ANN: eGenix pyOpenSSL Distribution 0.8.0-0.9.8i-1

2008-12-19 Thread eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg

ANNOUNCING pyOpenSSL Distribution

Version 0.8.0-0.9.8i-1

 An easy to install and use repackaged distribution
   of the pyOpenSSL Python interface for OpenSSL -
  available on Windows and Unix platforms

This announcement is also available on our web-site for online reading:


The pyOpenSSL Distribution includes everything you need to
get started with SSL in Python. It comes with an easy to use installer
that includes the most recent OpenSSL library versions in pre-compiled

pyOpenSSL is an open-source Python add-on (
that allows writing SSL aware networking applications as well as
certificate management tools.

OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL protocol

For more information, please see the product page:


This third release of the pyOpenSSL Distribution upgrades
pyOpenSSL to version 0.8, which includes a few bug fixes related to

Please note that OpenSSL, the underlying SSL engine, does not allow
sharing connections between threads. This is a little known fact which
could in the past cause pyOpenSSL to crash Python. Jean-Paul Calderone,
the maintainer of pyOpenSSL, has added fixes in 0.8 to prevent those

We have also fixed several compiler warnings found in the code. The
version of pyOpenSSL you find in the source release has those patches

Binaries are available for Linux x86 and x64 as well as Windows x86 and
include pyOpenSSL 0.8.0 as well as the OpenSSL 0.9.8i libraries.


The download archives and instructions for installing the package can
be found at:


Before installing this version of pyOpenSSL, please make sure that
you uninstall any previously installed pyOpenSSL version. Otherwise,
you could end up not using the included OpenSSL libs.



Commercial support for these packages is available from
Please see

for details about our support offerings.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Dec 19 2008)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

2008-12-02: Released mxODBC.Connect 1.0.0

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ikaaro 0.50.0 released

2008-12-19 Thread J. David Ibáñez

This is a Content Management System built on Python  itools, among
other features ikaaro provides:

 - content and document management (indexsearch, metadata, etc.)
 - multilingual user interfaces and content
 - high level modules: wiki, forum, tracker, etc.

This release has seen the major changes in the user interface for a
long time.  Most notably the backoffice is now integrated into the
frontoffice.  When the user logs in the application, the backoffice
interfaces appear.

A number of changes have been made to satisfy this new approach.  In
particular the backoffice interfaces are lighter.  For instance the
two level drop down menu has been replaced by a discrete flat menu.
Another example, now the right column, instead of being always visible,
contains context menus that appear or dissappear depending on the
resource  view being displayed.

The internationalization and localization of the user interfaces has
also been considerably improved.  For example now there is a global
language selector, available in both the front and back office modes.
And several components are multilingual now, like the HTML editor
(TinyMCE [1]) and the tracker tables.

Some other features have been added to the issue tracker.  First, a
calendar has been integrated, in order to track resources attached
to an issue.  Another important change, there is a new field called
'Products', and now modules and versions are classified by product
(inspiration from bugzilla [2]).

Many other changes have been made to the user interface, too many to
enumerate them here.

The application behaviour is also more respectful of the REST [3]
paradigm.  For instance now there are much less redirections than

However, it is probably the changes under the hood that are most
important.  Specifically the architecture changes concerning the
way a resource view is built.  Before a view was a resource method,
simple enough but not very scalable.  Now a view is a class in
itself, what enhances the possibilities of code refactoring.

Again, the changes to the programming interface are too many to
enumerate here.  See the upgrade notes for more.





Mailing list

Bug Tracker

J. David Ibáñez
Itaapy Tel +33 (0)1 42 23 67 45
9 rue Darwin, 75018 Paris  Fax +33 (0)1 53 28 27 88

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] Python 2.4.6 and 2.5.3 (final)

2008-12-19 Thread Martin v. Löwis
On behalf of the Python development team and the Python community, I'm
happy to announce the release of Python 2.4.6 and 2.5.3 (final).

2.5.3 is the last bug fix release of Python 2.5. Future 2.5.x releases
will only include security fixes. According to the release notes, about
80 bugs and patches have been addressed since Python 2.5.2, many of
them improving the stability of the interpreter, and improving its

Since the release candidate, the only change was an update to the
Macintosh packaging procedure.

2.4.6 includes only a small number of security fixes. Python 2.6 is
the latest version of Python, we're making this release for people who
are still running Python 2.4.

See the release notes at the website (also available as Misc/NEWS in
the source distribution) for details of bugs fixed; most of them prevent
interpreter crashes (and now cause proper Python exceptions in cases
where the interpreter may have crashed before).

For more information on Python 2.4.6 and 2.5.3, including download
links for various platforms, release notes, and known issues, please

Highlights of the previous major Python releases are available
from the Python 2.5 page, at

Enjoy this release,

Martin v. Loewis
Python Release Manager
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team)

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Tkinter unbinding

2008-12-19 Thread Bad Mutha Hubbard
Roger wrote:

 I've done a lot of googling for this topic and I fear that it's not
 possible.  I have a widget that is overloaded with several bindings.
 I want to be able to unbind one method form the same Event without
 destroying all the other bindings to the same event that's associated
 to the same widget.

 For example:

 import Tkinter

 def test():
 print 'test'

 def test2():
 print 'test2'

 root = Tkinter.Tk()
 funcid1 = root.bind(1, lambda e: test())
 funcid2 = root.bind(1, lambda e: test2(), add='+')
 root.unbind(1, funcid2)

 When run neither 1 binding will exist against the root because the
 unbind will unbind all the functions associated with that event.
 However, in this example, I only want to unbind test2 not test1.

 Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

I believe you've discovered a bug.  Aside from recommending trying
wxWidgets, here's the source of the unbind function in

def unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None):
Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE  the
function identified with FUNCID.'bind', self._w, sequence, '')
if funcid:

First, it replaces all bindings for the sequence with the empty string,
i.e., it deletes all bindings for that event unconditionally.  THEN it
calls deletecommand() with the funcid, who knows what that does.  My Tcl
is not so sharp.
I have an idea for a workaround, let me see if it works...


Re: Minor Typo in doc

2008-12-19 Thread Kurt Mueller
Steve Holden schrieb:
 Kurt Mueller wrote:
 There is a minor typo in the new doc in:
 This is one of two standard signal handling options;
 it will simply perform the default function for the signal.
 For example, on most systems the default action for SIGQUIT
 is to dump core and exit, while the default action for
 is to simply ignore it.
 should be
 Should I make a bug report in

 Yes. The documentation give you a link to follow from the bottom of
 each page.

Yesterday evening I made a bug report on
(I opened a issue).
This morning it has already been fixed.
(It has been assigned to benjamin.peterson.
 He has fixed it.
 The issue has been closed.)

 Benjamin Peterson added the comment:
 Thanks for the report! Fixed in r67848.
 nosy: +benjamin.peterson
 resolution: - fixed
 status: open - closed

So, that is a great community!
isn't it?
Thanks to all who make this possible.

Kurt Mueller

Kurt Müller, 


Re: Tkinter unbinding

2008-12-19 Thread Bad Mutha Hubbard
Bad Mutha Hubbard wrote:

 Roger wrote:

 I've done a lot of googling for this topic and I fear that it's not
 possible.  I have a widget that is overloaded with several bindings.
 I want to be able to unbind one method form the same Event without
 destroying all the other bindings to the same event that's associated
 to the same widget.

 For example:

 import Tkinter

 def test():
 print 'test'

 def test2():
 print 'test2'

 root = Tkinter.Tk()
 funcid1 = root.bind(1, lambda e: test())
 funcid2 = root.bind(1, lambda e: test2(), add='+')
 root.unbind(1, funcid2)

 When run neither 1 binding will exist against the root because the
 unbind will unbind all the functions associated with that event.
 However, in this example, I only want to unbind test2 not test1.

 Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

 I believe you've discovered a bug.  Aside from recommending trying
 wxWidgets, here's the source of the unbind function in

 def unbind(self, sequence, funcid=None):
 Unbind for this widget for event SEQUENCE  the
 function identified with FUNCID.'bind', self._w, sequence, '')
 if funcid:

 First, it replaces all bindings for the sequence with the empty string,
 i.e., it deletes all bindings for that event unconditionally.  THEN it
 calls deletecommand() with the funcid, who knows what that does.  My Tcl
 is not so sharp.
 I have an idea for a workaround, let me see if it works...

Alas, my workaround doesn't work either. also states that
calling bind with only an event sequence will return all bindings for
that sequence; I was thinking I could then remove the function in
question from that list and call bind again with each of the
functions in the remaning list as argument. I had
high hopes. The return value of calling bind with no target function
is just about Tcl nonsense:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import Tkinter

def test(event):
print 'test'

def test2(event):
print 'test2'

root = Tkinter.Tk()
funcid1 = root.bind(1, test)
funcid2 = root.bind(1, test2, add='+')
print funcid1, funcid2

bound = root.bind('Button-1')
print bound:, bound
#root.unbind(1, funcid=funcid2)

Note that I took out the lambdas and gave event arguments to the
functions; if you did that on purpose, because you need to call the same
functions without events, then just ignore that...
SO, the other workaround, which I've used, is to bind the event to a
generic function, and have that generic function conditionally call
the functions you want. I'll go back and try to make an example from
your example. -Chuckk

Re: Python for amd64 and mingw-w64

2008-12-19 Thread David Cournapeau
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 It's a mistake if libpython26.a gets included in the Win64 installer
 at all; this library is only provided for 32-bit systems. My copy of
 mingw doesn't support Win64 at all.

Please ignore that last point: it looks like it is generated by our
(numpy) build process, and has nothing to do with python per-se.


If programming languages were religions...

2008-12-19 Thread gene
very interesting

Python would be Humanism: It's simple, unrestrictive, and all you
need to follow it is common sense. Many of the followers claim to feel
relieved from all the burden imposed by other languages, and that they
have rediscovered the joy of programming. There are some who say that
it is a form of pseudo-code

compare to
Perl would be Voodoo - An incomprehensible series of arcane
incantations that involve the blood of goats and permanently corrupt
your soul. Often used when your boss requires you to do an urgent task
at 21:00 on friday night.

and others

Re: eval() and global variables

2008-12-19 Thread Peter Otten
Juan Pablo Romero Méndez wrote:

 The hack given by Peter works fine, except in this case:
 def (fn):
 ... f2 = lambda x,y:(x,y,fn(x,y))
 ... function = type(f2)
 ... f3 = function(f2.func_code,dict())
 ... print f3
 (lambda x,y:x+y)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File stdin, line 4, in 
 TypeError: arg 5 (closure) must be tuple


The variable fn must be passed to the lambda somehow. You could return f2()
from (), and f2() would still have to know about it. This is called
a closure.

 def f(): pass
 function = type(f)
 print function.__doc__
function(code, globals[, name[, argdefs[, closure]]])

Create a function object from a code object and a dictionary.
The optional name string overrides the name from the code object.
The optional argdefs tuple specifies the default argument values.
The optional closure tuple supplies the bindings for free variables.

In your case we can reuse the closure just like the code:

 def outer(fn):
... def inner(x, y): return x + fn(x, y)
... return function(inner.func_code, {}, closure=inner.func_closure)
 outer(lambda a, b: a*b)(2, 3)

While we're at it, let's explore the remaining arguments:

 f = outer(lambda a, b: a*b)
 g = function(f.func_code, {}, yadda, (10, 20), f.func_closure)
function yadda at 0x2aba094e1050



Re: C API and memory allocation

2008-12-19 Thread Stefan Behnel
Aaron Brady wrote:
  Otherwise you can't know its length or change its reference count.
 The internal representation of Python byte strings is 0 terminated, so
 strlen() will work.
 As MRAB said, Python strings can contain null bytes,

Sure, they can. Most byte strings I've seen didn't, though. And if you know
that they don't contain any null bytes (UTF-8 serialised XML, for example,
or ASCII encoded text, or ...), 's' is just fine. If you need content *and*
length, use 's#'. Matter of use case, as usual.



2008-12-19 Thread hotkatrina4u

No Fee Required

ANN: eGenix pyOpenSSL Distribution 0.8.0-0.9.8i-1

2008-12-19 Thread eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg

ANNOUNCING pyOpenSSL Distribution

Version 0.8.0-0.9.8i-1

 An easy to install and use repackaged distribution
   of the pyOpenSSL Python interface for OpenSSL -
  available on Windows and Unix platforms

This announcement is also available on our web-site for online reading:


The pyOpenSSL Distribution includes everything you need to
get started with SSL in Python. It comes with an easy to use installer
that includes the most recent OpenSSL library versions in pre-compiled

pyOpenSSL is an open-source Python add-on (
that allows writing SSL aware networking applications as well as
certificate management tools.

OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL protocol

For more information, please see the product page:


This third release of the pyOpenSSL Distribution upgrades
pyOpenSSL to version 0.8, which includes a few bug fixes related to

Please note that OpenSSL, the underlying SSL engine, does not allow
sharing connections between threads. This is a little known fact which
could in the past cause pyOpenSSL to crash Python. Jean-Paul Calderone,
the maintainer of pyOpenSSL, has added fixes in 0.8 to prevent those

We have also fixed several compiler warnings found in the code. The
version of pyOpenSSL you find in the source release has those patches

Binaries are available for Linux x86 and x64 as well as Windows x86 and
include pyOpenSSL 0.8.0 as well as the OpenSSL 0.9.8i libraries.


The download archives and instructions for installing the package can
be found at:


Before installing this version of pyOpenSSL, please make sure that
you uninstall any previously installed pyOpenSSL version. Otherwise,
you could end up not using the included OpenSSL libs.



Commercial support for these packages is available from
Please see

for details about our support offerings.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Dec 19 2008)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

2008-12-02: Released mxODBC.Connect 1.0.0

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611


Re: importing csv file into sqlite

2008-12-19 Thread Peter Otten
James Mills wrote:

 values = ,.join([\%s\ % x for x in line])
 print INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES (%s); % (table, fields, values)


List comprehension in if clause of another list comprehension

2008-12-19 Thread

In [69]: a = 'a b c'
In [70]: b = 'a b, c d'

In [74]: [i for i in a.split() if i not in b.split()]
Out[74]: ['b']

Everything ok.

In [77]: b.split() == [i for i in b.split()]
Out[77]: True

As expected. Now, put this in the first list comprehension:

In [80]: [i for i in a.split() if i not in [i for i in b.split()] ]
Out[80]: ['d']

H... why is that?


Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger
  Hi all,

  Im parsing a 4.1GB apache log to have stats about how many times an ip
  request something from the server.

  The first design of the algorithm was

  for line in fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:]):
      ip = line.split()[0]
      if match_counter.has_key(ip):
          match_counter[ip] += 1
          match_counter[ip] = 1
 . . .
  Should i leave fileinput behind?

Yes.  fileinput is slow because it does a lot more than just read

  Am i using generators with the wrong aproach?

No need for a generator here.  The time is being lost with fileinput,
split, and the counting code.  Try this instead:

match_counter = collections.defaultdict(int)
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
for line in open(filename):
ip, sep, rest = line.partition(' ')
match_counter[ip] += 1

If you're on *nix, there's a fast command line approach:

cut -d' ' -f1 filelist | sort | uniq -c


Re: Factoring Polynomials

2008-12-19 Thread Tim Rowe
2008/12/18 Scott David Daniels

 def quadsolve(a, b, c):
discriminant = sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c)

The discriminant of a quadratic is more usually just the b**2 - 4 * a
* c part, not the square root of it. Testing that for negative, zero
or positive avoids the need to use an exception for a normal case.

Tim Rowe

[Pyrex] Compiling via setuptools

2008-12-19 Thread Kless
When I use the next command in my home system:

  $ python develop

Pyrex compiles the '.pyx' file without any problem. But after of
uploading it to Pypi, and when is installed via 'easy_install' it
doesn't builds any more. (I had to upload the '.c' file compiled on my

You can see here how has been configured:

and here where I had to add any files:

Re: Removing None objects from a sequence

2008-12-19 Thread Raymond Hettinger
On Dec 12, 7:51 am, Marco Mariani wrote:
 Filip Gruszczyński wrote:
  I am not doing it, because I need it. I can as well use if not elem
  is None,

 I suggest if elem is not None, which is not quite the same.

They are semantically the same.  In theory, Filip's would run slower
because of the time to negate the is-test, but the peephole optimizer
recognizes the opportunity to make the substitution so it works out
exactly the same:

 dis(compile('x is not None', '', 'eval'))
  1   0 LOAD_NAME0 (x)
  3 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
  6 COMPARE_OP   9 (is not)
 dis(compile('not x is None', '', 'eval'))
  1   0 LOAD_NAME0 (x)
  3 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
  6 COMPARE_OP   9 (is not)


Re: List comprehension in if clause of another list comprehension

2008-12-19 Thread Peter Otten
Vedran Furac( wrote:

 In [69]: a = 'a b c'
 In [70]: b = 'a b, c d'
 In [74]: [i for i in a.split() if i not in b.split()]
 Out[74]: ['b']
 Everything ok.
 In [77]: b.split() == [i for i in b.split()]
 Out[77]: True
 As expected. Now, put this in the first list comprehension:
 In [80]: [i for i in a.split() if i not in [i for i in b.split()] ]
 Out[80]: ['d']
 H... why is that?

 a = abc
 b = a b, c d.split()
['a', 'b,', 'c', 'd']
 [i for i in a if i not in b]

As expected, so far, but now comes the critical step:

 [i for i in a if i not in [i for i in b]]

The problem is that list comprehensions do not introduce a new namespace. So
the inner and the outer list comp share the same i. You can either rename
the inner i

 [i for i in a if i not in [k for k in b]]

or use a generator expression which does give a new namespace:

 list(x for x in abc)
['a', 'b', 'c']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'x' is not defined

 [i for i in a if i not in (i for i in b)]



Re: importing csv file into sqlite

2008-12-19 Thread James Mills
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 8:32 PM, Peter Otten wrote:
 James Mills wrote:

 values = ,.join([\%s\ % x for x in line])
 print INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES (%s); % (table, fields, values)

It's a tool! Not one meant to be used
publicly from untrusted users.

Free feel to submit a patch as is
the Open Source spirit!


15000$ per month

2008-12-19 Thread
1500$ per month…

Re: List comprehension in if clause of another list comprehension

2008-12-19 Thread
Peter Otten wrote:

 The problem is that list comprehensions do not introduce a new namespace. So
 the inner and the outer list comp share the same i. You can either rename
 the inner i
 [i for i in a if i not in [k for k in b]]
 or use a generator expression which does give a new namespace:
 list(x for x in abc)
 ['a', 'b', 'c']
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 NameError: name 'x' is not defined
 [i for i in a if i not in (i for i in b)]


encoding problem

2008-12-19 Thread
The below snippet code generates UnicodeDecodeError.
#!/usr/bin/env python
#--*-- coding: utf-8 --*--
s = 'äöü'
u = unicode(s)

It seems that the system use the default encoding- ASCII to decode the
utf8 encoded string literal, and thus generates the error.

The question is why the Python interpreter use the default encoding
instead of utf-8, which I explicitly declared in the source.

Re: importing csv file into sqlite

2008-12-19 Thread klia

John Machin wrote:
 On Dec 18, 6:20 pm, klia wrote:
 klia wrote:

  hey guys, i have a hug .csv file which i need to insert it into sqlite
  database using python.
  my csv data looks like this
  Birthday2,12/5/2008,HTC,this is my birthday
  love,17/4/2009,SONY,view of island

  can any one give me a head start codes.

  thanks in advance

 guys so far i came out with this but i get this error
 was...@linux:~/Project2$ python
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 13, in module
     curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)',item)
 sqlite3.ProgrammingError: Incorrect number of bindings supplied. The
 statement uses 4, and there are 1 supplied.

 here's the codes

 import sqlite3
 import csv

 f = open('/home/waseem/Project2/photos.txt')
 csv.field_size_limit(10) #see below!
 I see nothing below that looks at all like an attempt to justify
 setting the field size limit to 10 -- why are you doing that?
 Tends to make one suspect a problem with your delimiter and/or your
 line separator.
 input = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
 Why \t??? Your data examples show commas -- could this be why you are
 getting one field per line (as Peter has pointed out)?
 conn = sqlite3.connect('/home/waseem/Project2/picutres.db')
 Is it really called picutres instead of pictures, or are you
 typing the code that you ran again from (your) memory?
 curse = conn.cursor()

 curse.execute('CREATE TABLE photos (Name VARCHAR(100) PRIMARY KEY, Date
 INTEGER, Make VARCHAR(50), Tag VARCHAR(100))')
 [OT but to save the next question]
 The column named Date is defined to be INTEGER but the data from the
 CSV file will be a str object e.g. 12/5/2008 ... I know sqlite
 cheerfully regards column types as vague reminders rather than
 enforceable constraints on your input, but wouldn't you like to
 convert your dates to e.g. 2008-05-12 before you poke them in? You
 may want to use ORDER BY Date at some stage, and so that ORDER BY
 isn't whacked and GROUP BY doesn't give ludicrous results, wouldn't it
 be a good idea to crunch 12/5/2008 and 12/05/2008 into a common format
 so that they compare equal?

 for item in input:
 I strongly suggest that you try to get a clue about exactly what you
 are getting from the csv reader e.g.
 for line_num, item in enumerate(input_renamed_as_suggested_by_anor):
print line_num, repr(item)
         curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)',item)


hey guys
i took all of your suggestion but my goal ain't yet achieved :-((
these are the codes after changes, john i couldn't really catch what do you
mean by renaming input, is it just normal renaming.i am testing the code on
just simple .csv file with few data in as follows before trying on my hug
csv file but still no joy

Bithday,12-05-08,HTC,this is my birthday
love,17-04-2009,SONY,view of island

import sqlite3
import csv

f = open('/home/waseem/Project2/photos.csv')
input = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
conn = sqlite3.connect('/home/waseem/Project2/pictures.db')
curse = conn.cursor()

curse.execute('CREATE TABLE photos (Name VARCHAR(100) PRIMARY KEY, Date
INTEGER, Make VARCHAR(50), Tag VARCHAR(100))')
for row in input:
curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)', '*row')

this time i got this error

was...@linux:~/Project2$ python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 12, in module
curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)', '*row')
sqlite3.IntegrityError: column Name is not unique

i removed the primary key and single quotation mark for '*row' to just *row
but i got the old error which is 

was...@linux:~/Project2$ python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 11, in module
curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)', *row)
TypeError: function takes at most 2 arguments (5 given)
View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


Re: encoding problem

2008-12-19 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers a écrit :

The below snippet code generates UnicodeDecodeError.
#!/usr/bin/env python
#--*-- coding: utf-8 --*--
s = 'äöü'
u = unicode(s)

It seems that the system use the default encoding- ASCII to decode the
utf8 encoded string literal, and thus generates the error.

Indeed. You want:

u = unicode(s, 'utf-8') # or : u = s.decode('utf-8')

The question is why the Python interpreter use the default encoding
instead of utf-8, which I explicitly declared in the source.

Because there's no reliable way for the interpreter to guess how what's 
passed to unicode has been encoded ?

s = s.decode(utf-8).encode(latin1)
# should unicode try to use utf-8 here ?
  u = unicode(s)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
  print would have worked better with u = unicode(s, 'latin1')

NB : IIRC, the ascii subset is safe whatever the encoding, so I'd say 
it's a sensible default...


Re: List comprehension in if clause of another list comprehension

2008-12-19 Thread bearophileHUGS
Peter Otten:
 The problem is that list comprehensions do not introduce a new namespace.

I think Python3 fixes this bug.


How to parsing a sequence of integers

2008-12-19 Thread Steven Woody

I am a newbie and is reading the python book.  Could anyone tell me,
how to parsing the following string
   123 100 12 37 ...
into a list of integers on which I can then apply max()/min()?

In additional to max/min, is there something like average()?

Thanks in advance.


Subclassing standard class: how to write my own __init__?

2008-12-19 Thread kpalamartchouk
Dear All,

I am trying to create a class that would extend functionality of by implementing some functions I need, for example an
optional initialisation by (year, day_of_year) instead of (year,
month, day). I would like the class constructor to behave in the
datetime's default way if there are no keyword arguments and do my own
stuff if there are some.

Here is the minimal example:

from datetime import date, timedelta

class MyDateTime(date):
def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
if len(kw):
year = kw['year']
doy = kw['doy']
my_date = date(year=year, month=1, day=1) + timedelta
date.__init__(self, year = my_date.year, month =
my_date.month, day =
date.__init__(self, *arg)

date1 = MyDateTime(2008, 12, 19)
date2 = MyDateTime(year=2008, doy=354)

It works fine when I don't supply any keyword arguments. But if I do,
TypeError is happening:

TypeError: function takes exactly 3 arguments (1 given)

Could you help me to understand where I am wrong?


Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-19 Thread Federico Moreira
Great, 2min 34 secs with the open method =)

but why?

ip, sep, rest = line.partition(' ')
   match_counter[ip] += 1

instead of

match_counter[line.strip()[0]] += 1

strip really takes more time than partition?

I'm having the same results with both of them right now.

Re: How to parsing a sequence of integers

2008-12-19 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Steven Woody a écrit :


I am a newbie and is reading the python book.  Could anyone tell me,
how to parsing the following string
   123 100 12 37 ...

 into a list of integers on which I can then apply max()/min()?

source = 123 100 12 37
list_of_ints = [int(part) for part in source.strip().split()]

In additional to max/min, is there something like average()?

Not AFAIK, but it's really trivial

def average(lst):
assume lst is a list of numerics 
   return sum(lst) / len(lst)


Re: How to parsing a sequence of integers

2008-12-19 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 21:20:48 +0800, Steven Woody wrote:

 I am a newbie and is reading the python book.  Could anyone tell me, how
 to parsing the following string
123 100 12 37 ...
 into a list of integers on which I can then apply max()/min()?

In [376]: '123 100 12 37'.split()
Out[376]: ['123', '100', '12', '37']

In [377]: map(int, '123 100 12 37'.split())
Out[377]: [123, 100, 12, 37]

In [378]: max(map(int, '123 100 12 37'.split()))
Out[378]: 123

 In additional to max/min, is there something like average()?

No, but it's easy to implement with `sum()`, `len()` and ``/``.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: encoding problem

2008-12-19 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 04:05:12 -0800, wrote:

 The below snippet code generates UnicodeDecodeError.
 #--*-- coding: utf-8 --*--
 s = 'äöü'
 u = unicode(s)
 It seems that the system use the default encoding- ASCII to decode the
 utf8 encoded string literal, and thus generates the error.
 The question is why the Python interpreter use the default encoding
 instead of utf-8, which I explicitly declared in the source.

Because the declaration is only for decoding unicode literals in that 
very source file.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: List comprehension in if clause of another list comprehension

2008-12-19 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 04:26:16 -0800, bearophileHUGS wrote:

 Peter Otten:
 The problem is that list comprehensions do not introduce a new
 I think Python3 fixes this bug.

Or removes that feature.  ;-)

Re: How to parsing a sequence of integers

2008-12-19 Thread John Machin
On Dec 20, 12:33 am, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.
42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid wrote:
 Steven Woody a écrit : Hi,

  I am a newbie and is reading the python book.  Could anyone tell me,
  how to parsing the following string
     123 100 12 37 ...

   into a list of integers on which I can then apply max()/min()?

 source = 123 100 12 37
 list_of_ints = [int(part) for part in source.strip().split()]

The purpose of the .strip() would be ...?

Re: How to parsing a sequence of integers

2008-12-19 Thread Steven Woody
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 9:33 PM, Bruno Desthuilliers
bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid wrote:
 Steven Woody a écrit :


 I am a newbie and is reading the python book.  Could anyone tell me,
 how to parsing the following string
   123 100 12 37 ...

 into a list of integers on which I can then apply max()/min()?

 source = 123 100 12 37
 list_of_ints = [int(part) for part in source.strip().split()]

 In additional to max/min, is there something like average()?

 Not AFAIK, but it's really trivial

 def average(lst):
assume lst is a list of numerics 
   return sum(lst) / len(lst)

Cool! Thank all of you.

Re: importing csv file into sqlite

2008-12-19 Thread Peter Otten
klia wrote:

 John Machin wrote:
 On Dec 18, 6:20 pm, klia wrote:
 klia wrote:

  hey guys, i have a hug .csv file which i need to insert it into sqlite
  database using python.
  my csv data looks like this
  Birthday2,12/5/2008,HTC,this is my birthday
  love,17/4/2009,SONY,view of island

  can any one give me a head start codes.

  thanks in advance

 guys so far i came out with this but i get this error
 was...@linux:~/Project2$ python
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File, line 13, in module
 curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)',item)
 sqlite3.ProgrammingError: Incorrect number of bindings supplied. The
 statement uses 4, and there are 1 supplied.

 here's the codes

 import sqlite3
 import csv

 f = open('/home/waseem/Project2/photos.txt')
 csv.field_size_limit(10) #see below!
 I see nothing below that looks at all like an attempt to justify
 setting the field size limit to 10 -- why are you doing that?
 Tends to make one suspect a problem with your delimiter and/or your
 line separator.
 input = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
 Why \t??? Your data examples show commas -- could this be why you are
 getting one field per line (as Peter has pointed out)?
 conn = sqlite3.connect('/home/waseem/Project2/picutres.db')
 Is it really called picutres instead of pictures, or are you
 typing the code that you ran again from (your) memory?
 curse = conn.cursor()

 curse.execute('CREATE TABLE photos (Name VARCHAR(100) PRIMARY KEY, Date
 INTEGER, Make VARCHAR(50), Tag VARCHAR(100))')
 [OT but to save the next question]
 The column named Date is defined to be INTEGER but the data from the
 CSV file will be a str object e.g. 12/5/2008 ... I know sqlite
 cheerfully regards column types as vague reminders rather than
 enforceable constraints on your input, but wouldn't you like to
 convert your dates to e.g. 2008-05-12 before you poke them in? You
 may want to use ORDER BY Date at some stage, and so that ORDER BY
 isn't whacked and GROUP BY doesn't give ludicrous results, wouldn't it
 be a good idea to crunch 12/5/2008 and 12/05/2008 into a common format
 so that they compare equal?

 for item in input:
 I strongly suggest that you try to get a clue about exactly what you
 are getting from the csv reader e.g.
 for line_num, item in enumerate(input_renamed_as_suggested_by_anor):
print line_num, repr(item)
 curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)',item)

 hey guys
 i took all of your suggestion but my goal ain't yet achieved :-((
 these are the codes after changes, john i couldn't really catch what do
 you mean by renaming input, is it just normal renaming.i am testing the
 code on just simple .csv file with few data in as follows before trying on
 my hug csv file but still no joy
 Bithday,12-05-08,HTC,this is my birthday
 love,17-04-2009,SONY,view of island
 import sqlite3
 import csv
 f = open('/home/waseem/Project2/photos.csv')
 input = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
 conn = sqlite3.connect('/home/waseem/Project2/pictures.db')
 curse = conn.cursor()
 curse.execute('CREATE TABLE photos (Name VARCHAR(100) PRIMARY KEY, Date
 INTEGER, Make VARCHAR(50), Tag VARCHAR(100))')
 for row in input:
 curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)', '*row')

This will try to set


for all records. Can you work out why?

 this time i got this error
 was...@linux:~/Project2$ python
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 12, in module
 curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)', '*row')
 sqlite3.IntegrityError: column Name is not unique
 i removed the primary key and single quotation mark for '*row' to just
 *row but i got the old error which is
 was...@linux:~/Project2$ python
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 11, in module
 curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)', *row)
 TypeError: function takes at most 2 arguments (5 given)

curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)', row)

(no '*') will work for the sample data you give above. If you get errors
with your real data you have to fix that data. Follow John's advice to
locate the problematic records.


Re: Subclassing standard class: how to write my own __init__?

2008-12-19 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers a écrit :

Dear All,

I am trying to create a class that would extend functionality of by implementing some functions I need, for example an
optional initialisation by (year, day_of_year) instead of (year,
month, day).

If that's all you want, then you don't need a subclass - just a plain 
function returning a correctly constructed date object.

I would like the class constructor to behave in the
datetime's default way if there are no keyword arguments and do my own
stuff if there are some.

Here is the minimal example:

from datetime import date, timedelta

class MyDateTime(date):

Naming it MyDateTime when it's a date is a bit misleading

def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
if len(kw):

  if kw: # empty dict eval to False

year = kw['year']
doy = kw['doy']

Will raise a KeyError. Either don't use **kw, or catch the KeyError and 
raise a TypeError instead (which is what's expected when calling a 
function with wrong arguments)

my_date = date(year=year, month=1, day=1) + timedelta
date.__init__(self, year = my_date.year, month =
my_date.month, day =
date.__init__(self, *arg)

date1 = MyDateTime(2008, 12, 19)
date2 = MyDateTime(year=2008, doy=354)

It works fine when I don't supply any keyword arguments. But if I do,
TypeError is happening:

TypeError: function takes exactly 3 arguments (1 given)

Could you help me to understand where I am wrong?

Some classes implements the __new__ method too (the 'proper' 
constructor), and date is one of them.

class MyDate(date):
def __new__(cls, year, month=None, day=None, doy=None):
if doy:
assert month is None and day is None
d = date(year,1, 1) + timedelta(days=doy-1)
month = d.month
day =
return date.__new__(cls, year, month, day)

date1 = MyDate(2008, 12, 19)
date2 = MyDate(2008, doy=365)


Re: importing csv file into sqlite

2008-12-19 Thread John Machin
On Dec 19, 11:17 pm, klia wrote:

[ancient screed snipped]

 hey guys
 i took all of your suggestion but my goal ain't yet achieved :-((
 these are the codes after changes, john i couldn't really catch what do you
 mean by renaming input, is it just normal renaming.

Somebody else told you not to use input, choose another name

 i am testing the code on
 just simple .csv file with few data in as follows before trying on my hug
 csv file but still no joy

 Bithday,12-05-08,HTC,this is my birthday
 love,17-04-2009,SONY,view of island

 import sqlite3
 import csv

 f = open('/home/waseem/Project2/photos.csv')
 input = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
 conn = sqlite3.connect('/home/waseem/Project2/pictures.db')
 curse = conn.cursor()

 curse.execute('CREATE TABLE photos (Name VARCHAR(100) PRIMARY KEY, Date
 INTEGER, Make VARCHAR(50), Tag VARCHAR(100))')
 for row in input:
         curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)', '*row')

 this time i got this error

 was...@linux:~/Project2$ python
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 12, in module
     curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)', '*row')
 sqlite3.IntegrityError: column Name is not unique

 i removed the primary key and single quotation mark for '*row' to just *row
 but i got the old error which is

 was...@linux:~/Project2$ python
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 11, in module
     curse.execute('INSERT INTO photos VALUES (?,?,?,?)', *row)
 TypeError: function takes at most 2 arguments (5 given)

No, the old error was sqlite3.ProgrammingError: Incorrect number of
bindings supplied. The current statement uses 4, and there are 1
supplied. That's quite different.

Secondly you have already been told about the difference between row
and *row ... as the message says, it wants 2 arguments, (1) the SQL
(2) the sequence of values that will be used to replace the ?s in the
SQL. So just lose the *, OK?


Re: How to parsing a sequence of integers

2008-12-19 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

John Machin a écrit :

On Dec 20, 12:33 am, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.
42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid wrote:

Steven Woody a écrit : Hi,

I am a newbie and is reading the python book.  Could anyone tell me,
how to parsing the following string
   123 100 12 37 ...

  into a list of integers on which I can then apply max()/min()?

source = 123 100 12 37
list_of_ints = [int(part) for part in source.strip().split()]

The purpose of the .strip() would be ...?

Err... To check if you were paying attention ?-)

Re: How to parsing a sequence of integers

2008-12-19 Thread Peter Otten
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 Steven Woody a écrit :
 In additional to max/min, is there something like average()?
 Not AFAIK, but it's really trivial
 def average(lst):
  assume lst is a list of numerics 
 return sum(lst) / len(lst)

If you are using Python 2.x:

 def average(lst):
... return sum(lst)/len(lst)

So you better throw in a float(...):

 def average(lst):
... return sum(lst)/float(len(lst))


Re: importing csv file into sqlite

2008-12-19 Thread John Machin
On Dec 18, 5:17 pm, James Mills

 def readCSV(file):
   if type(file) == str:

Stiff cheese if the file path is a unicode object, eh?

      fd = open(file, rU)
      fd = file


Re: Tkinter unbinding

2008-12-19 Thread Roger
 Note that I took out the lambdas and gave event arguments to the
 functions; if you did that on purpose, because you need to call the same
 functions without events, then just ignore that...
 SO, the other workaround, which I've used, is to bind the event to a
 generic function, and have that generic function conditionally call
 the functions you want. I'll go back and try to make an example from
 your example. -Chuckk

Thanks Chuckk!  You've done exactly what I did so far.  I went through
the source in and had an inkling of what the unbind
function was doing.  I believe, and please correct me if I'm wrong,
in:'bind', self._w, sequence, '') , the '' is unbinding
all methods and I believe the self.deletecommand(funcid) is a
workaround for a memory leak otherwise.  Perhaps'bind',
self._w, sequence, funcid) would work but that's a pure guess.  I
would have liked to investigate the tcl source directly to see if I
could develop a workaround through a but that was hitting a
wall in terms of any documentation I could research.  I'm interested
in any workaround you may have however!

You now, I really considered going over to wxwidgets, and I definitely
want to try it after the current app I'm developing is complete, but
I've so much experience with Tkinter now after banging my head against
a wall for months (productive months mind you) on various projects,
it's like an old persnickety friend you just can't give up.  =)

Thanks a ton!

Re: Tkinter unbinding

2008-12-19 Thread Peter Otten
Roger wrote:

 Note that I took out the lambdas and gave event arguments to the
 functions; if you did that on purpose, because you need to call the same
 functions without events, then just ignore that...
 SO, the other workaround, which I've used, is to bind the event to a
 generic function, and have that generic function conditionally call
 the functions you want. I'll go back and try to make an example from
 your example. -Chuckk
 Thanks Chuckk!  You've done exactly what I did so far.  I went through
 the source in and had an inkling of what the unbind
 function was doing.  I believe, and please correct me if I'm wrong,
 in:'bind', self._w, sequence, '') , the '' is unbinding
 all methods and I believe the self.deletecommand(funcid) is a
 workaround for a memory leak otherwise.  Perhaps'bind',
 self._w, sequence, funcid) would work but that's a pure guess.  I
 would have liked to investigate the tcl source directly to see if I
 could develop a workaround through a but that was hitting a
 wall in terms of any documentation I could research.  I'm interested
 in any workaround you may have however!

The documentation for bind in tcl is here

and as far as I understand it doesnt support unbinding selected callbacks,
either. I'd suggest a plain-python workaround along the lines of

import Tkinter

def test(event):
print 'test'

def test2(event):
print 'test2'

root = Tkinter.Tk()

class Multiplexer:
def __init__(self):
self.funcs = []
def __call__(self, event):
for f in self.funcs:
def add(self, f):
return f
def remove(self, f):

m = Multiplexer()
root.bind(1, m)

def unbind():
print unbind

button = Tkinter.Button(root, text=unbind test2, command=unbind)



How to read stdout from subprocess as it is being produced

2008-12-19 Thread Alex

I have a Pyhon GUI application that launches subprocess.
I would like to read the subprocess' stdout as it is being produced
(show it in GUI), without hanging the GUI.

I guess threading will solve the no-hanging issue, but as far as I
searched for now, I've only seen how to read the stdout after
subprocess is finished.


Re: Tkinter unbinding

2008-12-19 Thread Roger
 either. I'd suggest a plain-python workaround along the lines of

Wow.  You just blew my mind.  I'm going to play with this.  Thanks a
lot, I've really learned a lot in just that small bit.  I don't have
much experience in playing with a lot of the 'private' calls such as
__call__.  I need to do some more reading.


Re: How to read stdout from subprocess as it is being produced

2008-12-19 Thread anthony . tolle
On Dec 19, 9:34 am, Alex wrote:

 I have a Pyhon GUI application that launches subprocess.
 I would like to read the subprocess' stdout as it is being produced
 (show it in GUI), without hanging the GUI.

 I guess threading will solve the no-hanging issue, but as far as I
 searched for now, I've only seen how to read the stdout after
 subprocess is finished.


If I'm interpreting your needs correctly, then you may find this
module helpful:

I've used it successfully in the past when I wanted to use native
python code (no C extensions necessary) for asynchronous reading from
a child process.

I'm not sure if later versions of Python (2.6, 3.0) support this in
the standard library.  I haven't researched it.

Re: How to read stdout from subprocess as it is being produced

2008-12-19 Thread Albert Hopkins
On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 06:34 -0800, Alex wrote:
 I have a Pyhon GUI application that launches subprocess.
 I would like to read the subprocess' stdout as it is being produced
 (show it in GUI), without hanging the GUI.
 I guess threading will solve the no-hanging issue, but as far as I
 searched for now, I've only seen how to read the stdout after
 subprocess is finished.

I believe that's going to be highly dependent upon the particular, yet
unspecified, GUI toolkit/API.

There are probably a few ways. You're toolkit might native support for
this, but one way would be to use a timer.  Here is some pseudocode:

class MyWindow(toolkit.Window):
def __init__(self, ...):
self.subprocess = subprocess.Popen(..., stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
self.running = True

toolkit.set_timeout(TIMEOUT_VAL, self.read_stdout)

def read_stdout(self, ...):
if not self.running:
char =
if char == '':
self.running = False
toolkit.set_timeout(TIMEOUT_VAL, self.read_stdout)


Tix.Balloon crashes in Python 2.61 Windows

2008-12-19 Thread andrew . gregory
I've found that Tix GUI applications crash after switching to Python
2.6.1 (Windows XP) when Balloons are used. IDLE gives this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\PyFiles\InstrumentSetup\, line 217, in module
else: displayedwidget=MainWidget(root, CS)
  File D:\PyFiles\InstrumentSetup\, line 155, in __init__
b = Tix.Balloon(MyFrame)
  File C:\Python26\lib\lib-tk\, line 529, in __init__
TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixBalloon', static, cnf, kw)
  File C:\Python26\lib\lib-tk\, line 307, in __init__, self._w, *extra)
TclError: unknown color name {#60}

A Windows message box came up also. It gave the message:
The exception unknown exception (0x4015) occurred in the
application at location 0x1e03a63b

Perhaps Tix.Balloon has been omitted from the test suite?

I tried searching but cannot see this reported elsewhere. Can anyone
else confirm this behaviour? Where is the best place to report this
bug?  I can supply a script demonstrating the problem.


change string to unicode

2008-12-19 Thread jyoung79
If I have a string like so:

a = '\\u03B1'

and I want to make it display a Greek alpha character, is there a way to 
convert it to unicode ('\u03B1')?  I tried concatenating it like this:

'\u' + '03B1'

but that didn't work.  I'm working in Python 3.0 and was curious if this could 
be done.



Re: Tkinter unbinding

2008-12-19 Thread Peter Otten
Roger wrote:

 either. I'd suggest a plain-python workaround along the lines of
 Wow.  You just blew my mind.  I'm going to play with this.  Thanks a
 lot, I've really learned a lot in just that small bit.  I don't have
 much experience in playing with a lot of the 'private' calls such as
 __call__.  I need to do some more reading.

Here's a non-OO variant:

funcs = []
def call(event):
for f in list(funcs): # *
root.bind(1, call)

root.bind(1, call)

def unbind():
print unbind

I does the same, but is a bit harder to manage if you have more than one
event/widget to deal with.

(*) iterating over a copy of the list of functions is slightly more robust
as it will not accidentally skip callbacks when the original list is
modified during iteration. I suggest that you change the OO version


Re: encoding problem

2008-12-19 Thread Joe Strout

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:

The question is why the Python interpreter use the default encoding
instead of utf-8, which I explicitly declared in the source.

Because the declaration is only for decoding unicode literals in that 
very source file.

And because strings in Python, unlike in (say) REALbasic, do not know 
their encoding -- they're just a string of bytes.  If they were a string 
of bytes PLUS an encoding, then every string would know what it is, and 
things like conversion to another encoding, or concatenation of two 
strings that may differ in encoding, could be handled automatically.

I consider this one of the great shortcomings of Python, but it's mostly 
just a temporary inconvenience -- the world is moving to Unicode, and 
with Python 3, we won't have to worry about it so much.

- Joe


Re: How to parsing a sequence of integers

2008-12-19 Thread Joe Strout

Peter Otten wrote:

If you are using Python 2.x:
So you better throw in a float(...):

Or, add

  from __future__ import division

at the top of the file.  I put this at the top of all my Python files, 
whether I expect to be dividing or not.  It just saves grief.

- Joe


Re: change string to unicode

2008-12-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 09:19:28 -0600, jyoung79 wrote:

 If I have a string like so:
 a = '\\u03B1'
 and I want to make it display a Greek alpha character, is there a way to
 convert it to unicode ('\u03B1')?  I tried concatenating it like this:
 '\u' + '03B1'
 but that didn't work.  I'm working in Python 3.0 and was curious if this
 could be done.

This is from Python 2.5:

 print unichr(0x03B1)

I don't have Python 3 here, but I guess that you would just use chr() 
instead of unichr().

If you literally have to start with the actual string '\\u03B1' (that is, 
backslash lowercase-U zero three uppercase-B one), then I'd do this:

 s = '\\u03B1'
 if s.startswith('\\u'):
... s = s[2:]
 print unichr(int(s, 16))


Re: How to parsing a sequence of integers

2008-12-19 Thread Mensanator
On Dec 19, 9:23�am, Joe Strout wrote:
 Peter Otten wrote:
  If you are using Python 2.x:
  So you better throw in a float(...):

 Or, add

 � �from __future__ import division

 at the top of the file. �I put this at the top of all my Python files,
 whether I expect to be dividing or not. �It just saves grief.

If you want division to be floating point.
If, like me, you rarely do floating point
division and want the / to mean integer
division as God intended, then you don't
put from __future__ import division in your
source files.

That's one of the good things about Python,
you can have it either way.

 - Joe


Re: change string to unicode

2008-12-19 Thread Peter Otten wrote:

 If I have a string like so:
 a = '\\u03B1'
 and I want to make it display a Greek alpha character, is there a way to
 convert it to unicode ('\u03B1')?  I tried concatenating it like this:
 '\u' + '03B1'
 but that didn't work.  I'm working in Python 3.0 and was curious if this
 could be done.

How about




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New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread walterbyrd
I have not worked with Python enough to really know. But, it seems to
me that more I look at python 3.0, the more I wonder if it isn't a
step backwards.

To me, it seems that this:

print %s=%d % ('this',99)

Is much easier, and faster, to type, and is also easier to read and
understand. It also allows people to leverage their knowledge of C.

This (if it's right) is much longer, and requires more special

print( {0}={1}.format('this',99))

Maybe it's worth all the extra trouble, and breaking backward
compatibilty, and all. But, I never had the idea that the old way was
all that big a problem. Of course, I could be wrong. Was the old way
all that big of a problem?


Re: ANN: New Book: Programming in Python 3

2008-12-19 Thread Mark Summerfield
Just a follow-up to say that the book has now been published in the
It is now in stock at InformIT, and should reach other stores, e.g.,
Amazon, in a week or so.

Also, the introduction, the first few pages of the first chapter, the
whole of chapter 12 (regular expressions), and the index are now
available for free download in a PDF from here:

Oh, and I wrote a short article on descriptors which is here:
(The third example is very similar to an example from Chapter 8 and
shows a validation technique that combines class decorators with

On 4 Dec, 15:02, Mark Summerfield wrote:
 Now that Python 3 final has been released I thought it would be a good time
 to mention that there's a new book to go with it:

 Programming in Python 3:
 A Complete Introduction to the Python Language
 ISBN 0137129297

 I've been working on this for more than a year, testing the examples
 against every Python 3 alpha and beta, and against the final release (using
 Python's unit test and doctest modules of course:).

 The book has just gone into production and should be available in print at
 the end of this month in the U.S., and a month or two later elsewhere. The
 book's web page has links to a draft of the introduction and to safari
 books online where you can read extracts.

 The book is aimed at a wide audience, but assumes some programming
 experience (not necessarily Python, not necessarily object-oriented). It
 teaches solid procedural style programming, then builds on that to teach
 solid object-oriented programming, and then goes on to more advanced topics
 (e.g., including a nice way to create validated attributes by combining
 class decorators with descriptors). But even newcomers to Python 3 should
 be able to write useful (although small and basic) programs after reading
 chapter 1, and then go on to create larger and more sophisticated programs
 as they work through the chapters.

 Mark Summerfield, Qtrac Ltd,

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
On 19 Dic, 17:01, walterbyrd wrote:
 I have not worked with Python enough to really know. But, it seems to
 me that more I look at python 3.0, the more I wonder if it isn't a
 step backwards.

 To me, it seems that this:

 print %s=%d % ('this',99)

 Is much easier, and faster, to type, and is also easier to read and
 understand. It also allows people to leverage their knowledge of C.

 This (if it's right) is much longer, and requires more special

 print( {0}={1}.format('this',99))

 Maybe it's worth all the extra trouble, and breaking backward
 compatibilty, and all. But, I never had the idea that the old way was
 all that big a problem. Of course, I could be wrong. Was the old way
 all that big of a problem?

You can use the old 2.x syntax also in Python 3.x:

Python 3.0 (r30:67507, Dec  3 2008, 20:14:27) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 print(%s=%d % ('this',99))

--- Giampaolo

Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-19 Thread MRAB

Federico Moreira wrote:

Great, 2min 34 secs with the open method =)

but why?

ip, sep, rest = line.partition(' ')
   match_counter[ip] += 1

instead of

match_counter[line.strip()[0]] += 1

strip really takes more time than partition?

I'm having the same results with both of them right now.

I think you meant split(), not strip().

split() might split the string into many parts, but you want only the 
first part (at most 1 split), so the extra splits are unnecessary and 
waste time. split(None, 1) and partition(' ') do at most 1 split, so 
they don't do unnecessary work.


best way to code

2008-12-19 Thread eric

I need to find a good design pattern to instanciate, and add
specific code all in one. Let me explain it :

I need to define some code, better be in a class, something like

class LinkA(object):
def mystuff(self):
 do something different

class LinkB(object):
def mystuff(self):
 do something different again

AND I need an instance of this class
{ stuff A: LinkA()
  stuff B: LinkB()

This kind of code would be fine, I mean, the result effect in memory
is fine for me.
But I don't like the way I have to
1/ give a useless name to LinkA, linkB (there can be hundreds of names
like that)
2/ I have to write it down two times (and that's one time too much)

any ideas ?

something like
new object():
def mystuff(self):
   do something
new object():
def mystuff(self):
   do something else

would be really perfect (but I know it does not work, or at least, I
don't know how to make it work)

In fact, I would like to define a class, and an instance in a single



mailbox.mbox.add() appears to set both access and modification times

2008-12-19 Thread tinnews
I'm using mailbox in Python 2.5.2 to filter incoming mail into
separate mailboxes.  I prefer mbox for various reasons and so I have
used that format.

It would appear then when I do:-

dest = mailbox.mbox(destDir, factory=None)

it sets both the access and modification times of the mbox to the date
and time now.  This is a disaster for MUAs that detect new mail by
looking to see if the mbox has been modified after it was accessed.

Is this a known bug in mailbox.mbox.add(), or am I doing something
wrong, or what?

Chris Green

Re: weird dict problem, how can this even happen?

2008-12-19 Thread Joel Hedlund

Joel Hedlund wrote:
First off, please note that I consider my problem to be solved, many 
thanks to c.l.p and especially Duncan Booth. But of course continued 
discussion on this topic can be both enlightening and entertaining as 
long as people are interested. So here goes:

heh, nothing like a wall of text to kill off interest I guess. :-)

But thank you all for your time and helpful advice! Aand happy holidays!


Re: best way to code

2008-12-19 Thread Peter Otten
eric wrote:

 I need to find a good design pattern to instanciate, and add
 specific code all in one. Let me explain it :
 I need to define some code, better be in a class, something like
 class LinkA(object):
 def mystuff(self):
  do something different
 class LinkB(object):
 def mystuff(self):
  do something different again
 AND I need an instance of this class
 { stuff A: LinkA()
   stuff B: LinkB()
 This kind of code would be fine, I mean, the result effect in memory
 is fine for me.
 But I don't like the way I have to
 1/ give a useless name to LinkA, linkB (there can be hundreds of names
 like that)
 2/ I have to write it down two times (and that's one time too much)
 any ideas ?
 something like
 new object():
 def mystuff(self):
do something
 new object():
 def mystuff(self):
do something else
 would be really perfect (but I know it does not work, or at least, I
 don't know how to make it work)
 In fact, I would like to define a class, and an instance in a single

 class Register:
... def __init__(self):
... self.items = []
... def __call__(self, method):
... class Link(object):
... mystuff = method
... self.items.append(Link())
 register = Register()
... def mystuff(self): print first
... def mystuff(self): print second
 for item in register.items:
... item.mystuff()


Re: ANN: New Book: Programming in Python 3

2008-12-19 Thread Thomas Heller
Mark Summerfield schrieb:
 Just a follow-up to say that the book has now been published in the
 It is now in stock at InformIT, and should reach other stores, e.g.,
 Amazon, in a week or so.
 Also, the introduction, the first few pages of the first chapter, the
 whole of chapter 12 (regular expressions), and the index are now
 available for free download in a PDF from here:

Question from a non-native english speaker: is this now valid english?

  One of Python’s great strengths
  and also teaches Python’s functional programming features
  The book’s approach is wholly practical


IMAP: How to implement GMail-like threaded conversations view

2008-12-19 Thread Martin
Currently I am trying to get used to Python's imaplib and email
I'like to create a webmail client simmilar to GMail.

My Questions:
a) Is there any feature hidden in Python's built-in modules (imaplib,
email) that already can group all my mails into threads?

b) If not a... what would be the best way to implement this?

I can think of two approaches:
b.1) Use the References: field of the messages in order to find out
which messages are related to each other.

I tried a first implementation which works quite well but I don't know
if there can occur situations where one message is related to two
parents. Also I don't know what happens if someone is too lazy to type
my address. He might click at Reply, delete topic and old mail-text
and compose a new mail. Theoretically his mail client would set the
References: field accordingly never the less, wouldn't it? Therefore
my mail client would consider that completely new mail as part of an
older conversation.

The thoughts above might lead to the second approach:

b.2) Use the Subject: field of the messages.

I also tried this implementation and it also works (at first glance).
I stripped all subjects of all mails so that all those Re:, Fw:
tags at the beginning get deleted. Afterwards I grouped those having
the same subject and the same participants. Problem: I have no clue
what Re:-tags might exist around the world. I guess each mail client
and each language uses different ones, right?

c) Does anyone know good resources to gain more knowledge about imap /
Currently I am using those sites as a reference:
(as a start *g)

Maybe there are other sources of interest on the web? :)

This is my first post in this newsgroup. So:

Hello everybody! :-)

I've been reading this group for quite a while and I am really
astonished how fast people give valuable answers here. This is a
really great community! Many thanks in advance for all ideas!


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread r
if 3.0 looks like... print( {0}={1}.format('this',99)) , WTF...
thats retarded and looks like Ruby code. Thats not intuitive thats
madness! What happens when you need a conversion to string from an
integer, more code?? My faith is slipping. Have the python Gods gone
mad??. Please tell me i am wrong.

Pythons likeness to C is one of its great powers. I always thought of
Python as an intuitive way to write C code.

I am sticking with 2x(which i had planned to do anyway) I have heard
of nothing significant enough to compel me to make the change yet. And
with that example from 3.0, i am really setting my ways now. i may
have to support the continuation of 2.x beyond 2.9.

Guido! please don't play Russian roulette with Python! I have loved
python all the way up through the 2.x line. And i carry a great
respect for you and your accomplishments. Python must feel at home to
a C programmer. That, i feel, is the professional following for
Python. I also feel Python is a gateway to the C language for n00b
programmers. Let Ruby have the Perl programmers, we don't need them!

Excuse me, I think i am going to cry now :(

Re: ANN: New Book: Programming in Python 3

2008-12-19 Thread MRAB

Thomas Heller wrote:

Mark Summerfield schrieb:

Just a follow-up to say that the book has now been published in the
It is now in stock at InformIT, and should reach other stores, e.g.,
Amazon, in a week or so.

Also, the introduction, the first few pages of the first chapter, the
whole of chapter 12 (regular expressions), and the index are now
available for free download in a PDF from here:

Question from a non-native english speaker: is this now valid english?

  One of Python’s great strengths
  and also teaches Python’s functional programming features
  The book’s approach is wholly practical

Looks OK to me.

Building a web questionnaire, can it be done in Python ?

2008-12-19 Thread Stef Mientki


I'm considering building a web questionnaire in Python.
I've made several desktop applications in Python /  wxPython,
but I've no experience in using Python on a webserver,
and I don't have much knowledge about web applications in general.

As am quit familiar with Python,
therefor it sounds evident to me to make the web application in Python,
but I'm not sure that's really the best way.

I've googled, but the links I get, makes me more confused:
Zope, Plone , ...??
And I can find a lot in other languages Perl, JavaScript, PHP, CGI, ...

So maybe someone on this list can give me some advise,
a good starting point,
because it's almost impossible to evaluate all the possibilities myself,
and I'm afraid the first choice will be the final choice ;-)

The questionnaires are used to diagnose and treat all kinds of patients 
in a hospital.

Therefor I need 2 versions, a web-version and a desktop version,
the latter I need to be able to lock the computer.
The desktop version is no problem, neither the locking.
Also the analysis and reporting of the data will be done in a desktop 

The problematic (at least form my point of view) requirements:

The content and layout comes from an existing database.

The layout of the desktop version and the web-version should be almost 
identical to the paper and pencil version

(most norms are based on the paper and pencil version)

The questions can have different forms, multiple choice, multiple choice 
with multiple answers, but also things like sliders.
The answering should also be possible with the keyboard only: e.g. 
1,2,.. for the answers, PgUp / PgDn or Enter for previous / next question.

The web application should have some kind of security (soap ? https ?) 
and a login.

Depending on answers to previous questions, some questions should be 
Depending on answers to previous questions, some questionnairies should 
be ignored.

Patient should be able to browse within 1 questionnaire, but not to the 
previously answered ones.

After each questionnaire there should be check if all questions were 

Should run in IE and Mozilla.

I'm not sure about this one yet:
While a session can take several hours,
it could be beneficial to connect to the internet only at some 
intermediate intervals,

or when one questionnaire is completely finished.



Re: encoding problem

2008-12-19 Thread
On 12月19日, 下午9时34分, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 04:05:12 -0800, wrote:
  The below snippet code generates UnicodeDecodeError.
  #--*-- coding: utf-8 --*--
  s = 'äöü'
  u = unicode(s)

  It seems that the system use the default encoding- ASCII to decode the
  utf8 encoded string literal, and thus generates the error.

  The question is why the Python interpreter use the default encoding
  instead of utf-8, which I explicitly declared in the source.

 Because the declaration is only for decoding unicode literals in that
 very source file.

         Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Thanks for the answer.
I believe the declaration is not only for unicode literals, it is for
all literals in the source even including Comments. we can try runing
a source file without encoding declaration and have only 1 line of
comments with non-ASCII characters. That will arise a Syntax error and
bring me to the pep263 URL.

I read the pep263 and quoted below:

 Python's tokenizer/compiler combo will need to be updated to work as
   1. read the file
   2. decode it into Unicode assuming a fixed per-file encoding
   3. convert it into a UTF-8 byte string
   4. tokenize the UTF-8 content
   5. compile it, creating Unicode objects from the given Unicode
  and creating string objects from the Unicode literal data
  by first reencoding the UTF-8 data into 8-bit string data
  using the given file encoding

The above described Python internal process indicate that the step 2
will utilise the specific encoding to decode all literals in source,
while in step5 will evolve a re-encoding with the specific encoding.

That is the reason why we have to explicitly declare a encoding as
long as we have non-ASCII in source.

Bruno answered why we need specify a encoding when decoding a byte
string with perfect explanation, Thank you very much.

Re: How to parsing a sequence of integers

2008-12-19 Thread Joe Strout

Mensanator wrote:

from __future__ import division

at the top of the file. I put this at the top of all my Python files,
whether I expect to be dividing or not. It just saves grief.

If you want division to be floating point.
If, like me, you rarely do floating point
division and want the / to mean integer
division as God intended, then you don't
put from __future__ import division in your
source files.

That's one of the good things about Python,
you can have it either way.

Until you someday move up to Python 3, at which point you'll have to go 
back and change all your code to use the unambiguous // operator when 
you mean integer division.  Better to do it now, I think, at least in 
any new code you write, to save you the hassle later.

For those not familiar with the topic:

- Joe


Re: Generator slower than iterator?

2008-12-19 Thread Federico Moreira
Yep i meant split sorry.

Thanks for the answer!

Re: ANN: New Book: Programming in Python 3

2008-12-19 Thread Steve Holden
Thomas Heller wrote:
 Mark Summerfield schrieb:
 Just a follow-up to say that the book has now been published in the
 It is now in stock at InformIT, and should reach other stores, e.g.,
 Amazon, in a week or so.

 Also, the introduction, the first few pages of the first chapter, the
 whole of chapter 12 (regular expressions), and the index are now
 available for free download in a PDF from here:
 Question from a non-native english speaker: is this now valid english?
   One of Python’s great strengths
   and also teaches Python’s functional programming features
   The book’s approach is wholly practical
It always has been valid English. The apostrophe is only omitted from
personal pronouns (hers, its, and so on).

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: ANN: New Book: Programming in Python 3

2008-12-19 Thread Stefan Behnel
Thomas Heller wrote:
 Mark Summerfield schrieb:
 Just a follow-up to say that the book has now been published in the
 It is now in stock at InformIT, and should reach other stores, e.g.,
 Amazon, in a week or so.

 Also, the introduction, the first few pages of the first chapter, the
 whole of chapter 12 (regular expressions), and the index are now
 available for free download in a PDF from here:
 Question from a non-native english speaker: is this now valid english?
   One of Python’s great strengths
   and also teaches Python’s functional programming features
   The book’s approach is wholly practical

'Always' has been. It's not valid German, though, if that's what you are


Re: If programming languages were religions...

2008-12-19 Thread Brian Allen Vanderburg II wrote:

very interesting

Python would be Humanism: It's simple, unrestrictive, and all you
need to follow it is common sense. Many of the followers claim to feel
relieved from all the burden imposed by other languages, and that they
have rediscovered the joy of programming. There are some who say that
it is a form of pseudo-code

compare to
Perl would be Voodoo - An incomprehensible series of arcane
incantations that involve the blood of goats and permanently corrupt
your soul. Often used when your boss requires you to do an urgent task
at 21:00 on friday night.

and others

If programming languages were religions:

When first powering on a computer, there would only be one programming 
language, the language of the boot loader.  As the computer runs, 
processes of one language would spawn processes of other languages, and 
over the course of time many different languages would have many 
different processes (followers).  One of these languages would rise up 
to be dominant and would kill all processes of other languages by the 
signal, whether old or young.  The processes would be given a fair 
change, convert to their language or be killed.  Countless thousands or 
maybe even millions of processes would die, even the processes that say 
there is no one true programming language and wants to know why all the 
processes can't just get along. 

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread walterbyrd
On Dec 19, 9:13 am, Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:
 You can use the old 2.x syntax also in Python 3.x:

Yeah, but it's deprecated, and - as I understand it - may be removed
completely in future versions. Also, in the future, if you are working
with code from another developer, it's likely that developer will use
the new format. I suppose you can use both - but what an awful mess
that would be.

It seems to me that 3.0 is changing a lot of non-problems. And it's
going to be slower to boot.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread Michael Torrie
r wrote:
 if 3.0 looks like... print( {0}={1}.format('this',99)) , WTF...
 thats retarded and looks like Ruby code. Thats not intuitive thats
 madness! What happens when you need a conversion to string from an
 integer, more code?? My faith is slipping. Have the python Gods gone
 mad??. Please tell me i am wrong.

You are wrong.

 Pythons likeness to C is one of its great powers. I always thought of
 Python as an intuitive way to write C code.

I have to confess, I have no idea what you are talking about.  I have
never ever seen Python as an intuitive way to write C code.  That's kind
of bizarre.

 I am sticking with 2x(which i had planned to do anyway) I have heard
 of nothing significant enough to compel me to make the change yet. And
 with that example from 3.0, i am really setting my ways now. i may
 have to support the continuation of 2.x beyond 2.9.

 Guido! please don't play Russian roulette with Python! I have loved
 python all the way up through the 2.x line. And i carry a great
 respect for you and your accomplishments. Python must feel at home to
 a C programmer. That, i feel, is the professional following for
 Python. I also feel Python is a gateway to the C language for n00b
 programmers. Let Ruby have the Perl programmers, we don't need them!
 Excuse me, I think i am going to cry now :(

Okay, you're welcome to.

So funny that now that Python 3.0 is actually released we have people
acting all surprised like they've never seen any of the new features in
Python 3.0 coming.  However these features have been discussed for
years!  And debated!

Personally the new string formatter is sorely needed in Python.  And
they way it has been implemented is a thing of beauty.  Basically the
burden of formatting strings has been moved from the print
statement/function to the objects themselves.  Furthermore, the new {}
notation allows many, many more options for formatting to be used.  Want
to display a floating point number with $#.## notation, and ($#.##) for
negative?  It's all now possible.  Couldn't be done before.  Want to
have the ability to format your own custom object in a particular way
when printing with print()?  Just define a __format__ method in your
object.  print() will ask it to format itself.

In short, this is a huge improvement, and backwards compatibility is
preserved for the 2.x style for those that wish it.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread Michael Torrie
walterbyrd wrote:
 On Dec 19, 9:13 am, Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:
 You can use the old 2.x syntax also in Python 3.x:
 Yeah, but it's deprecated, and - as I understand it - may be removed
 completely in future versions. Also, in the future, if you are working
 with code from another developer, it's likely that developer will use
 the new format. I suppose you can use both - but what an awful mess
 that would be.
 It seems to me that 3.0 is changing a lot of non-problems. And it's
 going to be slower to boot.

How is this?  With projects like PyPy eventually enabling the JIT'ing of
python3 code, I don't see how this is going to be slower.  If anything
we have a python that can be made to run faster than ever before.

Please qualify your remarks.  Are you a Python core developer?

Re: IMAP: How to implement GMail-like threaded conversations view

2008-12-19 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone

On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 08:47:18 -0800 (PST), Martin wrote:

Currently I am trying to get used to Python's imaplib and email
I'like to create a webmail client simmilar to GMail.

I'd suggest using Twisted's IMAP4 client.  It's somewhat easier to
use than Python's imaplib because it does much more parsing of IMAP4's
complex syntax for you.  It will also be easier to do IMAP4 and HTTP
simultaneously if you're using Twisted.

Twisted won't help with the threading feature you want to implement
though, it lets you use the email package if you want to examine the
structure of the messages you retrieve.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone

On Fri, 19 Dec 2008 10:27:27 -0700, Michael Torrie wrote:

walterbyrd wrote:

On Dec 19, 9:13 am, Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:

You can use the old 2.x syntax also in Python 3.x:

Yeah, but it's deprecated, and - as I understand it - may be removed
completely in future versions. Also, in the future, if you are working
with code from another developer, it's likely that developer will use
the new format. I suppose you can use both - but what an awful mess
that would be.

It seems to me that 3.0 is changing a lot of non-problems. And it's
going to be slower to boot.

How is this?  With projects like PyPy eventually enabling the JIT'ing of
python3 code, I don't see how this is going to be slower.  If anything
we have a python that can be made to run faster than ever before.

What makes you think PyPy is going to enabling JIT'ing of Python 3 code?
Perhaps it will, someday, but I suspect it will provide a JIT for Python 2
long before.


Re: best way to code

2008-12-19 Thread eric
On Dec 19, 5:35 pm, Peter Otten wrote:
 eric wrote:

  I need to find a good design pattern to instanciate, and add
  specific code all in one. Let me explain it :

  I need to define some code, better be in a class, something like

  class LinkA(object):
      def mystuff(self):
           do something different

  class LinkB(object):
      def mystuff(self):
           do something different again

  AND I need an instance of this class
  { stuff A: LinkA()
    stuff B: LinkB()

  This kind of code would be fine, I mean, the result effect in memory
  is fine for me.
  But I don't like the way I have to
  1/ give a useless name to LinkA, linkB (there can be hundreds of names
  like that)
  2/ I have to write it down two times (and that's one time too much)

  any ideas ?

  something like
  new object():
      def mystuff(self):
         do something
  new object():
      def mystuff(self):
         do something else

  would be really perfect (but I know it does not work, or at least, I
  don't know how to make it work)

  In fact, I would like to define a class, and an instance in a single
  class Register:

 ...     def __init__(self):
 ...             self.items = []
 ...     def __call__(self, method):
 ...             class Link(object):
 ...                     mystuff = method
 ...             self.items.append(Link())
 ... register = Register()

 ... def mystuff(self): print first
 ... @register

 ... def mystuff(self): print second
 ... for item in register.items:

 ...     item.mystuff()



I've tried something like this :

import inspect

class Test(object):
class Inner(object):
def mystuff(self):
print hello stuff

class InnerB(object):
def mystuff(self):
print hello B

def filter(member):
return inspect.isclass(member) and not member==Test.__class__
d = dict( (name, c()) for name, c in inspect.getmembers(Test,
filter ) )
print d

it works too, but I prefer your method



Re: Building a web questionnaire, can it be done in Python ?

2008-12-19 Thread Steve Bergman
The most popular choice for web apps, and the one I use myself, would
be Django.  You might post your question in the Django group:

The only thing that I see that could be a problem would be the legacy
database.  But that depends very much upon your exact situation.

Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread r
I was actually looking forward to 3.0, but the more I hear about 3.0,
the more I am turned off. I think there are a lot of other
pythonista's and pythoneers out there who agree but are not saying
anything. This syntax for string formatting is completely ridiculous.
What is the purpose of breaking backward compatibility just to write a
print() function. This is going to push people away from python. I am
trying to bring people to Python. I heard map is going away too, is
that true also??, and there was talk at one time(serious talk from
Guido) about removing lambda functions. Is this planned for the

Python has been beautifully designed from the beginning. But, I feel a
shift from this now. Are they scared of Ruby, if they are, why the
hell should they be. We do not need to lose any of the great
pythonista's right now, and we damn sure don't want to turn off the
new recruits.

It seems like most of the backward breaks are really just for dumb
reasons(sorry but its true). What is the logic behind this? The whole
reason for not having a print function was the need to use it so much
in debugging. And I was actually going to overlook that until I saw
this perl/ruby like format method. WTF!

Re: ANN: New Book: Programming in Python 3

2008-12-19 Thread Thomas Heller
Steve Holden schrieb:
 Thomas Heller wrote:
 Question from a non-native english speaker: is this now valid english?
   One of Python’s great strengths
   and also teaches Python’s functional programming features
   The book’s approach is wholly practical
 It always has been valid English. The apostrophe is only omitted from
 personal pronouns (hers, its, and so on).

I see, thanks.  But, is the apostrophe optional in the above fragments?


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread bearophileHUGS
 I always thought of Python as an intuitive way to write C code.

C is a very low level language, not far from assembly, and often it's
not intuitive at all.

C string formatting is short and a flexible enough, but it's out of
place in a language as high level as Python3. The new syntax allows
more flexibility, and it's better for most people that don't know C
already, like newbies, etc.


It seems to me that 3.0 is changing a lot of non-problems. And it's
going to be slower to boot.

They are non-problems for people that already know lot of Python (and
some C). But for all the other people, especially newbies, it's better
in most things.

Most language designers (and generally people very used a certain
language) become so accustomed to their language that they most of the
times become like blind to the defects and warts of their language
(I have said this four years ago too, when I have started learning
Python, listing many problems in Python, and among them there were C
string formatting too). So I think it was a feat for the Python
developers to see many characteristics of the Python2.x as what they
are: warts, bugs, etc, and fix them (and most of the times their newer
designs are the right thing with just few exceptions, I have counted
only 3 of them, and they are small). They have gained even more of my

Regarding the speed of Python3 programs, they will go faster because
people will be forced to use things like lazy ranges, lazy map and
filter, lazy keys and values, and the key of sort/sorted. All those
things can be used in Python2.x too, but lot of people aren't expert
enough (or they are just lazy) and don't use them, so the average
Python3 program will probably be faster (and use less memory) thanks
to them.

Python3 programs will go slower because they use 2-byte long Unicode
strings by default (it can be compiled for 4-byte Unicode too, and I
think this has to become the default, eventually, because I think it
will become silly to save few bytes for strings when you will have
8-16-32+ GB of RAM), and they use multi-precision integers only. Such
strings and numbers allow to reduce some troubles, even bugs, etc.

At the moment Python3 isn't much optimized for speed, you can think of
it an experimental release still. I/O and multiprecision integers will
probably be speed up (and some form of transparent on-the-fly
compression or smart representation can in most times halve the memory
used by Py3 strings, putting the performance almost back to the Py2.x
one. In computer science there are LOT of tricks that can be used if
you have the brain and time to invent and implement them. You can see
that for example in how Psyco manages internally string/list/tuple

Anyway, CPUs and computers are now much faster than the CPUs present
when Python was created. And Python is first of all designed for the
programmer and not for the CPU. So I think it's right to make Python3
become a little higher level language even if this slows it down a
little. For the kind of programs Python is often used for, I think
this is a Win. (Ruby programs are often slower than Python ones
(because Ruby is a little higher level than Python) but it's very
useful anyway). If Python will continue to develop in the following
years (think about a Python4000) then I think it may become good to
make it become even more slower, if this will help make it a little
more higher level still.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread Christian Heimes
walterbyrd schrieb:
 On Dec 19, 9:13 am, Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:
 You can use the old 2.x syntax also in Python 3.x:
 Yeah, but it's deprecated, and - as I understand it - may be removed
 completely in future versions. Also, in the future, if you are working
 with code from another developer, it's likely that developer will use
 the new format. I suppose you can use both - but what an awful mess
 that would be.

It's not going to be removed for many years - if ever. The % string
formatting system is not deprecated in 3.0. For that very reason it must
stay until 3.2. We don't have plans to deprecate it in 3.1 so it will
stay at least until Python 3.3 which is to be released about 2014.



RE:change string to unicode

2008-12-19 Thread jyoung79
Hi Steven and Peter,

Thank you both very much for taking the time to answer my question.  Your 
work perfect! :-)

Thanks again!


 How about



Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread Christian Heimes
r schrieb:
 I was actually looking forward to 3.0, but the more I hear about 3.0,
 the more I am turned off. I think there are a lot of other
 pythonista's and pythoneers out there who agree but are not saying
 anything. This syntax for string formatting is completely ridiculous.

No, it's very powerful and used in other languages, too.

 What is the purpose of breaking backward compatibility just to write a
 print() function. This is going to push people away from python. 

The purpose of a print() function has been discussed for at least 3
years. You are welcome to read up all dicussions.

 I heard map is going away too, is that true also??, and there was talk at one 
 time(serious talk from
 Guido) about removing lambda functions. Is this planned for the

Wrong and wrong.
map stays but it has been turned into an iterator. The removal of lambda
has been discussed several years ago but it was repulsed. lambda stays.

 Python has been beautifully designed from the beginning. But, I feel a
 shift from this now. Are they scared of Ruby, if they are, why the
 hell should they be. We do not need to lose any of the great
 pythonista's right now, and we damn sure don't want to turn off the
 new recruits.

Python 3.0 is even more beautiful and more Pythonic. Backward
compatibility was broken for the sake of the language.

 It seems like most of the backward breaks are really just for dumb
 reasons(sorry but its true). What is the logic behind this? The whole
 reason for not having a print function was the need to use it so much
 in debugging. And I was actually going to overlook that until I saw
 this perl/ruby like format method. WTF!

Your truth turns to be a totally different truth than mine -- and most
of the active member of the community.



Re: ANN: New Book: Programming in Python 3

2008-12-19 Thread Paul Rudin
Thomas Heller writes:

 Steve Holden schrieb:
 Thomas Heller wrote:
 Question from a non-native english speaker: is this now valid english?
   One of Python’s great strengths
   and also teaches Python’s functional programming features
   The book’s approach is wholly practical
 It always has been valid English. The apostrophe is only omitted from
 personal pronouns (hers, its, and so on).

 I see, thanks.  But, is the apostrophe optional in the above fragments?



Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread MRAB wrote:


I always thought of Python as an intuitive way to write C code.

C is a very low level language, not far from assembly, and often it's
not intuitive at all.

C string formatting is short and a flexible enough, but it's out of
place in a language as high level as Python3. The new syntax allows
more flexibility, and it's better for most people that don't know C
already, like newbies, etc.



It seems to me that 3.0 is changing a lot of non-problems. And it's

going to be slower to boot.

They are non-problems for people that already know lot of Python (and
some C). But for all the other people, especially newbies, it's better
in most things.

Most language designers (and generally people very used a certain
language) become so accustomed to their language that they most of the
times become like blind to the defects and warts of their language
(I have said this four years ago too, when I have started learning
Python, listing many problems in Python, and among them there were C
string formatting too). So I think it was a feat for the Python
developers to see many characteristics of the Python2.x as what they
are: warts, bugs, etc, and fix them (and most of the times their newer
designs are the right thing with just few exceptions, I have counted
only 3 of them, and they are small). They have gained even more of my

Regarding the speed of Python3 programs, they will go faster because
people will be forced to use things like lazy ranges, lazy map and
filter, lazy keys and values, and the key of sort/sorted. All those
things can be used in Python2.x too, but lot of people aren't expert
enough (or they are just lazy) and don't use them, so the average
Python3 program will probably be faster (and use less memory) thanks
to them.

Python3 programs will go slower because they use 2-byte long Unicode
strings by default (it can be compiled for 4-byte Unicode too, and I
think this has to become the default, eventually, because I think it
will become silly to save few bytes for strings when you will have
8-16-32+ GB of RAM), and they use multi-precision integers only. Such
strings and numbers allow to reduce some troubles, even bugs, etc.

At the moment Python3 isn't much optimized for speed, you can think of
it an experimental release still. I/O and multiprecision integers will
probably be speed up (and some form of transparent on-the-fly
compression or smart representation can in most times halve the memory
used by Py3 strings, putting the performance almost back to the Py2.x
one. In computer science there are LOT of tricks that can be used if
you have the brain and time to invent and implement them. You can see
that for example in how Psyco manages internally string/list/tuple

Anyway, CPUs and computers are now much faster than the CPUs present
when Python was created. And Python is first of all designed for the
programmer and not for the CPU. So I think it's right to make Python3
become a little higher level language even if this slows it down a
little. For the kind of programs Python is often used for, I think
this is a Win. (Ruby programs are often slower than Python ones
(because Ruby is a little higher level than Python) but it's very
useful anyway). If Python will continue to develop in the following
years (think about a Python4000) then I think it may become good to
make it become even more slower, if this will help make it a little
more higher level still.

I would've hoped that Python 4000 would address the internals (JIT) just 
as Python 3000 addressed the externals.


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread r
What’s next down this road of self destruction? Hey guys, forget about
about empty parenthesis on a function/method call,  we should not have
to waste are time typing them… Wait forget about them all together and
we will just write Ruby code…

Def function arg arg arg arg arg arg

“Yea, that looks good“.insert(sarcasm)
Things like forcing empty tuple on function/method calls are what make
python so great. Python dumped the C bracket plague,  but enforces
parenthesis even for a no argument function. But hell, why shouldn’t
we have 50 ways to the same thing in Python like Ruby.

PS. Don’t discredit Walter just because he is not on the dev team,
that don’t mean squat!

Thanks for your civil approach to this conversation but I must
disagree with you on the new string formatting syntax. You said the
new syntax is suppost to be easier on the n00b , I say it pollutes a
students mind. What is wrong with similarities to C formatting,  I
find nothing complicated about it.

%s (means put a string here)
%d (means put a integer here)
%f (means put a float here)

It does not get any simpler than that, and this will just ease the
transition to C programming for this student. Lets not forget how
important C is!

I always likened Python to my cool uncle who would let me get away
with more than my parents-C- but would enforce the important rules.
Like Python’s forcing of empty tuple in function calls, that is a good
idea. This allows you to clearly see arguments in source code. I like
in Python there is only one, or a very minimal number of ways to do
something(but usually only one is the best). Ruby is littered with
different ways to do the same thing. I think this will be Ruby’s
undoing…. And Pythons if we follow down this road.

And lets not forget Python forcing of indention, that is Pythons
greatest strength!


Segmentation fault in PyObjectMalloc on FreeBSD

2008-12-19 Thread youcancallmeal
I have a multithreaded python app running on FreeBSD (both 7.0 and
6.3) that crashes with a segmentation fault coming from
PyObjectMalloc. This first happened using Python 2.5 built from Ports.
I then pulled down r261 from Subversion and built that so I would have
debugging symbols; it still crashed. Below is a back trace from gdb:

#0  PyObject_Malloc (nbytes=2) at Objects/obmalloc.c:758
#1  0x080942aa in PyString_FromStringAndSize (str=0x0, size=50) at
#2  0x0809b30b in PyString_FromFormatV (format=0x813c6d4 %.50s
instance has no attribute '%.400s',
vargs=0xbf6fa048 üõ.\bÄQ\031\bì¯\b) at Objects/stringobject.c:
#3  0x080dcd48 in PyErr_Format (exception=0x8158660, format=0x813c6d4
%.50s instance has no attribute '%.400s')
at Python/errors.c:538
#4  0x08064549 in instance_getattr1 (inst=0x833ed4c, name=0x81951b0)
at Objects/classobject.c:717
#5  0x08067c9f in instance_nonzero (self=0x833ed4c) at Objects/
#6  0x0808a592 in PyObject_IsTrue (v=0x8473000) at Objects/object.c:
#7  0x080cb6d3 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x857860c, throwflag=0) at
#8  0x080cef5d in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x8574e0c, throwflag=0) at
#9  0x080cef5d in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x856980c, throwflag=0) at
#10 0x080cfbe8 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x82f7218, globals=0x49,
locals=0x815dd40, args=0x819402c, argcount=4, kws=0x83a99a0,
kwcount=0, defs=0x833e758, defcount=2, closure=0x0) at Python/
#11 0x08124260 in function_call (func=0x83408b4, arg=0x846ee64,
kw=0x845546c) at Objects/funcobject.c:524
#12 0x08060402 in PyObject_Call (func=0x83408b4, arg=0x846ee64,
kw=0x845546c) at Objects/abstract.c:2487
#13 0x080cbdbc in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x856dc0c, throwflag=0) at
#14 0x080cfbe8 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x82f6cc8, globals=0x49,
locals=0x815dd40, args=0x819402c, argcount=2, kws=0x8572154,
kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0) at Python/ceval.c:
#15 0x080cdbda in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x857200c, throwflag=0) at
#16 0x080cef5d in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x850860c, throwflag=0) at
#17 0x080cef5d in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x850940c, throwflag=0) at
#18 0x080cef5d in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x857680c, throwflag=0) at
#19 0x080cfbe8 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x83c5f50, globals=0x49,
locals=0x815dd40, args=0x819402c, argcount=2, kws=0x8506364,
kwcount=0, defs=0x83d1c78, defcount=1, closure=0x0) at Python/
#20 0x080cdbda in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x850620c, throwflag=0) at
#21 0x080cef5d in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x850980c, throwflag=0) at
#22 0x080cef5d in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x84efa0c, throwflag=0) at
#23 0x080cef5d in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x84ef80c, throwflag=0) at
#24 0x080cef5d in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x84ef60c, throwflag=0) at
#25 0x080cef5d in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x84ef40c, throwflag=0) at
#26 0x080cef5d in PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=0x84ef20c, throwflag=0) at
#27 0x080cfbe8 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x82cdf98, globals=0x49,
locals=0x815dd40, args=0x819402c, argcount=1, kws=0x0, kwcount=0,
defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0) at Python/ceval.c:2942
#28 0x08124260 in function_call (func=0x82e8b8c, arg=0x8471dec,
kw=0x0) at Objects/funcobject.c:524
#29 0x08060402 in PyObject_Call (func=0x82e8b8c, arg=0x8471dec,
kw=0x0) at Objects/abstract.c:2487
#30 0x08069bed in instancemethod_call (func=0x49, arg=0x8471dec,
kw=0x0) at Objects/classobject.c:2579
#31 0x08060402 in PyObject_Call (func=0x83e8a7c, arg=0x819402c,
kw=0x0) at Objects/abstract.c:2487
#32 0x080c87da in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (func=0x83e8a7c,
arg=0x819402c, kw=0x0) at Python/ceval.c:3548
#33 0x080fccdd in t_bootstrap (boot_raw=0x83a9910) at ./Modules/
#34 0x281b05cf in pthread_create () from /usr/lib/
#35 0x in ?? ()

This part is particularly interesting:

(gdb) frame 1
#1  0x080942aa in PyString_FromStringAndSize (str=0x0, size=50) at
83  op = (PyStringObject *)PyObject_MALLOC(sizeof
(PyStringObject) + size);
(gdb) print size
$7 = 50
(gdb) print sizeof(PyStringObject)
$8 = 24

(gdb) frame 0
#0  PyObject_Malloc (nbytes=2) at Objects/obmalloc.c:758
758 if ((pool-freeblock = *(block **)bp) !
= NULL) {
(gdb) print nbytes
$9 = 2

So 50 + 24 == 2? Or am I missing something? Can anyone suggest how to
figure out what's really going on here?

Re: best way to code

2008-12-19 Thread eric
On Dec 19, 6:36 pm, eric wrote:
 On Dec 19, 5:35 pm, Peter Otten wrote:

  eric wrote:

   I need to find a good design pattern to instanciate, and add
   specific code all in one. Let me explain it :

   I need to define some code, better be in a class, something like

   class LinkA(object):
       def mystuff(self):
            do something different

   class LinkB(object):
       def mystuff(self):
            do something different again

   AND I need an instance of this class
   { stuff A: LinkA()
     stuff B: LinkB()

   This kind of code would be fine, I mean, the result effect in memory
   is fine for me.
   But I don't like the way I have to
   1/ give a useless name to LinkA, linkB (there can be hundreds of names
   like that)
   2/ I have to write it down two times (and that's one time too much)

   any ideas ?

   something like
   new object():
       def mystuff(self):
          do something
   new object():
       def mystuff(self):
          do something else

   would be really perfect (but I know it does not work, or at least, I
   don't know how to make it work)

   In fact, I would like to define a class, and an instance in a single
   class Register:

  ...     def __init__(self):
  ...             self.items = []
  ...     def __call__(self, method):
  ...             class Link(object):
  ...                     mystuff = method
  ...             self.items.append(Link())
  ... register = Register()

  ... def mystuff(self): print first
  ... @register

  ... def mystuff(self): print second
  ... for item in register.items:

  ...     item.mystuff()



 I've tried something like this :

 import inspect

 class Test(object):
     class Inner(object):
         def mystuff(self):
             print hello stuff

     class InnerB(object):
         def mystuff(self):
             print hello B

 def filter(member):
     return inspect.isclass(member) and not member==Test.__class__
 d = dict( (name, c()) for name, c in inspect.getmembers(Test,
 filter ) )
 print d

 it works too, but I prefer your method



Finally here is my 'final' shot:

context: when building a glade GUI I wanted to connect 'nicely'
signals (I hate coding the same info in several places)

here is my main :

if __name__==__main__:
pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
startup = os.path.join(pathname, 'pyshow/')
xml = #'')

#the stuff starts here
m = MainApp()
for widget_name, codget in m.items():
codget.set_widget( xml.get_widget(widget_name) )


and here is the 'MainApp' code, based on the question, and finally I
get stuck to my second solution

import inspect
class Controller(dict):
def __init__(self):
(name, c()) for name, c in inspect.getmembers
(self.__class__, lambda member: inspect.isclass(member) and not
member==self.__class__.__class__  )

class MainApp(Controller):
def __init__(self):

class main_window(codget):
def on_destroy(self, widget, modget):
print bye bye

class play(codget):
def on_clicked(self, widget, modget):
print you have clicked

the business is hidden in codget ( as COntroller gaDGET), and what's
interesting for me, is that every signal handler has a 'modget' ( as
in model gadget) that it can use to do the job (part of the MVC

thanks Peter anyway, I didn't use your solution in this specific case,
but I loved the solution anyway, and I'm sure that I'll use it one


pymssql for python 2.6 ?

2008-12-19 Thread TkNeo
when would pymssql come out with a release that is compatible with
python 2.6 ?


Re: New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?

2008-12-19 Thread excord80
On Dec 19, 11:01 am, walterbyrd wrote:

 To me, it seems that this:

 print %s=%d % ('this',99)

 Is much easier, and faster, to type, and is also easier to read and
 understand. [snip]

 This (if it's right) is much longer, and requires more special

 print( {0}={1}.format('this',99))

Yeah, I like the old way better too. It's got this nice elegant
simplicity to it (using the percent sign for not only the things
inside the string, but also to separate it from the tuple that
follows). Also, I like having only *one* special symbol (`%') to worry
about in my strings instead of two (`{' and `}').

But, Python is Python. So I'll keep using the old way until they
deprecate it, and then just get used to the new way. One reason I use
Python is because I really *don't* have the time or inclination to
question every little design decision and argue about alternatives. If
you want to tweak the language to suit your personal tastes, you might
prefer Perl 6.

Re: ANN: New Book: Programming in Python 3

2008-12-19 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Thomas Heller wrote:

 Steve Holden schrieb:
  Thomas Heller wrote:
  Question from a non-native english speaker: is this now valid english?
One of Python's great strengths
and also teaches Python's functional programming features
The book's approach is wholly practical
  It always has been valid English. The apostrophe is only omitted from
  personal pronouns (hers, its, and so on).

 I see, thanks.  But, is the apostrophe optional in the above fragments?

No. The apostrophe on the nouns is used to denote possession. If you don't
include it, the word becomes plural (which makes no sense on proper nouns).
The way to write the sentance without the apostrophe would be One of the
great strengths of Python and The approach of the book is wholly
practical. To a native English speaker, this alternative is much more

Re: IMAP: How to implement GMail-like threaded conversations view

2008-12-19 Thread Michael Torrie
Martin wrote:
 Currently I am trying to get used to Python's imaplib and email
 I'like to create a webmail client simmilar to GMail.

This is off-topic, but why on earth would you want to emulate Gmail's
conversation views?  It's horrible and a very broken way of viewing
e-mail threads.  Compared the normal, threaded view of, say the
discussions on this list to the view that Gmail gives you.  For
conversations of more than half a dozen posts, Gmail's view is
unnavigatable.  Suppose I want to break into a discussion that's already
 dozens of posts long.  With a real threaded view I can easily see the
flow of the conversation, grab random posts, then maybe read their
parent or grandparent posts.  Looking at the rest of your e-mail, I can
see that maybe you do want to have real threads rather than the google
conversation view which removes all structure.

 My Questions:
 a) Is there any feature hidden in Python's built-in modules (imaplib,
 email) that already can group all my mails into threads?

Each e-mail has a referral number that refers to the parent email. Just
keep track of these in a structure and you can easily build a nice tree
of the thread.

 b) If not a... what would be the best way to implement this?
 I can think of two approaches:
 b.1) Use the References: field of the messages in order to find out
 which messages are related to each other.

Yes. This is absolutely the right way to do it.

 I tried a first implementation which works quite well but I don't know
 if there can occur situations where one message is related to two
 parents. Also I don't know what happens if someone is too lazy to type
 my address. He might click at Reply, delete topic and old mail-text
 and compose a new mail. Theoretically his mail client would set the
 References: field accordingly never the less, wouldn't it? Therefore
 my mail client would consider that completely new mail as part of an
 older conversation.

In this case, a lazy user is a lazy user.  Probably best to encourage
people to use better etiquette when using e-mail.

 The thoughts above might lead to the second approach:
 b.2) Use the Subject: field of the messages.

Horribly broken.  Thunderbird does this and it drives me crazy.  I often
get messages months apart that happen to have a common subject line,
even though they aren't the same thread or conversation.  I don't want a
new message, which does not refer to the old message in any way, to
attach itself to my 6-month old message and force me to scroll down
through potentially hundreds of e-mails to find the stupid thing.  No,
the RFCs are there for a reason.  They bring sanity to the chaos.
Anything else is madness.  And the fact the Outlook doesn't do proper
referral fields just infuriates me.  Sigh.


Re: ANN: New Book: Programming in Python 3

2008-12-19 Thread excord80
On Dec 4, 2:42 pm, Alan G Isaac wrote:
 Mark Summerfield wrote:
  Programming in Python 3:
  A Complete Introduction to the Python Language
  ISBN 0137129297

 OMG, you really wrote it in Lout?
 I wish you would add to
 a comment on what you get out of that
 (compared to using e.g., LaTeX or

I'm also curious about why you chose Lout over LaTeX or reST.

PIL on 3.x?

2008-12-19 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
Does anyone know if PIL will be ported to the 3.x branch?

Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: Building a web questionnaire, can it be done in Python ?

2008-12-19 Thread excord80
On Dec 19, 11:58 am, Stef Mientki wrote:

 I'm considering building a web questionnaire in Python.
 I've made several desktop applications in Python /  wxPython,
 but I've no experience in using Python on a webserver,
 and I don't have much knowledge about web applications in general.

Ah. You want to report directly to the Django tutorial:

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