[ANN] Leipzig Python User Group - Meeting, October 13, 2009, 08:00pm

2009-10-12 Thread Mike Müller

=== Leipzig Python User Group ===

We will meet on Tuesday, October 13 at 8:00 pm at the training
center of Python Academy in Leipzig, Germany
( http://www.python-academy.com/center/find.html ).

Food and soft drinks are provided. Please send a short
confirmation mail to i...@python-academy.de, so we can prepare

Everybody who uses Python, plans to do so or is interested in
learning more about the language is encouraged to participate.

While the meeting language will be mainly German, we will provide
English translation if needed.

Current information about the meetings are at
http://www.python-academy.com/user-group .


== Leipzig Python User Group ===

Wir treffen uns am Dienstag, 13.10.2009 um 20:00 Uhr
im Schulungszentrum der Python Academy in Leipzig
( http://www.python-academy.de/Schulungszentrum/anfahrt.html ).

Für das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt. Eine Anmeldung unter
i...@python-academy.de wäre nett, damit wir genug Essen
besorgen können.

Willkommen ist jeder, der Interesse an Python hat, die Sprache
bereits nutzt oder nutzen möchte.

Aktuelle Informationen zu den Treffen sind unter
http://www.python-academy.de/User-Group zu finden.

Viele Grüße


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: next pyCologne meeting 14.10.2009 18:30 p.m.

2009-10-12 Thread Christopher Arndt
[German announcement, forwarded from pyCologne mailing list]

Hallo liebe Pythonfreunde,

das nächste Treffen von pyCologne, der Kölner Python-UserGroup, findet

Datum:   Mittwoch, den 14.10.2009
Uhrzeit: 18:30 Uhr c.t.
Ort: Pool 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B) der
 Universität Köln, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln


   - Google Wave (Andi Albrecht, Florian Scheel)

Ab ca. 20:30 Uhr werden wir den Abend gemütlich in einem nahe
gelegenen Restaurant/Kneipe ausklingen lassen (al Caminetto -
Berrenratherstrasse 202).

Weitere Information zu pyCologne, inkl. Wegbeschreibung, Fotos und
Protokollen vergangener Treffen usw.,  findet ihr auf unserer Seite
im deutschen Python Wiki:


[momentan erreichbar unter:



Viele Grüße,



Support the Python Software Foundation:

Docutils 0.6 released

2009-10-12 Thread grubert

Good morning,

Release 0.6 is out. Changes are :

* Two new writers for ODT and manpage (so there is no excuse for python
  software not having a manpage anymore).

* Python2.2 is no longer supported. Release 0.6 is compatible with
  Python versions from 2.3 up to 2.6 and convertible to 3.1 code.

* The newlatex writer is orphaned.

* The LaTeX2e writer sports templates now and is the most active worked
  on part. There might be some suprises due to new defaults, but we tried
  to minimize breakage and choose sensible defaults.

* The HTML writer supports a comma separated list of stylesheets.

* Some changes to reStructuredText

many thanks to all contributors.

have a nice start into a new week.



   Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python-3.2 (SVN) bug [was syntax question]

2009-10-12 Thread Helmut Jarausch

I wrote
I'm trying to build the recent Python-3.2a (SVN).
It fails in
Lib/tokenize.py  (line 87)

85  def group(*choices): return '(' + '|'.join(choices) + ')'
86  def any(*choices): return group(*choices) + '*'
87  def maybe(*choices): return group(*choices) + '?'

with: TypeError: group() argument after ** must be a mapping, not tuple

Meanwhile I could narrow this down to the --with-tsc configure option.
Without it, it builds just fine.


Helmut Jarausch

Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
RWTH - Aachen University
D 52056 Aachen, Germany

a=[1,2,3,4].reverse() - why a is None?

2009-10-12 Thread Nadav Chernin


Re: Best way to handle changing list of class imports

2009-10-12 Thread greg

Dave Angel wrote:

For that, I'd suggest reserving a directory at a known location, doing 
an os.path.dirname() on that directory, and building a list of module 
names.  Then use __import__() to load them, and build a list of module 
objects, and a list of classes in those modules.  Suggest classname to 
be simply formed by uppercasing the first letter of the module file.

Another possibility would be to require each student's module
to define a factory function with a standard name, such as
'create_strategy', so you wouldn't have to deal with a different
class name in each module.

Also, an alternative to using __import__() would be to use
execfile() to load and execute the student's code. Then you
wouldn't have to put the directory containing the students'
modules on the import path, and they wouldn't get put into
sys.modules, which would help to isolate them from each other.
(Otherwise a student could cheat by importing someone else's
stragegy class and passing it off as their own!)

However, each student's submission would more or less be
restricted to a single file in that case, whereas using
__import__() would allow it to be a package with submodules.
Whether that's a serious disadvantage depends on how big and
complicated you expect the submissions to be.


Re: a=[1,2,3,4].reverse() - why a is None?

2009-10-12 Thread Andre Engels
The reverse function is a function to reverse the list in place, not a
function to get the reverse of the list:

x = [1,2,3,4]
y = x
z = x.reverse()

will result in:

x = y = [4,3,2,1]
z = None

André Engels, andreeng...@gmail.com

Re: a=[1,2,3,4].reverse() - why a is None?

2009-10-12 Thread Erik Max Francis

Andre Engels wrote:

The reverse function is a function to reverse the list in place, not a
function to get the reverse of the list:

x = [1,2,3,4]
y = x
z = x.reverse()

will result in:

x = y = [4,3,2,1]
z = None

.reverse returns None.  See the documentation.

Erik Max Francis  m...@alcyone.com  http://www.alcyone.com/max/
 San Jose, CA, USA  37 18 N 121 57 W  AIM/Y!M/Skype erikmaxfrancis
  Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
   -- Sigmund Freud

Re: a=[1,2,3,4].reverse() - why a is None?

2009-10-12 Thread Chris Withers

...becauase you were looking for:



Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting
   - http://www.simplistix.co.uk


2009-10-12 Thread Boris Arloff
This may not be the correct list for this issue, if so I would appreciate if 
anyone could forward it to the correct list.
I had experienced a number of problems with standard library SocketServer when 
implementing a tcp forking server under python 2.6.  I fixed every 
issue including some timing problems (e.g. socket request closed too fast 
before the last packet was grabbed) by overriding or extending methods as 
Nonetheless, the one issue which may require a wider attention had to deal with 
collect_children() of class TCPServer.  This method makes the following os 
library call:
pid, result = os.waitpid(child, options=0)
Under some conditions the method breaks on this line with a message indicating 
that an unexpected keyword  argument options was provided.  In a continuous 
run reading thousands of packets from multiple client connects, this line seems 
to fail at times, but not always.  Unfortunately, I did not record the specific 
conditions that caused this erroneous error message, which happened 
unpredicatbly multiple times.
To correct the problem the line of code may be changed by removing the keyword 
pid, result = os.waitpid(child, 0); this never fails.
Nonetheless, I believe that method collect_children() is too cumbersome as 
written and I did override it with the following simpler strategy.  The 
developers of SocketServer may want to consider it as a replacement to the 
current code used for collect_children().
 def collect_children(self):
   '''Collect Children - Overrides ForkingTCPServer collect_children method.
   The provided method in SocketServer modules does not properly work for the
   intended purpose.  This implementation is a complete replacement.
   Each new child process id (pid) is added to list active_children by method
   process_request().  Each time a new connection is created by the method, a
   call is then made here for cleanup of any inactive processes.
   Returns: None
   child = None
if self.active_children:  # a list of active child processes
 for child in self.active_children:
   val = os.waitpid(child, os.WNOHANG)  # val = (pid, status)
   if not val[0]:# pid 0; child is inactive
time.sleep(0.5)   # wait to kill
os.kill(child, signal.SIGKILL)   # make sure it is dead
self.active_children.remove(child) # remove from active list
   else: continue
  except OSError, err:
   if errno.ECHILD != err.errno: # do not report; child not found
msg = '\tOS error attempting to terminate child process {0}.'
   else: pass
   msg = '\tGeneral error attempting to terminate child process {0}.'
 else: pass# for child loop
else: pass
msg = '\tGeneral error while attempting to terminate child process {0}.'

Things to note are:
1. Using os.WNOHANG instead of 0 as options values to os.waitpid
2. Detecting if we get a returned pid==0; hence assume child is done
3. Attempt a os.kill for defunct children after a time.sleep(0.5); allow 
dependent processes to complete their job before totally closing down the 
4. Report os errors as exceptions; but not errno.ECHILD, which means trying to 
kill none existing child; keep this as a warning.
This is more suscinct code and does the job.  At least it does it for me.


Multiprocessing Fail

2009-10-12 Thread Terrence Cole
This code fails:
from multiprocessing import Manager
manager = Manager()
ns_proxy = manager.Namespace()
evt_proxy = manager.Event()
ns_proxy.my_event_proxy = evt_proxy
print ns_proxy.my_event_proxy
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File test_nsproxy.py, line 39, in module
print ns_proxy.my_event_proxy
  File /usr/lib64/python2.6/multiprocessing/managers.py, line 989, in
return callmethod('__getattribute__', (key,))
  File /usr/lib64/python2.6/multiprocessing/managers.py, line 740, in
raise convert_to_error(kind, result)
Unserializable message: ('#RETURN', threading._Event object at

This code creates a manager, uses the manager to create a Namespace and
an Event.  We store the proxies in variables 'ns_proxy' and 'evt_proxy'
respectively.  We set the name 'my_event_proxy' on the namespace proxy
with the event proxy.  This appears to pickle, transmit, and store the
event proxy successfully.  However, when we attempt to read back the
event proxy from the namespace proxy, we get an exception.  It appears
that the namespace is attempting to return the real event and not the
proxy and, of course, the real event is not pickable.  The same error
occurs if we substitute a dict or a list for the Namespace or any of the
synchronization primitives for Event.  The docs seem to indicate that
nesting of manager elements should work.

What is wrong here, multiprocessing's docs or its implementation?

I tested this on:
Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Sep 14 2009, 18:47:57)
[GCC 4.3.2] on linux2
Python 2.7a0 (trunk:75375, Oct 11 2009, 17:50:44)
[GCC 4.3.2] on linux2
with the same results on both.



Re: Python vs Java - Perché i pythonisti ce l'hanno tanto con Java?

2009-10-12 Thread spazza

Enrico Franchi ha scritto:

spazza spa...@alum.com wrote:


Non mi pare che al momento Python sia in grado di reggere tutto questo.

Scusa, proseguendo in questa maniera andiamo pesantemente OT.
Rimane pero' il problema di *dimostrare* la tua affermazione. Da quanto
leggo, mi sembra che tu di Python sappia circa nulla e di conseguenza
stai facendo affermazioni di inadeguatezza su una piattaforma che non

Hai ragione, stiamo andando OT; però consideriamo solo questo: devi 
costruire un'applicazione per accedere ad un DB Oracle non nuovissimo 
che sai verrà aggiornato prima o poi.

Cosa ti serve per Java e dove lo trovi? Scarichi direttamente dal sito 
Oracle il driver JDBC ultima release, che funziona con tutte le versioni 
più recenti di Java, e puoi sviluppare l'applicatione sul tuo PC, 
trasportandola poi su un altro ambiente senza colpo ferire.
Al più, se hai prodotti molto datati, tipo Oracle DB 8.x o Java 1.3, 
devi prendere una versione del driver un po' più vecchia, tutto qui. Ma 
è molto probabile che l'applicazione continuerà a funzionare anche 
aggiornando in seguito il driver.

Stessa situazione, cosa server con Python? Intanto, non è chiarissimo 
dove trovare il necessario: su OTN (Oracle) c'è scritto di usare 
cx_Oracle, ma ovviamente Oracle non ti supporta e dopo che hai speso 
svariati keuro per il canone di assistenza non è proprio il massimo.
Poi, in ogni caso, cx_Oracle richiede l'installazione del client Oracle, 
che anche nella versione Instant è un affare abbastanza intrusivo e 
comunque è dipendente dal sistema operativo.
Poi devi trovare tra i vari file di cx_Oracle la combinazione giusta tra 
versione di Python, versione dei driver Oracle e versione del sistema 
operativo corrispondente alla tua situazione. Se ti va male, es. usi 
Solaris, ti tocca anche provare a ricompilarlo.
Quasi sicuramente, al primo upgrade massiccio del sistema in servizio 
devi ricominciare da capo.

Non è nulla di impossibile, ma ritornando al punto: ti sembra 
praticabile da tutti? Ti sembra una soluzione sostenibile a medio/lungo 
termine in una realtà aziendale?


Re: strange behaviour when inheriting from tuple

2009-10-12 Thread ryles
On Oct 11, 3:04 am, metal metal...@gmail.com wrote:

 PythonWin 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Apr 27 2009, 15:41:14) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
 (Intel)] on win32.
 Portions Copyright 1994-2008 Mark Hammond - see 'Help/About PythonWin'
 for further copyright information.

 Evil Code:

 class Foo:
         def __init__(self, *args):
                 print args

 Foo(1, 2, 3) # (1, 2, 3), good

 class Bar(tuple):
         def __init__(self, *args):
                 print args

 Bar(1, 2, 3) # TypeError: tuple() takes at most 1 argument (3 given)

 what the heck? I even didn't call tuple.__init__ yet

When subclassing immutable types you'll want to override __new__, and
should ensure that the base type's __new__ is called:

__ class MyTuple(tuple):
__ def __new__(cls, *args):
__ return tuple.__new__(cls, args)
__ print MyTuple(1, 2, 3)

(1, 2, 3)

See http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.2.3/descrintro/#__new__

Re: save windows clipboard content temporarily and restore later

2009-10-12 Thread Neil Hodgson

 I followed your hints, and wrote the following code. It works for most
 clipboard formats except files. Selecting and copying a file, followed
 by backup() and restore() throw an exception:

   For some formats the handle stored on the clipboard may not be a
memory handle so may not be retrieved as memory. You could try using a
list of formats to include or exclude or just pass over the exception.


Re: Plotting multiple datasets with gnuplot

2009-10-12 Thread Snorri H
On Oct 9, 1:36 pm, Rob Garrett rgagarr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm trying to get gnuplot to display multiple data series on a single
 plot using gnuplot in python.  I've searched around and haven't found
 a solution to how to do this when I have a variable-length list of
 plots to add.

What module are you using for interfacing python to gnuplot? I was
using gnuplot.py (http://gnuplot-py.sourceforge.net) package and it
was pretty easy to plot variable number of datasets on a single plot
with or without multiplot (however more than seven datasets per plot
looks ugly imho). In this case all you have to do is to create a
proper string with commands and pass it to gnuplot.


Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread greg

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Back in ancient days when dinosaurs walked the Earth, 
and I was programming in THINK Pascal on Apple Macintosh System 6, I'd go 
into nervous palpitations writing the equivalent of while True because 
if I got it wrong, I'd lock up the machine and need to hit the power 

That was true when just about *anything* went wrong in that
environment, though -- I don't think you can blame while True
in particular for it.

(I remember my earliest Mac programming experiences, back
when the Mac was too small to run its own development
environment, and everything had to be cross-compiled.
Debugging consisted of counting the number of times
SysBeep got called before the bomb icon appeared...)


Re: Poll on Eval in Python

2009-10-12 Thread Kazimir Majorinc

On 10.10.2009 5:03, Kazimir Majorinc wrote:

I am Lisp programmer and I write an article on issues
as macros, fexprs and eval. I want to compare opinions
of programmers of various programming languages on eval.

If you want to contribute your opinion on eval in Python
(or you want to look at result), the adress is:

I need more voters, if you can, please.

blog: http://kazimirmajorinc.blogspot.com

Thank you
Kazimir Majorinc


RE: a=[1,2,3,4].reverse() - why a is None?

2009-10-12 Thread Nadav Chernin

Chris Withers wrote:

...becauase you were looking for:


OK, but my question is generic. Why when I use object's function that
changed values of the object, I can't to get value of it on the fly
without writing additional code?

[4, 3, 2, 1]

Why I can't a==[1,3,2,4].sort().reverse() ?

Daemon call python program

2009-10-12 Thread ���m�ۤv...@����
I have a daemon process which will call a python program.

What do I do if I want to dump the exception when the python program exist
by uncaught exception.

Thanks a lot!

※Post by command   from 59-124-255-226.HINET-IP.

Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread greg

kj wrote:

I'm coaching a group of biologists on basic Python scripting.  One
of my charges mentioned that he had come across the advice never
to use loops beginning with while True.

It's possible this is something he was told in relation to
another language that has more options.

For example, in C there's for(;;) as an alternative, although
there's not much to choose between them. Also you can often
use an assignment-as-condition trick to squeeze a loop-and-
a-half into a while(), and you have do-while loops for
testing at the end.

Python is much more limited -- anything which isn't a
for has to be a while of some shape, so it's harder to
avoid while True without introducing extra complexities
into the code.


Re: code in a module is executed twice (cyclic import problems) ?

2009-10-12 Thread greg

Dave Angel wrote:

The point you should get from that link is

Don't do circular imports.  Ever.

No, I would say the lesson to be learned from this is
don't use the same file as both a main script and an
imported module.

I would create another file called e.g. 'main.py' that
simply contains

  import B

and use that as the main script.

Another benefit is that the compiled bytecode of B will
be saved, so it will start up faster the next time you
run it. That won't happen if you use B directly as a
main script.

(Circular imports are a different issue. There are perfectly
legitimate uses for them, and they're fine as long as you
understand the potential pitfalls and take steps to avoid
them. Although it's probably best to avoid them until you
do understand all the issues.)



Re: An assessment of Tkinter and IDLE

2009-10-12 Thread TerryP
On Oct 12, 7:29 am, r rt8...@gmail.com wrote:
 Obviously you have never used packages that are meant for global
 importing or you would know how such systems are designed.  OpenGL is
 a good example. OpenGL has over 3600 functions and constants all of
 which start with gl and GL respectivly. However the Tkinter package
 is not a good candidate for this in real use cases. Not only do you
 have all the widget classes and functions you have the constants
 imported too. ~180 names are imported this way, far too many when not
 protected by a naming convention! However learning to use Tkinter for
 the beginner is much eaiser when using global imports and i think that
 is OK. But very shortly after it is a good idea to get in the habit of
 quialifing names with tk.thisorthat().

I suppose you are right about that one, the largest things I've ever
had to imported tops out around ~600 names; although only used in
interactive mode, not finished product.

One thing you should also learn about me, is I do not deal in
absolutes. If you don't understand the meanings associated with that,
then try importing yourbrain.reflection into a private namespace.

On Oct 12, 7:29 am, r rt8...@gmail.com wrote:
 Sarcasm anyone?

If you can't stand sarcasm, you are living on the wrong planet.

On Oct 12, 7:29 am, r rt8...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes IDLE is not meant for writing million line scripts
 but who would want to anyway?

I would assume that is obvious 8=), however any editing interface may
be used for writing million line anythings -- just look at ed http://

On Oct 12, 7:29 am, r rt8...@gmail.com wrote:
 You may find the IDLE and
 Tkinter useless but many people find both to be indispensable
 (especially noobs). I think this is a case of champagne taste's on a
 whiskey budget for you friend!

You are both right and wrong: I find IDLE useless because I edit code
written in more then one (programming) language, thus any editor that
is not (more) language agnostic is useless to me, and probably every
other programmer that refuses to waste time learning an IDE per
language (and so on).

Tkinter however is not, because it is an interface to Tk ;). Ok, if
you have a broken display , then it is probably useless, guess you are
right on that one too.

I said I had never used Tk, not that it was useless. Depending on your
style of parsing English, one could also call me a liar (or a louse),
as I have used programs built on Tk but have never written programs
with Tk. I'll leave individual readers to determine that result.

On Oct 12, 7:29 am, r rt8...@gmail.com wrote:

  No, that is probably wrong.

 No it's exactly right and  a one-liner to fix. And btw: pass the
 reefer because it ain't just whiskey clouding your mind fella!

Adding data to the clipboard belongs in the program, the decision of
*what* to place in the clipboard (generally) belongs with the user and
not to their program. Mistakenly overwriting the contents of a buffer
that you meant to retain for a longer period of time, is not the
buffers problem. Get it?

As I do not believe in absolutes, I therefore believe that there are
times where my statement is False, in this case however I believe it
is True. If you do not agree, then we have a _philosophical_
difference of opinion, and should agree to disagree.

Also the whiskey thing was an obscured reference to a song, not a
reference to my blood alcohol level. Which is probably much lower then
whoever created Tkinter from the looks of both the package and your

On Oct 12, 7:29 am, r rt8...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why do
 you reply to a thread about a subject you obviously don't care about?

Where I come from, one would say that you asked for feedback:

  On Aug 27, 9:22 pm, r rt8...@gmail.com wrote:
   Final Thoughts
   Well, that is all i can remember for now. If you've made it this
   without losing your temper or your lunch well i am very
surprised ;).
   Anyway, give me some feedback on these ideas so maybe i can get
   motivated to submit some patches/enhancements.
   psst... help is welcome too ya'know :)

1.  Electronics.
a.  the process of returning part of the output of a 
system, or device to the input, either to oppose the input (negative
feedback) or to aid the input (positive feedback).

5.  Psychology. knowledge of the results of any behavior, considered
as influencing or modifying further performance. Compare biofeedback.

Now if you only wanted Yes sir, that is a jolly good idea types of
response, you should be more explicit about not wanting differing
opinions included.

On Oct 12, 7:29 am, r rt8...@gmail.com wrote:
 If you've never used Tkinter or IDLE (and never will) you have no
 reason to reply except for 

How to transfer a string from cgi at server side to a javascript function at client side as an argument?

2009-10-12 Thread zxo102
Hi everyone,
How can I transfer a string from a cgi at server side to a
javascript function at client side as an argument? Here is my case:

1. client side: javascript in html page:
mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox');
var cgi3 = /bop-cgi/xbop;
cgi3 += ?requestIds=[wisco.mProducts.dboProducts.mySearch];
cgi3 += amp;wisco.mProducts.dboProducts.searchString=1=1;


2. server side cgi: wisco.mProducts.dboProducts.mySearch
def mySearch(self):
 row_count = self.response['rowCount']
 myStr = rows total_count=%s pos=%s%
(row_count, 1)
for i in range(len(self.response['dbcCode'])):
a = self.response['dbcCode'][i]
   c = self.response['dbcId'][i]
myStr = myStr + row id = '%s%c + '
myStr = myStr + cell + a + /cell
myStr = myStr + cell%s%c + /cell
myStr = myStr + /row
myStr = myStr + /rows
I want the myStr to be transferred to mygrid.loadXML like:

mygrid.loadXML('rows total_count=100 pos=1row

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Re: Daemon call python program

2009-10-12 Thread ���m�ۤv...@����
※ 引述《command (找尋自己的一片天)》之銘言:
: I have a daemon process which will call a python program.
: What do I do if I want to dump the exception when the python program exist
: by uncaught exception.
: Thanks a lot!

By the way, the python program is multi-thread

※Post by command   from 59-124-255-226.HINET-IP.

Re: mxDateTime history (Re: mktime, how to handle dates before 01-01-1970 ?)

2009-10-12 Thread greg

MRAB wrote:

And when someone says January 30, do they really mean the day before
the last day of the month?

No, no, that's January -2, a *completely* different thing!


RE: a=[1,2,3,4].reverse() - why a is None?

2009-10-12 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Nadav Chernin wrote:

 Chris Withers wrote:
 ...becauase you were looking for:
 OK, but my question is generic. Why when I use object's function that
 changed values of the object, I can't to get value of it on the fly
 without writing additional code?
 [4, 3, 2, 1]
 Why I can't a==[1,3,2,4].sort().reverse() ?

This is a FAQ. The reasoning is that operations that modify a collection in
place (the same goes for .sort()) don't return the collection to prevent
errors from creeping up like this:

  unsorted = ...
  sorted = unsorted.sort()

where the assumption is that unsorted is still that - unsorted.

You can read a lot of the pro + cons on this NG/ML if you google for it, but
you won't reach a change in semantics.



Re: New hire

2009-10-12 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Emeka wrote:

Hello All,

I am new to python , and my aim is to use it to write sugar-based 
applications on XO(OLPC). I am not new to programming in general, I would
want to know the best route to take in learning python. I have 
background in FP and Imperative languages.





start external program from python

2009-10-12 Thread Bjorn

Hi, I woul like to start a program from within python (under linux):
This works fine:

import os
path = 'tclsh AppMain.tcl hej.gb'

The file AppMain.tcl is the executable and the file hej.gb is a
textfile in the same directory.
The text file gets opened in the app in the correct way.

I wonder if I could pass information from the clipboard to the
AppMain.tcl instead of the file hej.gb ?
I use wxPython.
any comment is appreciated!

Re: Python-3.2 (SVN) bug [was syntax question]

2009-10-12 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Oct 12, 7:55 am, Helmut Jarausch jarau...@igpm.rwth-aachen.de
 I wrote
 I'm trying to build the recent Python-3.2a (SVN).
 It fails in
 Lib/tokenize.py  (line 87)

 85  def group(*choices): return '(' + '|'.join(choices) + ')'
 86  def any(*choices): return group(*choices) + '*'
 87  def maybe(*choices): return group(*choices) + '?'

 with: TypeError: group() argument after ** must be a mapping, not tuple

It looks like there's already a tracker issue open for this (or
for something that looks an awful lot like this issue):


but work on that bug has stalled, because core developers have
been unable to reproduce the problem.

It would be really helpful if you could add a comment to that
bug report, giving as much system information (including
compiler information) as possible.  If you can come up with any
ideas about what might be causing the failure, that would also
be useful.

Like Antoine, I'd be inclined to suspect that it's a compiler bug,
but it could also be caused by some not-quite-standards-compliant
C code in Python somewhere. What happens if you turn compiler
optimizations off?  (E.g., by editing configure.in to remove all
occurrences of '-O3' and then rerunning autoconf and autoheader.)



Re: a=[1,2,3,4].reverse() - why a is None?

2009-10-12 Thread Andre Engels
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Nadav Chernin
nada...@qualisystems.com wrote:

        Chris Withers wrote:

        ...becauase you were looking for:


 OK, but my question is generic. Why when I use object's function that
 changed values of the object, I can't to get value of it on the fly
 without writing additional code?

 [4, 3, 2, 1]

 Why I can't a==[1,3,2,4].sort().reverse() ?

I think it is to avoid programming mistakes. If reverse() or sort()
returned the reversed or sorted list, people are prone to using them
for that purpose, and you get people wondering why

b = [1,2,3,4]
a = b.reverse()

would change the value of b.

By having functions and methods have either return a value but not
have a side effect (that is, changing variables or objects), or have a
side effect but not return a value, one eliminates the risk that
people use a function to obtain a value but do not realize its side

André Engels, andreeng...@gmail.com

Re: mxDateTime history (Re: mktime, how to handle dates before 01-01-1970 ?)

2009-10-12 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 greg g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz (g) wrote:

g MRAB wrote:
 And when someone says January 30, do they really mean the day before
 the last day of the month?

g No, no, that's January -2, a *completely* different thing!

But for someone else it would be February -2.
Piet van Oostrum p...@vanoostrum.org
WWW: http://pietvanoostrum.com/
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

Re: postprocessing in os.walk

2009-10-12 Thread Dave Angel

kj wrote:

Perl's directory tree traversal facility is provided by the function
find of the File::Find module.  This function accepts an optional
callback, called postprocess, that gets invoked just before leaving
the currently processed directory.  The documentation goes on to
say This hook is handy for summarizing a directory, such as
calculating its disk usage, which is exactly what I use it for in
a maintenance script.

This maintenance script is getting long in the tooth, and I've been
meaning to add a few enhancements to it for a while, so I thought
that in the process I'd port it to Python, using the os.walk
function, but I see that os.walk does not have anything like this
File::Find::find's postprocess hook.  Is there a good way to simulate
it (without having to roll my own File::Find::find in Python)?



Why would you need a special hook when the os.walk() generator yields 
exactly once per directory?  So whatever work you do on the list of 
files you get, you can then put the summary logic immediately after.

Or if you really feel you need a special hook, then write a wrapper for 
os.walk(), which takes a hook function as a parameter, and after 
yielding each file in a directory, calls the hook.  Looks like about 5 


Re: mxDateTime history (Re: mktime, how to handle dates before 01-01-1970 ?)

2009-10-12 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Piet van Oostrum p...@cs.uu.nl wrote:
 greg g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz (g) wrote:

g MRAB wrote:
 And when someone says January 30, do they really mean the day before
 the last day of the month?

g No, no, that's January -2, a *completely* different thing!

 But for someone else it would be February -2.

And for still others, it's the last $DAYOFWEEK of the month, which
just happened to fall on the 30th.


Re: code in a module is executed twice (cyclic import problems) ?

2009-10-12 Thread Dave Angel

greg wrote:
div class=moz-text-flowed style=font-family: -moz-fixedDave 
Angel wrote:

The point you should get from that link is

Don't do circular imports.  Ever.

No, I would say the lesson to be learned from this is
don't use the same file as both a main script and an
imported module.

I would create another file called e.g. 'main.py' that
simply contains

  import B

and use that as the main script.

Another benefit is that the compiled bytecode of B will
be saved, so it will start up faster the next time you
run it. That won't happen if you use B directly as a
main script.

(Circular imports are a different issue. There are perfectly
legitimate uses for them, and they're fine as long as you
understand the potential pitfalls and take steps to avoid
them. Although it's probably best to avoid them until you
do understand all the issues.)

You prove my point by trying to contradict it.   Importing a script from 
the same or another module is a circular import, and therefore should be 
avoided.  If you understand all the issues, you can get away with it, 
but few programmers understand them all like they think they do.

The *only* difference between this circular import and any other is that 
the problems it can trigger are a little more obvious, and a lot more 


Re: Why ELIF?

2009-10-12 Thread Esmail

TerryP wrote:

Somehow I doubt that Look up X in dictionary D could ever be more
efficient (in terms of space and time, at least) then Check if X is
equal to Y. It's not about what you get in runtime but what you get
in monkey time.

Most expressions that would make someone reach for a C-like switch()
statement can be expressed with dictionaries or attributes instead.

Here is a dorks approach to calling a specific function with arguments
based on a command:


Here is more of a look up table approach:


Neat -- thanks for sharing this TerryP



deepcopy of class inherited from Thread

2009-10-12 Thread VYAS ASHISH M-NTB837
Dear All
I am running this piece of code:
from threading import Thread
import copy
class Ashish(Thread):
def __init__(self, i):
self.foo = i
def run(self):
print (self, self.foo)

d= Ashish(4)
e = copy.deepcopy(d)  --- Exception here
But I am getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Profiles\ntb837\Desktop\threadprob.py, line 13, in module
e = copy.deepcopy(d)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 173, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 295, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 146, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 235, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 173, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 295, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 146, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 235, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 173, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 280, in _reconstruct
y = callable(*args)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copyreg.py, line 88, in __newobj__
return cls.__new__(cls, *args)
TypeError: object.__new__(_thread.lock) is not safe, use
Could someone please help me find a solution?
Ashish Vyas

Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread Luis Zarrabeitia
On Sunday 11 October 2009 11:56:55 pm Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 In this situation, the middle exit works best -- using
 non-optimal Python

 while True:
 lin = file_object.readline()
 if not lin: break
 do something with lin

Actually, in python, this works even better:

for lin in iter(file_object.readline, ):
... do something with lin

Luis Zarrabeitia (aka Kyrie)
Fac. de Matemática y Computación, UH.

Re: best vi / emacs python features

2009-10-12 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Wed, 2009-10-07, OdarR wrote:

 * this is not a troll *

 which kind of help you have with your favorite editor ?

Syntax highlighting and help with the indentation (move to the
right after an else:, keep in the same column normally, etc).
Nothing else specific to Python.

 personnally, I find emacs very nice, in the current state of my
 knowledge, when I need to reindent the code.
 you know how this is critical in python...:-)

Moving a block one step right or left?  Oh, I use that, too.

I am also a heavy user of dabbrev-expand (that's an Emacs term, but
it exists in Vim too).  Also some other vital features which aren't
specific to Python. The best help an editor can give is language-


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   .  .
\X/ snipabacken.se   O  o   .

Re: deepcopy of class inherited from Thread

2009-10-12 Thread Dave Angel


Dear All
I am running this piece of code:
from threading import Thread

import copy
class Ashish(Thread):

def __init__(self, i):
self.foo = i
def run(self):
print (self, self.foo)

d= Ashish(4)
e = copy.deepcopy(d)  --- Exception here


But I am getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File D:\Profiles\ntb837\Desktop\threadprob.py, line 13, in module
e = copy.deepcopy(d)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 173, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 295, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 146, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 235, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 173, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 295, in _reconstruct
state = deepcopy(state, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 146, in deepcopy
y = copier(x, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 235, in _deepcopy_dict
y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 173, in deepcopy
y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 280, in _reconstruct
y = callable(*args)
  File C:\Python31\lib\copyreg.py, line 88, in __newobj__
return cls.__new__(cls, *args)
TypeError: object.__new__(_thread.lock) is not safe, use
Could someone please help me find a solution?

Ashish Vyas

Is there some reason you need to copy such an object?  In general, you 
can get into trouble doing deep copies of structures which involve OS 
data, because not all such data can be safely copied.  Sometimes such 
copies just quietly malfunction, but this time you were fortunate enough 
to get a runtime error.

What is your use-case?  Perhaps there's some other approach that would 
accomplish the real task.


Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread Xavier Ho
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:32 PM, Luis Zarrabeitia ky...@uh.cu wrote:

 Actually, in python, this works even better:

 for lin in iter(file_object.readline, ):
... do something with lin

What about 

 with open(path_string) as f:
 for line in f:
 # do something


Re: What do I do now?

2009-10-12 Thread exarkun

On 11 Oct, 10:53 pm, fordhai...@gmail.com wrote:
I've been programming since about 3 years, and come to think of it 
written anything large. I know a few languages: c, python, perl, java. 

now, I just write little IRC bots that basically don't do anything.

I have two questions:

1) What should I start programming (project that takes 1-2 months, not 

short term)?

You should make sure you pick something you find interesting.  It can be 
a challenge to work on a long term project that isn't appealing to you 
personally in some way.

2) Whtat are some good open source projects I can start coding for?

I think that Twisted is one of the better projects to work on if you're 
looking to improve your skills.  We have a well-structured development 
process which includes lots of feedback from other developers.  This 
sort of feedback is one of the best ways I know of to improve ones 
development skills.


Re: mxDateTime history (Re: mktime, how to handle dates before 01-01-1970 ?)

2009-10-12 Thread MRAB

Piet van Oostrum wrote:

greg g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz (g) wrote:

g MRAB wrote:

And when someone says January 30, do they really mean the day before
the last day of the month?

g No, no, that's January -2, a *completely* different thing!

But for someone else it would be February -2.

When is February 0? :-)

Re: Python-3.2 (SVN) bug [was syntax question]

2009-10-12 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Oct 12, 7:55 am, Helmut Jarausch jarau...@igpm.rwth-aachen.de
 I wrote
 I'm trying to build the recent Python-3.2a (SVN).
 It fails in
 Lib/tokenize.py  (line 87)
 with: TypeError: group() argument after ** must be a mapping, not tuple

I believe I've found the source of this problem:  the --with-tsc
configure option enables some buggy inline assembly:  see the
READ_TIMESTAMP macro in Python/ceval.c.  This uses the constraint
A for the output of the x86 'rdtsc' instruction;  for x86 that's
fine, but for x86_64 it apparently refers to the 'rax' register,
which is wrong:  rdtsc loads its result into the edx and eax
registers.  So the edx register ends up being clobbered without
gcc knowing about it, and all hell breaks loose as a result.

So it is a Python bug, not a compiler bug.  I've updated the
bug report, and the bug should be fixed soonish.

Thanks for reporting this, and for whittling the failure down
to the --with-tsc configure option!


Re: An assessment of Tkinter and IDLE

2009-10-12 Thread Mel
Ben Finney wrote:

 TerryP bigboss1...@gmail.com writes:
 One thing you should also learn about me, is I do not deal in
 What, *never*? That's a pretty uncompromising position to h—
 I'll get my coat.

Note, he said he does not deal in absolutes.  He didn't deny that he does.



Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread Mel
Luis Zarrabeitia wrote:

 On Sunday 11 October 2009 11:56:55 pm Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 In this situation, the middle exit works best -- using
 non-optimal Python

 while True:
 lin = file_object.readline()
 if not lin: break
 do something with lin
 Actually, in python, this works even better:
 for lin in iter(file_object.readline, ):
 ... do something with lin

And one can do this oneself.  Faced with

while True:
if the_decision():

Wrapping the `stuff_required_...` and `the_decision` up into a generator 
would simplify the statement, and if it were done well the code overall 
would probably be better.



pickle's backward compatibility

2009-10-12 Thread Peng Yu

If I define my own class and use pickle to serialize the objects in
this class, will the serialized object be successfully read in later
version of python.

What if I serialize (using pickle) an object of a class defined in
python library, will it be successfully read in later version of


POST value related question

2009-10-12 Thread james27

im using mechanize .
i want to send some post value by use mechanize.
but problem is one of POST value in html source is 
looks like below.


anyway so i was tried several method but all failed.

here is source .
br = mechanize.browser()
br.form['contents.contentsValue'] = 'hello'

if anyone who know please help me .
thanks in advance.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


Re: Error en el bus from python

2009-10-12 Thread Yusniel
On 12 oct, 00:08, Philip Semanchuk phi...@semanchuk.com wrote:
 On Oct 11, 2009, at 11:56 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

  On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 13:45:54 -0700 (PDT), Yusniel yhidalg...@gmail.com

  declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:

  where hanoy.pl is a program with python code. Any solution for this
  error?. Thanks.

     Are you sure? .pl is a common extension for PERL programs, not

 My guess is that it is also a common extension for Prolog programs. I  
 think the OP's program with python code should have been program  
 with prolog code.

Exactly. hanoi.pl is a prolog program. I'm using Ubuntu(9.04) 32
bit. In this case, this error is generated when I try run the above
script. However, others scripts in python, not throws this error, I
think that there are some problem with this library.

Re: pickle's backward compatibility

2009-10-12 Thread exarkun

On 03:17 pm, pengyu...@gmail.com wrote:


If I define my own class and use pickle to serialize the objects in
this class, will the serialized object be successfully read in later
version of python.

What if I serialize (using pickle) an object of a class defined in
python library, will it be successfully read in later version of

Sometimes.  Sometimes not.  Python doesn't really offer any guarantees 
regarding this.


Re: Error en el bus from python

2009-10-12 Thread Philip Semanchuk

On Oct 12, 2009, at 11:27 AM, Yusniel wrote:

On 12 oct, 00:08, Philip Semanchuk phi...@semanchuk.com wrote:

On Oct 11, 2009, at 11:56 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 13:45:54 -0700 (PDT), Yusniel  

declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:


where hanoy.pl is a program with python code. Any solution for  

error?. Thanks.

   Are you sure? .pl is a common extension for PERL programs, not

My guess is that it is also a common extension for Prolog programs. I
think the OP's program with python code should have been program
with prolog code.

Exactly. hanoi.pl is a prolog program. I'm using Ubuntu(9.04) 32
bit. In this case, this error is generated when I try run the above
script. However, others scripts in python, not throws this error, I
think that there are some problem with this library.

Sounds like it's time to talk to whoever supports the Prolog library,  

Good luck


Re: Error en el bus from python

2009-10-12 Thread Carsten Haese
Yusniel wrote:
 Exactly. hanoi.pl is a prolog program. I'm using Ubuntu(9.04) 32
 bit. In this case, this error is generated when I try run the above
 script. However, others scripts in python, not throws this error, I
 think that there are some problem with this library.

Maybe, but it's impossible to tell what exactly the problem is if you
don't show us your code. hanoi.pl is part of your code, but you haven't
posted it. Please post it.

Carsten Haese


Re: POST value related question

2009-10-12 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
james27 wrote:

 im using mechanize .
 i want to send some post value by use mechanize.
 but problem is one of POST value in html source is
 looks like below.
 anyway so i was tried several method but all failed.
 here is source .
 br = mechanize.browser()

You are missing quotes here.


 br.form['contents.contentsValue'] = 'hello'

HTH, Diez

Re: start external program from python

2009-10-12 Thread TerryP
On Oct 12, 10:15 am, Bjorn bjornj...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, I woul like to start a program from within python (under linux):
 This works fine:

 import os
 path = 'tclsh AppMain.tcl hej.gb'

 The file AppMain.tcl is the executable and the file hej.gb is a
 textfile in the same directory.
 The text file gets opened in the app in the correct way.

 I wonder if I could pass information from the clipboard to the
 AppMain.tcl instead of the file hej.gb ?
 I use wxPython.
 any comment is appreciated!

Option A.) Use a program such as xclip or xcb to pipe the clipboard
data into AppMain.tcl

Option B.) Make your Python program able to get/set the clipboard at
will, then set it before calling the program. Do like wise with
AppMain.tcl but have it get the clipboard.

Option C.) Create some external program that can do the B dance for

Using option A takes advantage of your use of os.system, because it
delegates to the shell. if going for option B, you should probably
look at avoiding use of the shell at all (look at args to the
subprocess module).

Bonus points if you can think of an Option D.

Looking for a buffered/windowed iterator

2009-10-12 Thread samwyse
I have Python program that lets me interact with a bunch of files.
Unfortunately, the program assumes that the bunch is fairly small, and
I have thousands of files on relatively slow storage.  Just creating a
list of the file names takes several minutes, so I'm planning to
replace the list with an iterator in another thread.  However, each
file requires several seconds to load before I can work with it.  The
current code alleviates this via a thread that loads the next file
while I'm examining the current one.  I'd like my new iterator to
provide a fixed window around the current item.  I've looked at the
pairwise recipe, but it doesn't allow me to peek at items within the
window (to generate thumbnails, etc), and I've looked at arrayterator,
but it divides the stream into small contiguous blocks where crossing
a block boundary is relatively expensive.

Previous discussions in c.l.py (primarily those that propose new
functions to be added to itertools) claim that people do this all the
time, but seem woefully short of actual examples.  Before I possibly
re-invent the wheel(*), could someone point me to some actual code
that approximates what I want to do?  Thanks.

(*) Re-inventing a wheel is generally pretty simple.  But then you
discover that you also need to invert axle grease, a leaf spring
suspension, etc.

RE: deepcopy of class inherited from Thread

2009-10-12 Thread VYAS ASHISH M-NTB837

I have an object which has a run() method. But I can call it only once.
Calling the start() again will give 

RuntimeError: thread already started

So what is the way to do this?

I thought of doing a deep copy of the object, as shallow copy will also
lead to the above error. 
I tried this:
- deepcopy the object
- call start() for the object you got from deepcopy
- delete the object.

Is there a simpler way to achieve this?

Ashish Vyas
-Original Message-
From: Dave Angel [mailto:da...@ieee.org] 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 7:14 PM
Cc: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: deepcopy of class inherited from Thread

 Dear All
 I am running this piece of code:
 from threading import Thread
 import copy
 class Ashish(Thread):
 def __init__(self, i):
 self.foo = i
 def run(self):
 print (self, self.foo)

 d= Ashish(4)
 e = copy.deepcopy(d)  --- Exception here
 But I am getting this error:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File D:\Profiles\ntb837\Desktop\threadprob.py, line 13, in
 e = copy.deepcopy(d)
   File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 173, in deepcopy
 y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
   File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 295, in _reconstruct
 state = deepcopy(state, memo)
   File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 146, in deepcopy
 y = copier(x, memo)
   File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 235, in _deepcopy_dict
 y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
   File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 173, in deepcopy
 y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
   File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 295, in _reconstruct
 state = deepcopy(state, memo)
   File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 146, in deepcopy
 y = copier(x, memo)
   File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 235, in _deepcopy_dict
 y[deepcopy(key, memo)] = deepcopy(value, memo)
   File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 173, in deepcopy
 y = _reconstruct(x, rv, 1, memo)
   File C:\Python31\lib\copy.py, line 280, in _reconstruct
 y = callable(*args)
   File C:\Python31\lib\copyreg.py, line 88, in __newobj__
 return cls.__new__(cls, *args)
 TypeError: object.__new__(_thread.lock) is not safe, use
 Could someone please help me find a solution?
 Ashish Vyas

Is there some reason you need to copy such an object?  In general, you
can get into trouble doing deep copies of structures which involve OS
data, because not all such data can be safely copied.  Sometimes such
copies just quietly malfunction, but this time you were fortunate enough
to get a runtime error.

What is your use-case?  Perhaps there's some other approach that would
accomplish the real task.


Re: Looking for a buffered/windowed iterator

2009-10-12 Thread Robert Kern

On 2009-10-12 11:21 AM, samwyse wrote:

Previous discussions in c.l.py (primarily those that propose new
functions to be added to itertools) claim that people do this all the
time, but seem woefully short of actual examples.  Before I possibly
re-invent the wheel(*), could someone point me to some actual code
that approximates what I want to do?  Thanks.

From grin, my grep-alike:

def sliding_window(seq, n):
 Returns a sliding window (up to width n) over data from the iterable

Adapted from the itertools documentation.

s - (s0,), (s0, s1), ... (s0,s1,...s[n-1]), (s1,s2,...,sn), ...

it = iter(seq)
result = ()
for i, elem in itertools.izip(range(n), it):
result += (elem,)
yield result
for elem in it:
result = result[1:] + (elem,)
yield result

A slight modification of this should get what you want.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: What do I do now?

2009-10-12 Thread Che M
On Oct 12, 12:19 am, Donn donn.in...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Monday 12 October 2009 00:53:42 Someone Something wrote: 1) What should I 
 start programming (project that takes 1-2 months, not very
  short term)?
  2) Whtat are some good open source projects I can start coding for?

 These kinds of questions amaze me. Surely you are a kid in a candy shop when
 it comes to things to code?
  The best place to start a project is to scratch an itch: pick something that
 really bugs you, or something that is plain missing, or something that you are
 interested in, and start solving the problem.
  No O/S or Desktop or App is perfect. There are a thousand gaps between all
 those things that need solutions or improvements.

 Find an itch and either:
 1. Find a project in that direction and try to join.
 2. Start your own.


As long it is not another new code editor for Python.  There are a lot

Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread Luis Zarrabeitia
On Monday 12 October 2009 09:47:23 am Xavier Ho wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:32 PM, Luis Zarrabeitia ky...@uh.cu wrote:
  Actually, in python, this works even better:
  for lin in iter(file_object.readline, ):
 ... do something with lin

 What about 

  with open(path_string) as f:
  for line in f:
  # do something


You are right, of course!

Even my for should've been:

for lin in file_object:

and nothing more.

I use that iter trick only when I don't want the buffering (like, when I'm 
reading from stdin in a squid authenticator helper).

I guess that the 'for line in f' is so... natural for me, that the only reason 
I could think for writing while True for a file iteration was when I needed 
to use readline explicitly.

But yes, with!

Luis Zarrabeitia (aka Kyrie)
Fac. de Matemática y Computación, UH.

Re: What do I do now?

2009-10-12 Thread Tim Chase

Che M wrote:

2. Start your own.

As long it is not another new code editor for Python.
There are a lot already.

How about writing a web framework instead? [grins  ducks]



how to move a webiste in python

2009-10-12 Thread Bhanu Mangipudi

I am new to python I have few questions regarding it. I have to me a website
with python scripts from one server to another server , when I moved the
content the website is not working, do I have to recompile the code in new
server too. Can any help me to resolve this issue ??


Re: deepcopy of class inherited from Thread

2009-10-12 Thread Mick Krippendorf
VYAS ASHISH M-NTB837 schrieb:
 I have an object which has a run() method. But I can call it only once.
 Calling the start() again will give 
 RuntimeError: thread already started
 So what is the way to do this?
 I thought of doing a deep copy of the object, as shallow copy will also
 lead to the above error. 
 I tried this:
 - deepcopy the object
 - call start() for the object you got from deepcopy
 - delete the object.
 Is there a simpler way to achieve this?

Indeed, there is:

def threaded():
do threaded stuff here 


Now threaded() runs five times.

Python is not Java where one has to subclass from Thread (AFAIR the dark
ages where I used to speak Javanese).


Re: AJAX Widget Framework

2009-10-12 Thread lkcl
On Oct 1, 6:01 pm, Laszlo Nagy gand...@shopzeus.com wrote:
 I'm looking for an open source, AJAX based widget/windowing framework.
 Here is what I need:

 - end user opens up a browser, points it to a URL, logs in
 - on the server site, sits my application, creating a new session for
 each user that is logged in
 - on the server site, I create windows(frames), put widgets on them,
 write event handlers etc. Just like with wx or pygtk.
 - However, windows are created in the user's browser, and events are
 triggered by Javascript, and sent back to server through AJAX.
 - the server side would be - of course - written in Python.

 I was looking these projects:


 There are many frameworks listed here which I did not 
 check:http://internetmindmap.com/javascript_frameworks. I have no idea which
 has Python support, and probably there are only a few that worth looking
 at. I wonder if you could tell me which are the pros and contras for
 these frameworks. If there is a comparison available on the NET,
 pointing me to the right URL would help a lot.

 The bottom line...

 My main goal is to develop enterprise class OLTP database applications.
 I'll need grid widget to display data in tabular format, and I'll use
 events heavily for data manipulation, live search, tooltips etc. I'm
 familiar with wxWidgets, pygtk and other toolkits, but not with AJAX. I
 have never used a system like that.

 pyjamas is, despite having a browser-based option, about as far
 away from web development as you can possibly get, with only
 the lack of access to standard python libraries and having to
 work with python reimplementations of math.py, re.py, time.py
 etc. being the stark reminder that you're reaallly not in kansas.

 the only thing that you have to get used to is that communication
 with the external world is done through HTTPRequest.py and,
 typically, its derivative, JSONService.py - even in the desktop
 version of pyjamas.

 but, if you're used to event-driven desktop environments such
 as wxWidgets and pygtk then the asynchronous nature of JSONService
 won't be a problem for you.

 i recommend that if you intend to develop an enterprise-style
 CRUD (create-retrieve-update-delete) application, that you take
 a look at the PureMVC-based examples:

 http://pyjs.org/examples/ search for employeeadmin and timesheet.

 kees bos joined the project a few months ago, and his very first
 task that he set himself was to improve the pyjs compiler to the
 point where http://puremvc.org's python library could be used
 *unmodified* in pyjamas applications.  he then set about porting
 (and bug-fixing!) the two wxWidgets python-puremvc examples to
 use pyjamas widgets.

 these two examples should give you a big head-start on what you
 want to achieve.

 if you are stuck on pure javascript frameworks, however, and
 you need widgets, then there is one that i can tentatively
 recommend (with some trepidation, due to its enooormous size):
 extjs [no don't even _think_ of trying to combine it with pyjamas]
 and the other one is qooxdoo which is veery easy and intuitive,
 and well-designed.

 i don't honestly know if qooxdoo has a grid widget, but extjs
 most certainly does (and then some).  the only issue with extjs
 is the sheer number of options and the whopping great size.

 whichever option you pick, you're basically in for quite a bit
 of learning, to get started.  if you pick pyjamas and you
 post on the pyjamas-dev list _please_ do remember to follow
 the rules about providing full context and a worked example
 if it's a programming issue, to help save people time, ok? :)


Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread Mensanator
On Oct 12, 3:36�am, greg g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz wrote:
 Mensanator wrote:
  while not done:
  � � ...
  � � if n==1: done = True
  � � ...

 Seems to me that 'while not done:' is no better than
 'while True:', because in both cases you have to look
 inside the loop to find out what the exit condition

 Using a more meaningful name for the flag can help,
 but you can't teach someone that just by giving them
 an overly simplified rules such as never use
 while True:. They'll probably just replace it with
 'while not done:' and think they've improved things,
 without ever really understanding the issue.

You're missing the point. It's not that you have to
look inside for the terminating condition. It's that
you don't need a break.



Re: some site login problem help plz..

2009-10-12 Thread lkcl
On Oct 5, 8:26 am, Diez B. Roggisch de...@nospam.web.de wrote:
 james27 wrote:

  im new to python.
  i have some problem with mechanize.
  before i was used mechanize with no problem.
  but i couldn't success login with some site.
  for several days i was looked for solution but failed.
  my problem is , login is no probelm but can't retrieve html source code
  from opened site.
  actually only can read some small html code, such like below.

  script language=javascript

  i want to retrive full html source code..but i can't . i was try with
  twill and mechanize and urllib and so on.
  i have no idea.. anyone can help me?

 Your problem is that the site usesJavaScriptto replace itself. Mechanize
 can't do anything about that. You might have more luck with scripting a
 browser. No idea if there are any special packages available for that

 yes, there are.  i've mentioned this a few times, on
 (so you can search for them) and have the instances documented here:


 basically, you're not going to like this, but you actually need
 a _full_ web browser engine, and to _execute_ the javascript.
 then, after a suitable period of time (or after the engine's
 stopped executing callback has been called, if it has one)
 you can then node-walk the DOM of the engine, grab the engine's
 document.body.innerHTML property, or use the engine's built-in
 XPath support (if it has it) to find specific parts of the DOM
 faster than if you extracted the text (into lxml etc).

 you should not be shocked by this - by the fact that it takes
 a whopping 10 or 20mb library, including a graphical display
 mechanism, to execute a few bits of javascript.

 also, if you ask him nicely, flier liu is currently working on
 http://code.google.com/p/pyv8 and on implementing the W3C DOM
 standard as a daemon service (i.e. with no GUI component) and
 he might be able to help you out.  the pyv8 project comes with
 an example w3c.py file which implements DOM partially, but i
 know he's done a lot more.

 so - it's all doable, but for a given value of do :)


RE: deepcopy of class inherited from Thread

2009-10-12 Thread VYAS ASHISH M-NTB837
The function that I want to run is part of a class, not a standalone
function. There are several class member variables also.

Ashish Vyas

-Original Message-
From: python-list-bounces+ntb837=motorola@python.org
[mailto:python-list-bounces+ntb837=motorola@python.org] On Behalf Of
Mick Krippendorf
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 10:52 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: deepcopy of class inherited from Thread

VYAS ASHISH M-NTB837 schrieb:
 I have an object which has a run() method. But I can call it only
 Calling the start() again will give
 RuntimeError: thread already started
 So what is the way to do this?
 I thought of doing a deep copy of the object, as shallow copy will 
 also lead to the above error.
 I tried this:
 - deepcopy the object
 - call start() for the object you got from deepcopy
 - delete the object.
 Is there a simpler way to achieve this?

Indeed, there is:

def threaded():
do threaded stuff here 


Now threaded() runs five times.

Python is not Java where one has to subclass from Thread (AFAIR the dark
ages where I used to speak Javanese).


Re: mxDateTime history (Re: mktime, how to handle dates before 01-01-1970 ?)

2009-10-12 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Tim Chase wrote:
 Month arithmetic is a bit of a mess, since it's not clear how
 to map e.g. Jan 31 + one month.
 Jan 31 + one month usually means add one to the month value and then
 keep backing off the day if you get an exception making the date, so
 you'd get Feb 31, exception, Feb 30, exception, Feb 29, possibly an
 exception, and possibly/finally Feb 28th.  This makes pretty intuitive
 sense to most folks and is usually what's meant.

Well, yes, but that's just one way to solve the problem. I guess
I'll just add all possible solutions and then let the user decide
what's best in some way.

 I've found that issues and confusion stem more from the non-commutative
 reality that Jan 31 + (1 month) + (-1 month) != Jan 31 + (-1 month) +
 (1 month) or the non-associative Jan 31 + (1 month + 1 month) != (Jan
 31 + 1 month) + 1 month :-/

That's why mxDateTime actually returning a day in March...

 mx.DateTime.DateTime(2009, 1, 31) + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(months=+1)
mx.DateTime.DateTime object for '2009-03-03 00:00:00.00' at 2ba43f93ebe0

That's intuitive for mathematicians only, though ;-)

 So yes, messy it is!


Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Oct 12 2009)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! 

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: mxDateTime history (Re: mktime, how to handle dates before 01-01-1970 ?)

2009-10-12 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Rhodri James wrote:
 On Fri, 09 Oct 2009 13:39:43 +0100, Tim Chase
 python.l...@tim.thechases.com wrote:
 Month arithmetic is a bit of a mess, since it's not clear how
 to map e.g. Jan 31 + one month.

 Jan 31 + one month usually means add one to the month value and
 then keep backing off the day if you get an exception making the
 date, so you'd get Feb 31, exception, Feb 30, exception, Feb 29,
 possibly an exception, and possibly/finally Feb 28th.  This makes
 pretty intuitive sense to most folks and is usually what's meant.

 I've found that issues and confusion stem more from the
 non-commutative reality that Jan 31 + (1 month) + (-1 month) != Jan
 31 + (-1 month) + (1 month) or the non-associative Jan 31 + (1 month
 + 1 month) != (Jan 31 + 1 month) + 1 month :-/
 I'd hazard a guess that what we're actually seeing is people mentally
 rebasing their indices, i.e. counting from the end of the month rather
 than the start, which makes the last day of January and January 31
 not the same thing really.  Unfortunately we're very fuzzy about when
 we do things like this, which makes it hard on a poor programmer.

Ah, for that we have RelativeDateTime:

 # next month, last day of the month
 mx.DateTime.DateTime(2009, 1, 31) + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(months=+1, 
mx.DateTime.DateTime object for '2009-02-28 00:00:00.00' at 2ba43f95c088

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Oct 12 2009)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! 

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread John Reid

Mensanator wrote:

On Oct 12, 3:36�am, greg g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz wrote:

Mensanator wrote:

while not done:
� � ...
� � if n==1: done = True
� � ...

Seems to me that 'while not done:' is no better than
'while True:', because in both cases you have to look
inside the loop to find out what the exit condition

Using a more meaningful name for the flag can help,
but you can't teach someone that just by giving them
an overly simplified rules such as never use
while True:. They'll probably just replace it with
'while not done:' and think they've improved things,
without ever really understanding the issue.

You're missing the point. It's not that you have to
look inside for the terminating condition. It's that
you don't need a break.

Nothing wrong with a having a break IMHO.

while not done:

seems very dangerous to me as you'd have to

del done

before writing the same construct again. That's the sort of thing that 
leads to errors.


Re: deepcopy of class inherited from Thread

2009-10-12 Thread Mick Krippendorf
VYAS ASHISH M-NTB837 schrieb:
 The function that I want to run is part of a class, not a standalone
 function. There are several class member variables also.

Then try:

class MyClass(object):
def run(self):
 do threaded stuff here 


And *please* don't always quote the whole article in your answer.


Re: organizing your scripts, with plenty of re-use

2009-10-12 Thread Buck
On Oct 10, 9:44 am, Gabriel Genellina gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar
 The good thing is that, if the backend package is properly installed  
 somewhere in the Python path ... it still works with no modifications.

I'd like to get to zero-installation if possible. It's easy with
simple python scripts, why not packages too? I know the technical
reasons, but I haven't heard any practical reasons.

If the reasons are purely technical, it smells like a PEP to me.

Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread Ethan Furman

Mensanator wrote:

On Oct 12, 3:36�am, greg g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz wrote:

Mensanator wrote:

while not done:
� � ...
� � if n==1: done = True
� � ...

Seems to me that 'while not done:' is no better than
'while True:', because in both cases you have to look
inside the loop to find out what the exit condition

Using a more meaningful name for the flag can help,
but you can't teach someone that just by giving them
an overly simplified rules such as never use
while True:. They'll probably just replace it with
'while not done:' and think they've improved things,
without ever really understanding the issue.

You're missing the point. It's not that you have to
look inside for the terminating condition. It's that
you don't need a break.

What's wrong with breaks?

I'll agree that they can be overused and abused, but I am not aware of 
*any* programming costruct that cannot be.  If you rule out one way of 
doing things for every situation you can end up making messes just as 
bad as the ones you're trying to avoid.

Good programming, as all good endeavors, requires thinking too.


It Doesn't Add Up!

2009-10-12 Thread Victor Subervi
I have the following code:

for row in data:
  i += 1
  total = 0
  quantity = form.getfirst('order_' + str(i), '')
  if quantity != '':
sql = 'select * from products p join %s c on p.ID=c.ID where
c.ID=%s;' % (client, str(i))
stuff = cursor.fetchone()
price = str(int(stuff[5]*100))
price = price[0:len(price)-2] + '.' + price[-2:]
item, price, description, discount = stuff[2], price, stuff[3],
order += 'Item #: ' + item + '\tQuantity: ' + quantity + '\tPrice: '
+ price + '\tDiscount: ' + str(discount) + '\tDescription: ' +
description[:20] + '...br /\n'
print 'Total 1: %sbr /' % total
total += float(price) * int(quantity) * (100 - discount)/100
print 'Total 2: %sbr /' % total
  order += 'TOTAL: $' + str(total)

It prints out the following to screen with the print statements:

Total 1: 0
Total 2: 1.98
Total 1: 0
Total 2: 6.3

As you can see, the total doesn't accumulate! There are two rows. The second
Total 1: should show 1.98, not 0! What gives?

Re: mxDateTime history (Re: mktime, how to handle dates before 01-01-1970 ?)

2009-10-12 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Piet van Oostrum p...@cs.uu.nl wrote:
 greg g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz (g) wrote:

 g MRAB wrote:
 And when someone says January 30, do they really mean the day before
 the last day of the month?

 g No, no, that's January -2, a *completely* different thing!

 But for someone else it would be February -2.
 And for still others, it's the last $DAYOFWEEK of the month, which
 just happened to fall on the 30th.

That's a little more complicated:

 mx.DateTime.DateTime(2009, 1, 31).day_of_week
 # which is a ...
 mx.DateTime.Weekday[mx.DateTime.DateTime(2009, 1, 31).day_of_week]


 # next month, last Saturday
 mx.DateTime.DateTime(2009, 1, 31) + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(months=+1, 
 day=1, weekday=(5, -1))
mx.DateTime.DateTime object for '2009-02-28 00:00:00.00' at 2ba43f93ebe0

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Oct 12 2009)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! 

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread Mensanator
On Oct 12, 1:02�pm, John Reid j.r...@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk wrote:
 Mensanator wrote:
  On Oct 12, 3:36 am, greg g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz wrote:
  Mensanator wrote:
  while not done:
  if n==1: done = True
  Seems to me that 'while not done:' is no better than
  'while True:', because in both cases you have to look
  inside the loop to find out what the exit condition

  Using a more meaningful name for the flag can help,
  but you can't teach someone that just by giving them
  an overly simplified rules such as never use
  while True:. They'll probably just replace it with
  'while not done:' and think they've improved things,
  without ever really understanding the issue.

  You're missing the point. It's not that you have to
  look inside for the terminating condition. It's that
  you don't need a break.

 Nothing wrong with a having a break IMHO.

My opinion is that there is everything wrong with
having a break. I don't think I have ever used one,
I write code that doesn't depend on that crutch.

 while not done:

 seems very dangerous to me as you'd have to

 del done

 before writing the same construct again. That's the sort of thing that
 leads to errors.

Duh. I won't write silly code like that either.
If I need more than one loop structure then I'll
do something like

while not done_with_this

while not done_with_that

Besides, since I _always_ initialize the flag
before entering a loop, the flag can be reused
and doesn't have to be deleted (as long as the
loops aren't nested). And since I don't use goto,
there's no chance the initialization can be avoided.

The best way to avoid the pitfalls of spaghetti
code is to not write it in the first place.


Re: It Doesn't Add Up!

2009-10-12 Thread Chris Kaynor

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Victor Subervi victorsube...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have the following code:

 for row in data:
   i += 1
   total = 0

In the above line, you're setting total to 0 each time the loop runs.

   quantity = form.getfirst('order_' + str(i), '')
   if quantity != '':
 sql = 'select * from products p join %s c on p.ID=c.ID where
 c.ID=%s;' % (client, str(i))
 stuff = cursor.fetchone()
 price = str(int(stuff[5]*100))
 price = price[0:len(price)-2] + '.' + price[-2:]
 item, price, description, discount = stuff[2], price, stuff[3],
 order += 'Item #: ' + item + '\tQuantity: ' + quantity + '\tPrice:
 ' + price + '\tDiscount: ' + str(discount) + '\tDescription: ' +
 description[:20] + '...br /\n'
 print 'Total 1: %sbr /' % total
 total += float(price) * int(quantity) * (100 - discount)/100
 print 'Total 2: %sbr /' % total
   order += 'TOTAL: $' + str(total)

 It prints out the following to screen with the print statements:

 Total 1: 0
 Total 2: 1.98
 Total 1: 0
 Total 2: 6.3

 As you can see, the total doesn't accumulate! There are two rows. The
 second Total 1: should show 1.98, not 0! What gives?



Re: It Doesn't Add Up!

2009-10-12 Thread Rami Chowdhury
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 11:33:31 -0700, Victor Subervi  
victorsube...@gmail.com wrote:

I have the following code:

for row in data:
  i += 1
  total = 0

As you can see, the total doesn't accumulate! There are two rows. The  

Total 1: should show 1.98, not 0! What gives?

You are setting total = 0 inside the for loop, so it is getting rebound  
for every row...


Re: It Doesn't Add Up!

2009-10-12 Thread Victor Subervi
Ouch! You're right!

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Rami Chowdhury rami.chowdh...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 11:33:31 -0700, Victor Subervi 
 victorsube...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have the following code:

for row in data:
  i += 1
  total = 0


 As you can see, the total doesn't accumulate! There are two rows. The
 Total 1: should show 1.98, not 0! What gives?

 You are setting total = 0 inside the for loop, so it is getting rebound for
 every row...


Re: It Doesn't Add Up!

2009-10-12 Thread MRAB

Victor Subervi wrote:

I have the following code:


price = str(int(stuff[5]*100))
price = price[0:len(price)-2] + '.' + price[-2:]

This is simpler:

price = %.2f % stuff[5]

(not that I like what you're doing with it; leaving it as a float and
just formatting to 2 decimal places when printing it would be better!

Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread Falcolas
On Oct 12, 12:32 pm, Mensanator mensana...@aol.com wrote:
 On Oct 12, 1:02 pm, John Reid j.r...@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk wrote:
  Mensanator wrote:
   On Oct 12, 3:36 am, greg g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz wrote:
   Mensanator wrote:
   while not done:
   if n==1: done = True
   Seems to me that 'while not done:' is no better than
   'while True:', because in both cases you have to look
   inside the loop to find out what the exit condition

   Using a more meaningful name for the flag can help,
   but you can't teach someone that just by giving them
   an overly simplified rules such as never use
   while True:. They'll probably just replace it with
   'while not done:' and think they've improved things,
   without ever really understanding the issue.

   You're missing the point. It's not that you have to
   look inside for the terminating condition. It's that
   you don't need a break.

  Nothing wrong with a having a break IMHO.

 My opinion is that there is everything wrong with
 having a break. I don't think I have ever used one,
 I write code that doesn't depend on that crutch.

  while not done:

  seems very dangerous to me as you'd have to

  del done

  before writing the same construct again. That's the sort of thing that
  leads to errors.

 Duh. I won't write silly code like that either.
 If I need more than one loop structure then I'll
 do something like

     while not done_with_this

     while not done_with_that

 Besides, since I _always_ initialize the flag
 before entering a loop, the flag can be reused
 and doesn't have to be deleted (as long as the
 loops aren't nested). And since I don't use goto,
 there's no chance the initialization can be avoided.

 The best way to avoid the pitfalls of spaghetti
 code is to not write it in the first place.

How do you manage code where you need to drop out of a neatly written
for or while loop early? I don't use break frequently, but just like
gotos, it does have it's place in well written code.

Glad to hear, by the way, that you don't use gotos in Python. =D


Hello python users

2009-10-12 Thread Spencer Heckathorn
Hi, I am new to this list. I have some goals in mind but I am unsure of
where to start. I want to connect to my gmail account, find specific emails
and save the contents of the emails to a txt file. I would like to open none
txt files (.nc files) which can be opened in note pad and saved as a txt. I
also want to make a synchronizing program. Lastly, I love poker and I would
love even more to make a cool app for poker maybe an iPhone app or something
I can post to the iGoogle page.

So with that in mind where would you start?


Re: start external program from python

2009-10-12 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Mon, 2009-10-12, Bjorn wrote:

 Hi, I woul like to start a program from within python (under linux):
 This works fine:

 import os
 path = 'tclsh AppMain.tcl hej.gb'

 The file AppMain.tcl is the executable

Not really -- tclsh is the executable from Python's and the system's
view. If you are on Unix, you might want to use a shebang


and rename AppMain.tcl AppMain so you don't have to rewrite your
Python program just because you rewrite the Tcl program in some
other (more modern) language.

 and the file hej.gb is a
 textfile in the same directory.
 The text file gets opened in the app in the correct way.

So the subject line doesn't really capture your question?

 I wonder if I could pass information from the clipboard to the
 AppMain.tcl instead of the file hej.gb ?
 I use wxPython.
 any comment is appreciated!

Sure you can, but the clipboard wasn't really designed for that.

You can document 'AppMain' as taking its input from whatever is in the
clipboard when it starts, but if there is nothing there it cannot wait
for it, and there are no guarantees that the user or some other
program (or another copy of the program) hasn't put something else
there in the milliseconds it takes to start AppMain. It's also not a
private channel; any other program can read it.

Why do you want to use the clipboard?

If you think you need it because you don't want a temporary file,
maybe you can let AppMain read from standard input, and let the Python
program write the data using os.popen or one of the alternatives.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   .  .
\X/ snipabacken.se   O  o   .

which dictionary with attribute-style access?

2009-10-12 Thread Andreas Balogh


googling I found several ways of implementing a dictionary with 
attribute-style access.

1. ActiveState cookbook: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/473786/

2. ActiveState cookbook: 

3. web2py codebase: Storage(dict)

I enclosed the three implementations below.

My question to the Python specialists: which one is the most correct?
Are there restrictions with regards to pickling or copy()?
Which one should I choose?

Regards, Andreas

Andreas Balogh
baloand (at) gmail.com

class AttrDict(dict):
 comments removed 
A dictionary with attribute-style access. It maps attribute 
access to the real dictionary.  

def __init__(self, init={}):
dict.__init__(self, init)

def __getstate__(self):
return self.__dict__.items()

def __setstate__(self, items):
for key, val in items:
self.__dict__[key] = val

def __repr__(self):
return %s(%s) % (self.__class__.__name__, dict.__repr__(self))

def __setitem__(self, key, value):
return super(AttrDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)

def __getitem__(self, name):
return super(AttrDict, self).__getitem__(name)

def __delitem__(self, name):
return super(AttrDict, self).__delitem__(name)

__getattr__ = __getitem__
__setattr__ = __setitem__

def copy(self):
ch = AttrDict(self)
return ch
class attrdict(dict):
 comments removed 
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__ = self
class Storage(dict):
 comments removed 
def __getattr__(self, key):
return self[key]
except KeyError, k:
return None

def __setattr__(self, key, value):
self[key] = value

def __delattr__(self, key):
del self[key]
except KeyError, k:
raise AttributeError, k

def __repr__(self):
return 'Storage ' + dict.__repr__(self) + ''

def __getstate__(self):
return dict(self)

def __setstate__(self, value):
for (k, v) in value.items():
self[k] = v

Re: Daemon call python program

2009-10-12 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Mon, 2009-10-12, §ä´m¦Û¤vª�...@¤ù¤Ñ wrote:
 ?? ???z?mcommand (???m???v...@)?n???G
 : I have a daemon process which will call a python program.
 : What do I do if I want to dump the exception when the python program exist
 : by uncaught exception.
 : Thanks a lot!

 By the way, the python program is multi-thread

It doesn't really matter if it's multi-threaded, or even that it is
Python. You would have the same problem with any program which may
print stuff to standard output or standard error, and/or exit.

I think it depends completely on the design of your daemon, and why
it calls another program.  And what it does while that other program
is running.

inetd/xinetd on Unix is one example, but they feed the program's output
(all of it, both standard output and standard error, IIRC) to the remote
client. Same with CGI, I think.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   .  .
\X/ snipabacken.se   O  o   .

Re: Error en el bus from python

2009-10-12 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Mon, 2009-10-12, Philip Semanchuk wrote:

 On Oct 11, 2009, at 4:45 PM, Yusniel wrote:

 Hi. I did installed a library for python named pyswip-0.2.2 but when I
 run a python example with the next lines, the python interpreter, it
 throw me the following error: Error en el bus. The code lines are:

Makes me think of that guy from the Simpsons, in the bumble-bee suit ...
fortunately you don't need to know tech Spanish to decode this one.

 Are you on a Mac by any chance? I get a bus error out of Python once  
 in a while, usually when a C library has done something bad. I don't  
 know if this error is specific to OS X or not.

Bus Error is an old BSD-ism which I guess you don't see much in
Linux or Solaris these days (or maybe I never run buggy code ;-).  It
translates roughly to segmentation fault, but IIRC it is more about
accessing memory words on nonaligned adresses than about accessing
addresses your process doesn't own.



  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   .  .
\X/ snipabacken.se   O  o   .

Re: best vi / emacs python features

2009-10-12 Thread Gabor Urban
Hey guys,

this is supposed to be a Python mailing list...

Both editors are great and are with great potentials. I do use both of
them daily, though for different purposes. It is meaningless to start
this old issue of preferences anew.

Linux: Choice of a GNU Generation

What is the correct way to define __hash__?

2009-10-12 Thread Peng Yu

I'm wondering what is the general way to define __hash__. I could add
up all the members. But I am wondering if this would cause a
performance issue for certain classes.


#!/usr/bin/env python

class A:
  def __init__(self, a, b) :
self._a = a
self._b = b

  def __str__(self):
return 'A(%s, %s)' %(self._a, self._b)

  __repr__ = __str__

  def __cmp__(self, other):
if self._a  other._a:
  return -1
elif self._a  other._a:
  return 1
elif self._b  other._b:
  return -1
elif self._b  other._b:
  return 1
  return 0

  def __hash__(self):
return self._a + self._b

if __name__ == '__main__':

  x = A(1, 1)

  aset = set()
  print aset

Re: What is the correct way to define __hash__?

2009-10-12 Thread Peng Yu
On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Peng Yu pengyu...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm wondering what is the general way to define __hash__. I could add
 up all the members. But I am wondering if this would cause a
 performance issue for certain classes.


 #!/usr/bin/env python

 class A:
  def __init__(self, a, b) :
    self._a = a
    self._b = b

  def __str__(self):
    return 'A(%s, %s)' %(self._a, self._b)

  __repr__ = __str__

  def __cmp__(self, other):
    if self._a  other._a:
      return -1
    elif self._a  other._a:
      return 1
    elif self._b  other._b:
      return -1
    elif self._b  other._b:
      return 1
      return 0

  def __hash__(self):
    return self._a + self._b

 if __name__ == '__main__':

  x = A(1, 1)

  aset = set()
  print aset

What if A has a third member, which is a string? Is there a function
to convert an arbitrary string to an int?

Re: What is the correct way to define __hash__?

2009-10-12 Thread Robert Kern

On 2009-10-12 15:45 PM, Peng Yu wrote:


I'm wondering what is the general way to define __hash__. I could add
up all the members. But I am wondering if this would cause a
performance issue for certain classes.

Unless if you are very familiar with the math of hash functions, I don't 
recommend that you try to implement one directly. Instead, make a tuple of the 
hashable content of your class and return the result of calling hash() on that 
tuple. Be sure to make your equality comparison do the right thing.

class A(object):
  def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b

  def _key(self):
# I include the name of the class so as to differentiate between other
# classes that might also have a _key() method. If you have several classes
# or subclasses that are allowed to compare equal to each other, use some
# other common string here.
return (type(self).__name__, a, b)

  def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._key())

  # Coincidentally, the _key() method can usually be reused for comparisons.
  # I recommend doing this for the equality comparisons, at least, when you can
  # because of the requirement that two items that compare equal must have the
  # same hash value.
  def __eq__(self, other):
return self._key() == other._key()

  def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)


Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: What is the correct way to define __hash__?

2009-10-12 Thread Christian Heimes
Peng Yu schrieb:
 I'm wondering what is the general way to define __hash__. I could add
 up all the members. But I am wondering if this would cause a
 performance issue for certain classes.

   def __hash__(self):
 return self._a + self._b

The hash of a tuple is based on the hash of its values. A common way to
define a hash method is:

def __hash__(self):
return hash((self._a, self._b))



Re: The rap against while True: loops

2009-10-12 Thread Mensanator
On Oct 12, 2:18 pm, Falcolas garri...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Oct 12, 12:32 pm, Mensanator mensana...@aol.com wrote:

  On Oct 12, 1:02 pm, John Reid j.r...@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk wrote:
   Mensanator wrote:
On Oct 12, 3:36 am, greg g...@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz wrote:
Mensanator wrote:
while not done:
if n==1: done = True
Seems to me that 'while not done:' is no better than
'while True:', because in both cases you have to look
inside the loop to find out what the exit condition

Using a more meaningful name for the flag can help,
but you can't teach someone that just by giving them
an overly simplified rules such as never use
while True:. They'll probably just replace it with
'while not done:' and think they've improved things,
without ever really understanding the issue.

You're missing the point. It's not that you have to
look inside for the terminating condition. It's that
you don't need a break.

   Nothing wrong with a having a break IMHO.

  My opinion is that there is everything wrong with
  having a break. I don't think I have ever used one,
  I write code that doesn't depend on that crutch.

   while not done:

   seems very dangerous to me as you'd have to

   del done

   before writing the same construct again. That's the sort of thing that
   leads to errors.

  Duh. I won't write silly code like that either.
  If I need more than one loop structure then I'll
  do something like

      while not done_with_this

      while not done_with_that

  Besides, since I _always_ initialize the flag
  before entering a loop, the flag can be reused
  and doesn't have to be deleted (as long as the
  loops aren't nested). And since I don't use goto,
  there's no chance the initialization can be avoided.

  The best way to avoid the pitfalls of spaghetti
  code is to not write it in the first place.

 How do you manage code where you need to drop out of a neatly written
 for or while loop early?

I don't. If I thought there would ever be a case when
a for loop had to exit early, I wouldn't use a for loop.

Similarly, if I ever felt the need to escape from a
while loop, I would rewrite it to avoid that situation.

 I don't use break frequently, but just like
 gotos, it does have it's place in well written code.

 Glad to hear, by the way, that you don't use gotos in Python. =D

Python doesn't have goto? Gee, I guess I never looked for
one. Learned my lesson from Pascal, eh?



POST value related question

2009-10-12 Thread ken
i have some problem to send POST value by use mechanize.
i can't write my article to my blog site.

here is full source. and what i want to do is, im posting my article
to my blog site.
thanks in advance.

# -*- coding: cp949 -*-
import mechanize
import cookielib

# Browser
br = mechanize.Browser()

# Cookie Jar
cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()

# Browser options

# Follows refresh 0 but not hangs on refresh  0

# Want debugging messages?

# User-Agent (this is cheating, ok?)
br.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-
US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1')]

# Open some site, let's pick a random one, the first that pops in
r = br.open('http://nid.naver.com/nidlogin.login')
html = r.read()
#print html

# Show the source
#print html
# or
#print br.response().read()

# Show the html title
#print br.title()

# Show the response headers
#print r.info()
# or
#print br.response().info()

# Show the available forms
for f in br.forms():
print f

# Select the first (index zero) form

# Let's search
#print br.response().read()
r = br.open(http://www.naver.com;)
rs = r.read().decode('utf-8')
#print rs
r = br.open(http://blog.naver.com/PostWriteForm.nhn?
rs = r.read()
print rs

for f in br.forms():
print f

br.form['contents.contentsValue'] = 'content'

Work around metaclass programming

2009-10-12 Thread Zac Burns
I have a class called Signal which is a descriptor. It is a descriptor
so that it can create BoundSignals, much like the way methods work.
What I would like to do is to have the class be a descriptor when
instantiated in what will be the locals of the class, but not a
descriptor everywhere else.

Can I do this without requiring the class to use a special metaclass
that does the transformation?

One way I can think of which would work if there is such a thing would
be a hook that type will call on the value of locals if that value is
defined. That way I could just return the descriptor from that hook.
The advantage of this over using a metaclass is that these are

Am I making sense?

Zachary Burns
Aim - Zac256FL
Production Engineer (Digital Overlord)
Zindagi Games

Re: windows side-by-side configuration woes on windows HPC

2009-10-12 Thread Nick Touran
It is indeed a pain. I would really like a work-around. Matplotlib is
supposed to be immune to this nowadays but it's not. Nor are some other
third-party modules. Did they break with the new release? (2.6.3?)

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 1:12 PM, M.-A. Lemburg m...@egenix.com wrote:

 Nick Touran wrote:
  Copying my local copy of Python 2.6 to a Windows HPC 2008 system is
  dll side-by-side configuration errors for some third-party packages
  (matplotlib, pyMSSQL, in particular). I understand that there is a
  of Python supporting XCOPY deployment, and would really like to be able
  just copy my C:\python26 folder to the network drive and have it run on
  I got around a related issue (http://bugs.python.org/issue4566) just by
  upgrading to 2.6.3 and was able to import socket and mpi4py and
  except matplotlib and pyMSSQL, that is.
  I also understand that if I were to install the MS Visual Studio 2008
  redistribution package on the server that everything would be fine
  the modules just can't find the proper C run-time DLL. The problem with
  is two-fold: I don't have admin rights on the machine and there are over
  1000 machines on the cluster and I don't think the admin is going to
  that on all of them.
  So is there any way to set an environmental variable or something to get
  these packages to know where to find the proper msvcr90.dll, akin to
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Linux? Is there another solution?

 I assume this is related to this new problem:


 Manifests were meant to solve some of the DLL mess... apparently they
 cause even more grief.

 Marc-Andre Lemburg

 Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Oct 08 2009)
  Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
  mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
  mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

 ::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! 

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611


Re: which dictionary with attribute-style access?

2009-10-12 Thread Rhodri James
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 20:58:35 +0100, Andreas Balogh balo...@gmail.com  


googling I found several ways of implementing a dictionary with  
attribute-style access.

1. ActiveState cookbook: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/473786/

2. ActiveState cookbook:  

3. web2py codebase: Storage(dict)

I enclosed the three implementations below.

My question to the Python specialists: which one is the most correct?

Accessing the dictionary as a dictionary.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

Re: windows side-by-side configuration woes on windows HPC

2009-10-12 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Nick Touran wrote:
 It is indeed a pain. I would really like a work-around. Matplotlib is
 supposed to be immune to this nowadays but it's not. Nor are some other
 third-party modules. Did they break with the new release? (2.6.3?)

The main problem appears to be that the the MS VC9 compiler defaults
to embedding a dependency on the MS VC90 CRT DLL into extension modules:

  assemblyIdentity type=win32 name=Microsoft.VC90.CRT 

Unless you have installed the CRT runtime DLLs installed system-wide,
this will require the DLLs to be installed next to the extension
module DLL or PYD file... and that even though the Python process
itself will already have loaded the DLL from the Python directory.

A work-around is attached to the ticket as patch.

Even though a fix for distutils is planned in 2.6.4, this type of
problem will pop up for all kinds of software using VC90-based DLLs
as plugins, so it's probably better to just install the CRT runtime
DLLs in the WinSxS directory using the CRT installers:



 On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 1:12 PM, M.-A. Lemburg m...@egenix.com wrote:
 Nick Touran wrote:
 Copying my local copy of Python 2.6 to a Windows HPC 2008 system is
 dll side-by-side configuration errors for some third-party packages
 (matplotlib, pyMSSQL, in particular). I understand that there is a
 of Python supporting XCOPY deployment, and would really like to be able
 just copy my C:\python26 folder to the network drive and have it run on

 I got around a related issue (http://bugs.python.org/issue4566) just by
 upgrading to 2.6.3 and was able to import socket and mpi4py and
 except matplotlib and pyMSSQL, that is.

 I also understand that if I were to install the MS Visual Studio 2008
 redistribution package on the server that everything would be fine
 the modules just can't find the proper C run-time DLL. The problem with
 is two-fold: I don't have admin rights on the machine and there are over
 1000 machines on the cluster and I don't think the admin is going to
 that on all of them.

 So is there any way to set an environmental variable or something to get
 these packages to know where to find the proper msvcr90.dll, akin to
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Linux? Is there another solution?

 I assume this is related to this new problem:


 Manifests were meant to solve some of the DLL mess... apparently they
 cause even more grief.

 Marc-Andre Lemburg

 Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Oct 08 2009)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

 ::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! 

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611


Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Oct 12 2009)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! 

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: organizing your scripts, with plenty of re-use

2009-10-12 Thread Carl Banks
On Oct 12, 11:24 am, Buck workithar...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Oct 10, 9:44 am, Gabriel Genellina gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar

  The good thing is that, if the backend package is properly installed  
  somewhere in the Python path ... it still works with no modifications.

 I'd like to get to zero-installation if possible. It's easy with
 simple python scripts, why not packages too? I know the technical
 reasons, but I haven't heard any practical reasons.

No it's purely technical.  Well mostly technical (there's a minor
issue of how a script would figure out its root).  No language is
perfect, not even Python, and sometimes you just have to deal with
things the way they are.

We're trying to help you with workarounds, but it seems like you just
want to vent more than you want an actual solution.

If it makes you feel better, go ahead and vent.  If you want a
solution, try instead to sit down and implement the advice Steven,
Gabriel, or I gave you.

 If the reasons are purely technical, it smells like a PEP to me.

Good luck with that.  I'd wholeheartedly support a good alternative, I
just want to warn you that it's not a simple issue to fix, it would be
involve spectacular and highly backwards-incompatible changes.

Carl Banks

In python CGI, how to pass hello back to a javascript function as an argument at client side?

2009-10-12 Thread zxo102
Hi everyone,
How can I pass a string generated from python cgi at server side
to a
javascript function as an argument at client side?

Here is my case:

1. client side:
 load is a javascript function in a html page. It starts the
python CGI test.py via Apache:
script language=javascript
load(test.py );

 I want test.py to return  a hello back so the javascript function
load takes hello as argument like  load(hello).

2. server side: test.py

def main():
   message = 'hello'
   #return message


Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your help.



Re: organizing your scripts, with plenty of re-use

2009-10-12 Thread Ethan Furman

Stef Mientki wrote:

Gabriel Genellina wrote:


That's what I meant to say. It IS a zero-installation schema, and it 
also works if you properly install the package. Quoting Steven 
D'Aprano (changing names slightly):

You would benefit greatly from separating the interface from
the backend. You should arrange matters so that the users see something
like this:

+-- animal
+-- mammal
+-- reptile
+-- somepackagename/
+-- __init__.py
+-- animals.py
+-- mammals/
+-- __init__.py
+-- horse.py
+-- otter.py
+-- reptiles/
+-- __init__.py
+-- gator.py
+-- newt.py
+-- misc/
+-- __init__.py
+-- lungs.py
+-- swimming.py


The key is to put all the core functionality into a package, and place 
the package where Python can find it. Also, it's a good idea to use 
relative imports from inside the package. There is no need to juggle 
with sys.path nor even set PYTHONPATH nor import __main__ nor play any 
strange games; it Just Works (tm).

please don't get angry,
I'm not a programmer, I'm just a human ;-)

Hierarchical choices are done on todays knowledge, tomorrow we might 
have different views and want/need to arrange things in another way.

An otter may become a reptile ;-)
So from the human viewpoint the following should be possible (and is for 
example possible in Delphi)

- I can move the complete project anywhere I like and it should still 
work without any modifications (when I move my desk I can still do my work)

Move a complete package anywhere along the PYTHONPATH and it will still 
work.  Check.

- I can move any file in he project to any other place in the project 
and again everything should work without any modifications ( when I 
rearrange my books, I can still find a specific book)

Move any file in any directory to any other spot in that same directory 
and it will still work.  Check.  ;-)

Humans are a lot smarter than computers.  Even 'just humans'.  ;-)  If 
you move your book, then can't find it on the last shelf it used to be 
on, you look on other shelves, you look on your desk, you look on the 
coffe table, you look in your car, etc, etc, and so forth.  If you move 
a file in a package to somewhere else, and you don't tell the package 
where it's at, it's not going to start looking all over the hard-drive 
for it.  If that were the case you would have to be extra careful to 
have every module's name be distinct, and then what's the point of 
having packages?


In my humble opinion if these actions are not possible, there must be 
redundant information in the collection. The only valid reason for 
redundant information is to perform self healing (or call it error 
correction), and here we have a catch-22.

Stef Mientki


Re: Error en el bus from python

2009-10-12 Thread greg

Jorgen Grahn wrote:

Bus Error is an old BSD-ism which I guess you don't see much in
Linux or Solaris these days (or maybe I never run buggy code ;-).  It
translates roughly to segmentation fault, but IIRC it is more about
accessing memory words on nonaligned adresses than about accessing
addresses your process doesn't own.

I think the term goes back to the PDP-11 or thereabouts. The
Unibus used a handshaking protocol, and if you tried to access
an address that didn't have any memory or I/O device assigned
to it, the bus hardware would time out and you got an interrupt.

The 68K family also used the term in a similar way.

I think the distinction between a bus error and a seg fault is
that bus errors are to do with physical addresses, and seg
faults are to do with virtual addresses.


Re: pickle's backward compatibility

2009-10-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Mon, 12 Oct 2009 12:17:52 -0300, Peng Yu pengyu...@gmail.com escribió:

If I define my own class and use pickle to serialize the objects in
this class, will the serialized object be successfully read in later
version of python.

From http://docs.python.org/library/pickle.html: The pickle  
serialization format is guaranteed to be backwards compatible across  
Python releases.
What you save now should be readable by a later version. Your own class  
must be able to process what you saved (regarding added/deleted/renamed  
attributes, changes in meaning, renamed/moved classes...)

What if I serialize (using pickle) an object of a class defined in
python library, will it be successfully read in later version of

As JPC said: no guarantees.

Gabriel Genellina


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