ANN: PyPM Index - build notification by author; import data

2010-11-25 Thread Sridhar Ratnakumar


There are, now, a couple more features to the previously announced PyPM 
Index that I think would be of interest if you are a developer of Python 
packages on PyPI.

1. an RSS feed for each author that shows the recently failing builds 
(eg: to identify bugs in releases)
2. The import feature shows if multiple packages provide the same 
import (eg: site-packages/tests) ... and, map packages to imports and 
vice-versa. See the import conflicts section for interesting set of cases.

For more details, see my blog post:

Sridhar Ratnakumar
Python Developer
ActiveState, The Dynamic Language Experts

On 11/10/2010 5:08 PM, Sridhar Ratnakumar wrote:


I'd like to announce the availability of PyPM Index - frontend to 
browse/search Python packages available in the PyPM repository:

The site also has some nifty features that, I think, may be of use to 
package authors:

  1. Author pages
  2. Build RSS notification (released with a bug?)
  3. Dependency information

For more details, see this blog post:


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] PythonWebkit bindings for WebkitDFB

2010-11-25 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
WebkitDFB is an experimental port to allow the webkit web browser
engine to use DirectFB (  It is lightning-quick
to start up (no large widget set to load), yet has the potential to
provide full HTML5 functionality.  The PythonWebkit project, brings 300+ DOM objects and
2,000+ fully W3C-compliant python-based DOM functions to webkit,
making python effectively a peer of javascript (,
getElementsByTagName, appendChild, setTimeout, XMLHttpRequest, onclick

These two projects have been brought together in the same source
repository.  If startup time and CPU usage is important (as it is on
embedded systems) then please do consider helping with WebkitDFB by
funding its ongoing development and/or helping Denis out.  If startup
time and CPU usage and _python_ are important... :)

in this rather short announcement, it's easy to miss the significance:
yes, webkit the web browser engine, directfb the direct framebuffer
engine, and python the utterly cool and beautiful programming language
have been combined into the same package and sentence.  more
information at


Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] PythonWebkit bindings for WebkitDFB

2010-11-25 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
WebkitDFB is an experimental port to allow the webkit web browser
engine to use DirectFB (  It is lightning-quick
to start up (no large widget set to load), yet has the potential to
provide full HTML5 functionality.  The PythonWebkit project, brings 300+ DOM objects and
2,000+ fully W3C-compliant python-based DOM functions to webkit,
making python effectively a peer of javascript (,
getElementsByTagName, appendChild, setTimeout, XMLHttpRequest, onclick

These two projects have been brought together in the same source
repository.  If startup time and CPU usage is important (as it is on
embedded systems) then please do consider helping with WebkitDFB by
funding its ongoing development and/or helping Denis out.  If startup
time and CPU usage and _python_ are important... :)

in this rather short announcement, it's easy to miss the significance:
yes, webkit the web browser engine, directfb the direct framebuffer
engine, and python the utterly cool and beautiful programming language
have been combined into the same package and sentence.  more
information at


Re: building a web interface

2010-11-25 Thread Shel
This is really great.  I wish I could come up with some creative new
ways to say thank you, but... thank you :-)

On Nov 21, 6:10 pm, Martin Gregorie mar...@address-in-sig.invalid
 On Sun, 21 Nov 2010 15:40:10 -0800, Shel wrote:
  I am confused about multiple simultaneous users, which I would like to
  be able to accommodate.  On the db side, I have a structure to store
  data for each user, and know a bit about selectively locking data,
  although I have not implemented that yet, so will see what happens.

 I realise what I wrote last night wasn't all that clear. Terms:
 'transaction' and 'session'.

 A web server 'transaction' consists of a request from a user that results
 in a page being sent to the user. That's it. It is an isolated action
 that does not depend in the web server knowing anything about the user
 because all the information it needs to decide which page to send was
 supplied when the user sent in the URL of the page. Now if the user
 clicks on a link on that page, his browser sends the URL in the link to
 the server, which in turn fishes out another page and sends it back to
 the user. As far as the server is concerned, there is no connection
 whatever between the two requests: either or both URLs could have been
 copied from a piece of paper for all it knows or cares. There is no
 concept of context or a session involved.

 A 'session' involves context. Think of what happens when you login to a
 computer. That starts a login session that has context: the computer now
 knows who you are and provides context by connecting you to your login
 directory and opening some work space which is used to remember which
 directory you're in, what commands you issued (so you can look at the
 history), etc. The session and its context persists until you log out.

 In what you're intending to do, a user will start a session by starting
 to use your program and that session will last until the user disconnects
 from the session. All the web server knows is that instead of finding a
 page on disk some place it passes your user's request to your program and
 sends its output, in the form of a web page, back to the user. It does
 this each time it receives a request from the user because all the user's
 requests contain the same URL - that of your program. The server does
 this without knowing there is such a thing as a session or that there is
 any context belonging to the user.

 The upshot is that your program has to keep track of all the active
 sessions and maintain context for each active session. It also needs a
 way to recognise and get rid of dead sessions because sessions don't
 always end cleanly: the line may go down or the user may forget he was
 using your program and turn his PC off. For instance, if the session
 context has a timestamp, you might delete it after, say, 20 hours of
 inactivity, or when the user logs on again. If the data is sensitive, you
 might also force a new logon after 10 minutes of inactivity.

 The database is as good a place as any for keeping session and context
 data - if its well structured the context may well form a single (large)
 row on one table, but you do need a unique key for it. That could even be
 the login name provided you're able to include it in every page you send
 to the user and can guarantee that the browser will send it back as part
 of the next request. A hidden field on the page will do this

 The basic program cycle will be:

 - receive a request
 - read the context for the session
 - use data in the request to carry out the requested action
 - write the updated context back to the database
 - create the output page and send it to the user

 though of course you need additional dialogue to deal with both valid and
 invalid logons and logoffs.

  I don't really get how multiple users work in terms of pretty much
  everything else, like if the Python code is running on the server,
  then... well, I just don't know.

 Hopefully the above made it a bit clearer.

   Maybe I should try to get it running
  for multiple discrete users first, and then think about simultaneous
  users, or is that a bad way to go about things?  Or maybe it will start
  to make more sense when I get into building the interface?  Any
  info/suggestions are very welcome.

 For bare desktop development I would split the program into three parts:

 1) the program itself, written to run a single transaction each time its
 called. Inputs would be the bits of the users message it needs to act on
 and the current session context record.

 2) a testing harness that accepts user input from the console, sends
 output back to the console and maintains a single session context record
 in memory: IOW it runs your program in single user mode.

 3)the web server interface which retrieves the session context record,
 passes it and the input to your program and, after that has run, saves
 the session context record and passes the output to the web server for

Re: building a web interface

2010-11-25 Thread Alice Bevan–McGregor


I'm mildly biased, being the author of the framework, but I can highly 
recommend WebCore for rapid prototyping of web applications; it has 
templating via numerous template engines, excellent JSON (AJAJ) 
support, and support for database back-ends via SQLAlchemy.  It also 
has session support baked-in via a project called Beaker.  
Documentation is fairly complete, and I can be found camping in the 
#webcore IRC channel on at strange hours.

If you can write a class, you can have a fully operational web 
application in a single file of ~8 lines or so.  (Or you can create a 
complete easy-installable Python package with multiple modules.)

For information, see:

As an interactive-fiction example:

class RootController(web.core.Controller):
   def index(self):
   This returns a template that uses JavaScript to call execute().
   The JavaScript adds the result of execute() to the display.
   session = db.Session().save()
   return './templates/main.html', dict(

   def execute(self, session, statement):
   Load our session and pass the input off to our interactive
   fiction library of choice.  Return the result if all went well.
   session = db.Session.get(session)

   result = myiflib.execute(session, statement)

   except myiflib.ParseError:
   return 'json:', dict(status=failure, message=Error...)

   return 'json:', dict(status=success, message=result)

— Alice.


what a cheap rule

2010-11-25 Thread Yingjie Lan
Sometimes the golden rule in Python of
explicit is better than implicit is
so cheap that it can be thrown away
for the trouble of typing an empty tuple.

Today when I am explaining that in Python 3,
there are two ways to raise exceptions:

raise Exception

raise Exception()

and that the first one is the same
as the second one, as Python will add the
missing pair of parenthesis. 

I felt their pain as they gasped.
Before that, I have already explained 
to them this piece of code:

try: raise SomeException()
except SomeException:
   print('Got an exception here')

by saying that the except-clause 
will match anything 
that belong to the SomeException class.

Without knowing this secrete
piece of information (that a
pair of parenthesis is automatically
provided), the following code
would be hard to understand:

try: raise SomeException
except SomeException:
   print('Got an exception here')

because the class object SomeException
is not an instance of itself, so 
a not-so-crooked coder will not
consider a match here.

So, the explicit is better than
implicit rule is thrown out of
the window so cheaply, 
that it literally worth less 
than an empty tuple!




Re: Pypi (Cheeseshop) Score - derivation of ?

2010-11-25 Thread Martin v. Loewis
 Occurrence of search term weighted by field (name, summary, keywords,
 description, author, maintainer)
 I thought PyPI used to offer a 'kwality' score for packages, based on
 the presence of installers, doc files, tests etc. Does anyone know
 what happened to that?

There was indeed a kwalitee computation (cheesecake); it is unmaintained.

It is a urban myth that this had any impact on search results. It never did.


AIX 5.3 - Enabling Shared Library Support Vs Extensions

2010-11-25 Thread Anurag Chourasia

When I configure python to enable shared libraries, none of the
extensions are getting built during the make step due to this error.

building 'cStringIO' extension
gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -g -O2 -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall
-Wstrict-prototypes -I. -I/u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6/./Include -I.
-IInclude -I./Include -I/opt/freeware/include
-I/opt/freeware/include/readline -I/opt/freeware/include/ncurses
-I/usr/local/include -I/u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6/Include
-I/u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6 -c
/u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6/Modules/cStringIO.c -o
./Modules/ld_so_aix gcc -pthread -bI:Modules/python.exp
-L/usr/local/lib *-lpython2.6* -o build/lib.aix-5.3-2.6/
*collect2: library libpython2.6 not found*

building 'cPickle' extension
gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -g -O2 -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall
-Wstrict-prototypes -I. -I/u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6/./Include -I.
-IInclude -I./Include -I/opt/freeware/include
-I/opt/freeware/include/readline -I/opt/freeware/include/ncurses
-I/usr/local/include -I/u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6/Include
-I/u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6 -c
/u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6/Modules/cPickle.c -o
./Modules/ld_so_aix gcc -pthread -bI:Modules/python.exp
-L/usr/local/lib *-lpython2.6* -o build/lib.aix-5.3-2.6/
*collect2: library libpython2.6 not found*

This is on AIX 5.3, GCC 4.2, Python 2.6.6

I can confirm that there is a libpython2.6.a file in the top level
directory from where I am doing the configure/make etc

Here are the options supplied to the configure command

./configure --enable-shared --disable-ipv6 --with-gcc=gcc CPPFLAGS=-I
/opt/freeware/include -I /opt/freeware/include/readline -I

Please guide me in getting past this error.

Thanks for your help on this.


Re: a regexp riddle:'

2010-11-25 Thread Yingjie Lan
--- On Thu, 11/25/10, Phlip wrote:
 From: Phlip
 Subject: a regexp riddle:'
 Date: Thursday, November 25, 2010, 8:46 AM
 I need to turn a human-readable list into a list():
    print'(?:(\w+), |and
 (\w+))+', 'whatever a, bbb, and
 That currently returns ('c',). I'm trying to match any
 word \w+
 followed by a comma, or a final word preceded by and.
 The match returns 'a, bbb, and c', but the groups return
 ('bbb', 'c').
 What do I type for .groups() to also get the 'a'?

First of all, the 'bbb' coresponds to the first capturing
group and 'c' the second. But 'a' is forgotten be cause
it was the first match of the first group, but there
is a second match 'bbb'.

Generally, a capturing group only remembers the last match.

It also seems that your re may match this: 'and c',
which does not seem to be your intention.
So it may be more intuitively written as:

r'(?:(\w+), )+and (\w+)'

I'm not sure how to get it done in one step,
but it would be easy to first get the whole 
match, then process it with:

re.findall(r'(\w+)(?:,|$)', the_whole_match)




Processing file with lists.

2010-11-25 Thread Geobird
I have  a text  file , having  fields  delimited by  ;  in the first
line and  all the way  down is the data taken for those fields . Say
Acrididae;Acanthacris ruficornis (Fabricius,
1787);Acanthacris;;ruficornis;;(Fabricius, 1787)
Acrididae;Acrida bicolor (Thunberg, 1815);Acrida;;bicolor;;(Thunberg,
Acrididae;Acrida oxycephala (Pallas, 1771);Acrida;;oxycephala;;
(Pallas, 1771)
Acrididae;Acrida turrita (Linnaeus, 1758);Acrida;;turrita;;(Linnaeus,

I want  to know how  could  I process this file using ' lists '  ,
that  could  answer   questions like . How many ? ,  Who did .. ?

I am a newbie , and would  appreciate your help

Re: Processing file with lists.

2010-11-25 Thread Alice Bevan–McGregor
You describe a two-part problem.  The first, loading the data, is 
easily accomplished with the Python CSV module:

e.g.: reader = csv.reader(open('filename', 'rb'), delimiter=';', 

In the above example, you can iterate over 'reader' in a for loop to 
read out each row.  The values will be returned in a list.

You could also use a DictReader to make the data more naturally 
accessible using name=value pairs.

I want  to know how  could  I process this file using ' lists '  ,
that  could  answer   questions like . How many ? ,  Who did .. ?

This isn't very clear, but if your dataset is small ( 1000 rows or so) 
you can fairly quickly read the data into RAM then run through the data 
with loops designed to pull out certain data, though it seems your data 
would need additional processing.  (The authorship information should 
be split into two separate columns, for example.)

An alternative would be to load the data into a relational database 
like MySQL or even SQLite (which offers in-memory databases), or an 
object database such as MongoDB which supports advanced querying using 

You'd have to examine the documentation on these different systems to 
see which would best fit your use case.  I prefer Mongo as it is very 
easy to get data into and out of, supports SQL-like queries, and 
map/reduce is extremely powerful.

— Alice.


Re: a regexp riddle:'(?:(\w+), |and (\w+))+', 'whatever a, bbb, and c') =? ('a', 'bbb', 'c')

2010-11-25 Thread Alice Bevan–McGregor

Accepting input from a human is frought with dangers and edge cases.  ;)

Some time ago I wrote a regular expression generator that creates 
regexen that can parse arbitrarily delimited text, supports quoting (to 
avoid accidentally separating two elements that should be treated as 
one), and works in both directions (text-native).

The code that generates the regex is heavily commented:


should be able to use this as-is and simply handle the optional 'and' 
on the last element yourself.  You can even create an instance of the 
class with the options you want then get the generated regular 
expression by running print(parser.pattern).

Note that I have friends who use 'and' multiple times when describing 
lists of things.  :P

— Alice.


Re: a regexp riddle:'(?:(\w+), |and (\w+))+', 'whatever a, bbb, and c') =? ('a', 'bbb', 'c')

2010-11-25 Thread Alice Bevan–McGregor
Now that I think about it, and can be stripped using a callback 
function as the 'normalize' argument to my KeywordProcessor class:

def normalize(value):
   value = value.strip()

   if value.startswith(and):
   value = value[3:]

   return value

parser = KeywordProcessor(',', normalize=normalize, result=list)

— Alice.


Re: AIX 5.3 - Enabling Shared Library Support Vs Extensions

2010-11-25 Thread Stefan Krah
Anurag Chourasia wrote:
 When I configure python to enable shared libraries, none of the extensions 
 are getting built during the make step due to this error.

 building 'cStringIO' extension
 gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -g -O2 -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall
 -Wstrict-prototypes -I. -I/u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6/./Include -I.
 -IInclude -I./Include -I/opt/freeware/include
 -I/opt/freeware/include/readline -I/opt/freeware/include/ncurses
 -I/usr/local/include -I/u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6/Include
 -I/u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6 -c
 /u01/home/apli/wm/GDD/Python-2.6.6/Modules/cStringIO.c -o
 ./Modules/ld_so_aix gcc -pthread -bI:Modules/python.exp
 -L/usr/local/lib *-lpython2.6* -o build/lib.aix-5.3-2.6/

Try these flags: -L. -L/usr/local/lib

If this solves the problem and the issue is also present in Python-2.7,
you should report a bug at .

Stefan Krah


tilted text in the turtle module

2010-11-25 Thread Yingjie Lan
First of all, I'd like to express my deep gratidute to the author of this 
module, it is such a fun module to work with and to teach python as a first 
programming language.

Secondly, I would like to request a feature if it is not too hard to achieve. 
Currently, you can only write texts horizontally, no matter what is the current 
orientation of the turtle pen. I wonder if it is possible to write text in any 
direction when we control the heading of the turtle? For example, the following 
code would write a vertically oriented text:

setheading(90) #turtle facing up
write(vertical text!) 

Thanks a lot!



Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-11-25 Thread Elena
On Oct 13, 9:09 pm, namekuseijin wrote:
 On 11 out, 08:49, Oleg  Parashchenko wrote:


  I'd like to try the idea that Scheme can be considered as a new
  portable assembler. We could code something in Scheme and then compile
  it to PHP or Python or Java or whatever.

  Any suggestions and pointers to existing and related work are welcome.

  My current approach is to take an existing Scheme implementation and
  hijack into its backend. At this moment Scheme code is converted to
  some representation with a minimal set of bytecodes, and it should be
  quite easy to compile this representation to a target language. After
  some research, the main candidates are Gambit, Chicken and CPSCM:

  If there is an interest in this work, I could publish progress

  Oleg Parashchenko  o...@ XML, TeX, 
  Python, Mac, Chess

 it may be assembler, too bad scheme libs are scattered around written
 in far too many different flavors of assembler...

 It warms my heart though to realize that Scheme's usual small size and
 footprint has allowed for many quality implementations targetting many
 different backends, be it x86 assembly, C, javascript or .NET.  Take
 python and you have a slow c bytecode interpreter and a slow
 bytecode .NET compiler.  Take haskell and its so friggin' huge and
 complex that its got its very own scary monolithic gcc.  When you
 think of it, Scheme is the one true high-level language with many
 quality perfomant backends -- CL has a few scary compilers for native
 code, but not one to java, .NET or javascript that I know of...

Take R5RS Scheme and you get a language which doesn't allow you to get
things done.

Scheme is as far from Assembly as one language can be.  Assembly
exists to get things done, R5RS Scheme does not even allows you load
native libraries of the underlying operating-system, does it?  It's
easy to stay small and clean when you don't have to dirty your hands
with such crap as real-world applications development.

the buggy regex in Python

2010-11-25 Thread Yingjie Lan
I know many experts will say I don't have understanding...but let me pay this 
up front as my tuition.

Here are some puzzling results I have got (I am using Python 3, I suppose 
similar results for python 2).

When I do the following, I got an exception:
 re.findall('(d*)*', 'adb')
 re.findall('((d)*)*', 'adb')

When I do this, I am fine but the result is wrong:
 re.findall('((.d.)*)*', 'adb')
[('', 'adb'), ('', '')]

Why is it wrong?

The first mactch of groups: 
('', 'adb') 
indicates the outer group ((.d.)*) captured
the empty string, while the inner group (.d.) 
captured 'adb', so the outer group must have
captured the empty string at the end of the 
provided string 'adb'.

Once we have matched the final empty string '',
there should be no more matches, but we got
another match ('', '')!!!

So, findall matched the empty string in
the end of the string twice!!!

Isn't this a bug?



do something every n seconds

2010-11-25 Thread Santiago Caracol

how can I do something (e.g. check if new files are in the working
directory) every n seconds in Python?


Re: do something every n seconds

2010-11-25 Thread Alice Bevan–McGregor

how can I do something (e.g. check if new files are in the working
directory) every n seconds in Python?

The simplest method is executing time.sleep(n) within an infinite while 
loop.  There are more elegant solutions: using coroutine frameworks, 
threaded task schedulers, etc.

— Alice.


Re: do something every n seconds

2010-11-25 Thread Paul Rubin
Santiago Caracol writes:
 how can I do something (e.g. check if new files are in the working
 directory) every n seconds in Python?

Don't do it that way if you can help it.  Use inotify or the equivalent

Re: do something every n seconds

2010-11-25 Thread Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens
Windows or UNIX ?

Am Do, 25.11.2010, 13:38 schrieb Santiago Caracol:

 how can I do something (e.g. check if new files are in the working
 directory) every n seconds in Python?



Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens

IT Architect

Re: do something every n seconds

2010-11-25 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
On Thu, 2010-11-25 at 04:38 -0800, Santiago Caracol wrote: 
 how can I do something (e.g. check if new files are in the working
 directory) every n seconds in Python?

Use the Python Advanced Scheduler in your application - it is a great
little module.  Then you've solved every 'scheduler' issue your
application will ever have.
Adam Tauno Williams LPIC-1, Novell CLA
OpenGroupware, Cyrus IMAPd, Postfix, OpenLDAP, Samba


Re: a regexp riddle:'(?:(\w+), |and (\w+))+', 'whatever a, bbb, and c') =? ('a', 'bbb', 'c')

2010-11-25 Thread python

 I'm trying to match any word \w+ followed by a comma, or a final word 
 preceded by and.

Here's a non-regex solution that handles multi-word values and multiple
instances of 'and' (as pointed out by Alice). The posted code could be
simplified via list comprehension - I chose the more verbose method to
illustrate the logic.

def to_list( text ):

text = text.replace( ' and ', ',' )
output = list()
for item in text.split( ',' ):
if item:
output.append( item.strip() )
return output

test = 'cat, dog, big fish, goat and puppy and horse'

print to_list( test )


['cat', 'dog', 'big fish', 'goat', 'puppy', 'horse']


regexp matching end of line or comma

2010-11-25 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Hy guys,

I'm struggling matching patterns ending with a comma ',' or an end of 
line '$'.

import re

ex1 = 'sumthin,'
ex2 = 'sumthin'
m1 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+),', ex1)
m2 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)$', ex2)
m3 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex1)
m4 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex2)

print m1, m2
print m3
print m4

_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834de0 _sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834e20
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834e60

My problem is that m4 is None while I'd like it to match ex2.

Any clue ?


Re: what a cheap rule

2010-11-25 Thread Steve Holden
On 11/25/2010 3:12 AM, Yingjie Lan wrote:
 Sometimes the golden rule in Python of
 explicit is better than implicit is
 so cheap that it can be thrown away
 for the trouble of typing an empty tuple.
I'm not sure that there *are* any golden rules. The Zen of Python is
intended to be guidelines, not rigid rules intended to constrain your
behavior but advice to help you write better code.

 Today when I am explaining that in Python 3,
 there are two ways to raise exceptions:
 raise Exception
 raise Exception()
 and that the first one is the same
 as the second one, as Python will add the
 missing pair of parenthesis. 
In fact this is noting to do with Python 3 - the same is true of Python
2, so this isn't new:

Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Jun 12 2010, 17:07:01)
[GCC 4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1] on cygwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 raise KeyError
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
 raise KeyError(Here is the message)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
KeyError: 'Here is the message'

 I felt their pain as they gasped.
 Before that, I have already explained 
 to them this piece of code:
 try: raise SomeException()
 except SomeException:
print('Got an exception here')
 by saying that the except-clause 
 will match anything 
 that belong to the SomeException class.
Or any of its subclasses ...

 Without knowing this secrete
 piece of information (that a
 pair of parenthesis is automatically
 provided), the following code
 would be hard to understand:
 try: raise SomeException
 except SomeException:
print('Got an exception here')
 because the class object SomeException
 is not an instance of itself, so 
 a not-so-crooked coder will not
 consider a match here.
It's a matter of understanding correctly how the interpreter operates
(and the interactive interpreter session is the ideal place to
investigate this). The 2.7 documentation for the raise statement says
(and this is not new):

If the first object is an instance, the type of the exception is the
class of the instance, the instance itself is the value, and the second
object must be None.

If the first object is a class, it becomes the type of the exception.
The second object is used to determine the exception value: If it is an
instance of the class, the instance becomes the exception value. If the
second object is a tuple, it is used as the argument list for the class
constructor; if it is None, an empty argument list is used, and any
other object is treated as a single argument to the constructor. The
instance so created by calling the constructor is used as the exception

So the interpreter doesn't really automatically provide a pair of
parentheses, but examines the exception object and instantiates it if
it is a class.

 So, the explicit is better than
 implicit rule is thrown out of
 the window so cheaply, 
 that it literally worth less 
 than an empty tuple!
Surely an exaggeration. In fact current best practice (which you should
inform yourself of as best you can to help you in your teaching work -
so you are to be congratulated for bringing this question to the list)
is to always use explicit calls, with arguments specifying a tailored

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
See Python Video!
Holden Web LLC


Re: tilted text in the turtle module

2010-11-25 Thread Steve Holden
On 11/25/2010 5:06 AM, Yingjie Lan wrote:
 First of all, I'd like to express my deep gratidute to the author of this 
 module, it is such a fun module to work with and to teach python as a first 
 programming language.
 Secondly, I would like to request a feature if it is not too hard to achieve. 
 Currently, you can only write texts horizontally, no matter what is the 
 current orientation of the turtle pen. I wonder if it is possible to write 
 text in any direction when we control the heading of the turtle? For example, 
 the following code would write a vertically oriented text:
 setheading(90) #turtle facing up
 write(vertical text!) 
 Thanks a lot!

This sounds like a good idea. To request a feature you should create an
account (if you do not already have one) on and create a
new issue (assuming a search reveals that there is not already such an

You may find if you look at the module's code that you can imagine how
to  make the change. If not, the request will wait until some maintainer
sees it and has time.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
See Python Video!
Holden Web LLC


Re: do something every n seconds

2010-11-25 Thread Steve Holden
On 11/25/2010 6:38 AM, Santiago Caracol wrote:
 how can I do something (e.g. check if new files are in the working
 directory) every n seconds in Python?
Look at the sched library, which was written to take care of
requirements like this. Use time.sleep() as your delay function and
time.time() as your time function.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
See Python Video!
Holden Web LLC


Re: a regexp riddle:'(?:(\w+), |and (\w+))+', 'whatever a, bbb, and c') =? ('a', 'bbb', 'c')

2010-11-25 Thread Steve Holden
On 11/24/2010 10:46 PM, Phlip wrote:
 I need to turn a human-readable list into a list():
print'(?:(\w+), |and (\w+))+', 'whatever a, bbb, and
 That currently returns ('c',). I'm trying to match any word \w+
 followed by a comma, or a final word preceded by and.
 The match returns 'a, bbb, and c', but the groups return ('bbb', 'c').
 What do I type for .groups() to also get the 'a'?
 Please go easy on me (and no RTFM!), because I have only been using
 regular expressions for about 20 years...

A kind of lazy way just uses a pattern for the separators to fuel a call
to re.split(). I assume that  and  and  ,  are both acceptable in
any position:

The best I've been able to do so far (due to split's annoying habit of
including the matches of any groups in the pattern I have to throw away
every second element) is:

 re.split(\s*(,|and)?\s*, 'whatever a, bbb, and c')[::2]
['whatever', 'a', 'bbb', '', 'c']

That empty string is because of the , and which isn't recognise as a
single delimiter.

A parsing package might give you better results.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
See Python Video!
Holden Web LLC


Re: SQLite date fields

2010-11-25 Thread MRAB

On 25/11/2010 00:45, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:


I am having design problems with date storage/retrieval using Python and

I understand that a SQLite date column stores dates as text in ISO
format (ie. '2010-05-25'). So when I display a British date (eg. on a
web-page) I convert the date using

However, when it comes to writing-back data to the table, SQLite is very
forgiving and is quite happy to store '25/06/2003' in a date field, but
this is not ideal because a) I could be left with a mixture of date
formats in the same column, b) SQLite's date functions only work with
ISO format.
Therefore I need to convert the date string back to ISO format before
committing, but then I would need a generic function which checks data
about to be written in all date fields and converts to ISO if necessary.
That sounds a bit tedious to me, but maybe it is inevitable.

Are there simpler solutions? Would it be easier to change the date field
to a 10-character field and store 'dd/mm/' throughout the table?
This way no conversion is required when reading or writing from the
table, and I could use datetime() functions if I needed to perform any

How have other developers overcome this problem? Any help would be
appreciated. For the record, I am using SQLite3 with Python 3.1.

Even when storing a date as text, I always prefer to use ISO format
because it makes sorting by date easier and there's less chance of
confusion over UK vs US date format.

Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-11-25 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2010-11-24 16:19:49 -0500, toby said:

And furthermore, he has cooties.

Once again, not all ad hominem arguments are ad hominem fallacies. 
Financial conflict of interest is a prime example of a perfectly valid 
ad hominem argument.

People who parse patterns but not semantics are apt to fall into the 
error of believing that ad hominem automatically means logically 
invalid. This is not the case.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro


Re: regexp matching end of line or comma

2010-11-25 Thread Sol Toure
Try this: '(?Psomething\S+)(,|$)'

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

 Hy guys,

 I'm struggling matching patterns ending with a comma ',' or an end of line

 import re

 ex1 = 'sumthin,'
 ex2 = 'sumthin'
 m1 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+),', ex1)
 m2 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)$', ex2)
 m3 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex1)
 m4 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex2)

 print m1, m2
 print m3
 print m4

 _sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834de0 _sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834e20
 _sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834e60

 My problem is that m4 is None while I'd like it to match ex2.

 Any clue ?


African news as it happens.

Re: regexp matching end of line or comma

2010-11-25 Thread MRAB

On 25/11/2010 14:40, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

Hy guys,

I'm struggling matching patterns ending with a comma ',' or an end of
line '$'.

import re

ex1 = 'sumthin,'
ex2 = 'sumthin'
m1 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+),', ex1)
m2 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)$', ex2)
m3 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex1)
m4 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex2)

print m1, m2
print m3
print m4

_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834de0 _sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834e20
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834e60

My problem is that m4 is None while I'd like it to match ex2.

Any clue ?

Within a character set '$' is a literal '$' and not end-of-string, just
as '\b' is '\x08' and not word-boundary.

Use a lookahead instead:

 re.match('(?Psomething\S+)(?=,|$)', ex1)
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x01719FA0
 re.match('(?Psomething\S+)(?=,|$)', ex2)
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x016937E0

Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-11-25 Thread namekuseijin
On 25 nov, 09:23, Elena wrote:
 On Oct 13, 9:09 pm, namekuseijin wrote:

  On 11 out, 08:49, Oleg  Parashchenko wrote:


   I'd like to try the idea that Scheme can be considered as a new
   portable assembler. We could code something in Scheme and then compile
   it to PHP or Python or Java or whatever.

   Any suggestions and pointers to existing and related work are welcome.

   My current approach is to take an existing Scheme implementation and
   hijack into its backend. At this moment Scheme code is converted to
   some representation with a minimal set of bytecodes, and it should be
   quite easy to compile this representation to a target language. After
   some research, the main candidates are Gambit, Chicken and CPSCM:

   If there is an interest in this work, I could publish progress

   Oleg Parashchenko  o...@ XML, 
   TeX, Python, Mac, Chess

  it may be assembler, too bad scheme libs are scattered around written
  in far too many different flavors of assembler...

  It warms my heart though to realize that Scheme's usual small size and
  footprint has allowed for many quality implementations targetting many
  different backends, be it x86 assembly, C, javascript or .NET.  Take
  python and you have a slow c bytecode interpreter and a slow
  bytecode .NET compiler.  Take haskell and its so friggin' huge and
  complex that its got its very own scary monolithic gcc.  When you
  think of it, Scheme is the one true high-level language with many
  quality perfomant backends -- CL has a few scary compilers for native
  code, but not one to java, .NET or javascript that I know of...

 Take R5RS Scheme and you get a language which doesn't allow you to get
 things done.

 Scheme is as far from Assembly as one language can be.  Assembly
 exists to get things done, R5RS Scheme does not even allows you load
 native libraries of the underlying operating-system, does it?  It's
 easy to stay small and clean when you don't have to dirty your hands
 with such crap as real-world applications development.- Ocultar texto das 
 mensagens anteriores -

assembly in the sense that it's what other languages could compile
to.  Like many are targetting javascript, the de facto assembly of the

In any case, the original poster was advocating the opposite:  to code
in Scheme and compile it to more common backends, such as PHP or
javascript... I misunderstood his point.  But the flamewars that
followed were far more entertaining anyway... :)

Re: a regexp riddle:'(?:(\w+), |and (\w+))+', 'whatever a, bbb, and c') =? ('a', 'bbb', 'c')

2010-11-25 Thread MRAB

On 25/11/2010 04:46, Phlip wrote:


I need to turn a human-readable list into a list():

print'(?:(\w+), |and (\w+))+', 'whatever a, bbb, and

That currently returns ('c',). I'm trying to match any word \w+
followed by a comma, or a final word preceded by and.

The match returns 'a, bbb, and c', but the groups return ('bbb', 'c').
What do I type for .groups() to also get the 'a'?

Please go easy on me (and no RTFM!), because I have only been using
regular expressions for about 20 years...

Try re.findall:

 re.findall(r'(\w+), |and (\w+)', 'whatever a, bbb, and c')
[('a', ''), ('bbb', ''), ('', 'c')]

You can get a list of strings like this:

 [x or y for x, y in re.findall(r'(\w+), |and (\w+)', 'whatever 
a, bbb, and c')]

['a', 'bbb', 'c']

Re: what a cheap rule

2010-11-25 Thread Yingjie Lan
--- On Thu, 11/25/10, Steve Holden wrote:
  Sometimes the golden rule in Python of
  explicit is better than implicit is
  so cheap that it can be thrown away
  for the trouble of typing an empty tuple.
 I'm not sure that there *are* any golden rules. The Zen of
 Python is
 intended to be guidelines, not rigid rules intended to
 constrain your
 behavior but advice to help you write better code.

 Surely an exaggeration. In fact current best practice
 (which you should
 inform yourself of as best you can to help you in your
 teaching work -
 so you are to be congratulated for bringing this question
 to the list)
 is to always use explicit calls, with arguments specifying
 a tailored


A very cogent message -- the end echos the start. :)
I must say that I learned from you a new angle to
think about this issue. On the other hand, I still
feel that when allowing both ways colliding into
the simpleness and bueaty of the language, we
should consider to make a decision.

Sure, this introduced quite a lot of complexity
when the doc has to give a very long explanation of
what is happening in order to justify it.

As I am thinking about it, it seems two
conflicting intuition of code comprehension
are at work here:

Intuition #1: as if you raise an exception
type, and then match that type.
It seems that no instances
are involved here (Intuitively).
See an example code here:

try: raise KeyError
except KeyError: pass

Intuition #2: you raise an exception
instance, and then match an instance by
its type. See an example code here:

try: raise KeyError()
except KeyError as ke: pass

Those two comprehensions are not compatible,
and thus the one that promotes correct
understanding should be encouraged,
while the other should be discouraged,
and maybe even be made iliegal.




Re: regexp matching end of line or comma

2010-11-25 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

MRAB wrote:

On 25/11/2010 14:40, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

Hy guys,

I'm struggling matching patterns ending with a comma ',' or an end of
line '$'.

import re

ex1 = 'sumthin,'
ex2 = 'sumthin'
m1 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+),', ex1)
m2 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)$', ex2)
m3 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex1)
m4 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex2)

print m1, m2
print m3
print m4

_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834de0 _sre.SRE_Match object at 

_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834e60

My problem is that m4 is None while I'd like it to match ex2.

Any clue ?

Within a character set '$' is a literal '$' and not end-of-string, just
as '\b' is '\x08' and not word-boundary.

Use a lookahead instead:

 re.match('(?Psomething\S+)(?=,|$)', ex1)
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x01719FA0
 re.match('(?Psomething\S+)(?=,|$)', ex2)
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x016937E0

thanks, it works that way.
By the way I don't get the difference between non capturing parentesis 
(?:) and lookahead parenthesis (?=):

re.match('(?Psomething\S+)(?:,|$)', ex2).groups()

re.match('(?Psomething\S+)(?=,|$)', ex2).groups()



Re: the buggy regex in Python

2010-11-25 Thread MRAB

On 25/11/2010 11:32, Yingjie Lan wrote:

I know many experts will say I don't have understanding...but let me pay this 
up front as my tuition.

Here are some puzzling results I have got (I am using Python 3, I suppose 
similar results for python 2).

When I do the following, I got an exception:

re.findall('(d*)*', 'adb')
re.findall('((d)*)*', 'adb')

A repeated repeat can cause problems if what is repeated can match an
empty string. The re module tries to protect itself by forbidding
such a regex. The regex module (available from PyPI) accepts that
regex and returns a result.

When I do this, I am fine but the result is wrong:

re.findall('((.d.)*)*', 'adb')

[('', 'adb'), ('', '')]

Why is it wrong?

The first mactch of groups:
('', 'adb')
indicates the outer group ((.d.)*) captured
the empty string, while the inner group (.d.)
captured 'adb', so the outer group must have
captured the empty string at the end of the
provided string 'adb'.

Once we have matched the final empty string '',
there should be no more matches, but we got
another match ('', '')!!!

So, findall matched the empty string in
the end of the string twice!!!

re.findall performs multiple searches, each starting where the previous
one finished. The first match started at the start of the string and
finished at its end. The second match started at that point (the end of
the string) and found another match, ending at the end of the string.
It tried to match a third time, but that failed because it would have
matched an empty string again (it's not allowed to return 2 contiguous
empty strings).

Isn't this a bug?

No, but it can be confusing at times! :-)

Re: the buggy regex in Python

2010-11-25 Thread Yingjie Lan
--- On Thu, 11/25/10, MRAB wrote:
 re.findall performs multiple searches, each starting where
 the previous
 one finished. The first match started at the start of the
 string and
 finished at its end. The second match started at that point
 (the end of
 the string) and found another match, ending at the end of
 the string.
 It tried to match a third time, but that failed because it
 would have
 matched an empty string again (it's not allowed to return 2
 empty strings).
  Isn't this a bug?
 No, but it can be confusing at times! :-)

But the last empty string is matched twice -- so it is 
an overlapping. But findall is supposed not to return
overlapping matches. So I think this does not live up
to the documentation -- thus I still consider it a bug.



Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-11-25 Thread Mario S. Mommer

Raffael Cavallaro
 On 2010-11-24 16:19:49 -0500, toby said:

 And furthermore, he has cooties.

 Once again, not all ad hominem arguments are ad hominem
 fallacies. Financial conflict of interest is a prime example of a
 perfectly valid ad hominem argument.

It has limited validity. People are way more complicated than the
simplistic follow your own selfish egoistic interests to the letter
without taking prisoners model of human behavior that seems
(unfortunately) so prevalent nowadays.

 People who parse patterns but not semantics are apt to fall into the
 error of believing that ad hominem automatically means logically
 invalid. This is not the case.

In the realm of pure logic, ad hominems are logically invalid,
period. However, if the question cannot be resolved by its own merits,
simple logic has little to say, and you may include additional
information in a sort-of Bayesian fashion.

Saying that a conflict of interest means that nothing this person says
makes any sense at all is in a way an admission that the subject of
discussion is not very amenable to rational argument.

Re: regexp matching end of line or comma

2010-11-25 Thread MRAB

On 25/11/2010 16:26, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

MRAB wrote:

On 25/11/2010 14:40, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

Hy guys,

I'm struggling matching patterns ending with a comma ',' or an end of
line '$'.

import re

ex1 = 'sumthin,'
ex2 = 'sumthin'
m1 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+),', ex1)
m2 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)$', ex2)
m3 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex1)
m4 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex2)

print m1, m2
print m3
print m4

_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834de0 _sre.SRE_Match object at
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834e60

My problem is that m4 is None while I'd like it to match ex2.

Any clue ?

Within a character set '$' is a literal '$' and not end-of-string, just
as '\b' is '\x08' and not word-boundary.

Use a lookahead instead:

 re.match('(?Psomething\S+)(?=,|$)', ex1)
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x01719FA0
 re.match('(?Psomething\S+)(?=,|$)', ex2)
_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x016937E0

thanks, it works that way.
By the way I don't get the difference between non capturing parentesis
(?:) and lookahead parenthesis (?=):

re.match('(?Psomething\S+)(?:,|$)', ex2).groups()

re.match('(?Psomething\S+)(?=,|$)', ex2).groups()

A non-capturing parenthesis 'consumes' characters; a lookahead
parenthesis doesn't, so another part of the regex can match it again.

I suppose that in this instance it doesn't matter!

Re: tilted text in the turtle module

2010-11-25 Thread Yingjie Lan
--- On Thu, 11/25/10, Steve Holden wrote:
 From: Steve Holden
 Subject: Re: tilted text in the turtle module
 Date: Thursday, November 25, 2010, 7:00 PM
 On 11/25/2010 5:06 AM, Yingjie Lan
 This sounds like a good idea. To request a feature you
 should create an
 account (if you do not already have one) on
 and create a
 new issue (assuming a search reveals that there is not
 already such an

Thanks I just did that.
 You may find if you look at the module's code that you can
 imagine how
 to  make the change. If not, the request will wait
 until some maintainer
 sees it and has time.

I don't know much about tkinter, 
not sure if I can contribute.
And even if I made a patch, 
then how to publish it?




Re: the buggy regex in Python

2010-11-25 Thread MRAB

On 25/11/2010 16:44, Yingjie Lan wrote:

--- On Thu, 11/25/10,  wrote:

re.findall performs multiple searches, each starting where
the previous
one finished. The first match started at the start of the
string and
finished at its end. The second match started at that point
(the end of
the string) and found another match, ending at the end of
the string.
It tried to match a third time, but that failed because it
would have
matched an empty string again (it's not allowed to return 2
empty strings).

Isn't this a bug?

No, but it can be confusing at times! :-)

But the last empty string is matched twice -- so it is
an overlapping. But findall is supposed not to return
overlapping matches. So I think this does not live up
to the documentation -- thus I still consider it a bug.

Look at the spans:

 for m in re.finditer('((.d.)*)*', 'adb'):

(0, 3)
(3, 3)

There's an non-empty match followed by an empty match.

Re: what a cheap rule

2010-11-25 Thread Steve Holden
On 11/25/2010 10:15 AM, Yingjie Lan wrote:
 As I am thinking about it, it seems two
 conflicting intuition of code comprehension
 are at work here:
 Intuition #1: as if you raise an exception
 type, and then match that type.
 It seems that no instances
 are involved here (Intuitively).
 See an example code here:
 try: raise KeyError
 except KeyError: pass
 Intuition #2: you raise an exception
 instance, and then match an instance by
 its type. See an example code here:
 try: raise KeyError()
 except KeyError as ke: pass
 Those two comprehensions are not compatible,
 and thus the one that promotes correct
 understanding should be encouraged,
 while the other should be discouraged,
 and maybe even be made iliegal.

I prefer to treat those two cases as unified, by observing that if what
is raised in an exception class than an instance is created by calling
it with no arguments. So matching is always by the instance's type -
it's just that the instance creation can be implicit. I agree with you
that explicit is better.

Most of the syntactic variation you dislike is to allow existing code to
continue to work. Some of it is removed in Python 3, when backwards
compatibility could be ignored.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
See Python Video!
Holden Web LLC


Re: do something every n seconds

2010-11-25 Thread km
while True:
   print('hello python!')

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 8:35 PM, Steve Holden wrote:
 On 11/25/2010 6:38 AM, Santiago Caracol wrote

 how can I do something (e.g. check if new files are in the working
 directory) every n seconds in Python?

 Look at the sched library, which was written to take care of
 requirements like this. Use time.sleep() as your delay function and
 time.time() as your time function.

 Steve Holden           +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
 PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
 See Python Video!
 Holden Web LLC       



Re: tilted text in the turtle module

2010-11-25 Thread Steve Holden
On 11/25/2010 10:49 AM, Yingjie Lan wrote:
 --- On Thu, 11/25/10, Steve Holden wrote:
 From: Steve Holden
 Subject: Re: tilted text in the turtle module
 Date: Thursday, November 25, 2010, 7:00 PM
 On 11/25/2010 5:06 AM, Yingjie Lan
 This sounds like a good idea. To request a feature you
 should create an
 account (if you do not already have one) on
 and create a
 new issue (assuming a search reveals that there is not
 already such an

 Thanks I just did that.
 You may find if you look at the module's code that you can
 imagine how
 to  make the change. If not, the request will wait
 until some maintainer
 sees it and has time.

 I don't know much about tkinter, 
 not sure if I can contribute.
 And even if I made a patch, 
 then how to publish it?
Once you have a patch, attach it to the issue as a file and try and get
it reviewed by a developer for incorporation into a future release.

Note that no Python 2.8 release is planned, so you would best
concentrate your effort on the 3.x series.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
See Python Video!
Holden Web LLC


Re: regexp matching end of line or comma

2010-11-25 Thread Saul Spatz
On Nov 25, 8:40 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant
 Hy guys,

 I'm struggling matching patterns ending with a comma ',' or an end of
 line '$'.

 import re

 ex1 = 'sumthin,'
 ex2 = 'sumthin'
 m1 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+),', ex1)
 m2 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)$', ex2)
 m3 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex1)
 m4 = re.match('(?Psomething\S+)[,$]', ex2)

 print m1, m2
 print m3
 print m4

 _sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834de0 _sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834e20
 _sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8834e60

 My problem is that m4 is None while I'd like it to match ex2.

 Any clue ?


From the Regular Expression Syntax documentation:
Special characters are not active inside sets. For example, [akm$]
will match any of the characters 'a', 'k', 'm', or '$';

so in m4, [,$] matches a comma or a literal dollar sign.

Re: SQLite date fields

2010-11-25 Thread CM
 However, when it comes to writing-back data to the table, SQLite is very
 forgiving and is quite happy to store '25/06/2003' in a date field, but
 this is not ideal because a) I could be left with a mixture of date
 formats in the same column,  b) SQLite's date functions only work with
 ISO format.
 Therefore I need to convert the date string back to ISO format before
 committing, but then I would need a generic function which checks data
 about to be written in all date fields and converts to ISO if
 necessary.  That sounds a bit tedious to me, but maybe it is inevitable.

It doesn't strike me as particularly tedious if it is just the line:

 Are there simpler solutions?  Would it be easier to change the date
 field to a 10-character field and store 'dd/mm/' throughout the
 table?  This way no conversion is required when reading or writing from
 the table, and I could use datetime() functions if I needed to perform
 any date-arithmetic.

Maybe I've misunderstood, but wouldn't you have to do the conversion
display the date anyway?  It seems to me like, whichever approach you
take, you will have to do a conversion.  For that reason, isn't it
better to leave the date fields in ISO so that you can take advantage
of SQLite's date functions?


 How have other developers overcome this problem?  Any help would be
 appreciated.  For the record, I am using SQLite3 with Python 3.1.



Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-11-25 Thread namekuseijin
On 25 nov, 14:30, (Mario S. Mommer) wrote:
 Raffael Cavallaro

  On 2010-11-24 16:19:49 -0500, toby said:

  And furthermore, he has cooties.

  Once again, not all ad hominem arguments are ad hominem
  fallacies. Financial conflict of interest is a prime example of a
  perfectly valid ad hominem argument.

 It has limited validity. People are way more complicated than the
 simplistic follow your own selfish egoistic interests to the letter
 without taking prisoners model of human behavior that seems
 (unfortunately) so prevalent nowadays.

  People who parse patterns but not semantics are apt to fall into the
  error of believing that ad hominem automatically means logically
  invalid. This is not the case.

 In the realm of pure logic, ad hominems are logically invalid,
 period. However, if the question cannot be resolved by its own merits,
 simple logic has little to say, and you may include additional
 information in a sort-of Bayesian fashion.

 Saying that a conflict of interest means that nothing this person says
 makes any sense at all is in a way an admission that the subject of
 discussion is not very amenable to rational argument.

I have to say I'm always amazed how ad hominens can generate quite
strong responses to the point of making a lot of new faces (or mail
accounts) suddenly appear... ;)

Automatic Distutils generator

2010-11-25 Thread macm
Hi Folks

I am trying run Distutils setup inside a script.

The Docs dont tell me much and I cant find any examples.

This script will generate shared libraries recursive to all files in a

import os
import sys
from distutils.core import setup as d
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext

fileList = []
rootdir = sys.argv[1]
fileType = '.pyx'

for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(rootdir):
for file in files:
if file[-4:] == fileType:

# But Here I want automatic Distutils generator
# I want replace manual entry like this:
# python build_ext --inplace

d.setup(name = str(file) + '_Cython',
Extension(file[:-4], [file])
  cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext})

print 'Files convert: \n'
print fileList

Who can help me fix it?

Best Regards


Re: a regexp riddle:'(?:(\w+), |and (\w+))+', 'whatever a, bbb, and c') =? ('a', 'bbb', 'c')

2010-11-25 Thread Phlip
 Accepting input from a human is fraught with dangers and edge cases.

 Here's a non-regex solution

Thanks all for playing! And as usual I forgot a critical detail:

I'm writing a matcher for a Morelia /viridis/ Scenario step, so the
matcher must be a single regexp.

I'm avoiding the current situation, where Morelia pulls out (.*), and
the step handler manually splits that up with:

  flags = re.split(r', (?:and )?', flags)

That means I already had a brute-force version. A regexp version is
always better because, especially in Morelia, it validates input. (.*)
is less specific than (\w+).

So if the step says:

  Alice has crypto keys apple, barley, and flax

Then the step handler could say (if this worked):

  def step_user_has_crypto_keys_(self, user, *keys):
  r'(\w+) has crypto keys (?:(\w+), )+and (\w+)'

  # assert that user with those keys here

That does not work because a capturing group only remembers the last
match. This would appear to be an irritating 'feature' in Regexp. The
total match is 'apple, barley, and flax', but the stored groups behave
as if each () were a slot, so (\w+)+ would not store more than one
group. Unless there's a Regexp workaround to mean arbitrary number
of slots for each (), then I /might/ go with this:

   got = re.findall(r'(?:(\w+), )?(?:(\w+), )?(?:(\w+), )?(?:(\w+), )?
(?:(\w+), and )?(\w+)$', 'whatever a, bbb, and c')
   print got  #  [('a', '', '', '', 'bbb', 'c')]

The trick is to simply paste in a high number of (?:(\w+), )?
segments, assuming that nobody should plug in too many. Behavior
Driven Development scenarios should be readable and not run-on.
(Morelia has a table feature for when you actually need lots of

Next question: Does return a match object that I can get
('a', '', '', '', 'bbb', 'c') out of? The calls to groups() and such
always return this crazy ('a', 2, 'bbb', 'c') thing that would disturb
my user-programmers.


Re: building a web interface

2010-11-25 Thread Shel
Will take a look after stuffing myself with turkey today (am in the
US, where we give thanks by eating everything in sight).  Thanks,

Wait, did I just say thanks?  Must go eat pie.

On Nov 25, 12:36 am, Alice Bevan–McGregor wrote:

 I'm mildly biased, being the author of the framework, but I can highly
 recommend WebCore for rapid prototyping of web applications; it has
 templating via numerous template engines, excellent JSON (AJAJ)
 support, and support for database back-ends via SQLAlchemy.  It also
 has session support baked-in via a project called Beaker.  
 Documentation is fairly complete, and I can be found camping in the
 #webcore IRC channel on at strange hours.

 If you can write a class, you can have a fully operational web
 application in a single file of ~8 lines or so.  (Or you can create a
 complete easy-installable Python package with multiple modules.)

 For information, see:

 As an interactive-fiction example:

 class RootController(web.core.Controller):
     def index(self):
         This returns a template that uses JavaScript to call execute().
         The JavaScript adds the result of execute() to the display.
         session = db.Session().save()
         return './templates/main.html', dict(

     def execute(self, session, statement):
         Load our session and pass the input off to our interactive
         fiction library of choice.  Return the result if all went well.
         session = db.Session.get(session)

             result = myiflib.execute(session, statement)

         except myiflib.ParseError:
             return 'json:', dict(status=failure, message=Error...)

         return 'json:', dict(status=success, message=result)

  — Alice.


Re: a regexp riddle:'(?:(\w+), |and (\w+))+', 'whatever a, bbb, and c') =? ('a', 'bbb', 'c')

2010-11-25 Thread MRAB

On 25/11/2010 19:57, Phlip wrote:

Accepting input from a human is fraught with dangers and edge cases.

Here's a non-regex solution

Thanks all for playing! And as usual I forgot a critical detail:

I'm writing a matcher for a Morelia /viridis/ Scenario step, so the
matcher must be a single regexp.

I'm avoiding the current situation, where Morelia pulls out (.*), and
the step handler manually splits that up with:

   flags = re.split(r', (?:and )?', flags)

That means I already had a brute-force version. A regexp version is
always better because, especially in Morelia, it validates input. (.*)
is less specific than (\w+).

So if the step says:

   Alice has crypto keys apple, barley, and flax

Then the step handler could say (if this worked):

   def step_user_has_crypto_keys_(self, user, *keys):
   r'(\w+) has crypto keys (?:(\w+), )+and (\w+)'

   # assert that user with those keys here

You could do:

def step_user_has_crypto_keys_(self, user, keys):
r'(\w+) has crypto keys ((?:\w+, )+and \w+)'

to validate and capture, and then split the keys string.

Re: a story of a top expert of Mathematica: Robby Villegas

2010-11-25 Thread small Pox
On Nov 25, 2:10 am, Xah Lee wrote:
 On Nov 24, 2:02 pm, Xah Lee wrote:

  just learned that one of my best friend, one of world's top expert of
  the Mathematica language, died, last month.

  • 〈Robby Villegas Died 

 so, apparantly, he killed himself.

 not lisp related, but i thought it is interetsing to many here,
 becuase Robby is very interested in computer languages, and share with
 many of us being ubberly socially inept and frustrated. (he's not a
 emacs users. Occationally uses vi. I think he's main editor is NEdit
 (if he hasn't changed since 1990s). Yes he's a linux user. Became a
 Redhat linux user as his main machine in late 1990s. You could find
 many of his writings in comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica, but i believ
 they all dates in the mid 1990s. He's a extremely keep-to-himself
 guy.) He's also the first computer programer that i got to know in
 real meat space, who hates Windows and Microsoft.

 Robby's Goodbye Notes

 Apparantly, Robby killed himself. There's this memorial page posted by
 Robby's friends on his site at: Source. Reading it, i came across
 several Wolfram employees i remember having met, some i recognize as
 Robby's good friends. In it, there's this post, apparantly Robby's
 goodbye note.

     Robby via Christina Szabo Says:
     October 7th, 2010 at 9:54 pm

     Robby wanted to “give some explanation to people in general” and
     me to post this, which he wrote. -Christina

     Subject: the end is important in all things

     Robby Villegas October 2 at 7:17am

     Depression, and even more so, physical exhaustion, continues to
 claim more and more of my life, to render a larger percentage of each
 day either unusable, or a sloggin, dragging fight to keep myself
 upright just to get through the basics of my day. On top of fatigue, a
 few years ago I began to develop a tendency toward anxiety, which
 gradually became more frequent and of faster onset, throwing a specter
 of borderline panic attacks over many of my activities. Eventually, I
 was taking partial doses of my prescription sleep medication
 *preemptively* before simple activities like skating class, meeting
 friends at a bar, going to a theater, or spending an evening studying
 at a cafe.

     The sleep and exhaustion problems that forced me to suddenly quit
 working in January 2007 have gradually worsened, and I have run out of
 means at this point.

     More important than financial means, though: the ratio of quality
 of life to pained struggling has passed a threshold. Eventually, I’ll
 forget what it even felt like to be happy, the memories of what I was
 will fade further, I won’t be able to appreciate any of the good parts
 of life, and I’ll be bitter, not even a shadow of my self.

     This must not happen. For many years, I have felt that some day
 I’d have to make that call that it’s time to go; that most of the good
 stuff was past, and the proportion of hope and new joy to the pain and
 effort that goes into rallying would fall too low I want to go out
 while I can still reflect on the good things, and go out really
 feeling and believing “I lived.”

     Worse than the death of the body is the death of pieces of the
 self while still alive, and the memories that provide conviction that
 there was a lot worth being here for, while it lasted.

     In retrospect, I probably should have made this call last winter,
 or at the very latest, early summer, given that the last few months
 have had a marked dulling effect on me. But, two decades of fighting
 depression, rallying through many dozens of life-hating and self-
 hating episodes ranging from bad patches to truly close calls, and
 being thankful I did each time I got a “new lease on life” that was
 followed by more of the worthwhile stuff of life … two decades of that
 makes it *intensely* difficult to make that final call.

     Albeit more weary and dull than I’ve ever been, I am thankful that
 there’s enough left of me to look back (even with difficulty) and
 appreciate all the good people, activities, and interests that made My
 Life worth living during that time. So it is perhaps not too late to
 exit while there’s a reasonable amount left of Me.

     Yours in truth,
     Robby “R. Scott”

 Not sure what to say.

 Robby has told me in around 2004 to 2005, our last big exchange, that
 he has serious insomnia problems. But i don't recall any serious
 depression. Actually, i remember now he has told me that he had
 depression episodes, which i did too, and we chatted our experiences.
 But i recall it's all past tense, and this chat was in 1995.
 (depression is hard to define) But i didn't know it was getting to the
 point of killing himself, but again, for certain type of persons who
 are not emotionally responsive (i.e. cold, lone, type, who hide their
 emotions or unable to express it), it 

Re: inverse of a matrix with Fraction entries

2010-11-25 Thread Mark Wooding
Daniel Fetchinson writes:

  I wouldn't do it that way.  Let M be your matrix.  Work out the LCM l of
  the denominators, and multiply the matrix by that to make it an integer
  matrix N = l M.  Then work out the determinant d of that integer matrix.
  Next, the big step: use Gaussian elimination to find a matrix A (the
  `adjugate matrix') such that A N = d I.  This should be doable entirely
  using integer arithmetic, and I think without needing any divisions.
  Finally, we have l A M = d I, so (l/d A) M = I and l/d A is the inverse
  you seek.
  Does that make sense?

 Absolutely! But there is nothing wrong with working out the inverse
 directly using fractions.Fraction arithmetic, I'd think.

It'll work, certainly; but the Fraction implementation will have to do a
buttload of GCD computations that it wouldn't need to do if you worked
with plain integers.  And GCDs are relatively hard, as arithmetical
computations go: the usual algorithms require either a number of
divisions (which are themselves rather costly) or a bitwise traversal of
one of the operands.

A million entries seems nontrivial for a matrix, and Gaussian
elimination has cubic running time if I remember rightly; I suspect that
the transformations I describe would reduce the running time by a fair
amount.  Of course, I might be drastically underestimating the
performance of modern hardware -- I often do -- so this may not be
especially relevant.  Anyway, the possibility's there.

-- [mdw]

Re: inverse of a matrix with Fraction entries

2010-11-25 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
  I wouldn't do it that way.  Let M be your matrix.  Work out the LCM l of
  the denominators, and multiply the matrix by that to make it an integer
  matrix N = l M.  Then work out the determinant d of that integer matrix.
  Next, the big step: use Gaussian elimination to find a matrix A (the
  `adjugate matrix') such that A N = d I.  This should be doable entirely
  using integer arithmetic, and I think without needing any divisions.
  Finally, we have l A M = d I, so (l/d A) M = I and l/d A is the inverse
  you seek.
  Does that make sense?

 Absolutely! But there is nothing wrong with working out the inverse
 directly using fractions.Fraction arithmetic, I'd think.

 It'll work, certainly; but the Fraction implementation will have to do a
 buttload of GCD computations that it wouldn't need to do if you worked
 with plain integers.  And GCDs are relatively hard, as arithmetical
 computations go: the usual algorithms require either a number of
 divisions (which are themselves rather costly) or a bitwise traversal of
 one of the operands.

 A million entries seems nontrivial for a matrix, and Gaussian
 elimination has cubic running time if I remember rightly; I suspect that
 the transformations I describe would reduce the running time by a fair
 amount.  Of course, I might be drastically underestimating the
 performance of modern hardware -- I often do -- so this may not be
 especially relevant.  Anyway, the possibility's there.

Okay, I see your point and I completely agree.
Surely it will be faster to do it with integers, will give it a shot.


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: Needed: Real-world examples for Python's Cooperative Multiple Inheritance

2010-11-25 Thread Raymond Hettinger
On Nov 24, 9:16 pm, Alice Bevan–McGregor wrote:
 On 2010-11-24 12:08:04 -0800, Raymond Hettinger said:

  I'm writing-up more guidance on how to use super() and would like to
  point at some real-world Python examples of cooperative multiple

 The SocketServer module
 ( uses cooperative
 multiple inheritance to implement threading / async using a
 ThreadingMixIn class and multi-processing using a ForkingMixIn class,
 which may not be as complicated a use case as you are looking for.

It is a great example of a style of using mixins, but isn't
actually an example of Python's cooperative multiple inheritance.
The code doesn't use super() and doesn't have a diamond problem.

It's hard to write a best practices document for super() when
the doesn't appear to be any practice at all :-)



Newbie subprocess question

2010-11-25 Thread Hugo Léveillé
I'm starting various application using subprocess.Popen without any
problem. The problem is with application inside Program Files. It
looks like subprocess is stopping the application string after
Program. I tried puting the programe name inside double quote like
'Program File*...'. No luck.

How can I start a app inside this folder ?


  Hugo Léveillé
  TD Compositing, Vision Globale


Re: Needed: Real-world examples for Python's Cooperative Multiple Inheritance

2010-11-25 Thread Steve Holden
On 11/25/2010 4:40 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 It's hard to write a best practices document for super() when
 the doesn't appear to be any practice at all :-)
Sounds like the Python community have voted with their feet. I seem to
remember that Alex Martelli's Python in a Nutshell contains a very
thorough description of the new-style class system with an example
showing the resolution of the diamond pattern.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
See Python Video!
Holden Web LLC


Re: Needed: Real-world examples for Python's Cooperative Multiple Inheritance

2010-11-25 Thread Aahz
In article,
Raymond Hettinger wrote:

I'm writing-up more guidance on how to use super() and would like to
point at some real-world Python examples of cooperative multiple

My previous job used this rather heavily, but I can't provide you with
code.  I suspect we weren't the only people, but I have no clue how to
locate samples.

Were you searching or something else?
Aahz (   *

Look, it's your affair if you want to play with five people, but don't
go calling it doubles.  --John Cleese anticipates Usenet

Re: Newbie subprocess question

2010-11-25 Thread Tim Harig
On 2010-11-25, Hugo Léveillé wrote:
 I'm starting various application using subprocess.Popen without any
 problem. The problem is with application inside Program Files. It
 looks like subprocess is stopping the application string after
 Program. I tried puting the programe name inside double quote like
 'Program File*...'. No luck.

Not sure you you are having issues.

subprocess.Popen(C:\\Program Files\\Vim\\vim73\\gvim.exe)

MediaTags - exporting m4a, id3, exiv, etc as JSON (YAML)

2010-11-25 Thread AJ ONeal
I'm sponsoring the development of cross-platform (C/C++) utilities for
extracting a variety of media meta-data as JSON, including stream
checksums and stream meta-data.


I'd like to get support for developing this, and I'm interested in the
of others who would use these tools.

The m4atags utility is now complete.
Here's an example of the usage / output:

AJ ONeal

Re: Arrays

2010-11-25 Thread Slie
I have an exercise im working on. 
I have an array of strings, and I would like to take each peace of the array 
and assign it to a new array so I can iterate over each of those pieces and 
replace the sting I want then put it back together.

I hope that is not too confusing. This is how im trying to solve the problem.

I have a program that takes in integers and it prints out the integers in 
bigger ones made up of asterisks. Im supposed to alter the program so so that 
instead of asterisks it prints them in bigger ones made up of the number itself.

I am given arrays built to look like the numbers,  already. 

- Reply message -
From: Stefan Behnel
Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2010 2:18 am
Subject: Arrays

Garland Fulton, 24.11.2010 06:55:
 Is there a way I can define an Array of and unknown size so I can add and
 remove to or from it?

 Are arrays immutable?

Python has lists and tuples as basic data structures. Tuples are completely 
immutable, lists are completely mutable. If you want a container that has a 
fixed size but allows changing items, use a list and avoid calling 
.append() and .remove() to change items in favour of direct item 
assignments. If you want a completely mutable container, use a list and use 
it as you see fit. If you want a stack, a list will do. If you want a 
queue, a deque is a better option.

In any case, if you tell us more about what you actually want to do, we can 
give better suggestions.



MediaTags - exporting m4a, id3, exiv, etc as JSON

2010-11-25 Thread AJ ONeal
I'm sponsoring the development of cross-platform (C/C++) utilities for
extracting a variety of media meta-data as JSON, including stream
checksums and stream meta-data.


I'd like to get support for developing this, and I'm interested in the
of others who would use these tools.

The m4atags utility is now complete.
Here's an example of the usage / output:

AJ ONeal

Re: Needed: Real-world examples for Python's Cooperative Multiple Inheritance

2010-11-25 Thread Paul Rubin
Raymond Hettinger writes:
 I'm writing-up more guidance on how to use super() and would like to
 point at some real-world Python examples of cooperative multiple

I'd mention the SocketServer library, except I'm not sure what you
mean by cooperative, so I don't know if that counts.

The few times I've tried to use multiple inheritance, I think it wasn't
the right idea for what I was doing.  It turns into a big mess quite

The classic example though is a window system, where you have a window
class, and a scroll bar class, and a drop-down menu class, etc. and
if you want a window with a scroll bar and a drop-down menu, you inherit
from all three of those classes.  They each have to support (e.g.) a
redraw operation, so automatic method combination figures out what to

I''ve mostly seen this stuff in connection with Lisp.  If you look at a
CLOS manual you can probably find examples.  There are also some
examples in the old CADR manual, using the MIT Flavors system which
predated CLOS.  That manual is online now:

The object system is documented in this chapter:

The paragraph about defwrapper gives a clear view into the machinery.

Re: Needed: Real-world examples for Python's Cooperative Multiple Inheritance

2010-11-25 Thread John Nagle

On 11/24/2010 12:08 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

I'm writing-up more guidance on how to use super() and would like to
point at some real-world Python examples of cooperative multiple

Google searches take me to old papers for C++ and Eiffel, but that
don't seem to be relevant to most Python programmers (i.e. a
WalkingMenu example where a submenu is both a Entry in a Menu and a
Menu itself).  Another published example is in a graphic library where
some widgets inherit GraphicalFeature methods such as location, size
and NestingGroupingFeatures such as finding parents, siblings, and
children.  I don't find either of those examples compelling because
there is no particular reason that they would have to have overlapping
method names.

So far, the only situation I can find where method names necessarily
overlap is for the basics like __init__(), close(), flush(), and
save() where multiple parents need to have their own initialization
and finalization.

If you guys know of good examples, I would appreciate a link or a

   Multiple inheritance in Python is basically what fell out of
CPython's internals, not a design.  It's one of those areas where
order of execution matters, and that wasn't well worked out.
Allowing classes to form a directed acyclic graph isn't very
useful.  It just fell out of the semantics of a naive interpreter.

   Read C3 method resolution order:

which is what you have to understand to use the awful cases properly.
Originally, the semantics were just wrong.  Now the awful cases
have well-defined semantics, but aren't very useful.

   Part of the problem is the notion that if a base class is duplicated
in the hierarchy, there's only one copy.  So if you inherit from two
classes, both of which inherit from dict, there will be only one
dict at the bottom.  (I think.)  This probably won't do what the
authors of any of the classes involved expected.  The author
of the class which does the multiple inheritance might not even be
aware that there's a clash further up in the hierarchy.  This is
one of those areas where all the code looks right locally, but it's
wrong globally.

   Best practice for this is don't do it.  Some name clashes ought
to simply be detected as errors, rather than being given such
complex semantics.

John Nagle

Re: what a cheap rule

2010-11-25 Thread Terry Reedy

On 11/25/2010 4:12 AM, Yingjie Lan wrote:

Sometimes the golden rule in Python of
explicit is better than implicit is
so cheap that it can be thrown away
for the trouble of typing an empty tuple.

Today when I am explaining that in Python 3,
there are two ways to raise exceptions:

raise Exception
raise Exception()

I agree with you that this is annoying. I think it is a holdover from 
the past. In Python 1/2, raise 'some string' also works, but that was 
disallowed in Py 3. A lot of things were cleaned up in Py 3, but not 

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: tilted text in the turtle module

2010-11-25 Thread Yingjie Lan
--- On Thu, 11/25/10, Steve Holden wrote:
  And even if I made a patch, 
  then how to publish it?
 Once you have a patch, attach it to the issue as a file and
 try and get
 it reviewed by a developer for incorporation into a future
 Note that no Python 2.8 release is planned, so you would
 concentrate your effort on the 3.x series.

I see. I suppose one could post a message somewhere
to get the attention? 

Thanks for the pointer.




Re: the buggy regex in Python

2010-11-25 Thread Yingjie Lan
--- On Thu, 11/25/10, MRAB wrote:
 Look at the spans:
   for m in re.finditer('((.d.)*)*', 'adb'):
 (0, 3)
 (3, 3)
 There's an non-empty match followed by an empty match.

If you read my first post, it should be apparent that
that the empty string in the end of the string is 
used  twice -- thus an overlap.



Re: tilted text in the turtle module

2010-11-25 Thread Steve Holden
On 11/25/2010 5:58 PM, Yingjie Lan wrote:
 --- On Thu, 11/25/10, Steve Holden wrote:
 And even if I made a patch, 
 then how to publish it?

 Once you have a patch, attach it to the issue as a file and
 try and get
 it reviewed by a developer for incorporation into a future

 Note that no Python 2.8 release is planned, so you would
 concentrate your effort on the 3.x series.

 I see. I suppose one could post a message somewhere
 to get the attention? 
 Thanks for the pointer.
One would normally make a post on the python-dev list to get the
attention of developers. If you want to *guarantee* that your issue gets
attention then you can review five existing issues and advance them a
little to help the development team.

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon 2011 Atlanta March 9-17
See Python Video!
Holden Web LLC


Re: Newbie subprocess question

2010-11-25 Thread MRAB

On 25/11/2010 22:56, Hugo Léveillé wrote:

I'm starting various application using subprocess.Popen without any
problem. The problem is with application inside Program Files. It
looks like subprocess is stopping the application string after
Program. I tried puting the programe name inside double quote like
'Program File*...'. No luck.

How can I start a app inside this folder ?

Try passing the application path and its arguments (if any) as a list
like this:

subprocess.Popen([app_path, arg1, arg2])

Re: tilted text in the turtle module

2010-11-25 Thread Yingjie Lan
--- On Fri, 11/26/10, Steve Holden wrote:

 From: Steve Holden
 Subject: Re: tilted text in the turtle module
 Date: Friday, November 26, 2010, 4:16 AM
 On 11/25/2010 5:58 PM, Yingjie Lan
  --- On Thu, 11/25/10, Steve Holden
  And even if I made a patch, 
  then how to publish it?
  Once you have a patch, attach it to the issue as a
 file and
  try and get
  it reviewed by a developer for incorporation into
 a future
  Note that no Python 2.8 release is planned, so you
  concentrate your effort on the 3.x series.
  I see. I suppose one could post a message somewhere
  to get the attention? 
  Thanks for the pointer.
 One would normally make a post on the python-dev list to
 get the
 attention of developers. If you want to *guarantee* that
 your issue gets
 attention then you can review five existing issues and
 advance them a
 little to help the development team.

Sound advices. Many thanks!



Re: what a cheap rule

2010-11-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 08:15:21 -0800, Yingjie Lan wrote:

 Intuition #1: as if you raise an exception type, and then match that
 It seems that no instances
 are involved here (Intuitively).

Your intuition is not my intuition, nor does it match what Python 
actually does. You can only go so far on *guessing* what a programming 
statement does, sometimes you need to actually read the Fine Manual.

 See an example code here:
 try: raise KeyError
 except KeyError: pass

As the documentation states, this creates an instance of KeyError. 

raise evaluates the first expression as the exception object. 
It must be either a subclass or an instance of BaseException. 
If it is a class, the exception instance will be obtained when 
needed by instantiating the class with no arguments.

So there is no semantic difference between raise KeyError and 
raise KeyError(). Why should there be? What practical difference would 
you expect?

If you do this:

try: raise KeyError
except KeyError as ke: print(ke)

you will see that the value caught is an instance, not the class.

 Intuition #2: you raise an exception
 instance, and then match an instance by its type. See an example code
 try: raise KeyError()
 except KeyError as ke: pass

Your intuition is wrong. Exceptions aren't matched by type, they are 
*always* matched by an isinstance() check, and that includes subclasses.

 try: raise KeyError  # with or without parentheses makes no difference
... except Exception as e: print(type(e))
class 'KeyError'

 Those two comprehensions are not compatible, and thus the one that
 promotes correct understanding should be encouraged,
 while the other should be discouraged, and maybe even be made iliegal.

You seem to have misunderstood both forms of the raise statement. Should 
we make exceptions illegal because you can't correctly guess what they do?


Re: Needed: Real-world examples for Python's Cooperative Multiple Inheritance

2010-11-25 Thread Mark Wooding
John Nagle writes:

Multiple inheritance in Python is basically what fell out of
 CPython's internals, not a design.  It's one of those areas where
 order of execution matters, and that wasn't well worked out.

I'm not sure about the history, but this doesn't sound right to me.

 Allowing classes to form a directed acyclic graph isn't very

This is simply wrong.

 It just fell out of the semantics of a naive interpreter.

No: there's some essential work needed to make it happen.

 Originally, the semantics were just wrong.


 Now the awful cases have well-defined semantics, but aren't very

Disagree strongly.  I think linearization is the only coherent approach
to multiple inheritance, and the C3 linearization seems to have almost
all of the necessary properties.  I'm not quite sure what you mean by
`awful' here: the old Python linearization rules were wrong even for
very simple graphs (they failed to respect the superclass ordering
properly).  The CLOS, Dylan and C3 linearizations agree on most commonly
occurring class graphs, including many graphs for which the old Python
orderings disagreed; the exceptions are where CLOS or Dylan failed to be
monotonic or to obey the extended precedence graph.  The semantics are
extremely useful in the hands of a careful designer.

Part of the problem is the notion that if a base class is duplicated
 in the hierarchy, there's only one copy.

This is a problem?  No!  Duplicating superclass state (as is done in C++
and, I believe, Eiffel) is incoherent.

 So if you inherit from two classes, both of which inherit from dict,
 there will be only one dict at the bottom.  (I think.)

Yes.  You end up (probably) with an enhanced dictionary which supports
both protocols.  This happens frequently, and is very useful.

 This probably won't do what the authors of any of the classes involved
 expected.  The author of the class which does the multiple inheritance
 might not even be aware that there's a clash further up in the
 hierarchy.  This is one of those areas where all the code looks right
 locally, but it's wrong globally.

This is only likely if there's a misdesign -- probably using inheritance
where containership is required.

Best practice for this is don't do it.  Some name clashes ought
 to simply be detected as errors, rather than being given such
 complex semantics.

It sounds like you've been scarred by experiences with C++'s dementedly
inadequate object system, with its bizarre `repeated inheritance' rules
and hopelessly primitive manual (static!) method combination -- possibly
even to the extent of believing that they're in some way `right' or
`necessary'.  I'm sorry.  You have my pity.

Python's object system is different, and doesn't have those problems.
You probably need a viewpoint shift to be able to think about it
properly, but that won't happen if you continue to cling to the idea
that C++'s approach is anything like a model of how to do it right.

-- [mdw]

Re: what a cheap rule

2010-11-25 Thread Yingjie Lan
--- On Fri, 11/26/10, Steven D'Aprano 

 From: Steven D'Aprano
 Subject: Re: what a cheap rule
 Date: Friday, November 26, 2010, 5:10 AM
 On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 08:15:21 -0800,
 Yingjie Lan wrote:
 You seem to have misunderstood both forms of the raise
 statement. Should 
 we make exceptions illegal because you can't correctly
 guess what they do?

Though what you said about Python is right,
I think somehow you missed my point a bit.

Ideally, the language could be so 'natural' 
that it means what meets the eyes.



Re: Needed: Real-world examples for Python's Cooperative Multiple Inheritance

2010-11-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 15:38:36 -0800, John Nagle wrote:

 Part of the problem is the notion that if a base class is duplicated in
 the hierarchy, there's only one copy.

Why is that a problem? I would expect it to be a problem if it showed up 

 So if you inherit from two
 classes, both of which inherit from dict, there will be only one
 dict at the bottom.  (I think.)  This probably won't do what the
 authors of any of the classes involved expected. The author of the
 class which does the multiple inheritance might not even be aware that
 there's a clash further up in the hierarchy.  This is one of those areas
 where all the code looks right locally, but it's wrong globally.

Why do you assume it is wrong? The whole point of the complex 
semantics that you are complaining about is to ensure that multiple 
inheritance does the right thing, rather than the wrong thing.

You simply can't safely inherit from arbitrary classes without 
understanding them. This is equally true for single and multiple 
inheritance, but in multiple inheritance there are more places for things 
to go wrong. That is simply because the semantics of inherit from 
classes A and B are more complex than the semantics of inherit from 
class A.

The problem is that people expect multiple inheritance to just work 
mechanically, without giving any thought to the process. That it does 
often just work is a credit to the complex semantics that you are 
complaining about, but this lulls people into a false sense of security 
and makes it more surprising when it doesn't work.

 Best practice for this is don't do it.  Some name clashes ought
 to simply be detected as errors, rather than being given such complex

If that's the case, you would have to prohibit ALL multiple inheritance 
from new-style classes, because all new-style classes inherit from object.


Re: Needed: Real-world examples for Python's Cooperative Multiple Inheritance

2010-11-25 Thread Raymond Hettinger
On Nov 25, 3:38 pm, John Nagle wrote:
     Multiple inheritance in Python is basically what fell out of
 CPython's internals, not a design.  

Sorry to disagree.  That is historically inaccurate.
Guido designed super() on purpose.  He took his cues from
Putting Metaclasses to Work by Ira Forman and Scott Danforth.

The method resolution order was based on yet another paper
which showed the defects in the two earlier designs for
multiple inheritance.

It may not be great, but it sure wasn't an accident.

     Best practice for this is don't do it.  Some name clashes ought
 to simply be detected as errors, rather than being given such
 complex semantics.

That may well be true.  If a coder has enough control over the classes
to be make sure they use super() in a way that supports cooperative
multiple inheritance, then they have enough control to just
rename the methods to prevent name diamond shaped name clashes.

OTOH, sometimes you don't have control over the names if they
are magic methods or standard names like close(), save(), flush(),
__init__(), etc.


Re: Needed: Real-world examples for Python's Cooperative Multiple Inheritance

2010-11-25 Thread Raymond Hettinger
[Paul Rubin]
 I'd mention the SocketServer library, except I'm not sure what you
 mean by cooperative, so I don't know if that counts.

Cooperative multiple inheritance is a specific problem when there
is a diamond diagram with the same method name needing to be called
on multiple paths and each name should only be called exactly once.


Preciseinfo collections updated

2010-11-25 Thread piadmin
All collections are updated.
(Java, Javascript, C++ VC ATL STL, MFC VC, Python, Php)

About collections:

Collections include two types of information:
1) Code examples

  (guaranteed to have articles with code on the subject of
  selected chapter, guaranteed to be relevant to that topic
  with  90% certainty)

2) Expert articles

   Contain articles by writers with above average competence

Internal search engine:

All collections may be searched with a very powerfule
internal search engine. It supports all standard search
engine operations, including OR and a literal match
(if you include multiple search words surrounded by
quote chars ()).

Also, phrase search is fully supported.

Synonyms are supported. Except in programming languages
synonyms are not that straightforward issue.

Do not underestimate the power of INTERNAL search engine.
It is a very powerful search engine.
It will allow you to drill down the issue to the most
precise degree.

You can search on some language (Java, MFC, C++, etc.)
Or you can search on a single chapter from some language.
Or, you can search on ALL the languages and ALL the chapters.

If and when you perform a search from some article,
the default search condition is to search the chapter
that article belongs to.

But the search result box will show you what was found
and will give you an option to change the scope of search.
That is, to select some specific chapter from some collection,
or to select ALL the chapters in that collection.

If you click on Index link in the navbar, you will be shown
the list of articles in that chapter. If you perform a search
from the search box in the chapter index, the default search
scope is to search that chapter.

It is best to search using the internal search engine vs.
standard search engines, such as Google. Because Google only
has a small part of the collections indexed for whatever reason.

But the internal search engine has every single article
available in the collection indexed. So you have the full scoop.


Parsing markup.

2010-11-25 Thread Joe Goldthwaite
I'm attempting to parse some basic tagged markup.  The output of the TinyMCE
editor returns a string that looks something like this;


pThis is a paragraph with bbold/b and iitalic/i elements in
it/ppIt can be made up of multiple lines separated by pagagraph


I'm trying to render the paragraph into a bit mapped image.  I need to parse
it out into the various paragraph and bold/italic pieces.  I'm not sure the
best way to approach it.  Elementree and lxml seem to want a full formatted
page, not a small segment like this one.  When I tried to feed a line
similar to the above to lxml I got an error; XMLSyntaxError: Extra content
at the end of the document.



Re: Parsing markup.

2010-11-25 Thread MRAB

On 26/11/2010 03:28, Joe Goldthwaite wrote:
 I’m attempting to parse some basic tagged markup.  The output of the
 TinyMCE editor returns a string that looks something like this;

 pThis is a paragraph with bbold/b and iitalic/i elements in
 it/ppIt can be made up of multiple lines separated by pagagraph

 I’m trying to render the paragraph into a bit mapped image.  I need
 to parse it out into the various paragraph and bold/italic pieces.
 I’m not sure the best way to approach it.  Elementree and lxml seem
 to want a full formatted page, not a small segment like this one.
 When I tried to feed a line similar to the above to lxml I got an
 error; “XMLSyntaxError: Extra content at the end of the document”.

I'd probably use a regex:

 import re
 text = pThis is a paragraph with bbold/b and iitalic/i 
elements in it/ppIt can be made up of multiple lines separated by 
pagagraph tags./p

 re.findall(r/?\w+|[^]+, text)
['p', 'This is a paragraph with ', 'b', 'bold', '/b', ' and ', 
'i', 'italic', '/i', ' elements in it', '/p', 'p', 'It can be 
made up of multiple lines separated by pagagraph tags.', '/p']


Re: Pypi (Cheeseshop) Score - derivation of ?

2010-11-25 Thread alex23
Martin v. Loewis wrote:
 There was indeed a kwalitee computation (cheesecake); it is unmaintained.

Ah yes, I couldn't remember the particular mispelling the project
used :)


class in c subclasses python classes, called in python

2010-11-25 Thread alex goretoy
I'm looking to create an application that uses c++ and python together.
Currently my application is all python. But need to obfuscate some of the
code. I am wanting to have c++ code so I can handle encryption with it and
other tasks. But first I need it to subclass some python class objects.
One task that I need to do is create a class in c++ that subclasses 3 python
classes and calls the base class constructor as super would call in python.

I need this in c++. How can I do this please?
class ABC(a,b,c):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ABC, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

What I would like to know is how would I create a class in C or C++ that
1. create a class that subclasses 2 or more python classes
2. initializes the subclassed classes by calling the contructors like
python's super would
3. import the class in python and call this class constructor with
ABC(*args, **kwargs)

is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance :)
Thank you,
-Alex Goretoy

Re: Newbie subprocess question

2010-11-25 Thread Dave Angel

On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Hugo Léveillé wrote:

I'm starting various application using subprocess.Popen without any
problem. The problem is with application inside Program Files. It
looks like subprocess is stopping the application string after
Program. I tried puting the programe name inside double quote like
'Program File*...'. No luck.

How can I start a app inside this folder ?


How about you show us exactly what you are doing, and just what you mean 
by no luck ?  You also should tell us what version of Python you're 
running, and mention that you're on Windows (presumably, but not 

Perhaps you're using shell=True, perhaps you have an executable in the 
root directory called  c:\program.exe,  Perhaps you're passing 
arguments, but not putting them in separate list items.  Who knows?



Re: Parsing markup.

2010-11-25 Thread Javier Collado

2010/11/26 Joe Goldthwaite
 I’m attempting to parse some basic tagged markup.

  Elementree and lxml seem to want a full formatted
 page, not a small segment like this one.

BeautifulSoup ( could
help in the parsing:

 from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as Soup
 s = Soup(text)
 print s.prettify()
 This is a paragraph with
 elements in it
 It can be made up of multiple lines separated by pagagraph tags.
[pThis is a paragraph with bbold/b and iitalic/i elements in it/p,
 pIt can be made up of multiple lines separated by pagagraph tags./p]

Best regards,

Re: Matlab equivalent syntax in Python

2010-11-25 Thread Tim Roberts
Akand Islam wrote:

Can anyone please suggest me what will be the good way to use matlab
equivalent of profile clear, profile on, profile off, profile resume
and profile viewer in Python?

Python has a number of ways of measuring elapsed time, including the
timeit module and the trace module.  There's nothing that will display
the results in a pretty graph, so the answer depends on what you are after.
Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: SQLite date fields

2010-11-25 Thread Tim Roberts
Alan Harris-Reid wrote:

I am having design problems with date storage/retrieval using Python and 

I understand that a SQLite date column stores dates as text in ISO 
format (ie. '2010-05-25'). 

Only if you store it that way.

So when I display a British date (eg. on a web-page) I convert the date
using datetime.datetime.strptime(mydate,'%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%d/%m/%Y').

However, when it comes to writing-back data to the table, SQLite is very 
forgiving and is quite happy to store '25/06/2003' in a date field,

SQLite is essentially typeless.  ALL fields are stored as strings, with no
interpretation.  You can store whatever you want in any column.  The column
types are basically there to remind YOU how to handle the data.

How have other developers overcome this problem?

By converting.  SQLite's flexibility is cool, but it means you have to be
smart about how you store the data.
Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

[issue1508475] transparent gzip compression in urllib

2010-11-25 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

The transparent gzip Content-Encoding support should be done at the
http.client level code.

Before adding this feature, a question needs to be sorted out.

If we support the transparent gzip and wrap the file pointer to a
GzipFile filepointer, should reset the Content-Length value?

What if a user of urllib is relying on the Content-Length of response
to do something further?

I observed that google-chrome returns the uncompressed output (which
is correct for a browser), but has the Content-Length set the
compressed output length.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1508475] transparent gzip compression in urllib

2010-11-25 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

Patch for py3k.

stage: unit test needed - patch review
Added file:

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[issue10399] AST Optimization: inlining of function calls

2010-11-25 Thread Armin Rigo

Armin Rigo added the comment:

 But this seems to me like a contrived example: how often in real
 code do people pass around these builtins, rather than calling
 them directly?

From experience developing PyPy, every argument that goes this theoretically 
breaks obscure code, but who writes it in that way? is inherently broken: 
there *is* code out there that uses any and all Python strangenesses.  The 
only trade-offs you can make is in how much existing code you are going to 
break -- or make absolutely sure that you don't change semantics in any case.

nosy: +arigo

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[issue10518] Bring back callable()

2010-11-25 Thread Łukasz Langa

Łukasz Langa added the comment:

I was originally surprised to find that callable() was gone. I pointed it out 
at Europython and got a very informative explanation from Brett. The 
isinstance(obj, collections.Callable) was introduced and it works well.

I'm with Ezio here. I'm -1 for callable(), +0 for iscallable() (there should be 
preferably one obvious way to do it and using isinstance() seems to be that way 
at this point).

nosy: +brett.cannon, lukasz.langa

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10122] Documentation typo fix and a side question

2010-11-25 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

Boštjan, it is fixed. The change will reflect when the docs get served
from the updated version. 

Also, Georg will take care of merging it to other branches.

nosy: +orsenthil

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[issue10526] Minor typo in What's New in Python 2.7

2010-11-25 Thread Petter Remen

New submission from Petter Remen

There's a word missing in section PEP 372: Adding an Ordered Dictionary to 

The ConfigParser module uses them by default, meaning that
configuration files can now read, modified, and then written [...]

should be now be read.

assignee: d...@python
components: Documentation
messages: 122347
nosy: Petter.Remen, d...@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Minor typo in What's New in Python 2.7
versions: Python 2.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10512] regrtest ResourceWarning - unclosed sockets and files

2010-11-25 Thread Nadeem Vawda

Nadeem Vawda added the comment:

test_cgi causes a strange filehandle leak that only causes a warning when 
regrtest terminates, and for some reason doesn't show up if you run just 
test_cgi by itself.  I've attached a patch that closes the filehandle.

nosy: +lukasz.langa
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10527] multiprocessing.Pipe problem: handle out of range in select()

2010-11-25 Thread Gergely Kálmán

New submission from Gergely Kálmán


I have a code that uses multiprocessing.Pipe to communicate with subprocesses. 
Spawning 500 subprocesses this way works like a charm, but when spawning about 
600 of them the pipe ends raise the exception: handle out of range in 
select(). I realized that this is because of the FD_SETSIZE limit. To address 
the situation I quickly hacked together a patch that uses poll() instead of 
select(), which solves the problem for me. I don't know the reason why select() 
was chosen for this task (maybe because of windows) but wouldn't it be better 
to use polling where possible?

I've attached the tester. Beware, running it may use up all memory in your 
system, so be careful!

Gergely Kalman

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 122349
nosy: synapse
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: multiprocessing.Pipe problem: handle out of range in select()
type: feature request
versions: Python 3.2
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10527] multiprocessing.Pipe problem: handle out of range in select()

2010-11-25 Thread Gergely Kálmán

Gergely Kálmán added the comment:

And this is the patch that I wrote.

It applies to python 3.2.

Hope this helps

Gergely Kalman

keywords: +patch
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5800] make wsgiref.headers.Headers accept empty constructor

2010-11-25 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:


assignee:  - pje

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10362] AttributeError: addinfourl instance has no attribute 'tell'

2010-11-25 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

If you want to quickly solve this, do like this:

import urllib
import tarfile'')[0],
 mode='r:') # Works

The problem is tarfile is expecting a file-object with a tell method for 
seeking, whereas urllib2 returns a file-like object, which does have a tell 
method. It seems to not have because, the underlying socket._fileobject is not 
exposing one (for whatever reason). Let me try to figure out reason for 
fixing/closing this bug.
(BTW, http module is relying on .tell() of the socket._fileobject too and I 
wonder it did not get noticed earlier because the has not taken that path yet? 

assignee:  - orsenthil

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9509] argparse FileType raises ugly exception for missing file

2010-11-25 Thread SilentGhost

SilentGhost added the comment:

Ammended akira's patch for Lib/test/ to include suggested in 
review changes: with statement, import statement

Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10524] Patch to add Pardus to supported dists in platform

2010-11-25 Thread Éric Araujo

Changes by Éric Araujo

nosy: +eric.araujo, lemburg
type:  - feature request
versions: +Python 3.2

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10497] Incorrect use of gettext in argparse

2010-11-25 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

A bit of rationale behind the patch.  You probably know that the gettext/_ 
functions serves two roles: Identifying the strings to translate, and 
retrieving the translation from a catalog.

At strings extraction time, the string in the line
msg = _('unknown parser %r (choices: %s)' % tup)
will be found by xgettext (just checked), so the .pot and .po files will 
include it.  So far, so good.

At runtime however, the gettext function will get unknown parser 'parserr' 
(choices: ('some', 'tuple')) as argument, which isn’t in the translation 
catalogs.  Doing the string interpolation after the gettext call (my patch) 
avoids this problem.

I will write a test for those two strings.


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