ANN: SciPy 0.9.0

2011-02-28 Thread Ralf Gommers
I'm pleased to announce the release of SciPy 0.9.0.

SciPy is a package of tools for science and engineering for Python. It
includes modules for statistics, optimization, integration, linear
algebra, Fourier transforms, signal and image processing, ODE solvers,
and more. This release comes seven months after the 0.8.0 release and
contains several new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test
coverage, and better documentation. This is the first release that
supports Python 3 (with the exception of the scipy.weave module).

Sources, binaries, documentation and release notes can be found at

Thank you to everybody who contributed to this release.

The SciPy developers

SciPy 0.9.0 Release Notes

.. contents::

SciPy 0.9.0 is the culmination of 6 months of hard work. It contains
many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and
better documentation.  There have been a number of deprecations and
API changes in this release, which are documented below.  All users
are encouraged to upgrade to this release, as there are a large number
of bug-fixes and optimizations.  Moreover, our development attention
will now shift to bug-fix releases on the 0.9.x branch, and on adding
new features on the development trunk.

This release requires Python 2.4 - 2.7 or 3.1 - and NumPy 1.5 or greater.

Please note that SciPy is still considered to have Beta status, as
we work toward a SciPy 1.0.0 release.  The 1.0.0 release will mark a
major milestone in the development of SciPy, after which changing the
package structure or API will be much more difficult.  Whilst these
pre-1.0 releases are considered to have Beta status, we are
committed to making them as bug-free as possible.

However, until the 1.0 release, we are aggressively reviewing and
refining the functionality, organization, and interface. This is being
done in an effort to make the package as coherent, intuitive, and
useful as possible.  To achieve this, we need help from the community
of users.  Specifically, we need feedback regarding all aspects of the
project - everything - from which algorithms we implement, to details
about our function's call signatures.

Python 3

Scipy 0.9.0 is the first SciPy release to support Python 3. The only module
that is not yet ported is ``scipy.weave``.

Scipy source code location to be changed

Soon after this release, Scipy will stop using SVN as the version control
system, and move to Git. The development source code for Scipy can from then on
be found at

New features

Delaunay tesselations (``scipy.spatial``)

Scipy now includes routines for computing Delaunay tesselations in N
dimensions, powered by the Qhull_ computational geometry library. Such
calculations can now make use of the new ``scipy.spatial.Delaunay``

.. _Qhull:

N-dimensional interpolation (``scipy.interpolate``)

Support for scattered data interpolation is now significantly
improved.  This version includes a ``scipy.interpolate.griddata``
function that can perform linear and nearest-neighbour interpolation
for N-dimensional scattered data, in addition to cubic spline
(C1-smooth) interpolation in 2D and 1D.  An object-oriented interface
to each interpolator type is also available.

Nonlinear equation solvers (``scipy.optimize``)

Scipy includes new routines for large-scale nonlinear equation solving
in ``scipy.optimize``.  The following methods are implemented:

* Newton-Krylov (``scipy.optimize.newton_krylov``)

* (Generalized) secant methods:

  - Limited-memory Broyden methods (``scipy.optimize.broyden1``,

  - Anderson method (``scipy.optimize.anderson``)

* Simple iterations (``scipy.optimize.diagbroyden``,
  ``scipy.optimize.excitingmixing``, ``scipy.optimize.linearmixing``)

The ``scipy.optimize.nonlin`` module was completely rewritten, and
some of the functions were deprecated (see above).

New linear algebra routines (``scipy.linalg``)

Scipy now contains routines for effectively solving triangular
equation systems (``scipy.linalg.solve_triangular``).

Improved FIR filter design functions (``scipy.signal``)

The function ``scipy.signal.firwin`` was enhanced to allow the
design of highpass, bandpass, bandstop and multi-band FIR filters.

The function ``scipy.signal.firwin2`` was added.  This function
uses the window method to create a linear phase FIR filter with
an arbitrary frequency response.

The functions ``scipy.signal.kaiser_atten`` and ``scipy.signal.kaiser_beta``
were added.

Improved statistical tests 

Re: [ANN]VTD-XML 2.10

2011-02-28 Thread Stefan Behnel, 27.02.2011 13:52:

How does VTD-XML compare to XML tools in the stdlib or to 3rd party
alternatives like lxml?

For one, I'm not aware of any Python wrappers for vtd-xml, despite having 
seen lots of announcements by Jimmy on this list already (not the 
python-announce list, *this* list). So, IMHO, these announcements are to be 
considered spam, or at least vapourware. Also, Jimmy commonly does not 
respond to questions regarding his announcements, so I assume he doesn't 
actually read but uses it solely to post his announcements.

That being said, vtd-xml is supposed to be fast, and there are benchmarks 
on the web that seem to suggest that this may be true. For example,

lists its parser as being about twice as fast as libxml2, which is used by 

I say may be true, because benchmarks rarely indicate the performance 
behaviour in real world code. It does not seem completely unreasonable to 
me that vtd-xml is interesting for Java developers, where XML performance 
isn't really whopping cool and simple-to-use XML tools are rare anyway (I 
never tried it, but vtd-xml also has an aura of a not-so-easy-to-use tool).

It does not seem unreasonable that there are use cases for a very fast 
parser that justify the time it may take to get used to the tool. But its 
'different' nature also makes it clearly lack a lot of tooling around the 
actual parser, which prevents it from positioning itself as a general 
purpose XML tool. I'm yet to be convinced that vtd-xml is an interesting 
tool for a Python developer.



Lumberjack Song

2011-02-28 Thread Tom Zych
We all like computers here. No doubt many of us like computer games.
And most of us will be at least somewhat familiar with Monty Python.
Therefore, I present (drum roll)...

(For the Runescape fans out there, this should be quite hilarious.
Possibly not as much for those unfamiliar with Runescape...)

Tom Zych /
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Re: urlopen returns forbidden

2011-02-28 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 22:19:18 -0800, Chris Rebert wrote:

 On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 9:38 PM, monkeys paw
 I have a working urlopen routine which opens a url, parses it for a
 tags and prints out the links in the page. On some sites, wikipedia for
 instance, i get a

 HTTP error 403, forbidden.

 What is the difference in accessing the site through a web browser and
 opening/reading the URL with python urllib2.urlopen?
 Sidenote: Wikipedia has a proper API for programmatic browsing, likely
 hence why it's blocking your program.

What he said. Please don't abuse Wikipedia by screen-scraping it.


SocketServer problem: client hangs trying to reconnect after server restart

2011-02-28 Thread Massi
Hi everyone!

in my script (Python 2.6 on windows 7) I have to set up a SocketServer
server and use it to handle external connections. During the execution
It can happen that this server should be closed and restarted (for
example with different port or host). The following piece of code
simulates the situation I have to deal with:

import SocketServer, socket, threading
from time import sleep

class MyHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler) :
def handle(self):
while 1:
data = self.request.recv(1024)
if data.strip() == 'bye':

class MyServer(SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer) :
def __init__(self, host, port, handler) :
self.allow_reuse_address = True
self.__handler = handler
self.__serving = True
SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer.__init__ (self, (host, port),

def StartServer(self) :

def StopServer(self) :

def Init() :
server = MyServer(localhost, 5000, MyHandler)

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((localhost, 5000))
return server

def CleanUp(server) :

for i in range(3) :
print -- Connection: +str(i)+ --
server = Init()

print Finished

If you ran the code you'll see that the client hangs after the first
connection. Can anyone point me out where I'm doing wrong? Thanks in

Re: Various behaviors of doctest

2011-02-28 Thread Peter Otten
Gnarlodious wrote:

 Yeah, I just spent about 2 hours trying everything I could think of...
 without success. Including your suggestions. Guess I'll have to skip
 it. But thanks for the ideas.
 -- Gnarlie

Are you using Python 2.x? Then you cannot redefine print. Instead you have 
to redirect stdout. The following example should run as a cgi script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import cgi
import sys
from cStringIO import StringIO

def f():

 1 + 1
 2 + 2

if __name__ == __main__:
print (Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n
   htmlbody style='background-color:#f0f0f0'
   h1 style='color: navy;'There goes:/h1)

outstream = StringIO()
import doctest, sys

from doctest import DocTestRunner
class DTR(DocTestRunner):
def run(self, test, compileflags=None, out=None, clear_globs=True):, test, compileflags, outstream.write, 
def summarize(self):
saved = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = outstream
sys.stdout = saved

doctest.DocTestRunner = DTR
text = outstream.getvalue()

for line in text.splitlines():
spaces = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
line = line.strip()
if * in line:
print hr/
print div style='color: %s; margin-left:%sem;'%s/div % (
blue if spaces else black, spaces, cgi.escape(line))
print /body/html


Embedding python : can't find encoding error

2011-02-28 Thread Mathieu CLERICI

I'm trying to embed python in a c++ program.
I have compiled python32.lib with msvc 2010 targetting 32bits, i link
it with my program wich is also 32bit.
I get an error when calling Py_Initialize() : no codec search
functions registered:  can't find encoding

Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding value is mbcs.

_PyCodec_Lookup raise an eror because  len = PyList_Size(interp-
codec_search_path); returns 0 in codecs.c

Does someone already had this problem ? I have no idea how to solve

Sorry for my bad english.

Re: Embedding python : can't find encoding error

2011-02-28 Thread Mathieu CLERICI
Precisions : I'm trying to embed python 3.2 release.

Re: SocketServer problem: client hangs trying to reconnect after server restart

2011-02-28 Thread cmcp
In method StopServer() of class MyServer try calling  self.server_close() after 
the self.shutdown() call.  I believe this will actually close the server's 
socket and allow its reuse.

Re: SocketServer problem: client hangs trying to reconnect after server restart

2011-02-28 Thread Massi
On 28 Feb, 13:34, cmcp wrote:
 In method StopServer() of class MyServer try calling  self.server_close() 
 after the self.shutdown() call.  I believe this will actually close the 
 server's socket and allow its reuse.

It works! Thank you!!

a chance from you.

2011-02-28 Thread marian
You'll like the way I was convinced a girl for winning the new Volvo
Give me a chance by sharing this video to everyone on the group.
Please, please SHARE it :) . p.s.: for English turn on the captions
(the cc, under arrow from the right-bottom side of video). This is not
a spam, it's my dream. Thanks!

Re: urlopen returns forbidden

2011-02-28 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2011-02-28, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 9:38 PM, monkeys paw wrote:
 I have a working urlopen routine which opens
 a url, parses it for a tags and prints out
 the links in the page. On some sites, wikipedia for
 instance, i get a

 HTTP error 403, forbidden.

 What is the difference in accessing the site through a web browser
 and opening/reading the URL with python urllib2.urlopen?

 The User-Agent header ( ).

Sometimes you also need to set the Referrer header for pages that
don't allow direct-linking from outside.

As somebody else has already said, if the site provides an API that
they want you to use you should do so rather than hammering their web
server with a screen-scraper.

Not only is is a lot less load on the site, it's usually a lot easier.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! Look DEEP into the
  at   OPENINGS!!  Do you see any
  gmail.comELVES or EDSELS ... or a
   HIGHBALL?? ...

question about numpy.polyval

2011-02-28 Thread sirvival
I have some simulated data of stellar absorption lines.

What I am trying to is the following:

I divide my data into chunks (each of the same size).
Then I let the code find the max y value in one of those chunks.
I got this working.

Then I put those value in a two column array (first column has the
position of the max value in the original data; second column the y
value at this position).

Then I use polyfit to fit the data.

At last I use polyval to get the fit.

The problem is now since I got about 70 chunks I am not sure how to
use polyfit to get the fit for the original data.

My simulated data is a one column array of 30 data points. I am
only interested in a fit of values above 16.
The data is data_mean.

My code:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
import scipy, pyfits

chunk = 2000
data_len = len(data_mean)
num_chunk = data_len/chunk
start_chunk = 16
num_chunk = num_chunk - start_chunk/chunk  # I defined num_chunk this
way so I can change the startvalue
data_chunk = np.zeros( (num_chunk, chunk))
data_mean_b = data_mean[start_chunk:len(data_mean)] # for fitting
purpose later in the code

for i in range(num_chunk):
  data_chunk[i] = data_mean[start_chunk+i*2000:start_chunk

data_max = np.zeros(num_chunk)

for i in range(num_chunk):
  data_max[i] = max(data_chunk[i])  # finding the max values inside a

data_max_pos = np.zeros(num_chunk) # the position of the max values

for i in range(num_chunk):
  for position, item in enumerate(data_mean):
if item == data_max[i]:
data_max_pos[i] = position

data_fin = np.zeros((num_chunk,2))

for i in range(num_chunk):   # final data two columns
   data_fin[i,0] = data_max_pos[i]
   data_fin[i,1] = data_max[i]

order = 2
x = np.arange(num_chunk)
y = data_fin[::,1]
coeff = np.polyfit(x, y, order)
fit = np.polyval(coeff,x)

xa = np.arange(len(data_mean_b))
fitb = np.zeros((num_chunk,2))

#end of code

Now fit does work fine but as len(num_chunk) = 70 it is no use for the
simulated data.
So I tried with xa and fitb.

But this just gives me somethin like this (plot of fita):

Plot of fit:


Problems with read_eager and Telnet

2011-02-28 Thread Robi
Hi everybody,
 I'm totally new to Python but well motivated :-)

I'm fooling around with Python in order to interface with FlightGear
using a telnet connection.

I can do what I had in mind (send some commands and read output from
Flightgear using the telnetlib) with a read_until() object to catch
every output line I need, but it proved to be very slow (it takes 1/10
of a sec for every read_until().

I tried using the read_eager() object and it's w faster (it
does the job in 1/100 of a sec, maybe more, I didn't tested) but it
gives me problems, it gets back strange strings, repeated ones,
partially broken ones, well ... I don't know what's going on with it.

You see, I don't know telnet (the protocol) very good, I'm very new to
Python and Python's docs are not very specific about that read_eager(9

Could someone point me to some more documentation about that? or at
least help me in getting a correct idea of what's going on with

I'm going on investigating but a help from here would be very
appreciated :-)

Thanks in advance,

OT: Code Examples

2011-02-28 Thread Fred Marshall
I'm interested in developing Python-based programs, including an 
engineering app. ... re-writing from Fortran and C versions.  One of the 
objectives would to be make reasonable use of the available structure 
(objects, etc.).  So, I'd like to read a couple of good, simple 
scientific-oriented programs that do that kind of thing.

Looking for links, etc.


Re: Problems with read_eager and Telnet

2011-02-28 Thread Jack Diederich
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:54 AM, Robi wrote:
 Hi everybody,
  I'm totally new to Python but well motivated :-)

 I'm fooling around with Python in order to interface with FlightGear
 using a telnet connection.

 I can do what I had in mind (send some commands and read output from
 Flightgear using the telnetlib) with a read_until() object to catch
 every output line I need, but it proved to be very slow (it takes 1/10
 of a sec for every read_until().

 I tried using the read_eager() object and it's w faster (it
 does the job in 1/100 of a sec, maybe more, I didn't tested) but it
 gives me problems, it gets back strange strings, repeated ones,
 partially broken ones, well ... I don't know what's going on with it.

 You see, I don't know telnet (the protocol) very good, I'm very new to
 Python and Python's docs are not very specific about that read_eager(9

 Could someone point me to some more documentation about that? or at
 least help me in getting a correct idea of what's going on with

Telnet sends two kinds of data over the same channel (a simple TCP
stream).  It sends the bytes you actually see in your terminal and it
sends control commands that do things like turn echo on/off and
negotiate what terminal type to use.  Each time telnetlib reads from
the socket it puts the control stuff in one bucket and stores the
plain text in a buffer to return from all the read_* commands.

read_eager() returns the plain text that has already been read from
the socket.  That might be a partial line.  It won't try to read from
the socket to get a full line.  That's why it is fast, because it
never does I/O.


Re: OT: Code Examples

2011-02-28 Thread n00m
On Feb 28, 6:03 pm, Fred Marshall
 I'm interested in developing Python-based programs, including an
 engineering app. ... re-writing from Fortran and C versions.  One of the
 objectives would to be make reasonable use of the available structure
 (objects, etc.).  So, I'd like to read a couple of good, simple
 scientific-oriented programs that do that kind of thing.

 Looking for links, etc.


The best place for you to start:

Numpy manual:

Re: question about numpy.polyval

2011-02-28 Thread Robert Kern

On 2/28/11 9:34 AM, sirvival wrote:

I have some simulated data of stellar absorption lines.

You will want to ask numpy questions on the numpy mailing list:

It would be best if you could make a minimal, self-contained, runnable script 
that demonstrates your problem. I.e. provide x and y arrays that show the 
problem; all the details about chunking and such are just getting in the way. 
Please state what results you expect in addition to the results you got; you 
show plots but don't show exactly what you plotted. I have no idea what you were 
expecting to get. Make sure you use variable names consistently. For example, 
you refer to a plot of fita, but nothing in your code assigns to fita.


Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Problems with read_eager and Telnet

2011-02-28 Thread Robi
 Telnet sends two kinds of data over the same channel (a simple TCP
 stream).  It sends the bytes you actually see in your terminal and it
 sends control commands that do things like turn echo on/off and
 negotiate what terminal type to use.  Each time telnetlib reads from
 the socket it puts the control stuff in one bucket and stores the
 plain text in a buffer to return from all the read_* commands.

 read_eager() returns the plain text that has already been read from
 the socket.  That might be a partial line.  It won't try to read from
 the socket to get a full line.  That's why it is fast, because it
 never does I/O.


Ok, that's a start (I'm reading RFC 854 in the meanwhile). Still that
doesn't help me much (sorry, I know it's me, not you).

You mean read_eager() doesn't wait until it gets a complete reading of
a line, instead it reads what's on the socket (even if it's to quick
and there's till nothing) and let's the python script running anyway,
Then with the subsequent read_eager() it will read (if there's
something more on the socket in the meanwhile) the previous data bits
and maybe the new ones too (a new line of data) into a single data
chunk. Is that why I get sometimes repeated empty lines followed by
many consequent lines all together out of a single read_eager() call?

Re: Problems with read_eager and Telnet

2011-02-28 Thread Jack Diederich
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Robi wrote:
 Telnet sends two kinds of data over the same channel (a simple TCP
 stream).  It sends the bytes you actually see in your terminal and it
 sends control commands that do things like turn echo on/off and
 negotiate what terminal type to use.  Each time telnetlib reads from
 the socket it puts the control stuff in one bucket and stores the
 plain text in a buffer to return from all the read_* commands.

 read_eager() returns the plain text that has already been read from
 the socket.  That might be a partial line.  It won't try to read from
 the socket to get a full line.  That's why it is fast, because it
 never does I/O.

 Ok, that's a start (I'm reading RFC 854 in the meanwhile). Still that
 doesn't help me much (sorry, I know it's me, not you).

 You mean read_eager() doesn't wait until it gets a complete reading of
 a line, instead it reads what's on the socket (even if it's to quick
 and there's till nothing) and let's the python script running anyway,
 Then with the subsequent read_eager() it will read (if there's
 something more on the socket in the meanwhile) the previous data bits
 and maybe the new ones too (a new line of data) into a single data
 chunk. Is that why I get sometimes repeated empty lines followed by
 many consequent lines all together out of a single read_eager() call?

Yes. read_eager() will never actually read from the socket, if it has
any data it has already read  processed it will return those.  If you
call it enough times it will just start returning empty strings
because it never asks the socket to read  wait for new data.


Re: Problems with read_eager and Telnet

2011-02-28 Thread Robi
Can you point me to a pratical usage example of read_eager()? Maybe
that will help me in making all this clear. I'm still very fuzzy about
the socket and the processing stuff.

I'm still convinced I cannot use read_until() in my project and I'm
determined in looking into the read_eager(), maybe that will be of any
help if carefully used.

Re: Problems with read_eager and Telnet

2011-02-28 Thread Jack Diederich
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Roberto Inzerillo wrote:
 Yes. read_eager() will never actually read from the socket, if it has

 any data it has already read  processed it will return those.  If you
 call it enough times it will just start returning empty strings
 because it never asks the socket to read  wait for new data.

 Can you point me to a pratical usage example of read_eager()? Maybe that
 will help me in making all this clear. I'm still very fuzzy about the socket
 and the processing stuff.

 I'm still convinced I cannot use read_until() in my project and I'm
 determined in looking into the read_eager(), maybe that will be of any help
 if carefully used.

If you always want to see the response you have to use read_until().
All the other read_* methods don't guarantee you will get the text you
want because they don't wait for the other end of the connection to
have actually sent the data.  It's a bummer, but if the server hasn't
returned the data there is nothing magic that telnetlib can do to make
it true.

Re: urlopen returns forbidden

2011-02-28 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/28/2011 10:21 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:

As somebody else has already said, if the site provides an API that
they want you to use you should do so rather than hammering their web
server with a screen-scraper.

If there any generic method for finding out 'if the site provides an 
API and specifically, how to find Wikipedia's?

I looked as the Wikipedia articles on API and web services and did not 
find any mention of thiers (though there is one for Amazon).

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: nntplib encoding problem

2011-02-28 Thread Laurent Duchesne


Thanks it's working!
But is it normal for a string coming out of a module (nntplib) to 
crash when passed to print or write?

I'm just asking to know if I should open a bug report or not :)

I'm also wondering which strings should be re-encoded using the 
surrogateescape parameter and which should not.. I guess I could 
reencode them all and it wouldn't cause any problems?


On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 02:12:20 +, MRAB wrote:

On 28/02/2011 01:31, Laurent Duchesne wrote:


I'm using python 3.2 and got the following error:

nntpClient = nntplib.NNTP_SSL(...)
... 'subject': 'Myl\udce8ne Farmer - Anamorphosee (Japan Edition) 

[02/41] Back.jpg yEnc (1/3)' ...

overview = nntpClient.over((534157,534157))

Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in module
UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\udce8' in
position 3: surrogates not allowed

I'm not sure if I should report this as a bug in nntplib or if I'm 

something wrong.

Note that I get the same error if I try to write this data to a 

h = open(output.txt, a)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in module
UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\udce8' in
position 3: surrogates not allowed

It's looks like the subject was originally encoded as Latin-1 (or
similar) (b'Myl\xe8ne Farmer - Anamorphosee (Japan Edition) 1995
[02/41] Back.jpg yEnc (1/3)') but has been decoded as UTF-8 with
surrogateescape passed as the errors parameter.

You can get the correct Unicode by encoding as UTF-8 with
surrogateescape and then decoding as Latin-1:



Re: Problems with read_eager and Telnet

2011-02-28 Thread Robi
On 28 Feb, 18:35, Jack Diederich wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Roberto Inzerillo wrote:
  Yes. read_eager() will never actually read from the socket, if it has

  any data it has already read  processed it will return those.  If you
  call it enough times it will just start returning empty strings
  because it never asks the socket to read  wait for new data.

  Can you point me to a pratical usage example of read_eager()? Maybe that
  will help me in making all this clear. I'm still very fuzzy about the socket
  and the processing stuff.

  I'm still convinced I cannot use read_until() in my project and I'm
  determined in looking into the read_eager(), maybe that will be of any help
  if carefully used.

 If you always want to see the response you have to use read_until().
 All the other read_* methods don't guarantee you will get the text you
 want because they don't wait for the other end of the connection to
 have actually sent the data.  It's a bummer, but if the server hasn't
 returned the data there is nothing magic that telnetlib can do to make
 it true.

Well, you see, I could prefetch some usefull data in a spare cycle,
maybe this way I could fake almost-realtime ... I don't know, I'm
just guessing here.

Fact is, in my case, when I do a 100 write/read cycles in a second
with telnet.write() followed by, I see I get all
those 100 things done properly, that means, both client and server are
doing it right, there's no lag on the processing and network  sides.
But when I use telnet.read_until() I get those feedbacks in the right
order (good) but it's way too slow (it's at least 10 times slower,
t bad!!! and, in my case, unusable).

I'm trying to find a way out, and I know in these cases knowledge is
the only way out.
I've seen a huge speed improvement using telnet.read_eager(), I want
to investigate more. Who knows, maybe I can stitch my code around it's
appearant unusability.

Re: Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages

2011-02-28 Thread rusi
On Feb 17, 3:07 am, Xah Lee wrote:
 might be interesting.

 〈Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages (ASCII Jam;
 Unicode; Fortress)〉

Haskell is slowly moving this way see for example

But its not so easy the lambda does not work straight off -- see

Re: Lumberjack Song

2011-02-28 Thread MRAB

On 28/02/2011 10:26, Tom Zych wrote:

We all like computers here. No doubt many of us like computer games.
And most of us will be at least somewhat familiar with Monty Python.
Therefore, I present (drum roll)...

(For the Runescape fans out there, this should be quite hilarious.
Possibly not as much for those unfamiliar with Runescape...)

BTW, the lumberjack is called Kevin.

Re: Problems with read_eager and Telnet

2011-02-28 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/28/2011 10:54 AM, Robi wrote:

Hi everybody,
  I'm totally new to Python but well motivated :-)

I'm fooling around with Python in order to interface with FlightGear
using a telnet connection.

Given that FlightGear is a graphical flight simulator
using a text terminal connection seems a bit odd,
unless using it just to get/set configuration,
in which case, speed should hardly seem an issue.

I can do what I had in mind (send some commands and read output from
Flightgear using the telnetlib) with a read_until() object to catch
every output line I need, but it proved to be very slow (it takes 1/10
of a sec for every read_until().

I presume you are using read_until(b'\n').
read_until cannot return any faster than the server sends complete lines

I tried using the read_eager() object and it's w faster (it
does the job in 1/100 of a sec, maybe more, I didn't tested) but it
gives me problems, it gets back strange strings, repeated ones,
partially broken ones, well ... I don't know what's going on with it.

read_eager is for when you want to parse the bytes yourself, such as 
when they come in a continuous stream without newline or other obvious 
separators. It will not return b'\n' any faster than read_until. It will 
simply give you your output lines in little bits that you would have to 
reassemble yourself.

You see, I don't know telnet (the protocol) very good, I'm very new to
Python and Python's docs are not very specific about that read_eager(9

Could someone point me to some more documentation about that? or at
least help me in getting a correct idea of what's going on with

Read the source Lib/ (as I just did). It is pretty 
straightforwad code.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages

2011-02-28 Thread Dotan Cohen
You miss the canonical bad character reuse case: = vs ==.

Had there been more meta keys, it might be nice to have a symbol for
each key on the keyboard. I personally have experimented with putting
the symbols as regular keys and the numbers as the Shifted versions.
It's great for programming.

Dotan Cohen

subclass urllib2

2011-02-28 Thread monkeys paw

I'm trying to subclass urllib2 in order to mask the
version attribute. Here's what i'm using:

import urllib2

class myURL(urllib2):
def __init__(self):
self.version = 'firefox'

I get this
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in module
TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
module.__init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)

I don't see where i am supplying 3 arguments. What am i


how to properly pass literal strings python code to be executed using python -c

2011-02-28 Thread jmoons
I need some help figuring out how to execute this python code from
python -c
I am have trouble formatting python so that it will execute for
another app in cmd I understand there maybe other ways to do what I am
doing but I am limited by the final execution using cmd python -c so
please keep this in mind.
I'm limited by the final delivery of code. The python is being called
by a server that does not have access to any python script file

So I have some python code ie,

import os
import shutil

myPath =rC:\dingdongz
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(myPath):
for file in files:
os.remove(os.path(root, file))
for dir in dirs:

But I am trying to excute it using the following method, python -c
print 'hotdogs'

So this what i have but no worky

cmdline = \ import os, shutil \n for root, dirs, files in
os.walk(+myPath+):\n \t for file in files: \n \t \t
os.remove(os.path.join(root, file)) \n \t for dir in dirs: \n \t\t
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, dir))

I have also tried the following
python -c import os; import shutil; for root, dirs, files in
os.walk('+myPath+'): for file in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root,
file)); for dir in dirs: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, dir))

I am still getting error tree(os.path.join(root, dir)) ^ SyntaxError:
invalid syntax

Re: subclass urllib2

2011-02-28 Thread Santoso Wijaya
1. Why are you subclassing a module?
2. If you want to mask a module's version attribute, just do this:
 import urllib2
 urllib2.__version__ = 'foo'
 print urllib2.__version__


On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 10:53 AM, monkeys paw wrote:

 I'm trying to subclass urllib2 in order to mask the
 version attribute. Here's what i'm using:

 import urllib2

 class myURL(urllib2):
def __init__(self):
self.version = 'firefox'

 I get this
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in module
 TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
 module.__init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)

 I don't see where i am supplying 3 arguments. What am i



Re: Problem with python 3.2 and circular imports

2011-02-28 Thread Rafael Durán Castañeda
I'm stil totally stuck with relative imports, i' ve tried the example tree
from PEP 328 without any result:


Assuming that the current file is either or
subpackage1/, following are correct usages of the new

from .moduleY import spam
from .moduleY import spam as ham
from . import moduleY
from ..subpackage1 import moduleY
from ..subpackage2.moduleZ import eggs
from ..moduleA import foo
from ...package import bar
from ...sys import path

I always get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 1, in module
from ..moduleA import a
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package

2011/2/27 Frank Millman

 Steven D'Aprano wrote in message

  On Sun, 27 Feb 2011 12:08:12 +0200, Frank Millman wrote:

  Assume the following structure -
from pkg import mod1
import mod2
  import mod1

 If you change the import mod* lines to import pkg.mod* it works for
 me in Python 3.1 and 3.2.

 According to my understand of PEP 328, from . import mod* should work,
 but I agree with you that it doesn't.

 If you get rid of the circular import, it does work. So I suspect a bug.

 Thanks, Steven.

 I confirm that 'import pkg.mod* works. Unfortunately I am using
 sub-packages as well, which means that to refer to an object in the
 sub-package I need to use w.x.y.z every time, which gets to be a lot of
 typing! I will stick to my hack of putting the package name in sys.path for
 now, unless someone comes up with a better idea.




3.1 - 3.2: base64 lost deprecation warning

2011-02-28 Thread Ethan Furman
Python 3.1.2 (r312:79149, Mar 21 2010, 00:41:52) [MSC v.1500 32 bit 
(Intel)] on win32

Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
-- import base64
-- base64.encodestring(b'this is a test')
__main__:1: DeprecationWarning: encodestring() is a deprecated alias, 
use encodebytes()


Python 3.2 (r32:88445, Feb 20 2011, 21:29:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit 
(Intel)] on win

Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
-- import base64
-- base64.encodestring(b'another test')

The deprecation warning has gone away in 3.2, but the function 
remains... does anyone know if this was intentional?


Re: urlopen returns forbidden

2011-02-28 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 2/28/2011 10:21 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:
 As somebody else has already said, if the site provides an API that
 they want you to use you should do so rather than hammering their web
 server with a screen-scraper.

 If there any generic method for finding out 'if the site provides an API
 and specifically, how to find Wikipedia's?

 I looked as the Wikipedia articles on API and web services and did not find
 any mention of thiers (though there is one for Amazon).

Technically it's Wikipedia's underlying wiki software (MediaWiki)'s API:


Re: Problems with read_eager and Telnet

2011-02-28 Thread Robi
 Given that FlightGear is a graphical flight 
 using a text terminal connection seems a bit odd,
 unless using it just to get/set configuration,
 in which case, speed should hardly seem an issue.

Right, I'm using it that way, I get/set properties changing them in
real time (I whish!).

 I presume you are using read_until(b'\n').
 read_until cannot return any faster than the server sends complete lines

Actually it's read_until('\n') (because it's python 2.6, anyway I know
what you meant with b'\n').
And yes, after today I've come to the conclusion that even read_eager
is of no use to me. I have to settle down for that poor telnet speed,
I can't get more than that :-( In fact, the telnet connection speed is
not the issue, it's the time FGFS spends in reading its internals and
answearing back to the telnet client.

I've made some tests, it looks like it doesn't matter how many fgfs's
properties I try and read with telnet at the same time with python, I
always have the same lag, I can even run multiple python instances of
the same script, in order to get/set those same amount of properties
in parallel, well ... result is I always get the same lag, it doesn't
even become slower.

In my test I run a simple loop, in each loop I do a telnet.write() and
a telnet.read_until('\n'). I get back results at 20Hz (that means I
get 120 write/read cycles in 6 seconds).
I repeated the same test doing three telnet.write() followed by three
telnet.read_until('\n') in each loop. Result is always 20Hz (but now
that means I get 120 loop cycles in 6 seconds, which is now 120x3
write/read cycles in 6 seconds).
I even run three instances of the same script at the same time (trying
to saturate fgfs's capabilities and find some limits). No luck (or
yes?!?), I always get a 20hz frequency.

My conclusion being, fgfs cannot answer back quicker than this: 20Hz.

This is quite poor for a quasi-realtime hardware interface (which is
in my intention).
Maybe it's enough for something ... I'll give it a try anyway and find
out what can be a usable scenario for such values.

I guees even telnet is not the best apporach to use for my project,
I'll keep experiencing.

Thank you all anyway, it's always a pleasure to share some
considerations and get back usefull hints.


Re: SoC project: Python-Haskell bridge - request for feedback

2011-02-28 Thread Pauli Rikula
There is your bridge:

It's not polished and one might shoot his/her legs off while using
that -so be careful.

Re: Problems with read_eager and Telnet

2011-02-28 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/28/2011 3:46 PM, Robi wrote:

unless using it just to get/set configuration,
in which case, speed should hardly seem an issue.

Right, I'm using it that way, I get/set properties changing them in
real time (I whish!).


My conclusion being, fgfs cannot answer back quicker than this: 20Hz.

I suspect that is by design, so as to not interfere with the simulation 

This is quite poor for a quasi-realtime hardware interface (which is
in my intention).

I suggest you discuss your use case on a FlightGear mailing list
(mirrored on gmane as newsgroups) or forum.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: 3.1 - 3.2: base64 lost deprecation warning

2011-02-28 Thread Robert

On 2011-02-28 15:51:32 -0500, Ethan Furman said:

Python 3.1.2 (r312:79149, Mar 21 2010, 00:41:52) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
-- import base64
-- base64.encodestring(b'this is a test')
__main__:1: DeprecationWarning: encodestring() is a deprecated alias,
use encodebytes()

Python 3.2 (r32:88445, Feb 20 2011, 21:29:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
-- import base64
-- base64.encodestring(b'another test')

The deprecation warning has gone away in 3.2, but the function
remains... does anyone know if this was intentional?


I only found this:

Issue #3613: base64.{encode,decode}string are now called
 base64.{encode,decode}bytes which reflects what type they accept and return.
 The old names are still there as deprecated aliases.

Doesn't exlain the no warning though.



Re: 3.1 - 3.2: base64 lost deprecation warning

2011-02-28 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/28/2011 3:51 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

Python 3.1.2 (r312:79149, Mar 21 2010, 00:41:52) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
-- import base64
-- base64.encodestring(b'this is a test')
__main__:1: DeprecationWarning: encodestring() is a deprecated alias,
use encodebytes()

Python 3.2 (r32:88445, Feb 20 2011, 21:29:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
-- import base64
-- base64.encodestring(b'another test')

The deprecation warning has gone away in 3.2,

No, still there:
def encodestring(s):
Legacy alias of encodebytes().
import warnings
warnings.warn(encodestring() is a deprecated alias, use 

  DeprecationWarning, 2)
return encodebytes(s)

but the function
remains... does anyone know if this was intentional?

In 3.2, DeprecationWarnings are turned off by default so as to not annoy 
users who can do nothing about them and developers who do not want to do 
anything at the moment. I presume the doc for warnings says how to turn 
them back on.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: 3.1 - 3.2: base64 lost deprecation warning

2011-02-28 Thread Ethan Furman

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 2/28/2011 3:51 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

The deprecation warning has gone away in 3.2,

No, still there:
def encodestring(s):
Legacy alias of encodebytes().
import warnings
warnings.warn(encodestring() is a deprecated alias, use 

  DeprecationWarning, 2)
return encodebytes(s)

In 3.2, DeprecationWarnings are turned off by default so as to not annoy 
users who can do nothing about them and developers who do not want to do 
anything at the moment. I presume the doc for warnings says how to turn 
them back on.

Ah, thank you!


Re: subclass urllib2

2011-02-28 Thread Alex Willmer
On Feb 28, 6:53 pm, monkeys paw wrote:
 I'm trying to subclass urllib2 in order to mask the
 version attribute. Here's what i'm using:

 import urllib2

 class myURL(urllib2):
      def __init__(self):
          self.version = 'firefox'

 I get this
 Traceback (most recent call last):
    File interactive input, line 1, in module
 TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
 module.__init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)

 I don't see where i am supplying 3 arguments. What am i

urllib2 is a module, not a class, so you can't subclass it. You could
subclass one of the classes inside urllib2, such as
urllib2.BaseHandler. Whether you want to depends on what your want to

Re: how to properly pass literal strings python code to be executed using python -c

2011-02-28 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 10:59:01 -0800, jmoons wrote:

 I need some help figuring out how to execute this python code from
 python -c
 I am have trouble formatting python so that it will execute for another
 app in cmd I understand there maybe other ways to do what I am doing but
 I am limited by the final execution using cmd python -c so please keep
 this in mind.
 I'm limited by the final delivery of code. The python is being called by
 a server that does not have access to any python script file

Let me translate that... 

I'm having trouble hammering this nail with a screwdriver. Keep in mind 
that I am limited by the requirement that I use a screwdriver, not a 
hammer, to hammer the nail. The nail is being hammered by somebody who 
doesn't have a hammer.

So give them a hammer. Put the code in a text file, call it or 
something, and execute python -m main, or python -c 'import main' if 
you prefer.

I don't understand the requirement to avoid storing your code in a file 
-- surely you won't be typing the script into cmd every single time you 
want to run it, so surely it will be stored in a batch file or similar? 
As far as I can tell, the *only* legitimate reason for the requirement is 
to win a bet :) Otherwise, you're just making your life much much harder 
than it needs to be.

 So this what i have but no worky
 cmdline = \ import os, shutil \n for root, dirs, files in
 os.walk(+myPath+):\n \t for file in files: \n \t \t
 os.remove(os.path.join(root, file)) \n \t for dir in dirs: \n \t\t
 shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, dir))

I have no idea what the string handling rules for cmd are, and I'm not 
going to try to guess. This doesn't appear to be a Python problem, it's a 
cmd problem. You need to work out how to correctly quote your string. 
Perhaps try on some Windows forums.

 I have also tried the following
 python -c import os; import shutil; for root, dirs, files in
 os.walk('+myPath+'): for file in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root,
 file)); for dir in dirs: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, dir))
 I am still getting error tree(os.path.join(root, dir)) ^ SyntaxError:
 invalid syntax

No you don't. You don't call a function tree, so you can't be getting 
that error. The actual function you call is shutil.rmtree. Please don't 
retype, summarize, simplify or paraphrase error messages. Copy and paste 
them *exactly* as they are shown, complete with any traceback which is 


Re: move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?

2011-02-28 Thread Gregory Ewing

Raymond Hettinger wrote:

The existing list.pop() API is similar (though it takes an index
value instead of a boolean):

mylist.pop()  # default case:  pop from last
mylist.pop(0) # other case:pop from first

pop() is somewhat different, because there is an infinite
range of possible values for the index parameter.

Here there are only two possibilites, though, and it's
unlikely that code will want to dynamically select between
them -- so the no constant parameters guideline would seem
to apply.


Re: OT: Code Examples

2011-02-28 Thread Fred Marshall

On 2/28/2011 8:14 AM, n00m wrote:

On Feb 28, 6:03 pm, Fred

The best place for you to start:

Numpy manual:

OK Thanks!



Re: Plumber, an alternative to mixin-based subclassing

2011-02-28 Thread Aahz
[posted  e-mailed]

In article,
Florian Friesdorf wrote:

An alternative to mixin-based subclassing:

You'll probably get more interest if you provide a summary.
Aahz (   *

Programming language design is not a rational science. Most reasoning
about it is at best rationalization of gut feelings, and at worst plain
wrong.  --GvR, python-ideas, 2009-03-01

Re: Idea for removing the GIL...

2011-02-28 Thread Aahz
In article,
Carl Banks wrote:

The real reason they never replaced the GIL is that fine-grained
locking is expensive with reference counting.  The only way the cost
of finer-grained locking would be acceptable, then, is if they got rid
of the reference counting altogether, and that was considered too
drastic a change.

...especially given CPython's goal of easy integration with C libraries.
Aahz (   *

Programming language design is not a rational science. Most reasoning
about it is at best rationalization of gut feelings, and at worst plain
wrong.  --GvR, python-ideas, 2009-03-01

Re: Executing js/ajax in a sandboxed environment

2011-02-28 Thread Miki Tebeka
 I was wondering if there is a way to execute js associated in
 page in sandbox environment before I start parsing it.
You can use or to evaluate JavaScript.

You can use any browser (including embedded htmlunit) using Selenium.

Miki Tebeka

Re: Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages

2011-02-28 Thread rusi
On Feb 28, 11:39 pm, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 You miss the canonical bad character reuse case: = vs ==.

 Had there been more meta keys, it might be nice to have a symbol for
 each key on the keyboard. I personally have experimented with putting
 the symbols as regular keys and the numbers as the Shifted versions.
 It's great for programming.

Hmmm... Clever!
Is it X or Windows?
Can I have your setup?

One problem we programmers face is that keyboards were made for
typists not programmers.
Another is that when we move from 'hi-level' questions eg code reuse
-- to lower and lower -- eg ergonomics of reading and writing code --
the focus goes from the center of consciousness to the periphery and
we miss how many inefficiencies there are in our semi-automatic

Re: Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages

2011-02-28 Thread Xah Lee
On Feb 28, 7:30 pm, rusi wrote:
 On Feb 28, 11:39 pm, Dotan Cohen wrote:

  You miss the canonical bad character reuse case: = vs ==.

  Had there been more meta keys, it might be nice to have a symbol for
  each key on the keyboard. I personally have experimented with putting
  the symbols as regular keys and the numbers as the Shifted versions.
  It's great for programming.

 Hmmm... Clever!
 Is it X or Windows?
 Can I have your setup?

hi Russ,

there's a programer's dvorak layout i think is bundled with linux.

or you can do it with xmodmap on X-11 or AutoHotKey on Windows, or
within emacs... On the mac, you can use keyboardMaestro, Quickeys, or
just write a os wide config file yourself. You can see tutorials and
sample files for all these here

i'd be interested to know what Dotan Cohen use too.

i tried the swapping number row with symbols a few years back. didn't
like it so much because numbers are frequently used as well,
especially when you need to enter a series of numbers. e.g. heavy
math, or dates 2010-02-28. One can use the number pad but i use that
as extra programable buttons.


 One problem we programmers face is that keyboards were made for
 typists not programmers.
 Another is that when we move from 'hi-level' questions eg code reuse
 -- to lower and lower -- eg ergonomics of reading and writing code --
 the focus goes from the center of consciousness to the periphery and
 we miss how many inefficiencies there are in our semi-automatic


Re: Idea for removing the GIL...

2011-02-28 Thread Stefan Behnel

Aahz, 01.03.2011 03:02:

Carl Banks wrote:

The real reason they never replaced the GIL is that fine-grained
locking is expensive with reference counting.  The only way the cost
of finer-grained locking would be acceptable, then, is if they got rid
of the reference counting altogether, and that was considered too
drastic a change.

...especially given CPython's goal of easy integration with C libraries.

+1, the GIL is much more rarely a problem than some people want to make it 
appear. Especially those who don't understand why it's there, or who fail 
to notice that threading is not the only way to do parallel processing (and 
certainly not the easiest either).



[issue8271] str.decode('utf8', 'replace') -- conformance with Unicode 5.2.0

2011-02-28 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg added the comment:

Ezio Melotti wrote:
 Ezio Melotti added the comment:
 The patch turned out to be less trivial than I initially thought.
 The current algorithm checks for invalid continuation bytes in 4 places:
 1) before the switch/case statement in Objects/unicodeobject.c when it checks 
 if there are enough bytes in the string (e.g. if the current byte is a start 
 byte of a 4-bytes sequence and there are only 2 more bytes in the string, the 
 sequence is invalid);
 2) in the case 2 of the switch, where it's checked if the second byte is a 
 valid continuation byte;
 3) in the case 3 of the switch, where it's checked if the second and third 
 bytes are valid continuation bytes, including additional invalid cases for 
 the second bytes;
 3) in the case 4 of the switch, where it's checked if the second, third, 
 and fourth bytes are valid continuation bytes, including additional invalid 
 cases for the second bytes;
 The correct algorithm should determine the maximum valid subpart of the 
 sequence determining the position of the first invalid continuation byte. 
 Continuation bytes are all in range 80..BF except for the second  byte of 
 3-bytes sequences that start with E0 or ED and second byte of 4-bytes 
 sequences that start with F0 or F4 (3rd and 4th continuation bytes are always 
 in range 80..BF).
 This means that the above 4 cases should be changed in this way:
 1) if there aren't enough bytes left to complete the sequence check for valid 
 continuation bytes considering the special cases for the second bytes (E0, 
 ED, F0, F4) instead of using the naive algorithm that checks only for 
 continuation bytes in range 80..BF;
 2) the case 2 is fine as is, because the second byte is always in range 
 3) the case 3 should check (pseudocode):
   if (second_byte_is_not_valid) max_subpart_len = 1
   else if (third_byte not in 80..BF) max_subpart_len = 2
   else  # the sequence is valid
 the second_byte_is_not_valid part should consider the two special cases for 
 E0 and ED.
 4) the case 4 should check (pseudocode):
   if (second_byte_is_not_valid) max_subpart_len = 1
   else if (third_byte not in 80..BF) max_subpart_len = 2
   else if (fourth_byte not in 80..BF) max_subpart_len = 3
   else  # the sequence is valid
 here the second_byte_is_not_valid part should consider the two special 
 cases for F0 and E4.
 In order to avoid duplication of code I was thinking to add 2 macros 
 (something like IS_VALID_3_SEQ_2ND_BYTE, IS_VALID_4_SEQ_2ND_BYTE) that will 
 be used in the cases 1) and 3), and 1) and 4) respectively.
 The change shouldn't affect the decoding speed, but it will increase the 
 lines of code and complexity of the function.
 Is this OK?


It would be great if you could time the difference in
performance. In tight loops like the codec ones, small changes
in the way you write things can often make a big difference.

Please also include a Misc/NEWS entry to point to the change
and possibly consequences for existing code relying on the
previous behavior.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

title: str.decode('utf8', 'replace') -- conformance with Unicode 5.2.0 - 
str.decode('utf8','replace') -- conformance with Unicode 5.2.0

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11283] incorrect pattern in the re module docs for conditional regex

2011-02-28 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

Thinking about the regex pattern again. The example given is not really wrong. 
It does what it claims to match, that is '' and 
'' and reject' kind of string. Nothing is 
said about '' kind of string. 

Also, this is not an example of validating an email address or finding an email 
address pattern in text data. A good regex for that purposes would be more 

Having said that, if example of conditional regex has been given - the current 
one is sufficient (in which case no change is required) or a simpler one can be 
presented, which may not like matching a email address and thus devoid of any 
expectations of valid patterns.

Also, if we 'really' think that rejecting 'user@example' is good idea in the 
example documentation, then having '$' in no-pattern of regex is good enough. 
No need to think for regex search cases for the explanation given about.



Python tracker
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[issue10524] Patch to add Pardus to supported dists in platform

2011-02-28 Thread Onur Küçük

Onur Küçük added the comment:

Is this patch going to be applied ?

 platform.dist() is a function which detects and returns the distribution name 
and version, and it fails to detect Pardus distribution name and version. Since 
the attached patch fixes this, this should be considered as a bugfix.


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[issue11350] __setitem__()'s problem of dbm.dumb object pointed out by comments

2011-02-28 Thread Ray.Allen

New submission from Ray.Allen

By reading the Lib/dbm/ source, there seems to be an distinct problem 
which is pointed out in comments: the __setitem__() should call self._commit() 
in order to keep .dat file and .dir file consist.

Here is a piece of comment found at the end of __setitem__():

# Note that _index may be out of synch with the directory
# file now:  _setval() and _addval() don't update the directory
# file.  This also means that the on-disk directory and data
# files are in a mutually inconsistent state, and they'll
# remain that way until _commit() is called.  Note that this
# is a disaster (for the database) if the program crashes
# (so that _commit() never gets called).

And another piece found in __delitem__():

# XXX It's unclear why we do a _commit() here (the code always
# XXX has, so I'm not changing it).  __setitem__ doesn't try to
# XXX keep the directory file in synch.  Why should we?  Or
# XXX why shouldn't __setitem__?

One probable reason I guess is that the self._commit() method which writes the 
keys information to .dir file is regarded as a slow process, and the 
__setitem__() is called frequently at most cases while __deltiem__ is not, so 
calling self._commit() at each __setitem__ could make the program very slow.

But based on the fact that The dbm.dumb module is not written for speed and is 
not nearly as heavily used as the other database modules.(found on dbm's 
library document), maybe correctness is more important than speed.

So I think it should be fixed:

Index: Lib/dbm/
--- Lib/dbm/ (revision 88674)
+++ Lib/dbm/ (working copy)
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
 # remain that way until _commit() is called.  Note that this
 # is a disaster (for the database) if the program crashes
 # (so that _commit() never gets called).
 def __delitem__(self, key):
 if isinstance(key, str):

And the remaining comments can be deleted.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 129688
nosy: ysj.ray
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: __setitem__()'s problem of dbm.dumb object pointed out by comments
versions: Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] (test_os) os.sendfile() error

2011-02-28 Thread Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

New submission from Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

Antoine, i made you noisy because you took care about Issue11323.
I'm at r88671 (271057c7c6f3).
I'm opening this because the buildbot URL (thanks) doesn't show
anything about sendfile(2).

12:47 ~/arena/code.extern.repos/py3k.hg $ ./python.exe -Wd -m test.test_os -r 
-w -v

test_headers (__main__.TestSendfile) ... FAIL
test_invalid_offset (__main__.TestSendfile) ... ok
test_offset_overflow (__main__.TestSendfile) ... ok
test_send_at_certain_offset (__main__.TestSendfile) ... ok
test_send_whole_file (__main__.TestSendfile) ... ok
test_trailers (__main__.TestSendfile) ... 
ResourceWarning: unclosed file _io.BufferedReader name='@test_28253_tmp2'
test_set_get_priority (__main__.ProgramPriorityTests) ... ok

FAIL: test_headers (__main__.TestSendfile)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/steffen/arena/code.extern.repos/py3k.hg/Lib/test/, 
line 1517, in test_headers
self.assertEqual(total_sent, len(expected_data))
AssertionError: 163840 != 164352

Ran 92 tests in 0.447s

FAILED (failures=1, skipped=10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/steffen/arena/code.extern.repos/py3k.hg/Lib/, line 160, 
in _run_module_as_main
__main__, fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File /Users/steffen/arena/code.extern.repos/py3k.hg/Lib/, line 73, 
in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
  File /Users/steffen/arena/code.extern.repos/py3k.hg/Lib/test/, 
line 1573, in module
  File /Users/steffen/arena/code.extern.repos/py3k.hg/Lib/test/, 
line 1569, in test_main
  File /Users/steffen/arena/code.extern.repos/py3k.hg/Lib/test/, 
line 1187, in run_unittest
  File /Users/steffen/arena/code.extern.repos/py3k.hg/Lib/test/, 
line 1170, in _run_suite
raise TestFailed(err) Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/steffen/arena/code.extern.repos/py3k.hg/Lib/test/, 
line 1517, in test_headers
self.assertEqual(total_send, len(expected_data))
AssertionError: 163840 != 164352

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 129689
nosy: pitrou, sdaoden
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: (test_os) os.sendfile() error
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] (test_os) os.sendfile() error

2011-02-28 Thread Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

Steffen Daode Nurpmeso added the comment:

It's about the headers[]:

   def test_headers(self):
total_sent = 0
sent = os.sendfile(self.sockno, self.fileno, 0, 4096,
   headers=[bx * 512])
total_sent += sent
print(HEADER SENT:, sent)


test_headers (__main__.TestSendfile) ... HEADER SENT: 4096

Well.  'man 2 sendfile' tells me it is supporting headers and
trailers since Darwin 9.0 aka Mac OS X 10.5.


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[issue11352] Buf in cgi module doc

2011-02-28 Thread Pierre Quentel

New submission from Pierre Quentel


I wrote a patch for the cgi module in version 3.2rc1 (#4953). Small changes 
should be done to the documentation of this module to reflect the changes in 
the module API :

- in section 20.2.2. Using the cgi module

original text :
If a field represents an uploaded file, accessing the value via the value 
attribute or the getvalue() method reads the entire file in memory as a string. 
This may not be what you want. You can test for an uploaded file by testing 
either the filename attribute or the file attribute. You can then read the data 
at leisure from the file attribute:

proposed new text (for files, value is bytes, not string, and the read() method 
on file also returns bytes) :
If a field represents an uploaded file, accessing the value via the value 
attribute or the getvalue() method reads the entire file in memory as bytes. 
This may not be what you want. You can test for an uploaded file by testing 
either the filename attribute or the file attribute. You can then read the data 
at leisure from the file attribute (the read() and readline() methods will 
return bytes) :

- version 3.2 introduced a parameter encoding for the FieldStorage 
constructor, used to decode the bytes received on the HTTP connection for 
fields other than files. This encoding must the one defined in the HTML 
document holding the form submitted to the CGI script ; it is usually defined 
by a meta tag :
meta http-equiv=Content-type content=text/html;charset=latin-1
or by the Content-Type header for this document

I'm not sure where this should be mentioned in the module documentation. Maybe 
in 20.2.9. Common problems and solutions for the moment. But there are plans 
(#11066) to introduce another interface to change the encoding of sys.stdout in 
the CGI script itself, so another option would be to open a specific section 
about encodings

Hope it's clear enough

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 129691
nosy: docs@python, quentel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Buf in cgi module doc
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.2

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11352] Bug in cgi module doc

2011-02-28 Thread Pierre Quentel

Pierre Quentel added the comment:

bug, not buf...

title: Buf in cgi module doc - Bug in cgi module doc

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5542] Socket is closed prematurely in httplib, if server sends response before request body has been sent

2011-02-28 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

Guy, if the issue you describe in relevant to py3.x or 2.7, can you open a new 

nosy: +orsenthil

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] (test_os) os.sendfile() error

2011-02-28 Thread Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

Steffen Daode Nurpmeso added the comment:

IOV[i]: buffer:0x10152b8f0, len:512
iov_setup() leave ok
before sendfile: sf=0x7fff5fbfb410, sf.headers=0x10036c780
sf.headers[0].iov_base=0x10152d950, .iov_len=512
after sendfile: sbytes=4096

Maybe Mac OS X does not support headers (i'm on Mac OS X 10.6)?


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[issue1720250] PyGILState_Ensure does not acquires GIL

2011-02-28 Thread Nick Coghlan

Nick Coghlan added the comment:

Given the deprecation of PyEval_ReleaseLock in issue10913, should this be 
closed as out of date?

nosy: +ncoghlan

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11350] __setitem__()'s problem of dbm.dumb object pointed out by comments

2011-02-28 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Can you construct a test case that demonstrates the corruption?

nosy: +r.david.murray
stage:  - test needed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11342] ResourceWarning: unclosed file _io.TextIOWrapper

2011-02-28 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

So the patch fixes the resource warnings?


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] (test_os) os.sendfile() error

2011-02-28 Thread Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

Steffen Daode Nurpmeso added the comment:

Did you know that 'sbytes' is not adjusted to match possibly 
existent headers and trailers in posixmodule.c? 
This however is required according to Mac OS X 'man 2 sendfile'.
I'll attach a simple, naive patch for a very intelligent and 
outstanding operating system.

Added file:

Python tracker
___diff --git a/Modules/posixmodule.c b/Modules/posixmodule.c
--- a/Modules/posixmodule.c
+++ b/Modules/posixmodule.c
@@ -5867,9 +5867,10 @@
 #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__APPLE__)
-static int
+static off_t
 iov_setup(struct iovec **iov, Py_buffer **buf, PyObject *seq, int cnt, int 
+off_t ret = 0;
 int i, j;
 *iov = PyMem_New(struct iovec, cnt);
 if (*iov == NULL) {
@@ -5880,7 +5881,7 @@
 if (*buf == NULL) {
-return 0;
+return ret;
 for (i = 0; i  cnt; i++) {
@@ -5889,14 +5890,18 @@
 for (j = 0; j  i; j++) {
-   }
-return 0;
+ret ^= ret;
+return ret;
 (*iov)[i].iov_base = (*buf)[i].buf;
-(*iov)[i].iov_len = (*buf)[i].len;
-return 1;
+do {off_t x = (*buf)[i].len;
+(*iov)[i].iov_len = x;
+ret += x;
+} while (0);
+return ret;
 static void
@@ -5954,10 +5959,15 @@
 sendfile() headers must be a sequence or None);
 return NULL;
 } else {
+off_t i = 0; /* Uninitialized warning */
 sf.hdr_cnt = PySequence_Size(headers);
-if (sf.hdr_cnt  0  !iov_setup((sf.headers), hbuf,
-headers, sf.hdr_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE))
+if (sf.hdr_cnt  0 
+!(i = iov_setup((sf.headers), hbuf,
+headers, sf.hdr_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE)))
 return NULL;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+sbytes += i;
 if (trailers != NULL) {
@@ -5966,10 +5976,15 @@
 sendfile() trailers must be a sequence or None);
 return NULL;
 } else {
+off_t i = 0; /* Uninitialized warning */
 sf.trl_cnt = PySequence_Size(trailers);
-if (sf.trl_cnt  0  !iov_setup((sf.trailers), tbuf,
-trailers, sf.trl_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE))
+if (sf.trl_cnt  0 
+!(i = iov_setup((sf.trailers), tbuf,
+trailers, sf.trl_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE)))
 return NULL;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+sbytes += i;
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] Mac OS X os.sendfile()

2011-02-28 Thread Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

Changes by Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

title: (test_os) os.sendfile() error - Mac OS X os.sendfile()

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11281] smtplib: add ability to bind to specific source IP address/port

2011-02-28 Thread Paulo Scardine

Paulo Scardine added the comment:

Patch attached.

Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10524] Patch to add Pardus to supported dists in platform

2011-02-28 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

Marc-André already approved it; he must just have lacked time.  We’re
all volunteers with a lot of bugs on our radar, so thanks for the reminder.

Marc-André: I can commit this if you want.


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[issue11281] smtplib: add ability to bind to specific source IP address/port

2011-02-28 Thread Paulo Scardine

Paulo Scardine added the comment:


Added file:

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[issue11348] test_os: test_set_get_priority() fails when high niceness is set

2011-02-28 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

We could, however, raise SkipTest if getpriority returns 19 or higher with a 
message like unable to reliably test setpriority at current nice level of NN. 
 My guess is that no system we support has a lower upper limit on nice.  If 
someone wants to customize the test/message per OS, that would probably be even 
better; but not, I think, required.


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[issue11281] smtplib: add ability to bind to specific source IP address/port

2011-02-28 Thread Paulo Scardine

Paulo Scardine added the comment:

Sorry for the last post, I had the impression that I forgot to attach the 
patch. I'm slow this Monday.


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[issue11348] test_os: test_set_get_priority() fails when high niceness is set

2011-02-28 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

To be clear: raise SkipTest if prio is 19 or above *and* the increment fails.


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[issue11351] Mac OS X os.sendfile()

2011-02-28 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Likely explanation is

nosy: +giampaolo.rodola

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11301] doesn't save cookies

2011-02-28 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Changes by Senthil Kumaran

resolution:  - invalid
stage:  - committed/rejected

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] (test_os) os.sendfile() error

2011-02-28 Thread Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

Steffen Daode Nurpmeso added the comment:

Before i'm going down, here is the paragraph from 'man 2 sendfile':

  When a header or trailer is specified the value of len returned will
  include the size of header or trailer sent. The user should provide suf-
  ficiently large value of len as argument including the size of header or
  trailer, otherwise only part of file data will be sent following the header.

title: Mac OS X os.sendfile() - (test_os) os.sendfile() error

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] Mac OS X os.sendfile()

2011-02-28 Thread Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

Steffen Daode Nurpmeso added the comment:

(But see msg12970.  And the test runs fine with my patch applied.)

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 02:17:46PM +, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Antoine Pitrou added the comment:
 Likely explanation is
 nosy: +giampaolo.rodola
 Python tracker

title: (test_os) os.sendfile() error - Mac OS X os.sendfile()

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] Mac OS X os.sendfile()

2011-02-28 Thread Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

Steffen Daode Nurpmeso added the comment:

(Should have been msg129706, sorry.)

P.S.: yes, you're right.
But now: issue 10882 is on adding os.sendfile(), not on fixing 
errors on os.sendfile().  ;-)


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] Mac OS X os.sendfile()

2011-02-28 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Your patch is not cleaned up. There are strange things like:

+ret ^= ret;

(while would you xor an off_t?)


+do {off_t x = (*buf)[i].len;
+(*iov)[i].iov_len = x;
+ret += x;
+} while (0);


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1720250] PyGILState_Ensure does not acquires GIL

2011-02-28 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 Given the deprecation of PyEval_ReleaseLock in issue10913, should this 
 be closed as out of date?

Indeed :)

resolution:  - out of date
stage: test needed - 
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] Mac OS X os.sendfile()

2011-02-28 Thread Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

Steffen Daode Nurpmeso added the comment:

Will this do?  Otherwise feel free to adjust the patch the way 
Python needs it, i'll learn from that, then, for possible future 
things.  (I need to go down now.)

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 02:37:16PM +, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
 Antoine Pitrou added the comment:
 Your patch is not cleaned up. There are strange things like:
 +ret ^= ret;
 (while would you xor an off_t?)
 +do {off_t x = (*buf)[i].len;
 +(*iov)[i].iov_len = x;
 +ret += x;
 +} while (0);

keywords: +patch
Added file:

Python tracker
___diff --git a/Modules/posixmodule.c b/Modules/posixmodule.c
--- a/Modules/posixmodule.c
+++ b/Modules/posixmodule.c
@@ -5867,10 +5867,11 @@
 #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__APPLE__)
-static int
+static off_t
 iov_setup(struct iovec **iov, Py_buffer **buf, PyObject *seq, int cnt, int 
 int i, j;
+off_t len, ret = 0;
 *iov = PyMem_New(struct iovec, cnt);
 if (*iov == NULL) {
@@ -5880,7 +5881,7 @@
 if (*buf == NULL) {
-return 0;
+return ret;
 for (i = 0; i  cnt; i++) {
@@ -5889,14 +5890,17 @@
 for (j = 0; j  i; j++) {
-   }
-return 0;
+ret = 0;
+return ret;
 (*iov)[i].iov_base = (*buf)[i].buf;
-(*iov)[i].iov_len = (*buf)[i].len;
-return 1;
+len = (*buf)[i].len;
+(*iov)[i].iov_len = len;
+ret += len;
+return ret;
 static void
@@ -5954,10 +5958,15 @@
 sendfile() headers must be a sequence or None);
 return NULL;
 } else {
+off_t i = 0; /* Uninitialized warning */
 sf.hdr_cnt = PySequence_Size(headers);
-if (sf.hdr_cnt  0  !iov_setup((sf.headers), hbuf,
-headers, sf.hdr_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE))
+if (sf.hdr_cnt  0 
+!(i = iov_setup((sf.headers), hbuf,
+headers, sf.hdr_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE)))
 return NULL;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+sbytes += i;
 if (trailers != NULL) {
@@ -5966,10 +5975,15 @@
 sendfile() trailers must be a sequence or None);
 return NULL;
 } else {
+off_t i = 0; /* Uninitialized warning */
 sf.trl_cnt = PySequence_Size(trailers);
-if (sf.trl_cnt  0  !iov_setup((sf.trailers), tbuf,
-trailers, sf.trl_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE))
+if (sf.trl_cnt  0 
+!(i = iov_setup((sf.trailers), tbuf,
+trailers, sf.trl_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE)))
 return NULL;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+sbytes += i;
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] Mac OS X os.sendfile()

2011-02-28 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

assignee:  - giampaolo.rodola
nosy: +rosslagerwall
stage:  - patch review

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11353] Python 2.7.1 cannot be built by 2.x baselines of Python

2011-02-28 Thread David

New submission from David

I tried to download and install the latest Python tarball (2.7.1) and use 
Python 2.6 to execute

I got the error No module named sysconfig when running sysconfig 
was introduced with Python 3.2 (per

I am running Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS and Python 2.6 trying to update to 2.7.x since 
Django does not support Python 3.x. It seems like a lot of trouble to install 
Python 3.x to downgrade to the Python version I need.

Recommend providing deb source packages that can be built on Ubuntu 10.04 and 
10.10, or fixing this bug.

components: Build
messages: 129712
nosy: w004dal
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Python 2.7.1 cannot be built by 2.x baselines of Python
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.5, Python 2.6, Python 2.7

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11353] Python 2.7.1 cannot be built by 2.x baselines of Python

2011-02-28 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

The way to build Python is to run ./configure followed by make. This is 
explained in the README.

nosy: +barry, pitrou
resolution:  - invalid
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2011-02-28 Thread Wojciech Muła

New submission from Wojciech Muła

Hi, sometimes it is needed to grab variable, but limited, number of options.
For example --point could accept 2, 3 or 4 values: (x,y) or (x,y,z) or
(x,y,z,w). Current version of argparse requires postprocessing:

parser.add_argument('--point', action='append', default=[])
nmps = parser.parse_args()
if not (2 = len(nmsp.point) = 4):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(--point expects 2, 3 or 4 

I propose to allow pass range of options count to nargs, including
lower/upper bound. For example:

parser.add_argument('--point', nargs=(2,4) )# from 2 to 4
parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs=(9, None) )  # at least 9
parser.add_argument('--bar', nargs=(None, 7) )  # at most 7
nmsp = parser.parse_args()

I've attached tests and patch made against Python3.2 lib from Debian.


components: Library (Lib)
files: argparse-nargs.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 129714
nosy: wm
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: argparse: nargs could accept range of options count
type: feature request
versions: Python 3.2, Python 3.3
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2011-02-28 Thread Wojciech Muła

Wojciech Muła added the comment:


Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11342] ResourceWarning: unclosed file _io.TextIOWrapper

2011-02-28 Thread LW

LW added the comment:

only the was patched, the rest were reject'ed. no compilation 
yet at this time.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8728] 2.7 regression in AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'makefile'

2011-02-28 Thread Ryan Coyner

Changes by Ryan Coyner

nosy: +rcoyner

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8594] Add a source_address option to ftplib

2011-02-28 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Giampaolo Rodola' added the comment:

Committed in r88679.

versions: +Python 3.3 -Python 3.2

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11351] Mac OS X os.sendfile()

2011-02-28 Thread Steffen Daode Nurpmeso

Steffen Daode Nurpmeso added the comment:

This version uses Py_ssize_t for the lengths and seems to be more 
Python-style beside that, too. 
It compiles clean and the test is ok.

Added file:

Python tracker
___diff --git a/Modules/posixmodule.c b/Modules/posixmodule.c
--- a/Modules/posixmodule.c
+++ b/Modules/posixmodule.c
@@ -5867,36 +5867,42 @@
 #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__APPLE__)
-static int
+static Py_ssize_t
 iov_setup(struct iovec **iov, Py_buffer **buf, PyObject *seq, int cnt, int 
 int i, j;
+Py_ssize_t blen, total = 0;
 *iov = PyMem_New(struct iovec, cnt);
 if (*iov == NULL) {
-return 0;
+return total;
 *buf = PyMem_New(Py_buffer, cnt);
 if (*buf == NULL) {
-return 0;
+return total;
 for (i = 0; i  cnt; i++) {
-if (PyObject_GetBuffer(PySequence_GetItem(seq, i), (*buf)[i],
-type) == -1) {
+if (PyObject_GetBuffer(PySequence_GetItem(seq, i),
+   (*buf)[i], type) == -1) {
 for (j = 0; j  i; j++) {
-   }
-return 0;
+total = 0;
+return total;
 (*iov)[i].iov_base = (*buf)[i].buf;
-(*iov)[i].iov_len = (*buf)[i].len;
-return 1;
+blen = (*buf)[i].len;
+(*iov)[i].iov_len = blen;
+total += len;
+return total;
 static void
@@ -5954,10 +5960,15 @@
 sendfile() headers must be a sequence or None);
 return NULL;
 } else {
+Py_ssize_t i = 0; /* Avoid uninitialized warning */
 sf.hdr_cnt = PySequence_Size(headers);
-if (sf.hdr_cnt  0  !iov_setup((sf.headers), hbuf,
-headers, sf.hdr_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE))
+if (sf.hdr_cnt  0 
+!(i = iov_setup((sf.headers), hbuf,
+headers, sf.hdr_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE)))
 return NULL;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+sbytes += i;
 if (trailers != NULL) {
@@ -5966,10 +5977,15 @@
 sendfile() trailers must be a sequence or None);
 return NULL;
 } else {
+Py_ssize_t i = 0; /* Avoid uninitialized warning */
 sf.trl_cnt = PySequence_Size(trailers);
-if (sf.trl_cnt  0  !iov_setup((sf.trailers), tbuf,
-trailers, sf.trl_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE))
+if (sf.trl_cnt  0 
+!(i = iov_setup((sf.trailers), tbuf,
+trailers, sf.trl_cnt, PyBUF_SIMPLE)))
 return NULL;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+sbytes += i;
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11348] test_os: test_set_get_priority() fails when high niceness is set

2011-02-28 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Giampaolo Rodola' added the comment:

Committed in r88680.

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8594] Add a source_address option to ftplib

2011-02-28 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Changes by Giampaolo Rodola'

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11355] os.mkdir() and os.mkdirat() don't apply SUID/SGID permissions

2011-02-28 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

New submission from Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

os.mkdir() and os.mkdirat() use libc's mkdir() and mkdirat(), which can ignore 
SUID/SGID permissions. This problem occurs at least on systems using glibc. The 
solution is to call chmod() / fchmodat() to ensure that given directory has 
been created with requested permissions. I'm attaching the patch.

files: python-mkdir.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 129720
nosy: Arfrever
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: os.mkdir() and os.mkdirat() don't apply SUID/SGID permissions
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11355] os.mkdir() and os.mkdirat() don't apply SUID/SGID permissions

2011-02-28 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray

nosy: +r.david.murray

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11355] os.mkdir() and os.mkdirat() don't apply SUID/SGID permissions

2011-02-28 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis added the comment:

The new patch restores respecting of umask.

Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11355] os.mkdir() and os.mkdirat() don't apply SUID/SGID permissions

2011-02-28 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Changes by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Removed file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11355] os.mkdir() and os.mkdirat() don't apply SUID/SGID permissions

2011-02-28 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis added the comment:

A side effect of this patch is that it fixes failure of 
test_exist_ok_existing_directory() from in situation when top-level 
directory of Python sources has SGID bit set. 
(test_exist_ok_existing_directory() exists only in Python =3.2.)

$ chmod g+s .
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd) ./python Lib/test/
ERROR: test_exist_ok_existing_directory (__main__.MakedirTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File Lib/test/, line 653, in test_exist_ok_existing_directory
os.makedirs(path, mode=mode, exist_ok=True)
 line 152, in makedirs
mkdir(name, mode)
OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '@test_32218_tmp/dir1'



Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11347] Broken soname and linking

2011-02-28 Thread Martin v . Löwis

Martin v. Löwis added the comment:

 The -hl - -h part seems correct though.



Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11347] Broken soname and linking

2011-02-28 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis added the comment:

Having the soname be libpython3 is the whole point of the library: I think 
that the point of this library is filename, not soname. 
Everything should still work if had no soname at all.

(If somebody has installed unpatched Python 3.2, then ldconfig will create symlink (e.g. /usr/lib/ and linker will hardcode 
dependency on in generated libraries/executables during linking 
against (e.g. when -lpython3 has been specified).)

(I will work on improved patch for -Wl,--no-as-needed.)


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11347] Broken soname and linking

2011-02-28 Thread Martin v . Löwis

Martin v. Löwis added the comment:

 Having the soname be libpython3 is the whole point of the library:
 I think that the point of this library is filename,
 not soname. Everything should still work if had no
 soname at all.

IIUC, the linker will hard-code the full path name (include directory
name) into DT_NEEDED if the shared library has no soname. That would
be undesirable - the DT_NEEDED reference must be just the file name,
not the full path.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11140] threading.Lock().release() raises _thread.error, not RuntimeError

2011-02-28 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Patch committed in r88682, thank you!

resolution:  - fixed
stage: needs patch - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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