Elisa Media Center 0.5.22 Release

2008-12-16 Thread Olivier Tilloy
Dear Python users,

The Elisa team is happy to announce the release of Elisa Media Center
0.5.22, code-named Where Is My Mind?.

Elisa is a cross-platform and open-source Media Center written in Python.
It uses GStreamer [1] for media playback and pigment [2] to create an
appealing and intuitive user interface.

The main new feature is a set of generic RSS models and a controller
that allow plugin developers to very easily integrate media RSS feeds in
their plugins.
Expect new cool plugins that make use of this very soon!

As usual, a bunch of bugs were fixed, a complete list can be found at:


Installers and sources can be downloaded from

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome at

Have a media-centered evening,

The Elisa team

[1] http://www.gstreamer.net/
[2] https://code.fluendo.com/pigment/trac
Elisa 0.5.22 Where Is My Mind?

This is Elisa 0.5.22, twenty-second release of the 0.5 branch.

New features since 0.5.21:

- Generic RSS models and controller that allow plugin developers to very easily
  integrate media RSS feeds in their plugins

Bugs fixed since 0.5.21:

- 288210: [win32] Elisa launched from the installer tries to write a log file 
in program files
- 302349: [linux] plugins installed using plugin management feature disappear 
at Elisa next startup
- 297612: ffwd forever
- 305116: [win32] Playing any media file using Open with contextual menu 
throws an error message on windows XP  not on Vista
- 305430: Don't display media duration if it's zero


You can find source releases of Elisa on the download page:

Elisa Homepage

More details can be found on the project's website: http://elisa.fluendo.com

Support and Bugs

We use Launchpad for bug reports and feature requests:


All code is in a Bazaar branch and can be checked out from there.
It is hosted on Launchpad: https://code.launchpad.net/elisa

Contributors to this release:

- Benjamin Kampmann
- David McLeod
- Florian Boucault
- Guido Amoruso
- Guillaume Emont
- Jesús Corrius
- Lionel Martin
- Maxwell Young
- Olivier Tilloy
- Philippe Normand

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Sphinx 0.5.1 released

2008-12-16 Thread Georg Brandl
Hi all,

I'm proud to announce the release of Sphinx 0.5.1, the first bugfix
release in the 0.5 series.

What is it?

Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful
documentation for Python projects (or other documents consisting of
multiple reStructuredText source files).

Its website is at http://sphinx.pocoo.org/.

Fixes in version 0.5.1

can be found at http://sphinx.pocoo.org/changes.html.

Many thanks to all bug reporters!



Support the Python Software Foundation:

Hypy 0.8.1 (first public release!)

2008-12-16 Thread Cory Dodt
Hypy is a fulltext search interface for Python applications. Use it to index
and search your documents from Python code. Hypy is based on the
estraiernative bindings by Yusuke Yoshida.

* Fast, scalable
* Perfect recall ratio by N-gram method
* High precision by hybrid mechanism of N-gram and morphological analyzer
* Phrase search, regular expressions, attribute search (including
numeric and date comparisons), and similarity search
* Simple and powerful API

Homepage, downloads, everything, etc.: http://goonmill.org/hypy/

This is of course on pypi and can be installed with easy_install or
pip.  You will need Hyper Estraier installed to use it.

Release Version 0.8.1 (2008.12.15)

* Initial Public Opensourcing.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Numerical optimization framework OpenOpt 0.21

2008-12-16 Thread dmitrey
Hi all,
OpenOpt 0.21, free Python-written optimization framework (license:
BSD) with some own
solvers and connections to tens of 3rd party ones, has been released.

All details here:


Let us also invite you into new forum about numerical optimization and
related free and opensource software:

Regards, OpenOpt developers.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

RE: tutorial on parser

2008-12-16 Thread Barak, Ron
Hi John,

You may want to read http://nedbatchelder.com/text/python-parsers.html


-Original Message-
From: John Fabiani [mailto:jfabi...@yolo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 08:47
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: tutorial on parser

I'm attempting to learn how to convert MsSQl Transact-SQL to postgres pgsql.
So far my readings have led me to finding a parser. I'm looking for a tutorial 
on how to get it done.  I did find a commercial product but they want over 
$10,000 us.  This way beyond my means.  Therefore, I need to get it done either 
myself to find a open source project.

Thanks in advance.
John Fabiani


Re: Python music sequencer timing problems

2008-12-16 Thread John O'Hagan
On Mon, 15 Dec 2008, John O'Hagan wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Dec 2008, Bad Mutha Hubbard wrote:
  John O'Hagan wrote:
   On Wed, 10 Dec 2008, badmuthahubbard wrote:


   from time import time, sleep
   start = time()
   for event in music:
   duration=len(event) #Really, the length of the event
   while 1:
   timer = time()
   remaining = start + duration - timer
   if remaining  0.001:
   sleep(remaining / 2)
   start += duration
  Very interesting approach, halving the remaining duration.  Right now
  I'm not working with note-offs, Csound takes care of the duration.  I
  just need to be able to call the notes at the right times.


 I'm also using the above code without the stop(event) line for playing
 non-midi stuff (fixed-length samples for example), which from the sound of
 it also applies to your requirement - IOW, you _can_ use it just to start
 notes at the right time, because the note-playing loop sleeps till then.

And as I realized after having a good sleep myself, this is only useful for 
timing events which occur sequentially and do not overlap, which is how my 
program works because it generates the events in real time, but which may be 
of no use in your case. But I suppose the same principle could be applied to 
reduce the number of calls needed in a separate timing thread.

Unless of course each event contained the start-time of the next event as an 



Re: Memory leak when using a C++ module for Python

2008-12-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 11 Dec 2008 15:35:58 -0200, Jaume Bonet jaume.bo...@gmail.com  

This is the function that is visible from python and the one that the
python code calls:

static PyObject * IMFind (PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject
*kwargs) {

Your function does not call any Python function except  
PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (which does not modify reference counts).
So it's unlikely that this could cause any memory leak. I'd revise how  
memory is allocated and deallocated on the C++ side.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: weird dict problem, how can this even happen?

2008-12-16 Thread Joel Hedlund

Duncan Booth wrote:
It could happen quite easily if the hash value of the object has changed 
since it was put in the dictionary. what does the definition of your 
core.gui.FragmentInfo object look like?

Dunno if it'll help much, but:

class FragmentInfo(object):
def __init__(self, renderer, render_area):
self.renderer = renderer
self.render_area = render_area

def __hash__(self):
return hash((FragmentInfo, self.renderer, self.render_area))

def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and
other.renderer == self.renderer and
other.render_area == self.render_area)

Is the hash definitely immutable?

No. It's a hash of a tuple of its key attributes, themselves similar 

The program can be thought of as a map viewer. In the gui part, image 
fragments are cached for speed, and fragments are only half rendered if 
there's a lot of complex features to draw. The pool consists of semi 
rendered fragments. The reason I did it this way is the cache. The cache 
is a dict with a use tracker so when the hash changes, the older 
fragments eventually drop from the cache. Hmm... I'm starting to realise 
now why my implementation of this isn't so hot. I'm going to hazard a 
guess here, and then you can correct me ok?

I create a dict and populate it with a key-value pair, and then the 
key's hash changes. When the key is returned by k = d.keys(), then k not 
in d, even though k in d.keys().

Simple example:

class moo(object):
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.a)

d = {moo(1): 1}

k = d.keys()[0]
k.a = 2

k = d.keys()[0]
print k in d, k in d.keys()



False True
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /bioinfo/yohell/eclipse/Test/src/test.py, line 14, in module
KeyError: __main__.moo object at 0x7f1c64120590

I'd say that's pretty similar to what I observed.

I guess the logical outcome is that the cache dict will fill up with old 
junk that I can't access and can't selectively flush since the hashes 
have changed, unless I actually somehow save copies of the keys, which 
can get pretty complex and probably won't do wonders for execution 
speed. Yeah this was probably a bad soulution.

I should probably do this with lists instead because I can't really 
think of a way of salvaging this. Am i right?

Thanks for your help!

Re: ethical questions about global variables

2008-12-16 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Giampaolo Rodola' a écrit :

in a module of mine (ftpserver.py) I'd want to add a (boolean) global
variable named use_gmt_times to decide whether the server has to
return times in GMT or localtime but I'm not sure if it is a good idea
because of the ethical doubts I'm gonna write below.

In first place I've never liked global variables too much and always
preferred per-class-instance variables instead.
The problem in my case is that I have to use such variable in two
separated classes: FTPHandler and VirtualFileSystem. Also, I want that
for no reason one class uses times in GMT and the other one local

Looks like it's more a configuration variable than a global. IOW, it's 
not supposed to change during execution.

Another doubt is the naming convention. PEP-8 states that global
variables should use the lower_case_naming_convention but I've seen a
lot of library module using the UPPER_CASE_NAMING_CONVENTION.

ALL_UPPER_NAMES are pseudo-constants - IOW, they are really variables 
but are by convention considered as constants.


Re: alt.possessive.its.has.no.apostrophe

2008-12-16 Thread Pete Forman
Steve Holden st...@holdenweb.com writes:

  Ben Finney wrote:
 James Stroud jstr...@mbi.ucla.edu writes:
 Ben Finney wrote:
 James Stroud jstr...@mbi.ucla.edu writes:

 Yes. I think it was the British who decided that the apostrophe
 rule for it would be reversed from normal usage relative to
 just about every other noun.
 It also seems an indefensible claim to say that anyone decided it
 would be that way, especially the British.
  It's our language, dammit! Ours, ours, ours!

  This decision was actually taken at a meeting of the Society of
  British pedants on November 23, 1786. This led to a schism between
  the British and the newly-independent Americans, who responded by
  taking the u out of colour, valour, and aluminium.

I'd thought that the main schism was triggered by a tax on tea but it
turns out that it was due to an apostrophe after t.  ;-)
Pete Forman-./\.-  Disclaimer: This post is originated
WesternGeco  -./\.-   by myself and does not represent
pete.for...@westerngeco.com-./\.-   the opinion of Schlumberger or
http://petef.22web.net   -./\.-   WesternGeco.

Re: Structure using whitespace vs logical whitespace

2008-12-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Mon, 15 Dec 2008 14:29:31 -0200, cmdrrickhun...@yaho.com  
conrad.am...@gmail.com escribió:

PS. In my opinion the solution would be to have the option of entering
a whitespace insensitive mode which uses C style {} and ;.  The
token to enter it could be as complicated as you want (in fact, it may
make sense to make it complicated to discourage use unless it's really
advantageous).  I'd sugest {{ and }} or something bigger like {={ }
=}.  Only two problems: 1) I'm sure it would offend Guido's sense of
language aesthetics  2) I'm sure the idea has been hashed over on this
newsgroup to death... hence prefering a workaround instead.

It's a hidden feature, already implemented. Try:

from __future__ import braces

Gabriel Genellina


Re: weird dict problem, how can this even happen?

2008-12-16 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Joel Hedlund yoh...@ifm.liu.se writes:

 I'm having a very hard time explaining why this snippet *sometimes*
 raises KeyError:

 print type(self.pool)
 for frag in self.pool.keys():
 if frag is fragment_info:
 print the fragment_info *is* in the pool, hash(frag), 
 hash(fragment_info), hash(frag) == hash(fragment_info), frag == 
 fragment_info, frag in self.pool, frag in self.pool.keys()
 renderer_index = self.pool.pop(fragment_info)
 except KeyError:
 print Glorious KeyError!
 for frag in self.pool.keys():
 if frag is fragment_info:
 print the fragment_info *is* in the pool, hash(frag), 
 hash(fragment_info), hash(frag) == hash(fragment_info), frag == 
 fragment_info, frag in self.pool, frag in self.pool.keys()

 type 'dict'
 the fragment_info *is* in the pool 987212075 987212075 True True False True
 Glorious KeyError!
 the fragment_info *is* in the pool 987212075 987212075 True True False True
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/yohell/workspace/missy/core/gui.py, line 92, in process_job
 renderer_index = self.pool.pop(fragment_info)
 KeyError: core.gui.FragmentInfo object at 0x8fc906c

 This snippet is part of a much larger gtk program, and the problem
 only from time to time, predominantly when the cpu is under heavy load
 and this method gets called a lot. If I didn't know better I'd say
 it's a bug in python's dict implementation, but I do know better, so I
 know it's far more likely that I've made a mistake somewhere. I'll be
 damned if I can figure out what and where though. I've reproduced this
 bug (?) with python-2.5.2 on Ubuntu 8.10 and python-2.5.1 on WinXP.

 I would very much like an explanation to this that does not involve
 threads, because I haven't made any that I'm aware of. I can't even
 understand how this could happen. How do I even debug this?

 Please help, I feel like I've taken crazy pills here!
 /Joel Hedlund

It could happen if two object x and y are such that hash(x) != hash(y)
but x == y, breaking the requirement on hash values.



Re: [Tutor] Having Issues with CMD and the 'python' command

2008-12-16 Thread W W
On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 9:56 AM, Benjamin Kaplan

 It's not a question of sensibility. It's a question of purpose. The Zen is
 the philosophy of a language that tries to be easy to learn and easy to use.
 Python is used by programmers who want to experiment with it, but who
 usually know enough not to os.system(rm -r /) or anything similar.
 Windows, on the other hand, wants to hide everything that can potentially
 ruin the system as deep as possible so that many of the idiots who use that
 system don't do stupid things like delete the registry, wipe the environment
 settings, turn off the Nag Screen (UAC), and other things of that nature

But if it were sensible, it would (like certain other OS's) make it more
difficult to have built-in permissions that allow you to totally hose the
system, i.e. it would be secure.While it may not technically be using the
same comparison criteria we do, Python still gives you the proper result:

In [5]: 'obfuscation' is not 'security' and 'obfuscation' != 'security'
Out[5]: True

I think that's an important concept for programmers to realize. Allowing
people to break things if they fool around enough is not a very sensible, or
secure way of running things. And if you're writing OSes, the sensible thing
is to write secure code. And if you're writing programs for general
consumption, it's /also/ best to write secure code.

That's my 2c anyways :)

Re: alt.possessive.its.has.no.apostrophe

2008-12-16 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 15, 11:04 am, Steve Holden st...@holdenweb.com wrote:
 Tim Chase wrote:
  Steve Holden wrote:
  This led to a schism between the British and the
  newly-independent Americans, who responded by taking the u
  out of colour, valour, and aluminium.

  Darn Americans and their alminim ;-)

  Next thing you know, they'll be putting an I in TEAM.[1]

 It's called humour. Or humor. Or incompetence ;-)

There's an 'I' in Python.

Re: Need help improving number guessing game

2008-12-16 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

feba a écrit :

.strip() returns a copy of the string without leading and ending

whitespaces (inlcuding newlines, tabs etc).

Ahh. I had removed it because it didn't seem to do anything, but I've
readded it.

And I understand your dictionary stuff correctly now, I think, and I
worked it in. Currently, I have:

import random

def safeint(prompt=y):
while True:
x = input(prompt)
x = int(x)
except ValueError:
print(BAD INPUT!)
return x

def safestr(prompt=y):
while True:
x = input(prompt)
x = str(x)

Doesn't input already return a string ?

except ValueError:
print(BAD INPUT!)
return x

You could as well replace the 'break' statement by 'return x' - since
returning will obviously break the loop

Now don't you notice kind of a pattern in these two functions ? 
obviously, the only thing that change is the conversion/validation part. 
The good news is that Python functions are objects too, so you can pass 
them as params to another function. The generic version of your above 
code could be:

def safeinput(prompt, convert):
 while True:
 x = input(prompt)
 x = convert(x)
 except ValueError, e:
 print(Bad input : %s % e)
 return x

then you can use it for int:

i = safeinput(Please enter an integer, int)

or use more complex conversion/validation:

def yesno(s):
   s = s.strip().lower()
   if not s in (y, n):
   raise ValueError(please answer with 'y' or 'n')
   # we return a boolean
   return s == 'y'

answer = safeinput(really do this ?, yesno)

Last point : if your conversion/validation function needs more arguments 
than the value to convert - ie : converting to an int and vaidating this 
int is in a specified range, which require mini and maxi arguments for 
the range - you can use partial evaluation[1]:

from functools import partial

def int_in_range(x, mini, maxi):
   x = int(x)
   if not mini = x = maxi:
   raise ValueError(%s is not in range (%s, %s) % (x, mini, maxi))
   return x

i = safeinput(
Please enter an int between 1 and 99,
partial(int_in_range, mini=1, maxi=99)

[1] given the function f(x, y): return x + y, the partial evaluation 
partial(f, x=2) is a function fx(y) that when called returns the result 
of f(2, y).


rewrite it once again using objects instead of dicts ?

I'd need to find out how those work,

Mostly as glorified dicts with associated functions. Your game and 
players dicts are obvious candidates. Whenever you see a dict with a 
more or less defined structure and a set of functions working on this 
dict, you have in fact a class waiting to be born.

and I have a list of python stuff
to read piling up anyway... That said, I think for something like
that, something that's not a major flaw, I'd prefer to make something
else, and maybe work on this again later on. There is only so much
guessing numbers one person can take.

Indeed. That was just a suggestion, and it would have been pretty 
interesting IMHO as a basis for a from QD procedural scripting to OO 
application programing tutorial.


subprocess.Popen inheriting

2008-12-16 Thread Aaron Brady

I have a file handle I want to inherit in a child process.  I am
looking at '_make_inheritable' in 'Popen', but it needs an instance,
and by the time I have one, the subprocess is already running.

Can't I call 'Popen._make_inheritable( None, handle )'?  The method
does not use 'self'.

Re: ethical questions about global variables

2008-12-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Tue, 16 Dec 2008 00:45:05 -0200, Giampaolo Rodola' gne...@gmail.com

Another doubt is the naming convention. PEP-8 states that global
variables should use the lower_case_naming_convention but I've seen a
lot of library module using the UPPER_CASE_NAMING_CONVENTION. What am
I supposed to do about it?

Are you sure those UPPER_CASE names you've seen are actually variables? or
constants like:

CRLF = '\r\n'

(ok, it's not a true constant because the language doesn't prevent you
 from modifying it... but the intended usage is to be a constant)

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Interface Implementation

2008-12-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Fri, 12 Dec 2008 19:48:09 -0200, Lie Ryan lie.1...@gmail.com escribió:

but if you really want it, simple inheritance might be better anyway,
though not really pythonic:

class MyIfc(object):
def myMeth1(self): return NotImplemented
def myMeth2(self): return NotImplemented
class MyClass(MyIfc):
def myMeth1(self):
# some implementation
def myMeth2(self):
# some implementation

# some might notice the (ab)use of NotImplemented sentinel there

I'd raise NotImplementedError instead.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: alt.possessive.its.has.no.apostrophe

2008-12-16 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Dennis Lee Bieber w@ix.netcom.com wrote:

8- stuff blaming Davy for aluminum --

 Isn't Davy a Brit?

No, he was a Brit.
He's dead now. 
His safety lamp lives on.
It's a good thing its got that heat-sink sieve-
it's enabled countless miners
to flee when they see its change of colour.
Thus it's saved the lives of a lot of canaries,
and that's of ecological importance.

Spot the apostrophe error, if you can.

- Hendrik


Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-16 Thread MRAB

Federico Moreira wrote:

Hi all,

Im parsing a 4.1GB apache log to have stats about how many times an ip 
request something from the server.

The first design of the algorithm was

for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
ip = line.split()[0]
if match_counter.has_key(ip):
match_counter[ip] += 1
match_counter[ip] = 1

And it took 3min 58 seg to give me the stats

Then i tried a generator solution like

def generateit():
for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
yield line.split()[0]

for ip in generateit():
...the same if sentence

Instead of being faster it took 4 min 20 seg

Should i leave fileinput behind?
Am i using generators with the wrong aproach?

Your first design is already simple to understand, so I think that using 
a generator isn't necessary (and probably isn't worth the cost!).

You might want to try defaultdict instead of dict to see whether that 
would be faster:

from collections import defaultdict

match_counter = defaultdict(int)
for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
ip = line.split()[0]
match_counter[ip] += 1


Re: Structure using whitespace vs logical whitespace

2008-12-16 Thread Lie Ryan
On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 08:29:31 -0800, cmdrrickhun...@yaho.com wrote:

 I've been trying to search through the years of Python talk to find an
 answer to this, but my Googlefu is weak.
 In most languages, I'll do something like this
 --xml.Writer.Characters(subtext); xmlWriter.EndElement();
 Where the dashes are indentation (since some newsgroup handlers don't do
 tabs well).  XML writing is just an example.
 In general, I'm using indentation to show logical flow through code.
 Python's choice to give semantic meaning to whitespace prevents me from
 doing such things.  What was once reserved for logical use is now used
 syntactically.  In 90% of cases, its not needed, and whitespace
 significance seems to be pretty effective.  In that last 10%, however,
 I've been frustrated many times.
 I've been using python for a few years, and gotten around this in one
 way or another, but now I want to get other who work with me to pick up
 Python.  All newbies to Python have trouble with the idea of whitespace
 sensitivity, but how can I convince them that it just works better
 when I have this construct which I want to use but can't.
 Has anybody found a way to emulate this behavior?  I've often done it by
 opening an expression for the whole thing, but there's a lot of tasks
 where a single expression just isn't sufficient (such as things with
 PS. In my opinion the solution would be to have the option of entering a
 whitespace insensitive mode which uses C style {} and ;.  The token to
 enter it could be as complicated as you want (in fact, it may make sense
 to make it complicated to discourage use unless it's really
 advantageous).  I'd sugest {{ and }} or something bigger like {={ } =}. 
 Only two problems: 1) I'm sure it would offend Guido's sense of language
 aesthetics  2) I'm sure the idea has been hashed over on this newsgroup
 to death... hence prefering a workaround instead.

It's possible (although no real python programmers would do it) to use a 
code preprocessor that would search for special marked sections in which 
spacing would be ignored and punctuations or end-of-block marker would be 
used to determine spacings.


Re: alt.possessive.its.has.no.apostrophe

2008-12-16 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2008-12-16, Hendrik van Rooyen m...@microcorp.co.za wrote:
 Dennis Lee Bieber w@ix.netcom.com wrote:

 8- stuff blaming Davy for aluminum --

 Isn't Davy a Brit?

 No, he was a Brit.
 He's dead now. 
 His safety lamp lives on.
 It's a good thing its got that heat-sink sieve-

should be it's got (contracted form of it has got).

 it's enabled countless miners
 to flee when they see its change of colour.
 Thus it's saved the lives of a lot of canaries,
 and that's of ecological importance.

 Spot the apostrophe error, if you can.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! RHAPSODY in Glue!

Re: Structure using whitespace vs logical whitespace

2008-12-16 Thread Eric Brunel
On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:00:32 +0100, Gabriel Genellina  
gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar wrote:

En Mon, 15 Dec 2008 14:29:31 -0200, cmdrrickhun...@yaho.com  
conrad.am...@gmail.com escribió:

PS. In my opinion the solution would be to have the option of entering
a whitespace insensitive mode which uses C style {} and ;.  The
token to enter it could be as complicated as you want (in fact, it may
make sense to make it complicated to discourage use unless it's really
advantageous).  I'd sugest {{ and }} or something bigger like {={ }
=}.  Only two problems: 1) I'm sure it would offend Guido's sense of
language aesthetics  2) I'm sure the idea has been hashed over on this
newsgroup to death... hence prefering a workaround instead.

It's a hidden feature, already implemented. Try:

 from __future__ import braces

I was almost shocked so I tried it. It's much clearer now... ;-)
python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in  


[cookielib] How to add cookies myself?

2008-12-16 Thread Gilles Ganault

I'm using urllib and urlib to download data from a web server that
requires cookies.

The issue I'm having, is the server uses JavaScript in the response to
insert new cookies and send them with the next query, so I need to
manually add a couple of cookies in the CookieJar, but I don't know
how to do this and Google didn't return examples:

import urllib
import urllib2
import cookielib

headers = {'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))

url = http://www.acme.com/index.php;
req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()

print Fetched cookies:
for index, cookie in enumerate(cj):
print index, '  :  ', cookie

How to Add manually?


Thanks for any tip.

Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-16 Thread Lie Ryan
On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 12:07:14 -0300, Federico Moreira wrote:

 Hi all,
 Im parsing a 4.1GB apache log to have stats about how many times an ip
 request something from the server.
 The first design of the algorithm was
 for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
 ip = line.split()[0]
 if match_counter.has_key(ip):
 match_counter[ip] += 1
 match_counter[ip] = 1
 And it took 3min 58 seg to give me the stats
 Then i tried a generator solution like
 def generateit():
 for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
 yield line.split()[0]
 for ip in generateit():
 ...the same if sentence
 Instead of being faster it took 4 min 20 seg
 Should i leave fileinput behind?
 Am i using generators with the wrong aproach?

What's fileinput? A file-like object (unlikely)? Also, what's 
fileinput.input? I guess the reason why you don't see much difference 
(and is in fact slower) lies in what fileinput.input does.

Generators excels in processing huge data since it doesn't have to create 
huge intermediate lists which eats up memory, given an infinite memory, a 
generator solution is almost always slower than straight up solution 
using lists. However in real life we don't have infinite memory, hogging 
our memory with the huge intermediate list would make the system start 
swapping, swapping is very slow and is a big hit to performance. This is 
the way generator could be faster than list.


Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-16 Thread Lie Ryan
On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 12:07:14 -0300, Federico Moreira wrote:

 Hi all,
 Im parsing a 4.1GB apache log to have stats about how many times an ip
 request something from the server.
 The first design of the algorithm was
 for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
 ip = line.split()[0]
 if match_counter.has_key(ip):
 match_counter[ip] += 1
 match_counter[ip] = 1

dict.has_key is usually replaced with 
if ip in match_counter: ...

also, after investigating your code further, I see that you've 
unnecessarily used generators, the first code is simpler and you've not 
avoided any creation of huge intermediate list by using the generator 
this way. You won't get any performance improvement with this, and 
instead get a performance hit due to function overhead and name look up.


RE: String slices work only for first string character ?

2008-12-16 Thread Barak, Ron
Hi Mr. Cain,
Mae culpa: obviously, I erroneously understood the number after the ':' as the 
string length.

-Original Message-
From: D'Arcy J.M. Cain [mailto:da...@druid.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 15:45
To: Barak, Ron
Cc: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: String slices work only for first string character ?

On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 13:35:27 +
Barak, Ron ron.ba...@lsi.com wrote:
 Can any one explain why the following string slice works only for the first 
 character, but not for any other ?

I think that you need to reread the docs on slices.

 print |+data[0:1]+|
 print |+data[1:1]+|

If you want the second character use data[1:2].

D'Arcy J.M. Cain da...@druid.net |  Democracy is three wolves
http://www.druid.net/darcy/|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: Bidirectional Networking

2008-12-16 Thread Emanuele D'Arrigo
Thanks everybody and in particular Gabriel and Bryan for their
contributions to this thread. Very much useful information.



help I'm getting delimited

2008-12-16 Thread aka
Hi, I'm going nuts over the csv.reader and UnicodeReader class.
Somehow I can't get this method working which is supposed to read a
csv file which name is inputted but here now hardcoded. What I need
for now is that the string version of the list is put out for control.
Later on I will only need to read the first column (id) of the csv
file to be able to fill in a session var with a list of all ids.
inp = c:/temp/test.csv
roles = []
fp = open(inp, 'rb')
reader = csv.reader(fp)
for r in reader:
msg = Er is iets mis met de UnicodeReader

return dict(file=in,roles=str(roles))
Any help greatly appreciated!

Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-16 Thread Gary Herron
Lie Ryan wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 12:07:14 -0300, Federico Moreira wrote:

 Hi all,

 Im parsing a 4.1GB apache log to have stats about how many times an ip
 request something from the server.

 The first design of the algorithm was

 for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
 ip = line.split()[0]
 if match_counter.has_key(ip):
 match_counter[ip] += 1
 match_counter[ip] = 1

 And it took 3min 58 seg to give me the stats

 Then i tried a generator solution like

 def generateit():
 for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
 yield line.split()[0]

 for ip in generateit():
 ...the same if sentence

 Instead of being faster it took 4 min 20 seg

 Should i leave fileinput behind?
 Am i using generators with the wrong aproach?

 What's fileinput? A file-like object (unlikely)? Also, what's 
 fileinput.input? I guess the reason why you don't see much difference 
 (and is in fact slower) lies in what fileinput.input does.


Fileinput is a standard module distributed with Python:

From the manual:

11.2 fileinput -- Iterate over lines from multiple input streams

This module implements a helper class and functions to quickly write a
loop over standard input or a list of files.

The typical use is:

import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input():


 Generators excels in processing huge data since it doesn't have to create 
 huge intermediate lists which eats up memory, given an infinite memory, a 
 generator solution is almost always slower than straight up solution 
 using lists. However in real life we don't have infinite memory, hogging 
 our memory with the huge intermediate list would make the system start 
 swapping, swapping is very slow and is a big hit to performance. This is 
 the way generator could be faster than list.



Re: ethical questions about global variables

2008-12-16 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
On 16 Dic, 07:23, Michele Simionato michele.simion...@gmail.com
 On Dec 16, 3:45 am, Giampaolo Rodola' gne...@gmail.com wrote:

  in a module of mine (ftpserver.py) I'd want to add a (boolean) global
  variable named use_gmt_times to decide whether the server has to
  return times in GMT or localtime but I'm not sure if it is a good idea
  because of the ethical doubts I'm gonna write below.

 Global variables have a bad reputation, but they are not
 so bad in Python. Notice that:

 1. global variables in Python are local to the module they
    are defined in;

 2. class names and module names are usually global variables
    and nobody complains about that.

 3. if you use an ALL_CAPS convention it is quite quite clear
    that you are using a global variable.

 Actually the ALL_CAPS convention is for constants, but
 sometimes I use it for configuration variables too, if
 they are set at the beginning and they are never changed
 during the running of the program. If you have more than
 a single global, it makes sense to introduce a configuration
 object, as others have said (this is how typically work)
 but if you have a single parameter the confuguration
 object is not worth the effort, IMO.

                  M. Simionato

No, all the other configurable variables are offered as class

--- Giampaolo

Re: Free place to host python files?

2008-12-16 Thread skip

feba I'm getting started in python, and it would be helpful to have a
feba place to put up various code snippets I've made, so I don't have
feba to send them individually to each person I want to show it to.
feba I'd prefer to use something that would give me a directory for my
feba use only, instead of something where you can only upload one at a
feba time.  I'd especially like to avoid stuff that uses CAPTCHAs
feba and/or forced waiting periods.


Skip Montanaro - s...@pobox.com - http://smontanaro.dyndns.org/

Re: help I'm getting delimited

2008-12-16 Thread Paul Watson
On Tue, 2008-12-16 at 08:26 -0800, aka wrote:
 Hi, I'm going nuts over the csv.reader and UnicodeReader class.
 Somehow I can't get this method working which is supposed to read a
 csv file which name is inputted but here now hardcoded. What I need
 for now is that the string version of the list is put out for control.
 Later on I will only need to read the first column (id) of the csv
 file to be able to fill in a session var with a list of all ids.
 inp = c:/temp/test.csv
 roles = []
 fp = open(inp, 'rb')
 reader = csv.reader(fp)
 for r in reader:
 msg = Er is iets mis met de UnicodeReader
 return dict(file=in,roles=str(roles))
 Any help greatly appreciated!

Did you intend inside the loop to write:



Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-16 Thread bearophileHUGS
 from collections import defaultdict
 match_counter = defaultdict(int)
 for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
  ip = line.split()[0]
  match_counter[ip] += 1

This can be a little faster still:

match_counter = defaultdict(int)
for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
ip = line.split(None, 1)[0]
match_counter[ip] += 1


Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-16 Thread Federico Moreira
The defaultdict option looks faster than the standard dict (20 secs aprox).

Now i have:

import fileinput
import sys
from collections import defaultdict

match_counter = defaultdict(int)

for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
match_counter[line.split()[0]] += 1

About generators, now i get the idea of when use them and when not.

Thanks MRAB, Lie and Gary.
Now not only is faster but also cleaner and easy to understand =)

Re: Copying files in directory

2008-12-16 Thread ianaré
On Dec 15, 9:49 pm, pacsciad...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm writing a project management system, and I need the ability to
 accept a directory name and move its contents to another directory.
 Can someone give me a code sample that will handle this? I can't find
 any copying functions in os or os.path.


shutil's move function does what you describe

Re: alt.possessive.its.has.no.apostrophe

2008-12-16 Thread J. Cliff Dyer

On Tue, 2008-12-16 at 12:27 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
 Dennis Lee Bieber w@ix.netcom.com wrote:
 8- stuff blaming Davy for aluminum --
  Isn't Davy a Brit?
 No, he was a Brit.
 He's dead now. 
 His safety lamp lives on.
 It's a good thing its got that heat-sink sieve-
 it's enabled countless miners
 to flee when they see its change of colour.
 Thus it's saved the lives of a lot of canaries,
 and that's of ecological importance.
 Spot the apostrophe error, if you can.
 - Hendrik

It's a good thing *its* got that heat-sink sieve-

its - it has



Re: zipfile.is_zipfile() and string buffers

2008-12-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 16 Dec 2008 12:28:00 -0200, Brendan brendandetra...@yahoo.com  

I would like zipfile.is_zipfile(), to operate on a cStringIO.StringIO
string buffer, but is seems only to accept file names as arguments.
Should it not be able to handle string buffers too?

A version of zipfile.is_zipfile() accepting both file names and file  

def _check_zipfile(fp):
if _EndRecData(fp):
return True # file has correct magic number
except IOError:
return False

def is_zipfile(filename):
Quickly see if file is a ZIP file by checking the magic number.
result = False
if hasattr(filename, read):
result = _check_zipfile(fp=filename)
with open(filename, rb) as fp:
result = _check_zipfile(fp)
except IOError:
return result

Gabriel Genellina


Does Python3 offer a FrozenDict?

2008-12-16 Thread Johannes Bauer
Hello group,

is there anything like a frozen dict in Python3, so I could do a

foo = { FrozenDict({a : b}): 3 }

or something like that?


Meine Gegenklage gegen dich lautet dann auf bewusste Verlogenheit,
verlästerung von Gott, Bibel und mir und bewusster Blasphemie.
 -- Prophet und Visionär Hans Joss aka HJP in de.sci.physik

Re: ethical questions about global variables

2008-12-16 Thread ianaré
For anything more complicated than a simple script, I find it easier
to use some sort of config object. This could be a simple dictionnary
type class, where the values can be set/retrieved by the other classes
directly, or a more elaborate class including functions to set/
retrieve the variables. This way setting/retrieving can be 'smart' --
possibly looking at other variables, program states, thread count,
whatever, for the requested config option. It also allows for a lot of
expansion down the line if need be, rather than dealing with all sorts
of global variables floating around - which gets annoying pretty

On Dec 15, 9:45 pm, Giampaolo Rodola' gne...@gmail.com wrote:
 in a module of mine (ftpserver.py) I'd want to add a (boolean) global
 variable named use_gmt_times to decide whether the server has to
 return times in GMT or localtime but I'm not sure if it is a good idea
 because of the ethical doubts I'm gonna write below.

 In first place I've never liked global variables too much and always
 preferred per-class-instance variables instead.
 The problem in my case is that I have to use such variable in two
 separated classes: FTPHandler and VirtualFileSystem. Also, I want that
 for no reason one class uses times in GMT and the other one local

 Another doubt is the naming convention. PEP-8 states that global
 variables should use the lower_case_naming_convention but I've seen a
 lot of library module using the UPPER_CASE_NAMING_CONVENTION. What am
 I supposed to do about it?

 Thanks in advance for any comment.

 --- Giampaolohttp://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/


String slices work only for first string character ?

2008-12-16 Thread Barak, Ron

Can any one explain why the following string slice works only for the first 
character, but not for any other ?

$ cat /tmp/tmp.py
#!/usr/bin/env python

data = 'F0023209006-0101'
print data
print |+data[0:1]+|
print |+data[1:1]+|
print |+data[2:1]+|

$ python `cygpath -w /tmp/tmp.py`



Re: Python plugin for Netbeans

2008-12-16 Thread ianaré
On Dec 15, 3:23 pm, a a...@a.aa wrote:
 Netbeans added a python plugin to its plugin repository.
 Do you tried it? What do you think about this plugin?

If you like netbeans already it's great to finally have python
officially supported. I find netbeans to be easier to use than eclipse.

Re: weird dict problem, how can this even happen?

2008-12-16 Thread Duncan Booth
Joel Hedlund joel.hedl...@gmail.com wrote:

 I should probably do this with lists instead because I can't really 
 think of a way of salvaging this. Am i right?

I think you probably are correct. The only thing I can think that might 
help is if you can catch all the situations where changes to the dependent 
values might change the hash and wrap them up: before changing the hash pop 
the item out of the dict, then reinsert it after the change.

Alternatively give up on defining hash and __eq__ for FragmentInfo and rely 
on object identity instead.

Duncan Booth http://kupuguy.blogspot.com

Re: String slices work only for first string character ?

2008-12-16 Thread Tim Chase

Can any one explain why the following string slice works only for the first 
character, but not for any other ?

$ cat /tmp/tmp.py
#!/usr/bin/env python

data = 'F0023209006-0101'
print data
print |+data[0:1]+|
print |+data[1:1]+|
print |+data[2:1]+|

$ python `cygpath -w /tmp/tmp.py`

Slices are defined by [start_idx:end_idx] not [start_idx:length] 
so you want




Re: tricky nested list unpacking problem

2008-12-16 Thread Steve Holden
Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Reckoner recko...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have lists of the following type:


 and I want to produce the following strings from this as


 That was easy enough. The problem is that these can be nested. For


 which should produce




 should produce


 obviously, these are nested loops over the lists. The problem is that
 I don't know ahead of time how many lists there are or how deep they
 go. In other words, you could have:

 [1,2,3,[5,6,[10, 11]],7,[9,[1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]]]

 Any help appreciated. I've really been having trouble with this.

 I hope that made sense.
 You just need a recursive list-flattening function. There are many
 recipes for these. Here's mine:
 def flatten(lst):
 if isinstance(lst, list):
 result = []
 for item in lst:
 result += flatten(item)
 return result
 return [lst]
 flattened = flatten([1,2,3,[5,6,[10, 11]],7,[9,[1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]]])
 [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 7, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
 '-'.join(str(num) for num in flattened)
Read the problem description again ...

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC  http://www.holdenweb.com/


Re: weird dict problem, how can this even happen?

2008-12-16 Thread Joel Hedlund

Duncan Booth wrote:
I think you probably are correct. The only thing I can think that might 
help is if you can catch all the situations where changes to the dependent 
values might change the hash and wrap them up: before changing the hash pop 
the item out of the dict, then reinsert it after the change.

That would probably require a lot of uncomfortable signal handling, 
especially for a piece of functionality I'd like to be as unobtrusive as 
possible in the application.

Alternatively give up on defining hash and __eq__ for FragmentInfo and rely 
on object identity instead.

Object identity wouldn't work so well for caching. Objects would always 
be drawn as they appeared for the first time. No updates would be shown 
until the objects were flushed from the cache.

I've been experimenting with a list cache now and I can't say I'm 
noticing any change in performance for a cache of 100 items. I'm still 
using the hash to freeze a sort of object tag in order to detect 
changes, and I require both hash and object equality for cache hits, 
like so:

def index(self, key):
h = hash(key)
for i, item in enumerate(self.items):
if item.hash == h and item.key == key:
return i
raise KeyError(key)

This seems to do what I want and does OK performance wise.

Thanks again!


Re: alt.possessive.its.has.no.apostrophe

2008-12-16 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen

 Aaron Brady castiro...@gmail.com wrote:

There's an 'I' in Python.

It's supposed to be :

There's a T in python.

an is only used when the next
word starts with a vowel, as in:

It's been an hour now...

All this is because English speakers are
genetically incapable of moving their


- Hendrik


Re: Does Python3 offer a FrozenDict?

2008-12-16 Thread bearophileHUGS
Johannes Bauer:
 is there anything like a frozen dict in Python3, so I could do a
 foo = { FrozenDict({a : b}): 3 }

You can adapt this code to Python3 (and post a new recipe? It may be
positive to create a new section of the Cookbook for Py3 only):

Please remember that Py3 is very new, so 99% of the stuff present for
Py2.x is absent. Using Py3 is your choice.


Re: Need help improving number guessing game

2008-12-16 Thread feba
The good news is that Python functions are objects too, so you can pass
them as params to another function.

duh, duh, duh, duh, duh! I knew I was missing something there. Thanks.

if not mini = x = maxi:

also thanks for this, I forgot about that. But I have it as

if not minr  guess  maxr:

because it's to DISALLOW the numbers to stay the same.

That was just a suggestion, and it would have been pretty
interesting IMHO as a basis for a from QD procedural scripting to OO
application programing tutorial.

Yeah, I can see that.


Re: tricky nested list unpacking problem

2008-12-16 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
bearophileh...@lycos.com writes:

 I was waiting to answer because so far I have found a bad-looking
 solution only. Seeing there's only your solution, I show mine too. It
 seems similar to your one.

I think that the solution below is a bit clearer, although I think it is
more resource intensive than my first one.  I've switched to a generator
function to make it more easily comparable.  It's true that it's a
problem that seems designed for Scheme!

l1 = [1,2,3,[5,6]]
l2 = [1,2,3,[5,6],[7,8,9]]
l3 = [1,2,3,[5,6,[10, 11]],7,[9,[1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]]]

def flatten(x):
if isinstance(x, list):
for y in x:
for z in flatten(y):
yield z
yield x

def unpack(lst, acc=[]):
i = len(acc)
if i == len(lst):
yield '-'.join(map(str, acc))
for x in flatten(lst[i]):
for res in unpack(lst, acc + [x]):
yield res


Re: Structure using whitespace vs logical whitespace

2008-12-16 Thread Ken Seehart

cmdrrickhun...@yaho.com wrote:

I've been trying to search through the years of Python talk to find an
answer to this, but my Googlefu is weak.

In most languages, I'll do something like this


Where the dashes are indentation (since some newsgroup handlers don't
do tabs well).  XML writing is just an example.
Yes, I hate that too.  IMO Newsgroup and email clients should not remove 

In general, I'm using indentation to show logical flow through code.
Python's choice to give semantic meaning to whitespace prevents me
from doing such things.  What was once reserved for logical use is now
used syntactically.  In 90% of cases, its not needed, and whitespace
significance seems to be pretty effective.  In that last 10%, however,
I've been frustrated many times.
When I first learned python I was occasionally bothered by this.  Since 
then I have gotten used
to it and would not have it any other way.  I certainly would not 
consider changing the language
for this.  I consider the benefits of a uniform meaning of whitespace 
and the corresponding
consistency of indentation style, as well as the lack of punctuation, to 
be well worth the price.
Also, I have found over the years that, for reasons described below, 
that this price effectively

drops to zero.

I've been using python for a few years, and gotten around this in one
way or another, but now I want to get other who work with me to pick
up Python.  All newbies to Python have trouble with the idea of
whitespace sensitivity, but how can I convince them that it just
works better when I have this construct which I want to use but
I disagree with the generalization that All newbies to Python have 
trouble with the idea  I
would say that perhaps most newbies that have experience with whitespace 
neutral languages
experience some initial discomfort, which is expected for any change 
from what one is used to.
I suspect that very few people who are new to programming dislike 
whitespace sensitivity.

Has anybody found a way to emulate this behavior?  I've often done it
by opening an expression for the whole thing, but there's a lot of
tasks where a single expression just isn't sufficient (such as things
with assignment).
This would depend on the specific case.  In general, if you are writing 
lots of code that contains
structure other than program control structure, you probably are missing 
an opportunity to use a

data-driven approach.

In other words, ideally the structure in your python code should be 
/only /program control structure,
in which case the indentation will be exactly where you would want it to 
be.  For that other 10%,
you probably should code your content as data (either in an external 
file or as data literals in your


The case in point is your example:


I would use a template system such as Genshi instead, so that kind of 
structure would not need

to be in my python code in the first place.

I know that this xmlWriter code is just an example, but I think that the 
principle I am describing
really does apply more or less universally.  If you are expressing 
nested structure other than

program control structure, you should be expressing your structure as data.

Here's another solution to your example that is more generally 
applicable to other situations:

content = (element, parent, [
   (element, child, [
   (characters, subtext),
   ] ),
   ] )


(Sorry if the above indentation has been removed by evil software)

In this case I have made the code data-driven, but include the data in 
my python code.  This
means you have the extra task of implementing *do_something_with()* but 
that is usually a
trivial task, and worth the effort IMO because it makes the structure 
more readable and easier
to modify.  It also separates content from implementation, which is also 
a really good idea.  For
example, if at some point in the future I decide to use something else 
instead of *xmlWriter *to
process the data, I can do so by changing the implementation of 

PS. In my opinion the solution would be to have the option of entering
a whitespace insensitive mode which uses C style {} and ;.  The
token to enter it could be as complicated as you want (in fact, it may
make sense to make it complicated to discourage use unless it's really
advantageous).  I'd sugest {{ and }} or something bigger like {={ }
=}.  Only two problems: 1) I'm sure it would offend Guido's sense of
language aesthetics  2) I'm sure the idea has been hashed over on this
newsgroup to death... hence prefering a workaround instead.
A definitive Yes to both 1 and 2 :-) 

Re: Deepcopying slice objects

2008-12-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Sun, 14 Dec 2008 15:43:01 -0200, Max Argus argus@googlemail.com

I stumbled across a thread about that suggests fixing deepcopy to let it
copy slice objects. (
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2006-August/398206.html). I
expected this to work and don't see any reason why it shouldn't in case
there is a good reason why it dosen't work can someone please explain it.

It works fine, both in 2.6 and 3.0:

py from copy import copy, deepcopy
py x = slice(1, 10, 2)
py copy(x)
slice(1, 10, 2)
py deepcopy(x)
slice(1, 10, 2)

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-16 Thread rdmurray
Quoth Lie Ryan lie.1...@gmail.com:
 On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 12:07:14 -0300, Federico Moreira wrote:
  Hi all,
  Im parsing a 4.1GB apache log to have stats about how many times an ip
  request something from the server.
  The first design of the algorithm was
  for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
  ip = line.split()[0]
  if match_counter.has_key(ip):
  match_counter[ip] += 1
  match_counter[ip] = 1
 dict.has_key is usually replaced with 
 if ip in match_counter: ...

I'd say it's just slightly more than a nitpick nowadays:  since Python
3.0 does not support has_key, it's time to get used to not using it :)



Re: subprocess.Popen inheriting

2008-12-16 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 16 Dec 2008 07:29:19 -0200, Aaron Brady castiro...@gmail.com  

I have a file handle I want to inherit in a child process.  I am
looking at '_make_inheritable' in 'Popen', but it needs an instance,
and by the time I have one, the subprocess is already running.

Can't I call 'Popen._make_inheritable( None, handle )'?  The method
does not use 'self'.

File handles are inherited by default, I think. What's your specific  

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Free place to host python files?

2008-12-16 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
On 16 Dic, 15:56, feba feb...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Dec 16, 8:29 am, s...@pobox.com wrote:

      feba I'm getting started in python, and it would be helpful to have a
      feba place to put up various code snippets I've made, so I don't have
      feba to send them individually to each person I want to show it to.
      feba I'd prefer to use something that would give me a directory for my
      feba use only, instead of something where you can only upload one at a
      feba time.  I'd especially like to avoid stuff that uses CAPTCHAs
      feba and/or forced waiting periods.


  Skip Montanaro - s...@pobox.com -http://smontanaro.dyndns.org/

 well, ignoring the fact that pastebin doesn't work for me for some
 reason, I'm talking about hosting it as a .py downloadable, not a hunk
 of text.

It also has a SVN repository.

--- Giampaolo

Re: Free place to host python files?

2008-12-16 Thread mudzot
 well, ignoring the fact that pastebin doesn't work for me for some
 reason, I'm talking about hosting it as a .py downloadable, not a hunk
 of text.

maybe one option is registering in some free project hosting service
like code.google.com

Re: Free place to host python files?

2008-12-16 Thread feba
Stuff like code.google, sf.net, are more oriented towards serious
development, not just holding random apps, aren't they?

Anyway, I found MediaFire, which looks like it will suffice for now.

Re: help I'm getting delimited

2008-12-16 Thread MRAB

Paul Watson wrote:

On Tue, 2008-12-16 at 08:26 -0800, aka wrote:

Hi, I'm going nuts over the csv.reader and UnicodeReader class.
Somehow I can't get this method working which is supposed to read a
csv file which name is inputted but here now hardcoded. What I need
for now is that the string version of the list is put out for control.
Later on I will only need to read the first column (id) of the csv
file to be able to fill in a session var with a list of all ids.
inp = c:/temp/test.csv
roles = []
fp = open(inp, 'rb')
reader = csv.reader(fp)
for r in reader:
msg = Er is iets mis met de UnicodeReader

return dict(file=in,roles=str(roles))
Any help greatly appreciated!

Did you intend inside the loop to write:


Also, the bare except will catch _all_ exceptions. You should catch 
only those you expect. In this case, it's catching your use of rollen 
instead of roles (probably unintentional) and then complaining about 
UnicodeReader, even though that's (probably, again!) not the problem.


Python Dictionary Algorithm Question

2008-12-16 Thread Brigette Hodson
Hello! I am in a beginning algorithms class this semester and I am working
on a presentation. I want to discuss in some detail the algorithm python
uses to determine the hash function for python dictionaries. Does anyone
know what this algorithm is? Or where I can go to find information on it?


Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-16 Thread Federico Moreira
2008/12/16 rdmur...@bitdance.com

 Python 3.0 does not support has_key, it's time to get used to not using it

Good to know

line.split(None, 1)[0] really speeds up the proccess

Thanks again.

Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-16 Thread Federico Moreira
Hi all,

Im parsing a 4.1GB apache log to have stats about how many times an ip
request something from the server.

The first design of the algorithm was

for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
ip = line.split()[0]
if match_counter.has_key(ip):
match_counter[ip] += 1
match_counter[ip] = 1

And it took 3min 58 seg to give me the stats

Then i tried a generator solution like

def generateit():
for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
yield line.split()[0]

for ip in generateit():
...the same if sentence

Instead of being faster it took 4 min 20 seg

Should i leave fileinput behind?
Am i using generators with the wrong aproach?

Thanks in advance,


AIM client code for Python?

2008-12-16 Thread Joe Strout

I'd like to write an AIM bot in Python.  I found and tried
http://www.jamwt.com/Py-TOC/, but it doesn't work for me:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File aimbot-1.py, line 17, in module
  File /Users/jstrout/Documents/Python-Dev/AIMbot/toc.py, line 62,  
in go

  File /Users/jstrout/Documents/Python-Dev/AIMbot/toc.py, line 156,  
in process_loop

event = self.recv_event()
  File /Users/jstrout/Documents/Python-Dev/AIMbot/toc.py, line 230,  
in recv_event

dtemp = self._socket.recv(buflen - len(data))
socket.error: (54, 'Connection reset by peer')

I wrote to the author a week ago, but never got a reply.  It could be  
as simple as changing the server addresses in toc.py, currently:

TOC_SERV_AUTH = (login.oscar.aol.com, 2 )
TOC_SERV = ( toc.oscar.aol.com, 9898 )

...but I don't understand AIM well enough to know the correct values  
(and was rather hoping that I wouldn't have to).

Does anyone know how to get Py-TOC to work, or have another Python TOC  
implementation to suggest?

- Joe


Re: Does Python3 offer a FrozenDict?

2008-12-16 Thread Paul Moore
On 16 Dec, 17:28, bearophileh...@lycos.com wrote:
 Johannes Bauer:

  is there anything like a frozen dict in Python3, so I could do a
  foo = { FrozenDict({a : b}): 3 }

 You can adapt this code to Python3 (and post a new recipe? It may be
 positive to create a new section of the Cookbook for Py3 

There's actually only tiny changes needed (I believe)
 - Change exception syntax: raise AttributeError(A frozendict cannot
be modified.)
 - (bugfix for the original version): add **kw arg to __new__ (passed
to dict.__init__)

Simple testing looks OK. And the resulting code is OK for both 2.x and

Moral - don't assume that all code needs to be rewritten for Python
3.0 :-)


PS I imagine that 2to3 would have fixed this up fine, but it was so
easy to do by hand that I didn't bother :-)

Re: Free place to host python files?

2008-12-16 Thread feba
On Dec 16, 8:29 am, s...@pobox.com wrote:
     feba I'm getting started in python, and it would be helpful to have a
     feba place to put up various code snippets I've made, so I don't have
     feba to send them individually to each person I want to show it to.
     feba I'd prefer to use something that would give me a directory for my
     feba use only, instead of something where you can only upload one at a
     feba time.  I'd especially like to avoid stuff that uses CAPTCHAs
     feba and/or forced waiting periods.


 Skip Montanaro - s...@pobox.com -http://smontanaro.dyndns.org/

well, ignoring the fact that pastebin doesn't work for me for some
reason, I'm talking about hosting it as a .py downloadable, not a hunk
of text.

Re: String slices work only for first string character ?

2008-12-16 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 13:35:27 +
Barak, Ron ron.ba...@lsi.com wrote:
 Can any one explain why the following string slice works only for the first 
 character, but not for any other ?

I think that you need to reread the docs on slices.

 print |+data[0:1]+|
 print |+data[1:1]+|

If you want the second character use data[1:2].

D'Arcy J.M. Cain da...@druid.net |  Democracy is three wolves
http://www.druid.net/darcy/|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: Python Dictionary Algorithm Question

2008-12-16 Thread Christian Heimes
Brigette Hodson schrieb:
 Hello! I am in a beginning algorithms class this semester and I am working
 on a presentation. I want to discuss in some detail the algorithm python
 uses to determine the hash function for python dictionaries. Does anyone
 know what this algorithm is? Or where I can go to find information on it?

Python's dict implementation doesn't have its own hashing algorithm. It
completely relies upon the __hash__() function and the __eq__()
comparison function of the objects that are used as keys.

The source repository contains a document with some insights. Make your
you read dictnotes.txt and the cmments in dictobject.c



Re: alt.possessive.its.has.no.apostrophe

2008-12-16 Thread Pete Forman
Aaron Brady castiro...@gmail.com writes:

  On Dec 15, 11:04 am, Steve Holden st...@holdenweb.com wrote:
 Tim Chase wrote:
  Steve Holden wrote:
  This led to a schism between the British and the
  newly-independent Americans, who responded by taking the u
  out of colour, valour, and aluminium.

  Darn Americans and their alminim ;-)

  Next thing you know, they'll be putting an I in TEAM.[1]

 It's called humour. Or humor. Or incompetence ;-)

  There's an 'I' in Python.

There's no 'F' in Python in this thread.
Pete Forman-./\.-  Disclaimer: This post is originated
WesternGeco  -./\.-   by myself and does not represent
pete.for...@westerngeco.com-./\.-   the opinion of Schlumberger or
http://petef.22web.net   -./\.-   WesternGeco.

Re: ethical questions about global variables

2008-12-16 Thread Yinon Ehrlich
On Dec 16, 4:45 am, Giampaolo Rodola' gne...@gmail.com wrote:
 in a module of mine (ftpserver.py) I'd want to add a (boolean) global
 variable named use_gmt_times to decide whether the server has to
 return times in GMT or localtime but I'm not sure if it is a good idea
 because of the ethical doubts I'm gonna write below.

 In first place I've never liked global variables too much and always
 preferred per-class-instance variables instead.
 The problem in my case is that I have to use such variable in two
 separated classes: FTPHandler and VirtualFileSystem. Also, I want that
 for no reason one class uses times in GMT and the other one local

 Another doubt is the naming convention. PEP-8 states that global
 variables should use the lower_case_naming_convention but I've seen a
 lot of library module using the UPPER_CASE_NAMING_CONVENTION. What am
 I supposed to do about it?

 Thanks in advance for any comment.

 --- Giampaolohttp://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/

Note also that PEP-8 states that _single_leading_underscore... from M
  import * does not import objects whose name starts with an

mysql hash generator in python

2008-12-16 Thread Matías Hernández
(sorry for my english, but i'm speak spanish)
Hi list.. this is my first post... and obviously if for help..

I try to implement the password function of mysql in a python script.

I read that the password function of mysql was implemented with a double

I python i try this:
if __name__==__main__:
s = hashlib.sha1()
s2 = hashlib.sha1()
print s2.hexdigest()

This script show me the same hash that password function of mysql, but
when i implement this in a class the hash is different??? why???

And if is posible??? can you show a example code of old_password
function of mysql in python???


Free place to host python files?

2008-12-16 Thread feba
I'm getting started in python, and it would be helpful to have a place
to put up various code snippets I've made, so I don't have to send
them individually to each person I want to show it to. I'd prefer to
use something that would give me a directory for my use only, instead
of something where you can only upload one at a time. I'd especially
like to avoid stuff that uses CAPTCHAs and/or forced waiting periods.

I'd really rather not have to run a server off my own computer, if it
can be avoided at all.

Re: AIM client code for Python?

2008-12-16 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone

On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:54:38 -0700, Joe Strout j...@strout.net wrote:

I'd like to write an AIM bot in Python.  I found and tried
http://www.jamwt.com/Py-TOC/, but it doesn't work for me:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File aimbot-1.py, line 17, in module
  File /Users/jstrout/Documents/Python-Dev/AIMbot/toc.py, line 62,  in go
  File /Users/jstrout/Documents/Python-Dev/AIMbot/toc.py, line 156,  in 

event = self.recv_event()
  File /Users/jstrout/Documents/Python-Dev/AIMbot/toc.py, line 230,  in 

dtemp = self._socket.recv(buflen - len(data))
socket.error: (54, 'Connection reset by peer')

I wrote to the author a week ago, but never got a reply.  It could be  as 
simple as changing the server addresses in toc.py, currently:

TOC_SERV_AUTH = (login.oscar.aol.com, 2 )
TOC_SERV = ( toc.oscar.aol.com, 9898 )

...but I don't understand AIM well enough to know the correct values  (and 
was rather hoping that I wouldn't have to).

Does anyone know how to get Py-TOC to work, or have another Python TOC 
implementation to suggest?

You need an OSCAR-based AIM library.  AOL discontinued TOC support several
years ago.  No TOC-based client can work on the AIM network.

Twisted includes a (somewhat crufty) OSCAR implementation.  There are
probably also other Python OSCAR implementations.


Re: cx_Oracle issues

2008-12-16 Thread huw_at1
On Dec 15, 12:59 pm, ron.re...@gmail.com ron.re...@gmail.com
 On Dec 15, 2:44 am, huw_at1 huwdjo...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Dec 11, 5:34 pm, ron.re...@gmail.com ron.re...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Dec 10, 9:48 am, huw_at1 huwdjo...@gmail.com wrote:

Hey all. When usingcx_Oracleto run a procedure like:

cursor.execute(select (obj.function(value)) from table where

I am getting the following error:

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too
small ORA-06512: at line 1

Looking at cursor.description I get:

[('(obj.function(value))', type 'cx_Oracle.STRING', 4000, 4000, 0,
0, 1)]

Any tips - i have never seen this error before but am guessing that
the value being returned is too big for the buffer size set for the
cursor. the procedure fetches data from a LOB.

Any suggestions/confirmations?

Many thanks

   This error is a problem with the PL/SQL, notcx_Oracle.  You need to
   debug obj.function to see what kind of data is being accessed and then
   a data analysis of that data to understand why this error occurs.  I
   can tell you the function is most likely expecting characters from a
   column that are numeric [0 .. 9] and is getting alpha characters.

   Ron Reidy
   Sr. Oracle DBA

  Hi thanks for the responses. Unfortunately the procedure in question
  is from a third party vendor so I can't really debug it so I'd say I
  was fairly stumped. Just out of interest how do you increase the
  output buffer size withcx_Oracle?

  Many thanks- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -


 Sure you can.  You can see the PL/SQL source from the ditionary view
 select text from all_source where name = 'NAME_OF_FUNCTION';

 From there, reverse engineeer which table(s) and column(s) are being
 accesses and do the data analysis.

 Ron Reidy

Hi all,

So I tried Rons query but unfortunately I got 0 records returned.
However I can confirm that running the select query from a client does
indeed generate the same error. Is there anything else I could try?
Otherwise I'll just get in touch with the vendor I guess.

Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-16 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
bearophileh...@lycos.com writes:

 This can be a little faster still:

 match_counter = defaultdict(int)
 for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
 ip = line.split(None, 1)[0]
 match_counter[ip] += 1


Or maybe (untested):

match_counter = defaultdict(int)
for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
ip = line[:line.index(' ')]
match_counter[ip] += 1

Or even (untested, I've never tried this ;):

from itertools import count
match_counter = defaultdict(count)
for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
ip = line[:line.index(' ')]

match_total = dict((key, val()) for key, val in match_counter.iteritems())

Obviously the variable 'ip' could be removed in all cases.


Re: Python Dictionary Algorithm Question

2008-12-16 Thread Scott MacDonald
You might be interested in the Beautiful Code book:

It has a chapter on Python's dict implementation that is pretty good.

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Brigette Hodson

 Hello! I am in a beginning algorithms class this semester and I am working
 on a presentation. I want to discuss in some detail the algorithm python
 uses to determine the hash function for python dictionaries. Does anyone
 know what this algorithm is? Or where I can go to find information on it?




sorting for recursive folder rename

2008-12-16 Thread ianaré
Hello all,

I trying to recursively rename folders and files, and am looking for
some ideas on the best way of doing this. The problem is that the
given list of items can be in order, and one to all items may be
renamed. Here is some preliminary code I have, but which does not work
very well.

self.toRename has the following structure :
[original_name, new_name, os.path.isdir]

# define these here for faster processing
def split(item):
return os.path.split(item)
def addSep(path):
return os.sep + path + os.sep
def recursiveFolderSort(x,y):
return cmp(y[0], x[0])

sortedRename = sorted(self.toRename)

# make a list of all folders that will be processed
foldersToAdjust = []
for item in sortedRename:
if item[2] is False:
oF = split(item[0])[1] # original folder name
nF = split(item[1])[1] # new folder name
if oF is not nF:
foldersToAdjust.append((oF, nF))

# replace all occurences of folders in path
for i in range(len(self.toRename)):
for f in foldersToAdjust:
oF = addSep(f[0]) # original folder name
nF = addSep(f[1]) # new folder name
self.toRename[i][0] = self.toRename[i][0].replace(oF,nF)
self.toRename[i][1] = self.toRename[i][1].replace(oF,nF)

if progressDialog.update(i) is False:
error = 'cancelled'

# make sure renaming will be in correct order !

First problem is adjusting the paths can take a very long time.
Second problem is sorting is not always right and files get lost !!
Any input welcome.

Re: os.environ.get('SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND') returns None

2008-12-16 Thread Yinon Ehrlich
On Dec 15, 8:51 pm, Tzury Bar Yochay afro.syst...@gmail.com wrote:
 Trying to follow a technique found at bzr I did the following

 added to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys the command=my_parder parameter
 which point to a python script file named 'my_parser' and located in /
 usr/local/bin  (file was chmoded as 777)

 in that script file '/usr/local/bin/my_parser' I got the following

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import os
 print os.environ.get('SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND', None)

 When trying to ssh e.g. 'ssh localhost'
 I get None on the terminal and then the connection is closed.

You should define SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND in environment of the calling

Re: cx_Oracle issues

2008-12-16 Thread huw_at1
On Dec 15, 12:59 pm, ron.re...@gmail.com ron.re...@gmail.com
 On Dec 15, 2:44 am, huw_at1 huwdjo...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Dec 11, 5:34 pm, ron.re...@gmail.com ron.re...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Dec 10, 9:48 am, huw_at1 huwdjo...@gmail.com wrote:

Hey all. When usingcx_Oracleto run a procedure like:

cursor.execute(select (obj.function(value)) from table where

I am getting the following error:

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too
small ORA-06512: at line 1

Looking at cursor.description I get:

[('(obj.function(value))', type 'cx_Oracle.STRING', 4000, 4000, 0,
0, 1)]

Any tips - i have never seen this error before but am guessing that
the value being returned is too big for the buffer size set for the
cursor. the procedure fetches data from a LOB.

Any suggestions/confirmations?

Many thanks

   This error is a problem with the PL/SQL, notcx_Oracle.  You need to
   debug obj.function to see what kind of data is being accessed and then
   a data analysis of that data to understand why this error occurs.  I
   can tell you the function is most likely expecting characters from a
   column that are numeric [0 .. 9] and is getting alpha characters.

   Ron Reidy
   Sr. Oracle DBA

  Hi thanks for the responses. Unfortunately the procedure in question
  is from a third party vendor so I can't really debug it so I'd say I
  was fairly stumped. Just out of interest how do you increase the
  output buffer size withcx_Oracle?

  Many thanks- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -


 Sure you can.  You can see the PL/SQL source from the ditionary view
 select text from all_source where name = 'NAME_OF_FUNCTION';

 From there, reverse engineeer which table(s) and column(s) are being
 accesses and do the data analysis.

 Ron Reidy

Hi all,

So I tried Rons query but unfortunately I got 0 records returned.
However I can confirm that running the select query from a client does
indeed generate the same error. Is there anything else I could try?
Otherwise I'll just get in touch with the vendor I guess.

subprocess returncode windows

2008-12-16 Thread Andrew

I'm running into a strange situation with getting incorrect
returncodes / exit status from python subprocess.call. I'm using a
python script (runtime 2.6.1 on windows) to automate the deploy of
java applications to glassfish application server. Below is an example
of using a subprocess call to test the success / failure of the
glassfish CLI tool asadmin

import sys
from subprocess import *

retcode = call(c:/glassfish/bin/asadmin.bat  + list-system-
properties --host mydomain --port 4848 --user admin server-01,
if retcode  0:
print sys.stderr, Child was terminated by signal, -retcode
print sys.stderr, Child returned, retcode
except OSError, e:
print sys.stderr, Execution failed:, e

However, when I execute it, it gets the same returncode whether it
fails or succeeds (0).

C:\python z:\bin\example.py
Please enter the admin password ***Enters Good Password***
Command list-system-properties executed successfully.
Child returned 0

C:\python z:\bin\example.py
Please enter the admin password***Enters BAD PASSWORD***
Invalid user or password
CLI137 Command list-system-properties failed.
Child returned 0


When I execute this manually from the cmd.exe and I check the
%errorlevel% it returns the correct levels:

C:\c:\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat list-system-properties --host
mydomain --port 4848 --user admin server-01
Please enter the admin password***GOOD PASSWORD***
Command list-system-properties executed successfully.

C:\echo %errorlevel%

C:\c:\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat list-system-properties --host
mydomain --port 4848 --user admin server-01
Please enter the admin password***BAD PASSWORD***
Invalid user or password
CLI137 Command list-system-properties failed.

C:\echo %errorlevel%


I'm guessing that returncode isn't the same thing as exit status?  Is
there a way to get exit status using a subprocess function instead of
returncode? Is this the right way to go about this?

Thanks for any direction / advice you can provide.


Re: ethical questions about global variables

2008-12-16 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
On 16 Dic, 18:01, ianaré ian...@gmail.com wrote:
 For anything more complicated than a simple script, I find it easier
 to use some sort of config object. This could be a simple dictionnary
 type class, where the values can be set/retrieved by the other classes
 directly, or a more elaborate class including functions to set/
 retrieve the variables. This way setting/retrieving can be 'smart' --
 possibly looking at other variables, program states, thread count,
 whatever, for the requested config option. It also allows for a lot of
 expansion down the line if need be, rather than dealing with all sorts
 of global variables floating around - which gets annoying pretty

 On Dec 15, 9:45 pm, Giampaolo Rodola' gne...@gmail.com wrote:

  in a module of mine (ftpserver.py) I'd want to add a (boolean) global
  variable named use_gmt_times to decide whether the server has to
  return times in GMT or localtime but I'm not sure if it is a good idea
  because of the ethical doubts I'm gonna write below.

  In first place I've never liked global variables too much and always
  preferred per-class-instance variables instead.
  The problem in my case is that I have to use such variable in two
  separated classes: FTPHandler and VirtualFileSystem. Also, I want that
  for no reason one class uses times in GMT and the other one local

  Another doubt is the naming convention. PEP-8 states that global
  variables should use the lower_case_naming_convention but I've seen a
  lot of library module using the UPPER_CASE_NAMING_CONVENTION. What am
  I supposed to do about it?

  Thanks in advance for any comment.

  --- Giampaolohttp://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/- Nascondi testo citato

 - Mostra testo citato -

All the modificable options the library has acquired so far consist of
class attributes and I'm ok with that.
The only option that should be global is use_gmt_times because it is
supposed to be used in two classes and I want that both of them use
the same parameter.
Using a Config class for a single option like use_gmt_times is not
worth the effort, IMO.

--- Giampaolo

sys.maxint in Python 2.6.1 (amd64) on Windows XP x64

2008-12-16 Thread Lin

I installed the amd64 version of Python 2.6.1 on my Windows XP x64
system. I was expecting sys.maxint to be 9223372036854775807 (or 2 ^63
-1), but instead I got 2147483647 (i.e., 2^31-1) just like what I got
from a 32-bit version of Python. Is this by design or does it indicate
a bug or an installation problem? Thank you very much!


Re: Python Dictionary Algorithm Question

2008-12-16 Thread Steve Holden
Brigette Hodson wrote:
 Hello! I am in a beginning algorithms class this semester and I am
 working on a presentation. I want to discuss in some detail the
 algorithm python uses to determine the hash function for python
 dictionaries. Does anyone know what this algorithm is? Or where I can go
 to find information on it?
Look in


for dictnotes.txt and dictobject.c. Good luck with the class!

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC  http://www.holdenweb.com/


Re: Does Python3 offer a FrozenDict?

2008-12-16 Thread bearophileHUGS
Paul Moore:
 Moral - don't assume that all code needs to be rewritten for Python
 3.0 :-)

In practice this time your moral is of little use: having a place that
allows you to choose Py3 OR Py2 code is much better and tidier, helps
you save time, helps you avoid wasting some time, etc.


zipfile.is_zipfile() and string buffers

2008-12-16 Thread Brendan
I would like zipfile.is_zipfile(), to operate on a cStringIO.StringIO
string buffer, but is seems only to accept file names as arguments.
Should it not be able to handle string buffers too?

Re: sys.maxint in Python 2.6.1 (amd64) on Windows XP x64

2008-12-16 Thread Christian Heimes
Lin schrieb:
 I installed the amd64 version of Python 2.6.1 on my Windows XP x64
 system. I was expecting sys.maxint to be 9223372036854775807 (or 2 ^63
 -1), but instead I got 2147483647 (i.e., 2^31-1) just like what I got
 from a 32-bit version of Python. Is this by design or does it indicate
 a bug or an installation problem? Thank you very much!

This is by design. In their infinitive wisdom Microsoft has decided to
make the 'long' C type always a 32 bit signed integer - even on 64bit
systems. On most Unix systems a long is at least 32 bit but usually



Re: subprocess returncode windows

2008-12-16 Thread Christian Heimes
Andrew schrieb:
 I'm running into a strange situation with getting incorrect
 returncodes / exit status from python subprocess.call. I'm using a
 python script (runtime 2.6.1 on windows) to automate the deploy of
 java applications to glassfish application server. Below is an example
 of using a subprocess call to test the success / failure of the
 glassfish CLI tool asadmin
 import sys
 from subprocess import *
 retcode = call(c:/glassfish/bin/asadmin.bat  + list-system-
 properties --host mydomain --port 4848 --user admin server-01,
 if retcode  0:
 print sys.stderr, Child was terminated by signal, -retcode
 print sys.stderr, Child returned, retcode
 except OSError, e:
 print sys.stderr, Execution failed:, e

Don't use shell=True! Instead use a list of arguments without shell=True:

call([c:/glassfish/bin/asadmin.bat, list-system-properties, --host
mydomain, --port 4848, --user admin, server-01])

That should solve your quoting issues on Windows and fix your code.
shell=True is considered evil and should be avoided whenever possible.



Re: sorting for recursive folder rename

2008-12-16 Thread MRAB

ianaré wrote:

Hello all,

I trying to recursively rename folders and files, and am looking for
some ideas on the best way of doing this. The problem is that the
given list of items can be in order, and one to all items may be
renamed. Here is some preliminary code I have, but which does not work
very well.

self.toRename has the following structure :
[original_name, new_name, os.path.isdir]

# define these here for faster processing
def split(item):
return os.path.split(item)
def addSep(path):
return os.sep + path + os.sep
def recursiveFolderSort(x,y):
return cmp(y[0], x[0])

sortedRename = sorted(self.toRename)

# make a list of all folders that will be processed
foldersToAdjust = []
for item in sortedRename:
if item[2] is False:

 if not item[2]:

oF = split(item[0])[1] # original folder name
nF = split(item[1])[1] # new folder name
if oF is not nF:

 if oF != nF:

foldersToAdjust.append((oF, nF))

# replace all occurences of folders in path
for i in range(len(self.toRename)):
for f in foldersToAdjust:
oF = addSep(f[0]) # original folder name
nF = addSep(f[1]) # new folder name
self.toRename[i][0] = self.toRename[i][0].replace(oF,nF)
self.toRename[i][1] = self.toRename[i][1].replace(oF,nF)

if progressDialog.update(i) is False:

 if not progressDialog.update(i):

error = 'cancelled'

# make sure renaming will be in correct order !

First problem is adjusting the paths can take a very long time.
Second problem is sorting is not always right and files get lost !!
Any input welcome.

You should use is and is not _only_ when checking for _identity, ie 
are these 2 both references to the _same_ object. Most of the time that 
would be x is None or x is not None.


Re: Memory leak when using a C++ module for Python

2008-12-16 Thread Jaume Bonet
When I tried the C++ function with a C++ main() (skipping the Python
part) it didn't show any memory problem, but I'll re-check it anyway,

On Dec 16, 9:16 am, Gabriel Genellina gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar
 En Thu, 11 Dec 2008 15:35:58 -0200, Jaume Bonet jaume.bo...@gmail.com  

  This is the function that is visible from python and the one that the
  python code calls:

  static PyObject * IMFind (PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject
  *kwargs) {

 Your function does not call any Python function except  
 PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords (which does not modify reference counts).
 So it's unlikely that this could cause any memory leak. I'd revise how  
 memory is allocated and deallocated on the C++ side.

 Gabriel Genellina


Where is a good open source python project to be used as example?

2008-12-16 Thread Andrea Francia

I'm looking for a python project to use as example to learning python.

The project should have these features:

   1. is almost fully unit tested
   2. use consistently the code convention recommended by PEP 8
   3. it's elements are almost fully documented

Extra point features are:

   4. building, assembling, and release automation

Did you know where are such projects?

executables no longer executing on PC's without Python installed

2008-12-16 Thread jefm
I recently figured out a problem that came up with the latest versions
of Python and cx_Freeze. I thought I post it here so that it might be
usefull to someone.

The problem was that, when I switched to Python 2.6.x and
cx_Freeze-4.0.1.win32-py2.6.msi, the executables that were produced
ran perfectly on my PC but not any other PC. They did not print any
useful information whatsoever.

Googling around, I learned that it had to do with Visual Studio being
installed on my PC and not on the other PC's.
The common solution that worked for other people was to put the
redistributable manifest and DLL's from C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.CRT,
into the same directory as the generated EXE.

This didn't work for me. With the help of Anthony Tuininga, I finally
tracked it down to the DLL version.

In the good ol' days, when your application was lacking the C rntime
library DLL in its search path, it gave a clear warning.
e.g. can not find msvcr71.dll or something like that.
The only thing you needed to do was to go look for one (either on your
PC or on the internet), and pluck whatever DLL with that name into the
search path, typically in the same directory as your exe or windows
It didn't care about different versions of DLL's.

Now with the advent of at least Visual Studio 2008 (and probably 2005,
but I skipped that one), Microsoft, in its infinite wisdom, decided
that that method was way too easy for everyone and came up with yet
another way to torment everyone that dares to develop software in
anything else than Microsoft monstrosities.
I am referring to these mysterious things with names like side by
side installation, SxS, manifests, assemblies, ...

Why does the noble community of enlightened scholars developing Python
care at all ? Because Python 2.6 binaries for Windows are now compiled
using Visual Studio 2008. In essence, that should not mean more than
replacing your msvcr71.dll with msvcr90.dll. Unfortunately, you
inherit this assemblies crap with it.

The new terminology invented with this and the MSDN articles on this
subject make it only more obscure and complicated than it should be.
In a nutshell, DLL's now are attributed with a version number.
Executables generated with VS2008 are now restricted to run only with
a predefined specific version of a DLL. This allows you to run
executable A with version X of a DLL and another exe with version Y of
that same DLL and not be affected with obscure bugs caused by pairing
the wrong version of a DLL with an exe (the infamous DLL hell).

How do you pair an exe with a particular DLL version ? That is done
with manifest files, basically a small XML file, listing the exact
version number and some obscure hash numbers for integrity checking. I
haven't figured out how to manually produce these (VS2008 does this
for you) but fortunately for us, Python developers we don't need to
care. We just have to use the same one the Python distribution was
compiled with.

How do I know which version Python is compiled with ?
The easiest way is to install Python with the option install just for
me. This has the result that the msvcrxx.dll used by Python is copied
into the c:\pythonxx directory instead of in a common windows\system32
folder (or something like that).
This was my first mistake, I used the other option install for other

This should not be a problem. cx_Freeze is clever enough to go out and
find this DLL for you. It will probably find the right one, PROVIDING
you have the right version of the DLL's in your search path.

Now back to Microsoft. Up until around 9/16/2008, there was only 1
version of msvcr DLL's, nl. 9.0.21022.8 and that was good, because it
happens to be the same version Python was installed with.
The only thing you have to do is to accompany your generated exe with
a manifest with the correct hieroglyphs, copy this dll in the same
directory and you were done.
(you actually need 2 manifest files: one that accompanies to the exe
which DLL version it needs, and another manifest file that specifies
the versions of the DLL. The exe manifest can be embedded in the exe).

Poor old Anthony Tuininga had to figure this out the hard way. He
makes our lives a lot easier by already embedding the correct exe
manifest into the executable. You can check this by opening the
generated binary with a hex editor and scroll down until you see some
XML. That is the manifest. That will tell you which DLL's it needs and
which version (nl. 9.0.21022.8). It needs to be this version because
of the version of Visual Studio 2008 used to compile Python itself.

Having Visual Studio 2008 installed on your PC while freezing your
Python apps should not be a problem. Even if you didn't specify
install just for me, cx_Freeze will probably find msvcr90.dll

But then came Visual Studio 2008 SP1. With it came an updated
msvcr90.dll with version 9.00.30729.1.
That is what I had installed and things went south from 

Re: subprocess returncode windows

2008-12-16 Thread Andrew
On Dec 16, 12:50 pm, Christian Heimes li...@cheimes.de wrote:
 Andrew schrieb:


  I'm running into a strange situation with getting incorrect
  returncodes / exit status from python subprocess.call. I'm using a
  python script (runtime 2.6.1 on windows) to automate the deploy of
  java applications to glassfish application server. Below is an example
  of using a subprocess call to test the success / failure of the
  glassfish CLI tool asadmin

  import sys
  from subprocess import *

      retcode = call(c:/glassfish/bin/asadmin.bat  + list-system-
  properties --host mydomain --port 4848 --user admin server-01,
      if retcode  0:
          print sys.stderr, Child was terminated by signal, -retcode
          print sys.stderr, Child returned, retcode
  except OSError, e:
      print sys.stderr, Execution failed:, e

 Don't use shell=True! Instead use a list of arguments without shell=True:

 call([c:/glassfish/bin/asadmin.bat, list-system-properties, --host
 mydomain, --port 4848, --user admin, server-01])

 That should solve your quoting issues on Windows and fix your code.
 shell=True is considered evil and should be avoided whenever possible.


Thanks Christian,

I've removed shell=True, unfortunately, if I structure the call like:

call([c:/glassfish/bin/asadmin.bat, list-system-properties, --
mydomain, --port 4848, --user admin, server-01])

It doesn't seem to recognize any arguments after list-system-
properties. If I structure it like:

call(c:/glassfish/bin/asadmin.bat +list-system-properties --host
mydomain --port 4848 --user admin server-01)

Then it executes correctly but still gives invalid returncode of 0
when it fails instead of 1.



Re: sys.maxint in Python 2.6.1 (amd64) on Windows XP x64

2008-12-16 Thread Lin

  I installed the amd64 version of Python 2.6.1 on my Windows XP x64
  system. I was expecting sys.maxint to be 9223372036854775807 (or 2 ^63
  -1), but instead I got 2147483647 (i.e., 2^31-1) just like what I got
  from a 32-bit version of Python. Is this by design or does it indicate
  a bug or an installation problem? Thank you very much!

 This is by design. In their infinitive wisdom Microsoft has decided to
 make the 'long' C type always a 32 bit signed integer - even on 64bit
 systems. On most Unix systems a long is at least 32 bit but usually

Ah, this makes sense. Thanks.. The main reason I'm trying 64-bit
Python is that I want to write files bigger than 4GB. This should work
on Windows x64, right? (i.e., are the pointers bona fide 64 bit?)


Re: Where is a good open source python project to be used as example?

2008-12-16 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 19:13:00 GMT
Andrea Francia
andrea.fran...@remove-from-here.ohoihihoihoih.to-here.gmx.it wrote:
 I'm looking for a python project to use as example to learning python.
 The project should have these features:
 1. is almost fully unit tested
 2. use consistently the code convention recommended by PEP 8
 3. it's elements are almost fully documented
 Extra point features are:
 4. building, assembling, and release automation
 Did you know where are such projects?


D'Arcy J.M. Cain da...@druid.net |  Democracy is three wolves
http://www.druid.net/darcy/|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-16 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Arnaud Delobelle arno...@googlemail.com writes:

 match_total = dict((key, val()) for key, val in match_counter.iteritems())

Sorry I meant

match_total = dict((key, val.next())
   for key, val in match_counter.iteritems())


Re: Free place to host python files?

2008-12-16 Thread Mr . SpOOn
2008/12/16 feba feb...@gmail.com:
 Stuff like code.google, sf.net, are more oriented towards serious
 development, not just holding random apps, aren't they?

 Anyway, I found MediaFire, which looks like it will suffice for now.

Take a look to Dropbox (http://www.getdropbox.com/).

You can use it to directly share files with your friends or to create
a public link to your files so other people can download them.

Re: Where is a good open source python project to be used as example?

2008-12-16 Thread Andrea Francia

D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:

On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 19:13:00 GMT
Andrea Francia wrote:

I'm looking for a python project to use as example to learning python.

The project should have these features:

1. is almost fully unit tested
2. use consistently the code convention recommended by PEP 8
3. it's elements are almost fully documented

Extra point features are:

4. building, assembling, and release automation

Did you know where are such projects?


Thanks! But I can't find any unit test in the code.

Re: Where is a good open source python project to be used as example?

2008-12-16 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 20:03:21 GMT
Andrea Francia
andrea.fran...@remove-from-here.ohoihihoihoih.to-here.gmx.it wrote:
  Did you know where are such projects?
 Thanks! But I can't find any unit test in the code.

Look again.  They are in the files named TEST_PyGreSQL_classic.py and

D'Arcy J.M. Cain da...@druid.net |  Democracy is three wolves
http://www.druid.net/darcy/|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: subprocess.Popen inheriting

2008-12-16 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 16, 4:15 am, Gabriel Genellina gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar
 En Tue, 16 Dec 2008 07:29:19 -0200, Aaron Brady castiro...@gmail.com  

  I have a file handle I want to inherit in a child process.  I am
  looking at '_make_inheritable' in 'Popen', but it needs an instance,
  and by the time I have one, the subprocess is already running.

  Can't I call 'Popen._make_inheritable( None, handle )'?  The method
  does not use 'self'.

 File handles are inherited by default, I think. What's your specific  

 Gabriel Genellina

I want a dual-console application for some multi-threaded output.  The
main process spawns a second process in a second window, and directs
its readout through a pipe.  That is, the second process is just a
dummy, print pipe directly to console.

It worked when I used the 'stdin= PIPE' keyword in Popen, but passing
my own pipe handle on the command line isn't working.  The keyword is
a workaround.

 File handles are inherited by default, I think.

I thought so too.  The web seems to say that on Linux they are, and on
Windows, you need to call DuplicateHandle for it.

By the way, there are a few solutions to the inheritance problem.

1.  Override __init__ and __del__ in a subclass.
2.  Assign DummyClass= Popen._make_inheritable
3.  Override Popen._execute_child to call _make_inheritable, then call
the super method.

Can anyone suggest a good HTTP/1.1 web client?

2008-12-16 Thread Kottiyath
Hi all,
I have to connect to a secure website every second to get the data
and then post to it. I have been investigating on many web clients in
python, but nothing fits the bill properly.
The ones I tried implementing are:
1. httplib based - I created myself. (I cannot use urllib2 since I
have to transfer files, and urllib2 doesnt have multipart content-type
2. Twisted web client.
I also looked at mechanize etc too.

The problems I face are -
1. I liked twisted a lot, but when I implemented it, I found that
client support is there only for twisted.web and not twisted.web2.
Since I connect to the same website every time, I would like to have
persistent connections and since twisted.web is HTTP/1.0, persistent
connection support is not yet there. Without persistent connections, I
would have to have TCP connection handshake everytime and it is taking
too much time.
2. Since I connect to the website every second, I have to have
many connections running at the same time. I am worried that creating
threads for each connection is going to be a big problem (esp if the
server response is slow), since the processor will get swamped -
especially since there are many other activities going on in the
   3. I would also like to pipe line the requests - esp if the
response is slow.

   Other requirements:
   1. HTTPS Support
   2. Connection through proxy.

   Is there any good web client which I can use straight up? Or would
I have to implement the whole thing myself? It looks like a big beast
and I was wondering whether python provides it straight up.



Re: sys.maxint in Python 2.6.1 (amd64) on Windows XP x64

2008-12-16 Thread Christian Heimes
Lin schrieb:
 Ah, this makes sense. Thanks.. The main reason I'm trying 64-bit
 Python is that I want to write files bigger than 4GB. This should work
 on Windows x64, right? (i.e., are the pointers bona fide 64 bit?)

You can create files with more than 4GB on a 32bit OS, too. It depends
on the file system. It works with NTFS but I'm not sure how FAT32 deals
with large files. My DVB-S receiver with USB port chokes on files with
more than 2 GB.



mod_python resources

2008-12-16 Thread tmallen
I'm trying again because I'm stubborn. Maybe the fourth time will be
the charm...

Are there any good tutorials out there for setting up Apache with


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