Re: Faster Recursive Fibonacci Numbers

2011-05-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 4:26 PM, harrismh777  wrote:
> Actually, it should be relatively easy to incorporate parts of bc into
> Python as C extensions. On the other hand, when needing specialized math
> work from bc, its probably just better to use bc and leave Python alone.

If someone has time to kill (as if!), it'd be awesome to get a new
numeric type that uses bc's code; any other numeric type (int, long,
float) could autopromote to it, removing the dilemma of which to
promote out of long and float. Hmm... Python 4.0, 'bc' is the new
default integer and everything else is a performance optimization?

> On the other hand, most of the time (and I mean 99.999% of the time) floats
> are going to work just fine... usually folks don't even need doubles
> :)

99.9% of the time int will work fine, too. Most people don't need
arbitrary precision OR floating point.

> Don't get me wrong... I absolutely love playing around with bignums, but
> then, I'm a math geek...    ;-)

Absolutely. Bring on the geekiness.

I've used bignums for things other than straight arithmetic, actually.
In REXX, where everything is a string, I've done some fascinating (and
completely useless) analyses that involve taking internal digits from
a number, performing arithmetic on them, getting huge numbers back,
and then searching for substrings (ie digit strings) in the result.
What's the lowest power of 2 that has 5 consecutive digits in it? All
10 digits? (That is, it has '0123456789' somewhere in its decimal

Like I said, completely useless... but how many of you immediately
pondered which language to implement the search in?

Chris Angelico

Re: hash values and equality

2011-05-19 Thread Chris Rebert
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 10:43 PM, Ethan Furman  wrote:
> Several folk have said that objects that compare equal must hash equal, and
> the docs also state this
> I'm hoping somebody can tell me what horrible thing will happen if this
> isn't the case?  Here's a toy example of a class I'm thinking of writing
> that will compare equal with int's, but hash differently:
> --> class Wierd():
> ...     def __init__(self, value):
> ...         self.value = value
> ...     def __eq__(self, other):
> ...         return self.value == other
> ...     def __hash__(self):
> ...         return hash((self.value + 13) ** 3)
> ...
> --> one = Wierd(1)
> --> two = Wierd(2)
> --> three = Wierd(3)
> --> one
> --> one == 1
> True
> --> one == 2
> False
> --> two == 2
> True
> --> three == 3
> True
> --> d = dict()
> --> d[one] = '1'
> --> d[two] = '2'
> --> d[three] = '3'
> --> d
> {: '1',
>  : '3',
>  : '2'}
> --> d[1] = '1.0'
> --> d[2] = '2.0'
> --> d[3] = '3.0'

This is the part considered "horrible":
> --> d
> {: '3',
>  1: '1.0',
>  2: '2.0',
>  3: '3.0',
>  : '2',
>  : '1'}

>>> x = {5.0 : 'foo'}
>>> x[5]

Here's a more common/plausible "horrible" case closer to what the docs
writers had in mind:
>>> class Naughty(object):
... def __init__(self, n):
... self.n = n
... def __eq__(self, other):
... return self.n == other.n
>>> Naughty(5) == Naughty(5)
>>> Naughty(5) is Naughty(5)
>>> bad = Naughty(3)
>>> y = {bad : 'foo'}
>>> y[bad] # just happens to work
>>> del bad
>>> # ok, how do we get to 'foo' now?
>>> y[Naughty(3)] # try the obvious way
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
KeyError: <__main__.Naughty object at 0x2a1cb0>
>>> # We're screwed.

Naughty instances (and similar) can't be used sensibly as hash keys
(unless you /only/ care about object identity; this is often not the


Re: hash values and equality

2011-05-19 Thread Peter Otten
Ethan Furman wrote:

> Several folk have said that objects that compare equal must hash equal,
> and the docs also state this
> I'm hoping somebody can tell me what horrible thing will happen if this
> isn't the case?  Here's a toy example of a class I'm thinking of writing
> that will compare equal with int's, but hash differently:
> --> class Wierd():
> ... def __init__(self, value):
> ... self.value = value
> ... def __eq__(self, other):
> ... return self.value == other
> ... def __hash__(self):
> ... return hash((self.value + 13) ** 3)
> ...

Try this:

>>> d = {Wierd(1): 0}
>>> 1 in d
>>> 1 in d.keys()


Problem running pylons webtests. ImportError and TestController is not defined error.

2011-05-19 Thread SONAL ...
I have directory structure as gnukhata/tests/functional. In functional
folder I have web tests files. Following is the sample tests:

*from gnukhata.tests import *

class TestVendorController(TestController):

def test_index(self):
response ='vendor', action='index'**))*

After running tests, it gives me following error:
*Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/trial/",
line 651, in   loadByNames
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/trial/",
line 460, in findByName
return filenameToModule(name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/trial/",
line 98, in filenameToModule
return _importFromFile(fn)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/trial/",
line 117, in _importFromFile
module = imp.load_source(moduleName, fn, fd)
  File "", line 1, in 
from gnukhata.tests import *
exceptions.ImportError: No module named tests*

Instead of gnukhata.tests if I write gnukhata then it shows the following error:
*Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/trial/",
line 651, in loadByNames
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/trial/",
line 460, in findByName
return filenameToModule(name)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/trial/",
line 98, in filenameToModule
return _importFromFile(fn)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/trial/",
line 117, in _importFromFile
module = imp.load_source(moduleName, fn, fd)
File "", line 3, in 
class TestVendorController(TestController):
exceptions.NameError: name 'TestController' is not defined
How to remove these errors??? Suggest me solution... Thanks in advance...

Re: Faster Recursive Fibonacci Numbers

2011-05-19 Thread harrismh777

Chris Angelico wrote:

I believe the 'bc' command-line calculator can do a-p non-i, and I
know REXX can

 Yes, bc is wonderful in this regard. Actually, bc does this sort of 
thing in 'circles' around Python. This is one of Python's weaknesses for 
some problem solving... no arbitrary precision. And its not just that bc 
does arbitrary precision--- its that it does it fast!

Actually, it should be relatively easy to incorporate parts of bc into 
Python as C extensions. On the other hand, when needing specialized math 
work from bc, its probably just better to use bc and leave Python alone.

On the other hand, most of the time (and I mean 99.999% of the time) 
floats are going to work just fine... usually folks don't even need 
doubles   :)

With fifteen or twenty digits of PI we can calculate the circumference 
of the visible universe to within the width of a proton... er, I mean 
hadron... and you know what... how many folks need to do that anyway??

Don't get me wrong... I absolutely love playing around with bignums, but 
then, I'm a math geek...;-)

kind regards,
m harris


Re: obviscating python code for distribution

2011-05-19 Thread harrismh777

geremy condra wrote:

Anonymous, "Maximum Linux Security: A Hacker's Guide to Protecting
>  Your Linux Server and Workstation," Indianapolis:
>  Sams Publishing, 2000.

This is a good volume, but very dated. I'd probably pass on it.

Actually, although dated, its still a very good manual for concepts, and 
much of it... believe it or not... is still just as valid as the day it 
was written.

Some things of course have changed, like web security and protocols.

Some of the linux admin stuff has now been automated with reasonable 
defaults, *but not all*...

Appendix D is good-- additional resources bibliography !

Maybe try to buy or borrow a used copy [ or just skip it... ]

PS   I really have hoped that Anonymous would be putting out a second 
edition, but I can't find it... so not yet...

kind regards,
m harris


Re: Faster Recursive Fibonacci Numbers

2011-05-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 3:58 PM, Steven D'Aprano
> ... until you deleted most of it :)

Minimalist quoting practice! :)

> If you want an *accurate* fib() function using exponentiation of φ, you
> need arbitrary precision non-integers.

I believe the 'bc' command-line calculator can do a-p non-i, and I
know REXX can, but it seems to be quite an unusual thing. Is it that
much harder than a-p integer that it's just not worthwhile? It seems
strange to smoothly slide from native integer to long integer and just
keep on going, and yet to be unable to do the same if there's a
fractional part on it.

Chris Angelico

Re: Faster Recursive Fibonacci Numbers

2011-05-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 20 May 2011 09:37:59 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 8:47 AM, Steven D'Aprano
>  wrote:
>> On Tue, 17 May 2011 10:02:21 -0700, geremy condra wrote:
>>> or O(1):
>>> φ = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
>>>     numerator = (φ**n) - (1 - φ)**n
>> I'd just like to point out that, strictly speaking, it's only O(1) if
>> you assume that exponentiation is O(1). Computer scientists often like
>> to make this simplifying assumption, and it might even be true for
>> floats, but for long ints and any numeric data types with unlimited
>> precision, it won't be.
> Python doesn't have arbitrary precision non-integers, does it? So this
> is going to be done with floats.

Sure, which is why the above fib() function will become increasing 
inaccurate beyond some given n, by memory about n=71 or so. Er, at least 
the fib() function that *was* above until you deleted most of it :)

If you want an *accurate* fib() function using exponentiation of φ, you 
need arbitrary precision non-integers.

Nevertheless, at some point you will hit the limit of floats, which 
thanks to the exponential growth of the Fibonacci sequence won't take 
that long: it takes roughly 1475 iterations to exceed the range of Python 


hash values and equality

2011-05-19 Thread Ethan Furman
Several folk have said that objects that compare equal must hash equal, 
and the docs also state this

I'm hoping somebody can tell me what horrible thing will happen if this 
isn't the case?  Here's a toy example of a class I'm thinking of writing 
that will compare equal with int's, but hash differently:

--> class Wierd():
... def __init__(self, value):
... self.value = value
... def __eq__(self, other):
... return self.value == other
... def __hash__(self):
... return hash((self.value + 13) ** 3)
--> one = Wierd(1)
--> two = Wierd(2)
--> three = Wierd(3)
--> one

--> one == 1
--> one == 2
--> two == 2
--> three == 3
--> d = dict()
--> d[one] = '1'
--> d[two] = '2'
--> d[three] = '3'
--> d
{: '1',
 : '3',
 : '2'}
--> d[1] = '1.0'
--> d[2] = '2.0'
--> d[3] = '3.0'
--> d
{: '3',
 1: '1.0',
 2: '2.0',
 3: '3.0',
 : '2',
 : '1'}
--> d[2]
--> d[two]

All information greatly appreciated!


validating a class against an ABC at definition time

2011-05-19 Thread Eric Snow
Thinking about class APIs and validating a class against an API.  The abc
module provides the tools to do some of this.  One thing I realized, that I
hadn't noticed before, is that the abstractness of a class is measured when
instances of the class are created.  This happens in object.__new__
(pyobject.c).  Validating thus when a class is defined would not be as
helpful, since there is no guarantee that the class is not meant to be
abstract as well.

However, I have found that it is sometimes nice to validate a class at
definition time.  This is particularly true for a class that does not
inherit from the abstract base class (but registers instead).

Taking cues from and pyobject.c, here is a stab at a class decorator
that validates a class against another.

def validate(abc):
if not isinstance(abc, type):
raise TypeError("Can only validate against classes")
def decorator(cls):
if not __debug__:
return cls
if not isinstance(cls, type):
raise TypeError("Can only validate classes")
abstracts = set()
for name in getattr(abc, "__abstractmethods__", set()):
value = getattr(cls, name, None)
if not value:
elif getattr(value, "__isabstractmethod__", False):
if abstracts:
sorted_methods = sorted(abstracts)
joined = ", ".join(sorted_methods)
msg = "Class {} does not implement abstract methods {} of class
raise TypeError(msg.format(cls.__name__, joined, abc.__name__))
return cls
return decorator

Stack this with the ABCMeta.register method and you can ensure that your
class is compliant with the ABC at the time you register it on that ABC.

Does anyone find this irrelevant or superfluous?  I know that it would be a
good idea to stay on top of your class's implementation of an ABC's abstract
methods.  However, this seems like a good way of doing that

Does anyone know a better way to do ABC validation at definition time?



Re: Recursion in Computer Science

2011-05-19 Thread rusi
On May 20, 10:18 am, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 3:05 PM, rusi  wrote:
> >  - data can be code -- viruses
> It's not JUST viruses. There's plenty of legitimate reasons for your
> data to actually be code... that's how compilers work! :)
> Chris Angelico

Yes sure Thanks.
An exhaustive list would be much longer (and I got tired of typing)

Re: Recursion in Computer Science

2011-05-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 3:05 PM, rusi  wrote:
>  - data can be code -- viruses

It's not JUST viruses. There's plenty of legitimate reasons for your
data to actually be code... that's how compilers work! :)

Chris Angelico

Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-19 Thread rusi
On May 20, 2:21 am, Rikishi42  wrote:
> On 2011-05-18, Hans Georg Schaathun  wrote:
> > Now Mac OS X has maintained the folder concept of older mac generations,
> > and Windows has cloned it.  They do not want the user to understand
> > recursive data structures, and therefore, naturally, avoid the word.
> You imply they want to keep their users ignorant of these structures, as if
> to keep something valuable from them. Wouldn't it be more honest, more to
> the point and much simpler to state they don't NEED the user to understand
> recursive - or indeed any other - data structures? And that the user doesn't
> NEED to understand or know about them, just to use them?
> After all they are users. They use their system for fun, learning or work.
> Even a very competent or advanced use of a tool (computer, car, mobile phone,
> fridge, TV, radio, toilet) in no way implies an understanding of it's inner
> workings. Nor the need, nor the desire.
> PS: Isn't this thread much ado about nothing?  :-)
> It starts with the misconception (or should I say confusion?) between
> performing a recursive job and using a recursive tool to do it. And then it
> blazes off in these huge discusions about semantics to define a definition
> of an abstraction of a alleady theoretical problem.
> Glorious, just frelling glorious.    :-)
> We have an expression for that. But I'll avoid using it, since it has the
> word 'masturbation' in it...
> And PPS: the P(P)S's don't specifically refer to your posting.
> --
> When in doubt, use brute force.
>                 -- Ken Thompson

I was rethinking my earlier argument with Ian Kelly about the
similarity/differences between recursion in theory and in CS.
On rethinking my position I come to the conclusion that I am arguing
like an chimp -- and therefore not making my real point which is that
that recursion is more widespread in computer science than is
This is discussed separately here

[I agree with you Xah that recursion is a technical word that should
not be foisted onto lay users.]

Recursion in Computer Science

2011-05-19 Thread rusi
There have been a number of unrelated discussions regarding recursion
on this list.
I believe that recursion occurs in a wider spread of areas than is
usually recognised.

Heres a list of some such areas.
Please note I am using recursion in a broad and somewhat fuzzy sense.
Narrow specific definitions would lead to conclusions like:
 -- Prolog has no functions or procedures so it has no recursion
 -- Since recursion is equivalent to stack + iteration therefore
Fortran supports recursion.

Heres (an initial approx to) such a list:

recursive functions
recursive data -- eg linked lists, trees
self reference -- Y combinator
well founded induction
structural induction
language to describe language -- syntax
  - yacc in yacc
language to describe language -- semantics
  - lisp in lisp -- metacircularity
Goedel's theorem <- meta-mathematics <- ordinary math
undecidability <- universal TM <- Turing machine as ordinary computer
 [An  OS-like program fails to be reentrant for the same reason that
 Fortan-like language fails to support recursion -- Non use of stack]
virtualization in OS
Introspection in modern languages
Models to metamodels
  - laziness, infinite datastructures
  - semantics of generators/iterators in python
Von Neuman machine
  - code is data -- therefore quondam hardware becomes software
  - data can be code -- viruses

Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-19 Thread Hans Georg Schaathun
On Thu, 19 May 2011 23:21:30 +0200, Rikishi42
:  On 2011-05-18, Hans Georg Schaathun  wrote:
: > Now Mac OS X has maintained the folder concept of older mac generations,
: > and Windows has cloned it.  They do not want the user to understand
: > recursive data structures, and therefore, naturally, avoid the word.
:  You imply they want to keep their users ignorant of these structures, as if
:  to keep something valuable from them. Wouldn't it be more honest, more to
:  the point and much simpler to state they don't NEED the user to understand
:  recursive - or indeed any other - data structures? And that the user doesn't
:  NEED to understand or know about them, just to use them?

Admittedly, my wording had unintended implictions.  Mac OS X /targets/
users who do not need to understand the underlying structure.  However,
the system also has users who do.

:  After all they are users. They use their system for fun, learning or work.
:  Even a very competent or advanced use of a tool (computer, car, mobile phone,
:  fridge, TV, radio, toilet) in no way implies an understanding of it's inner
:  workings. Nor the need, nor the desire.

For a general purpose computer, that is simply not true in general.

:  PS: Isn't this thread much ado about nothing?  :-)

Most threads are.

:  It starts with the misconception (or should I say confusion?) between
:  performing a recursive job and using a recursive tool to do it. And then it
:  blazes off in these huge discusions about semantics to define a definition
:  of an abstraction of a alleady theoretical problem.

And explaining the source of the misconception and the varying use
would be irrelevant?

:  And PPS: the P(P)S's don't specifically refer to your posting.

Thanks :-) 

:-- Hans Georg

Re: obviscating python code for distribution

2011-05-19 Thread Hans Georg Schaathun
On Thu, 19 May 2011 17:56:12 -0700, geremy condra
:  TL;DR version: large systems have indeed been verified for their
:  security properties.
: (...)
:  Yup. Nothing is safe from idiots.

The difficult part is mapping those properties to actual requirements
and threat models.  Formal methods do not help on that step.  It takes
more than a non-idiot to avoid misunderstandings on the interface 
betweeen professions.

Either way, the assumption that your system will not be handled by
idiots is only reasonable if you yourself is the only user.

:-- Hans Georg

starting a separate thread in maya

2011-05-19 Thread Astan Chee
I'm using python2.5 in maya 2009 x64 (in linux). I have a script running and
somewhere in the script, I want to start another python script that might
not return and i don't want the main maya python script to wait for it to
finish, even more, after the second script started, I'd like the main script
to continue processing. I've tried using threading and
maya.utils.executeInMainThread and os.popen and os.spawn, none seem to work
this way. Is it not possible to do this in python2.5?
Thanks again for any help.

Re: turn monitor off and on

2011-05-19 Thread Astan Chee
On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 7:29 PM, Gabriel Genellina

> Your script worked fine for me, 2.6 and XP also. Perhaps your monitor
> device driver is buggy or does not implement the required functionality.
> Mine is from Philips.
I'm actually using windows 7. Maybe its the difference in OS? Anyway, yes,
the monitor turns back on if the keys are pressed.
I've gone with a pygame/autoit hack which doesn't turn the monitor off (just
black) and then removes the black screen (no offence).
Thanks again for the helps

Re: Inheriting Object

2011-05-19 Thread Navkirat Singh
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 8:25 AM, MRAB  wrote:

> On 20/05/2011 03:13, Navkirat Singh wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I have been wondering for a while now as to why some classes inherit
>> Object? And what does it really do for the class? Can anyone shed some
>> light on this?
>>  Read section 3.3 "New-style and classic classes" in the Python docs.
> --

Thanks Guys...I will look deeper into this. I thought I read somewhere that
it was required in older python releases, but in newer releases it is not. I
might be wrong though.


Re: Inheriting Object

2011-05-19 Thread William . Bai
Hi Nav:

 Here is the long why.
 I guess for most programs, there is no big difference. But in
term of some new added features in python, you might not be able to
work. Say, you could not use super in type, also you can't multiply
inherit from different built-in types, what's more you could not use
some builtin feature such as property.


On 01/-9/-28163 03:59 AM, Navkirat Singh wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have been wondering for a while now as to why some classes inherit
> Object? And what does it really do for the class? Can anyone shed some
> light on this?
> Regards,
> Nav


Re: Inheriting Object

2011-05-19 Thread William
Hi Nav:

 Here is the long why.
 I guess for most programs, there is no big difference. But in
term of some new added features in python, you might not be able to
work. Say, you could not use super in type, also you can't multiply
inherit from different built-in types, what's more you could not use
some builtin feature such as property.


On 01/-9/-28163 03:59 AM, Navkirat Singh wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have been wondering for a while now as to why some classes inherit
> Object? And what does it really do for the class? Can anyone shed some
> light on this?
> Regards,
> Nav


Re: Inheriting Object

2011-05-19 Thread William
Hi Nav:

Here is the long why.
I guess for most programs, there is no big difference, but if
you use some special features that might be different. Say, could use
super when using type() instead of class(), also, when using multiple
inheritance, you can't multiply inherit from different built-in types.
Some new features such as property() is not supported in type either.

On 01/-9/-28163 03:59 AM, Navkirat Singh wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have been wondering for a while now as to why some classes inherit
> Object? And what does it really do for the class? Can anyone shed some
> light on this?
> Regards,
> Nav


Re: Inheriting Object

2011-05-19 Thread MRAB

On 20/05/2011 03:13, Navkirat Singh wrote:

Hi Guys,

I have been wondering for a while now as to why some classes inherit
Object? And what does it really do for the class? Can anyone shed some
light on this?

Read section 3.3 "New-style and classic classes" in the Python docs.

Re: obviscating python code for distribution

2011-05-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 12:30 PM, geremy condra  wrote:
>> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 10:56 AM, geremy condra  wrote:
>>> Yup. Nothing is safe from idiots.
> I actually think I need to take this statement back. The more I think
> about it, the less convinced I am that it's correct- I can at least
> conceive of violable systems which cannot be misconfigured. So, sorry
> about that.

If it is, then you're not deploying it, you're just pushing buttons
and acting like a user. I still stand by the view that the one with
the root password is the one responsible for the computer's security;
and if you have the root filesystem password, there's no way that
something can be made unmisconfigurable. (You CAN, however, make
something that's out-of-the-box secure, so someone just does a 'sudo
apt-get install yoursystem' and it's specced up nicely. This is a Good

Chris Angelico

Re: obviscating python code for distribution

2011-05-19 Thread geremy condra
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 10:56 AM, geremy condra  wrote:
>>> Speaking of reasonable assumptions, one necessary assumption which is
>>> particularly dodgy is that whoever deploys and configures it
>>> understands all the assumptions and do not break them through ignorance.
>> Yup. Nothing is safe from idiots.

I actually think I need to take this statement back. The more I think
about it, the less convinced I am that it's correct- I can at least
conceive of violable systems which cannot be misconfigured. So, sorry
about that.

> Which means that the assumption really is that you are evaluating a
> system, not a bald piece of code. I don't consider that an assumption.
> When you're writing code that you will yourself deploy, you take full
> responsibility; when you let other people deploy it, they have to take
> ultimate responsibility (although they will legitimately expect you to
> provide an install script and/or instructions).

Sure, although I would personally still call it an assumption.

Geremy Condra

Inheriting Object

2011-05-19 Thread Navkirat Singh
Hi Guys,

I have been wondering for a while now as to why some classes inherit Object?
And what does it really do for the class? Can anyone shed some light on


Re: obviscating python code for distribution

2011-05-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 10:56 AM, geremy condra  wrote:
>> Speaking of reasonable assumptions, one necessary assumption which is
>> particularly dodgy is that whoever deploys and configures it
>> understands all the assumptions and do not break them through ignorance.
> Yup. Nothing is safe from idiots.

Which means that the assumption really is that you are evaluating a
system, not a bald piece of code. I don't consider that an assumption.
When you're writing code that you will yourself deploy, you take full
responsibility; when you let other people deploy it, they have to take
ultimate responsibility (although they will legitimately expect you to
provide an install script and/or instructions).

There are idiots in this world.
Have you met them?
Met them? I listen to you every week!
-- The Goon Show, and so absolutely true

Chris Angelico

Re: obviscating python code for distribution

2011-05-19 Thread geremy condra
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Hans Georg Schaathun  
> On Thu, 19 May 2011 10:23:47 -0700, geremy condra
>   wrote:
> :  Let me get this straight: your argument is that operating *systems*
> :  aren't systems?
> You referred to the kernel and not the system.  The complexities of
> the two are hardly comparable.

I don't know about that. Among the many verified microkernels, at
least two projects have formally verified both their kernel and their
toolchain, and one of them claims they've verified everything in their
TCB and are headed towards verified POSIX compliance in 2012. That
would seem to be a fairly large system (and definitely a complete OS)
to me. Another (seL4) says they've formally verified security  of a
complete system that includes a userspace and the ability to run other
OSes in fully isolated containers, which also seems to be quite
complete. Finally, there's one from Microsoft research that claims
similar properties but which apparently isn't interested in
compatibility, which I'm not sure how to interpret in terms of
usefulness and size. In any event, higher level systems- like
electronic voting mechanisms and automotive sensor networks- have also
been verified, which seems to run counter to your original point.

Also, not sure if it's open to the general public but if you're
interested in this kind of thing and live near seattle, I think
there's actually going to be a talk on verifying a POSIX userspace
implementation here tomorrow.

TL;DR version: large systems have indeed been verified for their
security properties.

> There probably are different uses of system; in computer security
> literature¹ it often refers, not only to a product (hardware/software)
> an actual installation and configuration of that product in a specific
> context.  /I/ did not redefine it.

You chose a word with a many meanings, used it to make a very broad
statement which is only a little bit true, and then pretended that you
had the One True Definition in your pocket. I don't think that's
legitimate, but whatever; let's just say that we meant different
things by the word and drop it.

> Speaking of reasonable assumptions, one necessary assumption which is
> particularly dodgy is that whoever deploys and configures it
> understands all the assumptions and do not break them through ignorance.

Yup. Nothing is safe from idiots.

> Is your concern with security purely from a developer's viewpoint,
> so that you don't have to worry about the context in which it will
> be deployed?

My viewpoint is that of an attacker, since that's more or less my job.

> I read your initial comment to imply that if you cannot get satisfactory
> assurance using the lower levels, you won't get any at the higher
> levels.  That does not make any sense.

Well, this is kind of like my point. My point was that you really
don't get anything at the lower levels, and that they should fix that
(which is far more useful to a normal consumer) rather than trying to
talk about formal verification and similar tools, which are only going
to be used on a tiny fraction of products.

Geremy Condra

Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-19 Thread Pascal J. Bourguignon (Thomas A. Russ) writes:

> "Pascal J. Bourguignon"  writes:
>> (Thomas A. Russ) writes:
>> >
>> > This will only work if there is a backpointer to the parent.
>> No, you don't need backpointers; some cases have been mentionned in the
>> other answer, but in general:
>> (defun parent (tree node)
>>(if (member node (children tree))
>>   tree
>>   (some (lambda (child) (parent child node)) (children tree
>> Yes, the question wasn't about time complexity.
>  :-p
> Um, this is a recursive function.  Inside PARENT, there is another call
> to PARENT.

Feel free to derecursive it.

__Pascal Bourguignon__
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.

Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-19 Thread Thomas A. Russ
Hans Georg Schaathun  writes:

> ["Followup-To:" header set to comp.lang.python.]
Ignored, since I don't follow that group.

> On Wed, 18 May 2011 20:20:01 +0200, Raymond Wiker
> : I don't think anybody mentioned *binary* trees. The context was
> :  directory traversal, in which case you would have nodes with an
> :  arbitrary (almost) number of children.
> If we are being specific, then directory trees do have parent pointers.
> My point was really that «standard tree representations» is not a
> well-defined concept, and having parent pointers is as standard as
> not having them.

I suppose that I just assumed the standard mathematical definition of a
tree as a directed, acyclic graph.  It seems that in the context of
computability that one would tend toward using the mathematical

Certainly in a complex graph with labeled links or trees with
backpointers, you would have an alternate data structure that you could

So, to be more precise, then:

  For directed, acyclic graphs without backpointers, you cannot write an
  iterative tree walker without simulating a stack.

The larger point is that there are algorithms that are inherently
recursive and for which there is no natural iterative algorithm.

Thomas A. Russ,  USC/Information Sciences Institute

Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-19 Thread Thomas A. Russ
"Pascal J. Bourguignon"  writes:

> (Thomas A. Russ) writes:
> >
> > This will only work if there is a backpointer to the parent.
> No, you don't need backpointers; some cases have been mentionned in the
> other answer, but in general:
> (defun parent (tree node)
>(if (member node (children tree))
>   tree
>   (some (lambda (child) (parent child node)) (children tree
> Yes, the question wasn't about time complexity.


Um, this is a recursive function.  Inside PARENT, there is another call

Thomas A. Russ,  USC/Information Sciences Institute


Re: Faster Recursive Fibonacci Numbers

2011-05-19 Thread geremy condra
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Steven D'Aprano
> On Tue, 17 May 2011 10:02:21 -0700, geremy condra wrote:
>> or O(1):
>> φ = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
>> def fib(n):
>>     numerator = (φ**n) - (1 - φ)**n
>>     denominator = sqrt(5)
>>     return round(numerator/denominator)
> I'd just like to point out that, strictly speaking, it's only O(1) if you
> assume that exponentiation is O(1). Computer scientists often like to
> make this simplifying assumption, and it might even be true for floats,
> but for long ints and any numeric data types with unlimited precision, it
> won't be.

Great point, and something I should have paid attention to. Thanks.

Geremy Condra

Re: Faster Recursive Fibonacci Numbers

2011-05-19 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 8:47 AM, Steven D'Aprano
> On Tue, 17 May 2011 10:02:21 -0700, geremy condra wrote:
>> or O(1):
>> φ = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
>>     numerator = (φ**n) - (1 - φ)**n
> I'd just like to point out that, strictly speaking, it's only O(1) if you
> assume that exponentiation is O(1). Computer scientists often like to
> make this simplifying assumption, and it might even be true for floats,
> but for long ints and any numeric data types with unlimited precision, it
> won't be.

Python doesn't have arbitrary precision non-integers, does it? So this
is going to be done with floats.

Chris Angelico

Re: Faster Recursive Fibonacci Numbers

2011-05-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 17 May 2011 10:02:21 -0700, geremy condra wrote:

> or O(1):
> φ = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
> def fib(n):
> numerator = (φ**n) - (1 - φ)**n
> denominator = sqrt(5)
> return round(numerator/denominator)

I'd just like to point out that, strictly speaking, it's only O(1) if you 
assume that exponentiation is O(1). Computer scientists often like to 
make this simplifying assumption, and it might even be true for floats, 
but for long ints and any numeric data types with unlimited precision, it 
won't be.


Re: python2+3

2011-05-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 19 May 2011 05:42:29 -0700, lkcl wrote:

>  has anyone considered the idea of literally creating a Python2/
> subdirectory in the python3 codebase, literally just dropping the entire
> python2.N code directly into it, renaming all functions and data
> structures, adding a "--2-compatible" switch to the python3 argc/ v and
> seeing what happens?
>  no interoperability, no maintenance, no "compatibility" - just
> "support for python 2 directly in the python3 binary".

No maintenance?

The code won't maintain itself, people using it won't stop reporting 
bugs. Are you suggesting that the CPython developers should just grit 
their teeth and refuse to maintain or support code that is part of the 
official release?

Who is your suggested user-base? Those who want support for 2.7 to 
continue won't be happy with an unmaintained, unsupported compatibility 
layer. Those who are happy to keep on using obsolete software won't need 
this compatibility layer, they can just keep using the Python 2.7 they 
already have. Or 2.5, or 1.5 if they prefer. (I have 1.5 on my machine, 
installed from source, and it works perfectly well.)

And what of the others? Jython, IronPython, PyPy, Stackless ... once they 
make the move to Python 3 compatibility, are they expected to implement 
this compatibility layer as well?

I dare say that once the original developers stop supporting Python 2.7 
in three or seven(?) years, there will be a good niche for some 
commercial distribution like ActiveState to continue support. Or one of 
the many critics who insist that Python 3 is a mistake can put their 
money where their mouth is and continue support themselves. 

After all, Python is open source. Somebody (you?) could even fork the 
code base and implement your suggested compatibility layer, or backport 
Python 3 features, be really daring and create a 2/3 hybrid.


Re: Trying to understand html.parser.HTMLParser

2011-05-19 Thread Ethan Furman

Andrew Berg wrote:

ElementTree doesn't seem to have been updated in a long time, so I'll
assume it won't work with Python 3.

I don't know how to use it, but you'll find ElementTree as xml.etree in 
Python 3.


Re: Trying to understand html.parser.HTMLParser

2011-05-19 Thread Karim

On 05/19/2011 11:35 PM, Andrew Berg wrote:

On 2011.05.16 02:26 AM, Karim wrote:

Use regular expression for bad HTLM or beautifulSoup (google it), below
a exemple to extract all html links:

Actually, using regex wasn't so bad:

import re
import urllib.request

url = ''
page = str(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read(), encoding='utf-8') #
urlopen() returns a bytes object, need to get a normal string
rev_re = re.compile('revision[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
num_re = re.compile('[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
rev = rev_re.findall(str(page))[0] # only need the first item since
the first listing is the latest revision
num = num_re.findall(rev)[0] # findall() always returns a list

prints out the revision number - 1995. 'revision1995' might be useful,
so I saved that to rev.

This actually works pretty well for consistently formatted lists. I
suppose I went about this the wrong way - I thought I needed to parse
the HTML to get the links and do simple regexes on those, but I can just
do simple regexes on the entire HTML document.

Great for you!
Use what works well and easy to code, always the simpler is the better.
For complicate search link to avoid using too complex and bugs prone regex
you can derived the code I gave on HTMLParser with max comparison.
Anyway you get the choice which is cool, not be stuck on only one solution.


Re: Trying to understand html.parser.HTMLParser

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Berg
On 2011.05.16 02:26 AM, Karim wrote:
> Use regular expression for bad HTLM or beautifulSoup (google it), below 
> a exemple to extract all html links:
Actually, using regex wasn't so bad:
> import re
> import urllib.request
> url = ''
> page = str(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read(), encoding='utf-8') #
> urlopen() returns a bytes object, need to get a normal string
> rev_re = re.compile('revision[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
> num_re = re.compile('[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
> rev = rev_re.findall(str(page))[0] # only need the first item since
> the first listing is the latest revision
> num = num_re.findall(rev)[0] # findall() always returns a list
> print(num)
prints out the revision number - 1995. 'revision1995' might be useful,
so I saved that to rev.

This actually works pretty well for consistently formatted lists. I
suppose I went about this the wrong way - I thought I needed to parse
the HTML to get the links and do simple regexes on those, but I can just
do simple regexes on the entire HTML document.

Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-19 Thread Rikishi42
On 2011-05-18, Hans Georg Schaathun  wrote:
> Now Mac OS X has maintained the folder concept of older mac generations,
> and Windows has cloned it.  They do not want the user to understand
> recursive data structures, and therefore, naturally, avoid the word.

You imply they want to keep their users ignorant of these structures, as if
to keep something valuable from them. Wouldn't it be more honest, more to
the point and much simpler to state they don't NEED the user to understand
recursive - or indeed any other - data structures? And that the user doesn't
NEED to understand or know about them, just to use them?

After all they are users. They use their system for fun, learning or work.
Even a very competent or advanced use of a tool (computer, car, mobile phone,
fridge, TV, radio, toilet) in no way implies an understanding of it's inner
workings. Nor the need, nor the desire.

PS: Isn't this thread much ado about nothing?  :-)
It starts with the misconception (or should I say confusion?) between
performing a recursive job and using a recursive tool to do it. And then it
blazes off in these huge discusions about semantics to define a definition
of an abstraction of a alleady theoretical problem.

Glorious, just frelling glorious.:-)
We have an expression for that. But I'll avoid using it, since it has the
word 'masturbation' in it...

And PPS: the P(P)S's don't specifically refer to your posting.

When in doubt, use brute force.
-- Ken Thompson

Re: os.access giving incorrect results on Windows

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Berg
On 2011.05.19 03:08 PM, Tim Golden wrote:
> * A R_OK check always succeeds if the file's attributes can be read
>at all
So is this the same as F_OK then, or does it return false if the user
isn't allowed to read permissions?
> * A W_OK check fails if the file has its DOS read-only attribute set
DOS attribute?
> * A W_OK check always succeeds for a directory (because read-only means
>something else for directories).
> Would you care to propose some wording for the docs? I'm quite happy
> to commit if we can come to an agreement.
I'm a beginner when it comes to Python, but I could give it a shot. A
big red warning box explaining how the code under Windows doesn't use
ACLs under the os.access() entry (above the notes) seems appropriate. A
warning box under os.W_OK saying something like "Under Windows, access()
will always indicate that a directory is writable." would also fit. You
know more about this than I do. I'm running Windows 7 right now and I
have a Python 3.2 interpreter window open if you want me to test/confirm
something. :-)

application level monitoring for python

2011-05-19 Thread Walter Chang

is there any open source library for python that can allow application
level monitoring ? For example,application can send per request level/
aggregated monitoring events and some remote server dump it and show
in the monitoring graph in real time  ?  What's best way of doing
that ?

Re: Windows Registry Keys

2011-05-19 Thread Elias Fotinis

On Thu, 19 May 2011 21:03:34 +0300, Mathew  wrote:

I have installed a new version of Python27 in a new directory. I want to get
this info into the registry so, when I install Numpy, it will use my new

If I understand correctly (you have multiple Python 2.7 installations and what 
to make this new one the current), you should change this key:

(ignore "Wow6432Node" if you are not on 64-bit Windows)

That'd would probably be enough for the Numpy installer. I assume you are aware 
about the changes that may be required to the PATH and file associations.


Re: os.access giving incorrect results on Windows

2011-05-19 Thread Tim Golden

On 19/05/2011 20:56, Andrew Berg wrote:

On 2011.05.19 02:43 PM, Tim Golden wrote:

This is basically issue2528 [1].
The problem is that, although Windows (and Python)
expose a version of os.access to match the Posix function,
the meaning is so far removed on Windows as to be useless.

Does this affect just os.W_OK and directories or all of os.access()?

In any case, this information should really be reflected in the docs.

The current code is very naive:

* A R_OK check always succeeds if the file's attributes can be read
  at all
* A W_OK check fails if the file has its DOS read-only attribute set
* A W_OK check always succeeds for a directory (because read-only means
  something else for directories).

Would you care to propose some wording for the docs? I'm quite happy
to commit if we can come to an agreement.


Re: os.access giving incorrect results on Windows

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Berg
On 2011.05.19 02:43 PM, Tim Golden wrote:
> This is basically issue2528 [1].
> The problem is that, although Windows (and Python)
> expose a version of os.access to match the Posix function,
> the meaning is so far removed on Windows as to be useless.
Does this affect just os.W_OK and directories or all of os.access()?

In any case, this information should really be reflected in the docs.

Re: os.access giving incorrect results on Windows

2011-05-19 Thread Tim Golden

On 19/05/2011 20:37, Ayaskanta Swain wrote:

Please help me in solving this issue. I want to check the write
permissions on a directory on windows from my python script.

I tried to use *os.access(dirpath, os.W_OK)*to check whether the user
has write access or not, but it gives me incorrect result. It always
gives me False even if the user has write permission. Interestingly this
function works just fine on Linux platforms.

This is basically issue2528 [1].
The problem is that, although Windows (and Python)
expose a version of os.access to match the Posix function,
the meaning is so far removed on Windows as to be useless.

Really what you need to do is use the AccessCheck API, which
is a little bit tortuous, but is intended for this purpose.
You can look at the code in my patch for that issue to get
an idea of how to do it.

Does that help?



os.access giving incorrect results on Windows

2011-05-19 Thread Ayaskanta Swain
Hi All,


Please help me in solving this issue. I want to check the write
permissions on a directory on windows from my python script.


I tried to use os.access(dirpath, os.W_OK)  to check whether the user
has write access or not, but it gives me incorrect result. It always
gives me False even if the user has write permission. Interestingly this
function works just fine on Linux platforms.


There is another way to check the write permissions by creating a
temporary file inside the directory & then removing it. Catch the
exception if create file is not allowed to decide the iswritable value.
But this is changing the last modification time (timestamp) of the
directory which is a critical issue for our application.


Please suggest a solution.





Windows Registry Keys

2011-05-19 Thread Mathew
I have installed a new version of Python27 in a new directory. I want to get 
this info into the registry so, when I install Numpy, it will use my new 



Re: obviscating python code for distribution

2011-05-19 Thread Hans Georg Schaathun
On Thu, 19 May 2011 10:23:47 -0700, geremy condra
:  Let me get this straight: your argument is that operating *systems*
:  aren't systems?

You referred to the kernel and not the system.  The complexities of
the two are hardly comparable.

There probably are different uses of system; in computer security
literature¹ it often refers, not only to a product (hardware/software)
an actual installation and configuration of that product in a specific
context.  /I/ did not redefine it.

Speaking of reasonable assumptions, one necessary assumption which is
particularly dodgy is that whoever deploys and configures it
understands all the assumptions and do not break them through ignorance.

Is your concern with security purely from a developer's viewpoint,
so that you don't have to worry about the context in which it will
be deployed?

: > So what?  The levels of assurance have nothing to do with standards.
: > The levels of assurance refer to the /confidence/ you can have that
: > the standards are met.
:  The increasing levels of assurance don't just signify that you've
:  checked for problems- it certifies that you don't have them, at least
:  insofar as that level of testing is able to find. Insisting that this
:  doesn't, or shouldn't, translate into tighter security doesn't make
:  much sense.

Tighter sure, but the security requirements and the requirement on
testing and/or validation are orthogonal scales.  The higher levels
of assurance are based on formal methods while the lower ones are based
primarily on testing.  

I read your initial comment to imply that if you cannot get satisfactory
assurance using the lower levels, you won't get any at the higher
levels.  That does not make any sense.  Obviously, if you were implying
that no system passes the lower levels, then of course they won't pass
the higher levels, but then, if that's the case, we would all know that
we cannot even design /seemingly/ secure systems.  And nobody has
suggested that so far.

¹ e.g. Dieter Gollmann for just one ref off the top of my head.
:-- Hans Georg

Re: obviscating python code for distribution

2011-05-19 Thread geremy condra
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 7:54 PM, harrismh777  wrote:
> Littlefield, Tyler wrote:

> Four resources that you will what to look into, in no particular order:
> Erickson, Jon, "Hacking: The Art of Exploitation," 2nd ed,
>        San Francisco: No Starch Press, 2008.

This would be a very good choice. It's a bit light on details, but
makes up for it by being exceptionally well-written and very

> Anonymous, "Maximum Linux Security: A Hacker's Guide to Protecting
>        Your Linux Server and Workstation," Indianapolis:
>        Sams Publishing, 2000.
>        (check for other editions)
>        (this volume is a good read, even for other platforms,
>                but is geared specifically to Linux)

This is a good volume, but very dated. I'd probably pass on it.

> Graves, Kimberly, "CEH Certified Ethical Hacker: Study Guide,"
>        Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, 2010.

Briefly glancing over the TOC, this actually looks surprisingly good.
CEH itself is a joke among black hats, but if this gets down to the
nitty-gritty of actually performing the attacks it covers it sounds
like a buy.

> Seitz, Justin, "Gray Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers
>        and Reverse Engineers," San Francisco: No Starch Press, 2009.

I'd skip this one, as it isn't really focused on what you want. The
web application hacker's handbook is probably more along the lines of
what you need, if you're going for a book. There's also an older
volume called 'counter hack' that gives a good overview of some of the
ways that attacks proceed.

Another recommend I'm surprised hasn't popped up already: 'security
power tools' is a good way to get your foot in the door. It has a
practical, no-nonsense approach and is split into self-contained
chapters so you don't waste too much of your time on tools that aren't
relevant to you.

Geremy Condra

Re: obviscating python code for distribution

2011-05-19 Thread geremy condra
On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 10:21 PM, Hans Georg Schaathun  
> On Wed, 18 May 2011 14:34:46 -0700, geremy condra
>   wrote:
> :  Systems can be designed that are absolutely secure under reasonable
> :  assumptions. The fact that it has assumptions does not make your
> :  statement true.
> : (...)
> :  I can't tell if you're trying to play word games with the distinction
> :  between "system" and "module" or if you're just saying that you aren't
> :  sure what FIPS actually certifies. Could you please clarify?
> The distinction between system and module is rather significant.
> If you only consider modules, you have bounded your problem and
> drastically limited the complexity.

Ah, the 'word games' option. I'm not going to spend a lot of time
arguing this one: HSMs are clearly the domain of systems research, are
referred to in both technical and nontechnical documents as 'keystone
systems', and the FIPS standard under which they are certified
specifically calls them systems more times than I care to count. They
are, to the people who make and use them, systems, and your attempt at
redefinition won't change that.

> :  Are you talking about the Mayfair classical cipher here?
> I am talking about the system used in public transport cards like
> Oyster and Octopus.  I am not sure how classical it is, or whether
> mayfair/mayfare referred to the system or just a cipher.  Any way,
> it was broken, and it took years.

Ah, MIFARE. That's a different story, and no, I don't believe they
would have been broken sooner if the specs were released. The
importance (and difficulty) of securing devices like smartcards wasn't
really recognized until much later, and certainly people with a foot
in both worlds were very rare for a long time. Also remember that DES
(with its 56-bit keys) was recertified just a few months before MIFARE
(with its 48-bit keys) was first released- it was a different world.

> :  The entire field of formal modeling and verification has grown around
> :  solving this problem. My new favorite in the field is "formal models
> :  and techniques for analyzing security protocols", but there are other
> :  works discussing OS kernel verification (which has gotten a lot of
> :  attention lately) and tons of academic literature. Google (scholar) is
> :  the place to go.
> Sure, but now you are considering modules, rather than systems again.
> It is when these reliable components are put together to form systems
> that people fail (empirically).

Let me get this straight: your argument is that operating *systems*
aren't systems?

> :  If you can't say with confidence that something meets minimum security
> :  standards, the answer is not to try to say it meets high security
> :  standards.
> So what?  The levels of assurance have nothing to do with standards.
> The levels of assurance refer to the /confidence/ you can have that
> the standards are met.

The increasing levels of assurance don't just signify that you've
checked for problems- it certifies that you don't have them, at least
insofar as that level of testing is able to find. Insisting that this
doesn't, or shouldn't, translate into tighter security doesn't make
much sense.

Geremy Condra

Re: how to get PID from subprocess library

2011-05-19 Thread Miki Tebeka
The best module for doing such things is subprocess. And the Popen object has a 
pid attribute 

how to get PID from subprocess library

2011-05-19 Thread TheSaint

I'm using to launch a program by subprocess.getstatusoutput. I'd like to 
know whether I can get the program ID, in order to avoid another launch.

For clarity sake, I'm calling aria2 (the download manager for linux) and I 
wouldn't like to call one more instance of it. So what will I use to find 
the PID of the launched program?

goto /dev/null

Re: Problem with multiprocessing

2011-05-19 Thread Dan Stromberg
Share as little as possible between your various processes - shared, mutable
state is a parallelism tragedy.

If you can avoid sharing an entire dictionary, do so.  It'd probably be
better to dedicate one process to updating your dictionary, and then using a
multiprocessing.Queue to pass delta records from your workers to your
dictionary management process.

Also, I'm inclined to doubt it's going to work well to have multiple
processes doing I/O on the same socket - you'd probably best have a process
that does all the I/O on the socket, and then, again, have one or more
multprocessing.Queue's that pass I/O results/requests around.

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 6:10 AM, Pietro Abate

> Hi all,
> I'm a bit struggling to understand a KeyError raised by the multiprocessing
> library.
> My idea is pretty simple. I want to create a server that will spawn a
> number of
> workers that will share the same socket and handle requests independently.
>  The
> goal is to build a 3-tier structure where all requests are handled via an
> http
> server and then dispatched to nodes sitting in a cluster and from nodes to
> workers via the multiprocessing managers...
> There is one public server, one node per machine and x number of workers on
> each machine depending on the number of cores... I know I can use a more
> sophisticated library, but for such a simple task (I'm just prototyping
> here) I
> would just use the multiprocessing library... Is this possible or I should
> explore directly other solutions ? I feel I'm very close to have something
> working here ...
> The problem with the code below is that if I run the server as
> `python 1` , that is, using only one process, it works as
> expected.
> However if I spawn two processes (`python 2`) listening for
> connections, I get a nasty error :
>$python ping
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "", line 24, in 
>  File "", line 21, in main
>print m.solver(args[1])._getvalue()
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 637, in
> temp
>authkey=self._authkey, exposed=exp
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 894, in
> AutoProxy
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 700, in
> __init__
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 750, in
> _incref
>dispatch(conn, None, 'incref', (self._id,))
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 79, in
> dispatch
>raise convert_to_error(kind, result)
>  ---
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 181, in
> handle_request
>result = func(c, *args, **kwds)
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 402, in
> incref
>self.id_to_refcount[ident] += 1
>KeyError: '7fb51084c518'
>  ---
> My understanding is that all processes share the same socket (from the
> Manager). When a client wants to connect, a new connection is created and
> server independently by that process. If you look at the server trace
> (using
> logging), it actually receives the connection, handles it, but fails to
> communicate back to the client.
> Can anybody shed some light for me and maybe propose a solution ?
> thanks
> pietro
> Server :
>import sys
>from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager, BaseProxy, Process
>def baz(aa) :
>l = []
>for i in range(3) :
>  l.append(aa)
>return l
>class SolverManager(BaseManager): pass
>class MyProxy(BaseProxy): pass
>manager = SolverManager(address=('', 5), authkey='mpm')
>manager.register('solver', callable=baz, proxytype=MyProxy)
>def serve_forever(server):
>try :
>except KeyboardInterrupt:
>def runpool(n):
>server = manager.get_server()
>workers = []
>for i in range(int(n)):
>Process(target=serve_forever, args=(server,)).start()
>if __name__ == '__main__':
> Client :
>import sys
>from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager, BaseProxy
>import multiprocessing, logging
>class SolverManager(BaseManager): pass
>class MyProxy(BaseProxy): pass
>def main(args) :
>m = SolverManager(address=('', 5), authkey='mpm')
>print m.solver(args[1])._getvalue()
>if __name__ == '__main__':

Re: pyjamas 0.8alpha1 release

2011-05-19 Thread lkcl
On May 18, 11:02 pm, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> On 5/18/2011 5:24 AM, lkcl wrote:
> There seem to be two somewhat separate requirement issues: the
> interpreter binary and the language version.

 yes.  [with the startling possibility of compiling the entire pyjs
compiler into javascript and executing under e.g. spidermonkey's /usr/
bin/js turning that into just the one requirement - but that's another

> >   a) at the moment ahttp://python.org2.N interpreter is required to
> > actually run the translator.  if you usehttp://python.org2.5 or 2.6
> > you do not need to use the "--internal-ast" option.  if you use 2.4,
> > 2.7 or above, you will need to use --internal-ast because we're
> > heavily reliant on the internal c-based "compile" module [without the
> > --internal-ast option enabled].
> I presume '--internal-ast' is a 'compile the interpreter' option.

 mmm... sort of.  what it does is, in (the pyjs python-
to-javascript compiler) is this:

 if options.internal_ast:
 import pyjamas.pgen.compile as compile # python version of
compile module
 import compile # standard python compile module

 that "internal" compile module contains a complete independent
grammar.txt file, and is basically lib2to3 re-ported *back* to being
interoperable with, and a complete replacement for, the standard
python "compile" module.  including the ast module.

 we haven't *quite* got round to doing a "compile the interpreter" yet
- it's half way there.  the work that daniel kluev is doing, for his
gsoc2011 project, will be a complete "compile the interpreter".

 by the time he's done, we'll even have "eval()" and "exec()"
builtins... inside a web browser.

> Since
> I have never compilied Python (or anything else for perhaps 15 years), I
> do not understand completely. Am I correct to guess that the PSF Windows
> binaries for 2.7 were not compiled with the flag, and will not work? If
> so, Windows users should, I would think, use the latest 2.6.6 binaries.

 ahh... i'm reading this as "requiring c code to be
compiled with different compilation flags".  this isn't anything to do
with compiling c-code: "pyjs the translator" is and always will be a
pure vanilla python application, requiring absolutely no modifications
to the python interpreter whatsoever.

 the --internal-ast option is an option which is passed to the pyjs
application (which is a pure and vanilla python application).  here's
an example, shows the inter-relationships:

 /usr/bin/python --internal-ast
 python.exe --internal-ast

 * /usr/bin/python or python.exe - python2.N.

 * - the pyjs python-to-javascript translator

 * --internal-ast - an option to pyjsbuild to tell it to use a version
of compiler.ast which is written in pure python [and supports the 2.6

 * - the pyjamas application, written in python, being
translated to javascript, for execution in a web browser.

> >   b) the actual pyjs interpreter grammar (AST) was 2.5 but has mostly
> > been updated to 2.6.  actual python syntax / features are therefore
> > mostly 2.5, with someone having pointed out that "slice" has different
> > return results it's hard to say exactly which is best to be picked,
> > 2.5 or 2.6.  nobody's needed slice until recently, so it's not an
> > issue that's ever come up before.
> If I understand this, the safe thing to do is to stick with 2.5 syntax
> and omit exotic 3.x features put into 2.6 for eventual porting to 3.x.

 yes.  that would be the easiest path.  however, we have a teeny
problem: pyjamas desktop (pyjd).  that's where you get to *really*
execute the python code, exactly the same code that you munged through
the pyjs compiler.  in the pyjd case, what is going on is that it is
*python* that has access to the features of the web browser engine
(DOM functions, HTML5 etc.) and that is... ho hum, each engine is
itself a massive project, and has to be a python c module (except for
the MSHTML engine, which is COM).

 so for pyjd, we *have* to support whatever the latest easiest python
2.N is.  that in turn dictates that we have to keep up-to-date with
the python 2.N syntax/grammar, and, consequently, it dictates
logically that the pyjs compiler, which *must* be interoperable with
pyjd, must also support the latest python 2.N syntax/grammar.

 bummer, huh? :)

 fortunately, nobody on the pyjamas mailing list has really noticed
that there _are_ any differences (!) between 2.5, 6 and 7 - except for
daniel kluev, the gsoc2011 student, who is using pyjs with python-pyv8
to actually create a version of a python interpreter... by translating
everything to javascript!

 the reason why they haven't really noticed is because the use-case
for pyjamas UI code is much much smaller (due to web browsers being a
restricted execution environment - see ongoing discussion below).

> >   the thing is - it's worth reiterating: you just... really don't need
> > as 

Problem with multiprocessing

2011-05-19 Thread Pietro Abate
Hi all,

I'm a bit struggling to understand a KeyError raised by the multiprocessing 

My idea is pretty simple. I want to create a server that will spawn a number of
workers that will share the same socket and handle requests independently.  The
goal is to build a 3-tier structure where all requests are handled via an http
server and then dispatched to nodes sitting in a cluster and from nodes to
workers via the multiprocessing managers...

There is one public server, one node per machine and x number of workers on
each machine depending on the number of cores... I know I can use a more
sophisticated library, but for such a simple task (I'm just prototyping here) I
would just use the multiprocessing library... Is this possible or I should
explore directly other solutions ? I feel I'm very close to have something
working here ...

The problem with the code below is that if I run the server as 
`python 1` , that is, using only one process, it works as expected.

However if I spawn two processes (`python 2`) listening for 
connections, I get a nasty error :

$python ping
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 24, in 
  File "", line 21, in main
print m.solver(args[1])._getvalue()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 637, in temp
authkey=self._authkey, exposed=exp
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 894, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 700, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 750, in 
dispatch(conn, None, 'incref', (self._id,))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 79, in 
raise convert_to_error(kind, result)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 181, in 
result = func(c, *args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/multiprocessing/", line 402, in incref
self.id_to_refcount[ident] += 1
KeyError: '7fb51084c518'

My understanding is that all processes share the same socket (from the
Manager). When a client wants to connect, a new connection is created and
server independently by that process. If you look at the server trace (using
logging), it actually receives the connection, handles it, but fails to
communicate back to the client. 

Can anybody shed some light for me and maybe propose a solution ?


Server :

import sys
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager, BaseProxy, Process

def baz(aa) :
l = []
for i in range(3) :
return l

class SolverManager(BaseManager): pass

class MyProxy(BaseProxy): pass

manager = SolverManager(address=('', 5), authkey='mpm')
manager.register('solver', callable=baz, proxytype=MyProxy)

def serve_forever(server):
try :
except KeyboardInterrupt:

def runpool(n):
server = manager.get_server()
workers = []

for i in range(int(n)):
Process(target=serve_forever, args=(server,)).start()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Client :

import sys
from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager, BaseProxy

import multiprocessing, logging

class SolverManager(BaseManager): pass

class MyProxy(BaseProxy): pass

def main(args) :
m = SolverManager(address=('', 5), authkey='mpm')

print m.solver(args[1])._getvalue()

if __name__ == '__main__':

also tried on stack overflow and the python list, but I didn't manage to come up
with a working solution yet...


Gambit REPL app for iPhone/iPod touch/iPad

2011-05-19 Thread Marc Feeley
A version of the Gambit Scheme system for iPhone/iPod touch/iPad is
now available on the Apple App Store:

"Gambit REPL" is a complete version of Gambit (http:// including the interpreter, debugger
and built-in library (but not the compiler). The standard REPL is
provided and also a script editor.  Scripts can be saved, attached to
function keys, and the "main" function of the application can be
redefined to customize the application to your needs.  Applications
can be debugged remotely by telneting to the device from a desktop

The application is sold for $0.99 as a demonstration that you can
distribute on the App Store paid applications written in Scheme and
containing an interpreter, something that wasn't clear with previous
versions of the App Store developer agreement.

A version of Gambit REPL for Android is not planned (by me).  The
Gambit Scheme system compiles fine on Android (for example see, but the user
interface layer would have to be changed and tested, and I don't own
an Android device.  If someone wants to try porting Gambit REPL to
Android let me know and I can help.  The sources of Gambit REPL for
iOS are in the examples/iOS subdirectory of the Gambit source



2011-05-19 Thread lkcl
[changing subject, seems a good idea...]

On May 19, 2:13 am, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> On 5/18/2011 9:42 AM, lkcl wrote:
> >   he's got a good point, terry.  breaking backwards-compatibility was a
> > completely mad and incomprehensible decision.
> I see that I should take everything you (or Harris) say with a big grain
> of salt;-).

 *lol* - i realise it's a hell of a lot of work to get a python
interpreter to support two different grammars and syntaxes: you can
appreciate that i'm in a better position than most to understand that
[i've also done a port of python to gnu-win32 so am familiar with the

 now that the code for both has been written, tested and proven, the
task of adding one t't'othr is a leetle less of a challenging task.

 there is one teeny tiny annoying challenge: namespace clashes in c,
of functions and data structures between the two codebases.  however,
this isn't as bad as it first seems.  it's only the "public" face
(Python.h) which has to remain the same, and that can be taken care of
by having data structures that are identical internally and externally
(macros to the rescue) where the internal name is Python2_ and the
external name Python_xxx.

 where it becomes less of a maintenance burden is when you say "ok,
that's it: definitely end-of-the-road for all 2.N development,

 has anyone considered the idea of literally creating a Python2/
subdirectory in the python3 codebase, literally just dropping the
entire python2.N code directly into it, renaming all functions and
data structures, adding a "--2-compatible" switch to the python3 argc/
v and seeing what happens?

 no interoperability, no maintenance, no "compatibility" - just
"support for python 2 directly in the python3 binary".


Re: pypi mirror

2011-05-19 Thread Oisin Mulvihill
Hi Sławek,

You could also do a local or private egg repository. I documented how I did
this for my internal projects here:

I hadn't come across z3c.pymirror before.

All the best,


On 19 May 2011 10:12, Slafs  wrote:

> Hi there.
> I would like to make a "local" mirror of some packages that are on
> pypi. What options do You recommend ?
> I am leaning towards z3c.pypimirror because it was kind of first on my
> google search results.
> Regards
> Sławek
> --

pexpect: TIMEOUT no longer clears child.before

2011-05-19 Thread Adrian Casey
The behaviour of pexpect has changed between version 2.1 and 2.3.  In 
version 2.1, the following code would result in child.before being 
cleared -:


In version 2.3, this is no longer the case.  No matter how many times 
the above code is run, child.before continues to hold the output from 
previous commands.  It is important to be able to clear the contents of 
child.before between each command.  What is the correct way to do this 
in version 2.3?


Re: connect SIGINT to custom interrupt handler

2011-05-19 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 18 May 2011 07:16:40 -0700, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:

> Setting SA_RESTART on SIGINT is probably the right thing to do.  It's not
> totally clear to me from the messages in this thread if you managed to get
> that approach working.

He didn't; select() isn't SA_RESTART-able.

Unfortunately, the author of decided to treat EINTR as an
error. It isn't; it's a "third way", neither success nor failure, similar
to EAGAIN. Normally, you would treat EINTR from select() in the same way
as a timeout.

While it's possible to work around this, the interface encourages getting
it wrong.


Re: FAILED (failures=6)

2011-05-19 Thread Giampaolo Rodolà
There's no point in posting this here.
Use the bug tracker:

--- Giampaolo

2011/5/17 nirinA raseliarison :
> ==
> FAIL: test_failures_many_groups_listargs (__main__.TestFileTypeW)
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "Lib/test/", line 216, in wrapper
>    test_func(self)
>  File "Lib/test/", line 235, in test_failures
>    raises(ArgumentParserError, parser.parse_args, args)
> AssertionError: ArgumentParserError not raised by parse_args
> ==
> FAIL: test_failures_many_groups_sysargs (__main__.TestFileTypeW)
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "Lib/test/", line 216, in wrapper
>    test_func(self)
>  File "Lib/test/", line 235, in test_failures
>    raises(ArgumentParserError, parser.parse_args, args)
> AssertionError: ArgumentParserError not raised by parse_args
> ==
> FAIL: test_failures_no_groups_listargs (__main__.TestFileTypeW)
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "Lib/test/", line 216, in wrapper
>    test_func(self)
>  File "Lib/test/", line 235, in test_failures
>    raises(ArgumentParserError, parser.parse_args, args)
> AssertionError: ArgumentParserError not raised by parse_args
> ==
> FAIL: test_failures_no_groups_sysargs (__main__.TestFileTypeW)
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "Lib/test/", line 216, in wrapper
>    test_func(self)
>  File "Lib/test/", line 235, in test_failures
>    raises(ArgumentParserError, parser.parse_args, args)
> AssertionError: ArgumentParserError not raised by parse_args
> ==
> FAIL: test_failures_one_group_listargs (__main__.TestFileTypeW)
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "Lib/test/", line 216, in wrapper
>    test_func(self)
>  File "Lib/test/", line 235, in test_failures
>    raises(ArgumentParserError, parser.parse_args, args)
> AssertionError: ArgumentParserError not raised by parse_args
> ==
> FAIL: test_failures_one_group_sysargs (__main__.TestFileTypeW)
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "Lib/test/", line 216, in wrapper
>    test_func(self)
>  File "Lib/test/", line 235, in test_failures
>    raises(ArgumentParserError, parser.parse_args, args)
> AssertionError: ArgumentParserError not raised by parse_args
> --
> Ran 1599 tests in 6.298s
> FAILED (failures=6)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "Lib/test/", line 4681, in 
>    test_main()
>  File "Lib/test/", line 4673, in test_main
>    support.run_unittest(__name__)
>  File "/mnt/sda14/pack_build/Python-3.2.1rc1/Lib/test/", line
> 1184, in run_unittest
>    _run_suite(suite)
>  File "/mnt/sda14/pack_build/Python-3.2.1rc1/Lib/test/", line
> 1167, in _run_suite
>    raise TestFailed(err)
> multiple errors occurred
> --
> nirinA
> --

Re: python logging

2011-05-19 Thread Vinay Sajip
On May 18, 11:42 pm, Ian Kelly  wrote:
> I was wrong, it's more complicated than that.
> >>>logging.getLogger('log').warning('test')
> No handlers could be found for logger "log">>>logging.warning('test')
> WARNING:root:test
> >>>logging.getLogger('log').warning('test')
> WARNING:log:test
> Apparently, getLogger() is unconfigured by default, but if you just
> use the root logger once, then they magically get configured.

The difference is that you called the module-level convenience
function -


The module-level convenience functions call basicConfig(), which
configures a console handler on the root logger if no handlers are
present there. This is documented at

(see para starting "PLEASE NOTE:")


(search for "If you call the functions")

This is not a behaviour change - it's been like this since logging
appeared in Python, see


Vinay Sajip

Re: smtplib is broken when using TLS

2011-05-19 Thread Giampaolo Rodolà
Please file a ticket on:


--- Giampaolo

2011/5/17 nirinA raseliarison :
> i think this has the same origin as the ftplib test failure.
> Python 3.2.1rc1 (default, May 17 2011, 22:01:34)
> [GCC 4.6.0] on linux2
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.


> send: 'ehlo []\r\n'
> reply: b' at your service, []\r\n'
> reply: b'250-SIZE 35882577\r\n'
> reply: b'250-8BITMIME\r\n'
> reply: b'250-STARTTLS\r\n'
> reply: b'250 ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES\r\n'
> reply: retcode (250); Msg: b' at your service,
> send: 'STARTTLS\r\n'
> reply: b'220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS\r\n'
> reply: retcode (220); Msg: b'2.0.0 Ready to start TLS'
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/root/", line 49, in 
>      server.starttls()
>    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.2/", line 649, in starttls
>      self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, keyfile, certfile)
>    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.2/", line 509, in wrap_socket
>      ciphers=ciphers)
>    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.2/", line 266, in __init__
>      raise x
>    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.2/", line 262, in __init__
>      self.do_handshake()
>    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.2/", line 441, in do_handshake
>      self._sslobj.do_handshake()
> ssl.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:392: error:140943FC:SSL
> routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad record mac
> --
> nirinA
> --

Re: obviscating python code for distribution

2011-05-19 Thread Hans Georg Schaathun
On 19 May 2011 08:47:28 GMT, Steven D'Aprano
:  The real barrier to cracking Oyster cards is not that the source code is 
:  unavailable, but that the intersection of the set of those who know how
:  to break encryption, and the set of those who want to break Oyster cards, 
:  is relatively small. I don't know how long it took to break the encryption, 
:  but I'd guess that it was probably a few days of effort by somebody 
:  skilled in the art.

In that paper, more than one art seem to have been applied.  An open 
design would have eliminated the need for image analysis and reduced
the requirement on hardware/electronics skills.  Hence, the obfuscation
has made that intersection you talk about smaller, and increased the
cost of mounting the attack.  As the system was broken anyway, it is
hardly a victory for obfuscation, but that's beside the point.

The work of that paper is almost certainly more than just «a few
days of effort».  There are simply to many technical issues to tackle,
and they must be tackled one by one.  The cost of mounting the attack
is to figure out what it takes to do it, before spend the resources
barking up the wrong tree.  For each successful attack, there probably
is a number of failed ones.

Thanks for the reference.

BTW.  That's not the only attack on MIFARE.  I cannot remember the
details of the other.

:-- Hans Georg

pypi mirror

2011-05-19 Thread Slafs
Hi there.

I would like to make a "local" mirror of some packages that are on
pypi. What options do You recommend ?

I am leaning towards z3c.pypimirror because it was kind of first on my
google search results.



Re: obviscating python code for distribution

2011-05-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 19 May 2011 06:21:08 +0100, Hans Georg Schaathun wrote:

> :  Are you talking about the Mayfair classical cipher here?
> I am talking about the system used in public transport cards like Oyster
> and Octopus.  I am not sure how classical it is, or whether
> mayfair/mayfare referred to the system or just a cipher.  

I think Geremy is talking about the Playfair cipher:

> Any way, it was broken, and it took years.

You don't know that. All you know is that it took years for people to 
realise that it had been broken, when a security researcher publicly 
announced the MIFARE cipher had been broken. If criminals had broken the 
cipher, they would have had no incentive to publicize the fact, and the 
companies running Oyster and similar ticketing schemes would have no 
incentive to admit they were broken. Far from it: all the incentives are 
against disclosure.

So it's possible that Oyster cards have been counterfeited for years 
without anyone but the counterfitters, and possibly the Oyster card 
people themselves, knowing.

The real barrier to cracking Oyster cards is not that the source code is 
unavailable, but that the intersection of the set of those who know how
to break encryption, and the set of those who want to break Oyster cards, 
is relatively small. I don't know how long it took to break the encryption, 
but I'd guess that it was probably a few days of effort by somebody 
skilled in the art.


Re: How to select Python web frameworks and which one is the best framework ?

2011-05-19 Thread Kushal Kumaran
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 9:23 AM, VGNU Linux  wrote:
> On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 1:20 PM, VGNU Linux  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am confused on which web framework to select for developing a small data
>> driven web application. Application will have features generally found in
>> now-a-days web application like security, database connectivity,
>> authentication etc. I found few web frameworks over the net like django,
>> zope 2/3, pylons, turbogears, web2py, grok etc. etc.
>> I just want to know that how developers/managers/organizations select a
>> framework which best suits their needs ? what are the parameters for
>> selection ?
>> also which is the best and widely used web framework for python ?
>> I apologize if this is a repeated question.
> Please guys help as I am novice to web development.

Search the list archives.  This topic has been discussed many many times.


Re: python logging

2011-05-19 Thread Rafael Durán Castañeda
You are right that behavior isn't documented and might be a bug. You could
report it.


El 19 de mayo de 2011 00:42, Ian Kelly  escribió:

> 2011/5/18 Ian Kelly :
> > Ah, that's it.  I was using Python 2.5.  Using 2.7 I get the same
> > result that you do.
> >
> > Still, it's a surprising change that doesn't seem to be documented as
> > such.  I'm not sure whether it's a regression or an intentional
> > change.
> I was wrong, it's more complicated than that.
> Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Nov 27 2010, 18:30:46) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
> (Intel)] on win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import logging
> >>> logging.getLogger('log').warning('test')
> No handlers could be found for logger "log"
> >>> logging.warning('test')
> WARNING:root:test
> >>> logging.getLogger('log').warning('test')
> WARNING:log:test
> Apparently, getLogger() is unconfigured by default, but if you just
> use the root logger once, then they magically get configured.