Re: A Python 3000 Question

2007-11-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 02 Nov 2007 03:40:59 +, Tim Roberts wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wed, 31 Oct 2007 22:48:12 -0700, Carl Banks wrote:

 I hope you're not serious that $# would make a good operator.
 If you happen to know where I borrowed it from, it would be pretty
 evident that I wasn't being serious.

Ooh, now I'm curious.
 Seriously?  You didn't know that $#x in perl returns the length of the
 array @x, minus 1?

I don't speak Perl. You know there are million of us who have managed to 
avoid it.


Re: AOP and pep 246

2007-11-02 Thread Paddy
On Nov 1, 4:46 pm, Kay Schluehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1 Nov., 16:18, Rustom Mody [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am interested in AOP in python.  From here one naturally (or
  google-ly) reaches peak.
  But peak seems to be discontinued.
  Whereas pep-246 on adaptors seems to be rejected in favor of something else.


  Can someone please throw some light on whats the current state of the art?

 AOP was a research that gone nowhere - at least not in its orginal
 AspectJ form:

If you Verify integrated circuits then you might know of the Specman e
language (, That pre-dates
AspectJ and is very much
alive. Its AOP feature-set is different to that of AspectJ.
Our Verification engineers find the AOP paradigm to be very
productive. It
allows them to write a testbench in e and use AOP to extend it to
different testcases.

Just found a version of the LRM online (search for 'extend'):

- Paddy.


RE: posting to a form with no form name

2007-11-02 Thread Ryan Ginstrom
 posting to a form with no form name or it's just that i cant 
 find the form name.
 can anyone explain how to either post to a form with no name 
 or, find the name of the my current output, but i 
 dont see a form name, also, there is only 1 form on the page

I believe you want Browser.select_form(nr=0)

# Using mechanize

from mechanize import Browser

browser = Browser();)

browser['username'] = me
browser['password'] = secret


Ryan Ginstrom


Re: PyQt with embedded python in Qt App

2007-11-02 Thread Bart.
Friday 02 of November 2007 01:06:58 Diez B. Roggisch napisał(a):
  So how to pass this object into embeded python interpreter (executed
  script)? Anyone know any example?

 You don't pass it, you _retrieve_ it in the embedded interpreter by
 invoking the code given to you.

Know any example,  please?
For better understand this :) I wan't add scripting to one application wrotten 
with Qt.


Re: AOP and pep 246

2007-11-02 Thread Carl Banks
On Nov 2, 12:10 am, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rustom Mody [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On 11/1/07, Kay Schluehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   AOP was a research that gone nowhere - at least not in its orginal
   AspectJ form: declaring aspect code that targets business code...
  My own guess is that AOP via higher order functions and metaclasses
  will be more successful than via aspectj and code-generation.

 I've never been able to figure out what AOP was supposed to mean.

AOP is a programming paradigm in the same way indie is a genre of

It essentially means, anything that is congnitively simple but not
simply implemented in your language of choice.  Hence the oft-heard
purpose of AOP to address cross-cutting concerns.  If you don't have
a convenient representation in your language of some cognitively
simple thing (aspect), then you have break up the implementation of
it in unpleasant ways.  Your concern must cross many files.

Java, for instance, supports only one simple congitive concept--the
object--and not as well as it could.  Pretty much any concern that
isn't nicely encapsulated in an object would be a cross-cutting
concern and hence aspect that AOP would address.  For example,
suppose after careful consideration you were to decide to centralize
XML serialization of many different object types in its own package.
Java's strict object-orientated paradigm is your enemy here,
especially without the benefit of multiple inheritance(**).  AOP to
the rescue.  With AOP, you can say, No problem.  I'll just use
AspectJ to weave that XML serialization into the classes, and then I
can keep the serialization in a central location where it belongs.

Needless to say, Python there is broad support for many aspects of
design, so that many cross-cutting concerns in Java would be
ordinary programming in Python.  Python culd handle the above problem
without any code weaving, and some solutions would be natural enough
that it wouldn't even occur to someone that they were using a
different paradigm.

That's why I prefer the term Aspect-Aware Programming, or Aspect-Aware
Design.  The idea is that different aspects aren't necessarily
organized the same way.  Many things fit neatly into an OO
organization; other things do not.  With AAP you organize some aspects
in one way, other aspects in other ways, and it works out.

A dynamic language like Python has good support for AAP already, but a
rigid, static, precriptive language like Java needs to resort to hacks
like AspectJ.


(**) One sometimes-effective way to tack behavior onto an existing set
of classes is to derive a new set that multiply inherits from the
existing set and a bunch of mixins with your own behavior.  The
approach has drawbacks, but sometimes it works ok, and would be quite
useful in Java.

Carl Banks


Re: Readline and record separator

2007-11-02 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Dennis Lee Bieber a écrit :
 On Wed, 31 Oct 2007 11:13:21 +0100, Bruno Desthuilliers
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the
 following in comp.lang.python:
 [1] Coma Separated Values - but the separator can be almost anything.



 though at this time of night I feel like I should be in a
 coma G

Re: posting to a form with no form name

2007-11-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Nov 2, 12:04 am, Ryan Ginstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  posting to a form with no form name or it's just that i cant
  find the form name.
  can anyone explain how to either post to a form with no name
  or, find the name of the my current output, but i
  dont see a form name, also, there is only 1 form on the page

 I believe you want Browser.select_form(nr=0)

 # Using mechanize

 from mechanize import Browser

 browser = Browser();)

 browser['username'] = me
 browser['password'] = secret


 Ryan Ginstrom

also, thank you for your response


Re: posting to a form with no form name

2007-11-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Nov 2, 12:04 am, Ryan Ginstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  posting to a form with no form name or it's just that i cant
  find the form name.
  can anyone explain how to either post to a form with no name
  or, find the name of the my current output, but i
  dont see a form name, also, there is only 1 form on the page

 I believe you want Browser.select_form(nr=0)

 # Using mechanize

 from mechanize import Browser

 browser = Browser();)

 browser['username'] = me
 browser['password'] = secret


 Ryan Ginstrom

Yes, that is what i had there already, however, im tryin to get rid of
for form in self._br.forms():
  print form

I have a different for loop im tryin to implement outside of that one,
and it's just not cycleing
through.So is there any way to get rid of the for loop?

this is the origanal code piece

for line in open('passwds.txt'):
for form in self._br.forms():
print form
self._br['username'] = Crawler.usrname
self._br['password'] = line.strip()
if 'incorrect' in
print 'password incorrect =', line.strip()

by the outside for loop isnt working, so i figured that maybe i could
hard code the form name and i wouldnt need that inner loop..there a
way to do that?


Re: (MAC) CoreGraphics module???

2007-11-02 Thread David C. Ullrich
On Thu, 01 Nov 2007 19:39:20 -0500, Robert Kern

David C. Ullrich wrote:
 [why doesn't CoreGraphics work?]

That's different than the one that is referenced. The one those articles
reference is only available in the Python that came with the system in
/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework, not one that you might have
installed from into /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework. The
module was made by Apple, and they have not released the source code, so it
cannot be made to work with the distribution.

usenet is amazing - your reply appears to have been
posted a half hour before my question! Thanks.

So CoreGraphics is a builtin in Apple-Python,
explaining why I didn't find the relevant anywhere on the hard drive, eh?

Fine. Now what? Please feel free to bear in mind
that I have very little experience with the Mac
and with Unix - I'm certain that if I knew what
I was doing there I wouldn't need to ask the
questions below, sorry. And sorry about the length
of this post - there's a second issue that maybe
you could explain, that I'd really love to have
an explanation for before modifying things. Anyway:

Since I didn't do anything special to remove it
when I installed the Python-Python, the Apple-Python
should still be there, yes? I'd appreciate any
advice on how to get things set up the way I'd
like. Below when I refer to the MacPython stuff
I mean ApplicationLauncher (or however it's spelled,
the Mac's at the office and I'm at home) and Idle;
the stuff that gives convenient access to Python
scripts in the GUI.

Note that I don't have any particular reason to
want to use the latest version of Python - I was
actually getting along fine with 1.5 until very
recently. I'd be perfectly happy to set things
up so everything used the Apple-Python. (i) If I
just uninstalled the Python-Python (how?) would
everything (Terminal, the MacPython stuff)
automagically find the Apple-Python instead?
(ii) If not, what would I have to do to make
things use the Apple-Python instead? (And if
I have to do something to make that happen,
would doing that still work if I just left
the Python-Python sitting there?)

OR: Is there something special I could do with
CoreGraphics scripts and/or how I invoke them
so that _they_ would use the Apple-Python while
other scripts would just use the Python-Python
as now?

(A last choice would be a setup where most
scripts work as they do now and I somehow
make CoreGraphics work from Terminal but
not in Finder...)

(Hmm, a wild guess: something somewhere is an
alias to Python-Python, and I just change that
(how?) to an alias to Apple-Python?)

I'm a little nervous about making any changes,
because something very mysterious happened when
I was setting things up the way they are now -
since I have no idea what I did to make things
work the way they are now I don't know that
I could set things up the way they are now
again if I had to. If you can explain the
following that will be something (I've been
meaning to ask about the following sometime,
hasn't been important til now when I'm
contemplating changing the setup):

The history: I get a Mac. I discover that it
includes Python, can't figure out how to
execute .py files in Finder. I hear about

I install the small MacPython download, that's
supposed to just add ApplicationLauncher(?),
Idle, etc on top of the existing Python.
Works fine _except_ that when I double-click
a .py file in Finder it executes with the
cwd equal to the root directory instead of
the directory where the script is located.

Trying to fix that I install the full
MacPython, including Python itself. Doesn't
help, scripts still execute in /.

A few weeks later I decide to try to fix that.
The plan is to edit, the script
that's supposed to run before everything else
allowing customizations (always takes me a
while to find the magic name in the docs -
probably you know the name I mean). The plan
is to extract the directory I want from
sys.argv and then chdir.

And here's the mysterious part: The day I
plan on modifying I find the
problem has fixed itself! When I double-
click .py files they execute in the right

If you asked what I was smoking I wouldn't blame
you. (Not that I really think that's it, but
the _only_ thing I can imagine I did that
could have led to the change was that perhaps
I hadn't yet tried out Idle when things were
executing in the wrong directory, and somehow
the first time I ran Idle it fixed something
for me.)

Anyway. You have any idea what was going on there,
and/or any idea about what to do to fix that
problem if it appears again? Something somewhere
changed - what, and how do I change it manually?
defaults write what.what.what what what?
Or what? I'd be much happier understanding what
happened here before making any changes...

Evidently you've read this far - thanks. Long
posts are irritating. Of course so are posts
that don't describe 

Re: raw_input() and utf-8 formatted chars

2007-11-02 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Thu, 01 Nov 2007 19:21:03 -0700, 7stud wrote:

 BeautifulSoup can convert an html entity representing an 'A' with
 umlaut, e.g.:
 into an   without every touching my keyboard.  How does BeautifulSoup
 do it?

It maps the HTML entity names to unicode characters.  Take a look at the
`htmlentitydefs` module.

 from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup as bss
 s1 = h1Auml;/h1  #_Auml;_
 #I added the comment after the line to show the
 #format of the html entity.  In case a browser
 #might render the comment into the actual character,
 #I added underscores to the html entity:
 soup = bss(s1)
 text = soup.contents[0].string  #gets the 'A' with umlaut out of the
 new_s = bss(text, convertEntities=bss.HTML_ENTITIES)
 print repr(new_s)
 print new_s
 I see the same output for both print statements, and what I see is an
 'A' with umlaut.  I expected that the first print statement would show
 the utf-8 encoding for the character.

Well it does, and apparently your terminal, or wherever the output goes,
decodes that UTF-8 encoded 'Ä' and shows it.  If you expected the output
'\xc3\x84' then remember that you ask the soup object for its
representation and not a string.  The object itself decides what
`repr(obj)` returns.  Soup objects represent themselves as UTF-8 encoded

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Need some help...

2007-11-02 Thread Boris Borcic
Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
  Boris Borcic wrote:
  Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
  Boris Borcic wrote:
  I want to create a program that I type in a word.
  for example...
  each letter equals a number
   and so on.
  So Chaos would be
  C=13 H=4 A=1 O=7 S=5
  I want to then have those numbers
  13+4+1+7+5 added together to be 30.
  How can I do that?
  Also, just curious, but, how could I then have the 3 and 0 added
  together to be 3?
  Please help me out.
  Thank you.
sum(dict(C=13,H=4,A=1,O=7,S=5)[_] for _ in 'CHAOS')
sum(eval(ch) for ch in str(_))
  def sumToOneDigit(num) :
 if num  10 :
 return num
 else :
 return sumToOneDigit(sum(int(i) for i in str(num)))
  sumToOneDigit(sum(ord(ch) for ch in 'chaos'.upper()))
  HTH what ?
  HTH : Hope that helps
  Citing your post :


  Also, just curious, but, how could I then have the 3 and 0 added
  together to be 3?
  you have the function sumToOneDigit that adds the digits of a number
  till you get one digit (isn't that what you where curious about?)

I had provided a solution that conformed to the OP's 2 questions. Your 
non-conform addition simply proved that you hadn't bothered to read.

Or else you meant to read the OP's mind beyond what he specified; but then you 
should adress him, not me.

  And answering the main question : sum(ord(ch) for ch in 'chaos'.upper())
  which is inside the sumToOneDigit funtion in my answer.

No, you did not adress the original questions.

My hth what ? was an invitation to
rectify. Sorry it wasn't enough for you, but the verbosity was probably worth
what you paid for it.

  Sorry if that is not enough for you, but the answer is probably worth
  what you paid for it.


Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Wildemar Wildenburger
gert wrote:
 oops the code is like this but doesn't work
 class Test(object):
 def m1(self,v):
 return v
 def m2(v):
 return v
 if  __name__ == '__main__':
 gert = Test()
 print gert.m1('1')
 print Test.m2('2')

Well, what do you think:
 In [9]: gert = Test()
 In [10]: print gert.m1('1')
: print Test.m2('2')
 type 'exceptions.TypeError' Traceback (most recent call last)
 /home/wildemar/ipython console in module()
 type 'exceptions.TypeError': unbound method m2() must be called with Test 
 instance as first argument (got str instance instead)

(Another hint: look at what m1 has that m2 lacks.)


Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Tim Chase
gert wrote:
 On Nov 2, 12:27 pm, Boris Borcic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 gert wrote:
 class Test(object):
 def execute(self,v):
 return v
 def escape(v):
 return v
 if  __name__ == '__main__':
 gert = Test()
 print gert.m1('1')
 print Test.m2('2')
 Why doesn't this new style class work in python 2.5.1 ?
 why should it ?
 I don't know I thought it was supported from 2.2?

I don't recall Python supporting non-existent method-calls (such
as m1/m2 when they aren't actually defined) in ANY version of Python.

But once you change that, you'll likely also want to investigate
the classmethod decorator if you want to create class-methods.



Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Wildemar Wildenburger
gert wrote:
 On Nov 2, 12:27 pm, Boris Borcic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 gert wrote:
 class Test(object):
 def execute(self,v):
 return v
 def escape(v):
 return v
 if  __name__ == '__main__':
 gert = Test()
 print gert.m1('1')
 print Test.m2('2')
 Why doesn't this new style class work in python 2.5.1 ?
 why should it ?
 I don't know I thought it was supported from 2.2?
Look at the error you get.


(Hint: m1 not in (execute, escape))

Nothing to do with old- or new-style classes.

Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread gert
On Nov 2, 12:31 pm, gert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 2, 12:27 pm, Boris Borcic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  gert wrote:
   class Test(object):

   def execute(self,v):
   return v

   def escape(v):
   return v

   if  __name__ == '__main__':
   gert = Test()
   print gert.m1('1')
   print Test.m2('2')

   Why doesn't this new style class work in python 2.5.1 ?

  why should it ?

 I don't know I thought it was supported from 2.2?

oops the code is like this but doesn't work

class Test(object):

def m1(self,v):
return v

def m2(v):
return v

if  __name__ == '__main__':
gert = Test()
print gert.m1('1')
print Test.m2('2')


Re: (MAC) CoreGraphics module???

2007-11-02 Thread Tommy Nordgren

On 2 nov 2007, at 02.10, David C. Ullrich wrote:

 Running OS X 10.4 Tiger. Various references
 by Apple and others say that there exists a
 module that gives Quartz bindings, allowing
 all sort of graphics things in Python.

 Sure enough, after installing Xcode I have
 some sample scripts. They all start with

 from CoreGraphics import *

 (as do all the examples in two books, both
 of which say they're talking about Tiger.)

 I get an ImportError trying to import CoreGraphics.
 I found a in a folder named Carbon;
 when I change the script to read

 import Carbon
 from Carbon.CoreGraphics import *

 there's no import error, but all of the Quartz
 things are NameErrors. I look at,
 it's just about twenty lines long, defining a few
 constants with Quartz-sounding names.

 What gives? I'm supposed to do something else?
 Someone accidentally deleted all the code from
 my (Is there a working around somewhere? I found a
 file somewhere on the net that was the same
 as mine except it ended with

 from CG import *

 Adding that doesn't change anything.)

 (Yes, the XCode installation seems to be working



 David C. Ullrich
There are Python wrappers for the Cocoa API. These can be used with  
binaries from
The name of the module is PyObjC, and can be downloaded from  
There are binary builds for Python up to version 2.4.1.
For Python 2.5.1, it is necessary to build it yourself, which I've  
found out requires modifying
(The problem is that tries to use two modules that's not  
installed by default on Tiger)
What is a woman that you forsake her, and the hearth fire and the  
home acre,
to go with the old grey Widow Maker.  --Kipling, harp song of the  
Dane women
Tommy Nordgren


Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Martin Sand Christensen
 gert == gert  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
gert Why doesn't this new style class work in python 2.5.1 ?

Whether you declare your class as a new style class or an old style
class, your code is completely and utterly broken. Calling non-existing
methods has never been a good way of getting things done. :-)


Re: PyQt with embedded python in Qt App

2007-11-02 Thread Bart.
Friday 02 of November 2007 12:21:06 BlueBird napisał(a):
 On Nov 2, 8:03 am, Bart. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Friday 02 of November 2007 01:06:58 Diez B. Roggisch napisa (a):
So how to pass this object into embeded python interpreter (executed
script)? Anyone know any example?
   You don't pass it, you _retrieve_ it in the embedded interpreter by
   invoking the code given to you.
  Know any example,  please?
  For better understand this :) I wan't add scripting to one application
  wrotten with Qt.

 So, you have Qt/C++ application which you want to script through

 But why do you need PyQt for ? If you design a script api in python
 and bind it using whatever binding technology (manually, boost, sip,
 pyrex, ...), you should not need to use PyQt.

 Or do you mean to use PyQt as the binding technology ?

Or I want to use PyQt in scripts to have similar gui for plugins written in 
Or I want to extend application  by scripts with PyQt.

Or better question:
How to easy add python scripting in Qt application and have almast all objects 
of app accesible in scripts?
Kross could be good solution?

I realy need some examples :(
I'm looking for solutions.

You are proffesional programmers so that is why write on this list :)

Thanks for Your answars.


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2007-11-02 Thread 008
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Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread gert
On Nov 2, 12:27 pm, Boris Borcic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 gert wrote:
  class Test(object):

  def execute(self,v):
  return v

  def escape(v):
  return v

  if  __name__ == '__main__':
  gert = Test()
  print gert.m1('1')
  print Test.m2('2')

  Why doesn't this new style class work in python 2.5.1 ?

 why should it ?

I don't know I thought it was supported from 2.2?


Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread Jim Hendricks
BartlebyScrivener wrote:
 On Nov 2, 8:51 am, Jim Hendricks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 New to python, programming in 15 or so langs for 24 years.

 Couple of questions the tuts I've looked at don't explain:
 Did you look at THE tut?  You would seem to be the perfect reader for
 it, because you are already a programmer.

I initially looked at THE tut, and it came across so techy that it's 
such a slow read.  Therefore, I looked to other tuts that were very easy 
reads and could give me the basic lowdown of the language.  Problem of 
course is the easy read tuts don't get into the details.

That said, I looked at the section of the tutorial you provided (thanks) 
and I am still confused.  It specifies a global var cannot be assigned 
unless it's specified in the global statement.

Here's an example of what I am asking:

def my_function():
   global x

   x = open( 

before calling my_function, x does not exist in my program.  So, my 
question is in my_function, the combination of using the global 
statement, then implicitly creating x via assignment to the result of 
the open function, is x created in the global namespace?

Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Boris Borcic
gert wrote:
 Could not one of you just say @staticmethod for once damnit :)

I did, did I not ?

http client using ssh -D

2007-11-02 Thread Nikola Skoric
Is there a python library which supports using SOCKS proxy which I
create by ssh -D port remote-host? I was trying to use that socket
by SocksiPy, but I get channel 3: open failed: administratively
prohibited: open failed on the server side. And I can use that
channel freely with firefox. Any other library I might use?

Now the storm has passed over me
I'm left to drift on a dead calm sea
And watch her forever through the cracks in the beams
Nailed across the doorways of the bedrooms of my dreams

Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-11-02, Jim Hendricks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 New to python, programming in 15 or so langs for 24 years.

 Couple of questions the tuts I've looked at don't explain:

 1) global vars - python sets scope to the block a var is
 declared (1st set), I see the global keyword that allows access
 to global vars in a function, what I'm not clear on is does
 that global need to be declared in the global scope, or, when
 1st set in a function where it is listed as a global, does that
 then declare the necessary global.

Names that are assigned in an assignment statement are assumed to
be defined in the current scope.

Names that are assigned to in a function are considered local
variables to that function. This allows them to be faster to
access than other attributes or global variables (which are just
attributes of a module).

def foo():
  x = 7

In function foo x is a local variable. This is true even if there
is an x defined in foo's enclosing scope.

x = 5

def foo():
  x = 7

x is a local variable, which shadows the module scope (global) x.

x = 5

If x is referenced, but not assigned to, then Python does not
create a local variable for it, and normal lookup rules will
cause x to be found in the enclosing scope of the bar function,

def bar():
  print x
In bar, the x name refers to the global x.

In order to inform Python that you would like to make
modifications to a global variable in a function, you use the
global statement to declare your intation. This overrides
Python's assumption that that name is a local variable.

x = 5

def foo2():
  global x
  x = 7

 2) Everything is an object.  So then, why the distinction between 
 functions/variables and fields/methods.  If a module is an object, would 
 not every function be a method of that module and every variable be a 
 field of that module?

You are almost correct. Every identifier/name in Python is
conceptually an attribute of an object. But identifiers in Python
are not typed. It is the objects that they refer to that are

Neil Cerutti

Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread Duncan Booth
Bjoern Schliessmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Jim Hendricks wrote:
 I see the global keyword that allows access to global vars in a
 function, what I'm not clear on is does that global need to be
 declared in the global scope,
 You can't just declare in Python, you always define objects (and
 bind a name to them). Yes, globals need to be defined before you
 can access them using global.

Why not try it out for yourself (both of you). Globals do not need to be 
defined in the global scope so long as the first 'access' is to bind a 
value to the variable:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#0, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'aglobal' is not defined
 def f():
global aglobal
aglobal = 1


 If a module is an object, would not every function be a method of
 that module and every variable be a field of that module?
 They are.

A function is an attribute of the module which contains it, not a 
method. It is just like when you do:

 class AClass(object):

 def f(): print hi

 c = AClass()
 c.f = f

'f' is an attribute of 'c', not a method of 'c'. To be a method of 'c', 
'f' would have to be an attribute of the type 'AClass'. To be a method 
of a module, a function would have to be defined in the module type, not 
a specific module instance. Modules do have a few methods, e.g. 
__repr__, but you cannot assign additional methods to the module type 
nor can you subclass it.

 import string
module 'string' from 'C:\\Python25\\lib\\string.pyc'

The difference, of course, is that the module method __repr__ has a self 
parameter which it may use to get at the module. Functions don't have 
easy access to their module.

Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:
 Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:

 No, since everyone's crystal balls are in repair.
 I don't even have crystal balls!

Not many are rich *and* impotent. :)



BOFH excuse #14:

sounds like a Windows problem, try calling Microsoft support


Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Please use a more informative subject next time.

Jim Hendricks wrote:
 1) global vars - python sets scope to the block a var is declared
 (1st set),

I'm afraid not. Python only interprets the listed name(s) as

 I see the global keyword that allows access to global vars in a
 function, what I'm not clear on is does that global need to be
 declared in the global scope,

You can't just declare in Python, you always define objects (and
bind a name to them). Yes, globals need to be defined before you
can access them using global.

 2) Everything is an object.  So then, why the distinction between
 functions/variables and fields/methods.  

Because they are different things to achieve different goals. One
holds data, the other does stuff.

But nonetheless, both a function and a string literal have their own
set of methods. You can look at them using dir, a function to
show attributes (the pythonic word for fields/methods) of objects.

 def test():
... print test
['__call__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__',
'__get__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__',
'__name__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', 
'__setattr__', '__str__', 'func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_defaults', 
'func_dict', 'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name']
['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__eq__', 
'__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getnewargs__', 
'__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__len__', 
'__lt__', '__mod__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', 
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rmod__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', 
'__str__', 'capitalize', 'center', 'count', 'decode', 'encode', 'endswith', 
'expandtabs', 'find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 
'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 
'partition', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rpartition', 'rsplit', 
'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 
'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']

 If a module is an object, would not every function be a method of
 that module and every variable be a field of that module?

They are.

BTW, don't confuse class and object. Classes also are objects.

 import os
 dir (os)
[[...], '__all__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', 
'__file__', '__name__', '_copy_reg', '_execvpe', '_exists', '_exit', 
'_get_exports_list', '_make_stat_result', '_make_statvfs_result', 
'_pickle_stat_result', '_pickle_statvfs_result', '_spawnvef', 
'abort', 'access', 'altsep', 'chdir', 'chmod', 'chown', 'chroot', 
'close', 'confstr', 'confstr_names', 'ctermid', 'curdir', 'defpath', 
'devnull', 'dup', 'dup2', 'environ', 'error', 'execl', 'execle', 
'execlp', 'execlpe', 'execv', 'execve', 'execvp', 'execvpe', 
'extsep', 'fchdir', 'fdatasync', 'fdopen', 'fork', 'forkpty', 
'fpathconf', 'fstat', 'fstatvfs', 'fsync', 'ftruncate', [...]]


BOFH excuse #205:

Quantum dynamics are affecting the transistors


Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread BartlebyScrivener
On Nov 2, 8:51 am, Jim Hendricks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 New to python, programming in 15 or so langs for 24 years.

 Couple of questions the tuts I've looked at don't explain:

Did you look at THE tut?  You would seem to be the perfect reader for
it, because you are already a programmer.



PyQt with embedded python in Qt App

2007-11-02 Thread David Boddie
On Fri Nov 2 12:59:48 CET 2007, Bart. wrote:

 Or I want to use PyQt in scripts to have similar gui for plugins written in
 Or I want to extend application  by scripts with PyQt.
 Or better question:
 How to easy add python scripting in Qt application and have almast all
 objects of app accesible in scripts?
 Kross could be good solution?

You can use PyQt, Kross or PythonQt for this, but only PyQt will give you
a comprehensive API out of the box.

There is code in the PyQt source distribution that shows how to set up the
Python interpreter inside a C++ plugin and import modules - it's used to
load custom Python widgets into Qt Designer.

Look at the designer/pluginloader.cpp file to get an idea of what you need
to do. There are simpler ways to initialize Python, but this code should
be helpful if you want to extend what you've done at a later time.


Re: Is there a usenet library for Python?

2007-11-02 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-11-02, Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I'm interested in the former, an NNTP client.  Thank you Grant
 and Jean-Paul (who answered this question in another post).  I
 should have guessed at searching for NNTP instead of

What to Google for is always obvious after the fact. :)

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Th' MIND is the Pizza
  at   Palace of th' SOUL

Re: Copy database with python..

2007-11-02 Thread Martin Sand Christensen
 Abandoned == Abandoned  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Abandoned Yes i understand thank you. Now i find that maybe help the
Abandoned other users.

Abandoned import os
Abandoned os.system(su postgres)
Abandoned ...

I get the distinct impression that you're trying to replace simple shell
scripting with Python. While it's possible, you're probably making
things much more complicated than they need to be. Unless you're
actually doing something with all that data of yours, don't use Python
where a simple shell script will be much smaller and cleaner.


Re: Copy database with python..

2007-11-02 Thread Abandoned
On Nov 2, 4:19 pm, Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Abandoned wrote:
  I want to copy my database but python give me error when i use this
  cursor.execute(pg_dump mydata  old.dump)
  What is the problem ? And how can i copy the database with python ?

 You are just going to have to give us more to go on. Please post the
 entire traceback of the error that you see (copy/paste it from your

 You can't issue system commands using the cursor's execute() method and
 expect that to work. execute() is for executing SQL, DML, or DDL, not
 for doing shell stuff.


 import os
 os.system(pg_dump mydata  /tmp/old.dump)

 but I'm not versed in postgressql, so this probably won't work exactly
 as written. You'd need to run that code from the server hosting the
 postgresql database.

  Note: The database's size is 200 GB

 Well, then you may want to make sure you have enough room on the target
 volume before trying to dump the file! Note that the dump file could
 conceivably be much larger (or much smaller) than the database itself.

 pkm ~

Are there any way to copy database without dump or any temp files ?
(If there is a temp my harddisk not enough for this operation :( )


Re: Copy database with python..

2007-11-02 Thread Abandoned
On Nov 2, 4:11 pm, Martin Sand Christensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Abandoned == Abandoned  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Abandoned I want to copy my database but python give me error when i
 Abandoned use this command. cursor.execute(pg_dump mydata  old.dump)
 Abandoned What is the problem ?

 cursor.execute() is for executing SQL commands, and this is not an SQL
 command, but rather a shell command.

 Abandoned And how can i copy the database with python ? Note: The
 Abandoned database's size is 200 GB

 If you want to do this from Python, run it as a separate process.

Yes i understand thank you.
Now i find that maybe help the other users.

import os
os.system(su postgres)


Re: Copy database with python..

2007-11-02 Thread Paul McNett
Abandoned wrote:

 I want to copy my database but python give me error when i use this
 cursor.execute(pg_dump mydata  old.dump)
 What is the problem ? And how can i copy the database with python ?

You are just going to have to give us more to go on. Please post the 
entire traceback of the error that you see (copy/paste it from your 

You can't issue system commands using the cursor's execute() method and 
expect that to work. execute() is for executing SQL, DML, or DDL, not 
for doing shell stuff.


import os
os.system(pg_dump mydata  /tmp/old.dump)

but I'm not versed in postgressql, so this probably won't work exactly 
as written. You'd need to run that code from the server hosting the 
postgresql database.

 Note: The database's size is 200 GB

Well, then you may want to make sure you have enough room on the target 
volume before trying to dump the file! Note that the dump file could 
conceivably be much larger (or much smaller) than the database itself.

pkm ~

Re: Copy database with python..

2007-11-02 Thread Martin Sand Christensen
 Abandoned == Abandoned  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Abandoned I want to copy my database but python give me error when i
Abandoned use this command. cursor.execute(pg_dump mydata  old.dump)
Abandoned What is the problem ?

cursor.execute() is for executing SQL commands, and this is not an SQL
command, but rather a shell command.

Abandoned And how can i copy the database with python ? Note: The
Abandoned database's size is 200 GB

If you want to do this from Python, run it as a separate process.


Re: Copy database with python..

2007-11-02 Thread Carsten Haese
On Fri, 2007-11-02 at 06:51 -0700, Abandoned wrote:
 I want to copy my database but python give me error when i use this
 cursor.execute(pg_dump mydata  old.dump)

cursor.execute executes SQL queries. pg_dump is not an SQL query, it is
an operating system command. To execute OS commands, use
os.system(...) or the subprocess module.

Hope this helps,

Carsten Haese


Copy database with python..

2007-11-02 Thread Abandoned
I want to copy my database but python give me error when i use this
cursor.execute(pg_dump mydata  old.dump)
What is the problem ? And how can i copy the database with python ?
Note: The database's size is 200 GB


python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread Jim Hendricks
New to python, programming in 15 or so langs for 24 years.

Couple of questions the tuts I've looked at don't explain:

1) global vars - python sets scope to the block a var is declared (1st 
set), I see the global keyword that allows access to global vars in a 
function, what I'm not clear on is does that global need to be declared 
in the global scope, or, when 1st set in a function where it is listed 
as a global, does that then declare the necessary global.

2) Everything is an object.  So then, why the distinction between 
functions/variables and fields/methods.  If a module is an object, would 
not every function be a method of that module and every variable be a 
field of that module?

I'm sure I will have other questions, but, I have a specific task that I 
am coding in python, and having a better understanding of the language 
will keep me from writing crap based on other language bias.


Re: MySQLdb.string_literal

2007-11-02 Thread Carsten Haese
On Fri, 2007-11-02 at 12:24 +, gert wrote:
 I want to escape binary data so i can insert data into a blob

No, you don't want to escape binary data. You want to bind it to a
parametrized query:

Keep in mind, though, that MySQLdb uses %s as parameter markers instead
of the SQL standard question mark.

Carsten Haese


Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread Jim Hendricks
Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:
 Please use a more informative subject next time.
 Jim Hendricks wrote:
 1) global vars - python sets scope to the block a var is declared
 (1st set),
 I'm afraid not. Python only interprets the listed name(s) as
 I see the global keyword that allows access to global vars in a
 function, what I'm not clear on is does that global need to be
 declared in the global scope,
 You can't just declare in Python, you always define objects (and
 bind a name to them). Yes, globals need to be defined before you
 can access them using global.

This sounds like an issue of terminology.  I understand that I don't 
declare variables like I would in C or Java, but that they are 
implicitly declared via the first assignment.  And the define objects 
and bind a name to them makes no sense to me.  I can only assume that if 
I say: my_file = open( ... the techy explaination is that the open 
function defines a file object and binds the name my_file to it.  To me, 
it's easier to say that the open function creates a file object and 
assigns a reference to the my_file variable.  If my_file does not exist, 
it is created, if my_file does exist, prior to the assignment, the type 
of my_file is checked to ensure type safety.

You state that globals need to be defined before you can access them 
using global, so, now the question is, how to define in the global 
scope.  I guess I'm too function driven as a programmer.  I have a 
function which opens a file. I have a bunch of other functions which 
access that opened file. Traditionally, I would declare the file_handle 
var as a global, then my function which opens the file can assign the 
file_handle, and all the functions that access the file can also access 
the file_handle.  Since Python you do not declare variables, and from 
what I've read so far, Python is type strict, I don't know how I would 
outside a function create my file_var without actually opening my file 
outside a function.
 2) Everything is an object.  So then, why the distinction between
 functions/variables and fields/methods.  
 Because they are different things to achieve different goals. One
 holds data, the other does stuff.

You misinterpreted my question, I understand the difference between a 
function and a variable and the difference between a field and a method. 
  What I didn't understand is that if a module is an object, then a 
function is a method of the module, so, why confuse things and call a 
chunk of functionalized code a function when it is in a module, but call 
it a method when it is part of an object.  IMHO, if a module is an 
object then it is a whole lot less confusing to call a function 
definition a method definition, unless there is a real distinction 
between a function and a method.

 But nonetheless, both a function and a string literal have their own
 set of methods. You can look at them using dir, a function to
 show attributes (the pythonic word for fields/methods) of objects.
 def test():
 ... print test
 ['__call__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__',
 '__get__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__',
 '__name__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', 
 '__setattr__', '__str__', 'func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_defaults', 
 'func_dict', 'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name']
 ['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__eq__', 
 '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getnewargs__', 
 '__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__len__', 
 '__lt__', '__mod__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', 
 '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rmod__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', 
 '__str__', 'capitalize', 'center', 'count', 'decode', 'encode', 'endswith', 
 'expandtabs', 'find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit', 'islower', 
 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 
 'partition', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rpartition', 'rsplit', 
 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 
 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']
 If a module is an object, would not every function be a method of
 that module and every variable be a field of that module?
 They are.
K, then that gives further argument that making a distinction between 
the term function and method, or the term field and variable is just an 
exercise in confusion.

 BTW, don't confuse class and object. Classes also are objects.
I'm a long time Java programmer, I understand that distinction.

 import os
 dir (os)
 [[...], '__all__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', 
 '__file__', '__name__', '_copy_reg', '_execvpe', '_exists', '_exit', 
 '_get_exports_list', '_make_stat_result', '_make_statvfs_result', 
 '_pickle_stat_result', '_pickle_statvfs_result', '_spawnvef', 
 'abort', 'access', 'altsep', 'chdir', 'chmod', 'chown', 'chroot', 

Re: compiling python 3000 on debian etch

2007-11-02 Thread rustompmody
On Nov 2, 6:56 pm, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is the home page for the Debian source package for Python 2.5--it
 lists the build dependencies.

Ok Thanks
With that help Ive got it down to this (output of (end of) make)

Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
_bsddb_sha256   _sha512

Cant figure out what they are or where they should come from...


Re: compiling python 3000 on debian etch

2007-11-02 Thread Carl Banks
On Nov 2, 8:24 am, Rustom Mody [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ive been trying to compile python 3000 on debian etch
 And on running test I get:

 4 skips unexpected on linux2:
 test_tcl test_dbm test_ssl test_bsddb

 Can someone tell me what packages I am missing?

Here is the home page for the Debian source package for Python 2.5--it
lists the build dependencies.

These dependencies shouldn't be much different for Python 3.0.  Be
sure to use dev versions of libraries, the packages should have -dev
on the end.

Carl Banks


Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Nigel Rantor
gert wrote:
 Could not one of you just say @staticmethod for once damnit :)

why were you asking if you knew the answer?


Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread BartlebyScrivener
On Nov 2, 10:13 am, Jim Hendricks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's an example of what I am asking:

Try this example from Beazley (pg 82)

a = 42
def foo():
a = 13
print a

By contrast:

a = 42
b = 13
def foo():
global a, b
a = 13
b = 0
print a
print b


Re: MySQLdb.string_literal

2007-11-02 Thread gert
On Nov 2, 1:48 pm, Carsten Haese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 2007-11-02 at 12:24 +, gert wrote:
  I want to escape binary data so i can insert data into a blob

 No, you don't want to escape binary data. You want to bind it to a
 parametrized query:

 Keep in mind, though, that MySQLdb uses %s as parameter markers instead
 of the SQL standard question mark.

ok thx, this is one of those questions i wished i asked way sooner.


Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Nigel Rantor
gert wrote:
 On Nov 2, 12:27 pm, Boris Borcic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 gert wrote:
 class Test(object):
 def execute(self,v):
 return v
 def escape(v):
 return v
 if  __name__ == '__main__':
 gert = Test()
 print gert.m1('1')
 print Test.m2('2')
 Why doesn't this new style class work in python 2.5.1 ?
 why should it ?
 I don't know I thought it was supported from 2.2?

I think what Boris was being exceedingly unhelpful in saying was why 
should it work when you're calling methods that do not exist

I don't see 'm1' or 'm2' defined for the class 'Test'.



Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Wildemar Wildenburger
Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:
 gert wrote:
 Could not one of you just say @staticmethod for once damnit :)
 No, since everyone's crystal balls are in repair.

I don't even have crystal balls!


Re: Syntax coloring in Python interpreter

2007-11-02 Thread kyosohma
On Nov 1, 12:45 pm, braver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Greetings -- as a long time user of both Python and Ruby interpreters,
 I got used to the latter's syntax-coloring gem, wirble, which
 colorizes Ruby syntax on the fly.  Is there anything similar for

What's wrong with IDLE? There's a plug-in for Eclipse that does syntax
highlighting and more as well. So does ActiveState's ActivePython.
Even Notepad++ can do highlighting.



Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Boris Borcic
gert wrote:
 class Test(object):
 def execute(self,v):
 return v
 def escape(v):
 return v
 if  __name__ == '__main__':
 gert = Test()
 print gert.m1('1')
 print Test.m2('2')
 Why doesn't this new style class work in python 2.5.1 ?

why should it ?

Re: marshal vs pickle

2007-11-02 Thread Aaron Watters
On Nov 1, 11:42 pm, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aaron Watters [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Segmentation fault
  I'll grant you the above as a denial of service attack. ...
  Can you give me an example
  where someone can erase the filesystem using marshal.load?

 You should always assume that if an attacker can induce a memory fault
 (typically through a buffer overflow) then s/he can inject and run
 arbitrary machine code ...

Yes yes yes, but this takes an extraordinary amount of skill
and criminal malice.  With pickle an innocent person
on another continent could potentially delete all the files
on your computer by accident.

In summary my view is this.

  - pickle is way too complicated and not worth the
extra overhead and danger in most cases.

  - marshal is an excellent tool for getting
large amounts of data in and out of Python that
can be much faster than pickle and is always
much less dangerous than pickle.  I think it's safe
enough for most RPC uses, for example.

  - It's a damn shame that the Python developers
can't be bothered to make marshal portable across
platforms and versions.  It's a silly mistake.

Sorry for all the fuss.

   -- Aaron Watters



Re: Syntax coloring in Python interpreter

2007-11-02 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-11-02, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Neil Cerutti wrote:
 On 2007-11-01, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 1, 2007 3:01 PM, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2007-11-01, Lee Capps [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 1, 2007, at 1:45 PM, braver wrote:
 Greetings -- as a long time user of both Python and Ruby
 interpreters, I got used to the latter's syntax-coloring gem,
 wirble, which colorizes Ruby syntax on the fly.  Is there
 anything similar for Python?

 I believe IPython can do this:
 IPython's syntax coloring doesn't work with Windows 2000 and
 up, since (last I checked) it relies on a file,
 which relies on ANSI.SYS, which is not supported by the
 Windows console.
 If you scroll down about half a page in the above link you'll
 find a link to a readline implementation for Windows.
 That appears to be an improvement on the Windows
 support when I last looked  (6 months or so ago). Thanks for the
 heads up.

 And it's worth looking at ipykit[1] which is a standalone
 bundle of ipython py2exe-ed for Windows users.



I installed the new version and the coloring works out of the box
on Windows 2000 with Gary's PyReadline 1.4.4.

Neil Cerutti
If you throw at someone's head, it's very dangerous, because in the head is
the brain. --Pudge Rodriguez

using the filter function within class return error

2007-11-02 Thread david . katkowski
I'm trying to use the __builtin__ filter function within a class;
however, I receive the following error:

NameError: global name 'MajEthnic' is not defined

The line of code is: EthMaj = filter(self.MajEthnic,flist)

So, I'm trying to use the MajEthnic function to filter the list flist.
Any ideas?



Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread J. Clifford Dyer
On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 11:13:00AM -0400, Jim Hendricks wrote regarding Re: 
python newbie:
 BartlebyScrivener wrote:
  On Nov 2, 8:51 am, Jim Hendricks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  New to python, programming in 15 or so langs for 24 years.
  Couple of questions the tuts I've looked at don't explain:
  Did you look at THE tut?  You would seem to be the perfect reader for
  it, because you are already a programmer.
 I initially looked at THE tut, and it came across so techy that it's 
 such a slow read.  Therefore, I looked to other tuts that were very easy 
 reads and could give me the basic lowdown of the language.  Problem of 
 course is the easy read tuts don't get into the details.
 That said, I looked at the section of the tutorial you provided (thanks) 
 and I am still confused.  It specifies a global var cannot be assigned 
 unless it's specified in the global statement.
 Here's an example of what I am asking:
 def my_function():
global x
x = open( 
 before calling my_function, x does not exist in my program.  So, my 
 question is in my_function, the combination of using the global 
 statement, then implicitly creating x via assignment to the result of 
 the open function, is x created in the global namespace?



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#8, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'y' is not defined
 def f():
global y
y = 123

Remember, the interactive interpreter is your friend.  Just type 'python' at 
the command line and hammer away.  (It's even better through a decent IDE).

Oh yeah, you have to actually call f before y will get defined.  


[ANN] Leo 4.4.4 Final released

2007-11-02 Thread Edward K Ream
Leo 4.4.4 Final is now available at:

Leo is a text editor, data organizer, project manager and much more. See:

Leo 4.4.4 contains many important features originally planned for later 

The highlights of Leo 4.4.4:

- The Great Graph Aha: simple scripts allow Leo outlines to represent
  arbitrary directed graphs. There is no need for a separate 'graph world'. 
The plugin is a direct result of this Aha. The plugin 
  you to create general graphs from Leo outlines.

- @menus trees in settings files create all of Leo's menus.  It is now dead
  easy to make Leo's menus look the way you want.

- @buttons trees in settings files create common @button nodes created in 
  Leo outlines.

- @auto nodes eliminate sentinels in derived files, thereby allowing people 
  collaborate using Leo more easily. **Warning**: for now, please make 
  copies of files imported with @auto.

- New commands for resolving cvs conflicts.

- A threading_colorizer plugin replaces the __jEdit_colorizer__ plugin.
  This plugin features much better performance and a new, elegant algorithm.

- Leo is now compatible with jython.

- Better support for icons in headlines.

- Many bug fixes and other minor improvements.


Edward K. Ream   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Iterable Flattener with Depth.

2007-11-02 Thread Ian Clark
thebjorn wrote:
 On Nov 2, 6:32 am, praddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 1, 5:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pradeep Jindal:
 Any comments?
 Something with similar functionality (plus another 20 utility
 functions/classes or so) has probably to go into the std lib... :-)
 Same Here!

 - Pradeep
 Yeah, everyone has to write a flatten sooner or later :-)  My version
 is at:
 -- bjorn

And here is mine. Note that it is very similar to Michael Spencer's 
implementation[1]. The only difference is that this adds a depth counter.

def iflat(itr, depth=0):
   itr = iter(itr)
   stack = []
   cur_depth = 0

   while True:
   elem =
   if hasattr(elem, __iter__) and cur_depth  depth:
 itr = iter(elem)
 cur_depth += 1
 yield elem
 except StopIteration:
   if not stack:
 raise StopIteration
   cur_depth -= 1
   itr = stack.pop()

if __name__ == __main__:
   test1 = ((0, 1, 2), ((3, 4), 5), (((6, 7), 8), 9))
   test2 = [1,[2,[3,4,5],'bash'],6,[7,[8,[9,10,['hi', 'hello', 11, 12]

   for x in (test1, test2):
 print list(iflat(x))
 print list(iflat(x, 1))
 print list(iflat(x, 2))
 print list(iflat(x, 3))
 print list(iflat(x, 4))
 print iflat(x, 10)




Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread gert
On Nov 2, 4:04 pm, Boris Borcic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 gert wrote:
  Could not one of you just say @staticmethod for once damnit :)

 I did, did I not ?

i am sorry, yes you did :)


Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread Jim Hendricks
J. Clifford Dyer wrote:
 before calling my_function, x does not exist in my program.  So, my 
 question is in my_function, the combination of using the global 
 statement, then implicitly creating x via assignment to the result of 
 the open function, is x created in the global namespace?
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#8, line 1, in module
 NameError: name 'y' is not defined
 def f():
   global y
   y = 123
tks, and tks also for the example.
 Remember, the interactive interpreter is your friend.  Just type 'python' at 
 the command line and hammer away.  (It's even better through a decent IDE).
yes, you are correct, last time I had the advantage of a console was 
when I was working in Forth.  Working with Java  PHP for a living makes 
one forget that Python has the console.

 Oh yeah, you have to actually call f before y will get defined.  

Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread tasjaevan
On Nov 2, 3:35 pm, Jim Hendricks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This sounds like an issue of terminology.  I understand that I don't
 declare variables like I would in C or Java, but that they are
 implicitly declared via the first assignment.  And the define objects
 and bind a name to them makes no sense to me.  I can only assume that if
 I say: my_file = open( ... the techy explaination is that the open
 function defines a file object and binds the name my_file to it.  To me,
 it's easier to say that the open function creates a file object and
 assigns a reference to the my_file variable.  If my_file does not exist,
 it is created, if my_file does exist, prior to the assignment, the type
 of my_file is checked to ensure type safety.

Objects have types, names (what you're calling variables) don't.

  my_file = open ...

binds the name 'my_file' to a file object. A subsequent

  my_file = 7

will bind the name 'my_file' to an int object. No type-checking
involved (but neither is there any loss of type safety).



Re: Is pyparsing really a recursive descent parser?

2007-11-02 Thread Paul McGuire
On Nov 2, 5:47 am, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pyparsing is no recursive descent parser.  It doesn't go back in the input
 stream.  The ``OneOrMore(Word(alphas))`` part eats the 'end' and when it
 can't get more, the parser moves to the ``Literal('end')`` part which
 fails because the 'end' is already gone.

   Is there a way to get pyparsing to parse a grammar like this?

 Negative lookahead maybe:

 grammar = (OneOrMore(NotAny(Literal('end')) + Word(alphas))
+ Literal('end'))

 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Well I'll be darned!  All this time, I thought recursive descent
described the recursive behavior of the parser, which pyparsing
definitely has.  I never knew that backing up in the face of parse
mismatches was a required part of the picture.

In pyparsing, each construction gets composed from more fine-grained
constructions, and they are called recursively to match or not match
against the input string.

For example, taking your working parser example:

grammar = (OneOrMore(NotAny(Literal('end')) + Word(alphas))
   + Literal('end'))

This creates the following data structure:

- And
  - OneOrMore
- And
  - NotAny
- Literal('end')
  - Word(alphas)
  - Literal('end')

Every instance in this structure derives from the base class
ParserElement, which defines a method parse().  parse() in turn calls
preParse(), parseImpl(), and postParse().  If parseImpl succeeds, it
returns a ParseResults object and the next location within the input
string to continue parsing.

The parseImpl methods are most often overridden in the subclasses (a
few override postParse as well), such as:
- And.parseImpl invokes parse() (note the recursion) on each of the
expressions in its list.  All must succeed or And.parseImpl throws an
- OneOrMore.parseImpl invokes parse() on its contained expression,
which must succeed at least once; if not, the exception is rethrown.
If the contained expression succeeds once, then its parse() method is
called again and again until it fails, but no exceptions are rethrown,
since only one match was actually required.
- NotAny inverts the success/failure of its contained expression.  If
the expression's parse() method succeeds, NotAny.parseImpl throws an
exception.  If the contained expression's parse() method throws an
exception, NotAny returns successfully.  (NotAny does not advance the
parse location, nor does it return any tokens.)
- Literal and Word are terminals, in that they do not invoke any other
expression's parse() method.  Literal.parseImpl tests whether its
string exists at the current parse location, and throws an exception
if it doesn't.  Word.parseImpl tests whether the current parse
location contains a letter in the Word instance's set of valid initial
characters - if so success; if not, throws an exception.  It then
advances through the input string, matching characters in the Word
instance's set of valid body characters.  The entire matched string is
then returned, along with an updated string index at which to continue

In my concept of recursive descent parsing, I was under the
impression that pyparsing's use of this data structure, and
*recursive* calls of parse() as it *descends* through the data
structure, constituted a recursive descent parser.  What the OP
requested was a more regular expression-ish matcher, with backup (or

Your example did not include either of the alternation classes,
MatchFirst or Or.  These classes implement a form of backtracking on
the stack, that if we descend into an expression on the list of
alternatives, and that expression fails, then MatchFirst or Or will
back up to the same starting location and try the next alternative.
(MatchFirst is an eager matcher, in that it will pick the first
matching expression in its list - Or is an exhaustive matcher, in
that it will evaluate all of the alternatives, and select the longest

The Wikipedia entry for Recursive Descent Parser describes this
parser model as a predictive parser, and later goes on to say that
some (uncited) authors equate predictive parser with recursive
descent parsers.  The article makes a special distinction for a
recursive parser with backup, which is what I believe the OP was
asking for.  Yes, pyparsing is definitely *not* a recursive descent
parser with backup.  The solution, as you correctly posted, is to add
a negative lookahead.  NotAny is also represented using the '~'

By the way, there are a couple of other places where pyparsing
diverges from the standard model:
- implicit whitespace skipping
- user-definable comment skipping
- attachment of parse actions to expressions
These features, while atypical, provide some added capability and ease-
of-use in creating quick and simple parsers.

So I will take my stance with the uncited authors who lump predictive
parsers in with recursive descent parsers.

-- Paul


Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread gert
On Nov 2, 2:10 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
 Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:
  gert wrote:
  Could not one of you just say @staticmethod for once damnit :)

  No, since everyone's crystal balls are in repair.

 I don't even have crystal balls!




Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Boris Borcic
gert wrote:

 Why doesn't this new style class work in python 2.5.1 ?
 why should it ?
 I don't know I thought it was supported from 2.2?
 oops the code is like this but doesn't work
 class Test(object):
 def m1(self,v):
 return v
 def m2(v):
 return v
 if  __name__ == '__main__':
 gert = Test()
 print gert.m1('1')
 print Test.m2('2')

You should put a '@staticmethod' decorator before your m2 method definition



2007-11-02 Thread gert
I want to escape binary data so i can insert data into a blob

Using MySQLdb.string_literal(data) doesn't seem to escape everything ?


compiling python 3000 on debian etch

2007-11-02 Thread Rustom Mody
Ive been trying to compile python 3000 on debian etch
And on running test I get:

4 skips unexpected on linux2:
test_tcl test_dbm test_ssl test_bsddb

Can someone tell me what packages I am missing?

Re: os.readlink returning value

2007-11-02 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
On 2 Nov, 05:30, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Thu, 01 Nov 2007 22:51:14 -0300, Giampaolo Rodola' [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

  I was reading os.readlink doc which says:

  readlink( path)

  Return a string representing the path to which the symbolic link
  points. The result may be either an absolute or relative pathname; if
  it is relative, it may be converted to an absolute pathname using
  os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), result). Availability: Macintosh,

  ...It's not clear to me when the returning result could be absolute
  and when it could be relative.
  Could someone clarify this point?

 That depends on how the symlink was created. Assume the current directory  
 is /usr/home/giampaolo/any/dir ln -s ../foo/bar

 creates a symbolic link at /usr/home/giampaolo/any/dir/bar pointing to  
 ../foo/bar (relative to where the link resides). That is, actually  
 pointing to /usr/home/giampaolo/any/foo/bar (but this absolute path is NOT  
 stored on the link itself - only ../foo/bar)

 Now, a program whose current directory is /usr/home/giampaolo executes  
 It will return the string ../foo/bar. One must resolve the .. reference  
 relative to where the link resides, NOT relative to the current directory.  
 That is, relative to any/dir. os.path.dirname(any/dir/bar) returns  
 exactly that. Then, the suggested expression in the docs evaluates to  
 any/dir/../foo/bar - it's not an absolute pathname yet, one should use  
 abspath() on it. Or instead  
 os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(path)), result)

 Gabriel Genellina

Thanks for the examplanation.
I'd only want to do the same as what ls does in such cases.
Imho, os.readlink() should have the same behaviour of ls, isn't it?


new style class

2007-11-02 Thread gert
class Test(object):

def execute(self,v):
return v

def escape(v):
return v

if  __name__ == '__main__':
gert = Test()
print gert.m1('1')
print Test.m2('2')

Why doesn't this new style class work in python 2.5.1 ?


Re: PyQt with embedded python in Qt App

2007-11-02 Thread BlueBird
On Nov 2, 8:03 am, Bart. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Friday 02 of November 2007 01:06:58 Diez B. Roggisch napisa (a):

   So how to pass this object into embeded python interpreter (executed
   script)? Anyone know any example?

  You don't pass it, you _retrieve_ it in the embedded interpreter by
  invoking the code given to you.

 Know any example,  please?
 For better understand this :) I wan't add scripting to one application wrotten
 with Qt.

So, you have Qt/C++ application which you want to script through

But why do you need PyQt for ? If you design a script api in python
and bind it using whatever binding technology (manually, boost, sip,
pyrex, ...), you should not need to use PyQt.

Or do you mean to use PyQt as the binding technology ?



difference between IDLE and command line

2007-11-02 Thread Jim Hendricks
New to Python, and just had something strange happen.

I've been running my new code in IDLE running in windows.  My IDLE 
version shows as 1.2.1, Python version displaying in IDLE is 2.5.1.

I have been editing my code in UltraEdit then testing in IDLE by 
choosing open, then F5.  I didn't see an easy way to refresh in IDLE, so 
each edit I've been closing the file (not IDLE itself), then opening 
again.  Since IDLE does not keep track of what directory I last opened 
from, this gets tedious, so I decided to run my code from the command line.

Here's where it got interesting for me.  From the command line, I'm in 
the directory containing my source, I execute via python, I 
receive an error in my code.  Specifically, it's erroring because I have 
a copyright character in a string that I am outputting via the 
file.write method.  The error has to do with no encoding declared.

What surprised me is that this code runs with no problems in IDLE.

Should I expect different execution behavior between IDLE and a command 

Oh, and executing python all by itself in the command prompt shows the 
same version as what is displayed in IDLE.


Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Bjoern Schliessmann a écrit :
 Jim Hendricks wrote:
 I see the global keyword that allows access to global vars in a
 function, what I'm not clear on is does that global need to be
 declared in the global scope,
 You can't just declare in Python, you always define objects (and
 bind a name to them).

def toto():
   global p
   p = 42

Here I declared 'x' as global without defining it.

 Yes, globals need to be defined before you
 can access them using global.

For which definition of 'defined' ?

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'p' is not defined

 2) Everything is an object.  So then, why the distinction between
 functions/variables and fields/methods.  
 Because they are different things to achieve different goals. One
 holds data, the other does stuff.

Hem... I'm not sure you're really addressing the OP's question here. But 
anyway: in Python, everything's an object, so the only thing that makes 
functions a bit specials is that they are callable - as are classes, 
methods, and every instance of a class implementing __call__ FWIW. So 
saying 'variables holds data, functions do stuff' is unapplyiable to 


 If a module is an object, would not every function be a method of
 that module and every variable be a field of that module?
 They are.

functions are *not* methods of their module.

Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
gert wrote:

 oops the code is like this but doesn't work

For sake of the god of your choice, please always provide runnable
code as well as hints to

- what you think it should do
- what you want it to do
- what exact error message(s) you get

NOT just it doesn't work.


BOFH excuse #279:

The static electricity routing is acting up...


Writing GTK UI for Python apps in XUL

2007-11-02 Thread Devraj
Hi everyone,

Is it possible to write UI code in XUL for a GTK Python application? I
found NuFox, which does the reverse (lets me write Python to generate



Re: Iterable Flattener with Depth.

2007-11-02 Thread thebjorn
On Nov 2, 6:32 am, praddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 1, 5:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Pradeep Jindal:

   Any comments?

  Something with similar functionality (plus another 20 utility
  functions/classes or so) has probably to go into the std lib... :-)


 Same Here!

 - Pradeep

Yeah, everyone has to write a flatten sooner or later :-)  My version
is at:

-- bjorn


Re: PyCheck for a classes defined in python and user data in PyObject_HEAD

2007-11-02 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Note that there is a mailing list dedicated to the Python/C API,

 issue #2 I'm in a situation when i don't really need to extend
 python with any classes of my own but i do have extra luggage for
 the python data structures such as tuples, lists, dictionaries, etc
 on the c++ side. I see no place in PyObject_HEAD where i can stick a
 void* to my extra data.

Adding additional luggage is a valid definition of extending.  :-)

Simply inherit from the desired data structure, and add the pointers
you need to the extended structure.  If you must add extra data to
existing Python objects created by someone else, then you can use a
weak dictionary:

import weakref
_map = {}  # can't use WeakKeyDictionary because we need
   # mapping by identity

def set_extra_data(obj, data):
# use id(obj) as key to map by object identity
ident = id(obj)
ref = weakref.ref(obj, lambda x: _map.pop(ident))
_map[ident] = ref, data

def extra_data(obj):
if id(obj) not in _map:
raise TypeError(object has no extra data)
ref, data = _map[id(obj)]
assert ref() is obj
return data

Re: A Python 3000 Question

2007-11-02 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
 On Fri, 02 Nov 2007 03:40:59 +, Tim Roberts wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 31 Oct 2007 22:48:12 -0700, Carl Banks wrote:

 I hope you're not serious that $# would make a good operator.
 If you happen to know where I borrowed it from, it would be pretty
 evident that I wasn't being serious.
 Ooh, now I'm curious.
 Seriously?  You didn't know that $#x in perl returns the length of the
 array @x, minus 1?
 I don't speak Perl.

Nor do I, but such an ugly syntax is a sure hint !-)


2007-11-02 Thread Beema shafreen
hi everybody,
I have a file:
A_16_P21360207   304
 my script:
import math
values_lis = []
fh = open('test5','r')
for line in fh.readlines():
data = line.strip().split('\t')
probe = data[0].strip()
values= data[1].strip()
value  = values[0].strip()
value =float(values)
old = 0
if value =old:
old = value
print '%s\t%s'%(probe,old)
   I am aiming to remove the lowest values in the second column by iterating
one over the othersay for example 304 , is lesser than the

second row value  783 so i omit the first column first value.. in the same
case in the third row 795  is greater the 783 so i omit the 783the second
row... this to be carried out for attaining my destination... i have written
the sript but it doesnot not remove the lesser values...can you please chek
where i go wrong...

Re: Adding GNU Readline after installation?

2007-11-02 Thread Michele Simionato
On Nov 2, 3:37 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I compiled Python from source on a bunch of my development machines
 without enabling the readline modules. Is it possible to add readline
 support after installation?

 I really just want to get my up arrow history working...

Google for rlwrap.

   Michele Simionato


Re: Syntax coloring in Python interpreter

2007-11-02 Thread Tim Golden
Neil Cerutti wrote:
 On 2007-11-01, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 1, 2007 3:01 PM, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2007-11-01, Lee Capps [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 1, 2007, at 1:45 PM, braver wrote:
 Greetings -- as a long time user of both Python and Ruby
 interpreters, I got used to the latter's syntax-coloring gem,
 wirble, which colorizes Ruby syntax on the fly.  Is there
 anything similar for Python?

 I believe IPython can do this:
 IPython's syntax coloring doesn't work with Windows 2000 and
 up, since (last I checked) it relies on a file,
 which relies on ANSI.SYS, which is not supported by the
 Windows console.
 If you scroll down about half a page in the above link you'll
 find a link to a readline implementation for Windows.
 That appears to be an improvement on the Windows
 support when I last looked  (6 months or so ago). Thanks for the
 heads up.

And it's worth looking at ipykit[1] which is a standalone
bundle of ipython py2exe-ed for Windows users.



Re: 3 number and dot..

2007-11-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 02 Nov 2007 16:39:12 +, Roberto Bonvallet wrote:

 On 31 oct, 22:21, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 def convert(n):
assert type(n) in (int,long)
 I'd replace this line with  n = int(n), more in the spirit of duck

Not necessarily. Something duck typing is too liberal in what it accepts. 
You might want convert(math.pi) to raise an exception, although I'd 
suggestion an assert is the wrong test. A better test would be an 
explicit type check with raise:

if not isinstance(n, (int, long)):
raise TypeError('n not an integer')

assert is for this can never happen tests rather than type checking.


Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread gert
Could not one of you just say @staticmethod for once damnit :)


Re: Copy database with python..

2007-11-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Abandoned wrote:

 On Nov 2, 4:19 pm, Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Abandoned wrote:
  I want to copy my database but python give me error when i use this
  cursor.execute(pg_dump mydata  old.dump)
  What is the problem ? And how can i copy the database with python ?

 You are just going to have to give us more to go on. Please post the
 entire traceback of the error that you see (copy/paste it from your

 You can't issue system commands using the cursor's execute() method and
 expect that to work. execute() is for executing SQL, DML, or DDL, not
 for doing shell stuff.


 import os
 os.system(pg_dump mydata  /tmp/old.dump)

 but I'm not versed in postgressql, so this probably won't work exactly
 as written. You'd need to run that code from the server hosting the
 postgresql database.

  Note: The database's size is 200 GB

 Well, then you may want to make sure you have enough room on the target
 volume before trying to dump the file! Note that the dump file could
 conceivably be much larger (or much smaller) than the database itself.

 pkm ~
 Are there any way to copy database without dump or any temp files ?
 (If there is a temp my harddisk not enough for this operation :( )

You can invoke the pg_dump on the remote machine.


Re: Is pyparsing really a recursive descent parser?

2007-11-02 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Fri, 02 Nov 2007 06:05:13 +, Just Another Victim of the Ambient
Morality wrote:

 Is pyparsing really a recursive descent parser?  I ask this because 
 there are grammars it can't parse that my recursive descent parser would 
 parse, should I have written one.  For instance:
 from pyparsing import *
 grammar = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) + Literal('end')
 grammar.parseString('First Second Third end')
 Amazingly enough, this will fail to parse!
 Now, maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about but shouldn't a 
 recursive descent parser recursively descend through all possible rule 
 combinations to discover one that works?  Why does pyparsing fail to parse 

Pyparsing is no recursive descent parser.  It doesn't go back in the input
stream.  The ``OneOrMore(Word(alphas))`` part eats the 'end' and when it
can't get more, the parser moves to the ``Literal('end')`` part which
fails because the 'end' is already gone.

  Is there a way to get pyparsing to parse a grammar like this?

Negative lookahead maybe:

grammar = (OneOrMore(NotAny(Literal('end')) + Word(alphas))
   + Literal('end'))

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Need some help...

2007-11-02 Thread Ricardo Aráoz
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 En Thu, 01 Nov 2007 20:12:52 -0300, Ricardo Aráoz [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 def sumToOneDigit(num) :
if num  10 :
return num
else :
return sumToOneDigit(sum(int(i) for i in str(num)))

 def sumToOneDigit(num):
  return num % 9 or 9
 Valid when num=1, which is guaranteed by the OP context.

Beautiful. Much better than mine.


Re: A Python 3000 Question

2007-11-02 Thread Paul Rubin
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Seriously?  You didn't know that $#x in perl returns the length of the
  array @x, minus 1?
 I don't speak Perl. You know there are million of us who have managed to 
 avoid it.

I used to use perl (though I was never an expert) and I didn't know that
$#x returns yada yada.  Lucky me.

Re: Adding GNU Readline after installation?

2007-11-02 Thread Uwe Grauer
 I compiled Python from source on a bunch of my development machines
 without enabling the readline modules. Is it possible to add readline
 support after installation?
 I really just want to get my up arrow history working...

You have to uncomment readline support in Modules/Setup, call make
again and do a reinstall.


Re: trapping DLL import issues without blocking pop up window

2007-11-02 Thread Thomas Heller
alf schrieb:
   there is following issue: import cx_Oracle on windows pops up a nice 
   'DLL missing' window in case there indeed is no CLI.DLL (or something 
 like that). Then the exception is raised.
 Catching the exception is obviously not a problem, but the popup 
 practically blocks the application and requires user intervention.
 There could be a legitimate case where Oracle environment is not 
 available  yet the program might want to get around it somehow.

Executing this code before 'import cx_Oracle' should help:

  import ctypes; ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(1)

See also



Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
gert wrote:
 Could not one of you just say @staticmethod for once damnit :)

No, since everyone's crystal balls are in repair.



BOFH excuse #256:

You need to install an RTFM interface.


Re: 3 number and dot..

2007-11-02 Thread Roberto Bonvallet
On 31 oct, 22:21, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 def convert(n):
assert type(n) in (int,long)

I'd replace this line with  n = int(n), more in the spirit of duck

Roberto Bonvallet


Re: python newbie

2007-11-02 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Jim Hendricks a écrit :
 New to python, programming in 15 or so langs for 24 years.
 Couple of questions the tuts I've looked at don't explain:
 1) global vars - python sets scope to the block a var is declared (1st 
 set), I see the global keyword that allows access to global vars in a 
 function, what I'm not clear on is does that global need to be declared 
 in the global scope, or, when 1st set in a function where it is listed 
 as a global, does that then declare the necessary global.

Didn't you try by yourself ? Would have been faster than writing down 
your question...

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May  2 2007, 16:56:35)
[GCC 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  def toto():
... global p
... p = 42
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'p' is not defined

Anyway, remember that in Python, 'global' really means 'module level'.

 2) Everything is an object.  So then, why the distinction between 
 functions/variables and fields/methods.  If a module is an object, would
 not every function be a method of that module

functions are *instance* attributes of the modules (obviously, since 
each module is a distinct instance of class 'module'...), and when 
functions are instance attributes of an object, the lookup mechanism 
doesn't turn them into methods.

 and every variable be a 
 field of that module?

There's nothing like a 'field' in Python - only attributes. And 
module-level (so-called 'global') vars *are* attributes of the module. 
So from 'the outside' (ie: from the importing code), a module is just an 
instance of class module, with it's own set of attributes - some of them 
callables (functions and classes), some other not.


Re: new style class

2007-11-02 Thread Aahz
Nigel Rantor  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think what Boris was being exceedingly unhelpful in saying was why 
should it work when you're calling methods that do not exist

Typing is cheap.  Thinking is expensive.  --Roy Smith

Re: Writing GTK UI for Python apps in XUL

2007-11-02 Thread Alberto Berti
 Devraj == Devraj  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Devraj Hi everyone, Is it possible to write UI code in XUL for a
Devraj GTK Python application? I found NuFox, which does the
Devraj reverse (lets me write Python to generate XUL)

i wrote such a system as a proof of concept, it's far from being

you can find the sources here:

with it you can use python scripting  inside xul files.
Take a look at this


Webservices, SOAP and Python

2007-11-02 Thread João Rodrigues
Hello all, I'm trying to build a webserver client and I'm having quite
the trouble. I ended up using ZSI (since it's the only one that I
could actually install on my Linux system) but I wonder: is there any
other software for this purpose?

I read about SOAPpy and PyXML but since both are discontinued, what do
you use?

By the way, I'm having trouble connecting ZSI-using scripts to the
internet. Every other script works. Why could this be happening? How
can I prevent this? (I'm behind a proxy)



Re: using the filter function within class return error

2007-11-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 02 Nov 2007 09:42:17 -0700, david.katkowski wrote:

 I'm trying to use the __builtin__ filter function within a class;
 however, I receive the following error:
 NameError: global name 'MajEthnic' is not defined
 The line of code is: EthMaj = filter(self.MajEthnic,flist)
 So, I'm trying to use the MajEthnic function to filter the list flist.
 Any ideas?

Yes, many.

The first idea is: the exception that you get tells you what's wrong. You 
should pay attention and define MajEthnic, just as it says.

My second idea is that you're probably giving us incorrect information. I 
can't think of any possible way for the line of code you quote to give 
the NameError you say it does. I can think of how it might give a 
different NameError:

class Parrot(object):
flist = [1, 2, 3]
EthMaj = filter(self.MajEthnic, flist)

or possible an AttributeError:

class Parrot(object):
def method(self, flist):
EthMaj = filter(self.MajEthnic, flist)

but not the exception that you quote.

My third idea is that if you want better help, you should provide better 
information. Please quote the entire traceback, not paraphrasing it, 
unless it is excessively long, in which case you can trim some of the 
extra stack trace (but tell us you've done so!). Please ensure you are 
actually quoting the correct line of code that generates the exception.

My fourth idea is that your subject line is incorrect. The filter 
function does not RETURN an error, it RAISES an error. Using correct 
terminology is important.

Although technically, it is just barely possible that filter actually is 
*returning* an exception, or at least a list containing an exception, if 
flist looks something like this:

flist = [NameError(global name 'MajEthnic' is not defined), 0, 1, 2]

Exceptions are objects like any other, and can be returned, although that 
would be extremely unusual, and not something that just happens -- you 
have to work at it!


Assertion for python scripts

2007-11-02 Thread matthias
Howdy !

I started using the assert() stmt and found it quite useful :-)  I
have only one problem:  I don't
know how to turn them off again.

I know that -O turns off assertions in general.  However, how do I
pass thus parameter to
python to an executable script ?

I have tried the following:

!#/usr/bin/env python -O

- Fails with this msg: /usr/bin/env: python -O: No such file or

Also, putting it in quotes won't do it.

Passing the -O to the runnable script won't work either.

Here is my question:  How do I maintain debug / release builds that
allow me to switch
debug stmts, like assert, on / off ?



Re: Assertion for python scripts

2007-11-02 Thread Matt McCredie
On 11/2/07, matthias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Howdy !

 I started using the assert() stmt and found it quite useful :-)  I
 have only one problem:  I don't
 know how to turn them off again.

 I know that -O turns off assertions in general.  However, how do I
 pass thus parameter to
 python to an executable script ?

 I have tried the following:

 !#/usr/bin/env python -O

 - Fails with this msg: /usr/bin/env: python -O: No such file or

 Also, putting it in quotes won't do it.

 Passing the -O to the runnable script won't work either.

 Here is my question:  How do I maintain debug / release builds that
 allow me to switch
 debug stmts, like assert, on / off ?


python -O -mcompileall path

That command will compile all of the files in the given path and
produce .pyo files. If the .pyo file is present and up-to-date it will
be used instead of the .py file.

Alternatively you could do this:

python -O -mpy_compile

which can be used to compile one file at a time.

Many Python programs and modules include a compile step as part of
their installation process. There is also a -OO option, which will
strip doc-strings as well.


Re: (MAC) CoreGraphics module???

2007-11-02 Thread Robert Kern
David C. Ullrich wrote:
 On Thu, 01 Nov 2007 19:39:20 -0500, Robert Kern
 David C. Ullrich wrote:
 [why doesn't CoreGraphics work?]
 That's different than the one that is referenced. The one those articles
 reference is only available in the Python that came with the system in
 /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework, not one that you might have
 installed from into /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework. The
 module was made by Apple, and they have not released the source code, so it
 cannot be made to work with the distribution.
 usenet is amazing - your reply appears to have been
 posted a half hour before my question! Thanks.
 So CoreGraphics is a builtin in Apple-Python,
 explaining why I didn't find the relevant anywhere on the hard drive, eh?

Okay, which version of OS X do you have? In 10.3 and 10.4 it used to be here:

I notice that in 10.5, it no longer exists, though.

 Fine. Now what? Please feel free to bear in mind
 that I have very little experience with the Mac
 and with Unix - I'm certain that if I knew what
 I was doing there I wouldn't need to ask the
 questions below, sorry. And sorry about the length
 of this post - there's a second issue that maybe
 you could explain, that I'd really love to have
 an explanation for before modifying things. Anyway:
 Since I didn't do anything special to remove it
 when I installed the Python-Python, the Apple-Python
 should still be there, yes?

Yes, in the location I mentioned.

 I'd appreciate any
 advice on how to get things set up the way I'd
 like. Below when I refer to the MacPython stuff
 I mean ApplicationLauncher (or however it's spelled,
 the Mac's at the office and I'm at home) and Idle;
 the stuff that gives convenient access to Python
 scripts in the GUI.
 Note that I don't have any particular reason to
 want to use the latest version of Python - I was
 actually getting along fine with 1.5 until very
 recently. I'd be perfectly happy to set things
 up so everything used the Apple-Python. (i) If I
 just uninstalled the Python-Python (how?) would
 everything (Terminal, the MacPython stuff)
 automagically find the Apple-Python instead?
 (ii) If not, what would I have to do to make
 things use the Apple-Python instead? (And if
 I have to do something to make that happen,
 would doing that still work if I just left
 the Python-Python sitting there?)

Python-Python installed a couple of symlinks into /usr/local/bin and then put
/usr/local/bin in the front of your $PATH environment variable so it gets picked
up first on the terminal. For my Python-Python 2.5, I have


Remove these and then when you type python at the terminal, you will get
/usr/bin/python, which points to the Apple-Python.

 OR: Is there something special I could do with
 CoreGraphics scripts and/or how I invoke them
 so that _they_ would use the Apple-Python while
 other scripts would just use the Python-Python
 as now?

For scripts executed from the terminal, you could start them with a hash-bang 


Use chmod u+x on the script, and then you can execute it like any other
program from the terminal.

 (A last choice would be a setup where most
 scripts work as they do now and I somehow
 make CoreGraphics work from Terminal but
 not in Finder...)
 (Hmm, a wild guess: something somewhere is an
 alias to Python-Python, and I just change that
 (how?) to an alias to Apple-Python?)
 I'm a little nervous about making any changes,
 because something very mysterious happened when
 I was setting things up the way they are now -
 since I have no idea what I did to make things
 work the way they are now I don't know that
 I could set things up the way they are now
 again if I had to. If you can explain the
 following that will be something (I've been
 meaning to ask about the following sometime,
 hasn't been important til now when I'm
 contemplating changing the setup):
 The history: I get a Mac. I discover that it
 includes Python, can't figure out how to
 execute .py files in Finder. I hear about
 I install the small MacPython download, that's
 supposed to just add ApplicationLauncher(?),
 Idle, etc on top of the existing Python.
 Works fine _except_ that when I double-click
 a .py file in Finder it executes with the
 cwd equal to the root directory instead of
 the directory where the script is located.
 Trying to fix that I install the full
 MacPython, including Python itself. Doesn't
 help, scripts still execute in /.
 A few weeks later I decide to try to fix that.
 The plan is to edit, the script
 that's supposed to run before everything else
 allowing customizations (always takes me a
 while to find the magic name in the docs -
 probably you know the name I mean). The 

Re: marshal vs pickle

2007-11-02 Thread Aaron Watters
On Nov 1, 10:12 am, Aaron Watters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 31, 6:10 pm, Raymond Hettinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alright already.  Here is the patched file you want

This file has been removed.  After consideration,
I don't want to create the moral hazard that someone
might distribute automatically executed
malicious code pickled inside a nucular index.
If you grabbed it, please destroy it.
I'm going back to using marshal.  I'd like to thank
Raymond and others for motivating me to think this over.
The possibilities for abuse are astounding.

Honestly, if you download any package containing a
pickle: delete it.

   -- Aaron Watters

How many mice does it take to screw in a light bulb?


Re: Assertion for python scripts

2007-11-02 Thread matthias
On Nov 2, 12:12 pm, Matt McCredie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 11/2/07, matthias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Howdy !

  I started using the assert() stmt and found it quite useful :-)  I
  have only one problem:  I don't
  know how to turn them off again.

  I know that -O turns off assertions in general.  However, how do I
  pass thus parameter to
  python to an executable script ?

  I have tried the following:

  !#/usr/bin/env python -O

  - Fails with this msg: /usr/bin/env: python -O: No such file or

  Also, putting it in quotes won't do it.

  Passing the -O to the runnable script won't work either.

  Here is my question:  How do I maintain debug / release builds that
  allow me to switch
  debug stmts, like assert, on / off ?


 python -O -mcompileall path

 That command will compile all of the files in the given path and
 produce .pyo files. If the .pyo file is present and up-to-date it will
 be used instead of the .py file.

 Alternatively you could do this:

 python -O -mpy_compile

 which can be used to compile one file at a time.

 Many Python programs and modules include a compile step as part of
 their installation process. There is also a -OO option, which will
 strip doc-strings as well.


Thanx for your reply , Matt !

However, I think I am missing something.

Here is my example prog,, with the executable bit set:

#!/usr/bin/env python

assert 1  1, ASSERTTION !

Running this:

# python ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 3, in ?
assert 1  1, ASSERTTION !
AssertionError: ASSERTTION !

leads to the expected result.

Now I do this as you've recommended:

# python -O -mpy_compile

This indeed creates a file with the name assert.pyo.  That must be the
optimized one.

Now I try this:

# ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 3, in ?
assert 1  1, ASSERTTION !
AssertionError: ASSERTTION !

Ok, so it still uses the unoptimized version.

Now I try this:

# chmod 755 assert.pyo
# ./assert.pyo
bash: ./assert.pyo: cannot execute binary file

Here is my problem: I want to have an optimized executable version of

I am assuming that I am thinking in an unconventional way wrt Python.
If so, then
how do you start your optimized python scripts ?



error ...1 value to unpack

2007-11-02 Thread Beema shafreen
hi everybody,
i have a file:

A_16_P03641974#1101fh = open('complete_span','r')
data = fh.readline().split('#')
old_probe = data[0].strip()
old_value = data[1].strip()
#print old_probe, old_value
count = 1
while fh:
current_probe, current_value = fh.readline().strip().split('#')[0:2]
probe  =current_probe.strip()
value  = current_value.strip()
if old_value  value:
res_value='%s\t%s'%(old_value, old_probe)
print res_value
if count == 244000:
old_probe,old_value =probe, value
and i face this error:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 8, in module
current_probe, current_value = fh.readline().strip().split('#')[0:2]
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

why do i get this what is the solution for this

My script:

Re: Iterable Flattener with Depth.

2007-11-02 Thread Pradeep Jindal
On Friday 02 Nov 2007 10:43:45 pm Ian Clark wrote:
 thebjorn wrote:
  On Nov 2, 6:32 am, praddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Nov 1, 5:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Pradeep Jindal:
  Any comments?
  Something with similar functionality (plus another 20 utility
  functions/classes or so) has probably to go into the std lib... :-)
  Same Here!
  - Pradeep
  Yeah, everyone has to write a flatten sooner or later :-)  My version
  is at:
  -- bjorn

 And here is mine. Note that it is very similar to Michael Spencer's
 implementation[1]. The only difference is that this adds a depth counter.

 def iflat(itr, depth=0):
itr = iter(itr)
stack = []
cur_depth = 0

while True:
elem =
if hasattr(elem, __iter__) and cur_depth  depth:
  itr = iter(elem)
  cur_depth += 1
  yield elem
  except StopIteration:
if not stack:
  raise StopIteration
cur_depth -= 1
itr = stack.pop()

 if __name__ == __main__:
test1 = ((0, 1, 2), ((3, 4), 5), (((6, 7), 8), 9))
test2 = [1,[2,[3,4,5],'bash'],6,[7,[8,[9,10,['hi', 'hello', 11, 12]

for x in (test1, test2):
  print list(iflat(x))
  print list(iflat(x, 1))
  print list(iflat(x, 2))
  print list(iflat(x, 3))
  print list(iflat(x, 4))
  print iflat(x, 10)



Very nice non-recursive (iterative) implementation of the thing with required 
features. Yours is double faster than mine if depth is not specified, Mine is 
double faster than yours if depth is specified. And my main aim was the depth 
thingy. What do you think?

- Pradeep

Re: 3 number and dot..

2007-11-02 Thread Roberto Bonvallet
On 2 nov, 14:54, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not necessarily. Something duck typing is too liberal in what it accepts.
 You might want convert(math.pi) to raise an exception

What I meant was that the function should not reject unnecessarily non-
things that can be converted to a number, like a string.  However,
you're right:
numeric things that are not integers should not be treated silently as
if they

 although I'd suggestion an assert is the wrong test. A better test would be an
 explicit type check with raise.

I completely agree.

Roberto Bonvallet


Re: Assertion for python scripts

2007-11-02 Thread Bart.
Friday 02 of November 2007 20:53:12 matthias napisał(a):
 On Nov 2, 12:12 pm, Matt McCredie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 11/2/07, matthias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Howdy !
   I started using the assert() stmt and found it quite useful :-)  I
   have only one problem:  I don't
   know how to turn them off again.
   I know that -O turns off assertions in general.  However, how do I
   pass thus parameter to
   python to an executable script ?
   I have tried the following:
   !#/usr/bin/env python -O
   - Fails with this msg: /usr/bin/env: python -O: No such file or
   Also, putting it in quotes won't do it.
   Passing the -O to the runnable script won't work either.
   Here is my question:  How do I maintain debug / release builds that
   allow me to switch
   debug stmts, like assert, on / off ?
  python -O -mcompileall path
  That command will compile all of the files in the given path and
  produce .pyo files. If the .pyo file is present and up-to-date it will
  be used instead of the .py file.
  Alternatively you could do this:
  python -O -mpy_compile
  which can be used to compile one file at a time.
  Many Python programs and modules include a compile step as part of
  their installation process. There is also a -OO option, which will
  strip doc-strings as well.

 Thanx for your reply , Matt !

 However, I think I am missing something.

 Here is my example prog,, with the executable bit set:

 #!/usr/bin/env python

 assert 1  1, ASSERTTION !

 Running this:

 # python ./
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 3, in ?
 assert 1  1, ASSERTTION !
 AssertionError: ASSERTTION !

 leads to the expected result.

 Now I do this as you've recommended:

 # python -O -mpy_compile

 This indeed creates a file with the name assert.pyo.  That must be the
 optimized one.

 Now I try this:

 # ./
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./, line 3, in ?
 assert 1  1, ASSERTTION !
 AssertionError: ASSERTTION !

 Ok, so it still uses the unoptimized version.

 Now I try this:

 # chmod 755 assert.pyo
 # ./assert.pyo
 bash: ./assert.pyo: cannot execute binary file

 Here is my problem: I want to have an optimized executable version of

 I am assuming that I am thinking in an unconventional way wrt Python.
 If so, then
 how do you start your optimized python scripts ?


check this:

python ./assert.pyo


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