(timestamp))/60
if difference_in_mins  1:'sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart', shell=True)
file = open(f,'w')


Re: Proposal: Decimal literals in Python.

2007-10-27 Thread J. Cliff Dyer
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 13:28:02 -0500, Tim Chase wrote:

 Even clearer is not to allow octal literals :) Is there *any* use for
 The mode argument to os.chmod.
 You mean instead of

   import this
   os.chmod(filename, os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK)

 which explicitly (rather than implicitly) spells it out?

 And the equivalent of ``os.chmod(filename, 0777)`` looks like what!?

   Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

But is one function in one library, which doesn't even exist in one of
the major operating systems really worth its own syntactic construct in
the language?  It seems that it would be fairly simple for python to
treat the octal argument as a string, rather than an int:

os.chmod(filename, 777)

If somebody had a good *general* use for octal, it might be worth having
in the language.  Otherwise, it seems like an unused which is only kept
around because it used to get played with.  (back in the days of six bit


Re: tuples within tuples

2007-10-27 Thread J. Cliff Dyer
J. Clifford Dyer wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 06:59:51AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding 
 Re: tuples within tuples:
 Resolve *what*?  The problem isn't clear yet; at least to me.  Above you
 say what you get.  What exactly do you want?  Examples please.

 Sorry for my poor english, but I meant: how can I obtain a list of A
 and C starting from something like this?

 that could be
 ('tagA', None, [('tagB', None, ['bobloblaw], None)], None)
 but also
 ('tagA', None, description, None)
 when I don't know if C is a tuple or not?

 I guess that, at least,  within the cicle I may test if C is a tuple
 or not.. And then apply the same cicle for C... and so on

 Am i right?


 So, to clarify the piece that you still haven't explicitly said, you want to 
 keep the tag name and children of every element in your XML document.  (which 
 is different from keeping (A, C) from tuple (A, B, C, D), because you want to 
 modify C as well, and it's decendants.)

 As a first solution, how about: 

 def reduceXML(node):
 if type(node) == str:
   return node
   return (node[0], reduceXML(node[2])

 N.B. Beware of stack limitations.

Also, as noted elsewhere in the string, your C is actually a list of
Cs.  So replace my else statement with

return [(child[0], reduceXML(child[2])) for child in node]

I think that'll do what you need.  However, I'm not sure why you need
to.  You're not getting any new information out of your data structure. 
Why not just ignore the attributes and the spare tuplet (or whatever you
call tuple-items) when you do the real processing next time through?



Re: mod_python, ElementTree and Aapche 2.0

2007-10-27 Thread Graham Dumpleton
On Oct 28, 3:02 am, Rajarshi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, this is a slightly vague question but I'm really puzzled as to
 when I write a mod_python (3.1.3) program that makes use of
 ElementTree and call it via a URL, the program simply stops when I do
 something like

 s = # some XML document in a string
 root = XML(s)

 There is no exception at all - the browser just shows a blank page

 But running the code outside of the web server makes it run fine.

 This is on a RHEL 4 machine, with Apache 2.0.52 and Python 2.3.4

 Has anybody ever seen this type of behavior?

Try reading:



Re: Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

2007-10-27 Thread johnbraduk
Like many others I have been going round the same loop for months.

I have struggled with most of the Python solutions, including
TurboGears and have given up and gone back to ColdFusion.  I am not
trying to kick of a religious war about the pros and cons of
ColdFusion as a scripting langauge, but IMHO, as a development
environment (Dreamweaver), it is unbeatable. In one product, out of
the box I can integrate database access and web design, including
AJAX, in one GUI IDE.  Ok, the IDE is on Windows, but the servers run
on Linux.

This seems to be an aspect of web design that has been totally
ignored in the Python community. Developers have been falling over
each other to come up with yet another web development framework
( about 15 at the last count!), but they are all a collection of bits
and pieces from all over the place.  Turbogears is attempting to pull
it all together, but that is like trying to hit a moving target.  As
soon as you get something working they move to a different level of
one of the components and it all falls apart.  For example, you might
try widgets and get them working with Kid Templates.  Then you read
that they want you to move to Genshi Templates and after wasting
hours, you find the small print and discover you need different
widgets to work with Genshi.  Some may think it is a strength of
Python to have so many options, but I think it is a weakness and
putting people off using Python for Web development, driving them to
products like PHP, Rails or ColdFusion.  When I develop a web
application, I don't want to have to decide whether to use mod-python,
Cherrypy, Django, Pylons... for my server.  Then I have to decide
whether to access my database with basic SQL or learn the quirky
options available with SQLObjects or SQLAlchemy, with or without,
Elixir.  Finally, I have to decide which of umpteen templating systems
to use and hope that it will work with the rest of the components.

Am I asking too much to have a Python product X which is a fully
self-contained web development framework?
John B

On 6 Oct, 11:44, Thomas Wittek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Michele Simionato:

  At work we are shopping for a Web framework, so I have been looking at
  the available options
  on the current market.

 At least, you missed Turbo Gears :)
 For me, it feels more integrated than Pylons.

 Thomas Wittek
 GPG: 0xF534E231


Re: how to creating html files with python

2007-10-27 Thread paul
krishnakant Mane schrieb:

 so instead of I doing the concatination myself, python makes it easy.
 and I will have lot of complex tables etc to do like this.
 so please help me choose one.
Did you actually looked for a template language as suggested here?
Now to make your life easier: If you like XML, use genshi. If you plan 
to generate something else than HTML, use cheetah. Use google or 
whatever search engine you prefer to find those packages.



Re: Proposal: Decimal literals in Python.

2007-10-27 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-10-27, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 13:28:02 -0500, Tim Chase wrote:

 Even clearer is not to allow octal literals :) Is there *any* use for
 The mode argument to os.chmod.
 You mean instead of
   import this
   os.chmod(filename, os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK)
 which explicitly (rather than implicitly) spells it out?

 And the equivalent of ``os.chmod(filename, 0777)`` looks like what!?

os.chmod(filename, int('777', 8))

It's good enough for most other bases. ;)

Neil Cerutti

Re: A lib to build query string...

2007-10-27 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
 Is anybody knows about a function that can build query string from 
 parameter list? I very need that!



Lawrence, -
It is difficult to get a man to understand 
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it - Upton Sinclair

Questions for the Python Devs Out There

2007-10-27 Thread Ann Thompson
I'm with an open source game engine project - Project Angela 
( and I'm writing in hopes that you guys will have some 
advice for me.
We're working on an entirely new concept in gaming engines - Ruleset Markup 
Languge (RML) that will allow game rules to be engine agnostic meaning that if 
you decide to change platforms you can take your rules - in essence your game - 
with you without having to do a lot of rewriting.  

That said, I'm looking for advice on how to reach python developers who might 
be interested in working on this project.  If anyone reading this is 
interested, please feel free.  We've just moved to a new web site and the 
forums are at  Much 
information is still stored on our old site  

If you know of places that I might be able to post queries for python 
developers, I'm certainly open to suggestions.  Since I'm guessing that all of 
you are quite active in the python community, I'd appreciate pointers.  


RecentCoin aka Morrighu

Unix domain socket in python example?

2007-10-27 Thread wsguglielmetti

How are you?

I'm completly new in python but I know a little of C.

I developed a small application in python which generate and receive
some data from times in times (question of seconds) and I need to send
this data to a unix domain socket (/var/run/sfp) and read the
response and print on the screen.

I looked for a example of source code in python which connect to a
unix doman socket, send some data and print the response on the
screen, however I were unable to find it.

Can someone please point me to some resource in the internet that have
a code like that one in a fashion that I can adapt it? Or maybe post a
example code here in the forum..

Thank you,



Re: good example of C extension for Mac OS X

2007-10-27 Thread MrJean1
You will need to download the MacOS X version from

It contains the source code.

/Jean Brouwers

On Oct 27, 12:31 pm, chewie54 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 27, 2:59 pm, MrJean1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  There is a C template in file Modules/xxmodule.c in Python 2.5, maybe

  /Jean Brouwers

  On Oct 27, 8:11 am, chewie54 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi All,

   Does anyone now of a good example to use as template for a  C program
   extension that needs to be built on the Mac OS X.


 I have looked at the docs on the but specifically looking
 examples showing how to deal with linked lists and more about when to
 references Py_INCREF and Py_DECREF

 I didn't find Modules/xxmodule.c on my Mac OS X installation.

 Thanks again


Re: while within while

2007-10-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 15:11:37 -0400, Shawn Minisall wrote:

 I've been having some problems with using a while statement for one menu
 within another while statement for the main menu, first time I've done


 def main():

[and snip masses and masses of code]

The first thing you should do is break your program up into functions 
rather than putting everything into one massive lump of code.

I know some people who, once they reach ten lines of code, break it up 
into a separate function. That's possibly a little extreme, but at the 
very least you should split each logical group of code into its own 
function. For example, your main() function might look something vaguely 
like this:

def main():
finished = False
while not finished:
finished = play_game()

Notice that there's only one while loop. That's because the inner while 
loop is inside the play_game() function.

Perhaps the biggest reason for splitting your code into functions is that 
it allows you to isolate each logical task as a separate piece of code, 
write it, test and debug it in isolation.


iterating over the other and finding the greatest

2007-10-27 Thread Beema shafreen
hi everybody,
 I have file with four columns:the content:
   column1column2 col3   col4

for the column3 :
have carry out a process ab then i should print the line and if bc then i
should print the line and cd then i should print... like this i have to
continue.say for eg: 43387 so the first row is omitted, 387 is greater then
98 so i can print the line second row...
my code:
 fh = open('364010_spacing','r')
for lines in fh.readlines():
data = lines.strip().split('\t')
start =data[0].strip()
end = data[1].strip()
values = data[2].strip()
id = data[3].strip()
if a  b :#hanged up here
print lines
but i am not able to do the above can you people guide me in a right
way.. I should proceed further...

Re: Unix domain socket in python example?

2007-10-27 Thread Grant Edwards

 Can someone please point me to some resource in the internet
 that have a code like that one in a fashion that I can adapt

It's trivial to change it from INET to UNIX domain.

 Or maybe post a example code here in the forum..

# Echo server program
import socket,os

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except OSError:
conn, addr = s.accept()
while 1:
data = conn.recv(1024)
if not data: break

# Echo client program
import socket

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.send('Hello, world')
data = s.recv(1024)
print 'Received', repr(data)

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Look!! Karl Malden!

Re: multi-protocol url-based IO -- pure python kioslave-like module?

2007-10-27 Thread Rob McMullen
On Oct 27, 10:13 am, Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Something like itools.vfs, perhaps?

Thanks for the pointer -- I hadn't run across itools before.  It also
gave me some new ideas for google search words and found

with a few more ideas.

Thanks for the help.



Re: elementtree w/utf8

2007-10-27 Thread rzzzwilson

Tim Arnold wrote:
 On a related note, I have another question--where/how can I get the module? Sorry for something so basic, but I tried installing
 cElementTree, but while I could compile with build, I didn't end up
 with a file anywhere. The directory structure on my system
 (HPux, but no root access) doesn't work well with install.

 --Tim Arnold

I had the same question a while ago  and the answer is ElementTree
is now
part of the standard library.



Re: while within while

2007-10-27 Thread Tony
On Oct 27, 7:11 pm, Shawn Minisall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 import random

 def main():

 #define and initialize variables
 #choice as int
 choice = 0
 #weapon choice as int
 weaponchoice = 0
 #number of wins
 win = 0
 #number of loses
 lose = 0
 #number of ties
 tie = 0
 #number of rounds
 rounds = 0
 #play again loop
 again = no


In Python, you usually don't need to define your variables in advance.
Choice is determined as a number by your use of input() and the
response of the user, and in other code it could later be changed to
another type. So your initial declaration was unnecessary.'Dynamic
typing' its called, one of the joys of the language compared to  Java,
C etc.. So not doing that would make your code a bit simpler, one less
thing to worry about



[issue1329] Different 3.0a1 exit behavior

2007-10-27 Thread Jean Brouwers

Jean Brouwers added the comment:

Attached is an updated dlibtest.c file.  It prints a message in the con-
/destructor functions and if that fails it calls _exit(9).

Compile and run it as before and check the exit status.  If the latter 
is 9 or 011, a printf error occurred indicating e.g. that stdout was 
closed or something similar.

This version can also be used with gdb, either by pre-loading the library within gdb or before invoking gdb.  To preload the 
library within gdb (on Linux) use

   gdb  .../python
   (gdb) set environment LD_PRELOAD ./
   (gdb) run

or to preload before gdb use

   setenv LD_PRELOAD ./
   gdb .../python
   (gdb) run

Lastly, my previous observations about this issue were clearly a trompe 
d'oeil, especially my statement that PyImport_Cleanup never returned.  
The missing print statements *after* the PyImport_Cleanup call are 
simply due to printf errors, and nothing else ;-)

Added file:

#include stdio.h
#include string.h
#include unistd.h

#ifndef __GNUC__
# error requires the GNU compiler

extern const char* __progname;

/* call printf() only if inside python binary */
static void
_printf (const char* fmt, const char* arg1, const char* arg2)
if (!strcmp(python, __progname)) {
if (printf(fmt, arg1, arg2)  0) {
_exit(9);  /* stdout closed? */

#if 0  /* pick this ... */

static void  __attribute__((constructor))  /* called on main() */
_ctor (void)
_printf(*** %s called in %s ...\n, ctor, __progname);

static void __attribute__((destructor))  /* called on exit() */
_dtor (void)
_printf(*** %s called in %s ...\n, dtor, __progname);

#else  /* ... or this case */

static void  /* called on Python exit */
_dtor (void)
_printf(*** %s called in %s ...\n, dtor, __progname);

/* the weak attribute prevents unresolved symbol errors */
extern int Py_AtExit (void(*func)(void)) __attribute__((weak));

static void  __attribute__((constructor))  /* called on main() */
_ctor (void)
_printf(*** %s called in %s ...\n, ctor, __progname);
if (Py_AtExit) {
   _printf(*** %s %s\n, Py_AtExit, (Py_AtExit(_dtor)  0 ? failed! : 


/* =

Build this file into a shared library, then pre-load
that library with the Python binary as follows.

On Linux, compile as

gcc -o dlibtest.os -c -m32 -Wall -Werror -fPIC dlibtest.c
gcc -o -m32 -ldl -shared dlibtest.os

and then run

env LD_PRELOAD=./  .../python

On MacOS X, compile as

gcc -o dlibtest.os -c -Wall -Werror -march=i686 -fPIC dlibtest.c
gcc -o dlibtest.dylib -undefined dynamic_lookup -lpthread -dynamiclib 

and run

   env DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=./dlibtest.dylib  .../python.exe

To preload the library within gdb (on Linux) use

   gdb  .../python
   (gdb) set environment LD_PRELOAD ./
   (gdb) run

or use

   setenv LD_PRELOAD ./
   gdb .../python
   (gdb) run

After Ctrl-D two messages should have been printed, but 3.0a1
prints only the first one.  An exist status is 9 or 011 indicates
that a printf error occurred.

Here is a log from Linux with my 3.0a1 and 2.51 builds and
with 2.3.4 included with the Linux distro:

$ gcc -o dlibtest.os -c -m32 -Wall -Werror -fPIC dlibtest.c
$ gcc -o -m32 -ldl -shared dlibtest.os

$ env LD_PRELOAD=./ ~/Python-3.0a1/python 
*** ctor called ...
Python 3.0a1 (py3k, Oct 26 2007, 09:45:17) 
[GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-8)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

$ env LD_PRELOAD=./ ~/Python-2.5.1/python
*** ctor called ...
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Oct 22 2007, 16:19:11) 
[GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-8)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
*** dtor called ...

$ env LD_PRELOAD=./ /usr/bin/python
*** ctor called ...
Python 2.3.4 (#1, May  2 2007, 19:26:00) 
[GCC 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-8)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
*** dtor called ...

Similarly on MacOS X with Python 2.3.5 distributed by Apple:

% env DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=./dlibtest.dylib ~/Python-3.0a1/python.exe
*** ctor called ...
Python 3.0a1 (py3k, Oct 25 2007, 14:55:57) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

% env DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=./dlibtest.dylib ~/Python-2.5.1/python.exe
*** ctor called ...
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Oct 22 2007, 16:18:08) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
*** dtor called ...

% env 

[issue1329] Different 3.0a1 exit behavior

2007-10-27 Thread Neal Norwitz

Neal Norwitz added the comment:

When I run with the attached patch, I see the message: 

*** dtor called in python ...

Is that the behavior you expect?

Added file:

__Index: Python/pythonrun.c
--- Python/pythonrun.c	(revision 58681)
+++ Python/pythonrun.c	(working copy)
@@ -725,7 +725,8 @@
 	PySys_SetObject(__stdin__, std);
 	PySys_SetObject(stdin, std);
-	Py_DECREF(std);
+	/* Purposefully lose a ref to stdin so it is never closed. */
+	/* Py_DECREF(std); */
 	/* Set sys.stdout */
 	if (!(std = PyFile_FromFd(fileno(stdout), stdout, w, -1,
@@ -734,7 +735,8 @@
 	PySys_SetObject(__stdout__, std);
 	PySys_SetObject(stdout, std);
-	Py_DECREF(std);
+	/* Purposefully lose a ref to stdout so it is never closed. */
+	/* Py_DECREF(std); */
 	/* Set sys.stderr */
 	if (!(std = PyFile_FromFd(fileno(stderr), stderr, w, -1,
@@ -743,7 +745,8 @@
 PySys_SetObject(__stderr__, std);
 	PySys_SetObject(stderr, std);
-	Py_DECREF(std);
+	/* Purposefully lose a ref to stderr so it is never closed. */
+	/* Py_DECREF(std); */
 if (0) {
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1341] correction for test_fileinput in py3k on Windows

2007-10-27 Thread Martin v. Löwis

Changes by Martin v. Löwis:

keywords: +patch

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1597850] Cross compiling patches for MINGW

2007-10-27 Thread Scott Tsai

Scott Tsai added the comment:

I messed up while generating cross-2.5.1.patch last time.
Added a hackish way to set disabled_module_list in from
corresponding environment variable.

Added file:

_diff --exclude=configure -urN Python-2.5.1/ Python-2.5.1-hacked/
--- Python-2.5.1/	2007-03-12 18:50:51.0 +0800
+++ Python-2.5.1-hacked/	2007-10-27 14:31:18.0 +0800
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
+# find compiler while respecting --host setting
 dnl This is for stuff that absolutely must end up in pyconfig.h.
 dnl Please use pyport.h instead, if possible.
@@ -163,8 +168,8 @@
 # Set name for machine-dependent library files
-if test -z $MACHDEP
+if test -z $MACHDEP; then
+if test $cross_compiling = no; then
 	ac_sys_system=`uname -s`
 	if test $ac_sys_system = AIX -o $ac_sys_system = Monterey64 \
 	-o $ac_sys_system = UnixWare -o $ac_sys_system = OpenUNIX; then
@@ -172,6 +177,23 @@
 		ac_sys_release=`uname -r`
+	m=`$CC -dumpmachine`
+ 	changequote(, )#dnl
+	ac_sys_system=`expr $m : [^-]*-\([^-]*\)`
+ 	changequote([, ])#dnl
+	case $ac_sys_system in
+	cygwin*) ac_sys_system=`echo $ac_sys_system | sed s/cygwin/CYGWIN/g `;;
+	darwin*) ac_sys_system=`echo $ac_sys_system | sed s/darwin/Darwin/g `;;
+	freebsd*) ac_sys_system=`echo $ac_sys_system | sed s/freebsd/FreeBSD/g `;;
+	linux*) ac_sys_system=`echo $ac_sys_system | sed s/linux/Linux/g `;;
+	esac
 	ac_md_system=`echo $ac_sys_system |
 			   tr -d '[/ ]' | tr '[[A-Z]]' '[[a-z]]'`
 	ac_md_release=`echo $ac_sys_release |
@@ -419,8 +441,8 @@
 if test -z $CXX
 case $CC in
-gcc)AC_PATH_PROG(CXX, [g++], [g++], [notfound]) ;;
-cc) AC_PATH_PROG(CXX, [c++], [c++], [notfound]) ;;
+gcc)AC_CHECK_TOOL(CXX, [g++], [notfound]) ;;
+cc) AC_CHECK_TOOL(CXX, [c++], [notfound]) ;;
 	if test $CXX = notfound
@@ -429,7 +451,7 @@
 if test -z $CXX
-	AC_CHECK_PROGS(CXX, $CCC c++ g++ gcc CC cxx cc++ cl, notfound)
+	AC_CHECK_TOOLS(CXX, $CCC c++ g++ gcc CC cxx cc++ cl, notfound)
 	if test $CXX = notfound
@@ -480,9 +502,11 @@
 rmdir CaseSensitiveTestDir
@@ -681,9 +705,9 @@
-AC_CHECK_PROGS(AR, ar aal, ar)
+# find tools while respecting --host setting
+AC_CHECK_TOOLS(AR,ar aal,ar)
 AC_CHECK_PROG(SVNVERSION, svnversion, found, not-found)
@@ -801,7 +825,7 @@
  AC_TRY_RUN([int main() { return 0; }],
- ac_cv_no_strict_aliasing_ok=no)
+ ac_cv_no_strict_aliasing_ok=yes)
 if test $ac_cv_no_strict_aliasing_ok = yes
@@ -3345,30 +3369,19 @@
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(for /dev/ptmx)
-if test -r /dev/ptmx
-  [Define if we have /dev/ptmx.])
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(for /dev/ptc)
-if test -r /dev/ptc
-  [Define if we have /dev/ptc.])
+	   [Define if we have /dev/ptmx.])],
+	[])
+	   [Define if we have /dev/ptc.])],
+	[])
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for %zd printf() format support)
-AC_TRY_RUN([#include stdio.h
+		AC_TRY_RUN([#include stdio.h
 #include stddef.h
 #include string.h
@@ -3400,7 +3413,7 @@
  AC_DEFINE(PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T, z, [Define to printf format modifier for Py_ssize_t])],
@@ -3430,6 +3443,63 @@
+# Cross compiling
+if test $cross_compiling = yes; then
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(cc for build)
+if test $cross_compiling = yes; then
+AC_ARG_VAR(CC_FOR_BUILD,[build system C compiler (default: cc)])
+if test $cross_compiling = yes; then
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(python for build)

[issue1597850] Cross compiling patches for MINGW

2007-10-27 Thread Scott Tsai

Scott Tsai added the comment:

Grumble, uploaded wrong version of patch.

Added file:

_diff -urN --exclude configure --exclude 'config.*' Python-2.5.1/ Python-2.5.1-hacked/
--- Python-2.5.1/	2007-03-12 18:50:51.0 +0800
+++ Python-2.5.1-hacked/	2007-10-27 16:46:39.0 +0800
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
+# find compiler while respecting --host setting
 dnl This is for stuff that absolutely must end up in pyconfig.h.
 dnl Please use pyport.h instead, if possible.
@@ -163,8 +168,8 @@
 # Set name for machine-dependent library files
-if test -z $MACHDEP
+if test -z $MACHDEP; then
+if test $cross_compiling = no; then
 	ac_sys_system=`uname -s`
 	if test $ac_sys_system = AIX -o $ac_sys_system = Monterey64 \
 	-o $ac_sys_system = UnixWare -o $ac_sys_system = OpenUNIX; then
@@ -172,6 +177,23 @@
 		ac_sys_release=`uname -r`
+	m=`$CC -dumpmachine`
+ 	changequote(, )#dnl
+	ac_sys_system=`expr $m : [^-]*-\([^-]*\)`
+ 	changequote([, ])#dnl
+	case $ac_sys_system in
+	cygwin*) ac_sys_system=`echo $ac_sys_system | sed s/cygwin/CYGWIN/g `;;
+	darwin*) ac_sys_system=`echo $ac_sys_system | sed s/darwin/Darwin/g `;;
+	freebsd*) ac_sys_system=`echo $ac_sys_system | sed s/freebsd/FreeBSD/g `;;
+	linux*) ac_sys_system=`echo $ac_sys_system | sed s/linux/Linux/g `;;
+	esac
 	ac_md_system=`echo $ac_sys_system |
 			   tr -d '[/ ]' | tr '[[A-Z]]' '[[a-z]]'`
 	ac_md_release=`echo $ac_sys_release |
@@ -419,8 +441,8 @@
 if test -z $CXX
 case $CC in
-gcc)AC_PATH_PROG(CXX, [g++], [g++], [notfound]) ;;
-cc) AC_PATH_PROG(CXX, [c++], [c++], [notfound]) ;;
+gcc)AC_CHECK_TOOL(CXX, [g++], [notfound]) ;;
+cc) AC_CHECK_TOOL(CXX, [c++], [notfound]) ;;
 	if test $CXX = notfound
@@ -429,7 +451,7 @@
 if test -z $CXX
-	AC_CHECK_PROGS(CXX, $CCC c++ g++ gcc CC cxx cc++ cl, notfound)
+	AC_CHECK_TOOLS(CXX, $CCC c++ g++ gcc CC cxx cc++ cl, notfound)
 	if test $CXX = notfound
@@ -480,9 +502,11 @@
 rmdir CaseSensitiveTestDir
@@ -681,9 +705,9 @@
-AC_CHECK_PROGS(AR, ar aal, ar)
+# find tools while respecting --host setting
+AC_CHECK_TOOLS(AR,ar aal,ar)
 AC_CHECK_PROG(SVNVERSION, svnversion, found, not-found)
@@ -801,7 +825,7 @@
  AC_TRY_RUN([int main() { return 0; }],
- ac_cv_no_strict_aliasing_ok=no)
+ ac_cv_no_strict_aliasing_ok=yes)
 if test $ac_cv_no_strict_aliasing_ok = yes
@@ -3345,30 +3369,19 @@
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(for /dev/ptmx)
-if test -r /dev/ptmx
-  [Define if we have /dev/ptmx.])
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(for /dev/ptc)
-if test -r /dev/ptc
-  [Define if we have /dev/ptc.])
+	   [Define if we have /dev/ptmx.])],
+	[])
+	   [Define if we have /dev/ptc.])],
+	[])
 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for %zd printf() format support)
-AC_TRY_RUN([#include stdio.h
+		AC_TRY_RUN([#include stdio.h
 #include stddef.h
 #include string.h
@@ -3400,7 +3413,7 @@
  AC_DEFINE(PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T, z, [Define to printf format modifier for Py_ssize_t])],
@@ -3430,6 +3443,63 @@
+# Cross compiling
+if test $cross_compiling = yes; then
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(cc for build)
+if test $cross_compiling = yes; then
+AC_ARG_VAR(CC_FOR_BUILD,[build system C compiler (default: cc)])
+if test $cross_compiling = yes; then
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(python for build)

  1   2   >