ANN: SciPy 2009 conference schedule posted

2009-07-16 Thread Jarrod Millman
The SciPy conference committee is pleased to announce the schedule of
the conference:

This year’s program is very rich. In order to limit the number of
interesting talks that we had to turn down, we decided to reduce the
length of talks. Although this results in many short talks, we hope
that it will foster discussions, and give new ideas. Many subjects are
covered, both varying technical subject in the scientific computing
spectrum, and covering a lot of different research areas.

I would personally like to thank the members of the program committee,
who spent time reviewing the proposed abstracts and giving the chairs

Fernando Perez and the tutorial presenters are hard at work finishing
planning all the details of the two-day tutorial session that will
precede the conference. An introduction tutorial track and an advanced
tutorial track, both covering various aspect of scientific computing
in Python, presented by experts in the field, should help many people
getting up to speed on the amazing technology driving this community.

The SciPy 2009 program committee

* Co-Chair Gaël Varoquaux, Applied Mathematics and Neuroscience,
Neurospin, CEA - INRIA Saclay (France)
* Co-Chair Stéfan van der Walt, Applied Mathematics, University of
Stellenbosch (South Africa)
* Michael Aivazis, Center for Advanced Computing Research,
California Institute of Technology (USA)
* Brian Granger, Physics Department, California Polytechnic State
University, San Luis Obispo (USA)
* Aric Hagberg, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA)
* Konrad Hinsen, Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, CNRS Orléans (France)
* Randall LeVeque, Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle (USA)
* Travis Oliphant, Enthought (USA)
* Prabhu Ramachandran, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT
Bombay (India)
* Raphael Ritz, International Neuroinformatics Coordinating
Facility (Sweden)
* William Stein, Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle (USA)

Conference Chair: Jarrod Millman, Neuroscience Institute, UC Berkeley (USA)

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ANN: gensei-2009.2 released

2009-07-16 Thread Robert Cimrman
I am pleased to announce release 2009.2 of gensei (generator of serial

What does it do?

The code generates images corresponding to slices of a block
specimen filled with ellipsoids of known geometrical properties such
as the volume fraction within the block, dimensions, volumes of
individual ellipsoids, a length-to-width ratio and number.


Its purpose is to verify results, obtained by various software for
reconstructing 3D data (e.g. a living tissue microstructure) given a
set of 2D slices using usually stereological methods, on a dataset
with well-defined and known properties.

Release notes

This is the first public release.


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Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) 3.3.0 released

2009-07-16 Thread Dave Peterson


I'm pleased to announce that Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) version 3.3.0 
has been tagged and released!  Please see below for a partial list of 
changes for this release.

PyPi has been updated with the release, including the availability of 
both Windows binaries (.egg) and source distributions (.tar.gz).  A full 
install of ETS can be done using a command like:

   easy_install -U ETS[nonets] == 3.3.0

HOWEVER, it is important to note that there are still package 
dependencies that are outside the scope of easy_install.  Therefore, we 
recommend that you have the following installed prior to installing ETS:

   setuptools: minimum version 0.6c9
   VTK: minimum version 5.0, recommended 5.2 or later
And at least one of:
   wxPython: minimum version
   PyQt: minimum version 4.4

For additional installation information, see:

What Is ETS?

The Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) is a collection of components developed 
by Enthought and the open-source community, which we use every day to 
construct scientific applications. It includes a wide variety of 
components, including:

 * an extensible application framework
 * application building blocks
 * 2-D and 3-D graphics libraries
 * scientific and math libraries
 * developer tools
The cornerstone on which these tools rest is the Traits package, which 
provides explicit type declarations in Python; its features include 
initialization, validation, delegation, notification, and visualization 
of typed attributes.

More information on ETS is available from the development home page:

ETS 3.3.0 is a feature-added update to ETS 3.2.0, including numerous 
bug-fixes. Some of the notable changes include (sub-projects listed in 
alphabetical order):

Chaco 3.2.0 (July 15, 2009)


 * Bounded grids - Horizontal and Vertical grid line start and end 
points can now be set to a fixed value in data space, or to be the 
return value of an arbitrary callable.  The start and end tick can also 
be configured via the data_min and data_max traits.

 * Added dictionary interface to ArrayPlotData

 * Added a Traits UI view to the ScalesAxis

 * Added a new chaco.overlays subpackage and a new overlay, the DataBox.

 * Improved appearance of PlotToolbar

 * Changed add_default_axis() in the plot_factory module to take an 
axis class as a keyword argument.

 * Refactored contour plots into a common base class and implemented 
proper event handling when their colormaps or data ranges change.

 * Changed default colormap on img_plot() and contour_plot() method of 
Plot to be Spectral instead of Jet.

 * Added two more color palettes to the auto color palette, and created 
a default_colors module.

 * Added CandlePlot renderer

 * Changed Plot Labels to able to display inside the plot area, instead 
of only on the outside

 * Added optional title attribute to plot legends

 * Updated all containers to respect and use the new 
fixed_preferred_size trait on enable.Component

 * New Examples:
   * Interval trait editor as a Chaco example (from Stefan van der Walt)
   * embedding an interactive Chaco plot inside a VTK RenderWindow 
using the new Enable VTK backend

   * lasso tool on an image plot
   * bounded grid
   * candle plot


 * Fixed call signature of ShowAllTickGenerator.get_ticks()

 * Plot.title_font is now a delegate to the underlying PlotLabel object 
(from Chris Colbert)

 * Fixed mouse event handling bug in RangeSelection (from Stefan van 
der Walt)

 * ImagePlots now redraw when their input data changes.

 * Fixed cached image invalidation in colormapped image plots

 * Optimized ScatterPlot.map_index() when index_only is True and the 
index data is sorted

 * Changed ColormappedScatterPlot to no longer incorrectly apply the 
fill_alpha to the outline color

 * Improved date ticking heuristics in chaco.scales subpackage, 
specifically eliminating the bug where all times between, midnight and 
1am would be formatted at too course of a time resolution.

 * Cleanup of various examples (titles, appearance)

 * The (audio spectrograph) example now properly closes the 
audio stream.

Enable 3.2.0 (July 15th, 2009)

enthought.enable Enhancements

* Added Slider and Compass widgets

* Added an OverlayContainer (almost identical to the one in Chaco)

* Added ImageGraphicsContextEnable class so that one can always import 
a Kiva Image backend-based GraphicsContextEnable

* renaming marker_trait to MarkerTrait (the old name is still permitted 
for backwards compatibility, but should be avoided)

* Moved the scatter_markers module from Chaco to Enable, so that Enable 
components can use MarkerTrait

* Added an experimental VTK backend for Enable, along with an example

* Changed SVGButtonEditor toggle to draw 

TkDocs: new tutorial and resources for TkInter/ttk

2009-07-16 Thread Mark Roseman
TkDocs is a language-neutral resource for developers who are interested 
in using Tk as their GUI.  The highlight is an extensive tutorial that 
illustrates how to use the newest generation of Tk features and best 
practices to create modern and attractive user interfaces.  

I'm pleased to announce that the tutorial and other parts of the site 
has been updated with the latest Python-oriented Tk material, 
corresponding to tkinter and ttk from Python 3.1.  You'll now find all 
the examples and code snippets available in Python (and also Tcl, Ruby 
and Perl for those so inclined).

Please visit the site at

I hope this site is valuable for both new and existing Python GUI 
developers; for the latter group it will help you upgrade away from all 
the outdated ugly constructs that Tk is so famous for.  ;-)  I'd greatly 
appreciate any feedback, corrections or suggestions on the site.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: gnupg v0.2.0 released

2009-07-16 Thread Vinay Sajip
A new version of the Python module which wraps GnuPG has been

What Changed?
The module was refactored slightly to support Python 3.0.

The current version now passes all tests on Windows (Python 2.4, 2.5)
and Ubuntu (Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 3.0).

What Does It Do?

The gnupg module allows Python programs to make use of the
functionality provided by the Gnu Privacy Guard (abbreviated GPG or
GnuPG). Using this module, Python programs can encrypt and decrypt
data, digitally sign documents and verify digital signatures, manage
(generate, list and delete) encryption keys, using proven Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) encryption technology based on OpenPGP.

This module is expected to be used with Python versions = 2.4, as it
makes use of the subprocess module which appeared in that version of
Python. This module is a newer version derived from earlier work by
Andrew Kuchling, Richard Jones and Steve Traugott.

A test suite using unittest is included with the source distribution.

Simple usage:

 import gnupg
 gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome='/path/to/keyring/directory')
  'fingerprint': 'F819EE7705497D73E3CCEE65197D5DAC68F1AAB2',
  'keyid': '197D5DAC68F1AAB2',
  'length': '1024',
  'type': 'pub',
  'uids': ['', 'Gary Gross (A test user)']},
  'fingerprint': '37F24DD4B918CC264D4F31D60C5FEFA7A921FC4A',
  'keyid': '0C5FEFA7A921FC4A',
  'length': '1024',
  'uids': ['', 'Danny Davis (A test user)']}]
 encrypted = gpg.encrypt(Hello, world!, ['0C5FEFA7A921FC4A'])
'-BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)\n
 decrypted = gpg.decrypt(str(encrypted), passphrase='secret')
'Hello, world!'
 signed = gpg.sign(Goodbye, world!, passphrase='secret')
 verified = verified = gpg.verify(str(signed))
 print Verified if verified else Not verified

For more information, visit -
as always, your feedback is most welcome (especially bug reports,
patches and suggestions for improvement). Enjoy!


Vinay Sajip
Red Dove Consultants Ltd.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: psyco V2

2009-07-16 Thread Christian Tismer

Announcing Psyco V2 source release

This is the long awaited announcement of Psyco V2.

Psyco V2 is a continuation of the well-known psyco project,
which was called finished and was dis-continued by its author
Armin Rigo in 2005, in favor of the PyPy project.

This is a new project, using Psyco's code base with permission
of Armin. Questions aqnd complaints should go to me
( or the mailing list
Armin is explicitly not in charge of (t)his project any longer!

As one of the founders and an active member of the PyPy
project, I was very happy to be invited to work on Psyco
V2, by FATTOC, LLC. Psyco V2 tries to extend on the original Psyco
approach an extension module that just makes Python faster.

Psyco is a just-in-time compiler that accelerates arbitrary
Python code by specialization. We believe that Psyco's approach
can be carried out much further than it was tried so far, when
it's first version was abandoned.

This first V2 release is source-only. There is no web-site, yet,
and there are no binaries for download. These will be available
in a few days on .

For the time being, please stick with subversion access,
building the extension module from source code. The repository
is here:

Check-out the repository, and run the script,
given that you have access to a C compiler.

Psyco V2 will run on X86 based 32 bit Linux, 32 bit Windows,
and Mac OS X. Psyco is not supporting 64 bit, yet. But it
is well being considered.

The current improvements are, shortly:

  - Support for Python 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6
  - a lot of new builtins
  - generators, fast and fully supported.

More information is coming soon on .

This is the beginning of a series of new Psyco versions.
Many more improvements are prepared and about to be published,
soon, starting with the current version 2.0.0 .

Stay tuned, this is just the beginning of psyco's re-birth!

For questions about Psyco V2, please join the mailing list

or contact me on IRC:

#psyco on .

Psyco V2 is fundamentally supported by FATTOC, LLC.
See .

Without their continuous support, this work would not have
been possible at all. I wish to express my deepest thanks
to FATTOC, for allowing me to continue on Psyco with all the
energy that this ambitious project needs, and will need.

Further special thanks are going to
Armin Rigo, John Benediktsson, David Salomon, Miki Tebeka,
Raymond Hettinger, Fabrizio Milo, Michael Foord,
Dinu Gherman, Stephan Diehl, Laura Creighton and Andrea Tismer,
for all the support and discussions.

Looking forward to a great future of Psyco!

July 17, 2009
Christian Tismer :^)
tismerysoft GmbH : Have a break! Take a ride on Python's
Johannes-Niemeyer-Weg 9A :*Starship*
14109 Berlin : PGP key -
work +49 30 802 86 56  mobile +49 173 24 18 776  fax +49 30 80 90 57 05
PGP 0x57F3BF04   9064 F4E1 D754 C2FF 1619  305B C09C 5A3B 57F3 BF04
  whom do you want to sponsor today?

   Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Why not enforce four space indentations in version 3.x?

2009-07-16 Thread Miles Kaufmann

On Jul 15, 2009, at 4:26 PM, David Bolen wrote:

Miles Kaufmann writes:

On Jul 14, 2009, at 5:06 PM, David Bolen wrote:
Are you sure?  It seems to restrict them in the same block, but  
not in

the entire file.  At least I was able to use both space and tab
indented blocks in the same file with Python 3.0 and 3.1.

It seems to me that, within an indented block, Python 3.1 requires
that you are consistent in your use of indentation characters *for
that indentation level*.  For example, the following code seems to be

Um, right - in other words, what I said :-)

I wasn't trying to correct you, just being more explicit. :)  After  
reading your post, I still wasn't sure if the restriction on mixing  
spaces and tabs applied to nested blocks--I was surprised that the  
code sample I included was allowed.



Why aren't OrderedDicts comparable with etc?

2009-07-16 Thread Mark Summerfield

I'm just wondering why , =, =, and  are not supported by

 d1 = collections.OrderedDict(((a,1),(z,2),(k,3)))
 d2 = d1.copy()
 d2[z] = 4
 d1 == d2
 d1  d2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File pyshell#6, line 1, in module
d1  d2
TypeError: unorderable types: OrderedDict()  OrderedDict()

It just seems to me that since the items in ordered dictionaries are
ordered, it would make sense to do an item by item comparison from
first to last item in exactly the same way that Python compares lists
or tuples?

Re: import module unbelieveable behaviour

2009-07-16 Thread Peter Fodrek
On Thursday 16 July 2009 07:38:23 Carl Banks wrote:
 On Jul 15, 10:16 pm, Peter Fodrek wrote:
  On Wednesday 15 July 2009 17:41:54 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
   Peter Fodrek wrote:
   What does
   import nc
   print nc.__file__
  Python 2.6 (r26:66714, Feb  3 2009, 20:49:49)
  [GCC 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291]] on linux2
  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import nc
   print nc.__file__

 What does it do if you run this from a script?

Ouch, I am and python rookie, that was needed to try to edit undocumented 
script from German author

this answers everything

/home/opt/HeeksCAD8/HeeksCNC python ./

and it is because begining of the script

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import kurve
import kurve_funcs
from import *
import nc
print nc.__file__
import nc.rez


ls -a /usr/local/lib/heekscnc/nc

Thank you for your help, once more.


Re: import module unbelieveable behaviour

2009-07-16 Thread Peter Fodrek
On Thursday 16 July 2009 08:38:57 Peter Fodrek wrote:
 On Thursday 16 July 2009 07:38:23 Carl Banks wrote:
  On Jul 15, 10:16 pm, Peter Fodrek wrote:
   On Wednesday 15 July 2009 17:41:54 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:


I was mentioned that this adds system path to multipath list(As $PATH)  and it 
replaces path instead. That was problem..


Re: Why aren't OrderedDicts comparable with etc?

2009-07-16 Thread Jack Diederich
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:21 AM, Mark wrote:

 I'm just wondering why , =, =, and  are not supported by

     d1 = collections.OrderedDict(((a,1),(z,2),(k,3)))
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2[z] = 4
     d1 == d2
     d1  d2
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File pyshell#6, line 1, in module
        d1  d2
    TypeError: unorderable types: OrderedDict()  OrderedDict()

 It just seems to me that since the items in ordered dictionaries are
 ordered, it would make sense to do an item by item comparison from
 first to last item in exactly the same way that Python compares lists
 or tuples?

 import this
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

It isn't an OrderedDict thing, it is a comparison thing.  Two regular
dicts also raise an error if you try to LT them.  What does it mean
for a dict to be greater than or less than its peer?  Nothing, so we
refuse to guess.


Re: Why aren't OrderedDicts comparable with etc?

2009-07-16 Thread Mark
On 16 July, 08:12, Jack Diederich wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:21 AM, Mark wrote:

  I'm just wondering why , =, =, and  are not supported by

      d1 = collections.OrderedDict(((a,1),(z,2),(k,3)))
      d2 = d1.copy()
      d2[z] = 4
      d1 == d2
      d1  d2
     Traceback (most recent call last):
     File pyshell#6, line 1, in module
         d1  d2
     TypeError: unorderable types: OrderedDict()  OrderedDict()

  It just seems to me that since the items in ordered dictionaries are
  ordered, it would make sense to do an item by item comparison from
  first to last item in exactly the same way that Python compares lists
  or tuples?
  import this

 In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

 It isn't an OrderedDict thing, it is a comparison thing.  Two regular
 dicts also raise an error if you try to LT them.  What does it mean
 for a dict to be greater than or less than its peer?  Nothing, so we
 refuse to guess.


You are right that it doesn't make sense to compare two dicts.

But OrderedDicts can be viewed logically as lists of (key,value)
tuples so they are much more like lists or tuples when it comes to

For example:

 l = [(a, 1), (z, 2), (k, 3)]
 l1 = l[:]
 l1[1] = (z, 5)
 l  l1

But if you do:

 d = collections.OrderedDict(l)
 d1 = collections.OrderedDict(l1)

You can't use , =, =, or , even though ordered dictionaries
preserve the order and their items are just as comparable as those in
a list or tuple of tuples.

Re: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xb7' in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)

2009-07-16 Thread John Nagle

akhil1988 wrote:

Sorry, it is and not

   Oh, that bug again.  See

It's a bug in SGMLParser.  When Python 2.5 restricted ASCII to 0..127,
SGMLParser needed to be modified, but wasn't.

I reported that bug in February 2007.  It was fixed in
Python 2.6 and 3.0 on March 31, 2009.

John Nagle

Re: Why aren't OrderedDicts comparable with etc?

2009-07-16 Thread Chris Rebert
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Mark wrote:

 I'm just wondering why , =, =, and  are not supported by

     d1 = collections.OrderedDict(((a,1),(z,2),(k,3)))
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2[z] = 4
     d1 == d2
     d1  d2
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File pyshell#6, line 1, in module
        d1  d2
    TypeError: unorderable types: OrderedDict()  OrderedDict()

 It just seems to me that since the items in ordered dictionaries are
 ordered, it would make sense to do an item by item comparison from
 first to last item in exactly the same way that Python compares lists
 or tuples?

Use case? I'm curious.


Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-16 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Hrvoje Niksic wrote:

 Note that in Python A or B is in fact not equivalent to not(not A and
 not B).

De Morgan would turn in his grave.

- Hendrik


Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-16 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 09:43:53 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
 Note that in Python A or B is in fact not equivalent to not(not A and
 not B).
 De Morgan would turn in his grave.

No he wouldn't. Python isn't Boolean algebra, and there is no requirement 
to limit Python's operators to the semantics of Boolean algebra.


Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-16 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Nobody wrote:

On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 21:05:16 +0200, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:


So if I resume:
- not 'foo' = False
- 'foo' or 'foo' = 'foo'

I may be missing something, but honestly, Guido must have smoked some 
heavy stuff to write such logic, has he ?

Several languages (e.g. Lisp, Bourne shell) behave the same way, i.e. or
returns the first element which is considered true while and returns the
last element provided that all preceding elements are considered true.

Ok then, why or does not return True, if the first element is 
considered True ? Why returning the element itself. Any reason for that 
? Because it's confusing, maybe people used to that logic find it 
obvious, but I really don't.


How to search this newsgroup by a python script.

2009-07-16 Thread Helmut Jarausch


I haven't found anything with Google's group search, so let me
ask it (again?).

How can I search this newsgroup from within a Python script.
(Perhaps by searching Google Groups or Gmane by some Python code.)

Many thanks for a hint,

Helmut Jarausch

Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
RWTH - Aachen University
D 52056 Aachen, Germany

Re: Why aren't OrderedDicts comparable with etc?

2009-07-16 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 Mark (M) wrote:

M You are right that it doesn't make sense to compare two dicts.

M But OrderedDicts can be viewed logically as lists of (key,value)
M tuples so they are much more like lists or tuples when it comes to
M comparisons.

M For example:

 l = [(a, 1), (z, 2), (k, 3)]
 l1 = l[:]
 l1[1] = (z, 5)
 l  l1
M True

M But if you do:

 d = collections.OrderedDict(l)
 d1 = collections.OrderedDict(l1)

M You can't use , =, =, or , even though ordered dictionaries
M preserve the order and their items are just as comparable as those in
M a list or tuple of tuples.

But why should the order be as if the OrderedDict was a list of tuples.
A dict can be considered as a mapping and then you might want to treat
either the key or the value as contravariant (the key I guess). So there
is ambiguity. Why would the view as a list of tuples for the ordering be
the `natural' view? 

Maybe you may expect some kind of monotonicity such that d1d2 implies
d1[x]d2[x], but that doesn't work for d1 = {1:10, 2:20} and d2 = {1:15,
2:5}. So maybe there is only a partial ordering?

Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: A Bug By Any Other Name ...

2009-07-16 Thread rwwh
On Jul 7, 2:00 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Mon, 06 Jul 2009 22:18:20 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:
  Not so rare. Decimal uses unary plus. Don't assume +x is a no-op.
  Well, yes, but when would you apply it twice in a row?

 My point was that unary + isn't a no-op, and therefore neither is ++. For
 Decimal, I can't think why you'd want to apply ++x, but for other
 objects, who knows?

 Here's a toy example:

  class Spam(str):

 ...     def __pos__(self):
 ...         return self.__class__(spam  + self)
 ... s = Spam()

 'spam spam spam spam '

Here's another toy example:

class Toy(int):
def __init__(self, value):
self._incrd = False
int.__init__(self, value)

def incrHalf(self):
self._incrd = True

def __pos__(self):
if self._incrd:
return self.__class__(self+1)
p = self.__class__(self)
return p

def __add__(self, other):
return self.__class__(int(self)+other)

nows122[126]~% python -i

Re: How to search this newsgroup by a python script.

2009-07-16 Thread Chris Rebert
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:12 AM, Helmut wrote:

 I haven't found anything with Google's group search, so let me
 ask it (again?).

 How can I search this newsgroup from within a Python script.
 (Perhaps by searching Google Groups or Gmane by some Python code.)

1. Generate URL of the form:
where foo is the search terms, with proper URL escaping applied.
2. Fetch URL using urllib -
3. Parse resulting HTML page (e.g. using BeautifulSoup)
4. Extract desired information from search results using the parse tree.
5. ???
6. Profit!


Re: How to search this newsgroup by a python script.

2009-07-16 Thread Tim Golden

Chris Rebert wrote:

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:12 AM, Helmut wrote:


I haven't found anything with Google's group search, so let me
ask it (again?).

How can I search this newsgroup from within a Python script.
(Perhaps by searching Google Groups or Gmane by some Python code.)

1. Generate URL of the form:
where foo is the search terms, with proper URL escaping applied.
2. Fetch URL using urllib -
3. Parse resulting HTML page (e.g. using BeautifulSoup)
4. Extract desired information from search results using the parse tree.
5. ???
6. Profit!

Alternatively, you could do something with the mailing list archive:

The .gz files are gzipped mbox format so can be dropped into, eg,
Thunderbird for offline browsing, or searched with the email
package from the stdlib.


using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread superpollo


based upon previuos suggestions, i tried to write a program in which i 
would like to have a certain code fragment to execute only for a 
specified amount of time (say 3 seconds), then bail out.

but i get the following:

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/python -u

import threading , time

e = threading.Event()
t = threading.Timer(3.0, e.set)
print time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
while not e.isSet():
for repeat in range(10):
print time.time()
print time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
$ ./
Thu Jul 16 12:31:27 2009
Thu Jul 16 12:31:34 2009

see? the while body ran for about 7 seconds... i bet it has to do with 
the fact that the timer does not control inner loops... any suggestion?

$ python -V
Python 2.3.4
$ uname -a
Linux fisso 2.4.24 #1 Thu Feb 12 19:49:02 CET 2004 i686 GNU/Linux


Re: using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread Xavier Ho
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 6:34 PM, superpollo wrote:


 based upon previuos suggestions, i tried to write a program in which i
 would like to have a certain code fragment to execute only for a specified
 amount of time (say 3 seconds), then bail out.


 see? the while body ran for about 7 seconds... i bet it has to do with the
 fact that the timer does not control inner loops... any suggestion?

I'm guessing it has to do with a sleep of 0.66 seconds x 10 times = sleep
for 6.6 seconds, and then it checks for e.isSet().

Best regards,

Ching-Yun Xavier Ho, Technical Artist

Contact Information
Mobile: (+61) 04 3335 4748
Skype ID: SpaXe85

Re: Why aren't OrderedDicts comparable with etc?

2009-07-16 Thread Mark
On 16 July, 10:21, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
  Mark (M) wrote:
 M You are right that it doesn't make sense to compare two dicts.
 M But OrderedDicts can be viewed logically as lists of (key,value)
 M tuples so they are much more like lists or tuples when it comes to
 M comparisons.
 M For example:
  l = [(a, 1), (z, 2), (k, 3)]
  l1 = l[:]
  l1[1] = (z, 5)
  l  l1
 M True
 M But if you do:
  d = collections.OrderedDict(l)
  d1 = collections.OrderedDict(l1)
 M You can't use , =, =, or , even though ordered dictionaries
 M preserve the order and their items are just as comparable as those in
 M a list or tuple of tuples.

 But why should the order be as if the OrderedDict was a list of tuples.
 A dict can be considered as a mapping and then you might want to treat
 either the key or the value as contravariant (the key I guess). So there
 is ambiguity. Why would the view as a list of tuples for the ordering be
 the `natural' view?

 Maybe you may expect some kind of monotonicity such that d1d2 implies
 d1[x]d2[x], but that doesn't work for d1 = {1:10, 2:20} and d2 = {1:15,
 2:5}. So maybe there is only a partial ordering?

OK, that seems to me to be a convincing argument against supporting

turtle dump

2009-07-16 Thread superpollo

hi there.

is there a way to dump the content of a turtle window to a file or a 
file object?


Re: Why aren't OrderedDicts comparable with etc?

2009-07-16 Thread Mark
On 16 July, 08:51, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 00:30:26 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:
  On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Mark

  I'm just wondering why , =, =, and  are not supported by

      d1 = collections.OrderedDict(((a,1),(z,2),(k,3))) d2 =
      d2[z] = 4
      d1 == d2
      d1  d2
     Traceback (most recent call last):
     File pyshell#6, line 1, in module
         d1  d2
     TypeError: unorderable types: OrderedDict()  OrderedDict()

  It just seems to me that since the items in ordered dictionaries are
  ordered, it would make sense to do an item by item comparison from
  first to last item in exactly the same way that Python compares lists
  or tuples?

  Use case? I'm curious.

 Surely it would be the same use case as for comparing two lists? There
 doesn't need to be a special OrderedDict use case beyond an
 OrderedDict is just like a list of (key,value) tuples, but searches are

 Or maybe not. If OrderedDicts are sequences as well as mappings, then we
 should be able to sort them. And that seems a bit much even for me.


One thing that I've just noticed is that you can use , =, =, and 
with sets:

 s1 = {1,2,3}
 s2 = {1,2,4}
 s1 == s2
 s1  s2
 s1 = s2
 s2  s1
 s2 = s1
 s1 != s2

It seems a bit inconsistent that with sets you always get False when
using an ordering operator but with an ordered dict you get an

Re: using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
superpollo wrote:

 based upon previuos suggestions, i tried to write a program in which i
 would like to have a certain code fragment to execute only for a
 specified amount of time (say 3 seconds), then bail out.
 but i get the following:
 $ cat
 #!/usr/bin/python -u
 import threading , time
 e = threading.Event()
 t = threading.Timer(3.0, e.set)
 print time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
 while not e.isSet():
  for repeat in range(10):
  print time.time()
 print time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
 $ ./
 Thu Jul 16 12:31:27 2009
 Thu Jul 16 12:31:34 2009
 see? the while body ran for about 7 seconds... i bet it has to do with
 the fact that the timer does not control inner loops... any suggestion?

Of course the inner loop isn't affected by the set event - how should it be,
if you don't check it.

if you rewrite it as this:

while True:
for repeat in range(10):
if e.isSet():
print time.time()

it should terminate earlier.

What you can't achieve in python without major black magic hackery that is
very dangerous is to terminate a thread while it is executing. Termination
has to be co-operative.


Re: Why aren't OrderedDicts comparable with etc?

2009-07-16 Thread Mark
On 16 July, 11:58, Mark wrote:
 On 16 July, 08:51, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 00:30:26 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:
   On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Mark

   I'm just wondering why , =, =, and  are not supported by

       d1 = collections.OrderedDict(((a,1),(z,2),(k,3))) d2 =
       d2[z] = 4
       d1 == d2
       d1  d2
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File pyshell#6, line 1, in module
          d1  d2
      TypeError: unorderable types: OrderedDict()  OrderedDict()

   It just seems to me that since the items in ordered dictionaries are
   ordered, it would make sense to do an item by item comparison from
   first to last item in exactly the same way that Python compares lists
   or tuples?

   Use case? I'm curious.

  Surely it would be the same use case as for comparing two lists? There
  doesn't need to be a special OrderedDict use case beyond an
  OrderedDict is just like a list of (key,value) tuples, but searches are

  Or maybe not. If OrderedDicts are sequences as well as mappings, then we
  should be able to sort them. And that seems a bit much even for me.


 One thing that I've just noticed is that you can use , =, =, and 
 with sets:

  s1 = {1,2,3}
  s2 = {1,2,4}
  s1 == s2
  s1  s2
  s1 = s2
  s2  s1
  s2 = s1
  s1 != s2


 It seems a bit inconsistent that with sets you always get False when
 using an ordering operator but with an ordered dict you get an

Ooops---disregard the above---I forgot that these do subset and
superset comparisions!

Re: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xb7' in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)

2009-07-16 Thread akhil1988

I have switched to python 3.1 , but now I am getting some syntax errors in
the code:

File ./, line 81
__char_entities =  {'nbsp;'   :u'\u00A0', 'iexcl;' :u'\u00A1',
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

line 81 is:
__char_entities =  {'nbsp;'   :u'\u00A0', 'iexcl;' :u'\u00A1', 'cent;'   
'pound;'  :u'\u00A3', 'curren;':u'\u00A4', 'yen;'
'brvbar;' :u'\u00A6', 'sect;'  :u'\u00A7', 'uml;'
'copy;'   :u'\u00A9', 'ordf;'  :u'\u00AA',
'laquo;'   :u'\u00AB',
'not;':u'\u00AC', 'shy;'   :u'\u00AD', 'reg;'
'macr;'   :u'\u00AF', 'deg;'   :u'\u00B0',
'plusmn;'  :u'\u00B1',
'sup2;'   :u'\u00B2', 'sup3;'  :u'\u00B3',
'acute;'   :u'\u00B4',
'micro;'  :u'\u00B5', 'para;'  :u'\u00B6',
'middot;'  :u'\u00B7',
'cedil;'  :u'\u00B8', 'sup1;'  :u'\u00B9',


John Nagle-2 wrote:
 akhil1988 wrote:
 Sorry, it is and not
 Oh, that bug again.  See
 It's a bug in SGMLParser.  When Python 2.5 restricted ASCII to 0..127,
 SGMLParser needed to be modified, but wasn't.
 I reported that bug in February 2007.  It was fixed in
 Python 2.6 and 3.0 on March 31, 2009.
   John Nagle

View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


Re: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xb7' in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)

2009-07-16 Thread akhil1988

Please click reply on the post and then read this reply in the editor.
Actually, some sequences have been replaced to their graphical form when
this post is published. So the python code is being displayed, what actually
it is not.


akhil1988 wrote:
 I have switched to python 3.1 , but now I am getting some syntax errors in
 the code:
 File ./, line 81
 __char_entities =  {'nbsp;'   :u'\u00A0', 'iexcl;' :u'\u00A1',
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
 line 81 is:
 __char_entities =  {'nbsp;'   :u'\u00A0', 'iexcl;' :u'\u00A1', 'cent;'   
 'pound;'  :u'\u00A3', 'curren;':u'\u00A4',
 'yen;' :u'\u00A5',
 'brvbar;' :u'\u00A6', 'sect;'  :u'\u00A7',
 'uml;' :u'\u00A8',
 'copy;'   :u'\u00A9', 'ordf;'  :u'\u00AA',
 'laquo;'   :u'\u00AB',
 'not;':u'\u00AC', 'shy;'   :u'\u00AD',
 'reg;' :u'\u00AE',
 'macr;'   :u'\u00AF', 'deg;'   :u'\u00B0',
 'plusmn;'  :u'\u00B1',
 'sup2;'   :u'\u00B2', 'sup3;'  :u'\u00B3',
 'acute;'   :u'\u00B4',
 'micro;'  :u'\u00B5', 'para;'  :u'\u00B6',
 'middot;'  :u'\u00B7',
 'cedil;'  :u'\u00B8', 'sup1;'  :u'\u00B9',
 John Nagle-2 wrote:
 akhil1988 wrote:
 Sorry, it is and not
 Oh, that bug again.  See
 It's a bug in SGMLParser.  When Python 2.5 restricted ASCII to 0..127,
 SGMLParser needed to be modified, but wasn't.
 I reported that bug in February 2007.  It was fixed in
 Python 2.6 and 3.0 on March 31, 2009.
  John Nagle

View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


Re: using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread superpollo

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

What you can't achieve in python without major black magic hackery that is
very dangerous is to terminate a thread while it is executing. Termination
has to be co-operative.

i see. thanks a lot.


Re: using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 superpollo wrote:
 based upon previuos suggestions, i tried to write a program in which i
 would like to have a certain code fragment to execute only for a
 specified amount of time (say 3 seconds), then bail out.
 but i get the following:
 $ cat
 #!/usr/bin/python -u
 import threading , time
 e = threading.Event()
 t = threading.Timer(3.0, e.set)
 print time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
 while not e.isSet():
  for repeat in range(10):
  print time.time()
 print time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
 $ ./
 Thu Jul 16 12:31:27 2009
 Thu Jul 16 12:31:34 2009
 see? the while body ran for about 7 seconds... i bet it has to do with
 the fact that the timer does not control inner loops... any suggestion?
 Of course the inner loop isn't affected by the set event - how should it
 be, if you don't check it.
 if you rewrite it as this:
 while True:
 for repeat in range(10):
 if e.isSet():
 print time.time()
 it should terminate earlier.

This is of course wrong, remove the outer while


Re: using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread superpollo

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

superpollo wrote:

see? the while body ran for about 7 seconds... i bet it has to do with
the fact that the timer does not control inner loops... any suggestion?

Of course the inner loop isn't affected by the set event - how should it be,
if you don't check it.

if you rewrite it as this:

while True:
for repeat in range(10):
if e.isSet():
print time.time()

it should terminate earlier.

so it seems almost impossible to allocate a certain amount of time to a 
code fragment *without* somehow rewriting its logic?

am i wrong?


Re: using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
superpollo wrote:

 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 superpollo wrote:
see? the while body ran for about 7 seconds... i bet it has to do with
the fact that the timer does not control inner loops... any suggestion?
 Of course the inner loop isn't affected by the set event - how should it
 be, if you don't check it.
 if you rewrite it as this:
 while True:
 for repeat in range(10):
 if e.isSet():
 print time.time()
 it should terminate earlier.
 so it seems almost impossible to allocate a certain amount of time to a
 code fragment *without* somehow rewriting its logic?
 am i wrong?

No, you are right, for threads that is. You can try  trick around with the
trace-functionality of python, and some ctypes-based
system-thread-module-tricks that are, as mentioned before, black-magic  a
spinning gatling gun pointed to your very own lower extremities.

The only reliable way of terminating an asynchronous computation is to use
processes, since python2.6 that's rather convenient with the
multiprocessing-module. However, that imposes some limits to what you can



Re: using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread superpollo

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

superpollo wrote:

am i wrong?

No, you are right, for threads that is. You can try  trick around with the
trace-functionality of python, and some ctypes-based
system-thread-module-tricks that are, as mentioned before, black-magic  a
spinning gatling gun pointed to your very own lower extremities.


The only reliable way of terminating an asynchronous computation is to use
processes, since python2.6 that's rather convenient with the
multiprocessing-module. However, that imposes some limits to what you can

fair enough.

very helpful indeed.


Re: turtle dump

2009-07-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
superpollo wrote:

 hi there.
 is there a way to dump the content of a turtle window to a file or a
 file object?

Why should I want to dump a turtle? They are very benign creatures, dumping
them is going to hurt them needlessly.

Without a cheek-in-tongue: how are we supposed to know what aturtle window
is, how you create it, what features it uses? You need to give more
details, such as the module you are using, on what system that runs and so


Re: turtle dump

2009-07-16 Thread superpollo

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

superpollo wrote:

hi there.

is there a way to dump the content of a turtle window to a file or a
file object?

Why should I want to dump a turtle? They are very benign creatures, dumping
them is going to hurt them needlessly.

lol. ;-) the title was indeed supposed to stir a bit of curiosity upon 
the reader...

Without a cheek-in-tongue: how are we supposed to know what aturtle window
is, how you create it, what features it uses? You need to give more
details, such as the module you are using, on what system that runs and so

in fact i was looking for a *platform independent* way to draw into a 
graphics file (say, a postscript or a png) using the turtle module. so i 
understand that dumping a window is not a good expression... maybe 
redirecting graphics commands to a file instead of a window?


Re: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xb7' in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)

2009-07-16 Thread alex23
On Jul 16, 9:00 pm, akhil1988 wrote:
 I have switched to python 3.1 , but now I am getting some syntax errors in
 the code:

Python 3.x was a major release that endeavoured to clean up a number
of lingering issues with the language, the upshot being that it isn't
entirely backwards compatible with past versions. Unicode became the
default string type, which is what is causing the error here: the u-
prefix is no longer required (or even allowed).

However, Py3.x _does_ come with a handy tool for automatically
converting Python 2.x code to 3.x, called 2to3. One of the things it
should do is convert Py2.x unicode values into their correct
representation in 3.x.

With any luck, it should be able to convert the code you're using
entirely. Let us know how it goes.

Re: turtle dump

2009-07-16 Thread alex23
On Jul 16, 9:18 pm, superpollo wrote:
 lol. ;-) the title was indeed supposed to stir a bit of curiosity upon
 the reader...

Which isn't really useful when trying to obtain assistance... you want
certainty, not curiosity.

 in fact i was looking for a *platform independent* way to draw into a
 graphics file (say, a postscript or a png) using the turtle module. so i
 understand that dumping a window is not a good expression... maybe
 redirecting graphics commands to a file instead of a window?

You didn't actually answer Diez question. The turtle module is only a
recent (2.6/3.0) addition to Python and is probably obscure enough not
to have tracked across everyone's radar.

So _if_ you're talking about the standard lib turtle module, you're
not looking to 'dump a window', you're looking to write the contents
of turtle.Canvas to file. Canvas only supports writing to postscript,
so you'll have to do something like this (untested):

import turtle
screen = turtle.Screen()
# go go gadget turtle...

Or it may be open('','w').write(screen._canvas.postscript
())... I couldn't find a definitive answer. Try looking through the Tk
docs, it should be covered there.

Note that this is a postscript _text_ file, so you'll also need to
find something to render it with.

Hope this helps point you in the right direction.

Re: turtle dump

2009-07-16 Thread superpollo

alex23 wrote:

On Jul 16, 9:18 pm, superpollo wrote:

lol. ;-) the title was indeed supposed to stir a bit of curiosity upon
the reader...

Which isn't really useful when trying to obtain assistance... you want
certainty, not curiosity.

ok. my bad.

in fact i was looking for a *platform independent* way to draw into a
graphics file (say, a postscript or a png) using the turtle module. so i
understand that dumping a window is not a good expression... maybe
redirecting graphics commands to a file instead of a window?

You didn't actually answer Diez question. The turtle module is only a
recent (2.6/3.0) addition to Python and is probably obscure enough not
to have tracked across everyone's radar.

actually i am still using 2.3.4, which means that...

screen = turtle.Screen()

... is not possible

Hope this helps point you in the right direction.

it certainly did, tahnks.


Re: turtle dump

2009-07-16 Thread Bearophile
 is there a way to dump the content of a turtle window to a file or a file 

A possible low-tech solution is to append to a list the sequence of
your plotting commands (using a decorator too, even, something like
the logging decorator), and then save all of them at the end into a
text file :-)


Re: Persistent variable in subprocess using multiprocessing?

2009-07-16 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 mheavner (m) wrote:

m I'm using multiprocessing to spawn several subprocesses, each of which
m uses a very large data structure (making it impractical to pass it via
m pipes / pickling). I need to allocate this structure once when the
m process is created and have it remain in memory for the duration of
m the process. The way the multiprocessing module is set up, only the
m 'run' method runs within the subprocess - so creating a wrapper class
m with a constructor that allocates the structure in __init__ will not
m work, as far as I know, as this will still be within the parent
m process.

m If I were working in C/C++, I would declare the variable static
m within the function body - is there any way with the multiprocessing
m module to have persistent data members within subprocesses?

m Any ideas??

Your post is not entirely clear. Is `the process' the same as `the

Assuming it is, what is the problem? You can create the datastructure
first thing in the run method can't you?

Like this:

from multiprocessing import Process
from time import sleep
from random import random

class MyProcess(Process):

def __init__(self, number):
self.number = number

def run(self):
print Process %s started % self.number = range(self.number * 10, (self.number + 1) * 10)

def doit(self):
for i in range(5):
sleep(3 * random())[i] += i

processes = []
for k in range(10):
p = MyProcess(k)

for p in processes:

Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: turtle dump

2009-07-16 Thread Peter Otten
superpollo wrote:

 alex23 wrote:
 On Jul 16, 9:18 pm, superpollo wrote:
lol. ;-) the title was indeed supposed to stir a bit of curiosity upon
the reader...
 Which isn't really useful when trying to obtain assistance... you want
 certainty, not curiosity.
 ok. my bad.
in fact i was looking for a *platform independent* way to draw into a
graphics file (say, a postscript or a png) using the turtle module. so i
understand that dumping a window is not a good expression... maybe
redirecting graphics commands to a file instead of a window?
 You didn't actually answer Diez question. The turtle module is only a
 recent (2.6/3.0) addition to Python and is probably obscure enough not
 to have tracked across everyone's radar.
 actually i am still using 2.3.4, which means that...
 screen = turtle.Screen()
 ... is not possible

Tested on 2.4:

 import turtle
 for i in range(4):
... turtle.forward(50)
... turtle.right(90)

I think the big rewrite has happened in 2.6, so the above should also work 
in 2.3.



Re: turtle dump

2009-07-16 Thread superpollo

Peter Otten wrote:

Tested on 2.4:

import turtle
for i in range(4):

... turtle.forward(50)
... turtle.right(90)



I think the big rewrite has happened in 2.6, so the above should also work 
in 2.3.


mr otten, you are great.


Re: Passing python list from C to python

2009-07-16 Thread hartley
/* the first telling */
/* the third telling */
/* the third telling */

If you had loosened up on the sarcasm I would probably have read what
you wrote more thoroughly instead of just skimming through it. Thanks
for the help, but you should seriously consider doing something with
your patronizing attitude.


Re: Passing python list from C to python

2009-07-16 Thread hartley
/* the first telling */
/* the second telling */
/* the third telling */

If you had loosened up on the sarcasm I would probably have read what
you wrote more thoroughly instead of just skimming through it. Thanks
for the help, but you should seriously consider doing something with
your patronizing attitude.


Re: turtle dump

2009-07-16 Thread Michiel Overtoom

I got success with the following code (python 2.6.2):

import turtle
for i in range(4):

The ability of the OSS process to collect and harness
the collective IQ of thousands of individuals across
the Internet is simply amazing. - Vinod Valloppillil

Re: How to check if any item from a list of strings is in a big string?

2009-07-16 Thread inkhorn
Hi all,

This was more a question of programming aesthetics for me than one of
great practical significance.  I was looking to perform a certain
function on files in a directory so long as those files weren't found
in certain standard directories.  In other words, I was using os.walk
() to get multiple root directory strings, and the lists of files in
each directory.  The function was to be performed on those files, so
long as certain terms weren't in the root directory string.

In actuality, I could have stuck with the helper function I created,
but I'm always curious to see how well multiple lines of code can turn
into fewer lines of code in python and retain the same functional
value :)


On Jul 15, 6:46 am, denis wrote:
 Sure, Aho-Corasick is fast for fixedstrings; but without real
 numbers / a concrete goal

   Matt, how many words are you looking for, in how long a string ?

 a simple solution is good enough, satisficing.  Matt asked how to
 make that function look nicer?
 but nice has many dimensions -- bicycles are nice for some tasks,
 Ferraris for others.

 Bytheway a
 link to a Python implementation,
 also fun.


Re: Persistent variable in subprocess using multiprocessing?

2009-07-16 Thread mheavner
On Jul 16, 8:39 am, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
  mheavner (m) wrote:
 m I'm using multiprocessing to spawn several subprocesses, each of which
 m uses a very large data structure (making it impractical to pass it via
 m pipes / pickling). I need to allocate this structure once when the
 m process is created and have it remain in memory for the duration of
 m the process. The way the multiprocessing module is set up, only the
 m 'run' method runs within the subprocess - so creating a wrapper class
 m with a constructor that allocates the structure in __init__ will not
 m work, as far as I know, as this will still be within the parent
 m process.
 m If I were working in C/C++, I would declare the variable static
 m within the function body - is there any way with the multiprocessing
 m module to have persistent data members within subprocesses?
 m Any ideas??

 Your post is not entirely clear. Is `the process' the same as `the

 Assuming it is, what is the problem? You can create the datastructure
 first thing in the run method can't you?

 Like this:

 from multiprocessing import Process
 from time import sleep
 from random import random

 class MyProcess(Process):

     def __init__(self, number):
         self.number = number

     def run(self):
         print Process %s started % self.number = range(self.number * 10, (self.number + 1) * 10)

     def doit(self):
         for i in range(5):
             sleep(3 * random())
   [i] += i

 processes = []
 for k in range(10):
     p = MyProcess(k)

 for p in processes:

 Piet van Oostrum
 URL:[PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
 Private email:

'The process' refers to the subprocess. I could do as you say, load
the data structure each time, but the problem is that takes a
considerable amount of time compared to the the actual computation
with the data it contains. I'm using these processes within a loop as

 # Don't recreate processes or Queues
 pop1 = Queue()
 pop2 = Queue()
 pop_out = Queue()
 p1 = CudaProcess(0, args=(costf,pop1,pop_out))
 p2 = CudaProcess(1, args=(costf,pop2,pop_out))

 # Main loop
 for i in range(maxiter):
 print 'ITERATION: '+str(i)
 if log != None:
 l = open(log,'a')
 l.write('Iteration: '+str(i)+'\n')

 # Split population in two

 # Start two processes
 if not p1.isAlive():
 print 'started %s'%str(p1.getPid())
 if not p2.isAlive():
 print 'started %s'%str(p2.getPid())

So I'd like to load that data into memory once and keep there as long
as the process is alive (ideally when the subprocess is created,
storing some sort of pointer to it), rather than loading it each time
run is called for a process within the loop. Could be my CudaProcess
class - I'll check out what Diez suggested and post back.

Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-16 Thread Anthony Tolle
On Jul 15, 8:32 pm, Paul Rubin http://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 Among other things, that uses quadratic time!  Why do you want to keep
 popping items from that list instead of iterating through it anyway?

 Anyway, I think you wrote something close to this:

Very true!  I didn't think about the problems with pop().  I was using
it as a shortcut for pulling off the first operand.  I forgot that if
you start with an initial operand of False, the result will be the
same (0 xor X = X)

While I'm not sure how useful it would be, here's a version of the
first function that returns one of the operands (ala AND and OR),
except in the case where there is an even number of True elements,
where it returns False:

def xor(*operands):
r, rprime = False, False
for x in operands:
xprime = bool(x)
if rprime:
if xprime:
r, rprime = False, False
r, rprime = x, xprime
return r

 xor(0, 0)
 xor(0, 1)
 xor(1, 0)
 xor(1, 1)
 xor(0, 1, 2)
 xor(0, 1, 2, 3)
 xor(None, [])

Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-16 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 7/16/2009 2:06 AM Jean-Michel Pichavant said...
Ok then, why or does not return True, if the first element is 
considered True ? Why returning the element itself. Any reason for that 
? Because it's confusing, maybe people used to that logic find it 
obvious, but I really don't.

For example, I sometimes use it to set defaults:

daysInAdvance = int(inputVar) or 25



Re: using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
superpollo wrote:
  Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
  superpollo wrote:
 am i wrong?
  No, you are right, for threads that is. You can try  trick around with the
  trace-functionality of python, and some ctypes-based
  system-thread-module-tricks that are, as mentioned before, black-magic  a
  spinning gatling gun pointed to your very own lower extremities.
  The only reliable way of terminating an asynchronous computation is to use
  processes, since python2.6 that's rather convenient with the
  multiprocessing-module. However, that imposes some limits to what you can
  fair enough.

Or if you are on unix you can use signals...

It is probably just about acceptable to raise an exception in a signal
handler like this code does.

import signal, os, time

class TimeOut(Exception):
Thrown on alarm

def sig_alarm(signum, frame):
raise TimeOut()

def time_out(t, fn, *args, **kwargs):
Calls fn with the args and kwargs returning its result or raising a 
TimeOut exception if it doesn't complete within t seconds

# Turn alarm off and read old value
old_alarm = signal.alarm(0)
# Install new handler remembering old
old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, sig_alarm)
# Set the timer going

rc = fn(*args, **kwargs)
# Restore the old handler
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old_handler)

def test():
for repeat in range(10):
print time.time()

if __name__ == __main__:
time_out(3, test)
except TimeOut:
print timed out

Nick Craig-Wood --

Re: Why not enforce four space indentations in version 3.x?

2009-07-16 Thread Inky 788
On Jul 10, 7:35 pm, Ben Finney wrote:
 walterbyrd writes:
  I believe Guido himself has said that all indentions should be four
  spaces - no tabs.

 Yes. That's a “should” and not a “must”, even though PEP 8 says it
 with a simple imperative::

     Use 4 spaces per indentation level.

That actually sounds pretty weird. Don't do {foo}. Really, I mean
*really* don't do {foo}. Oh, also, the interpreter allows you to do
{foo}. But don't do it! I mean it!.

Very ... perlish, if you ask me.

I realize that a small portion of the community likes the tabs.
They're sold on the tabs. They like the tabs. But tabs are an archaic
holdover from an era when typewriters had physical tabstops on them.
Actually, after *that* they're a holdover from a program called `make`
whose designers unfortunately decided to use tab characters to
prefix commands. The tab is vestigial. Your text editor can treat 4
consecutive spaces as a unit if you wish. Let tabs go away. Stop using
them. If your editor keeps irrationally inserting them, make it stop.

Re: Persistent variable in subprocess using multiprocessing?

2009-07-16 Thread mheavner
On Jul 16, 9:18 am, mheavner wrote:
 On Jul 16, 8:39 am, Piet van Oostrum wrote:

   mheavner (m) wrote:
  m I'm using multiprocessing to spawn several subprocesses, each of which
  m uses a very large data structure (making it impractical to pass it via
  m pipes / pickling). I need to allocate this structure once when the
  m process is created and have it remain in memory for the duration of
  m the process. The way the multiprocessing module is set up, only the
  m 'run' method runs within the subprocess - so creating a wrapper class
  m with a constructor that allocates the structure in __init__ will not
  m work, as far as I know, as this will still be within the parent
  m process.
  m If I were working in C/C++, I would declare the variable static
  m within the function body - is there any way with the multiprocessing
  m module to have persistent data members within subprocesses?
  m Any ideas??

  Your post is not entirely clear. Is `the process' the same as `the

  Assuming it is, what is the problem? You can create the datastructure
  first thing in the run method can't you?

  Like this:

  from multiprocessing import Process
  from time import sleep
  from random import random

  class MyProcess(Process):

      def __init__(self, number):
          self.number = number

      def run(self):
          print Process %s started % self.number
 = range(self.number * 10, (self.number + 1) * 10)

      def doit(self):
          for i in range(5):
              sleep(3 * random())
    [i] += i

  processes = []
  for k in range(10):
      p = MyProcess(k)

  for p in processes:

  Piet van Oostrum
  Private email:

 'The process' refers to the subprocess. I could do as you say, load
 the data structure each time, but the problem is that takes a
 considerable amount of time compared to the the actual computation
 with the data it contains. I'm using these processes within a loop as

          # Don't recreate processes or Queues
          pop1 = Queue()
          pop2 = Queue()
          pop_out = Queue()
          p1 = CudaProcess(0, args=(costf,pop1,pop_out))
          p2 = CudaProcess(1, args=(costf,pop2,pop_out))

          # Main loop
          for i in range(maxiter):
                  print 'ITERATION: '+str(i)
                  if log != None:
                          l = open(log,'a')
                  l.write('Iteration: '+str(i)+'\n')

                  # Split population in two

                  # Start two processes
                  if not p1.isAlive():
                          print 'started %s'%str(p1.getPid())
                  if not p2.isAlive():
                          print 'started %s'%str(p2.getPid())

 So I'd like to load that data into memory once and keep there as long
 as the process is alive (ideally when the subprocess is created,
 storing some sort of pointer to it), rather than loading it each time
 run is called for a process within the loop. Could be my CudaProcess
 class - I'll check out what Diez suggested and post back.

Essentially, I'd like to sneak that allocation in somewhere after
the fork is done (in start()) in the context of the subprocess,
holding a pointer to that structure, but before all of the run() calls
are done

Re: turtle dump

2009-07-16 Thread alex23
On Jul 16, 10:11 pm, superpollo wrote:
 actually i am still using 2.3.4, which means that...

  screen = turtle.Screen()

 ... is not possible

Ah, sorry about that. My belief that turtle was a new module was based
on a line from

   Since Python 2.6/3.0, Python has had a new turtle module.

At which point I stopped reading and missed the following line:

   Its development was based entirely on the previous one.

In my defence, I _had_ been drinking.

Thankfully Peter stepped up with a more appropriate solution, and
Michiel pointed out the more suitable API calls over dealing directly
with the underlying implementation :) Good work guys!

Re: using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread Paul Moore
2009/7/16 superpollo

 based upon previuos suggestions, i tried to write a program in which i would
 like to have a certain code fragment to execute only for a specified amount
 of time (say 3 seconds), then bail out.

 but i get the following:

 $ cat
 #!/usr/bin/python -u

 import threading , time

 e = threading.Event()
 t = threading.Timer(3.0, e.set)
 print time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
 while not e.isSet():
    for repeat in range(10):
        print time.time()
 print time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
 $ ./
 Thu Jul 16 12:31:27 2009
 Thu Jul 16 12:31:34 2009

 see? the while body ran for about 7 seconds... i bet it has to do with the
 fact that the timer does not control inner loops... any suggestion?

Clearly, this isn't what you are actually trying to do. For this case,
your event is getting set when you expect, but your main thread does
not check the event often enough to let it stop in a timely manner.

To fix this, remove the inner for repeat in range(10) loop. But I
assume that your real code isn't something that you can fix this
easily. If you describe your real requirement, it may be possible to
give you a better answer. (But that answer will almost certainly not
be a way of interrupting one thread from another - that's not really
possible with Python - but rather a way of achieving your goal without
*needing* to interrupt one thread from another).


PS If you really must interrupt one thread from another, you can use C
code (or ctypes) to call the PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc API. But I'm
not going to tell you how, as it's almost certainly *not* what you
want to do in practice :-)

Re: using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread superpollo

Nick Craig-Wood wrote:

superpollo wrote:


Or if you are on unix you can use signals...

It is probably just about acceptable to raise an exception in a signal
handler like this code does.



Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-16 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Emile van Sebille wrote:

On 7/16/2009 2:06 AM Jean-Michel Pichavant said...
Ok then, why or does not return True, if the first element is 
considered True ? Why returning the element itself. Any reason for 
that ? Because it's confusing, maybe people used to that logic find 
it obvious, but I really don't.

For example, I sometimes use it to set defaults:

daysInAdvance = int(inputVar) or 25


Sure this looks like an elegant way to set default values and I will use 
this form , but I'm not sure this justifies by itself the trickery. 
Python has extended the algebra definition of or and and top any 
type, but it is so unintuitive (I'm no LISP programmer). I think than 
using the short-circuiting mechanism of bool operators along with the 
python tricks is just error prone and may result in bug difficult to 
spot, unless you are very aware of all python boolean mechanisms.



Re: Passing handlers between bound c++ libs

2009-07-16 Thread bobicanprogram
On Jul 14, 7:07 pm, Freyr wrote:
 I have a python bound physics library that uses handler to process
 events. The passing of handlers between c++ and python causes a huge
 overhead slowing down the process.  Can I implement a handler in my
 custom python bound c++ lib B and pass it to blackbox python bound c++
 lib A so that A would call B directly without passing through the
 python layer?  Or to phrase the question differently:  Can I pass a
 handler from B through python to A so that A will invoke B with out
 calling into python code?

Depending on your exact configuration you may be able to wrap that C++
library using the SIMPL toolkit and get at your data with a
message.There is some hello world demo code here:


Re: using timers to force an execution time

2009-07-16 Thread superpollo

Nick Craig-Wood wrote:

import signal, os, time

importing os is useless of course...

Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-16 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-07-16, Emile van Sebille wrote:
 On 7/16/2009 2:06 AM Jean-Michel Pichavant said...
 Ok then, why or does not return True, if the first element is 
 considered True ? Why returning the element itself. Any reason for that 
 ? Because it's confusing, maybe people used to that logic find it 
 obvious, but I really don't.

 For example, I sometimes use it to set defaults:

 daysInAdvance = int(inputVar) or 25

I don't get it.  That doesn't work right when inputVar == 0.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! What I want to find
  at   out is -- do parrots know
   visi.commuch about Astro-Turf?

Re: How to search this newsgroup by a python script.

2009-07-16 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-07-16, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:12 AM, Helmut wrote:

 I haven't found anything with Google's group search, so let me
 ask it (again?).

 How can I search this newsgroup from within a Python script.
 (Perhaps by searching Google Groups or Gmane by some Python code.)

 1. Generate URL of the form:
 where foo is the search terms, with proper URL escaping applied.
 2. Fetch URL using urllib -
 3. Parse resulting HTML page (e.g. using BeautifulSoup)
 4. Extract desired information from search results using the parse tree.
 5. ???
 6. Profit!

The underpants gnomes would be proud.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I'm encased in the
  at   lining of a pure pork

This is a mess...

2009-07-16 Thread Nick
I've been coding python for about a week now, and i'm trying to make
an object oriented version of a program i just wrote.  in this post is
the original program.  the next post will include the new programs and
the traceback.  i'm sure there are many underlying problems, but have
been stuck on this for 2 days now...

email me for input files since they are big and i don't see a way to
upload a file here(~5 mB)
this program works, and inputing the same file twice you should get a
Q values of ~1 (.99...)


#Compute the covariance overlap of two results
#Read in _U.asc files for both ensembles to find e-vectors
#Read in _ .asc files for both ensembles to find sqrt e-values
#strip out matrix info
#compute corvariance

import sys
import math
from math import sqrt

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print The corrent usage is 'python file1 file2'
print where the _U.asc and _s.asc will be appended when needed

Input the first prefix1_U.asc file:
this is the first eigen vector matrix
prefix1 = sys.argv[1] + _U.asc
fileholder = open(prefix1)
text = fileholder.readlines()
fields = text[1].split()
num_rows = int(fields[1])
num_cols = int(fields[2])

U1_matrix = []
for line in text[2: num_rows+2]:
fields = line.split()
for i in range(len(fields)):
fields[i] = float(fields[i])

Input the second prefix2_U.asc file:
this is the 2nd eigen vector matrix
prefix2 = sys.argv[2] + _U.asc
fileholder = open(prefix2)
text = fileholder.readlines()
fields = text[1].split()
num_rows = int(fields[1])
num_cols = int(fields[2])
#print look here nick:, fields

U2_matrix = []
for line in text[2: num_rows+2]:
fields = line.split()
for i in range(len(fields)):
fields[i] = float(fields[i])

Then Read in the first eigen values
1st 2 lines are header and need to be stripped away
prefix3 = sys.argv[1] + _s.asc
fileholder = open(prefix3)
text = fileholder.readlines()
fields = text[1].split()
num_vals1 = int(fields[1]) #add check to see if correct # of values
print square if, len(U1_matrix), =, len(U2_matrix), =, len
(U1_matrix[1]), =, len(U2_matrix[1])
#the list of sqrt e vals
sqrt_s1 = [float(line) for line in text[2: num_vals1+2]]
s1 = [float(line) * float(line) for line in text[2: num_vals1+2]]

Finally, read in the 2nd set of eigen vals
prefix4 = sys.argv[2] + _s.asc
fileholder = open(prefix4)
text = fileholder.readlines()
fields = text[1].split()
num_vals2 = int(fields[1]) #add check to see if correct # of values
#the list of sqrt e vals
sqrt_s2 = [float(line) for line in text[2: num_vals1+2]]
s2 = [float(line) * float(line) for line in text[2: num_vals1+2]]

double summation (the 2nd term)
doublesum = 0.0
for i in range(len(U1_matrix[1])):
   #print i = , i
v1 = U1_matrix[i]
sum = 0
for j in range(len(U2_matrix)):
 v2 = U2_matrix[j]
 dot = 0
 for k in range(len(U1_matrix)):
 dot += v1[k] * v2[k]
 root = sqrt_s1[i] * sqrt_s2[j]
 sum += root * dot * dot
doublesum += sum

print double sum: , doublesum

single summation (the 1st term and denominator)
singsum = 0.0
for k in range(len(s1)):
singsum += s1[k] + s2[k]
print sing sum:, singsum

Put it all together
Q = 1 - sqrt(abs((singsum - (2.0*doublesum)) / singsum))
print your Q:
print Q

# end of code


Re: Python Equivalent for dd fold

2009-07-16 Thread seldan24
On Jul 15, 1:48 pm, Emile van Sebille wrote:
 On 7/15/2009 10:23 AM MRAB said...

  On Jul 15, 12:47 pm, Michiel Overtoom wrote:
  seldan24 wrote:
  what can I use as the equivalent for the Unix 'fold' command?
  def fold(s,len):
       while s:
           print s[:len]

  You might still need to tweak the above code as regards how line endings
  are handled.

 You might also want to tweak it if the strings are _really_ long to
 simply slice out the substrings as opposed to reassigning the balance to
 a newly created s on each iteration.


Thanks for all of the help.  I'm almost there.  I have it working now,
but the 'fold' piece is very slow.  When I use the 'fold' command in
shell it is almost instantaneous.  I was able to do the EBCDIC-ASCII
conversion usng the decode method in the built-in str type.  I didn't
have to import the codecs module.  I just decoded the data to cp037
which works fine.

So now, I'm left with a large file, consisting of one extremely long
line of ASCII data that needs to be sliced up into 35 character
lines.  I did the following, which works but takes a very long time:

f = open(ascii_file, 'w')
while ascii_data:
ascii_data = ascii_data[len:]

I know that Emile suggested that I can slice out the substrings rather
than do the gradual trimming of the string variable as is being done
by moving around the length.  So, I'm going to give that a try... I'm
a bit confused by what that means, am guessing that slice can break up
a string based on characters; will research.  Thanks for the help thus
far.  I'll post again when all is working fine.

Re: ImportError: No module named _functools

2009-07-16 Thread Aahz
In article,
Tony  Lay wrote:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/bin/meld, line 35, in module
import gettext
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 49, in module
import locale, copy, os, re, struct, sys
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 15, in module
import functools
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 10, in module
from _functools import partial, reduce
ImportError: No module named _functools

Where is
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: Why not enforce four space indentations in version 3.x?

2009-07-16 Thread Tim Chase

I realize that a small portion of the community likes the tabs.
They're sold on the tabs. They like the tabs. But tabs are an archaic
holdover from an era when typewriters had physical tabstops on them.

However, they are a single logical level of indentation -- I come 
down fairly solidly on the tabs side of the tabs vs. spaces 
argument.  I can set my editor (vim in this case) to show tabs as 
as many spaces as I want.  I usually have this set to 4, but 
sometimes 1 or 2.  In Vim, using tabs I can just switch up my 
tab-stop setting (:set ts=2) and the presentation of my code 
reindents the way I expect.  If I wanted to switch from 
4-real-spaces to 2-real-spaces, I'd have to concoct a perlish 
regexp to handle the munging.

The same separation of content and presentation that is all the 
rage with N-tier programmers and web developers, my content is 
logical levels of indentation indicated by a tab character in 
the source-code and my presentation is N spaces as presented by 
my editor.

Yes, the dictatorial a tab always equals 8 spaces is a 
vestigial holdover for which I hold no love.

I'll code on other people's projects with spaces if that's the 
project convention (as Vim lets me switch around fairly easily). 
 But as for my own code, it's tabs all the way.



Re: This is a mess...

2009-07-16 Thread Nick
this is the new oop version, its pretty messy currently, and i do
understand it is a simple routine, but i'm using it as an exercise to
learn oop python...

first the (current) traceback:
 [:~/python]$  python b2ar_all_test b2ar_all_test
Eigen.Eigen_vect instance at 0x7fa26c404ab8
Eigen.Eigen_vect instance at 0x7fa26c404ab8
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 24, in module
cov = set1.covariance(set2,
  File /home/nleioatts/python/, line 66, in covariance
print self.vectors[i][i]
AttributeError: Eigen_vect instance has no attribute '__getitem__'

and a quick explaination:  the file structures aare a 2d list of lists
of numbers corresponding to eginvectors and a list of numbers
corresponding to eigenvalues

#33##Here is the main body
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import Eigen
from Eigen import *

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print The corrent usage is 'python file1 file2'
print where the _U.asc and _s.asc will be appended when needed
file1 =  sys.argv[1]
file2 =  sys.argv[2]
set1 = Eigen_set(file1+_U.asc, file1+_s.asc)
set2 = Eigen_set(file2+_U.asc, file2+_s.asc)
cov = set1.covariance(set2,
print cov

###and here are the classes:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import math
from math import sqrt

class Eigen_vect:
def __init__(self, e_val, e_vect):
self.e_val  = e_val
self.e_vect = e_vect
def length(self):
return len(self.e_vect)

def dot(self, other):
d = 0.0
if other.length() != self.length():
raise ValueError, Eigen Vectors not same Length
for k in range(self.length()):
   # print HI NICK, self.e_vect[k], other.e_vect[k]
d += float(self.e_vect[k]) * float(other.e_vect[k])
return d

class Eigen_set:
def __init__(self,  vec_filename, val_filename):
self.vec_filename = vec_filename
self.val_filename = val_filename
# open two files
# loop through them, skipping lines that begin with #
# for each row, extract eigen vector and eigen values
fileholder = open(self.vec_filename)
text = fileholder.readlines()
fields = text[2].split()
#print len of fields, len(fields)
self.vectors = []
for line in text[2: len(fields)]:
fields = line.split()
#print len of fields, len(fields)
for i in range(len(fields)):
fields[i] = float(fields[i])
e_vect = fields
fileholder = open(self.val_filename)
text = fileholder.readlines()
e_val = [float(line) for line in text[2: self.length()]]
self.vectors.append(Eigen_vect(e_val, e_vect))
#print this is self.vectors
#print self.vectors(e_val)

def length(self):
return len(self.vectors)

def covariance(self, other, dot):
newdot = 0.0
# do a length check to make sure we're consistent
if other.length() != self.length():
raise ValueError, Eigen Vectors not same Length
#double loop over all my vectors and all of other's vectors
doublesum = 0.0
for i in range(self.length()):
sum = 0.0
v1 = self.vectors[i]
for j in range(self.length()):
newdot +=[j])
   # root = self.e_val[i] * other.e_val[j]
print self.vectors[i]
print self.vectors[j]
print self.vectors[i][i]
#This is line 66, I'm
trying to figure out how to call e_val from the Eigen_set class

root = self.vectors[i][i] * other.vectors[i][j]
sum  += newdot * newdot * root
doublesum += sum
singsum = 0.0
for k in range(self.length()):
singsum += self.e_val[k] * self.e_val[k] + other.e_val[k]
* other.e_val[k]
Q = 1 - sqrt(abs((singsum - (2.0*doublesum)) / singsum))
print your Q:
print Q

and any additional help is great.  thanks in advance, like the title
says this is really a mess

Re: Passing python list from C to python

2009-07-16 Thread John Machin
On Jul 16, 11:13 pm, hartley wrote:
 /* the first telling */
 /* the second telling */
 /* the third telling */

 If you had loosened up on the sarcasm

That wasn't sarcasm, it was an attempt at humourous watering-down the
expression of exasperation at continued ignoring of advice and wonder
that I was continuing to bother ...


It didn't.

Re: Memory leak involving traceback objects

2009-07-16 Thread Aahz
In article,
Rotem wrote:

I'm debugging a nasty memory leak in a framework written in Python
After much digging around I found that the entire object group that is
leaking is held by a frame object which is subsequently held by a
traceback object.

Traversing the get_referrers() of each traceback frame leads
eventually to a root traceback frame which has no referrers
(gc.get_referrers returns an empty list).

However, this traceback object seems not to be picked by the garbage
collector, and is still there even after many iterations and calls to
gc.collect(). The code location to which the traceback frame points
doesn't do anything special - it just catches an exception, without
saving the exception itself and/or traceback anywhere.

What *does* it do?  Does it re-raise?  This sounds like you're still in
block scope of an exception.
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

IFL 2009: Third Call for Papers

2009-07-16 Thread IFL 2009
Call for Papers IFL 2009Seton Hall UniversitySOUTH ORANGE, NJ, USA* NEW *Registration is now opened! Register at: Speaker: Benjamin C. Pierce University of Pennsylvania Talk Title: How To Build Your Own Bidirectional Programming LanguageRegistration Fee:  Students: US$325.00 Non-students: US$375.00*The 21st International Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, IFL 2009, will be held for the first time in the USA. The hosting institution is Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ, USA and the symposium dates are September 23-25, 2009. It is our goal to make IFL a regular event held in the USA and in Europe. The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively engaged in the implementation and application of functional and function-based programming languages. IFL 2009 will be a venue for researchers to present and discuss new ideas and concepts, work in progress, and publication-ripe results related to the implementation and application of functional languages and function-based programming.Following the IFL tradition, IFL 2009 will use a post-symposium review process to produce a formal proceedings which will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. All participants in IFL 2009 are invited to submit either a draft paper or an extended abstract describing work to be presented at the symposium. These submissions will be screened by the program committee chair to make sure they are within the scope of IFL and will appear in the draft proceedings distributed at the symposium. Submissions appearing in the draft proceedings are not peer-reviewed publications. After the symposium, authors will be given the opportunity to incorporate the feedback from discussions at the symposium and will be invited to submit a revised full arcticle for the formal review process. These revised submissions will be reviewed by the program committee using prevailing academic standards to select the best articles that will appear in the formal proceedings.TOPICSIFL welcomes submissions describing practical and theoretical work as well as submissions describing applications and tools. If you are not sure if your work is appropriate for IFL 2009, please contact the PC chair at Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:language concepts type checking contractscompilation techniques staged compilationruntime function specializationruntime code generation partial evaluation (abstract) interpretation generic programming techniques automatic program generation array processing concurrent/parallel programming concurrent/parallel program execution functional programming and embedded systems functional programming and web applications functional programming and security novel memory management techniques runtime profiling and performance measurements debugging and tracing virtual/abstract machine architectures validation and verification of functional programs tools and programming techniques FP in EducationPAPER SUBMISSIONSProspective authors are encouraged to submit papers or extended abstracts to be published in the draft proceedings and to present them at the symposium. All contributions must be written in English, conform to the Springer-Verlag LNCS series format and not exceed 16 pages. The draft proceedings will appear as a technical report of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Seton Hall University.IMPORTANT DATESRegistration deadline August 15, 2009Presentation submission deadline August 15, 2009IFL 2009 Symposium September 23-25, 2009Submission for review process deadline November 1, 2009Notification Accept/Reject December 22, 2009Camera ready version February 1, 2010PROGRAM COMMITTEEPeter Achten University of Nijmegen, The NetherlandsJost Berthold Philipps-Universität Marburg, GermanyAndrew Butterfield University of Dublin, IrelandRobby Findler Northwestern University, USAKathleen Fisher ATT Research, USACormac Flanagan University of California at Santa Cruz, USAMatthew Flatt University of Utah, USAMatthew Fluet Rochester Institute of Technology, USADaniel Friedman  Indiana University, USAAndy Gill University of Kansas, USAClemens Grelck University of Amsterdam/Hertfordshire, The Netherlands/UKJurriaan Hage Utrecht University, The NetherlandsRalf Hinze Oxford University, UKPaul Hudak Yale University, USAJohn Hughes Chalmers University of Technology, SwedenPatricia Johann University of Strathclyde, UKYukiyoshi Kameyama University of Tsukuba, JapanMarco T. Morazán (Chair) Seton Hall University, USARex Page University of Oklahoma, USAFernando Rubio Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SpainSven-Bodo Scholz University of Hertfordshire, UKManuel Serrano INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, FranceChung-chieh Shan  Rutgers University, USADavid Walker Princeton University, USAViktória Zsók Eötvös Loránd 

Re: Python Equivalent for dd fold

2009-07-16 Thread pdpi
On Jul 16, 3:12 pm, seldan24 wrote:
 On Jul 15, 1:48 pm, Emile van Sebille wrote:

  On 7/15/2009 10:23 AM MRAB said...

   On Jul 15, 12:47 pm, Michiel Overtoom wrote:
   seldan24 wrote:
   what can I use as the equivalent for the Unix 'fold' command?
   def fold(s,len):
        while s:
            print s[:len]

   You might still need to tweak the above code as regards how line endings
   are handled.

  You might also want to tweak it if the strings are _really_ long to
  simply slice out the substrings as opposed to reassigning the balance to
  a newly created s on each iteration.


 Thanks for all of the help.  I'm almost there.  I have it working now,
 but the 'fold' piece is very slow.  When I use the 'fold' command in
 shell it is almost instantaneous.  I was able to do the EBCDIC-ASCII
 conversion usng the decode method in the built-in str type.  I didn't
 have to import the codecs module.  I just decoded the data to cp037
 which works fine.

 So now, I'm left with a large file, consisting of one extremely long
 line of ASCII data that needs to be sliced up into 35 character
 lines.  I did the following, which works but takes a very long time:

 f = open(ascii_file, 'w')
 while ascii_data:
     ascii_data = ascii_data[len:]

 I know that Emile suggested that I can slice out the substrings rather
 than do the gradual trimming of the string variable as is being done
 by moving around the length.  So, I'm going to give that a try... I'm
 a bit confused by what that means, am guessing that slice can break up
 a string based on characters; will research.  Thanks for the help thus
 far.  I'll post again when all is working fine.

Assuming your rather large text file is 1 meg long, you have 1 million
characters in there. 100/35 = ~29k lines. The size remaining
string decreases linearly, so the average size is (100 + 0) / 2 or
500k. All said and done, you're allocating and copying a 500K string
-- not once, but 29 thousand times. That's where your slowdown resides.

Re: list of all possible values

2009-07-16 Thread David Gibb
 Certainly possible with list comprehensions.

 a = abc
 [(x, y) for x in a for y in a]
 [('a', 'a'), ('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'a'), ('b', 'b'), ('b', 'c'),
 ('c', 'a'), ('c', 'b'), ('c', 'c')]

 But I like bearophile's version better.


Thanks, but I think you were missing my point. I should have explained better.

The advantage that bearophile's version is generic with respect to the
number of elements in each combination. To go from 2 element pairs
(e.g. ('a', 'c')) to 5 element pairs (e.g. ('a', 'c', 'b', 'b', 'e'))
requires only a change in a parameter passed to itertools.

I don't see how you would do that with list comprehensions. You're
example works nicely with 2 element pairs, but it seems to me like
you'd need to recode it if you wanted to change it to 5 element pairs.

Am I wrong about that? Can you think of a way to write a function
that, using list comprehensions, takes a list of values and the size
of each combination, and returns the len(list)**(combination size)
possible combinations using those values?

Thanks again,

Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-16 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 7/16/2009 7:04 AM Unknown said...

On 2009-07-16, Emile van Sebille wrote:

daysInAdvance = int(inputVar) or 25

I don't get it.  That doesn't work right when inputVar == 0.

Aah, but you didn't get to define right.  :)  For that particular 
example 0 is not a valid response.



Re: Python Equivalent for dd fold

2009-07-16 Thread ryles
On Jul 15, 1:14 pm, seldan24 wrote:
 On Jul 15, 12:47 pm, Michiel Overtoom wrote:

  seldan24 wrote:
   what can I use as the equivalent for the Unix 'fold' command?

  def fold(s,len):
       while s:
           print s[:len]

  s=A very long string indeed. Really that long? Indeed.


  A very lon
  g string i
  ndeed. Rea
  lly that l
  ong? Indee


  The ability of the OSS process to collect and harness
  the collective IQ of thousands of individuals across
  the Internet is simply amazing. - Vinod 

 Wow, I feel like a dork.  I should have done more research prior to
 posting.  Anyway, thanks for the advice.  The trouble with Python is
 that things make 'too much' sense.  Loving this language.

You might also find the textwrap module useful:

RE: list of all possible values

2009-07-16 Thread Andreas Tawn
  Certainly possible with list comprehensions.
  a = abc
  [(x, y) for x in a for y in a]
  [('a', 'a'), ('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'a'), ('b', 'b'), ('b',
  ('c', 'a'), ('c', 'b'), ('c', 'c')]
  But I like bearophile's version better.
 Thanks, but I think you were missing my point. I should have explained
 The advantage that bearophile's version is generic with respect to the
 number of elements in each combination. To go from 2 element pairs
 (e.g. ('a', 'c')) to 5 element pairs (e.g. ('a', 'c', 'b', 'b', 'e'))
 requires only a change in a parameter passed to itertools.
 I don't see how you would do that with list comprehensions. You're
 example works nicely with 2 element pairs, but it seems to me like
 you'd need to recode it if you wanted to change it to 5 element pairs.
 Am I wrong about that? Can you think of a way to write a function
 that, using list comprehensions, takes a list of values and the size
 of each combination, and returns the len(list)**(combination size)
 possible combinations using those values?
 Thanks again,


I think my post got caught in the nebulous email eddys and seems to have
taken 16 hours to arrive on the list. It was meant to be a reply to your
first post, not your second.

Having said that, I think I missed the point of that post too ;o)

Maybe someone smarter than me can come up with a way to dynamically nest
the fors in a list comprehension, but I certainly can't do it.

Sorry for the confusion.



Re: Python Equivalent for dd fold

2009-07-16 Thread MRAB

seldan24 wrote:

On Jul 15, 1:48 pm, Emile van Sebille wrote:

On 7/15/2009 10:23 AM MRAB said...

On Jul 15, 12:47 pm, Michiel Overtoom wrote:

seldan24 wrote:

what can I use as the equivalent for the Unix 'fold' command?

def fold(s,len):
 while s:
 print s[:len]


You might still need to tweak the above code as regards how line endings
are handled.

You might also want to tweak it if the strings are _really_ long to
simply slice out the substrings as opposed to reassigning the balance to
a newly created s on each iteration.


Thanks for all of the help.  I'm almost there.  I have it working now,
but the 'fold' piece is very slow.  When I use the 'fold' command in
shell it is almost instantaneous.  I was able to do the EBCDIC-ASCII
conversion usng the decode method in the built-in str type.  I didn't
have to import the codecs module.  I just decoded the data to cp037
which works fine.

So now, I'm left with a large file, consisting of one extremely long
line of ASCII data that needs to be sliced up into 35 character
lines.  I did the following, which works but takes a very long time:

f = open(ascii_file, 'w')
while ascii_data:
ascii_data = ascii_data[len:]

The 'write' method doesn't append any line ending, so that code gives
the same output as f.write(ascii_data).

I know that Emile suggested that I can slice out the substrings rather
than do the gradual trimming of the string variable as is being done
by moving around the length.  So, I'm going to give that a try... I'm
a bit confused by what that means, am guessing that slice can break up
a string based on characters; will research.  Thanks for the help thus
far.  I'll post again when all is working fine.


Re: Python Equivalent for dd fold

2009-07-16 Thread MRAB

Michiel Overtoom wrote:

seldan24 wrote:

I know that Emile suggested that I can slice out the substrings rather
than do the gradual trimming of the string variable as is being done
by moving around the length. 

An excellent idea.

def fold(s,chunklength):
while offsetlen(s):
print s[offset:offset+chunklength]

More Pythonic:

for offset in range(0, len(s), chunklength):
print s[offset : offset + chunklength]

s=A very long string indeed. Really that long? Indeed.


Re: Persistent variable in subprocess using multiprocessing?

2009-07-16 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 mheavner (m) wrote:

m 'The process' refers to the subprocess. I could do as you say, load
m the data structure each time, but the problem is that takes a
m considerable amount of time compared to the the actual computation
m with the data it contains. I'm using these processes within a loop as
m follows:

m  # Don't recreate processes or Queues
m  pop1 = Queue()
m  pop2 = Queue()
m  pop_out = Queue()
m  p1 = CudaProcess(0, args=(costf,pop1,pop_out))
m  p2 = CudaProcess(1, args=(costf,pop2,pop_out))

m  # Main loop
m  for i in range(maxiter):
m  print 'ITERATION: '+str(i)
m  if log != None:
m  l = open(log,'a')
m  l.write('Iteration: '+str(i)+'\n')
m  l.close()

m  # Split population in two
m  pop1.putmany(pop[0:len(pop)/2])
m  pop2.putmany(pop[len(pop)/2:len(pop)])

m  # Start two processes
m  if not p1.isAlive():
m  p1.start()
m  print 'started %s'%str(p1.getPid())
m  else:

That won't work. will execute the run method in the Master
process, not in the subprocess. And if it would your could would have a
race condition: between the p1.isAlive() (which must be is_alive btw), and
the the process can have stopped.

The proper way to do is to put the work in a Queue and let the processes
get work out of the Queue. The datastructure will remain in the process

m  if not p2.isAlive():
m  p2.start()
m  print 'started %s'%str(p2.getPid())
m  else:
m  .
m  .
m  .

m So I'd like to load that data into memory once and keep there as long
m as the process is alive (ideally when the subprocess is created,
m storing some sort of pointer to it), rather than loading it each time
m run is called for a process within the loop. Could be my CudaProcess
m class - I'll check out what Diez suggested and post back.

Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: Persistent variable in subprocess using multiprocessing?

2009-07-16 Thread mheavner
I realize that the Queue would be the best way of doing this, however
that involves transferring the huge amount of data for each call - my
hope was to transfer it once and have it remain in memory for the
subprocess across run() calls.

On Jul 16, 1:18 pm, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
  mheavner (m) wrote:
 m 'The process' refers to the subprocess. I could do as you say, load
 m the data structure each time, but the problem is that takes a
 m considerable amount of time compared to the the actual computation
 m with the data it contains. I'm using these processes within a loop as
 m follows:
 m          # Don't recreate processes or Queues
 m          pop1 = Queue()
 m          pop2 = Queue()
 m          pop_out = Queue()
 m          p1 = CudaProcess(0, args=(costf,pop1,pop_out))
 m          p2 = CudaProcess(1, args=(costf,pop2,pop_out))
 m          # Main loop
 m          for i in range(maxiter):
 m                  print 'ITERATION: '+str(i)
 m                  if log != None:
 m                          l = open(log,'a')
 m                  l.write('Iteration: '+str(i)+'\n')
 m                  l.close()
 m                  # Split population in two
 m                  pop1.putmany(pop[0:len(pop)/2])
 m                  pop2.putmany(pop[len(pop)/2:len(pop)])
 m                  # Start two processes
 m                  if not p1.isAlive():
 m                          p1.start()
 m                          print 'started %s'%str(p1.getPid())
 m                  else:

 That won't work. will execute the run method in the Master
 process, not in the subprocess. And if it would your could would have a
 race condition: between the p1.isAlive() (which must be is_alive btw), and
 the the process can have stopped.

 The proper way to do is to put the work in a Queue and let the processes
 get work out of the Queue. The datastructure will remain in the process

 m                  if not p2.isAlive():
 m                          p2.start()
 m                          print 'started %s'%str(p2.getPid())
 m                  else:
 m                  .
 m                  .
 m                  .
 m So I'd like to load that data into memory once and keep there as long
 m as the process is alive (ideally when the subprocess is created,
 m storing some sort of pointer to it), rather than loading it each time
 m run is called for a process within the loop. Could be my CudaProcess
 m class - I'll check out what Diez suggested and post back.

 Piet van Oostrum
 URL:[PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
 Private email:


Re: Why not enforce four space indentations in version 3.x?

2009-07-16 Thread Inky 788
On Jul 16, 10:18 am, Tim Chase wrote:
  I realize that a small portion of the community likes the tabs.
  They're sold on the tabs. They like the tabs. But tabs are an archaic
  holdover from an era when typewriters had physical tabstops on them.

 However, they are a single logical level of indentation -- I come
 down fairly solidly on the tabs side of the tabs vs. spaces

My bet is that the problem is this: some people like to format their
code in ways that don't work well when you're using tabs. For example,
they might want to call a function like this (note spaces):


instead of:


The first one requires 10 spaces in front of bar and baz. If you're
using tabs, that means one or two tabs plus some space characters. So,
people who do that would probably never use tabs. The 2nd example is
fine for tabs or spaces. I'm sure there are a bunch of similar
examples for things besides function calls. Don't you ever find cases
where you'd like to add in an extra space or two to make things line
up nicely?

 I can set my editor (vim in this case) to show tabs as
 as many spaces as I want.  I usually have this set to 4, but
 sometimes 1 or 2.

Just curious: why would you want to do that? In my experience, once my
eyes got used to 4-space indents, everything else looks either too
little or too much. :)

Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-16 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Emile van Sebille wrote:

On 7/16/2009 7:04 AM Unknown said...

On 2009-07-16, Emile van Sebille wrote:

daysInAdvance = int(inputVar) or 25

I don't get it.  That doesn't work right when inputVar == 0.

Aah, but you didn't get to define right.  :)  For that particular 
example 0 is not a valid response.


When I was talking about such error prone form of boolean operations, I 
didn't expect to be right so quickly :p
Steven explained the truth notion with the Something/Nothing. 0 is 
Something, 0 would be Nothing. I'm not sure it makes sens anyway. I 
mean, I could easily argue that the number 0 is something. In the end I 
wonder if I shouldn't just acknowledge the python mechanism without 
trying to find any intuitive/natural/obvious logic in it, knowing that 
sometimes the Truth lies far away from the Evidence.


Re: Ann: Google releases Python-based open-source NX server

2009-07-16 Thread jkn
On Jul 16, 3:51 pm, J Kenneth King wrote:

 It's pretty cool, but not PEP8! Probably because they just bought the
 source off of another smaller proprietary project.  Makes me sad seeing
 Google, proud supporter of all things Python, release non-PEP8 code.

Personally, I don't follow PEP8 either. Note: PEP-8 gives 'coding
conventions for the Python code **comprising the standard library in
the main Python distribution**' (my emphasis). My coding conventions
are similar to, but not exactly the same as, PEP-8. It would be
ridiculous IMO (and PEP-8 acknowledges this) for such a permissive
language as Python to put a 'coding style' straitjacket around itself.

YMMV, of course.



Re: Ann: Google releases Python-based open-source NX server

2009-07-16 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 7/16/2009 10:59 AM jkn said...

Personally, I don't follow PEP8 either. Note: PEP-8 gives 'coding
conventions for the Python code **comprising the standard library in
the main Python distribution**' (my emphasis). My coding conventions
are similar to, but not exactly the same as, PEP-8. 

Mine too, and my objection to PEP-8 is that the coding style doesn't 
allow for copy-n-paste into the interpreter, and I like to be able to 
test that way.  Perhaps if I configured my editor not to strip trailing 
whitespace from lines it would work, but then I don't like trailing 

Of course, I _like_ leading whitespace.  :)



Re: Ann: Google releases Python-based open-source NX server

2009-07-16 Thread Robert Kern

On 2009-07-16 09:51, J Kenneth King wrote:  writes:

Google quietly releases open-source NX server ...written in Python,

Neatx can be downloaded from Google's code repository:


It's pretty cool, but not PEP8! Probably because they just bought the
source off of another smaller proprietary project.

No, it' just that Google does not use PEP8 for its internal style standard.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Why not enforce four space indentations in version 3.x?

2009-07-16 Thread Tim Chase

However, they are a single logical level of indentation -- I come
down fairly solidly on the tabs side of the tabs vs. spaces

My bet is that the problem is this: some people like to format their
code in ways that don't work well when you're using tabs. For example,
they might want to call a function like this (note spaces):


instead of:


For continued indenting statements such as this, I tend to use 
the coding convention used at my first job out of college 
(Computer Sciences Corp...for better or worse) which just indents 
two levels:

  def some_func(foo=1,

examples for things besides function calls. Don't you ever find cases
where you'd like to add in an extra space or two to make things line
up nicely?

I have occasionally (okay, very rarely) use the mixed 
tab+space method of indentation for continued lines if I want 
them lined up nicely:

  tabtabif (foo == bar and
  tabtabbaz  frob and
  tabtabfred != barney):

This scheme insures that the visual alignment for the 
continued-line matches up, even if the tab-stop is changed.  The 
positioning of the indented block (the do_* bit) floats 
inconveniently with relation to the continued text, with pessimal 
cases being indistinguishable from the continued lines (which is 
why I generally opt not to use this unless it has great benefits 
in code clarity).  By regularly indenting continued lines for 
containing blocks (if, while, etc) by two tabs, the continuation 
stands out from the contained code regardless of my tab stops.

 I can set my editor (vim in this case) to show tabs as
as many spaces as I want.  I usually have this set to 4, but
sometimes 1 or 2.

Just curious: why would you want to do that? In my experience, once my
eyes got used to 4-space indents, everything else looks either too
little or too much. :)

It totally depends on the project -- I like the condensed nature 
of 2sp/tab for code sharing on mailing lists (and tend to copy 
out of vim with tabs expanded to 2 spaces for pasting into 
emails) and for my own visual preference.  If it's code that I'd 
expect anybody else to view, I tend to use 4sp/tab to keep my 
lines below 80 chars per line with the tabs taken into consideration.

I guess I change up my indent enough that sometimes 2 seems just 
right or too small, and sometimes 4 seems just right or too large.



Re: Why not enforce four space indentations in version 3.x?

2009-07-16 Thread Carl Banks
On Jul 16, 6:32 am, Inky 788 wrote:
 On Jul 10, 7:35 pm, Ben Finney wrote:

  walterbyrd writes:
   I believe Guido himself has said that all indentions should be four
   spaces - no tabs.

  Yes. That's a “should” and not a “must”, even though PEP 8 says it
  with a simple imperative::

      Use 4 spaces per indentation level.

 That actually sounds pretty weird. Don't do {foo}. Really, I mean
 *really* don't do {foo}. Oh, also, the interpreter allows you to do
 {foo}. But don't do it! I mean it!.

 Very ... perlish, if you ask me.

Not Perlish at all.

(Perl would never want you not to use something.)

Carl Banks

Re: Why aren't OrderedDicts comparable with etc?

2009-07-16 Thread Terry Reedy

Mark wrote:

On 16 July, 10:21, Piet van Oostrum wrote:

But why should the order be as if the OrderedDict was a list of tuples.
A dict can be considered as a mapping and then you might want to treat
either the key or the value as contravariant (the key I guess). So there
is ambiguity. Why would the view as a list of tuples for the ordering be
the `natural' view?

Maybe you may expect some kind of monotonicity such that d1d2 implies
d1[x]d2[x], but that doesn't work for d1 = {1:10, 2:20} and d2 = {1:15,
2:5}. So maybe there is only a partial ordering?

OK, that seems to me to be a convincing argument against supporting

To put the above in a slightly different way. OrderedDicts are a 
recently added niche class that Raymond added to what is mostly his 
collections module because there are enough few use cases. There was 
pydev discussion which included the idea, I believe, that they should 
fundamentally be dicts, not lists. Regardless, the justifying use cases 
did not include a need to compare OrderedDicts. The small fraction of 
the few use cases for OrderedDicts that do require comparision can be 
met by extracting the needed sequences and comparing *them* in the 
appropriate manner. The 'appropriate manner' is not likely to always be 
the same. This point may have come up in the discussion, but I would let 
you check for sure if curious.

'Consistency' is a Python design principle, but it is balanced with 
others, so that it is not sufficient reason to add nearly useless 
features. There is a cost to every addition.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xb7' in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)

2009-07-16 Thread akhil1988


Thanks all for the replies.

I am working on a cluster of 15 nodes and I have now installed python 3.1 on
all of them. I tried installing python2.6 but there was some make error. So,
I do not want to give more time in installing 2.4  and rather use 3.1 but
for that I need to convert my 2.4 code to 3.1. 

I used 2to3 tool, and it did make many changes in the 2.4 code, but still
there are some indentation errors that I am unable to resolve being new to
python. I have attached my python code, can anyone please fix the
indentation error in the code. I am using vi editor.

--Thanks a lot,

alex23 wrote:
 On Jul 16, 9:00 pm, akhil1988 wrote:
 I have switched to python 3.1 , but now I am getting some syntax errors
 the code:
 Python 3.x was a major release that endeavoured to clean up a number
 of lingering issues with the language, the upshot being that it isn't
 entirely backwards compatible with past versions. Unicode became the
 default string type, which is what is causing the error here: the u-
 prefix is no longer required (or even allowed).
 However, Py3.x _does_ come with a handy tool for automatically
 converting Python 2.x code to 3.x, called 2to3. One of the things it
 should do is convert Py2.x unicode values into their correct
 representation in 3.x.
 With any luck, it should be able to convert the code you're using
 entirely. Let us know how it goes.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


URLError errno and strerror not set

2009-07-16 Thread 1x7y2z9

python 2.5.2

errno, strerror and message do not appear to be set in the following
two cases (at least).
Is this to be expected?  (as an aside, arg[0] is set)

# case 1
 print exception, exception.errno, exception.strerror, exception.message == ''
urlopen error (111, 'Connection refused') None None True

# case 2
 print exception, exception.errno, exception.strerror, exception.message == ''
urlopen error timed out None None True


Re: Persistent variable in subprocess using multiprocessing?

2009-07-16 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 mheavner (m) wrote:

m I realize that the Queue would be the best way of doing this, however
m that involves transferring the huge amount of data for each call - my
m hope was to transfer it once and have it remain in memory for the
m subprocess across run() calls.

Which huge amount of data? The datastructure you talked about can remain
in the process. You only have to transfer the input for your calculation
in the queue but you have to do that anyway. And there is only one run
call per process. When run has terminated the process exits, so you
would have a loop in the run(0 method getting work from the queue.
Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: Passing python list from C to python

2009-07-16 Thread Aahz
In article,
hartley wrote:

If you had loosened up on the sarcasm I would probably have read what
you wrote more thoroughly instead of just skimming through it. Thanks
for the help, but you should seriously consider doing something with
your patronizing attitude.
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: Ann: Google releases Python-based open-source NX server

2009-07-16 Thread J Kenneth King
Robert Kern writes:

 On 2009-07-16 09:51, J Kenneth King wrote:  writes:

 Google quietly releases open-source NX server ...written in Python,

 Neatx can be downloaded from Google's code repository:


 It's pretty cool, but not PEP8! Probably because they just bought the
 source off of another smaller proprietary project.

 No, it' just that Google does not use PEP8 for its internal style standard.

Yeah probably.

I'm just a little OCD sometimes.

Re: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xb7' in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)

2009-07-16 Thread akhil1988

I got the indentation errors fixed. Bu I get another error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 484, in module
  File ./, line 476, in main
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'

I am using Python3.1


akhil1988 wrote:
 Thanks all for the replies.
 I am working on a cluster of 15 nodes and I have now installed python 3.1
 on all of them. I tried installing python2.6 but there was some make
 error. So, I do not want to give more time in installing 2.4  and rather
 use 3.1 but for that I need to convert my 2.4 code to 3.1. 
 I used 2to3 tool, and it did make many changes in the 2.4 code, but still
 there are some indentation errors that I am unable to resolve being new to
 python. I have attached my python code, can anyone please fix the
 indentation error in the code. I am using vi editor.
 --Thanks a lot,
 alex23 wrote:
 On Jul 16, 9:00 pm, akhil1988 wrote:
 I have switched to python 3.1 , but now I am getting some syntax errors
 the code:
 Python 3.x was a major release that endeavoured to clean up a number
 of lingering issues with the language, the upshot being that it isn't
 entirely backwards compatible with past versions. Unicode became the
 default string type, which is what is causing the error here: the u-
 prefix is no longer required (or even allowed).
 However, Py3.x _does_ come with a handy tool for automatically
 converting Python 2.x code to 3.x, called 2to3. One of the things it
 should do is convert Py2.x unicode values into their correct
 representation in 3.x.
 With any luck, it should be able to convert the code you're using
 entirely. Let us know how it goes.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


Re: ImportError: No module named _functools

2009-07-16 Thread Tony Lay
On Jul 16, 10:14 am, (Aahz) wrote:
 In article,
 Tony  Lay wrote:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/local/bin/meld, line 35, in module
     import gettext
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 49, in module
     import locale, copy, os, re, struct, sys
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 15, in module
     import functools
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 10, in module
     from _functools import partial, reduce
 ImportError: No module named _functools

 Where is
 Aahz (           *

 If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
 until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair


It's in the path...
export PYTHONHOME=/usr/local/lib/python2.6
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.6:/usr/local/lib/python2.6/

Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-16 Thread Luis Alberto Zarrabeitia Gomez

Quoting Jean-Michel Pichavant

 Emile van Sebille wrote:
  On 7/16/2009 7:04 AM Unknown said...
  On 2009-07-16, Emile van Sebille wrote:
  daysInAdvance = int(inputVar) or 25
  I don't get it.  That doesn't work right when inputVar == 0.
  Aah, but you didn't get to define right.  :)  For that particular 
  example 0 is not a valid response.

 When I was talking about such error prone form of boolean operations, I 
 didn't expect to be right so quickly :p

What do you mean by being right so quickly, and error prone in this context?
I would also ask Unknown why he believes that int(intputVar) or 25 doesn't
work right when inputVar == 0. The only false value that int() may return is
zero, so the or 25 clause is there only for that case. I can't see then how
you think that is an error.

 I'm not sure it makes sens anyway. I 
 mean, I could easily argue that the number 0 is something. In the end I 
 wonder if I shouldn't just acknowledge the python mechanism 

Then look it another way. The Empty/Nothing is just standard practice, there
is nothing in python that forces you to be false if you are empty, or true
otherwise. Instead, answer this: why do you need a /boolean/ value? Is there any
case where you need to be certain that the object's type is 'bool'? If you think
the answer is yes, you may want to get more familiar with the duck typing
concept. (That doesn't mean that there are no legitimate cases where duck typing
is inappropriate, but that there are many cases where people, specially if they
come from statically typed languages, may believe that it is inappropriate when
it isn't).

In the python world, one should care more about how an object /behaves/ than
from what clase it came. If something quacks like a duck, then assume that it is
a duck, at least for the quacking part.

Most python objects carry a truth value. Sometimes it feels natural (None is
false, boolean True and False are true and false, empty containers are
expected to be false, 0 and '' are false). Sometimes, it is everything but
natural, but that's a problem with the object's implementation (datetime.time
comes to mind). So, you shouldn't care if you have a bool instance - it should
be enough that it behaves like a bool (though, if you need a bool, you can
always construct one). The True or False expression could return Giraffes, as
long as Giraffes behave like the bool True in boolean context. If you care
about the class of the result, you can ask for its truth value, and if you don't
care about it, you can just ignore it, and use it as you would use a bool.

And then, if you can return any object as long as it behaves properly, what
would be better to return? A new bool? Why not new Giraffe, if they will have
the same behaviour? Guido chose to return the a value that will say more about
the result of the operation than just a boolean. It acts as a boolean - if you
don't need anything else, treat it as such -, but it will be, whenever is
possible, one of the objects in the sequence, in case you need more info.

 trying to find any intuitive/natural/obvious logic in it, knowing that 
 sometimes the Truth lies far away from the Evidence.

Don't do that. Many of python's decisions are very well thought. You may
disagree with them, as I do with some, but they are rarely taken lightly. And
this is one that I find very agreeable and in line with the rest of python's

Luis Zarrabeitia
Facultad de Matemática y Computación, UH

Participe en Universidad 2010, del 8 al 12 de febrero de 2010
La Habana, Cuba


Re: ImportError: No module named _functools

2009-07-16 Thread Tony Lay
On Jul 16, 10:14 am, (Aahz) wrote:
 In article,
 Tony  Lay wrote:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/local/bin/meld, line 35, in module
     import gettext
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 49, in module
     import locale, copy, os, re, struct, sys
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 15, in module
     import functools
   File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 10, in module
     from _functools import partial, reduce
 ImportError: No module named _functools

 Where is
 Aahz (           *

 If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
 until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair


It's in the path...
export PYTHONHOME=/usr/local/lib/python2.6
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.6:/usr/local/lib/python2.6/

Re: This is a mess...

2009-07-16 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 Nick (N) wrote:

N this is the new oop version, its pretty messy currently, and i do
N understand it is a simple routine, but i'm using it as an exercise to
N learn oop python...

N first the (current) traceback:
N  [:~/python]$  python b2ar_all_test b2ar_all_test
N Eigen.Eigen_vect instance at 0x7fa26c404ab8
N Eigen.Eigen_vect instance at 0x7fa26c404ab8
N Traceback (most recent call last):
N   File, line 24, in module
N cov = set1.covariance(set2,
N   File /home/nleioatts/python/, line 66, in covariance
N print self.vectors[i][i]
N AttributeError: Eigen_vect instance has no attribute '__getitem__'

self.vectors is a list of Eigen_vect objects. So self.vectors[i] is an
Eigen_vect object. Now you do a subscript on this Eigen_vect object but
you have not defined what that means. Presumably you want it to do the
subscript on the self.e_vect in the Eigen_vect instance. Therefore you
have to define the __getitem__ method in the Eigen_vect class.

class Eigen_vect:
def __init__(self, e_val, e_vect):
self.e_val  = e_val
self.e_vect = e_vect
def length(self):
return len(self.e_vect)

def __getitem__(self, indx):
return self.e_vect[indx]

I hope I did not make a mistake, I didn't check it because I don't want
to make test input files.
Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: list of all possible values

2009-07-16 Thread Mensanator
On Jul 16, 11:49 am, Andreas Tawn wrote:
   Certainly possible with list comprehensions.

   a = abc
   [(x, y) for x in a for y in a]
   [('a', 'a'), ('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'a'), ('b', 'b'), ('b',
   ('c', 'a'), ('c', 'b'), ('c', 'c')]

   But I like bearophile's version better.


  Thanks, but I think you were missing my point. I should have explained

  The advantage that bearophile's version is generic with respect to the
  number of elements in each combination. To go from 2 element pairs
  (e.g. ('a', 'c')) to 5 element pairs (e.g. ('a', 'c', 'b', 'b', 'e'))
  requires only a change in a parameter passed to itertools.

  I don't see how you would do that with list comprehensions. You're
  example works nicely with 2 element pairs, but it seems to me like
  you'd need to recode it if you wanted to change it to 5 element pairs.

  Am I wrong about that? Can you think of a way to write a function
  that, using list comprehensions, takes a list of values and the size
  of each combination, and returns the len(list)**(combination size)
  possible combinations using those values?

  Thanks again,


 I think my post got caught in the nebulous email eddys and seems to have
 taken 16 hours to arrive on the list. It was meant to be a reply to your
 first post, not your second.

 Having said that, I think I missed the point of that post too ;o)

 Maybe someone smarter than me can come up with a way to dynamically nest
 the fors in a list comprehension, but I certainly can't do it.

Well, I don't use list comprehension, but you can certainly
make dynamic for loops. Not that this is a replacement for
itertools (I wrote it before itertools had the ability to do
all this).

def ooloop6(a, n, perm=True, repl=True):
if (not repl) and (nlen(a)): return
r0 = range(n)
r1 = r0[1:]
if perm and repl:  # ok
v = ','.join(['c%s' % i for i in r0])
f = ' '.join(['for c%s in a' % i for i in r0])
e = ''.join([p = [''.join((,v,)) ,f,]])
exec e
return p
if (not perm) and repl:# ok
v = ','.join(['c%s' % i for i in r0])
f = ' '.join(['for c%s in a' % i for i in r0])
i = ' and '.join(['(c%s=c%s)' % (j,j-1) for j in r1])
e = ''.join([p = [''.join((,v,)) ,f, if ,i,]])
exec e
return p
if perm and (not repl):# ok
v = ','.join(['c%s' % i for i in r0])
f = ' '.join(['for c%s in a' % i for i in r0])
i = ' and '.join([' and '.join(['(c%s!=c%s)' % (j,k) for k in
range(j)]) for j in r1])
e = ''.join([p = [''.join((,v,)) ,f, if ,i,]])
exec e
return p
if (not perm) and (not repl):  # ok
v = ','.join(['c%s' % i for i in r0])
f = ' '.join(['for c%s in a' % i for i in r0])
i = ' and '.join(['(c%sc%s)' % (j,j-1) for j in r1])
e = ''.join([p = [''.join((,v,)) ,f, if ,i,]])
exec e
return p

print '0123456789 taken 2 at a time'

p = ooloop6('0123456789',2,True,True)
print 'Permutations withReplacement: %6d' % (len(p))
print p

p = ooloop6('0123456789',2,True,False)
print 'Permutations without Replacement: %6d' % (len(p))
print p

p = ooloop6('0123456789',2,False,True)
print 'Combinations withReplacement: %6d' % (len(p))
print p

p = ooloop6('0123456789',2,False,False)
print 'Combinations without Replacement: %6d' % (len(p))
print p


print '0123456789 taken 3 at a time'

p = ooloop6('0123456789',3,True,True)
print 'Permutations withReplacement: %6d' % (len(p))
print p

p = ooloop6('0123456789',3,True,False)
print 'Permutations without Replacement: %6d' % (len(p))
print p

p = ooloop6('0123456789',3,False,True)
print 'Combinations withReplacement: %6d' % (len(p))
print p

p = ooloop6('0123456789',3,False,False)
print 'Combinations without Replacement: %6d' % (len(p))
print p

0123456789 taken 2 at a time

Permutations withReplacement:100
['00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10',
'11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21',
'22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32',
'33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43',
'44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54',
'55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65',
'66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76',
'77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87',
'88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94', '95', '96', '97', '98',

Permutations without Replacement: 90
['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '12',
'13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '23', '24',
'25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '34', '35', '36',
'37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '45', '46', 

Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-16 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 11:06:54 +0200, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

 So if I resume:
 - not 'foo' = False
 - 'foo' or 'foo' = 'foo'

 I may be missing something, but honestly, Guido must have smoked some 
 heavy stuff to write such logic, has he ?

 Several languages (e.g. Lisp, Bourne shell) behave the same way, i.e. or
 returns the first element which is considered true while and returns the
 last element provided that all preceding elements are considered true.
 Ok then, why or does not return True, if the first element is 
 considered True ?

If the first element is true, returning the first element is returning

 Why returning the element itself. Any reason for that ?

Why not? Where is the benefit in collapsing all true values to True? You
can convert values to True/False with bool(), but the conversion cannot be

It only makes a difference if you are interested in the representation
rather than the value. Do you normally test for equality with is or ==?


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