Re: sockets -- basic udp client

2008-02-16 Thread 7stud
On Feb 15, 6:48 pm, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 En Fri, 15 Feb 2008 20:24:19 -0200, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

  My question pertains to this example:

  #!/usr/bin/env python

  import socket, sys, time

  host = sys.argv[1]
  textport = sys.argv[2]

  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
      port = int(textport)
  except ValueError:
      # That didn't work.  Look it up instread.
      port = socket.getservbyname(textport, 'udp')

  s.connect((host, port))
  print Enter data to transmit: 
  data = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
  print Looking for replies; press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break to stop.
  while 1:
      buf = s.recv(2048)
      if not len(buf):
      print Received: %s % buf

  As far as I can tell, the if statement:

  if not len(buf):

  does nothing.  Either recv() is going to read some data or it's going
  to block.   My understanding is that udp sockets do not have a
  connection, so the server can't close the connection--hich would cause
  a blank string to be sent to the client.

  So, as far as I can tell, the only way that code would make sense is
  if the server were programmed to send a blank string to the client
  after it sent data to the client.  Is that correct?

 That example is plain wrong; looks like some TCP code but with SOCK_STREAM  
 blindy replaced with SOCK_DGRAM. connect, sendall and recv are not used  
 for UDP; sendto and recvfrom are used instead. There are some examples in  
 the Demo python directory.

 Gabriel Genellina

On Feb 15, 6:48 pm, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 En Fri, 15 Feb 2008 20:24:19 -0200, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

  My question pertains to this example:

  #!/usr/bin/env python

  import socket, sys, time

  host = sys.argv[1]
  textport = sys.argv[2]

  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
      port = int(textport)
  except ValueError:
      # That didn't work.  Look it up instread.
      port = socket.getservbyname(textport, 'udp')

  s.connect((host, port))
  print Enter data to transmit: 
  data = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
  print Looking for replies; press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break to stop.
  while 1:
      buf = s.recv(2048)
      if not len(buf):
      print Received: %s % buf

  As far as I can tell, the if statement:

  if not len(buf):

  does nothing.  Either recv() is going to read some data or it's going
  to block.   My understanding is that udp sockets do not have a
  connection, so the server can't close the connection--which would cause
  a blank string to be sent to the client.

  So, as far as I can tell, the only way that code would make sense is
  if the server were programmed to send a blank string to the client
  after it sent data to the client.  Is that correct?

 That example is plain wrong; looks like some TCP code but with SOCK_STREAM  
 blindy replaced with SOCK_DGRAM. connect, sendall and recv are not used  
 for UDP; sendto and recvfrom are used instead. There are some examples in  
 the Demo python directory.

Yes, I agree it's a poor example--it's from 'Foundations of Python
Network Programming'--but it does 'work'.  It also doesn't appear to
be a tcp client that was converted too directly into a udp client
because the previously presented tcp examples are different.

Here is the example above converted to a more straightforward udp
client that isolates the part I am asking about:

import socket, sys

host =  'localhost'  #sys.argv[1]
port = 3300
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

data = 'hello world'
num_sent = 0
while num_sent  len(data):
num_sent += s.sendto(data, (host, port))

print Looking for replies; press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break to stop.
while 1:
buf = s.recv(2048)

#Will the following if statement do anything?
if not len(buf):

print Received from server: %s % buf

Another question I have pertains to the docs here:

getservbyname(servicename[, protocolname])
Translate an Internet service name and protocol name to a port number
for that service. The optional protocol name, if given, should be
'tcp' or 'udp', otherwise any protocol will match.

What does a 'servicename' look like?

Re: Help Parsing an HTML File

2008-02-16 Thread Peter Otten
Stefan Behnel wrote:

 I have a single unicode file that has  descriptions of hundreds of
 objects. The file fairly resembles HTML-EXAMPLE pasted below.
 I need to parse the file in such a way to extract data out of the html
 and to come up with a tab separated file that would look like OUTPUT-
 FILE below.
 /please note that the first line of the file contains column headers/
 --Tab Separated Output File Begin--
 H1   H2  DIV Segment1Segment2Segment3
 RoséH1-1 RoséH2-1RoséDIV-1   RoséSegmentDIV1-1   
 --Tab Separated Output File End--
 --HTML Example Begin--
 div segment1RoséSegmentDIV1-1/divbr
 div segment2RoséSegmentDIV2-1/divbr
 div segment3RoséSegmentDIV3-1/divbr
 --HTML Example End--
 Now, what ugly markup is that? You will never manage to get any HTML
 compliant parser return the segmentX stuff in there. I think your best
 bet is really going for pyparsing or regular expressions (and I actually
 recommend pyparsing here).

In practice the following might be sufficient:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

def chunks(bs):
chunk = []
for tag in bs.findAll([h1, h2, div]):
if == h1:
if chunk:
yield chunk
chunk = []
if chunk:
yield chunk

def process(filename):
bs = BeautifulSoup(open(filename))
for chunk in chunks(bs):
columns = [tag.string for tag in chunk]
columns += [No Value] * (6 - len(columns))
print \t.join(columns)

if __name__ == __main__:

The biggest caveat is that only columns at the end of a row may be left out.


Re: Inter-process communication, how? Part 2

2008-02-16 Thread makkalot
Sunday 23 December 2007 Tarihinde 03:56:05 yazmıştı:

 just to recap: last time I asked how to do an interprocess
 communitation, between one Manager process (graphical beckend) and
 some Worker processes.
Why just dont use dbus , and then have a drink :)

any python wrapper to call .lib static library(ufmod.lib)?

2008-02-16 Thread est
I want to play .XM music using Python, now I found ufmod

It only provide a ufmod.lib to be compiled in C/C++/BASIC, and Python
as a scripting language could not handle these static libraries. What
could I do to with these .lib files?


mapping problem

2008-02-16 Thread Mr Shore
I've now crawled the meta infor,but with multi name all means the same
such as MS,microsoft,microsoft corporation all means the same thing,
how can I mapping words like this to the same thing?

Re: ways to declare empty set variable

2008-02-16 Thread Boris Borcic
 ...Missing that, I think dict() and set() and
 tuple() and list() look better than using {} for the empty dict and
 {/} for the empty set and () for empty tuple (or {} for the empty dict
 and set() for the empty set).

The problem I have with them is in no way the looks, it is that they are not 
strictly equivalent as they imply dictionary lookups. Which shows in 
performance, eg

  import timeit

Cheers, BB


Re: Floating point bug?

2008-02-16 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 17:30:03 -0800, Jeff Schwab wrote:

 But good advice becomes a superstition when it becomes treated as a
 law: never test floats for equality. That's simply not true. For
 example, floats are exact for whole numbers, up to the limits of
 That's not true.  Epsilon becomes large (in absolute terms) for large
 numbers.  For 64-bit IEEE floats, eps  1 at about 10**16.

Ah yes, good point. Sorry for my brain-fart, I was conflating integer 
floats with the comp data type, as used in the Standard Apple Numerics 
Environment (SANE). It used a floating point data type to store what was 
effectively a 64-bit integer, which was quite significant in the days 
when PCs used 16-bit integers!

Nevertheless, I stand by my claim, and support it by quoting from 
Professor W Kahan of Berkley, who wrote in the forward to the Apple 
Numerics Manual (2nd Edition):

... because so many computers in the 1960's and 1970's possessed so many 
different arithmetic anomalies, computational lore has become encumbered 
with a vast body of superstition purporting to cope with them. One such 
superstitious rule is *Never* ask whether floating-point numbers are 
exactly equal.
[end quote]

In practice, you often do want to test floating point values within some 
tolerance. But it isn't a universal law: see also What Every Computer 
Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic.

Incidentally, some people think that the solution to such anomalies is 
never to compare floating-point numbers for equality, but instead to 
consider them equal if they are within some error bound E. This is hardly 
a cure-all because it raises as many questions as it answers.
[end quote]

Not directly related to this issue, but to get a great overview of some 
of the problems with floating point, you could do a lot worse than to 
read the following interview with Kahan:

and this wonderful lecture:

where he details how optimizing compilers cause arithmetic errors, how 
and why the facilities provided by IEEE arithmetic are underused, and 
finally gives his idea of some things that could be done to turn the 
situation around.

Sadly this lecture was given almost twelve years ago, and things have 
barely changed. Compilers still do the wrong thing, especially optimizing 
ones; computations that would be easy with NANs and infinities are 
needlessly difficult; and benchmarks still over-value speed and under-
value getting the right answer, let alone simplicity of programming.

 If you know your floats are whole numbers, and still writing
 something like this:
 x = 1234.0
 y = 1000.0 + 200.0 + 30.0 + 4.0
 if abs(x-y)  1e-12:
 print x and y are equal
 then you are wasting your time and guilty of superstitious behaviour.

 In what way?  It's true that you hard-coded integers for which the 
 margin of error happens to be  1,

No, in this case the error is *precisely* zero. There simply are no 
rounding errors in this calculation, and the error is zero. If you wrote 
the test as if abs(x-y)  1.0 you'd still be wasting your time.

It's true that I gave a hard-coded example, but it is hardly a special 
case. There are many problem domains that don't require the full range of 
floats and the type of rounding error you give can't occur.

(If your application calculates the amount of concrete needed to build a 
house, say, then you pretty much know the amounts aren't going to be 
measured in the trillions of megatonnes. If a user insists on specifying 
that the house has 1.73e820 stories built on a base measuring 1.82e-87 
metres squared, then roundoff is the least of your problems: the 
algorithms you are applying will no longer be valid.)

Or possible you have already rounded the numbers yourself, earlier:

 x = round(1.5678, 2)
 x == 1.57

Why would you do this instead?

 abs(x - 1.57)  1e-12

The important thing is that your numbers have appropriately similar 
scales. If you know that it going to be the case, then you know that 
addition won't cause the sort of round-off error. I'm talking about. 
Naturally there may be other forms of round-off, but rounding error 
doesn't just appear from nowhere, it is predictable and understandable.


Re: ways to declare empty set variable

2008-02-16 Thread Steve Holden
Boris Borcic wrote:
 ...Missing that, I think dict() and set() and
 tuple() and list() look better than using {} for the empty dict and
 {/} for the empty set and () for empty tuple (or {} for the empty dict
 and set() for the empty set).
 The problem I have with them is in no way the looks, it is that they are not 
 strictly equivalent as they imply dictionary lookups. Which shows in 
 performance, eg
   import timeit
But this is performance in the abstract. It's hardly going to matter 
if you use it once in the initialization of your program, but if it 
occurs deep inside a quadruply-nested loop that is executed 10^12 times 
it may have an impact on performance.

Before you have any code is exactly the *wrong* time to be considering 

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: mapping problem

2008-02-16 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 01:35:32 -0800, Mr Shore wrote:

 I've now crawled the meta infor,but with multi name all means the same
 such as MS,microsoft,microsoft corporation all means the same thing, how
 can I mapping words like this to the same thing?

The same way you would map anything: use a dict.

You know, sometimes I'm astounded by the ability of the human brain to 
find semantic meaning in what is grammatically and syntactically 
gibberish. Most of the words are English, but putting them all together 
makes no sense. And yet, by interpolating between key words, I can guess 
that the poster wants something like this:

mapping = {MS: Microsoft, Microsoft: Microsoft, 
Microsoft Corporation: Microsoft}

If I have guessed poorly, could you please try again, more carefully? If 
you're not a native English speaker, please say so and we'll make 
allowances, and if you are a native English speaker with no cognitive 
disabilities, you should be ashamed of wasting our time with such poor 

who is unapologetic for being grumpy about the oxygen-thieves using the 
Internet these days, and if that makes me a curmudgeon, so be it.

Re: mapping problem

2008-02-16 Thread Steve Holden
Mr Shore wrote:
 I've now crawled the meta infor,but with multi name all means the same
 such as MS,microsoft,microsoft corporation all means the same thing,
 how can I mapping words like this to the same thing?

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: Where can I get the module MyUtils?

2008-02-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Python_Doctor schrieb:
 I inherited a piece of python code which imports MyUtils i.e. it has
 a line:
 import MyUtils
 When I execute the code I get:
 ImportError: No module named MyUtils
 I assume the code is looking for another module called Is
 this a standard Python module? Where can I download this module from?

How large are the chances that something called MyUtils is a 
standard-module? And if it were - you wouldn't miss it, wouldn't you?

I suggest you ask the one you inherited the code from - it's mosp 
probably his/hers.


Re: any python wrapper to call .lib static library(ufmod.lib)?

2008-02-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
est schrieb:
 I want to play .XM music using Python, now I found ufmod
 It only provide a ufmod.lib to be compiled in C/C++/BASIC, and Python
 as a scripting language could not handle these static libraries. What
 could I do to with these .lib files?

I'm not sure if ctypes can use static libraries, but at least you should 
be able to create a dynamic library from it that you then can use using 
ctypes. Or you use Pyrex to wrap the static lib.


Re: ways to declare empty set variable

2008-02-16 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 05:21:22 -0500, Steve Holden wrote:

 Before you have any code is exactly the *wrong* time to be considering

Well, not really.

Don't we already tell people don't use repeated string concatenation, 
because it is slow, even *before* we know whether it is a bottleneck in 
their program or not?

The problem occurs when people make fastest the *only* consideration, 
instead of just one out of many. For instance, {} and dict() are very 
different. Consider this:

 from collections import defaultdict as dict
 D1 = dict()
 D2 = {}

They not only have different performance, but different semantics. If you 
consider it desirable to shadow such built-ins or not is open to debate, 
although consider this:

... set
... except NameError:
... from sets import Set as set
 x = set()

You can't do that with syntax.


Re: returning regex matches as lists

2008-02-16 Thread John Machin
On Feb 16, 8:25 am, Jonathan Lukens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What would you like to see instead?

 I had mostly just expected that there was some method that would
 return each entire match as an item on a list.  I have this pattern:

  import re
  corporate_names = 
  terms = corporate_names.findall(sourcetext)

 Which matches a specific way that Russian company names are
 formatted.  I was expecting a method that would return this:


 [u'string one', u'string two', u'string three']

What is the point of having parenthesised groups in the regex if you
are interested only in the whole match?

Other comments:
(1) raw string for improved legibility
(2) consider not including space at the end of a group
(3) what appears between [] is a set of characters, so [] is the
same as [] and probably isn't doing what you expect; have you tested
this regex for correctness?

 ...mostly because I was working it this way in Java and haven't
 learned to do things the Python way yet.  At the suggestion from
 someone on the list, I just used list() on all the tuples like so:

  detupled_terms = [list(term_tuple) for term_tuple in terms]
  delisted_terms = [''.join(term_list) for term_list in detupled_terms]

 which achieves the desired result, but I am not a programmer and so I
 would still be interested to know if there is a more elegant way of
 doing this.

I can't imagine how not a programmer implies interested to know if
there is a more elegant way. In any case, explore the correctness
axis first.


Re: Encrypting a short string?

2008-02-16 Thread Lie
On Feb 12, 2:45 am, erikcw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to devise a scheme to encrypt/obfuscate a short string that
 basically contains the user's username and record number from the
 database.  I'm using this encrypted string to identify emails from a
 user. (the string will be in the subject line of the email).

 I'm trying to figure out which approach I should use to encrypt the
 data.  The string will be less than 20 characters long, and I'd like
 the encrypted version to be about the same size.

 I tried DES in the Crypto module, but the cipher text was to long to
 be usable in this case.

 Any suggestions?


There is a simple encryption, called ROT13 (Rotate 13). This is very
unsecure for any cryptographical purpose, but enough to make
uninformed user to think it's just a random piece of letters.

The ROT13 is done by adding 13 to each character, so
A = N,
B = O,
C = P,
D = Q, etc

the neat trick to this encryption is the algorithm is really simple
and you don't need a separate decoding algorithm as text ==
ROT13(ROT13(text)). This algorithm also guarantees that any two
different text would have two different ciphertext

TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-16 Thread Ilias Lazaridis

 * Trac is deficient, cause of proud to be an egoism driven amateur
 * Python and it's communities is excellent for learning. Not
programming, but to learn from deficiency, community organization,
transparency, efficiency etc.!
 * Do it in perl, if you need something more 'pretty', do it in ruby,
if you need something more 'serious' do it in java, if you have enough
brain and time, do it in C++ from bottom up.


I don't think that's a secret anymore. Anyone should know that the
trac team has huge problems to bring trac forward. People who have
looked at the code-base and project understand some reason: difficult
to maintain 'spaghetti-code' in many places, disorganized project,
missing separations of concerns etc.! I've provided an overview some
time ago

At this time the developers are searching like crazy to find a mem-
leak... since months.

But the main problem with the trac team is the processing within
project resources. Believe it or not, developers can act within this
project as they like, 'trimming' ticket comments in a way that a
ticket gets a totally other meaning.

The main specialist for this is Mr. Noah Kantrowitz. He calls it
sanitizing. The team hides behind him, cowardly, without any public

How did everything start?

I post a simple message to trac-users (note: the user resource, NOT
the developer resource), in order to extend my custom version of trac
0.11 a little. The message did not appear, as my email is under
moderation. I do not switch to another email, as I write always with
the same identity.

So i file a ticket within the ticket system (here you can see the
After a quick vote, it has been decided to sanitize this ticket. ...
I start to like this sanitize term, sounds really interesting)

Mr. Noah Kantrowitz deleted the discussion, but I've saved it here,
thus you can see that the developers of trac have no idea about their
own processes:

After the developers placed the usual irrelevant comments (remember: I
just asked them to stop blocking my messages to trac users), they
brute force closed the ticket.

I've opened a new one, directly adressed to the project lead, in order
to complain about the developers which violate the project processes,
and to ask for a formal vote:

Right! Mr. Noah Kantrowitz plays again wild west. I relly don't know
who of those two is more funny: the one who plays the dictator, or the
other joker who suggests to revers the process (I should find
developers to veto against the censorship and send the to the team).

Remember: we are talking about the trac-user group.

I really cannot believe that a whole team can be in such way confused,
nuts, blind, egoism-driven etc.! Possibly they have lost the password
to the trac-user group, and are not able to manage it - who knows. I
would not wonder, seeing thos terrible processes and the rejection to
improve them.

(btw: If you like to act against censorship, please post this message
to trac-users, thus the get informed about the teams processing)

And we are talking about censorship of a trac 0.11dev custom-version-
developer. A custom version with localization support, plugin-bundles
(product-plugin) which run out of the svn, an fully functional but
simple side-navigation, and... everything deactivatable with a very
simple way, thus the original trac is there again.

Open Source works like this: many many small human ego's need to be
fitted. There's no place for developers which could redesign the whole
thing within a few months. the trac-developers need to 'fight' with
tons of spaghetti. The developers plan like crazy, instead to merge
with a application framework like e.g. turbogears. Did you know that
trac has no support for... datetime fields?  Yes, its true.

You may say: do it yourself. Of course I could do it, even without
touching the main sources (using dyna-patches or monkeypatches). But
that's not how open-source works. You implement thing for yourself and
contribute things back to the core-project - but with trac there's one
problem: no one get's the core anymore (apparently the initial
developer has left)

Of course I'll not stay with trac, I'll leave the sinking ship, I've
prepare long time ago to do so, step by step. An will migrate step by
step away from trac and python - toward an own implementation based

perl and it's libraries.

Really, I don't understand the need for python. And after fighting
with some indenting within html templates, I dislike the whitespace-
syntax-thing of python again.

Do it in perl, if you need something more 'pretty', do it in ruby, if
you need something more 'serious' do it in java, if you have enough
brain and time, do it in C++ from bottom up.

 Python and it's communities is excellent for learning. Not

Re: Encrypting a short string?

2008-02-16 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Lie wrote:

 There is a simple encryption, called ROT13 (Rotate 13). This is
 very unsecure for any cryptographical purpose, 

For enhanced security use TROT13 (triple ROT13).

 but enough to make uninformed user to think it's just a random
 piece of letters. 

Security by obscurity doesn't work. If it needs to be protected,
protect it well. If it doesn't need to, you don't need to obscure
it at all.



BOFH excuse #372:

Forced to support NT servers; sysadmins quit.


Re: returning regex matches as lists

2008-02-16 Thread Jonathan Lukens

 (1) raw string for improved legibility

This actually escaped my notice after I had posted -- the letters with
diacritics are incorrectly decoded Cyrillic letters -- I suppose I
code use the Unicode escape sequences (the sets [á-ñ] and [Á-Ñá-ñ] are
the Cyrillic equivalents of [a-z] and [A-Za-z]) but then suddenly the
legibility goes out the window again.

 (3) what appears between [] is a set of characters, so [] is the
 same as [] and probably isn't doing what you expect; have you tested
 this regex for correctness?

These were angled quotation marks in the original Unicode.  Sorry
again.The regex matches everything it is supposed to.  The extra
parentheses were because I had somehow missed the .group method and it
had only been returning what was only in the one needed set of

 I can't imagine how not a programmer implies interested to know if
 there is a more elegant way.

More carefully stated: I am self-taught have no real training or
experience as a programmer and would be interested in seeing how a
programmer with training
and experience would go about this.

Thank you,

Re: sockets -- basic udp client

2008-02-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here is the example above converted to a more straightforward udp
client that isolates the part I am asking about:

import socket, sys

host =  'localhost'  #sys.argv[1]
port = 3300
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

data = 'hello world'
num_sent = 0
while num_sent  len(data):
num_sent += s.sendto(data, (host, port))

print Looking for replies; press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break to stop.
while 1:
buf = s.recv(2048)

#Will the following if statement do anything?
if not len(buf):

print Received from server: %s % buf

There is still a problem with your script.

buf = s.recv(2048)  should be changed to

buf, addr = s.recvfrom(2048)  or
buf = s.recvfrom(2048)[0]

or something like that since recvfrom returns a pair.

But, for the specific case that you have asked about, since the
default for timeout is no timeout, or block forever, your question:

#Will the following if statement do anything?
if not len(buf):

The answer is that you are right, it will do nothing.  But, if you set
a time out on the socket, and you receive no data and the timeout
expires, checking for the length of zero and a break is one way to
jump out of the loop if you need to.

For example:

import socket, sys

host =  'localhost'  #sys.argv[1]
port = 3300
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

buf = ''

data = 'hello world'
num_sent = 0

while num_sent  len(data):
num_sent += s.sendto(data, (host, port))

print Looking for replies; press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break to stop.
while True:

buf, addr = s.recvfrom(2048)

#Will the following if statement do anything?
# In this case it will cause the script to jump out of the loop
# if it receives no data for a second.
if not len(buf):

print Received from server: %s % buf

For getservbyname and its complement, getservbyport, they are talking
about well known protocols like http, ftp, chargen, etc.  The
following script is a very simple example:

import socket

print socket.getservbyname('http')

print socket.getservbyname('ftp')
print socket.getservbyname('time')

print socket.getservbyport(80)

 - Bob

Re: sockets -- basic udp client

2008-02-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Sat, 16 Feb 2008 05:56:39 -0200, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

  while 1:
      buf = s.recv(2048)
      if not len(buf):
      print Received: %s % buf

  As far as I can tell, the if statement:

  if not len(buf):

  does nothing.  Either recv() is going to read some data or it's going
  to block.   My understanding is that udp sockets do not have a
  connection, so the server can't close the connection--which would  
  a blank string to be sent to the client.

  So, as far as I can tell, the only way that code would make sense is
  if the server were programmed to send a blank string to the client
  after it sent data to the client.  Is that correct?

Your analysis looks correct to me. If it were using TCP, an empty string  
signals that the other side has closed the connection, but being UDP it  
cannot happen (unless the server explicitely sends an empty string, as you  

 That example is plain wrong; looks like some TCP code but with  
 blindy replaced with SOCK_DGRAM. connect, sendall and recv are not used  
 for UDP; sendto and recvfrom are used instead. There are some examples  
 the Demo python directory.

 Yes, I agree it's a poor example--it's from 'Foundations of Python
 Network Programming'--but it does 'work'.  It also doesn't appear to
 be a tcp client that was converted too directly into a udp client
 because the previously presented tcp examples are different.

Ok, you *can* use those functions with datagrams too, but it's confusing  
(at least for the very first UDP example!)

 Another question I have pertains to the docs here:

 getservbyname(servicename[, protocolname])
 Translate an Internet service name and protocol name to a port number
 for that service. The optional protocol name, if given, should be
 'tcp' or 'udp', otherwise any protocol will match.

 What does a 'servicename' look like?

py import socket
py socket.getservbyname(http)
py socket.getservbyname(smtp)

On Linux the mapping ports-services is in /etc/services; on Windows see  

Gabriel Genellina


Re: TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-16 Thread Steve Holden
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Of course I'll not stay with trac, I'll leave the sinking ship, I've
 prepare long time ago to do so, step by step. An will migrate step by
 step away from trac and python - toward an own implementation based
 perl and it's libraries.
I'm sure you will find the Perl community much more welcoming and 
receptive to your ideas about how open source projects should be run.

 Really, I don't understand the need for python. And after fighting
 with some indenting within html templates, I dislike the whitespace-
 syntax-thing of python again.
Fortunately, as you have realized, you have choices and are under no 
compulsion to use any particular tool.

 Do it in perl, if you need something more 'pretty', do it in ruby, if
 you need something more 'serious' do it in java, if you have enough
 brain and time, do it in C++ from bottom up.
And, apparently, do it in Python if you want to avoind running into 
Ilias Lazaridis.

I have to say your approach to IT systems seems somewhat pedestrian, but 
I wish you well in whatever it is you are trying to achieve. I hope you 
have a good set of asbestos (i.e. flame-proof) trousers.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-16 Thread Robert Klemme
On 16.02.2008 13:16, Ilias Lazaridis wrote:


Oh, it's him again.  Please do not respond.



Re: ways to declare empty set variable

2008-02-16 Thread Boris Borcic
Steve Holden wrote:
 Boris Borcic wrote:
 ...Missing that, I think dict() and set() and
 tuple() and list() look better than using {} for the empty dict and
 {/} for the empty set and () for empty tuple (or {} for the empty dict
 and set() for the empty set).
 The problem I have with them is in no way the looks, it is that they are not 
 strictly equivalent as they imply dictionary lookups. Which shows in 
 performance, eg

   import timeit

 But this is performance in the abstract. It's hardly going to matter 
 if you use it once in the initialization of your program, but if it 
 occurs deep inside a quadruply-nested loop that is executed 10^12 times 
 it may have an impact on performance.

In that case about 2.89 days, to be exact.

And I don't know about you, but when I write tight nested loops, I can't help 
opening an eye on not gratuitously wasting time in the innermost loops, well 
before I come to the point of measuring performance. And I find the case of [] 
vs list() (or {} vs dict()) to become a specific nuisance in that context.

 Before you have any code is exactly the *wrong* time to be considering 

Yeah right, [] and {} are premature optimizations, one should always use list() 
or dict() unless one detains figures to justify the more exotic forms :)


Cheers, BB


basic wxpython help

2008-02-16 Thread Vamp4L
  I'm brand new to wxpython, trying to implement some code to add rows
in the GUI dynamically.  What I want to do is when you click on the
Add Row button, a new row gets added after the first row, before the
button.  This code adds a row in the right place, but it overlaps the
button because it doesn't shift the button down.  Here's what I have
so far:

class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, log):
self.log = log
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)

fgs = self.fgs = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=10, vgap=10)

fgs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, Label 1))
a1a = self.a1a = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=5, hgap=10, vgap=10)
a1a.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, User:))
cc = wx.Choice(self, -1, choices=[A, B])

cc = FileSelectorCombo(self, size=(250, -1))
a1a.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, Path:))

b = wx.Button(self, -1, Add Row, (50,50))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonIE7, b)

box = wx.BoxSizer()
box.Add(fgs, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 20)

a1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=5, hgap=10, vgap=10)
b = wx.Button(self, -1, Run Report, (50,50))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonRun, b)

b = wx.Button(self, -1, Close, (50,50))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonClose, b)

def OnButtonIE7(self, evt):
self.a1a.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, Label 1))

def OnButtonRun(self, evt):
wx.StaticText(self, -1, User:)

def OnButtonClose(self, evt):
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, Are you sure you want to exit?,
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
self.Destroy() # frame

Any suggestions?

Re: simple python script to zip files

2008-02-16 Thread T_T
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 15:37:16 +, T_T wrote:

 I'm just starting to learn some Python basics and are not familiar with
 file handling.
 Looking for a python scrip that zips files. So aaa.xx bbb.yy ccc.xx
 should be zipped to
 I haven't been able to type more than 'import gzip'..
 Just a script I need for practical use (zip didn't do the job) and not
 for educational purposes.

btw. I need it for batch handling, so I want to place the file in a 
directory, run it and zip all files in the directory. 

Hope someone will be able to help me.

Re: ways to declare empty set variable

2008-02-16 Thread Steve Holden
Boris Borcic wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
 Before you have any code is exactly the *wrong* time to be considering 
 Yeah right, [] and {} are premature optimizations, one should always use 
 or dict() unless one detains figures to justify the more exotic forms :)

My natural inclination would be to go for the  literal forms where they 
are available, but that would be for readability rather than speed. If 
just happens to be a double win. It's about four years since I wrote a 
program that ran for more than 24 hours.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: copying files through Python

2008-02-16 Thread Lalit Krishna
Hi this is the code which I wrote till now. It is giving permission 
denied error for sub folders of source directory. Does anyone have any 
idea what is going wrong

import os
import shutil
def copytreetosinglefolder(src, dst):
names = os.listdir(src)
if (os.path.isdir(dst)==False):
for name in names:
srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
shutil.copy2(srcname, dst)
except (IOError, os.error), why:
print Can't copy %s to %s: %s % (`srcname`, `dst`, str(why))


Tim Chase wrote:
 I am new to python. Infact started yesterday and feeling out of place.
 I need to write a program which would transfer files under one folder
 structure (there are sub folders) to single folder. Can anyone give me
 some idea like which library files or commands would be suitable for
 this file transfer task. I am sure its matter of few commands. It
 would be even more great if I could get some sample code with

 The shutils.copytree() command[1] will do what you describe

 Depending on your source, and if you want to make the dest writeable 
 (such as copying off a CD), you may also need to use os.walk() [2] 
 combined with os.chmod(filepath, stat.S_IWRITE) [3]





Easy PIL question

2008-02-16 Thread Adam W.
I know there is an easy way to do this, but I can't figure it out, how
do I get the color of a pixel?  I used the ImageGrab method and I want
to get the color of a specific pixel in that image.  If you know how
to make it only grab that pixel, that would also be helpful.
Basically I'm trying to make a:
if pixel == color:

And have it do this as fast as my pc can handle (that is why only
grabbing 1px would be helpful)

simple python script to zip files

2008-02-16 Thread T_T

I'm just starting to learn some Python basics and are not familiar with 
file handling. 
Looking for a python scrip that zips files. 
So aaa.xx bbb.yy ccc.xx should be zipped to
I haven't been able to type more than 'import gzip'.. 

Just a script I need for practical use (zip didn't do the job) and not 
for educational purposes. 


SOAP strategies

2008-02-16 Thread Paul Watson
What are the reasonable current day choices and best bets for the future
when doing SOAP programming in Python?  SOAP batteries do not appear to
be in the standard Python distribution.

Most of the SOAP related information I have been able to find on the web
is from 2001-2002.  I am not sure if some packages are still maintained.
Most of this is old news. (SOAPpy)
   and what is the relation of this to ZSI  This is
current, but is this a long term strategy or a short term tactic?


Re: Easy PIL question

2008-02-16 Thread Gary Herron
Adam W. wrote:
 I know there is an easy way to do this, but I can't figure it out, how
 do I get the color of a pixel?  I used the ImageGrab method and I want
 to get the color of a specific pixel in that image.  If you know how
 to make it only grab that pixel, that would also be helpful.
 Basically I'm trying to make a:
 if pixel == color:

 And have it do this as fast as my pc can handle (that is why only
 grabbing 1px would be helpful)
Try image.getpixel((x,y)) to retrieve the pixel at (x,y).

Gary Herron


[OT] Re: TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-16 Thread Jeff Schwab
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

snipSpam spam spam spam.../snip

I just looked at your resume.  What is Abstract Project Management?

Re: TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-16 Thread Jeff Schwab
Robert Klemme wrote:
 On 16.02.2008 13:16, Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Oh, it's him again.  Please do not respond.

Thank you.  I didn't recognize his name at first.


Re: basic wxpython help

2008-02-16 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Feb 16, 10:04 am, Vamp4L [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm brand new to wxpython, trying to implement some code to add rows
 in the GUI dynamically.  What I want to do is when you click on the
 Add Row button, a new row gets added after the first row, before the
 button.  This code adds a row in the right place, but it overlaps the
 button because it doesn't shift the button down.  Here's what I have
 so far:

 class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
 def __init__(self, parent, log):
 self.log = log
 wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)

 fgs = self.fgs = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=10, vgap=10)

 fgs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, Label 1))
 a1a = self.a1a = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=5, hgap=10, vgap=10)
 a1a.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, User:))
 cc = wx.Choice(self, -1, choices=[A, B])

 cc = FileSelectorCombo(self, size=(250, -1))
 a1a.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, Path:))

 b = wx.Button(self, -1, Add Row, (50,50))
 self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonIE7, b)

 box = wx.BoxSizer()
 box.Add(fgs, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 20)

 a1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=5, hgap=10, vgap=10)
 b = wx.Button(self, -1, Run Report, (50,50))
 self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonRun, b)

 b = wx.Button(self, -1, Close, (50,50))
 self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButtonClose, b)

 def OnButtonIE7(self, evt):
 self.a1a.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, Label 1))

 def OnButtonRun(self, evt):
 wx.StaticText(self, -1, User:)

 def OnButtonClose(self, evt):
 dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, Are you sure you want to exit?,
 Exit, wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION)
 if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
 self.Destroy() # frame

 Any suggestions?

Welcome to wxPython. It's a lot of fun! Your problem stems from
calling the Layout() method on the sizer object. You need to call it
on the panel object instead. So just change self.a1a.Layout() to
self.Layout() and it should work.

Also, I would recommend closing your application differently. Since
the parent of this application is likely to be a frame, put a property
at the beginning of your __init__ that reads something this this:

self.frame = parent

Then change your close event handler to this:


def OnButtonClose(self, evt):
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, Are you sure you want to exit?,
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:


Now you won't need to import the sys module and this is the standard
way to close a frame in most cases. Finally, I recommend that you join
the wxPython list as you'll learn a lot from them and receive good
advice there...probably faster than here. Their list can be found



Re: Pop-up Menu of a Graphics Image?

2008-02-16 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Feb 15, 2:28 pm, W. Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to allow a user who is looking at a graphic to be able to right-click
 on the graphic to produce a menu of choices.

 Does the PIL have something, a class or whatever? What in Tkinter would be
 useful for this purpose? GTK?

 Jon Fluffy Saul wrote:
  On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 9:55 AM, W. Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there a library that contains a pop-up menu class from a mouse click on 
   graphics image?
Wayne Watson (Nevada City, CA)

  Web Page:

  What exactly do you mean by library that contains a pop-up menu class from 
  mouse click on a graphics image
  If I deciphered the sentence correctly, then TKinter, win32 and GTK API's 
  can do
  what you want.
  Probably others too.

   Wayne Watson (Nevada City, CA)

 Web Page:

wxPython can do a right-click menu like that and I know that PIL has
been integrated into it as well. They have a Demo on the
website that shows off all the official widgets as well as some custom
scripts. If you run it, there is a tree control on the left. Go to the
Miscellaneous section and check out the FileHistory demo.

There are also a lot of graphics demos in there too under the Using
Images category.


Re: simple python script to zip files

2008-02-16 Thread Tim Chase
 I'm just starting to learn some Python basics and are not familiar with
 file handling.
 Looking for a python scrip that zips files. So aaa.xx bbb.yy ccc.xx
 should be zipped to
 I haven't been able to type more than 'import gzip'..

Well, you ask for zip files, but then import gzip... ?

 btw. I need it for batch handling, so I want to place the file in a 
 directory, run it and zip all files in the directory. 

 import os, zipfile
 for fname in os.listdir('.'):
... basename, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
... if ext.lower().endswith('zip'): continue
... f = zipfile.ZipFile('' % basename, 'w')
... f.write(fname)
... f.close()
... print fname

seems to do the trick for me.



Re: QOTW: Re: dream hardware

2008-02-16 Thread Aahz
Jeff Schwab  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 14, 10:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aahz) wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Steven D'Aprano  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:05:59 -0800, castironpi wrote:
 What is dream hardware for the Python interpreter?
 I'm not sure that the Python interpreter actually does dream, but if it's
 anything like me, it's probably a giant computer the size of a bus, made
 out of broccoli and oven-roasted garlic, that suddenly turns into
 Sylvester Stallone in a tutu just before my program returns its result.
 IJWTW?  Anyone set up to profile CPython?... or step through?

I give up.  Is there a phrasebook somewhere, or do I need to hire an 

All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of 
indirection.  --Butler Lampson

Re: copying files through Python

2008-02-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Feb 16, 6:21 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please use a mailer/news-agent that preserves whitespace on the
 beginning of the line, and make sure you don't use tabs but spaces to

 Apart from that - why don't you use shutil.copytree? Regarding the error
 - are you allowed to copy, can you do it using the shell?


OP stated requirements were to move all the files into a single
folder. Copytree will preserve the directory structure from the source
side of the copy operation.

Lalit Krishna schrieb:

 Hi this is the code which I wrote till now. It is giving permission
 denied error for sub folders of source directory. Does anyone have any
 idea what is going wrong

Python isn't going to let you get around operating system access
controls. Check the permissions on the source directories...


How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Lie
Would all these problems with floating points be a rational reason to
add rational numbers support in Python or Py3k? (pun not intended)

I agree, there are some numbers that is rationals can't represent
(like pi, phi, e) but these rounding problems also exist in floating
points, and rational numbers wouldn't be so easily fooled by something
like 1 / 3 * 3, and 1/10 (computer) is exactly 0.1 (human). The first
problem with rational is that to get an infinite precision rational,
the language would have to have an infinite length integers, which
Python have given us. The second problem with rationals is to keep
rationals in its most simple, trivial form. This can be solved with a
good GCD algorithm, which can also be a nice addition to Python's math

Is there a way to link a python program from several files?

2008-02-16 Thread Edward A. Falk
IOW, is there a linker for python?  I've written a program comprised of about
five .py files.  I'd like to find a way to combine them into a single
executable.  Obviously, I could hand-edit them into a single .py file, but
I'm looking for a way to keep them as seperate files for development but
distribute the result as a single file.

If this were C, I'd compile and link them and distribute the resulting
executable.  I'm trying to do that, but for Python.



Re: QOTW: Re: dream hardware

2008-02-16 Thread Jeff Schwab
Aahz wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Jeff Schwab  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 14, 10:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aahz) wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Steven D'Aprano  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:05:59 -0800, castironpi wrote:
 What is dream hardware for the Python interpreter?
 I'm not sure that the Python interpreter actually does dream, but if it's
 anything like me, it's probably a giant computer the size of a bus, made
 out of broccoli and oven-roasted garlic, that suddenly turns into
 Sylvester Stallone in a tutu just before my program returns its result.
 IJWTW?  Anyone set up to profile CPython?... or step through?
 I give up.  Is there a phrasebook somewhere, or do I need to hire an 

Thanks, but... That defines IHNTA, but not IJWTSA or IJWTW.  I just 
want to say...?  I just want to watch?

Re: TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-16 Thread George Sakkis
On Feb 16, 12:15 pm, Jeff Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

 snipSpam spam spam spam.../snip

 I just looked at your resume.  What is Abstract Project Management?

A branch of Analysis Paralysis Vaporware.

Re: copying files through Python

2008-02-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Lalit Krishna schrieb:
 Hi this is the code which I wrote till now. It is giving permission 
 denied error for sub folders of source directory. Does anyone have any 
 idea what is going wrong
 import os
 import shutil
 def copytreetosinglefolder(src, dst):
 names = os.listdir(src)
 if (os.path.isdir(dst)==False):
 for name in names:
 srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
 shutil.copy2(srcname, dst)
 except (IOError, os.error), why:
 print Can't copy %s to %s: %s % (`srcname`, `dst`, str(why))

Please use a mailer/news-agent that preserves whitespace on the 
beginning of the line, and make sure you don't use tabs but spaces to 

Apart from that - why don't you use shutil.copytree? Regarding the error 
- are you allowed to copy, can you do it using the shell?


Re: How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Jeff Schwab
Lie wrote:
 Would all these problems with floating points be a rational reason to
 add rational numbers support in Python or Py3k? (pun not intended)
 I agree, there are some numbers that is rationals can't represent
 (like pi, phi, e) but these rounding problems also exist in floating
 points, and rational numbers wouldn't be so easily fooled by something
 like 1 / 3 * 3, and 1/10 (computer) is exactly 0.1 (human). The first
 problem with rational is that to get an infinite precision rational,
 the language would have to have an infinite length integers, which
 Python have given us. The second problem with rationals is to keep
 rationals in its most simple, trivial form. This can be solved with a
 good GCD algorithm, which can also be a nice addition to Python's math

Re: How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Feb 16, 1:35 pm, Lie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would all these problems with floating points be a rational reason to
 add rational numbers support in Python or Py3k? (pun not intended)

It's already in the trunk!  Python will have a rational type (called
Fraction) in Python 2.6 and Python 3.0, thanks largely to the work of
Jeffrey Yaskin.


Re: simple python script to zip files

2008-02-16 Thread T_T
 seems to do the trick for me.

Thanks! Works indeed. Strange thing is though, the files created are the 
exact size as the original file. So it seems like it is zipping without 


How do I use SendInput in Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Adam W.
I'm at the last stage of my project and the only thing left to do is
trigger a mouse click.  I did some searching around for example code
and stumped upon SendInput
.  However I was not able to find example code for python USING
SendInput, and I have zero ability to make C work (or whatever that is
written in).  Can someone help me use SendInput in python, or point me
to an alternative method?

Re: How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Lie
On Feb 17, 1:40 am, Jeff Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lie wrote:
  Would all these problems with floating points be a rational reason to
  add rational numbers support in Python or Py3k? (pun not intended)

  I agree, there are some numbers that is rationals can't represent
  (like pi, phi, e) but these rounding problems also exist in floating
  points, and rational numbers wouldn't be so easily fooled by something
  like 1 / 3 * 3, and 1/10 (computer) is exactly 0.1 (human). The first
  problem with rational is that to get an infinite precision rational,
  the language would have to have an infinite length integers, which
  Python have given us. The second problem with rationals is to keep
  rationals in its most simple, trivial form. This can be solved with a
  good GCD algorithm, which can also be a nice addition to Python's math

Yes, I'm aware of the PEP and actually have been trying for some time
to reopen the PEP.

The reason that PEP is rejected is because Decimal is accepted, which
I think is a completely absurd reason as Decimal doesn't actually
solve the rounding problems and equality comparison problem. Some
people have also pointed out that Decimal IS Inexact, while a rational
number is always exact except if you have an operation with a (binary
or decimal) floating point involved (this can be easilty resolved by
making fraction recessive, i.e. an operation that receive a fraction
and a float should return a float).

Re: Is there a way to link a python program from several files?

2008-02-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Edward A. Falk schrieb:
 IOW, is there a linker for python?  I've written a program comprised of 
 five .py files.  I'd like to find a way to combine them into a single
 executable.  Obviously, I could hand-edit them into a single .py file, but
 I'm looking for a way to keep them as seperate files for development but
 distribute the result as a single file.
 If this were C, I'd compile and link them and distribute the resulting
 executable.  I'm trying to do that, but for Python.

Depending on the OS, there are several options. Ranging from 
distributing an .egg (setuptools) over py2exe for windows to py2app on 
OSX - and some more, e.g. cx_freeze.

Google for one of the above.


Re: simple python script to zip files

2008-02-16 Thread Tim Chase
 Thanks! Works indeed. Strange thing is though, the files created are the 
 exact size as the original file. So it seems like it is zipping without 

The instantiation of the ZipFile object can take an optional
parameter to control the compression.  The zipfile module only
supports storing (the default as you discovered) and deflation:

  f = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename, 'w',

You can



Re: QOTW: Re: dream hardware

2008-02-16 Thread Jeff Schwab
 Thanks, but... That defines IHNTA, but not IJWTSA or IJWTW.  I just
 want to say...?  I just want to watch?- Hide quoted text -
 I just want to what?


Re: How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Feb 16, 1:35 pm, Lie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would all these problems with floating points be a rational reason to
 add rational numbers support in Python or Py3k? (pun not intended)

Forgot to give the link:


Re: How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Lie
On Feb 17, 2:26 am, Mark Dickinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 16, 1:35 pm, Lie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Would all these problems with floating points be a rational reason to
  add rational numbers support in Python or Py3k? (pun not intended)

 It's already in the trunk!  Python will have a rational type (called
 Fraction) in Python 2.6 and Python 3.0, thanks largely to the work of
 Jeffrey Yaskin.


Really? I didn't know that (last time I checked they frowned at me for
asking that). It's going to be be great if Python supports fractional
number. Although rationals have its limitations too, it is a much
better choice compared to floats/Decimals for most cases. One thing
though, the time I've spent on creating a rational class myself would
be 'somewhat' wasted, although I don't really mind that since it was
fun in any case.

Re: QOTW: Re: dream hardware

2008-02-16 Thread castironpi

 Thanks, but... That defines IHNTA, but not IJWTSA or IJWTW.  I just
 want to say...?  I just want to watch?- Hide quoted text -

I just want to what?

Re: How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Feb 16, 12:35�pm, Lie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would all these problems with floating points be a rational reason to
 add rational numbers support in Python or Py3k? (pun not intended)

 I agree, there are some numbers that is rationals can't represent
 (like pi, phi, e) but these rounding problems also exist in floating
 points, and rational numbers wouldn't be so easily fooled by something
 like 1 / 3 * 3, and 1/10 (computer) is exactly 0.1 (human). The first
 problem with rational is that to get an infinite precision rational,
 the language would have to have an infinite length integers, which
 Python have given us. The second problem with rationals is to keep
 rationals in its most simple, trivial form. This can be solved with a
 good GCD algorithm, which can also be a nice addition to Python's math

Have you looked at the gmpy madule? That's what I
use whenever this comes up. Works very nice to
eliminate the issues that prevent a float olution
for the problems I'm working on.

And some irrationals can be represented by infite
sequences of rationals that, coupled with gmpy's
unlimited precision floats, allows any number of
accurate decimal places to be calculated.

If you would like to see an example, check out

Re: Easy PIL question

2008-02-16 Thread bearophileHUGS
Gary Herron:
 Try image.getpixel((x,y)) to retrieve the pixel at (x,y).

If the OP needs to access many pixels, then he can use the load()
method on the image object, and then read/write pixels (tuples of 3
ints) using getitem []

import Image
im = Image
img = im.load()
img[x,y] = ...
... = img[x,y]

I don't know why the image object itself can't have the __getitem__/


Re: Solve a Debate

2008-02-16 Thread castironpi
On Feb 15, 11:50 pm, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dan Bishop wrote:
  On Feb 15, 10:24 am, nexes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Alright so me and my friend are having argument.

  Ok the problem we had been asked a while back, to do a programming
  exercise (in college)
  That would tell you how many days there are in a month given a
  specific month.

  Ok I did my like this (just pseudo):

  If month = 1 or 3 or etc 
          noDays = 31
  Elseif month = 4 or 6 etc 
          noDays = 30
          noDays = 29
  (we didn't have to take into account a leap year)

  He declared an array and assigned the number of days in a month to its
  own element in an array. Now
  I realise that in this example it would not make a difference in terms
  of efficiency, but it is my belief that if
  there is more data that needed to be assigned(i.e. a couple megs of
  data) it would be simpler (and more efficient) to
  do a compare rather then assigning all that data to an array, since
  you are only going to be using 1 value and the rest
  of the data in the array is useless.

  What are everyone else's thoughts on this?

  days_in_month = lambda m: m - 2 and 30 + bool(1  m  5546) or 28

 Elegant, but the 5546 is way too magical for readability.

 int( '0101010110101'[::-1], 2 )

Re: QOTW: Re: dream hardware

2008-02-16 Thread Carl Banks
On Feb 16, 1:39 pm, Jeff Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aahz wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Jeff Schwab  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Feb 14, 10:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aahz) wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Steven D'Aprano  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:05:59 -0800, castironpi wrote:
  What is dream hardware for the Python interpreter?
  I'm not sure that the Python interpreter actually does dream, but if 
  anything like me, it's probably a giant computer the size of a bus, made
  out of broccoli and oven-roasted garlic, that suddenly turns into
  Sylvester Stallone in a tutu just before my program returns its result.
  IJWTW?  Anyone set up to profile CPython?... or step through?
  I give up.  Is there a phrasebook somewhere, or do I need to hire an

 Thanks, but... That defines IHNTA, but not IJWTSA or IJWTW.  I just
 want to say...?  I just want to watch?

I Just Wanted To See (This) Again

Carl Banks

Re: simple python script to zip files

2008-02-16 Thread T_T
   f = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename, 'w',

Adding the compression rule works great, thanks again! 

Re: simple python script to zip files

2008-02-16 Thread John Machin
On Feb 17, 6:52 am, Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks! Works indeed. Strange thing is though, the files created are the
  exact size as the original file. So it seems like it is zipping without

 The instantiation of the ZipFile object can take an optional
 parameter to control the compression.  The zipfile module only
 supports storing (the default as you discovered) and deflation:

   f = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename, 'w',

 You can

Confession: An infrequent user of the zipfile module, I've been caught
twice by this strange choice of default argument.

I wonder how many people actually need/want the stored (uncompressed )
format. The select few must surely document that their choice is

f = zipfile.ZipFile(
compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED, # no compression
# Yes the above is deliberate.
# See section n.nn of project specs.

Suggestion: for the benefit of folk who (unlike the OP and I) do read
the manual, it might help if the text had one paragraph per arg, and
included a warning:

... also works, and at least WinZip can read such files.

/compression/ is the ZIP compression method to use when writing the
archive, and should be ZIP_STORED or ZIP_DEFLATED. *WARNING:* the
default is ZIP_STORED (no compression). Unrecognized values will cause
RuntimeError to be raised. If ZIP_DEFLATED is specified but the zlib
module is not available, RuntimeError is also raised.

If /allowZip64/ is True ...


Re: Assignment saves time?

2008-02-16 Thread rpglover64
I ran the following in the python shell:

 import timeit
 storeit=timeit.Timer('s=len(li);s==1000', 'li=range(1000)')
 checkit=timeit.Timer('len(li)==1000', 'li=range(1000)')
 listofresults=[(min(storeit.repeat(5)),min(checkit.repeat(5))) for i in 

listofresults contained these values

(0.25506401062011719, 0.25763511657714844)
(0.2541499137878418, 0.25717496871948242)
(0.25352811813354492, 0.25570392608642578)
(0.25349903106689453, 0.25812816619873047)
(0.25426197052001953, 0.25819206237792969)
(0.25236606597900391, 0.25693607330322266)
(0.25433588027954102, 0.25758695602416992)
(0.25356602668762207, 0.25770902633666992)
(0.25328993797302246, 0.25844502449035645)
(0.25414395332336426, 0.25747895240783691)
(0.25800919532775879, 0.25954699516296387)
(0.25691604614257812, 0.25997209548950195)
(0.25767397880554199, 0.25859308242797852)
(0.25512409210205078, 0.26129603385925293)
(0.25843596458435059, 0.25791501998901367)
(0.2594301700592041, 0.2605140209197998)
(0.25701212882995605, 0.25839614868164062)
(0.25591516494750977, 0.26186609268188477)
(0.25582718849182129, 0.25893092155456543)
(0.2576749324798584, 0.25799012184143066)

in only one of these pairs is the first value larger than the second
value.  I don't think this constitutes consistently, but I do think it
counts as frequently.

Re: QOTW: Re: dream hardware

2008-02-16 Thread Jeff Schwab
Carl Banks wrote:
 On Feb 16, 1:39 pm, Jeff Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aahz wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Jeff Schwab  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 14, 10:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aahz) wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Steven D'Aprano  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 10:05:59 -0800, castironpi wrote:
 What is dream hardware for the Python interpreter?
 I'm not sure that the Python interpreter actually does dream, but if 
 anything like me, it's probably a giant computer the size of a bus, made
 out of broccoli and oven-roasted garlic, that suddenly turns into
 Sylvester Stallone in a tutu just before my program returns its result.
 IJWTW?  Anyone set up to profile CPython?... or step through?
 I give up.  Is there a phrasebook somewhere, or do I need to hire an
 Thanks, but... That defines IHNTA, but not IJWTSA or IJWTW.  I just
 want to say...?  I just want to watch?
 I Just Wanted To See (This) Again

Aha.  Thanks.

Re: basic wxpython help

2008-02-16 Thread Vamp4L
Thanks Mike,
  Simple enough!  I was wandering about the close method too, I had to
hack that together from what I knew about python already.  I'll be
sure to join that mailing list.

Re: copying files through Python

2008-02-16 Thread Tim Chase
 OP stated requirements were to move all the files into a single
 folder. Copytree will preserve the directory structure from the source
 side of the copy operation.

well, it would be copying [not moving] files through Python,
but if the desire is to flatten the tree into a single directory,
that's also easy enough:

  import os, shutil
  source_dir = '/home/username/source/'
  dest_dir = '/home/username/dest/'
  for path, dirs, files in os.walk(source_dir):
for fname in files:
  shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, fname), dest_dir)

The above doesn't do any sort of collision-testing, so if more
than one file in source_dir has the same name, the last one to be
copied wins, and the first one gets obliterated.  Caveat Coder.



Re: TRAC - Trac, Project Leads, Python, and Mr. Noah Kantrowitz (sanitizer)

2008-02-16 Thread Tad J McClellan

[Followup-To: header set to comp.lang.perl.misc.]

Jeff Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Robert Klemme wrote:
 On 16.02.2008 13:16, Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Oh, it's him again.  Please do not respond.

 Thank you.  I didn't recognize his name at first.

I had the post already pegged as bait simply by counting
the number of commas in the Newsgroups header. :-)

Tad McClellan
email: perl -le print scalar reverse qq/moc.noitatibaher\100cmdat/

Re: How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Carl Banks
On Feb 16, 3:03 pm, Lie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Although rationals have its limitations too, it is a much
 better choice compared to floats/Decimals for most cases.

Maybe that's true for your use cases, but it's not true for most cases
in general.

Rationals are pretty useless for almost any extended calculations,
since the denominator tends to grow in size till it's practically
unusbale, which means you have to periodically do non-exact reductions
to keep things running, and if you do that you might as well be using
floating point.

Rationals have their occasional special purpose uses, but for most
cases they're at best marginally better then floats and more often
incomparably worse.

Carl Banks

Re: sockets -- basic udp client

2008-02-16 Thread 7stud
On Feb 16, 6:18 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is the example above converted to a more straightforward udp
 client that isolates the part I am asking about:

 import socket, sys

 host =  'localhost'  #sys.argv[1]
 port = 3300
 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

 data = 'hello world'
 num_sent = 0
 while num_sent  len(data):
     num_sent += s.sendto(data, (host, port))

 print Looking for replies; press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break to stop.
 while 1:
     buf = s.recv(2048)

     #Will the following if statement do anything?
     if not len(buf):

     print Received from server: %s % buf

 There is still a problem with your script.

 buf = s.recv(2048)  should be changed to

 buf, addr = s.recvfrom(2048)  or
 buf = s.recvfrom(2048)[0]

 or something like that since recvfrom returns a pair.

If you don't care about the address of the sender, e.g. you are not
going to send anything back, is there an advantage to using recv()?
Or, as a matter of course should you always use recvfrom() with udp

 But, for the specific case that you have asked about, since the
 default for timeout is no timeout, or block forever, your question:

 #Will the following if statement do anything?
     if not len(buf):

 The answer is that you are right, it will do nothing.  But, if you set
 a time out on the socket, and you receive no data and the timeout
 expires, checking for the length of zero and a break is one way to
 jump out of the loop if you need to.

 For example:

 import socket, sys

 host =  'localhost'  #sys.argv[1]
 port = 3300
 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

 buf = ''

 data = 'hello world'
 num_sent = 0

 while num_sent  len(data):
     num_sent += s.sendto(data, (host, port))

 print Looking for replies; press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break to stop.
 while True:

         buf, addr = s.recvfrom(2048)

     #Will the following if statement do anything?
     # In this case it will cause the script to jump out of the loop
     # if it receives no data for a second.
     if not len(buf):

     print Received from server: %s % buf

 For getservbyname and its complement, getservbyport, they are talking
 about well known protocols like http, ftp, chargen, etc.  The
 following script is a very simple example:

 import socket

 print socket.getservbyname('http')

 print socket.getservbyname('ftp')
 print socket.getservbyname('time')

 print socket.getservbyport(80)

  - Bob


Re: sockets -- basic udp client

2008-02-16 Thread 7stud
On Feb 16, 6:32 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  That example is plain wrong; looks like some TCP code but with  
  blindy replaced with SOCK_DGRAM. connect, sendall and recv are not used  
  for UDP; sendto and recvfrom are used instead. There are some examples  
  the Demo python directory.

  Yes, I agree it's a poor example--it's from 'Foundations of Python
  Network Programming'--but it does 'work'.  It also doesn't appear to
  be a tcp client that was converted too directly into a udp client
  because the previously presented tcp examples are different.

 Ok, you *can* use those functions with datagrams too, but it's confusing  
 (at least for the very first UDP example!)

Yes, I agree.  The book is well written, but the introductory examples
and a lack of explanation of the finer details is a disaster.

  Another question I have pertains to the docs here:

  getservbyname(servicename[, protocolname])
  Translate an Internet service name and protocol name to a port number
  for that service. The optional protocol name, if given, should be
  'tcp' or 'udp', otherwise any protocol will match.

  What does a 'servicename' look like?

 py import socket
 py socket.getservbyname(http)
 py socket.getservbyname(smtp)

 On Linux the mapping ports-services is in /etc/services; on Windows see  

 Gabriel Genellina


Re: Solve a Debate

2008-02-16 Thread John Machin
On Feb 16, 3:48 pm, Dan Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 15, 10:24 am, nexes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Alright so me and my friend are having argument.

  Ok the problem we had been asked a while back, to do a programming
  exercise (in college)
  That would tell you how many days there are in a month given a
  specific month.

  Ok I did my like this (just pseudo):

  If month = 1 or 3 or etc 
  noDays = 31
  Elseif month = 4 or 6 etc 
  noDays = 30
  noDays = 29
  (we didn't have to take into account a leap year)

  He declared an array and assigned the number of days in a month to its
  own element in an array. Now
  I realise that in this example it would not make a difference in terms
  of efficiency, but it is my belief that if
  there is more data that needed to be assigned(i.e. a couple megs of
  data) it would be simpler (and more efficient) to
  do a compare rather then assigning all that data to an array, since
  you are only going to be using 1 value and the rest
  of the data in the array is useless.

  What are everyone else's thoughts on this?

 days_in_month = lambda m: m - 2 and 30 + bool(1  m  5546) or 28


days_in_month = lambda m: m - 2 and 31 - ((m + 9) % 12 % 5 % 2) or 28

the guts of which is slightly more elegant than the ancient writing
from which it was derived:



RE: Is there a way to link a python program from several files?

2008-02-16 Thread Brian Smith
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Edward A. Falk schrieb:
  IOW, is there a linker for python?  I've written a 
  program comprised of about five .py files. I'd like to
  find a way to combine them into a single executable.
  Obviously, I could hand-edit them into a single 
  .py file, but I'm looking for a way to keep them as 
  seperate files for development but distribute the
  result as a single file.

 Depending on the OS, there are several options. Ranging from 
 distributing an .egg (setuptools) over py2exe for windows to 
 py2app on OSX - and some more, e.g. cx_freeze.

I would be interested in a program that can combine multiple modules
into a single module, which removes all the inter-package imports and
fixes other inter-module references, like Haskell All-in-One does for

- Brian


An idea for fast function composition

2008-02-16 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Hi all,

Recently there was a thread about function composition in Python (and
this was probably not the first).  The fast way to create a
(anonymous) composite function

 f1 o f2 o ... o fn

in Python is via

 lambda x: f1(f2(...fn(x)...)),

but according to some this is neither the most compact nor the most
readable.  Below I define a 'compose' function such that the above can
be written

 compose(f1, f2, , fn),

the resulting function being as fast as the lambda version (or maybe
faster?).  'getcomposer' is a helper function (which in most cases
will amount to a dictionary lookup).

def getcomposer(nfunc, _cache={}):
 getcomposer(n) - lambda f1, ..., fn:(lambda x: f1(...fn(x)...))
 return _cache[nfunc]
 except KeyError:
 fnames = ['f%s' % i for i in range(nfunc)]
 call = ''.join('%s(' % f for f in fnames)
 args = ','.join(fnames)
 cstr = 'lambda %s:(lambda x:%sx%s)' % (args, call, ')'*nfunc)
 composer = _cache[nfunc] = eval(cstr)
 return composer

def compose(*functions):
 compose(f1, ..., fn) - lambda x: f1(f2(...fn(x)...))
 return getcomposer(len(functions))(*functions)

# Test

def double(x): return 2*x
def square(x): return x**2
def succ(x): return x+1

f1 = compose(double, square, succ, float)
f2 = lambda x: double(square(succ(float(x

def benchmark(f, n=100):
 from time import time
 from itertools import imap
 t0 = time()
 for _ in imap(f1, xrange(n)): pass
 t1 = time()
 return t1-t0

print 'compose', benchmark(f1)
print 'lambda ', benchmark(f2)

marigold:python arno$ python -i
compose 1.84630298615
lambda  1.86365509033
  import dis
   1   0 LOAD_DEREF   0 (f0)
   3 LOAD_DEREF   3 (f1)
   6 LOAD_DEREF   1 (f2)
   9 LOAD_DEREF   2 (f3)
  12 LOAD_FAST0 (x)
  23   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (double)
   3 LOAD_GLOBAL  1 (square)
   6 LOAD_GLOBAL  2 (succ)
   9 LOAD_GLOBAL  3 (float)
  12 LOAD_FAST0 (x)

f1 and f2 are almost exaclty the same but array lookups (LOAD_DEREFs)
in f1 replace dictionary lookups (LOAD_GLOBALs) in f2.  A C version of
'compose' could easily be written that doesn't require the use of a
python lambda-function (as created by 'getcomposer').



Re: How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Paul Rubin
Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Rationals are pretty useless for almost any extended calculations,
 since the denominator tends to grow in size till it's practically
 unusbale, which means you have to periodically do non-exact reductions
 to keep things running, and if you do that you might as well be using
 floating point.

This only happens if you're chaining many divisions by non-constants,
which in the typical business calculation does not happen.  Those
calculations divide by 10 a lot, and sometimes by 12 or 365, but they
rarely divide a calculated quantity by another calculated quantity,
especially to more than one level.  I.e. they might compute the ratio
of widgets sold to widgets repaired, but they wouldn't then divide
that ratio by some other weird number.

I did in fact implement rational arithmetic in a business app a long
time ago, because management wanted it.  I had the same concerns that
you express, but they just weren't a problem in practice.

Re: How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Lie
On Feb 17, 4:25 am, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 16, 3:03 pm, Lie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Although rationals have its limitations too, it is a much
  better choice compared to floats/Decimals for most cases.

 Maybe that's true for your use cases, but it's not true for most cases
 in general.

OK, that might have been an overstatement, but as I see it, it is
safer to handle something in a Fraction compared to floats (which is
why I uses fractions whenever possible in non-computer maths).

 Rationals are pretty useless for almost any extended calculations,
 since the denominator tends to grow in size till it's practically
 unusbale, which means you have to periodically do non-exact reductions
 to keep things running, and if you do that you might as well be using
 floating point.

Rationals aren't that good if the same piece of variable is to be
calculated again and again because of its growth, but there are a lot
of cases where the data would only require five or six or so
operations done on it (and there are thousands or millions of such
datas), rationals is the perfect choice for those situations because
it is easier to use thanks to the comparison safety. Or in the
situations where speed isn't as important and accuracy is required,
Fraction may be faster than decimal and more accurate at the same time
(someone need to test that though).

 Rationals have their occasional special purpose uses, but for most
 cases they're at best marginally better then floats and more often
 incomparably worse.


Re: ways to declare empty set variable

2008-02-16 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 11:14:10 -0500, Steve Holden wrote:

 It's about four years since I wrote a program that ran for more than 24

Let me guess... and then you discovered ''.join(['x', 'y']) instead of 



Re: Solve a Debate

2008-02-16 Thread Steve Holden
 On Feb 15, 11:50 pm, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dan Bishop wrote:
 On Feb 15, 10:24 am, nexes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What are everyone else's thoughts on this?
 days_in_month = lambda m: m - 2 and 30 + bool(1  m  5546) or 28
 Elegant, but the 5546 is way too magical for readability.
 int( '0101010110101'[::-1], 2 )

Yes, I'm aware of that. Adding it as a comment might help.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


class static variables and __dict__

2008-02-16 Thread Zack
If I have a class static variable it doesn't show up in the __dict__ of 
an instance of that class.

class C:
n = 4

x = C()
print C.__dict__
{'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, 'n': 4}
print x.__dict__

This behavior makes sense to me as n is not encapsulated in x's 
namespace but what method can you use on x to find all available 
attributes for that class?


Re: How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Jeff Schwab
Carl Banks wrote:
 On Feb 16, 3:03 pm, Lie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Although rationals have its limitations too, it is a much
 better choice compared to floats/Decimals for most cases.
 Maybe that's true for your use cases, but it's not true for most cases
 in general.
 Rationals are pretty useless for almost any extended calculations,
 since the denominator tends to grow in size till it's practically

What do you mean by practically unusable?  I heard similar arguments 
made against big integers at one point (Primitive types are usually big 
enough, why risk performance?) but I fell in love with them when I 
first saw them in Smalltalk, and I'm glad Python supports them natively.

Re: Solve a Debate

2008-02-16 Thread castironpi
 days_in_month = lambda m: m - 2 and 31 - ((m + 9) % 12 % 5 % 2) or 28

 the guts of which is slightly more elegant than the ancient writing
 from which it was derived:

Lacks citation.

Re: class static variables and __dict__

2008-02-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Zack schrieb:
 If I have a class static variable it doesn't show up in the __dict__ of 
 an instance of that class.
 class C:
n = 4
 x = C()
 print C.__dict__
 {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, 'n': 4}
 print x.__dict__
 This behavior makes sense to me as n is not encapsulated in x's 
 namespace but what method can you use on x to find all available 
 attributes for that class?




Video4Linux for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2008-02-16 Thread Carl K
This would be Off Topic, but it is for PyCon, so there will be lots of Python 
side effects.

I am looking for help with a Video4Linux2 driver, which is C code.

I am trying to get a piece of hardware working with trascode.

transcode has both v4l and v4l2 support. the vga grabber has a v4l driver, but 
both it and tc's v4l are iffy.  The main transcode developer recommended using 

I was able to capture 1 screen per second at last weeks Python user group 
meeting.  I was able to make a 60mb avi from that.  So I have a good start, but 
there is room for improvement.

If I can get this working, I can give people who help everything that happens 
PyCon - probably 50-100gig of avi files.  I'll send you on DVDs so you don't 
have to download it all.

feel free to contact me here, or off list, or on #python or #chipy.

Carl K

Re: An idea for fast function composition

2008-02-16 Thread castironpi
On Feb 16, 3:47 pm, Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 Recently there was a thread about function composition in Python (and
 this was probably not the first).  The fast way to create a
 (anonymous) composite function

      f1 o f2 o ... o fn

 in Python is via

      lambda x: f1(f2(...fn(x)...)),

 but according to some this is neither the most compact nor the most
 readable.  Below I define a 'compose' function such that the above can
 be written

      compose(f1, f2, , fn),

 the resulting function being as fast as the lambda version (or maybe
 faster?).  'getcomposer' is a helper function (which in most cases
 will amount to a dictionary lookup).

 def getcomposer(nfunc, _cache={}):
      getcomposer(n) - lambda f1, ..., fn:(lambda x: f1(...fn(x)...))
          return _cache[nfunc]
      except KeyError:
          fnames = ['f%s' % i for i in range(nfunc)]
          call = ''.join('%s(' % f for f in fnames)
          args = ','.join(fnames)
          cstr = 'lambda %s:(lambda x:%sx%s)' % (args, call, ')'*nfunc)
          composer = _cache[nfunc] = eval(cstr)
          return composer

 def compose(*functions):
      compose(f1, ..., fn) - lambda x: f1(f2(...fn(x)...))
      return getcomposer(len(functions))(*functions)

 # Test

 def double(x): return 2*x
 def square(x): return x**2
 def succ(x): return x+1

 f1 = compose(double, square, succ, float)
 f2 = lambda x: double(square(succ(float(x

 def benchmark(f, n=100):
      from time import time
      from itertools import imap
      t0 = time()
      for _ in imap(f1, xrange(n)): pass
      t1 = time()
      return t1-t0

 print 'compose', benchmark(f1)
 print 'lambda ', benchmark(f2)

 marigold:python arno$ python -i
 compose 1.84630298615
 lambda  1.86365509033
   import dis
    1           0 LOAD_DEREF               0 (f0)
                3 LOAD_DEREF               3 (f1)
                6 LOAD_DEREF               1 (f2)
                9 LOAD_DEREF               2 (f3)
               12 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
               15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
               18 CALL_FUNCTION            1
               21 CALL_FUNCTION            1
               24 CALL_FUNCTION            1
               27 RETURN_VALUE
   23           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (double)
                3 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (square)
                6 LOAD_GLOBAL              2 (succ)
                9 LOAD_GLOBAL              3 (float)
               12 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
               15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
               18 CALL_FUNCTION            1
               21 CALL_FUNCTION            1
               24 CALL_FUNCTION            1
               27 RETURN_VALUE

 f1 and f2 are almost exaclty the same but array lookups (LOAD_DEREFs)
 in f1 replace dictionary lookups (LOAD_GLOBALs) in f2.  A C version of
 'compose' could easily be written that doesn't require the use of a
 python lambda-function (as created by 'getcomposer').


def compose( funcs ):
   def reccompose( *args ):
  return compose( funcs[:-1] )( funcs[-1]( *args ) ) if funcs else
funcs[0]( *args )
   return reccompose

Re: Is there a way to link a python program from several files?

2008-02-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Brian Smith schrieb:
 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Edward A. Falk schrieb:
 IOW, is there a linker for python?  I've written a 
 program comprised of about five .py files. I'd like to
 find a way to combine them into a single executable.
 Obviously, I could hand-edit them into a single 
 .py file, but I'm looking for a way to keep them as 
 seperate files for development but distribute the
 result as a single file.
 Depending on the OS, there are several options. Ranging from 
 distributing an .egg (setuptools) over py2exe for windows to 
 py2app on OSX - and some more, e.g. cx_freeze.
 I would be interested in a program that can combine multiple modules
 into a single module, which removes all the inter-package imports and
 fixes other inter-module references, like Haskell All-in-One does for

won't happen for python. python relies heavily on modules/packages being 

Why would you want such a beast anyway? If it's about 
single-file-distribution, that is solved by some of the above mentioned 
tools - or even not desired anyway (say OS X bundles)


Re: class static variables and __dict__

2008-02-16 Thread Zack
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Zack schrieb:
 If I have a class static variable it doesn't show up in the __dict__ 
 of an instance of that class.

 class C:
n = 4

 x = C()
 print C.__dict__
 {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, 'n': 4}
 print x.__dict__

 This behavior makes sense to me as n is not encapsulated in x's 
 namespace but what method can you use on x to find all available 
 attributes for that class?

This would leave out any attributes of base classes. Not that I asked 
for that functionality in my original post but is there a way to get all 
  attributes qualified by x. ? I see that I could walk the dict of x, 
x.__class__ and x.__class__.__bases__ until I exhaust the tree. But is 
there a built in method for doing this?


RE: Is there a way to link a python program from several files?

2008-02-16 Thread Brian Smith
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Brian Smith wrote:
  I would be interested in a program that can combine 
  multiple modules into a single module, which removes
  all the inter-package imports and fixes other
  inter-module references, like Haskell 
  All-in-One does for Haskell:
 won't happen for python. python relies heavily on 
 modules/packages being namespaces.

So does Haskell. Haskell All-In-One handles that by renaming every
top-level artifact.

 Why would you want such a beast anyway? If it's about 
 single-file-distribution, that is solved by some of the above 
 mentioned tools - or even not desired anyway (say OS X bundles)

I want to package a complex WSGI application into a single CGI script,
so that users can copy the script into some CGI-enabled directory and
have it work without any further configuration, and so that it runs
faster (especially when the file is on NFS). If it is possible to run an
egg as a CGI (without modifying the web server configuration file), then
that would work as well.

- Brian


Re: Solve a Debate

2008-02-16 Thread John Machin
On Feb 17, 9:57 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  days_in_month = lambda m: m - 2 and 31 - ((m + 9) % 12 % 5 % 2) or 28

  the guts of which is slightly more elegant than the ancient writing
  from which it was derived:

 Lacks citation.

Maxima mea culpa.

Pages 294-295 (in particular formula 23.12) in MAPPING TIME\nThe
Calendar and Its History, by E. G. Richards. OUP, 1998. ISBN

Re: An idea for fast function composition

2008-02-16 Thread castironpi
 def compose( funcs ):
    def reccompose( *args ):
       return compose( funcs[:-1] )( funcs[-1]( *args ) ) if funcs else
 funcs[0]( *args )
    return reccompose- Hide quoted text -

Which was, if funcs 1, which is len( funcs ) 1.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: unorderable types: list()  int()

Re: How do I use SendInput in Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Sat, 16 Feb 2008 17:08:59 -0200, Adam W. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 I'm at the last stage of my project and the only thing left to do is
 trigger a mouse click.  I did some searching around for example code
 and stumped upon SendInput
 .  However I was not able to find example code for python USING
 SendInput, and I have zero ability to make C work (or whatever that is
 written in).  Can someone help me use SendInput in python, or point me
 to an alternative method?

Try sendkeys:
PyWinAuto uses the above library and lets you automate an application in a  
very simple way:

Gabriel Genellina


Re: How about adding rational fraction to Python?

2008-02-16 Thread Carl Banks
On Feb 16, 5:51 pm, Jeff Schwab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Carl Banks wrote:
  On Feb 16, 3:03 pm, Lie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Although rationals have its limitations too, it is a much
  better choice compared to floats/Decimals for most cases.

  Maybe that's true for your use cases, but it's not true for most cases
  in general.

  Rationals are pretty useless for almost any extended calculations,
  since the denominator tends to grow in size till it's practically

 What do you mean by practically unusable?  I heard similar arguments
 made against big integers at one point (Primitive types are usually big
 enough, why risk performance?) but I fell in love with them when I
 first saw them in Smalltalk, and I'm glad Python supports them natively.


Re: class static variables and __dict__

2008-02-16 Thread Dustan
On Feb 16, 4:40 pm, Zack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what method can you use on x to find all available
 attributes for that class?

 class Foo(object):
bar = hello, world!
def __init__(self, baz):
self.baz = baz

 x = Foo(42)

 x.__dict__.keys() # Does not include bar

 dir(x) # Includes bar plus some methods
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__',
'__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__',
'__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__',
'__weakref__', 'bar', 'baz']

Re: Is there a way to link a python program from several files?

2008-02-16 Thread Paul Rubin
Brian Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 So does Haskell. Haskell All-In-One handles that by renaming every
 top-level artifact.

That can't be done reliably in python because namespaces are dynamic.

 If it is possible to run an egg as a CGI (without modifying the web
 server configuration file), then that would work as well.

This would be an interesting enhancement.

Re: An idea for fast function composition

2008-02-16 Thread Boris Borcic
 On Feb 16, 3:47 pm, Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 Recently there was a thread about function composition in Python (and
 this was probably not the first).  The fast way to create a
 (anonymous) composite function

  f1 o f2 o ... o fn

 in Python is via

  lambda x: f1(f2(...fn(x)...)),

 but according to some this is neither the most compact nor the most
 readable.  Below I define a 'compose' function such that the above can
 be written

  compose(f1, f2, , fn),

 the resulting function being as fast as the lambda version (or maybe
 faster?).  'getcomposer' is a helper function (which in most cases
 will amount to a dictionary lookup).

 def getcomposer(nfunc, _cache={}):
  getcomposer(n) - lambda f1, ..., fn:(lambda x: f1(...fn(x)...))
  return _cache[nfunc]
  except KeyError:
  fnames = ['f%s' % i for i in range(nfunc)]
  call = ''.join('%s(' % f for f in fnames)
  args = ','.join(fnames)
  cstr = 'lambda %s:(lambda x:%sx%s)' % (args, call, ')'*nfunc)
  composer = _cache[nfunc] = eval(cstr)
  return composer

 def compose(*functions):
  compose(f1, ..., fn) - lambda x: f1(f2(...fn(x)...))
  return getcomposer(len(functions))(*functions)

 # Test

 def double(x): return 2*x
 def square(x): return x**2
 def succ(x): return x+1

 f1 = compose(double, square, succ, float)
 f2 = lambda x: double(square(succ(float(x

 def benchmark(f, n=100):
  from time import time
  from itertools import imap
  t0 = time()
  for _ in imap(f1, xrange(n)): pass
  t1 = time()
  return t1-t0

 print 'compose', benchmark(f1)
 print 'lambda ', benchmark(f2)

 marigold:python arno$ python -i
 compose 1.84630298615
 lambda  1.86365509033
   import dis
1   0 LOAD_DEREF   0 (f0)
3 LOAD_DEREF   3 (f1)
6 LOAD_DEREF   1 (f2)
9 LOAD_DEREF   2 (f3)
   12 LOAD_FAST0 (x)
   23   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (double)
3 LOAD_GLOBAL  1 (square)
6 LOAD_GLOBAL  2 (succ)
9 LOAD_GLOBAL  3 (float)
   12 LOAD_FAST0 (x)

 f1 and f2 are almost exaclty the same but array lookups (LOAD_DEREFs)
 in f1 replace dictionary lookups (LOAD_GLOBALs) in f2.  A C version of
 'compose' could easily be written that doesn't require the use of a
 python lambda-function (as created by 'getcomposer').

 def compose( funcs ):
def reccompose( *args ):
   return compose( funcs[:-1] )( funcs[-1]( *args ) ) if funcs else
 funcs[0]( *args )
return reccompose

  def compose( *funcs ):
def reccompose( *args ):
return compose( funcs[:-1] )( funcs[-1]( *args ) ) if funcs 
else funcs[0]( *args )
return reccompose

  f3 = compose(double, square, succ, float)
  import dis
   3   0 LOAD_DEREF   0 (funcs)
   3 JUMP_IF_FALSE   33 (to 39)
   6 POP_TOP
   7 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (compose)
  10 LOAD_DEREF   0 (funcs)
  13 LOAD_CONST   1 (-1)
  16 SLICE+2
  20 LOAD_DEREF   0 (funcs)
  23 LOAD_CONST   1 (-1)
  27 LOAD_FAST0 (args)
  36 JUMP_FORWARD14 (to 53)
  40 LOAD_DEREF   0 (funcs)
  43 LOAD_CONST   2 (0)
  47 LOAD_FAST0 (args)



Re: class static variables and __dict__

2008-02-16 Thread Zack
Zack wrote:
 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Zack schrieb:
 If I have a class static variable it doesn't show up in the __dict__ 
 of an instance of that class.

 class C:
n = 4

 x = C()
 print C.__dict__
 {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, 'n': 4}
 print x.__dict__

 This behavior makes sense to me as n is not encapsulated in x's 
 namespace but what method can you use on x to find all available 
 attributes for that class?



 This would leave out any attributes of base classes. Not that I asked 
 for that functionality in my original post but is there a way to get all 
  attributes qualified by x. ? I see that I could walk the dict of x, 
 x.__class__ and x.__class__.__bases__ until I exhaust the tree. But is 
 there a built in method for doing this?

I believe this accomplishes what I'm looking for. I'm not positive it is 
correct or if there are cases I've missed. It would be nice if there is 
a simple python builtin for finding the fully qualified dict.

def fullDict(obj):
Returns a dict with all attributes qualified by obj.

obj is an instance of  a class

d = obj.__dict__
# update existing items into new items to preserve inheritance
tmpD = obj.__class__.__dict__
d = tmpD
supers = list(obj.__class__.__bases__)
for c in supers:
   tmpD = c.__dict__
   d = tmpD
return d


Re: class static variables and __dict__

2008-02-16 Thread Zack
Dustan wrote:
 On Feb 16, 4:40 pm, Zack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what method can you use on x to find all available
 attributes for that class?
 class Foo(object):
   bar = hello, world!
   def __init__(self, baz):
   self.baz = baz
 x = Foo(42)
 x.__dict__.keys() # Does not include bar
 dir(x) # Includes bar plus some methods
 ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__',
 '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__',
 '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__',
 '__weakref__', 'bar', 'baz']

I knew there was something simple I was forgetting.


Re: An idea for fast function composition

2008-02-16 Thread castironpi
On Feb 16, 5:57 pm, Boris Borcic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Feb 16, 3:47 pm, Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,

  Recently there was a thread about function composition in Python (and
  this was probably not the first).  The fast way to create a
  (anonymous) composite function

       f1 o f2 o ... o fn

  in Python is via

       lambda x: f1(f2(...fn(x)...)),

  but according to some this is neither the most compact nor the most
  readable.  Below I define a 'compose' function such that the above can
  be written

       compose(f1, f2, , fn),

  the resulting function being as fast as the lambda version (or maybe
  faster?).  'getcomposer' is a helper function (which in most cases
  will amount to a dictionary lookup).

  def getcomposer(nfunc, _cache={}):
       getcomposer(n) - lambda f1, ..., fn:(lambda x: f1(...fn(x)...))
           return _cache[nfunc]
       except KeyError:
           fnames = ['f%s' % i for i in range(nfunc)]
           call = ''.join('%s(' % f for f in fnames)
           args = ','.join(fnames)
           cstr = 'lambda %s:(lambda x:%sx%s)' % (args, call, ')'*nfunc)
           composer = _cache[nfunc] = eval(cstr)
           return composer

  def compose(*functions):
       compose(f1, ..., fn) - lambda x: f1(f2(...fn(x)...))
       return getcomposer(len(functions))(*functions)

  # Test

  def double(x): return 2*x
  def square(x): return x**2
  def succ(x): return x+1

  f1 = compose(double, square, succ, float)
  f2 = lambda x: double(square(succ(float(x

  def benchmark(f, n=100):
       from time import time
       from itertools import imap
       t0 = time()
       for _ in imap(f1, xrange(n)): pass
       t1 = time()
       return t1-t0

  print 'compose', benchmark(f1)
  print 'lambda ', benchmark(f2)

  marigold:python arno$ python -i
  compose 1.84630298615
  lambda  1.86365509033
    import dis
     1           0 LOAD_DEREF               0 (f0)
                 3 LOAD_DEREF               3 (f1)
                 6 LOAD_DEREF               1 (f2)
                 9 LOAD_DEREF               2 (f3)
                12 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
                15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                18 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                21 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                24 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                27 RETURN_VALUE
    23           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (double)
                 3 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (square)
                 6 LOAD_GLOBAL              2 (succ)
                 9 LOAD_GLOBAL              3 (float)
                12 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
                15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                18 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                21 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                24 CALL_FUNCTION            1
                27 RETURN_VALUE

  f1 and f2 are almost exaclty the same but array lookups (LOAD_DEREFs)
  in f1 replace dictionary lookups (LOAD_GLOBALs) in f2.  A C version of
  'compose' could easily be written that doesn't require the use of a
  python lambda-function (as created by 'getcomposer').


  def compose( funcs ):
     def reccompose( *args ):
        return compose( funcs[:-1] )( funcs[-1]( *args ) ) if funcs else
  funcs[0]( *args )
     return reccompose

   def compose( *funcs ):
         def reccompose( *args ):
                 return compose( funcs[:-1] )( funcs[-1]( *args ) ) if funcs 
 else funcs[0]( *args )
         return reccompose

   f3 = compose(double, square, succ, float)
   import dis
    3           0 LOAD_DEREF               0 (funcs)
                3 JUMP_IF_FALSE           33 (to 39)
                6 POP_TOP
                7 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (compose)
               10 LOAD_DEREF               0 (funcs)
               13 LOAD_CONST               1 (-1)
               16 SLICE+2
               17 CALL_FUNCTION            1
               20 LOAD_DEREF               0 (funcs)
               23 LOAD_CONST               1 (-1)
               26 BINARY_SUBSCR
               27 LOAD_FAST                0 (args)
               30 CALL_FUNCTION_VAR        0
               33 CALL_FUNCTION            1
               36 JUMP_FORWARD            14 (to 53)
             39 POP_TOP
               40 LOAD_DEREF               0 (funcs)
               43 LOAD_CONST               2 (0)
               46 BINARY_SUBSCR
               47 LOAD_FAST                0 (args)
               50 CALL_FUNCTION_VAR        0
             53 RETURN_VALUE

 Mmmhhh...- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

OO!  Sulks off to lick wounds.

Re: Turn off ZeroDivisionError?

2008-02-16 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 17:31:51 -0800, Mark Dickinson wrote:

 On Feb 15, 7:59 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 14:35:34 -0500, Steve Holden wrote:
  I don't understand:  why would +INF not be equal to itself?  Having
  INF == INF be True seems like something that makes sense both
  mathematically and computationally.

  There are an uncountable number of infinities, all different.

 But the IEEE standard only supports one of them, aleph(0).

 Technically two: plus and minus aleph(0).
 Not sure that alephs have anything to do with it.  And unless I'm
 missing something, minus aleph(0) is nonsense. (How do you define the
 negation of a cardinal?)

*shrug* How would you like to?

The natural numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, ...) are cardinal numbers too. 0 is the 
cardinality of the empty set {}; 1 is the cardinality of the set 
containing only the empty set {{}}; 2 is the cardinality of the set 
containing a set of cardinality 0 and a set of cardinality 1 {{}, {{}}}
... and so on.

Since we have generalized the natural numbers to the integers

... -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ...

without worrying about what set has cardinality -1, I see no reason why 
we shouldn't generalize negation to the alephs. The question of what set, 
if any, has cardinality -aleph(0) is irrelevant. Since the traditional 
infinity of the real number line comes in a positive and negative 
version, and we identify positive ∞ as aleph(0) [see below for why], I 
don't believe there's any thing wrong with identifying -aleph(0) as -∞.

Another approach might be to treat the cardinals as ordinals. Subtraction 
isn't directly defined for ordinals, ordinals explicitly start counting 
at zero and only increase, never decrease. But one might argue that since 
all ordinals are surreal numbers, and subtraction *is* defined for 
surreals, we might identify aleph(0) as the ordinal omega ω then the 
negative of aleph(0) is just -ω, or {|{ ... -4, -3, -2, -1 }}. Or in 
English... -aleph(0) is the number more negative than every negative 
integer, which gratifyingly matches our intuition about negative infinity.

There's lots of hand-waving there. I expect a real mathematician could 
make it all vigorous. But a lot of it is really missing the point, which 
is that the IEEE standard isn't about ordinals, or cardinals, or surreal 
numbers, but about floating point numbers as a discrete approximation to 
the reals. In the reals, there are only two infinities that we care 
about, a positive and negative, and apart from the sign they are 
equivalent to aleph(0).

 From the fount of all wisdom: (
 The aleph numbers differ from the infinity (∞) commonly found in
 algebra and calculus. Alephs measure the sizes of sets; infinity, on the
 other hand, is commonly defined as an extreme limit of the real number
 line (applied to a function or sequence that diverges to infinity or
 increases without bound), or an extreme point of the extended real
 number line. While some alephs are larger than others, ∞ is just ∞.

That's a very informal definition of infinity. Taken literally, it's also 
nonsense, since the real number line has no limit, so talking about the 
limit of something with no limit is meaningless. So we have to take it 

In fact, it isn't true that ∞ is just ∞ even in the two examples they 
discuss. There are TWO extended real number lines: the projectively 
extended real numbers, and the affinely extended real numbers. In the 
projective extension to the reals, there is only one ∞ and it is 
unsigned. In the affine extension, there are +∞ and -∞.

If you identify ∞ as the number of natural numbers, that is, the number 
of numbers in the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... then that's precisely what 
aleph(0) is. If there's a limit to the real number line in any sense at 
all, it is the same limit as for the integers (since the integers go all 
the way to the end of the real number line).

(But note that there are more reals between 0 and ∞ than there are 
integers, even though both go to the same limit: the reals are more 
densely packed.)


Re: Solve a Debate

2008-02-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Sat, 16 Feb 2008 19:43:37 -0200, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 On Feb 16, 3:48 pm, Dan Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 days_in_month = lambda m: m - 2 and 30 + bool(1  m  5546) or 28


 days_in_month = lambda m: m - 2 and 31 - ((m + 9) % 12 % 5 % 2) or 28

 the guts of which is slightly more elegant than the ancient writing
 from which it was derived:


I wonder why one would write such arcane expressions [in Python] instead  
of using a small dictionary {1:31, 2:28, 3:31...} which is auto  
documented, obviously correct, several times faster, and provides input  
validation for free (days_in_month(13)?)

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Floating point bug?

2008-02-16 Thread Dan Bishop
On Feb 14, 8:10 pm, Zentrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That's a misconception. The decimal-module has a different base (10
  instead of 2), and higher precision. But that doesn't change the fact
  that it will expose the same rounding-errors as floats do - just for
  different numbers.

import decimal as d
d = d.Decimal
d(1) / d(3) * d(3)

 Surely you jest.

He's not joking at all.

 Your example is exact to 28 digits.  Your attempted
 trick is to use a number that never ends (1/3=0....).

It does end in base 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.

You have to remember that base-ten wasn't chosen because it has
mathematical advantages over other bases, but merely because people
counted on their fingers.  In light of this fact, why is one-fifth
more deserving of an exact representation than one-third is?

Re: Turn off ZeroDivisionError?

2008-02-16 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Feb 16, 7:08 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 15 Feb 2008 17:31:51 -0800, Mark Dickinson wrote:
  Not sure that alephs have anything to do with it.  And unless I'm
  missing something, minus aleph(0) is nonsense. (How do you define the
  negation of a cardinal?)

 *shrug* How would you like to?

 Since we have generalized the natural numbers to the integers

 ... -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ...

 without worrying about what set has cardinality -1, I see no reason why
 we shouldn't generalize negation to the alephs.

The reason is that it doesn't give a useful result.  There's a natural
process for turning a commutative monoid into a group (it's the
adjoint to the forgetful functor from groups to commutative monoids).
Apply it to the set of cardinals, leaving aside the set-theoretic
difficulties with the idea of the set of cardinals in the first
place, and you get the trivial group.

 There's lots of hand-waving there. I expect a real mathematician could
 make it all vigorous.

Rigorous?  Yes, I expect I could.

And surreal numbers are something entirely different again.

 That's a very informal definition of infinity. Taken literally, it's also
 nonsense, since the real number line has no limit, so talking about the
 limit of something with no limit is meaningless. So we have to take it

The real line, considered as a topological space, has limit points.
Two of them.


Re: class static variables and __dict__

2008-02-16 Thread Dustan
On Feb 16, 5:59 pm, Zack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Zack wrote:
  Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
  Zack schrieb:
  If I have a class static variable it doesn't show up in the __dict__
  of an instance of that class.

  class C:
 n = 4

  x = C()
  print C.__dict__
  {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, 'n': 4}
  print x.__dict__

  This behavior makes sense to me as n is not encapsulated in x's
  namespace but what method can you use on x to find all available
  attributes for that class?



  This would leave out any attributes of base classes. Not that I asked
  for that functionality in my original post but is there a way to get all
   attributes qualified by x. ? I see that I could walk the dict of x,
  x.__class__ and x.__class__.__bases__ until I exhaust the tree. But is
  there a built in method for doing this?

 I believe this accomplishes what I'm looking for. I'm not positive it is
 correct or if there are cases I've missed. It would be nice if there is
 a simple python builtin for finding the fully qualified dict.

 def fullDict(obj):
 Returns a dict with all attributes qualified by obj.

 obj is an instance of  a class

 d = obj.__dict__
 # update existing items into new items to preserve inheritance
 tmpD = obj.__class__.__dict__
 d = tmpD
 supers = list(obj.__class__.__bases__)
 for c in supers:
tmpD = c.__dict__
d = tmpD
 return d

I know you're probably dumping this for dir(), but I should still warn
you: This function modifies the class dictionary, which might not have
been what you intended.

Re: class static variables and __dict__

2008-02-16 Thread Zack
Dustan wrote:
 On Feb 16, 5:59 pm, Zack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Zack wrote:
 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Zack schrieb:
 If I have a class static variable it doesn't show up in the __dict__
 of an instance of that class.
 class C:
n = 4
 x = C()
 print C.__dict__
 {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, 'n': 4}
 print x.__dict__
 This behavior makes sense to me as n is not encapsulated in x's
 namespace but what method can you use on x to find all available
 attributes for that class?
 This would leave out any attributes of base classes. Not that I asked
 for that functionality in my original post but is there a way to get all
  attributes qualified by x. ? I see that I could walk the dict of x,
 x.__class__ and x.__class__.__bases__ until I exhaust the tree. But is
 there a built in method for doing this?
 I believe this accomplishes what I'm looking for. I'm not positive it is
 correct or if there are cases I've missed. It would be nice if there is
 a simple python builtin for finding the fully qualified dict.

 def fullDict(obj):
 Returns a dict with all attributes qualified by obj.

 obj is an instance of  a class

 d = obj.__dict__
 # update existing items into new items to preserve inheritance
 tmpD = obj.__class__.__dict__
 d = tmpD
 supers = list(obj.__class__.__bases__)
 for c in supers:
tmpD = c.__dict__
d = tmpD
 return d
 I know you're probably dumping this for dir(), but I should still warn
 you: This function modifies the class dictionary, which might not have
 been what you intended.

I'm not actually do anything with this, or dir, just messing around 
learning python (I would use dir instead of this if I had a need 
though). I had completely missed that I wasn't copying the dicts. Thanks 
for that catch.


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