Re: A better way to timeout a class method?

2009-03-10 Thread John O'Hagan
On Mon, 9 Mar 2009, Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
 John O'Hagan wrote:
   Is there a concise Pythonic way to write a method with a timeout?
   I did this:
   class Eg(object):
   def get_value(self, timeout):
   from threading  import Timer
   self.flag = True
   def flag_off():
   self.flag = False
   timer = Timer(timeout, flag_off)
   while self.flag:
   #do stuff for a long time to get some value
   if condition:  #if we ever get the value
   self.value = value
   but it seems hackish to have a special flag attribute just to manage
  the timeout within the the method.

 How about something like this

 from threading import Timer

 class Duration(object):
 def __init__(self, duration):
 self.running = True
 self.timer = Timer(duration, self.set_finished)
 def set_finished(self):
 self.running = False
 def __nonzero__(self):
 return self.running

Nifty! Works for threads too because they can have access to the Duration 
object. I guess it works on a similar principle to my attempt (setting a flag 
with a timer) but is cleaner by keeping everything inside the method.

So my original method would look like this:

class ExIt(object):
    def __init__(self, iter_func, args=None):
        self.iter_func = iter_func
        self.args = args
        self.length = None

    def get_length(self, timeout=None):
        Try to get length of iterator
        within a time limit
        if self.length is None:            
            from threading  import Thread, Timer
            def count():
                gen = self.iter_func(self.args)
                length = 0
                while timer:
                        length += 1
                    except StopIteration:
                        self.length = length
            getlen = Thread(target=count)

Which does exactly what I want: runs a time-consuming task in the background 
and can optionally time it out. In fact that's so handy, I think it would be 
nice if there was a standard timer object which is True while running, then 
False. Or maybe there is?



Re: Why is lambda allowed as a key in a dict?

2009-03-10 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
On 3/9/09, wrote:
 See here Daniel Fetchinson:

 But be quite careful in using that stuff, it has some traps.

Thanks a lot for all the helpful replies!
Yes, I should name the unnamed lambda function, or better, just use 'def'.


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Graph Dates and Values

2009-03-10 Thread brianrpsgt1
I am trying to plot dates and values on a graph using matplotlib.
Below is the code.  I can run this and it works great, until I get to
about 2000 rows from the DB.  Things really start to slow down.  I
have successfully plotted up to 5000 rows from the DB, but it is very
slow.  I am attempting to plot values for a day, which would be equal
to 84600 records.  Is there a more efficient may to accomplish this?

import os
import psycopg2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import pylab
import dateutil
from datetime import datetime

conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname='db' user='user' password='somepass'

spo2_cur = conn.cursor()
sql = (SELECT System_Time, val1 FROM data WHERE DATE(System_Time)
='2009-01-07' AND Inst_Num='12345';)


value_data = data_cur.fetchall()


num_rows = len(value_data)
print There are,num_rows,rows in the database

datesFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%H:%M')


for s in value_data:

dates = mdates.date2num([s[0]])

plt.plot([dates],[s[1]], 'bo', ms=6)

plt.axhline(y=90, linewidth=2, color='r')

ax1= plt.gca()

for label in ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels():

for label in ax1.yaxis.get_ticklabels():

Any help would be great!



Re: 2.6.1 - simple division

2009-03-10 Thread Tim Chase wrote:

4 / 5.0


0.8 * 5


Start here:

Play with these:

 print 4/5.0
 print repr(4/5.0)

And learn more here:



Re: xml input sanitizing method in standard lib?

2009-03-10 Thread Stefan Behnel
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 En Mon, 09 Mar 2009 15:30:31 -0200, Petr Muller escribió:
 Thanks for response and sorry for I wasn't clear first time. I have a
 heap of data (logs), from which I build a XML document using
 xml.dom.minidom. In this data, some xml invalid characters may occur -
 form feed (\x0c) character is one example.

 I don't know what else is illegal in xml, so I've searched if there's
 some method how to prepare strings for insertion to a xml doc before I
 start research on a xml spec and write such function on my own.
 You don't have to; Python already comes with xml support. Using
 ElementTree to build the document is usually easier and faster:

While I usually second that, this isn't the problem here. This thread is
about unallowed characters in XML. The set of allowed characters is defined

And, as Terry Reedy pointed out, the unicode.translate method should get
you where you want. Just define a dict that maps the characters that you
want to remove to whatever character you want to use instead (or None) and
pass that into .translate().


Re: last and final attempt to search for python ods library.

2009-03-10 Thread Krishnakant
On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 15:55 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
 I think you are confusing process and result.  The result is a cell that 
 spans more than one column or row *when displayed*, thus hiding the 
 cells that would otherwise be displayed. This is, I am 99.9% sure, 
 controlled by an attribute of the visually expanded cell.
That might be the case imho, But I tried increasing the width of the
column using python-ooolib and i could not get the effect of a merged

I am now trying odfpy and hope it will do what I want.

 In OOCalc, the process is to mark a block of cells and select Format / 
 Merge Cells.  But still, the result will be a change in the upper left 
 attribute.  Thus I suggested you make a .ods file with expanded cells 
 and then read the xml to see what cell element attribute is set thereby. 
 Any decent odf library will be able to set element attributes.
 What did you mean by the upper left attribute, are you asuming that the 
 merged cells are in the top row? In my case that's actually the case beacuse  
 because I want my python script to generate an ods file with the cells in the 
 top row merged from let's say a1 to d1.
Talking about the xml, which file should I look at to see the effect of
merging cells?

 If the about-to-be hidden cells are not empty, OOCcalc gives you the 
 option of converting all cell contents to strings and joining them into 
 one string in the expanded cell.  If you create .ods from scratch, you 
 should never need to do this.  If you edit an existing .ods, something like
' '.join(str(cell.contents for cell in merge_group))
 possibly in a function that also sets the attribute, should be easy 
 enough to write.  And, of course, you will be able to do things other 
 than the one option OOCalc gives you.
This is exactly what I was trying to achieve with the python-ooolib
module but could not do it.
The library did have a cet_cell_property function but did not allow for

 In other words, I do not think you *need* an existing cell-merge function.
But the library I use does not allow me to try the method you suggested.
Seems that I will have to look at the xml and write my own module.

  Do you know how I can work around this?
 See above.
  I tryed searching for py2odf but did ont find any results.
 Whoops. odfpy at
 but I strongly suspect you can do what you want with python-ooolib.
No buddy, I tryed with ooolib but now given up unless some one points
out what I am missing.
happy hacking.


Re: Mapping 64 bit int from C to Python-2.2

2009-03-10 Thread Explore_Imagination
On Mar 9, 5:57 pm, MRAB wrote:
 Explore_Imagination wrote:

  I want to map 64 bit integers from C to python. I must use Python 2.2
  BUT There is no support for 64 bits integers in Python2.2 (Supported
  in 2.5).

  Now the problem is that I have these four variables:

  unit32_t a,b,c;
  uint64_t w,x,y,z;

  I use this funtion to map values:

  Py_BuildValue( (lll), a,b,c,w,x,y,z );

  As I access 32 bit values in Python it works fine BUT 64 bit intergers
  in Pythong give garbage values . I think there may be a case of
  overflow when 64 bit values in C are mapped to python.

  Any Suggestions?

 Split the 64-bit values into 2 x 32-bit values?

I have tried by splitting 64-bit values but still it doesn't make any
difference :(

Re: Mapping 64 bit int from C to Python-2.2

2009-03-10 Thread Explore_Imagination
On Mar 9, 5:57 pm, MRAB wrote:
 Explore_Imagination wrote:

  I want to map 64 bit integers from C to python. I must use Python 2.2
  BUT There is no support for 64 bits integers in Python2.2 (Supported
  in 2.5).

  Now the problem is that I have these four variables:

  unit32_t a,b,c;
  uint64_t w,x,y,z;

  I use this funtion to map values:

  Py_BuildValue( (lll), a,b,c,w,x,y,z );

  As I access 32 bit values in Python it works fine BUT 64 bit intergers
  in Pythong give garbage values . I think there may be a case of
  overflow when 64 bit values in C are mapped to python.

  Any Suggestions?

 Split the 64-bit values into 2 x 32-bit values?

I have tried by splitting 64-bit values but still it doesn't make any
difference :(

Re: last and final attempt to search for python ods library.

2009-03-10 Thread Krishnakant
On Tue, 2009-03-10 at 00:27 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

 In any case, api-for-odfpy.odt has
I am going through the documentation for odfpy but finding it pritty
complex right now.
 5.17.12 table.CoveredTableCell
 Requires the following attributes: No attribute is required.
 Allows the following attributes: booleanvalue, contentvalidationname, 
 currency, datevalue, formula, numbercolumnsrepeated, protect, 
 stringvalue, stylename, timevalue, value, valuetype.
 These elements contain table.CoveredTableCell: table.TableRow.
 The following elements occur in table.CoveredTableCell: dr3d.Scene, 
 draw.A, draw.Caption, ...
So merged cells are refered to as covered cells is it?
 so odfpy, at least, can create such elements.
Do you have any code sample done in odfpy which I can browse throu and
run it to see the results.

  Here's an example of 2 merged ranges: A1:C2 contains the text foo
  and D1:D2 contains bar
  table:table-row table:style-name=ro1
  - table:table-cell table:style-name=ce1 office:value-type=string
  table:number-columns-spanned=3 table:number-rows-spanned=2
table:covered-table-cell table:number-columns-repeated=2 /
  - table:table-cell table:style-name=ce1 office:value-type=string
  table:number-columns-spanned=1 table:number-rows-spanned=2
  - table:table-row table:style-name=ro1
table:covered-table-cell table:number-columns-repeated=4 /
  Aside: If you are wondering where the cell addresses (D1 etc) are,
  they're in the reader's current_row and current_col variables :-)
  Perhaps this was intended to save space, but what of table:number-
  columns-repeated=4 ??

I guess I got the point, but still can't figure out how I could actually
implement this because I find the documentation of odfpy pritty complex
and does not have the kind of example which shows what you explained in
the above code.

And the problem is that I got a bit confused in the above code because
my merging happens only in the top row and spanns columns not rows.

I would be very happy if I could get the code wich creates a set of
merged cells in a single row with some data in it.

I managed to do the odt part in the odfpy because the examples were
there and well documented.

happy hacking.


Re: Mapping 64 bit int from C to Python-2.2

2009-03-10 Thread Explore_Imagination
On Mar 9, 5:57 pm, MRAB wrote:
 Explore_Imagination wrote:

  I want to map 64 bit integers from C to python. I must use Python 2.2
  BUT There is no support for 64 bits integers in Python2.2 (Supported
  in 2.5).

  Now the problem is that I have these four variables:

  unit32_t a,b,c;
  uint64_t w,x,y,z;

  I use this funtion to map values:

  Py_BuildValue( (lll), a,b,c,w,x,y,z );

  As I access 32 bit values in Python it works fine BUT 64 bit intergers
  in Pythong give garbage values . I think there may be a case of
  overflow when 64 bit values in C are mapped to python.

  Any Suggestions?

 Split the 64-bit values into 2 x 32-bit values?

I have tried by splitting 64-bit values but still it doesn't make any
difference :(

Mapping 64 bit int from C to Python-2.2 ?????

2009-03-10 Thread Explore_Imagination


I want to map 64 bit integers from C to python. I must use Python 2.2
BUT There is no support for 64 bits integers in Python2.2 (Supported
in 2.5).

Now the problem is that I have following variables:

unit32_t a,b,c;
uint64_t w,x,y,z;

I use this funtion to map values:

Py_BuildValue( (lll), a,b,c,w,x,y,z );

As I access 32 bit values in Python it works fine BUT 64 bit intergers
in Pythong give garbage values . I think there may be a case of
overflow when 64 bit values in C are mapped to python.

I have tried by splitting 64-bit values but still it doesn't make any
difference :(

Any Suggestions?

Re: creating a list of all imported modules

2009-03-10 Thread Duncan Booth wrote:

 for i in dir() :
 ...   t = eval( 'type(' + i + ')' )
 ...   if re.match('.*module.*',str(t)) : print i, t

If you think you need eval stop and think again. You don't.
If you think you need regular expressions stop and think again. You usually 

 def imported(namespace=None):
from types import ModuleType
if namespace is None:
namespace = globals()
for n, v in namespace.iteritems():
if isinstance(v, ModuleType):
print n


Duncan Booth

Re: Windows install to custom location after building from source

2009-03-10 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 BTW what are your feelings on a patch to to change the
 names of the directories it's looking for to pick up the Tk
 licenses? It's a bit of a grey area since the only canonical
 reference I can find is the externals checkout from within
 tools\buildbot: you might as well argue that it's *that*
 which should be changed.

Never touch a running system :-) If I can leave the tcl directories
where I have them, and just check them out a second time (or
perhaps just the license), that would be fine with me.


Re: Mapping 64 bit int from C to Python-2.2 ?????

2009-03-10 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 Any Suggestions?

Read all of the responses you got the last time you posted the
very same article.


Re: Mapping 64 bit int from C to Python-2.2

2009-03-10 Thread Mark Hammond

On 10/03/2009 2:51 AM, Explore_Imagination wrote:


I want to map 64 bit integers from C to python. I must use Python 2.2
BUT There is no support for 64 bits integers in Python2.2 (Supported
in 2.5).

Now the problem is that I have these four variables:

unit32_t a,b,c;
uint64_t w,x,y,z;

I use this funtion to map values:

Py_BuildValue( (lll), a,b,c,w,x,y,z );

As I access 32 bit values in Python it works fine BUT 64 bit intergers
in Pythong give garbage values . I think there may be a case of
overflow when 64 bit values in C are mapped to python.

Any Suggestions?

pywin32 had this requirement, and although support was recently removed, 
if you look at:

you should find routines that work without 'longlong' support in Python 



Re: Windows install to custom location after building from source

2009-03-10 Thread Tim Golden

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

BTW what are your feelings on a patch to to change the
names of the directories it's looking for to pick up the Tk
licenses? It's a bit of a grey area since the only canonical
reference I can find is the externals checkout from within
tools\buildbot: you might as well argue that it's *that*
which should be changed.

Never touch a running system :-) If I can leave the tcl directories
where I have them, and just check them out a second time (or
perhaps just the license), that would be fine with me.

OK; I've added a step to my process which does a svn export 
with the other name, specifying a depth of files-only.


Re: a potential pep to extend the syntax of for loops

2009-03-10 Thread pang
 This idea has already been proposed and rejected.  But discuss away as
 you wish ;=).


Where is that? I didn't see any related pep's. Could you post a link?

Re: Packaging Survey

2009-03-10 Thread JanC
Robert Kern wrote:

 On 2009-03-09 13:52, R. David Murray wrote:

 The web _really, really_ needs some sort of mechanism for a site
 to say I'm not claiming anything about my identity, I'm just
 providing you an https channel over which to talk to me

 If I don't claim an identity and provide a way for you to authenticate that 
 claim, the channel is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack and, 
 is not secure. It would provide moderate protection against naive 
 though. Is that what you meant?

There might be a way to authenticate that claim: if you know who this site
is supposed to be owned by, you can call them and ask them to read the
fingerprint over the phone.  Or they could print it on all their paper
communication, which would be even better.

Once (back in 2000) I had to order a signed certificate for a company that
didn't exist (yet), and to my surprise it worked (and this was from a very
well-known CA). That was the last day I really trusted certificates signed
by (most) commercial CAs...

So my conclusion is: the only way to be really sure if a certificate is good
is the same for both types (self-signed or signed by a trusted CA).


Determining from which web page a cgi script is invoked?

2009-03-10 Thread davidgould
Given a webpage test.html that has a form with a cgi script, how can
you determine inside the cgi script the name of the webpage that
invoked the script?

I have many different html pages that use a common cgi script for form
processing and want to determine the name of the webpage.


Re: Is python worth learning as a second language?

2009-03-10 Thread Wolfgang Rohdewald
On Montag, 9. März 2009, r wrote:
 Long answer:
  'Ye%s' %'s'*1000

simplified long answer:

'Yes' * 1000

or did you mean

'Ye%s' %('s'*1000)


Re: Ban Xah Lee

2009-03-10 Thread Tim Wintle
On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 21:28 -0700, Luis Gonzalez wrote:
 C'mon guys, Xha Lee always wins, because fools like you get mad at him
 instead of ignoring him.

Here here!


Number Sequencing, Grouping and Filtering

2009-03-10 Thread flebber

I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the direction of
some good documentation regarding sequencing, grouping and filtering
and in which order they should be done.

As a small example it is easy to create the range of numbers 1 to 20.
But if I wanted to group all possible combinations of sets of 4
numbers within this range is there already an in uilt function for
this I am searching the module docs with number sequencing and
number grouping but cannot find info.

Then if I wanted to refine this results further eg no consecutive
numbers to be contained in sets. Is it best to create all sets and
then filter the sets for things matching this criteria or to set this
condition in a creation. Creating sets and then filtering would soon
become unwieldy with a larger range I would imagine..

An ideas, pointers to docs or better search terms to help me explore
this further would be appreciated.

Thanks Sayth

Re: Determining from which web page a cgi script is invoked?

2009-03-10 Thread Tim Chase wrote:

Given a webpage test.html that has a form with a cgi script, how can
you determine inside the cgi script the name of the webpage that
invoked the script?

I have many different html pages that use a common cgi script for form
processing and want to determine the name of the webpage.

Not that this has anything to do with python...but you're 
interested in the standard referrer/referer field[1] in your 
request headers.  Note that this field IS OPTIONAL.  Firefox 
makes it easy to keep the referrer private, so it's never sent.




Re: Number Sequencing, Grouping and Filtering

2009-03-10 Thread Chris Rebert
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 2:54 AM, flebber wrote:

 I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the direction of
 some good documentation regarding sequencing, grouping and filtering
 and in which order they should be done.

 As a small example it is easy to create the range of numbers 1 to 20.
 But if I wanted to group all possible combinations of sets of 4
 numbers within this range is there already an in uilt function for
 this I am searching the module docs with number sequencing and
 number grouping but cannot find info.

I think itertools (
combined with list comprehensions
should be able to accomplish what you want.


I have a blog:

Re: Number Sequencing, Grouping and Filtering

2009-03-10 Thread flebber
On Mar 10, 8:54 pm, flebber wrote:

 I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the direction of
 some good documentation regarding sequencing, grouping and filtering
 and in which order they should be done.

 As a small example it is easy to create the range of numbers 1 to 20.
 But if I wanted to group all possible combinations of sets of 4
 numbers within this range is there already an in uilt function for
 this I am searching the module docs with number sequencing and
 number grouping but cannot find info.

 Then if I wanted to refine this results further eg no consecutive
 numbers to be contained in sets. Is it best to create all sets and
 then filter the sets for things matching this criteria or to set this
 condition in a creation. Creating sets and then filtering would soon
 become unwieldy with a larger range I would imagine..

 An ideas, pointers to docs or better search terms to help me explore
 this further would be appreciated.

 Thanks Sayth

I have just found itertools is this acheivable using combinations()
and groupby() in itertools?


Re: Number Sequencing, Grouping and Filtering

2009-03-10 Thread Chris Rebert
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 3:00 AM, flebber wrote:
 On Mar 10, 8:54 pm, flebber wrote:

 I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the direction of
 some good documentation regarding sequencing, grouping and filtering
 and in which order they should be done.

 As a small example it is easy to create the range of numbers 1 to 20.
 But if I wanted to group all possible combinations of sets of 4
 numbers within this range is there already an in uilt function for
 this I am searching the module docs with number sequencing and
 number grouping but cannot find info.

 Then if I wanted to refine this results further eg no consecutive
 numbers to be contained in sets. Is it best to create all sets and
 then filter the sets for things matching this criteria or to set this
 condition in a creation. Creating sets and then filtering would soon
 become unwieldy with a larger range I would imagine..

 An ideas, pointers to docs or better search terms to help me explore
 this further would be appreciated.

 Thanks Sayth

 I have just found itertools is this acheivable using combinations()
 and groupby() in itertools?

Yes; indeed, those were the functions your post brought to mind and
which led me to suggest itertools.


I have a blog:

Re: Why is lambda allowed as a key in a dict?

2009-03-10 Thread Iain King
On Mar 10, 6:38 am, Daniel Fetchinson
 On 3/9/09, wrote:

  See here Daniel Fetchinson:

  But be quite careful in using that stuff, it has some traps.

 Thanks a lot for all the helpful replies!
 Yes, I should name the unnamed lambda function, or better, just use 'def'.


 Psss, psss, put it down! -

Sort of tangenitally; is there any real difference between the outcome
of the two following pieces of code?

a = lambda x: x+2

def a(x):
return x+2


how to maximize a window with pygame

2009-03-10 Thread Jonathan Chacón
I want to have a maximized window with pygame
how can I know the resolution of the screen to create de pygame window
with the good size?
thanks and regards
Jonathan Chacón

Re: creating a list of all imported modules

2009-03-10 Thread John Machin
On Mar 10, 11:01 am, Tim Michelsen

 how do I create a list of all modules imported by my module/script and
 which are present in the namespace?

 I am looking for something like %who in Ipython.

 My aim is to create a file for the documentation that shows all
 dependencies of my script on external (3rd party) libraries.

To sort out which imported modules are supplied by Python, by you, and
by 3rd parties it would help a lot if you knew where the modules are
being loaded from.

Put this code at the end of your script:
import sys
info = [(module.__file__, name)
for (name, module) in sys.modules.iteritems()
if hasattr(module, '__file__')]
import pprint

AFAIK unless someone has been messing with sys.modules, this gives you
all modules that have been imported during the running of your script,
except for built-ins (no __file__ attribute). Warning: I've not tried
this with eggs and zips.



Re: Ban Xah Lee

2009-03-10 Thread Christian

Xah Lee schrieb:

Christian wrote:

On Mar 9, 1:22 pm, Christian wrote:

XahLeeschrieb: Of interest:

• Why Can't You Be Normal?

IMHO the point that you never reply to responds is what makes it
I have  seen 10 or more threads started by you and in not a single one
of those I have seen any sort of second post by you.

Also the other thing that makes you appear like a troll is that  the
only posts where you are visible on the usenet are your own!

Usenet is there for discussion. What you do seems to be mostly doing a
often highly intelligent monologue  and awaiting comment on it.

Its not the purpose of Usenet. Simply calling you a troll is wrong.
You are after all better than that. Though I think you are misusing the
Usenet. For what you do you should rather write a weblog so people
interested in your monologues could follow them in a place where they
are by definition on topic.


In the article you quoted:

contains this passage:

Some people says that i don't participate in discussion, and this is
part of the reason they think i'm a so-called “troll”. Actually i do,
and read every reply to my post, as well have replied to technical
questions other posted. Most replies to my posts are attacks or
trivial (of few sentences) i don't consider worthy to reply.

A few, maybe 10% replies to my unconventional posts, i consider having
some value. But if i don't have sufficiently remarkable opinion on
what they remarked, i don't reply. Also, if all i wanted to say is
“thanks”, i tend to avoid posting such trivial posts too. (i used to
reply by personal email in such cases, I still do sometimes now, but
today that can be considered intrusive.)
I have read the passage  though the 10% replies does not reflect my own 
experience with your posts. Thats why I pointed out that you never reply 
to the posts, at least not to the ones I have seen.

Truly Your Superior,

Do you really think that of yourself? Now I really am disappointed of you.


Re: A parser for S.W.I.F.T. MT940 Files (for banking transactions)

2009-03-10 Thread dwahli
On 9 mar, 14:59, Saki wrote:

 I need an MT940 file parses. It can be either a pure python library or
 a binding/wrapper, no matter. Almost all european banks provide
 transactions extract in MT940 format. There are parsers around, but
 none of them are for python. Any help is greatly appreciated.



I have written some parser for electronic payment file, but not for
MT940, sorry...

For this kind of task I always use Construct (http:// which is a truly wonderful parser builder
for Python.

Hope it could help.

Re: last and final attempt to search for python ods library.

2009-03-10 Thread Krishnakant

  any ways thanks for your reply,
  Right now I am stuck very badly.
  The problem is that I am trying python-ooolib and did find the library
  pritty good.
 There's another one called ooolib-python; have you had a look at that?
Can you provide the url?  Actually I think I saw this library but it
seems it is not well maintained and the author is no more active.

I think it is supporting old formats if I am talking about the same
library.  So please send me the link so that I confirm my doubts.

  But the problem is that library is missing a major feature from my
  requirement context.
  I need to merge cells in a spreadsheet and this library won't do that.
  Do you know how I can work around this?
 Here's a radical suggestion: Ask the author directly, or pop a note in
 the suggestion box on the sourceforge tracker [hint: don't use your
 mail client for this].
I did send him a message but did not get any reply for the email.

I will put this request on as per your suggestion any

  I tryed searching for py2odf but did ont find any results.
  Do you want me to continue on the previous thread (I will try and dig
  that out ).
 Nah, just hijack a third thread :-)
Thanks for that suggestion, I am not that multi threaded *smile*.
I have fixt my mail problem now so every things seems to be fine (untill
i hyjak another thread by accident LOL!).

happy hacking.


Re: xml input sanitizing method in standard lib?

2009-03-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 05:40:10 -0200, Stefan Behnel  

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

En Mon, 09 Mar 2009 15:30:31 -0200, Petr Muller escribió:

I don't know what else is illegal in xml, so I've searched if there's
some method how to prepare strings for insertion to a xml doc before I
start research on a xml spec and write such function on my own.

You don't have to; Python already comes with xml support. Using
ElementTree to build the document is usually easier and faster:

While I usually second that, this isn't the problem here. This thread is
about unallowed characters in XML. The set of allowed characters is  


Ouch. Sorry, I was under the false impression that a) control characters  
were allowed, and b) ElementTree would escape them. Both are wrong, and I  
stand corrected.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: last and final attempt to search for python ods library.

2009-03-10 Thread John Machin

On 10/03/2009 10:35 PM, Krishnakant wrote:

any ways thanks for your reply,
Right now I am stuck very badly.

The problem is that I am trying python-ooolib and did find the library
pritty good.

There's another one called ooolib-python; have you had a look at that?

Can you provide the url?  Actually I think I saw this library but it
seems it is not well maintained and the author is no more active.

I think it is supporting old formats if I am talking about the same
library.  So please send me the link so that I confirm my doubts. calls it ooolib-python, but in 
topsy-turvy land 
( it's called 
python-ooolib but all you need in the end is import ooolib.

Three are one and one is three :-)


Re: Why is lambda allowed as a key in a dict?

2009-03-10 Thread S Arrowsmith
Iain King wrote:
Sort of tangenitally; is there any real difference between the outcome
of the two following pieces of code?

a = lambda x: x+2

def a(x):
return x+2


As for why that matters, try a(None) and see which gives the more
informative traceback.


   under construction


Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-10 Thread W. eWatson

Rhodri James wrote:
 On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 04:14:51 -, W. eWatson

 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 On Mon, 09 Mar 2009 04:22:57 -0700, W. eWatson wrote:

 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 On Sun, 08 Mar 2009 22:20:09 -0700, W. eWatson wrote:

 You didn't answer my question why entry is necessary at all. The
 original author thought it was necessary to return entry. I'll give
 you a peek at a segment of the code I'm working with here:

 class Enter_Data_Dialog(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):

  def __init__(self, parent, sdict):
  self.sdict = sdict
  tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)

  def body(self,master):
  self.title(Set a Number Entry Dialog)

  Label( master, text=Number ).grid(row=0, sticky=W)
  self.anumberVar = StringVar()
  entry = Entry(master, width=10,
  self.anumberVar.set( %d % self.sdict[anumber] )

  return entry
 `entry` is unnecessary here.  But that was not obvious from your
 previous example, as you trimmed the code.  Now it is clear that
 `entry` is always `None` because that's what `grid()` returns.

 But according to the docs this method should return the widget, that
 should get the focus, so maybe the author really wanted to return the
 `Entry` instance here, instead of `None`.
 He's got to return something, because he uses it upon return, as here:
  `entry` is always `None`, so it is the same as returning nothing
 because every function has an implicit ``return None`` at the end.

  def Set_Enter_Data(self):
  sdict = {}
  sdict[ ok ] = False
  sdict[ anumber ] = self.anumber
  dialog = Enter_Data_Dialog( self.master, sdict ) ---
  That's not a call to the `body()` method so that ``return`` is
 irrelevant here.  Here an instance of `Enter_Data_Dialog` is
 created.  No ``return`` involved.
  BTW if this is really just a dialog to enter a number, the functions
 `askinteger()` or `askfloat()` from the `tkSimpleDialog` module can
 be used.
 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
 What you are seeing here as an example, is a paired down version of
 the 2000 line program to focus on the particular problem at hand. The
 full code uses up to 20 variable of various types, via the dialog
 object. It uses them successfully to get the values the user has
 entered. How can it be irrelevant if it works? The author thought this
 was the way to do it. It's not my invention. It's no fluke. He does
 the same thing in another dialog that brings back about 6 values.

  def body(self,master):

 You're misunderstanding.  The line that you arrowed above has absolutely
 nothing whatsoever to do with the method body(), so keeping on showing
 us ever fuller version of that isn't going to prove anything.  Now if
 you were to show us a line like something = dialog.body(something_else)
 then you might be onto something, but personally I suspect you're going
 to find that rather hard.

I'd be happy to comply. Perhaps I'm mistaken as what I was responding to in 
the entanglement of responses, but I think I was making a point (again) that 
the technique by the author works. This should clear matters up completely. 
Here's the full 80+ lines of the example code. Note wrapped lines.

from Tkinter import *
import tkSimpleDialog
import tkMessageBox

class IntVar_GUI:

def __init__(self, master):

master.title('Control Variable Fun')

self.frame = Frame(master,takefocus=1,
   highlightthickness=2, highlightcolor='blue')
#self.frame.bind(KeyPress, self.HandleKey)

self.anumber = 123  # Want name and value to be configurable

self.master = master
menu = Menu(master)

self.mainMenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label=My Menu,menu=self.mainMenu)
self.mainMenu.add_command(label=Enter Data, 


def Set_Enter_Data(self):
sdict = {}
sdict[ ok ] = False
sdict[ anumber ] = self.anumber
dialog = Enter_Data_Dialog( self.master, sdict )
print Howdy, set data. Number is:, dialog.anumberVar.get()
print dict:, dialog.sdict
if not dialog.sdict[ok]:
self.anumber = int(eval(dialog.anumberVar.get()))
print OK
print Not OK
print self.anumber:, self.anumber

def Quit(self):
self.running = False

def Focus( self ):


Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-10 Thread r
OK, here is a slightly cleaned up version of this horrible code. I did
not change too much at one time for fear of confusing you. The main
problem is you did not explicitly grid the entry like i told you
earlier, and why you are using eval is beyond any measure of sanity...

from Tkinter import *
import tkSimpleDialog

class IntVar_GUI:
 def __init__(self, master):
 self.master = master
 master.title('Control Variable Fun')
 self.frame = Frame(master, height=200, width=200,
takefocus=1, highlightthickness=2, highlightcolor='blue')
 #self.frame.bind(KeyPress, self.HandleKey)
 self.anumber = 123 # Want name and value to be configurable
 menu = Menu(master)
 self.mainMenu = Menu(menu)
 menu.add_cascade(label=My Menu,menu=self.mainMenu)
 self.mainMenu.add_command(label=Enter Data,

 def Set_Enter_Data(self):
 sdict = {ok:False, anumber:self.anumber}
 dialog = Enter_Data_Dialog(self.master, sdict)
 print Howdy, set data. Number is:, dialog.anumberVar.get()
 print dict:, dialog.sdict
 if not dialog.sdict[ok]:
 self.anumber = int(dialog.anumberVar.get())#why the heck
where you using eval here?
 print OK
 print Not OK
 print self.anumber:, self.anumber
 def Quit(self):
 self.running = False
 def Focus( self ):

class Enter_Data_Dialog(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):
 def __init__(self, parent, sdict):
 self.sdict = sdict
 tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
 def body(self,master):
 self.title(Set a Number Entry Dialog)
 Label( master, text=Number ).grid(row=0, sticky=W)
 self.anumberVar = StringVar()
 entry = Entry(master, width=10, textvariable=self.anumberVar)
 entry.grid(row=0, column=1) #i told you to explicitly grid a
widget you want to call later
 self.anumberVar.set( %d % self.sdict[anumber] )
 return entry
 def apply(self):
 self.sdict[ok] = True

def Process():
 root = Tk()
 app = IntVar_GUI(root)

if __name__ == __main__:

The next message i send will be a rewrite of this code in a proper
Pythonic fashion, this frankly is a plate of spaghetti!

Re: Menu Interface Problem.

2009-03-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 03:48:07 -0200, Paulo Repreza  

# Program exits until 'menu_item = 9'
while menu_item != 9:
print '-'
print '1. Print the list.'
print '2. Add a name to the list.'
print '3. Remove a name from the list.'
print '4. Change an item in the list.'
print '9. Quit'
menu_item = input('Pick an item from the menu: ')

# TO-DO for option '1'.
if menu_item == 1:

input() is rather confusing (and is gone in Python 3). It does two things:
- retrieve some text typed by the user
- evaluate it as if it were an expresion
That means that typing 1+2 works (and will choose option 3), but typing f  
will raise an exception (there is no f variable). I suggest you forget  
about input and use raw_input instead:

menu_item = raw_input('Pick an item from the menu: ')

This returns a string (like '1'). So change all your if statements  

# TO-DO for option '1'.
if menu_item == '1':

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Ban Xah Lee

2009-03-10 Thread TomSW
 Xah Lee schrieb (and how...)

For Google Groups users, there is a kill file implementation for
Firefox / Greasemonkey:

hth, Tom

error compiling 2.5

2009-03-10 Thread jonsoons
I am compiling 2.5 on Solaris 10 SPARC.
I edited Modules/Setup to try and enable tkinter. ranlib claims that
it cannot find even though I have a -L option pointing to it.

ranlib libpython2.5.a
/usr/sfw/bin/gcc   -o python \
Modules/python.o \
libpython2.5.a -lsocket -lnsl -lrt -ldl  -L/
opt/csw/lib -ltk8.4 -ltcl8.4 -L/usr/openwin/lib -lX11-L/home/
jonsoons/lib -lz   -lm
case $MAKEFLAGS in \
*-s*)  CC='/usr/sfw/bin/gcc' LDSHARED='/usr/sfw/bin/gcc -
shared' OPT='-DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes' ./
python -E ./ -q build;; \
*)  CC='/usr/sfw/bin/gcc' LDSHARED='/usr/sfw/bin/gcc -shared'
OPT='-DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes' ./python -E ./ build;; \
esac python: fatal: open failed: No such file or
make: *** [sharedmods] Error 137
mis /home/jonsoons/Python-2.5.4 # glocate

mis /home/jonsoons/Python-2.5.4 # file /opt/csw/lib/
/opt/csw/lib/   ELF 32-bit MSB dynamic lib SPARC
Version 1, dynamically linked, stripped

mis /home/jonsoons/Python-2.5.4 #

Did I screw up Modules/Setup?
jon soons

RE: Eject a Removable USB drive

2009-03-10 Thread Rickey, Kyle W
def do_magic():
from staples import easy_button
result =
return result

:) In all seriousness that code did the trick but only after a short delay. I 
noticed when I first ran it, there was no effect. But when I ran it 
interactively, it succeeded.

Is there any way to check that the drive is still showing up in explorer and 
then re-run the code? Something like:

while drive_exists:
shell.SHChangeNotify(shellcon.SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED, shellcon.SHCNF_PATH, 

Right now I've got:

shell.SHChangeNotify(shellcon.SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED, shellcon.SHCNF_PATH, F:\\)

Thanks for your help!

-Kyle Rickey

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf 
Of Aaron Brady
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: Eject a Removable USB drive

On Mar 9, 6:08 pm, Mark Hammond wrote:
 On 10/03/2009 8:20 AM, Rickey, Kyle W wrote:

  Thanks for the link! That code has got me on the right track. I've
  almost got it working with one small kink.

  After the code runs my drive still shows up on Windows Explorer but as a
  removable drive. If I try to double click on it, it tells me to insert a
  disk (see screenshot).

  So it seems my code is unmounting my volume, but not the actual device.
  Any ideas? I've attached the code I've got so far.

 Adding the following after your eject code runs:

 from import shell, shellcon
 shell.SHChangeNotify(shellcon.SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED, shellcon.SHCNF_PATH,

 seems to work for me (well - I actually did the above interactively
 after your code ran, and the disk magically vanished from explorer...)

Yay, magically!  import crystalball?

Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-10 Thread r
Alright try this code. The only thing that i left out was inheriting
from Frame, but since i cannot see your entire progam i did not want
to do that for fear of breaking some other code. You had a lot of
useless code in there and more code that was just a spaghetti mess. If
you want to return a dict instead of a tuple like i did feel free :)

from Tkinter import *
import tkSimpleDialog

class EnterDataDialog(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):
def __init__(self, parent, sdict):
self.sdict = sdict
tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
def body(self, master):
self.title(Set a Number)
Label( master, text=Number ).grid(row=0, sticky=W)
self.v = IntVar()
entry = Entry(master, width=10, textvariable=self.v)
entry.grid(row=0, column=1) #i told you to explicitly grid a
widget you want to call later
self.v.set( %d % self.sdict[anumber] )
return entry #return widget that recieves focus
def validate(self):
return 0
return 1
def apply(self):
self.result = self.v.get()

class IntVar_GUI():
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
master.title('Control Variable Fun')
frame = Frame(master, height=200, width=200, takefocus=1,
highlightthickness=2, highlightcolor='blue')
self.anumber = 123 # Want name and value to be configurable
menu = Menu(master)
mainMenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label=My Menu, menu=mainMenu)
mainMenu.add_command(label=Enter Data,
self.master.protocol(WM_DELETE_WINDOW, self.onQuit)

def Set_Enter_Data(self):
sdict = {anumber:self.anumber}
d = EnterDataDialog(self.master, sdict)
if d.result:
print User Entered: , d.result
print 'The idiot pressed cancel!'

def onQuit(self):
self.running = False

if __name__ == __main__:
 root = Tk()
 app = IntVar_GUI(root)


Re: Why is lambda allowed as a key in a dict?

2009-03-10 Thread Duncan Booth
Iain King wrote:

 Sort of tangenitally; is there any real difference between the outcome
 of the two following pieces of code?
 a = lambda x: x+2
 def a(x):
 return x+2

Disassemble it to see. The functions themselves have identical code 
bytes, the only difference is the name of the code objects (and that 
carries through to a difference in the function names).

 def f():
a = lambda x: x+2
def b(x):
return x+2

 from dis import dis
  2   0 LOAD_CONST   1 (code object lambda at 
0119FDA0, file pyshell#10, line 2)
  6 STORE_FAST   0 (a)

  3   9 LOAD_CONST   2 (code object b at 0119FDE8, 
file pyshell#10, line 3)
 15 STORE_FAST   1 (b)

  5  18 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (dis)
 21 LOAD_FAST0 (a)
 27 POP_TOP 

  6  28 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (dis)
 31 LOAD_FAST1 (b)
 37 POP_TOP 
 38 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
  2   0 LOAD_FAST0 (x)
  3 LOAD_CONST   0 (2)
  4   0 LOAD_FAST0 (x)
  3 LOAD_CONST   1 (2)

Duncan Booth

Re: Windows install to custom location after building from source

2009-03-10 Thread Tim Golden

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

First, it relies on whose existence
optionally ignores.

Feel free to create a patch for that.


Re: Ban Xah Lee

2009-03-10 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-03-10, Tim Wintle wrote:
 On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 21:28 -0700, Luis Gonzalez wrote:
 C'mon guys, Xha Lee always wins, because fools like you get mad at him
 instead of ignoring him.

 Here here!

Hear hear!

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! FROZEN ENTREES may
  at   be flung by members of
   visi.comopposing SWANSON SECTS ...

Re: creating a list of all imported modules

2009-03-10 Thread Timmie
 Put this code at the end of your script:
 import sys
 info = [(module.__file__, name)
 for (name, module) in sys.modules.iteritems()
 if hasattr(module, '__file__')]
 import pprint
 AFAIK unless someone has been messing with sys.modules, this gives you
 all modules that have been imported during the running of your script,
 except for built-ins (no __file__ attribute). Warning: I've not tried
 this with eggs and zips.

Thanks, exactly what I was lokking for:

I added this:
additional_mods = []
for i in info:
module_path = i[0]
substr = '\site-packages'
if module_path.find(substr) != -1:


Unfortunately, it does include more than the actually included module.
if I only import pytz
the list also shows:

I am sure that pytz does not need pastescript to work...

Any idea?


Re: Set Frozenset?

2009-03-10 Thread Lie Ryan

Matt Nordhoff wrote:

Alan G Isaac wrote:

Hans Larsen schrieb:
How could I take an elemment from a set or a frozenset 

On 3/8/2009 2:06 PM Diez B. Roggisch apparently wrote:

You iterate over them. If you only want one value, use

I recall a claim that

for result in myset: break

is the most efficient way to get one result.
Is this right? (It seems nearly the same.)

Alan Isaac

Checking Python 2.5 on Linux, your solution is much faster, but seeing
as they both come in under a microsecond, it hardly matters.

It's unexpected...

 timeit.timeit('res=iter(myset).next()', 'myset=range(100)')
 timeit.timeit('', 'myset=range(100); 

 timeit.timeit('for res in myset: break', 'myset=range(100)')

I'd never expect that for-loop assignment is even faster than a 
precreated iter object (the second test)... but I don't think this 
for-looping variable leaking behavior is guaranteed, isn't it?

Note: the second one exhausts the iter object.

PyEval_EvalCode(...) problem

2009-03-10 Thread googler . 1 . webmaster

I have a problem with PyEval_EvalCode(...)
I compile the following code and execute them with PyEval_EvalCode

class MyClass(mod.Upper):

register(MyClass) #just the type, not the instance

Thats all. So register(...) is a Python C API method so i take the
type and store
it in a global variable. PyEval_EvalCode(...) returns not NULL and I
do not decref
the dictionary, just the returnvalue.

After PyEval_EvalCode(..) is executed I would like to create an
instance of MyClass
which crashes because information of the inherited types are corrupt.
If I call

PyObject_CallObject(obj, NULL) in register(..) where PyEval_EvalCode
(..) is still active
everything works fine but when I call it after PyEval_EvalCode, even I
did not decref anything)
its not working. Can anyone of you help me? The refcounts of the
MyClass type are  0.


Re: Graph Dates and Values

2009-03-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 05:08:41 -0200, brianrpsgt1  

I am trying to plot dates and values on a graph using matplotlib.
Below is the code.  I can run this and it works great, until I get to
about 2000 rows from the DB.  Things really start to slow down.  I
have successfully plotted up to 5000 rows from the DB, but it is very
slow.  I am attempting to plot values for a day, which would be equal
to 84600 records.  Is there a more efficient may to accomplish this?

(isn't it 86400?)

for s in value_data:
dates = mdates.date2num([s[0]])
plt.plot([dates],[s[1]], 'bo', ms=6)

Without looking at the matplotlib docs, the above [] suggests that both  
date2num and plt.plot take a list of values to act upon, and you're  
feeding one point at a time. Probably you end up creating one series per  
point (instead of a single series with many points). I guess something  
like this should work:

x, y = zip(*value_data) # transpose
dates = mdates.date2num(x)
plt.plot(dates, y, 'bo', ms=6)

(totally untested)

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Windows install to custom location after building from source

2009-03-10 Thread Tim Golden

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

I also see that it fails to add custom actions into
InstallExecuteSequence. I find that puzzling - apparently,
it tries to merge the twice. Are you sure you didn't run it
twice? It will certainly fail the second time.

Just to confirm: I'm certainly only running this once.
Still getting the same errors. Log attached for
completeness. However, the .msi installs (and Python
runs) without issue on a virgin VirtualXP. 
And it passes the basic test suite ok.

This isn't surprising if it's just a case of I've already
done that; I'm not doing it again as you suggest. But
I'm not sure what's causing it. Not worth worrying about
too much, I expect.


Re: creating a list of all imported modules

2009-03-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 12:29:28 -0200, Timmie  

Put this code at the end of your script:
import sys
info = [(module.__file__, name)
for (name, module) in sys.modules.iteritems()
if hasattr(module, '__file__')]
import pprint

AFAIK unless someone has been messing with sys.modules, this gives you
all modules that have been imported during the running of your script,
except for built-ins (no __file__ attribute). Warning: I've not tried
this with eggs and zips.

Thanks, exactly what I was lokking for:

I added this:
additional_mods = []
for i in info:
module_path = i[0]
substr = '\site-packages'
if module_path.find(substr) != -1:

Unfortunately, it does include more than the actually included module.
if I only import pytz
the list also shows:

I am sure that pytz does not need pastescript to work...

It is imported somewhere; look for,,  
PYTHONSTARTUP variable, .pth files...

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Why is lambda allowed as a key in a dict?

2009-03-10 Thread Vito De Tullio
MRAB wrote:

   (lambda arg: arg) == (lambda arg: arg)

I somehow thinked that, whereas

 (lambda: 0) is (lambda: 0)
should be False (obviously)

 (lambda: 0) == (lambda: 0)
could be True... maybe because `{} == {} and {} is not {}` (also for [])

By ZeD


Re: PyEval_EvalCode(...) problem

2009-03-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 12:32:00 -0200,  


I have a problem with PyEval_EvalCode(...)
I compile the following code and execute them with PyEval_EvalCode

class MyClass(mod.Upper):

register(MyClass) #just the type, not the instance

Thats all. So register(...) is a Python C API method so i take the
type and store
it in a global variable.

...and increment its reference count, of course, because you store a new  
reference, ok?

PyEval_EvalCode(...) returns not NULL and I
do not decref
the dictionary, just the returnvalue.

Which dictionary? The return value should be None, I presume.
You should post the code. By far, the most frequent error using the Python  
API is getting reference counts wrong.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Ban Xah Lee

2009-03-10 Thread Alan Mackenzie
In comp.lang.lisp Xah Lee wrote:

 Some people says that i don't participate in discussion, and this is
 part of the reason they think i'm a so-called ?troll?. Actually i do,
 and read every reply to my post, as well have replied to technical
 questions other posted. Most replies to my posts are attacks or
 trivial (of few sentences) i don't consider worthy to reply.

Hmmm.  What does that say about your posts?  ;-)  Actually, short replies
need not be, and often aren't, trivial.

 A few, maybe 10% replies to my unconventional posts, i consider having
 some value. But if i don't have sufficiently remarkable opinion on
 what they remarked, i don't reply. Also, if all i wanted to say is
 ?thanks?, i tend to avoid posting such trivial posts too.

Saying thanks isn't trivial.  It gives feedback to the other poster,
confirming that what he's written has been read by you, and that it is
useful, or at least appreciated.  It indicates to the group what level
of answers is useful to you, what your level of sophistication is.  It
makes the group work better.

 if you didn't start your message with ?IMHO?, which indicated to me
 that at least you are sincere, i would not have replied. (no offense

Nearly every Usenet post is an IMHO.  This one certainly is.  The lack
of an explicit IMHO doesn't imply any lack of sincerity.

 Btw, i'm not some kind of saint. You (guys) do whatever
 chatty style you want, i write or choose to reply in my abstruse 
 ascetic manners. Just don't accuse when my style is not compatible
 your drivels. (insult intentional)

Ascetic manners!  That's wonderful, almost on a par with Sir Robert
Armstrong's being economical with the truth.  :-)  

 Also, thanks to many supporters over the past years.

Hey, you're not going away, are you?


Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).


Re: Why is lambda allowed as a key in a dict?

2009-03-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 13:00:18 -0200, Vito De Tullio escribió:

MRAB wrote:

  (lambda arg: arg) == (lambda arg: arg)

I somehow thinked that, whereas

(lambda: 0) is (lambda: 0)

should be False (obviously)

(lambda: 0) == (lambda: 0)

could be True... maybe because `{} == {} and {} is not {}` (also for [])

Neither {} nor [] have any attributes by their own; people is only  
interested in their contents. Even a bare object() (that has no  
attributes) compare unequal to another instance:

py object() == object()

But functions (and lambda is just syntactic sugar for an anonymous  
function) have many attributes:

__dict__, func_dict
__doc__, func_doc
__name__, func_name

'==' should compare all of them, and hash() should take them into account  
too... Too much effort just for the very few cases when two functions  
actually would compare equal - and, who cares?

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Graph Dates and Values

2009-03-10 Thread brianrpsgt1
On Mar 10, 7:40 am, Gabriel Genellina
 En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 05:08:41 -0200, brianrpsgt1  

  I am trying to plot dates and values on a graph using matplotlib.
  Below is the code.  I can run this and it works great, until I get to
  about 2000 rows from the DB.  Things really start to slow down.  I
  have successfully plotted up to 5000 rows from the DB, but it is very
  slow.  I am attempting to plot values for a day, which would be equal
  to 84600 records.  Is there a more efficient may to accomplish this?

 (isn't it 86400?)

  for s in value_data:
      dates = mdates.date2num([s[0]])
      plt.plot([dates],[s[1]], 'bo', ms=6)

 Without looking at the matplotlib docs, the above [] suggests that both  
 date2num and plt.plot take a list of values to act upon, and you're  
 feeding one point at a time. Probably you end up creating one series per  
 point (instead of a single series with many points). I guess something  
 like this should work:

 x, y = zip(*value_data) # transpose
 dates = mdates.date2num(x)
 plt.plot(dates, y, 'bo', ms=6)

 (totally untested)

 Gabriel Genellina

Gabriel ::

Thanks for the notes.  That is exactly what I thought the problem
was.  Here is an update.  I put a limit to 100 on the SQL Query to
test.  When I run your code, I get the data returned, however, I get
the same return equal to the limit I set.  In other words, when I run
with a limit of 100, I get the same result 100 times.  Which would
mean that when I try to run a whole day (86400 :) - it was late!), I
am getting the same result 86400 times and then it is tyring to plot

Output below:

[ 733414.06489583  733414.06490741  733414.06491898  733414.06493056
  733414.06494213  733414.0649537   733414.06496528  733414.06497685
  733414.06498843  733414.065   733414.06501157  733414.06502315
  733414.06503472  733414.0650463   733414.06505787  733414.06506944
  733414.06508102  733414.06509259  733414.06510417  733414.06511574
  733414.06512731  733414.06513889  733414.06515046  733414.06516204
  733414.06517361  733414.06518519  733414.06519676  733414.06520833
  733414.06521991  733414.06523148  733414.06524306  733414.06525463
  733414.0652662   733414.06527778  733414.06528935  733414.06530093
  733414.0653125   733414.06532407  733414.06533565  733414.06534722
  733414.0653588   733414.06537037  733414.06538194  733414.06539352
  733414.06540509  733414.06541667  733414.06542824  733414.06543981
  733414.06545139  733414.06546296  733414.06547454  733414.06548611
  733414.06549769  733414.06550926  733414.06552083  733414.06553241
  733414.06554398  733414.0656  733414.06556713  733414.0655787
  733414.06559028  733414.06560185  733414.06561343  733414.065625
  733414.06563657  733414.06564815  733414.06565972  733414.0656713
  733414.06568287  733414.06569444  733414.06570602  733414.06571759
  733414.06572917  733414.06574074  733414.06575231  733414.06576389
  733414.06577546  733414.06578704  733414.06579861  733414.06581019
  733414.06582176  733414.0658  733414.06584491  733414.06585648
  733414.06586806  733414.06587963  733414.0658912   733414.06590278
  733414.06591435  733414.06592593  733414.0659375   733414.06594907
  733414.06596065  733414.06597222  733414.0659838   733414.06599537
  733414.06600694  733414.06601852  733414.06603009  733414.06604167]
(95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95,
95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95,
95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95,
95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 94, 94, 94, 94, 94, 94, 94, 95, 95, 95, 95,
95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95,
95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 94)

If I run this code:

for s in value_data:
x = mdates.date2num([s[0]])
y = [s[1]]

print [x, y]

The results returned are the following:

There are 100 rows in the database
[ 733414.06489583] [95]
[ 733414.06490741] [95]
[ 733414.06491898] [95]
[ 733414.06493056] [95]
[ 733414.06494213] [95]
[ 733414.0649537] [95]
[ 733414.06496528] [95]
[ 733414.06497685] [95]
[ 733414.06498843] [95]
[ 733414.065] [95]
[ 733414.06501157] [95]
[ 733414.06502315] [95]
[ 733414.06503472] [95]
[ 733414.0650463] [95]
[ 733414.06505787] [95]
[ 733414.06506944] [95]
[ 733414.06508102] [95]
[ 733414.06509259] [95]
[ 733414.06510417] [95]
[ 733414.06511574] [95]
[ 733414.06512731] [95]
[ 733414.06513889] [95]
[ 733414.06515046] [95]
[ 733414.06516204] [95]
[ 733414.06517361] [95]
[ 733414.06518519] [95]
[ 733414.06519676] [95]
[ 733414.06520833] [95]
[ 733414.06521991] [95]
[ 733414.06523148] [95]
[ 733414.06524306] [95]
[ 733414.06525463] [95]
[ 733414.0652662] [95]
[ 733414.06527778] [95]
[ 733414.06528935] [95]
[ 733414.06530093] [95]
[ 733414.0653125] [95]
[ 733414.06532407] [95]
[ 733414.06533565] [95]
[ 733414.06534722] [95]
[ 733414.0653588] [95]
[ 733414.06537037] [95]
[ 733414.06538194] 

Re: Candidate for a new itertool

2009-03-10 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 9, 6:55 pm, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

  The data often contains objects with attributes instead of tuples, and
  I expect the new namedtuple datatype to be used also as elements of
  the list to be processed.

  But I haven't found a nice generalized way for that kind of pattern
  that aggregates from a list of one datatype to a list of key plus
  output datatype that would make it practical and suitable for
  inclusion in the standard library.

 Looks like you've searched the possibilities thoroughly and no one
 aggregation function seems to meet all needs.  That's usually a cue
 to not try to build one and instead let simple python loops do the
 work for you (that also saves the awkward itemgetter() calls in your
 examples).  To my eyes, all three examples look like straight-forward,
 easy-to-write, easy-to-read, fast plain python:

  d = defaultdict(int)
  for color, n, info in data:
 ...     d[color] += n

 [('blue', 6), ('yellow', 3), ('red', 4)]

  d = defaultdict(list)
  for color, n, info in data:

 ...     d[color].append(n) d.items()

 [('blue', [5, 1]), ('yellow', [3]), ('red', [2, 2])]

  d = defaultdict(set)
  for color, n, info in data:
 ...     d[color].add(n)

 [('blue', set([1, 5])), ('yellow', set([3])), ('red', set([2]))]

 I don't think you can readily combine all three examples into a single
 aggregator without the obfuscation and awkwardness that comes from
 parameterizing all of the varying parts:

 def aggregator(default_factory, adder, iterable, keyfunc, valuefunc):
    d = defaultdict(default_factory)
    for record in iterable:
        key = keyfunc(record)
        value = valuefunc(record)
        adder(d[key], value)
    return d.items()

  aggregator(list, list.append, data, itemgetter(0), itemgetter(1))

 [('blue', [5, 1]), ('yellow', [3]), ('red', [2, 2])] aggregator(set, 
 set.add, data, itemgetter(0), itemgetter(1))

 [('blue', set([1, 5])), ('yellow', set([3])), ('red', set([2]))]

 Yuck!  Plain Python wins.


 P.S. The aggregator doesn't work so well for:

  aggregator(int, operator.iadd, data, itemgetter(0), itemgetter(1))

 [('blue', 0), ('yellow', 0), ('red', 0)]

 The problem is that operator.iadd() doesn't have a way to both
 and store back into a dictionary.

Yes thinking about this more, one probably needs to have two code
paths depending if the type returned by default_factory is mutable or
immutable. But you are probably right that the ratio of redundancy/
variability is pretty low for such a function and the plain written
out for loop is not too painful. The only redundancy is the creation
and manipulation of the dictionary and the explicit looping.


Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-10 Thread W. eWatson
	Down, Fang! Down, boy. Down. -- Soupy Sales, Comedian, talking to 		his 
imaginary animal, circa 1960.

Thank you very much. One more quote before I continue. A favorite.

The trouble with most folks isn't their ignorance. It's knowin' so
many things that ain't so. by Josh Billings, a 19th century
humorist (and not Mark Twain).

I could quote my wife next, but I'll skip it. As I believe I've repeatedly 
said, (aren't those interesting words? Sort of sound huffy, don't they?), I 
am not the author of the code. If I didn't mention it before, I am not about 
to wholesale change his code for the purposes I have at hand, so I try to 
remain faithful to what was written. As far as taking your grid suggestions, 
I believe I did, very likely in the 2000 lines of father code (the author's 
original code.) For whatever reason, they didn't work. Yes, even I am as a 
lowly newcomer to Python and Tkinter have heard the eval story. Again, I do 
not want diversions while I'm adding to this program.

Just to be clear about what I'm adding, the program needed, IMHO, a 
configuration file. I've already added a menu item in other parts of the 
code to save it, and to initialize the 'global' values the author uses in 
IntVar_GUI. That's the alias here for Sentinel_GUI in the big program. Now I 
can proceed to initialize the dialog and others without using control 
variables. This config effort I could have skipped, but thought it's now or 
never. I have things to add to the program that are way more interesting 
than this, and will have big payoffs to the users (a closed group of about 
40 users).

Despite my no messing with code technique policy, I may have to take into 
consideration some of your changes here, and your follow up. And, yes, I 
think I can now begin to tune up my geometry knowledge of Tkinter.

So again, thanks for your help. (I hope you don't mind my repetition here.) 

r wrote:

OK, here is a slightly cleaned up version of this horrible code. I did
not change too much at one time for fear of confusing you. The main
problem is you did not explicitly grid the entry like i told you
earlier, and why you are using eval is beyond any measure of sanity...

from Tkinter import *
import tkSimpleDialog

class IntVar_GUI:
 def __init__(self, master):
 self.master = master
 master.title('Control Variable Fun')
 self.frame = Frame(master, height=200, width=200,
takefocus=1, highlightthickness=2, highlightcolor='blue')
 #self.frame.bind(KeyPress, self.HandleKey)
 self.anumber = 123 # Want name and value to be configurable
 menu = Menu(master)
 self.mainMenu = Menu(menu)
 menu.add_cascade(label=My Menu,menu=self.mainMenu)
 self.mainMenu.add_command(label=Enter Data,

 def Set_Enter_Data(self):
 sdict = {ok:False, anumber:self.anumber}
 dialog = Enter_Data_Dialog(self.master, sdict)
 print Howdy, set data. Number is:, dialog.anumberVar.get()
 print dict:, dialog.sdict
 if not dialog.sdict[ok]:
 self.anumber = int(dialog.anumberVar.get())#why the heck
where you using eval here?
 print OK
 print Not OK
 print self.anumber:, self.anumber
 def Quit(self):
 self.running = False
 def Focus( self ):

class Enter_Data_Dialog(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):
 def __init__(self, parent, sdict):
 self.sdict = sdict
 tkSimpleDialog.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
 def body(self,master):
 self.title(Set a Number Entry Dialog)
 Label( master, text=Number ).grid(row=0, sticky=W)
 self.anumberVar = StringVar()
 entry = Entry(master, width=10, textvariable=self.anumberVar)
 entry.grid(row=0, column=1) #i told you to explicitly grid a
widget you want to call later
 self.anumberVar.set( %d % self.sdict[anumber] )
 return entry
 def apply(self):
 self.sdict[ok] = True

def Process():
 root = Tk()
 app = IntVar_GUI(root)

if __name__ == __main__:

The next message i send will be a rewrite of this code in a proper
Pythonic fashion, this frankly is a plate of spaghetti!

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-10 Thread r
On Mar 10, 10:52 am, W. eWatson wrote:
[snip: biting the hand that feeds]

This is not the first time you have come to with hat in hand
seeking help and then scoffed at suggestions made by well respected
posters. I should have known you would just do the same again. I don't
know what you want but help is defiantly not it although that is
exactly what you need!

 If I didn't mention it before, I am not about
 to wholesale change his code for the purposes I have at hand, so I try to
 remain faithful to what was written. As far as taking your grid suggestions,
 I believe I did, very likely in the 2000 lines of father code (the author's
 original code.) For whatever reason, they didn't work. Yes, even I am as a
 lowly newcomer to Python and Tkinter have heard the eval story. Again, I do
 not want diversions while I'm adding to this program.
[snip: non-sensical rambling]

You think my changes where wholesale. I untangled your spaghetti
code and showed you how it should be done with the same output you
originally had(while at the same time trying hard not to confuse you
by making the code too perfect), only unlike your mess, my code
doesn't throw 10 exceptions. There is nothing in there that will break
compatibility with your code, heck you said it was broken to start.

 Just to be clear about what I'm adding, the program needed, IMHO, a
 configuration file. I've already added a menu item in other parts of the
 code to save it, and to initialize the 'global' values the author uses in
 IntVar_GUI. That's the alias here for Sentinel_GUI in the big program. Now I
 can proceed to initialize the dialog and others without using control
 variables. This config effort I could have skipped, but thought it's now or
 never. I have things to add to the program that are way more interesting
 than this, and will have big payoffs to the users (a closed group of about
 40 users).

If this 80 line code you posted actually is a line by line copy paste
from your suposedly high and mighty original author's code, you would
be much better off trashing this garbage and starting from scratch,
because apparently he had no idea what he was doing either. Using
naming conventions like IntVar_GUI instead of IntVarGui, and
Enter_Data_Dialog instead of EnterDataDialog . Not to mention this
redundant stupidity
sdict = {}
sdict[ ok ] = False
sdict[ anumber ] = self.anumber
Only a complete noob would do something like that! Not to mention that
he created a Focus method that calls one line of code. This is a
classic case of the blind leading the blind.

good day pal... and oh yea, good luck!


Re: Graph Dates and Values

2009-03-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 13:32:10 -0200, brianrpsgt1  

On Mar 10, 7:40 am, Gabriel Genellina

En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 05:08:41 -0200, brianrpsgt1  

 I am trying to plot dates and values on a graph using matplotlib.
 Below is the code.  I can run this and it works great, until I get to
 about 2000 rows from the DB.  Things really start to slow down.  I
 have successfully plotted up to 5000 rows from the DB, but it is very
 slow.  I am attempting to plot values for a day, which would be equal
 to 84600 records.  Is there a more efficient may to accomplish this?

Without looking at the matplotlib docs, the above [] suggests that both  
date2num and plt.plot take a list of values to act upon, and you're  
feeding one point at a time. Probably you end up creating one series  

point (instead of a single series with many points). I guess something  
like this should work:

x, y = zip(*value_data) # transpose
dates = mdates.date2num(x)
plt.plot(dates, y, 'bo', ms=6)

Thanks for the notes.  That is exactly what I thought the problem
was.  Here is an update.  I put a limit to 100 on the SQL Query to
test.  When I run your code, I get the data returned, however, I get
the same return equal to the limit I set.  In other words, when I run
with a limit of 100, I get the same result 100 times.  Which would
mean that when I try to run a whole day (86400 :) - it was late!), I
am getting the same result 86400 times and then it is tyring to plot

Output below:

[ 733414.06489583  733414.06490741  733414.06491898  733414.06493056 ...
  733414.06600694  733414.06601852  733414.06603009  733414.06604167]
(95, 95, 95, 95, ...  95, 95, 95, 94)

If I run this code:

for s in value_data:
x = mdates.date2num([s[0]])
y = [s[1]]
print [x, y]

The results returned are the following:

There are 100 rows in the database
[ 733414.06489583] [95]
[ 733414.06490741] [95]
[ 733414.06491898] [95]
[ 733414.06493056] [95] ...
[ 733414.06600694] [95]
[ 733414.06601852] [95]
[ 733414.06603009] [95]
[ 733414.06604167] [94]

Well, both look the same values to me... what's wrong? Why do you say the  
same results 100 times.

Oh, the code fragment I posted is suposed to *replace* the original for  
loop. Don't put it inside a loop.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: parallel/concurrent process in python

2009-03-10 Thread Minesh Patel
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 2:47 PM, wrote:
 I'm trying to figure out parallel process python code. Something
 similar to fork funtion in C.

 For example, I using sniff tool in scapy to capture packets but i want
 this to run in the background:

 from scapy.all import *
 import subprocess
 import netsnmp

 pkts=sniff(iface=eth0,filter=UDP,count=100) # This should run in
 the background

 print Next Code.'

 Next Code. should be printed out right away and does not have to
 wait for pkts=sniff(...) to finish.

 Any ideas?

Why not use os.fork(), it is the same as C's fork?

if os.fork(): # Returns 0 to child, non-zero to parent
  # Do parent stuff
  # Do child stuff

Minesh Patel

Re: Windows install to custom location after building from source

2009-03-10 Thread Tim Golden

Tim Golden wrote:

However, the .msi installs (and Python
runs) without issue on a virgin VirtualXP. And it passes the basic test 
suite ok.

I lied. test_zipfile fails because the new(ish) doesn't
get carried across to the install. Patched in:

A couple of other tests fail (test_platform  test_pep352) when
running regrest, but I can't get them to fail otherwise.


can python import class or module directly from a zip package

2009-03-10 Thread Flank
can python import class or  module directly from  a zip package ,just
like jave does from jar package without extracting the class file into

so far as i know ,python module should be unzip to file system in
order to use them,

Re: Indentations and future evolution of languages

2009-03-10 Thread John Nagle

Kay Schluehr wrote:

On 6 Mrz., 02:53, wrote:

This is an interesting post, it shows me that fitness plateau where
design of Python syntax lives is really small, you can't design
something just similar:

Living on a small fitness plateau isn't good, even if it's very high,
because it's evolutionary unstable :-(
Indentation-wise Haskell syntax seems one of the very few local maxima
that is close enough to the little fitness plateau where Python is.


Here is a somewhat longer comment:

Take it with a grain of salt and have much fun.

   Python already has nested functions.  So anything for which you really
need a lambda function can already be done.  You just have to name
the function.

   This isn't a popular feature, because in a language with no declarations
to determine scope, having too many nested scopes is confusing.  But
it's there.

   As for Python indentation, that seems to work reasonably well.  The only
complaint I have there is that mixing tabs and spaces for indentation
should be detected and treated as a syntax error.  (Whether to use
tabs or spaces is a religious argument, but mixing them is clearly
wrong, and results in non-visible bugs.  CPython should enforce

John Nagle

Re: can python import class or module directly from a zip package

2009-03-10 Thread Stefan Behnel
Flank wrote:
 can python import class or  module directly from  a zip package

Yes, just put the .zip file into your PYTHONPATH.


Re: Indentations and future evolution of languages

2009-03-10 Thread skip

John The only complaint I have there is that mixing tabs and spaces for
John indentation should be detected and treated as a syntax error.

Guido's time machine strikes again (fixed in Python 3.x):

% python3.0 ~/tmp/
  File /home/titan/skipm/tmp/, line 3
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation


Re: [!! SPAM] can python import class or module directly from a zip package

2009-03-10 Thread Seairth Jacobs

Flank wrote:

can python import class or  module directly from  a zip package ,just
like jave does from jar package without extracting the class file into

so far as i know ,python module should be unzip to file system in
order to use them,




Re: Graph Dates and Values

2009-03-10 Thread brianrpsgt1
On Mar 10, 9:44 am, Gabriel Genellina
 En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 13:32:10 -0200, brianrpsgt1  

  On Mar 10, 7:40 am, Gabriel Genellina
  En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 05:08:41 -0200, brianrpsgt1  

   I am trying to plot dates and values on a graph using matplotlib.
   Below is the code.  I can run this and it works great, until I get to
   about 2000 rows from the DB.  Things really start to slow down.  I
   have successfully plotted up to 5000 rows from the DB, but it is very
   slow.  I am attempting to plot values for a day, which would be equal
   to 84600 records.  Is there a more efficient may to accomplish this?
  Without looking at the matplotlib docs, the above [] suggests that both  
  date2num and plt.plot take a list of values to act upon, and you're  
  feeding one point at a time. Probably you end up creating one series  
  point (instead of a single series with many points). I guess something  
  like this should work:

  x, y = zip(*value_data) # transpose
  dates = mdates.date2num(x)
  plt.plot(dates, y, 'bo', ms=6)

  Thanks for the notes.  That is exactly what I thought the problem
  was.  Here is an update.  I put a limit to 100 on the SQL Query to
  test.  When I run your code, I get the data returned, however, I get
  the same return equal to the limit I set.  In other words, when I run
  with a limit of 100, I get the same result 100 times.  Which would
  mean that when I try to run a whole day (86400 :) - it was late!), I
  am getting the same result 86400 times and then it is tyring to plot

  Output below:

  [ 733414.06489583  733414.06490741  733414.06491898  733414.06493056 ...
    733414.06600694  733414.06601852  733414.06603009  733414.06604167]
  (95, 95, 95, 95, ...  95, 95, 95, 94)

  If I run this code:

  for s in value_data:
      x = mdates.date2num([s[0]])
      y = [s[1]]
      print [x, y]

  The results returned are the following:

  There are 100 rows in the database
  [ 733414.06489583] [95]
  [ 733414.06490741] [95]
  [ 733414.06491898] [95]
  [ 733414.06493056] [95] ...
  [ 733414.06600694] [95]
  [ 733414.06601852] [95]
  [ 733414.06603009] [95]
  [ 733414.06604167] [94]

 Well, both look the same values to me... what's wrong? Why do you say the  
 same results 100 times.

 Oh, the code fragment I posted is suposed to *replace* the original for  
 loop. Don't put it inside a loop.

 Gabriel Genellina

Gabriel ::

Thank you very much!!!  That was it, I had it in the loop.  I works
great now!!  Graphs are coming up right away.


Re: parallel/concurrent process in python

2009-03-10 Thread cgoldberg
 Why not use os.fork(), it is the same as C's fork?

os.fork is not cross platform.  It is *nix only.  Subprocess runs on
Windows also.  The OP never specified his platform.


Re: last and final attempt to search for python ods library.

2009-03-10 Thread Krishnakant
Hi John,

I tryed this same library to begin with.

python-ooolib is very good except that it misses a major feature of cell
merging (spanning ).

That is the point from which I started the thread.
I even thought the author of that library will respond back but did not

Seams it is a very old library and no development happens on it.

happy hacking.

On Tue, 2009-03-10 at 23:44 +1100, John Machin wrote:
 On 10/03/2009 10:35 PM, Krishnakant wrote:
  any ways thanks for your reply,
  Right now I am stuck very badly.
  The problem is that I am trying python-ooolib and did find the library
  pritty good.
  There's another one called ooolib-python; have you had a look at that?
  Can you provide the url?  Actually I think I saw this library but it
  seems it is not well maintained and the author is no more active.
  I think it is supporting old formats if I am talking about the same
  library.  So please send me the link so that I confirm my doubts. calls it ooolib-python, but in 
 topsy-turvy land 
 ( it's called 
 python-ooolib but all you need in the end is import ooolib.
 Three are one and one is three :-)


[JOB] Short-term python programming consultant - funds expire soon!

2009-03-10 Thread Rob Clewley
Dear Pythonistas,

Our open-source software project (PyDSTool) has money to hire an
experienced Python programmer on a short-term, per-task basis as a
technical consultant (i.e., no fringe benefits offered). The work can
be done remotely and will be paid after the satisfactory completion of
the objectives. The work must be completed by the end of April, when
the current funds expire. The basic work plan and design documents are
already laid out from previous work on these tasks, but the finer
details will be negotiable. We plan to pay approximately $2-3k per
task, depending on the exact code design and amount of time required.

Prospective consultants could be professionals or students but must
have proven experience with SWIG and both python and numpy distutils,
and be willing to write a short document about the completed work for
future maintenance purposes. We have a template for a simple contract
and invoices can be relatively coarse-grained. As an open-source
project, all contributed code will be BSD licensed as part of our
project, although it will retain attribution of your authorship. We
have two objectives for this work, which could be satisfied by two
individual consultants but more likely by one:

(1) This objective involves completing the implementation of automated
compilation of C code into DLLs. These DLLs are dynamically created
from a user's specification in python. The DLLs can be updated and
reloaded if the user changes specifications at the python level. This
functionality is crucial to providing fast solving of differential
equations using legacy solvers written in C and Fortran. This
functionality is relatively independent from the inner workings of our
project so there should be minimal overhead to completing this task.
We need to complete the integration of an existing code idea for this
objective with the main trunk of our project. The existing code works
as a stand-alone test for our C legacy solver but is not completed for
our Fortran legacy solver (so that numpy's distutils needs to be used
instead of python distutils) and needs to be integrated into the
current SVN trunk. The design document and implementation for the C
solver should be a helpful template for the Fortran solver.

(2) We need a package installer for our project that
automatically compiles the static parts of the legacy differential
equation solvers during installation according to the directory
structure and SWIG/distutils implementation to be completed in
objective (1). If the consultant is experienced with writing python
package installers, he/she may wish to negotiate working on a more
advanced system such as an egg installer.

PyDSTool ( is a multi-platform, open-source
environment offering a range of library tools and utilities for
research in dynamical systems modeling for scientists and engineers.

Please contact Dr. Rob Clewley (rclewley) at (@) the Department of
Mathematics, Georgia State University ( for more information.

Robert H. Clewley, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
and Neuroscience Institute
Georgia State University
720 COE, 30 Pryor St
Atlanta, GA 30303, USA

tel: 404-413-6420 fax: 404-413-6403

Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-10 Thread W. eWatson

r wrote:

On Mar 10, 10:52 am, W. eWatson wrote:
[snip: biting the hand that feeds]

This is not the first time you have come to with hat in hand
seeking help and then scoffed at suggestions made by well respected
posters. I should have known you would just do the same again. I don't
know what you want but help is defiantly not it although that is
exactly what you need!

If I didn't mention it before, I am not about
to wholesale change his code for the purposes I have at hand, so I try to
remain faithful to what was written. As far as taking your grid suggestions,
I believe I did, very likely in the 2000 lines of father code (the author's
original code.) For whatever reason, they didn't work. Yes, even I am as a
lowly newcomer to Python and Tkinter have heard the eval story. Again, I do
not want diversions while I'm adding to this program.

[snip: non-sensical rambling]

You think my changes where wholesale. I untangled your spaghetti
code and showed you how it should be done with the same output you
originally had(while at the same time trying hard not to confuse you
by making the code too perfect), only unlike your mess, my code
doesn't throw 10 exceptions. There is nothing in there that will break
compatibility with your code, heck you said it was broken to start.

Just to be clear about what I'm adding, the program needed, IMHO, a
configuration file. I've already added a menu item in other parts of the
code to save it, and to initialize the 'global' values the author uses in
IntVar_GUI. That's the alias here for Sentinel_GUI in the big program. Now I
can proceed to initialize the dialog and others without using control
variables. This config effort I could have skipped, but thought it's now or
never. I have things to add to the program that are way more interesting
than this, and will have big payoffs to the users (a closed group of about
40 users).

If this 80 line code you posted actually is a line by line copy paste
from your suposedly high and mighty original author's code, you would
be much better off trashing this garbage and starting from scratch,
because apparently he had no idea what he was doing either. Using
naming conventions like IntVar_GUI instead of IntVarGui, and
Enter_Data_Dialog instead of EnterDataDialog . Not to mention this
redundant stupidity
sdict = {}
sdict[ ok ] = False
sdict[ anumber ] = self.anumber
Only a complete noob would do something like that! Not to mention that
he created a Focus method that calls one line of code. This is a
classic case of the blind leading the blind.

good day pal... and oh yea, good luck!

Pardon me, it was White Fang.

   W. eWatson

 (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
  Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

Web Page:


Re: parallel/concurrent process in python

2009-03-10 Thread Ommer . Simjee
On Mar 10, 10:06 am, Minesh Patel wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 2:47 PM, wrote:
  I'm trying to figure out parallel process python code. Something
  similar to fork funtion in C.

  For example, I using sniff tool in scapy to capture packets but i want
  this to run in the background:

  from scapy.all import *
  import subprocess
  import netsnmp

  pkts=sniff(iface=eth0,filter=UDP,count=100) # This should run in
  the background

  print Next Code.'

  Next Code. should be printed out right away and does not have to
  wait for pkts=sniff(...) to finish.

  Any ideas?

 Why not use os.fork(), it is the same as C's fork?

 if os.fork(): # Returns 0 to child, non-zero to parent
   # Do parent stuff
   # Do child stuff

 Minesh Patel

 Thanks,It works perfectly.

Re: A parser for S.W.I.F.T. MT940 Files (for banking transactions)

2009-03-10 Thread John Machin
On Mar 10, 3:09 am, andrew cooke wrote:
 a month is more than enough - i would expect to have something in a week.
 if possible, a data size of 1GB or more would be useful, but

A gigabyte of SWIFT messages as test data?

 please remember that this is a best efforts attempt only.  i have no
 previous experience with this file format, or with banking data, and the
 result will come with no warranty.  you may want to continue to
 investigate other solutions.  i have no idea what your final application
 is, but you should at the very least test any parser (and related
 libraries) thoroughly before using it in a critical application.

Like sending a few million dollars over the wire around the world?


Re: Determining from which web page a cgi script is invoked?

2009-03-10 Thread cm escribió:

Given a webpage test.html that has a form with a cgi script, how can
you determine inside the cgi script the name of the webpage that
invoked the script?

I have many different html pages that use a common cgi script for form
processing and want to determine the name of the webpage.

quickdirty: Add a hidden form var with the page/form name



Re: PyEval_EvalCode(...) problem

2009-03-10 Thread googler . 1 . webmaster

Pelase note, when I call PyObject_CallObject(...) in the wrapped C
register(..) method it works fine.

Re: Is python worth learning as a second language?

2009-03-10 Thread r
On Mar 9, 6:37 pm, Wolfgang Rohdewald wrote:
 On Montag, 9. März 2009, r wrote:
  Long answer:
   'Ye%s' %'s'*1000

 simplified long answer:
 'Yes' * 1000
♦ Sure that works too but sounds like your stu..stu..studdering.

 or did you mean
 'Ye%s' %('s'*1000)
♦ Oops, must test snippets before submitting :)


Re: a potential pep to extend the syntax of for loops

2009-03-10 Thread Terry Reedy

pang wrote:

This idea has already been proposed and rejected.  But discuss away as
you wish ;=).


Where is that?

py-dev and/or python-ideas lists within last year

 I didn't see any related pep's.

Though helpful, not too many people write PEPs to document rejections.

 Could you post a link?

Sorry, no.



Re: Set Frozenset?

2009-03-10 Thread Terry Reedy

Lie Ryan wrote:

I recall a claim that

for result in myset: break

is the most efficient way to get one result.

I'd never expect that for-loop assignment is even faster than a 
precreated iter object (the second test)... but I don't think this 
for-looping variable leaking behavior is guaranteed, isn't it?

It is an intentional, documented feature:

Names in the target list are not deleted when the loop is finished, but 
if the sequence is empty, it will not have been assigned to at all by 
the loop.


Re: Set Frozenset?

2009-03-10 Thread Paul Rubin
Terry Reedy writes:
  I'd never expect that for-loop assignment is even faster than a
  precreated iter object (the second test)... but I don't think this
  for-looping variable leaking behavior is guaranteed, isn't it?
 It is an intentional, documented feature: ...

I prefer thinking of it as a documented bug.  It is fixed in 3.x.
I usually avoid the [... for x in xiter] listcomp syntax in favor of
list(... for x in xiter) just as an effort to be a bit less bug-prone.

Re: a potential pep to extend the syntax of for loops

2009-03-10 Thread pang

 Sorry, no.


well, thank you

Even now it's difficult to find the discussion, but at least I know
about python-ideas.

Thanks to all that replied.

Re: Packaging Survey

2009-03-10 Thread C. Titus Brown
Hi Tarek,

I'm an academic.  What do I put down for Q #1? ;)

(I put down pro developer)


On Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 06:44:02AM +0100, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
- The Python Langage Summit is coming up. To prepare this event, I have
- put online a survey you can take to tell us a bit more about you and
- how you package your Python applications.
- * Who should take the survey : any Python developer that packages
- and distributes his code, no matter how.
- * Take the survey:
- Thanks to all the people that helped building the survey, and a
- special thanks to Massimo Di Pierro who created the application that
- runs the Survey and helped me to set this up.
- Regards
- Tarek
- -- 
- Tarek Ziad? | Association AfPy |
- Blog FR |
- Blog EN |
- --
- Support the Python Software Foundation:

C. Titus Brown,

Re: Ban Xah Lee

2009-03-10 Thread Larry Gates
On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 01:15:19 -0400, Lew wrote: wrote:
 On Mon, 09 Mar 2009 22:08:54 -0400, Lew wrote:
 Larry Gates wrote:
 For me, the worst thing is when I'm programming, and a bug *actually* gets
 on my monitor.  In real life, I'm this tough person: a rugged tradesmen.
 I'm so phobic of bugs that I'll run away screaming like a girl.
 I had a smudge on my monitor some years ago.  It was on the frame, not the 
 screen itself, but visible on the side.  The person next to me pointed at 
 He said: I work so close to you we must be telemarketers, does my body odor
 bother you?
 Uh ...

There's nothing quite as Europaen as B.O.  Europe:  where they have the
means to use soap but not the inclination.
larry gates

I'm not consistent about consistency, you see, except when I am...
And I try to believe six foolish consistencies before breakfast each day.
-- Larry Wall in

Re: Eject a Removable USB drive

2009-03-10 Thread Mark Hammond

On 11/03/2009 12:39 AM, Rickey, Kyle W wrote:

def do_magic():
 from staples import easy_button
 result =
 return result

:) In all seriousness that code did the trick but only after a short delay. I 
noticed when I first ran it, there was no effect. But when I ran it 
interactively, it succeeded.

Is there any way to check that the drive is still showing up in explorer and 
then re-run the code? Something like:

It is possible to register for device removal notifications - it's 
possible you need to wait until Windows reports the ejection process is 
complete before sending the shell notification.



while drive_exists:
shell.SHChangeNotify(shellcon.SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED, shellcon.SHCNF_PATH, 

Right now I've got:

shell.SHChangeNotify(shellcon.SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED, shellcon.SHCNF_PATH, F:\\)

Thanks for your help!

-Kyle Rickey

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf 
Of Aaron Brady
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: Eject a Removable USB drive

On Mar 9, 6:08 pm, Mark  wrote:

On 10/03/2009 8:20 AM, Rickey, Kyle W wrote:

Thanks for the link! That code has got me on the right track. I've
almost got it working with one small kink.
After the code runs my drive still shows up on Windows Explorer but as a
removable drive. If I try to double click on it, it tells me to insert a
disk (see screenshot).
So it seems my code is unmounting my volume, but not the actual device.
Any ideas? I've attached the code I've got so far.

Adding the following after your eject code runs:

from import shell, shellcon
shell.SHChangeNotify(shellcon.SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED, shellcon.SHCNF_PATH,

seems to work for me (well - I actually did the above interactively
after your code ran, and the disk magically vanished from explorer...)

Yay, magically!  import crystalball?


Re: Set Frozenset?

2009-03-10 Thread Terry Reedy

Paul Rubin wrote:

Terry Reedy writes:

I'd never expect that for-loop assignment is even faster than a
precreated iter object (the second test)... but I don't think this
for-looping variable leaking behavior is guaranteed, isn't it?

It is an intentional, documented feature: ...

I prefer thinking of it as a documented bug.  It is fixed in 3.x.

Nope to both. We are talking about for-loop statements.


Python 2.7 MSI / pywin32 snapshots [was: Windows install to custom location ...]

2009-03-10 Thread Tim Golden

Scott David Daniels wrote:

Tim Golden wrote:

... Anyhow, at the end I have a working Python 2.7a0 running
under Windows.

Do you mean 3.1a0?  As far as I know, 2.7a0 requires the use
of the time machine, as it is expected to be 3 months out.

If you do get an installer built, even having a semi-official copy
around for those of us not on the MS compiler upgrade train to
do a little alpha (and/or beta) testing as well.

I've uploaded a couple of installers here:

Currently, there's the Python Subversion trunk (py2.7) and the 
corresponding pywin32, built from the latest CVS. I believe

I've got everything in there, altho' the platform test was
failing irreproducibly when I last looked.

I'm building the py3k branch now, so if there are no problems
I'll upload that later tonight.

Please take them for a spin and let me know if they work.


Re: Indentations and future evolution of languages

2009-03-10 Thread Kurt Smith
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 12:39 PM, wrote:

    John The only complaint I have there is that mixing tabs and spaces for
    John indentation should be detected and treated as a syntax error.

 Guido's time machine strikes again (fixed in Python 3.x):

    % python3.0 ~/tmp/
      File /home/titan/skipm/tmp/, line 3
    TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

Or just use the '-tt' command line switch to force indentation consistency:

ksm...@work:~/tmp [366]$ python2.5 -tt
  File, line 6
print a
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation


Re: [JOB] Short-term python programming consultant - funds expire soon!

2009-03-10 Thread Scott David Daniels

Rob Clewley wrote:

Dear Pythonistas,

Our open-source software project (PyDSTool) has money to hire an
experienced Python programmer on a short-term, per-task basis as a
technical consultant (i.e., no fringe benefits offered)

Please see
for where to post this most effectively.

--Scott David Daniels


Re: Indentations and future evolution of languages

2009-03-10 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/3/8 Tim Roberts
 Tim Rowe wrote:

I don't think the article is right that it's silly to have some
expression/statement groupings indentation based and some grouped by
enclosing tokens -- provided it's done right. The OCAML-based
language F# accepts OCAML enclosing tokens, but if you mark the groups
with indentation they're not necessary (but still legal). That seems
to me to work pretty cleanly.

 Boy, I really want to like F# -- a lot of smart people have worked on it --
 but every program I write is completely incomprehensible to me a week

 The more I look around, the more I like Python.

Indentation works just fine in Python, too, just in case anybody
hadn't noticed ;-)

My point was that Python isn't alone on that whitespace-significant
plateau. F# is up here too. And so is FORTRAN, of course. We try to
ignore FORTRAN, but the distance we are able to edge away from it goes
to show how big the plateau is.

Tim Rowe

Re: creating a list of all imported modules

2009-03-10 Thread John Machin
On Mar 11, 1:29 am, Timmie wrote:
  Put this code at the end of your script:
      import sys
      info = [(module.__file__, name)
          for (name, module) in sys.modules.iteritems()
          if hasattr(module, '__file__')]
      import pprint

  AFAIK unless someone has been messing with sys.modules, this gives you
  all modules that have been imported during the running of your script,
  except for built-ins (no __file__ attribute). Warning: I've not tried
  this with eggs and zips.

 Thanks, exactly what I was lokking for:

 I added this:
 additional_mods = []
 for i in info:
     module_path = i[0]
     substr = '\site-packages'
     if module_path.find(substr) != -1:


 Unfortunately, it does include more than the actually included module.
 if I only import pytz
 the list also shows:

 I am sure that pytz does not need pastescript to work...

 Any idea?

has imported != needed to import ... I've see a module that
imported Tkinter and never used it.

BTW, what gives you the surety that third-party modules can only be
imported from a path that includes site packages? What gives you the
surety that you need to import all modules whose path does not include
site-packages? Perhaps you should scrutinise *all* of the loaded-
from-file entries in sys.modules.

ipython / vs \ in readline on MS Windows (and ipython help grepper)

2009-03-10 Thread bdb112
Q1/ I run a standard python ditribution with ipython and readline
under cygwin.  The tab filename completion works fine in the OS (bash
shell) as expected, and tab filename completion at the ipython command
line works, but with MS style path separators (backslash: run examples
\ which the run command itself interprets unix style
ERROR: File `` not found.

Also Q2/ can I less or grep the output from help(my_fun)

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
IPython 0.8.4 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

Re: Why is lambda allowed as a key in a dict?

2009-03-10 Thread Craig Allen

 I think the point is that function objects compare by object identity,
 so the two lambdas you use above are not equal even though they have the
 same code.

it raises an interesting question about why doesn't it.  I can think
of practical answers to that, obviously, but in principle, if a
function compiles to exactly the same byte code, you obviously do not
need two copies of it, and like strings shouldn't an identical
function have the same id?

This is merely philosophical, I don't see the value in making this so
(a slight optimizaton and perhaps better conformity to other python
features), but I do think it's an interesting question.


Re: Why is lambda allowed as a key in a dict?

2009-03-10 Thread Paul Rubin
Craig Allen writes:
 it raises an interesting question about why doesn't it.  I can think
 of practical answers to that, obviously, but in principle, if a
 function compiles to exactly the same byte code, you obviously do not
 need two copies of it, and like strings shouldn't an identical
 function have the same id?

Identical strings don't necessarily have the same id:

 a = a*1000
 b = a*1000
(137143648, 137144680)


Question about

2009-03-10 Thread J

Dear all, 

I have loaded an xml file into xmldoc.
I would have expected that print commandlet.childNodes[0].toxml() would
contain the  content but that's only at print

The same for print commandlet.childNodes[2].toxml() 

Why are commandlet.childNodes[0] and commandlet.childNodes[2] empty? 

Thanks in advance! 


 print xmldoc.firstChild.toxml()

 0.1 Beta
 just a test


 print commandlet.firstChild.toxml()

 print commandlet.childNodes[0].toxml()

 print commandlet.childNodes[1].toxml()

 0.1 Beta
 just a test


 print commandlet.childNodes[2].toxml()

 print commandlet.childNodes[3].toxml()


Re: a potential pep to extend the syntax of for loops

2009-03-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:28:10 -0200, pang escribió:

Even now it's difficult to find the discussion, but at least I know
about python-ideas.


Gabriel Genellina


Re: Number Sequencing, Grouping and Filtering

2009-03-10 Thread flebber
On Mar 10, 9:07 pm, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 3:00 AM, flebber wrote:
  On Mar 10, 8:54 pm, flebber wrote:

  I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the direction of
  some good documentation regarding sequencing, grouping and filtering
  and in which order they should be done.

  As a small example it is easy to create the range of numbers 1 to 20.
  But if I wanted to group all possible combinations of sets of 4
  numbers within this range is there already an in uilt function for
  this I am searching the module docs with number sequencing and
  number grouping but cannot find info.

  Then if I wanted to refine this results further eg no consecutive
  numbers to be contained in sets. Is it best to create all sets and
  then filter the sets for things matching this criteria or to set this
  condition in a creation. Creating sets and then filtering would soon
  become unwieldy with a larger range I would imagine..

  An ideas, pointers to docs or better search terms to help me explore
  this further would be appreciated.

  Thanks Sayth

  I have just found itertools is this acheivable using combinations()
  and groupby() in itertools?

 Yes; indeed, those were the functions your post brought to mind and
 which led me to suggest itertools.


 I have a blog:

the only issue i can see is that i am using python 2.54 currently as
ifelt it more supported by other programs than 2.6 or 3.0. After
searching it seems that itertools has had a upgrade in 2.61

Re: Is python worth learning as a second language?

2009-03-10 Thread Craig Allen
On Mar 9, 12:43 am, ZikO wrote:

 I hope I won't sound trivial with asking my question.

 I am a C++ programmer and I am thinking of learning something else
 because I know second language might be very helpful somehow. I have
 heard a few positive things about Python but I have never writen any
 single line in python so I do not know this language at all.

 Do you think python would be good complementary language for C++? Do you
 think it's worth learning it or let's say try Java? and how difficult it
 would be for me if I know C++ pretty well I would say?


I'm not even going to read the replies first because I have my own. I
was a C and C++ programmer exclusively for over a decade. During that
time I had a whatever tool for the problem approach to language
selection but C++ continued to be the best for the sort of thing I was
doing. During that time I continued to learn other languages at least
enough to consider them.  I appreciated the role of interpreted
languages were filling, but also never felt comfortable in them.

Python, imo, is an excellent language to learn as a C++ programmer.
It is relatively easy to extend with C/C++ and so works together well.
When you find yourself writing some configuration language, you'll be
able to use python instead.  Also, I have found that Python helped
open my mind a bit about object orientation and to realize that while
the compile-time decisions in C++ are great for the C/C++ linking
model, and provides a certain sort of power and control, that it also
really does (as many had complained to me) take a few blows at how you
really want OO to work.

So I love python's OO and things which can be done structurally in C++
(like metaclass programming) but with which the C++ syntax is not
cooperative, and which is very much harder to safely extend modularity
too (I could go into detail but why bother here, it's either already
clear what I mean or isn't that important)...

Finally, Python is a multiparadigmed language, like C++.  It very much
seems to believe in Bjarne's original trust the programmer outlook on
languages.   As a C++ programmer I enjoyed the responsibility and
power of choosing one's paradigms at the outset of a project. Such
choices are best made consciously, one learns a lot about their
project and develops a lot of philosophical standards for the design
and implementation by having to think first what models and
programming paradigms will we adopt. It makes you think what sort of
code you will be writing often, and which idioms will be efficient and

Honestly, I've become more of a Python fan than I am really
comfortable with... it can't be as good as I think.


Re: ipython / vs \ in readline on MS Windows (and ipython help grepper)

2009-03-10 Thread bdb112
More info:

import readline
 ? readline
$Id: 1096 2006-01-28 20:08:02Z vivainio $

sys.platform   'win32'
sys.getfilesystemencoding()   'mbcs'
sys.winver  '2.5'

$more /usr/local/bin/ipython
C:/Python25/python.exe C:\Python25\scripts\ipython -pylab $*

(Same problem if I use the windows Start menu Ipython IPython and

On Mar 11, 7:34 am, bdb112 wrote:
 Q1/ I run a standard python ditribution with ipython and readline
 under cygwin.  The tab filename completion works fine in the OS (bash
 shell) as expected, and tab filename completion at the ipython command
 line works, but with MS style path separators (backslash: run examples
 \ which the run command itself interprets unix style
 ERROR: File `` not found.

 Also Q2/ can I less or grep the output from help(my_fun)

 Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
 IPython 0.8.4 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.


Re: parallel/concurrent process in python

2009-03-10 Thread Minesh Patel
 os.fork is not cross platform.  It is *nix only.  Subprocess runs on
 Windows also.  The OP never specified his platform.

Just out of curiosity, how is one able to replace an os.fork() call
with subprocess and have the child execute multiple statements? I
typically see subprocess used for spawning a shell command, piping,
Minesh Patel

Re: Why is lambda allowed as a key in a dict?

2009-03-10 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 it raises an interesting question about why doesn't it.  I can think
 of practical answers to that, obviously, but in principle, if a
 function compiles to exactly the same byte code, you obviously do not
 need two copies of it, and like strings shouldn't an identical
 function have the same id?

Having the same code is certainly not sufficient for the functions
to compare the same:

py def a(x):
...   return 3*x
py def b(x):
...   return 4*x
py a.func_code.co_code == b.func_code.co_code

So they do have the same byte code, namely:

py dis.dis(a)
  2   0 LOAD_CONST   1

The difference is what constant 1 means: 3 in one case, and
4 in the other. So they should have the constants also to
compare the same, right? Those above don't:

py a.func_code.co_code == b.func_code.co_code and a.func_code.co_consts
== b.func_code.co_consts

Now, you could also ask that many other code attributes should
be the same, such as co_argcount, co_stacksize, co_varnames, ...

If you ask that *all* code attributes are the same, you find a good
reason why the code objects shouldn't compare the same: they might
have different values for co_filename, or, if those are the same,
different values for co_firstlineno.


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