Re: Doubt

2008-07-24 Thread ജഗന്നാഥ്
On Jul 24, 1:13 am, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ജഗന്നാഥ് wrote:
  I am a Perl programmer new to Python. I have a small doubt.

 I suspect you mean question, not doubt.  It's not quite the same thing.

  How to convert the perl notation
  $a = ; expression in Python ?

Thank you for all to giving suggestions .

With regards

Jaganadh G

  How to represent the loop
  for ($a = $b; $a=$c;$a++){
  } in Python

 Start here:

 and then read either of these (preferably both):



Re: Parsing VHDL with python, where to start.

2008-07-24 Thread Svenn Are Bjerkem
On Jul 23, 1:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (c d saunter)
 How much of VHDL are you looking to parse?  Are you just looking at files
 intended for synthesis, or at simulation/testbench files as well?

As a start I want to parse VHDL which is going to be synthesised, and
I am limiting myself to the entities and the structural component
placement. I will drop the processes and the concurrent assignments
even if that will mask important information. It is a design viewer
tool, not a design tool that I am writing. Xilinx ISE do give me the
opportunity to browse my synthesised netlist, but there is simply too
much information.

Later the app can be extended with more functionality, depends on my
success with the initial problems that I have.

 If I started again I'd use pyparsing:

 Looks like someone is already there in 

I also got a pointer to SimpleParse and now try to translate the parts
of the VHDL BNF that I need into a definition that SimpleParse can
understand. But looking at the BNF it is clear that VHDL is no easy
language to parse, just as it is no easy language to do structural
design in.


Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread pluskid
On Jul 24, 1:41 pm, Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I'm a big Python fan who used to be involved semi regularly in
 comp.lang.python (lots of lurking, occasional posting) but kind of
 trailed off a bit. I just wrote a frustration inspired rant on my
 blog, and I thought it was relevant enough as a wider issue to the
 Python community to post here for your discussion and consideration.


+1 for most of your opinion. I was also bitten by the __eq__/__ne__
problem this morning. :)

Re: Inserting cookies into a web session

2008-07-24 Thread Michael Ströder

John Gordon wrote:

I'm developing a web application that needs a semi-persistent way to
store information.

I've looked at some options such as writing entries to a database table
or creating small textfiles, but I'm not thrilled with anything I've come
up with so far.

What's the problem?

Then a coworker suggested that I could just insert a cookie into the
current session, which would store whatever information I wanted.  This
seems like a really good solution.  That's what cookies are *for*, right?

Before using cookies keep in mind that the cookies returned by the 
browser are not trustworthy! You have to validate the values each time.

But I've never worked with cookies before.  Is there a Python package for
handling cookies?

 And are there any back-end requirements?


 I assume you
would have to be running a webserver that supports sessions.

You can do this all within your web application.

 Do you also
have to be running some sort of web container or servlet engine?


Ciao, Michael.


2008-07-24 Thread Girish

Does any one have a sample piece of code to search for a keyword in
Excel sheet? if so plz post it..


Re: problem doing unpickle in an exec statement

2008-07-24 Thread Peter Otten
Danny Shevitz wrote:

 In my app I need to exec user text that defines a function. I want this
 function to unpickle an object. Pickle breaks because it is looking for
 the object definition that isn't in the calling namespace.
 I have mocked up a simple example that shows the problem. Run this
 first code (from to create the pickle. (run this first)
 import cPickle
 # the pickle file name
 file_name = 'd:\\temp\\test1.pickle'
 # define a class
 class Tree(object):
 def main():
 # instantiate
 t = Tree()
 # create the sweet pickle
 fp = open(file_name, 'wb')
 cPickle.dump(t, fp)
 # try to unpickle directly
 fp = open(file_name, 'rb')
 result = cPickle.load(fp)
 print unpickling directly works just fine, result = , result
 if __name__=='__main__':
 run this second:
 # this file shows a problem with sweet pickle in an exec statement
 # the pickle file name
 file_name = 'd:\\temp\\test1.pickle'
 # code to be turned into a function
 code_text = '''
 def include():
   print this works!
 # a function for creating functions
 def create_fun(code_text):
 clean_dict = {}
 exec code_text in clean_dict
 return clean_dict['include']
 # include_fun is a bona fide function
 include_fun = create_fun(code_text)
 # this works
 # now try to load the pickle in an exec statement
 code_text = '''
 def include(file_name):
   print processing file_name: , file_name
   import cPickle
   fp = open(file_name, rb)
   result = cPickle.load(fp)
   print result = , result
 # create the new include_fun
 include_fun = create_fun(code_text)
 # run it
 Can anyone enlighten me what I need to do to
 to get this to work?

Pickling saves the name of the module and the class (and of course the
instance data). Because you put the class in your main script the module
name is __main__, and when you unpickle later pickle imports __main__ which
unfortunately is now a different script that doesn't contain the/a Tree
class. To solve that problem put the Tree class in a separate module, say, that can be imported by both and
You only need an explicit 

from tree import Tree

in create_pickle.



parameterized classes

2008-07-24 Thread John Tantalo
Is there is a better way to create parameterized classes than defining and
returning a class in a closure? I ask because I want to create arbitrary
BaseRequestHandler subclasses that delegate line handling to a given line
handler, as in this example:
  from SocketServer import *

  class ThreadingTCPServer(ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer): pass

  def LineRequestHandler(handler):
class __LineRequestHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
  def handle(self):
for line in self.lines():

  def lines(self):
line = self.line()
while line:
  yield line
  line = self.line()

  def line(self):
parts = []
while not parts or parts[-1] and not parts[-1][-1] == \n:
if parts:
  return ''.join(parts)[0:-1]

return __LineRequestHandler

  class SomeLineHandler:
def handle(self, line):
  print I got a line: %s % line

  if __name__ == '__main__':
s = ThreadingTCPServer((, 2005),

I really wish I could create a class whose instances were classes that
subclassed BaseRequestHandler. Is this possible, or is there a better way
than my approach here? Or am I crazy?

And I may be dense, so if there is an easier way to stream sockets as line
streams, please let me know. I honestly don't think it should be this
difficult to implement a socket handler this simple.

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Jordan wrote:

Except when it comes to Classes. I added some classes to code that had
previously just been functions, and you know what I did - or rather,
forgot to do? Put in the 'self'. In front of some of the variable
accesses, but more noticably, at the start of *every single method
argument list.* This cannot be any longer blamed as a hangover from
Java - I've written a ton more code, more recently in Python than in
Java or any other OO language. What's more, every time I go back to
Python after a break of more than about a week or so, I start making
this 'mistake' again. The perennial justification for this 'feature'
of the language? That old Python favourite, Explicit is better than

Do you seriously think that Python is designed by mindless application
of a set of humorous and somewhat self-deprecating observations posted
to a newsgroup a number of years ago?



Re: parameterized classes

2008-07-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

John Tantalo wrote:

I really wish I could create a class whose instances were classes that 
subclassed BaseRequestHandler. Is this possible, or is there a better 
way than my approach here? Or am I crazy?

no you so much as your code.  unfortunately, it fails the decipher in 
allocated time slot test, though, so I hope someone else will have time 
to untangle it for you.

And I may be dense, so if there is an easier way to stream sockets as 
line streams, please let me know. I honestly don't think it should be 
this difficult to implement a socket handler this simple.

there's a StreamRequestHandler class in SocketServer that buffered 
streams via the rfile and wfile attributes.



Re: python.exe crash and ctypes use

2008-07-24 Thread waldek
On Jul 23, 4:39 pm, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 waldek schrieb:


  I have module and B.dll which exports C functions by cdecl_

  In I pass callback (py callable) to dll. Next,  thread inside dll
  simply calls my callback (in a loop). After few secs I got crash of

  How to debug it?

  I'm using winxp and py 2.5.2

  def mycallback(data, size)
  return 0

  CBFUNC = CFUNCTYPE(c_int,POINTER(c_int), c_int)
  dll  = cdll.mydll

  if dll.RegisterCallback(CBFUNC(mycallback)) != 0:
  print Error.

 You need the callback function instance - what the CBFUNC(mycallback)
 call returns - alive as long as some C code is calling it.
 If you don't sooner or later the Python garbage collector will
 free it since it seems to be no longer used.  ctypes does NOT keep
 the callback function alive itself.


In fact ctypes does not keep references to callback passed directly to
dll. Now it works.
Thanks Thomas.


Re: Autocompletion and Interactive Tables in a Python IDE

2008-07-24 Thread Aspersieman
Anthony wrote:
 Hi, I'm a FoxPro programmer, but I want to learn python before it's
 too late.  I do a lot of statistical programming, so I import SPSS
 into python.  In my opinion, the best features of Visual FoxPro 9.0
 a) Intellisense (tells you what classes/methods are available and what
 variables go into a function)
 b) Code Completion (guesses your code after four letters)
 c) Data-Orientation; multiple data sessions can be open, data can be
 viewed easily

 Python's IDLE has only half of the first of these features.  I did a
 lot of searching and found the PyDev extensions for Eclipse's Python
 IDE, and found that they've got Intellisense.  I'm still missing b and
 c, and am getting extremely frustrated programming so slowly..

 So two questions:
 Is there any package, gui, IDE, anything that will do FoxPro-style
 code completion?  If it works in Eclipse, even better..
 I can't find a good screenshot, but here's a better description:
 You type BROW and it pops up a window that says BROWSE this
 point if you hit enter it completes the word..


 How can I view open SPSS data in one of the Python GUIs?  Again,
 Eclipse would be the preference.
 Here's an example of how I'd like to browse the data:
 I don't want to have to switch back and forth between Python and SPSS
 while I'm programming; I just want to stay in one of them..

 What can I do?  I feel extremely inefficient when I don't have these
 three features..

 Thanks in advance.

You might want to try vim. It has a steep learning curve, but definitely
increases productivity _alot_.

Here is a tutorial on setting up vim with :
1) Code completion (intellisense) - including tooltips (!!!)
2) Jump between your python code and the python class libraries.
3) Syntax checking
4) A handy source browser
5) Debugging (using pdb)
6) [All the other vim goodies - already included]
Above instructions available here

I have been using the above setup for a while and find it superior to
_any_ IDE I've ever worked with.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'Data-Orientation' but I'm sure there's a
suitable alternative/replacement for it in vim.




The three things to remember about Llamas:
1) They are harmless
2) They are deadly
3) They are made of lava, and thus nice to cuddle. 



2008-07-24 Thread John Machin
On Jul 24, 5:15 pm, Girish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 Does any one have a sample piece of code to search for a keyword in
 Excel sheet? if so plz post it..

import xlrd, sys, glob
def xlkwsearch(fname, query):
book = xlrd.open_workbook(fname)
for sheet in book.sheets():
for rowx in xrange(sheet.nrows):
for colx in xrange(sheet.ncols):
cell = sheet.cell(rowx, colx)
if cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_TEXT and query in
yield fname,, rowx, colx, cell.value
if __name__ == '__main__':
for fname in glob.glob(sys.argv[1]):
for result in xlkwsearch(fname, sys.argv[2]):
print result
Sample output:

D:\junkpython *search*.xls hello
('search_demo.xls', u'Sheet1', 0, 0, u'hello')
('search_demo.xls', u'Sheet1', 2, 6, u'hello world')

D:\junkpython *search*.xls world
('search_demo.xls', u'Sheet1', 1, 1, u'world')
('search_demo.xls', u'Sheet1', 2, 6, u'hello world')
('search_demo.xls', u'2nd Sheet', 0, 0, u'underworld')
('search_demo.xls', u'2nd Sheet', 0, 2, u'worldly')

Re: parameterized classes

2008-07-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

John Tantalo wrote:

Is there is a better way to create parameterized classes than defining 
and returning a class in a closure? I ask because I want to create 
arbitrary BaseRequestHandler subclasses that delegate line handling to a 
given line handler, as in this example:

Oh, now I get it.  Maybe.  Wouldn't it be easier to just use subclassing 
for parametrization:

class LineRequestHandler(StreamRequestHandler):


class SomeLineHandler(LineRequestHandler):
def handle_line(self, line):
  print I got a line: %s % line

Alternatively, note that the SocketServer framework doesn't require the 
request handler baseclass to actually be a class; it works with any 
factory object that takes the same three arguments and returns an 
handler instance.  You can use a plain function closure as a factory, if 
you prefer that.



Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Jordan
Of course not.

I just think Explicit is better than Implicit is taken seriously by a
large segment the Python community as a guiding principle, and overall
its influence does more harm than good.

Clearly self being in every argument list was a decision arrived at
long before the Zen was ever coined. Its merely an example of what I
feel is a shortcoming in the conventional 'pythonic' approach to
thinking about problems.

The reluctance to admit that the __eq__ behaviour is a poor design
choice is further evidence; its something (unlike self) that quite
conceivably could be changed, and should be changed, but its somehow
seen (by certain people) as the way that Python should do things.

Re: parameterized classes

2008-07-24 Thread Michele Simionato
John Tantalo wrote:
 I really wish I could create a class whose instances were classes that
 subclassed BaseRequestHandler. Is this possible, or is there a better
 way than my approach here? Or am I crazy?

You may use type:

type('MuSubclass', (Base, ), dict(a1=1, a2=2, ...))

instance comparison

2008-07-24 Thread King

I am facing a problem where I am really confused about it.

I am trying to compare to instances using:

if inst1 == inst2

These instances have a overridden method __str__ which returns same
string. The condition result is true although they are different

If I use:

if id(inst1) == id(inst2)

The results is false. What's happening here?

If I am trying to store this pair in a set where other instances are
already stored, but it's not storing it. Although I am sure that there
is no pair already stored of same but even if Set is comparing by
using string return by __str__ method then it won't.

How do I solve this?

Is this mean when you have overridden __str__ method then it comapre
with results of __str__ or else it will comapre whether they are the
same instances?

Re: Recursion Performance Question

2008-07-24 Thread Tim Golden

B wrote:
Now it works, but it runs quite slow (compared to the c++ app).  I 
changed gwl from strait recursion to use a generator and that helped, 
but it still takes 0.5-1.0 seconds to populate the tree.  What I'm 
wondering is am I doing it in a really inefficient way, or is it just 

Well I did just enough to get your code to work and ran
it through timeit on my respectable but hardly bleeding-edge
desktop PC.

C:\temppython -m timeit import get_windows; ()
100 loops, best of 3: 17.1 msec per loop

So it's not that slow. Full code is posted below; uncomment
the print_tree bit to see the results to confirm that it's
doing what you think. I did this really quickly so it's
possibly I've misunderstood what your code's up to.

I'm not saying there aren't other ways to do this, but
your code (at least inside my guessed-at wrapper) seems
to do an adequate job in a reasonable time.
import time
from win32gui import GetWindow, GetWindowText, GetDesktopWindow
from win32con import GW_CHILD, GW_HWNDNEXT

class Node (object):
 def __init__ (self, hwnd):
   self.hwnd = hwnd
   self.children = []
 def addChild (self, hwnd):
   self.children.append (Node (hwnd))

def gwl(node, hwnd):
   if hwnd:
   yield node, hwnd
   for nd, wnd in gwl(node.children[-1], GetWindow(hwnd, GW_CHILD)):
   yield nd, wnd
   for nd, wnd in gwl(node, GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)):
   yield nd, wnd

def generateTree(self):
   t = time.clock()
   if self is not None:
   self.children = []

   for nd, wnd in gwl(self, GetWindow(self.hwnd, GW_CHILD)):

def print_tree (root, level=0):
 print level *  , GetWindowText (root.hwnd) or hex (root.hwnd)
 for child in root.children:
   print_tree (child, level + 1)

def run ():
 desktop = Node (GetDesktopWindow ())
 generateTree (desktop)
 #~ print_tree (desktop)


The second problem is reseting the list.  In C++ I would use the STL 
Vector's clear() method.  In python, I can't think of a good way to free 
 all the nodes, so there is a large memory leak.

I'm not clear here what you're getting at. Memory handling in Python
is usually best left to Python unless you've got a very specific
case -- and they do crop up occasionally. Just to be clear on something:
Python does its own internal memory management, alloc-ing and free-ing
with a variety of policies broadly managed by an internal pool. You're
unlikely to see much memory released back to the system while Python's
running. But this isn't a memory leak as such. You don't need to (and,
in effect, can't) release the memory explicitly.

But I'd be surprised if you had enough windows open for this to be
even noticeable.


Re: Autocompletion and Interactive Tables in a Python IDE

2008-07-24 Thread arsyed
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Anthony [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I'm a FoxPro programmer, but I want to learn python before it's
 too late.  I do a lot of statistical programming, so I import SPSS
 into python.  In my opinion, the best features of Visual FoxPro 9.0
 a) Intellisense (tells you what classes/methods are available and what
 variables go into a function)
 b) Code Completion (guesses your code after four letters)
 c) Data-Orientation; multiple data sessions can be open, data can be
 viewed easily

 Python's IDLE has only half of the first of these features.  I did a
 lot of searching and found the PyDev extensions for Eclipse's Python
 IDE, and found that they've got Intellisense.  I'm still missing b and
 c, and am getting extremely frustrated programming so slowly..

 So two questions:
 Is there any package, gui, IDE, anything that will do FoxPro-style
 code completion?  If it works in Eclipse, even better..
 I can't find a good screenshot, but here's a better description:
 You type BROW and it pops up a window that says BROWSE this
 point if you hit enter it completes the word..


 How can I view open SPSS data in one of the Python GUIs?  Again,
 Eclipse would be the preference.
 Here's an example of how I'd like to browse the data:
 I don't want to have to switch back and forth between Python and SPSS
 while I'm programming; I just want to stay in one of them..

 What can I do?  I feel extremely inefficient when I don't have these
 three features..

I don't know of any python IDE that provides the data orientation
feature, but there may be an Eclipse plugin for that sort of thing.

Otherwise, if you're on windows, check out PyScripter, which is free:

and WingIDE which is quite nice and cross-platform (not free, though):

I use Vim, which is worth learning IMHO, but somewhat difficult to get
started with especially if you're coming from FoxPro.

Re: Autocompletion and Interactive Tables in a Python IDE

2008-07-24 Thread arsyed
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Anthony [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I'm a FoxPro programmer, but I want to learn python before it's
 too late.  I do a lot of statistical programming, so I import SPSS
 into python.  In my opinion, the best features of Visual FoxPro 9.0
 a) Intellisense (tells you what classes/methods are available and what
 variables go into a function)
 b) Code Completion (guesses your code after four letters)
 c) Data-Orientation; multiple data sessions can be open, data can be
 viewed easily

 Python's IDLE has only half of the first of these features.  I did a
 lot of searching and found the PyDev extensions for Eclipse's Python
 IDE, and found that they've got Intellisense.  I'm still missing b and
 c, and am getting extremely frustrated programming so slowly..

 So two questions:
 Is there any package, gui, IDE, anything that will do FoxPro-style
 code completion?  If it works in Eclipse, even better..
 I can't find a good screenshot, but here's a better description:
 You type BROW and it pops up a window that says BROWSE this
 point if you hit enter it completes the word..


 How can I view open SPSS data in one of the Python GUIs?  Again,
 Eclipse would be the preference.
 Here's an example of how I'd like to browse the data:
 I don't want to have to switch back and forth between Python and SPSS
 while I'm programming; I just want to stay in one of them..

 What can I do?  I feel extremely inefficient when I don't have these
 three features..

BTW, if you're developing for windows, you may also want to check out
IronPython which plugs into the Visual Studio framework, I believe:

Re: instance comparison

2008-07-24 Thread John Machin
On Jul 24, 6:50 pm, King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am facing a problem where I am really confused about it.

 I am trying to compare to instances using:

 if inst1 == inst2

 These instances have a overridden method __str__ which returns same
 string. The condition result is true although they are different

 If I use:

 if id(inst1) == id(inst2)

 The results is false. What's happening here?

 If I am trying to store this pair in a set where other instances are
 already stored, but it's not storing it. Although I am sure that there
 is no pair already stored of same but even if Set is comparing by
 using string return by __str__ method then it won't.

 How do I solve this?

 Is this mean when you have overridden __str__ method then it comapre
 with results of __str__

No. Do you have a __cmp__ method, or an __eq__ method? Any other
__twounderscores__ methods?

It is impossible to tell what is going on from your description.
Please supply the source of a *short* class that demonstrates the
problem, and demonstrate it.

Requires a character ... !!

2008-07-24 Thread karthikbalaguru

I am new to python . I am face few problems related with
python and iam trying to resolve it.

The below is the error that i get when i invoke my application by
the necessary input file.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] hello]# Analyzer hello_input
Loading debug info: hello_input
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/SDK/host/bin/Analyzer, line 694, in ?
  File /usr/local/SDK/host/bin/, line 427, in
  File /usr/local/SDK/bin/, line 314, in
if DW_OP_reg in value:
TypeError: 'in string' requires character as left operand

Is this related with the version conflicts ?
Should i need to configure any environment variables or change some
source code.
Any ideas ?

Thx in advans,
Karthik Balaguru

Re: Requires a character ... !!

2008-07-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

karthikbalaguru wrote:

I am new to python . I am face few problems related with
python and iam trying to resolve it.

The below is the error that i get when i invoke my application by
the necessary input file.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] hello]# Analyzer hello_input
Loading debug info: hello_input
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/SDK/host/bin/Analyzer, line 694, in ?
  File /usr/local/SDK/host/bin/, line 427, in
  File /usr/local/SDK/bin/, line 314, in
if DW_OP_reg in value:
TypeError: 'in string' requires character as left operand

Is this related with the version conflicts ?
Should i need to configure any environment variables or change some
source code.

You should run the code on a Python version that supports the features 
your code is using.  Support for arbitrary strings on the left side of 
the in operator was added in Python 2.3, which was released in 2003.

What software is this?  If you've written it yourself, make sure to use 
only features supported by the Python version you're actually using.  If 
it's written by someone else, please read the requirements section for 
the software you're using, and follow the instructions in there.

(hasn't people been telling you this about a hundred times before in 
this forum?  or was that some other guy who also kept insisting on 
running some program on a python version it didn't support?)



Re: instance comparison

2008-07-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

King wrote:

Is this mean when you have overridden __str__ method then it comapre
with results of __str__ or else it will comapre whether they are the
same instances?

Comparisons uses __cmp__ or the rich comparison set; see

for details.

Sets and dictionaries, also relies on hashing (the __hash__ method, also 
described on the linked page).

The __str__ method only affects printing and conversion to string.



Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Jordan a écrit :

(snip rant about self and __eq__ / __ne__)

1/ about the __eq__ / __ne__ stuff:

Please get your facts, the behaviour *is* actually fully documented:

There are no implied relationships among the comparison operators. The 
truth of x==y does not imply that x!=y is false. Accordingly, when 
defining __eq__(), one should also define __ne__() so that the operators 
will behave as expected.

FWIW, the __lt__ / __le__ / __eq__ / __ne__ / __gt__ / __ge__ methods 
set, known as rich comparisons, was added in Python 2.1 to give more 
fine-grained control on comparisons. If you don't need such a 
granularity, just implement the __cmp__ method and you'll have all 
comparison operators working as expected.

2/ wrt/ self in functions signatures:

How would you handle this case with an implicit 'self' :

class Foo(object):

def bar(self):
   print self = bar


Re: Requires a character ... !!

2008-07-24 Thread Ulrich Eckhardt
karthikbalaguru wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] hello]# Analyzer hello_input
This is often a bad idea. Anyhow, that has nothing to do with Python.

 Loading debug info: hello_input
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/local/SDK/host/bin/Analyzer, line 694, in ?
   File /usr/local/SDK/host/bin/, line 427, in
   File /usr/local/SDK/bin/, line 314, in
 if DW_OP_reg in value:
 TypeError: 'in string' requires character as left operand
 Is this related with the version conflicts ?

Which version conflict? Sorry, but my crystal ball is getting a new polish
today, so I can't see the actual code that causes the error. I suggest that
you reduce your code to the smallest possible piece of code that still
shows the error and post it here, otherwise nobody will be able to help


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Re: Requires a character ... !!

2008-07-24 Thread karthikbalaguru
On Jul 24, 2:20 pm, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 karthikbalaguru wrote:
  I am new to python . I am face few problems related with
  python and iam trying to resolve it.

  The below is the error that i get when i invoke my application by
  the necessary input file.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] hello]# Analyzer hello_input
  Loading debug info: hello_input
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File /usr/local/SDK/host/bin/Analyzer, line 694, in ?
File /usr/local/SDK/host/bin/, line 427, in
File /usr/local/SDK/bin/, line 314, in
  if DW_OP_reg in value:
  TypeError: 'in string' requires character as left operand

  Is this related with the version conflicts ?
  Should i need to configure any environment variables or change some
  source code.

 You should run the code on a Python version that supports the features
 your code is using.  Support for arbitrary strings on the left side of
 the in operator was added in Python 2.3, which was released in 2003.

Thx for that info. I understand.
The requirements state that it needs Python 2.2, But i wonder
how that program has been implemented using Python 2.3 features.
Anyhow, this has to be resolved and i need your help.

Kindly let me know a trick to make to resolve
the 'in' operator related problem by using Python 2.2.

Thx in advans,
Karthik Balaguru

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Torsten Bronger

Bruno Desthuilliers writes:


 How would you handle this case with an implicit 'self' :

 class Foo(object):

 def bar(self):
print self = bar

Just like this.  However, the compiler could add self to
non-decorated methods which are defined within class.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus

Re: Requires a character ... !!

2008-07-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

karthikbalaguru wrote:

The requirements state that it needs Python 2.2, But i wonder
how that program has been implemented using Python 2.3 features.
Anyhow, this has to be resolved and i need your help.

No, you need the help of the original author.  He/she might have
forgotten to update the requirements page, or you may have mis-
read the information.  Only the author knows if this program might
have a chance of working on 2.2.

What program is this?  Can you point us to the site where you
got it?

Kindly let me know a trick to make to resolve
the 'in' operator related problem by using Python 2.2.

Instead of backporting the software, why not just update to Python
2.3 or newer and be done with it?  Why insist on using a Python version 
that's nearly seven years old, when the program you're trying to run 
obviously wasn't written for it?

(Note that you can have multiple versions of Python installed on the 
same machine.  Maybe you already have -- have you tried running the 
program with python2.3 or python2.4 or python2.5 instead of just 



Confounded by Python objects

2008-07-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello group,

take a look at the code snippet below. What I want to do is initialize
two separate Channel objects and put some data in them. However,
although two different objects are in fact created (as can be seen
from the different names they spit out with the diag() method), the
data in the sample member is the same although I stick different
values in.

(Sorry for Google Groups, but I don't have NNTP at work)

Here's the code:


class Channel:
name = ''
sample = []

def __init__(self, name): = name

def append(self, time, value):
self.sample.append((time, value))

def diag(self):
print (, self.sample)

chA = Channel('A')
chB = Channel('B')

chA.append(1, 1.1)
chB.append(2, 2.1)
chA.append(3, 1.2)
chB.append(4, 2.2)

print 'Result:'


and here's the output:

('A', [(1, 1.1001)])
('B', [(1, 1.1001), (2, 2.1001)])
('A', [(1, 1.1001), (2, 2.1001), (3, 1.2)])
('B', [(1, 1.1001), (2, 2.1001), (3, 1.2), (4,
('A', [(1, 1.1001), (2, 2.1001), (3, 1.2), (4,
('B', [(1, 1.1001), (2, 2.1001), (3, 1.2), (4,

What I'd like to see, however, is 2 tuples per Channel object, like
('A', [(1, 1.1001)])
('B', [(2, 2.1001)])
('A', [(1, 1.1001), (3, 1.2)])
('B', [(2, 2.1001), (4, 2.2002)])
('A', [(1, 1.1001), (3, 1.2)])
('B', [(2, 2.1001), (4, 2.2002)])


Re: Requires a character ... !!

2008-07-24 Thread alex23
On Jul 24, 7:33 pm, karthikbalaguru [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Kindly let me know a trick to make to resolve
 the 'in' operator related problem by using Python 2.2.

You seem to be making life -very- difficult for yourself.

Your distro is running Python 2.4, you've gone out of your way to get
Py2.2 installed. Why are you so convinced that you -need- Python 2.2
over 2.4? Everyone problem you've posted here seems due to that

Generally, Python is pretty good about backwards compatibility. Code
written for 2.2 should run fine under 2.4. As you're discovering, the
opposite isn't true. __future__ isn't a cure-all.

Re: Requires a character ... !!

2008-07-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Thx for that info. I understand.
 The requirements state that it needs Python 2.2, But i wonder
 how that program has been implemented using Python 2.3 features.
 Anyhow, this has to be resolved and i need your help.
 Kindly let me know a trick to make to resolve
 the 'in' operator related problem by using Python 2.2.

You obviously don't understand and it appears that it's time to resort to
somewhat more explicit clue-batting:


Now did that get through? Given your record here, I think I have to




Re: instance comparison

2008-07-24 Thread King

The only methods I do have in class is __init__ and __str__.
How ever inst1 and inst2 is coming from a dictionary where I stored
them with a unique id.

inst1 = stored[id]
inst2 = stored[id]

Is this makes a difference? I will rip down the piece of code giving
me problem and post.

Re: Function editing with Vim throws IndentError

2008-07-24 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message
Matimus wrote:

 That isn't the standard. With that setup tabs will show up as 4
 spaces, and still confuse you.

Why should that be confusing? The most common tab-stop setting is 4 columns.

Re: Confounded by Python objects

2008-07-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh


take a look at the code snippet below. What I want to do is initialize
two separate Channel objects and put some data in them. However,
although two different objects are in fact created (as can be seen
from the different names they spit out with the diag() method), the
data in the sample member is the same although I stick different
values in.

that's because you only have one sample object -- the one owned by
the class object.

since you're modifying that object in place (via the append method),
your changes will be shared by all instances.  python never copies 
attributes when it creates an instance; if you want a fresh object,

you have to create it yourself.

class Channel:

tip: if you're not 100% sure why you would want to put an attribute
on the class level, don't do it.  instead, just create all attributes
inside the __init__ method:

def __init__(self, name): = name

  self.sample = [] # create fresh container for instance

def append(self, time, value):
self.sample.append((time, value))

def diag(self):
print (, self.sample)

hope this helps!



Re: scanf in python

2008-07-24 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], AMD wrote:

 Actually it is quite common, it is used for processing of files not for
 reading parameters. You can use it whenever you need to read a simple
 csv file or fixed format file which contains many lines with several
 fields per line.

I do that all the time, in Python and C++, but I've never felt the need for
a scanf-type function.

For reading delimited fields in Python, you can use .split string method.

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Jordan
On Jul 24, 7:40 pm, Torsten Bronger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bruno Desthuilliers writes:

  How would you handle this case with an implicit 'self' :

  class Foo(object):

  def bar(self):
     print self = bar

 Just like this.  However, the compiler could add self to
 non-decorated methods which are defined within class.


 Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus
                    Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yeah, forgot what I said, Torsten's reply is much better :-)

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message

 Except when it comes to Classes. I added some classes to code that had
 previously just been functions, and you know what I did - or rather,
 forgot to do? Put in the 'self'. In front of some of the variable
 accesses, but more noticably, at the start of *every single method
 argument list.*

The reason is quite simple. Python is not truly an object-oriented
language. It's sufficiently close to fool those accustomed to OO ways of
doing things, but it doesn't force you to do things that way. You still
have the choice. An implicit self would take away that choice.

Re: Confounded by Python objects

2008-07-24 Thread alex23
On Jul 24, 7:45 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 class Channel:
 name = ''
 sample = []

 def __init__(self, name): = name

 def append(self, time, value):
 self.sample.append((time, value))

 def diag(self):
 print (, self.sample)

Okay, the problem is you're appending to a _class_ attribute, not to
an instance attribute.

If you change your class definition to this, it should work:

class Channel:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.sample = []

That will provide each instance with its own version of the sample

The ' = name' in the __init__ for your original code binds a
new attribute to the instance, whereas 'self.sample.append(...' in the
class's append was appending to the class attribute instead.

Hope this helps.

- alex23

Re: lxml, comparing nodes

2008-07-24 Thread code_berzerker
 off the top of my head (untested):

   def equal(a, b):
 ...     if a.tag != b.tag or a.attrib != b.attrib:
 ...         return False
 ...     if a.text != b.text or a.tail != b.tail:
 ...         return False
 ...     if len(a) != len(b):
 ...         return False
 ...     if any(not equal(a, b) for a, b in zip(a, b)):
 ...         return False
 ...     return True

 this should work for arbitrary ET implementations (lxmk, xml.etree, ET,
 etc).  tweak as necessary.


Thanks for help. Thats inspiring, tho not exactly what I need, coz
ignoring document order is requirement (ignoring changes in order of
different siblings of the same type, etc). I plan to try something
like that:

def xmlCmp(xmlStr1, xmlStr2):
  et1 = etree.XML(xmlStr1)
  et2 = etree.XML(xmlStr2)

  queue = []
  tmpq = deque([et1])
  tmpq2 = deque([et2])

  while tmpq:
el = tmpq.popleft()

  while queue:
el = queue.pop()
foundEl = findMatchingElem(el, et2)
if foundEl:
  return False

  if len(tmpq2) == 0:
return True
return False

def findMatchingElem(el, eTree):
  for elem in eTree:
if elemCmp(el, elem):
  return elem
  return None

def elemCmp(el1, el2):
  pass # yet to be implemented ;)


Re: Confounded by Python objects

2008-07-24 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message

 class Channel:
 name = ''
 sample = []

These are class variables, not instance variables. Take them out, and ...

 def __init__(self, name): = name

... add this line to the above function

  self.sample = []


Re: Broken examples

2008-07-24 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], norseman

 The OOo examples do not work.

I have done OOo scripting in Python. What exactly does not work?

Re: instance comparison

2008-07-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

King wrote:

The only methods I do have in class is __init__ and __str__.
How ever inst1 and inst2 is coming from a dictionary where I stored
them with a unique id.

inst1 = stored[id]
inst2 = stored[id]

Is this makes a difference?

unlikely (well, if that's the literal code, both variables will point to 
the same variable, but I guess that's not what you meant).

 I will rip down the piece of code giving me problem and post.

please do.  and don't be surprised if you find the problem while doing 
so ;-)



Re: Confounded by Python objects

2008-07-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Jul 24, 11:59 am, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 tip: if you're not 100% sure why you would want to put an attribute
 on the class level, don't do it.

The reason I did it was sort of C++ish (that's where I come from): I
somehow wanted a list of attributes on the class level. More for
readibility than anything elase, really.

 hope this helps!

Yup, did the trick. Thanks!

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Jordan
OK, it seems my original reply to Bruno got lost in the Aether
(apologies therefore if a paraphrased quantum duplicate of this
message is eventually forthcoming.)

Torsten has adequately responded to his second point, so I need only
replicated what I said for the first.

 Please get your facts, the behaviour *is* actually fully documented:

I have the facts. I know full well the behaviour is documented - it
was pointed out at the time of the original discussion. Documenting a
confusing, unintuitive design decision (whether its in a programming
language, an end user GUI app or anything in between) doesn't justify

To attack a strawman: foolanguage uses the bar IO library; printing
to stdout takes about 10 mins on the average machine. But thats ok,
because look, its documented right here.

 FWIW, the __lt__ / __le__ / __eq__ / __ne__ / __gt__ / __ge__ methods
 set, known as rich comparisons, was added in Python 2.1 to give more
 fine-grained control on comparisons. If you don't need such a
 granularity, just implement the __cmp__ method and you'll have all
 comparison operators working as expected.

First, the most serious justification for rich comparisons I remember
seeing was that scipy needed them. I never saw a good reason scipy
couldnt use methods like the rest of us mortals, nor why it was
justifiable introducing a wart into the entire language for the sake
of mildly conveniencing an (admittedly important and widely used)

Second, fine, have silly C++-operator-overloading-style rich
comparisons that confuse people reading your code if you must. Why
does it have to be the default behaviour? Its people wanting __ne__ do
do something other than not __eq__ who should have to be explicit
about it.

Third, __cmp__ is no good as a fix. Most classes that wan't equality
comparison (== and !=) don't want ordered based comparison (= etc.)
thrown in as well. I shouldn't implement __cmp__ unless I want my
class to implement every order comparison operator.

Fourth, I'm trying to examine the wider implications of the Explicit 
Implict mantra here, not resurrect an old campaign to change !=
behaviour that I think is probably a lost cause (if it happens as a
side effect though, that'd be kinda cool.)


Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Jordan

 This is just plain wrong for at least C# and C++.  C# wants you to
 explicitly overload !=, if you have overloaded ==,

While this is as inconvenient as Python at least it doesn't catch you
unawares. C# 1 (or maybe 0.5), Python 0.

 C++ complains
 about != not being defined for class A.  

See above. C++ 1, Python 0.

So in showing my clearly hyperbolic comment was technically incorrect
(something I could have told you myself), you have merely shown that
two languages I find vastly inferior to Python overall are actually
better than it in this case.

 Fortunately, Python isn't designed according to your ideas, and won't
 change, so consider your posting a waste of time.  If feeling like bringing
 such old issues up again next time, spend your time learning another
 programming language, as you would obviously not get happy with Python
 anyway ...

OK, if that's your response, that's sad. Of course, I try to learn new
languages all the time. Python is still IMO the best. If the attitude
in the community in response to feedback/criticism has gone from
maybe you've got a point to your a lunatic, we'll never change,
well, only Python will suffer in the long term.


Re: Autocompletion and Interactive Tables in a Python IDE

2008-07-24 Thread Anthony
FoxPro is data-oriented, which means that at any time you have any
number of data sets open in the workspace and browse them immediately
by running one line of code in the command window.  It's a really
important feature in terms of efficiency; I don't want to have to move
back and forth between SPSS and an IDE when I'm figuring out what code
to write, that takes six keystrokes for what FoxPro can do in one.
Again, here's what the BROWSE command presents:

Does VIM have the capability to keep data open?  --  Do any of these
IDEs have this browse capability??

On Jul 24, 4:10 am, Aspersieman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anthony wrote:
  Hi, I'm a FoxPro programmer, but I want to learn python before it's
  too late.  I do a lot of statistical programming, so I import SPSS
  into python.  In my opinion, the best features of Visual FoxPro 9.0
  a) Intellisense (tells you what classes/methods are available and what
  variables go into a function)
  b) Code Completion (guesses your code after four letters)
  c) Data-Orientation; multiple data sessions can be open, data can be
  viewed easily

  Python's IDLE has only half of the first of these features.  I did a
  lot of searching and found the PyDev extensions for Eclipse's Python
  IDE, and found that they've got Intellisense.  I'm still missing b and
  c, and am getting extremely frustrated programming so slowly..

  So two questions:
  Is there any package, gui, IDE, anything that will do FoxPro-style
  code completion?  If it works in Eclipse, even better..
  I can't find a good screenshot, but here's a better description:
  You type BROW and it pops up a window that says BROWSE this
  point if you hit enter it completes the word..


  How can I view open SPSS data in one of the Python GUIs?  Again,
  Eclipse would be the preference.
  Here's an example of how I'd like to browse the data:
  I don't want to have to switch back and forth between Python and SPSS
  while I'm programming; I just want to stay in one of them..

  What can I do?  I feel extremely inefficient when I don't have these
  three features..

  Thanks in advance.

 You might want to try vim. It has a steep learning curve, but definitely
 increases productivity _alot_.

 Here is a tutorial on setting up vim with :
     1) Code completion (intellisense) - including tooltips (!!!)
     2) Jump between your python code and the python class libraries.
     3) Syntax checking
     4) A handy source browser
     5) Debugging (using pdb)
     6) [All the other vim goodies - already included]
 Above instructions available 

 I have been using the above setup for a while and find it superior to
 _any_ IDE I've ever worked with.

 I'm not sure what you mean by 'Data-Orientation' but I'm sure there's a
 suitable alternative/replacement for it in vim.




 The three things to remember about Llamas:
 1) They are harmless
 2) They are deadly
 3) They are made of lava, and thus nice to cuddle.


Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Jordan
On Jul 24, 8:01 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message

  Except when it comes to Classes. I added some classes to code that had
  previously just been functions, and you know what I did - or rather,
  forgot to do? Put in the 'self'. In front of some of the variable
  accesses, but more noticably, at the start of *every single method
  argument list.*

 The reason is quite simple. Python is not truly an object-oriented
 language. It's sufficiently close to fool those accustomed to OO ways of
 doing things, but it doesn't force you to do things that way. You still
 have the choice. An implicit self would take away that choice.

You could still explicitly request non-implicit self on a method by
method basis.

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Sebastian lunar Wiesner
 # Blog code, not tested
 class A():
   def __eq__(self, obj):
 return True
 a = A()
 b = []
 assert a == b
 assert not (a != b)
 The second assertion fails. Why? Because coding __eq__, the most
 obvious way to make a class have equality based comparisons, buys you
 nothing from the != operator. != isn't (by default) a synonym for the
 negation of == (unlike in, say, every other language ever); 

This is just plain wrong for at least C# and C++.  C# wants you to
explicitly overload !=, if you have overloaded ==, C++ complains
about != not being defined for class A.  If you had derived A from a
another class in C++, the compiler would happily use the operator from the
base class instead of doing silly aliasing of != to ! == ...

 The sad thing is there are plenty of smart Python programmers who will
 justify all kinds of idiocy in the name of their holy crusade against
 the implict.
 If there was one change I could make to Python, it would be to get
 that damn line out of the Zen.

Fortunately, Python isn't designed according to your ideas, and won't
change, so consider your posting a waste of time.  If feeling like bringing
such old issues up again next time, spend your time learning another
programming language, as you would obviously not get happy with Python
anyway ...

Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.
  (Rosa Luxemburg)

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 24 Jul., 11:40, Torsten Bronger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bruno Desthuilliers writes:

  How would you handle this case with an implicit 'self' :

  class Foo(object):

  def bar(self):
 print self = bar

 Just like this.  However, the compiler could add self to
 non-decorated methods which are defined within class.

And $self2, $self3, ... to the object methods of nested classes and
$cls2, $cls3, ... to the classmethods of those classes...?

And when we are at it, here is a nice little exercise for the
proponents of compiler magic.

Write a decorator that takes and returns a method and prints the
object the method is bound to. It's very easy to do it when the object
is passed explicitely:

def print_self(func):
def call(self, *args, **kwd):
print self
return func(self, *args, **kwd)
return call

Conceptual clarity isn't always an entirely bad thing to have.


Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Torsten Bronger

Kay Schluehr writes:

 On 24 Jul., 11:40, Torsten Bronger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bruno Desthuilliers writes:


 How would you handle this case with an implicit 'self' :

 class Foo(object):

 def bar(self):
print self = bar

 Just like this.  However, the compiler could add self to
 non-decorated methods which are defined within class.

 And $self2, $self3, ... to the object methods of nested classes
 and $cls2, $cls3, ... to the classmethods of those classes...?

One could surely find ways to realise this.  However, the design
goal should be: Make the frequent case simple, and the rare case

(Actually, I'm -0 on this anyway because I forget self very
seldomly, and you would still have .self all over the place.)


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus

Working with ctypes and char** data type

2008-07-24 Thread Philluminati
I'm a bit of a python newbie and I need to wrap a C library.

I can initialise the library using CDLL('')

and I can call functions correctly inside the library but I need to
invoke one function which has this function definition:

char ** CAPAPI McSearch(HMCLINK Handle,
short nSearchType,
short nNoSelect,
char **pSelect,
short nNoWhere,
char **pWhere,
char **pData,
int iTimeout);

For **pSelect I want to pass in an array of char points, which in C
would be declared as

char *pData[] = { ADDR, POSTCODE };

Can someone tell me how use pointers + char pointers together in
python with ctypes please?

Thank you


Re: Autocompletion and Interactive Tables in a Python IDE

2008-07-24 Thread Aspersieman

 On Jul 24, 4:10 am, Aspersieman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anthony wrote:
 Hi, I'm a FoxPro programmer, but I want to learn python before it's
 too late.  I do a lot of statistical programming, so I import SPSS
 into python.  In my opinion, the best features of Visual FoxPro 9.0
 a) Intellisense (tells you what classes/methods are available and what
 variables go into a function)
 b) Code Completion (guesses your code after four letters)
 c) Data-Orientation; multiple data sessions can be open, data can be
 viewed easily
 Python's IDLE has only half of the first of these features.  I did a
 lot of searching and found the PyDev extensions for Eclipse's Python
 IDE, and found that they've got Intellisense.  I'm still missing b and
 c, and am getting extremely frustrated programming so slowly..
 So two questions:
 Is there any package, gui, IDE, anything that will do FoxPro-style
 code completion?  If it works in Eclipse, even better..
 I can't find a good screenshot, but here's a better description:
 You type BROW and it pops up a window that says BROWSE this
 point if you hit enter it completes the word..
 How can I view open SPSS data in one of the Python GUIs?  Again,
 Eclipse would be the preference.
 Here's an example of how I'd like to browse the data:
 I don't want to have to switch back and forth between Python and SPSS
 while I'm programming; I just want to stay in one of them..
 What can I do?  I feel extremely inefficient when I don't have these
 three features..
 Thanks in advance.
 You might want to try vim. It has a steep learning curve, but definitely
 increases productivity _alot_.

 Here is a tutorial on setting up vim with :
 1) Code completion (intellisense) - including tooltips (!!!)
 2) Jump between your python code and the python class libraries.
 3) Syntax checking
 4) A handy source browser
 5) Debugging (using pdb)
 6) [All the other vim goodies - already included]
 Above instructions available 

 I have been using the above setup for a while and find it superior to
 _any_ IDE I've ever worked with.

 I'm not sure what you mean by 'Data-Orientation' but I'm sure there's a
 suitable alternative/replacement for it in vim.



Anthony wrote:
 FoxPro is data-oriented, which means that at any time you have any
 number of data sets open in the workspace and browse them immediately
 by running one line of code in the command window.  It's a really
 important feature in terms of efficiency; I don't want to have to move
 back and forth between SPSS and an IDE when I'm figuring out what code
 to write, that takes six keystrokes for what FoxPro can do in one.
 Again, here's what the BROWSE command presents:

 Does VIM have the capability to keep data open?  --  Do any of these
 IDEs have this browse capability??
I see what you mean by 'Data Oriented', however I'm not aware of such a
'data set' persistence functionality in vim. You can set up a similar
(to FoxPro) environment using DBExt [1] plugin in vim and by using its
(vims') built-in session functionality. To set up dbext for FoxPro in
vim you might need to use ODBC but it should be quite straight forward
provided you read the help.

I work on SQL Server (using python and vim) and frequently have many
queries result sets open that I'm busy with. When I have to go, all I do
is save my session in vim. When I return the next day, I open the
session, and it there I have all the queries (not the data sets they
return (however you can save that too)) and scripts etc, I was working
on. To execute a query (even one embedded in some python code) I merely
select the lines the query is on and type the key-mapping (I set up) to
execute the query (3 key strokes) and I can view the result set in a
split window below the current one.

The aforementioned vim setup for python [2] and the DBExt plugin for vim
give me all the functionality I need to develop python and/or database
applications/scripts in one editor (IDE?). Also, there are so many other
useful plugins [3] for vim I have no need of any other IDE (I've
replaced Visual Studio .Net with vim as my IDE for Asp.Net
applications). I'm sure that vim can meet all the required features you
wanted initially.

[2] here it is again :
[3] and and and

Re: Requires a character ... !!

2008-07-24 Thread John Machin
On Jul 24, 7:23 pm, Ulrich Eckhardt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 karthikbalaguru wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] hello]# Analyzer hello_input

 This is often a bad idea. Anyhow, that has nothing to do with Python.

  Loading debug info: hello_input
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File /usr/local/SDK/host/bin/Analyzer, line 694, in ?
File /usr/local/SDK/host/bin/, line 427, in
File /usr/local/SDK/bin/, line 314, in
  if DW_OP_reg in value:
  TypeError: 'in string' requires character as left operand

  Is this related with the version conflicts ?

 Which version conflict? Sorry, but my crystal ball is getting a new polish
 today, so I can't see the actual code that causes the error. I suggest that
 you reduce your code to the smallest possible piece of code that still
 shows the error and post it here, otherwise nobody will be able to help

You don't need a crystal ball; you just need to have been reading this
group/list for the last day or so --- the OP is trying to use Python
2.2 on some *.py that are obviously written for a later version,
refuses to contemplate upgrading, and starts a new thread every time
he gets a syntax error.

how to cut and paste in the windows of python(command line)

2008-07-24 Thread fang
Dear all:

  The mouse cannot be responded in the windows of python(command
line) and cut and paste cannot be done. ctrl c and ctrl v do not work.
But they do work in IDLE.
  please teach me about the python(command line).

Re: how to cut and paste in the windows of python(command line)

2008-07-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

fang wrote:

  The mouse cannot be responded in the windows of python(command
line) and cut and paste cannot be done. ctrl c and ctrl v do not work.
But they do work in IDLE.

that has absolutely nothing to do with Python, and everything to do with 
what console or terminal program you're using.

if you're using windows, you'll find edit commands, including copy and 
paste, commands in the window menu (click on the icon in the upper left 
corner).  Python also supports the standard doskey commands (text+F8 
to search in history, UP/DOWN to recall commands, ESC to clear, etc).

if you want better console support, consider installing the ipython



Re: how to cut and paste in the windows of python(command line)

2008-07-24 Thread André
On Jul 24, 8:17 am, fang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear all:

       The mouse cannot be responded in the windows of python(command
 line) and cut and paste cannot be done. ctrl c and ctrl v do not work.
 But they do work in IDLE.
       please teach me about the python(command line).

What Operating System are you using?  If you are using Windows, you
could try cutting and pasting from the menu (I am assuming you are
using a normal terminal windows).


Re: Requires a character ... !!

2008-07-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

John Machin wrote:

You don't need a crystal ball; you just need to have been reading this
group/list for the last day or so --- the OP is trying to use Python
2.2 on some *.py that are obviously written for a later version,
refuses to contemplate upgrading, and starts a new thread every time
he gets a syntax error.

The traceback indicates that this is some software for working with 
debug data (, but neither Google nor Kodos finds 
anything similar to the code you see in the tracebacks, so it's probably 
some proprietary stuff.  And for some reason, the OP seems to be a bit 
unwilling to ask the supplier for help...



Re: how to cut and paste in the windows of python(command line)

2008-07-24 Thread Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
-On [20080724 13:50], Fredrik Lundh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
if you want better console support, consider installing the ipython

Unless you work with non-ASCII. Ipython mangles non-ASCII unfortunately.

[Full UTF-8 environment]

In [1]: a = u'愛'
In [2]: a
Out[2]: u'\xe6\x84\x9b'

Normal python shell:

 a = u'愛'

I wonder if it can be easily fixed with a getpreferredencoding() or by using
an .encode(sys.stdout.encoding or getpreferredencoding() or 'ascii',
'replace') triplet.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven asmodai(-at-) / asmodai
イェルーン ラウフロック ヴァン デル ウェルヴェン | | GPG: 2EAC625B
One who knows that enough is enough will always have enough...

Re: Recursion Performance Question

2008-07-24 Thread Anders J. Munch

B wrote:

 # pass in window handle and parent node
 def gwl(node, hwnd):
 if hwnd:
 yield node, hwnd
 for nd, wnd in Wnd.gwl(node.children[-1], GetWindow(hwnd,
 yield nd, wnd
 for nd, wnd in Wnd.gwl(node, GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)):
 yield nd, wnd

 Now it works, but it runs quite slow (compared to the c++ app).  I
 changed gwl from strait recursion to use a generator and that helped,
 but it still takes 0.5-1.0 seconds to populate the tree.

Actually the generator could well be the problem here, because of time
spent on yield propagation: gwl has worst-case quadratic
performance, the worst case being if the tree is unbalanced and deep,
because every yielded value must pass through a chain of propagation

Straight recursion should be faster; I don't know what you did to make
it slow, but try something along these lines:

def gwl_helper(node, hwnd, collect):
if hwnd:
gwl_helper(node.children[-1], GetWindow(hwnd, GW_CHILD), collect)
gwl_helper(node, GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT), collect)

def gwl(node, hwnd):
result = []
gwl_helper(node, hwnd, result.append)
return result

- Anders

Re: how to cut and paste in the windows of python(command line)

2008-07-24 Thread fang

Thank you very much! I can do it! It's very nice!

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread alex23
On Jul 24, 8:21 pm, Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If the attitude
 in the community in response to feedback/criticism has gone from
 maybe you've got a point to your a lunatic, we'll never change,
 well, only Python will suffer in the long term.

Personally, I think it has more to do with statements like there are
plenty of smart Python programmers who will
justify all kinds of idiocy in the name of their holy crusade than
with your position. You don't begin a discussion by discrediting
anyone who might disagree with you as some kind of religious bigot
while simultaneously holding that you are the only sane voice


Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Sebastian lunar Wiesner

 Fortunately, Python isn't designed according to your ideas, and won't
 change, so consider your posting a waste of time.  If feeling like
 bringing such old issues up again next time, spend your time learning
 another programming language, as you would obviously not get happy with
 Python anyway ...
 OK, if that's your response, that's sad. Of course, I try to learn new
 languages all the time. Python is still IMO the best. If the attitude
 in the community in response to feedback/criticism has gone from
 maybe you've got a point to your a lunatic, we'll never change,
 well, only Python will suffer in the long term.

I don't really mind, what you think about my response.  Python will suffer
from it as little as it will suffer from your complaints:  These things
will not change, whatever any of us says about them.  So this discussion
unlikely to produce any new insight, especially because this as been
discussed over and over again in the past, without any effect on Python.  

Let's just drop this, and if you want to complain next time, just complain
about something, that is really worth being complained about, like for
instance old and outdated modules in the standard library, or real
showstoppers in Python (e.g. the GIL).

Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.
  (Rosa Luxemburg)

Re: instance comparison

2008-07-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

King a écrit :

The only methods I do have in class is __init__ and __str__.

Is your class subclassing another one ?


Re: Doubt

2008-07-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 ജഗന്നാഥ് wrote:
 I am a Perl programmer new to Python. I have a small doubt.
 I suspect you mean question, not doubt.  It's not quite the same

It seems to be an Indian/Asian thing. By now, I tuned myself to read doubt
as question/problem...


New to Python, familiar with Perl - Seeking info sources

2008-07-24 Thread Brett Ritter
After many years happily coding Perl, I'm looking to expand my
horizons. [no flames please, I'm pretty aware of Perl's strengths and
weaknesses and I'm just here to learn more, not to enter religious

I've gone through some of the online tutorials and I'll be browsing
the reference before starting the code a lot phase.

My question is: What are the best sources to learn best practices or
get the answers to questions?  Are there any good sources to tell me
what Perl habits are good/bad in the Python paradigm?  What about
common packages that will change my life?  (I do a lot of web work,
but also a lot of DB reporting)  I'm also working as a Java developer
primarily, so I'm glad to see that Jython has been resurrected, but
I'm focusing on vanilla Python for the moment.

As examples: PerlMonks has been my info source.  The Perl Best
Practices and Higher Order Perl books have been my tutors into better
coding practices.  CPAN has my life easy, giving me access to the DBI,
Class::DBI (and its successors), HTML::FillInForm,
Data::FormValidator, CGI::Application, and Text::CSV::Simple modules
that are staples of my coding.   The (occasionally complete) Perl
Advent calendars have proven to be a good source to learn about
helpful modules that I might not otherwise stumble across.

(I've encountered Django, but I'm getting my fill of frameworks from
Java for the moment, so I'm looking for lightweight pieces at the

My (admittedly brief) searches here and on google didn't lead me to
any particular spots of concentrated Python info, and most of the Perl/
Python stuff is either a smug attack by one camp on the other or a
rant about the behavior of an obscure feature between the two.

Any recommendations?  Thanks in advance.


Python / PAMIE

2008-07-24 Thread frankrentef
Can someone help with a PAMIE issue?  I'm new to Python / PAMIE and
they seem like great tools but to be honest I'm finding that no
responses to questions can be found (Experts Exchange, etc.)  I'm
hoping this will be the place.

I tried to duplicate the authors ie.writeScript function shown at

I get Attribute not found.  I found one reference to where the
command was written as ie.scriptWrite but that does not work either.

I've emailed the author, Experts Exchange and other sites with ZERO

Can someone PLEASE assist?



Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Jordan
 Personally, I think it has more to do with statements like there are
 plenty of smart Python programmers who will
 justify all kinds of idiocy in the name of their holy crusade than
 with your position. You don't begin a discussion by discrediting
 anyone who might disagree with you as some kind of religious bigot
 while simultaneously holding that you are the only sane voice

I didn't set out to discredit anyone who might disagree with me; in
fact I didn't in anyway try to pre-empt any person who might disagree
with my thesis. I merely stated an observation - I have in the past
seen seemingly intelligent people take silly stands in the name of
Explicit is greater than Implicit (not just on comp.lang.python, and
not just concerning != or self).

I wish in retrospect I'd had the time, patience and focus to edit the
initial post to make it more measured and less inflammatory, because
its clear the tone detracts from the argument I'm making, which I feel
still stands.

So if you wish, ignore the specifics of the frustration that inspired
me and consider only the thrust of what I'm saying:

Explicit is better than Implict considered harmful. Discuss.

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Ben Finney
Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I just think Explicit is better than Implicit is taken seriously by
 a large segment the Python community as a guiding principle

Indeed it is. However, it has to compete with all the other principles
in the Zen of Python, which have equal status.

 and overall its influence does more harm than good.

Thanks for your opinion. I disagree strongly: I think its influence is
nicely balanced by the other important principles that are also

 \  “The way to build large Python applications is to componentize |
  `\ and loosely-couple the hell out of everything.” —Aahz |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Ben Finney
Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If the attitude in the community in response to feedback/criticism
 has gone from maybe you've got a point to your a lunatic, we'll
 never change, well, only Python will suffer in the long term.

You're not a lunatic.

We, and Python itself, change quite readily.

Neither of those mean your ideas in this instance have merit.

 \   “Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “Well, I think |
  `\ so, Brain, but do I really need two tongues?” —_Pinky and The |
_o__)   Brain_ |
Ben Finney

FW: [Jython-users] Jython Licensing Question

2008-07-24 Thread Pinegar, Kent T

Can anyone answer my question about the licensing for
I would appreciate it.


-Original Message-
From: Tobias Ivarsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:13 AM
To: Pinegar, Kent T
Subject: Re: [Jython-users] Jython Licensing Question

No I don't, I spent a few minutes yesterday when researching in what
revision it got in to try and find where a list of contributors who have
signed the contributors agreement could be found, but without success. I
think you should try asking on python-list (, the
e-mail list for discussion about Python in general.


On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 9:25 PM, Pinegar, Kent T



Thanks.  Do you know where I can get information on CPython?
Specifically, licensing information.




From: Tobias Ivarsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 10:10 AM
To: Pinegar, Kent T


Subject: Re: [Jython-users] Jython Licensing Question is imported from CPython to where this copyright
notice was committed in revision 18872, Jan 19 2001.

IANAL so I don't know what is required to be able to
redistribute this with Jython. But I guess that if it has been part of
CPython since version 2.0 it should be fine for us as well...
In fact this file (with that copyright notice) was included in
the previous version of Jython as well.


On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 4:27 PM, Pinegar, Kent T

The file in the latest version of Jython,
contains a copyright by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton.  There is not,
however, any license agreement to cover this copyright in the Jython
download.  Does anyone know if this was an oversight, or existing
licenses covers it?


Kent Pinegar

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move
Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win
great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere
in the world
Jython-users mailing list



Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Jordan
 I don't really mind, what you think about my response.  Python will suffer
 from it as little as it will suffer from your complaints:  These things
 will not change, whatever any of us says about them.  So this discussion
 unlikely to produce any new insight, especially because this as been
 discussed over and over again in the past, without any effect on Python.  

You're right, of course. Because Python is in so many ways what I'm
looking for in a language, I transform it in my mind to my own,
personal ideal, close to the real existing language but with what I
consider to be the imperfections removed.

I'm not suggesting getting rid of explicit self, even in Python
4000. Not because of the advantages it gives, which are some but
don't outweigh the net loss in my ledger. It just wouldn't be
Pythonic. I know its not a Pythonic thing to want. Thats my problem -
because I have a largely Pythonic approach in some areas, it upsets me
when there's a mismatch. So lets say I'm -1 for introducing it into a
language and +0 for keeping it in Python now that its entrenched.

If a lot of users keep bringing up something like this, well my
attitude used to be the same as yours - learn to love Python for what
it is. Maybe

 Let's just drop this, and if you want to complain next time, just complain
 about something, that is really worth being complained about, like for
 instance old and outdated modules in the standard library, or real
 showstoppers in Python (e.g. the GIL).

Its worth complaining about because I'm not just someone who has
stumbled across Python after years of Java and PHP, and hasn't really
grokked it, and has jumped on the net at once to start a flamewar. I'm
someone who loves Python, uses it in preference to other languages,
and have now returned to it after a bit of a break and its finally hit
me over the head like a tonne of bricks Hey, I can see exactly what
all those internet trolls were talking about. This *is* a really
annoying and silly state of affairs.

I was trying not to change explicit self, or even != (which has a much
better case.) I was trying to ask the community to reconsider a
premise that the language is built around. Explicit is actually kinda
annoying a lot of the time, viz., java. This is about social and
philosophical adjustments, not technical ones.

In reality? I'll just keep writing Python (hopefully enough so that
explicit self become burned into muscle memory), and use other
languages when necessary (no more C than I have to, looking forward to
dabbling in Erlang soon, and one day overcoming the parentheses phobia
enough to really tackle Lisp properly). When I'm old enough and wise
enough, and have the time, energy and inclination, maybe I'll sit down
and put a proper effort into designing and implementing a new language
that bests suits my own particular style and needs. Just maybe it'll
be good enough that smart people will rally to defend its design
principles from people attacking them on the internet :-)

Wrapping std::set in boost::python

2008-07-24 Thread Eric First
Has anybody wrapped std::set using boost::python? I'm trying to find the
best way to do this. Thanks.

ctypes and reading value under pointer passed as param of a callback

2008-07-24 Thread waldek

I'm using C dll with py module and wanna read value (buffer of bytes)
returned in py callback as parameter passed to dll function.

def  mycallback(data, size):
# how to read data buffer here ?
return 0

cbfunc = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(c_uint8), c_int)

mydll = cdll.somedll

Question: How to get bytes from the buffer passed to mycallback ???
Let's assume that the buffer consist of 4 bytes 4 bytes 8 bytes.

I tried unpack(ii8s, data[0]) and nothing. I tried different ctypes
passed to callback and nothing.

Any sugestions ?



pci card adjusting

2008-07-24 Thread Oguz Yarimtepe
Hi all,

I need to adjust the dimming property of my video card. There is
currently a written application called nvclock but it is not
supporting my card right now. So i need to implement the requiered
register jobs on the card. This is already done to a degree in C. But
i don't want to dive in to the C code right now.

I prefer Python so may i implement such a feature by Python? Is there
any library that i can use inside Python to get or set some register
values of my pci card. Some memory stuff might be necessarry, i dont
know yet how to implement the dim feature for my card. But till i
observe the code, pmc smartdim offset, smartdim mask and shift amount
is used for such a thing. These are vendor spesific values and lets
imagine i have these values now. What is the next movement or any
suggestions about this issue?

Oğuz Yarımtepe

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Jordan a écrit :

OK, it seems my original reply to Bruno got lost in the Aether
(apologies therefore if a paraphrased quantum duplicate of this
message is eventually forthcoming.)

Torsten has adequately responded to his second point,

Not MHO, by far.

so I need only
replicated what I said for the first.

Please get your facts, the behaviour *is* actually fully documented:

I have the facts. I know full well the behaviour is documented 

Then why do you write, let me quote:

(snip) coding __eq__ (snip) buys you
nothing from the != operator. != isn't (by default) a synonym for the
negation of == (unlike in, say, every other language ever); not only
will Python let you make them mean different things, without
documenting this fact - it actively encourages you to do so.

- it
was pointed out at the time of the original discussion. Documenting a
confusing, unintuitive design decision (whether its in a programming
language, an end user GUI app or anything in between) doesn't justify

I was not commenting on the actual design choice, just stating that it 
is actually documented.

To attack a strawman: foolanguage uses the bar IO library; printing
to stdout takes about 10 mins on the average machine. But thats ok,
because look, its documented right here.

And you're talking about strawman ??? Come on, you obviously can tell 
the difference between a one-line statement and your above strawman 
argument, don't you ?

Please understand that I'm not arguing about this particular design 
choice (and FWIW, I'd mostly agree on the point that having a != b 
different from not (a == b) is actually a wart). I'm just correcting 
your statement about the behaviour of __eq__ / __ne__ not being 
documented, which is obviously false.


Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Torsten Bronger a écrit :


Bruno Desthuilliers writes:


How would you handle this case with an implicit 'self' :

class Foo(object):

def bar(self):
   print self = bar

Just like this.  However, the compiler could add self to
non-decorated methods which are defined within class.

What's defined within classes are plain functions. It's actually the 
lookup mechanism that wraps them into methods (and manage to insert the 
current instance as first argument).


Re: Python / PAMIE

2008-07-24 Thread Tim Golden

frankrentef wrote:

Can someone help with a PAMIE issue?  I'm new to Python / PAMIE and
they seem like great tools but to be honest I'm finding that no
responses to questions can be found (Experts Exchange, etc.)  I'm
hoping this will be the place.

I tried to duplicate the authors ie.writeScript function shown at

I'd rather you posted the code you've tried.
I'm not too keen on viewing a video just to get
hold of a piece of code, and in any case that
would only show me what the author's done.

We need to see what you've done, and what the
traceback was. Would you mind posting some code, 



Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread cokofreedom

 Please understand that I'm not arguing about this particular design
 choice (and FWIW, I'd mostly agree on the point that having a != b
 different from not (a == b) is actually a wart). I'm just correcting
 your statement about the behaviour of __eq__ / __ne__ not being
 documented, which is obviously false.


What was the reasoning behind having both __eq__ / __ne__ anyway? To
fit in with the equality comparisons?  I do agree this one seems like
a wart, but not a serious one. I'd say it would make more sense for
the interpreter to provide a warning on classes that define one and
not that other, at least if set to a certain level, similar to -3 for

(Or does this exist? I think a wart catching level that outputs
potential warts and issues would be a useful addition!)

Re: ctypes and reading value under pointer passed as param of a callback

2008-07-24 Thread Thomas Heller
waldek schrieb:
 I'm using C dll with py module and wanna read value (buffer of bytes)
 returned in py callback as parameter passed to dll function.

The callback receives a pointer instance.  You can dereference the pointer
to read individual bytes in this way:
   print data[0], data[5], data[42]
or use slicing to read a bunch of bytes:
   print data[0:42]

So, you probably want something like this:

 def  mycallback(data, size):
 # how to read data buffer here ?
  print data[:size]
 return 0
 cbfunc = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(c_uint8), c_int)
 mydll = cdll.somedll
 Question: How to get bytes from the buffer passed to mycallback ???
 Let's assume that the buffer consist of 4 bytes 4 bytes 8 bytes.
 I tried unpack(ii8s, data[0]) and nothing. I tried different ctypes
 passed to callback and nothing.


Re: Working with ctypes and char** data type

2008-07-24 Thread Thomas Heller
Philluminati schrieb:
 I'm a bit of a python newbie and I need to wrap a C library.
 I can initialise the library using CDLL('')
 and I can call functions correctly inside the library but I need to
 invoke one function which has this function definition:
 char ** CAPAPI McSearch(HMCLINK Handle,
 short nSearchType,
 short nNoSelect,
 char **pSelect,
 short nNoWhere,
 char **pWhere,
 char **pData,
 int iTimeout);
 For **pSelect I want to pass in an array of char points, which in C
 would be declared as
 char *pData[] = { ADDR, POSTCODE };
 Can someone tell me how use pointers + char pointers together in
 python with ctypes please?

# create an array that holds two pointers to 'char *', and fill it with data:
pData = (c_char_p * 2)()
pData[0] = ADDR
pData[1] = POSTCODE

# Another way:
pData = (c_char_p * 2)(ADDR, POSTCODE)


Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Jordan
 Then why do you write, let me quote:

 (snip) coding __eq__ (snip) buys you
 nothing from the != operator. != isn't (by default) a synonym for the
 negation of == (unlike in, say, every other language ever); not only
 will Python let you make them mean different things, without
 documenting this fact - it actively encourages you to do so.

My words aren't as clear as they should be. I mean that Python lets
*you* do something without documenting, or rather stating to use a
better term, that your intention is the non-obvious one. I'm not
saying that Python itself lacks documentation for its own behaviour;
I'm saying it should force you to make your intentions clear and
visible to someone reading your code when you want to do something non-

 I was not commenting on the actual design choice, just stating that it
 is actually documented.

Yes, it is. I apologise for the poor construction of my statement
which led to this confusion.

 And you're talking about strawman ??? Come on, you obviously can tell
 the difference between a one-line statement and your above strawman
 argument, don't you ?

I'm talking about strawmen because I was deliberately choosing to
invoke one with rhetorical flourish for the purposes of making my
point forcefully. I wanted people to be clear that I knew perfectly
well what I was doing and that they needn't call me out on it.

 Please understand that I'm not arguing about this particular design
 choice (and FWIW, I'd mostly agree on the point that having a != b
 different from not (a == b) is actually a wart). I'm just correcting
 your statement about the behaviour of __eq__ / __ne__ not being
 documented, which is obviously false.

Good, at least we've come to a point in this discussion where I can
firmly agree with somebody.

Re: New to Python, familiar with Perl - Seeking info sources

2008-07-24 Thread cokofreedom
On Jul 24, 3:53 pm, Brett Ritter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After many years happily coding Perl, I'm looking to expand my
 horizons. [no flames please, I'm pretty aware of Perl's strengths and
 weaknesses and I'm just here to learn more, not to enter religious

 I've gone through some of the online tutorials and I'll be browsing
 the reference before starting the code a lot phase.

 My question is: What are the best sources to learn best practices or
 get the answers to questions?  Are there any good sources to tell me
 what Perl habits are good/bad in the Python paradigm?  What about
 common packages that will change my life?  (I do a lot of web work,
 but also a lot of DB reporting)  I'm also working as a Java developer
 primarily, so I'm glad to see that Jython has been resurrected, but
 I'm focusing on vanilla Python for the moment.

 As examples: PerlMonks has been my info source.  The Perl Best
 Practices and Higher Order Perl books have been my tutors into better
 coding practices.  CPAN has my life easy, giving me access to the DBI,
 Class::DBI (and its successors), HTML::FillInForm,
 Data::FormValidator, CGI::Application, and Text::CSV::Simple modules
 that are staples of my coding.   The (occasionally complete) Perl
 Advent calendars have proven to be a good source to learn about
 helpful modules that I might not otherwise stumble across.

 (I've encountered Django, but I'm getting my fill of frameworks from
 Java for the moment, so I'm looking for lightweight pieces at the

 My (admittedly brief) searches here and on google didn't lead me to
 any particular spots of concentrated Python info, and most of the Perl/
 Python stuff is either a smug attack by one camp on the other or a
 rant about the behavior of an obscure feature between the two.

 Any recommendations?  Thanks in advance.

Best start is a quick read of DiveIntoPython that provides a nice
account of how to work with Python, and relates to coming from a
programming background. I also keep this List on my bookmarks, as well
as the python library (

The ActiveState Python Cookbook (
Python/Cookbook/) generally has a lot of useful code snippets worth

Zen of Python ( shows the
idea of Python and ( is the
Style Guidelines for Python code.

I haven't worked with the web and Python much yet so maybe someone
else can help you there. Welcome :)

Re: Python / PAMIE

2008-07-24 Thread Tim Golden

frankrentef wrote:

Can someone help with a PAMIE issue?  I'm new to Python / PAMIE and
they seem like great tools but to be honest I'm finding that no
responses to questions can be found (Experts Exchange, etc.)  I'm
hoping this will be the place.

I tried to duplicate the authors ie.writeScript function shown at

I'd rather you posted the code you've tried.
I'm not too keen on viewing a video just to get
hold of a piece of code, and in any case that
would only show me what the author's done.

We need to see what you've done, and what the
traceback was. Would you mind posting some code, 



Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Torsten Bronger a écrit :


Kay Schluehr writes:

On 24 Jul., 11:40, Torsten Bronger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bruno Desthuilliers writes:


How would you handle this case with an implicit 'self' :

class Foo(object):

def bar(self):
   print self = bar

Just like this.  However, the compiler could add self to
non-decorated methods which are defined within class.

And $self2, $self3, ... to the object methods of nested classes
and $cls2, $cls3, ... to the classmethods of those classes...?

One could surely find ways to realise this.  However, the design
goal should be: Make the frequent case simple, and the rare case

Given the (more and more prominent) use of decorators, metaclasses and 
other meta-programming techniques in Python, I'm not sure the cases 
where you really need access to Python's object model inners are that 
rare. Not in my code at least.


Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread cokofreedom

 My words aren't as clear as they should be. I mean that Python lets
 *you* do something without documenting, or rather stating to use a
 better term, that your intention is the non-obvious one. I'm not
 saying that Python itself lacks documentation for its own behaviour;
 I'm saying it should force you to make your intentions clear and
 visible to someone reading your code when you want to do something non-

I take it you are relating to the need for less comments within the
code as the idea is the Python code itself is readable? Or are you
saying that when someone does a clever trick it should be documented
better? I'm a little confused as what you mean by no-documenting? I
always add doc-strings to modules I will be using heavily as well as a
README with them. But that isn't different from programming in other
languages and using comments.

(Do you mean something like JavaDoc?)

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Ben Finney
Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Explicit is actually kinda annoying a lot of the time

Yes. It is also very helpful for those who will later try to
understand, interface with, debug, modify, or otherwise work with the
code (including, in a great many cases, the original author of that

The great boost that EIBTI grants to maintainability trumps, in my
view, the annoyance felt by some at the time of writing the code.

 \  “An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind.” —Mahatma |
  `\Gandhi |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: repr(string)

2008-07-24 Thread David C. Ullrich
 Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 David C. Ullrich wrote:
  I've been saving data in a file with one line per field.
  Now some of the fields may become multi-line strings...
  I was about to start escaping and unescaping linefeeds
  by hand, when I realized that repr() and eval() should
  do. Hence the question: If s is a string, is repr(s)
  guaranteed not to contain line breaks?
 just keep in mind that using eval() on untrusted data isn't a very good 

Right. This data comes from me, gets put into a file and then
read by me. Someone _could_ corrupt that file, but someone who
could do that could more easily just throw the machine out
the window...


David C. Ullrich

Re: Python / PAMIE

2008-07-24 Thread frankrentef
On Jul 24, 10:07 am, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 frankrentef wrote:
  Can someone help with a PAMIE issue?  I'm new to Python / PAMIE and
  they seem like great tools but to be honest I'm finding that no
  responses to questions can be found (Experts Exchange, etc.)  I'm
  hoping this will be the place.

  I tried to duplicate the authors ie.writeScript function shown at

 I'd rather you posted the code you've tried.
 I'm not too keen on viewing a video just to get
 hold of a piece of code, and in any case that
 would only show me what the author's done.

 We need to see what you've done, and what the
 traceback was. Would you mind posting some code,



THNX for your response.  Based on the authors code it's very simple.

from cPAMIE import PAMIE
ie=PAMIE ()

#ie.navigate (


ie.navigate ('')
#ie.scriptWrite ()


Below is the error I get...

 File C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\, line 1837, in
nameProp = getattr(x,nameProp)
  File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\,
line 500, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError, %s.%s % (self._username_, attr)
AttributeError: unknown.nameProp

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Lawrence D'Oliveiro a écrit :

In message

Except when it comes to Classes. I added some classes to code that had
previously just been functions, and you know what I did - or rather,
forgot to do? Put in the 'self'. In front of some of the variable
accesses, but more noticably, at the start of *every single method
argument list.*

The reason is quite simple. Python is not truly an object-oriented

Oh yes ? What's missing exactly ? You have objects that have an id, 
state and behaviour, and you have a message-passing mechanism.

You meant Python is not truly a mainstream class-based language, I think.

It's sufficiently close to fool those accustomed to OO ways  of
doing things,


but it doesn't force you to do things that way. You still
have the choice. An implicit self would take away that choice.

It's not even a question of OO/non-OO. An implicit self would take 
away some things that makes Python's *object* model so powerful.


Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Jordan

 You're not a lunatic.

 We, and Python itself, change quite readily.

 Neither of those mean your ideas in this instance have merit.

You're right, these premises don't lead to this conclusion. Neither do
they lead to its negation, of course.

As it happens, you're wrong on both counts. I do in fact suffer from a
mental illness and have spent a week in a psych ward, so am a lunatic
by some reasonable definitions. Python readily changes in some
regards, but not in others. Of course, a great many things of worth
have this as one of their essential qualities.

Pithy replies are fun.

 Thanks for your opinion. I disagree strongly: I think its influence is
 nicely balanced by the other important principles that are also

This isn't just being clever, there's substance here. A clearly stated
opposing position, with a decent if somewhat short justification.

I think you're right insofar as you go - that if someone really sits
down, and thinks clearly about all the Pythonic principles, as a
whole, and in detail, then the net result in the shaping their
thinking will be positive more often than not.

Perhaps we're just looking at an instance of a wider problem - smart
people boil good ideas down into short slogans, which are nice and
memorable and somewhat helpful, but can lead to bad consequences when
lots of others start overusing or misunderstanding them.

need help with introducing more traffic

2008-07-24 Thread leo davis
I found this code snippet(reference and wish to do more 
with it than just send out a Http Get request.I would like to introduce more 
traffic -say by downloading files,crawling through all the links,logging in etc 
etc,and wish to see how the web server reacts.I'm trying to stress the server 
to its limitsappreciate if anyone could provide me code/ideas to inject 
into this.
the website - selected as 
example has many downloads.i tried from urllib import urlretrieve
 didnt work.

[QUOTE]import time
import os
import sys, urllib, re
import httplib
#from urllib import urlretrieve
import urllib2
from threading import Thread

class LoadManager:
    def __init__(self):
    self.thread_refs = []
    self.msg = ('localhost') # default
    def stop(self):
    for thread in self.thread_refs:
    def start(self, threads=1, interval=0, rampup=1):
    for i in range(threads):
    spacing = (i * (float(rampup) / float(threads)))
    agent = LoadAgent(interval, self.msg)
    # print 'started thread # ' + str(i + 1)
class LoadAgent(Thread):
    def __init__(self, interval, msg):
    self.running = True
    self.interval = interval
    self.msg = msg
    def stop(self):
    self.running = False
    def run(self):
    while self.running:
    start_time = time.time()
    if self.send(self.msg):
    end_time = time.time()
    raw_latency = end_time - start_time
    expire_time = (self.interval - raw_latency)
    latency = ('%.3f' % raw_latency)
    print latency
    raw_latency = 0
    expire_time = (self.interval - raw_latency)
    if expire_time  0:
    def send(self, msg):
    req = urllib2.Request(msg)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    the_page =
    return True
    print 'failed request'
    return False
def main():
    # sample usage
    manager = LoadManager()
    manager.msg = ('')
    manager.start(threads=5, interval=2, rampup=2)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Tim Golden

Just wondered whether the OP's Subject was a
deliberate play on flog a dead horse or
merely an ironic one :)


Re: Inserting cookies into a web session

2008-07-24 Thread John Gordon
In [EMAIL PROTECTED] =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Michael_Str=F6der?= [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 John Gordon wrote:
  I'm developing a web application that needs a semi-persistent way to
  store information.
  I've looked at some options such as writing entries to a database table
  or creating small textfiles, but I'm not thrilled with anything I've come
  up with so far.

 What's the problem?

The problem is databases and textfiles are too heavyweight.  I only need
the information for the duration of a session; I don't want to have to worry
about cleaning up the database or textfile afterwards.

To explain my requirements a bit more, I'm writing a web-based contact
manager application.  The basic contact unit is a person, and I'm currently
working on the page layout for displaying information relating to a person.

The top section of the page is always the same: it shows your personal
information.  Name, userid, title, etc.

But the bottom section of the page can change; it shows one of several
different kinds of information.  It can either display your home and office
address, or it can show all the ways you can be contacted (phone, email,
pager, etc), or it can show the times during which you wish to be contacted.

(I didn't choose this layout; it was all done and approved before I joined
the project.  I just have to implement it.)

My problem is if the user goes to the top portion of the page and changes
some of the information there, for example he wants to change his title,
that information is self-contained in a form and knows nothing about the
choice the user made of what to show at the bottom of the page.

Of course, I could add the choice as a hidden form element at the top of
the page.  But that seems kludgy -- that form *shouldn't* have to know.
And the page layout isn't as simple as I've described here; there are
actually lots of these little self-contained forms that are unrelated to
the information at the bottom of the page, and I'd rather not have to
add a hidden element to all of them.

Using a cookie seems like an ideal solution.  When the session starts,
I can set the choice to the default setting of address, and if the user
ever clicks on show me my contact methods or show me my times, I just
set the cookie to that choice.  I don't have to worry about passing the
choice around in each of the dozen or so forms that are on the page.

 Before using cookies keep in mind that the cookies returned by the 
 browser are not trustworthy! You have to validate the values each time.

I'm not sure it's worth the trouble in my case.  I won't be depending on
the cookie for sensitive information; I'm just using it as a stored setting
for which kind of information to display on the page.

That looks great!

 Ciao, Michael.

Thanks Michael.  :-)

John Gordon   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, The Gashlycrumb Tinies


Re: repr(string)

2008-07-24 Thread Peter Otten
David C. Ullrich wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David C. Ullrich wrote:
  I've been saving data in a file with one line per field.
  Now some of the fields may become multi-line strings...
  I was about to start escaping and unescaping linefeeds
  by hand, when I realized that repr() and eval() should
  do. Hence the question: If s is a string, is repr(s)
  guaranteed not to contain line breaks?
 just keep in mind that using eval() on untrusted data isn't a very good
 Right. This data comes from me, gets put into a file and then
 read by me. Someone _could_ corrupt that file, but someone who
 could do that could more easily just throw the machine out
 the window...

You could also use a csv file with a single row.


Re: repr(string)

2008-07-24 Thread Peter Otten
Peter Otten wrote:

 You could also use a csv file with a single row.

Err, I meant column, but a row would also work. Your choice.



Encoding for Devanagari Script.

2008-07-24 Thread Atul.
Hello All,

I wanted to know what encoding should I use to open the files with
Devanagari characters. I was thinking of UTF-8 but was not sure, any
leads on this? Anyone used it earlier?

Thanks in Advance.


Re: repr(string)

2008-07-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

David C. Ullrich skrev:

just keep in mind that using eval() on untrusted data isn't a very good 

Right. This data comes from me, gets put into a file and then
read by me. Someone _could_ corrupt that file, but someone who
could do that could more easily just throw the machine out
the window...

and then your boss finds your program useful, and it's installed on a 
shared server, and then the guys at the office in Eggkleiva wants a 
copy, and then people start shipping save files via mail to keep things 
synchronized, and then someone sets up a web service... ;-)



Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Torsten Bronger

Bruno Desthuilliers writes:

 Torsten Bronger a écrit :

 Kay Schluehr writes:

 On 24 Jul., 11:40, Torsten Bronger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 [...]  Just like this.  However, the compiler could add self
 to non-decorated methods which are defined within class.

 And $self2, $self3, ... to the object methods of nested classes
 and $cls2, $cls3, ... to the classmethods of those classes...?

 One could surely find ways to realise this.  However, the design
 goal should be: Make the frequent case simple, and the rare case

 Given the (more and more prominent) use of decorators, metaclasses
 and other meta-programming techniques in Python, I'm not sure the
 cases where you really need access to Python's object model inners
 are that rare. Not in my code at least.

What does not rare mean for you?


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-24 Thread Torsten Bronger

Bruno Desthuilliers writes:

 Torsten Bronger a écrit :

 Bruno Desthuilliers writes:


 How would you handle this case with an implicit 'self' :

 class Foo(object):

 def bar(self):
print self = bar

 Just like this.  However, the compiler could add self to
 non-decorated methods which are defined within class.

 What's defined within classes are plain functions. It's actually
 the lookup mechanism that wraps them into methods (and manage to
 insert the current instance as first argument).

And why does this make the implicit insertion of self difficult?
I could easily write a preprocessor which does it after all.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus

Re: Python / PAMIE

2008-07-24 Thread Tim Golden

frankrentef wrote:

THNX for your response.  Based on the authors code it's very simple.

from cPAMIE import PAMIE
ie=PAMIE ()

#ie.navigate (


ie.navigate ('')
#ie.scriptWrite ()


Below is the error I get...

 File C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\, line 1837, in
nameProp = getattr(x,nameProp)
  File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\,
line 500, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError, %s.%s % (self._username_, attr)
AttributeError: unknown.nameProp

I'm afraid I'm no IE expert (read: never use it if I can
avoid it) but I suspect here a combination of slightly
flaky code in the Python module plus, maybe, a change in
the IE dom object model.

If you change lines 1832-1836 of to be as follows:

   for j in range(doc.length):
   x = doc[j] 
   etype = getattr(x,type, )

   name = getattr(x,name, )
   nameProp = getattr(x,nameProp, )


then at least some kind of output is produced. But I'm
not entirely sure what this function is trying to achieve
so I don't guarantee it's doing the right thing yet.


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