Can local function access local variables in main program?

2007-11-03 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
I am confused by the following program:

def f():
print x

result is:


def f():
print x


result is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ...\, line 5, in ?
  File ...\, line 2, in f
print x
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

I am using
Python 2.4.4 (#71, Oct 18 2006, 08:34:43) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
I also tested it on python 2.5, which gives the same result.


Re: count increment...

2007-11-03 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Beema shafreen  wrote:

8 --- file 
my script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

fh = open('complete_span','r')
line = fh.readline().split('#')
old_probe = line[0].strip() 
old_value = line[1].strip()
print old_probe, old_value
count = 1

Better to start the count off as zero

line = 
while line:

This will do nothing, because line has nothing.
start with:  line = First rubbish thing to get the while loop going
or even better, see below

line = fh.readline().strip()
if line :

round about here, you should maybe increment the count.

something like : count += 1

anywhere under this true branch of the 'if line'

Do you realise that this whole if line can be
avoided, as the while loop will look after it if
you read the first line outside the loop at the start,
and read the next line at the end of the while, before
looping back?  It is a redundant check.

current_probe, current_value = line.split('#')[0:2]
probe  =current_probe.strip()
value  = current_value.strip()
if int(old_value)  int(value):
res_value='%s\t%s'%(old_value, old_probe) 
print res_value

Then you have a fighting chance that the following may work, 
if you have enough lines in  your file.

if count = 244000:
old_probe,old_value =probe, value


HTH - Hendrik


Re: Can local function access local variables in main program?

2007-11-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 07:18:17 +, Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:

 def f():
 print x
 result is:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ...\, line 5, in ?
   File ...\, line 2, in f
 print x
 UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

When Python compiles your function f(), it sees that you have assigned to 
x, and that there is no line global x, so it knows that x is a local 

But when you call f(), you try to print x before the local x has a value 
assigned to it. Hence the (accurate but hardly user-friendly) error 

You can also do this:


Help on class UnboundLocalError in module exceptions:

class UnboundLocalError(NameError)
 |  Local name referenced but not bound to a value.

As far as I know, there is no way to read the value of global x if and 
only if local x doesn't exist. 


Re: Can local function access local variables in main program?

2007-11-03 Thread Stargaming
On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 07:18:17 +, Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:

 I am confused by the following program:
 def f():
 print x
 result is:


If python can't discover x in your current scope and you do not bind to 
it there, it will automatically access that global name x.

 def f():
 print x
 result is:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ...\, line 5, in ?
   File ...\, line 2, in f
 print x
 UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

Here, you *do* assign to x in this scope so this is essentially the same 
as the following (without any function scope)::

print x
x = 12345

This can't work since you haven't used x when you try to print it.

You can make this work using the `global` statement::

 def foo():
... global x
... print x
... x = 0
 x = 12345
 print x
 print x

See more in the `lexical reference about the global statement http://


Re: python newbie

2007-11-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 08:36:24 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
functions are *not* methods of their module.
 Now I am confused - if I write:
 result =
 Then if foo is a class, we probably all agree that bar is a method of

There are funny edge cases (e.g. bar might be an attribute with a 
__call__ method) but in general, yes, bar would be a method of foo.

 But the same syntax would work if I had imported some module as foo.

Same syntax, different semantics. Just like:

wholemeal bread sandwich


cloudy apple juice

have the same syntax but very different meanings: in the first one, the 
adjective wholemeal refers to the bread, not the entire sandwich, but in 
the second cloudy refers to the juice and not the apple.

 So what's the difference ?  Why can't bar be called a method of foo, or
 is it merely a convention that classes have methods and modules have

It is more than merely a convention. In Python, functions and methods are 
different things. They are very similar, but under the hood they are 

 def function():
... pass
 class Parrot(object):
... def method(self):
... pass
type 'function'
type 'instancemethod'

You might also like to call dir() on a function and a method and see how 
they differ.

Methods are, in fact, lightweight wrappers around functions, and the 
underlying function can be found in the im_func attribute of the method.

 Note that I am purposely refraining from mentioning a module that has a
 class that has a method.

But that isn't a problem. That is merely a module's class' method.


Re: how to pass a function name and its arguments inside the arguments of other function?

2007-11-03 Thread Stargaming
On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 02:21:30 +, jmborr wrote:

 I need something like this:
 1:  superfoo( non-keyword-args, keyword-args, methodname, *kargs,
 2:   non-keyword-args  and  keyword-args are arguments that 3:   
apply to superfoo, while *kargs and **kwargs are arguments
 4:   that apply to methodname. See below 5:  
 6:   result=getattr(object,methodname)(*kargs,**kwargs) 7:  
 return result
 The problem is: how can I pass both arguments for superfoo and
 methodname in line 1: ? Is it possible? -Jose

I don't really understand the problem (could you give some (fictional) 
working sample how you plan to use this and leave out the line numbers 
for better readability?) but perhaps using traditional tuples and dicts 
instead of */** unpacking would be enough? Like::

superfoo(fooargs=(1,2,3), fookwargs={'foo': 'bar},
 objargs=('a', 'b'), objkwargs={'x': 5})


Re: Is pyparsing really a recursive descent parser?

2007-11-03 Thread Kay Schluehr
On Nov 3, 6:33 am, Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality
 Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


  On Nov 2, 5:47 am, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Pyparsing is no recursive descent parser.  It doesn't go back in the
  stream.  The ``OneOrMore(Word(alphas))`` part eats the 'end' and when
  can't get more, the parser moves to the ``Literal('end')`` part which
  fails because the 'end' is already gone.

Is there a way to get pyparsing to parse a grammar like this?

  Negative lookahead maybe:

  grammar = (OneOrMore(NotAny(Literal('end')) + Word(alphas))
 + Literal('end'))

  Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

  Well I'll be darned!  All this time, I thought recursive descent
  described the recursive behavior of the parser, which pyparsing
  definitely has.  I never knew that backing up in the face of parse
  mismatches was a required part of the picture.

 It has recursion in it but that's not sufficient to call it a recursive
 descent parser any more than having a recursive implementation of the
 factorial function.  The important part is what it recurses through...

  In pyparsing, each construction gets composed from more fine-grained
  constructions, and they are called recursively to match or not match
  against the input string.

  For example, taking your working parser example:

  grammar = (OneOrMore(NotAny(Literal('end')) + Word(alphas))
+ Literal('end'))

  This creates the following data structure:

  - And
   - OneOrMore
 - And
   - NotAny
 - Literal('end')
   - Word(alphas)
   - Literal('end')

  Every instance in this structure derives from the base class
  ParserElement, which defines a method parse().  parse() in turn calls
  preParse(), parseImpl(), and postParse().  If parseImpl succeeds, it
  returns a ParseResults object and the next location within the input
  string to continue parsing.

  The parseImpl methods are most often overridden in the subclasses (a
  few override postParse as well), such as:
  - And.parseImpl invokes parse() (note the recursion) on each of the
  expressions in its list.  All must succeed or And.parseImpl throws an
  - OneOrMore.parseImpl invokes parse() on its contained expression,
  which must succeed at least once; if not, the exception is rethrown.
  If the contained expression succeeds once, then its parse() method is
  called again and again until it fails, but no exceptions are rethrown,
  since only one match was actually required.
  - NotAny inverts the success/failure of its contained expression.  If
  the expression's parse() method succeeds, NotAny.parseImpl throws an
  exception.  If the contained expression's parse() method throws an
  exception, NotAny returns successfully.  (NotAny does not advance the
  parse location, nor does it return any tokens.)
  - Literal and Word are terminals, in that they do not invoke any other
  expression's parse() method.  Literal.parseImpl tests whether its
  string exists at the current parse location, and throws an exception
  if it doesn't.  Word.parseImpl tests whether the current parse
  location contains a letter in the Word instance's set of valid initial
  characters - if so success; if not, throws an exception.  It then
  advances through the input string, matching characters in the Word
  instance's set of valid body characters.  The entire matched string is
  then returned, along with an updated string index at which to continue

 Thank you for the detailed description of pyparsing's implementation.

  In my concept of recursive descent parsing, I was under the
  impression that pyparsing's use of this data structure, and
  *recursive* calls of parse() as it *descends* through the data
  structure, constituted a recursive descent parser.  What the OP
  requested was a more regular expression-ish matcher, with backup (or

 In my concept of recursive descent parsing, I was under the impression
 that one should recurse through all rule combinations to ensure that the
 grammar is fully applied.  As I have mentioned before, merely having
 recursion in your algorithm is insufficient.  What you recurse through is
 key.  pyparsing recurses through rules but what's important is to recurse
 through rule combinations.

I think the confusing aspect of pyparsing for someone like me coming
from an (E)BNF and formal language background is that scanning and
parsing are merged into one. pyparsing is scannerless and where a
tokenizer such as Pythons performs a longest match tokenization but
interprets CFGs correctly ( in the bounds of the parsers power ) one
has to disambiguate grammars in pyparsing where you expect a CFG to be

Note that I don't like pyparsings approach and it is clearly not for
everyone. I rather tend to make the experience that 


2007-11-03 Thread Tal Einat
On Nov 3, 12:44 am, Russ P. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been programming in python for a few years using XEmacs on
 Solaris and Linux. I've been thinking about trying IDLE for a long
 time, but either it wasn't available on my system or I procrastinated.
 I finally have it available, and I gave it a try.

 I immediately encountered a basic problem for which I could not find a
 solution in the intro docs. I want to run a script in one directory
 that reads input from a file in another directory. Maybe I'm just not
 very smart, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. Will someone
 please give me a clue?

 More generally, I don't see much discussion of IDLE on this newsgroup.
 Are many python programmers using it? I see that some of the intro and
 tutorial docs have not been updated for several years. Is IDLE still
 actively supported? Or would I be better off just going directly to a
 commercially supported IDE such as Wing? Thanks.

On Nov 3, 12:44 am, Russ P. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been programming in python for a few years using XEmacs on
 Solaris and Linux. I've been thinking about trying IDLE for a long
 time, but either it wasn't available on my system or I procrastinated.
 I finally have it available, and I gave it a try.

 I immediately encountered a basic problem for which I could not find a
 solution in the intro docs. I want to run a script in one directory
 that reads input from a file in another directory. Maybe I'm just not
 very smart, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. Will someone
 please give me a clue?

 More generally, I don't see much discussion of IDLE on this newsgroup.
 Are many python programmers using it? I see that some of the intro and
 tutorial docs have not been updated for several years. Is IDLE still
 actively supported? Or would I be better off just going directly to a
 commercially supported IDE such as Wing? Thanks.

Hi Russ,

IDLE is still actively supported on the groups and mailing lists,
maintained, and even developed. True, the amount of developer time
going into it isn't what it used to be; that's why the tutorial and
docs are so outdated. Much of the discussion about it (including some
questions) goes on in the idle-dev _at_ mailing list.

Which IDE to use is mostly a matter of personal preference. I like
IDLE very much because it is clean and uncluttered, but AFAIK most
Python developers move on to more feature-rich IDEs. Even if you don't
end up using it in the long term, IDLE is really awesome for learning
Python (though perhaps you are beyond that stage?).

It is admittedly not as powerful an editor as some other IDEs out
there, or on the other end of the map, it isn't nearly as powerful as
Emacs/Vi. But even if you don't use it for editing, it is IMO the best
Python shell out there.

As for your question, I couldn't quite understand what you're trying
to do. In general, you can have the script use os.chdir() to go to the
relevant directory and then open() the file, or you can use open()
directly with a relative/full path to it. (This question isn't IDLE
specific in any way, unless I misunderstood...)

(If you're trying to run a script and pipe input to it via stdin,
IDLE doesn't support that - I don't know of any Python shell that

- Tal
reduce(lambda m,x:[m[i]+s[-1] for i,s in enumerate(sorted(m))],
  [[chr(154-ord(c)) for c in '.-,l.Z95193+179-']]*18)[3]



2007-11-03 Thread rustompmody
Just curious: What makes you wish to move from emacs to idle?

Admission: I used to be a dyed-in-the-wool emacs guy but Ive been
having trouble with it lately. eg Yesterday when editing a largish
file (I think it was it kept going to sleep and when I
killed emacs it said LALR parsing. and made me wait for nearly a

So just wondering what trouble others are having with emacs and python.


Re: (MAC) CoreGraphics module???

2007-11-03 Thread David C. Ullrich
On Fri, 02 Nov 2007 14:09:25 -0500, Robert Kern

David C. Ullrich wrote:
 So CoreGraphics is a builtin in Apple-Python,
 explaining why I didn't find the relevant anywhere on the hard drive, eh?

Okay, which version of OS X do you have? In 10.3 and 10.4 it used to be here:

I'm using 10.4. Yesterday I checked that there is indeed a


but I didn't look any deeper because I already knew
that wasn't there. Come to think of
it, it could well be that it's there and I didn't find
it because Spotlight didn't want to show me things
inside /System? I'll check. (I'll check soon -
again, I'm at home and the Mac's at the office.)

I notice that in 10.5, it no longer exists, though.

 [How do I get to the Python I want?]

Python-Python installed a couple of symlinks into /usr/local/bin and then put
/usr/local/bin in the front of your $PATH environment variable so it gets 
up first on the terminal. For my Python-Python 2.5, I have


Remove these and then when you type python at the terminal, you will get
/usr/bin/python, which points to the Apple-Python.

Thanks. Right this second I have no idea _where_ I should
go to remove that, but I can probably find out. It's
in .bashrc or somewhere, I bet, No, don't tell me...

 OR: Is there something special I could do with
 CoreGraphics scripts and/or how I invoke them
 so that _they_ would use the Apple-Python while
 other scripts would just use the Python-Python
 as now?

For scripts executed from the terminal, you could start them with a hash-bang 


Use chmod u+x on the script, and then you can execute it like any other
program from the terminal.

Curiously, I did make one of the sample scripts executable and it
still didn't work. I _think_ the hash-bang at the start was
usr/bin/python (I did verify yesterday that /usr/bin/python is
pointing to ApplePython.) Again, don't tell me...

 [ApplicationLauncher mystery]

I'm afraid I don't. I don't use ApplicationLauncher.

Thanks anyway - this has all been very informatiive.

David C. Ullrich

Re: (MAC) CoreGraphics module???

2007-11-03 Thread David C. Ullrich
On Fri, 2 Nov 2007 13:14:16 +0100, Tommy Nordgren

On 2 nov 2007, at 02.10, David C. Ullrich wrote:

 [Why doesn't CoreGraphics work?]
   There are Python wrappers for the Cocoa API. These can be used with  
binaries from
The name of the module is PyObjC, and can be downloaded from  

Ah. I'd read about this in the context of using Python in Xcode
applications, which seems like something I definitely want to
learn how to do, but it was scheduled for later...

PyObjC will also allow a person to access Cocoa things from
an ordinary Python script? If so, keen.


There are binary builds for Python up to version 2.4.1.
   For Python 2.5.1, it is necessary to build it yourself, which I've  
found out requires modifying
(The problem is that tries to use two modules that's not  
installed by default on Tiger)
What is a woman that you forsake her, and the hearth fire and the  
home acre,
to go with the old grey Widow Maker.  --Kipling, harp song of the  
Dane women
Tommy Nordgren

David C. Ullrich

Re: Can local function access local variables in main program?

2007-11-03 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:

 UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

For your reference:



BOFH excuse #12:

dry joints on cable plug


Re: simple question on dictionary usage

2007-11-03 Thread r . grimm
On Oct 27, 6:42 am, Karthik Gurusamy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 26, 9:29 pm, Frank Stutzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  My apologies in advance, I'm new to python

  Say, I have a dictionary that looks like this:

 record={'BAT': '14.4', 'USD': '24', 'DIF': '45', 'OAT': '16',
  'FF': '3.9', 'C3': '343', 'E4': '1157', 'C1': '339',
  'E6': '1182', 'RPM': '996', 'C6': '311', 'C5': '300',
  'C4': '349', 'CLD': '0', 'E5': '1148', 'C2': '329',
  'MAP': '15', 'OIL': '167', 'HP': '19', 'E1': '1137',
  'MARK': '', 'E3': '1163', 'TIME': '15:43:54',
  'E2': '1169'}

  From this dictionary I would like to create another dictionary calld
  'egt') that has all of the keys that start with the letter 'E'.  In
  otherwords it should look like this:

  egt = {'E6': '1182','E1': '1137','E4': '1157','E5': '1148',
 'E2': '1169','E3': '1163'}

  This should be pretty easy, but somehow with all my googling I've
  not found a hint.

 One possible solution (read list-comprehension if you not familiar
 with it):

 record={'BAT': '14.4', 'USD': '24', 'DIF': '45', 'OAT': '16',

 ... 'FF': '3.9', 'C3': '343', 'E4': '1157', 'C1': '339',
 ... 'E6': '1182', 'RPM': '996', 'C6': '311', 'C5': '300',
 ... 'C4': '349', 'CLD': '0', 'E5': '1148', 'C2': '329',
 ... 'MAP': '15', 'OIL': '167', 'HP': '19', 'E1': '1137',
 ... 'MARK': '', 'E3': '1163', 'TIME': '15:43:54',
 ... 'E2': '1169'} egt =dict([(k,record[k]) for k inrecordif 

 {'E5': '1148', 'E4': '1157', 'E6': '1182', 'E1': '1137', 'E3': '1163',
 'E2': '1169'}


  Thanks in advance

  Frank Stutzman

a functional and concise way.

egt= dict( filter( lambda item: item[0][0] == E ,
record.iteritems() ))



Re: __file__ vs __FILE__

2007-11-03 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Jeff McNeil wrote:

 I've used the 'os.path.realpath(os.path.pardir)' construct in a
 couple of scripts myself.

In Windows? Using Linux, this gives me ...

I use os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

 That ought to work within the interactive interpreter.

Why do you also enter that code in the interpreter? If it is in a
module, you should always be able to use __file__.



BOFH excuse #238:

You did wha... oh _dear_


Re: python newbie

2007-11-03 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 So what's the difference ?  Why can't bar be called a method
 of foo, or is it merely a convention that classes have
 methods and modules have functions?

In depends on which terminology you use. As Steven told, Python
methods are special functions. In contrast, the thing that is often
generally referred to as method is often just some function of
some object. This comes from other languages, I think, where it's
not that liberal with functions.



BOFH excuse #405:

Sysadmins unavailable because they are in a meeting talking about
why they are unavailable so much.


Re: py2exe (or other exe builder) on Vista system for Vista/XP install targets.

2007-11-03 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Michael wrote:

 Björn, what library files end up being in your dist directory for
 that project? Would you mind posting a copy of the output of dir?

Okay, sorry for the delay. Here the output of py2exe is, for
directory contents see below.

| The following modules appear to be missing 
| ['FCNTL', 'OpenSSL', 'email.Generator', 'email.Iterators', 
| 'email.Utils', 'pywintypes', 'resource', 'win32api', 'win32con',
| 'win32event', 'win32file', 'win32pipe', 'win32process', 
| 'win32security', 'wx.Timer']  
| *** binary dependencies *** 
| Your executable(s) also depend on these dlls which are not
| included, you may or may not need to distribute them. 
| Make sure you have the license if you distribute any of them, and 
| make sure you don't distribute files belonging to the operating 
| system.  
|   OLEAUT32.dll - C:\windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll 
|   USER32.dll - C:\windows\system32\USER32.dll 
|   SHELL32.dll - C:\windows\system32\SHELL32.dll 
|   ole32.dll - C:\windows\system32\ole32.dll 
|   comdlg32.dll - C:\windows\system32\comdlg32.dll 
|   WSOCK32.dll - C:\windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll 
|   COMCTL32.dll - C:\windows\system32\COMCTL32.dll 
|   ADVAPI32.dll - C:\windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll 
|   GDI32.dll - C:\windows\system32\GDI32.dll 
|   WS2_32.dll - C:\windows\system32\WS2_32.dll 
|   MSVCP71.dll - C:\Program Files\Python25\lib\site-packages\
|   wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\MSVCP71.dll 
|   WINMM.dll - C:\windows\system32\WINMM.dll 
|   KERNEL32.dll - C:\windows\system32\KERNEL32.dll 
|   gdiplus.dll - C:\Program Files\Python25\lib\site-packages\
|   wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\gdiplus.dll 
|   RPCRT4.dll - C:\windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll 

Output of dir in the dist directory follows:
| 01.11.2007  20:51DIR  . 
| 01.11.2007  20:51DIR  .. 
| 18.04.2007  07:5177.824 bz2.pyd 
| 01.11.2007  20:51 4.874.503 
| 29.06.2007  20:19   348.160 MSVCR71.dll 
| 18.04.2007  07:51   135.168 pyexpat.pyd 
| 18.04.2007  07:51 2.113.536 python25.dll 
| 18.04.2007  07:51 7.680 select.pyd 
| 18.04.2007  07:51   475.136 unicodedata.pyd 
| 18.04.2007  07:51 4.608 w9xpopen.exe 
| 07.08.2007  20:47   135.168 wxbase28uh_net_vc.dll 
| 07.08.2007  20:47 1.327.104 wxbase28uh_vc.dll 
| 07.08.2007  20:50   708.608 wxmsw28uh_adv_vc.dll 
| 07.08.2007  20:50 3.158.016 wxmsw28uh_core_vc.dll 
| 07.08.2007  20:51   479.232 wxmsw28uh_html_vc.dll 
| 07.08.2007  21:12   909.312 _controls_.pyd 
| 07.08.2007  21:09   950.272 _core_.pyd 
| 07.08.2007  21:11   716.800 _gdi_.pyd 
| 18.04.2007  07:52   323.584 _hashlib.pyd 
| 07.08.2007  21:14   659.456 _misc_.pyd 
| 18.04.2007  07:5253.248 _socket.pyd 
| 18.04.2007  07:52   655.360 _ssl.pyd 
| 07.08.2007  21:11   647.168 _windows_.pyd 
| 08.01.2007  15:49 9.216 _zope_interface_
| coptimizations.pyd 

(my files, an exe and a data file, snipped)

Regards  HTH,


BOFH excuse #417:

Computer room being moved.  Our systems are down for the weekend.


Re: python newbie

2007-11-03 Thread Duncan Booth
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Then if foo is a class, we probably all agree that bar is a method of
 There are funny edge cases (e.g. bar might be an attribute with a 
 __call__ method) but in general, yes, bar would be a method of foo.
But that 'funny edge case' is exactly the point here: if foo is a module 
then bar probably is an attribute with a __call__ method.

modules are not special in any way, except that you cannot subclass them. 
Oops, sorry I got that wrong. Modules are not special in any way, they can 
have methods as well as functions:

 import string
 class MyModule(type(string)):
def bar(self, param):
print In method bar of %r, param=%r % (self, param)

 foo = MyModule('foo', 'This is the foo module')
 exec def baz(param):
   print Function baz, param=%r % (param,)
 in foo.__dict__
In method bar of module 'foo' (built-in), param=42
Function baz, param=42
bound method of module 'foo' (built-in)
function baz at 0x01160830
Help on module foo:

foo - This is the foo module


module 'foo' from ''
 sys.modules['foo'] = foo
 del foo
 import foo'hello')
In method bar of module 'foo' from '', param='hello'

Re: python newbie

2007-11-03 Thread Paul Rubin
Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 modules are not special in any way, except that you cannot subclass them. 
 Oops, sorry I got that wrong. Modules are not special in any way, they can 
 have methods as well as functions:

I've felt for a long time that you should be able to define __call__
on a module, but that doesn't seem to be allowed, at least if you
try it in the obvious way.

Re: __file__ vs __FILE__

2007-11-03 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
On 3 Nov, 04:21, klenwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I apologize in advance for coming at this from this angle but...

 In PHP you have the __FILE__ constant which gives you the value of the
 absolute path of the file you're in (as opposed to the main script
 file.)  With the function dirname, this makes it easy to get the
 parent dir of a particular file from within that file:

 $parent_dir = dirname(__FILE__);

 I'm looking for the best way to accomplish this in Python.  This seems
 to work:

 parent_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__),

 Can anyone confirm the reliability of this method or suggest a better
 (one-line) method for accomplishing this?


This is not really 'one-line' since you have to import two modules
first, but it looks nicer...:

import sys, os
print sys.argv[0] # absolute file name
print os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) # absolute dir name


Poor python and/or Zope performance on Sparc

2007-11-03 Thread joa2212
Hello everybody,

I'm posting this message because I'm quiet frustrated.

We just bought a software from a small software vendor. In the
beginning he hosted our application on a small server at his office. I
think it was a Fujitsu-Siemens x86 running debian Linux. The
performance of the DSL-Line was very poor, so we decided to buy an own
machine to host the application ourselves.

The application is based on the Zope Application server (2.8.8-final
w/ python 2.3.6) along with many other packages like ghostview,
postgres, freetype, python imaging lib, etc... I once saw the
application running at the office of my software vendor and it was
running very well.

So I thought that - when the bottleneck of poor DSL performance has
disappeared - the software will run as fast as at his office. But I
erred. The performance is more than poor.

We have a Sun T1000 with 8 cores and 8 GB of RAM. First, I installed
Solaris 10 because I know this OS better than Debian Linux. Result:
poor Performance. After that I decided to migrate to debian:

Linux carmanager 2.6.18-5-sparc64-smp #1 SMP Wed Oct 3 04:16:38 UTC
2007 sparc64 GNU/Linux

Result: Almost even worse. The application is not scaling at all.
Every time you start a request it is hanging around on one cpu and is
devouring it at about 90-100% load. The other 31 CPUs which are shown
in mpstat are bored at 0% load.

If anybody needs further information about installed packages, I'll
post it here.

Any hints are appreciated!
Thanks, Joe.

PS: Fortunately the Sun is not bought yet. It's a trybuy from my
local dealer. So if there are any hints like buy a new machine
because Sun is crap I will _not_ refuse obediance.


Python launcher not working on Mac after Leopard upgrade?

2007-11-03 Thread André
I just installed Leopard on my Mac.  I already was using Python 2.5.
I can run a Python script from a terminal window by typing python as one would expect ... but not using the Python launcher
either directly or indirectly (by double clicking on a Python icon).
Has anyone else observed this and, more importantly, found a fix for
this problem?



Python IDE

2007-11-03 Thread Simon Pickles

I have recently moved from Windows XP to Ubuntu Gutsy.

I need a Python IDE and debugger, but have yet to find one as good as 
Pyscripter for Windows. Can anyone recommend anything? What are you all 

Coming from a Visual Studio background, editing text files and using the 
terminal to execute them offends my sensibilities :)



Re: python newbie

2007-11-03 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Sat, 03 Nov 2007 09:55:38 -0300, Paul Rubin escribió:

 Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 modules are not special in any way, except that you cannot subclass  
 Oops, sorry I got that wrong. Modules are not special in any way, they  
 have methods as well as functions:

 I've felt for a long time that you should be able to define __call__
 on a module, but that doesn't seem to be allowed, at least if you
 try it in the obvious way.

Notice that you usually define __call__ for a *type*, not for specific  
object instances. All special methods, like __call__, are searched on the  
type - not on the instance. And all modules are instances of the same type.
For something like that to work, each module should be a *subclass* of  
moduletype, not an instance.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: __file__ vs __FILE__

2007-11-03 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Sat, 03 Nov 2007 10:07:10 -0300, Giampaolo Rodola' [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 On 3 Nov, 04:21, klenwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In PHP you have the __FILE__ constant which gives you the value of the
 absolute path of the file you're in (as opposed to the main script

 This is not really 'one-line' since you have to import two modules
 first, but it looks nicer...:

 import sys, os
 print sys.argv[0] # absolute file name
 print os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) # absolute dir name

Note that this returns the location of the *main* script, not the current  
module, as the OP explicitely asked for.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: difference between IDLE and command line

2007-11-03 Thread Tal Einat
Jim Hendricks wrote:
 I have been editing my code in UltraEdit then testing in IDLE by
 choosing open, then F5.  I didn't see an easy way to refresh in IDLE, so
 each edit I've been closing the file (not IDLE itself), then opening
 again.  Since IDLE does not keep track of what directory I last opened
 from, this gets tedious, so I decided to run my code from the command line.

Tip: IDLE has a recent files list, under the File menu. Use Alt-f Alt-
r to access it quickly.

Tip #2: You can run a script in IDLE from the command line: IDLE -r
script file. This will open an IDLE shell, run the script in it, and
afterwards become interactive. Very useful for debugging etc.

- Tal
reduce(lambda m,x:[m[i]+s[-1] for i,s in enumerate(sorted(m))],
  [[chr(154-ord(c)) for c in '.-,l.Z95193+179-']]*18)[3]


Re: Python IDE

2007-11-03 Thread M.O.
Simon Pickles wrote:

 I have recently moved from Windows XP to Ubuntu Gutsy.
 I need a Python IDE and debugger, but have yet to find one as good as
 Pyscripter for Windows. Can anyone recommend anything? What are you all

I use Eric. Works very well for me.


Re: __file__ vs __FILE__

2007-11-03 Thread Jeff McNeil
I'm using Mac OS X, and it get:

Python 2.5 (r25:51918, Sep 19 2006, 08:49:13)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import os

The __file__ construct is fine from within a module and is probably  
more inline with what the OP was looking for anyways.

On Nov 3, 2007, at 7:18 AM, Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:

 Jeff McNeil wrote:

 I've used the 'os.path.realpath(os.path.pardir)' construct in a
 couple of scripts myself.

 In Windows? Using Linux, this gives me ...

 I use os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

 That ought to work within the interactive interpreter.

 Why do you also enter that code in the interpreter? If it is in a
 module, you should always be able to use __file__.



 BOFH excuse #238:

 You did wha... oh _dear_



Re: Python IDE

2007-11-03 Thread BartlebyScrivener
On Nov 3, 9:11 am, Simon Pickles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I need a Python IDE and debugger . . .

I use vim on both Windows XP and Debian, but I used to use Komodo for
big projects.

Try the free trial of Komodo

It has what you want, and it comes with licenses for both Windows and



Re: Is pyparsing really a recursive descent parser?

2007-11-03 Thread Paul McGuire
On Nov 3, 12:33 am, Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality
 It has recursion in it but that's not sufficient to call it a recursive
 descent parser any more than having a recursive implementation of the
 factorial function.  The important part is what it recurses through...


 In my opinion, the rule set I mentioned in my original post:

 grammar = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) + Literal('end')

 ...should be translated (internally) to something like this:

 word = Word(alphas)
 grammar = Forward()
 grammar  ((word + grammar) | (word + Literal(end)))

 This allows a recursive search to find the string correct without any
 need for backtracking, if I understand what you mean by that.  Couldn't
 pyparsing have done something like this?

Dear JAVotAM -

This was a great post!  (Although I'm not sure the comment in the
first paragraph was entirely fair - I know the difference between
recursive string parsing and recursive multiplication.)

You really got me thinking more about how this recursion actually
behaves, especially with respect to elements such as OneOrMore.  Your
original question is really quite common, and up until now, my stock
answer has been to use negative lookahead.  The expression you posted
is the first time I've seen this solution, and it *does* work.

I was all set to write a cocky response on why your expression
wouldn't work.  I've seen it many times before, where people (usually
coming from EBNF experience) implement listOfXs = OneOrMore(x) as:

listOfXs = Forward()
listOfXs  ( x + listOfXs | x )

Actually, what they usually write is:

listOfXs  ( listOfXs + x )

but this sends pyparsing into a recursive tailspin.

So I fired up SciTE and copy/pasted your code into the editor and ran
it, and it worked just fine - this was a shock!  I studied this for a
few minutes, and then realized what was happening.  First of all, I
misread what you posted.  You posted this:

grammar  ((word + grammar) | (word + Literal(end)))

which works.  I *thought* you posted this:

grammar  ((word + grammar) | word) + Literal(end)

which doesn't work.  In fact this behaves the same as your original
post, except it iterates over the input string's words recursively,
vs. repetition ins a for-loop, as is done by OneOrMore.

So going back to your working version, I had to see why it works.
Initially, the first term in the MatchFirst (the '|' operator creates
MatchFirst instances) is just the same, and by grammar referencing
itself, it just goes word by word through the input trying to find a
match.  I'll try to visualize the steps:

levelFirst Second Third end
1 word  grammar
2   word   grammar
3  word  grammar
4word grammar - fails!
4word end - fails!
 (therefore level 3 grammar fails!)
3  word  end-- success!!!

grammar has 2 options: to match a word followed by a grammar, or to
match a word followed by 'end'.  At 4 levels deep into the Forward's
recursion, the first option fails, because after parsing end as the
initial word, there is no more text to try to match against grammar.
Level 4's Forward then also tries to match a word followed by 'end',
but this fails for the same reason.  So at this point, the 4th level
Forward fails to match either of its options, so it throws its
exception back up to level 3, indicating that the first alternative,
word followed by grammar, failed.  Level 3 then moves on to see if
word followed by the literal 'end' matches, and it does - success!

Here's where I am stuck now.  In the original grammar that you posted,
which you want to render into this behavior, grammar is defined as:

grammar = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) + Literal('end')

Unfortunately, when the OneOrMore gets constructed, it does not have
any visibility beyond knowing what is to be repeated.  Again, here is
the data structure that is being built:

- And
  - OneOrMore
- Word(alphas)
  - Literal('end')

Only at the level of the And is there any awareness that the OneOrMore
is followed by anything, let alone by something which could be
misinterpreted as something matching the OneOrMore's repetition

Can you suggest a way I could generalize this, so that OneOrMore stops
matching before it gets to 'end'?

-- Paul


Re: python newbie

2007-11-03 Thread Duncan Booth
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 modules are not special in any way, except that you cannot subclass
 them. Oops, sorry I got that wrong. Modules are not special in any
 way, they can have methods as well as functions:
 I've felt for a long time that you should be able to define __call__
 on a module, but that doesn't seem to be allowed, at least if you
 try it in the obvious way.

This isn't perfect (global variables have to be set before hooking the 
module) but it sort of works:

- ---
How to define a callable module
import sys, new
class CallableModule(new.module):
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
self._call_(*args, **kw)

def _call_(*args, **kw):
A call method
print Called with %r args, %r kw % (args, kw)

self = CallableModule(__name__, __doc__)
sys.modules[__name__] = self


 import callable
Called with ('test',) args, {} kw
module 'callable' from ''

Re: MP3 and ID3 library/module recommendations

2007-11-03 Thread Basilisk96
I use PyMedia and mutagen.

I've found PyMedia to be excellent for creating custom mp3 files from
line input and performing frequency/energy analysis. I can't say that
I've tried to convert other audio formats to MP3 with it, but I'm sure
it's possible.  I was able to get a working binary of v1.3.7.3 for
win32 and python 2.5 directly from the author, since I have no way to
compile it from the source that's posted on the project website. If
you need it, let me know.

On the other hand, mutagen is a good lightweight utility for
extracting and modifying all kinds of audio metadata. On mp3's, that
includes track duration, all ID3 info, bitrate, sample rate, etc. It
provides an easy dictionary-like interface. It supports a number of
audio formats, but I don't believe it has conversion capability.



Re: Poor python and/or Zope performance on Sparc

2007-11-03 Thread George Sakkis
On Nov 3, 9:35 am, joa2212 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Result: Almost even worse. The application is not scaling at all.
 Every time you start a request it is hanging around on one cpu and is
 devouring it at about 90-100% load. The other 31 CPUs which are shown
 in mpstat are bored at 0% load.

You are probably not aware of Python's Global Interpeter Lock:



Re: Copy database with python..

2007-11-03 Thread Erik Jones
On Nov 2, 2007, at 11:49 AM, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 Abandoned wrote:

 On Nov 2, 4:19 pm, Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Abandoned wrote:
 I want to copy my database but python give me error when i use this
 cursor.execute(pg_dump mydata  old.dump)
 What is the problem ? And how can i copy the database with python ?

 You are just going to have to give us more to go on. Please post the
 entire traceback of the error that you see (copy/paste it from your

 You can't issue system commands using the cursor's execute()  
 method and
 expect that to work. execute() is for executing SQL, DML, or DDL,  
 for doing shell stuff.


 import os
 os.system(pg_dump mydata  /tmp/old.dump)

 but I'm not versed in postgressql, so this probably won't work  
 as written. You'd need to run that code from the server hosting the
 postgresql database.

Not true, you can run the dump from any server that can connect to  
the database server (based on network connectivity and the connection  
permissions in your pg_hba.conf file).  Just be sure to use the -h  
(host) -p (port) and -U (username) flags when execute pg_dump.

 Note: The database's size is 200 GB

 Well, then you may want to make sure you have enough room on the  
 volume before trying to dump the file! Note that the dump file could
 conceivably be much larger (or much smaller) than the database  

If you use the -F c (pg_dump -F -c -f your_dmp.file your_db) option  
you'll get a compressed dump file which can be as little as 10% (or  
less) the size of your database.

 pkm ~

 Are there any way to copy database without dump or any temp files ?
 (If there is a temp my harddisk not enough for this operation :( )

If you can stop the database then you can just do a manual copy  
(using cp, rsync, or whatever) of the entire pg data directory but  
that will require the same amount of space as the original database.   
If you're goal is to make a backup, pg_dump is the way to go.  Make  
note, though, pg_dump will only dump one database so if you have more  
than one database in your postgres cluster then you'll need to use  
pg_dumpall in which case you don't have the compression (-F c)  
option.  There are other caveats between the two as well.  Just be  
sure to read the documentation.  Also, for other postgres questions,  
you should join one of the postgres mailing lists.

Erik Jones

Software Developer | Emma®
800.595.4401 or 615.292.5888
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Emma helps organizations everywhere communicate  market in style.
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jigsae puzzle issue

2007-11-03 Thread Joseph King
Hey i am trying to build a puzzle (jigsaw) game.  I have most of the 
code for it written in python.  But having an issue with one part.

What i want is to give the player the ability to import there own 
picture and create a jigsaw from the picture with there own designation 
of the piece size and shape.  I am having difficulty with one part of 
how to let them create the piece and then give it the ability to link 
the pieces together so the user knows that they have the right two 
pieces placed together. I want to try and make this a free standing 
picture that later can have things integrated into it with out much 

Re: Poor python and/or Zope performance on Sparc

2007-11-03 Thread joa2212
On 3 Nov., 17:19, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 3, 9:35 am, joa2212 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Result: Almost even worse. The application is not scaling at all.
  Every time you start a request it is hanging around on one cpu and is
  devouring it at about 90-100% load. The other 31 CPUs which are shown
  in mpstat are bored at 0% load.

 You are probably not aware of Python's Global Interpeter 


Hi George,

yes, that's right. I wasn't aware of this. If I understand you
correctly then we have a problem of implementing threads in the
software we are using. But tell me one thing: Why does this software
almost runs like a fool on an Intel machine with a single cpu (perhaps
dual core?) and slow like a snail when it runs on Sparc? It's exactly
the same source code on both platforms. Certainly all relevant
packages (python + zope) were recompiled on the sparc.

Sorry for my questions, I'm really no software developer. I'm just a
little bit helpless because my software vendor can't tell my anything
about by concerns.



Re: Poor python and/or Zope performance on Sparc

2007-11-03 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 10:06:12 -0700, joa2212 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 3 Nov., 17:19, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 3, 9:35 am, joa2212 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Result: Almost even worse. The application is not scaling at all.
  Every time you start a request it is hanging around on one cpu and is
  devouring it at about 90-100% load. The other 31 CPUs which are shown
  in mpstat are bored at 0% load.

 You are probably not aware of Python's Global Interpeter 


Hi George,

yes, that's right. I wasn't aware of this. If I understand you
correctly then we have a problem of implementing threads in the
software we are using. But tell me one thing: Why does this software
almost runs like a fool on an Intel machine with a single cpu (perhaps
dual core?) and slow like a snail when it runs on Sparc? It's exactly
the same source code on both platforms. Certainly all relevant
packages (python + zope) were recompiled on the sparc.

Sorry for my questions, I'm really no software developer. I'm just a
little bit helpless because my software vendor can't tell my anything
about by concerns.

The Sun machine you have has divided its hardware resources into 32 units.
That means that, roughly, each unit is only 1/32nd as fast as the overall
system.  All of the units together are, roughly, about the speed of the
Intel machine you were using before, so one unit alone is 32 times slower.

Since Zope is only using 1 unit, it runs 32 times slower, and 31 out of 32
hardware units sit idle.

The T1000 isn't a very good machine for general server purposes.  It has
advantages when running software with a lot of hardware-level parallelism,
but Zope isn't such a piece of software.


Re: Can local function access local variables in main program?

2007-11-03 Thread Sullivan WxPyQtKinter
Actually I am quite satisfied with and error, which is my expectation.
But the implicit global variable access seems quite uncomfortable to
me. Why is that necessary?

On Nov 3, 3:39 am, Stargaming [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 07:18:17 +, Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:
  I am confused by the following program:

  def f():
  print x

  result is:


 If python can't discover x in your current scope and you do not bind to
 it there, it will automatically access that global name x.


Re: Python IDE

2007-11-03 Thread Nick J Chackowsky
Simon Pickles wrote:
 I have recently moved from Windows XP to Ubuntu Gutsy.
 I need a Python IDE and debugger, but have yet to find one as good as 
 Pyscripter for Windows. Can anyone recommend anything? What are you all 
 Coming from a Visual Studio background, editing text files and using the 
 terminal to execute them offends my sensibilities :)
Wingware IDE 101, Ubuntu package at I 
love it; great for teaching/learning, built-in shell, run programs from 
within the environment.

Posted via a free Usenet account from


Re: Poor python and/or Zope performance on Sparc

2007-11-03 Thread Duncan Booth
Jean-Paul Calderone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The T1000 isn't a very good machine for general server purposes.  It
 has advantages when running software with a lot of hardware-level
 parallelism, but Zope isn't such a piece of software.

Zope can scale well on multi-processor machines, but you have to configure 
it correctly. You need to run multiple instances of Zope all talking to a 
common Zeo backend.

In this case you could try running up to 32 single-threaded zope instances, 
although you'll need to watch the memory consumption so depending on the 
application you might not get away with that many.

how easily can glob.glob say Unix bash `echo *`

2007-11-03 Thread p . lavarre now mentions:

The glob module lists names in folders that match Unix shell patterns.

If the elemental function emulating Unix bash `echo *` really is
missing from the 2.5 Python batteries included, then here's a brief
clear way of adding that function to Python.

Mind you, to date I've never written an elemental function for Python
that I haven't eventually found well-buried somewhere, e.g.,

P.S. glob.glob bash and glob.glob rm have no hits yet, said Google


opinion - file.readlines blemish

2007-11-03 Thread Ken Seehart

I was just reading about the new file.newlines method that was added per 
PEP 278.  I suspect Guido must have been looking in some other direction 
when this got added, because it seems unlikely to me that he would have 
let this get by...  Okay, maybe I'm being a little harsh :-)   Sorry, 
I'm picky about this kind of thing.  The again, maybe I'm just missing 
some key point.



   If Python was built with the *---with-universal-newlines* option to
   *configure* (the default) this read-only attribute exists, and for
   files opened in universal newline read mode it keeps track of the
   types of newlines encountered while reading the file. The values it
   can take are |'\r'|, |'\n'|, |'\r\n'|, *None* (unknown, no newlines read yet)
   or a tuple containing all the newline types seen, to indicate that
   multiple newline conventions were encountered. For files not opened
   in universal newline read mode the value of this attribute will be

It seems immediately obvious to me that the return value should always 
be a tuple, consisting of zero or more strings.  If built with universal 
newlines, it should return ('\n',) if a newline was found.

Perhaps there was some blurry contemplation that the None return value 
could identify that *universal-newlines* is enabled, but this is blurry 
because None could also just mean that no newlines have been read.  
Besides, it's not a good idea to stuff extra semantics like that.  
Better would be a separate way to identify *universal-newlines *mode.

Ken Seehart


Re: Bizarre additional calling overhead.

2007-11-03 Thread Chris Mellon

On Sat, 2007-11-03 at 01:08 -0300, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 En Fri, 02 Nov 2007 21:07:19 -0300, Matimus [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
  On Nov 2, 3:08 pm, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   def test_func():
  ... pass
  ... import new
   test_func2 = new.function(test_func.func_code, {}, test_func2)
  function test_func2 at 0x01B8C2F0 test_func
  function test_func at 0x01B8C270 import timeit
   tf = timeit.Timer(test_func(), from __main__ import test_func)
  [0.2183461704377247, 0.18068215314489791, 0.17978585841498085] tf2 =  
  timeit.Timer(test_func2(), from __main__ import test_func2)
  [0.40015390239890891, 0.35893452879396648, 0.36034628133737456]
  Why almost twice the calling overhead for a dynamic function?
  So, I don't have an official explanation for why it takes twice as
  long, but the only difference between the two functions I could find
  was that test_func.func_globals was set to globals() and
  test_func2.func_globals was an empty dict. When I re-created
  test_func2 with globals set to globals() it ran just as fast as
 Yes - and that's a very important difference. Not because it's empty, nor  
 because it's not the same as globals(), but because the builtins as seen  
 by the function are not from the original __builtin__ module.
  From the Python Reference Manual, section 4.1:
   The built-in namespace associated with the execution of a code block is 
 actually found by looking up the name __builtins__ in its global  
 namespace; [...] __builtins__ can be set to a user-created dictionary to  
 create a weak form of restricted execution.
  From the Library Reference, section 28, Restricted Execution:
   The Python run-time determines whether a particular code block is  
 executing in restricted execution mode based on the identity of the  
 __builtins__ object in its global variables: if this is (the dictionary  
 of) the standard __builtin__ module, the code is deemed to be  
 unrestricted, else it is deemed to be restricted.
 Section 3.2, when describing frame objects:
   f_restricted is a flag indicating whether the function is executing in  
 restricted execution mode
 Let's try to see if this is the case. Getting the f_restricted flag is a  
 bit hard with an empty globals(), so let's pass sys as an argument:
 py def test_func(sys):
 ... print restricted, sys._getframe().f_restricted
 py import sys, new
 py test_func2 = new.function(test_func.func_code, {}, test_fun
 py test_func(sys)
 restricted False
 py test_func2(sys)
 restricted True
 So test_func2 is running in restricted mode. That't the reason it is so  
 slow. Even if the restricted mode implementation is now considered unsafe  
 -because new style classes provide many holes to escape from the jail-  
 the checks are still being done.
 Ok, now let's try to avoid entering restricted mode:
 py import __builtin__
 py test_func3 = new.function(test_func.func_code, {'__builtins_
 _':__builtin__}, test_func3)
 py test_func3(sys)
 restricted False
 And now, repeating the timings when __builtins__ is correctly set to the  
 builtin module __builtin__ (!), shows no difference with the original  
 function. So this was the cause of the slow down.
 The rule is: unless you *actually* want to execute code in restricted  
 mode, pass globals() when building a new function object, or at least, set  
 '__builtins__' to the __builtin__ module

Thanks for the very informative and detailed information. After posting
I, like the other responders, figured out that it was related to the
empty globals dict but I had no idea how that could be happening. 


Re: Retrieving all open applications ...

2007-11-03 Thread Ajay Deshpande
applications ... i need to retrieve all currently open applications ...

thx for your help ...


On 10/31/07, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 En Tue, 30 Oct 2007 06:20:10 -0300, Ajay Deshpande
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

  I need to retrieve all currently open applications using a python
  So my output should be a list of window handles. Is there a module which
  can use?

 applications or windows? You can use the EnumWindows function, from
 the Windows API, to enumerate all  top level windows. See this article
 from the Microsoft Knowledge Base
 (the example is in VB but I hope you get the idea)

 Install the pywin32 extensions from Mark Hammond and you'll have the EnumWindows function

 Gabriel Genellina



Re: __file__ vs __FILE__

2007-11-03 Thread klenwell
On Nov 3, 4:18 am, Bjoern Schliessmann usenet-
 Jeff McNeil wrote:
  I've used the 'os.path.realpath(os.path.pardir)' construct in a
  couple of scripts myself.

 In Windows? Using Linux, this gives me ...

 I use os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

  That ought to work within the interactive interpreter.

 Why do you also enter that code in the interpreter? If it is in a
 module, you should always be able to use __file__.



 BOFH excuse #238:

 You did wha... oh _dear_

 I use os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

That makes sense, as it is almost a literal translation of what I'm
used to using in PHP.  Thanks for pointing this out.


Re: Is pyparsing really a recursive descent parser?

2007-11-03 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-11-03, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 3, 12:33 am, Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality
 It has recursion in it but that's not sufficient to call it a recursive
 descent parser any more than having a recursive implementation of the
 factorial function.  The important part is what it recurses through...


 In my opinion, the rule set I mentioned in my original post:

 grammar = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) + Literal('end')

 ...should be translated (internally) to something like this:

 word = Word(alphas)
 grammar = Forward()
 grammar  ((word + grammar) | (word + Literal(end)))

 This allows a recursive search to find the string correct without any
 need for backtracking, if I understand what you mean by that.  Couldn't
 pyparsing have done something like this?

 Dear JAVotAM -

 This was a great post!  (Although I'm not sure the comment in the
 first paragraph was entirely fair - I know the difference between
 recursive string parsing and recursive multiplication.)

 You really got me thinking more about how this recursion actually
 behaves, especially with respect to elements such as OneOrMore.  Your
 original question is really quite common, and up until now, my stock
 answer has been to use negative lookahead.  The expression you posted
 is the first time I've seen this solution, and it *does* work.

 I was all set to write a cocky response on why your expression
 wouldn't work.  I've seen it many times before, where people (usually
 coming from EBNF experience) implement listOfXs = OneOrMore(x) as:

 listOfXs = Forward()
 listOfXs  ( x + listOfXs | x )

 Actually, what they usually write is:

 listOfXs  ( listOfXs + x )

 but this sends pyparsing into a recursive tailspin.

 So I fired up SciTE and copy/pasted your code into the editor and ran
 it, and it worked just fine - this was a shock!  I studied this for a
 few minutes, and then realized what was happening.  First of all, I
 misread what you posted.  You posted this:

 grammar  ((word + grammar) | (word + Literal(end)))

 which works.  I *thought* you posted this:

 grammar  ((word + grammar) | word) + Literal(end)

 which doesn't work.  In fact this behaves the same as your original
 post, except it iterates over the input string's words recursively,
 vs. repetition ins a for-loop, as is done by OneOrMore.

 So going back to your working version, I had to see why it works.
 Initially, the first term in the MatchFirst (the '|' operator creates
 MatchFirst instances) is just the same, and by grammar referencing
 itself, it just goes word by word through the input trying to find a
 match.  I'll try to visualize the steps:

 levelFirst Second Third end
 1 word  grammar
 2   word   grammar
 3  word  grammar
 4word grammar - fails!
 4word end - fails!
  (therefore level 3 grammar fails!)
 3  word  end-- success!!!

 grammar has 2 options: to match a word followed by a grammar, or to
 match a word followed by 'end'.  At 4 levels deep into the Forward's
 recursion, the first option fails, because after parsing end as the
 initial word, there is no more text to try to match against grammar.
 Level 4's Forward then also tries to match a word followed by 'end',
 but this fails for the same reason.  So at this point, the 4th level
 Forward fails to match either of its options, so it throws its
 exception back up to level 3, indicating that the first alternative,
 word followed by grammar, failed.  Level 3 then moves on to see if
 word followed by the literal 'end' matches, and it does - success!

 Here's where I am stuck now.  In the original grammar that you posted,
 which you want to render into this behavior, grammar is defined as:

 grammar = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) + Literal('end')

Is there not an ambiguity in the grammar?


  goal -- WORD { WORD } END

  WORD is '[a-zA-Z]+'
  END is 'end'

I think it is fine that PyParsing can't guess what the composer
of that grammar meant.

Neil Cerutti

advice for threaded/parallel application

2007-11-03 Thread Brian Blais


I am thinking about writing a simple multi-agent robot simulator, but  
I am stumped before I begin, trying to decide how to structure the  
program.  My goals are the following:

1) the entire simulator should not include much beyond the standard  
lib.  I'm comfortable with the scipy/numpy/matplotlib combo but I  
don't want to get into having a lot of dependencies.  For example,  
the PyroRobotics which is great, requires gtk (a pain to install on  
the Mac), it runs in X, etc...  Also, for my needs, I want to write  
non-object-oriented agents as well as, possible, some object-oriented  

2) the robot agents need to be as simple as possible.  things like:

while RangeSensor()25:
3) the environment allows for multiple agents, operating in parallel

My initial thought was to have a multi-threaded app, with a central  
environment program and the robots as threads.  The agents would do  
their thing, modifying their properties, and the environment would  
keep track of positions, orientations, etc...  Given that some of the  
robots might be computationally heavy, and the environment almost  
certainly would be, I wasn't sure about the performance of python  

I thought maybe using something like Parallel Python, or the  
subprocess module, or the processing package.  I'd hate to make the  
wrong choice, discovering it only after putting a lot of time into  
the development.

Any advice for this sort of thing?

Brian Blais

Brian Blais


Low-overhead GUI toolkit for Linux w/o X11?

2007-11-03 Thread Grant Edwards
I'm looking for GUI toolkits that work with directly with the
Linux frambuffer (no X11).  It's an embedded device with
limited resources, and getting X out of the picture would be a
big plus.

The toolkit needs to be free and open-source.

So far, I've found two options that will work without X11:

 1) QTopia (nee QT/Embedded).  I assume that I can probably get
PyQT to work with the embedded version of QT?

 2) PySDL or PyGame. I'm not really sure what the differences
are between those two.  The latter seems to be a little
more active.  Are there any traditional GUI widgets
available for these two?

I've heard good things about PyFLTK, but it appears to depend
on X11 on the Linux platform.

Google found me this thread from a few years ago:

Which mentions the same two choices and confirms that PyQt at
worked at one time with Qt/E (which would lead one to believe
it could be made to work with QTopia).

That thread also mentions Pico-GUI and Nano-X.  Has anybody had
any experience using those with Python?  Both of those seem to
have stalled.  Neither has released anything since 2003.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  .. I
  at   feel... JUGULAR...

how to fill many data strings from socket.recvfrom()

2007-11-03 Thread lgwe
I want to receive 200 udp datagrams. Each into a new data string.
But I dont know how to do that, this is wrong:

import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
i = 0
while i200:
data[i],addr = s.recvfrom(1024)
i = +1

data[i] is illegal.

Any suggestion welcome!


Re: (MAC) CoreGraphics module???

2007-11-03 Thread Robert Kern
David C. Ullrich wrote:
 On Fri, 02 Nov 2007 14:09:25 -0500, Robert Kern
 David C. Ullrich wrote:

 So CoreGraphics is a builtin in Apple-Python,
 explaining why I didn't find the relevant anywhere on the hard drive, eh?
 Okay, which version of OS X do you have? In 10.3 and 10.4 it used to be here:
 I'm using 10.4. Yesterday I checked that there is indeed a
 but I didn't look any deeper because I already knew
 that wasn't there. Come to think of
 it, it could well be that it's there and I didn't find
 it because Spotlight didn't want to show me things
 inside /System? I'll check. (I'll check soon -
 again, I'm at home and the Mac's at the office.)

Possibly. The locate command on the terminal is usually more reliable.

 I notice that in 10.5, it no longer exists, though.

 [How do I get to the Python I want?]
 Python-Python installed a couple of symlinks into /usr/local/bin and then put
 /usr/local/bin in the front of your $PATH environment variable so it gets 
 up first on the terminal. For my Python-Python 2.5, I have


 Remove these and then when you type python at the terminal, you will get
 /usr/bin/python, which points to the Apple-Python.
 Thanks. Right this second I have no idea _where_ I should
 go to remove that, but I can probably find out. It's
 in .bashrc or somewhere, I bet, No, don't tell me...

$ rm /usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/bin/python2.5 ...

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: python newbie

2007-11-03 Thread Paul Rubin
Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 This isn't perfect (global variables have to be set before hooking the 
 module) but it sort of works:
 - ---
 How to define a callable module   ...

Oh neat, thanks, I'll have to file that one away, and use it now and then.

Re: Low-overhead GUI toolkit for Linux w/o X11?

2007-11-03 Thread David Bolen
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm looking for GUI toolkits that work with directly with the
 Linux frambuffer (no X11).  It's an embedded device with
 limited resources, and getting X out of the picture would be a
 big plus.

Sounds like a reasonably modern embedded system since traditionally
neither X (nor Python) would likely have even been plausible in such
environments.  Depending on the higher level GUI functionality you
require and how tight the resources really are, you might want to
consider investigating pure drawing libraries and then implement any
missing GUI elements (widgets and mouse handling) you need yourself.

When I was looking for an embedded graphics library for a prior
platform (ELAN 486, 2MB flash, 6MB RAM) under DOS, we took a look at

  * GRX (
  * Allegro (

We ended up using GRX, primarily because it was the simplest to
develop a custom video driver for to match our platform, along with
having a simpler core.  We were under DOS but also used it with a
later generation of the platform under Linux.  Both libraries support
operation over the framebuffer in Linux.  Our app was in C++ (Python
wasn't an option), and we implemented our own buttons and text
widgets (in our case we never needed any scrolling widgets).

There aren't any Python wrappers for GRX, but the library is straight
C which should be easy to wrap (manually or with something like SWIG).
No built-in widget support at all (some sample button processing code
in a demo module), but easy enough to implement your own if your needs
are modest.

Although we didn't end up using it, Allegro is more fully featured
(actually with some non-GUI cruft too since it targets games), and
also appears to have two work-in-progress Python bindings.  Some basic
widget support in dialog processing routines.

-- David

problem with iteration

2007-11-03 Thread Panagiotis Atmatzidis

I managed to write some code in order to do what I wanted: Inject code
in the right place, in some html files. I developed the program using
small functions, one at the time in order to see how they work. When I
tried to put these pieces of code together I got this error:
TypeError: iteration over non-sequence

Here is the code snippet that has the issue

def injectCode(path, statcode):
for root, dir, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
for name in files:
html_files =, name, flags=0)
if html_files == None:
print No html files found in your path.
for oldfile in html_files: -- HERE IS THE ERROR
  [rest of code here]

I'm learning through practice and this is my first program. The error
may seem easy for you. However except from the explanation I'd like to
know how can I handle situations like the one above. I tought that
itering was valid there :-(




Re: Low-overhead GUI toolkit for Linux w/o X11?

2007-11-03 Thread David Bolen
David Bolen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When I was looking for an embedded graphics library for a prior
 platform (ELAN 486, 2MB flash, 6MB RAM) under DOS, we took a look at

   * GRX (
 There aren't any Python wrappers for GRX, but the library is straight
 C which should be easy to wrap (manually or with something like SWIG).
 No built-in widget support at all (some sample button processing code
 in a demo module), but easy enough to implement your own if your needs
 are modest.

I had forgotten, since we didn't use it, but there is an external mGui
library ( that can
layer on top of GRX to provide higher level functionality.  Of course,
it would also have to be wrapped for use from Python.

-- David


Re: problem with iteration

2007-11-03 Thread Paul Hankin
On Nov 3, 8:58 pm, Panagiotis Atmatzidis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I managed to write some code in order to do what I wanted: Inject code
 in the right place, in some html files. I developed the program using
 small functions, one at the time in order to see how they work. When I
 tried to put these pieces of code together I got this error:
 TypeError: iteration over non-sequence

 Here is the code snippet that has the issue

 def injectCode(path, statcode):
 for root, dir, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
 for name in files:
 html_files =, name, flags=0)
 if html_files == None:
 print No html files found in your path.
 for oldfile in html_files: -- HERE IS THE 
   [rest of code here]

First step in debugging is to look at the error, and work out what's
going on. 'iteration over non-sequence' suggests that 'html_files'
isn't a sequence. If it were my program and I didn't understand, I
might add 'print html_files' before the offending line to see what it
is. That would have given something like:
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x86608

Not particularly helpful, but 'sre' and 'Match' suggests something to
do with regular expressions. Given the variable name, you obviously
expected a list of files, so you could look at where html_files is
created (with a re.match call) to see why your expectation differs
from what happened. Perhaps you could add more print statements to the
loops to see what values 'files' and 'name' take.

Paul Hankin


Re: python newbie

2007-11-03 Thread Paul Hankin
On Nov 3, 8:35 pm, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  This isn't perfect (global variables have to be set before hooking the
  module) but it sort of works:
  - ---
  How to define a callable module   ...

 Oh neat, thanks, I'll have to file that one away, and use it now and then.

I'm intrigued - when would you want a callable module?

Paul Hankin


Re: how to fill many data strings from socket.recvfrom()

2007-11-03 Thread GuillaumeC
 data[i] is illegal.
 Any suggestion welcome!

Either initialize data before: data=[0]*200 before while or
for i in range(200):
   d,addr= s.recvfrom(1024)


Thread structures BUG?

2007-11-03 Thread Pablo Yabo
I create lots of threads that run a script and I have a problem when a
thread is created with the same threadId that existed before.

When a new thread is started I use this code to enter the interpreter:
// create a thread state object for this thread
threadState = PyThreadState_New(mainInterpreterState);

and when the thread finishes:

// delete my thread state object

Everything works smoothly until a thread id is re-used.
I've been testing what is happening and the problem is that
PyGILState_GetThisThreadState() returns a PyThreadState for the reused
thread id.
I changed my code to call PyGILState_GetThisThreadState() before creating
the PyThreadState. But if I try to use the returned PyThreadState (that
shouldn't exist because I've already deleted) I got an error when trying to
access the interpreter dictionary.

The workaround that I found is to keep all PyThreadState structures without
calling PyThreadState_Clear / PyThreadState_Delete. When a new thread is
created I call PyGILState_GetThisThreadState(). If it returns something I
reuse the structure.

In this way, my code works.

Pablo Yabo


Re: python newbie

2007-11-03 Thread Paul Rubin
Paul Hankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'm intrigued - when would you want a callable module?

I think it would be nice to be able to say

   import StringIO
   buf = StringIO('hello')

instead of

  import StringIO
  buf = StringIO.StringIO('hello')

Re: Can local function access local variables in main program?

2007-11-03 Thread Pawel
Stargaming wrote:
 You can make this work using the `global` statement::
  def foo():
 ... global x
 ... print x
 ... x = 0

Is there any way to disable global for x? Something like that:
 x = 12345
 def foo():
... global x
... print x
... noglobal(x)  # ???
... x = 0# now this is local x 
 print x

In pariete - manus et crus cerebrumque

Re: Is pyparsing really a recursive descent parser?

2007-11-03 Thread Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality

Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Nov 3, 12:33 am, Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality
 It has recursion in it but that's not sufficient to call it a 
 descent parser any more than having a recursive implementation of the
 factorial function.  The important part is what it recurses through...


 In my opinion, the rule set I mentioned in my original post:

 grammar = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) + Literal('end')

 ...should be translated (internally) to something like this:

 word = Word(alphas)
 grammar = Forward()
 grammar  ((word + grammar) | (word + Literal(end)))

 This allows a recursive search to find the string correct without any
 need for backtracking, if I understand what you mean by that.  Couldn't
 pyparsing have done something like this?

 Dear JAVotAM -

 This was a great post!  (Although I'm not sure the comment in the
 first paragraph was entirely fair - I know the difference between
 recursive string parsing and recursive multiplication.)

I often use hyperbole to emphasize a point.  I honestly mean no offense. 
That comment wasn't even meant to be fair, I was hoping to be provocative...

 You really got me thinking more about how this recursion actually
 behaves, especially with respect to elements such as OneOrMore.  Your
 original question is really quite common, and up until now, my stock
 answer has been to use negative lookahead.  The expression you posted
 is the first time I've seen this solution, and it *does* work.

I'm glad I got you thinking!  I'd hate to be another newbie with another 
of a thousand questions answered in the FAQ
Hey, are you the author of pyparsing?

 I was all set to write a cocky response on why your expression
 wouldn't work.  I've seen it many times before, where people (usually
 coming from EBNF experience) implement listOfXs = OneOrMore(x) as:

 listOfXs = Forward()
 listOfXs  ( x + listOfXs | x )

 Actually, what they usually write is:

 listOfXs  ( listOfXs + x )

 but this sends pyparsing into a recursive tailspin.

 So I fired up SciTE and copy/pasted your code into the editor and ran
 it, and it worked just fine - this was a shock!  I studied this for a
 few minutes, and then realized what was happening.  First of all, I
 misread what you posted.  You posted this:

 grammar  ((word + grammar) | (word + Literal(end)))

 which works.  I *thought* you posted this:

 grammar  ((word + grammar) | word) + Literal(end)

 which doesn't work.  In fact this behaves the same as your original
 post, except it iterates over the input string's words recursively,
 vs. repetition ins a for-loop, as is done by OneOrMore.

I'm grateful that you actually tested my code before posting your cocky 

 So going back to your working version, I had to see why it works.
 Initially, the first term in the MatchFirst (the '|' operator creates
 MatchFirst instances) is just the same, and by grammar referencing
 itself, it just goes word by word through the input trying to find a
 match.  I'll try to visualize the steps:

 levelFirst Second Third end
 1 word  grammar
 2   word   grammar
 3  word  grammar
 4word grammar - fails!
 4word end - fails!
 (therefore level 3 grammar fails!)
 3  word  end-- success!!!

 grammar has 2 options: to match a word followed by a grammar, or to
 match a word followed by 'end'.  At 4 levels deep into the Forward's
 recursion, the first option fails, because after parsing end as the
 initial word, there is no more text to try to match against grammar.
 Level 4's Forward then also tries to match a word followed by 'end',
 but this fails for the same reason.  So at this point, the 4th level
 Forward fails to match either of its options, so it throws its
 exception back up to level 3, indicating that the first alternative,
 word followed by grammar, failed.  Level 3 then moves on to see if
 word followed by the literal 'end' matches, and it does - success!

This is, literally, what it's doing.  I'm not exactly a programming whiz 
so I think of it a little more abstractly.  In pyparsing's implementation, 
it recurses through the first rule, OneOrMore, then iteratively moves to the 
next rule, only to fail.  So, obviously that rule must be part of the 
recursion if we're not to use backtracking or lookaheads.  If it's part of 
the recursion, it has to be the terminal case.  We know that the OneOrMore 
rule is necessarily followed by the literal, so we can safely conclude that 
the terminal case will necessarily be followed by the literal, hence the 
production mentioned...

 Here's where I am stuck now.  In the original grammar that you posted,
 which you want to render into this behavior, grammar is defined as:

 grammar = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) + Literal('end')


Re: python at command prompt

2007-11-03 Thread Tim Roberts
Ton van Vliet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There's could also be an issue with entering 'python' at the command
line, and not 'python.exe'. Once the PATH is setup correctly, try to
enter 'python.exe', and check whether that works.

IMHO, to get any 'program-name' (without the .exe extension) to work,
one needs to:
1. register the executable with windows (doesn't work for python) or
2. make sure the the PATHEXT environment variable is set correctly,
and includes the .EXE extension (on my w2k system it looks like:

You're confusing two things here.  Executables (.exe) are always available,
and do not need to be registered to be run without the extension.

It is possible to have Windows execute when you type abc, and
that DOES require registering the .py extension and adding .py to the
PATHEXT environment variable.

A very useful thing to do, by the way.  I have many command line tools for
which I have forgotten whether they are batch files, small executables, or
Python scripts.  And that's how it should be.
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Low-overhead GUI toolkit for Linux w/o X11?

2007-11-03 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-11-03, David Bolen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm looking for GUI toolkits that work with directly with the
 Linux frambuffer (no X11).  It's an embedded device with
 limited resources, and getting X out of the picture would be a
 big plus.

 Sounds like a reasonably modern embedded system since traditionally
 neither X (nor Python) would likely have even been plausible in such

Yes, it's modern enough to run Linux/X11 -- horsepower-wise
it's sort of in the PDA class of devices.  wxWidgets has been
tried, but it's pretty sluggish. Hence the search for something
a littler lighter weight.  Using Python is probably going to be
a little bit of a stretch, but using open-source libraries and
something like Python for the application langauge seems to be
an important part of the business model.

 Depending on the higher level GUI functionality you require

That's still a bit up in the air.  Routines to render text
would be nice, as would sprite graphics.  I don't think text
entry or much in the way of windowing is required.

 and how tight the resources really are, you might want to
 consider investigating pure drawing libraries and then
 implement any missing GUI elements (widgets and mouse
 handling) you need yourself.

There is no mouse.  I'm not sure how many widgets are
required.  Probably not very many.

 When I was looking for an embedded graphics library for a prior
 platform (ELAN 486, 2MB flash, 6MB RAM) under DOS, we took a look at

   * GRX (
   * Allegro (

 We ended up using GRX, primarily because it was the simplest
 to develop a custom video driver for to match our platform,
 along with having a simpler core.  We were under DOS but also
 used it with a later generation of the platform under Linux.
 Both libraries support operation over the framebuffer in
 Linux.  Our app was in C++ (Python wasn't an option), and we
 implemented our own buttons and text widgets (in our case we
 never needed any scrolling widgets).

 There aren't any Python wrappers for GRX, but the library is
 straight C which should be easy to wrap (manually or with
 something like SWIG). No built-in widget support at all (some
 sample button processing code in a demo module), but easy
 enough to implement your own if your needs are modest.

 Although we didn't end up using it, Allegro is more fully
 featured (actually with some non-GUI cruft too since it
 targets games), and also appears to have two work-in-progress
 Python bindings.  Some basic widget support in dialog
 processing routines.

Thanks for the pointers.



Re: Can local function access local variables in main program?

2007-11-03 Thread Erik Jones
On Nov 3, 2007, at 5:32 PM, Pawel wrote:

 Stargaming wrote:
 You can make this work using the `global` statement::

 def foo():
 ... global x
 ... print x
 ... x = 0

 Is there any way to disable global for x? Something like that:
 x = 12345
 def foo():
 ... global x
 ... print x
 ... noglobal(x)  # ???
 ... x = 0# now this is local x
 print x

Why would you need to do that?  It would be confusing.  Just use a  
different variable name for the local.

Erik Jones

Software Developer | Emma®
800.595.4401 or 615.292.5888
615.292.0777 (fax)

Emma helps organizations everywhere communicate  market in style.
Visit us online at


bsddb in python 2.5.1

2007-11-03 Thread BjornT
Have a rather big problem with bsddb I can't figure out. I upgraded an
Ubuntu machine from 7.05 to 7.10 which upgraded python to 2.5.1

I run a local website that uses bsddb, and suddenly I get a version
mismatch error with bsddb and I can't access my database anymore

I noticed in the 2.5.1 release notes:

- fixed a bug with bsddb.DB.stat: the flags and txn keyword arguments
  were transposed.

- Added support for linking the bsddb module against BerkeleyDB 4.5.x.

I know that when you upgrade Berkeley DB you're supposed to go through
steps solving this problem,but I wasn't expecting an upgrade. I've
tried to use different versions bsddb3, 4.4 and 4.5, (instead of bsddb
that comes with python 2.5.1) with different versions of Berkeley DB
installs (4.5 and 4.4 - built from source into /usr/local). But this
isn't working.

I can't seem a way to figure out how to recover my data. Please help. :


beautiful girls will help you,why?check it out

2007-11-03 Thread brau
beautiful girls will help you,why?check it out


VC Toolkit 2003

2007-11-03 Thread Jacqui Thompson
My uploaded torrent at TPB:

Re: Is pyparsing really a recursive descent parser?

2007-11-03 Thread Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality

Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On 2007-11-03, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 3, 12:33 am, Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality
 It has recursion in it but that's not sufficient to call it a 
 descent parser any more than having a recursive implementation of the
 factorial function.  The important part is what it recurses through...


 In my opinion, the rule set I mentioned in my original post:

 grammar = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) + Literal('end')

 ...should be translated (internally) to something like this:

 word = Word(alphas)
 grammar = Forward()
 grammar  ((word + grammar) | (word + Literal(end)))

 This allows a recursive search to find the string correct without 
 need for backtracking, if I understand what you mean by that. 
 pyparsing have done something like this?

 Dear JAVotAM -

 This was a great post!  (Although I'm not sure the comment in the
 first paragraph was entirely fair - I know the difference between
 recursive string parsing and recursive multiplication.)

 You really got me thinking more about how this recursion actually
 behaves, especially with respect to elements such as OneOrMore.  Your
 original question is really quite common, and up until now, my stock
 answer has been to use negative lookahead.  The expression you posted
 is the first time I've seen this solution, and it *does* work.

 Is there not an ambiguity in the grammar?


  goal -- WORD { WORD } END

  WORD is '[a-zA-Z]+'
  END is 'end'

 I think it is fine that PyParsing can't guess what the composer
 of that grammar meant.

First, I don't know if that constitutes an ambiguity in the grammar. 
'end' is a word but it's unambiguous that this grammar must end in a literal 
'end'.  You could interpret the input as just a sequence of words or you 
could interpret it as a sequence of words terminated by the word 'end'.  One 
interpretation conforms to the grammar while the other doesn't.  You would 
assume that the interpretation that agrees with the grammar would be the 
preferable choice and so should the program...
Secondly, even if it is an ambiguity... so what?  pyparsing's current 
behaviour is to return a parse error, pretending that the string can't be 
parsed.  Ideally, perhaps it should alert you to the ambiguity but, surely, 
it's better to return _a_ valid parsing than to pretend that the string 
can't be parsed at all...


Re: how to fill many data strings from socket.recvfrom()

2007-11-03 Thread Mark T

lgwe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
I want to receive 200 udp datagrams. Each into a new data string.
 But I dont know how to do that, this is wrong:

 import socket
 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
 i = 0
 while i200:
data[i],addr = s.recvfrom(1024)
i = +1

 data[i] is illegal.

 Any suggestion welcome!

import socket
for i in range(200):
tmp,addr = s.recvfrom(1024)



Re: Python IDE

2007-11-03 Thread Zentrader
This is a discussion on the Ubuntu forums-something like 51 pages
worth.  Even though you are using Gutsy, you want to take a look at
KDevelop.  It will install without problems even though it is KDE.  A
lot of people use Geany or Eclipse also.  Anyway, you can page through
as much of this thread as you like.


Re: Low-overhead GUI toolkit for Linux w/o X11?

2007-11-03 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Grant Edwards wrote:
 Yes, it's modern enough to run Linux/X11 -- horsepower-wise
 it's sort of in the PDA class of devices.  wxWidgets has been
 tried, but it's pretty sluggish. Hence the search for something
 a littler lighter weight. 

Erm, wxWidgets is implemented in C++ and wxPython is just a wrapper.
I don't think the sluggishness comes from wxWidgets. PyQt and
PySDL are AFAIK not much less weight.



BOFH excuse #245:

The Borg tried to assimilate your system. Resistance is futile.


Re: Can local function access local variables in main program?

2007-11-03 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Pawel wrote:
 Is there any way to disable global for x? Something like that:
 x = 12345
 def foo():
 ... global x
 ... print x
 ... noglobal(x)  # ???
 ... x = 0# now this is local x

Not really. Why don't you choose meaningful variable names? You
practically save nothing by using fewer names.



BOFH excuse #423:

It's not RFC-822 compliant.


Re: __file__ vs __FILE__

2007-11-03 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
klenwell wrote:
 Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:

 I use os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
 That makes sense, as it is almost a literal translation of what
 I'm used to using in PHP.  Thanks for pointing this out.

You're welcome, happy coding :)



BOFH excuse #286:

Telecommunications is downgrading.


Re: Poor python and/or Zope performance on Sparc

2007-11-03 Thread Ivan Voras
joa2212 wrote:

 We have a Sun T1000 with 8 cores and 8 GB of RAM. First, I installed
 Solaris 10 because I know this OS better than Debian Linux. Result:
 poor Performance. After that I decided to migrate to debian:

Do you know the architecture of this machine? It's extremely streamlined
for data throughput (IO) at the expense of computational ability. In

- it runs at a relatively small clock speed (1 GHz - 1.4 GHz)
- it's terrible for floating-point calculations because there is only
one FPU shared by all 32 logical processors

While it will be screamingly fast for serving static content, and pretty
decent for light database jobs, this not an optimal platform for dynamic
web applications, especially for Python since the language's so dynamic
and it doesn't support SMP. Since it's so optimized for a certain
purpose, you can freely consider it a special-purpose machine, rather
than a general-purpose one.

Even if you manage to get Zope to spawn parallel request handlers
(probably via something like fastcgi), if the web application is
CPU-intensive you won't be happy with its performance (for CPU-intensive
tasks you probably don't want to spawn more than 8 handlers, since
that's the number of physical cores in the CPU).

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Low-overhead GUI toolkit for Linux w/o X11?

2007-11-03 Thread David Boddie
On Sat Nov 3 20:45:54 CET 2007, Grant Edwards wrote:

 I'm looking for GUI toolkits that work with directly with the
 Linux frambuffer (no X11).  It's an embedded device with
 limited resources, and getting X out of the picture would be a
 big plus.
 The toolkit needs to be free and open-source.
 So far, I've found two options that will work without X11:
  1) QTopia (nee QT/Embedded).  I assume that I can probably get
 PyQT to work with the embedded version of QT?

Qtopia Core (formerly known as Qt/Embedded) should be fairly painless to get
working, though the embedded-specific features aren't supported by a plain
PyQt4 build.

However, it is possible to get bindings for it up and running - I've done it
twice for different versions of Qtopia Core

so it should be possible to get something working for the latest version.

You don't really have to worry too much about having all the bells and
whistles wrapped for use from Python, anyway.

  2) PySDL or PyGame. I'm not really sure what the differences
 are between those two.  The latter seems to be a little
 more active.  Are there any traditional GUI widgets
 available for these two?

PyGame is definitely more visible than PySDL. You might find something you
can use in the list of libraries for PyGame:

There's also a list of gui tagged projects:

 Google found me this thread from a few years ago:


 Which mentions the same two choices and confirms that PyQt at
 worked at one time with Qt/E (which would lead one to believe
 it could be made to work with QTopia).

I guess I should be pushing my patches for PyQt4 back upstream, or at least
publishing them somewhere. I suppose it would also be useful if I looked at
making them work with a recent version of PyQt4 and made sure that any new
widgets in Qtopia Core 4.3 are handled by the configuration system. This
lets you exclude features you don't need in order to reduce library sizes.

If you're interested in using PyQt4, I'll add an item for these changes near
the top of my to do list. If not, I'll probably get around to doing it,
but it might not happen soon.



Python good for data mining?

2007-11-03 Thread Jens
I'm starting a project in data mining, and I'm considering Python and
Java as possible platforms.

I'm conserned by performance. Most benchmarks report that Java is
about 10-15 times faster than Python, and my own experiments confirms
this. I could imagine this to become a problem for very large

How good is the integration with MySQL in Python?

What about user interfaces? How easy is it to use Tkinter for
developing a user interface without an IDE? And with an IDE? (which

What if I were to use my Python libraries with a web site written in
PHP, Perl or Java - how do I intergrate with Python?

I really like Python for a number of reasons, and would like to avoid

Sorry - lot of questions here - but I look forward to your replies!


Re: Low-overhead GUI toolkit for Linux w/o X11?

2007-11-03 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-11-04, Bjoern Schliessmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Grant Edwards wrote:
 Yes, it's modern enough to run Linux/X11 -- horsepower-wise
 it's sort of in the PDA class of devices.  wxWidgets has been
 tried, but it's pretty sluggish. Hence the search for something
 a littler lighter weight. 

 Erm, wxWidgets is implemented in C++

Are you saying C++ software can't be large and slow?

 and wxPython is just a wrapper.

Yes, I know.  If we though Python was the problem, I wouldn't
be asking about other toolkits that had Python bindings.

 I don't think the sluggishness comes from wxWidgets.

wxWidgets and GTK+ are both pretty large, and X11 is huge.

 PyQt and PySDL are AFAIK not much less weight.

They don't use X11.  That's a _lot_ less weight.


Re: Python IDE

2007-11-03 Thread SPE - Stani's Python Editor
On 3 nov, 15:11, Simon Pickles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have recently moved from Windows XP to Ubuntu Gutsy.

 I need a Python IDE and debugger, but have yet to find one as good as
 Pyscripter for Windows. Can anyone recommend anything? What are you all

 Coming from a Visual Studio background, editing text files and using the
 terminal to execute them offends my sensibilities :)



SPE is developped on and works well with Ubuntu Gutsy. It includes a
debugger and gui builers. Get it from subversion:



Re: Is pyparsing really a recursive descent parser?

2007-11-03 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-11-04, Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality

 Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On 2007-11-03, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 3, 12:33 am, Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality
 It has recursion in it but that's not sufficient to call it a 
 descent parser any more than having a recursive implementation of the
 factorial function.  The important part is what it recurses through...


 In my opinion, the rule set I mentioned in my original post:

 grammar = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) + Literal('end')

 ...should be translated (internally) to something like this:

 word = Word(alphas)
 grammar = Forward()
 grammar  ((word + grammar) | (word + Literal(end)))

 This allows a recursive search to find the string correct without 
 need for backtracking, if I understand what you mean by that. 
 pyparsing have done something like this?

 Dear JAVotAM -

 This was a great post!  (Although I'm not sure the comment in the
 first paragraph was entirely fair - I know the difference between
 recursive string parsing and recursive multiplication.)

 You really got me thinking more about how this recursion actually
 behaves, especially with respect to elements such as OneOrMore.  Your
 original question is really quite common, and up until now, my stock
 answer has been to use negative lookahead.  The expression you posted
 is the first time I've seen this solution, and it *does* work.

 Is there not an ambiguity in the grammar?


  goal -- WORD { WORD } END

  WORD is '[a-zA-Z]+'
  END is 'end'

 I think it is fine that PyParsing can't guess what the composer
 of that grammar meant.

 First, I don't know if that constitutes an ambiguity in the
 grammar. 'end' is a word but it's unambiguous that this grammar
 must end in a literal 'end'.  You could interpret the input as
 just a sequence of words or you could interpret it as a
 sequence of words terminated by the word 'end'.  

Yeah. If it were a regex, it would be: '[ab]+b'. That is a fine
regex, because a regex is generally just a recognizer; the
ambiguity doesn't have to do with recognizing the language.  But
PyParsing is parser. The ambiguity is in deciding what's a
Word(alphas) and what's an 'end'.

 One interpretation conforms to the grammar while the other
 doesn't. You would assume that the interpretation that agrees
 with the grammar would be the preferable choice and so should
 the program. Secondly, even if it is an ambiguity... so what?
 pyparsing's current behaviour is to return a parse error,
 pretending that the string can't be parsed.  Ideally, perhaps
 it should alert you to the ambiguity but, surely, it's better
 to return _a_ valid parsing than to pretend that the string
 can't be parsed at all...

I wouldn't characterize it as pretending. How would you parse:

  hello end hello end

interpretations, according to the grammar.

As soon as you remove the ambiguity from the grammar, PyParsing
starts to work correctly.

Consider writing a recursive decent parser by hand to parse the
language '[ab]+b'.

  goal -- ab_list 'b'
  ab_list -- 'a' list_tail
  ab_list -- 'b' list_tail
  list_tail -- 'a' list_tail
  list_tail -- 'b' list_tail
  list_tail -- null

The above has the exact same bug (and probably some others--I'm
sorry unable to test it just now) as the PyParsing solution.

The error is in the grammar. It might be fixed by specifying that
'b' must be followed by EOF, and then it could be coded by using
more than one character of lookahead.

class ParseError(Exception):

class Parser:
  def __init__(self, s):
self.s = s
self.i = 0
self.c = self.s[self.i]

  def match(self, c):
if self.c != c:
  raise ParseError('expected %s got %s' % (c, self.c))
self.i += 1
if self.i == len(self.s):
  raise ParseError('unexpected EOF')
self.c = self.s[self.i]

  def goal(self):

  def ab_list(self):
if self.c in 'ab':
  raise ParseError('expected list of a or b, got %s' % self.c)

  def list_tail(self):
if self.c in 'ab':
  raise ParseError('expected a list of a or b, got %s' % self.c)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 37, in ?
  File, line 20, in goal
  File, line 26, in ab_list
  File, line 33, in list_tail
  File, line 33, in list_tail
  File, line 32, in list_tail
  File, line 16, in match
raise ParseError('unexpected EOF')
__main__.ParseError: unexpected EOF

It's not a coincidence that is has the same bug as the 

Re: Low-overhead GUI toolkit for Linux w/o X11?

2007-11-03 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-11-04, David Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  1) QTopia (nee QT/Embedded).  I assume that I can probably get
 PyQT to work with the embedded version of QT?

 Qtopia Core (formerly known as Qt/Embedded) should be fairly
 painless to get working, though the embedded-specific features
 aren't supported by a plain PyQt4 build.

 However, it is possible to get bindings for it up and running
 - I've done it twice for different versions of Qtopia Core

 so it should be possible to get something working for the
 latest version.

That's good to hear.

 You don't really have to worry too much about having all the
 bells and whistles wrapped for use from Python, anyway.

Right, Python has it's own versions of a lot of the extra
stuff provided by a framework like Qt.

  2) PySDL or PyGame. I'm not really sure what the differences
 are between those two.  The latter seems to be a little
 more active.  Are there any traditional GUI widgets
 available for these two?

 PyGame is definitely more visible than PySDL. You might find
 something you can use in the list of libraries for PyGame:

 There's also a list of gui tagged projects:

Cool.  Hadn't found that yet.

 Which mentions the same two choices and confirms that PyQt at
 worked at one time with Qt/E (which would lead one to believe
 it could be made to work with QTopia).

 I guess I should be pushing my patches for PyQt4 back
 upstream, or at least publishing them somewhere. I suppose it
 would also be useful if I looked at making them work with a
 recent version of PyQt4 and made sure that any new widgets in
 Qtopia Core 4.3 are handled by the configuration system. This
 lets you exclude features you don't need in order to reduce
 library sizes.

 If you're interested in using PyQt4, I'll add an item for
 these changes near the top of my to do list. If not, I'll
 probably get around to doing it, but it might not happen soon.

I think we're definitely going to try to evaluate Qtopia on our
platform to see if it's any quicker and smaller than
wxWidgets/GTK+/X11.  I guess that evaluation doesn't need to
use Python -- in theory we sould be able to compare performance
of equivalent C/C++ apps running on wxWidgets/GTK+/X11 and on



Re: Low-overhead GUI toolkit for Linux w/o X11?

2007-11-03 Thread David Boddie
On Sun Nov 4 03:22:27 CET 2007, Grant Edwards wrote:

 I think we're definitely going to try to evaluate Qtopia on our
 platform to see if it's any quicker and smaller than
 wxWidgets/GTK+/X11.  I guess that evaluation doesn't need to
 use Python -- in theory we sould be able to compare performance
 of equivalent C/C++ apps running on wxWidgets/GTK+/X11 and on

Good luck with that. Just remember to read the guide to configuring features
in Qtopia Core so you don't build in things you don't need:

The overview page might also be useful to you:



Re: Python good for data mining?

2007-11-03 Thread Cameron Walsh
Jens wrote:
 I'm starting a project in data mining, and I'm considering Python and
 Java as possible platforms.
 I'm concerned by performance. Most benchmarks report that Java is
 about 10-15 times faster than Python, and my own experiments confirms
 this. I could imagine this to become a problem for very large

If most of the processing is done with SQL calls, this shouldn't be an 
issue.  I've known a couple of people at Sydney University who were 
using Python for data mining.  I think they were using sqlite3 and MySQL.

 How good is the integration with MySQL in Python?

Never tried it, but a quick google reveals a number of approaches you 
could try - the MySQLdb module, MySQL for Python, etc.

 What about user interfaces? How easy is it to use Tkinter for
 developing a user interface without an IDE? And with an IDE? (which

WxPython was recommended to me when I was learning how to create a GUI. 
It has more features than Tkinter and a more native look and feel across 
platforms.  With WxPython it was fairly easy to create a multi-pane, 
tabbed interface for a couple of programs, without using an IDE.  The 
demos/tutorials were fantastic.

 What if I were to use my Python libraries with a web site written in
 PHP, Perl or Java - how do I integrate with Python?

Possibly the simplest way would be python .cgi files.  The cgi and cgitb 
modules allow form data to be read fairly easily.  Cookies are also 
fairly simple.  For a more complicated but more customisable approach, 
you could look in to the BaseHTTPServer module or a socket listener of 
some sort, running that alongside the webserver publicly or privately. 
Publicly you'd have links from the rest of your php/whatever pages to 
the python server.  Privately the php/perl/java backend would request 
data from the local python server before feeding the results back 
through the main server (apache?) to the client.

how to iterate through each set

2007-11-03 Thread Tom_chicollegeboy
I am begginer in learning Python language.

My assignment is to iterate through each set and display results. this
is text of assignment:

Bill and Ted are taking a road trip. But the odometer in their car is
broken, so they don't know how many miles they have driven.
Fortunately, Bill has a working stopwatch, so they can record their
speed and the total time they have driven. Unfortunately, their record
keeping strategy is a little odd, so they need help computing the
total distance driven. You are to write a program to do this

Speed in miles per hour Total elapsed time in hours

20  2

30  6

10  7

this means they drove 2 hours at 20 miles per hour, then 6-2=4 hours
at 30 miles per hour, then 7-6=1 hour at 10 miles per hour. The
distance driven is then (2)(20) + (4)(30) + (1)(10) = 40 + 120 + 10 =
170 miles. Note that the total elapsed time is always since the
beginning of the trip, not since the previous entry in their log.
You will implement a function speed in module that will help
Bill and Ted compute the distance they traveled on several road trips.

The input will come from file and consists of one or more
data sets where each data set represents a separate road trip. Each
set starts with a line containing an integer n, 1 ≤ n ≤ 10,  followed
by n pairs of values, one pair per line. The first value in a pair, s,
is the speed in miles per hour and the second value, t, is the total
elapsed time. Both s and t are integers, 1 ≤ s ≤ 90 and 1 ≤ t ≤ 12.
The values for t are always in strictly increasing order. A value of
-1 for n signals the end of the input.

For each input set, output on the screen the distance driven, followed
by a space, followed by the word miles. The output for input file should be:

170 miles
180 miles
90 miles

this is file used for input:
20 2
30 6
10 7
60 1
30 5

Here is my code:

def speed():
infile = open('', 'r')
line = infile.readline()
read = int(line)
print line
i = 0
t0 = 0
v = 0

while iread:
line = infile.readline()
list = line.split()
s = int(list[0])
t1 = int(list[1])
t = t1- t0
v += s*t
t0 = t1
print v

It works only for first set. How should I implement another solution
that would move program to read next set? I think I should implement
nested while look, with first that reads until -1 and under it another
while loop that reads n times sets. But I have no idea how. Can you
help me?


Re: how to iterate through each set

2007-11-03 Thread Cameron Walsh
Tom_chicollegeboy wrote:
 Here is my code:
 def speed():
 infile = open('', 'r')
 line = infile.readline()
 read = int(line)
 print line
 i = 0
 t0 = 0
 v = 0
 while iread:
 line = infile.readline()
 list = line.split()
 s = int(list[0])
 t1 = int(list[1])
 t = t1- t0
 v += s*t
 t0 = t1
 print v
 It works only for first set. How should I implement another solution
 that would move program to read next set? I think I should implement
 nested while look, with first that reads until -1 and under it another
 while loop that reads n times sets. But I have no idea how. Can you
 help me?


1.)  Your program works for one block.  As you suggested you now need to 
loop over some of your code until you reach an end condition.
2.)  The end condition has been given to you already in the text and the 
3.)  This can be done with two more lines of code.  One line to add a 
loop of some sort, checking for the end condition; and one line which 
brings you closer to the end condition after each block, and prepares 
you for the next block.

I hope this has given you enough to go on without confusing you or 
giving you the answer outright.

Now a few general pointers unrelated to your assignment:

1.)  list is a keyword in python.  Don't call your variables list.
2.)  You've left the file open at the end of your program.  Yes, Python 
will close it once the program has finished, but it's good practice to 
close it yourself as soon as you've finished with it.  This won't be a 
problem in this assignment, but it may be in later assignments.

Re: how to iterate through each set

2007-11-03 Thread Tom_chicollegeboy
On Nov 4, 12:18 am, Cameron Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tom_chicollegeboy wrote:

  Here is my code:

  def speed():
  infile = open('', 'r')
  line = infile.readline()
  read = int(line)
  print line
  i = 0
  t0 = 0
  v = 0

  while iread:
  line = infile.readline()
  list = line.split()
  s = int(list[0])
  t1 = int(list[1])
  t = t1- t0
  v += s*t
  t0 = t1
  print v

  It works only for first set. How should I implement another solution
  that would move program to read next set? I think I should implement
  nested while look, with first that reads until -1 and under it another
  while loop that reads n times sets. But I have no idea how. Can you
  help me?


 1.)  Your program works for one block.  As you suggested you now need to
 loop over some of your code until you reach an end condition.
 2.)  The end condition has been given to you already in the text and the
 3.)  This can be done with two more lines of code.  One line to add a
 loop of some sort, checking for the end condition; and one line which
 brings you closer to the end condition after each block, and prepares
 you for the next block.

 I hope this has given you enough to go on without confusing you or
 giving you the answer outright.

 Now a few general pointers unrelated to your assignment:

 1.)  list is a keyword in python.  Don't call your variables list.
 2.)  You've left the file open at the end of your program.  Yes, Python
 will close it once the program has finished, but it's good practice to
 close it yourself as soon as you've finished with it.  This won't be a
 problem in this assignment, but it may be in later assignments.- Hide quoted 
 text -

 - Show quoted text -

thanks. Python actually allows to replace its built-in functions with
code defined by user inside line. I do not think list() is one of they
keyword like if or while. For example, that can be done with

The answer what I am looking is how to make python continue to go to
next block until -1.  I am not asking for code, only what algorithm
should do. But thank you anyway.


Re: how to iterate through each set

2007-11-03 Thread Tom_chicollegeboy
On Nov 4, 12:47 am, Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 21:30:10 -0700, Tom_chicollegeboy
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

  It works only for first set. How should I implement another solution
  that would move program to read next set? I think I should implement
  nested while look, with first that reads until -1 and under it another
  while loop that reads n times sets. But I have no idea how. Can you
  help me?

 Homework, huh? So I need to avoid a working solution...

 Personally, based upon the nature of the data file, I'd base the
 entire algorithm on a control break which is signified by a line with a
 single term, and ignore the count value of that term.

 I'd have to ignore the first control break as there is no output
 at that time. That can be done by initially setting the total mileage to
 None (not to 0).

 On a control break (len(input.split()) == 1): if total mileage is
 NOT None, output results; set total mileage and elapsed time to 0.

 On a data line (len(input.split()) == 2): total mileage = total
 mileage + speed * (current time - elapsed time); elapsed time = current

 Exit on EOF.

 This algorithm will function even with erroneous input:

 4   == only three actual values follow
 20 2
 30 6
 10 7
 60 1
 30 5

 Calling the function speed is misleading too -- the /input/ is
 speed and time, but the output wanted is mileage.

 With the following data:
 20 2
 30 6
 10 7
 60 1
 30 5
 10 1
 25 1
 5 10

 A quick program produces the following output (NOTE: I added a LOT
 of ouput statements so you can see the logic -- but I won't show the
 actual code).

 initialize total None, elapsed 0, trip count 0
 open data file
 loop over lines in input file, exit on null line
 input line is: [4]
 number of values in the line: 1
 one value, control break
 no trip data read before this control break
 resetting total mileage 0, elapsed 0, incrementing trip count 1
 input line is: [20, 2]
 number of values in the line: 2
 elapsed miles: 40
 input line is: [30, 6]
 number of values in the line: 2
 elapsed miles: 160
 input line is: [10, 7]
 number of values in the line: 2
 elapsed miles: 170
 input line is: [2]
 number of values in the line: 1
 one value, control break
 trip 1: 170 miles
 resetting total mileage 0, elapsed 0, incrementing trip count 2
 input line is: [60, 1]
 number of values in the line: 2
 elapsed miles: 60
 input line is: [30, 5]
 number of values in the line: 2
 elapsed miles: 180
 input line is: [-1]
 number of values in the line: 1
 one value, control break
 trip 2: 180 miles
 resetting total mileage 0, elapsed 0, incrementing trip count 3
 input line is: [10, 1]
 number of values in the line: 2
 elapsed miles: 10
 input line is: [25, 1]
 number of values in the line: 2
 elapsed miles: 10
 input line is: [5, 10]
 number of values in the line: 2
 elapsed miles: 55
 No terminating control break found
 Unfinished trip is:
 trip 3: 55 miles

 By the way -- YOUR sample input data has ONLY TWO TRIPS -- so how
 can the correct output be THREE trips?
 WulfraedDennis Lee Bieber   KD6MOG
 (Bestiaria Support Staff:   [EMAIL PROTECTED])

very helpful hints. thank you very much


Re: Low-overhead GUI toolkit for Linux w/o X11?

2007-11-03 Thread Paul Rubin
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 There is no mouse.  I'm not sure how many widgets are
 required.  Probably not very many.

Back in the old days there were some lightweight toolkits for doing
text mode GUI's using ANSI graphic characters for MS-DOS.  I did a few
of them.  You could do quite usable and attractive gui's that way, as
long as you didn't require too much bling.

[issue1372] zlibmodule.c: int overflow in PyZlib_decompress

2007-11-03 Thread Peter Weseloh

Peter Weseloh added the comment:

You are right. The format should be 'l'. I overlooked that. In my case the
optional 'buf_size' parameter of 'decompress' is not used anyhow.
Shall I change the patch accordingly?

It work well for me and I now checked the code of PyArg_ParseTuple
(Python/getargs.c) to see what happens. As far as I understand, the given
pointer is casted to a pointer to int if the format is 'i' (line  630) . On
a 64 bit machine this leads to a downcast from a (64 bit) long to a (32 bit)
int, which is OK AFAIK, but I could be wrong.

Thanks for pointing that out,
2007/11/2, Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Guido van Rossum added the comment:

 I trust that there's a problem, but this can't be right -- the address
 of r_strlen is passed to PyArg_ParseTuple corresponding to an 'i' format
 letter.  That will never do.

 assignee:  - nnorwitz
 nosy: +gvanrossum, nnorwitz


Added file:

__You are right. The format should be #39;l#39;. I overlooked that. In my case 
the optional #39;buf_size#39; parameter of #39;decompress#39; is not used 
anyhow.brShall I change the patch accordingly?brbrIt work well for me and 
I now checked the code of PyArg_ParseTuple (Python/getargs.c) to see what 
happens. As far as I understand, the given pointer is casted to a pointer to 
int if the format is #39;i#39; (linenbsp; 630) . On a 64 bit machine this 
leads to a downcast from a (64 bit) long to a (32 bit) int, which is OK AFAIK, 
but I could be wrong. 
brbrThanks for pointing that out,brPeterbrdivspan 
class=gmail_quote2007/11/2, Guido van Rossum lt;a href=mailto:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]/agt;:/spanblockquote class=gmail_quote 
style=border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; 
padding-left: 1ex;
brGuido van Rossum added the comment:brbrI trust that there#39;s a 
problem, but this can#39;t be right -- the addressbrof r_strlen is passed to 
PyArg_ParseTuple corresponding to an #39;i#39; 
formatbrletter.nbsp;nbsp;That will never do.
brbr--brassignee:nbsp;nbsp;-gt; nnorwitzbrnosy: +gvanrossum, 
nnorwitzbrbr__brTracker lt;a 
href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]/agt;brlt;a 

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1376] uu module catches a wrong exception type

2007-11-03 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

You misunderstand. The try/except is there in case os.stat isn't defined 
or its result doesn't have a st_mode attribute. If the stat operation 
fails due to a problem with the file, there's not much point in proceeding 
since the subsequent open() call would fail the same way.

nosy: +gvanrossum
resolution:  - invalid
status: open - closed

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1378] fromfd() and dup() for _socket on WIndows

2007-11-03 Thread roudkerk

New submission from roudkerk:

The patch adds support for _socket.fromfd() and _socket.socket.dup() on
Windows.  It uses the Win32 DuplicateHandle() function.

The patch is to socketmodule.c an

files: socket_fromfd.patch
messages: 57084
nosy: roudkerk
severity: normal
status: open
title: fromfd() and dup() for _socket on WIndows
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5
Added file:


Description: Binary data
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1378] fromfd() and dup() for _socket on WIndows

2007-11-03 Thread Martin v. Löwis

Changes by Martin v. Löwis:

keywords: +patch

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1379] reloading imported modules sometimes fail with 'parent not in sys.modules' error

2007-11-03 Thread Martin v. Löwis

Changes by Martin v. Löwis:

keywords: +patch

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1380] fix for test_asynchat and test_asyncore on pep3137 branch

2007-11-03 Thread Adam Hupp

New submission from Adam Hupp:

The attached patch resolves test failues in test_asynchat and

The asynchat failure was due to interpolating a byte string into a
unicode string using %s.  This resulted in a b'' byte representation
in the final string.  The fix is to use string constants instead of
byte constants.  The result is encoded to bytes later on.

The asyncore failure was due to an explicit isinstance(data, bytes)
check on the result of recv.  The actual type in this case was buffer.
I've removed the check since the next line calls

data.replace(b'\n', b'')

This all should fail for anything thats not a buffer or bytes.

components: Library (Lib), Tests
files: pep3137-asynfix.patch
messages: 57086
nosy: hupp
severity: normal
status: open
title: fix for test_asynchat and test_asyncore on pep3137 branch
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.0
Added file:


Description: Binary data
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1380] fix for test_asynchat and test_asyncore on pep3137 branch

2007-11-03 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Applied in r58831


keywords: +patch, py3k
nosy: +tiran
resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound

2007-11-03 Thread Andreas Kloeckner

New submission from Andreas Kloeckner:

This here basically says it all:

 import cmath;[cmath.asinh(i*1e-17).real for i in range(0,20)]
[4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16,
4.4408920985006257e-16, 4.4408920985006257e-16]

The boost.math toolkit at [2] is an implementation that does better in
the above (real-only) aspect.

Tim Peters remarks in [1] that basically all of cmath is unsound.

I just wanted to make sure that this issue remains on the radar.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 57088
nosy: inducer
severity: normal
status: open
title: cmath is numerically unsound
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound

2007-11-03 Thread Martin v. Löwis

Martin v. Löwis added the comment:

Can you propose a patch?

nosy: +loewis

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound

2007-11-03 Thread Andreas Kloeckner

Andreas Kloeckner added the comment:

On Samstag 03 November 2007, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Martin v. Löwis added the comment:

 Can you propose a patch?

Other than point at how boost.math does things, I don't have the time to work 
on this right now, sorry.


Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1372] zlibmodule.c: int overflow in PyZlib_decompress

2007-11-03 Thread Guido van Rossum

Changes by Guido van Rossum:

Removed file:

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1372] zlibmodule.c: int overflow in PyZlib_decompress

2007-11-03 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

The correct format for a Py_ssize_t is 'n' (at least in the trunk, I
don't have the 2.5 branch handy but I imagine it's the same).

We can figure out the patch from here.

Python-bugs-list mailing list 

[issue1381] cmath is numerically unsound

2007-11-03 Thread Alan McIntyre

Alan McIntyre added the comment:

I have to review a few complex math topics for some of my current course
work, so I wouldn't mind taking a look into this.  I can't promise I'll
have the time required to make all of cmath correct (assuming it's as
unsound as claimed), but I'll do what I can.

nosy: +alanmcintyre

Python-bugs-list mailing list 