[issue5824] SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler Broken under Linux

2009-04-23 Thread Jim Dennis

New submission from Jim Dennis answr...@gmail.com:

.../lib/python2.*/SocketServer.py in class DatagramRequestHandler
contains the following comment:
# XXX Regrettably, I cannot get this working on Linux;
# s.recvfrom() doesn't return a meaningful client address.

This is a poor way to document the limitation.  Someone writing code and
carefully adhering to the documentation will be presented with an
exception that stems from this and forced to read source code for the
standard libraries to understand why it's not behaving as documented.

In Issue1767511 it was recommended that the finish() method only call
sendto() if wfile.getvalue() returns a meaningful value.  (The bug here
is that this returns None under Linux and the default handler calls
sendto on it anyway).

Perhaps it would be better to raise an exception with a clear error
message (Not supported on this platform) and to update the standard
documentation to clarify the need to over-ride the .finish() method if
one does NOT want a response automatically sent back.

(The fact that finish() does a sendto() seems like a poor default for a
UNIX domain socket --- for use with the UnixDatagramServer class --- in
any event.  That leads to a loop in .server_forever() where the instance
is reading its own response).

In fact the whole question of whether the DatagramRequestHandler should
be used with a UnixDatagramServer is reasonable.  If it's a nonsensical
combination then perhaps some sort of check could be implemented to
raise an exception ... or at least a sensible alternative should be
added to the standard documentation.


#!/usr/bin/env python
import SocketServer
usock = '/var/tmp/pong'

class PongHandler(SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler):
'''Play ping pong over datagram sockets
def handle(self):
'''Respond to any request with Pong
def finish(self):
'''Necessary under Linux to prevent:
   File /usr/lib/python2.5/SocketServer.py, line 588, in finish
   self.socket.sendto(self.wfile.getvalue(), self.client_address)
   TypeError: argument must be string or read-only character
buffer, not
if self.wfile.getvalue():

if __name__ == '__main__':
SocketServer.UnixDatagramServer(usock, PongHandler).serve_forever()

... and testing this with:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
USOCK = /var/tmp/pong
if __name__ == '__main__':
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.sendto(Ping, USOCK)

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 86380
nosy: jimd
severity: normal
status: open
title: SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler Broken under Linux
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.4, Python 2.5, Python 2.6

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[issue5824] SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler Broken under Linux

2009-04-23 Thread Jim Dennis

Jim Dennis answr...@gmail.com added the comment:


What I said about the default sendto() in finish() causing a loop in
server_forever() was wrong.  I'd seen that behavior in an experimental
variation of the code.

The exceptions raised (and deficiencies in documentation) are the issue.


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[issue1109963] bdist_wininst ignores build_lib from build command

2009-04-23 Thread Mark Hammond

Mark Hammond mhamm...@users.sourceforge.net added the comment:

So it looks like I broke the ability to override --build-lib :(  Without
testing, I think you might also need to handle the cross-compile case -
the version may be the same, but the platform different.  I know
distutils is a PITA so might make this difficult, but it might be better
that we only set build_lib if the user didn't - ie, trust the user knows
what they are doing if they specify that option, even in these
'mismatched version/platform' cases.


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[issue5819] Add PYTHONPREFIXES environment variable

2009-04-23 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings la...@hastings.org added the comment:

Thanks for your battle-tested feedback, Mr. Bicking!  I reply inline.

 The biggest problem is that the environmental variable is inherited by
 subprocesses.  [...]  Another problem is that scripts aren't really
 sticky with respect to the environment. [...]
 These are real-world problems I encountered with workingenv, and
 virtualenv has resolved them very reliably by instead using
 sys.executable to select the environment.

Excellent points.  PYTHONPREFIXES is not a virtualization cure-all; for
a complete solution you clearly need an executable file for folks to
hang their hat on.

However: wouldn't PYTHONPREFIXES greatly simplify virtualenv?  All you
should need is an executable and a sitecustomize module.  Your
executable would set PYTHONPREFIXES as makes sense and run Python. Your
usercustomize would:
  * set sys.executable,
  * set sys.prefix (and maybe sys.exec_prefix),
  * *unset* PYTHONPREFIXES, and
  * run the user's real sitecustomize if present.
If this works reliably it would obviate most of the work virtualenv
currently has to do.

In fact I just tried this.  A two-line shell script for python3, a
twenty-line sitecustomize.py, installed lib/python3.1/config/Makefile
and include/python3.1 in my virtualized environment, and I was able to
install HeapDict for python3 using its setup.py.  (PyPI lies, though;
HeapDict doesn't work unmodified in python3.  It calls callable().  But
once I fixed that it ran fine.)  So it passes a smoke-test at least.

 Also, it's hard to mix and match environments in this system.

How so?  I thought this proposal made it far easier to mix and match
environments.  PYTHONPREFIXES is a stack; push and pop environments as
you like.

 Also with respect to the patch, for consistency there needs to be
 changes to distutils to make use of this variable.   PYTHONUSERBASE
 included changes so that you can install based on that variable.

Good call.  I found it infuriating that setuptools didn't (still doesn't
iirc) understand PYTHONUSERBASE, and would complain that the --prefix
directory doesn't support .pth files.  If this patch goes further I'll
fix up distutils.

Thanks again for your feedback!


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[issue4111] Add DTrace probes

2009-04-23 Thread Robert Kern

Robert Kern robert.k...@gmail.com added the comment:

Is there any interest in my expanding the list of probes? Ruby has quite
a few more than function-entry and function-return, to give some
examples of what is possible:


I think that adding probes that correspond to PyTrace_LINE and
PyTrace_EXCEPTION would be straightforward and worthwhile. PyTrace_C_*
may also be worthwhile, but you can probably accomplish similar things
with the normal pid probes if you know the C function names (although
something like printing the name of a raised exception will probably
require a dedicated probe).

Adding probes to replicate what the LLTRACE configuration option did,
but dynamically, might be interesting.


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[issue4111] Add DTrace probes

2009-04-23 Thread Jesús Cea Avión

Jesús Cea Avión j...@jcea.es added the comment:

 Is there any interest in my expanding the list of probes? 



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[issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout

2009-04-23 Thread Guilherme Polo

Guilherme Polo ggp...@gmail.com added the comment:

That bug report is talking about gtk and modifiers affecting bindings
(in the first comments at least), or maybe it even talks about your
problem but it is so long that I would ask to include the relevant parts

Nevertheless, after reading your comments I came to the conclusion that
doing what you want is very unlikely to happen. To bind something in Tk
you have to a specify a string like Control-x, but to do what you
want, it would have to change to:

import Tkinter

def test(event):
if event.keysym_num == ord('x') and event.state  4:
print Ctrl-x!

root = Tkinter.Tk()
root.bind('KeyPress', test)

Maybe you can test this and verify if it works like you wanted. But I
really don't see IDLE changing to work like that.

components: +IDLE -Tkinter
nosy: +gpolo
type:  - feature request
versions:  -Python 2.5

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[issue5825] Patch to add remove method to tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile

2009-04-23 Thread Miki Tebeka

New submission from Miki Tebeka miki.teb...@gmail.com:

Adding remove method to NamedTemporaryFile will reduce the need to
import os.unlink when creating a NamedTemporaryFile with delete=False.

components: Library (Lib)
files: tempfile.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 86387
nosy: tebeka
severity: normal
status: open
title: Patch to add remove method to tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile
type: feature request
versions: Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13752/tempfile.diff

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[issue5826] new unittest function listed as assertIsNotNot() instead of assertIsNotNone()

2009-04-23 Thread Mike Rooney

New submission from Mike Rooney mroo...@gmail.com:

On http://docs.python.org/dev/py3k/whatsnew/3.1.html under unittest
changes, you will find the last new function listed is assertIsNotNot()
instead of assertIsNotNone()

assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
messages: 86388
nosy: georg.brandl, mrooney
severity: normal
status: open
title: new unittest function listed as assertIsNotNot() instead of 
versions: Python 3.1

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[issue4111] Add DTrace probes

2009-04-23 Thread Skip Montanaro

Skip Montanaro s...@pobox.com added the comment:

Robert Is there any interest in my expanding the list of probes? 

Yes.  Jeff Garrett (a guy I work with) added some more DTrace probes to a
2.4 source tree at work.  I mentioned them in an earlier message.  I'll
check with him at work tomorrow and see about making sure they can be

I think it's important to get Sun and Apple in sync as well.  Maybe more
important than adding new probes.  (Though if the Python community drives
the creation of new probes perhaps both will pick them up.)



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[issue3613] base64.encodestring does not actually accept strings

2009-04-23 Thread Matt Giuca

Matt Giuca matt.gi...@gmail.com added the comment:

I've attached a patch which renames encodestring to encodebytes (keeping
encodestring around as an alias). Updated test and documentation.

I also renamed decodestring to decodebytes, because it also refuses to
accept a string (only a bytes). I have an alternative suggestion, which
I'll post in a separate comment (in a minute).

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13753/encodestring_rename.patch

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[issue3613] base64.encodestring does not actually accept strings

2009-04-23 Thread Matt Giuca

Matt Giuca matt.gi...@gmail.com added the comment:

Now, base64.encodestring and decodestring seem a bit weird because the
Base64 encoded string is also required to be a bytes.

It seems to me that once something is Base64-encoded, it's considered to
be ASCII text, not just some byte string, and therefore it should be a
str, not a bytes. (For example, they end with a '\n'. That's something
which strings do, not bytes).

Hence, base64.encodestring (which should be encodebytes) should take a
bytes and return a str. base64.decodestring should take a str (required
to be ASCII-only) and return a bytes.

I've attached an alternative patch, encodebytes_new_types.patch (which,
unlike my other patch, doesn't rename decodestring to decodebytes). This

- Renames encodestring to encodebytes.
- Changes the output of encodebytes to return an ASCII str*, not a bytes.
- Changes the input of decodestring to accept an ASCII str, not a bytes.

* An ASCII str is a Unicode string with only ASCII characters.

This isn't a proper patch (it breaks a lot of other code which I haven't
bothered to fix). I'm just submitting it as an idea, in case this is
something we want to do. Most likely not, due to the breakage. Also we
have the same problem for the non-legacy functions, b64encode and
b64decode, etc, so the problem is more widespread than just these two

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13754/encodebytes_new_types.patch

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[issue4111] Add DTrace probes

2009-04-23 Thread Robert Kern

Robert Kern robert.k...@gmail.com added the comment:

We could probably merge Apple's and Sun's probes without too much
trouble. Apple simply extended function-entry to include the argcount in
addition to Sun's (filename, funcname, lineno) arguments. We could use
Apple's probe while retaining compatibility with Sun-oriented DTrace
scripts already in existence.

The two different function-returns are a bit of a problem. I recommend
starting with Sun's argument list because there are already a number of
quite useful scripts that use it in the DTraceToolkit. We could extend
Sun's argument list to add the *object pointer, but I don't actually
know of a use case. I haven't seen a script in the wild that uses it. It
seems like it would be tricky to write something in a DTrace script that
could make much use of it besides printing out the address. Maybe you
could navigate your way down to the type name, but that might be
unreliable. I suggest adding the *object pointer argument only if we can
devise a use case or if one of the Apple folks pop up with one. I don't
feel too bad making Apple devs modify a single character from their
internal scripts if they don't make them public.


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[issue3565] array documentation, method names not 3.0 compliant

2009-04-23 Thread Matt Giuca

Matt Giuca matt.gi...@gmail.com added the comment:

OK since the patches I submitted are now eight months old, I just did an
update and re-applied them. I am submitting new patch files which don't
change anything, but are patches against revision 71822 (should be much
easier to apply).

I'd still like to see doc+bytesmethods.patch applied (since it fixes
method names which make no sense at all in Python 3.0 context), but
since it's getting a bit late for that, I'll be happy for the doc-only
patch to be accepted (which merely corrects the documentation which is
still using Python 2.x terminology).

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13755/doc-only.patch

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[issue3565] array documentation, method names not 3.0 compliant

2009-04-23 Thread Matt Giuca

Matt Giuca matt.gi...@gmail.com added the comment:

Full method renaming patch.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13756/doc+bytesmethods.patch

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[issue5827] os.path.normpath doesn't preserve unicode

2009-04-23 Thread Matt Giuca

New submission from Matt Giuca matt.gi...@gmail.com:

In the Python 2.x branch, os.path.normpath will sometimes return a str
even if given a unicode. This is not an issue in the Python 3.0 branch.

This happens specifically when it throws away all string data and
constructs its own:


This is a problem if working with code which expects all strings to be
unicode strings (sometimes, functions raise exceptions if given a str,
when expecting a unicode).

I have attached patches (with test cases) for posixpath and ntpath which
correctly preserve the unicode-ness of the input string, such that the
new behaviour is:


I tried it on os2emxpath and plat-riscos/riscospath (the other two
OS-specific path modules), and it already worked fine for them.
Therefore, this patch fixes all necessary OS-specific versions of os.path.

components: Library (Lib), Unicode
files: normpath.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 86395
nosy: mgiuca
severity: normal
status: open
title: os.path.normpath doesn't preserve unicode
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13757/normpath.patch

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[issue5827] os.path.normpath doesn't preserve unicode

2009-04-23 Thread Matt Giuca

Changes by Matt Giuca matt.gi...@gmail.com:

type:  - behavior

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[issue4111] Add DTrace probes

2009-04-23 Thread Robert Kern

Robert Kern robert.k...@gmail.com added the comment:

James McIlree from Apple has informed me on dtrace-discuss that ustack
helpers cannot currently be built on OS X. Bummer.


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[issue3565] array documentation, method names not 3.0 compliant

2009-04-23 Thread Martin v. Löwis

Martin v. Löwis mar...@v.loewis.de added the comment:

I think this patch is unacceptable for Python 3.1. It is an incompatible
change (removing a method), one would have to deprecate the method to be
removed first. I also agree with Benjamin that a wider-audience approval
of the deprecation would be required. I, myself, remain opposed to this


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue3565] array documentation, method names not 3.0 compliant

2009-04-23 Thread Matt Giuca

Matt Giuca matt.gi...@gmail.com added the comment:

I agree with that -- too big a change to make now.

But can we please get the documentation patch accepted? It's been
waiting here for eight months with corrections to clearly-incorrect


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